HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060328AVU response 1st staff request.pdfAvista Corp. 1411EastMission POBox3727 Spokane, Washington 99220,3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 \ "; - , 1: i ~~~'iI'STA. Corp. ", '(" " ,:; : ; " i ~J ' :; :.; , March 27 2006 Cecelia A. Gassner Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 RE:Case No. A VU-06-1 / A VU-06- A vista Corporation hereby submits an original and 2 copies of its response to Staff Data Request number 1. Questions regarding this response should be directed to me at (509) 495-8601. Sincerely, Liz M. Andrews Senior Regulatory Analyst Avista Utilities d1i rf), Enclosures AVISTACORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION , U \ \ JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-1/A VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO. DATE PREPARED: q~/,27/4Q96 CC; : : \~;;~;:;::,: WITNESS: " ;-;' ... RESPONDER: Liz Andrews DEPARTMENT: State and Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Please provide any and all documentation, policies and procedures that explain the mechanisms utilized to adequately ring-fence Avista Utilities from AVA Formation Corporation. RESPONSE: Legal Separation Conversion to a holding company structure would allow Avista (as Avista Utilities) to continue to operate its regulated utility business efficiently while effecting the structural separation of certain non-regulated businesses of A vista from regulated utility businesses.! A vista s traditional utility operations would be more separated from the non-utility businesses, thereby further ensuring that cross subsidization is avoided and that business risk of other segments of the business is not reflected in the traditional utility operations. Avista, as Avista Utilities, no longer would ultimately control ownership of the other companies such as Avista Energy and A vista Advantage. The new structure thus would better shield A vista Utilities from the consequences of liabilities incurred by other segments of the business. Avista s current corporate structure cannot accommodate the same degree of financial and legal separation as can a holding company structure. All business activities now must be either part of A vista itself or conducted in entities owned by A vista. As a result, any volatility in earnings associated with these other businesses will continue to be reflected in Avista s financial results. In a holding company structure, these other businesses are expected to be conducted as holding company subsidiaries separate from Avista. Avista Utilities ' earnings would be insulated from the potential volatility ofthese businesses because their activities would not be reflected in the utility s financial statements. A vista, as A vista Utilities, would continue to be a separate legal entity and would be managed as such, separate and distinct from AVA and other A V A subsidiaries (attached are illustrations A vista s organization before and after the formation of a holding company). The A vista Utilities board of directors would continue to be an active board that will act in good faith with the care and loyalty expected of a board. Even though the members of the A vista Utilities board I Following completion of the Plan of Exchange, by which A vista Corporation will become a subsidiary of the new holding company (A V A), the shares of stock of A vista Capital held currently by A vista Corporation will be distributed to A V A, and Avista Corporation s name will be changed to Avista Utilities. Response to IPUC Staff Data Request No.Page 2 of 4 of directors may also be members of A V A's board, the two boards will exercise separate and independent functions and duties. As discussed below, Avista Utilities will continue to have a financial and capital structure of its own. A vista Utilities would continue to issue its own debt securities and preferred stock. It will continue to have its own lines of credit, its own sources of revenue, its own operations, and its own employees. In its application, A vista Utilities has listed the commitments it will make to assure the necessary separation of A vista Utilities from the other affiliates: . The cost of the formation of the holding company structure would not be included in future A vista Utilities ratemaking proposals; . A vista would continue to provide access to information for A V A and all subsidiaries for audit purposes; . A vista would continue to maintain prudent utility operating standards; . A vista would continue to maintain internal controls that preclude "cross-subsidization between the utility and other subsidiaries; . A vista would continue to assure segregation of operations among the utility and other affiliated entities, and prevent co-mingling of assets, and would continue to comply with all applicable statutes, rules and commission practices regarding property transfers affiliated or subsidiary transactions and securities transactions; and . A V A costs (or corporate support costs) will be fairly allocated among the utility and other subsidiaries. Moreover, A V A would be a "holding company" under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 ("PUHCA 2005"). As a result, AVA and all of its subsidiaries (whether or not engaged in any energy-related business) would be required to maintain books, accounts and other records in accordance with the FERC regulations and to make them available to the FERC and the State Commissions. In addition, upon the request of any State Commission, the FERC would have the authority to review allocations of costs of non-power goods and administrative services among A V A and its subsidiaries. The FERC has the authority generally to require that rates subject to its jurisdiction be just and reasonable and in this context would continue to be able to, among other things, review transactions between AVA and any affiliated or subsidiary company. Avista will provide the amendments to its Registration Statement (S-4), Proxy Statement, and Plan of Share Exchange, within the next few weeks, once finalized. These documents further explain the process surrounding the formation of the holding company and its ring-fencing attributes. Cash Management Procedures Avista s cash management procedures are designed to maintain segregation between the utility cash flows and the cash flows of subsidiaries. These cash management guidelines have been filed with FERC pursuant to Docket No. RM02-14 and are in compliance with FERC requirements. Each company maintains separate bank accounts and our cash management guidelines are designed to prevent the commingling of funds. It is A vista s intention that when the holding company structure becomes effective, A V A will continue to maintain such Response to IPUC Staff Data Request No.Page 3 of 4 separation, after reflecting the impact of the Reorganization. Financings From a financing perspective, A vista Utilities would issue its own debt and preferred stock, and would maintain its own credit facility for short-term funding needs. A vista Utilities common stock will be solely owned by A V A. When AVA issues stock or debt securities, it would use the proceeds to fund, as necessary, the common equity requirements of all of its subsidiaries including Avista Utilities. The other funding requirements of the non-regulated subsidiaries would be provided by their own cash flows or separate financing raised at the subsidiary level. Avista Utilities does not intend to guarantee any debt obligations of A V A or any of the other affiliates or subsidiaries. Avista s current capitalization is shown in the following illustration as it is expected to be allocated, which indicates the portions of Avista s capitalization that will stay with it as A vista Utilities, and which will move to A V A and its other subsidiaries: AVA Formation Corp. LT Debt: $O.Om Equity: $771.1m Avista Utilities, Inc. L T Debt: $981m(3) Equity: $533.4m Pref Trust: $113.4m Pref Stock: $28m Avista Capital LT Debt: $9m Equity: $237. Avista Advantage Avista Energy A vista Power For illustrative purposes only, the table above shows a level of capitalization for the holding company structure, as of the date of its implementation, based on December 31 , 2005 levels. (a) Excludes short-teJ1Tl debt. Cost Allocation Procedures Avista s current cost allocation procedures between its regulated and non-regulated businesses would not change after the Reorganization. Currently, there are transactions or costs for services between the utility and its subsidiaries that are accounted for appropriately under applicable statutes and rules established by each Commission. For example, charges that relate to corporate services provided to subsidiaries are directly billed to subsidiaries at cost. Examples of these charges are salaries of general office employees who spend time on corporate support such as managerial functions , accounting, federal income tax filing, payroll, graphic services etc. The revenues and expenses associated with these types of transactions are reviewed by Commission staff and other interested parties during rate cases and through existing Commission reporting requirements. Response to IPUC Staff Data Request No.Page 4 of 4 Current employees of A vista in its utilities business would not change their employment relationship after the Reorganization with the exception that the five senior Officers of A vista would also report to A V A. The allocation ofthese Officers' salaries and expenses as appropriate between A vista Utilities and the other subsidiaries of A V A would follow the same procedures as under A vista s current structure. Continuation of Prudent Business Practices In addition to the structural separations discussed above, both A V A and A vista Utilities would continue to operate in such a way as to protect utility customers from the risks associated with A V A's other subsidiaries or affiliates. Avista has exited those businesses that did not fit within Avista s strategy to focus on our energy and utility-related businesses. Avista s remaining subsidiaries are adequately funded. A vista has downsized its Energy Marketing and Resource Management business conducted at Avista Energy, as compared to prior years, and is increasing its focus on the generally lower risk activities related to resource management and energy services to industrial and large end use customers. There are no parental guarantees of any debt obligations from the utility to any of its other affiliates or subsidiaries. And importantly, A vista has separate, very disciplined, risk management programs in place at both A vista Utilities and A vista Energy. vi s t a C o r p o r a t i o n Co m p a r i s o n o f O r g a n i z a t i o n S t r u c t u r e s Cu r r e n t O r 2 a n i z a t i o n S t r u c t u r e Pr o n os e d O r 2 a n i z a t i o n S t r u c t u r e A v i s t a Co r p o r a t i o n AV A Fo r m a t i o n C o r p . Av i s t a Ad v a n t a g e Av i s t a Ad v a n t a g e En e r g y M a r k e t i n g an d R e s o u r c e Ma n a g e m e n t Av i s t a E n e r g y A v i s t a E n e r g y Av i s t a P o w e r Av i s t a P o w e r - d e n o t e s a b u s i n e s s e n t i t y ; A v i s t a A d v a n t a g e i s a l s o a b u s i n e s s s e g m e n t . - d e n o t e s b u s i n e s s s e g m e n t . Pa g e 1 o f