HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060118TRC supp conf response AVU 1st, 2nd.pdf,- -- Peter 1. Richardson RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Tclephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~ri chardsonando I eary. com Mike Uda (pro hoc vice application pending) DONEY, CROWLEY, BLUMQUIST, PAYNE & UDA Suite 200 Diamond Block Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-2211 (406) 449-8443 muda~doneylaw.com Attorneys for Complainant Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC - ~-, =- u " ! 7 ; "': ;; 3: ;,,,-,:_- - - il3SfOrJ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN, LLC a Colorado Company, Complainant, vs. VISTA CORPORATION, dba, Avista Utilities, a Washington Corporation Respondent CASE NO. A VU-E-O5- 7 THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN'SUPPLEMENTAL AND CONFIDENTIAL RESPONSES TO THE FIRST AND SECOND PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF AVISTA Thompson River Co-G~ LLC , (" TRC"), acting by and through counsel, hereby submit the following answers to A vista's Discovery Request. Peter Richardson, Michael Uda, Mike Underwood and Mark Thompson prepared these answers. Mr. Underwood' telephone number is (303) 534-1119, and Mr. Thompson s telephone number is (406) 490-1109. The record holder in this instance is Mr. Underwood, and the records are located at TRC's offices located at 8 1st Street E., Suite 205, KalispelI, MT 59901. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLCSupplemental Response to Avista s FirstAnd-Seco~duction Requests Request No. 16: With regard to coal supply, please state with what party the arrangements exist, and please provide a copy of all documents that set forth the arrangements. A copy of said coal supply agreement is attached pursuant and subject to the Protective Agreement between TRC and A vista. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLCSupplemental Response to Avista s FirstAncfSec~duction Requests Request No. 18: If the answer to Production Request 17 is yes, please state with whomthe arrangements exist, and please provide a copy of all documents that set forth such arrangements. Response to Request No.J8: A copy of the transmission agreement is attached pursuant and subj ect to the Protective Agreement between TRC and A vista. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLCSupplemental Response to Avista s FirstAnd'3e~duction Requests Request No. 25: Is there common management or operational agreement or arrangement between Thompson River Lumber and Thompson River Co-Gen? If there is suchagreement or arrangement, please describe the responsibilities of the parties and provide a copy of those documents that set forth such agreement or arrangement. Response to Request No. 25: A copy of the lease agreement and the steam sales agreement are attached pursuant and subject to the Protective Agreement between TRC and A vista. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLCSupplemental Response to Avista s FirstAnd;'seCQQd..fr.oduction Requests , ' Request No. 26: Please provide a copy of the steam sales agreernent(s) between Thompson River Co-Gen and Thompson River Lumber. Response to Request No. 26: A copy of the steam sales agreement was attached pursuant and subject to the Protective Agreement between TRC and A vista to Response to RequestNo. 25. RES y s..UB llirS 13th DAY OF JANUARY 2006 r& PETER RICHARDSON I hereby certify that the confidential documents provided in this Supplemental Response to Avista's First and Second Requests for Production of Documents is exempt ITompublic disclosure pursuant to Idaho Code Section 9-340D and mAPA and 7i7 PETER RICHARDSON Thompson River Co-Gen, LLCSupplemental Response to Avista s FirstAnd"Se~bduction Requests CJE:1R'flfIFJrCA TJE OF SJE:RVJIClEY./ I hereby certify that on this 14 ja~ of January 2006, the THOMPSON RlVERCO-GEN'S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO THE FIRST AND SECOND PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF A VISTA was sent to the following parties as shown: Jean Jewell (~ Mail, Postage PrepaidCommission Secretary ( ) Hand DeliveredIdaho Public Utilities Commission ( ) Overnight Mail472 West Washington ( ) FacsimileBoise, Idaho 83702 ( ) Electronic Mailjj ewel1~puc.state.id. us Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 swoodbury~puc.state.id. us ~ Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail David J. Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs A vista Corporation PO Box 3727 Spokane W A 99220-3727 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ? Han~Iivered ~might Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Kelly O. Norwood Vice President, State & Federal Regulation A vista Corporation PO Box 3727 Spokane W A 99220 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid , ( ) Hand Delivered~ght Mail ( )Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Si~oo ft!! THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN, LLC CERTJFICATE OF SERVICE - --=:::::;~~,