HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051121Thompson 1st response to Avista.pdf: (;::=:IVEO ": C' , " .1(C~.s.;0JNr &: (I!j~V r'1 L' !.! ATTORNEYS AT LAW Peter Richardson PUl~LlC ,T 'I '\r:-(' ('1t;1'SION j; IL,I iL, ) '' , 'i t I Tel: 208-938-7901 Fax: 208-938-7904 p etet(1)ric h ardsona n dole. 'y. com O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 - 515 N. 27th Sr. Boise,!D 83702 November 21 , 2005 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise 10 83720-0074 RE: Case No. AVU-E-O5-O7 Dear Ms, Jewell: Enclosed please find three (3) copies of THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN' RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF AVISTA. The original has been forwarded to Avista. I have also enclosed an extra copy to be service-dated and returned to us for our files. Thank you. Sincerely, CuJ\ ~~ Administrative Assistant encl. Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 petercmri chardsonando 1 eary. com Mike Uda (pro hoc vice application pending) DONEY, CROWLEY, BLUMQUIST, PAYNE & UDA Suite 200 Diamond Block Helena, MT 59601 (406) 443-2211 (406) 449-8443 mudacmdonevlaw,com Attorneys for Complainant Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC .. '';- I '.1('- C, "JCl) Lr~r) " , ". '), 0.... IIL'jLl .. , ~; ~i..: :) f\mLlC,) IlL: liES CDiH'lISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN, LLC a Colorado Company, Complainant, vs. AVISTA CORPORATION, dba, Avista Utilities, a Washington Corporation Respondent CASE NO. A VU-O5- 7 THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN' RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF VISTA Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC , (" TRC"), acting by and through counsel, hereby submit the following answers to Avista s Discovery Request. Peter Richardson, Michael Uda, Mike Underwood and Mark Thompson prepared these answers. Mr, Underwood' telephone number is (303) 534-1119, and Mr, Thompson s telephone number is (406) 490-1109, The record holder in this instance is Mr, Underwood, and the records are located at TRC's offices located at 8 1st Street E., Suite 205, Kalispell MT 59901, Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First ..--, Production Request Request No, 1: Please provide a copy of all responses, including any attached documents or other materials, submitted by Thompson River Co-Gen to the production requests of other parties and the Commission staff in this docket. Response to Request No. I: Thompson River Co-Gen provided a copy of its response to Staffs first production request to A vista at the time it was filed with the Commission, Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First --~, Production Request Request No.2: Are the electric facilities of the Project, the Thompson River Lumber Company, and the NorthWestern Energy transmission system interconnected to a common electrical bus? Response to Request No.2: Power to Northwest Energy, Thompson River Lumber and plant electrical equipment are supplied off a common 13.2KV bus. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- --'-0' Production Request Request No.3: Please provide an Excel spreadsheet showing the amount of power expressed in kilowatt-hours, delivered by Thompson River Co-Gen to the NorthWestern Energy transmission system as measured by the metering equipment located at the point of interconnection between the Project common electrical bus and the transmission system owned and operated by NorthWestern Energy for each hour of each day beginning with the first day on which the Project began to generate power and continuing through today. Response to Request No.3: Please see the attached. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First ..--, Production Request PO W E R G E N E R A T I O N S U M M A R Y F O R A P R I L 2 0 0 5 Th o m p s o n R i v e r - C o - G e n , L L C 1: 0 0 2: 0 0 3: 0 0 4: 0 0 5: 0 0 6: 0 0 7: 0 0 8: 0 0 9: 0 0 10 : 0 0 11 : 0 0 12 : 0 0 13 : 0 0 14 : 0 0 15 : 8 0 16 : 0 0 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 / 0 5 10 ' 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 3 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 4 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 5 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 6 / 0 5 10 98 4 0 1 4/ 7 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 8 / 0 5 10 98 4 0 1 4/ 9 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 0 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 1 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 2 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 3 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 4 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 5 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 6 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 7 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 8 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 1 9 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 0 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 1 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 2 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 3 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 4 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 5 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 6 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 7 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 8 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 2 9 / 0 5 98 4 0 1 4/ 3 0 / 0 5 23 8 24 0 23 3 24 5 25 8 25 4 24 8 24 1 24 2 24 2 24 7 24 9 25 1 25 5 25 4 25 8 To t a l f o r A p r i l 03 8 M W H R S 72 0 17 : 0 0 18 : 0 0 19 : 0 0 20 : 0 0 21 : 0 0 22 : 0 0 23 : 0 0 0: 0 0 15 3 4/ 1 / 0 5 15 1 4/ 2 1 0 5 23 3 4/ 3 / 0 5 17 3 4/ 4 / 0 5 21 3 4/ 5 / 0 5 23 4 4/ 6 / 0 5 22 8 4/ 7 / 0 5 25 1 4/ 8 / 0 5 24 7 4/ 9 / 0 5 24 0 4/ 1 0 / 0 5 10 7 4/ 1 1 / 0 5 4/ 1 2 1 0 5 4/ 1 3 / 0 5 20 5 4/ 1 4 / 0 5 22 6 4/ 1 5 / 0 5 22 7 4/ 1 6 / 0 5 10 3 4/ 1 7 / 0 5 22 3 4/ 1 8 / 0 5 23 4 4/ 1 9 / 0 5 24 1 4/ 2 0 / 0 5 23 8 4/ 2 1 / 0 5 22 7 4/ 2 2 1 0 5 23 0 4/ 2 3 / 0 5 25 0 4/ 2 4 / 0 5 25 0 4/ 2 5 / 0 5 25 3 4/ 2 6 / 0 5 22 7 4/ 2 7 / 0 5 20 2 4/ 2 8 / 0 5 19 3 4/ 2 9 / 0 5 22 7 4/ 3 0 / 0 5 29 3 26 8 26 4 26 0 25 0 24 4 25 2 25 4 03 8 Request No.4: Please provide an Excel spreadsheet showing the amount of power expressed in kilowatt-hours, delivered from the NorthWestern Energy transmission system to Thompson River Lumber Company and/or the Project as measured by the metering equipment located at the point of interconnection between the Project common electrical bus and the transmission system owned and operated by NorthWestern Energy for each hour of each day beginning with the first day on which the Project began to generate power and continuing through today. Response Request No.4 Power delivered to our substation from Northwest was not recorded on an hourly or daily basis. The only data we have for this information is contained on our monthly bills from Northwestern. Summary and bills attached. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First "'-' Production Request Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Summary of power delivered by NorthWestem Energy to Thompson River Co-Gen, LLO:~ Answer to Interrogratory # 4 December, 2004 January, 2005 February, 2005 March, 2005 April, 2005 May, 2005 June, 2005 July, 2005 August, 2005 September, 2005 KWHRS 291 798 219,943 490,040 376,400 147,530 226,960 499,618 523,290 377,745 540.325 693,649 --~. Account Number. 1293456-1 Page 2 of 2 Bil Date: 01/1712.fXYS From 12111/2004 01/11/2005 DescriptiOn G5-SuooIv-Enemv SuooIv Enerav G5-2 SuooIv Deferred Costs 65-2 SuooIv Deferred Costs 65-2 Transmission-Dem G5-2 TransmIssIon-Dem DisIrIJUIion SeIVice Cha 65-2 DistrIbutIon SeIVice Cha 65-2 DisIrIJuIIon-De GS-~ DisIrIJuIIon..D GS-2 ClC.QF GS-2 ClC.QF 68-2 usee G5-2 usee T 0IIII ReauIeIIIII ElectrIc ChanIes Res II Resldentl8l GS II ServIce EnefgylCommodlty - The amount of eIectricIIy or natuIaI gas used, in units and billed on . CO8t per U1t b8siso KIowatt hour8 (kWh) for eIec:Iriciy and DeIcatherm8 (Old) tor gas are unIs ofmeaureo Demand- The 1IIrgesI-n of eIecIriciIy used during a spec:iIic. brief period of tmeoThe foIowfng two ch8rgM IIppIy to 811 NorthwMtem Energy chf8uIt 8UppIycustom-: Supply C~ for \he eIectridIy or natural gas ueed by yOtr household or business. T he Montana f'\j)Ijc SeMce CoI,.. ......, review. and aIAhorizes the charges -iatedwill the pass-ttwough of NorIIIW88Iem EneIgy'. tqJpIycosts. Deferred Supply CoR. Repr-nsthe prior overlunder coIection of 8UppIy cosIso Usage Rate ($) /Wn.'WV'I 10354 0.0401260 O.cXIO1330 10354 0001330 774.0 2. ,AAA.W\ 2.1903110 77 4.D 1 MCln12D 426.0 ~12150'~O 0022480 03541.~480,~n 0011430 103541.0 0011430 .., The following two ch8rgM IIIIIV be your choice of auppIIer: T..18ft1lNlonlTran8pOIt8IIon for momg 8Iec:Iricity and nsb.nI gaB fIun the~tolhe IocIII pipBs and wires nearyOtr home or business. The MorUna P\Nc Selvlce Ca,..IiB8O...,1I8IB reguIBred Irar8mI88Ion ch8rgee on )'Ot8' NoIthWe8Iem Ensrw bI. Stor... Charges-ReguIated ch8rges for 8IaIIng natural gas to stabilize gas supply ~o The following nlguf8ted ohargee not afhcted by your choice of auppller: Service C"-ge-A flat monthly charge to reacIng, I61g and service IIUppOIted cosIs.usec - UnIversal System Benefd Charge funds puIJIc purpose prognI/'II8 & 88IY1ces such as Iaw- Income .. assistance BOd weatherization, energy efllciency p1Jgr8In8, BOd the development of-Bble Mm1IY 1IOWC88. TOIaI S7 .598.os 14.154. 125.04 113.77 S1.892.1O trft:I M 18110 S447 .04 S7960 1439. .. ;::~~~~~ ,,~t'~~~'.i~~~d; :. ' ~76 S215. $118.35 $17 ...... Di8trIbutIon EMIgY I Dem8nd Chargee- ReguI&Ied chergee .~ ciBled witt the operaIion & mainlenance of the local & wlreeo CompetICtve Tranaltlon Charges (CTC. 8Icome-. as ,stranded costs" 0 These dIaIges coversome supply-relatecl costs Incurred by the bc8I I8y lied to to the compeIiive mIIIIUt_iOl......"and fu1h8r defined below: CTC-RA-'AeguIatory A88e1s' Include hi8IorIc gaB corwenratian BOd detBned lax88.CTc.GP- 'Gas PrvcIuGdon' Inc:Iude hlstorio gas thaI- greater than the nwket prices.~F. 'Quellfytng F8CIIitIM' required eIecIric conIract paymsrn that 818 greater Ihan the msrtcet prices.BPA Exchange Credlt- Credit to al eIectJIc residential & .maI farm distrb.tIon customerllin accordance wilh the NoIIhwest Power Acto For more Inform8tlon, pIeae visit www.northWMtemenervy.com or call Toll Free 1-888-487.2e89 (7 days. WMk, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.I.tST).If your qUMtlons not satisfactorily answered, you may call the Public SeIvIce Commission.. 1..eoo.o46-6150 or write the PSC .. PO Box 202601, Helena, In 69820-2801. --...... !,xow::! NurnbDt;1293400! Description GS-2 SuooIv-Enerov GS-2 SuooIv-Enerov GS-2 Suoolv Deferred Costs GS-2 Transmlssion-Demand GS-2 Distlibution Service Cha GS-2 Dislflbulion-Dem&n GS-2 CTC-OF GS-2 usee Total ReauIatecI ElectrIc Ch8rgea ' ".. .. """ Usage Rate ($)Total 1899.040 260 SS.693. 78044.04044S0 $3.156. 219943.0 0001330 S29.2S 80.903 12.584.57 259 11800 1;0312150 S1216. 9943 0DQ2248O S494.43 9943.O.oo -t30 1251 .39 4.888. '~~~, ;;:,~/~;..::,, \tt: -. ---' Customer Name: TAC. LLC .A.ccotn Number: 1293450-1Setvice Address: 249 AIRPORT RD NorthWestern Energy Regulated Electric Char Page 2 012 BiI Date: 03I1712OOS ~~,:~,:~?;::' (35-2 Suoofv.Enemv ~\~~"t;:/i~-Eg ~;~~;:~~ Total llaleci Becbtc Ch8rges Usage Rate ($) =~:::: 0312150 ......... Total S12.033.36 ./' S1~.oo./ S&5..18 S5.8:M.23 S1.259.84 1J"" 12.743 '" " ,., ' , S31 U7 Customer Name: TAC, LLC Service Address: 249 AIRPORT AD NorthWestern Energy Regulated Electric ChargesM$ktr 'No f'~loos s Read1 , ' ZH Account Number: 12936).1 Page2of2 811 Dale: AorII15, 2005 , ",' ;, " -r~"l;i~;: DescrIption 2 SumIv-Enerav GS-2 SumIv-Enemv :::~~ GS.2 DIsIJIbution SenricII! ClIo GS.2 DisIrIbution-Demand~:=F Total Re!ll1IIatiecI ElectrIc Ch8'aes Res . ResidentIIII GS. Genef. Servlc:e Ener9Yfcommodtty - The 8I1IOUII8 01 eIecIrIcity orII8IuraI gas used, meesureel .. unh and bIIed on . CO8t per una b8si8. Kiowillt fIour8 (kWh) for eIectriciIy and DekaIhenns (DId) for gas areunIIs 01 measure. Dem8nd- The 1arges18IIIOUIIt 01 eIecIriciIy used cbing a specific, brief period 01 timeo The foIIowfng two ch8rge8 8ppIy to 8It HortlMMtem Enwgy cIefIIUft supplycust_: Supply Chalg8e-Charges for the eIectriciIy or naIInI gas used by your household or~. The ManI81a Public Service Commission reviews and auItIorizes Ihe c:h8rges associated wilh ihe P8S8"hoIdt 01 NorthWestem Energy. supply CO8I8o Def8rNd Supply Coat - Represents the prior year OIIerAnier c:oIecIion of supply costs, Usage.Rate ($)T oIaI 0411550 ::~.:; '~1.04494g() ~~~ 0001330 :.: 110 sa. ~=:: 2740.0 0312150 =~~ S27 .410.73 ~(, ~~r The following two charg8a mar be aff8cted by YOUl' choice of auppIIer: TI'8I\8II1JaaIonIWl8pOft8tlon for '-Ing eIecIric:Iy and I18IuraI gas 110m the 8uppIier to the local pipes and wirea M8 yourhome or busIma. The Montana PUIIc SeIvice Co.,.. ........ regufaIed tnulSl,oIwI..ncharges on your Nor1hW estern Energy b8. Storage ChaJges.ReguIated chafges for 8IorIng natural gas to stabilize gas supply costs. The following reguI8ted m.v- not aff8ct8d by your choice of 8UppfJer: s.mc. Charge-A IlalIIIOIIthIy chaJge 10 cower meter reacIng, bIing and sefYice cosI8.USBC - Universal System Benefit Cllarve funds pI.Nc pwpose programs & eervIces such as Iow-Income blllIII8istance and weetherization, &neIDYefficiency proganIs, and the dBYeIopmenI of-able -rmr sources. DIstrIbutiOftEniiiii"a-oem....Ch8rge8-,_n ., - . AegU8ted charges .u. the openIIIoI:I of the local pipes & ..... Compelltfve Transition CII8rges (CTCs)-1IIso known IllS .1IImncIed -rs.o These c:h8rge$-some -rs Incurred by the local utili)' IIad to mooting to the c:ompeItioIe nwIcet MWironment and are further clelned below: CTC-RA.'ReguI8Iory "--' IncIucIe historic gas COIIII8fV8Iion and deferred laxes. CTc-GP- 'Gas ProducIIon' include historic gas coststhat are greater than !he IIIIIIIIeI plceso CTC..QF- 'au.nfylng Fact....., required electricconIraCt paymenIs that are greater than !he IIIIIIIIeI priceso SPA Exch8nge CI'8dIt- Credil to all electric reskIemaJ & &mal farm diGtriIuIion customers in accordanc:e .Ih the Northwest Power Ad. ' - For IIIOIV Information, please v181t www.northwestemenergy.com or call Ton Free 1-88&-467-2669 (7 day. a week. 7:00 a.m. to ':00 p.m. .UST)." your qu.tions not 88Iisfactorily answered, you may call the Public s.vtce Commission lit 1~150 or write the.psc lit. PO Boil 202601Helena, lIT 59620-2601. -. __---' Account Number.12.934S).;1 .-:,.", ' Usage 9343&0 S4094. 1475300 DescrIptiOn SUOO/V Enerav GS-2 SuooIy-Enerov SuooIv Deferred CosIs GS-2 Transmission-Demand GS-2 Distribution SeMce ClIo GS-2 Distribution-Demand GS-2 CTC..QF ~~2L~~C Io~t~~~-~ecbic Charg ~~~~ ~:~ c: Page 2 of BiI Date: May 20, 2005 Rate ($) 0449490 0001330 90.1110 '," ~O 0 1.m121!iO 147530:0 0 O. t41m,Q.m,..JL., .,.~,_ ~.ll~..'m.m'." Res = Residential OS = General hrvIce EnergylCommodlly - The 8mOUI1t 01 eIec:Iricitv or natural gas used. measured in units and billed on a COIIt per an basiso KIowIlll hours (kWh) for eIecIriciIy and Oekathenns (Okt) for gas areu1Is of D8nancI- The I8Igest amount 01 electricity used cUIng a speclAc, tJrief period of lime.The following two c:Mges appty to all ~- Energy default supplyc~: Supply Cherges-Charges for the electricity or naMa! gas used by yOU' household or The Mant- P\Ibic Service CoI"'~1 IeYlewa and mhorizes !he ch8rgeB M8OCiated wlh !he pass-Ihrough of NorthWestem EIIIII1W S supply costs- Deferred Supply CO8t. RepresenIs !he prior year overlu1der coIectIon 01 costs. The toIIowtng two ch8rges 1M)' be aff4lCt8cl by your choice of euppller:T""""IonIT~ C~ges for rnovi1g eIecIricIy and naIu'8I gas from the suppler to the local pipes and wires near yOU' home or business. The MonIIIna P\Ibic SeMc:e CoImJis&ionsem reguIared Ir8nIInWsIon c:haIges on yOU' NorthWestern EIIIII1W b8. Storage ChM'ges-Regulated charges for storing natural gas to slabllize gas supply c:osIso 1M following NgUlated ch8rgee not 8ffected by your choice of 8UppI18r: Service Ch.-ge-A flat monthly dlafge 10 cover meter reading, biIIng and seNice lIUppOrIed costs. USBC - Universal SY$Iem Benefit Charge funds pubic purpose programs & eeMces such as low- Income biI assistance 8I1d wealherizalion, energy elficiency programs, and !he development of renewable energy sources. Distribution EIMrW . Dam8nd Charges- RegIJaJed chiwges assocIaIed will.. operaIIan & maintenance of the Ioc:8I pipes & wires. competitive Transition Charges (CTCa)- also as ,stranded c:osts"o These charges ccwer some supply-relaled costs inc:umId by the Ioc:aI III8y tIad to -lAg to the competiIIve market _Ironment and are further delned bebw: CTC-RA-Regul4llory Assets' Include historic gas conservation and deferred taxes, CTc.GP- '6- Production' Include historic gas costs III8t are greater IhBn !he market prices. CTC..QF. 'QU8l1fy1ng FacllItIes'required electric conIract payments IhaI are greeter Ihan !he InIII'ket prices. BPA Exch8nge CreeI"- erecfllio aR electric JeSidenIiaJ & smaI farm distrib.IIion CU5Iomer8 In accordance will the Northwest Power Act. For more Information, please visit _.northwestem",ergy.com or can Toll Free 1-888-4G7-26611 (7 days 8 week, 7:00 a.m. tQ 1;:00 p.I1L.,MST).If your questions .... not satisfactorily answered, you may call the Public s.rvlce Commission at 1-800-646-6150 or write the PSC at PO Box 202601, Hetena, MT 59620-26010 - - ----' E!G/24/2E1E15 16:81 4868279693 SA V AGE 5RVCS PAGE De5QrIpIiiOtI ~-"'-"'" Res . Rtalcl8flll81 oa. Cecterallervfc.Energ~1Iy - The 8IIIOUIII oItleclrlcilv or1IIIIUr8I... IUd, -111M In UIIIta Iftd billedon. per unt Mtb. ICilGwIlllIlllln /IIWh) for 8I8cnt9y IInd Ddc8III8tm8 (Db) lor 1M weunb of_o . D8mwId- TIll 1I'IIftI8IIIOUII\ of McIric:IIr usee! during a brief' III lime. The foIIowtne two oh8rg88 IIpply 10 Nottf.~E-w """"1","_tom-.: Supply C~IJII$ fGr tilt ~1\nI DM UMd bv yow IIoueIhoid or Tho Mont88 PIIbIIc SoIVIce ConIInIItIon ......... 8IId 8UIIIOI'Iz~ Iho dwg88 88IOCIoIod w.. !he pue-Ihrougll of NanflWesIenI Ent'W 1 supply --. D.r.n.d Supply Colt. ~'1hI prior rarav..AnIer cokotion of COtt8. usage Rate IS)T oIaI ,---" DI8erIbuIIOI\ .nWtJ , ChaIrgw. Ro$IIAIftd ch8rgee 8I8OCIioIW ..,. th811p11'811cn & mGIinIenuIce olIN '-I pipw Ii .....C~ TranIItIoft Ch8rgu (CfC.~..... ImoMt 8S .lCrwnded COII$". T'- ch8IgH- IUppIy-reIAIed Inctmed br llllloc;wl Idly 1Itd 10 mooting to 1118 oomp.lIIvw III8Ibr -"-"' IIIId .. UIher de... bIIow:CTC-R".'R8guI8IorJ AsctbI'Indutfe hIMorIc (188 -81Ion end dIf8rr8d 18X... CTC-GP- '0- ProcIueIto"' indcId8 hIakIrIc f8S CO5I&ItIot 1ft .....,""".. nwk8I prIcet,CTC.gl'. 'QuaRryIng F8OIIII*' 18quRd eIoct~conII8Ct PtyIl1llllllIhaI are grl8ler Ihan !lie IIIIIrW ~, SPA Exchonoo C..-- CrecIiC 10" 8IIc:IrIc resldltlllW" I11I8II tAI'I!I di8IIIdIan --. IIICOOIdInc8 "~!he NortIwrIllll Power Act. For /lion information, ploose vlalt www.nOIthweeternell8l'SlY.com or uII Toll FIN f.a&;..f87.C7 d-r8 . -.Ie. 7;00 Llfto iO ':00 p"!'. ~T).If ,our qu89llons IN not slC..fllCIOrlly ._ed, you 111., C811 the P"WIc Servlea Corr .111..1011 81 1.a~H1SO 'or ",. ' psc 81 PO lox :to2GG1HoICWI8, MY 6H2O-Z801, The following tWO ....... IIIIIJ be 8ff8oted by,our choIoe of "PfIIIor:T...nHaIoft/r~ Ch~rge& IIICIIVII1g oIcc:trictr and 1IIIIInI".. !ram ~r ID tho kIo8I "" and ...... JIMhomI or tuaIn6h. 1111 Monrana ServID8 CommIssIon MIa NgIMd 1rCII18I.. Wion ctIIrtttm ,- N-CMWm EnoIrw !III.Stor. Clwgo-RqubMcI .:1," for ..In... 10 IIabIIItv II8S IUJIPI\ "OtIa. The IoIIowInsr NtuI8ted ch8Iget .W not8ffeo18d ~ your oIIolN of 8UppI or. s-too C,*-o.A fI8t 1IIOIIIhIy"" ~~ 10 "*'" lAdIng, 8IId 1MVIoe. ;~; 1pO8t8d costs.USBC - Syale/ll1oMhI Vjl:lrge funda pubic IIUrpa8II JIftI9IMI8 & web - law.n:om. I1111III8iII8nce 8IId wMlhlrli IIIoft. energy 811c1enty ptogrIm8, 8I'Id !he dlwlJas;."ftCIIt of -...~-, -. ---' 87/25/21385 13:28 .4~682?9693 SA VlIJE. 5RVCS PNX. Page 2 of 2 BIll Dale: July 2005 Descrlpllon ..sI,Pllv Enemv 65-2 SIIDIIIv OeIened Costs 69-2 T-~ ==-= CIMt G~ US8C Tcn8I ""' . II8oIrto cr-:- u.oe AI" ($)TOIaI 4SIII6 t D.D4277fO S2t.3B9 G911180 0 0001330 188 23100 2.1803110 15.059.82 2310.0 l.G3t21!iO :=~j~=::::: 1571.05 ""8.0 0011430 ~.. C€J , . ".. . Ru/dtnU81 os. 08llenlltrvlca11I8_oI~or NllUl'8lIU UNCI. ..-urN In una 1M WI8d 0118 CCI8C per '-"'0 KJow.. houP:t (kWh) for 8IIcMCIy and !DId) far ... .....vt-. Demand- 'hit ..... -- fII eIeaIfIoIIy UHd 4MIn9 8 8J18C11c,IIri8I perbI vt lime.n. IoIIowIng ....,... IIppIy to.."""",101"'"I!IMt8Y "Df-* 8uppIy CO18U..,.,. Supply Ch8rgDe CII8fv..fat !he 818c1r1c1ly or IIIIIuI8I ow 18CIa:., .,-1IautehaId or~.The NIle Senriaa --. and 8IdIoriz.. ItIa cfwV8I' -.cI8Ied w~ !he ............ fII NallhWetIoIn EMow' Defen'tCI Supply Coal. ~........ IN prb,.., wor/llft4n" caI8cIIan 0I1UPPIY 0GtSIS. TM IoIIDWIng two ...... III8f IN! IIIf8cI8d '"r- chaIce of ...ppII8r:T--8Io8IfI'~ CII~lor mMIg eI8cIdcIIr ... NlUltlII8I tom Ih8 auppIIr 10 Ihe local pip88 IIIId ... you- '- or 1Iu8N:te. 1118 '-- PWIo SaMe. .. t8IIIAaIad ---.100\ oIwgeton row NorthWetIem Enormr bitMar. Ch8fgu~ cllalllft .. 8IDIIng...hnI ... to lllalliliza .. 8U~ -,.. TIM IoIIowInsr ......... aII8rgw lICIt8ffeat8d IIv r- ehoIoa 01 auppII8r;hvIN ReI -.IIIIr Iharg8 ~ CVI8I'......, Nading. bII'G ... SDrvic:e ca8IL US8C - UnMrrs8I Splcm ...... fullda pAIIG purpow & ........ _II - ... bI.....- and wtalh8riullDrl. .~ end .. cllMlopmcftI renew.. "*IW IIOIRM. DI8IIIMIon EMraY . a..-I C............ -'*d .... 1M apeIIIIIon ......-...- at Ih8 IocI8II11f- & wIrw. CM\P8IIIIvt Tr88Iaon C,*," CCTCt)-'" "'-118 ---1Mfed ""-. TheM cfI8tv8s- --- Incurracf br!he IoceII4y Ii8d 10 IIIII'IIrV 10 IIw In8rk8I'" oil""II1d - ...., dIIn8d b8br: CTC"~1Iaaul8tcHy ""'1ncIIIcIe "'-COIle 11M ~1IiOn and d.f8md ..... CT","" 'G88 PnHIuctIon' incIucIa hI8IorIc IJ88 IhII 81'0 .,..,or Ih8n !he 1118t1u1t prine.CTC.QF. 'O.-Ky", F"""'I8IIUIfW 8IecM:canIf8aI pIIyIII8II8 1tIaI- !I"OQI8r INn .. IMIII8t priceeo .Pot !xcii... CNdIt- er.dW 10 .. -**'c1Mid8NI8I& 8mIII1rvm ........ .......... .. oc:cordaIgwllto .. NoI1hw... Paw., Act. For IrION informDllo", ,.... vlall_~8rIIDMr8Y- or cell Toll ,... '-818-417,-" (7"'" . """"- 7:00 &Ift. toG:OO II",," usn.If ,..... queeUone "'" ~ori1r -.-, rOIl m., COIIIhe hbnc StI"IIce Comml..do" '~IO or wrII.1he I'$C It PO 101: Holen.. UT 1OG2O-21O1. . ...~. Account Number: 1 Page 2 of 2 BI Date: Auaust 18. 2005 Description GS-2 SuooIv-Enemv GS.2 SuooIv Defem!d r......". GS.2 Tmnsmisslon-Deman GS.2 DisIribuIion ServIce Cha GS-2 Distribution-Oemand GS.2 CTC-QF GS-2 usee Total Regulated EIecbic ca.ae. Usage Rate ($)Total 04277 ~~1.64 0001330 S6!UiO 21400 903110 14.68727 11.&.84 2140 D~80 677. 0011430 ~: 19L ' ,.. 'Y~ , '" .., ,-.. -----' Customer Name: -mC, LLC Service Address: 249 AIR RT RD NorthWestern Energy Regulated Electric ChargesMeter Rate No PreviousNumber Code From To Da 5 Readln DD80634650 E2..s 0611112005 09(tOl2OO5 30 ReI 8 Rttkkntlll as = Geller.. ServiceEMI1IYIC~ - "'a.. .-... at natural oat used. measul8d In units and billed on a pet unit basis. K80w8lt howt (kWh) lor 8IoctrIc/ty and DoIIatIIIrma (DId) far pi LriI 01 me8f1ft. o..nand- The largest II'IIOU'" IteetrIcitr UHd cfuring a 8p8(:itIc. brief period of lime.The fotlowtng two chM9M ....~ to ,II Hol1hwMt8flt Enervv def..,. 8UppIycu..--: Sup" Charvw-chlfg.. 10. the electricity or MIura/get used bv YIU' househoIcf or 1XISNu. TII8 Monrane PubIc SetviCe CorNr.i8sIon ravl8w1 8nd 1dhorIz.. !he chargea 8S8OCIated with the pua-Itvough of NorIhWettem Enetgy-' 11M costa , Defvr8d Supply CD8t 0 fleprall1l$lhe prtor ye... OIerlunder CDIoction 0I1IJPP!y CO8I8. Account Number: t293-450-1 Page2of2 Bill Date: Sep~ber 15.2005 Usage Rate ($)Total , J. 377745.0427710 S16.15653 3777 0.000 330 S50.24 903110 15.1250 259 2340.0312 S2.13 04 3777450 0032050 110 3777450 001 1.c30 S431.7'6 $2O,.M7..f1 , '.- '.',. . i;~: . " The following two eN'8- may " affect" by your cho.. 0' -."'-' T l8I\8mI88lo nrr PI M pottatlofl C 1M 'II......a.r" lor 1TIoPt'ir1g etectrlc'r and l1IIuralll*l "0lI'l the I\IppIIer to the Ioc8I pIpn and.n. nor)'1U' homI or businetso The Montlna PaIbtic: ServiceC--.Ion .... ,.pi'" tnanemIMlon Gh8tve- on ~IU' rkIIthWemm EntIgy biD. Storage C"'rvcs.R.gulllld CIIlrges lor storiR9 IIlIural gal 10 slabiliZl gat aUj!llly costa. The following fIOullt8d ctI-... ". not affected b~ Jour cholc. of IVppI/.,.. Senrlca Ch....." Rat moncNy charge to COYer met., re&dng, tiling Mrrice IUPPOI'IId c:oetI.usac - Uni"....1 System Benefit Charga fUnd$ public: puIpOIl progt;I/M & HtYIcet 8uch IS low, Income bit ~e and .'lIheriZllion, ene'1l)' erftclency progarns. and the de't,lopmenl 01 renewable tIIeIW IOUICeS. Distribution Ener'IW . DwmerMI ChMgee.ReP\.u ~s e.tltICIC:I8I~ w\b... "PIJalion ... malnlenanc. oIlhe roc.t pipes & wm. Competitive Transition Charg.. (eTCI"" 8Iso kn- 8. slOIncloci "st.. TIMA chat~ $01118 lu,,",relalld COII$ Inc:urred br the local uIIIity lied to movIrog 10 1he ~Iore martc" -~ ItIcI .re funhef clehld below: CTC.RA.'A~ulltory ~. indud8 hisI4Iricgu c;OnSetvalian and deloned IaxH. CTCoG P- 'G.. Production. include h~ gas costa dud er. grell., than'" rnubI prieesoCTC.oF- 'Qualifying FacIIItI..' required tIedric contraet payrn&nII thller, 9'eattI' Iha11 the IIIIIbt prIceJ,8PA E.change CredIt- Ctedi11o atl -*tric tWIdentiaI & 5maJl1ann di$trW1on CU810m0n in 6CCOI'dancI-w~ the NoIttMHt f'oowtr Ar;t. For more InfonMtlon, p'- IIlelt -.north~"nen~.com or e8l' Toll F....1.8!&-481.2GG~ (7 days II WMk. 7:00 I.mo to 0:00 p.rno MST).If ~our qu..do/l8"" nol utlelaetorf!)' anew_eel, you In8y c_'the PuIIIlo s..vIceCoJllmlaslon .11'800-64H160 or MiI,the P$C ., pO Box 202001H~tnL MT '~:n-~1- Description"M.- GS.2 Suoolv.Enerav GS.2 SUDcJV Deferred Costs GS.T ransmlsslon-DetnIttId GS.2 DlStribullol'l ServJce Cha GS.2 Distribution-Demand GS.2 CTC.QF GS-2 USBC TOW Reaulaled EleCtric a..ues - - -----' Res . Resldentl81 OS. General 8en(Ic:e Enefgy/CcmmodIt - The -- 01 eIedricIty or III1turaI gas UMd, ....ufWd In unII8 8nd billed on . cost per &d b8s19. Klcwaa (kWh) for8nd DekaIhenns (Did) for gas unIs 01_. Dem8nd- The largest 8IIICIIIIIt electricity used cUIng a apecific, brief period 01 lime.The toIIowIng two ...... 8fIPIr to ellNorthw.tem Energy default auppIy0U8I:_: Supply Ch8rgee-Charges for the electricity or I'IIIIuraI gas .-cI by )'OW household or bu8Ine8s. The Montana PU* SeIYice CoI... ....-... IWiIIw. IInd auIhorizes the chIuges 88IIOCiEded wit! IhB pllS&lkouste of NoIthWeelem Energy. 8UppIy COIIIII. DehrNd Supply Coet. F!epesenl8 lhe prior year owerltrder coIecIion supply COIIt8. Account ~Jumber: 1293450-1 10/10/2005 , '. ',,.::, .:;'" ' Usage 540325 s.co32S. Page:2 of 2 Bill Date: October 17, 200 Rare ($) Total ! 0.0.,27;10""""'" Mi23:1102~' OJ Description1 m *,'~,,- - . .2 SuooIv-Enerav 5-2 SuooIv Deferred Cos G5-2 T ransmIssicn-Dem GS.2 DisIIIbuIion Service COO GS.2 Dlstr1bullon-Demand GS.2 CTC.QF G5-2 usee Total Regulated Elecbtc Ch8gea ~.o S4032S S4032S 000 330 1903 S71.86 S4.862..c9 .259 $2.289. ~;~ 833.143. ~~;:;).'-/"; 1.m12150 OO11.c30 ((f!~~ The following two ch8rges mer be lIfhIoted by ,our GhoIce of auppllw:T~1WI8pOI18IIon for moving 8IedrIcfIy IInd naIur8I gas .-om !he IIUppIer 10 the local pipes 8nd wires II8IIf your home or bus/ne9s0 The MOI1Iare NIle Senrice CoI...I....,..sets reguIaIed InIIlllmlsslolichargsson your NorthWestem Energy...Storage ~egUIaIed ch8rgea for staringnatural gas to &IaIII1Im gas IIIppIy cosIa. The IoIIowIng Ngul8t..t ch8ge8 not 1IffecI..t br your DhoIoe of euppll8r. Selva CII8rgM flat monthly chargs 10 cover meter read/ng, biIing Bnd service COIIIIIousec - UnIversal System BeneIiI Charge funds public pwpose prograIIB & -'cell IIUCh 88 kJw.Rane .. assistance Bnd weatherization. energy efticlency programs, snd the devslopment of reoowable energy SCU'C88. Distribution Energy &. Demand ReguIaIed charges .~ (fatedwIh the opendIon &. of !hit Ioc8I pip8s &. wires. Competitive Transition Charges (CTCs)-1II8o 8& o 8bandsd COGIs". These chIIrges--some suppIy-reIaIed c:osIa Incurred by the Ioc8I U8y tied 10 moving 10 IhB nwtcetand bthsr dslned beIcJw:CTc-RA-'ReguIo1lCKJ A888C8' Include historic gas COI'IS8fVaIIon end deterred lIIxesoCTC-GP- '6.. Production' include hi&bIc gB8 coststhat lint greater than IhB market prices. CTC-aF. 'OUIIIlfyfng FIICIIiIIM' requited eIecIric comact payments that lint greatsr than the market prices. BPA Exohange Credit- Credit 10 all electric resIdenIiat & smaI farm cIsIrIIUCIon customera tI acc:ordance with !he Northwest Powsr Ad. For more Information, ~vlsit _.lIOIthwesternenergy.com or call Toll Free 1-888-447-2660 (7 clava a-*. 7:00 Lm. to 6:00 p.m. ~T).If your qu.tiofts.. not satisfactorily answered, you may call the Public ServIce Commission lit 1~50 or write the PSC lit POBox 202601,Helena. MT 69620-2601. ' .. , ,-- ----'" Request No 5: Is there a meter that measures the electric power delivered only to the Project load when the Project is not generating power? (For clarification, Project load for purposes of the Production Requests excludes the electric load of Thompson River Lumber Company. Response to Request No 5: Meters are not installed on the two power feeder breakers supplying power to the Project. There is a meter on the feeder breaker supplying power to Thompson River Lumber. This meter became fully operational August 3, 2005. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- ---'" Production Request Request No.6: Please provide an Excel spreadsheet showing the amount of power expressed in kilowatt-hours, delivered to the Project, from the Project common electrical bus, when the Project is not generating power for each hour of each day beginning with the first day on which the Project began to generate power and continuing through today. Response to Request No.6: Attached Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First ---, Production Request Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Power delivered to the Project from the Project common electrical bus when the project was not generating power Answer to Interrogatory 6 Northwestern Delivery Log 11-Dec 11-Jan 291 973 11-Jan 11-Feb 220 098 11-Feb 11-Mar 490,154 11-Mar 11-Apr 376,495 11-Apr 11-May 147 554 11-May 11-Jun 227,024 11-Jun 11-Jul 499,774 11-Jul 11-Aug 523,451 11-Aug 11-Sep 377 849 11-Sep 11-0ct 540,484 Total 694,856 --- Request No.7: Please provide an Excel spreadsheet showing the amount of power expressed in kilowatt-hours, delivered from the Project to the Project common electrical bus net of Project load, when the Project is generating power, for each hour of each day beginning when the first day on which the Project began to generate power and continuing through today. (For clarification, Project load for purposes of the Production Requests excludes the electric load of Thompson River Lumber Company. Response to Request No.7: Attached. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First - --~' Production Request Thompson River CooGen, LLC Summary of power delivered to the common electrical bus net of the project load Answer to Interrogatory 7 POWER DELIVERED TO THE GROSS PROJECT COMMON KWHRS LOAD ELECTRICA GENERATED KWHRS BUS NET Northwestern Energy December, 2005 170 230 940 January, 2005 393 805 305 348,500 February, 2005 526 703 175,638 351 065 March, 2005 278,313 147 063 131 250 April, 2005 603,399 874 727 728 672 May, 2005 322 350 727 350 595,000 June, 2005 537 880 880 476 000 July, 2005 045 834 120,317 925,517 August, 2005 751 155 316,505 2,434 650 September, 2005 753 064 125,474 627 590 YTD 212 503 594 259 618,244 -- --...... Request No.8: Does Thompson River Co-Gen have in place arrangements with any party to supply power to the Project when the Project is not generating power? Response to Request No.8: The Project is supplied power by Northwest as an Industrial user under Northwest account number 1293450-1. The rate code for energy supplied is E245. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- ----' Production Request Request No.9: If the answer to Date Request 8 is yes, please state with whom the arrangements exist, and please provide a copy of all documents that set forth the arrangements. Response to Request No.9: Same as answer Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- --.....' Production Request Request No. 10: Is there electric metering equipment located at a point that measures the power flow between the Project common electrical bus and Thompson River Lumber Company? Response to Request No.1 0: Yes. A meter was installed and became operational on August 3, 2005. For the period February 12 thru August 3, power to Thompson River Lumber was estimated based upon historical usage rates when TRL received power directly ftom Northwest Energy. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First --'-0' Production Request Request No. 11: If your response to Date Request 10 is yes, please provide an Excel spreadsheet showing the amount of power, expressed in kilowatt-hours, delivered to Thompson River Lumber Company as measured by the metering equipment located at the point of interconnection between the Project common electrical bus and the Thompson River Lumber Company for each hour of each day beginning with the first day on which the Project began to generate power continuing through today. Response to Request No. 11: Attached Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- ",-, Production Request Thompson River Co-Gen , LLC March, 2005 MTD TRL Estimated Estimated Date Usage Usage Tuesday, March 01 , 2005 000 000 Wednesday, March 02, 2005 000 000 Thursday, March 03, 2005 21,000 000 Friday, March 04, 2005 000 000 Saturday, March 05, 2005 000 000 Sunday, March 06, 2005 000 000 Monday, March 07, 2005 000 108 000 Tuesday, March 08, 2005 000 129 000 Wednesday, March 09, 2005 21,000 150 000 Thursday, March 10, 2005 000 171 000 Friday, March 11, 2005 000 183,000 Saturday, March 12, 2005 000 189 000 Sunday, March 13, 2005 000 195 000 Monday, March 14, 2005 000 216,000 Tuesday, March 15, 2005 000 237,000 Wednesday, March 16,2005 000 258 000 Thursday, March 17, 2005 000 279 000 Friday, March 18, 2005 000 291 000 Saturday, March 19, 2005 000 297 000 Sunday, March 20, 2005 000 303,000 Monday, March 21, 2005 000 324 000 Tuesday, March 22 2005 21,000 345,000 Wednesday, March 23, 2005 000 366,000 Thursday, March 24, 2005 000 387 000 Friday, March 25, 2005 000 399,000 Saturday, March 26, 2005 000 405,000 Sunday, March 27, 2005 000 411 000 Monday, March 28, 2005 000 432 000 Tuesday, March 29, 2005 000 453,000 Wednesday, March 30, 2005 000 474,000 Thursday, March 31 , 2005 000 495 000 Total 495 000 - - "'--' Date Friday, April 01 , 2005 Saturday, April 02, 2005 Sunday, April 03, 2005 Monday, April 04 2005 Tuesday, April 05, 2005 Wednesday, April 06, 2005 Thursday, April 07, 2005 Friday, April 08, 2005 Saturday, April 09, 2005 Sunday, April 1 0, 2005 Monday, April 11 , 2005 Tuesday, April 12, 2005 Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Thursday, April 14, 2005 Friday, April 15, 2005 Saturday, April 16, 2005 Sunday, April 17, 2005 Monday, April 18, 2005 Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Wednesday, April 20, 2005 Thursday, April 21 , 2005 Friday, April 22, 2005 Saturday, April 23, 2005 Sunday, April 24, 2005 Monday, April 25, 2005 Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Thursday, April 28, 2005 Friday, April 29, 2005 Saturday, April 30, 2005 April, 2005 TRL Estimated Usage 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 21,000 000 000 000 000 21,000 000 21,000 21,000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 12,000 000 414 000 MTD Estimated Usage 000 000 000 000 000 000 108 000 120 000 126 000 132 000 153 000 174 000 195,000 216 000 228 000 234 000 240,000 261,000 282 000 303 000 324 000 336,000 342,000 348 000 360 000 372 000 384 000 396,000 408,000 414 000 .......' Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC May 2005 TRL Estimated MTD Estimated Date Usage Usage Sunday, May 01 , 2005 000 000 Monday, May 2005 000 000 Tuesday, May 03, 2005 000 48,000 Wednesday, May 2005 000 69,000 Thursday, May 2005 000 90,000 Friday, May 06, 2005 000 102 000 Saturday, May 2005 000 108 000 Sunday, May 08, 2005 000 114,000 Monday, May 09, 2005 000 135 000 Tuesday, May 10, 2005 000 156,000 Wednesday, May 11 , 2005 000 177 000 Thursday, May 12, 2005 000 198,000 Friday, May 13, 2005 000 210,000 Saturday, May 14, 2005 000 216 000 Sunday, May 15, 2005 000 222 000 Monday, May 16, 2005 21,000 243 000 Tuesday, May 17, 2005 21,000 264 000 Wednesday, May 18, 2005 000 285,000 Thursday, May 19, 2005 21,000 306,000 Friday, May 20,2005 12,000 318,000 Saturday, May 21 , 2005 000 324 000 Sunday, May 22 2005 000 330,000 Monday, May 23, 2005 000 351 000 Tuesday, May 24, 2005 000 372,000 Wednesday, May 25, 2005 000 393,000 Thursday, May 26, 2005 000 414 000 Friday, May 27, 2005 000 426 000 Saturday, May 28, 2005 000 432 000 Sunday, May 29, 2005 000 438,000 Monday, May 30, 2005 21,000 459 000 Tuesday, May 31, 2005 21 ,000 480,000 480 000 - - "'---' Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC June 2005 TRL Estimated MTD Estimated Date Usage Usage Wednesday, June 01 , 2005 000 000 Thursday, June 02, 2005 000 000 Friday, June 03, 2005 000 000 Saturday, June 04, 2005 000 000 Sunday, June 05, 2005 000 000 Monday, June 06, 2005 000 000 Tuesday, June 07, 2005 000 108,000 Wednesday, June 08, 2005 000 129 000 Thursday, June 09, 2005 000 150 000 Friday, June 10, 2005 000 162 000 Saturday, June 11 2005 000 168 000 Sunday, June 12, 2005 000 174 000 Monday, June 13, 2005 000 195 000 Tuesday, June 14, 2005 21,000 216,000 Wednesday, June 15, 2005 21,000 237 000 Thursday, June 16 2005 000 258 000 Friday, June 17, 2005 000 270 000 Saturday, June 18, 2005 000 276 000 Sunday, June 19, 2005 000 282 000 Monday, June 20, 2005 000 303 000 Tuesday, June 21 , 2005 000 324 000 Wednesday, June 22, 2005 000 345 000 Thursday, June 23, 2005 000 366 000 Friday, June 24, 2005 000 378 000 Saturday, June 25, 2005 000 384,000 Sunday, June 26, 2005 000 390 000 Monday, June 27, 2005 000 411 000 Tuesday, June 28, 2005 000 432 000 Wednesday, June 29, 2005 000 453 000 Thursday, June 30, 2005 000 474 000 474 000 - - --'-...' Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC August, 2005 TRL Estimated MTD Estimated Date Usage Usage Monday, August 01 , 2005 000 21000 Tuesday, August 02, 2005 000 42000 VVednesday, August 03 2005 000 63000 Thursday, August 04, 2005 000 84000 Friday, August 05, 2005 000 96000 Saturday, August 06, 2005 000 102000 Sunday, August 07, 2005 000 108000 Monday, August 08, 2005 000 129000 Tuesday, August 09, 2005 000 150000 VVednesday, August 10, 2005 000 171000 Thursday, August 11 , 2005 000 192000 Friday, August 12, 2005 000 204000 Saturday, August 13, 2005 000 210000 Sunday, August 14, 2005 000 216000 Monday, August 15, 2005 000 237000 Tuesday, August 16, 2005 000 258000 VVednesday, August 17, 2005 000 279000 Thursday, August 18, 2005 21 000 300000 Friday, August 19, 2005 000 312000 Saturday, August 20, 2005 000 318000 Sunday, August 21 , 2005 000 324000 Monday, August 22, 2005 000 345000 Tuesday, August 23, 2005 21,000 366000 VVednesday, August 24, 2005 000 387000 Thursday, August 25, 2005 000 408000 Friday, August 26 2005 000 420000 Saturday, August 27, 2005 000 426000 Sunday, August 28, 2005 000 432000 Monday, August 29,2005 000 453000 Tuesday, August 30, 2005 000 474000 VVednesday, August 31 , 2005 000 495000 Total 495000 ---.. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC September, 2005 TRL Estimated Date Usage MTD Total Thursday, September 01 , 2005 13506 13506 Friday, September 02, 2005 7710 21216 Saturday, September 03, 2005 4992 26208 Sunday, September 04, 2005 5496 31704 Monday, September 05 2005 12966 44670 Tuesday, September 06, 2005 6648 51318 Wednesday, September 07, 2005 13284 64602 Thursday, September 08, 2005 13902 78504 Friday, September 09, 2005 12648 91152 Saturday, September 10, 2005 5856 97008 Sunday, September 11 , 2005 6372 103380 Monday, September 12, 2005 14676 118056 Tuesday, September 13, 2005 13092 131148 Wednesday, September 14, 2005 13224 144372 Thursday, September 15, 2005 14430 158802 Friday, September 16, 2005 12012 170814 Saturday, September 17, 2005 5598 176412 Sunday, September 18, 2005 7254 183666 Monday, September 19 2005 14094 197760 Tuesday, September 20, 2005 15150 212910 Wednesday, September 21 , 2005 12972 225882 Thursday, September 22, 2005 13170 239052 Friday, September 23, 2005 239052 Saturday, September 24, 2005 239052 Sunday, September 25, 2005 20796 259848 Monday, September 26, 2005 16428 276276 Tuesday, September 27, 2005 17016 293292 Wednesday, September 28, 2005 17760 311052 Thursday, September 29, 2005 16746 327798 Friday, September 30, 2005 15900 343698 - - -----' Power Sales to TRL - mwhr Date Beginning Ending Total MTD Total Saturday, October 01 2005 197.047 1990847 800 16,800 Sunday, October 02 2005 199.847 2010647 800 27,600 Monday, October 03 2005 194.397 1950997 600 200 Tuesday, October 04, 2005 195.997 1990337 040 240 Wednesday, October 05 2005 199.337 202.697 160 77,400 Thursday, October 06, 2005 2020697 206.297 600 99,000 Friday, October 07 2005 206.297 2100300 24,018 123 018 Saturday, October 08, 2005 210.300 212.134 004 134 022 Sunday, October 09, 2005 212.134 212.134 134 022 Monday, October 10, 2005 212.134 214.217 12,498 146 520 Tuesday, October 11 2005 214.217 2170279 372 164 892 Wednesday, October 12 2005 2170279 220.114 010 181,902 Thursday. October 13 2005 2200 114 223.191 18,462 200 364 Friday, October 14, 2005 223.191 226.159 808 218,172 Saturday, October 15,2005 226.159 2260 159 218,172 Sunday, October 16, 2005 226.159 226.159 218,172 Monday, October 17,2005 226.159 2290784 750 239 922 Tuesday, October 18, 2005 229.784 233.055 626 259 548 Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2330055 235.953 388 276 936 Thursday, October 20, 2005 2350953 2390050 582 295 518 Friday, October 21 2005 2390050 2410884 004 312 522 Saturday, October 22, 2005 2410884 2440019 810 325 332 Sunday, October 23 2005 244.019 2450095 6,456 331 788 Monday, October 24, 2005 245.095 2460 129 204 337 992 Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2460129 2480208 12,474 350,466 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 248.208 2500576 208 364 674 Thursday, October 27 2005 2500576 2530235 954 381 628 Friday, October 28 2005 253.235 256.018 698 398 326 Saturday, October 29, 2005 256.018 2580368 100 412,426 Sunday, October 30,2005 2580368 259.326 748 418,174 Monday, October 31 2005 259.326 260.514 128 425 302 -- --~' TRC TRC TRC USAGE DAILY DAILY Comments MTD AVE USAGE 800 800 16,800 600 13,800 800 892 631 708 4,469 117 361 693 939 224 048 508 355 344 335 296 21 ,485 686 141 21,485 016 702 531 34,223 111 207 773 398 550 947 688 174 54,877 920 930 877 877 63,707 747 830 226 957 519 77 ,849 097 623 84,942 247 093 91,450 355 508 96,256 375 806 98,688 291 2,432 101,067 211 379 105,402 216 335 110 370 245 968 Incl1000KWH estmate for hour meter was out 117,474 351 104 124,158 4,434 684 129 241 4,457 083 131 376 379 135 134 289 332 913 -- ........ Power Sales to TRC - mwhr Date Tuesday, November 01 , 2005 Wednesday, November 02, 2005 Thursday, November 03, 2005 Friday, November 04, 2005 Saturday, November 05, 2005 Sunday, November 06, 2005 Monday, November 2005 Tuesday, November 08, 2005 Wednesday, November 09, 2005 Thu~day, November 10, 2005 Friday, November 11 , 2005 Saturday, November 12, 2005 Sunday, November 13, 2005 Monday, November 14, 2005 Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Wednesday, November 16, 2005 Thursday, November 17, 2005 Friday, November 18, 2005 Saturday, November 19, 2005 Sunday, November 20, 2005 Monday, November 21 2005 Tuesday, November 22, 2005 Wednesday, November 23, 2005 Thursday, November 24, 2005 Friday, November 25, 2005 Saturday, November 26, 2005 Sunday, November 27, 2005 Monday, November 28, 2005 Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Wednesday, November 30, 2005 Beginning 2600514 Ending Total MTD Total ---, Comments TRC USAGE MTD TRC DAILY AVE TRC DAILY USAGE 041 -- ---'" Power Sales to TRC - mwhr Date Thursday, December 01 , 2005 Friday, December 02, 2005 Saturday, December 03, 2005 Sunday, December 04, 2005 Monday, December 05, 2005 Tuesday, December 06, 2005 Wednesday, December 07, 2005 Thursday, December 08 2005 Friday, December 09, 2005 Saturday, December 10 2005 Sunday, December 11 , 2005 Monday, December 12, 2005 Tuesday, December 13, 2005 Wednesday, December 14, 2005 Thursday, December 15, 2005 Friday, December 16, 2005 Saturday, December 17, 2005 Sunday, December 18, 2005 Monday, December 19, 2005 Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Wednesday, December 21 , 2005 Thursday, December 22, 2005 Friday, December 23,2005 Saturday, December 24, 2005 Sunday, December 25, 2005 Monday, December 26, 2005 Tuesday, December 27, 2005 Wednesday, December 28, 2005 Thursday, December 29, 2005 Friday, December 30, 2005 Saturday, December 31 2005 Beginning Ending Total MTD Total - - ---'" Comments TRC USAGE MTD TRC DAILY AVE TRC DAILY USAGE - - ----' Request No. 12: If your response to Date Request 10 is no, please explain if and how the amount of electric power delivered from the Project common electrical bus to Thompson River Lumber Company is determined, and provide hourly records of such generation beginning with the first day on which the Project began to generate power to date. If hourly records are not available, please provide data in the form available. Response to Request No. 12: From February 12, 2005 to August 3 , 2005, power to TRL was estimated based upon historical usage when power was supplied directly to TRL from Northwest Energy. Spreadsheet attached. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- "'-00' Production Request THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN, LLC Power delivered to Thompson River Lumber Company Answer to Interrogatory 11 & 12 March, 2005 April, 2005 May, 2005 June, 2005 July, 2005 August, 2005 September, 2005 KWHRS 495 000 414 000 480,000 474 000 456 000 380 664 343,698 043 362 -- ----' Request No. 13: Is there equipment that measures the steam delivered from the Project to Thompson River Lumber Company? Response to Request No. 13: There is a steam flow meter that measures the steam supplied to TRL in pounds of steam. Thompson River Co-Gen LLC Response to Avista s First - --........' Production Request , m, .m Request No. 14: Please describe the manner in which steam deliveries are measured and please provide an Excel spreadsheet showing the amount of steam energy, expressed in BTU's , delivered by Thompson River Co-Gen from the Project to Thompson River Lumber Company for each hour of each day beginning with the first day on which the Project began to produce steam. Ifhourly data is not available, please provide daily data. To the extent daily data is not available, please provide any data concerning record,ed steam deliveries made by Thompson River Co-Gen to Thompson River Lumber Company to date. Response to Request No. 14: Steam is supplied to TRL through a Pressure Control Valve to an underground line that connects into TRL's existing steam header. The steam is delivered at 80PSIG and 350 degrees F (1200.9 BTU/LB). Steam was supplied as required during the February through May time period. Spreadsheet attached. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First - ---' Production Request Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Steam energy delivered to Thompson River Lumber Company Answer to Interrogatory 14 MBTU PRODUCED January February 361 March 367 April 305 May 156 June July August September YTD 190 - -----.' Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Steam to Mill February, 2005 Date MLbs MMBTU 18-Feb 340 41. 19-Feb 89.107. 20-Feb 1030 124. 21-Feb 20.43 24. 22-Feb 800 96.4 23-Feb 330 40. 361.41 43309 MMBTU NOTE: Meter not in service. Quantities estimated based on average flow rates. - - ""'"-' Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Steam to Mill DAILY USAGEDate POUNDS 29-Mar 52034 30-Mar 149615 31-Mar 165715 DAILY MMBTU 62.49 179. 199. TOTAL Fa 367.4 4410MLBs MMBTU March, 2005 MTD Total 52034 201649 367364 Avg Flow Rate 168 234 905 --~, Thompson River Co-Gen, LLc Steam to April, 2005 DAILY USAGE MTD Avg Flow Date POUNDS MMBTU Total Rate Apr 85081 1020 85081 545 Apr 173841 208.258922 243 Apr 215623 2580 474545 984 Apr 181924 218.47 656469 580 Apr 216356 259.872825 015 Apr 243012 291.1115837 126 Apr 226270 271.1342107 9,428 Apr 254301 305.1596408 596 Apr 220276 2640 1816684 178 10-Apr 182433 219.1999117 601 11-Apr 95209 1140 2094326 967 12-Apr 13-Apr 167497 201.167497 979 14-Apr 259438 3110 426935 810 15-Apr 299656 359.726591 12,486 16-Apr 272819 327.999410 367 17-Apr 119830 1430 1119240 993 18-Apr 255618 3060 1374858 10,651 19-Apr 266811 320.41 1641669 117 20-Apr 252564 3030 1894233 10,524 21-Apr 272249 326.2166482 11 ,344 22-Apr 245452 2940 2411934 10,227 23-Apr 272807 3270 2684741 367 24-Apr 183857 220.2868598 661 25-Apr 244577 293.3113175 191 26-Apr 229545 275.3342720 564 27-Apr 235955 2830 3578675 831 28-Apr 261701 3140 3840376 904 29-Apr 233111 279.4073487 713 30-Apr 231154 277.4304641 631 TOTAL Fa 48020 5767.305 MLB MMBTU -- ----' Thompson River Lumber, LLC May, 2005 DAILY USAGEDate POUNDSMay 143874May 102884May 186995May 209723May 199700May 222500May 215700May 177700May 209700 10-May 218800 11-May 188700 12-May 180000 13-May 222600 14-May 239500 15-May 256600 16-May 272700 17-May 247700 18-May 238800 19-May 186900 20-May 142400 21-May 155400 22-May 201400 23-May 195900 24-May 180800 25-May 188900 26-May 217500 27-May 229800 28-May 208400 29-May 192000 30-May 211900 31-May 110900 DAILY MMBTU MTD Total 172.78 143874 123.55 246758 224.56 433753 251.86 643476 239.82 843176 267.20 1065676 259.03 1281376213.40 1459076 251.83 1668776 262076 1887576 226061 2076276 2160 16 2256276 267032 2478876 287062 2718376 308.15 2974976327.49 3247676297.46 3495376 286077 3734176224.45 3921076 171001 4063476 186062 4218876 241086 4420276 235026 4616176 2170 12 4796976 226085 4985876 261020 5203376 275.97 5433176 250.27 5641576 230057 5833576254.47 6045476 133.18 6156376 6156.38 7393.MLB MMBTU Avg Flow Rate 995 287 791 738 321 271 988 7,404 738 117 863 500 275 979 10,692 11,363 321 950 788 933 6,4 75 392 163 533 871 063 575 683 000 829 621 - - ----...' Request No. 15: For what period of time or term does Thompson River Co-Gen have arrangements for firm coal supply? Request No. 15: TRC has arranged for up to 20 years of firm coal supply. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First ----"" Production Request Request No. 16: With regard to coal supply, please state with what party the arrangements exist, and please provide a copy of all documents that set forth the arrangements. Response to Request No. 16: A copy of coal supply agreement will be provided pursuant to a confidentiality agreement. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First ----' Production Request Request No. 17: Does Thompson River Co-Gen have arrangements with NorthWestern Energy or any other party, for sufficient firm transmission capacity to accommodate the dynamic scheduled output from the Project to the Burke delivery point at A vista s system in the state of Idaho for a period of 20 years? Response to Request No. 17: Yes. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First "-'" Production Request Request No. 18: If the answer to Production Request 17 is yes, please state with whom the arrangements exist, and please provide a copy of all documents that set forth such arrangements. Response to Request No. 18: A copy of the transmission agreement will be provided pursuant to a confidentiality agreement. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First - - ----' Production Request Request No. 19: Please state the maximum amount of Project power net output (net of Project load only) that can be delivered to the Project common electrical bus during the hour of highest Project output? (For clarification, Project load for purposes of the . Production Requests excludes the electric load of Thompson River Lumber Company. Response to Request No. 19: The TRC Project is a base-load design generation facility. Thus, the engineering design, under normal operating conditions, is less than 10 average MW per month. Since it is not a capacity or peaking facility, TRC has not fully monitored the maximum output level under various fuel and temperature conditions. However, testing has demonstrated that the maximum amount of Power, net of Project load, is approximately 10.76 MW. This output level considers burning 100% coal, with a moisture content of less than 17% and ambient weather conditions. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First ,,-, Production Request Request No. 20: Is Thompson River Co-Gen willing to deliver Project output to an alternate delivery point in the state of Idaho should the primary point of delivery at Burke be unavailable due to outages, either forced or planned, on either the NorthWestern Energy transmission system or the Avista transmission system? Response to Request No. 20: Yes. Contrary to documentation from A vista, TRC and A vista have never directly discussed this issue. TRC is willing to utilize reasonable efforts to re-direct transmission to an alternative point of delivery, under standard industry practices. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- --~. Production Request Request No. 21: If the answer to Production Request 20 is yes, please state thecircumstances under which Thompson River Co-Gen is willing to deliver Project output to an alternate delivery point in the state ofIdaho and also please state if Thompson RiverCo-Gen is willing to commit to such deliveries at no cost to A vista? Response to Request No. 21: TRC will follow standard industry practices and schedulingprocedures under NorthWestern s FERC-approved Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATI) to accommodate re-direction ofthe transmission Point of Delivery on a short-term basis. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First - - - -'-' Production Request Request No. 22: .Is Thompson River Lumber a separately owned company from Thompson River Co-Gen? Response to Request No. 22: Yes. Thompson River Co-Gen LLC Response to Avista s First "'--0' Production Request Request No. 23: Please list the owners of Thompson River Co-Gen. Response to Request No. 23: The owners of Thompson River Co-Gen are Savage Companies, LMU & Company and Barry A. Bates. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First - --~' Production Request Request No. 24: Please list the owners of Thompson River Lumber. Response to Request No. 24: The owner of Thompson River Lumber Company of Montana is Roger Claridge. Thompson River Co-Gen LLC Response to Avista s First - --'"-' Production Request Request No. 25: Is there a common management or operational agreement or arrangement between Thompson River Lumber and Thompson River Co-Gen? Ifthere is such agreement or arrangement, please describe the responsibilities of the parties and provide a copy of those documents that set forth such agreement or arrangement. Response to Request No. 25: Arrangements defining the operational responsibilities between TRC and TRL are defined in the Lease Agreement dated October 3 2002. Lease ), and the Power and Steam Supply Agreement ("PSSA") dated October 3 2002.. The Lease Sections 5, and 6, describes TRC's responsibilities for costs and maintenance of the electricity and water delivery systems. The PSSA describes TRC' responsibilities for delivery of steam and electricity, including costs associated with ensuring delivery. Both ofthese documents will be provided pursuant to a confidentiality agreement. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- --......' Production Request Request No. 26: Please provide a copy of the steam sales agreement(s) between Thompson River Co-Gen and Thompson River Lumber. Response to Request No. 26: The steam sales agreement will be provided pursuant to an appropriate confidentiality agreement. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First ........ Production Request Request No. 27: For what period of time or term does Thompson River Co-Gen have arrangements for firm wood fuel supply? Response to Request No. 27: For the term of the lease, up to forty-five years, TRL has agreed to sell to TRC sawdust on a first right of refusal basis established quarterly at prices reflecting the prevailing market rate. TRC has installed a pneumatic sawdust delivery system from TRL to the TRC boiler to facilitate the delivery of the sawdust to the TRC boiler. Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- ---' Production Request Request No. 28: With regard to wood fuel supply, please state with what party the arrangements exist, and please provide a copy of all documents that set forth the arrangements. Response to Request No. 28: There are no documents pertaining to the purchase of woodwaste by TRC from TRL. L Y SUBMITTED THIS 21 ST DA Y OF NOVEMBER 2005 C2 PETER RICHARDSON Thompson River Co-Gen, LLC Response to Avista s First -- --'"-' Production Request CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 21th day of November, 2005, the DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MARK D. THOMPSON, LAWRENCE MICHAEL UNDERWOOD AND CHARLES FREDERICK BUSCH ON BEHALF OF THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN LLC. was sent to the following parties as shown: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 i j ewellcm\Juc. state.id. us ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 swoodburvcmpuc.state.id. us ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail David J. Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs A vista Corporation PO Box 3727 Spokane W A 99220-3727 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered (X) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Kelly O. Norwood Vice President, State & Federal Regulation A vista Corporation PO Box 3727 Spokane W A 99220 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered (X) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail Signed ~, \~ Qu\ Nina M. Curtis THOMPSON RNER CO-GEN, LLC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 -'-'"