HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051101Avista supplemental response staff 3.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 :~ECEI ED ~: (', ,-, t~ n \f - \",.! h , '"; iP !. 1.,1. '""In.! .. ' ~~~'V'STA~ Corp. ! 1 r' n " " ~. ~ U ,F~l \ ~3 , ~ If r- '""')'-.,, )\JL1!1L,) 1 U(ifl ~0 October 31 , 2005 Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ill 83720-0074 RE:A VU-05- 7 / Thompson River Cogen A vista Corporation hereby submits three copies of its SUPPLEMENTAL response to IPUC Staff Data Request Number 3. Questions regarding this response should be directed to Mr. Bob Lafferty (509-495-4460). Mike Fink Rate Analyst A vista Utilities EnclosuresCC. Richardson Uda JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. REQUEST: RESPONSE: VISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Idaho A VU-OS- IPUC Staff Data Request Staff -Supp DATE PREPARED: 10/27/2005WITNESS: RESPONDER: LaffertyDEPT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4460 Please provide a copy of the draft contract referred to on page 6, item 8, of A vista s Answer to the Complaint of Thompson River Co-Gen that A vista provided to Thompson River Co-Gen in early August 2005. Please mark those sections of the draft contract that A vista understands Thompson will not accept. Please see attachment labeled "Attachment A - A vista Corporation Response to Staff Data Request No.3" which provides a summary list of objections of Thompson River Co-Gen to various sections of A vista s draft contract proposal. Attachment A Avista Corporation - Response to Staff Data Request No. The following is a list of references to the sections of the 8-05 contract draft proposal by A vista to Thompson River Co-Gen that A vista believes Thompson River Co-Gen fTRC) would not acceJ2! A vista Draft Contract Reference Topic Appendix A Total delivered net electric power cost.TRC opposes prices offered by A vista. Witnesseth section TRC appears to oppose all references to previously stated generation capability over 10 MW. Witnesseth section TRC appears to object to all references to steam and power sales contracts with Thompson River Lumber as part of description of the project and relationship to the sale of electricity to A vista. Section 1 TRC objects to all or parts of several definitions. TRC appears to object to definitions (b), (e), (f), (g), (k), (1), (m), (n), (0), (P), (q), (s), (t), (v), (w), and (bb). Notably, TRC eliminates the alternate Point of Delivery in Idaho and moves it to Montana thereby causing A vista to be responsible for wheeling power to the A vista system. Section 1 , ( e)TRC would limit its obligation to pay transmission losses for delivery of power to Avista s system in Idaho to 4%. TRC also appears to object to representing the delivery of power to Thompson River Lumber as a sale of electric power to a separately owned company and instead identifies it as "other on- site load" which inappropriately implies that the Thompson River Lumber load is part of the project or shares common ownership. Section 2 (b)TRC proposes to remove a representation that it is the sole owner of the Facility. Section 2 , ( e)TRC removes any references to obligation ofTRC to discharge Section 3 legal obligations to provide electric power to NorthWestern Section 4(a) (3)Energy pursuant to the CO-GENERATION POWER SALE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THOMPSON RIVER CO-GEN LLC AND NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, LLC, as amended. Section 4, ( c)TRC proposes to omit reference to preservation of obligations of the Parties. Section 4, (d) and (e)TRC proposes to omit reference to contingency upon IPUC approval of contract and contingency upon WUTC approval of contract or, alternatively, exclusive allocation of contract costs to the state of Idaho. Section 5 Sale of power. TRC proposes a substantial re-write to this section. Section 6 Determination of payment. TRC deletes this section. The language from this section appears to be moved in part to Section 13 - Payments, with additional edits. Page 1 0- 24-0 5 Attachment A Avista Corporation - Response to Staff Data Request No. A vista Draft Contract Reference Topic Section 7 Minimum deliveries. TRC deletes this section. The language from this section appears to be moved to Section 20 - Default with some additional edits. Section 8 , and Deviation Account. TRC deletes this section. (TRC now associated prefers to have its power plant dYnamically integrated into the definitions and sub-A vista electric system. sections Section 9 Security. TRC objects to minimum insurance coverage limits and maximum deductible levels. TRC has further objections to limits and language in many of the sub-sections under Section 9 (a). TRC objects to Sub-Section 9(b )(3) concerning follow-up independent engineering certification. TRC objects to Sub- Section 9(c) concerning lien rights in its entirety. Section 10 Interconnection, Transmission and Point of Delivery. TRC objects to several elements of subsections (a), (b) and (c). TRC proposes to add a subsection that would obligate A vista to pay TRC for losses caused by A vista s failure to maintain sufficient capacity from the Point of Delivery, which is not caused by Force Majeure. (Maintenance is not included in Force Majeure. A vista is also required to hold TRC harmless for A vista s failure to maintain its transmission system or provide adequate takeaway capacity from the Point of Delivery. TRC's proposal causes A vista to bear the costs associated with moving power delivered to the BP A transmission interconnection with NorthWestern Energy s system to Avista s system in Idaho. Section 11 TRC proposes changes to sub-sections (d), (e), (g), Section 13 Payments. TRC proposes new sub-sections and edits to (a) and (b). Section 18 Water Rights. TRC apparently is unwilling to subordinate its use of water from the Clark Fork River to Avista s superior water right and therefore deletes this section. Section 20 Default. TRC proposes several edits and additions to sub- sections (a), (b) and (c). A new sub-section (b) is proposed concerning termination for inability of the Facility to perform. Section 33 Transmission Agreements. TRC deletes this section in its entirety. Exhibit C Electric Power Delivery One-Line Diagram. TRC deletes this exhibit. Exhibit D Electrical One Line Diagram of Facility. TRC deletes this exhibit. Exhibit H Form of Mortgage. TRC deletes this exhibit. 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