HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040608Responses of Avista to Potlatch.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 '~"-'~\!'-,:" ~' I ""; '1...o',J L.. . - ~ L~i..... . =.. ~ii'v'STAZ Corp. , 1'ltJ- 0 to! 9: ~)JU"J u.dl'! 0 r: d . . " 3 " , ~. ( (j i l.. UTiLitiES COi'111ISStON June 7, 2004 Conley E. Ward GNENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street PO Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701-2720 Re:Production Request of Potlatch Corporation in Case Nos. A VU-E.,.04-01 and A VU-04- Mr. Ward I have attached one copy of Avista s response to Potlatch Data Request No(s). 38- Supplemental, and 58 through 70. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 495-4706 or Don Falkner at (509) 495- 4326. Mike Fi Rate Analyst Enclosures Cc:S. Woodbury D. Peseau A. Yankel (IPUC) (Utility Resources, Inc. (Yankel & Assoc, Inc. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request 38 (Supplemental) DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 6/3/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide copies of all analyses, risk evaluations, gas market forecasts, memoranda and all other documents prepared for or used in the evaluation of and justification of, the timing and need for Deals A and B. RESPONSE: The reference to Exhibit No., Schedule No. 22 should have instead referenced Exhibit No. Schedule No. 21. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/27/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide all documentation necessary to establish that each physical and financial natural gas transaction listed in Exhibit 7, Schedule 21 complied with all volumetric, open position, term length, and signature and approval provisions contained in the Energy Resources Risk Policy. RESPONSE: The Company s Energy Resources Risk Policy has been provided in Exhibit No., Schedule 3 of witness Richard Storro s Pre-filed Direct Testimony. Gary Ely authorized the two financial swap transactions labeled as Deal A as well as the index-based firm delivered gas transaction with Petro-Canada as required by the Risk Policy based on the length of delivery term. Kelly Norwood authorized the two financial swap transactions labeled as Deal B as well as the index-based firm delivered gas transaction with A vista Energy as required by the Risk Policy based on the length of delivery term. Exhibit No., Schedule No. 31 of Robert Lafferty's Pre-filed Direct Testimony contains Position Report documents from the time frame relevant to the financial fixed for floating swap transactions that include sheets entitled "Time To Cure" which describe the time frames where positions are out of limits, their Cure By" date and an indication in the comments section indicating that the Risk Management Committee had suspended the cure date. The Position Report functions as an operating tool for the Company to view its near term load and resource position under forecasted or average conditions. On a planning basis, the Company looks to other analyses and tools. As explained in pages 29 - 56 of the Pre-filed Direct testimony of Robert Lafferty, the Company also considered its load and resource position under hydroelectric generation and load variation conditions and under critical water variation conditions in its decision to fix the price of a portion of its natural gas supply for generation with a medium-term transaction. Under the high and volatile price conditions present in the electric energy market at that time, the risk and economic impact of net position variability was very high. In summary, from an operations perspective, the Position Report referenced above generally used average water and average load conditions beyond the then current 2001 water year. This is contrast to longer- tenn planning, which uses hydro/load variability confidence intervals or critical water as a basis for that analysis. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU - E-04-0 1 / A VU -04-0 1 Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: . RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/17/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: For the transactions listed in Exhibit 7, Schedule 21 , please provide the Avista documents maintained during and after the transactions to ensure that Risk Policy measures were complied with, including actual signatories to each transaction prior to the time the transaction was made. RESPONSE: The Company s Energy Resources Risk Policy has been provided in Exhibit No., Schedule 3 of witness Richard Storro s Pre-filed Direct Testimony. Please also see the response to Potlatch Data Request No. 58. Position Reports and associated documents are being provided with Avista s data response to Potlatch, Data Request No. 59(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01 , Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: OS/28/2004 Bob Lafferty Pat Gorton Corporate Risk (509) 495-4353 REQUEST: Why were natural gas purchases indexed to a Malin NGI Index rather than alternative locations such as Sumas, Opal (Rockies), Stanfield, Kingsgate or Coyote Springs? Please provide all details, documents and notes supporting each Malin-indexed purchase and the justification thereof. RESPONSE: Discussion regarding the purchase of index-priced natural gas delivered to Malin is contained in the Pre-filed Direct testimony of Robert Lafferty. The documentation for the two physical purchases of natural gas at NGI Malin Monthly Index has been provided in Robert Lafferty Exhibit 7, Schedule 2l. The referenced natural gas purchases were indexed to Malin because both transactions were for firm natural gas deliverable at Malin. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU - E-04-0 1 / A VU -04-0 1 Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Pat Gorton Energy Resources (509) 495-4353 REQUEST: Why were the natural gas financial trades entered into for 36 months and 17 months settled on NGI prices at Malin as opposed to some other Pacific Northwest or Rockies' location? Please provide all details documents and notes supporting each financial trade and the justification thereof. RESPONSE: Please see response to Potlatch Data Request No. 60. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho AVU-04-01 / AVU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: . RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide all information, studies, analyses, and all supporting documents developed prior to the time of the transactions by A vista that supports the conclusion that A vista Utilities should fix the price for CS2 supply" (Exh. 7, Sch.21 page 9). RESPONSE: Please see response to Potlatch Data Request No. 38. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU - E-04-0 1 / A VU -04-0 1 Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: . RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Name the individual or individuals making the original recommendation to fix the price for CS2 supply and provide a detailed explanation and documentation of the analyses undertaken in recommending the 36 month and 17 month financial positions. RESPONSE: Please see response to Potlatch Data Request No. 35 identifYing individuals involved in the decision concerning the four hedge transactions and their respective roles. Please see the Pre- filed Direct testimony and Exhibits of Robert Lafferty and also the response to Potlatch Data Request No. 38 concerning explanation of and documentation of analyses associated the four natural gas hedge transactions. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request ATE PREPARED: WITNES S . RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Gorton Energy Resources (509) 495-4353 REQUEST: In entering the fixed for floating swaps in April and May 2001 , was A vista Utilities betting that natural gas prices in subsequent months were going to rise? Please explain and provide all documentation relied upon for any price view taken and provide all supporting natural gas price forecasts relied upon. RESPONSE: A vista Utilities was not taking a position that natural gas prices in subsequent months were going to either rise or fall. As explained further in the Pre-Filed Direct testimony of Robert Lafferty, the Company s purpose was to fix a portion of its natural gas resource portfolio and to secure some protection from the high and volatile electric power prices. Explanation and documentation of market information regarding forward natural gas price can be found in the Pre- filed Direct testimony and Exhibits of Robert Lafferty and also the response to Potlatch Data Request No. 38. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNES S . RESPONDER: DEP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Gorton Energy Resources (509) 495-4353 REQUEST: In entering the fixed for floating swaps in April and May 2001 , was A vista Energy betting that natural gas prices in subsequent months were going to fall? Please explain and provide all documentation relied upon for any price view taken and provide all supporting natural gas price forecasts relied upon. RESPONSE: A vista Energy provided quotes to A vista Utilities based on market information available at the time. A vista Utlilties used that information as well as other information regarding natural gas market conditions. Please see the Pre-filed Direct testimony and exhibits of Robert 1. Lafferty as well as response to Potlatch Data Request No. 38 and 38 (Supplemental), for information concerning natural gas market conditions. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 1 A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Gorton Energy Resources (509) 495-4353 REQUEST: Please indicate whether the financial settlement gains realized by A vista Energy from the fixed for floating swaps with A vista Utilities were used to offset PCA balances. RESPONSE: No. Please also see response to Potlatch Data Request No. 67. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 1 A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: . RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Gorton Energy Resources (509) 495-4353 REQUEST: Please explain the exact, detailed accounting for the financial settlement gains realized by A vista Energy from the fixed for floating swaps with A vista Utilities. RESPONSE: A vista Energy does not track the individual net benefits of natural gas purchase and sale transactions, but rather manages its entire portfolio of transactions. Consequently, A vista Energy did not determine specific gains or losses associated with the fixed for floating swaps with A vista Utilities. A vista Energy tracks gains or losses based on its entire net natural gas purchase and sale portfolio. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 1 A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNES S . RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please list and provide all details of all other fixed for floating swaps entered into by either A vista Utilities or A vista Energy from January 1 , 2000 to date. RESPONSE: Please see response to Potlatch Data Request No. 34(C) pertaining to fixed for floating swap transactions performed by A vista Energy for A vista Utilities. Details regarding the A vista Energy fixed for floating swap transactions relevant to natural gas for electric generation are included in Exhibit No., Schedule No. 21. Please see response to Staff Data Request No. 27 (Supplemental) for details regarding A vista Energy fixed for floating swap transactions relevant to A vista Utilities core natural gas distribution system customers. Note that on June 20, 2002 A vista Utilities converted the two financial swap transactions which had A vista Energy as the counterparty, referred to as Deal B, along with the original physical purchase at Malin Monthly Index, which was related to Deal B, to one combined physical purchase at an equivalent fixed price. The conversion transaction saved A vista Utilities the value of a monthly delayed cash payment on the financial swaps from the 6th working day of the current month to the 25th of the month following delivery of the gas, or approximately 40 days. There was no benefit to A vista Energy from this conversion. This conversion also eliminated the monthly settlement as would normally occur with a financial swap transaction. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU - E-04-0 1 / A VU -04-0 1 Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: . RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please indicate whether any other party served as a sleeve for financial transactions between A vista Utilities and A vista Energy and, if so, identify the party. RESPONSE: The Company is not aware of any party as having served as a sleeve for financial transactions between A vista Utilities and A vista Energy. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Idaho A VU - E-04-0 1 1 A VU -04-0 1 Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/28/2004 Lafferty Gorton Corporate Risk (509) 495-4353 REQUEST: Please indicate whether A vista Energy served as a sleeve for financial transactions between A vista Utilities and any another party. RESPONSE: No. CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENTS