HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040601Responses of Avista to Staff.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission POBox3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 ' '. ,.... ~ '- 'V'STA~ Corp. F~'ILED ~fI'"" lt 1M LUCii.vUl'1 f~tl : tt.... May 28, 2004 iG I:;UBLiC UTILlrlES COf~ir"1iSSION Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ill 83720-0074 Attn: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Re:Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. A VU-04-01 and A VU-04- Mr. Woodbury, I have attached an original and three copies of A vista s response to Staff Data Request No(s). 268, 268(C), 269, 270, 270(C), 271 , 271(C), 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 279, 279(C), 280, 281 , and 281(C). If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 495-4706. ~relY' Mike Pi Rate Analyst Enclosures Enclosures Copy: C. Ward (Potlatch) D. Peseau (Utility Resources, Inc) A. Yankel (Yankel & Assoc., Inc) 7~ti VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff - 268 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: How much did A vista pay for its share of the first failed GSU transformer at CS II? How much did A vista pay for its share of the costs to clean up the site due to the oil spill? How much of Avista s share of these costs is being sought for recovery in this rate case? If additional costs are awarded through insurance claims, how does the Company propose that those proceeds be treated for ratemaking purposes? RESPONSE: The cost for the first GSU transformer was included in the fixed-price EPC contract with NEPCO. The cost for the NEPCO EPC contract is shown on Confidential Exhibit No. Schedule No. 15 rev. 1 , page 2, and line 25. The amounts that A vista paid for its share of transformer clean up costs is being provided with A vista s data response to Staff, Request No. 252(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01 Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO: Idaho VU - E-04-0 1 / A VU -04-0 1 IPUC Data Request 269 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/24/2004 Bob Lafferty Bill Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 REQUEST: Has Avista performed any analysis or computations to determine the cost impact of the delayed commercial operation date of the CS II plant (i.e., inability to generate between August 2002 and July 2003)? How many MWh would the plant have produced given market conditions during the period and what was the estimated value of those MWhs? How much higher were Avista s net power supply costs during this period as a result of CS II's unavailability? RESPONSE: Yes. The estimated lost operating margin of the Coyote Springs 2 (CS2) plant, based on daily electricity and natural gas prices, during the period August 15, 2002 through June 30, 2003 is $2,487 278 (system number). The estimated number of MWh the plant would have produced during the period was 590 162. It is difficult to know how much higher Avista s power supply were as a result of CS2 unavailability because the decisions Avista would have made regarding gas and/or electricity purchases and sales would have been different had the plant been available. The estimates provided above are based on a hypothetical daily dispatch and may not necessary reflect the actual change in power supply expense. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho AVU-O4-01 / AVU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff - 270 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RES PO ND ER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Has a spare GSU transformer been procured for the CS II project? If so, what was the cost? Is recovery of the cost of the spare GSU transformer sought in this rate case? RESPONSE: Yes, a spare transformer has been procured for Coyote Springs 2. The cost recovery of the spare transformer is not part of this general rate case filing. The cost of the transformer is being provided with A vista s data response to Staff, Request No. 270(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01 , Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff - 271 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RES PO ND ER : D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: With regard to the second, most recent, failure of the GSU transformer at CS II for which repairs are now underway, has a cause of failure been determined? What is the expected cost of repair? Is any insurance recovery expected for the cost of the repair? RESPONSE: The data requested is being provided with Avista s data response to Staff, Request No. 271(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho AVU-O4-01 / AVU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff - 272 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Robert Lafferty s testimony at page 6, lines 23-26 and at page 63, lines 15-19 refers to project costs for Boulder Park being higher than expected due in part to the fast track design and construction approach. According to Don Falkner s testimony at page 22, lines 10-, the Boulder Park project became commercially operational in May 2002. However, in 2001 materials presented to the Company s Board of Directors, Boulder Park was anticipated to be operational September 1, 2001. Please reconcile why the project's operational date was delayed despite A vista incurring higher project costs with the intent of bringing the project's generation on-line more quickly during the period of high power prices. RESPONSE: In addition to the description provided in the Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Robert Lafferty, please also see response to Staff Data Request Nos. 248, 248(C), and 249 for information concerning Boulder Park project time line delays and higher than anticipated construction costs. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff - 273 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: On page 6, lines 22-23 and on page 63 , line 14 of Robert Lafferty s testimony, he states in referring to the Boulder Park project"... that the Company reasonably managed project costs given the circumstances." Please elaborate on what is referred to as "given the circumstances. RESPONSE: In addition to the description provided in the Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Robert Lafferty, please also see response to Staff Data Request Nos. 248, 248(C), and 249 for information concerning Boulder Park project time line delays and higher than anticipated construction costs. The circumstances surrounding the construction of the Boulder Park project generally stemmed from the fast track design-build approach that the Company chose in order to bring small generation on line as quickly as practical in order to mitigate the high prices and volatility in the electric power market during the energy crisis. The fact that Boulder Park was the first reciprocating engine-generator project that the Company had permitted, designed, constructed and commissioned, when combined with the fast track design-build approach, contributed to circumstances under which the Company managed this project. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff - 274 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Were the two natural gas fired reciprocating engines planned for the Spokane Industrial Park ever purchased? If so, were they ever installed? IT they were purchased but never installed, does A vista still own the units or have they been sold? RESPONSE: Yes, the two natural gas fired reciprocating engines for Spokane Industrial Park were purchased but were not installed. The Company is continuing to evaluate the units for installation, but is also offering these units for sale. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO: Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- IPUC Data Request 275 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/20/2004 Bob Lafferty Bill Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 REQUEST: Referring to Robert Lafferty s confidential Exhibit No., Schedule 35, page 1 of 4 please explain what is represented and how the amounts were calculated in the two columns on the far right hand side of the page labeled 6/4/01 Value and 6/11/01 Value. RESPONSE: The two columns labeled 6/4/01 Value and 6/11/01 Value represent the net present value (NPV) of the projects on those two dates. The NPV was calculated by first determining the operating margin of the projects by running the Prosym dispatch simulation model using the forward electric and natural gas prices on those two dates. The resulting operating margin was then incorporated into a revenue requirements worksheet that included the capital costs of the projects and related fixed operation and maintenance costs. The NPV represents the net benefit of the projects over their expected lives. These two columns show that as the forward price of electricity declined during the early June 2001 period the net benefit of the projects decreased. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO: Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-04- IPUC Data Request 276 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Bill Johnson Bill Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 REQUEST: Please provide a copy of the Municipal Development Agreement between Washington Water Power (Avista) and the City of Rathdrum dated April 22 , 1993. Also provide a copy of any and all amendments to the original agreement. Please state why A vista believes that payments made to Rathdrum under the agreement should be allowed for ratemaking purposes. RESPONSE: A copy of the Municipal Development Agreement between Washington Water Power (Avista) and the City of Rathdrum dated April 22, 1993 and all amendments to the original agreement are attached. The payments to the City of Rathdrum (City) were required for the development of the Rathdrum project. The development of the Rathdrum project was expected to require upgrading, expansion and/or use of City services. The payments to the City provided compensation for actions the City may have been required to undertake which were necessary for the development of the project. Under the agreement no less than ninety percent of the payments made by the Company were to be used for the construction, installation, maintenance or repair of streets and roads, water systems and sewer systems within the City. .. ,., "," ,",," h LV P-f'S 3- '-17/(5 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Il~CE:/IhJ.rc:oWW 4P/i 1 . this ;, ~ day of April, 1993 , by and Wa ter -Power Company, a Washington do business in the state of Idaho ("WWP" an Idaho municipal corporation (" City" ) . THI S AGREEMENT datedbetween The Washington corporation authorized to and the City of Rathdrum T N 'E S E T H WHEREAS: A. WWP is the owner of, or holds an option to purchase, certain real property consisting of approximately 40 acres located in section 32 , Township 52 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian Kootenai County, Idaho, and more particularly described on Exhibit "A", and generally depicted on the site plan Exhibit "B", both attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (the"proj ect Site" B. WWP proposes to construct and operate an electrical generating facility on the Project site (the "Project" C. The proj ect site is part of a larger parcel, consistingof approximately 82.44 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Meyer and Boekel Roads in Kootenai County, Idaho (the "Property". At a meeting of the City Council held on January , 1993 , the City approved the application of WWP for annexation of the Property into the City, including the Project Site , with a Comprehensive Plan and Zoning designation of Industrial as defined in the City I S Zoning Code. D. Under the current system of taxation, the City willrecei ve nominal revenues from the proj ect by way of real personal property taxes , due to the fact that the proj ect will be centrally assessed by the Idaho State Tax Commission , with the taxrevenues from such assessment being divided among the various taxing districts in Kootenai County as a whole , in accordance with Idaho Code S63-707.E. The development of the proj ect as proposed may require upgrading, expansion and/ or use of City services , such as roads,water and sewer services , and police and fire protectionaddi tion to improvements provided by WWP, for which the City may not be adequately compensated by additional property tax revenues available to it from the Property, or from its regularly assessed hookup and capitalization fees. MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - F. By this Agreement , the parties desire to provide for payments to the City as compensation for additional City services and other actions the City may prudently take which may be required by the development of the Project , on the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE in consideration for the annexation and industrial zoning of the Property, and in consideration for the mutual covenants , conditions and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows: Sl. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of twenty (20) years from the Commencement Date , unless soonerterminated as provided for herein. S2. Payments. (a) Commencing January 31, 1994 , or January 31 of the year in which substantial completion of the proj ect referred to in recital B above is anticipated , whichever is later (the "Commencement Date"), WWP agrees to make annual payments to the City as follows: Year 1 through 5Year through 10 Year 11 through Year 16 through 20 $195 000.00 per year $190 000.00 per year $175,000.00 per year $160 000.00 per year (b) Except as otherwise provided herein, such payments shall remain fixed throughout the term of this Agreement , and shall not be modified for inflation , interest or other similar factors. S3. Property Tax Revenues. (a) The payments provided forunder S2 above shall constitute the liability of WWP to the City, for real and personal property taxes whether paid pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise. In the event that the assessment taxationor distribution of the property taxes attributable to WWP, including the Project , are changed at any time during the term of this Agreement , such that the City receives more property taxrevenues from WWP, whether from the proj ect or otherwise, the amount of the payments to the city under S2 above shall be reduced by an amount equal to the increased amount received by the City by virtue of such change. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that there a change in the applicable law , such that the real and personal property taxes payable to the City exceed the payments provided for in S2 , above , WWP shall pay the new amount , and this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect. S4. Use of Funds. City shall use not less than ninetypercent (90%) of the payments made by WWP pursuant to this Agreement for the construction , installation maintenance or repair MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - of streets and roads , water systems and sewer systems wi thin thecity. ss.follows:Authority.City represents and warrants to WWP (a) This Agreement has been duly authorized , executed and delivered by city; (b) City has the power and authority to execute , deliver and perform this Agreement; (c) This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of City, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms; and (d) Neither the execution , delivery or performance by City of this Agreement , nor compliance with the terms thereof, conflicts or will conflict with or will result in a breach or violation of any of the terms conditions or provision of any Idaholawconstitutional provision governmental rule or regulation, or any order, writ , injunction or decree of any court or governmentalauthori ty. S6. continued Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto , and shall continue in full force and effect forso long as WWP (either itself or as agent for an owner of theProject or Project Site), or its subsidiary, affiliate successor by merger, continues to operate the Project. The partiesspecif ically acknowledge and agree that this Agreement shall not be binding upon a successor to WWP in the event of foreclosure repossession or other involuntary transfer of the proj ect and/ or Project site to or for the benefit of any creditor or creditors of WWP , its subsidiary, affiliate , or successor by merger. S7. Termination of Project. , for any reason and at any time during the term of this Agreement , either ( 1) the proj ect is not constructed or (2) the proj ect is terminated after construction whether or not operation has commenced , or (3) the Project is not operated after construction due to regulatory or similar events beyond the control of WWP (other than mere lack of need for power produced by the Project), this Agreement may be terminated at the sole option of WWP upon the giving of written notice to City to that effect. Upon such termination, WWP shall be required to make the next two (2) annual installments. Thereafter neither WWP nor any subsidiary, affiliate or successor shall have any further liability for any payments under this Agreement. MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMP ANY ATTEST: '---~');- Its: SR.. \J. j)~"tf.S RESou.R,cLf CITY OF ATTEST: \11150\01700\118 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - w?- PSQCS - ,-\cn 8 - 01 RiP Washington Water Power July 26, 1995 Ms. Judy Hollenbeck City Clerk City of Rathdrum O. Box 67 Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Dear Judy; Enclosed is a copy of the executed Amendment to the Municipal Development Agreement between WWP and the City of Rathdrum. As you know, this amendment changes the payment schedule and provides for an advance of 000,000 to the City, which has already been forwarded under separate cover. According to the new payment schedule, WWP' s next payment of $50,000 will be due before January 31 1997. Please file this amendment with your copy of the Original Agreement. Dana C. Zentz Project Development Manager cc:Mary Trudel Janet Robnett Tim Carlberg The Washington Water Power Company P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 (509) 489-0500/1-800-727-9170 SERVING EASTERN WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO WITH ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS "i- .. ' AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT to that certain Municipal Development Agreement dated April 22, 1993 , by and between The Washington Water Power Company, a Washington corporation authorized to do business in thestate of Idaho ("WWP" ), and the City of Rathdrum an Idahomunicipal corporation ("Ci ty" ) . IN CONSIDERATION FOR the mutual covenants, conditions and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree that theMunicipal Development Agreement ref erred to above, a true copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, shall be amended as follows: 51. payment Schedule. The payment schedule provided forunder S2 of the Municipal Development Agreement is hereby amended to provide for payments as follows: On or before July 1 , 1995, WWP shall pay to City thesum of $1,000 000.00. There shall be no payment on January 31 , 1996. Thereafter , annual payments shall be resumed commencing January 31 , 1997 , and on or before January 31 of each year thereafter for the balance of the term of the Municipal Development Agreement and this Addendum, as follows: 1/31/97 through 1/31/06 $ 50,000.per year 1/31/07 $155 240.(one time) 1/31/08 $175 000.(one time) 1/31/09 through 1/31/13 $160,000.per year 52. Termina tion of Proj ect. In the event the proj ect terminated under any of the conditions set forth in S7 of the Municipal Development Agreement , city shall reimburse to WWP thatamount by which the payments made pursuant to S 1, above , exceed the amount which would have been paid to ci ty under the schedule provided under S 2 of the Municipal Development Agreement , in the absence of this Amendment. 53. continued Effect. Except as expressly modified provided for herein , all other terms , covenants , conditions and agreements set forth in the Municipal Devel opment Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - 1 DATED this ~l~day of June , 1995. CXTY OP RATHDRUH: Its: Mayor THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY \111S~O17~122 ATTEST: C-/ AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - 2 VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- IPUC Data Request Staff - 277 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: OS/26/2004 Lafferty Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Robert Lafferty s Exhibit No., Schedule 36, page 11 of 11 (Kalich's 4/8/02 economic analysis of the Kettle Falls CT) shows the project generating 12.1 GWh in 2004 and 14.2 GWh in 2005. However, Kalich' s Exhibit No. 11 shows the Kettle Falls CT generating only 1.0 GWh. Please explain why this difference is so large. Please revise Schedule 36, page 11 using operation consistent with Kalich Exhibit No. 11. RESPONSE: A gas plant's dispatch is dependent on the margin its operation will generate. In the 2002 analysis, the average implied market heat rate (calculated as the average of the monthly electricity prices divided by natural gas price times 1000) was 9,238 Btu/kWh, with Q3 prices averaging nearly 12 000 Btu/kWh. These figures were above the plant's then-estimated heat rate of 8,845 Btu/kWh by enough to cover variable operation costs in many hours. The plant was forecast to operate at a 14.6% capacity factor and generate 12.1 GWh of electricity. The implied market heat rate since April 2002 has fallen below conditions present when the analysis was completed. The power supply model, using prices current at the time of our filing, dispatches gas-fired resources on an implied market heat rate of around 8 600 Btu/kWh, which is below the plant's final estimated heat rate of 8,750 Btu/kWh. Bec~use the plant can generate positive margins only when the market implied heat rate exceeds 8,750 Btu/kWh by enough to cover variable O&M costs, there are very few hours where the plant is expected to run during the 2004/05 period. The April 2002 analysis is a 25-year life-cycle evaluation of the plant; the proforma period represents only one year of operations. The Company cannot revise a life-cycle analysis when information is available for only one of the 25 years. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO: Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- IPUC Data Request 278 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Dick StOITO Bill Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 REQUEST: Has the loss of load in the aluminum industry, specifically that non-system load at Kaiser Mead, restricted A vista s ability to make off-system sales or purchases due to changes in transmission capacity? If so, have these changes in transmission capacity been reflected in Avista s AURORA modeling? RESPONSE: No. The loss of the Kaiser Mead load has not restricted Avista s ability to make off- system purchases or sales. No changes have been reflected in the AURORA modeling. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff - 279 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RES PONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide a copy of the cogeneration contract referred to on page 60, lines 18-19 of Robert Lafferty s testimony. How much was paid under the contract? RESPONSE: The requested materials are being provided with Avista s data response to Staff, Request No. 279(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO: Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- IPUC Data Request 280 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/26/2004 Bill Johnson Bill Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 REQUEST: Referring to William Johnson s Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 1 , page 1 of 2, lines 42- please explain why the adjustment is positive for Boulder Park gas while the adjustment is negative for Rathdrum gas, Kettle Falls CT gas and Northeast gas. Was the actual operation of the Boulder Park project in 2002 less than anticipated? If so, please explain why. RESPONSE: The adjustment is positive for Boulder Park because the plant generates more in the proforma (38,191 MWh) than it generated in the 2002 test year (8 537 MWh). One reason for this is that the plant didn t began commercial operation until May 2002 (there was some test generation in March and April 2002), while the proforma includes generation for an entire twelve-month period. The plant ran based on economics in the 2002 test year. The three other plants, Rathdrum, Kettle Falls CT and Northeast all generated more in the 2002 test year than they generate in the proforma, creating a negati ve adjustment for fuel expense for those plants. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQ UES TER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request 281 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/20/2004 Bob Lafferty Bill Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 REQUEST: What was the price for energy and capacity in the three and one-half year power purchase contract (7/1/2000-12/31/2003) from Centralia referred to on page 7, lines 8-16 of Robert Lafferty s testimony? RESPONSE: Please see response 281(C), which contains TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information, are exempt from public view, and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01 , Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. CO NFID E NTIAL ATTACHMENTS