HomeMy WebLinkAbout200405101st Response of Avista to Potlatch.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 (1) 2nn~ MAY t m PHI2: . !U;\iiO PUBLIC UTILITIES CO~1MISSION HECEIVED FILED ~~' 'iI'STA. Corp. May 6, 2004 Conley E. Ward GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street PO Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701-2720 Re:First Production Request of Potlatch Corporation in Case Nos. A VU-04-01 and A VU-04- Mr. Ward I have attached one copy of Avista s response to Potlatch Data Request No. (s) 3 , 3(C), , 14, and 15. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 495-4706 or Don Falkner at (509) 495- 4326. Mike Fink Rate Analyst Enclosures S. VVoodbury (IPlJC) D. Peseau AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREP ARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/5/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide copies of A vista Power s agreement to purchase Coyote Springs 2 and/or any related land, permits, or licenses, and facilities or equipment. RESPONSE: The requested materials are being provided with Avista s data response to Potlatch, number 3(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/3/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please explain why Coyote Springs 2 is currently out of service, and when it is expected to return to service. RESPONSE: On January 15 2004, Coyote Springs 2 experienced a relay alarm indicating high gassing in the 500kV generator step-up unit (GSU) transformer. At the time Coyote Springs 2 had been off- line because market conditions were such that the plant was not economic to operate. Prior to January 15 2004, Avista Corporation had sold the natural gas associated with Coyote Springs 2 through July 2004 (except for a small amount of natural gas related to fuel-in-kind for gas transportation) because market conditions during that period favored selling natural gas and purchasing needed electric power. The transformer was de-energized and isolated from the transmission grid. A subsequent physical inspection by representatives of the manufacturer indicated that some corona discharge had occurred around one of the 500 kV entrance leads. The manufacturer determined that a field repair was not possible and that the unit would need to be returned to the factory in Turkey. The GSU transformer is currently at the Alstom factory in Turkey and is undergoing repair. the factory, when the transformer was disassembled, the other two high voltage windings were also inspected and no damage was found to those leads. After repair and testing, the transformer will be shipped and is expected to arrive on site near the end of July. The estimated on-line date for the project is mid-August. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/3/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide a list of the number of hours for each day that Coyote Springs was out of service since the plant was deemed available for commercial operation. RESPONSE: The attached two spreadsheets labeled "Coyote Springs 2 - 2003 Hours of Availability" and Coyote Springs 2 - 2004 Hours of Availability" list the hours that Coyote Springs 2 was out service beginning at the date of commercial operation on July 1 2003. As explained in more detail in Potlatch Date Request Response No. 13 , prior to the Coyote Springs 2 GSU transformer failure on January 15, 2004, Avista Corporation had sold the natural gas associated with Coyote Springs 2 through July 2004 (except for a small amount of natural gas related to fuel-in-kind for gas transportation) because market conditions during that period favored selling natural gas and purchasing needed electric power. Coyote Springs 2 2003 Hours of Availability Hours Hours Out Of Month Day Available Service E... ._ :=~ !~=:-j:.~~~~~j :~::=::~ Jui\ 1! 17.601 6.401i--- ., ~L 24. _._- j - -----!-- --?~.: ~._-, -9.:Qg~4; 24.00 0.001 '--""'--' -r--"----- ~-'-".."'._--' '---'- ::i~24.OO! ~ ' ~h24.0 O..QQj ! -...,...-...,j-......,..... ?:'I:QQ,......--..9.:8! 24.00 0. r""-'00! ~4..L 11L 001 O.OO! L--=::-?4.0gL QiJgj13! 24.001 O.OO!1~24.00 -0:-001 ---_..,_.~~_..._....--.. ?:'I:QQ1-,.....,.. .._-_ ...l~--._.. ?~::. ~O ___ 1~ 181 16.00 ~\.-....'?' OO.!-- !."""""""'O' ----2.,~~ OOj 21 24.00! 0.0011- 22 24. I--'-""""=l- -"- ~3 -- ~~:~~j:_.._,..g: r- ~.L........,22.65! --.!~ r__..._ ~... ~; _ ~~~l._... 1----------1 2.,4.001-09.124 0.021 l - ..._ ~SJ 0:00 I31, 2 0.r-"A'ugr"'-- "'-' 1T--"24.00, 1----- !-"-- 2r---24~OOr-- 0. --- 3 24.0.62)00' 000' , ' 5 24.0 0.00'r------1---- 247 0. .------------,.-.--- 81 2 0. '---" r' ""-'-'-9"' --" 24. !QI 24.0Of- -o:oDj~4.00j 0.r-- 121 24.00 0. r""--'-'l'---T~--24. ~-_.__......_---_._-...........---_.- .-----\ 141 24. o.OQj151 24. 0.001 ~=~ ==::::=J:=:=:"i~J =:==~:'" ..,-.g~ 18! 24. 0. r-' =~.==_ 19! -, 0.20! 0. ,.....--....-..........+-... ...-...--...'-+-...-... 1""""""""-0""""-~~i"'--"-~4. =T:= =-'":....?~._ ? 4. 24! 24. f-,.. ...- J.. ,.. 2s1 ... 24:6 "'- 2sT 24.00 ~_..._... -J "'--"'--- 24. '----- i---.... ....,._-,.. J,.... -- . " ~~r"'I~:~~J ~:: :1~~) ''woo_.. . ,. . ..... .... ~Q. .. ..,. ?,1,.QQ.L....----.Q:.QQI ~"---"_'W"H ' 31 ' ?~, OO ..__..Q:.QQj Potlatch DR-014 Attach-2003 CS2 Avail Hrs.xls Page 1 Coyote Springs 2 2003 Hours of Availability L.. ----y----" mmm.mi"'" ..."...."'.......... ...... ~()v; . """-" ",,-,,,,0. ..--................ Potiatch DR-014 Attach'2003 CS2 Avail Hrs.xls Page 2 Coyote Springs 2 2003 Hours of Availability 1...-.-....-.-.--. .-. t=--r--- ,........ . ...1..... Potlatch DR,014 Attach-2003 CS2 Avail Hrs.xls Page 3 Potiatch DR'014 Attach'2004 CS2 Avail Hrs.xls Coyote Springs 2 2004 Hours of Availability Month Hours Available Hours Out Of Service Day Page 1 Potiatch DR'014 Attach-2004 CS2 Avail Hrs.xls Coyote Springs 2 2004 Hours of Availability Month Hours Available Hours Out Of ServiceDay Page 2 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/3/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide a schedule of the hourly output of Coyote Springs 2 in mwh for each day both before and after the plant was deemed available for commercial operation. RESPONSE: The attached spreadsheets labeled "Coyote Springs 2 - 2003-04 Generation Output" lists the energy output, expressed in MWh, produced by the total Coyote Springs 2 project on a daily basis. As explained in more detail in Potlatch Date Request Response No. 13, prior to the Coyote Springs 2 GSU transformer failure on January 15, 2004, Avista Corporation had sold the natural gas associated with Coyote Springs 2 through July 2004 (except for a small amount of natural gas related to fuel-in-kind for gas transportation) because market conditions during that period favored selling natural gas and purchasing needed electric power. Potlatch DR-015 Attach-2003-04 MWhs.xls Coyote Springs 2 2003-2004 Generation Output Total Plant Generation OutputDate (MWh)OS/27/03 i 0 : .Q~Z?~/ 0 :r=-..J =--=- ---- OS/29/03 i 0 1 05/30/03r- 05/31/03 0"1 ~-- 6~!b17Q~:=L== :- --. ' 06/02/03 i 0 _ L~.6/03/03 I 0 I 06/04/03 0 ' o6To5/03 1~O39 '"- - 06/06/03 f3n r----OSi07/03 rDs/08/03 i 0 !oo- ~Z9~~03- ,_... r'" ::= 06/10/03 885 : 06/11/03 _L-~~6 i 6/12/03 225 i 06/13/03 774 I ---.--'------..--' 06/14/03 1 ,207 i~6/15/0 025 ! l.".....--9?J~. .?~ Q?_._-joo...,--,_.. _,..""... 9... ; 06/17/03 ! 2 283 iOSi18i63j----- L.....Q6/19/03 i 06/20/03 ~~_ 1jp3 0 ~ 06/23/03 1 ,895 L.. ._.. ?!?~~Q?_-_J..__. ........_..;3. ~?~ l_..__~25/~L__~, 705 1 06/26/03 64606/27/03 1 411 :-06/28/03 1fO6129To~ r---O6/30i03 i---"O7/01i03 9? !Q?! Q~ ..--. +,.--.,? ~ ?9! ~--, Q'?!.Q.~Q, ~--\-,- 5, 75!3.. 07/04/732 !~703 5-;6881i.om 07/06/03 ! 5,694-.- 07/07/03 I '-5-;-622 i 7/08/03 i ----S,7 i ._Q?L09/0~- -_. 5,74fj 1...._--_9?!~.9/9. ".... .._..oo..._??~- i ! 07/11/03 ! 5,683 t-----07712To"3 ---"' r."'..- 507/13/031 5,745r--O"7i14/03 . 5r-' :::' Q?L1~~=~. ~:. I:::::. :=-_ ?, 7 07/16/03 07/17/03 g?~1~~Q.~., 00. ., .... :1..! 9Z!.l~9?_,l, .0000 63107/20/03 1 5 ---' 07/21/03 i--- " ".'.' Cf?~~?!Q:f --- "T-"".""" 07/23/03 . 5 0"7/24103-. '.' s;:;' ::.' ::~li~~29I.::I=:::.J~ 942. Page 1 Potiatch DR-015 Attach-2003-04 MWhs.xls Coyote Springs 2 2003-2004 Generation Output Total Plant Generation OutputDate (MWh)07/26/03 5 594 ! C 67/2?!63- .__ ~~26l 07/28/03 \ 5 681 i I 07/29/6~,6~9J 07/30/03 I 5 653 ! r" "---oiRf1' 70:3'---1- -'-- :57f1 08/61703 --- 5~65- L-Q.~02l03 571008/03/03--1 5, L 08l94103-..J__2&2' ~/05/03 08/06/03 _ j-- ! 08/07/03 ! 5 L' ....., (5870a703 '----- ---'---5)5" 08/09/03 5 814 .08/10/0~~ 5,8611 08/11/03 I 5,~~J --.-2 8/1 ~~, .J_-- ?&:3. 08/13/03 i 843 i08714/00 5,813 ! L___9. ~!1..~!Q:3__.._,-1- -,--,_. .,"? ! 7:3~- r---~t~~~~=t"--i ~~~ L9..~18/03 j 5,801 L-_9..'Y.19/03 I 5:~52 I '-20/03 ......J ..?. !33 I 08/21/03 48 i :-- 087227031 4 32~ .",........_ Q~!~_3!.q~....,.._t--_....___ ?!.. E3.? ' i 08/24/03 ' 4 958r---0872"5763 5:161 08/2a~! r---'()'8/27/03 5, 08l28/03 ! 5 784 i r- 08/29/03 ---~--' , 766 8130/03 754 :31/03 5,744 ! !Q3'-- -=-~~'-- 9~J 09/02103 ~~.?J L-Q.~9.3/0.:3.-318 I09/04/03 , --..?, 715 L 09/05/03 ,_.__. ?19 09/06/03 5 670 ' 09707'103 095 - 09708/03 L:- =:~ 9~Ri9I~3-- ,- 1 09/10/03 .....L.......:09/11/03 i 5 09/12103 C~1~!1..:3.!63~--:J==: 09/14/03 09/15/03 i 5 891 ; r-- 09/161 3--r-- 9591 , . ""- 09117703'T--5";9901 l___. (5971'a/o3 = 5 I 09/19/03 ! 5 976 I 1--'--'?!20/0 ""--'-- t----K 037 .9.?!?YQL._ _. ......?! lgg.i :....,. 122103 _- __,_.._ Q~~:3!Q:3.-- ._."._.'m 898 Page 2 Potlatch DR-O15 Attach,2003-04 MWhs.xls Coyote Springs 2 2003-2004 Generation Output j--_.,.... ..m.m~.....,._.,.. . """,'.. oo......,m....,. Page 3 Potlatch DR-015 Attach-2003-04 MWhs.xls Coyote Springs 2 2003-2004 Generation Output Total Plant Generation Output Dat (MWh) 11/23/03 0 ; C ...-- iI7.?P63~==t====6ji 11/25/03 111726/031 0 ir--11/27/0 ='- 117?.. ~'--'-- =~==:=cn 11/29/03 0 i 11/30/03 0 1 -- L__ "!g( 01/~ _+--_... 237 ! 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