HomeMy WebLinkAbout200404175th Response of Avista to Staff Part II.pdfForm 3115 (ReY. "'Y 1999)Application for Change in Accounting Method OMB No. 1545-0152 cepanmenta, III. Tr..sury Inlern" ".....nue Se...,e See page' of the instructions for Autol)'atic Change Procedures. Name of applic3nt (If joint retum is filed, also gIVe spouse s name.Identifying number (See page 3 of the instructions. Avista Corporation 91-0462470 Huma.', rtr..~ In~ 'aam or lu~e no. (/II P.o. ba., Ie. paso 3 01111. InllNctiDnl.Tax year of change begins (mo., day, yr.and ends (mo., day, yr. E 14' 1 Mission Avenue 1/112002 to 12/3112002 City or town, state, and ZIP code District director s office having jurisdiction Spokane, WA 99202 LMSB Name or p...an to .anlact (/I not III. Ipplicln~ , power 0' Illarnay mull b. suOmftiea.Contact person s telephone number Fax number Jan Skelton (202) 220-2062 (202) 661.1060 Check the appropriate box to indicate Check the appropriate box to indicate the type ofwho is filing this form. DPartnershiP accounting method change being requested. Individual S Corporation (See page 3 of the instructions. CD Corporation D'nsu",n.. Co. (5..: 816(a)) DCooperative (Sec. '38')D'nsu",n.. CD. (5... 831)Depreciation .or Amortization DOualified Personal Service Corp.DOther (specify)Financial Products and/or Financial Activities of (Sec. 448(d)(2))Financial Institutions Exempt organization. Enter code section (KJOther (specify) - Sec. 263A - Indirect Costs ;;'cJot f-~ Part I EliQibili To Re uest Chan ,'Alr IPpticlnt..ampl.te Parts I Ihrauph 1V.)(See page2arth. Inswc:tiDnl. Is the applicant changing its method 01 accounting under a revenue procedure Dr published guidance that provides for an automatic change? (See page' of the instructions. ) . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . '' . . If "Yes: enter the citation of the revenue procedure or other published guidance Rev. Proc. 2002.9 App Sec 4. Is the applicant changing its method of accounting under sections 263A, 447, 448, 460, or S85(c) for the first tax year theapplicantisrequiredtochange7 . . If "Yes " the applicant is required to make the change in accounting method under the automatic change procedures set forth in the applicable regulations. 3a Does the applicant have any Federal income tax returns under examination by the IRS? See section 3.07 of Rev. Proc.g7-'997.'C.680. If ""Y'es," complete line 3b. b Is the method of accounting the applicant is requesting to change: (i) an issue under consideration or (ii) an issue placedinsuspensebytheexaminingagent(s)?Seesections3.08p)and6.0'ofRev.Proc.97-2 . . . .... . . " If .Yes," the applicant is not .eligible to request the change in accounting method. If "No," complete lines 3c through 3e. c Indicate the "window period" the applicant is filing under or state if the change is being requested with the .consent ofthe district director. See section 6.0' of Rev. Proc. 97-27. d Has a copy of this Form 3"5 been provided to the examining agent(s) for all examinations that are in process? See section6.0'ofRev.Proc.97- . .... e Enter the name(s) and telephone number(s) of the examining agent(s). See section 6.01 of Rev. Proc. 97-27. 4a Is the applicant before an appeals office with respect to any Federal income tax return issue? If "Yes " complete line 4b. b Is the method of accounting the applicant is requesting to change an issue under consideration by the appeals office? See sections 3.08(2) and 6.02 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 . N/A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If "Yes," the applicant is not eligible to request the change in accounting method. If "" complete lines 4c and 4d. C Has a copy of this Form 3'15 been provided to the appeals officer? See section 6.02 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 N/A. . . . . ., . . . . d Enter the name and telephone number of the appeals officer. N/A See section 6.02 of Rev. Proc. 97-27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Signature - All Applicants (See page 3 of the instructions. Under penalties of perjury, I d!,~lere thaI I heve examined this appli~ation, including accompanying documents, end . ' to the best 01 my knC'NIedge and belief, the appli~ation ~ontains eilltle relevenl ta~s relating 10 the appli~alion, and suCh facts are true, ~orrecl, and complete De~lanltion of prepare' (other than appli~ant) is besed on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. Applicant ....... it. 6...il.L~ ..................... 2._ :.. t.:.. (!... 2............. Officers signature and date ./JJ?)iq.'!2 ~~_ .A.r.Lt.-I..e.ni.Gji!.c -'7' ;d title (print or type) ~~;; ~;;f,;;?~.-- For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page' of the instructions, Parent corporation (if applicable) .....-.........................-..............................-.............-..............-......-................- Parent olfl~ers signature and date -.--.-...................-...oo.......................................oo........oo........-........................ Name and title (print or type) Oeloitte & Touche, LLP.-.......-...............oo..............oo..oo.........oo.........oo...............................................-... Name of firm preparing the appli~ation Form 31'5 (Rev. 5-99) 9'-0462470 Page 2 (continued) 5a Is the applicant before a Federal court with respect to any Federal income tax issue? . . , . If "Yes " complete line 5b. b Is the method of accounting the applicant is requesting to change an issue under consideration by the Federal court? Seesections3.08(3)and6.030tRev.Proc.97- . .. . If "Yes: the applicant is not eligible to request the change in accounting method. If ". complete line 5c and 5d. c Has a copy of this Form 3'15 been provided to the counsel for the government? See section 6.03 of . . . . . . . . . . d Enter the name and telephone number of the counsel for the government. See section 6.03 of Rev. Proc. 97-27. 6a Is the applicant a member of an affiliated group filing a consolidated retum for the year of change? . . . . . . . . . . b If "Yes: attach a statement listing the parent corporation s (') name , (2) identification number, (3) address, and (4) tax year. c Has the applicant ever been a member of a consolidated group other than the current 'group? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If "Yes: complete line 6b for each group of which the applicant was formerly a member. d If the applicant is (or was formerly) a member of a consolidated group, is any consolidated group under examination before an appeals office, or before a Federal court for a tax year(s) that the applicant was a member of. the group? Seesection3.07(')and4 02(5)ofRev Proc.97-27 . .. .. ....... If "Yes: complete lines 3b through 3e, 4b through 4d, or 5b through 5d (whichever are applicable). If the applicant is an entity (including a limited liability company) treated as a partnership or an S corporation for Federal income tax purposes , is the method of accounting the applicant is requesting to change an issue under consideration in an examination of a partner, member, or shareholders Federal income tax return or an issue under consideration. by an appeals office or by a Federal court with respect to a partner, member, or shareholder s .Federal income tax return? See sections 3.08 and 4.02(6) of Rev. Proc. 97-27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... If "Yes: the applicant is not eligible to request the change in accounting method. Part II Oescri tion of Chan e Is the applicant requesting to change its overall method of accounting? . . . . . . . . .. .,.. If .Yes: check the appropriate boxes below to indicate the applicant's present and proposed methods of accounting. Also complete Schedule A on page 4 of the form. Present method: .DCash DAccrual 0 Hybrid (attach description) Proposed method: DCash 0 Accrual 0 Hybrid (attach description) If the applicant is not changing its overall method of accounting, attach a description of each of the following: SEE ATTACHMENT a The item being changed. b The applicant's present method for the item being changed. c The applicanfs proposed method for the item being changed. d The applicant's present overall method of accounting (cash, accrual, or hybrid). 10 Attach an explanation of the legal basis supporting the proposed method for the item being changed. Include all . SEE ATTACHMENT authority (statutes, regulations, published rulings , court cases, etc.) supporting the proposed method. The applicant is encouraged to include a discussion of any authorities that may be contrary to the proposed method. 11 Attach a description of the-applicant's trade or business , including the goods and services it provides and any other types of activities it engages in that generate gross income. 12 Attach a copy of all documents directly related to the proposed change. (See page 3 of the instructions. 13 Attach a statement of the applicant's reasons for the proposed change. 14a Attach an explanation of whether the proposed method of accounting will be used for the taxpayer's books and records and financial statements. (Insurance companies, see page 3 of the instructions. b Attach an explanation of whether the proposed method of accounting conforms to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and to the best accounting practice in the applicant's trade or business. 15a Does the applicant have more than one trade or business as defined in Regulations section' ,446-' (d). . . . . . . . . . b If "Yes," is each trade or business accounted for separately? . . . . . . . . . . , . .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . If .Yes . for each trade or business, attach a description of the type of business the overall method of accounting, whether the business has changed any accounting method in the past 4 years, and whether the business is changing any accounting method as part of this application or as a separate application. 16 If the applicant is a member of an affiliated group filing a consolidated return for the year of change , do all other members of the consolidated group use the proposed method of accounting for the item being change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . If "No," attach an expianation. 17 If the applicant is changing to the cash method, or to the inventory price index computation (IPIC) method under. Regulations section , .~72-8(e)(3). or is changing its method of accounting under sections 263A, 448, or 460, enter the gross receipts for the 4 tax years preceding the year of change. (See page 3 of the instructions. 1 sl preceding 2nd preceding 3rd preceding 4th preceding year ended: mo.12 yr. 2001 year ended: mo.12yr.2000yearended: mo.12yr.i99 year ended: mo. 12 yr. 1996 S 5 72'373 65' S 7.316 852 391 S 7 687 582 363 S 3 556 69'980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEE ATTACHMENT SEE ATTACHMENT SEE ATTACHMENT SEE ATTACHMENT j 26 Form 31'5 (Rev. 5-99) Part II Description of Change (continued) 18 Attach a statement addressing whether the applicant has entered (or is considering entering) into a transaction to which section 38' (c)(4) or (c)(5) applies (e., a reorganization or merger) during the tax year of change. Also include in the statement an explanation of any changes in method of accounting that resu"ed (or will result) from the transaction(s). Part III Section 481 a Ad'ustment 19 Enter the net section 4B1(a) adjustment lor t.,~ ~'~ar of cha~ge. Indicate whether the adjustment is an increase (+) or a decrease H in income. . J; '~l !'3/ '31' j~) 20 Hasthesectlon48,(a)adJustmentbeenre!ducedbyapre-'954amount? . . 21 a If the section 48' (a) adjustment is less than $25 000 (positive or negative), does the applicant elect to take the entire amount of the adjustment into account in the year of change? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . ., ., . . If No," (or if the applicant declines to elect to take the entire amount of the adjustment into account in the year of change), enter the applicable period over which the applicant proposes to take the adjustment intoaccount. ear 22 Is any part of the section 48'(a) adjustment attributable to transactions betWeen members of an affiliated group, a controlled group, Dr other related parties? " . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If "Yes," attach an explanation. Part IV Additionallnformation 23 Has the applicant, its predecessor, or a reiated party requested Dr made (under either an automatic change procedure or a procedure requiring advance consent) a change in accounting method or accounting period in the past 4 years? . . . . . . . . . . . . . If "Yes," attach a description of each change and the year of change. SEE ATTACHMENT If the application was withdrawn, not perfected , Dr denied, or if a Cons~~t Agreement was sent to the taxpayer but was not signed and returned to the IRS. or if the change was not made..!r\clude an explanation. " 24 Does the applicant, its predecessor, Dr a related party currently have pending any request for a private letter ruling, a request for change in' accounting method or accounting period, or a request for technical advice? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If Yes," for each request, indicate the name(s) of the taxpayer, the type of request (private letter ruling, request for change in accounting method or accounting period, or request for technical advice), and the specific issue in therequest. 2S Has the applicant attached Form 2B48, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative? (See the instructions for line 25 and .Person To Contact" on page:3 of the instructions. ) .. . . . . . . . ". . ." . . . . ". . . . . . . . Does the applicant request a conference of right at the IRS National Office if the IRS proposes an adverse response? .... . 27 Enter the amount of user fee attached to t/i'is application. $ NONE (See page 2 of the instructions~) 28 If the applicant qualifies for a reduced user fee for identic~1 accounting method changes; has the information required bysection'5.O70fRev.Proc.99-'999-1I.R.beenattached . .9'-0462470 Page :3 SEE ATrACHMENT . . . . . .. . . Form 3'15 (Rev . 5-99) 9' .0462470 Schedule A - Chanqe in Overall Method of Accounting (If Schedule A applies, Part I must be completed NIA Attach copies of the profit and loss statement (Schedule F (Form' 040) for farmers) and the balance sheet , if applicable, as of the close of the tax year preceding the year of change: On a separate sheet, state the accounting method used when preparing the balance sheet. If books of account are not kept, attach a copy of the business schedules submitted with the Federal income tax return or .other return (e.g., tax-exempt organization returns) for that period. If the amounts in Part I, lines 1a through 19, do not agree with those shown on both the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet, explain the differences on a separate sheet. Part I Change in Overall Method (See page 3 of the instructions.N/A Enter the following amounts as of the close of the tax year preceding the year of change. If none, state "None." Also attach a statement providing a breakdown of the amounts entered on lines 1a through 19. Page 4 alncomeaccruedbutnotreceived . ... .. .. .. .. . b Income received Dr reported before it was earned. Attach a description of the income and the legal basis for the proposed method (See page :3 of the instructions. ) . . . . . '' . . r::Expensesaccruedbutnotpaid . ..... dPrepaidexpensepreviouslydeducted . ......... e Supplies on hand previously deducted . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . f Inventory on hand previously deducted. Complete Schedule C, Part II . . . . . . . . . . . g Other amounts (specify) h Net section 4S'(a) adjustment (Add lines 1a- 'g. ) (See page 3 of the instructions. ) . . . . . Amount .., DYesIs the applicant also requesting the recurring item exception (section 46' (h))? . . . . . . . . Part II Change to the Cash Method (See page 4 of the instructions.N/A Applicants requesting a change to the cash meUiod must attach the following information. 1 A description of the applicant's in capital items and leased equipment used in the trade or business, and the relationship . between these items and the services performed by the business. 2 A description of inventory items (items that produce income when sold) and materials and supplies used in carrying out the business. The number of employees, shareholders, partners, associates, etc., and a description of their duties in carrying out the applicant's business. A schedule showing the age of receivables for each of the 4 tax years preceding the year of change. A schedule showing the applicant's taxable income (loss) for each of theA tax years preceding the year of change. A profit and loss statement showing the taxable income (loss) based on the cash method for each of the 4 tax years preceding the year of change. . I DNO Form 3"5 (Rev. 5-99) Schedule 8 - Changes Within the LIFO Inventory Method Part I General LIFO Information N/A Complete this section if the requested change involves changes within the LIFO inventory method. Also, attach a copy ,of all Forms 970 Application to Use LIFO Inventory Method , filed to adopt or expand the use of the LIFO method. Attach a description of the applicant's present and proposed LIFO methods and submethods for each of the following items. a Valuing inventory (i.e., unit method or dollar-value method). b Pooling (e., by line or type or class of goods; natural business unit; multiple pools; raw material content; simplified dollar-value method; pooling method authorized under inventory price index computation (I PIC) method, etc. c Pricing dollar-value pools (e.g., double-extension, index, link.chain, link-chain index, IPIC method, etc. d Figuring the cost of goods in the closing inventory over the cost of goods in'the opening inventory (e., most recent purchases, earliest acquisitions during the year, average cost of purchases during the year, etc. If any present method or submethod used by the applicant is not the same as indicated on Form(s) 970 filed to adopt or expand the use of the method, attach an explanation. If the proposed change is not requested for all the LIFO inventory, specify the inventory to which the change is and is not applicable. If the proposed change is not requested for all the LIFO pools , specify the pool(s) to which the change is applicable. Attach a statement addressing whether the applicant values any of its LIFO inventory on a method other than cost. For example, if the applicant values some of its LIFO inventory at retail and the remainder at cost, the applicant should identify which inventory items are valued under each method. Part II Change in Pooling Inventories N/A If the applicant is proposing to change its pooling method or the number of pools, attach a description of the contents and state the base year for each dollar-value pool the applicant preseritly uses and proposes to use. If the applicant is proposing to use natural business unit (NBU) pools or requesting to change the number of NBU pools, attach the following information (to the extent not already provided) in sufficient detail to show that each proposed NBU was determined under Regulations section 1.472-8(b)(') and (2): a A description of the types of products produced by the applicant. If possible, attach a brochure. b A description of the types of processes and raw materials used to produce the products in each proposed pool. clf all of the products to be included in the proposed NBU pool(s) are not produced at one facility, the applicant should explain the reasons for the separate facilities, indicate the location of each facility, and provide a description of the products each facility produces. d A description of the natural business divisions adopted by the taxpayer: State whether separate cost centers are maintained and if separate profit and loss statements are prepared. e A statement addressing whether the applic~nt has inventories of items purchased and held for resale that are not further processed by the applicant, including whether such items, if any will be included in any proposed NBU pool. f A statement addressing whether all items including raw materials, goods-in-process, and finished goods entering into the entire inventory investment for each proposed NBU pool are presently valued under the LIFO method. Describe any items that are not presently valued under the LIFO method that are to be included in each proposed pool. g A statement addressing whether, within the proposed NBU pool(s), there are items sold to others and transferred to a different unit of the applicant to be used as a component part of another product prior to final processing. If the applicant is engaged in manufacturing and is proposing to use the multiple pooling method or raw material content pools attach information to show that each proposed pool will consist of a group of items that are substantially similar. See Regulations section '.472-8(b)(3). If the applicant is engaged in the wholesaling Dr retailing of goods and is requesting to change the number of pools used , attach information to show that each of the proposed pools is based on customary business classifications of the applicant's trade or business. See Regulations section' .472-B(c). Part III Change to Inventory Price Index Computation ('PIC) Method If changing to the IPIC method, attach the following items. 1 A completed Form 970. :2 A statement indicating which indexes, tables, and categories the applicant proposes to use. 9' -0462470 (See page 3 of the instructions.N/A Page 5 (See page 4 of the instructions.N/A Form 3"5 (Rev. 5-99) 9'-0462470 Page 6 Schedule C - Change in the Treatment of Lono-Term Contracts , Inventories, or Other Section 263A Assets N/A Part I Change in Reportino Income From Long-Term Contracts N/A (Campl.loF.nl.n~PlnllibelDw. S.opap.'alinltru.tIDn,j 1 To the extent not already provided , attach a description of the applicant's present and proposed methods for reponing income from long-term contracts. If the applicant is a construction contractor, include a description of its construction activities. 2a Are the applicant's contracts long-term contracts as defined in section 460(1)(1)7 . . . . . . . . . .. , . DYes b If "Yes." do all the contracts qualify for the exception under section 460(e)7 . . . . . . . , . . . DYes If line 2b is "No." attach an explanation. 3a Does the applicant have long-term manufacturing contracts as defined in section 460(1)(2)7 . . . . . . . . . , . DYes b If '"'r'es" expiain the applicant's present and proposed methodes) of accounting for long-term manufacturing contracts. c If any of the manufacturing goods are sold or distributed without installation, attach an explanation. If the applicant is requesting to use the percentage of completion method under section 460(b) for reporting its long-term contract income, indicate whether the applicant is electing to determine the completion factor for each long-term contract under the simplified cost-te-cost method. (See page 4 of the instructions. Does the applicant want to change the accounting method for all long-term contracts that were outstanding at thebeginningoftheyearofchange7 . .. .. .. . DYes If "No: attach an explanation. Attach a statement indicating whether any of the applicant's contracts are either cost-plus long-term contracts or Federal long-term contracts. P art II Change in Valuing Inventories (Complete Part III if applicable. See page 4 of the instructions.) N/A Attach a description of the inventory goods being changed. Attach a description of the inventory goods (if any) NOT being changed. Is the applicant's present inventory valuation method in compliance with section 26:3A7 (Seepage 4 of the instructions. 4a Check the appropriate box-es below that identify the present and proposed inventory identification methods and valuation methods being changed and the present inventory identification methods and valuation methods not being changed. Identification methods: Specific identification . . FIFO. . . . . LIFO . . . . . . . DYes Inventory Being Changed Present method Proposed method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valuation methods: Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . Cost or market, whichever is lower . . . . . . . . Retailcost . , Retail lowerofcostormarket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other (attach explanation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Enter the value at the end of the tax year preceding the year of change Attach the computation used to determine the section 48' (a) adjustment. If the section 481 (a) adjustment is based on more than one component, show the computation for each component. If the applicant is changing from the LIFO inventory method to a non-LIFO method, attach the following information. (See page 4 of the instructions. a Copies of Form(s) 970 fiIed to adopt or expand the use of the method. b A statement describing how the proposed method is consistent with the requirements of Regulations section'.4 72- Pari III Method of Cost Allocation (See page 4 of the instructions.N/A Complete this part if the requested change involves either property subject to section 26:3A or long-term contracts subject to section 460. Check the appropriate boxes in Sections Band C showing which costs, under both the present and proposed methods, are fully included, to the e:dent required, in the cost of property produced or acquired for resale under section 26:3A or allocated to long-term contracts under section 460. If a box is no! checked, It is assumed that those costs are not fully included to the extent required. If a cost is not fully included , attach an explanation. MarX "N/A" in a box if those costs are not incurred by the applicant with respect to its production, resale , or long.term contract activities. DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO Inventory Not Being Changed Present method Form 3"5 (Rev. 5-88) 9,-046247D Section A - Allocation and Capitalization Methods (Schedule C , Pari III continued.)(See page 4 or the instructions. Attach a description (including sample computations) of the present and proposed methodes) the applicant uses to capitalize direct and indirect costs properly allocable to property produced or acquired for resale. Include a description of the methodes) used for allocating indirect costs to intermediate cost objectives such as departments or activities prior to the allocation of such costs to property produced or acquired for resale. The description must include the following information. The method of allocating direct and indirect costs (specific identification method; burden rate method; standard cost method; or other reasonable allocation method). Page 7 The method of allocating mixed service costs (direct reallocation 'method; step-allocation method; simplified service cost method using the labor-based allocation ratio; or the simplified service cost method using the production cost allocation ratio). The method of capitalizing additionai sectio~ 26:3A costs (I.e., simplified production method with or without the historic absorption ratio election, simplified resale method with Dr without the historic absorption ratio election including permissible variations, or the U.S. ratio method). Section 8 - Direct an Irect osts eQulred to be Allocated (See Regulations under sections 263A and 45'. Present method Proposed method Direct material Direct labor indirect labor Officers' compensation (not including selling activities) Pension and other related costs Employee benefits Indirect materials and supplies Purchasing costs Handling, processing, assembly, and repackaging costs Offsite storage and warehousing costs Depreciation, amortization, and cost recovery allowance for equipment and facilities placed in service and not temporarily idle Depletion N/A N/A Rent Taxes other than state, local, and foreign Income taxes' Insurance Utilities ... Maintenance and repairs that relate to a production, resale, or long-term contract activity Engineering and design costs (not including section 174 research and experimental expenses) Rework labor, scrap, and spoilage N/A N/A Tools and equipment Quality control and inspection .' Bidding expenses incurred in the solicitation of contracts awarded to the applicant Licensing and franchise costs Capitalizable service costs (including mixed service costs) Administrative costs (not including any costs of selling or any return on capital) Research and experimental expenses attributable to long-term contracts Interest Other costs (Attach a list of these costs. Section C - Other Costs eQUIre 0 Be Allocated Marketing, selling, advertising, and distribution expenses Research and experimental expenses not includ~d on line 26 above. Bidding expenses not included on line 22 above General and administrative costs not included in Section B above Income taxes Cost of strikes Warranty and product liability costs Section 179 costs On-site storage 1 D Depreciation, amor1iZation, and cost recovery allowance not included on line" above Other costs (Attach a list of these costS. did' d T Form 3"5 (Rev. 5-99) 9'-0462470 Schedule D - Change in Reporting Advance Payments and Deprec:iation/Amortization Part I Change in Reporting Advance Payments (See page 4 of the instructions.N/A If the applicant is requesting to defer advance payment for services under Rev. Proc. 7'-197'-2 C.B. 549, attach the following information. a Sample copies of all service agreements used by the applicant that are subject to the requested change in accounting method. Indicate the particular parts of the service agreement that require the taxpayer to perform services. b If any parts or materials are provided , explain how the parts or materials relate to the services provided and provide the cost of such parts or materials as an absolute number and a percentage of the contract price. c If the change relates to contingent service contracts, explain how the contracts relate to merchandise that is sold, leased installed, or constructed by the applicant and whether the applicant offers te sell, lease , install, or construct without the service agreement. d A description of the method the applicant will use to determine the amount of income earned each year on contingent contracts and why t~at method clearly reflects income earned and related expenses in each year. If the applicant is requesting a deferral of advance payments for goods under Regulations section 1,451-, attach the following information. a Sample copies of all agreements for goods or Items requiring advance payments used by the applicant that are subject to the requested change in accounting method. Indicate the particular parts of the agreement that require the applicant to providegoods or items. b A statement providing that the entire advance payment is for goods -or items. If not entirely for goods or items , a statement that an amount equal to 95." of the total contract price is properly allocable to the obligation to provide activities described in Regulations section' .45' -S(aH')(i) or (ii) (including services as an integral part of.those activities). Part II Change in Depreciation or Amortization (See page 4 of the instructions.) N/A Applicants requesting approval to change their method of accounting for depreciation or amortization complete this section. Applicants must provide this information for each item or class of property for which a change is requested. Note: If the property has been disposed of before the beginning of the year of change, a method change is notpermitted for that property. See Automatic Change Procedures on page' of the instructions for information regarding automatic changes under sections '67 168, and 197. Also see When Not To File Form 3"5 on page 4 of the instructions for information concerning retroactive elections and election revocations. . . . . . DYesIs depreciation rofthe property figured under Regulations section '.'67(a)-11 (CLADR)? If "Yes," the only changes permitted are under Re9ulations section'. '67(a)-1' (c)(1 )(Hi). Is any,of the depreciation or amortization required to be capitali.zed under any Code section (e. g., section263A)? If "Yes," enter the applicable section Has a depreciation or amortization election been made for the property (e., the election under section'68(f)(1))? ... DYes If '"Yes," state the election made 4a To the extent not already provided, describe the property being changed. Include in the description the type of property, the year the property was placed in servic , and the property s use in the applicant's trade Dr business or income-producing activity. SEE ATIACHMENT. b If the property is residential rental property. did the applicant live in the property beforerentirig it? . . . .' . . . cis the property public utility property? . . S To the extent not already provided in the applicant's description of its present method, explain how the property is treated. under the applicant's present method (e., depreciable property, inventory property, supplies under Regulations section , 62-, nondepreciable section 263(a) property, property deductible as a current expenses , etc. If the property is not currently treated as depreciable or amortizable property. provide the facts supporting the proposed change to depreciate or amortize the property. If the property is currently treated and/or will be treated as depreciable or amortizable .property, provide the following information under both the present (if applicable) and proposed methods. a The Code section under which the property is depreciated or amortized (e., section' 68(g)). b If the property is depreciated under section '68 , identify the applicable asset class in Rev. Proc. 87-, '987.2 C.B. 674. (If none, state so and'explain why.) Also provide the facts supporting the asset class under the proposed method. c The depreciation or amortization method or the property, including the applicable Code section (e.g., 200% declining balance method under section '68(b)(')). d The useful life, recovery period, Dr amortization period of the property. e The applicable convention of the property. . . . . . DYes DYes DYes , I Page B DNo DNo' DNo DNo DNO ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 AVISTA CORl'ORATION AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES EIN # 91-0462470 Name of Applicant Avista Corporation and Subsidiary Companies, ("applicant ) is the parent corporation of a consolidated group, and is filing tills Form 3115 on behalf of the parent corporation only: 1) A vista Corporation 2) EIN': 91-0462470 3) East 1411 Mission Av.enue O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99202 . Part I, Line 6b Is the applicant a member of an affiliated group filing a consolidated return for the year of change? If "yes attach the parent Company (1) name (2) identifying number (3) address, and (4) lax year. The applicant is the parent corporation. 1) A vista Corporation 2) EIN: 91-0462'470 3) East 1411 Mission Avenue O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99202 . 4) Tax Year End: December 31 Part II, Line 9 If the applicant is not changing its overall method of accounting, attach a description of each of the following: (a) the item being changed. The taxpayer is changing its method of detennining and allocating the capitalizable portion of its mixed service costs. The taxpayer is changing its method of allocating costs to items of inventory. (b) the applicant s present method for the item being changed. 1. The taxpayer has not elected the 90/1 0 de minimis rule 2. The taxpayer currently includes certain deductible service costs as mixed service costs 3. The taxpayer presently uses a facts and circumstances method of detennining the capitalizable portion of mixed service costs and ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 A VISTA CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES EIN # 91-0462470 4. The taxpayer does not cun-ently capitalize all of the costs that the regulations require to be capitalized under section 263A that directly benefit or are incun-ed by reason of the production of inventory. (c) the applicant s proposed methodJor the item being changed. 1. The taxpayer proposes to elect the 90110 de minimis rule set forth in section 1.263A- (g)(4)(ii). 2. The taxpayer proposes to exclude costs described in Section 1.263A-1(e)(4)(iv) from capitalization. 3. The taxpayer proposes to elect the simplified service cost method described in Section 1.263A-1(h) with the production based allocation ratio described in Section 1.263A- (h)(5). This method will be u$ed to detennine capitalizable mixed service costs incurred during the year with respect to inventory property and self-constructed assets produced on a routine or repetitive basis in the ordinary course of the taxpayer business. Mixed service costs include: labor costs (including all elements of compensation, benefits, and pension and other related costs) of full-time and part-time employees as well as contract employees and independent contractors, cost recovery . (including depreciatiC?TI or amortization), rent, insurance, utilities, repairs and maintenance, and tools and equipment, that can be identified specifically with a service department or function or that directly benefit or are incurred by reason of a service department or function, including, security services, legal services, payroll services , data processing services, engineering and design' services , safety engineering services , and general and administrative services. 4. The taxpayer proposes to continue to use a facts and circumstances method to allocate additional section 263A costs (including capitalizable mixed service costs) to self- constructed assets. With respect to the inventory property, the taxpayer proposes to allocate additional section 263A costs to items of inventory using a burden rate method authorized by section 1.263A-1(f)(3). (d) the applicant s overall method oj accounting. The applicant's overall method of accounting is an accrual method of accounting. Part II, Line Attach an explanation of the legal basis supporting the proposed method Jor the item being changed. Include all authority (statutes, regulations. published rulings. court cases, etc.) supporting the proposed method. The applicant is encouraged to include a discussion of any authon'ties that may be contrary to the proposed method. ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 AVISTA CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES EIN # 91-0462470 Section 263A requires the capitalization of all direct costs and those indirect costs that directly benefit or are incUITed by reason of the production of property. In its business , the taxpayer produces self-constructed assets and electricity for sale to its customers. In TAM 9527003 (Feb. 15, 1995) the Service ruled that electricity is inventory property under section 471. Therefore, such property is subject to section 263A. Accordingiy, the taxpayer is engaged in the production of.two types of property subject to section 263A:self-constructed assets and inventory. The proposed change in method of accounting relates to the self- constructed assets produced on a routine or repetitive basis . and the inventory property produced by the taxpayer. This proposed change in method of accounting relates to the items enumerated below. 1. Section 1.263A-l(e)(4)(iv) excludes certain departments from capitalization. . ..J 2. Section 1.263A-l (h) provides a simplified service cost method that may be used to detennine the amount of capitalizable service costs: Section 1.263A-l (h)(2)(i) provides that if the simplified service cost method is elected, unless the taxpayer makes an election under section (h)(2)(ii), the simplified service cost method must be used for all production and resale activities, including inventory property and self-constructed assets produced on a repetitive basis. The taxpayer will apply the simplified service cost method to all production or resale activities including the production of inventory property and self-constructed assets produced on a repetitive basis. 3. Section 1.263A-l (g)( 4 )(ii) provides a de n1inimis rule under which if 90% or more of a mixed service department's costs are deductible service costs, all of the costs of the department are excluded from capitalization; and if 90% or more of a mixed service department s costs are capitalizable service costs , all of the costs of the department are capitalized. 4. Section 1.263A-l (f)(3) authorizes the use of a burden. rate method. Part II, Line 11 Attach a statement description of the Qpplicant s trQde or business, including the goods and services it provides and any other types of activities it engages in that generQte gross income. The applicant is an electric & natural gas utility engaged in the production, transmission distribution, and sale of electric energy and natural gas. Part II, Line 13 Attach a stQtement of the QPplicQnt 's reQsons for the proposed change. The applicant proposes these changes in order to ensure that those costs which are properly capitalizable under 9263A are capitalized, and that those costs which are not properly capitalizable under 9263A are not capitalized. ' ' ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 AVISTA CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES Ern # 91-0462470 ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 VISTA CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES EIN # 91-0462470 Part II, Line 14a and b Attach an explanation oj whether the proposed method of accounting will be used for the taxpayer s books and records and financial statements. . . Attach an explanation of whether the proposed method of accounting conforms to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and to the best accounting practice in the applicant s trade or business. The proposed accounting method changes for capitalization do not confonn to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and will not be used for the applicant s financial statement purposes. Part II, Line 16 If the applicant is a member oj an affiliated group filing a consolidated return for the year change. do all other members oj the con.solidated group use the proposed method accountingfor the item being changed? If "No attach an explanation. Avista Corporation is the only member of the affiliated group for which the request for a change in accounting is being made. The other members of the affiliated group are not involved in the, transmission or distribution of electricity and natural gas. Therefore, this request for a change in accounting does not pertain to those members. Part II, Line 18 Attach a statement addressing whether the applicant has entered (o~ is considen ng e~tering) into a transaction to which section 381 (c)(4) or (c)(5) applies (e. g. reorganization or merger) during the tax year oj change determined without regard to any (potentia.!) closing oJthe year under section 381 (b)(1). Also include in the statement an explanation of any changes in method of accounting that resulted (or will result) from the transaction(s). The applicant has not entered (nor is considering entering) into a transaction to which IRC 9381(c)(4) applies during.the tax year of change. Schedule C, Part III, Section A Attach description (including sample computations) of the present and proposed melhod(s) the applicant uses to capitalize indirect costs properly allocable to property produced or acquiredjor resale. Include a description oJthe method(s) usedJor allocating indirect costs ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 AVISTA CORPORATION AND SUBSIDL.6iliY COMPANIES EIN # 91-0462470 to intermediate cost objectives such as departments or activities prior to the allocation of such costs to property produced or acquiredfor resale. Avista Corporation cuITently utilizes the following methodologies. 1. Under both the present and proposed methods the applicant uses a specific identification methodology to allocate its direct costs to both capital and non-capital projects. The applicant uses a facts and ' circumstances methodology to alJocate its indirect costs, at times following direct labor, and at times following direct materials. Under the present and proposed methods, the applicant allocates direct costs to inventory using a specific identification methodology. The applicant allocates some indirect costs to inventory using a facts and circumstances method, generally following direct materials. The applicant does not allocate all indirect costs to inventory that are required to be allocated to inventory. Under the proposed method, the applicant will allocate these indirect costs to inventory using a burden rate method 2. The applicant uses a facts and circumstances methodology to allocate its mixed services costs, at times following direct labor, and at times following direct materials. The applicant proposes to capitalize its mixed service costs using the simplified service cost method using the production~based allocation ratio as set forth by Treasury Regulation 1.263A-l (h). . The taxpayer proposes to allocate its indirect costs between specific projects based on the relative amount of263A production costs that is charged to those projects. For example, if the taxpayer s total mixed service costs for the year are 000, the taxpayer s total 263A production costs are $6 000 (of which $4 000 relate to the production of electricity and $2 000 relate to the production of self-constructed assets), and the taxpayer s total production costs are $10,000, then the taxpayer capitalizable mixed service costs would be $600 determined as follows: 000 X ($6 000/ $10 000) = $600 Of this $600, $400 would be capitalized to inventory, and $200 would be capitalized self-constructed assets. This allocation would be determined by multiplying the capitalizable mixed service costs by the 263A production costs related to the production of inventory over the total production costs to determine the amount capitalizable to inventory. This same formula will be used to allocate capitalizable mixed service costs to self-constructed assets as follows: Inventory: $600 X ($4 000 / $6,000) = $400 Self-Constructed Assets: $600 X ($2 000/$6 000) = $200 3. Under the present and proposed methods, the applicant allocates additional section 263A costs to self-constructed assets using a facts and circumstances method. Under the present method, the applicant allocates some indirect costs to inventory using a facts and ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 AVISTA CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES EIN # 91-0462470 circumstances method. Under the proposed method, the applicant will allocate indirect costs to items of inventory using a burden rate method. ATTACHMENT TO FORM 3115 AVISTA CORPORATION AND SU13SIDIARY COMPANIES EIN # 91-0462470 REQUEST FOR FAXED COPIES Please.fax copies of all corresp'ondence regarding this Form 3115 to Jan Skelton at 202-661- 1060. Form 2848 Power of Attorney OM!! No. 1s,.$-(I1SC and Declaration of Representative For IRS Us. 0r11y IRBY. o.c.lnb.r 1997)RBCelveO DY: Oe""nmon! ollhe jreuury N3I'IICI InlomBI RoyonlHl SIINICII See the separate Instructions.Tolop/lOnC Part I Power of Attorney (Please type or print)Funcuon Taxpayer Information (Taxpayer(s) must siqn and date this form on pace 2, line 9.OBII Taxpayer name(s) and address Social security number(s)Employer identification Avista Corporation number E 1411 Mission Avenue 91-0462470 Spokane, WA 99202 Plan number Of appDcabie) . Daytime telephone number hereby appoint(s) the following representative(s) as attorney(s)-in-fact Representative(s) (Representative(s) must slQn and date this form on paQe 2, Part II.Name and address CAF No. .................................. Jan Skelton Telephone No. J?P.~J.~9:?~~L...............555 12th Street NWSuite 500 Fax No. . !?P.~lp.q1:)~~9............u Washington D.C. 20004-1207 Check if new: Address . Telephone NO.Name and address CAF No. Telephone No. Fax No. Check If new: Address D"""""""T~i~Ph~~'~N~' ... ........... ............ ...... -.... ................ ....,.......... CAF No. Telephone No. :) Fax No. Check if new: Address to represent the taxpayer(s) before the Internal Revenue Service for the following tax matters: Name and address """""."" .... ...,... .... ..,-..--...-".... .n........""""" D"".....""" "T~i~ph;~'~N~I:: en~ Excise, etc.Tax Fonn Number '040 94'720, etc. Income Form 3115 2002 Nota: Specific Use Not ReCDTded on Centralized Authorization Ale (CAF). If the power of attomey is for a specific use not rec.orded on CAF, check this box. (See Une 4 - Specific Uses Not Recorded on CAF. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acts Authorized. - The representatives are authorized to receive and inspect confidential tax information and to perform any . and all acts that I (we) can periorm with respect to the tax matters described in line 3 , for example, the authority to sign any agreements, consents, or other documents. The authority does not include the power to receive refund checks (see line 6 below) the power to substitute another representative unless specifically added below, or the power to sign certain retums (see Instruction for Line 5 . Acts authorized). Ust any specific additions or deletions to the acts otherv.,ise authorized in this power of attorney: .T~j~.c::":,,.p.t. . ?~9fl)~Y.l~ .1!,:!1!~9.!9 .~~i~S1. ~.f.9f~ .~1 ~ ~!~1~~~?!9. ~~ . ~~p'i~~li~~t!9~.?!.I!:~~~.. ~9_ . ~. ~9 .~~~~~i!j ~~. t?!h.~. rp-~~?~j~9. 9.'. ~~~!!F~:..... 1~~. !~. P.f~~~!1.t~tjy.~~. ~!~ ~l;I!~.q~i?~~.!I? ~~9~.t!tl!!~.I?!.?~I~g?t ,:~. t0_~0.ty:....... - -0""""'--"'" eo -'-""" -...,..-..... _0"" Nota:In general, an unenrclled pre parer of tax returns cannot sign any document for 2 taxpayer. See Revenue Procedure 81.38, printed as Pub. 470, for more information. The tax matters partner of a part.rlershlp Is not pennitted to authorize representatives to performcertain acts. See the instructions for more information. Receipt of Refund Checks. . If you want 10 authorize a re resentative named in line 2 10 receive BUT NOT TO ENDORSE OR CASH, refund checl:~. InltJal here and list the name of that repre5enlatlve below. Name of reoresentative to receive refund check(s) For Paperwork Reduction and Privacy Act Notice, see the sepaTdle Instruc:!Jol\S.(IiiA)Form 2848 (Rev. '2- IM I t;.I,,:, "-"-""""~~, ~~..,..~ ..n -' "' Fo11T12B48 (Rev. ':1.97) 0 91-0462470 Notices and Communications. Original notices and other written communications will be sent to you and a copy to the first representative list~d on line 2 unless you cheer. Dne or more of the boxes below. a If you want the first representatIve listed on line 2 to receive the original, and yourself a copy, of such notices or communlcatlons checkthlsbox . . . b If you also want the second representative listed to receive a copy of such notice5 and communications, check this box , , , , , . . . c If you do not want any notices or communications sent to your ,representative(s), check this box . , . . , , . . . . Retention/Revocation Df Prior Power(s) of Attorney. . The filing Df this power Df attorney automatically revokes all earlier power(s) Df attorney on file with the Intemal Revenue Service for the same tax matters and years or periods covered by this document. It you do not want to revoke a prior power of attorney, check here . . , . , . , . , . YOU MUST ATTACH A COpy OF ANY POWER OF ATTORNEY YOU WANT TO REMAIN IN EFFECT. Signature of Taxpayer(s). If a tax matter concerns a joint return, both husband and wife must sign If joint representation Is requested, otherwise, see the instructions. If signed by a corporate officer, partner, guart!ian, tax matters partner , . executor, receiver, administrator, or trustee on behalf of the taxpayer, I certify that I have the authority tD execute this form , on behalf of the taxpayer. IF NOT SIGNED AND DATED, THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY WILL BE RETURNED. Pat .. n.... USr1./I. aoJ:!:dJ..... ...n....................... Signature ..... 7::. q~:. ((3 Dale A.Ji J. . " LQ YJ..-rY-. J2 it r:r:. TiUe (if epplicable) .. u.. .............................. - -. -----. u- - ...-- ..-n.............' Print Name .................. ...."........... .......... ".... """" u"""" u... ................. ,............ ................. n TiUe (if applicable)Signature Date .. . .u...-... un_..." n - _n... "- pri~i .N~;;~"". u... u.... -. _n.. u... .., Part II Declaration of Representative Under penalties of pe~ury. I decJare that: - I am not currently under suspension or disbarment from practice before the Intemal Revenue Service; .. I am aware of regulations contained in Treasury Department Circular No. 230 (31 CFR, Part 10), as amended, concerning the practice of attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, enrolled actuaries, and others; .. I am authorized to represent the taxpayer(s) identified in Part I for the tax marter(s) specified there; and.. I am one of the following: Attorney - a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of the jurisdiction shown below. Certified Public Accountant" duty qualified to practice as a certified public accountant In the jurisdiction shown below. Enrolled Agent. enrolled as an agent under the ~quirements of Treasury Department Circular No. 230. Officer. a bona fide officer of the taxpayer's organization. e Full.TIme EmpJoyes . a full-time employee of the taxpayer. Family Member - a member of the taxpayer's immediate family (Le., spouse, parent, child, brother, or sister). 1:1 Enrolled Actuary. enrolled as an actuary by the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries under 29 U.C. 1242 (the authori1y to practice befors the Service is limited by section 1 0.3(d)(1) of Treasury Depanment Circular No. 230). Un enrolled Return Preparer - an un enrolled return preparer under secUon 10. 7(c)(vlil) ofTreasury Department Circular No. 230. IF THIS DECLARATION OF REPRESENTATIVE IS NOT SIGNED AND DATED, THE POWER OF ATTORNEYWILL BE RETURNED. DeslgnaUon . Insert Jurisdiction (slate) or above letter (a-Enrollment Card No.Sionature Oate ~~~ OS, 0 'if, , ~1.1 !: j ,', i ' Ti ' :':r:: ::: '~ i :::i:,J.i i: j i:~I: ! . ~r ~ ' ... . , :': , "', .. " . .. . . , . " " , '" . " , ' '" . ". . 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"0 1 & U . . 0 " " 14 4 7 1 ., ' l a n " . . . . . ._ . . . , . , . . . . . o h i o .. . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 1. . r . " " . I o I n " n o n i I r l . . r " " " " " h , . . . . . . . k . . . . . . . . o u l d n a " , " , "" , . . 0 . . " " ' . F " " " " " " " " ' - II I I ' F . . . . . . . . . " . . . u . .. , -- - - - .,: ' " ,:, : , :' . :: . :: : : : : : , , : ~ . ::; : ::. " . . ::: : : : : : : : , ::. : : . . , . : : . : " . ' -Q - . , , L ... .. . . . .. . . . ...............!;;... .. . ..... . .. . ..... . ... DTTT TC41021 10-09-02 If this is an amended return, check the box. 8 IDAHO CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN nstructions, page 5 for the reasons amending and enter the number. 2002 Mo Day Year For calendar year 2002, or fiscal year beQinninq 0' 01 I 02 endinQ Federal employer identification number 91-0462470 Do you need Idaho income tax forms mailed to you next year? Mo Year12 2003 Yes 8 Business name AVISTA CORPORATION 4 ~ b'5".J l6.Y"WI.~6.~ I c.~ Businessmailingaddress E 1"11 MISSION AVENUE P 0 80X 3727 City, State and Zip Code SPOKANE 99202 1. Did the corporate name change? If yes, enter the previous name, ~ASHINGTON ~ATER PO~ER COMPANY 2, If a federal audit was finalized this year, enter the latest year audited. ......" .,...,.... 3, Is this an inactive corporation or nameholder corporation? . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . , . . , . , , . , . . . . Yes 4. Quarterly estimated payments: a, Were federal quarterly estimated payments required? ,....." .......,.,...,.....,..,., Yes b, Were quarterly estimated payments based on annualized amounts? . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , , . , , . . . . Yes 5. Isthisafinalreturn? ...,....,...,...,............,...................... Yes If yes, check the proper box below and enter the date the event occurred. Withdrawn from Idaho Dissolved Merged or reorganized. Enter new federal employer identification number. Enter the extended federal due date if this is a short period return, Isthisanelectricalortelephoneutility? ,..".,.....,..,...,.,....,.,.....".." Did you use the combined reporting method? ......,.....,............,.,..,....,... a. Does this corporation own more than 50% of another corporation? ..,.." .....,........,.... b, Does another corporation own more than 50% of this corporation? ..............,........." c, Are more than 50% of this corporation and another corporation owned by the same interest? .,.,......,., d. Are two or more corporations included in this report operating in Idaho or authorized to do business in Idaho? ..,.,...,.......,...,.,.....,..,........,.,......,....,~Yes 9. If you are a multinational taxpayer, answer questions a. and b. Complete Form 42. a. Check the box for your filing method: 1, worldwide return 2. water's edge return b, If a water s edge return is filed, do you elect to forego filing water's edge spreadsheets? 10, If a worldwide return is filed, is foreign income computed by making book to tax adjustments? Yes Yes 8 Yes 8 "I. Yes 8 Yes 8 Yes 8 y. No .. .. .. .. : : : : : : ~:: ADDITIONS 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, Federal taxable income " Interest and dividends not taxable under Internal Revenue Code , . . . . . , , . , . . , . . . . , . , , . , . . State, municipal and local taxes measured by net income . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . Netoperatinglossdeductedonfederalreturn " '.,...,..,.."..............' Dividends received deduction on federal return . . , . . , . . . . . . . Other additions, including additions from Part II, Form 42 ..,....., , , . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . , ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, . , , . , . 17,Add lines 11 throuoh '6. SUBTRACTIONS , 8. Foreign dividend gross-up (Sec. 78, Internal Revenue Code) '..." 19. Interest from Idaho municipal securities . , . , . . , . . . . . , . , , , . 20. Interest on U,S. Government obligations. Attach a schedule. . , . . , , . , , 21. Interestandotherexpensesrelatedtolines19and20 ,..." ..." 22. Add lines 19 and 20, and subtract line 21, .." ...",.,."......,.... 23. Technological equipment donation . . . . . . , . . , . , . , . . . , , . , . , . , 24. Allocated income. Attach a schedule, " 25, Interest and other expenses related to line 24, Attach a schedule. . , , . , , , . . Subtractline25fromline24. ...".,...."..,...".,....." Other subtractions, including subtractions from Part II, Form 42 .......,.,...,....,..,..,. 28, Total subtractions. Addlines18,22,26and27. " .........."......,.",.. 20 21 . , . , , , , 29.ortionment. Subtract line 28 from line 17, 2002 Deloitte & Touche Tax Technologies LLC 246 488 468 869 209 445 924 802 8 1'8 r27 8 129 924 802 1D41PDD1 Form 41-2002 ...u,.. --... -..... ._nDTTT TC41021-2 10-09-02 30, Net business income subject to apportionment. Enter amount from line 29, ..,..." ..",..,... 31, Corporations with all activity in Idaho enter '00%, Multistate/multinational corporations complete and attach Form 42. Enter the apportionment factor from line 21 , Part I, Form 42, ..., . , . , , . 32. Net business income apportioned to Idaho. Multiply line 30 by the percent on line 31, ..,..,.. 3, Income allocated to Idaho. See instructions, .....,...,.,..., . . . . , , , . . 34. Idaho net operating loss carryover 8 22 r 35 1 , carryback 8 Enter total, 35. Idaho taxable income, Add lines 32 and 33, and subtract line 34, If the co oration has an NOL and is electin to fore 0 the ca back eriod check here, TAX COMPUTATION Minimum $20 for each corporation operating 36, Idaho income tax, Multi I line 35 b 7.6%. or authorized to do business in Idaho, CREDITS 37. Credit for contributions to Idaho educational entities . . . , , . . . , . . , . . , 38. Investment tax credit. Attach Form 49. Earned 0 Allowed 8 39. Credit for contributions to Idaho youth and rehabilitation facilities . , . . , . . , 40. Credit for production equipment using post-consumer waste , . . . , . 8 41, Natural resources conservation credit , . . , . . . . . . . . , . , . . . 42. Promoter-sponsored event credit . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , 43. Credit for qualifying new employees. Earned 0 Allowed 8 44. Credit for Idaho research activities. Earned 0 Allowed 8 45, Broadband equipment investment credit. Earned 0 Allowed 8 46, Incentive investment tax credit carryover , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , , 47. Total credits. Add lines 37 through 46. ...........,..." ..,........... 48, Subtract line 47 from line 36, If line 47 is reater than line 36 enter zero. OTHER TAXES 49, Permanent building fund tax. Enter $10. Combined reports include $10 for each corporation operating or authorized to do business in Idaho. ...... 50. Fuels tax due. Attach Form 75. .....,...........,........,........" ..,.. 51. Tax from recapture of investment tax credit, Attach Form49R. " 52, Tax from recapture of broadband equipment investment credit, Attach Form 68R. . , . . . . . . , . , , . . , , 53. Tax from recapture of incentive investment tax credit. Attach Form 69R. ,......,....,.,..,.., i4. Tax on Idaho compensation of individual officers and directors not reported to Idaho. . . , . , , , . . . , , . . 55. Total tax, Add lines 48 throu h 54, 56, Underpayment interest. Attach Form 41 ESR, 57. Add line 55 and line 56, PAYMENTS and OTHER CREDITS . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . .7 I U.....,.. Pa e 2 924 802 14.6042 818 420 351 777 -10 533 357 260 260 . 53 . 54 . 56 130 390 390 58. Estimated tax payments, .............." ......",...,.......,... 59, Special fuels tax refund Gasoline tax refund Attach Form 75, 60, Total ayments and other credits. Add line 58 and line 59. REFUND or PAYMENT DUE61. Tax Due. Subtract line 60 from line 57, , , , . . , , . . . . . . , , . , . , . , . , . . , . . . , , . . 62. Penalty 8 Interest from due date. Enter total, 63. TOTAL DUE. Add lines 61 and 62, ....,'..,... ,."..,., 64, Overpayment. Subtract line 57 from line 60, ." ....",... 64 593 571 65. REFUND. Amount of line 64 you want refunded to you. ." .,.,. 65 593 571 66, ESTIMATED TAX. Amount ou want credited to our 2003 estimated tax. Subtract line 65 from line 64. AMENDED RETURN ONLY. Complete this section to determine your tax due or refund. 67, Total tax due (line 63) or overpayment (line 64) on this return . . . . , . , . , , . . . . 68, Refund from original return plus additional refunds , . , . . . , . , , . . . , . , . . , , , . . , . . . , . . , 69. Tax paid with original return plus additional tax paid , . . . , . . , , , , . . , , , . , , , , . , . . , 70, Amended tax due or refund. Add lines 67 and 68 and subtract line 69. Within 180 days of receiving this return, the Idaho State Tax Commission may contact the paid preparer to discuss it, Under penalties of perjury, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief this return is true, correct and complete. Signature of officer R08ER HANSON Date Paid preparer s signature Pre parers EIN, SSN, or PTiN8 I " ~'\ Title If line 57 Is more than line 60, GO TO LINE 61. If line 57 Is less than line 60, GO TO LINE 64. 11GN IERE Iv -/'1-,/3 Address and phone numberPhone number 593 961 593,961 ::,::::::::):' 1::'1::11::'::::::11/::::1:1:: :::::::::, ::1"1:1::1..:::::' :::::::: ASST CONTROLL 509-489-0500 MAIL TO: Idaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 56, Boise, ID 83756-0056 ATTACH A COMPLETE COpy OF YOUR FEDERAL FORM 1120 OR 1120A 2002 Deloitte & Touche Tax Technologies LLC ID41POO2 DTTT ~42 TC4202-1 9-24-02 IDAHO SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE FOR MULTISTATE / MULTINATIONAL BUSINESSES Attach to the Idaho Income Tax Retum as Paqe 3Month Day Year01 01 Month For calendar ear 2002 or fiscal ne as shown on retum AVISTA CORPORATIONPART L PROPERTY (OWNED PROPERTY AT ORIGINAL COST) BEGINNING OF YEAR Inventories 2. Real and tancible personal propertY END OF YEAR 3, Inventories 4, Real and tancible personal orooertv 5, Total of lines 1 throuch 4 6, Averace. Une 5 divided by 2 7, Rented crocertv (capitalized at S times rents paid) S, Total propertY. Add lines 6 and 7. 9, Idaho orocertv cercentace SALES (GROSS RECEIPTS) '0, Gross sales less returns and allowances 11 Sales delivered or shipped to Idaho purchasers 12, Idaho "hrowback" sales 13. Sales of services 14, Other business cross receiPts 15. Total cross receipts, Add lines '0 throuch 14, 16, Idaho sales cercentace 17, Idaho sales oercentaces doubled, Multiclv line 16 by 2. o-vROLL Total waces and salaries 19. Idaho cavroll cercentace 20, TOTAL PERCENTAGE Add lines 9 17 and 19, TOTAL IDAHO 015 274 343 449 793 800 459 615,096 705 11,954 263 8 1 265 866 435 r456, 746 8 631 375 312 799 876 076 1 248 538 342 399 938 039 624 269 1718 102 208 352 8 21 967 2328 2,502,146 391 8 646 236 403 Compute percentage to four decimal places. Compute percentage to four decimal places. Utility companies see instructions. 8 110 628 231 8 11 328 026 Compute percentage to four decimal places. Utility companies add lines 9, 16 and 19, See instructions. Required for all multinational corporations 21 IDAHO APPORTIONMENT FACTOR PART II. MULTINATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS. ADDITIONS Income of unitary foreign subsidiaries, See instructions,2. Federal taxable income of unitary subsidiaries not included on the federal return 3. Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC). See instructions. 4. Income of foreign corporations subject to federal taxation 5. IRC Section 936 possession corporations. See instructions. 6, Intercompany transactions eliminated on the federal return 7. Other additions, Attach explanation. WATER'S EDGE 2002 Year PERCENTAGE '..........,..,...,.......,..............."""""""""""""""""""'.,,:,:.:.:.:.:,:,:,:.:,:,:,;.:,:,:.:,:,:,;,:.:.:.;,:,:,:,:':':';':.:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:':.::::;::::::::::::::::::~:;:;::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::,:,::;::::::::::,;:::::::...,.,.....".........,...,...."............,....."....."........",.,...,.,....,...",...."....,..,.....,..,.."..,.,...,....,...,...",.,.......",."",...,...,.......,.....,.....,.......,....",........"",,',,',',,'....."",..,..,..,..""......,.",....,.,.."",."",....."..."...,.,..,.,.,......,.""......,......".,.....,..,.,..........",...."..,...,..............,.....,...,.",..,.,....""..,.,..,.,.".."..",....,......,..............,.....,...,.."."""""""""""""""""","'.,...."...,..,..""...".,.....",.,....,......,..,........,..".....,..,..........,...,.,....,..,.....,.............,.....,............,.........,..........."."...,.""".....,.......,......,.,....".""",'.,',,','.,',',',""""'""",""",""","'."""";.:.:.;.:,:.:,:,:,:,;,:,,;.;,:,:.:,:,:.:,:.:.:,:,:,;,:.:.:':':.:':.:.:.:';,;,;':':',','.,',',,','.,'.,'.,',,','.,'.,',',,',,'.,',,'.,'.,',,',,'.,',,'.,',........",..........."......,..",...,., ::::::::!:I::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:::::::::::::::::::~::::::::~::::::::::: .....,......,........."...."..........,. t:::r:~:::::~f:'::f:~::f:::::~~~rff:~r:::~f:::::I': :.:.:':.:.:.:.:':.:':.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:':':.:':':':.:.:.:,:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.;.:.:,......,.............."..,...,.........,.,:.:.:,:.:,:.:,:.:.:.:.:,:,:,:,:,:,:.:.:.;.:,:,:,:,:,:,:.:,:,:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:,:.:,,'.,'.,','.,',,'............."".............,....,.,.....,'.,'.,'."""""""""""..."""""""'"....,........"...,.,.,.....,."..,.....,.......,....,.".......".,."".",."....""""""'...."""""""""""'",'.,',,',','.,','.,',,',,','.,',',"""..,."""",.,.""'..."""""".....,........,.."......,..,.."...,....,...............,..............,...".....,""""'.................'.......,""'""""""""""""""",,""""'.,',,'.,'.,',""......."....,.........'.,.,..,.."'"...............,...,....."..,...".........,..,.........,.......................,.".........,.,...................".....,..".".....,..................,....,."....,.,.....................,...............,..""........................",.,.".,.."...,.........................,.......,..'.".............................""",.,..,.......................................:::::::,:::,:::::::::,:,:::,:,;::::::,:::::::,:,:,:::,::::::::::::;:;::::,:::,::::::;,:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:,:,:,;.:,:,;,:,:,:.:,:,:,:.:,:,:,:.:,:,:.:,:,:.;,;.:.:.;.:.;.:.:."'.,',',............."..,.......".,....,........,'.,',',,',,'.,"'.,'.,',,',,',,'.,',,'...........,..."...,....""..,............,..............."......,.,......,.................,."....,...,..,......."......,...."......,.....,..,..,.,......,......,...,........,...."",.,........,.".,....,"",.,...."...,.....,.........".""'. .. 25 8273 % 7457 % 0 0000 % ..................................,..,....,................................,.......,..",......................,.........,..............................................:.:.:.:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:,:,;.:.:.:,:.;.:.;,:.:.:.;.:.:,:,;.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.........,.....................,.............,......,.............,..,....,..,..,..........,...",..........,.,..,.,...,......,.."...."..,..",.,.,...."..",."".......,........,.....,..,.............,.....,"""","'.,...........,...'...,""""............,."....,.............,......,..",..,....,...,.""..."......".",.,..,..,.........................,.."..,.."""""""""""""""",,""""..,', w,'. ,'.,',,',,',,.,........,.....................".,...",','."'.,'....,'.,',',',.. .... ....... ... ... .... . 10 2397 % 43.8127 % 14 6042 % WORLDWIDE ............................................:,::::::::;::::,:::::::::::::,:,::::;,;,:,:::::::::,:::::::::::::::::,:::::::::,:,;::,::,'.,'.,'.,'. 1 :::~:~::::::I::~:::tI:::::::'::::I::::I:~:f:::t::::::::~::~I~~:: 0 ~ ::~:::~' I:::: ::::: I!:li: :..'..: !/:::::!:II!;I:: :::!:!: :I::II, ..................................... .........,..........................,.................,...........,...,..."........................................,...,......""...........................,...""",...................................,.,.... 0 :::: ':;' I:!!II!!,II:I::::III'I::II!!I:::!:::I!I::I/:I!:1:::I:II::1'II'II:I:II:1111 gOODO' :% 8, Total additions, Add lines 1 throuch 7, Enter on line 16 Form 41 SUBTRACTIONS 9, Federal taxable income of nonunitary subsidiaries included on the federal return 10, Exclusion for foreign dividends and deemed dividends from possession corporations a, Foreign dividends b. Deemed dividends from possession corporations c, Total dividends subject to exclusion. Add lines 10a and 10b, d. Exclusion percentage, Enter 85% if spreadsheets filed or SO% if no spreadsheets filed,e. Dividend exclusion. Multiply line 10c by line 10d.11 Intercompany dividends included on the combined return Intercompany transactions included on the federal return Other subtractions, Attach explanation. S 8 10a 8 10b 8 10c 10d 10e 8 14, Total subtractions, Add lines 9 10e 11 12 and 13, Enter on line 27 Form '4 8 2002 Deloitte & Touche Tax Technologies LLC ID42PO01 OTTT ~49 TC49021 7-12-02 IDAHO INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT 2002 or calendar ear 2002 or fiscal Name(s) as shown on return AVISTA CORPORATION Month Year Month Day Year endin Social Security Number or EIN 91 -0462470 PART I CREDIT AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO LIMITATION Amount of qualified investments acquired during the tax year, Attach a complete list.936 813 Credit earned. Multiply line 1 by 3%.538,104 Pass-through share of credit from a partnership, S corporation, estate or trust Credit received through unitary sharing. Attach a schedule. Carryover from prior years' investment credit. Attach Form 49C or other schedule.982 926 Credit distributed to partners, shareholders or beneficiaries Credit shared with unitary affiliates Total credit available subject to limitation.Add lines 2 throuah 5 and subtract lines 6 and 7,521 030 PART II LIMITATION If you are claiming the credit for qualifying new employees, compute the limitation on Form 55, If you are NOT claiming the credit for qualifying new employees, complete lines 1 through 10, Idaho income tax.Enter the amount from the appropriate income tax return.260 Credit for tax paid other states Subtract line from line 260 Investment tax credit from line Part 521 030 Multiply line 50%.130 Enter the smaller line line Credit for contributions educational entities Total nonrefundable credits available.Add lines and line greater than line Subtract line from line Credit allowed.Subtract line from line negative enter zero. 10.line eaual less than line enter the amount line This the credit allowed, 2002 Deloitte & Touche Tax Technologies LLC ID49PO01 DT T T 49 C TC 4 9 C 0 2 1 M 7 - 2 5 - ID A H O I N V E S T M E N T f A X C R E D I T CA R R Y O V E R 20 0 2 Na m e ( s ) a s s h o w n o n r e t u r n AV I S T A C O R P O R A T I O N 1. C r e d i t e a r n e d . , . . . . . . 2. A l l o w e d / u s e d i n 1 9 9 3 . 3. R e c a p t u r e d I n 1 9 9 3 . . . 4. A l l o w e d / u s e d I n 1 9 9 4 . 5, R e c a p t u r e d i n 1 9 9 4 . . . 6. A i i o w e d l u s e d I n 1 9 9 5 . 7. R e c a p t u r e d i n 1 9 9 5 . . . 8. A l l o w e d / u s e d i n 1 9 9 6 . 9, R e c a p t u r e d i n 1 9 9 6 . . , 10 . A l l o w e d / u s e d i n 1 9 9 7 . 11 . R e c a p t u r e d i n 1 9 9 7 . . . 12 . A l l o w e d / u s e d I n 1 9 9 8 ' 13 . R e c a p t u r e d i n 1 9 9 8 . 14 . A l l o w e d / u s e d I n 1 9 9 9 . 15 . R e c a p t u r e d I n 1 9 9 9 , . . 16 , A l l o w e d / u s e d i n 2 0 0 0 . 17 . R e c a p t u r e d I n 2 0 0 0 . . . 18 , A l l o w e d l u s e d i n 2 0 0 1 . 19 . R e c a p t u r e d i n 2 0 0 1 , , . 20 . R e c a p t u r e d i n 2 0 0 2 ' . . 21 . I n e a c h c o l u m n , a d d li n e s 2 t h r o u g h 2 0 . . . . , 22 , I n e a c h c o l u m n , s u b t r a c t li n e 2 1 f r o m l i n e 1 , . . , , Mo n t h Da y Ye a r Mo n t h Da y Ye a r en d l n 19 9 3 62 5 53 4 35 2 21 0 51 7 71 4 15 6 16 6 45 3 76 7 78 5 57 8 99 1 81 7 27 2 89 5 74 8 23 . C a r r y o v e r t o 2 0 0 2 . T o t a l c o l u m n s A t h r o u g h I , l i n e 2 2 . C a r r y t o l i n e 5 , P a r t I , F o r m 4 9 , 98 2 92 6 20 0 2 D e l o i t t e & T o u c h e T a x T e c h n o l o g i e s L L C ID 4 9 C P 0 1 DTTT 49R TC49R01 10-09-02 RECAPTURE OF IDAHO INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT Month Day Year Month Day Year r calendar year 2002 ame(s) as shown on retum AVISTA CORPORATION Social Security Number or EIN 91-0462470 PART IDENTIFY PROPERTY THAT CEASED TO QUALIFY AS IDAHO INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT PROPERTY Properties Property Description Various Uti I ity Property Various Uti I ity Property Various Uti l ity Property Vari ous Uti l i ty Property Various Utility Property PART II ORIGINAL IDAHO INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT Properties 1. Date property was placed in service ,....,'.., 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2. Cost or other basis ..,.." 11,728 888 768 3. Credit percentage ......., 4. Original credit Multiply line 2 by line 3.352 263 , . , , , 5, Date property ceased to qualify 2002 Number of full years between the date on line 1 and thp. rI",tP. nn lin.. ~ PART III COMPUTATION OF RECAPTURE TAX Recapture percentage from table, page 2 . , . . , , , . Tentative recapture tax. Multiply line 4 by line 7.210 . , , , . Add line 8, columns A through E,291 . , . . . , . , , . , , , . . , . , , . . . , . . . , . . , , . . . . . . , , . . , , . 10,Pass-through share of credit recapture from S corporations, partnerships, estates or trusts , . . . , , . . , , . , , . 11.Add lines 9 and 10.291 . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . , , , , . , . , , . . . . , , . . . 12,Credit recapture distributed to shareholders, partners or beneficiaries . . , . . . . , , , , . . , . . . , . . . . . 13.Enter the portion of original credit on line 4 not used to offset tax in any year, Do not enter more than line 11, Any unused credit on this line cannot be used as a carryover. . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , 14.Add lines 12 and 13. , . . . . . . , , . . , . , , . . , , . , , , , , . , , . , , , . . . , , . . , . . . , , . . . , . 15,Recapture of investment tax credit, Subtract line 14 from line 11. Enter here and on the proper line of your tax return. Do not use this amount to reduce current year's investment tax credit computed on Form 49,291 2002 Deloitte & Touche Tax Technologies LLC ID49RP01 IA 5 6 C 0 2 1 10 - 29 - ID A H O N E T O P E R A T I N G L O S S CA R R Y O V E W C A R R Y B A C K 56 C Fo r c a l e n d a r y e a r 20 0 2 , o r f i s c a l y e a r b e g i n n i n g , e n d i n g Na m e ( s ) a s s h o w n o n r e l u r n So c i a l S e c u r i t y N u m b e r o r E I N Av i s t a C o r n o r a t i o n 91 - 0 4 6 2 4 7 0 1. T a x Y e a r 10 0 0 ?n n n 20 0 1 20 0 2 2. I d a h o N e t O p e r a t i n g L o s s (F r o m F o r m 5 6 , P a r t I ) 90 0 , 85 0 38 2 , 64 7 15 , 06 8 , 28 0 3. A b s o r p t i o n I n c o m e (F r o m F o r m 5 6 , P a r t I I ) 11 , 81 8 , 42 0 NO L A p p l i c a t i o n Lo s s Ab s o r p t i o n Ye a r 10 Ye a r 4, 1 9 9 9 20 0 2 90 0 , 85 0 5. 2 0 0 0 20 0 2 2 3 8 2 6 4 7 6. 2 0 0 1 20 0 2 4 5 3 4 , 92 3 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . N O L A v a i l a b l e F o r F u t u r e Ye a r s 10 , 53 3 , 35 7 20 1 4 2 7 1 . 00 0