HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221223Veolia Water to Staff 42-147.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@ sivenspursley. com morsaneoodin@ givenspursley. com iiLCiIVED ; lji il[[ 23 &H l0' 0l ,r :. -, .: - l-iLiLiC,'- ;1,11,11-llSSl0i'l Attorneys for Veolia l(ater ldaho, Inc. BEFORE TIIE IDAIIO PIIBLIC UTILITIES COM]VtrSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR A GENERAL RATE CASE Veoue Waren IDAHo, INC.'S RrspoNsEs ro THrRD PRooucrroN Rrqursr or rHE CoMMrssroN $1app ln response to the Third Production Request of the Commission Staffto Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. dated December 2,2022, Veolia Water ldaho, [nc. ("Veolia" or "Company"), submits the non-confidential responses contained below. Documents are available for download at the link provided in the transmittal email. Confidential responses and documents will be provided separately under the terms of the Protective Agreement. As set forth in correspondence with Stafl Veolia will provide additional responses on January 4,2023 and complete the responses on January 9,2023. DATED: December 22, 2022. 9 --_- '/ - ry. 2-Z-- Case No. VEO-W-zz-02 By: Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. Veolm. WATER IDAHo, INC.'S RrspoNsEs ro THnD PRoDUCTIoN Rrqursror run CouutssloN STAFF t6518505_l.Docx (3G.235) PAGE I oF 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERYICE I certiff that on December, 2022, a tnre and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 Dap Hardie Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-,4' Boise,ID 83714 Loma K. Jorgensen Meg Waddel Ada County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Civil Division 200 W. Front Street, Room 3191 Boise, D 83702 Sharon M. Ullmar5 pro se 5991 E. Black Gold St. Boise, ID 83716 Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin W. Je,nsen Holland & Hart, LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 Jim Swier Micron Technology, Inc. 8000 South Federal Way Boise, lD 83707 Mary Grant Deputy City Attorney Boise, City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 VBor-rl Wlrrn IDAHo, INC.'S RESPoNSES ro THRD PRoDUCTIoN Rnquesr or rHE CoMMrssroN Srarr l65l 8505_l.Docx (3G235) Via Electronic Mail j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov daym.hardie@puc. idaho. gov civilpafiles@adacounty. id. gov sharonu20 I 3 @gmail.com darueschhoff@hollandhart. com tnelson@hollandhart. com awj ensen@hollandhar.com aclee@hollandhart. com kdspriggs@hollandhart. com jswier@micron.com BoiseCityAttorney@cityofboise. org mr gr ant@cityofboise. org PecB 2 or 3 a? Preston N. Carter Veoln Wernn Ioego, INC.'s RESIoNSES To Tnmo PRooucnoN Requrst or rHr Courr.rrsslou Srerr 16518505_l.Docx (30-235) 4.* Z-- -- Pece 3 op 3 \IEOLTA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE \mo-\tr-22-02 THIRD PROIIUCTTON REQUEST OX'Tru COMMTSSTON STArr Preparer/Sponsoring Witress: Zerhouni REOI]EST NO.42: Please provide supporting workpape(s), in Excel format with formulae intact, for Management & Service ('M&S*) Fee Adjustment No. 19. Please update workpape(s) with actual amounts as data become available. RESPONSE NO.42: Please see Attachment I as support for Management & Service ("M&S') Fee Adjustnent No. 19. Attaohment 2 supports the calculation of the M&S shared assct adjustment. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR42 Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER IDAHO, rNC. CASE VE,O-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TEE COMn{ISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Zerhouni REOT]EST NO.43: Please provide a copy of the Cost Allocation Manual ("CAM") in Word and PDF format. RESPONSE NO.43: Please see attached Attachmeirt I and Attachment 2 for copies of the Cost Allocation Manual in Word and PDF format. Please note that Company names, the list of affiliates, and organizational chart has not been updated since the change in control. However, the general principles, services providd and cost allocation methodology lsalains the same. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR43 Page I ofl yEoLIA WATER IDAIIO,INC. CASE YEO-W-2242 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Zerhouni REOUEST NO.45: Please provide detailed descriptions and the cost-benefit analysis for each M&S Shared Services department. RESPONSE NO.45: Please refer to Request No 43 Response Attachment I (Veolia Water M&S Cost Allocation Manual) that provides descriptions of the different departuents that constitute the service company, Veolia Water M&S (Paramus) Inc. ("M&S'). M&S is set up to provide a common suite of services to Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. ("VWID") and other business units through the allocation of M&S fees based on the three - factor fonnula net . of capitalization as applicable to each departrnent. This enables significant specialization and provides the scale to enable investment in sophisticated information systems to support all processes. Often, corporate acquisitions of additional utility service providers result in an increasing ability to share the costs of these specialized services over a greater base. The economies of scale benefit ratepayers by the "sharing" of services and costs among affiliates thus reducing the costs to individual affiliates. The services provided by M&S are critical all year round to provide standardization and synergies across the business units. The importance of the services provided which were highlighted in wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, were vital to the ongoing operations of the business. During the outbreak, ffiily of the M&S employees were working remotely. WIID and all other business units were able to maintain ongoing operations mainly with the help and support of the information technology services provided by M&S. M&S continues to provide the business units with needed services. For example, Procurernent and Supply Chain Management ensures the business units receive good pricing, Environmental Health and Safety continues to develop a safe culture throughout the business units, and Human Resources ensures policies that apply to corporate are the same across the vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR45 Page I of2 utilitybusiness (i.e., compensation, merit 29 increases etc.). Human Resources also provides recruiting hiring and retiremeirt services to the business uni*. In 2015 and2020, PA Consulting performed a comprehensive review of the services M&S offered to Veolia Water New Yorlq Inc. and Veolia Water Pennsylvaniq Inc. respectively, both subsidiaries of Veolia Utility Resources LL,IC similar to VWID. The results of the studies (attached to this response as Attachme,nt 1 and Attachment 2) are relevant as they benchmark M&S to the shared services of other utility companies. Though not performed directly for services to V![ID, the results summarize the costs and benefits of the shared services offered by M&S. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 45 Page2 of2 YEOLIA WATER TDAHO, INC. CASE YEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Zerhouni REOUEST NO.46: Please provide a desciiption of the work that M&S Shared Services, Legal, directly performed for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. RESPONSE NO. 46: The following is a list of legal services provided by Veolia Water M&S (Paramus) [nc. ("M&S") to Veolia Water Idaho Inc. (*VWID') as detailed out in the Cost Allocation Manual which is attached as part of Response No. 43. l) Handle all matters related to general litigation involving the company. 2) Perform legal services for securities and corporate financial transactions, financial reporting and disclosures, business organizations, mergers, acquisitions and business development, corporate govemance, risk management, insurance, executive compensation. 3) Manage legal services for commercial and contract law matters for the corporation, including real estate maffers and land use permits. 4) Serve as board secretary and support corporate governance functions, board of directors meetings, legal opinion letters, assists audit and compliance functions, and ensures compliance with corporate registration and regulation. 5) Retain and manage external counsel to provide legal representation in specialized areas of law and to manage variable level legal work. 6) Legal work supporting the negotiation of water purchase agreements and other procurement contracts as well as legal work related to franchise renewals, water rights. 7) Provide legal advice and representation with regard to intellectual property matters. 8) Perform legal services for matters involving environmental law for the corporation including environmental permitting activities, due diligence, defense in enforcement actions, compliance advice, representation in environmental cleanup and environmental litigation costs. 9) Provide legal advice, representation and counseling in matters arising under federal vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 46 Page I of2 and stat€ wat€r rcgulatory laws, regulations and policies as they relate to the Company's utilrty rolated assets for water and waste water. l0) Provide risk management servioes including managoment of the instrance an(surety bondprograms. I l) lvlanagc and administers corporate legal and regulatory compliance prograrns. YEO-W-2242 IPUC DR46 Page2of 2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VDO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper/Cagle REOUEST NO.47: Please provide the Company's operating plans and capital budgets for each year from 2022 through2026. Please provide a breakdown for each year by category (mains, services, hydrants, meters, etc.) and by specific project. Please indicate which projects the Company would include within the first year in the Distribution System lmprovement Charge ('DS[C''), if it is approved. RESPONSE NO. 47: The Company's operating plans and capital budgets for the years2022 through 2026 are presented in Table I below. Table I Budeet Cateeorv 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Plant large proiects 4.744 600 13.500 32.537 29.500 Plant common proiects 13.686 n.637 13"91I 13.91I l3"9l l Plant roll-up 5,812 6,477 6.234 6.234 6.234 Network common prolects 5,244 7,167 7,388 7,500 7,500 Network blankets 4,900 4,950 4,950 4,950 4,950 Meter blankets 1,270 1,270 2,514 2,514 2,514 Overheads (Local)2.300 2.412 2.484 2.559 2.559 Total 37,957 34,513 50,981 70.204 67,167 vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 47 Page I of2 Within the first year, after March 31,2023, the company would include water mains, valves (including short mains and valves), services, hydrants, and meters. These assets are associated with the budget categories found in Table I titled Network Common Projects, Network Blankets, and Meter Blankets. The specific projects proposed for DSIC in the first year are presented in Table 2, below. Table 2 Project ID Proiect Title Budget Cateeory Budget Amount c23D604 East First Bench Main Replacements Network common proiects t60 c23D603 T&D Main Replacements Network common proiects 850 c23D605 EWC T&D Main Replacements Network common proiects 100 c23D70l Agency Mains Network common proiects 3,200 c23D00l Fire Hydrants Network blankets 1,594 c23D002 New Short Mains & Valves Network blankets 27s c23D502 Replacement Short Mains & Valves/ Blow-Offs Network blankets 675 c23D503 T&D Valve Replacements Network blankets 200 c23F505 Domestic Services Network blankets 2,858 c23Gs0l Customer Meters Meter blankets 1,270 Total I l,l 82 Note: budget amounts in Tables I and2 are reported in thousands. The actual dollar amounts are based on multiplying the reported amount by 1,000. The amounts do not include corporate overhead rates, which would also be added to the total project costs and submitted in the DSIC filing. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 47 Page2 of2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper/Cagle REOUEST NO.48: Please describe the material, number of miles, size, and age for each type of transmission and distribution pipe in the Company's system that will require replacement and/or rehabilitation within the next five years. Include why it needs replacing, when it needs to be replaced, and expected cost. RESPONSE NO. 48: The material, number of miles, size, and age of transmission and distribution pipe in the Company's system that currently needs to be replaced is listed in Table l. The pipeline replacements are from Veolia's Master Facilities Plan dated October 2022 for the next five years. The Master Facilities Plan evaluates system deficiencies and outlays a capital improvement plan towards fixing the deficiencies. The reason for replacing the mainline, general timeline of replacement, and expected costs are included in Table 2. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 48 Page I of6 Table 1 Project ID Proiect Title Pipe Material Number of Miles Size Aee T.8 Market to Entemrise Asbestos Concrete 0.70 8 and 12- inch 1969 and 1972 T.17 Five Mile - Seneca to Sandpiper Asbestos Concrete, Plastic t.67 6 and 8- inch 1978,1992, 1997, and I 998 T.20 Barlow Lane Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.08 4-inch 1962 T.2l PhillippiStreet Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.14 6-inch 1992 T.22 Hillcrest View Drive Pipeline Asbestos Concrete, Plastic, and Steel 0.31 4,6, and 8-inch 1954, 1958, and2014 Curtis - Targee to Overland Pipeline lmDrovements Asbestos Concrete 0.51 8-inch 1960,1970, 1971, and 1977T.23 Asbestos Concrete 1.00 8-inch 1962,1975, 1976,1978, 1979, and l98lT.24 Overland - Orchard to Kirkwood Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.30 6 and l0- inch 1963T.25 Orchard & Hillcrest Shopping Center Pipeline Improvements Cast Iron 0.48 6-inch t928T.26 Roosevelt - Overland to Cassia Pipeline Improvements T.27 Kootenai Street Pipeline Improvements Cast Iron 0.21 6-inch 1952 T.28 Camas Street Pipeline ImDrovements Asbestos Concrete and Plastic 0.57 8 and 6- inch 1963,1979, and 2005 T.29 Columbus Street Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete and Steel 0.1r 6-inch 1956 and 1957 Ponderosa Pipeline Imorovements Cast Iron 0.20 4 and 6- inch r944T.30 T.3l Vista - Overland to Cassia Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.50 8-inch t973 Euclid Street Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.25 4 and 6- inch r959T.32 l/Eo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 48 Page 2 of 6 T.35 Auto Drive Pipeline Asbestos Concrete and Plastic 0.40 8-inch 1969 and 1987 vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 48 Page 3 of6 T.37 Anna Street Pipeline Imorovements Asbestos Concrete 0.05 6-inch r 98l T.39 Franklin - Curtis to Orchard Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.s0 8-inch 1956,1978 T.43 Clinton Street Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.15 6-inch 1977 T.44 Emerald & Curtis Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.24 6-inch 1962 T.45 St. Alphonsus Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.26 6-inch r970 T.46 Gage Street Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.09 6-inch t959 T.48 Orchard & Fairview Pipeline Improvements Cast Iron 0.t2 6-inch 1946 T.49 Hartman Park Pipeline Improvements Plastic 0.08 6-inch 1990 T.50 Opohonga Street Pipeline ImDrovements Plastic 0.06 6-inch l 984 T.55 Ustick Tank Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.25 l2-inch 1972 and 1979 T.58 Brynwood Drive Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.38 6 and 8- inch 1964 and 1967 T.66 Hill Road Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete and Ductile lron 1.30 l2-inch 1979,1981, and 1989 20th Street Pipeline Improvements Cast Iron 0.54 4 and 6- inch 1924 andl937T.68 T.70 Horizon Drive Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete 0.23 6-inch I 950 T.72 Crestline Drive Pipeline Improvements Asbestos Concrete, Cast Iron, and Plastic t.l6 6 and 8- inch 1982, 1987, and 1988 T.73 Jefferson Pipeline Improvements Ductile Iron, Plastic 1.26 l6 and 24-inch l9l2 and 1994 23rd Street Pipeline Asbestos Concrete and Galvanized Iron T.67 ements P 0.22 2 and 6- inch 1949 and 1973 vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 48 Page 4 of 6 Table 2 Project ID Proiect Title Need Replacement Year I Budget Amount T.8 Market to Enterprise Increase transmission Capacity 2026 $ 2.125.900 T.t7 Five Mile - Seneca to Sandpiper Increase transmission capacity 2023 and 2025 $ 4,855,900 T.20 Barlow Lane Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 84,200 T.2t Phillippi Street Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and Dressure 2023-2027 $ 101.500 T.22 Hillcrest View Drive Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and transmission 2023-2027 $ 293,400 T.23 Curtis - Targee to Overland Pipeline Improvements Increase transmission of max day and peak hour demand 2023-2027 $ 934"700 T.24 Overland - Orchard to Kirkwood Pipeline Improvements Increase transmission of max day and peak hour demand 2023-2027 $ t,854,s00 T.2s Orchard & Hillcrest Shopping Center Pipeline Increase fire flow and 2023-2027 $ T.26 Roosevelt - Overland to Cassia Pipeline Improvements Improve Water Quality and increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 846,900 T.27 Kootenai Street Pipeline Improvements Improve Water Quality and increase fire flow and Dressure 2023-2027 $ 341,700 T.28 Camas Street Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ I,015.300 T.29 Columbus Street Pipeline Improvements Improve Water Quality and increase fire flow and Dressure 2023-2027 $ 23s.300 T.30 Ponderosa Pipeline Improvements Improve Water Quality and increase fire flow and Dressure 2023-2027 $ 315.600 T.3l Vista - Overland to Cassia Pipeline Improvements Improve Water Quality and increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 897.s00 T.32 Euclid Street Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 912,500 T.35 Auto Drive Pipeline ImDrovements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 622.700 T.37 Anna Street Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 84,200 T.39 Franklin - Curtis to Orchard Pipeline ImDrovements Increase transmission of max day and peak hour demand 2023-2027 $ 448,100 T.43 Clinton Street Pipeline Improvements Improve Water Quality and increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 287.200 YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 48 Page 5 of6 T.44 Emerald & Curtis Pipeline Increase fire flow and 2023-2027 $3 700 T.45 St. Alphonsus Pipeline ImDrovements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 382,500 T.46 Gage Street Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 268,600 T.48 Orchard & Fairview Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and Dressure 2023-2027 $ 198,100 T.49 Hartman Park Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 126,300 T.50 Opohonga Street Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 143,600 $ 608.000T.55 Ustick Tank Pipeline Improvements Increase transmission of max day and peak hour demand 2023-2027 Brynwood Drive Pipeline ImDrovements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 666.100T.58 T.66 Hill Road Pipeline Improvements Increase transmission 2023-2027 $ 4.307.300 Increase fire flow 2023-2027 $ 24s.100T.67 23rd Street Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow 2023-2027 $ 82s,700T.68 20th Street Pipeline Improvements Horizon Drive Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2023-2027 $ 397,500T.70 T.72 Crestline Drive Pipeline Improvements Increase fire flow and pressure 2026 $ 996,700 Jefferson Pipeline ImDrovements Increase transmission 2025 $ 3.246.300T.73 TOTAL $ 27.383"700 L Projects with years 2023-2027 indicates the projects have not gone through Veolia's capital planning and approval process and therefore do not have a specific year planned. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 48 Page 6 of6 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE YEO-W-22-02 TITTRD PRODUCTTON REQITEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cagle REOUEST NO. 49: Regarding Company witness Cagle's Direct Testimony at 3, please explain the difference between replacement and rehabilitation. RESPONSE NO.49: In the instance of a rehabilitation, the original main is retained and rehabilitated through the process of cleaning and lining or other lining application. In some instances, these processes can be used to meet the demands of the project. A replacement is a full replacement of the main. Generally, VWID replaces mains and does not utilize a rehabilitation process. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 49 Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE vBo-w-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper/Cagle REOUEST NO.50: Please describe any other infrastructure in the system that currently requires, or will require, replacement and/or rehabilitation within the next five years. Include why it needs replacing, when it needs to be replaced, and the expected cost. RESPONSE NO.50: Other infrastructure in the system that requires replacement and/or rehabilitation within the next five years (outside of transmission/distribution and blanket project replacements) includes plant roll-up projects that address pumping, storage, supply and operations facilities (listed in Table 1). In addition, larger rehabilitation projects for pumping, storageo supply, and operations facilities are planned (listed in Table 2). These projects are not included in the summary of projects that could be considered for Distribution System lmprovement Charge (DSIC) listed in Data Responses 47 and 48. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 50 Page I of3 Tablel - Plant Roll-Up Projects 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 CYYB50l Replace Treatment Eouipment S 120 s 110 S t4o S rno S rao CYYB5O3 Reolace Valves. lvleters. & Actuators at WTP'S s40 s 30 s40 Stm slm CYYB5@ Chlorination Eouioment s 300 s 300 s3m s 300 s 300 CYYB506 Surface Treatment Plant Roll-Up S 7so S zso S zso S 7so S zso CYYB5OT CL2 Generator Replacement s 6s0 S 488 S 488 S as8 S +e8 CYYC101 Pump Equip-Sources of Supply Sgm s 9m s 1m0 s Lmo s 1m0 CYYC102 Replace Booster Pump Equipment S 1oo s 100 Stm S loo S 1oo CYYC501 Reconstruct Pumoine Facilities and Tank Roads s2m s 150 s 1s0 S rso S rso CYYCs03 Replace Control Eouioment s82 s 82 S82 s82 s82 CYYC506 Facility Cooline / HVAC Replacement Sos s 55 s5s s6s s6s CYYC507 Landscaoine Reolacement - Svstem Facilities s80 s 1m s1m s1m s 100 CYYCYB Svstem PRV re-builds s60 s 60 s60 s60 s60 cYYC513 VFD Replacement S rso S rso 5 rso S rso S rso CYYC514 EWC Production Roll-up Sam Scm Snm Sam CYYDgOl Master Meter New/Re placement Soo s 60 Seo Seo Seo CYYJlol lT Equipment Szs s 75 Szs Szs Szs CYYJlO4 Power Monitoring S+s s 43 CYYJ5Ol Replace l&C Equipment S rao S rao S rso S rso S rso CYYJ5O5 Reolace SCADA Eouioment Sss s 59 ss9 Ss9 Ss9 CYYKOOl Safetv/Securitv Uoerades s1m s 90 s90 s90 s90 CYYKOO2 Hvdraulic Model Updates / UDF Plans Sso s 50 ss0 Sso Sso CYYK5Ol New and Replacement Tools s1m s 100 s 100 s1m s1m TOTAL s 4.s24 s 4.302 s 4.m9 S 4.rmg s 4.009 YEO-W-2242 IPUC DR 50 Page 2 of3 Table 2 - Larser Rehab Proiects for Pumoins, Storase, Suoplv, and Operations Facilities Proiect lD Proiect Title Need Reolacement Year Budret Amount 8.3 Steelhead Tank Eooster UDgrades lmproved pumping for max day and p€ak hour conditions nB-2U7 s 1.ff0,1m B.9 Brumback & Somerset Heichts Booster Uosrades lmproved pumping capacity for max dav conditions 2025 s s76.2@ 8.10 Old Pen Booster Upsrades Doesn't meet regulatory reouirement of no redundano 2025 s tA7.s(Il 8.12 Federal Eooster UDcrades lmproved pumping capacity to meetfire demand nB-2027 s &)5,1m 8.13 Five Mile Booster Uoprades lmproved pumping capacity to meetfire demand 2023-2027 s 688.700 c21E510 Hillcrest Tank Reolacement Steel tank is 75 years old and can no longer be repaired and recoated.2023 s 3.32.(m c21C514 Ustick Booster UpSrades lmproved pumpingfor max day and oeak hourconditions 2023 S 1.110.m c22Afi7 Marden waterTreatment Plant Collector 3 Uocrade Collector that provides water from Boise River to Marden treatment plant is losing caDacitv 2024 s 150.m c22Cs11 Reolace La Granqe Well Buildinr, Motor, vFD Olderwell needs motor replaced and building brought uo to code 2024 s 8so.m c23As02 Franklin Park Well Rehab Older well that need rehabilitation to improve production to meet water demands 2024 s 250,m c234503 Kirkwood WellRehab Older well that need rehabilitation to improve production to meet water demands 2024 s 250.(m C22ESO2 ustick Tank Rehabilitation Corrosion issues in support beams causins structural issues 2023 s 2s0.(m c22E5D7 Hidden Hollow Tank Rehabilitation Corrosion issues in support beams causinr structural issues zoz3 s 10.(m c2rtA104 27th Street Well Replacement Well is not housed indoors and cannot be used through the winter 2025 S 2,1m,m c24A707 ReDlace Clinton Well Existing well has poor water oualiw 2025 s 1.9s0.m0 c24C511 Replace Old Penitentiary Booster Replace to meet max day and oeak demands 2025 s 8(n(m c25A102 Reolace Maole Hills Wells Existingwell has poor water oualiw 2025 s z1m.m c25A501 Westmorland Well Rehab Existingwell does not meet current demands 2025 s s00.m0 c25BSO8 Bali Hai Treatment Tank Rehab Existing tank has internal corrosion issues 2025 s u0.(m c258507 Marden Water Treatment Plant Filter Flow UDsrade Existing filters short circuit reducins treatment efficiencv 2025 s s00.m c25CvX)Reolace Sunview Booster Existi ng booster is u nderground causine safetv issues 202s s 62s.(m c25E501 Hulls Gulch Tank Floor Corrosion Existing tank has internal corrosron lssues 2025 s 758.(m c25E92 Toluka Tank Reolacement Existing tank has internal corro5ron rssue5 2026 s 2.0so.m TOTAL s 20.337.vn YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 50 Page 3 of3 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper/Cagle REOUEST NO.51: Please describe any investments the Company has made over the last five years to reduce and minimize replacement and/or rehabilitation costs. RESPONSE NO. 51: The company engages in maintenance and inspection programs to reduce replacement costs on a variety of its assets including major infrastructure such as tanks, pumps, and buildings. The Company routinely performs tank maintenance and painting on our existing tanks. Maintenance activities include inspections of the inside and outside of the tanks to find cracks and/or leaks, cleaning of the interior and exterior of the tanks, and lastly structural and safety repairs to keep the tanks in regulatory compliance. The company maintains a painting schedule for the tanks that considers the last time the tank was painted as well as inspection results so that tanks are appropriately scheduled for repainting, protecting metal parts of the tank from rust and corrosion. The Company uses vibration and thermography analysis on its major pumps to determine the health of the pump and whether maintenance needs to be performed on the pump. The Company can then make plans to have the pump repaired before a pump failure saving cost and time. The Company has recently invested in real-time pump vibration sensors to pilot the usefulness in predicting pump maintenance needs. These technologies are becoming widely accepted and used as a predictive maintenance tool. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 51 Page I of2 The Company performs weekly inspections of its buildings, pumps, and tanks in the system. Observations of needed repairs are noted, and the Company invests in repairs as needed to maintain the infrastructure and its useful life. Common repairs on buildings are siding, roof repairs, grounds maintenance, and driveways or access roads. The Company performed a pilot test in 2021 to rehabilitate 19 miles of existing water main using ice pigging that was known to cause discolored water in the bench area. Ice pigging uses an ice slurry to scour the water main and dislodge sediment and scale that forms on the walls of distribution pipe over time. The project was presented to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) upon completion and monthly updates have been presented to the IPUC Task Force overseeing water quality concerns on Boise's East First Bench. Thus far, the project has showed a reduction in discolored water complaints from the area's residents. YE,O-W-22-02 IPUC DR 5I Page2 of2 vEoLrA WATER rDAnO, rNC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF THE COMIITSSTON STArr' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cagle REOUEST NO.52: Please demonstrate how Operation and Maintenance ("O&M') costs will change if the DSIC is approved. RESPONSE NO.52: Generally, O&M costs will not be impacted in a systematic manner. Systematic replacement of aging infrastructure will prevent more costly unplanned replacements and/or repairs in the event of a break. wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 52 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMNtrSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.53: Please provide an update through November 2022 to the SUZ-W-19-01 Semi-Annual Deferred Convenience Fee Report filed in November 2021. RESPONSE NO.53: Please see the attachment to this data request. Customer payment convenience fees are no longer deferred to General Ledger Account 18699- Other Regulatory Assets as of conclusion of the2020 general rate case in May 2021. Those costs are now included as part of operating expenses reflected in General Ledger Account 50400- Outside Services Cost Element 641045 E- Payment Convenience Fees. The only deferred balance transactions posting are for monthly amortization per the Commission's Order. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 53 Page I of I YEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TrrE COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C. Cooper REOUEST NO. 55: Please describe the Company's process for contracting services used for the installation of the water transmission piping system, distribution piping system, and the system fire hydrants. RESPONSE NO.55: The Company has 16 approved pipeline contractors. Out of these 16 contractors, 3 have annual service contracts. The annual service contracts include competitive pricing for pipelines up to 16" diameter, and blanket project items such as fire hydrants and services. Most blanket type items, including fire hydrants, are installed under the annual services contracts with the most work going to the contractor with the least cost pricing. Main projects are either competitively bid, following company procurement policy, and the lowest overall cost contractor selected, or the annual service contract pricing is used ifit is expected to be good pricing for a project. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 55 Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 TrrrRD PRoDUCTTON REQIIEST OF TIm COMMTSSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C. Cooper REOUEST NO.56: Please explain how the Company assures the cost of installation for transmission plant, distribution plant, and fire hydrants is at least cost to the Company's ratepayers. RESPONSE NO.56: As described in Response No. 55, competitive pricing is used for the installation of these assets to ensure that they are completed at the least cost to the Company's ratepayers. Either annual services contract pricing is used or a competitive individual bid specific to a project. YE;O-W-22-02 IPUC DR56 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE YEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTTON REQITEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 60: Please provide a yearly listing of all Company sourced water used to meet customer demand during the past l0 years. Please include the source name, source type, peak available capacity, annual available capacity, and any contractual limitations for utilizing the water resource. Please state the year that the water resource was procured and its total initial and/or annual costs. Please also state the average cost per delivered gallon for the resource. RESPONSE NO. 60: The only potential contractual limitation for utilizing the Company's water resources are for those sources that have water rights with volumetric limitations on them. Typically water rights that have been transferred from irrigation to municipal use through the Idaho Departrnent of Water Resources process have volume limits. Not many of the Company's groundwater rights have volumetric limitations. Many of the surface water rights have volumetric limitations because they were historically used for irrigation. The Company has an extensive surface water right portfolio to support pumping throughout the year as needed. See response to Data Request 88 for purchased water details. For 2021, the purchased water expense was $276,467 providing available surface water resources to the Marden and Columbia Treatment Plants to produce 4.216 billion gallons which results in a cost per gallon of $0.0000655. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 60 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAIIO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTION REQTTEST OF THE COMMTSSTON STAFr' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness :cary REOTIEST NO.67: With reference to the Wage Adjustments on pages 6 and 7 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the basis for the 4Yo pay change over 2022. Please include any and all studies used to justifu the 4% wage adjustrnent. RESPONSE NO.67: Veolia engaged Gallagher Consulting to perform a comprehensive compensation study which was provided in response to Request No 23. The Gallagher analysis and benchmarking survey concluded that2022 wages increased an average of 4olo nationwide, please see Attachment I for a supplemental compensation study slide provided by Gallager. In order for Veolia's wages to "meet" the market, the overall wage adjustment should be at least 4Yobased on the compensation statery employed. Additionally, the Company's 2023 budgeted wage adjustmentis 4o/o consistent with the analysis. The Gallagher study provided in response to Request No 23 demonstrated that the overall average Veolia base wage compared to 50% of market, is9.2l% below that benchmark, and total compensation compared to 50Yo of market is 4.44% below that benchmark. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 67 Page I of 1 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.68: With reference to the Wage Adjustments on page 7 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide supporting documentation for the test year ratio of 66.17% of the opex payroll to gross payroll. RESPONSE NO. 68: The opex payroll to gross payroll percentage is calculated by taking gross payroll accounts 50100 + 50105+ 501 l0 + 501 15 + 50120 + 50125 and dividing that total by net opex payroll accounts 50100 + 50105 +501 l0 + 501 15. For the Test Year ending June2022, those amounts were: $6,672,27 6.67 / $ I 0,083,342.59 = 66.17%o Net Opex Labor: 50100 - Supervisory labor 50105 - Direct labor 501l0 - Supervisory labor transferred in 501 l5 - Direct Labor transferred in 50120 - Supervisory labor trans out 50125 - Direct labor transferred out Gross Labor: 50100 - Supervisory labor 50105 - Direct labor 501 l0 - Supervisory labor transferred in 50115 - Direct Labor transferred in $10,083,342.59 Labor Transferred (predominantly to capital projects): 50120 - Supervisory labor trans out 50125 - Direct labor transferred out $4,480,919.34 5,575,765.55 16,254.94 10,402.76 (2,115,937.68) (r.29s.128.24) $6,672,276.67 $4,480,919.34 5,575,765.55 16,254.94 t0.402.76 $(2,115,937.68) I 128.24 vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 68 Page 1 ofl $(3,411,065.92) VEOLIA WATER IDAIIO,INC. CASE VEO-W.22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness : Cary REOUEST NO.72: With reference to Adjustment No. 2 - Workers Compensation on page 8 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the supporting documentation and workpapers for the adjustment, including the inputs for the three-year average of workers compensation. RESPONSE NO.72: Workpapers and supporting information including journal entries for workers compensation expenses were provided in response to Request No 63. The "as filed" version of the workers compensation adjustment and an updated revised schedule for the Adjustment for Worker's Compensation expense, including three years of expense journal entries are included in Attachment I to this request. The workers compensation adjustment originally filed has been updated to reflect a correct and lower historic test year expense by correcting the excluded reserve number, which had inadvertently excluded injuries and damages amounts from the June 2022 test year. The expense and reserve amounts for 2019 to 2021 were reflected correctly. The injuries and damages reserve entry represents actual claims paid and accruals for claims filed but not yet paid, therefore those transactions should be included as part of worker's compensation expense. IBNR (Incurred but not reported) reserves journals represent unpaid claims estimates and are excluded for rate making purposes. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 72 Page 1 of I YEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22.02 THIRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.75: With reference to Adjustment No. 5 - Employee Healthcare on page 9 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide documentation and workpapers supporting the calculation of the adjustment. Please provide the updated 2023 benefit costs anticipated in October 2022 once they are available. RESPONSE NO.75: Please see the attachment which includes healthcare costs as filed and revised 2023 health care costs with updated schedules for Adjustment 5 - Healthcare. This information is reflected in Request No 63 Attachment 3 Exhibit l0 Revised Opex Adjustments. wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 75 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDArIO,INC. CASE YEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.76: With reference to Adjustment No. 8 - Payroll Overheads on page l0 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide an overview of the fringe benefit allocation method. Please provide the calculation for this adjustment, including the inputs used and the source documents for the inputs. RESPONSE NO.76: Please see Attachment 1 for an overview of the fringe benefit allocation method and example of the calculation using June 2018 data. The fringe benefit allocation amount in account 90950 for June 2018 is comprised of two components: l) the $69,275.1I of fringe benefit allocation, and?) $2,460.94 of fringe benefits for Mechanic labor allocated to account 50645 through the separate vehicle allocation process. In short, actual fringe benefit costs are allocated proportionately to where labor is coded on a monthly basis. This methodology and steps of Fringe Benefit Allocation remain unchanged since 2015. Frinse benefit related costs (pool) cantured in the following accounts: 70250 Payroll Taxes 91460 Workers compensation 91500 Pension 91550 Post Retirement PBOP 91560 PenslPBOP Deferred 91700 Employee Group Health & Life 91800 Employee 40lK 91850 Other Employee Benefits (tuition) 92056 Amortization of OPEB Costs vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 76 Page I of2 Process Overview: Step -0- Sets the o/o's for fringe costs @y BtI) to be transferred to Capex, Opex and Deferred based on PAID payroll for the month (Labor transferred out/Gross Labor) Step -l- Takes the total fringe costs for the month (By BU) and multiplies those against the o/o's set in Step -0-, arriving at the total fringe costs transferred to Capex, Opex and Deferred Step -2- Applies the fringe costs calculated in Step -l- to Capex projects based on PAID payroll for the month (Offset 90950000) Step -3- Applies the fringe costs calculated in Step -l- to Opex projects based on PAID payroll for the month (Offset 90950000) Step -4- Applies the fringe costs calculated in Step -l- to Deferred projects based on PAID payroll for the month (Offset 90950000) Step -5- Takes the difference between the fringe costs transferred to (Capex, Opex & Deferred) and TOTAL fringe costs for the month and spreads them to fringe benefits transferred (90950xxx) byNARUC, based on PAID payroll YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR76 Page2 of2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.77: With reference to Adjustment No. l0 - Energy - Purchased Power and Other Utilities on page l0 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documents for the items included in Test Year Other Power totaling $157,953, as shown in Exhibit No. 10, Schedule l, Adjustment No. 10. RESPONSE NO.77: Please see the attachment which details the other power cost journals and Idaho Power Company invoice details. The journal entries for Idaho Power Invoice payments are consolidated into invoice groups such as well, booster, etc. Eagle Water invoices are separately identified on the Power TY Data tab in the attachment, but appear on the Power JEs tab grouped generally under wells as one lump sum monthly payment. The $32 difference between $157,985 from the supporting documentation ofjournal entry power expense and Schedule I Other Power total of $157,953 is due to discrepancy in coding between account 50610 pumping power and 50620 other power $16.74 invoice coding issue, and a small difference between the journal entry amount from consolidated Idaho Power invoice amounts and the Company's spreadsheet utilized in itemizing and recalculating individual power charges by location/site. For voluminous requests such as numerous invoice copies or similar documentation, the Company's files and records can be made available for inspection remotely via Google or Teams scheduled meeting or in-person inspection via a scheduled office appointment at the Company's Victory office. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 77 Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER TDAHO, rNC. CASE VE,O-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQIIEST OF THE COMMTSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOTJEST NO.78: With reference to Adjustment No. 1l - Chemicals on page 12 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail reports for Chemicals, Account 50635, for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022,inExcel fonnat with formulas intact. RESPONSE NO.78: Workpapers and supporting information including joumal entries for chemical expenses were provided in response to Request No 63. Please see Attachme,nt I for test year ending Jrne2022 chemical journal enties. vBo-w-22-02 TPUC DR 78 Page 1 of I vEoLIA WATER IDArrO, rNC. CASE YE,O-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TTTF COMnISSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOT]EST NO.79: With reference to Adjustment No. I I - Chemicals on page 12 of Company wifiress Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documents supporting the pro forma prices. RESPONSE NO.79: The pro forma chemical prices were based on invoice prices available at the time of filing plus a 60/o cost increase based on vendor anticipated cost escalations. Chemicals for well maintenance were per the historic test year average price and quantrty with no projected cost escalation. vBo-w-22-02 TPUC DR79 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, rNC. CASE VEO-W-2!02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witncss: Cary REOT]EST NO. EO: With referenoe to Adjustment No. l l - Chemicals on page 12 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documents for the additional chemicals for the former Eagle Water service area. RESPONSE NO.80: The additional chenricals for the former Eagle Water service anea are calcr{atd as shown in the Attachm€ilt, based oa planned and actual prurluction levels and chemical feed rates. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 80 Page 1 of 1 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQTIEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C ary REOUEST NO.85: With reference to Adjustment No. l7 - Office Expenses, on page 14 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide additional details of the $821 increase in the first-class postage cost of 3.45%. Please include the calculation and supporting documentation for this adjustment, including a description of the types and number of mail pieces. RESPONSE NO.85: The July l0th first class postage increase from $0.58 to $0.60 or 3.45Yo increase was applied to the test year level of postage costs of $23,815 resulting in a $821 adjustnent. While some of mail is metered, the metered rate increase was higher at7.54o/o, the adjustnent reflects the lower 3.45% rate increase. Please see the Attachment for postage cost increase infonnation. For the test year, the postage costs included AutoSort metered mail from the Company's Victory office, Federal Express shipping costs and Options postage for customer mailings. The $821 adjustnent would equate to 1,369 first class rate leffers at $0.60 each. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 85 Page 1 of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness : Cary REOUEST NO.86: With reference to Adjustment No. l7 - Office Expenses, on page 14 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide a description of the Right Systems maintenance support fee for the Company's UPS backup system cost. Please provide a copy of the invoice and supporting documentation for the increase. RESPONSE NO.86: Description of Right Systems maintenance and support fee for the Company's UPS backup system: The Right Systems maintenance support fee charges shown on the attached invoice are for three one-year break-fix support contracts for three separate Company UPS systems. One each at the Marde,n WTP, Columbia WTP, and the Victory Operations Ce,nter. The unit cost for each support contract is de,pendent on the power ou@ut capacity and the age of each system. Please see the Attachment for the Right Systems Invoice. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 86 Page I of I vEoLrA WATER rDArrO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQTIEST OF Tm COMMTSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. E9: With reference to Adjustment 9 - Purchased Water, on page 5 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail report for the purchased water, Account 50605, for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. RESPONSE NO.89: See attachment for historical test year transaction details for Account 50605, Purchased Water YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 89 Page I ofl YEOLTA WATER TDAHO, rNC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STATT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson RBOUEST NO.90: With reference to Adjustment 14 - Bad Debt on pages 5 and 6 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail reports for Bad Debt Reserve, Account 90405 and Bad Debt, Account 90400 from March 2020 through the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. RESPONSE NO.90: See attachment for transaction details from March 2020 thru June 30, 2022. Please note there is a.tab for each account requested. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 90 Page I ofl yEoLrA WATER rDArrO, rNC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION OF THE COMMISSION STATT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness : Wilson REOUEST NO. 91: With reference to Adjustment l5-Materials on page 6 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail report for Materials, Account 50300 for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. RESPONSE NO.91: See attachment for transaction details for the historical test year before the corrections listed in testimony. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR9I Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER IDATIO, INC. CASE WO-W-22-02 TrrrRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TrrE COMMTSSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO.94: Please provide a copy of the Company's vehicle replacement policy and any studies the Company has performed in the last five years relating to vehicle replacement. RESPONSE NO.94: The Company does not have an official vehicle replacement policy. However, our lease management company, Element Fleet Management Co.p., provides an "Optimal Replacement Planning Summary". This document is an analysis of our current fleet with recommendations on optimal replacement planning. The latest assessment from June 2022 isattached. lfEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR94 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 TrrrRD PRODUCTION REQIIEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO.95: Please provide the source documents and calculations related to the projected fuel prices reflected in the Test Year at $4.68 per gallon for gasoline and $5.19 per gallon for diesel. In addition, please provide the calculations supporting the fuel consumption. RESPONSE NO.95: The projected fuel prices were established using the September lst, 2022 AAA Fuel Price Chart (https://gasprices.aaa.com/). The Company used the Boise City "Current Avg." on that date. See chart on page 2 under Boise City. Fuel Consumption Calculation (see Attachment for further details) 5,813 gallons - Monthly average of total fuel usage YTD August2022 69,756 gallons - Forecasted 2022 total fuel usage (5,813 monthly avg x l2) 73,593 gallons - Projected Test Year total fuel usage using 69,756 gallons plus 5.5% (5.5% is the forecasted increase in usage based on the percent increase from202l fuel usage total to 2022 forecasted total. The Company has additional vehicles for head count increases and expanded territory with the acquisition of Eagle Water Co. and continued customer growth system wide.) 52761614 - 59,169 regular fuel gallons x $4.675 (average AAA regular fuel price per chart on page 2) (59,169 gallons : 73,593 Test Year projected gallons x 80.4o/o, which is the allocation percent of the August YTD fuel usage split betrveen regular and diesel) 574,876 - 14,424 diesel fuel gallons x $5.191 (average AAA diesel fuel price per chart on page 2) (14,424 gallons :73,593 Test Year projected gallons x 19.60/o, which is the allocation percent of the August YTD fuel usage split between regular and diesel) $351,490 - Total Test Year projected fuel costs vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 95 Page I of2 Itltsigffis =tfi;ffiBI,l,a,rlb3.glhrtEi.e!!t nrltldo}blfidEE rhrb.F!tnh!f,iFtr&Ih. frrlHar- So.i A-Z Y b Itlr{ i5 196 jSnt i5 5!3 t3 s5 CumtAW \66lsd6y Avg Mmh AOo AW Y@ Aeo AY9 EgUo $,r 561 I 572 $4 6?8 $4 C)6 53 796 rrd€d t4 807 34 8't 7 14 a59 35 r48 33 !O9 YY t5.012 35.(m 3s o80 35.350 t4 rg8 -35 r0l 35. r00 35 132 15. a9, lo 785 NEWS Drivers Find Relbf at the Pump, For Nor R..<,,*! D IDAHO AVTRAGT GAS PRICTSO }TGHEST RFCORDED AVERAGE PRCE II)AHO MTIRO AVTRAGT PRICTSO Eryand all I Cotlapee alt n Oub thL.d.d O-sa t5.2!2 35.C6 b tnm uiruz2 EgE Cud Ar/0 sii 675 \borsddy^vg t4.685 f*r.l(Ato^vg t/ l?6 r/brltr ACo AW t5 m2 Itr Ago Avg. t3 ell I{GHEST FEOOffiD AVERAGE PBCE E 34 8/a6 t 4.846 tl.6a3 l5 tal ta Oa8 3s@r t5 029 35.071 3s 3ao 34.20' wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 95 Page2 of2 ; [:r'.r -1, 8.grtar(rrad h rb t6.s t&tt r trva g,E 2' yEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VE,O-W-22-02 TIIIRD PRODUCTION OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOTIEST NO.97: Please state whether the Company has performed a cost-benefit analysis to show that leasing the vehicles is the least-cost alternative to owning its own fleet. Please provide a copy of any cost-benefit analysis and explain how leasing the vehicles benefits customers. RESPONSE NO.97: Please see attached for cost-benefit analysis on leasing versus owning our fleet vehicles. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 97 Page 1 of I YEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO.W-22-02 TErRD PRODUCTTON REQT EST OF TrrE COMMSSTON STATT', Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson RBOTIEST NO.99: With reference to Adjustment 18 - Advertising, on page 8 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail report for the Advertising, Account 50651, for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. RESPONSE NO.99: See attachment for the transaction detail report for Account 50651 for the historical test year ended June 30, 2022. wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR99 Page I ofl YEOLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE YEO-W-22-02 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 1OO: With reference to Adjustment l8 - Advertising, on page 8 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide: a. the analysis that determined that the Consumer Confidence Report ("CCR') needs to be mailed to each customer. b. the analysis that shows that customers have read and will continue to read the paper copy. Please include in your response the number of telephone or email contacts the Company received pertaining to the CCR, for the last 3 years that the CCR was mailed to customers. c. the statutory and regulatory requirement that the CCR be mailed to customers. d. the feedback received from customers when the CCR was mailed. RESPONSE NO. lOO: a. The ldaho Public Utility Commission requires customers be notified their annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is available to them. We currently notifo customers via a mailed postcard letting them know how to find their CCR on our website. After analyzing the click rate on the ldaho CCR web page the past two years, we determined less than 0.5% of our customers are landing on the page. The Company strongly feels the CCR is an important document for customers to review and understand what is in their water; hence, for the 2023 notification of the 2022 CCR, we intend to mail it to all customers. This type of push notification will land the CCR in customers' hands directly, versus customers having to go to our website to look it up. b. We have not mailed the CCR to customers yet. When we mail the 2022 CCR in 2023, we will track any calls or emails that come in from customers regardirrg the mailing. c. Regarding the regulatory requirernent. There is no requirement the CCR be sent out hard copy. The requirement is that the CCR must be made publicly available and advertised, and all customers notified of its availability by July I st every year. d. We will track customer feedback after we mail the 2022 CCRin2023. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 47 Page I of I yEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF Tm COMMISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witress: Wilson REOUEST NO. 101: With reference to Adjustment l8 - Advertising, on page 8 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please state whether customers receive a message on their digital bill prompting them to read the CCR. RESPONSE NO. 101: Customers who receive a digital bill do receive a message prompting them to read the CCR. The bill message states, for example, "Your 2021 CCR (Water Quality) Report is now available at mywater.veolia.us/lDCCR202 I." YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR IOI Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER TDAHO, INC. CASE yEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witress: Njuguna REOUEST NO. 102: With reference to Adjustment 23 - Amortization Expenses - Deferred Rate Case on page 4 of Staff witness Zerhouni's Direct Testimony, please provide a schedule showing actual rate case costs incurred to date, including the entity paid and the service that entity provided. Please supplement this response each month as additional costs are incurred. RESPONSE NO. 102: Please see below actual rate case expenses incurred through November 30,2022. LineNo.Expense Description Amount 1 Outside Legal Counsel $ 9.680 2 Rate of Return Study $ l1.867 3 Load Studv & Cost of Service Study $ 60,425 4 Customer Notices, Public Information Campaim $ 43,291 5 Total $125,264 wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR IO2 Page I ofl \rEoLIA WATER IDAEO, INC. CASE VEGW-22{2 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF Tm COMMISSTON STAFf Frcparer/SponsoringWitress: Cary REOTIEST NO. IM: Please provide a copy of the Company credit card and purchase card policy. RESPONSE NO. 104: Please s€e the Attachment for the Company's purohasing card policy. wo-w-2242 IPUCDR IO4 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAIIO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQIIEST OF TIIE COMIVISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 105: Please provide the transaction detail reports for the following accounts, for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022,in Excel format with formulas intact: a. 50650 - Include all sub accounts - Office Expense b. 50655 - Include all sub accounts - Miscellaneous Expense c. 91860- Include all sub accounts - Other Awards d. 92300930 Bank Charges - A&G Ops Miscellaneous General e. 92600920 through 92600932 - Other G&A Exp. RESPONSE NO. IO5: Please see the attachment for the Test Year ending June 2022 journal entries for accounts 50650, 50655,91860, 92300 and 92600. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I05 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAIIO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 TrrrRD PRoDUCTTON REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 1O?. Please provide a list of all workman's compensation insurance claims that Veolia paid for the test year. RESPONSE NO. 107: Please see attached file. Please note adjustment No. 2 Workers Compensation REVISED tab corrected the Historic Test Year Expense reserve exclusion amount from $203,439 to $174,147. The revised schedule is included in the Attachmenl Rather than excluding the IBNR reserve entries, the adjustment also excluded injuries & damage reserves, which should be included in costs. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 107 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 108: Please answer the following for the l5 newly hired positions: a. Are they going to provide a mitigation of overtime? b. What gaps, including service or overtime, will be filled with these positions? RESPONSE NO. IO8: a. No positions added due to customer growth and increasing work demands will not mitigate overtime. b. Please refer to the response to Request No 65 below that addressed why these positions are needed by the company, how they benefit customers and the services that will be provided by these positions. Position Operator Operator I Operator I Crew Chief Cross Conn Control Specialist Vacant / Filled Filled I Filled Planned Ql 2023 Position Need Increased regulatory requirements and system growth Position Backfill Position Backfill Benefit to Customerc Focused resource on copper and lead sampling Field maintenance and operation of treatment plants, wells, and other water facilities with oversight of Operators work Field maintenance and operation of treatment plants, wells, and other water facilities with oversight of Operators work Field maintenance and repair with oversight of Utility Person I and Utility Person work Oversight and compliance for Company Cross Connection Control program Field maintenance and repair work YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR IO8 Page I of2 Utility Person Filled Filled Planned Ql 2023 Position Backfill System growth and work demands Position Backfill Position Backfill Utility Person Filled Field maintenance and repair work Position Vacant/ EUE Positlon Need Benelit to Customerg Utility Person Filled Position Backfill Field maintenance and repairwork Utilit), Person Planned Ql 2023 Position Backfill Field maintenance and repair work Customer Service Person (fielO Filled System growttr and work demands Field customer senice leak investigations, turn on/off services and notifications Customer Service Rep I Filled Position Bacldll Call center representation to customer bi[ing arrangements and field service requests Operarions Lead CSR Filled System growth and work demands Operational commrmications between field personnel and customers, routing critical customer field visit needs such as water quality, main breah leala etc. Bxecutive Assistant Filled Position Bacldll Oversight of program developmenf maoagement and rollout, general administrative support to general administation Sr Leadership team Env Health & Safety Specialist Plannd Ql 2023 Position Backfill Oversight and compliance for OSHA, DBq NFPA, and other regulatory health and safely progrzuns Communications Specialist Filled Position Backfill Community outreaclr, water conservation and other stakeholder engagement programs I/F,o.w-2242 IPUC DR IO8 Page2of 2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOTIEST NO.11O: Please provide copies of the Health, Vision, and Dental lnsurance Plans Veolia provided to its employees, with cost breakdowns for employee, spouse, and family. RESPONSE NO. 110: Please see Attachment I through Attachment 5 for the Company's healthcare plans and Attachment 6 for cost breakdown for 2023 for employee, employee plus children, employee plus spouse and family plan coverage level costs. YEO-W-22-02 TPUC DR IIO Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 111: Please provide answers to the following questions regarding Payroll: a. How is payroll processed, especially time sheets? b. How do employees track and submit their hours? RESPONSE NO. 1I1: a. Payroll is processed every two weeks, a bi-weekly payroll. Exempt (salaried) employees enter their time directly into PeopleSoft. Non-exempt (hourly employees) track time on timesheets with the majority of Bargaining Unit employees also recording their time in the Cityworks work management system. Supervisors and Managers review and approve timesheets for the department's non-exempt employees. The Finance department timekeeper enters time into PeopleSoft for non-exempt employees. Non-exempt (hourly) time entry process: After timesheets are reviewed by supervisors they are uploaded onto the Google drive. After a predetermined cutoff time the timekeeper saves timesheets to adobe files to an internal folder. Time is then entered into Peoplesoft by the timekeeper. Once all time entry is complete for each department an email is sent to the supervisors to clear up any outstanding issues or questions there may have been with time entry. Using the email as backup the timekeeper then makes any necessary corrections or adjustments to timesheets. A follow up email is sent to the supervisors and managers confirming payroll time entry is complete. A query is ran showing all employees that have time entered into the system. The timekeeper compares that report to a list of employees for the site. If any timesheets are missing, an email is sent requesting entry either be completed or a timesheet submitted. When the report shows all time is complete, a system report if printed and time entry is reviewed and approved by the Manager Financial Planning Reporting and Analysis. When payroll is reviewed and documents signed off, system payroll reports are generated vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 1I I Page I of2 and sent to the payrotl depar,tnent at tho corporato oftice indioating any tmusuel eircumstances such as time worked lcss than standard hours, etc. b. Tracking: Employees tr:ack their time on a timeshoet that is submitted to their supervisor for approval. Some Transmission & Distribution employees and Production deparfinent employees algo use Cityworks to fiack their time and then manually enter time onto a timesheet for Supervisor or Manager review and approval. Time is enterpd by the employee direotly into PeopleSoft for salaried employees and by the timekeeper for hourly employees after supervisor approval. vBo-w-2242 IPUC DR IIl Page2of 2 vEoLrA WATER rDAIrO, rNC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 TTTIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF Trm COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 1I3: Please provide all business insurance claims affecting liability and property coverage for the test year. RESPONSE NO. 1I3: Please see the Attachment for test year business insurance joumal entries. Claims payments are included in GL account 26200 as AP journal entries. Adjustment No. 20 General Insurance inconectly excluded tnjuries and Damages reserve entries. The Attachment also includes a corrected schedule with revises the Test Year Expense reserve exclusion amounts from ($692,966) to ($285,194) for year 2020, from $204,020 to $49,992 for 2021, and Historic Test Year amount of reserve exclusion from $226,899 to $46,500. This schedule correction was also included in response to Request No 63. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I13 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAIIO,INC. CASE VE,O-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 114: Please provide an itemized list of all necessary training and safety- related costs for the test year for each of the following: a. Uniform costs, Arc Flash personal protective equipment (PPE) rental costs, fire suppression system inspections/alarm monitoring, OSHA standards and safety equipment costs b. Hearing tests for the 75 Bargaining Unit employees c. ArcFlash, Confined Space, Trenching and Excavation training programs and d. Industrial Hygienist Respirator/chemical/asbestos program assessment and exposure monitoring. RESPONSE NO. 1I4: Please see response to Request No 87 which contains the test year amounts, included in the Attachment to this response and below. Safety Cost Category Historic Test year Ending JaneZ1ZZ Unitbrms $ 20,477 Hearing Test - Required S 1,340 Arc Flash PPE Rental $ IZ,g43 EPA/NESHAP/OSHA Asbestos Training (every 2 years) $ 10,79g Xit"_lptt..:tql,!If{em Inspections, Alarmmonitoring $ 18,874(Kegulatory requreo) First Aid/CPR/AED Training Certitication Required OSHA 500 Standards - Trainer Course Multimeter testing, Test PPE gloves N oise h,xposure Monitoring Job demand analysis lndustrial Hygienist - Respuato.r/chemical program assessments- exposure morutonng Sat'etv eouinment (Sat'etv Toe Boots & Pacs. Hard Hats. PPE,'saGty signs, de-icei, includes Covid exirenses) TOTAL 154,824 vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I14 Page I of I $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,281 775 r,075 4,675 200 7,250 $ 7s.137 $ yEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO.W.22.O2 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C. Cooper REOUEST NO. 115: Please provide supporting documentation for the pro forma adjustment made to the miscellaneous equipment account for December 2022. Please include any cost/benefit analysis and approvals for projects included in the adjustment. RESPONSE NO. 115: This is a roll-up project, Safety and Security Upgrades. The project was initially approved for up to $150,000 in costs. The forecast in July was for $125,000 ($140,400 including overheads) in project spend, which is what was included in the pro forma amount. The PPM approval is shown below. Approval History Approval Process UW_PRJ_BUG_APPROVAL Business Unit 00060 Budget Approver Defin.tion ID U\ry-PRJ_BUG-APPR_EXE Project C22K001_060 v Profcc{Ac$Yity Approval:Approvcd @uewnrioe cornmenb Afgateppqtcr [ppi"i*i ___ Cathy Cooper ^ LEVEL tv tr,frvn-6-rl Pu l Comments) Commeril Hlstory r rApprqyqL --------- i L4rptgygC-- -- li_--ri MarshallThompson i*5 McEvoy.PaulaL ;t ' ^ IEVEL2 rLE\lEL3 ,v W-1:1.3Qlr, , ,Y t2Nl?l-6:Q7AMr vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I I5 Page I of2 The projects in the safety and security upgrade pdect are proposed by Environmental Health & Safety personnel and/or field crews, and completed by the Project Manager. Projects included in the 2022 Safety and Security Upgrades project included: C22K00 l_060_002 Gas Monitoring Equipment ($6033.74) C22K00l_060_004 Cart Cutting Torch (not completed yet - actuals not available) C22K00l_060_005 Columbia ladder (not completed yet - actuals not available) C22K00 l_060_006 Fire Extinguishers ($38,428. I 5) C22K00l_060_007 Fence at Market Well ($3,781.63) C22K00l_060_008 Fence at Chamberlain Wells ($16,574.71) C22K00 l_060_009 Fall Protection ($22,536.9 t ) C22K00 I _060_0 I 0 Monitors ($2,29 4.04) Total to date: $89,649.18 vBo-w-22-02 IPUCDR 1I5 Page? of2 YEOLIA WATERIDAHO,INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 TrrrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TIIE COMMTSSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness : REOUEST NO. 116: Please provide the Company's policy for purchasing and retiring fleet vehicles. RESPONSE NO. 116: Please see attached policy with regards to purchasing and retiring fleet vehicles. Cooper vBo-w-22-02 IPUCDR I16 Page 1 of I vEoLIA WATER IDAIIO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF THE COMMISSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: C. Cooper REOUEST NO. 117: Please explain and provide supporting documentation for the "File Relocation plan" found on the list of pro forma projects. Please include any cost benefit analyses and approvals for the project. RESPONSE NO. I17: The frle relocation plan project developed a naming convention for scanning paper files to electronic files, and then scanned the paper engineering files going back to 1969 into a searchable electronic format. The scanning was done for several reasons - l) the paper files take up a lot of space and are heavy, 2) in preparation for our upcoming office remodel, these filing cabinets needed to be removed, 3) with the onset of more remote work, paper files in the oflice were difficult for employees to access and search, 4) the paper was becoming aged and brittle, and scaruring the papers preserved these important facility documents. The project was approved as part of the Victory Offrce Phase I Remodel. Project approvals are affached. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 1I7 Page 1 ofl A yEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE YEO.W-22.02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQI]EST OF THE', COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO. 118: Please explain and provide supporting documentation for the "Computer Refresh" found on the list of pro forma capital projects. Please include any cost benefit analysis and approvals for the project. RESPONSE NO. I18: The computer refresh project purchased a new computer for every Veolia Water Idaho employee. The previous computers were 5* years old and needed replacement. The project approval from Peoplesoft is provided below. PmFcrA.ttm. 9st ourl Prolrt C2t.t553-O6O' .eece E E Prqlcc-t Ac{vld.! i sctr.dth Uor.o.tr o"tG U$FEI(b ia3 D Xdrlyxe t Errqr!_CfiedrRoict adgctApprovcr - Pnd.cfA.dul0ADelDvirADproir.d irt.fFrr. 'iforirili ,Aolmd-: m*o r**p,rlttritri )v wM.-f:eN J arwz2-r{lN; c t.ril.I Cocmrnil[rtory OaerlDd@ Cdrrutd R.trsh € lulberRm lfuorud Pl@3dng 3i116 A!tv. tI. erp"no Ctrlltno l-rwl C6lirg Lfist ! R[ b Excd l0.r.) 9\ikil[ccmirr AlStffi foil(}dt Oa C2lJ553-060-lIl1 .mh 'Ed o.t 6t tdznszozt 6 tznnozz B YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR II8 Page I ofl h C il$td nE(9s0 ^ r.e\/ll!17 w.t:s* llaiiolJr l-*855fi6Edftfidf-'1 -mm1, wtw;afn ADrud ---EErcr.FeELr l.E\iEl, utzz..JaN vEoLrA waTER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE vDo-w.22-02 TEIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OTTHE COMMISSION STAXT Preparer/Sponsoring Witnees: Njuguna REOTIEST NO. 119: Please provide updated aotual plant-in-service additions and retirement amormts for July 2A22 through the most reoent period. RESPONSE NO. 119: Please se the attachment to this rqponse with aotual plant in serviee additions and r*iremonts from July 2022 through November 2022. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 119 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTTON REQITEST OF THE COMMTSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witress :Wilson REOUEST NO. 120: Please provide receipts for the credit card transactions listed in Attachment A, and identi$ where the costs are included in the Application. RESPONSE NO. 120: Please see the attachment for details on the requested credit card tansactions and where the costs are included in the Application. Receipts for each transaction are attached and labeled to correspond with the Attachment number listed in the Attachment. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I2O Page I of 1 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOTIEST NO. I21: Please identifr the number of disconnections for non-paynent on a monthly basis for calendar years 2020,2021, and2022 to date. For comparison, please include the number of customers for those same time frames, and the number of disconnections as a percentage of total residential customers for the same time period. RESPONSE NO. 121: Please see the Attachment for the number of disconnections for non-payment. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I2I Page I of I yEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-Wa2-02 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 122: Please provide the number and total dollar amount of deposits the Company is currently holding for residential and commercial accounts. Please report the numbers based on the reason the deposit was requested (termination of service, misrepresentation of identity, damages, unauthorized service, failure to pass credit screen, indebted household, new commercial customer, bankruptcy, etc.) and the customer's rate schedule. RESPONSE NO. 122: Veolia Idaho does not generally request a customer deposit. If an applicant for water service is required to pay a deposit in advance of receiving service, it is due to the applicant demonstrating red flag wamings i.e. misrepresentation of identity, termination of service, previous unpaid balance, etc. There is currently only one customer we have a deposit for, with the reasons listed above as the basis for requiring the deposit. Customer Deposits are recorded in General Ledger Account 23500 - Customer Deposits, as of November 30, 2022there is one customer with a deposit of $191.00. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I22 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 123: Please provide the following details for the Company's leak adjustment program by year for 2020, 2021, and2022to date. a. What are the audit parameters that prompt the Company to send a notice to the customer because ofhigh usage? b. How many customers have received an adjustment of their water bill after providing evidence of repairs? c. Does the Company have an arrangement with all waste-water system operators to adjust sewer rates if there was a leak and subsequent repair? d. When and how does the Company notiff the respective waste-water authority of the adjustment? RESPONSE NO.123: a. Audit parameters: From May I to September 30 an account with lOOccf (ccFl00 cubic feet) more than the average usage for that account will be sent to the field for a meter reading verification. If the meter reading is verified as correct and there was not an issue noted at the property, such as a meter issue or evidence of a visible leak, we will then send the customer a notification of high usage. From October I to April 30 an account with 50ccf (ccFl00 cubic feet) more than the average usage for that account will be sent to the field for a meter reading verification. If the meter reading is verified as correct and there was not an issue noted at the property, such as a meter issue or evidence of a visible leak, we will then send the customer a notification of high usage. b. Customers that received a leak adjustment: During 2020 - 353 Accounts,202l - 301 Accounts, and 2022to date - 402 Accounts. c. Arrangement with wastewater system operators to adjust sewer rates: We do not have agreements in place with wastewater system operators to adjust sewer rates, each entity bills customers differently and has different requirements for leak adjustments. We will refer customers to reach out to their wastewater system operator directly to inform them of the leak on their account so that the customer's wastewater bill is not impacted by high consumption due to leaks. Upon a customer's request, we will provide usage history to the wastewater system operator to aid the customer in applying for a wastewater leak adjustment. d. Wastewaterauthority notification: We do not reach out to the waste-water authority with our adjustment as we do not adjust the customers actual usage, meter readings or ccf consumption history, but rather provide a monetary adjustment to the customer's account when the customer qualifies for a leak adjustment. We advise customers to reach out to their wastewater authority to inquire how they can apply for a leak adjustment for their wastewater bill. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I23 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 TrrrRD PRODUCTION REQITEST OF THE COMI{TSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 124: For residential accounts identified as having been disconnected for non-payment in the previous request, please provide the number of accounts that received Veolia Cares benefits by month for calendar yearc 2020, 2021, and 2022 to date. How many of those customers were subsequently disconnected for nonpayment during the following two months? RESPONSE NO. 124: Please see the Attachment. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I24 Page I of 1 vEoLIA WATER TDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQT]EST OF TIIE COMMISSION STATT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 125: Without revealing customer identities or other confidential information, please provide a spreadsheet showing the average monthly consumption of all customers receiving assistance through the Veolia Cares program for calendar years 2020,2021, and2022 to date. RESPONSE NO. 125: Please see the summary below. Average Monthly Consumption of Customers who received Veolia Cares Financial Assistance - reflected in Thousand Gallons: Jan2020 Feb 2020 Mar2020 Apr2020 May 2020 hn 2020 Jul2020 Aug2020 Sep 2020 Oct2020 Nov 2020 Dec2020 lan202l Feb202l N4ar202l Apr202l May 2021 Jun202l lul202l Aug202l 5.73 6.27 4.98 6.39 6.57 I l.l0 I 1.85 16.86 17.01 15.91 9.75 7.69 5.27 6.52 4.39 6.76 6.49 12.00 14.73 19.86 YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I25 Page I of2 Sep 2021 oc/"202l Nov 2021 Deo2021 Ian2022 Feb2022 Mar2022 A,pr2022 May2A22 Il.um2022 lul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov 2022 tatD022 @artial Month) r6.95 14.ll 7.76 7.10 5.18 6.29 4.56 6.81 s.32 8.13 10.53 14.08 16.13 15.18 9.87 6.36 YEO;-W-2242 IPUC DR I25 Page2of 2 vEoLIA WATER TDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 126: Please provide an update on the Veolia Cares program. Please explain any changes to the program since 2020. Please include monthly and annual data for calendar year 2020,2021, and 2022 to date by Company contributions, customer contributions, total dollar amount awarded to customers, total number of customers assisted, and total amount provided to El-Ada for administration. RESPONSE NO. 126: As a result of the Company's 2020 Rate Case outcome and subsequent change in rates, the annual cap of financial assistance available per qualified customer has changed from $75 to $85 to reflect the overall 8.57% increase in tariff rates. While the Commission Order phased-in rates over two years, the Company reflected the full increase in the low-income financial assistance cap right away. The name of the program also changed from SUEZ Cares to Veolia Cares in2022 as a result of the rebranding and Company name change. There have been no other changes in the Company's low-income financial assistance program. Originally as noted in Order 29838 in case UWI-W-04-4 the assistance amount was set to $50 per customer annually. In 201I the amount was increased to $65 per UWI-W-ll-02 Settlement. It was raised to $75 in 2016 in UWI-W- I 5-01 Settlement and thereafter would continue to increase by any subsequent general rate proceeding percentage change awarded. In 2018 as result of the Tax Cuts Job Act which reduced income tax rates, the tariffrates charged to customers were reduced, however the Company did not reduce the $75 assistance amount. Please see the Attachment for Veolia Cares Financial assistance provided to customers. The Company has not received any customer contributions to the program in several years. El-Ada has not billed the Company for their administration fee since 2017. The Company does not have a written agreement on file for the El-Ada Administrative fee, but it was previously billed as a lloh fee of the amount of financial contributions awarded for the year. The Company has requested invoices from El-Ada. There is no cost for this service reflected in the Company's operating costs for this rate filing. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 126 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 12'. Please state whether all costs associated with the Veolia Cares program are covered by shareholders. Please explain. RESPONSE NO. 127: Costs associated with the Veolia Cares program funding are covered by shareholders. The financial assistance provided to customers is funded by shareholders and recorded in account 71253 Non-recoverable costs, Cost Element 711003. These costs are not included in the Company's rate request. Administrative fees from El-Ada for processing customer funding requests have been included in the Company's operating costs in prior years, but El-Ada has not invoiced the Company for these services and therefore that cost is not included in this rate filing. The Company has contacted El-Ada to request regular invoicing for their services. Internal Company processing costs by the customer service department to inform customers of financial assistance resources are not separately tracked or allocated to the Veolia Cares program. Those costs are in the Company's operating costs. The Company does not deduct costs of implementing or administering the Veolia Cares program from the funds made available by Veolia for assisting low-income customers. Also, since 2010, the Company does not include costs for specific customer outreach to provide customers information on how to voluntarily donate to the program. Funding available for the Veolia Cares program is not reduced by any administrative cost. There is no Veolia Cares specific customer outreach program, information about Veolia Cares is promoted in conjunction with other company services and initiatives. These costs are captured in the Company's operating costs. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 127 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 128: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service representatives by month for calendar years 2020,2021, and2022 to date. Are all incoming calls handled within the Boise office? If not, how are incoming calls handled? RESPONSE NO. 128: All incoming calls are handled by our Boise office. Majority of the Company's Treasure Valley CSR's work remotely (from home), not at the Boise office. If a call comes in after hours or on a company observed holiday, the after hours answering service receives the emergency calls and sends the appropriate Company resource to investigate. Reporting Date la",,uo,rr" lnenortins oate lar,,ro,r*" lReportins Date la.,,ro,rr" YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 128 Page I of I 1t2022 4143 1t2021 3669 1t2020 lo.ut 212022 3963 2t2021 3823 2t2020 louuo 312022 4834 3t2021 4171 3t2020 loeas 4t2022 4307 4t2021 4228 412020 loro, 5t2022 4864 5t2021 3845 5t2020 l.aua 6t2022 6078 il2021 4939 6t2020 loaso 712022 6123 7t2021 5036 7t2020 los., 8t2022 6931 8t2021 5484 8t2020 losso 9t2022 6677 912021 4890 912020 lu,' ', 10t2022 5370 10t2021 4588 10t2020 lu*u 11t2022 4'.t97 11t2021 4516 11t2020 lor.,u 12t2021 3794 lo,o ' 12t2020 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQTIEST OX'THE COMMISSION STAFT Preparer/SponsoringWitness: Cary REOUEST NO.13O: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service representatives by month, about discolored water and the corresponding flushing credit, on the East First Bench for calendar y ears 2020, 2021, and 2022 to date. RESPONSE NO. I3O: The data below shows l) the number of flushing calls and credits applied to customers in the East First Bench area (EFB), 2) the amount of flushing credits and 3) the total number of discolored water issues reported. The total count of issues reported includes discolored water concems reported from customers including those where customers were advised to flush their water lines and subsequently received a flushing credit, and other concerns including those related to the annual flushing progftrm, ice pigging, customer plumbing issues, etc. Date Count of EFB Discolored water issues reported with Flushing Credit based on date credit was applied Total Count of EX'B Discolored water issues based on date initiated in Cityworks X'lushing Credits Applied Jm-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 1.50 1.50 6.00 4.50 2 I 3 4 2 I I 4 J $ $ $ $ 8 4 7 8 3 2 6 $ 4.s0 s 3.00 s 9.00 wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I3O Page I of3 Sep-20 Dato Oct-20 DEf,-zo Jan-21 Countof EFB Dlscolorcd wator lssues tcrorted with Flushins Credit biscd on date crrcdit fres applied Total Count of EFB I)lrcolored wetcr hsucs bssed on dete initiatod tn Cltynorla Ftushing Creditu Apptied I 6 2 9 s 5 $ 7.s0 1.50 $ 1.50 $ 3.00 $ 1.50 $ 1.50 $ 4.s0 $ 33.00 $ 12.00 Feb-21 I\.{arrl Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 otr'.-21 Nsv-21 Dee-21 Feb-22 1 2 I 2 5 5 4 6 4 5 30 t6 5 3 22 8 Apr-22 I I vBo-w-2242 IPUCDR 130 Page2of 3 May-22 Date hmAz lul-22 Ang22 Sep22 Oct-22 TOTAL Count of EBB l)'iscolored weter isruer reoorted with Flushine Credit bfued on detecrcditfras sppliod Total Count of EfB Illscolored watcr bsu€o basod on detetnifirtcd in Cityro*s Flushing Crcdits Applied 4 3 II$ 1.50 $ l.s0 $ 99.00 152 2 1 I ffi vEc.w-22-02 IPUCDR I3O Page 3 of3 vEoLIA WATER TDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRDPRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAF',F Preparer/SponsoringWitness: Cary REOUEST NO.131: Please describe the customer self-help tasks that can be handled by the Interactive Voice Response ("lVR") or online, (e.g., bill payment, payment arrangements, etc.). RESPONSE NO.131: TVR Balance information Bill Due Date Last payment arnount Payment Date of last payment Pay by phone check or credit card Paperless e-billing where to sign up mysuezwater.com Direct Debit where to sign up mywater.veolia.us Budget billing explanation with estimated amount Online at mywater.veolia.us Submit a contact us ticket Chat with a CSR Sigr up to receive text messages Opt in to categories of email messages. Sign up for automatic payments (direct debit or recuning) Add a payment method to your online wallet Make a payment Make a payment as a guest View previous payment information Update profile information such as email address, password, phone numbers Enroll in eBilling Take a conservation survey and view results (usage information and potential savings) View conservation tips View water quality reports View Rates (water tariffs & upcoming rate cases) Set a conservation goal (AMI meters) View water usage View statements (up to 12 months back) View message center messages Start / stop water service Add additional water accounts to your web profile YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 131 Page I ofl o o a a a a a O o a a o a a a o a a a o a vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/SponsoringWitness: Cary REOUEST NO. 132: Please provide the Company's performance objectives for handling incoming calls; include objectives for both IVR and customer service representative ("CSR") handled calls. What steps does the Company take if it fails to meet its performance objectives? RESPONSE NO. 132: Veolia's goal is to answer all incoming calls as quickly as possible and provide a "one call resolution" experience. The call center Customer Service Representatives target for speed of answer is within 45 seconds along with an abandoned call rate of 3o/o or less. Veolia's goal is also to answer 80oZ of customer calls within 60 seconds or less. The self-service goal through the IVR is 50%. Veolia customer service department takes the following steps to help ensure speed of answer and abandoned call rate targets are being met. . Maintain minimum staffing levels with no more thanZl%o of workforce unavailable . Stagger Customer Service Representative (CSR) lunch hours and break times, avoiding peak call times . Call Center team leader role (implemented July of 2018) to monitor and respond to call flow, escalations . Phone calls are recorded, monitored, evaluated and reviewed with each CSR for improvement opportunities . Digital call boards posted on computer displays allow CSR's to monitor call flow . CSR side work tasks are set aside to answer calls when calls waiting in que . Utilize an authorized amount of overtime to augment peak call times (shorter lunch hours) and to accomplish side work tasks outside of a regularly scheduled workday . Offer over time Monday morning from 7:30am - 8am before the phone lines open to complete web requests so focus can remain on phone calls during the workday . Call metrics tracked by day, by CSR and reported regularly . Average call handle time expectation of 4 - 5 minutes . Continued training, feedback and coaching provided to CSR's on a regular basis . Coordination with Manager of Communications and other company departments on communication efforts to ensure CSR staff has available up-to-date information to answer customer inquiries vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I32 Page I of2 Provide customer information and contacts in various forms - electronically, MyWater.Veolia.us website, bill inserts, bill messages, social medi4 etc. Utilize a call routing and call answering system that will provide customers with information and direct calls to an appropriate extension as needed Call metrics included as part of employee evaluations Monthly productivity metrics are shared with CSR's Monthly meetings with Customer Service Supervisors to discuss best practices If CSR call center objectives are not met with additional coaching focused faining and more frequent call evaluations, escalating disciplinary actions will take place in addition to the Company's 30, 60 and 90 day evaluation reviews, and specific performance improvement plans. a a a a a YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I32 Page? of2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TrIE COMMTSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. I33: Please provide the average speed of answer (ASA) for CSR-handled calls by month of the calendar y ears 2020, 202 l, and 2022 to date. RESPONSE NO. 133: ASA (Seconds)Period 20 43' 26i t4lt 28' i6'. 38, 21 29 36 24 l3 t4 t6 t4 l3 23 42 29 l3 l3 26 22 t9 t2 l5 l3 23 23 37 75 170 140 59 Janugry-20 February-20 March-20 April-20 May-20 June-20 July-2O r August-20 r Seatember-20 October-20 November-20 OecemUir-ZO lanlary-Zt February-21 Marclr-2! April-21 May-21 June-21 July-21 August-21 September-21 October-21 November-21 December-21 January-22 February-2? March-22 Apil-22 May-22 Jvne-22 July-22 August-22 September-22 October-22 November-22 vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I33 Page I ofZ The increase in average speed of answer during September and October 2022was due to an erhployee vacancy and two employees on short-term disability. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I33 Page2 ofZ VEOLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO.W.22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 134: Please provide a detailed explanation of the Company policy for handling calls after hours whether for reconnection after a disconnection, for non-payment, or for emergency shut-off because of leaks. The Company's office hours are listed as 8:00 am to 4:30 pm and the reconnection is offered at a higher charge between 4:31 pm and 6:30 pm. a. Does the Company offer reconnect or emergency shut-off after the listed hours or on weekends or holidays? b. How does the Company provide support to fire and police emergencies after hours? RESPONSE NO. 134: The Company offers emergency shut-off services 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Dedicated on-call personnel are available after hours and on holidays to assist all customer classes, as well as local police and fire agencies, with emergency services and leak response. In all instances customers who have been disconnected for non-payment will be reconnected within 24 hours of making their payment and contacting the company, whether that falls outside of office hours, on weekends or holidays. Reconnections - Reconnections will take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., or weekends/observed holidays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. - Reconnections will not take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of 6:31 p.m. and 7:59 a.m., or weekends/observed holidays between 4:31 p.m. and 7:59 a.m. New service connections - New service connections will take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., or weekends between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. - New service connections will not take place on observed holidays - New service connections will not take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of 6:31 p.m. andT:59 a.m., or weekends between 4:31 p.m. andT:59 a.m. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I34 Page 1 of I vEoLIA WATER IDAIIO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TrrE COMr\flSSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 135: Do the CSRs have access to the status of the customer's certification (if required under the Company program?). [f not, how does a customer obtain that information? RESPONSE NO. 135: The CSR's do not have access to any cross connection certification results or information concerning customers' backfl ow testing. The customers contracted backflow tester should provide each customer with a copy of the completed assembly test report for their records. Additionally certified cross connection control testers must physically tag each tested backflow assembly, and the tags must include the test date, tester's name, license number, and name of testing company. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I35 Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER TDAHO, rNC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/SponsoringWitness: Cary REOUEST NO.136: Please provide the number of complaints made directly to the utility in 2020,2021, and 2022 to date, pursuant to Rules 401 and 402 of the Commissions Utility Customer Relations Rules. For each complaint, please describe the general nature of their subject matter, how it was received (in person, by letter, telephone, or email), and whether a Commission review was conducted. Did the Company change its practices in response to its analysis of those complaints? If so, please explain the changes and/or modifications made. RESPONSE NO. 136: Please see the summary below in response to the number of customer complaints via an IPUC inquiry by month for 2020,2021 and 2022 to date, by category of complaint. Each of these complaints came through via an email from the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. In each instance a commission staff review took place. The majority of customer complaints pertain to high bills, followed by inquiries related to billing, the collections process and notices received by customers regarding disconnection for non-payment. In the summer of 2022 Veolia Idaho received feedback from Commission staff related to the increase of sewer and trash bill issues through City of Boise utility billing. It was suggested by Staff at that time to convene with City of Boise utilities staff and come up with a plan that would streamline the process for customers to dispute their sewer bills. Veolia has met with City of Boise utilities and will continue meeting monthly to discuss items impacting customers for both entities. The monthly rneetings will allow coordination, awareness and to help address any emerging issues. Month High Bill HomeServe Collections Water Quality Billing Payment Misc Total PUC Inquiries 20-Jan 20-Feb 20-Mar 20-Apr 20-May 3 I 2 I 6 4 2 I 3 I I vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 136 Page I of3 Month 20.Jun 20-Jul 20-Aug 20-Sep 20-Oct 2&Nov 2GDec 2l-Jan 2l-Feb 21-Mar 21-Apr 21-May 21-Ju 21-Jul 21-Aug 2l-Sop 2t-otr/., 2l-Nov 2l-Dec 22-Jm 22-Feb 22-Mu 22-Apr 22-NIay 22-hm 22-Jul 22-Aug 22-Sep HlshBfi HomeServe Collecflons Wlter Quellty Biiling Palment Mtuc TotalPUC Inquiries I 1 1 3 3 I 1 I I 1 2 I I I 2 ., I 2 I I 3 3 4 3 0 l 1 2 I 2 3 2 I I 2 3 I 2 2 3 3 4 7 4 7 I 1 1 I I I I I2 1 I I I I I 2 I I I 2 I I 1 I I I 2 I I I I 3 I 2 vEo-w-22-02 IPUCDR 136 Page 2 of3 I I Month 22-Oct 22-Nov TotaI Hish BiII HomeServe Collections Water Quatity Billing Payment Misc Total PUC Inquiries 6 2 94 2 10 2 2t J I I 24 4 t6 9 YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I36 Page 3 of3 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness :Cooper REOUEST NO. I37: Please provide the number of Tq-inch and l-inch residential meters installed for new accounts for the years 2020, 2021, and2022 to date. Were the meters installed all AMI meters? Please explain. RESPONSE NO. 137: The count of 3/t" and l" new meters installed for each of the requested years is shown in the following table. All new meters installed in these years were AMI. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I37 Page I ofl 2020 2021 2022 (ut- ru30) New %" and l" meters installed 1,300 1,014 878 vEoLIA WATER TDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 TI{IRD PRODUCTTON REQITEST OF TI{E COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO. 138: Please provide the number of customers who have requested the Company install an AMI meter to replace an older functioning non-AM[ meter for 2020,2021, and2022 to date. Please identifu the size of the meter installed and whether the customers were residential or commercial. RESPONSE NO. 138: The Company doesn't specifically track this information. There are not a lot of customers that specifically request AMI meters. Anecdotally, it's less than 1 percent of meter replacements per year. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 138 Page 1 of 1 vEoLrA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO.139: Please provide the audit parameters the Company uses to detect slowing or stopped meters. How often are reports reviewed, and within what time frame are field investigations conducted and corrective action taken if necessary? Please provide the number of meters replaced in 2020,2021 , and 2022 to date, because of age or malfunction. How does the Company determine whether to rebill the customer for usage when a meter malfunctions? RESPONSE NO. 139: Reports for slowing or stopped meters are reviewed daily following normal meter reading schedules for billing. When meters are read for routine billing purposes each period (every 2 months), new readings are compared against prior records to detect slowing or stopped conditions. These audit reports are automatically generated the following day after billing reads are collected. When audit reports show a meter to have zero increase in consumption from the prior period, a variety of possible reasons are investigated (i.e. record of vacant property, or notice from customers of temporary inactivity such as traveling out of town for the winter). If no cause for the zero-consumption is found for the account, the bill will be allowed to generate a one-time zero-consumption record. When the audit reports show accounts with two consecutive billing periods of zero consumption (ie. 2 billing periods, or 4 months), a field technician will be sent to investigate the meter. If it is determined that the meter has stopped due to mechanical failure, the technician would immediately replace the meter. These workflows can be modified for expedited response in any case where an account is found to have an advanced AMI meter with higher reading frequency. Year - Meter Reolacement Count (Estimated Replacement Count due to malfunction) 2020 - 1,632 (13) 2021 - 1,712 (7) YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I39 Page I of2 The following guidelines are used when rebilling a customer that has a stopped or malfunctioning meter. Commercial Accounts The customer could not have reasonably known they were either not being billed for consumption, or being under billed. . If the inaccurate or zoro consumption bills cover one or up to three billing periods (6 months), we will rebill all affected bills up to 3 based on the average usage for the same time period of the last three years. . The customer should have reasonably known that they were either not being billed for consumption, or being under billed. . If the inaccurate or zoro consumption bills cover one or up to l8 billing periods (3 years), we will rebill all affected bills up to l8 based on the average usage for the same time period for the last three years. Residential Accounts The customer could not have reasonably known that they were either not being billed for consumption, or being under billed. I 1 If the inaccurate bills cover at least three billing periods (6 months), we will rebill them based on the average usage for the same time period for the last three years. . If it is less than three billing periods (6 months) it will be left in the customers favor and not rebilled. . The customer should have reasonably known that they were either not being billed for consumption, or being under billed. . If the inaccurate bills cover one or up to 18 billing periods (3 years), we will rebill them for all said bill periods based on the average usage for the same time period for the last three years. wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I39 Page2 ofZ YEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE YEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAITF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness :Cooper REOUEST NO. I4O: Please provide a copy of the most recent Company Cross Connection Control Program as required by the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality. a. Please provide copies of the Company's annual and long-term Cross Connection Control Program work plans. b. Please explain how the Company is notified when an existing residential customer installs a cross connection assembly or device. Is the notification process the same regardless of whether or not the customer is located within a municipality? c. Does a Certificate of Occupancy require the Company to inspect and sign offon cross connections? d. Please explain how the Company is notified when an existing customer, of any type, has an existing cross connection assembly or device tested. How does the Company confirm that the person performing the testing has adequate certification and/or expertise? e. Please provide examples of notices sent to customers regarding backflow assembly testing, including'Notice to Test Your Inigation/Fire Backflow Assembly." RESPONSE NO. 140: The most recent copy of the Company Cross Connection Control Program is attached (Attachment l). a. The Company's plan is based on assessing risk by l) degree of hazard,2) new acquisition, 3) commercial customers. This ranking process informs the Company's daily and annual work plans. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I4O Page 1 of2 b. The licensed tester, contracted by the customer, is required to send Veolia a copy of the premise backflow test report. This process is the same for all Veolia customers, regardless of whetherthey live in a Municipality. c. The Certificate of Occupancy in all jurisdictions where Veolia Water Idaho operates does not require the Company to sign off on cross connections. d. The Company is notified by the licensed backflow tester, and the tester's name, address and license number appear on the test report, and on the certification tag placed on the backflow assembly. e. Veolia sends annual mailers to all customers about testing backflow assemblies, and also runs commercials on local media. A copy of the mailer from2022 is attached (Attachment 2). vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I4O Page2 of2 vEolra WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-2242 THrRD PRODUCTTON BEQUEST OF Tm COMMISSION STArF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO. 141: Please provide a ourrent copy offte Company's database for its Cross Conncction Contnol Program. RESPONSE NO.1{1: The Company does not have a database for cnoss oonncction conhol. Paper rceords of bacldow assembly tosts arc rstained by the Company. VEG,W-22-02 IPUCDR I4I Page I ofl YEOLIA WATER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO. 142: For calendar years 2020,2021, and2022 to date, please provide: a. The number of customers who the Company has identified as having a cross connection control device interconnected with their potable water service connection. Please indicate whether the customer is a commercial customer or a residential customer. b. The number of customers who were sent a notice regarding their cross-connection control device and the reason for the notice (i.e., missing or expired test certificate, improper device or installation, or other failure to comply with the Company's cross connection control program, etc.) c. The number of customers that provided the required test certificates d. The number of customers disconnected for failure to provide remedy. RESPONSE NO. 142: a. The Company does not track the total number of customers with connections such as these within our system. However when they are encountered in the field, our Cross Connection Control Specialis(s) veri$ that the required backflow assembly is properly installed and has a current test tag in place. b. All of our customers are sent notifications via a yearly mailer in addition to commercials run on local media stations. The Company does not track the total number of additional notices provided directly to specific customers regarding their compliance with our Cross Connection Control Policy. c. The number of test certificates received is as follows: a. 2020 - 1,759 YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I42 Page I of2 b.2021-1,228 c. 2022 (thloughNovembor)- 1,015 d. The Company does nottack how many cugtomers have had sonrice disconffit€d due to failuro to comply with our Crcss Csnnoction Confrol Policy. If therc is an issue with a cros$ contrtrtiotr, it is tlpically on adodicud inigationserviog whichhas no impact on a customer's rosidcntial or commercial supply. The appropriate action taken in the feld is always basd onthe observed degrce of hazard" vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I42 Page 2 of2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO. 143: Please provide the average time between initial notification by the Company of non-compliance, and final customer compliance with the Company's Cross Connection Control Program for systems with year-round use for the following: a. Testing of backflow assemblies and devices b. A lack of backflow protection c. An improper backflow protection assembly or device. RESPONSE NO. I43: a. As noted in the Company's Cross-Connection Control Program, for assemblies that operate year-round, the final due date for annual testing will be one year from the last record of successful testing (found on the test tag). Failure to comply with the annual testing requirements may result in a customer receiving an Initial Notice of Termination l0 days prior to a proposed date of termination. Company staff diligently attempt to contact and work with any customer to advise them on steps that can be taken to avoid termination and ensure both our customers and water system are protected. Average test times from initial contact to completion vary based on seasonal demand, but are completed as soon as possible. b. It is the Company's intention to provide customers every opportunity to comply with the state cross connection control requirements of our program, but as stated in our Cross- Connection Control Policy on page l2: vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I43 Page I of2 "IPUC Utility Customer Relations Rules provide Veolia the right to deny or terminate service without prior notice to any customer or applicant andwithout the castomers or applicants permission when conditions immediately dangerous or hazardous to ltfe, physical safety, or proryrty exists, or if necessary to prevent a violation offederal, state or local safety or health code. (Ref IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 303) Alternatively, if a customer can demonstrate that the potential hazard has been eliminated, water service may not be intemrpted. c. Determination of the appropriate backflow assembly is made at the discretion of Veolia's Cross-Connection Control Specialist(s) in accordance with referenced industry standards. Failure to comply with any notice of determination will result in denial of water service to new customers, or potentially immediate termination for existing connections. As previously stated, actions taken in the field are a direct result of the degree of hazard observed by Company staff. Every effort is made to work with our customers to ensure that an improper assembly is removed and replaced with the correctly installed, required assembly, as quickly as possible. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I43 Page2 of2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO,INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THIRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 144: Please provide a copy of the Summary of Rules provided to customers. Please provide an explanation of how and when it is sent. RESPONSE NO. 144: The Company's rules & regulations bill insert is shared annually with customers, mailed generally in January and February or as the Company's rates or rules change as the result of a general rate case. These notices are mailed to customers with their paper bill or delivered electronically for customers who opt in to receiving electronic bills and electronic notices. Please see Attachment I through 3 of the Company's rules & regulations inserts. During 2022, customers received one of three rules & regulation bill inserts due to the acquisition of Eagle Water Company and the different rates and bill frequencies that apply to those customers. Former Eagle Water Company customers who were part of the acquisition and will have their rates phased in over time, received Attachment l. Customers that are new to the Eagle Water area that are billed full Veolia rates at a monthly interval received Attachment 2. Veolia customers who are billed bi-monthly received Affachment 3. wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I44 Page I of I vEoLrA WATER TDAHO, rNC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 TITTRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STArr' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 145: Please provide a copy of the Explanation of Rate Schedules provided to customers Please provide an explanation as to how and when it is sent. RESPONSE NO. 145: Please refer to the response to Request No 144 and accompanying Attachments 1-3. The Company's Rules & Regulations insert addresses both the Summary of Rules and Explanation of Rate Schedules in that response, as both items are addressed in the same customer insert. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I45 Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER TDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 THrRD PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TTTT COMMSSTON STArr' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 146: Please provide copies of the following Company documents: a. Initial Notice to Terminate b. Final Notice of lntent to Terminate Service c. Notice of Procedure for Reconnecting Service left at the premises following disconnection of service (door tag or notice, ifused). RESPONSE NO. 146: Please see Attachment I for Initial Termination Notice, Attachment 2 for Final Notice and Attachment 3 for Termination Door Tag. YEO-W-22-02 DR IPUC 146 Page I ofl vEoLrA WATER TDAHO, rNC. CASE VDO-W-22-02 TErRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TrrE COMMTSSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOTJEST NO. 147: Please provide a sample copy of a biling statement currently sent to customers who have: a. no past due balance owing. b. a past due balance. c. a monthly payment arrangement. RESPONSE NO. 147: Please see Attachment 1 for no past due balance owing, Attachment 2 for past due balance and Attachment 3 for monthly payr.ent arrange,ment (Budget Bill). vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 147 Page I of 1