HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180507AWA & ALA 1-3 to Atlanta Power.pdfRE'C€/YED STEVEN J. MEN)E 225 N. 96 Street, Suite 820 P.O. Box 1097 Boiss ID 83701 Telephone (208)331-l 170 Facsimile (208)33 l-l 529 smeadet@idalaw.com ?arclAY -t Pti h, r Sir-':.t , . -I l,l-., _'" ,.i t. :l1t t^,, j / _,,.:ciiili,/gstc,t, Authorized Representatives of Atlanta Water Association, Inc. and Atlanta Landowner's Association, Pro Se BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TEE II\TVESTIGATION OF ATLANTA POWER COMPAI{Y SERVICE AND RELATIONS Case No. ATL-E-I8-01 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Pursuant to Rule 225 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure (IDAPA 31.01.01), you, Linda Churches, are requested to produce and make available for inspection and/or copyrng vrithin thirty (30) days from the senrice hereof, at the offices of Steven J. Meade,225 N. 9o Street, Suite 820, Boise, Idaho, the documents herein specified. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. f : The original, or if the original is not available then a copy, of each banking and financial account document, including ledgers, account statements, canceled checks, withdrawal slips, deposit slips, check stubs, check registers, copies of checks, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and any other records pertaining to the banking or financial accounts of Atlanta Power Company in your possession which are either in document form or which you have as electronically stored information. REQITEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCT MENTS - l REOUEST IIOR PROIIUCTION NO. 2: Copies of any rvritings bctween you {Linda Churches) arrd Senc Ruy fr<lm January 2017, to the present datc including letters, emails, text msssages, imd {iny other written or electronic communications. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION,IyO. 3: Copies of any writings betrveen you {Linda Cirurches) ancl Israel Ray from Ja*uary ?017, tu tlie present date including lrttcrs, emails, te.xt mol;$ags$' anel lmy othcr rvritt*n or electranic communicatinns. t,,j DATED This :11.*day of May,20l8. Rr:QU[$',f IrOn PRODUCTION Or DOCU]IENT"S - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE nl I }{8R[BY CERTIITY that on this '.] ' * clay of May, 2018, a tn:e *nd corrcct copy of the above and frlregoing docurnent rvas fonvarded addressed as follorvs in the manner statctl below: Diane Hanian (H, E) Com:nission Secretary ldallo Fnblic Utilities C*nrmission 472 West Washington Strest Bois*, tD 8370? Dianc. holttOnuc. iclaho. uo v D i *ns.hgtdpng]$ U g, i d,p h q, lrpq Mary Drake 72 E. Pinc Atlanta, trD tl37l6 Irlute.nrd@tqnrri [.conr Lincla Churches Atlanta Power Co. P.O. Box 672 Salmon, ID 83467 Isrnel Rny, Treasurer Atlanta Powcr Cornpany 11140 Chickcn Dinner Road Caldrvell, ID 83S07 Isracl Illy, Trcasurcr Atlant:r Powcr Company 1658t) Wngner Rt:ad Caldrvell, ID S36il7 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Email/E-Seri,'ice Hand Delivered U.S, Iv{ail Fiix Email/E-Service Hand Delivered U.S, Mail Fax Ernail/E-Service Flancl Delivere<i U.S. Mail Fax ErnaillE-S*rvice Hand Deliv*red U.S. Mail Fax trmnT n E}nn twnn n [}--rnn ITEQUIiS',t' rroR llttot)uc't'roN otr t)ocuttuN'rs, 3 n t5lfi ll