HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080620Vol I Boise.pdfORIGINAL.BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ATLANTA POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER AUTHORI ZING INCREASES IN THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NO. ATL-E-08-02 ) ) ) ) ) BEFORE COMMISSIONER MACK REDFORD (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH COMMISSIONER JIM KEMPTON. PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho DATE:June 12, 2008 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 28 . CSB REPORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSRNo. 187 23876 Applewod Way * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb(?heritagewifi.com . . . 10 11 12 13 14 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 For the Staff: 4 5 6 For Atlanta Power Company: 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Scott Woodbury, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Israel Ray Atlanta Power Company 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83406 CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 APPEARANCES .1 BOISE, IDAHO, THURSDAY, JUNE 12,2008,10:00 A. M. 2 3 4 5 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Okay, let's go on 6 the record. This is the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission. All the members of the Commission are 8 present and the date is June 12, 2008, and we are sitting 9 in Boise, Idaho, and this will be a hearing in the matter 10 of the application of Atlanta Power Company for an order 11 authorizing increases in the Company's rates and charges 12 for electric service in the State of Idaho. The case.13 number is ATL-E-08-02. This is a public hearing for the 14 purpose of -- you can't hear? 15 THE AUDIENCE: Barely. 16 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Well, maybe we can 17 turn it up a little. How about now, can you hear it 18 better now? 19 THE AUDIENCE: Better. 20 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Good. Okay, the 21 purpose for this hearing is to take public comments in 22 this matter. Let me tell you a little bit about how the 23 procedure works. Today we're going to have Mr. Scott 24 Woodbury who is an attorney with the Idaho Attorney.25 General's Office and who represents the Commission will CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COLLOQUY i.gi ve a brief overview of this matter, especially since we 2 had a late filing yesterday by Atlanta Power. We also 3 understand that Atlanta Power would like to make a brief 4 opening statement as regards this matter, especially as 5 to the late filing. 6 We don't normally do this, but in this 7 case since events seem to be coming in in the last few 8 days or matters have come up to us in the last few days, 9 we'll allow that, but the way it works, also, is we have 10 a list of people who want to testify.If you want to 11 testify, I'll call your name and, if you would, if you 12 could proceed to the witness stand over here to my left.13 and we will ask you your name and also ask you to take 14 the oath for your testimony. 15 If you would please speak up when you 16 testify, if you'll give us your name and your address, 17 then you can go ahead and give your comments. There may 18 be a few questions from the Staff attorney and, of 19 course, the Power Company has a right as well to ask some 20 questions if they want to, and again, it's only for the 21 purpose of taking public testimony, so unless there's 22 anything to come before the Commission preliminarily, I'm 23 going to ask Mr. Woodbury who is the Commission's 24 attorney or the Staff attorney to give us a brief update.25 on where this matter sits as of today. cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 2 COLLOQUY . . . 1 Mr. Woodbury. 2 MR. WOODBURY: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 3 Atlanta Power is located in a remote area of Elmore 4 County and provides electric service to about 75 5 customers. Its power source is hydro.It's not 6 connected to the greater electric grid. In 2007, the 7 Company's hydro turbine was damaged necessitating 8 significant repair costs. In 2007, the Commission 9 authorized the Company to book related costs for later 10 recovery.In early 2008, the Commission authorized the 11 Company to incur debt to pay for turbine repair in the 12 amount of $110,000. The Company has filed a general rate 13 case and a request for an emergency surcharge to generate 14 sufficient revenue to pay for notes of indebtedness. 15 The Company in its application requested 16 an emergency surcharge of 54.2 percent of existing rates. 17 Staff filed comments pursuant to Commission Notice and 18 recommended pursuant to an amendment to its comments a 19 31.2 percent surcharge. The Company filed a reply 20 recommending a surcharge of 39.15. The difference 21 between Staff and the Company's subsequent filing and 22 recommended percentages is a personal note of Alva Green, 23 a difference between 14 and 12 percent interest on the 24 larger note of $100,000 and imputing revenue for two 25 customers; one, the Company's on-site person and the CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 3 COLLOQUY . . . 19 20 1 other being some Company property, a trailer and the site 2 of the backup generator and other equipment of the 3 Company, and that's the principal difference between the 4 Staff and the Company recommended surcharges. 5 This is the time set for the Commission to 6 receive customer testimony regarding the surcharges. 7 It's the surcharge only that's before the Commission at 8 this time. 9 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: I understand 10 there's someone from Atlanta Power that would like to 11 make an opening statement. 12 MR. SMITH: Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, 13 and customers of Atlanta Power, just in clarification -- 14 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Who are you by the 15 way? 16 MR. SMITH: I am sorry. I am Robert E. 17 Smi th. I am the consultant for Atlanta Power in this 18 particular case. I am not an attorney. COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Go ahead. MR. SMITH: Sorry, Commissioner. Just for 21 clarification, the Company after reviewing many of the 22 customers' comments and discussions with the Staff and 23 problems that they have brought to our attention, it is 24 the Company's intent to file an amendment to its 25 application to restore the seasonal rates that we cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 4 COLLOQUY . . . 1 originally had proposed to eliminate. The intent of the 2 original proposal was to draw attention to the fact that 3 Atlanta Power Company's costs are primarily fixed, that 4 they do not vary with the amount of power that is 5 consumed by the customers. 6 We think that after reviewing the comments 7 of the customers that we need to reevaluate the original 8 recommendation and restore some kind of a seasonal rate 9 and we just wanted to make that clear to the Commission 10 and to the customers that we will be making an amendment 11 to that in that regard. Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you very 13 much. If there's no other preliminary matters to come 14 before the Commission at this time, we will move right 15 into the customer or the public statements. The first 16 person that has requested to testify is Alva Green, and 17 if you would please come up and take a seat at the 18 witness table. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 5 COLLOQUY . . . 21 1 ALVA GREEN, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, 3 was examined and testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MR. WOODBURY: 8 Q Mr. Green, if I could ask you just a few 9 questions to put you on the record here. 10 A I don't mind. 11 Q Will you please state your full name and 12 give your address? 13 A Al va D. Green. What address do you want, 14 my Idaho address? 15 Q Your Atlanta address. 16 A My Atlanta address is 416 Green Valley 17 Lane, Atlanta, Idaho. 18 Q And you're a customer of Atlanta Power? 19 A I think we're the maj or customer of 20 Atlanta Power. Q And are you also the note holder for one 22 of the notes that we're discussing? 23 24 25 A That is correct. Q You may give your testimony. A Okay. Well, I'm here basically because cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 6 GREEN Public . . . 1 our electrical bill up there is a maj or part of our costs 2 in the properties that we have. I have been informed by 3 our attorney that the Staff have recommended that our 4 power rate should be no different than the power rates of S the rest of the power users in Atlanta. Now, we have a 6 lodge. We do invite people to come to our lodge. We are 7 marketing to some extent our facility, but it's mostly by 8 far to family and friends, and we're concerned ör we 9 understand through counsel that the rates that we pay 10 should be the same rate as all residents in that 11 community, and if I understand the rate structure, we are 12 classified as commercial and pay a higher rate even 13 though we have a much higher usage than most of the other 14 people using the electrical power there. 15 Now, I don't know if there's a state 16 statute that says, you know, commercial people should pay 17 higher rates than residential people. Lots of businesses 18 if you're using more of the product you get a lower cost 19 or lower rate than a higher one, and we're also concerned 20 about comparing our costs of last year, according to our 21 accountant and found out just how our electrical rates 22 compared with previous years. Last year, for example, if 23 I get it correctly here, yes, our rate according to our 24 records, the revenues that we paid for power was $13,633 2S for the annual year, calendar year, of 2007, and going cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 7 GREEN Public . . . 1 back to previous years, the average rate was around 2 $8,500, something like that, for many years. 3 Now, we're not quite sure what caused the 4 difference. We think that maybe it would be a meter 5 malfunction because our basic revenue from what guests we 6 charge -- well, we give family and friends pretty much a 7 free ride, but there are some commercial guests that pay 8 higher rates, but we can't quite understand why last year 9 our rate was almost double what it was the year before 10 and we're saying is consumption a mere problem and we 11 haven't been able to resolve that yet, but we hope we can 12 work that out. 13 Over the years the company -- and I don't 14 own that property personally, it's in a corporation, but lS it's a family corporation and at my age of 93, I don't 16 have much financial interest in that property, but we've 17 been cooperating as a company with Atlanta Power over the 18 years. My recollection is that when I first acquired 19 that property we were using diesel power, our own 20 generators and diesel power and we decided that when it 21 looked like the community power was more stabilized, why, 22 we should join on, and my recollection is we paid about 23 $30,000 to get the power lines run over to our facilities 24 on the north side of the Middle Fork of the Boise River, 2S and we're grateful to have that power rather than cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 8 GREEN Public . . . 1 particularly now with diesel prices as it is to have that 2 power available to us. 3 I come with no complaints. We've kind of 4 helped over the years Atlanta Power with some extra 5 funding when they were short on funding to keep things 6 operating and I can't complain about the service and 7 Mr. Ray since he's -- well, when he was a stockholder, a 8 minori ty stockholder, of the Company and now he's a 9 maj ori ty stockholder, we've had a good relationship and 10 we did assist last year in helping him fund the costs of 11 having his turbine rebuilt and that kind of thing. 12 I guess all I'm trying to say is my 13 counsel is telling me, and I want to verify if this is 14 correct, that the Staff has recommended that the rates we 15 pay should be the same rate that all other power users in 16 the Atlanta community are paying and we see that as 17 logical and reasonable and have no question about that. 18 That's basically it. We're glad to be more modernized up 19 there. 20 I have difficulty understanding why with 21 hydro power, and I'm not a technician at all, why 22 hydropower rates are as high as they are; for example, I 23 don't know what the Idaho Power rate is.I lived in 24 Boise for several years. The rate is, what, about seven 25 or eight cents a kilowatt-hour and hydropower is supposed cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 9 GREEN Public . . . 1 to be rather inexpensive. It i S not a consuming material 2 product and when we pay several times that, you say, 3 well, why are we paying so much higher rates and I don't 4 know anything about your distribution system, but from 5 the source of generation to our property, we're talking a 6 distance at the most of two miles where we i re consuming 7 it and I doubt whether there i s anyone else that is 8 further away from the source of generation unless it's 9 the Atlanta Gold people and they're a minority user of 10 the power up there, at least a minority to us. 11 Anyway, appreciate the opportunity of 12 coming. My permanent home is down in Utah and 11m not 13 here as regularly as I'd like to be or should be, but 14 anyway, we like having public power.I f there are any 15 questions, I'll be pleased to try and answer them. 16 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Woodbury? 17 MR. WOODBURY: I have a few questions. 18 19 CROSS-EXAMINATION 20 21 BY MR. WOODBURY: 22 Did you have any specific commentsQ 23 regarding the proposed surcharge? 24 Well, not really. I personally, IA 2S personally did not really review the application. I cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 10 GREEN (X)Public .1 turned it over to our legal counsel because 11m not 2 knowledgeable enough to really make any good reasonable 3 determination. 4 Q And I think as a statement, you i re a 5 commercial customer under the Company i s permanent 6 commercial customer schedule, Schedule 2, and Staff has 7 not filed any comments regarding the Company's 8 application, except as far as the surcharge, but I 9 haven't talked to your counsel and I'm not sure who he's 10 spoken with, but Staff has no intention of discussing it 11 with them to recommend that you be anything other than a 12 commercial customer and continue as you are presently.13 billed under that schedule. 14 A My principal counsel in Boise is John Ward 15 wi th Moffatt and he's not specifically trained in that 16 phase of the legal profession; however, he did consult 17 with one who is and 11m sorry that I don't have the name 18 of the legal counsel that he used, but the information 19 that came back to me was that the Staff had agreed that 20 our power rate should be no different than the power rate 21 of any other consumer in the community and we thought 22 that was fair and right and should be the case. 23 Q And to your knowledge, is the Company 24 looking into the question of the accuracy of the meter.25 readings? cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 11 GREEN (X) Public . . . 1 A I understand from our manager that we are 2 and that they're thinking of trying to replace that, 3 yes. 4 MR. WOODBURY: Staff has no further 5 questions. 6 THE WITNESS: Again, I understand that, 7 you know, I guess the surcharge, I don't know whether I 8 can say it's justified or not justified. You know, last 9 year we used a lot of our own diesel generation when the 10 hydro plant was not operating and even though they had to 11 supplement diesel plant for the community, we still were 12 using our -- and the diesel plant for the community was 13 limi ted to time frames and if that didn' t fit into our 14 acti vi ties and interests, why, we turned on our own 15 diesel plant, and so my figure here of the costs last 16 year did not include the extra diesel fuel costs to run 17 our private diesel generators up there. 18 Anyway, I would like the Commission to 19 consider that we pay the same rate as the residential 20 citizens in the community. We're basically not a 21 full-fledged commercial operation. As a matter of fact, 22 we're almost considering that we have no commercial 23 income so that we avoid some of the problems that you 24 have with the difference in commercial and 2S non-commercial, and I might just say, also, the ownership cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 12 GREEN (X) Public . . . 1 of that property has never been a profitable operation. 2 It's always had to be subsidized from other sources of 3 income. 4 MR. WOODBURY: Thank you, Mr. Green. 5 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Do you have any 6 questions from Atlanta Power? Well, thank you very 7 much -- excuse me, Commissioner Smith would like to ask 8 you some questions. 9 10 EXAMINATION 11 12 BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: 13 Q Thank you for coming. My question is 14 would a surcharge of either the 31 percent recommended by 15 the Staff or the 39 percent proposed by the Company cause 16 you to disconnect your service from Atlanta Power? 17 A No, I doubt it. You know, we appreciate 18 having the service. We i ve had no conflict of interest 19 wi th the ownership of Atlanta Power. We know he IS 20 contributed a lot of time and effort and interests that 21 he may not have been properly compensated for. On the 22 other hand, servicing a small community like Atlanta, all 23 of us, I think, make contributions to the welfare of the 24 community without getting compensation. 25 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 13 GREEN (Com) Public . . . 1 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Commissioner 3 Kempton? 4 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: No. 5 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you very 6 much, Mr. Green. 7 THE WITNESS: Thank you for the 8 opportuni ty. 9 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: You may step down. 10 (The witness left the stand.) 11 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: The next person 12 that's asked to testify is Tracy Hopkins. 13 14 TRACY HOPKINS, lS appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 16 sworn, testified as follows: 17 18 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Please have a seat, 19 Mr. Hopkins, and and we appreciate you being here. 20 21 EXAMINATION 22 23 BY MR. WOODBURY: 24 Q Mr. Hopkins, could you please state your 25 full name and spell your last name? cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 14 HOPKINS Public .1 A Tracy Hopkins, H-o-p-k-i-n-s. 2 Q And are you a customer of Atlanta Power? 3 A I am. 4 Q And do you have an Atlanta address? 5 A I do, 255 Yuba Vista Road. 6 Q Okay, you can give your comments. 7 A Well, I am no expert, obviously, on PUC 8 matters or anything. I mean, we're happy, like Mr. Green 9 stated, to have power up in Atlanta. If you ever drive 10 in there, kind of amazed that you have power back there. 11 The concern I do have, though, is I do own a business and 12 when we make I mean, when we do business, obviously,.13 we're geared to make a profit and those profits are 14 invested in the company to make sure that we're taking 15 care of our customers and I don i t ever know that I can 16 make a capital investment on stock and be able to pass 17 that charge directly to my customers. That comes with 18 the operation of the business via depreciation of 19 equipment or planning for a rainy day or putting away 20 profi ts to maintain the company. 21 You know, in this statement I understand 22 that maybe they didn't raise rates over a segment amount 23 of time and maybe that should have happened for general 24 maintenance, for that rainy day, you know, for the.25 assumption that the turbine could go out someday, and cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 15 HOPKINS Public . . . 1 like the Greens, I had to run generators to produce power 2 to facilitate our cabin because power was on sometimes 3 and off sometimes and it didn i t seem to hold to a real 4 great schedule. I didn't surcharge anybody for the 5 gasoline and yet, I paid monthly bills for the power, so 6 I'm concerned that, you know, what happens the next time 7 there i s a capital investment. Can you pass that straight 8 on? I mean, are we prepared for a rainy day now? I just 9 don't think it's quite right to be able to pass on a 10 capi tal investment straight to the customer. That i s 11 pretty much it. 12 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Any questions, 13 Mr. Woodbury? 14 MR. WOODBURY: Thank you. 15 16 CROSS-EXAMINATION 17 18 BY MR. WOODBURY: 19 Q Mr. Hopkins, just for clarification, you 20 have a business, but your property up in Atlanta is 21 residential? 22 23 A Yes. Q And are you a full-time permanent customer 24 or a seasonal customer? 2S A We i re set up as a full-time permanent. cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 16 HOPKINS (X) Public . . . 1 MR. WOODBURY: Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Do you have any 3 questions of Atlanta Power? Thank you. Thank you for 4 oh, excuse me, Commissioner Smith. 5 6 EXAMINATION 7 8 BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: 9 Q Thank you for coming, Mr. Hopkins, and all 10 I can say is that a regulated utility does operate 11 probably differently than your business and there's many 12 people here who would probably be happy to explain that 13 to you later. My question for you is the same one as I 14 had with Mr. Green. Would a surcharge of either the 31 15 percent as proposed by the Staff or the 39 percent as 16 proposed by the Company cause you to disconnect your 17 service in Atlanta? 18 A I guess I'd take a look at it. I mean, 19 any time you're looking at how much you spend as compared 20 to alternatives, we'd visit on anything. I mean, I'd 21 look at anything. At this point in time, no. 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, thank you 23 very much. 24 25 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Kempton? COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: No. cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 17 HOPKINS (Com) Public . 10 11 12.13 14 1 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you very much 2 Mr. Hopkins. We appreciate your coming. 3 (The witness left the stand.) 4 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: The next witness is 5 Merlyn L. Lords. 6 7 MERLYN L. LORDS, 8 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 9 sworn, testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Q Mr. Lords, will you please state your full 15 name for the record? . 16 My name is Merlyn Lords, L-o-r-d-s.A 17 And are you a customer of Atlanta PowerQ 18 Company? 19 A Yes, I am. 20 And do you have an Atlanta address?Q 21 Yes, I do.A 22 Can you give your address?Q 23 10 Alturas, Atlanta, Idaho.A 24 And are you a residential customer?Q 2S A Yes, I am. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 18 LORDS Public . . . 1 Q Are you a full-time or seasonal 2 customer? 3 A Full time. 4 Q Okay, you can give your testimony. 5 A Okay, thank you. I don't know, if I step 6 out of bounds with what I'm saying, somebody stop me. 7 I'm not sure just what you're covering here as far as a 8 whole picture, but some years ago, seven years ago, my 9 wife and I moved to Atlanta. I retired from the Boise 10 Police Department and we found a place up there and 11 purchased it and have been very happy with living there. 12 13 The power has been fairly good. We've had times when we haven't had power. As far as this rate is 14 concerned, I have a couple of questions. One would be as 15 far as the mine is concerned, there was a substantial 16 amount of work done with the Power Company to get power 17 up to the mine and I would like to know if that is part 18 of this extraordinary expenses that we're going to be 19 paying or if the mine paid for that particular service. 20 The other thing I had was that I think 21 that the rates that have been proposed are extreme in 22 that they are more money that I think should be assessed. 23 First of all, I'd like to make it very clear that every 24 business is entitled to a fair profit, that that needs to 2S be considered and they need to have that profit, but I CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 19 LORDS Public . . . 1 also would like to make clear that this turbine that went 2 out should have been fixed the year before when we lost 3 power for a week or 14 days, something like that, I don't 4 remember exactly without my notes here, but my wife and I 5 were on our way back up to Atlanta from Boise when we 6 happened to run into the person from the office that had 7 been working on the power up there who advised us, 8 because I knew who he was and had dealings with them 9 through the Police Department and so forth, and advised 10 us that that problem should have been fixed quite some 11 time ago and the problem became extreme because of the 12 lack of taking care of it at the proper time. 13 I really feel that their costs are too 14 much. I think that there are some people, I'm not sure 15 if it's true or not, I'd like to have it verified or not 16 verified, that some people don i t pay for the power, that 17 they have their power connected to doing business with 18 the mine, just like Idaho Power not charging all of its 19 employees power bills because they work for the company 20 or they have some special connection. If that is the 21 case, I think that needs to be changed immediately, and 22 the Power Company is hiring more employees when they are 23 needing to have to consider the amount of money they're 24 spending and the hard times that they're going through. 25 I don't think it's the time to be hiring more people, and cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 20 LORDS Public . . . 14 15 1 if I'm wrong in that case, if they're not hiring anybody 2 else, then I would like to be corrected, but I do know 3 that someone else is reading the meters now that never 4 read the meters before and is involved in that part of 5 the business. 6 I think any other comments that I might 7 have here would probably be related to other things other 8 than the charge itself, so I think that's all I have to 9 say. 10 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Woodbury? 11 MR. WOODBURY: I have no questions of Mr. 12 Lords. 13 THE WITNESS: Thank you. COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Atlanta Power? MR. RAY: Well, just a couple. In regards 16 to the maintenance on the turbine, I guess you're aware 17 that the turbine is 105 years old and that it had a 18 partial rebuild approximately 23 years ago and, of 19 course, there have been some of the wicket gates that 20 have come loose and we've repaired those as we felt 21 necessary. The bearings on the turbine, we repaired a 22 couple of those, replaced a couple of those, two years 23 ago, but we managed -- they're 100,000 hour bearings and 24 we managed to get double that life out of them. 25 We check the turbine on a regular basis CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 21 LORDS Public .1 and do the maintenance as best we can.We feel that this 2 repair inevitable 23 The weiring shotwasforyears.was 3 . on the turbine,basically.Yanke's would verify that . . 25 4 we -- it was time for a complete, not just a rebuild, but 5 a redesign of that turbine that we feel that 105 years, 6 it was put in place before the automobile. That turbine 7 was running in Atlanta before the automobile. It was 8 brought into Atlanta on an ox team. We rebuilt it, 9 Stevenson and us rebuilt it, in 1984. When I say 10 rebuil t, we just fixed what was necessary. It was a 11 $16,000 total bill with Yanke's. We fixed it and got it 12 on line and so we feel that nothing happens fast with 13 that turbine. It's a 400 RPM machine. Everything is 14 slow. 15 In my opinion, she was a tough old bird. 16 She ran her course and it was time to redesign the 17 barrel, the wicket gate system. They had come loose to 18 where we couldn i t fix them any longer and that's our 19 position. I just wanted -- that's where we're at 20 there. 21 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you. 22 Commissioner Smith? 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. 24 cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 22 LORDS Public . . . 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: 4 Q Mr. Lords, the same question I've had for 5 the previous two witnesses, if the Commission approves 6 ei ther the 31 percent surcharge proposed by the Staff or 7 the 39 percent proposed by the Company, would you 8 disconnect your service from Atlanta Power? 9 A I feel the same in answering that question 10 as Mr. Hopkins did. I have been actively engaged in 11 seeking out federal grants and so forth for the green 12 movement that's in effect in the United States today. 13 It's a big deal and I have been looking into some of that 14 and only time can tell the answer to that question, 15 depending on costs and so forth. 16 Q Do you believe that you have off grid -- I 17 mean off you're not on the grid, off Company options 18 up there, I mean solar, wind? 19 A Well, a combination of both, some, but I 20 can't answer the question because I haven't had enough 21 experience in that, but as far as the answer about the 22 turbine, if it's been going out for such a long period of 23 time, why haven't arrangements been made to take care of 24 the problem prior to letting it completely go out, and 25 then the other thing is that the decision making of the cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 23 LORDS (Com) Public . . . 1 Company in purchasing or bringing up, I believe it was, 2 three different generators, the mistakes that they made 3 in their assesSment and their ability to assess the 4 situation by purchasing or leasing or whatever three 5 different generators to fix it shouldn't be borne by the 6 customer. 7 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, sir. 8 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Kempton? 10 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: No. 11 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Thank you. Mr. 12 Lords, you i ve asked several questions and we do have 13 Staff in the room who after this proceeding might be able 14 to discuss this matter further with you and also you 15 might want to talk a bit with the good folks at Atlanta 16 Power to answer some of your other questions regarding 17 the employees and so forth. 18 THE WITNESS: Well, in regards to that, 19 I've talked to the Atlanta Power Company and, for 20 example, when this power was off and they were turning it 21 on at 6: 00 0' clock in the morning and there weren't 22 people that needed it at 6: 00 0' clock morning, I don't 23 know who needed power at 6: 00 0' clock in the morning, we 24 approached them at that time and asked if they couldn It 25 turn that on two hours later, 10: 00 or 11: 00 0' clock and cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 24 LORDS (Com) Public . . . 21 1 they said yeah, they could do that, but nothing ever 2 happened, so lots of people up there threw hundreds of 3 dollars of food away because of the situation and there's 4 no change made on behalf of those people, so I don't know 5 how you can expect anything different when they told us 6 they would and didn't. 7 COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: Mr. Chairman, I 8 have a few questions. 9 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: Mr. Kempton. 10 11 EXAMINATION 12 13 BY COMMISSIONER KEMPTON: 14 Q Mr. Lords, in some of the letters that we 15 received there was a number of times that it was 16 indicated in terms of whether there was power what the 17 quali ty of power was, in other words, 120 volts, whether 18 you have 180 volts, whether you have brownouts. During 19 the time that you did have power on that system, have you 20 had fairly consistent power at 120 volt level? A No. We constantly have brownouts. We've 22 had times when equipment in the house has just gone to a 23 brownout or blackout where it's completely gone and 24 they'll go down and do something and it's fixed and then, 25 you know, it happens again and I don't know why that is. CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 25 LORDS (Com) Public . . . 20 1 I'm not an expert in that area as far as power and 2 turbines and generators and so forth, but we do have them 3 qui te a lot. In fact, we had one yesterday before I 4 left. The lights were flickering and -- not flickering, 5 you know, going down and coming back up. 6 7 EXAMINATION 8 9 BY COMMISSIONER REDFORD: 10 Q I just have one question. Do you live up 11 there in the winter? 12 A Yes. 13 Q Can you get in and out of there all 14 winter? 15 A Yes, the Highway District does a 16 reasonable job of keeping the roads open and passable. 17 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: No further 18 questions. Thank you, sir. 19 THE WITNESS: Okay. COMMISSIONER REDFORD: You may step 21 down. 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the stand.) COMMISSIONER REDFORD: That concludes our list of witnesses. Are there any other witnesses that cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 26 LORDS (Com) Public . . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 1 would like to offer some testimony? If not, why, we will 2 take this matter into consideration and as regards to the 3 surcharges, there will be a decision by the Commission in 4 due time. Thank you very much, and if there's nothing 5 else to come before the Commission, we'll stand 6 adj ourned. 7 (The Hearing adjourned at 10:45 a.m.) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 cSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 27 COLLOQUY . . . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of the application of 6 Atlanta Power Company for an order authorizing increases 7 in the Company's rates and charges for electric service 8 in the State of Idaho, commencing at 10: 00 a.m., on 9 Thursday, June 12, 2008, at the Commission Hearing Room, 10 472 West Washington, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct 11 transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof 12 for the file of the Commission. 13 14 15 16 t16ks-t ~..s~17 CONSTANCE S. BUCY Certified Shorthand Reporter ~1 \\\\l1l1lllltt\\\ 5 I,,,\ C~ . Sf. 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