HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080905ATL to Staff 24-32, 34-37.pdfATLANTA POWER COMPANY INC. 11140 CHICKEN DINER ROAD CALDWELL, IDAHO 83406 REceIVED i8ØSEP -5 AH 10:23 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION September 5, 2008 Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 82720 Boise, Idaho 83720~0074 ATL~E~08-02 ATTENTION COMMISSION SECRETARY AND HEAD LEGAL SECRETARY Enclosed is Atlanta Power Company's reply to the Third Production Request of the Commssion Staff to Atlanta Power Company together with a Certificate of Service. s~~ Israel Ray President Israel Ray Atlanta Power Company, Inc. 11140 Chicken Dinner Rd. Caldwell, 10 83406 Tel. (208) 459-7007 Fax (208) 459~7014 Representative for Atlanta Power Company, Inc. REcelVEO i.SEP -5AKttv 23 IDAHO PUBLlC OTlLlT1ES COMMlS$lON BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )ATLANTA POWER COMPANY ) FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING INCREASES IN) THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR) ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO) CASE NO. ATL-E-08-2 REPLY TO PUC STAFF THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW Atlanta Power Company Inc., ("Atlanta Power", "Applicant" or "Company") and hereby files the following reply to the second production request of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff (Staff. Request No. 24. The Company provided a listing of duties performed by and corresponding pay for linda Gil, Dave Gil and Israel Ray in response to Staffs Production Request No. 13. Please provide the number of hours worked each month (By month for each individual) in 2006, 2007 and 2008 associated with those duties for that pay. Please include within your response any time logs that were kept during those months to docment time worked. Reply. Israel Ray is a salaried Offcer/Owner of the Corporation. His compensation remains constant from month to month regardless of time spent working for the Company. No time sheets or logs are maintained. See response to Request No. 13 referenced above for duties performed. See response to Request No. 25 below for estimates of time spent working for the RESPONSE TO THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF 1 September 5, 2008 Company. Response prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness, Israel Ray. linda Gil is a contract employe of Atlanta Power Co. Her compensation is constant from month to month. As a contract employee she is paid to perform the tasks assigned regardless of the time required. No time cards or logs are maintained. If she were required to maintain and submit time sheets, she would be considered an hourly employee of the corporation and applicable taxes would be required including employer paid FICA and unemployment taxes. An estimate of the time she spends performing her normal assigned contract duties is approximately 20 hours per month. Her compensation is biled to Atlanta Power Company on a monthly invoice from Gil Construction Company. Response prepared by Linda Gil, Customer Accounting. Witness, linda GilL. Dave Gil is a contract employee of Atlanta Power Co. His compensation is constant from month to month. As a contract employee he is paid to perform the tasks assigned regardless of the time required. No time cards or logs are maintained. If he were required to maintain and submit time sheets, he would be considered an hourly employee of the corporation and applicable taxes would be required including employer paid FICA and unemployment taxes. An estimate of the time he spends performing his normal assigned contract duties is approximately 30 hours per month. His compensation is biled to Atlanta Power Company on a monthly invoice from Gil Construction Company. When extraordinary repairs and maintenance are required beyond the normal assigned duties, he bils the Company separately through a separate itemized charge on the monthly billng from Gil Construction Company. Estimated annual normal duties time = 360 Hrs. Response prepared by Dave Gil, Service Man. Witness, Dave Gil. Request No. 25. If information requested in Production Request No. 24 is unknown and/or undocumented, please provide an estimate of average hours RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF 2 September 5, 2008 worked by each individual for the monthly pay received during 2006, 2007 and 2008. Reply. Israel Ray spends approximately 300 to 700 hours per year performing repair and maintenance to the elecric system, line rebuilds, general clean~up of Atlanta Powets facilities, purchasing and transporting materials and supplies to Atlanta, paying bils, responding to emergency calls and responding to customer complaints and concerns. In 2006, In addition to his normal duties, Israel Ray spent approximately 300 hours over a period of approximately 5 weeks working closely with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency performing required clean-up of old mine tailngs on Atlanta Powets properties including moving and cleaning stored equipment, hauling and spreading approximately 12" of fill to cover contaminated soil over approximately 80% of the storage and generator sites. The Company also constructed fencing around the hydro-generator site. Much of the work on this fencing project (approximately 150 hours) was performed in the Ray Brothers Seed Co. shops in Caldwell to construct the special gates required due to heavy winter snow fall and fabricate a penstock box cover. No charges for the use of these shop facilities or Israel Ray's labor were charged to Atlanta Power Company. See also response to Request No. 36 that follows. 2006 summary: Normal duties = 500 Hrs; EPA clean~up 300 Hrs; Fabricate gates and penstock box cover 150 Hrs. Estimated Total 950 Hours. In 2007, in addition to his normal duties, Israel Ray addresse the problem of the hydro turbine failure. It is difficult to estimate the hundreds of hours spent to remove, haul, arrange and coordinate repair of the turbine, obtain and install a back-up diesel generator, arrange for delivery of diesel fuel, construct a crane for reinstallation of the turbine and reinstall the turbine. Israel Ray also had to arrange for financing of the Company's extraordinary cost. Beginning in 2007, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) required a fish ladder agreement as part of the FERC license agreement. Israel Ray spent numerous hours in meetings with various governmental RESPONSE TO THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF 3 September 5, 2008 agencies to comply with this requirement. This project is ongoing in 2008. 2007 summary: Normal duties = 500Hrs; Time invested to remove and repair turbine, acquire install and maintain back-up generator, build crane, reinstall turbine, acquire financing, 100 hrs/month for 5 months = 500 Hrs; Time spent to comply with FERC fish ladder agreement 100. Estimated Total 1,100 Hrs. 2008 estimated extraordinary hours through August to file rate case, attend PUC hearings and workshops and comply with FERC fish ladder agreement = 360 Hrs. Normal = 500 Hrs. 2008 Estimated Total = 860 Hrs. To reiterate, in a "normal" year, Israel Ray will spend between 300 and 700 hours performing the "normal" duties and responsibilties required to operate and maintain Atlanta Power Company. Hours vary considerably by year depending upon the extent of repair and maintenance required on the system. The last three years have been quite extraordinary requiring an extra amount of time for which Israel Ray has received no compensation. Reply prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness Israel Ray. Linda Gil, See Response to No. 24 above. Dave Gil, See Response to No. 24 above. Request No. 26. The Company identifed a backhoe purchased in 2006 by Atlanta Power and Ray Brothers Seed Company in response to Production Request No. 11. Please identify the number of hours the backhoe was used by Atlanta Power and the number of hours the backhoe was used by Ray Brothers Seed Company. If the information is unknown and/or undocumented, please provide an estimate of average hours used by each Company during 2006. Because the backhoe was purchased in October 2006, please also estimate the expected average normal use by each Company. Normal use would exclude use due to the turbine failure during 2007. Reply. The backhoe hour meter is not operable nor is there a log kept of hourl use. The backhoe has never left Atlanta since its purchase in 2006. RESPONSE TO THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF 4 September 5, 2008 Atlanta Power has used the backhoe for approximately 80 hours on the job site through the end of 2007. Middle Fork LLC, owner of the propert Atlanta Power Company rents for its equipment lot and back-up diesel generator has used the backhoe for approximately 105 hours on the job site over the same period of time. Reply prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness Israel Ray. Request No. 27. The Company identifed a 5 KW portable generator purchased in 2007 by Atlanta Power and Ray Brothers Seed Company in response to Production Request No. 11. Please identify the number of hours . the generator was used by Atlanta Power and the number of hours the generator was used by Ray Brothers Seed Company. If the information is unknown and/or undocumented, please provide an estimate of average hours used by each Company during 2007. Because the generator was purchased in 2007, please also estimate the expected average normal use by each Company. Normal use would exclude use due to the turbine failure during 2007. Reply. This generator has been on site in Atlanta since its purchase in 2007. It has only been used once for a period of approximately 6 to 8 hours during a power outage in Atlanta. The one use was to provide power for Atlanta Power Company's President at the motor home located on the Atlanta Power Company equipment lot while he was making repairs to restore power to the community. The generator is on hand for use in extreme emergency if both the hydro and diesel generators should both be out of service at the same time. Estimated use is impossible to predict. There are no plans to remove the generator from Atlanta at this time. Response prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness, Israel Ray. Request No. 28. The Company provided two schedules in response to Production Request Nos. 20 and 22. Please provide an electronic copy of these schedules with formulas intact. RESPONSE TO THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST OF.COMMISSION STAFF 5 Septembe 5, 2008 Reply. These schedules were prepared with hard input using detail from the Company's records of expenditures. No formulas exist. An electronic version would mirror the printed schedules. Response prepared by Robert Smith, Consultant. Witness, Robert Smith. Request No. 29. The Company identified $4,150 lot rent in response to Production Request No. 22. Please provide a copy of the rental agreement for the lot that includes the terms of the rental (parties to the agreement, rental duration, rental costs, etc.) If the rental is month-to-month, please identify the planned duration of the rental. Reply. No rental agreement exists. This is a month-to-month rental that is intended to continue in perpetuity. It should be noted that the propert owner, Middle Fork llC, was created by Atlanta Powr Company's owner to protect Atlanta Power Company from possible liabilit claims resulting from hazardous mine tailings on the site. Rather than owning the propert outright and including the cost in Atlanta Power Company's rate base, the llC was created as a hedge against liabilit claims to protect the utilty company. The $350 per month rent provides space and a building for the diesel generator far removed from the Atlanta community, a storage lot and building for spare parts inventories, tools and equipment and housing for the Company's president when in Atlanta. Note that the motor home parked on the lot and used for housing is provided at no cost to the utilty and there are no motel/hotel facilities available in the communit. Response prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness, Israel Ray. Request No. 30. The Company identifed meal costs at Chuck~a.rama and the Snake River Mart in response to Production Request No. 22. Please identify the business purpose of these meals that appear to be in Marsing and Boise, Idaho. Reply. Meal charges at Chuck-a-rama are travel expense costs incurred when traveling between Caldwell and Atlanta for business purposes. RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMSSION STAFF 6 September 5, 2008 Purchases at the Snake River Mart are for groceries to take to Atlanta for meals while performing Company related duties for the electric system. Reply prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness, Israel Ray. Request No. 31. The Company identified lodging costs for the Beaver Lodge in response to Production Request No. 22. Please identif the work that was performed requiring an overnight stay at the Lodge. Reply: Round trip travel time to Atlanta from Caldwell is approximately 8 hours. Any time a full day's work is required on the system, an overnight stay is required. Multiple day projects require multiple overnight stays. As discussed above in response to Request Nos. 24 and 25, Israel Ray does not maintain time sheets or log books of work performed. Israel Ray travels to Atlanta to perform his duties not only as president of the Corporation but to perform a multitude of repair, rebuild, maintenance and emergency tasks to maintain the electric system. It is not possible to identify the specific purpose of each of the visits to the service area two years after the fact. Reply prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness, Israel Ray. Request No. 32. The Company identified fuel expenses in response to Production Request No. 22. For some dates there are two to four purchases of fueL. Please provide a detailed explanation of these fuel purchases. Reply. Multiple fuel purchases on the same day reflect several factors. One, Atlanta Power uses a debit card for fuel purchases. The debit.card is restricted to a maximum of $75 per transaction. If the vehicle requires more fuel to fill its tanks, a second transaction is required. Two, often more than one vehicle travels to Atlanta at the same time to haul parts and materials. The second vehicle may not fuel at the same location as the first and may also require two transactions to complete the fuel process. It should be noted here that these vehicles are privately owned i.e. not owned by Atlanta Power Company. The only cost incurred by Atlanta Power Company for operation of these vehicles is the fuel expense for the round trip to Atlanta and return. RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF 7 September 5, 2008 Third, there is no fuel available for purchase in Atlanta to fuel the Company's line trucks and backhoe. Fuel must be hauled to Atlanta in jerry cans. One line truck uses regular gasoline the other use clear dieseL. The backhoe uses regular diesel. Therefore multiple transactions are required to fill the fuel cans from different pumps. Response prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness, Israel Ray. Request No. 34. Please identify the number of customers that have disconnected service due to implementation of the emergency surcharge. If any, please identify the number by tariff schedule. Reply. No customers have requested disconnection from the system. Response prepared by linda Gil, Customer Accounting. Witness, Linda Gil. Request No. 35. Please identify the number of customers that have not paid the amount biled since the emergency surcharge. If any, please identify the number by tariff schedule. If there are any customers that are routinely late with bil payments, please identify that number of customers. Reply. Generally all customers have paid their bils on a timely basis. One new 83 Seasonal Residential Customer has not paid since being connected. There are 7 83 Seasonal Residential customers that are routinely late but eventually always pay their electric bil. Response prepared by linda Gil, Customer Accounting. Witness, Linda Gil. Request No. 36. The Company identifed fencing costs of over $9,000 in response to Production Request No. 20. Please describe the necessity for the fence and the factors causing the significant cost. Reply. The U.S. Forest Service required these improvements. The costs included fencing, adjustable main gates to allow access in deep snow, a penstock box cover made of 2" pipe welded on 6" centers, bars on the windows of the turbine building, a building for the compressor, a gate system cemented to the ground at the penstock box, a 15' wide chain link barrier/gate RESPONSE TO THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF 8 September 5, 2008 to prevent entry to the penstock area and 2 6' by 10' chain link panels and concrete imbedded support posts to prevent accss to the Company's 250' long penstock pipe. Note, not included in the expenditures shown in response to Request No. 20 is labor of approximately 150 hours by Israel Ray to fabricate the main gate adjustable entrance structure and the penstock box cover in the Ray Brothers Seed Company shop in Caldwell using the tools and equipment of Ray Brothers Seed Company. Response prepared by Israel Ray, President. Witness, Israel Ray. Request No. 37. The Company updated its rate case costs estimate in filng dated August 8,2008. The updated estimate is for $13,500 in rate case costs. Please provide a detailed breakdown of these costs - tasks to be performed, hours per task performed, and the rates per hour. To the extent not already provided, please include within your response documentation of all rate case costs incurred to date. Reply. Enclosed is a schedule of charges by date. Enclosed behind that schedule are copies of all billng statements through September 2, 2008 from Robert E. Smith to Atlanta Power Company that provide the detail requested. rí( Respectully submitted this ~ ,, day of September 2008. RESPONSE TO THIR PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF 9 September 5, 2008 Date 09/25/07 10/03/07 10/22/07 11/16/07 11/25/07 12/02/07 12/07/07 01/18/08 02/01/08 02/04/08 02/05/08 02/11/08 03/03/08 03/09/08 03/10/08 03/20/08 03/24/08 03/25/08 04/02/08 04/03/08 04/07/08 04/11/07 04/14/08 04/19/08 04/21/08 04/22/08 04/23/08 04/24/08 04/27/08 04/30/08 04/30/08 05/01/08 OS/27/08 05/31/08 06/05/08 06/06/08 06/08/08 06/09/08 06/10/08 06/12/08 06/27/08 06/30/08 07/02/08 07/10/08 Amount 255.00 170.00 69.49 212.50 340.00 212.50 170.00 340.00 42.50 85.00 11.58 212.50 15.10 510.00 552.50 425.00 425.00 552.50 27.97 340.00 297.50 382.50 382.50 297.50 340.00 510.00 382.50 170.00 170.00 425.00 29.37 170.00 170.00 85.27 170.00 340.00 510.00 170.00 255.00 170.00 127.50 85.00 61.65 212.50 Atlanta Power Company Schedule of Rate Case Costs by Date Date Amount Balance 07/21/08 170.00 11,052.93 07/24/08 255.00 11,307.93 07/25/08 85.00 11,392.93 07/30/08 85.00 11;477.93 07/31/08 382.50 11,860.43 08/01/08 89.99 11,950.42 08/01/08 212.50 12,162.92 08/05/08 297.50 12;460.42 08/06/08 340.00 12,800.42 08/07/08 382.50 13,182.92 08/08/08 212.50 13,395.42 08/11/08 212.50 13,607.92 08/15/08 170.00 13,777.92 08/18/08 255.00 14,032.92 08/20/08 212.50 14,245.42 09/02/08 79.19 14,324.61 Interest 09/03/08 382.50 14,707.11 Staff 3rd Request 09/04/08 297.50 15,004.61 Staff 3rd Request 09/05/07 170.00 15,174.61 Staff 3rd Request 9/5/2008 ??? Copy expense Staff 3rd Request Future? Depends on need to file reply to Staff and/or intervenors. Attend public hearing?? Meet with staff & intervenor??? File new tariffs, etc. Balance 255.00 425.00 494.49 706.99 1,046.99 1,259.49 1;429.49 1,769.49 1,811.99 1,896.99 1,908.57 2,121.07 2,136.17 2,646.17 3,198.67 3,623.67 4,048.67 4,601.17 4,629.14 4,969.14 5,266.64 5,649.14 6,031.64 6,329.14 6,669.14 7,179.14 7;561.64 7,731.64 7,901.64 8,326.64 8,356.01 8,526.01 8,696.01 8,781.28 8,951.28 9,291.28 9,801.28 9,971.28 10,226.28 10,396.28 10,523.78 10,60.78 10,670.43 10,882.93 Robert E. Smith Utility Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: Date Description 6/25/2007 Met with lsrael Ray and Anna Ray re financial data needs to complete annual reports 7/11/2007 Met with Anna Ray to find error in beginning balance of Quick Books and reconcile to 1/31/06 bank stmnt. Contacted PUC and got coy of last Staff Audit Rpt. 7/1212007 e-mail frm Anna Ray re 2006 check register and accunt spread. Sent reply. 7/26/2007 Call from Israel Ray re Deferred Accunting Order. 7/27/2007 Met with Anna Ray re 2004 and 2005 financial data. Recived e-mail from Anna Ray with attchments ie 2004 and 2005 data. 2005 missing. Placed call to Anna Ray and left message re missing 2005 data. 7/29/2007 Drafted Application and coer letter re Deferred Accounting Order. Balance Due: Thank You $ 616.25 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 August 1, 2007 Hours Amount Accumulated Biled ~$85/Hr.Amount 2.5 212.50 $212.50 1.25 106.25 318.75 0.25 21.25 340.00 0.25 21.25 361.25 1 85.00 446.25 2 170.00 616.25 (208) 322-2944 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup~yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Biling Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: Date Description Balance Forwrd fron August 1, 2007 Statement 8/8/2007 Began analysis of 04 ~ 06 data for preparation of PUC Annual Reports 8/14/2007 Met with Israel Ray and Anna Ray re questions on data classifications 8/24/2007 Picked up bank statements for 2004 from U.S. Bank. ann began reclassification of 2004 data. 8/27/2007 Picked up additional data frm Dale Watts (Trial Bal for 03). Called D. Brush and got additional data ie partial trial balance for 04, AIR and GIL. Cobined all data from from all sources into a preliminary 2004 trial baance. 8/2812004 Developed new depreciation schedule, finished recon- ciliation of of 2004 data. Began reclassification of 2005 data to proper accounts. 8/29/2004 Finished 2005 and began recassification of 2006 data to proper accunts 813012004 Finished distribution of 200 dat. Prepared AIR entries and adjustment for 200 -2006 and produced year-end trial balance and financial statements for 2004 - 2006 8/31/2004 Transferred all data to PUC Annual Report Forms. Balance Due: Thank You $ 4,016.25 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 Hours Biled 3 $ 2 3 7.5 6 4 8 6.5 September 4, 2007 Amount Cë $85/Hr. Accumulated Amount $ 616.25 255.00 $ 871.25 1701,041.25 255.00 1,296.25 637.50 1,933.75 510 2,443.75 340 2,783.75 680 3,463.75 552.5 4,016.25 (208) 322-294 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup~yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell. Idaho 83607 Statement Date: Date HoursDescnption Biled Balance Forwrd from September 4, 2007 Staement 9/4/2007 Met with Israel Ray re review PUC Annual Reports. 91712007 Took 2004,05 & 06 Tnal Balances, Balance Sheets and Income Statements to Dale Watts for taxes. Phone Wllsrael Ray re financial poition of Company and PUC application options. 9/25/2007 Reviewed invoices and checks for inclusion in Deferred Costs Account. Met with Israel Ray and Anna Ray re above. Phone with Dale Watts re accunting for contnbution from Atlanta Gold. Balance Due: Thank You $ 4,483.75 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, fdaho 83713 October 1, 2007 Amount Cf $85/Hr. 0.75 N/C 2.5 212.50 3 255.00 Accumulated Amount $ 4,016.25 $ 4,016.25 4,228.75 4,483.75 (208) 322-294 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroupCfyahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utility Consultant PAST DUE STATEMENT Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: Date Description Past Due From 8/1/07 Statement One Month Interest (e 18% APR Past Due From 9/04/07 Statement One Month Interest (e 18% APR Past Due From Oct 1, 07 Biling Balance Due: Thank You $ 4,553.24 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 $ 616.25 $4,016.25 4,483.75 October 22, 2007 Interest TotalDue Due $ 9.24 $ 9.24 60.24 60.24 4,483.75 4,553.24 (208) 322-2944 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup(eyahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utility Consultant Biling Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: HoursDate Description Biled Balance Due From October 22, 2007 Statement For Services through September 31,2007 plus interest 10/3/2007 Meeting with PUC Staff & Phone with Israel Ray re filing requirements. 111712007 Pmnt Received, Thank You 11/1612007 Met with Israel Ray re info for surcharge Application and General Rate Case. 1112512007 Updated Loan and Expendature data. 12/212007 Prepared Draf Exhibit for Surcharge and Loan Appl. 1217/2007 Met with Israel Ray and Dale Watt to review Draft Exhibits and determine Amounts to Capitalize. Balance Due: Thank You $ 1,158.24 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 January 5, 2008 Balance Charge Due $4,553.24 2 $170.00 $4,723.24 (4,500.00)223.24 2.5 212.50 435.74 4 340.00 775.74 2.5 212.50 988.24 2 170.00 1,158.24 (208) 322-2944 Cell (208) 761-9501 unilitygroup~yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: HoursDate Desciptin Biled 1/5/2008 Past Due Balance Due From January 5,2008 Statement For Services through December 31,2007 1/1812008 Completed Draft Application for Debt and Faxed to Co. 2/512008 Interest on Past Due Account ~ 12% APR Balance Due: Thank You $ 1,509.82 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 February 5, 2008 Charge Balance Due $ 1,158.24 4 $ 340.00 $ 1,498.24 $ 11.58 $ 1,509.82 (208) 322-2944 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup~yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utility Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell. Idaho 8307 Statement Date:March 3, 2008 Hours Balance Date Description Biled Charge Due Past Due Balance From February 5, 2008 Statement For Services through January 31, 2008 & Interest on Past Due Acct.$1,509.82 211/2008 Phone WI Israel Ray & Phone WI P. Harms (PUC)0.5 $42.50 $1,552.32 21412008 Phone WI Israel Ray. Phone WI P. Harms (PUC) and draft extension letter to PUC 1 $85.00 $1,637.32 2/11/2008 Meet (s PUC WI Staff, Israel Ray and Anna Ray to determine lok box terms for loan.2.5 212.50 1,849.82 3/3/2008 Interest on Past Due Acunt (s 12% APR $15.10 $1,864.92 Balance Due: Thank You $ 1,864.92 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 (208) 322-2944 Ceil (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup(syahoo.com Hours Description Billed Charee Past Due Balance From March 3,2008 Statement For Services through February 29, 2008 & Interest on Past Due Acct. Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Biling Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: Date 3/9/2008 Began Clean-up of Raw customer Accunts Data provided by Ken Henderso to isolate biling information 3/10/2008 Finished clean-up of biling infor and built model for bil frquency and rate design analysis. Identified numerous problem ares. Phoned Israel Ray for clairification. 3/2012008 Met with linda Gil to clarify biling data and correct problem ares. 3/24/2008 Corrected model input data for corrections in raw biling data 312512008 Organized and built Exhibits for rate case and surcharge Application. Interest due on Past Due Acct ~ 1 SOk per annum 90 Oays Past Due 60 Days Past Due 30 Oays Past Due Current Balance Due: Thank You $ 4,357.89 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryon Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 April2,2008 Balance Due $ 1,864.92 6 $510.00 $ 2,374.92 6.5 552.50 2,927.42 5 $425.00 $3,352.42 5 425.00 3,n7.42 6.5 552.50 4,329.92 27.97 4,357.89 $1,158.24 $351.58 $355.10 $2,492.97 $4,357.89 (208) 322-2944 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup~yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Biling Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: HoursDate Description Biled Balance From April 2, 2008 Statement For Services through March 31, 2008 & Interest on Past Due Acc. 4/312008 Continued with Exhibits, Discovered eromeous dat in Company Notes Payable Data, Contacted Co. for data to fix Note Payable errors 41712008 Got info from Israel Ray and PUC on Problem with Notes Payable and calculated correcions for cost of capitol exhibit. 4111/2008 Completed Exhibts and Bil Frequency for Analysis of Rates. 4/1412008 Payment Recived, Thank You! 4/14/2008 Met WI Israel Ray to review exhibits for rate case and disuss rae design. Sent e-mnail to L. Gil with rate design Exce rate design worksheet atched. 4/1912008 Recalculated Rates per Israel Ray and L. Gil. Began drafting Application. 412112008 Again reclculated rates Per Israel Ray phone caion 4/19. Went back over Applicaion to make changes for rate design and continued Application text. 4/2212008 Continued Application, Corrected Exhibits for changes, checked for errors, prepared current tariff exhibits to show proposed changes. 412312008 Completed Application, draed noice & new release, fine tuned and printed exhibits, Application, notice and cover letter. 4/2412008 Met WI Israel Ray to go over Application & Exhibits. Co. wants to make changes. 4/27/2008 Made changes per Co. request. Phone call to Israel Ray for additional info. left message 4/3012008 Reised all Exhibits, Appliction and notice to recnizee changes Co. requested. Printed package to be filed. 512008 Interest on Past Due Balance ~ 18% per annum Past Due 30 Days Current Balance Due: Thank You $ 1,957.89 3,726.87 5,68.76 Robrt E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 May 2, 2008 Balance Charge Due $4,357.89 4 $340.00 $4,697.89 3.5 297.5 $4,995.39 4.5 382.50 5,377.89 (2,400.00)2,977.89 4.5 382.50 3,360.39 3.5 297.50 3,657.89 4 340 3,997.89 6 510 4,507.89 4.5 382.5 4,890.39 2 170 5,060.39 2 170 5,230.39 5 425 5,655.39 $29.37 $5,684.76 (208) 322-294 Cell (208) 761-9501 unilitygroup~yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: HoursDate Description Bìled Balance Fro May 2, 2008 Statement For Services through April 30, 2008 & Interest on Past Due Acc. 51112008 Met with Israel Ray to sign Applicion and Tariffs, get copies made, file with PUC and sent news releases 512712008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Decision Meeing and met with Staf re surcharge and rate design Interest on Past Due Account Balances Past Due 30 Days Pasr Due 60 Days Currnt Balance Due: Thank You $ 3,726.87 1957.89 425.27 6,110.03 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 June 2, 2008 Balance Charge Due $5,684.76 2 $170.00 $5,854.76 2 $170.00 $6,024.76 85.27 6,110.03 (208) 322-2944 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup(yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Roa Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: HoursDate Description Biled Balance From June 2, 2008 Statement For Services through May 31, 2008 & Interest on Past Due Acc. 6/5/2008 Reviewed PUC Staff Comments, sent fax Copy to Israel Ray 61/2008 Recaculated Staff prosal, contcted Staff for Work paper recived partial explanation (not complete) 6/812008 Used Staff partial info to replicae Staff calculation, drafted reply comments and faxed to Israel Ray 61912008 Recived adell Info from Staf. Errors found requiring re- calculation to correc 6110/2008 Recalculated surcharge requiremnts and redrafed rely to Staff. Faxed to Isral Ray 6/1112008 Met with Israel to sign and file reply comments 6111/2008 Payment Received. Thank You! 6/12/2003 Public Hearing at PUC 6/27/2008 Reviewed Order #30578 and prepared Tariff in Compliance 6/301008 Met with Israel Ray re Tariff to be filed 7/2/2008 Interest on Past Due Balance June Statement $6,110.03 less Pmnt $2,000 = 4,110.03 l§ 1.5% Past Due 30 Days Pasr Due 60 Days Current Balance Due: Thank You $ 425.27 36.76 1,889.15 6,99.18 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 July 2, 2008 Balance Charge Due $6,110.03 2 170.00 $6,280.03 4 340.00 $6,620.03 6 510.00 $7,130.03 2 170.00 $7,300.03 3 255.00 $7,555.03 1 N/C $7,555.03 -2000.00 $5,555.03 2 170.00 $5,725.03 1.5 127.50 $5,852.53 1 85.00 $5,937.53 61.65 $5,999.18 (208) 322-294 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroupl§yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Road Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: HoursDat Desription Bille Balance From July 2,2008 Statement For Services through June 30, 2008 & Interest on Past Due Acct. 7/10/2008 Reviewed Staf 1st Production Request, Phoned and Faxed coy to Linda Gil 712112008 Phone with Linda Gill for clarifcation on responses to Staff 1 st Prod. Req. Began draing response documents 7/2412008 Finished drafting response to Staff 1st Prod Req. 712512008 Faxed resose document to Israel Ray and phone instruions on filing respose on parties and Commission 7/3012008 Phone with PUC Staf ie case timing and customer sample bils not attached to response to Prod Req #1. Faxed sample customer bils to PUC and to intervenor J. Miler 7/31/2008 Met with Israel and Anna Ray re Staff 2nd production request Discussed Amendment to rate design proposal. Drafed an Amended Applicaion and Exhibit to be filed with PUC 71212008 Interest on Past Due Balance July Statement 5999.18 * 1.5% Currnt Past Due 30 Days Pasr Due 60 Days Past Due 90 DaysBalance Due: $ Thank You 1,279.99 1,889.15 425.27 368.76 7,279.17 Robert E. Smith 2209 N. Bryson Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 August 1, 2008 Balanc Charge Due $5,999.18 2.5 212.50 $6,211.68 2 170.00 $6,381.68 3 255.00 $6,636.68 1 85.00 $6,721.68 1 85.00 $ 6,806.68 4.5 382.50 $ 7,189.18 89.99 $ 7,279.17 (208) 322-294 Cell (208) 761-9501 uniltygroup~yahoo.com Robert E. Smith Utilty Consultant Billng Statement Atlanta Power Co. 11140 Chicken Dinner Roa Caldwell, Idaho 83607 Statement Date: Date HoursDecription Biled Balance From August 1, 2008 Statement For Services through July 31, 2008 & Interest on Past Due Acct. 8/112008 Prepared response to Staff 2nd production request question No. 20 815/2008 Bean drafng reonse to Staff 2nd production request. Called and left messages w/lsrael Ray and Dale Watt. 8/61008 Put together schedules to answer Staf production request NO.2 Continued drafting reply 8ll12oo8 Traveled to Dale Watt offce to get tax return. Numerous phone and fax with Israel Ray and Insurance Companies. Continued gathering info and drafting response to Sta request NO.2. 8/812008 Finalized responsde to Staf requet NO.2. Met with Israel Ray and copied for filing. 8/8/2008 Payment received. Thank You. 8111/2008 Filed response with PUC and delivered to intervenor. Researched rate history for response to intervenor discvery request. 8/1512008 Put together rate history schedule for reply to intervenor discvery request. 8/18/2008 Finished reply to intervenor discovery request. 812012008 Met wI Israel Ray to sign reply, copy and file with PUC and Intervenor. Met WI PUC Staff, received 3rd Staf request. 912/2008 Interest on Past Due Balance August Statement 7279.17 less $2,000 * 1.5% Current Past Due 30 Days Pasr Due 60 Days Past Due 90 DaysBalance Due: $ Thank You Robert E. Smith 2,374.19 1,279.99 1,889.15 2,110.03 7,653.36 2209 N. Bryon Rd Boise, Idaho 83713 Sepember 2, 2008 Charge Balance Due $ 7,279.17 2.5 212.50 $ 7,491.67 3.5 297.50 $ 7,789.17 4 340.00 $ 8,129.17 4.5 382.50 $8,511.67 2.5 212.50 $8,724.17 (2,000.00) $6,724.17 2.5 212.50 $6,936.67 2 170.00 $7,106.67 3 255 $7,361.67 2.5 212.5 $7,574.17 79.19 $7,653.36 (208) 322.294 Cell (208) 761-9501 unilitygroup~yahoo.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE t;)r!/- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS .5 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2008, SERVED THE FOREGOING REPLY TO PUC STAFF THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST, IN CASE NO. ATL-E-08-2, BY HAND DELIVERY THEREOF TO THE FOLLOWING: scon WOODBURY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720-0074 BOISE, IDAHO 83720 31 DEAN J. MILLER Si l2 ~ MCDEVln & MILLER LLP ~ !. .~ PO BOX 2564 00. In rn BOISE, IDAHO 83701 ~ ~ ~erO-- ~i; ~gi f!~ ~