HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080820ATL to Greene Tree 1-3.pdfATLANTA POWER COMPANY INC. I I 140 CHICKEN DINER ROAD CALDWELL, IDAHO 83406 I. . ....,.:t,~ :;: August 20, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 82720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ATL-E-08-02 ATTENTION COMMISSION SECRETARY AND HEAD LEGAL SECRETARY Enclosed is Atlanta Power Company's reply to Intervener Greene Tree Incorporated's discovery request dated August 8, 2008. Also enclosed is a "Certficate of Service". Sincerely,(~~Israel Ray President Israel Ray Atlanta Power Company, Inc. 11140 Chicken Dinner Rd. Caldwell, 1083406 TeL. (208) 459-7007 Fax (208) 459-7014 Representative for Atlanta Power Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )ATLANTA POWER COMPANY ) FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING INCREASES IN) THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR) ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO) CASE NO. ATL-E-ÐS-2 REPLY TO GREEN TREE INC. DISCOVERY REQUEST COMES NOW Atlanta Power Company Inc., ("Atlanta Powet', "Applicant" or "Company") and hereby files the following reply to the discovery request of intervener Greene Tree Inc. (Intervener or Greene). Request NO.1. Please provide Any and all cost of service studies or analysis used to develop the proposed 10 cents/ kwh charge for residential customers and the proposed 20 cents/kwh charge for commercial customers. Reply. First, Applicant draws interveners attention to the" Amendment to Application" filed by Atlanta Power Company on August 8, 2008. That amendment changed Applicants proposed rate design. In response to Interveners question regarding "Any and all cost of service studies or analysis", Applicant did not and has not penormed any cost of service studies as typically penormed for much larger electric companies. Atlanta Power Company is a very small electric system. It is not interconnected with any other electrical system or grid, does not buy or sell excess wholesale power. The Company relies primarily on a single hydro-electric generator with a RESPONSE TO DISCOVERY REQUEST OF GREENE TRE INC. 1 Augu 20, 2008 back-up diesel powred generator for use when the hydro generator is out of service. The hydro and diesel generators are not synchronized and cannot be used simultaneously to follow customer power demands on the system. There are no demand meters installed for measurement of customers electrical demands on the system. Atlanta Power Company's initial rate proposal was intended to demonstrate that the Company's costs are primarily fixed costs (do not vary with the amount of power produced and sold) except when there is a problem with the Company's hydro-electric plant and the back-up diesel generator must be operated. Please see the statement made by Robert Smith at the "Public Hearing" in this case on June 12, 2008. The amended rate proposal was developed in response to customets comments regarding affordabilit and to try and maintain relative ratios among the rate schedules. Enclosed is a compact disc containing an Excel file titled "Rates" that may be useful in your review. Response prepared by Robert Smith, Consultant. Witness, Robert Smith. Request NO.2. With respect to Exhibit 2 accompanying your Application, please identify the listed categories of expense you consider to reflect variable costs, i.e. those costs which fluctuate depending on the amount of electrical generation produced. Reply. Fuel expenses vary depending upon the need to use the Company's back-up diesel generator. The Company's commercial general liability Insurance policy premium is base upon the amount of energy produce by the Company. See also our reply to Request No. 1 above. Response prepared by Robert Smith. Witness, Israel Ray, President. Request No.3. Please provide in narrative form your rationale, whether based on cost of service or otherwise, for the proposed 10 cents/kwh charge for residential customers and the proposed 20 cents/kwh charge for commercial customers and the disparity between the two charges. RESPONSE TO DISCOVERY REQUEST OF GREENE TRE INC. 2 August 20, 2008 Reply. See Reply to Request No. 1 above. Following is a chronological history of Atlanta Power Company's basic rate schedules. In 1988, (Case No. U-1147-6l Atlanta Power Company proposed just two rate schedules, a residential rate and a commercial rate. Atlanta proposed uniform energy rates for both classes of customers. The Company proposed a customer charge for residential customers of $30 per month and a customer charge 333% greater or $100 for commercial customers. The Idaho Public Utilties Commission in its Order No. 21928 expressed concern over the elasticity of demand for service from the Company's customers and initiated separate rates for part-time or seasonal customers of Atlanta. The Commission approved uniform energy rates for permanent residential and commercial customers. Residential minimum charges were set at $50 per month and commercial minimum rates were set 100% greater at $100 per month. Both permanent classes were allowed a basic block of energy of 500 KWh/ month before the energy charge would be applied to the excess over the 500 KWh monthly allowance. The Commission established a single seasonal rate applicable to both residential and commercial customers of $25 per month plus an energy charge of $0. 12/KWh. In recognition of the extra costs the Company was subject to in winter months when hydro generation was limited and the Company had to rely upon diesel generation, the Commission established a winter charge of $0. 12/KWH for all energy used in excess of 1,000 KWh/month to encourage conservation. Reconsideration Order No. 22167 reduced the residential energy rate from $.068/KWh to $0.05/KWh and increased the seasonal commercial minimum charge from $25 to $50 per month. All other rates remained the same. Case No ATL-E-91-1 dealt solely with an emergency surcharge that treated all customer classes alike. A $0.1023 surcharge was authorized for all KWh's sold regardless of customer class. RESPONSE TO DISCOVERY REQUEST OF GREEN TRE INC. 3 August 20, 2008 Case ATL-E-93-1 was Atlanta Power Company's last general rate case. The Commission by its Order No. 24925 effective June 15, 1993 increased the permanent residential minimum bil from $50 per month to $81 per month (62%) and the permanent commercial minimum charge from $100 per month to $144 per month (44%). The commercial minimum charge was now 77.8% larger than the permanent residential minimum charge. Permanent residential KWh charges over the 500 KWh allowance were left unchanged at $0.05/KWh. Permanent comercial KWh charges over the 500 KW allowance were increased from $0.068/ KWh to $0. 18/KWh (164.7%). The Commission eliminated the $0. 12/Kh winter charge for use over 1,000 KWh's. Seasonal residential customer charges were increased by 40% from $25/month to $35/month. Seasonal commercial customer charges were increased by 30% from $50/month to $65/month. Seasonal residential energy charges were left unchanged at $0. 12/KWh for all consumption. Seasonal commercial energy charges wefe increased by 75% from $0. 12/KWh to $0.21/KWh. The Commission in its order indicated that the rates were intended to increase revenues across the board by 36% in each class. A three page attachment to the Commission's Order No. 24925 demonstrates the new rate design though not uniform to all rate schedules would indeed be uniform to the revenue generated by all classes of customers. Atlanta Power Co. in its amended application has attempted to follow the Commissions lead in proposing rates that allocate the revenue requirement evenly across the classes of customers while at the same time making the proposed rates easy to understand by rounding to whole dollars and cents father than fractions of a cent. Respectfully submitted this day of August 2008. RESPONSE TO DISCOVERY REQUEST OF GREENE TRE INC. 4 August 20, 2008 Case No. U-1147-6 Cae No. U-1147-6 Reconsideration Case No. ATl-E-91-1 Rae ScheduleReal Customer Chg Hydro Power Diesel Power Commrcial Customer Chg Hydro Power Diesel Power Rate Schedule Reidentl Customer Chg HydroPower Diesel Power Commercl Customer Chg HydroPower Diesel Power ATLANTA POWER COMPANY Historical Base Rate Comparisons (Excludes Separate Surcharges)Company PUC Proposed ApprovedRates Rates * $30/Month $O.l13/KWh $O.17/KWh $l00/Month $O.113/KWh $0.17/KWh $50/Month $O.068/KWh $0.12/KWH 500 Kwh / Month $25/Month $O.12/KWH PUC Approved categories * Minimum Bil Over Allowance Winter over 1.00 KWh / Mo. KWh Allowance New Seasonal Cust Chg New Sch 3 Seasonal aU KWh New Seh 3 $100 / Month Minimum Bil $0.068/ KWh Over AHowace $0.12/ KWH Winter over 1,00 KWh / Mo. 500 KWh / Month KWh Allowance New $25/ Month Seasonal Cust Chg New Sch 3 $0.12/ KWH Seasonal all KWh New Sch 3 * See Order 21928 effctiv June 1, 1988 Company Proposed Rates $30/Month $0.113/KWh $0.17/KWh $l00/Month $O.113/KWh $O.17/KWh PUC Approved Rates ** $5O/Month $O.as/KWh $O.12/KWH 50 KWh / Month $25/Month $0.12/KWH $15/Mo PUC Approved categories * * MlnjmumBil Over Allowance Winter over 1,00 KWh / Mo. KWh Allowance Sesonal Cust Chg Seasonal all KWh 7 Month Surcharge $100 / Month Minimum Bill $0.06/ KWh Over Allowance $0.12/ KWH Winter over 1.00 KWh / Mo. 50 KWh / Month Kwh Allowance $50 / Month Seasonal Cust Chg $0.12/ KWH Seasonal all KWh ** See Order 22167 effecive November 1. 1988 Temporary Surcarge $0.1023/ KWh All Schedules, All KWh Order 23740 efecive June. July & August 1991 Surcharge Continued $0.1023/ KWh All SChedules. All KWh Bench Ruling August 29. 1991 effective Sept 91 Through Aug 92 See Order No. 23895 Suspend Winter Excess Charge -$0.12/ KWH Winter over 1,00 KWh / Mo. Order No. 23935 effective November 1. 1991 case No. ATl-£93-1 REPLY TO GREENE TREE DISCOVERY REQUEST Resenial Minimum Bil Over Allowance Winter over 1,00 KWh / Mo. KWh Allowance Seasonal Cust Chg Seasonal all KWh COa! Minimum Bil Over Allowance Winter over 1,00 KWh / Mo. KWh Alloance Seasonal Cust Chg Seasonal all KWh Existing Rates $5O/Month $O.OS/KWh $0.12/KWH 500 KWh / Month $25/Month $O.12/KWH PUC Approved Rates *** $81/Month $0.05/KWh.. 500 KWh / Month. $3S/Month $0.12/KWH $100 / Month $144/ Month $0.068/ KWh $0.18/ KWh$O.12/KWH .. 50 KWh / Month 500 KWh / Month $50/ Month $65 / Month $0.12/ KWH $0.21/ KWH *** Order No. 24925 effective June 15. 1993 ATTACHMENT "An ATl-E-D8-2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS DAY OF AUGUST, 2008, SERVED THE FOREGOING REPLY TO GREENE TREE INC. DISCOVERY REQUEST, IN CASE NO. ATL-E-08-2, BY HAND DELIVERY OF A COPY THEREOF TO THE FOLLOWING: SCOTT WOODBURY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720-0074 BOISE, IDAHO 83720 DEAN J. MILLER MCDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 ~ Israel Ray, President Atlanta Power Co. Inc.