HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter regarding Name Change 1-22-13.pdfTLCQ1f -IIJudithA.Ri’ey,J.D.PROFESSIONALS,INCO 12316 Hidden Forest Boulevard Oklahoma City,OK 73142 January 21,2013 Jean Jewell,Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 RE:Notice of Name Change from Zone Telecom,LLC to ANPI Business,LLC ID P.U.C.Tariff Filing to Reflect Name Change Dear Ms.Jewell: Zone Telecom,Inc.was granted authorization as a reseller of intrastate telecommunications in Idaho (see authorization granted in Utility ID No.ZON-T,T62).Pursuant to Zone’s notification letter filed with the Commission on October 14,2010,Zone Telecom,Inc.,a Delaware corporation,was converted into Zone Telecom,LLC,a Delaware limited liability company on March 25,2011.Please be advised that Zone Telecom,LLC (“Zone”)has changed its name to ANPI Business,LLC (“ANPI Business”). Attached hereto please find a copy of the Amended Certificate of Authority as issued by the Idaho Secretary of State reflecting the current name change. In addition,please find an original copy of the updated title page for the Intrastate Resale Tariff. This tariff has been updated to reflect the name and address change only.ANPI Business has not changed any rates,regulations or conditions of service as a result of this name change,and the enclosed tariff page has been updated only to reflect the company name,address,and contact changes. Also attached is an updated Annual Report containing updated name,address and regulatory contact information.The address of ANPI Business,LLC has changed,as noted in the attachment.Ownership and management remains unchanged. Based on previous interaction with the Commission,it is our understanding that Idaho does not regulate V0IP services at this time.ANPI Business does intend to offer VoIP services and notified this Commission of that in a letter dated August 27,2012.We will continue to monitor Idaho’s regulations conceming VolP technology to insure we remain in compliance with the Commission Rules. Office (405)755-8177 F 4 7 -mai ri ey to ecomp iance.net TIELIECOM I :Ew Judith A.Riley,J.D.PROFESSIONALS,INC. ANPI Business respectfully requests that the previously granted authorizations he amended to reflect ANPI Business,L.LC as the certificated service provider. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by date-stamping and return the extra copy of this letter in the self-addressed,stamped envelope included for this purpose.Should anything further he required,please let me know. Respectfully submitted, Th (I//1 Jifdith A.Riley Regulatory Consultant Office (405)755-8177 (800)406-4777 Fax (405)755-8377 E-mail Iriley@telecompliance.net 1 231 6 Hidden Forest Boulevard Oklahoma City,OK 73142 Enclosures AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ZONE TELECOM,LLC File Number W 103704 1,BEN YSURSA,Secretary of the State,hereby certify that an Application foi Amended Certificate of Authority,has been received in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law,I issue this Amended Certificate of Authority to reflect the name change from ZONE TELECOM, LLC t ANPI BUSINESS,LLC and attach hereto.a duplicate ci the application for such amended certificate. Dated:December21,2012 & SECRETARY OF STATE By r State of Idaho Office of the Secretary of State I