HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250311Comments_20.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 4:43PM
Telephone: 208-623-6267
Address: 34438 N Newman Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "RE: Case No. GSW-W-24-01
Just received a notice from Gem State Water Company that my water bill will increase by 79% and
a reduction in water from 8000 to 7000 gallons per month. This increase is outrageous and
uncalled for. I am retired and on a fixed income. My social security did not increase by 79%. My
property taxes did not decrease by 79%. It wasn't that long ago that our water rates increased
from $25 to $35 a month.That was a 40% increase! And now they want to increase it by 79%! What
will it be a few years from now, a 100% increase?When will this stop?
We are in the middle of a record inflation period. And there is serious talk of it turning into a
recession. EVERYTHING is much more expensive and it's getting worse. This is not the time to be
increasing the cost of something that we all must have. With summer coming we will have to be
using more waterjust to keep our properties green. This will act as a fire prevention method. Some
people have gardens because it's cheaper to grow their own food than pay the high prices for it.
This takes water.
A 79% increase for anything is never justified, especially for water, something that we all must
Please do not approve this rate increase.
John W. Haus
Spirit Lake East, ID
208 623-6267"
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Wayne Morrison
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 5:14PM
Email: waynelmo@icloud.com
Telephone: 208-755-5730
Address: 1622 W Garwood Rd
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Idaho Public Utilities Commission,
CASE NO. GSW-W-24-01
I am sending this email in protest of the request by Gem State Water Company to increase its
current rate by 79%! In my opinion, raising rates this much is absolutely uncalled for. Their failure
to invest in their business over the years should not be the fault of current customers.
The price of water in the ground (a natural resource) does not change. I believe the State of Idaho
needs to look long and hard at how these water companies are conducting their daily operations. I
understand the cost of doing business does rise, but a 79% increase is ridiculous. Maybe the
owners of Gem State Water need to divest and sell to a more competent entity.
Thank you for looking into this matter,
Wayne Morrison
1622 W Garwood RD
Rathdrum, ID 83858"
Name: Michelle Vitale
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 5:19PM
Email: mvitale75@aol.com
Telephone: 408-656-3530
Address: 20515 N Silent Pines Road
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "To whom it may concern. I absolutely do not approve of a 79 percent increase to our
water bill. That is ridiculous,you have new customers continually and why should we pay the
penalty of supporting your increase.You haven't even fixed the water pressure issue. I could
understand a 15-20 percent but you are doubling our bill. We are not in California and this is
wrong. Our neighbors are all talking and we will fight this all the way. Very unhappy with this
proposal. "
Name: Donald Murphy
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 5:53PM
Email: don@nightvisions.com
Telephone: 208-623-6479
Address: 9067 W Coeur d Alene Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: GEM State water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I think it is asinine for the water company to increase water rates 79%. It feels like
they are trying to rip us off, especially when our water pressure is so bad. We are retired and such
a large increase is a hardship for us. We understand things are getting more expensive but 79% is
excessive. Donald and Cindy Murphy"
Name: Lois Tarnowski
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 5:54PM
Email: loisarpski@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-755-1542
Address: 15230 W. CdA Dr.
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I understand Gem State Water is requesting yet another raise in rates, once again
seeking to raise the base rate while lowering the base amount of water allowed, and drastically
raising the rates of water usage over the base amount. Gem State Water is no longer locally
owned.The current owners obviously know nothing about life in North Idaho, or else they do know
but don't care. Here in Spirit Lake East, we have no alternate water rate/source for agricultural
water use. If we want to water our garden (or water livestock), we have to use the same water out
of the same meter as we would for taking a bath or doing laundry. With the price of groceries
skyrocketing, it is imperative that we grow our own produce in our own garden, not just for summer
consumption but for preserving for later use.We can barely afford to water our entire large garden
since the last rate raise, and if we are saddled with another rate raise, homegrown vegetables will
become as unaffordable as those in the grocery store.
It would be helpful to know exactly what Gem State Water plans to do with all that extra revenue
they want. So far all they have done in Spirit Lake East is replace the meters, which should be
budgeted maintenance. If our rates are raised again, where will that money go? I question whether
it would be used right here to improve our water system.
I urge you to Just Say NO:'
Name: James Johnson
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 6:19PM
Email: wrench2051 @aol.com
Telephone: 208-660-1121
Address: 17955 N Wrangler Rd
Rathdrum , ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "This rate hike is absolutely ridiculous, they are proposing to nearly doubling our basic
monthly bill, reducing our allowable usage from 7500 gal to 5000 gallons before they charge you
an overage charge. They are also proposing to over doubling the overage charge. This is all
completely un-fair. They did get a rate increase less than 2 years ago.They state in their
application that their goal"is to eliminate all free water with the base fee".This is a dirty greedy
company only interested in their profits!!! "
Name:Wendy Morey
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 6:31 PM
Email: wendymorey1 @yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-755-1478
Address: 15795 W Coeur dAlene Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I respectfully and desperately ask that you reject the requested outrageous rate
increase by Gem State Water Co. for Spirit Lake East. We are already struggling to make ends meet
with Biden's inflation. I'm on a fixed income-Social Security. On top of the 79% increase on the
basic minimum amount would be a decrease from 7,500 gal. to 5,000 gal., with the commodity
rate increasing from $1.88/1,000 gal. to $4.50/1,000 gal. (more than double). Our land
management will become more dangerous as we are not able to keep our homes and land safe
from wild fires and grow our gardens.We don't even have one fire hydrant in all of Spirit Lake
East. This appears to be a management problem, somewhat like California. The only
improvement I've seen from Gem State Water is new meters. Where is all the money really going? "
Name: Lori johnson
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 6:31 PM
Email: bratljj@aol.com
Telephone: 702-371-1449
Address: 17955 n wrangler rd
rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: gem state
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "gemstate lied they never sent out notice till march 9 2025 about rate hike. they are
Looking to raise our water rates and reduce are free gallons eventually by their request to nothing.
they wasted money 80,000 on a new truck last year raised us for bogus reasons. i feel this is
wrong to do to us. gem state is never available if you try to call them because they overcharged
you by misreading your meter we have to call PUC to get them to respond to us and then it takes
weeks to get them to correct the bill. we have never had such issues when it was owned by bob
our bill was never raised he was able to keep the system working great. ever since gem state took
over it has been nothing but trouble with them. always looking to line their pockets with more
money at our expense. please consider our request to finally put a stop to their overreach and stop
taking away our rights to live on acreage and not be penalized. they make plenty at what they are
charging us. thank you "
Name: Richard Still
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 7:30PM
Email: ricknandi@earthlink.net
Telephone: 208-610-4261
Address: 32036 N Kelso Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869-8871
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Gem State Water is proposing a 79% increase in their water rates. They have already
raised the rates recently. And they shouldn't need to, so soon.
I can't afford that huge of a rate increase.
I strongly oppose this proposal. "
Name: Lawrence C Walkden Jr
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 8:09PM
Email: LCWalkden@aol.com
Telephone: 208-683-1794
Address: 4153 E Lupin Ln
Athol, ID 83801-5001
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am writing this letter regarding the proposed rate increase by Gem State Water
Company, I completely oppose this proposal as I do not believe that anything that they say can
justify a 79% increase in our rates.They just raised the rates in March of 2023 from $21.00 per
month to $35.00 per month, so after 2 years they want to increase the rates by 79%while the total
rate of inflation over that same period is only 61/2%. Other community water systems in our area
such as Holiday Acres over on North Ramsey only charge $30 per month, or Bayview water and
Sewer only charge $28 per month with an additional$8 water bond. So why should some out of
state entity come in and buy up all these community water systems and basically hold the
resident's hostage as they have the water rights over these properties. They are also trying to lower
the base volume of water that each home is allowed before there is an additional charge from
10,000 gallons to 7,000 gallons,we were allowed 15,000 gallons before this company took over
and lowered it also in 2023, this is unacceptable as the average 4 person household uses 12,000
gallons per month and we are in an agriculture area where many of the properties have livestock
and gardens.Thank You for any oversight that you may have over this situation as water is a basic
need and our community should not have to choose between having water and some other basic
need. "
Name: Samantha Thompson
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 8:29PM
Email: samthmps@road run ner.com
Telephone: 208-627-9091
Address: 29032 N.Silver Meadows Loop
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem state
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "With these rate hikes we won't be able to water around our house or gardens. Our
house insurance already went up because of fire danger in the area. "
Name: Ian Dretke
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 9:07PM
Email: iandretke@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-215-6325
Address: 24800 N Old Highway 95
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Batelco
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "The annual revenue being proposed from this bill is outlandish. A 78.8% increase in
revenue is insane. The local wages of the community cannot support these drastic increases. The
local energy bill just increases 10% and this alone took the food out of the mouths of local
families. Most would understand a marginalized increase such as 10%. The cost of new
development should not come out of the pocket of locals. It should be a part of a new
development's installation cost:'
Name: Derek Wiench
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 9:26PM
Email: dgwiench@msn.com
Telephone: 208-819-5049
Address: 16736 W Coeur DAlene Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869-8721
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "The 79% rate increase along with a reduction in the base amount is outrageous and
not deserved. The base amount is already too small for these large lots. This company
continuously asks for rate increases with no end in sight due to their inability to operate the
company in an organized and efficient manner. Their rate requests are much more than
inflation. They have made no improvements to service or infrastructure to deserve this. I implore
you to please reject their request.
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Gregory Jones
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 11:35AM
Email: gtaajones@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-777-5522
Address: 2117 E Amulet Circle
Rathdrum, ID 83858-5255
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am writing to express strong opposition to the quite substantial rate increase
(approximately 79%) proposed by Gem State while simultaneously decreasing the usage
approximately 50%. Such a sizable increase is well beyond the cumulative inflation rate for the
past five years, as well as being outside the norms for utility increases. I understand that
operating costs increase,justifying the need for rate increases, but this is excessive and
unaffordable for residents. I urge you to disapprove Gem State's proposed rate increase and
advise them to submit a reasonable proposal. Thank you:'
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Michael Dudash
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 12:22PM
Email: michael@cmdudash.com
Telephone: 208-712-3082
Address: 18309 N Circle S Trail
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Having been a water customer for the last 6 years at this address, I have seen the
water rates increase alot when Gem State Water took over as our supplier. Especially for water
use over our monthly minimum. The proposed single increase of 79% all at once seems
outrageous.....and that's just for our basic monthly bill. Who knows what charges for any over use
will be! I have looked over the rate increase application - not being an expert on any of this, I'm
asking that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission think of your constituents before approving this
application. Thank you very much. Sincerely, C. Michael Dudash "
From: submoax<submoax@aol.com>
Sent:Tuesday, March 11, 2025 1:42 PM
To: secretary
Subject: Gem State Water Case#GSW-W-24-01
Dear Secretary,
My name is Michael Hall and I live in an area serviced by the Gem State Water Company. I am a
74 year old retired military veteran, living on a fixed income.
It's come to our attention that Gem State water is requesting a 79% increase in water cost plus a
reduction in the basic usage by 3000 gallons a month.
This increase is very troubling considering our area has been hit very hard in the last couple of
years for basic cost of living expenses. My home owner's insurance has taken a 200% + increase
due to realignment of fire lines and many insurance companies have cancelled policies on a large
number of policy holders. Our property taxes have also been on a steady increase due to the influx
of people and rising property prices.
At the rate of all these increases, living in North Idaho is becoming untenable for retirees,
especially those of us on fixed incomes.
I definitely oppose the Gem State Water Company's proposed increases and sincerely hope you
will carefully consider the burden this increase will pose for the residents of our area.
Thanks very much for your time.
Best Regards,
Michael A. Hall
Spirit Lake East, Idaho
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Michael Hall
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 1:17PM
Email: submoax@aol.com
Telephone: 208-623-6202
Address: 334 Sky Hawk Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Gem State Water is proposing a 79% increase in water cost plus a reduction in the
basic usage amount.This increase is untenable for most residents of their service area, including
me. I definitely oppose this increase in cost and decrease in basic usage amounts. These
increases can greatly affect the way of life of retired individuals on fixed incomes, like me. Our
area has already suffered through tremendous increases in living expenses like home owners
insurance and property taxes so an increase of this magnitude in water cost is most troublesome.
Name: Scott Heaps
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 1:32PM
Email: scottyirish@hotmail.com
Telephone: 360-920-7405
Address: 17086 N Ramsey Rd
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem state water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "While understanding that prices for everything our increasing, the latest rate proposal
from Gem State Water seems extremely excessive. A rate increase of nearly 80%with
corresponding annual revenues to match is absurd. They being the only option for water has their
customers is essentially a monopoly. A gradual and moderate increase seems fairer for everyone
involved. Thank you for your consideration. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:Ted Baldwin
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 2:34PM
Email: idbaldwins@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-500-1484
Address: 16834 n Ramsey rs
Rathdrum , ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Bar Circle S Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am writing to oppose the outrageous increase in our water rates proposed by Gem
State Water company. I received a notice from Gem State Water on March 8 2025 telling me of a
proposed increase of 79% on base usage rate of 7000 gallons. There is no mention of lowering
base usage to 5000 gallons or of an increase in overage use of approximately 139%, from $1.88
per thousand gallons to $4.50 per thousand gallons. This notice is deceptive at best. If I took a bill
from last summer of$150.00 and calculated it with the proposed increase the bill would be
approximately$337.00. Well over 100% increase in my water bill. How about some truth in notify
customers of a rate request? It is no wonder customers do not trust this company, who buys up
small water systems and then start increasing rates. It was only two years ago they raised rates for
us. They cannot justify this large of an increase even with the high inflation we have experienced. It
Looks as though there must be mismanagement if this high of an increase is required to keep this
company operating.Their first application was on Dec. 27 2024 but I received my notice on March
8, 2025 71 days later. One of the reasons for the increase is labor cost but they hide raises to
employees including labor cost to Pelican Point Water System in Moses Lake Wa.Why should that
cost be passed on to us?We are advised by fire officials to keep a green space around our house
for fire protection but with the proposed increase in rates this becomes very difficult. I also oppose
joining all of these water systems into one system. Two years ago I believe Bar Circle S was joined
with Diamond Bar which I don't think should have happened either. One water system should not
have to incur the cost of maintaining another system. Please do not approve this outrageous
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Brendan Mills
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 3:05PM
Email: MrBrendan@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-216-9787
Address: P.O. Box 1473
Spirit lake, ID 83869-1473
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GAS-W-24-01
Comment: "I recently received a notice of increased water rates. I'm applauded at the amount and
f increase being sought. A 79% increase with a decrease in amount of base water.
As I understand, I live on an aqua filler, and have an endless supply of water beneath my property. I
can not process the thought of a 79% increase when the average Cola is in the area of 2.5%.
Living on a fixed income, increasing rates of a basic need and lowering the base amount of water is
inexcusable! I and my family stand strongly against this absurd request.
If gem state can not operate at the current rate, they should look at selling the company to an
American buyer.
Have a blessed day."