HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250313Comments_5.pdf From: Bliss Wheeler<bliss.wheeler@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, March 13, 2025 9:32 AM
To: secretary<secretary@puc.idaho.gov>
Subject: Rocky ountain Power- Ref Case PAC-E-25-02
would like to express my deep concerns in opposition to the proposal from Rocky Mountain Power,
Case PAC-E-25-02.
The change from 10.7 cents per KWh to 4 cents per KWh is totally unacceptable.Those of us who
spent$40,000 to$80,000 to improve our efficiency and support the Green Energy policy of the
United States,would be taken advantage of by Rocky Mountain Power.
While I agree we need to support The Rocky Mountain Power distribution network grid, a
compensation decrease from $.107 per KWh (my current rate)to$.04 per KWh, a credit reduction
from 100%to<40%, is totally unreasonable.That is price gouging their customers.A reasonable
compensation amount should be at least 75%of the power generated,which would be$.08 per
KWh.That should give Rocky Mountain Power more than enough compensation for maintaining
their Power Grid.
Failure of Rocky Mountain Power to be reasonable,will destroy the incentive to install solar systems
to help out the Green Energy initiative.At the current rate it takes—15 to 20 years to pay for itself.At
their proposed rate it would take—50 years to pay for it.Totally unreasonable.
encourage you to make sure their customers,that go to the expense to save and protect the
environment, are fairly compensated for their efforts.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bliss Wheeler
Rocky Mountain Power Customer
From: PUCWeb Notification
Sent:Tuesday, March 11, 2025 2:00 PM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: Notice:A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb
The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Kathy Cross
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 1:49PM
Email: crosskathy98@gmail.com
Telephone: 253-802-6682
Address:22 W 1 N
Sugar City, ID 83448
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Contacted Utility: No
Comment: "We are highly opposed to the proposal you are making regarding the changes you want
to make for credit we receive from our solar panels!We invested in them because of your promises!
We have put a lot of money on a loan that will take us years to pay back!This is terribly unfair of
From: Kyle McQuivey<kmcquivey@mvsd21.org>
Sent:Thursday, March 13, 2025 1:52 PM
To: secretary
Subject: Case PAC-E-25-02
I am writing in concern of the solar panels that I have on my home. They were put in place in 2019
and at that time to present I received 9 cents for the extra kilowatt per hour that was produced. You
are saying that is going to 4 cents per kilowatt hour,that is a 60%decline to me, on what my solar
panels are producing extra for you to use. That is a high percentage being lost for me,to help you
out on the extra production of power. I can see prices have been going up, but not going down on
production. This does not seem logical to me,with the aim of protecting fair compensation for
solar customers.
Kyle McQuivey
141 s 2nd st e
Downey, ID 83234
Personal Solar panel owner.
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Ken Summa
Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 1:34PM
Email: kms@dr-geek.com
Telephone: 208-270-2585
Address: 3672 e menan Lorenzo hwy
Menan, ID 83434
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-0
Comment: "The current proposed change it RMP compensation rate for excess power created by
my solar panels is very unfair,The strongest reason for installing and connecting to the grid was to
help reduce my utility cost and aid in reducing pollution.The cost of the solar system already does
not allow for it to pay it self off in my life time, but the halving of the value of what I produce while
increasing the cost of what I use from the grid is very unfair.When I get regular requests form the
power company to pay a bit extra to support their"GREEN" investments,that is to give them extra
money to build windmills so they can export power out of our region at our expense is quite
insulting. If I had known that they wanted to give less value for what I produce than what they
charge me for energy, I would have never had the expensive solar system installed.The outcome of
my experiences so far has led me to warn all I communicate with is to avoid any solar installation
projects they may encounter. It is way expensive, has little or no reasonable payback and has left
me feeling cheated and lied to."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Becky Harrison
Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 5:30PM
Email: ctrbecky@gmail.com
Telephone: 602-448-2785
Address:501 N. 3rd W.
Rigby, ID 83442
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "To the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,
find it interesting that in the long background that Rocky Mountain Power gave on this request,they
never once referred to PAC-E-22-15. It makes me wonder if they want us to forget that less than two
years ago they came before the Idaho Utility Commission and asked for a modernization in the
customer service charge rates in order to compensate for the burden that self generating homes
were causing on the RMP system. I feel like within two years time they're asking to be compensated
in a different way for the same thing.
also find it interesting that in all of their evidence they failed to calculate in the hundreds of
thousands of dollars of free infrastructure they are getting from solar systems on customer homes
(if not millions of dollars worth).
They keep talking about self generating homes as this huge demand on their system, but my home
was a much bigger demand before I got a solar system. Before my self generating system, RMP was
monthly sending me emails encouraging me to change appliances and figure out different ways so
that I was not such a burden on the system with our usage.
So I put my own money down to create a system to offset my huge usage of electricity and now
they're complaining that me sending them power is a drain on their system.This makes no sense! I
am being treated as a larger drain to their grid now that I use less than half of the electricity I used
to. Does it really cost RMP more to export in my excess generated power,than it did to supply me
with hundreds upon hundreds of kWh's more per month? I have not seen any evidence from RMP
that proves that it costs more for them to export my energy than it did to import SO much more
energy to my home.
If Rocky Mountain Power has such an issue with their customers putting money into solar panel
companies instead of Rocky Mountain Power,then they should buy a solar panel company and
start going out and selling systems to customers directly. Because to me that's all this is!The
money used to go directly into their pocket and now the money is being split between their pocket
and the companies who sell us the panels.And they're not happy about it.
When the Rate Modernization request was passed in 2023 RMP promised to lower kWh prices over
the next five years while increasing the service charge fee in order to make it"fair"for non-
generating customers versus generating customers.And that is what they're asking to do again.
Every self generating home has put large amounts of money into their systems and that is not being
considered. Rocky Mountain Power wants to be compensated at a fair retail price for every kWh
they give to my home, I am simply asking for the same level of respect in this business deal.When
you look at the amount of money, I am in debt for my system, and then you look at how quickly my
credits get eaten up by their modernized service charge,then this time differentiating export credit
value they are now proposing is not even close to fair.
As a City Councilwoman in Rigby, Idaho, I do understand that I may not be privy to the full scope of
information here, especially since some of the evidence that Rocky Mountain Power submitted was
closed to public viewing. I have studied a lot in order to not be ignorant on this issue. But in the end,
am a small little self generating system,who is adding power to our public utility at my own cost.
And my rights as a contracted self-generator for this public utility needs to be considered and
weighed just as heavily as Rocky Mountain Power's corporate rights are being considered.
With the base service charge fee increasing over the next few years up to$29.25 a month, and then
my export rate being decreased to around four cents a kilowatt hour,which is half or more than
retail price, I feel I'm being asked to generate power to supply my own household and to supply
extra power to Rocky Mountain Power's grid for free.
Please do not pass this request, and demand that Rocky Mountain Power begin to consider their
self generating customers as partners in power generation instead of as power generating slaves
that should work for free.
Thank you for listening to my factual yet. emotionally charged public comment. Good luck in your