HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250313Comments_13.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Sherrie Badertscher Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 4:37PM Email: sherrielb93@gmail.com Telephone: 208-610-9144 Address: 35004 N Hayden Drive Spirit Lake, ID 83869 Name of Utility Company: GEM State Water Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "Please deny the application for rate increases by Gem State Water(GSW). Reading through the application, I do not find proper justification for the proposed increases. The application is very vague and shows an exorbitant amount listed as depreciation (50%). 1. GSW states in their application that they notified their customers on December 27, 2024 or closely thereafter. This is a False statement. The first notice was received postmarked March 6, 2025. This is well after the date they requested the new rates become effective on Feb 1, 2025. 2. GSW's application states "free gallons:' There are no free gallons as every customer must pay a minimum regardless of usage. Water usage during the months of October-April are extremely low in North Idaho and thereby system maintenance is very low as well. I do not believe the rate increases are justified, nor the reduction of gallons in base usage. 3. GSW states in their application that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC or Commission) suggested consolidation of the water systems which is simply not true. The Commission commented on a different water system's case, not GSW.The Commission has never suggested GSW consolidate their water systems. SLE water system should not be made to subsidize other under performing systems GSW purchased. 4. Smart Meters were installed in the summer/fall of 2024. Instead of increased staff costs, shouldn't this improvement have lead to lower staff costs as no one is required to go out into the field to read meters? I believe the financials should be looked at very closely and GSW should provide proof of the employees time spent on maintenance/repairs of our water system and not on an unrelated system. I would like to also mention that the properties in Spirit Lake East (SLE) are 10+ acres and are a different type of water use than urban properties. It would be detrimental to the properties in SLE to have the water allowance reduced or the price for"extra" gallons increased to an amount which the property owners are not able to afford. Our summer month bills are already in the $150-$200 range. We are in a natural forest and having no green space around our homes would be very dangerous:' ------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Heather DeHay Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 12:44AM Email: heatherdehay@gmail.com Telephone: 208-920-1012 Address: 3543 W. CJ Ct. Rathdrum, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Case ID: Comment: "Please do not approve this rate increase! Gem State Water just received a rate increase, and now they are asking for another?Are they submitting the $1000 water bills to you in their plea for more money, or just the $41 bills from the 7-8 months they don't read the meter in the winter?The bills on our community were averaging$400 or more, before the first rate increase. Please do not approve. " --------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Greg Thaxton Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 5:37PM Email: pickheads@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-818-4205 Address: 17258 North Wrangler Rd Rathdrum, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "There is a proposal by Gem State Water to increase our bills by 79%. This is a ridiculous rate increase that should be voted down. A more reasonable increase is understandable. But to suddenly increase any bill by nearly 80% seems absurd. Thankyou" -------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Kelly Lundy Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 9:27AM Email: kellyilundy@gmail.com Telephone: 509-531-6337 Address: 254 E Chilco Rd Rathdrum, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Company Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "My husband Jason Lundy and I are NOT in favor of the proposed general rate increase. A 79% increase is extreme and absurd. " -------------------------------------------- From: PUCWeb Notification Sent:Thursday, March 13, 2025 11:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb - Mike Cutler/208-661-9785/Gem State Water The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Mike Cutler Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 10:08AM Email: michaelcutler01 @yahoo.com Telephone: 208-661-9785 Address: 7061 E Jensen Ln Athol, ID 83801 Name of Utility Company: Gem state water Contacted Utility: Yes Comment: "Case No. GSW-W-24-01 To whom it may concern, I find the proposed rate increase to be excessively ridiculous. I've lived in the Athol area all my life and have never paid this much for water. Even currently the City of Athol only charges $55 for 10,000 gal and they have a way more complex system to maintain. Our little water system cannot be that bad to maintain. You're wanting to raise rates for less water. Seems like you want more money up front and then hit everyone on overages when going over the low amount. I get everything has got more expensive. I'm a business owner too. I would be happy to go up $10/month. I believe there should be a public meeting on this issue so customers can be heard. We should get a say in this. " ------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Guy Tripp Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 12:11 PM Email: gtripp@earth link.net Telephone: 661-857-0815 Address: Lot OL5930040030 Rathdrum, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: " I am disturbed to learn of Gem State Water's business practices over the the last few years. It appears Gem State Water's business model is based upon creating a monopoly and using that monopoly against their customers for frequent, unreasonable and un-warranted rate changes. Gem State Water's latest proposed base rate change is a 79% rate increase over the previous rate, a decrease in the base water usage from 7,500 gallons per month to 5,000 gallons per month and an increase to $4.50 per 1000 gallons not included in the 5,000 gallon minimum baseline. The EPA currently estimates a family of 4 to use 9,000- 12,0000 gallons per month. Why would GEM State Water propose a baseline of anything less than 10,000 gallons per month, if not to try and disguise their true intention of price gouging their hostage customers. This proposed rate change is on top of Gem State Water's rate change and baseline usage reduction 2 years ago. To put this in perspective, the new rates proposed by Gem State Water will represent a 40% increase over what I use to pay for water at my previous house in Santa Clarita California, which is in the northern tip of Los Angeles County. That house is supplied water by SCV Water which is also a privately owned company. How can water in Northern Idaho cost 40% more than Southern California? I strongly urge the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to reject Gem State Water's proposal and hold them to the current rate structure approved by this commission approximately 2 years ago. I would further urge the IDPC to investigate Gem State Water for possible violations of the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts:' -------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Susan Burke Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 1:13PM Email: 509giantsfan@gmail.com Telephone: 425-902-2270 Address: 30523 N. Silver Meadows Loop Athol, ID 83801 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "The astronomical rate hike you are proposing would create a serious financial hardship for me in addition to the danger the water restrictions put us in, in the event of a fire as I Live on a heavily treed lot in the Silver Meadows subdivision:' -------------------------------------------------- Name: Karla DeCrescenzo Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 1:33PM Email: kdinsurance@yahoo.com Telephone: 775-722-5907 Address: 186 Sky Hawk Dr Spirit lake, ID 83869 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "I am concerned with the excessive rate increase imposed on residents in my area. This is unprecedented and creates a real concern with fire danger. The increase paired with reducing usage base is very unjust and should be looked at as illegal:' --------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: A Cervantes Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 3:56PM Email: mandygirl1208@gmaiL.com Telephone: 208-916-6551 Address: Lupin Ln Athol, ID 83801 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "I am writing to voice my opposition to the proposed general rate increase. In March '23 Gem State increased our rates by 66% and decreased our usage by 5,000 gallons. Here we are again with another increase this time by 79%! Most of us live on acreage which we bought to use! We understand we wont get water for free but we also understand where water comes from! A 2nd increase in 2 years is unwarranted!There have been 2 significant fires in our area with in the past 4 years, we need our water to maintain our property and with the current proposed increase this will make it unaffordable to keep up. Like most of my neighbors we are a single income family. Gem State has a monopoly and they know it that is why my neighbors and I are asking the Utility Commission to deny this increase:' ---------------------------------------------------- Name: Donna Schwandt Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 3:58PM Email: ptedonna@gmail.com Telephone: 208-818-5624 Address: 1440 E Margaret Ave Coeur d Alene, ID 83815 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Co Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "I received notice that Gem State Water is requesting a rate increase of the median bill from $35.00 to $62.65 a month a 79% increase. That is an outrageous% of increase in one year. am very interested in the reasons for the need to increase the rate at such a level. Gem state owns at least 6 water systems and they are requesting increases in all of them. It feels like the company in taking advantage of the consumers as their is no other source for our water. We are on the Troy Hoffman System. Our water bill last summer was over$400. Rates did increase dramatically when Gem State bought the system. Now they are requesting this increase. Please look over their request carefully. Can they justify their request? I would look forward to a public hearing on this request. " -------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:William Palmer Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 7:52PM Email: wlpalmer1@gmail.com Telephone: 208-712-4085 Address: 20815 N Silent Pines Rd Rathdrum, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company: GEM State Water Case ID: GSW-W-24-01 Comment: "Idaho Public Utility Commission: I vehemently oppose GEM State Water receiving approval of the 79% rate increase and decrease of baseline amount for Customers in the service area formerly known as Bar Circle S service area. This increase is an abhorrent abuse of customer bases! O&M as well as Capital costs are understandable as infrastructure ages and base grows. Reinvestment into systems is necessary with typical rate case requests of single digit amounts to assist with reclaiming operating costs and are not punitive. This request severely punishes customers for apparent failures by the Utility, Past System Operator/Owners, and Public Utility Commissions. Why are the customers being severely punished for poor due diligence of GEM State through their Parent Company, Northwest Natural Holdings, when purchasing these backyard "Mom & Pop"water companies that operated on shoestring budgets and questionable field maintenance and infrastructure improvements practices? This points back to question Idaho Public Utility Commission oversight of the"Mom & Pop" owner operations. Were yearly documentation reviews thoroughly conducted as well as"real" field investigation of the infrastructures being maintained and system improvements, not Good Ol' boy cherry picked field visits, cursory documentation review and the now"let's go get lunch"field visits that are known to occur in many states with their Commission and Utility audits.Why weren't these needed system improvements identified earlier, potentially during sale to GEM State and system improvements requirements begun earlier thereby reducing the hammer grab punitive rate case request? This also points back to the Parent Companyfor real and substantial reinvestment dollars made to their holdings like GEM State. When reviewing yearly summaries and statements by Northwest Natural Holdings, much is made to do about their engagements with ESG and DEI and what it provides but very little about the infrastructure in communities they serve except for"Corporate buzz words"to gain recognition from Social Engineering Politicians, Utility Commissions and Asset Fund Managers. The bottom line is this rate increase must be denied thereby protecting the Customer base from this abusive grab for dollars. Utility Commission directions must be made to the Utility to take a DOGE philosophy to cut the corporate waste and political social engineering and redirect those dollars back into their holdings communities as a good partner and not just an Oregon company's pocket. Common sense and fairness must prevail and not at the Customers overburdened expense!" To: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 3/08/2025 PO Box 837202 �J,C E I VE Boise, Id 83720-0074 } k AM9-- t3 Subject:Water bill increase of 79% Spirit Lake East ;� ,:� L 1 Case No. GSW W 24-01 - Dear Water Commissioners Received notice today from Gem state Water Company,PO Box 3388, Coeur D'Alene Id. They are proposing a median increase in our water bills by a whooping 79%,this is in addition to the past increase from last year where they stated it was needed for maintenance and upgrades. Not only did they increase our water bill, they lowered the water usage. This 79% increase will only hurt us, the economy is in a slump, how can they justify a large increase as 79%. Please consider this is north Idaho, most in SLE are retired and on a fixed income, with taxes increasing almost 100%who can afford a large increase. They state their revenues will increase by 78.8%or$602,050.00 Please consider this will be a hardship on many in our community. This proposal in this amount is unreasonable since they just raised our bill last year and lowered our usage rate. Do not approve this outrageous increase on a basic utility. V/R Mike and Belinda Michael 33038 N. Sand Creek Dr. Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869 March 10,2025 Idaho Public Utilities Commission V MN 13 AN 9-. 13 P. O. Box 83720 'r""`01 PUBLIC Boise, ID 83720-0074 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We have just received a letter from Gem State Water, advising that they have applied for permission to raise water rates,again,for our area. We currently reside in Bonner County,adjacent to Spirit Lake East. Unfortunately,this area was assigned to Spirit Lake East by the developer;we had no say in the matter. We are hereby stating that we do not want another increase in water rates. If the owners of Gem State Water would check out the area,they would see that many owners are retired;some living on fixed incomes; some just wanted a neat place in which they could retire. I know we've written about this cost increase at an earlier date. If the increase is approved, residents could, conceivability,stop watering their properties or leave trees to grow unchecked,thereby bringing concerns of fires. We already have several residences that do not maintain their property in a desired manner. Thank you for understanding our position on this important matter. Sincerely, Franklin W.James Shirley R James I ` 822 Sky Hawk Drive Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869 Cc: Gem State Water P.O. Box 3388 Coeur d'Alene; ID 83816