HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250313Comments_2.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:Wayne Wasserburger
Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 3:21 PM
Telephone: 208-265-2013
Address: po box 872
Sagle, ID 83860
Name of Utility Company: avista
Case ID:AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "I am against any increase to the basic service charge. It has gone up by more than$15 in the
last fewyears. I feel it is not fair to low income,fixed income, small houses, second houses,vacant houses
or people that are saving power. I do not get charged to use the gas pump whether I fill up a gallon can or 30
gallon suv. If you need to raise the rate rase it on the power used, not the basic monthly charge.Why should
it cost someone with a low power usage more to buy power than someone using more power? Maybe
charge new customers a sure charge plus time and material to hook up to
Wayne Wasserburger"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:Wayne Wasserburger
Submission Time: Mar 13 2025 3:36PM
Telephone: 208-265-2013
Address: po box 872
Sagle, ID 83860
Name of Utility Company: avista
Case ID:AVU-G-25-01
Comment: " I am against any increase to the basic service charge. It has gone up by more than $15 in the
last few years. I feel it is not fair to low income,fixed income, small houses, second houses,vacant houses
or people that are saving power. I do not get charged to use the gas pump whether I fill up a gallon can or 30
gallon suv. If you need to raise the rate, raise it on the power used, not the basic monthly charge.Why
should it cost someone with a low power usage more to buy power than someone using more power?
Maybe charge new customers a sure charge plus time and material to hook up to
Wayne Wasserburger"