HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250312Comments_9.pdf The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Anna Austin
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 4:07PM
Email: annasplace1511 @gmail.com
Telephone: 208-406-4588
Address: 800 W 11th St.
McCammon, ID 83250
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "We just received a letter from Rocky Mountain Power letting us know they are asking to reduce
the amount we are given in credit per Kwh for our solar panel production of energy.After comparing what we
are charged per kwh,which varies by Winter or summer or block 1 or block 2 and other variations, it appears
we are paying at least 11 cents per Kwh. As good citizens of the world we are trying to reduce our carbon
footprint.We went from Level pay of$221.00 per month for electricity to none for August, September and
October. In November and December and January we used more electricity than we produced,which we
understood could happen. Our bill for Nov-Dec: 342.69, Dec-Jan: 395.67,Jan-Feb:354.75. Talking to other
homeowners,they have seen similar charges for their residences for a family of two. We feel that we should
be reimbursed for the power we produce at a rate equal to what we are being charged.After we get credit for
power, any excess power Rocky Mountain gains can then be sold to other providers who need more
power. That means they are compensated twice. I don't feel that our reimbursement should be less than
50%of what we are charged; so at.11 cents per Kwh we should get at least 5.5 cents rate of return. More like
7.0 would be preferable. Due to the number of power outages we have experienced this past winter, have we
received any credits for not having power for hours at a time? NO.
My last concern is that we enrolled in Solar Edge program. It allows us to check daily,weekly or monthly
how our solar panels are working and how much power they are producing. Supposedly,this is the amount
of power Rocky Mountain should receive from us and should give us credit for. We are only receiving credit
for about half the amount produced. I called and talked to a person about our bill and she said their bill was
correct. Something does not add up. I do not feel that the company's request for a reduction in credits for
solar costumes is justified.Thank you,Anna and John Austin"
Name:Alene Orr
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 4:51 PM
Email: alenecarole@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-390-7179
Address: 3473 Hwy 33
Howe, ID 83244
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "When we purchased our solar panel array, a big reason, in addition to the desire to be
environmentally responsible,was the kwh to kwh offset to be allowed for excess power forwarded to Rocky
Mountain Power. Seems fair enough—we paid for the array, it is on our property, and we maintain it. I do not
think they should be able to arbitrarily decide we should only receive credit for 50%of the power we create
for their use"
From:Stephanie Eaton <seaton343@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, March 11,2025 5:52 PM
To: secretary
Subject: Case PAC-E-25-02
In regards to Case PAC-E-25-02,we need solar owners to be heard.As a citizen and solar owner for my
residential property, I cannot see how this change could help anybody but the power company.We
own/lease our solar equipment,the power company takes our solar and uses already a vast majority without
our contributions. Our paybacks are fine now, could be better for the services we pay for and keep operating,
BUT reducing these would be criminal. How could Idaho ever have efficiency in alternative power sources if
citizens cannot see the paybacks.We already pay these companies operation fees, maintenance and others
to operate and manage the solar we provide.Why are we limiting the voter's choice and opportunity and
kicking back to power companies. Solar alternatives will never be successful, and we create more energy
dependent cities in Idaho. My vote obviously isn't being heard. Shame.
Stephanie Eaton
Citizen and owner of Solar Property
Sent from my iPhone
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Russ McUne
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 8:34PM
Email: rmcune@gmail.com
Telephone: 541-619-6933
Address: 3835 E 530 N
RIGBY, ID 83442
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Comment: "I think it is very unfair for me to put in an expensive solar power system on my residential home
with certain expectations of financial recovery over several years in electricity credits only to find out now
that Rocky Mountain Power has been working to cut that rate almost in half. That is not how thios should
work. Drop the rate for new systems that are not established,fine, as the owners can determine the rate of
return on that investment. It should not be done after the fact. It also essentially cuts the value of my system
in half if I try to sell my property.
Please don't allow Rocky Mountain Power be able to change the credit rate for electricity produced by my
system. Especially when the power company has sent plenty of info pushing solar and how important it is:'
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Kathy Scafe
Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 7:43AM
Email:jkscafe1 @gmail.com
Telephone: 208-681-0266
Address:687 Idaho St. P.O. Box 772
Ashton, ID 83420
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "I am concerned about the possible cut in return for using solar power. The panels are a large
investment and even with the current credit for solar power,we have a large power bill during the colder
months and we are also paying for the panels themselves.
I'm sure we are not the only fixed income home trying to cut expenses. Please leave the reimbursement for
solar at the current amount.
Thank you:'
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:John Danz
Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 8:56AM
Email: picklesplace@atcnet.net
Telephone: 208-589-1546
Address: 684 County Road Box 141
Arco, ID 83213-0141
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "Dear IPCU Secretary,
I purchased and installed my solar system from Big Dog Solar for over$30,000.00 on the basis of paying
upfront,for the future power needs of my household, and to help with the power generation needs of our
country. If you allow Rocky Mountain Power to change my credit from 10 cents to 4 cents per kilowatt-hour,
my investment will be worthless and I will get my monthly power bill back that I paid 30K to get rid of!
strongly appose this change and will do everything I can to fight it. Rocky Mountain Power gave me a
contract to buy the power I am generating and they will be breaking that contract with this change. I will start
a lawsuit against Rocky Mountain Power if this change is allowed and also against IPUC for letting it
happen. This change will not be fair to the public who has invested in solar and I am very sure that class
actions will be easy to make a case and will not fall in the favor of Rocky Mountain Power and the IPUC.
Thank You! John M. Danz"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Dean Allen
Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 9:56AM
Email: rdean.allen@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-201-3774
Address:681 Dell Dr
Rexburg, ID 83440
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "Opposition to Proposed Export Credit Rate Reduction (Case PAC-E-25-02)
Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission,
This request is because of an email from Big Dog Solar informing me of a change in solar pricing.
am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed reduction in solar export credit rates (Case
PAC-E-25-02).When I decided to invest in a solar energy system, I understood that the current export credit
rate would provide a fair return on my investment.The proposed reduction—from 9-10 cents per kilowatt-
hour to approximately 4 cents per kilowatt-hour—would significantly impact the financial viability of my
purchase and make solar energy a far less attractive and equitable option for Idaho residents.
This change would disincentivize solar adoption, slow progress toward energy independence, and penalize
customers who have made a good-faith investment in clean energy. Fair compensation for excess energy
sent back to the grid is essential to maintaining consumer confidence and encouraging the continued growth
of solar in Idaho.
urge the commission to reject this proposal and ensure that solar customers receive reasonable and stable
compensation for their contributions to the grid.Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Dean Allen
Email I received from Big Dog Solar:
Dear Big Dog Solar Customer,
We want to bring an important update to your attention regarding a proposal from Rocky Mountain Power
that could impact your solar generation export credit rate.
What's Changing?
In 2019, Rocky Mountain Power laid the groundwork with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)to
transition new solar customers (those who installed solar systems after October 2020)to the Net Billing
Service(Schedule 136). Under this program, customers have been receiving a credit at retail rates for the
excess energy they generate, helping offset energy costs.
Recently, many of us received a letter from Rocky Mountain Power about a proposed reduction in export
credit rates.According to their website,they are requesting that the credit for exported energy be reduced
from the current 9-10 cents per kilowatt-hour to a time-based rate of approximately 4 cents per kilowatt-
hour, subject to annual updates.
If approved,this change could delay the return on solar customers' investments.
How To Make Our Voices Heard
Since no additional public hearings will be held,the best way for solar companies and customers to share
their thoughts is by submitting input directly to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC):
Email Comments—Send an email to secretary@puc.idaho.gov and reference Case PAC-E-25-02.
Submit Online—Fill out the IPUC's Case Comment Form and reference Case PAC-E-25-02.
Why This Matters
The more public input the IPUC receives,the better they can make a decision that supports fair solar energy
compensation. If you believe in fair payback rates for your solar investment,we strongly encourage you to
voice your opinion before any final decisions are made.
Thank you for taking the time to help protect fair compensation for solar customers!
Best regards;'
From: PUCWeb Notification
Sent:Wednesday, March 12, 2025 11:00 AM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: Notice:A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb
The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Orin Marcum
Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 10:25AM
Email: elmomarcum@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-716-5798
Address: 3733 East Vision Dr
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Contacted Utility: No
Comment: "Case PAC-E-25-02.
What the use of installing solar panels if it would delay the return on solar customers' investments.The idea
of solar panels is to relief the demands on the Utilities to produce more or update their power grids.
This propose lower time-based rate would give more money to the utilities and the customer would be left
holding the bag again of rising utilities costs:'
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:James Meldrum
Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 2:17PM
Telephone: 208-881-3512
Address: 365 N 4068 E
Rigby, ID 83442
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-0
Comment: "I payed for solar panels believing that they would be able to pay for themselves.With this case
apparently cutting my credit value in half, I'm concerned about my bills not being close to covered anymore.
I'm also concerned about seeing my power bill going up,yet my solar contribution value going down.What
makes it possible for the power company to do both? If this is allowed what prevents them from letting the
value again later?"