HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250312Comments_1.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: DAVID GALANTUOMINI Submission Time: Mar 12 2025 2:39PM Email: elkhtr@syringa.net Telephone: 208-791-5890 Address: 1931 Cedar Ave. Lewiston, ID 83501 Name of Utility Company:AVISTA Case ID:AVU-E-25-01 Comment: "Avista is now requesting a 2025, 14.4%and 2026, 5.2%electric increase. The increase is on top of the increase granted in 2023. One glaring increase over this three year period is the meter charge. My meter cost on July 2023 was$7.00 and now on 9-1-2026 will increase to$30.00.A whopping 328% increase. Why is this statistic not shown in bold print for everyone to see? They state it is for infrastructure updating and operating costs. I realize inflation has hit us all. Avista is better to withstand the costs than the normal working person. What cost saving measures is the Company taking to offset the increases? Is management and workers taking a reduction in pay to offset some of the increases. Avista is a monopoly in this area and is guaranteed a certain rate of return.What cost; if any, are the shareholders going to shoulder in any of this capital investment and infrastructure upgrades? They are the ones who will benefit from the increase on the ratepayer. The rate payer is stuck with the increase no matter what their income is. The elderly and low income suffer the most.With inflation out of control in every aspect of life, surviving in a cold winter or surviving on a hot summer day should not be predicated on howyou have to pay in increased rates. Food and fuel are bad enough. Budgets are really life and death for some folks. Conservation efforts by the public have been successful for the Company. Now you are making the public pay for the success of energy conservation. All advertisements and comments are made using 1000 kilowatts. The bill breaks at 600 kilowatts. I would like to seethe first tier bill increased from 600 kilowatts to 1000 kilowatts. The IPUC is supposed to be a watchdog for the public with regards to monopolies in the State of Idaho. I hope the IPUC does not rubber stamp this request and realize that this large increase is a ruse to get a lower but still high increase. My recommendation is no increase for two years and have the company and share holders bear the increase. Thank you for your time and consideration of my comments.