HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250311Comments_11.pdf From: Launie dotcom <launie@launie.com>
Sent:Tuesday, March 11,2025 12:54 PM
To: secretary
Subject: Proposed reduction in export credit rates
To whom it may concern,
am writing to express my concern regarding the proposed reduction in export credit rates by Rocky
Mountain Power. I understand that this change would significantly decrease the credit for exported energy,
which could negatively impact the return on my solar investment.
As a resident of Idaho, I was proud to see the state supporting consumer efforts to offset energy costs and
contribute to the grid.The potential reduction in export credit rates feels like a step backward and could
discourage others from making similar environmentally conscious choices.
urge you to reconsider this proposed change and maintain the current export credit rate, or even consider
raising it to further incentivize renewable energy adoption. Reducing the rate could have a detrimental effect
on homeowners and the real estate market, particularly in areas served by Rocky Mountain Power.
Please consider the long-term implications of this decision and prioritize the interests of consumers and the
Specializing in Buying,Selling, listing, and Investment Hard Asset Portfolio Assistance
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"Winning the Battle Between Listed and Sold"
Keller Williams Realty
East Idaho
3525 Merlin Drive
Idaho Falls Idaho 83404
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:Alicia Harrison
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 12:40PM
Email: ah.beauty97@gmail.com
Address: 1940 Falcon Dr
Ammon, ID 83406
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Comment: "I was recently informed about the proposed change to solar credits. Going from 9-10 cents per
credit down to 4 cents per credit.This reduces my return on investment by over 50%. 1 got solar panels
because Rocky Mountain Power and the state of Idaho incentivized me to do so, and so far it has helped me
save a good amount of money on my usually outrageously high electricity bills. I also find it interesting that
Rocky Mountain Power didn't inform me of this proposal themselves. If you go on the RMP website, it still
encourages their customers to go solar. In Idaho we only have 5 months of really good sun and we need to
hold onto those credits as much as we can. Because during the winter, our bills become outrageous again.
My most recent electricity bill was$350 and that's from using space heaters and keeping my lights off. It
would not be in the interest of any of RMP customers with solar to reduce the credits:'
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Devan Mccoy
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 12:33PM
Email: devan@mccoyscustombuilders.com
Telephone: 307-248-2223
Address:429 west elm
Lava hot springs , ID 83246
Name of Utility Company: Rocky mountain power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "Cutting the return rate for solar customers is a money grab for rocky mountain power. People
who have solar are using it to cut increasing power costs, not get financially burdened by a greedy power
company.What's the point in a solar investment if they are not going to give a fair return to.the owners?"
Name: Casey Peterson
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 12:33PM
Email: casey@tetonmedicare.com
Telephone: 208-970-0522
Address:4639 E Long Bow Bend
Idaho Falls, ID 83406
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "Rocky Mountain Powers proposed reduction in export credit rates is misguided and would be a
burden on those who have already invested significantly in personal solar systems and storage.The letter I
received from Rocky Mountain Power did not adequately explain the reason for the proposed reduction. Nor
is there a time and place for a public hearing to discuss their reasons.To allow a utility to make such a
reduction without a hearing or explanation and comment period should not be allowed.What can we as
utility customers do to encourage the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to deny this proposal?"
From: BFC Diversified <4dblake@gmail.com>
Sent:Tuesday, March 11,2025 1:02 PM
To: secretary
Subject: Case PAC-E-25-02
To Whom It May Concern,
Rocky Mountain used to pay customers for the extra power produced and then changed it to credit for the
power we produced and now they want to reduce it by more than half. This is highway robbery! They are
always re-negotiating to their advantage and not the customer.
This is taking away from our investment and we won't stand for it! Maybe we need to involve Mr. Eton Musk
in this abuse of power!
Blake Ford
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 1:38PM
Email: ghively@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-881-1820
Address: 3471 e 480 n
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain powet
Case ID:
Comment: "I was sold this system with specific details laid out to me.And so far ever since signing up and
installing my panels it's been nothing but benefit reduction after benefit reduction. Enough is enough. Stop
trying to weasel out of paying the proper price for solar energy that you receive from us providers,which you
then sell to other customers. "
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Blake Ford
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 1:26PM
Email: blakef115@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-520-6429
Address: 8315 N 5th E
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "I am told that Rocky Mountain Power wants to reduce the price credited to customers with solar
panel energy production but charge more for the energy they provide. It seems that they are cheating
customers out of their own power."
Name: Scott Van Woerkom
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 1:51 PM
Email: scott0502@gmail.com
Telephone: 801-695-5976
Address: 165 E 11400 N
Malad City, ID 83252
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "I support fair solar energy compensation. I believe in fair payback rates for my solar investment,
and I strongly encourage you (IPUC)to REJECT Rocky Mountain Power's rate reduction for the generation of
solar energy credits from$.10-$.04. 1 would be opposed to any reduction at all:'
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Steven Stone
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 2:53PM
Email: stvstone@live.com
Telephone: 208-206-4310
Address: 839 E 1430 N
Shelley, ID 83274
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Case ID: PAC-E-25-02
Comment: "I think this rate change is just a play for Rocky. It doesn't make sense to me that they don't buy
my power for what I buy their power for.They don't ever write me a check....they use the credits to take care
of bills when I do not generate enough power on my own. Please don't be a greedy corporation. I used my
hard earned money to purchase solar and now you are changing the agreements and devaluing my
purchase. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:Zach Larsen
Submission Time: Mar 11 2025 3:24PM
Email: zachlarsen17@gmail.com
Address: 10 East Sunset Circle
Rexburg, ID 83440
Name of Utility Company: Rocky Mountain Power
Comment: "I strongly disagree with the proposal to more than halve the rate for solar generation. Solar
customers followed the rules, did the patriotic thing and reduced strain on the electric grid. Now the reward
is to blow up the financial reasons behind our decision to invest in the program in the first place. It's skeevy
and small. "
From:Joshua Goodsell<joodsell@gmail.com>
Sent:Tuesday, March 11,2025 4:08 PM
To: secretary
Subject: Case PAC-E-25-02
Dear Sir/Madam,
am writing to express my opposition to the proposed reduction in export credit rates from Rocky Mountain
Power(Case PAC-E-25-02). I believe that this reduction would have a negative impact on businesses and the
economy in our region.
I urge you to reconsider this proposal and maintain the current export credit rates.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Joshua Goodsell