HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250310Comments_43.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Gary Blackwell
Submission Time: Mar 7 2025 6:02PM
Email: gtjab44@msn.com
Telephone: 208-916-0751
Address: 20690 N Silent Pines Rd
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I just received a Notice to Gem State Water Company Customers. The notice
indicates a proposed general rate increase effective on April 1, 2025. My current general
rate is $35.00 for 7,000 gallons. The proposed rate increase is a very unfair 79% and my
minimum water bill will now be $62.65. Very Very unfair.
Please make the increase of the rates over a few years at least. Electric and Gas
companies aren't even this unfair(79% increase!). I don't believe it's the customers fault
that Gem State Water purchased the company from Bar Circle S with doing their due
diligence of the equipment and infrastructure.
Thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns.
Gary Blackwell"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Jason Walsh
Submission Time: Mar 8 2025 11:35AM
Telephone: 208-520-7811
Address: 21118 N Wandering Pines Rd
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Do not approve the requested rate increase for Gem State Water.We
understand there is a cost of maintaining infrastructure, but a 79% increase to the base of
our bill is an outrageous increase. In addition, our summer bills regularly approach $200 as
is. We do not waste water and have systems in place to use water efficiently.We
understand having to pay overage charges, but having been apart of other water
associations (South River Water Association), this company is overcharging and taking
advantage as is. This 79% increase feels like an abuse of a monopoly."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Raymond Bradley
Submission Time: Mar 8 2025 1:20PM
Email: mrrbradley@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-640-4629
Address: 32032 N Priest River Dr
Spirit Lake , ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Regarding Case number GSW-W-24-01
The information published in the Coeur d'Alene Press does not match the data provided
on the www.puc.idaho.gov website in that: the column heading in the PUC filing reads
MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE while the CDA Press reads MEDIAN BILL. Our monthly bill is
based on MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE. MEDIAN BILL is a term that defies calculus.
If the terms MEDIAN BILL and MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE are equivalent (as they appear
to be given that$35 appears in the CURRENT column in both publications), then this
results in a 79% increase in the minimum water bill.
This is very close to the amount that Gem State Water initially submitted in August of 2022
when they last raised our rates.
This rate hike in addition to the proposed COMMODITY RATE increase from 1.88/1000
gallons to 4.50/1000 gallons, coupled with the reduction in the gallons included in the
GALLONS INCLUDED IN MINIMUM from 7500 (was 8000 until 2022)to 5000 gallons, a 33%
decrease in total amount to a much larger increase than 79%.
This is a rural community. Over the past summer we (at my property) have conserved water
and still we exceeded the 7500 gallons included in the current minimum. The changes
proposed MAY be enough to provide water for daily household needs in an urban
condominium setting(bathing, drinking, laundry, sanitation etc.), however, in Spirit Lake
East water is needed to sustain garden crops, fruit trees, animals and etc in addition to the
basic water needs previously mentioned.
I do not have complete confidence in Gem State Water to be operating their business as a
public utility, but rather they operate as supplier of a commodity without due regard for the
citizens they are charged with serving.
For instance:
Gem State Water has billed for water I did not use. I was reimbursed for the overage but not
until I provided evidence that the actual meter reading was less than the reading on the bill
at the time.
With respect to Administrative Code DEQ, Section 552.01.b.ii.(1).
Gem State Water has, on occasion of a ruptured main waterline resulting in zero water
pressure, not provided timely notification to customers nor the state of Idaho that due to a
severed main water line a zero pressure condition existed and water should not be
consumed be until lab results confirm that the water is safe. (Reference depressurization
event June 13, 2024). Someone could be made ill due to this oversight.
I believe one reason for the exorbitant rate increases is to cover the costs incurred due the
installation of the smart water meters. The calculation should include a reduction in labor
costs no longer expended to individually read the meters on site. The costs of the hardware
should not be recaptured immediately. Additionally, I would expect that the depreciation
should at least exceed the battery life of the units.
All in all, I would ask that the IPUC not grant the Gem State Water Company application for
a general rate increase (amended) especially on the heels of the increase granted in August
of 2022. The amount is onerous and will create an undue burden on the community of
Spirit Lake East. It will, in essence, become a desert.
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: David Olson
Submission Time: Mar 8 2025 5:43PM
Email: idahoolson@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-217-0008
Address: 34270 N Hayden Dr
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Please consider declining this proposed rate increase for our water. Gem State
is proposing an increase of 79% on our current median water bill. I'm aware that inflation
hasn't increased 79% and this is again an attempt by Gem State Water to increase their
profits by an unreasonable amount. Fair would be the current rate of inflation since the last
increase. Please protect our neighborhood from substantial unwarranted increases in our
water bill.
Dave Olson"
Name: Stephanie Gossard
Submission Time: Mar 8 2025 9:46PM
Telephone: 208-683-0828
Address: 28239 N Silver Meadows Lp
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "This is my formal objection to Gem States application for a rate increase.We
just went through this two years ago for the same exact reasons that they are claiming they
need the increase this time. And their application they state that they notify their
customers on December 27, 2020 for via an insert in the bill and also notify the Coeur
d'Alene press. I cannot confirm that they have notify the Coeur d'Alene press however, our
bills are sent to us on a single postcard so obviously no inserts. They did not notify us of
their intent to take away another 5000 gallons of our minimum allotted amount or double
the amount of the per gallon overage . They have not done anything since the last increase
other than switch out our meters last week.We are here by requesting a public hearing
prior to any decision being made on this application. Please note that this request would be
the second request in three years which would give them 150% rate increase at a total of
10,000 gallons removed from the residence allotted water, which is detrimental to the
green space and the homes in this area. Not to mention the more than 100% increase and
the per gallon overage. There is no justification forth is. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Lee Partyka
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 7:26AM
Email: partyka32@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-699-3033
Address: 34754 N St Joe Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: gem state water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am writing to OPPOSE this increase.. I have lived in spirit lake east since 2004
and when we had the Hansons running the water we didn't have many issues until the
pump broke and left us with limited water for 9 days. During that time we found out that
maintenance and backups had not been done and basically the system was barely
operational. During this time we were paying 12 dollars a month and I believe the base
water allotment was 15000 gal. Since then the water company has been sold twice. the
water rates have tripled and the base has gone down to a level that a family of 4 barely can
use without going over. When gem state took over we were promised all the trappings of
great company and rates would be stable. what we got was a huge increase in the first few
months with triple the monthly cost and less water. I understand it costs money to run a
company and increases are normal but the increases of over 100% and now 79% are over
the top. I don't get raises. of that amount every year and the cost of living for utilities are
going sky high with no end. A modest 3% is acceptable to most and if they want more
money then increase our allotment. I have watched gem state buy each small water
system and immediately raise the costs. These water systems were not originally an
investment for a large holding company. they served the small communities where the well
was and since we are at their mercy were forced to pony up to what ever you decide they
can charge. I see gem state says water costs have risen and they need to recoup costs.. I
didn't need a expensive water meter like they installed. Mine was perfectly fine but yet
now nobody has to read the meter manually so labor should be less and yet they ALWAYS
want more. I speak for myself as well as my area that we don't have more money to pay
with increases like this. Please don't give this increase to this company as I don't see any
huge increase in service since the last increase, the water rates should be reasonable and
the water allotment should be INCREASED if they want to add this cost. 7000ga1 to. equal
a 79% increase is just wrong. We stand at the mercy of this company and many of us are
contemplating drilling our own wells to get some control over these rate increases with less
water allotment. Please understand we know water costs but why does some water
systems have twice the water for the same price as us EX Lynwood which is another gem
state holding. Thank you for considering the people that have no control. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Melanie Wirth
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 8:25AM
Email: Mwirth234@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-659-5575
Address: 26294 N Silver Meadows Loop
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I oppose the fee increase that Gem State is requesting. They recently doubled
our fees and reduced our usage two years ago, and now they want to raise the fees again by
79%. This feels like theft. I would like to request a public input session:'
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Gretchen Briske
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 12:10PM
Email: Gretchen.Briske@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-651-1955
Address: 4450 E Brunner Road
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: GemState
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "This is an excessive rate increase while the amount of minimum included
decreases. I can agree with a rate increase if it is increasing the amount of water provided,
but this seems absurd. I also find it very interesting that in exhibit 6 Bill impacts, it shows 5
different water systems all have the same median usage. I find this hard to believe.
Recently as a customer we were informed of false reading affecting bills over the last few
months. Is this something that is also false? or is this just a way to justify moving us to a
Lower allotted minimum amount. Also something to note, there was no notification of this
sent potential rate increase sent to customers. I found out about this in an online
neighborhood forum, today 3/9/25:'
Name: Judy Dlouhy
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 12:22PM
Email: dennisdlouhy@live.com
Telephone: 208-699-8138
Address: 6608 E Williams Ln
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "We received a notice that Gem State wants to increase our water rates again.
We just had an increase a couple of years ago. Why are they increasing it by 79% in most
areas.We will see an increase of 27.65 per month. This is ridiculous especially if they
decrease our water limit to 7,000 gallons!We don't get cost of living increases to match
their greed !
We need someone to help keep our water bills under control.
Thank You for a chance to vent.Would it be possible to get a community meeting regarding
this subject?"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: John Williams
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 1:26PM
Telephone: 909-229-3665
Address: PO Box 1179
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSWW2401
Comment: "I oppose this increase that Gem State Water is asking for. Just 2 years ago they
asked for a very similar increase, that, although the original requested increase was not
approved, an increase was approved. Now they are asking for another huge increase....
approximately 79%. When Gem State purchased Spirit Lake Water Co, I believe that one of
the claims was an improved water system. From an end user's point of view, I have seen
nothing improved since their purchase. Also, since the last huge increase in April 2023, the
only improvement I have seen is the installation of new meters that were only installed in
the Fall of 2024. 1 just feel like we are being sold a bill of goods that are not being
delivered. We cannot sustain these never-ending increases. At what point does Gem State
stop and take a look at their own management practices to better run the water company?"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: michele higgins
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 2:15PM
Email: baronpaw@me.com
Telephone: 310-938-4345
Address: 33408 n. Priest River drive
Spirit lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: KEC
Case ID: GSW-W-240-0
Comment: I understand that there there is a chance the baseline water charges will be
increased astronomically as well as lower the number of gallons covered by the baseline
Please do not allow this to happen.
Not only is the increase unquestionably high but none of us are getting a pay raise to meet
this increase.
Idahoans absolutely cannot afford this increase in addition to the high cost of rent, gas,
and especially food.
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Roger Thomas
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 3:OOPM
Email: ramt600@hotmaiL.com
Telephone: 208-215-4661
Address: 3345 w HWY 54
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am writing to express my extreme opposition to Gem State Water's latest rate
increase request(money grab). They less than 2 years ago received what effectively was a
69.6% increase in rates. Now less than 2 years later they are asking for 78.8% more. I would
Love to increase my income by some 148% in less than 2 years.
Some points to consider regarding this:
They filed this 12-27-24 and in their application, page 6 paragraph 3, they"certify"
customers will be notified with a notice in their bill. This is an outright LIE. I keep every bill
which is only a post card, and can provide them if necessary. I have to keep every bill so I
can verify the correct meter reading, because up until last fall they couldn't even do this.
They had to install digital radio meters as they over charged me and several other neighbors
consistently. It wasn't until we complained enough, they installed meters that could read
In the application they asked for this to be effective Feb 1 2025.WITHOUT notifying
customers.The first notification we received of this was March 8 2025 via a letter post
marked March 6 2025. So they lied about notifying customers and tried to sneak this
through. That alone should be grounds for dismissal. Looking at the case notes it appears
that luckily that the PUC noticed this and shut it down. I suspect that is the only reason we
are being notified now at all.
They mention all the costs of improvement as being justification for this absolutely insane
rate increase. The only improvement to Spirit Lake East water was new meters, and that is
only because we all complained enough about the incorrect billing. We don't even have a
single solitary fire hydrant in our neighborhood. And all our homeowner's insurance reflects
In closing, the shady way they applied for this without notifying customers, as they certified
to, as well as the beyond believable increase should be denied. Enough is enough. "
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Corrie Piper
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 4:38PM
Email: csvee@yahoo.com
Telephone: 360-442-0634
Address: 33412 N Newman Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am concerned about the rate increase by Gem State Water. They just raised
rates last year while reducing the amount of water that is included in the base rate and are
already asking for another substantial increase. My concern is that no communication has
been given as to why they are wanting to raise rates and have given no warning that this
would be coming. We are a rural communitywith many living here for manyyears. This
sudden and substantial rate hike will cause undo stress on North Idaho families. While I
understand the importance of raising rates to cover costs we have been given no break
down as to why costs are increasing, there appears to be no communication about
upgrading infrastructure. It does not seem unreasonable that Gem State Water would give
a 5 year plan for rate increases, infrastructure improvements, changes to minimum water
usage in order to allow families the time to adjust to the rate increase. Giving 3 weeks
warning is unacceptable. "
Name: Martha Bratsch
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 4:45PM
Email: bratspets@yahoo.com
Telephone: 618-713-3325
Address: 35013 N Saint Joe Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "The water rate increases in case GSW-W-24-01 are outrageous. We recently
had rate increase and cannot afford another. This is rural Idaho. People have gardens and
animals to care for. Some folks are living month to month. Many are seniors on Social
Please DO NOT allow this increase to go through.
Martha Bratsch"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Corinne Saenz
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 6:31 PM
Email: corsae6@hotmail.com
Telephone: 208-719-1051
Address: 6879 W Liberty Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Comment: "ID
This is a 79% rate increase. That is outrageous. We are demanding that this outrageous
price hike NOT be approved."
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Erin Scott
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 5:32PM
Email: Subtread@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-699-2839
Address: 4401 East Lupin Lane
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem state water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I just received a letter from gem state water about their proposed rate increase.
While I understand their need to make a profit I feel a SEVENTY NINE percent increase is
beyond acceptable. If they need that much more money it looks to me that they have been
mismanaged. Coupled with the fact that they are installing remote reading meters it would
appear to me they are actively reducing labor costs.
Furthermore gem state JUST received a rate increase ONLY two years ago. Let me restate
that. TWO years ago.
To conclude: A 79% rate hike is impossible to defend, especially on the heels of a rate
increase in 2023."
Name: Denise Novak
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 9:09PM
Email: den iseschmidt24@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-755-4805
Address: 27981 N. Silver Meadows Loop
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Hello, I do have a more detailed comment I would like to make on this case,
but before I do I would like a question answered. Could you please confirm what exactly
Gem State is asking for you guys to accept? Is it only a rate increase or is it also to lower our
allotted gallons?
Denise Novak"
Name: Thomas Gossard
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 10:19PM
Email: tmgsnascar@gmail.com
Telephone: 209-217-0229
Address: 28239 N Silver Meadows Loop
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "This is my formal objection to GemStates application for a rate increase as
well as taking away 5000 gallons from our amount included in our minimum water per
month. Just two years ago they took away 5000 gallons, raised their rates, and raised the
rate per 1000 over the allotted amount. Now they're requesting increases for the same
exact reasons they did 21/2 years ago. They did not notify us of their intent to take another
5000 gallons away or raise the overage rates in the notice we received. The only notice
received was the one about the amended application, which we received March 8,
2025. In the notice of application order Gem State specifically states that they notified
customers they applied to increase rates through a bill insert beginning December 27,
2024. The company also sent a press release to the Coeur d'Alene press the same day. Are
we assuming that everybody in the water districts that are getting a rate increase
subscribe the Coeur d'Alene press. I am also requesting a public hearing regarding this
request. I'm also requesting information about documents provided to the PUC, by the
water company requesting that they remain confidential only to the PUC. I would also
request that at this meeting a member from the forestry service or the fire department be
present in order to explain the importance of green space around one's home in the areas
that we live that are affected by his loss of gallons included in the minimum. Are specific
area, lost 5000 gallons two years ago and now they want to take an additional 5000
gallons. Not allowing us the water to keep those spaces green is a dangerous problem."
Name: Cheryl Richards
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 10:24PM
Telephone: 509-440-1170
Address: 32629 N Priest River Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Gem State Water's request to increase their rates by almost double is not a
reasonable request. One of the company's reasoning for such a severe rate increase is that
the allowance of free gallons in the monthly minimum does not encourage conservation
and that they plan to eliminate the "free allowances" entirely over time. There is a monthly
fee that all customers are paying currently, so the term "free allowance" is a misnomer,
since customers like myself are paying the set rate for a set number of gallons of water. The
idea that conservation is not accomplished unless every gallon has an elevated per gallon
charge is ridiculous. The company is in effect seeking to "encourage conservation" by
punishing the customer for utilizing water they paid for and that they are entitled to when
they purchased their respective properties.
Furthermore, Gem State Water's reasons listed for consolidating the rates are poorly
justified. Consolidation of rates would provide ease to the business for running their
operations, but would not likely provide better customer service or reduced customer
confusion. The company was fully aware of the condition of the water district, number of
customers, and assets held by that water district when it was purchased, so consolidation
of rates across multiple small districts is not adequately justified.
While the argument that consolidation of districts will aid in distributing capital
expenditures across a broader base holds some merit, the customers living in another
water district are not responsible for bearing the capital expenditures and maintenance of
a water district they don't live in.
I request as a customer of Gem State Water living in Spirit Lake East that the rate increase
requested be denied. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Stephanie Gossard
Submission Time: Mar 9 2025 10:29PM
Telephone: 208-683-0828
Address: 28239 N Silver Meadows Loop
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-1
Comment: "Comment: "This is my formal objection to Gem States application for a rate
increase. We just went through this two years ago for the same exact reasons that they are
claiming they need the increase this time.Their application they state that they notified
their customers on December 27, 2020 via an insert in the bill and also notified the Coeur
d'Alene press. I cannot confirm that they did notify the Coeur d'Alene press however, our
bills are sent to us on a single postcard so obviously no inserts. They notice did not include
any indication of their intent to take away another 5000 gallons of our minimum allotted
amount or double the amount of the per 1000 gallon overage . They have not done anything
since the last increase other than switch out our meters, which was supposedly done last
week.We are hereby requesting a public hearing prior to any decision being made on this
application. Please note that this request would be the second request in three years which
would give them 150% rate increase at a total of 10,000 gallons removed from the
residence allotted water, which is detrimental to the green space and the homes in this
area. Not to mention the more than 100% increase and the per 1000 gallon overage. There
is no justification for this. I'm also curious why gem state feels that documents and
information that they've provided to the PUC should remain confidential only to the PC and
staff. Since this has all to do with their customers and their request for more money, we
should be entitled to this information as well. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Mike Michael
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 8:54AM
Email: bjmichael68@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-623-3976
Address: 33038 N SAND CREEK DR
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Co.
Case ID: G-S-W-W-24-
Comment: "Gem state want to increase my water bill by 79%... let me say my pay has not
increases by 79% , my taxes have doubled.Where is the justification for a 79% increase,
they state for repairs, they just increase last year(a increase and reduction in water) or the
same excuse. nothing has been done, low water pressure, received a not that we had
foreign particles in the water, asked what they were going to do, they said they would test,
From: PUCWeb Notification
Sent: Saturday, March 8, 2025 3:00 PM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb
The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Dale Braby
Submission Time: Mar 8 2025 2:32PM
Email: dalebraby@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-659-5776
Address: 1135 East Timber Lane
CoeurD'Alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company: GEMSTATE WATER
Contacted Utility: Yes
Comment: "Gemstate has raised the the rate over the last few years from the consumers
perspective to high. The base rate is to go to $62.00 per month plus any usage. I our opinion
this way to much !!!!"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 9:03AM
Email: cj.miller@mindspring.com
Telephone: 208-446-4438
Address: 15495 W Coeur Dalene Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "My name is Claudia Miller. I'm a senior and widow living on a fixed income in
East Spirit Lake Idaho. Gem State water is our provider. They increased our base line by
$10 plus just last year. Now they are requesting another increase but this time almost
I know I'm not the only one struggling to keep up with all the increases, but it really
hurts. Fire season is going to be coming around very soon in our community. Conserving
water has it's limits when everything is getting so dry.
Please consider carefully Gem States request. It is not fair or reasonable.
Thank you for your time,
Claudia Miller 15495 Coeur d'Alene Dr.,
Spirit Lake, ID 83869"
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Ronald Jones
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 10:06AM
Email: rjones2551@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-683-3839
Address: 4100 E. Lupin Lane
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Bitterroot and Rickel
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I want my opinion and my objection to this increase in our monthly water bill
and the decrease in usage amount, from 10,000 gallons to 7,000.We all live on acreage
and need water to survive growing vegetable gardens and watering live stock. This increase
in the monetary bill and decrease in water allowed per month will put many of your
customers in a very dire situation. This needs to be reconsidered:'
Name:Yasha Kopina
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 10:06AM
Telephone: 315-378-7108
Address: 32838 N Priest River Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 82869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: " I am writing to protest the outrageous 79% proposed rate increase on Spirit
Lake East residences by Gem State Water.This is an egregious and unjustified rate
increase. The claim is that it is needed for all the improvements they made, which have not
been documented or shown to us. Even if they had, the cost of keeping a company running
and safe for customers is the expected cost of business. Not something that is justifiable
trapping people with a 79% price increase.
Recently, they sent us a letter saying there "might" be lead in our water! We have heard
nothing more about it and it's deeply concerning. Gem State Water is not safe or
If this is approved, it sets a dangerous precedent for idaho residents. We cannot be at the
mercy of criminal companies owned within OR outside idaho.
Even if this isn't approved, it shows dishonest business practice and bad faith that a
company would be this blatant in their exploitation of idaho residents by trying to do this in
the first place.
I ask that you please do the right thing and stop this. Furthermore, an investigation into
this should take place into allowing our state to be extorted by foreign entities, ever. I urge
Idaho lawmakers to seriously rethink selling us out this way.This isn't right. I don't mean
never do business with other states. I mean look at who owns these companies and what
state policies do they answer to from where they're based.What is the policy if/when a
company is sold, as Gem State Water was.What happens to the people who rely on the
company to provide a safe essential when the company's ownership is or becomes
malevolent or exploitative in its intent and practices?
Thank you for your time and consideration,
-Yasha Kopina"
Name: Allan Schmidt
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 10:33AM
Email: atsmidland@aol.com
Telephone: 208-691-4187
Address: 18574 N Ramsey
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Co
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "The proposed rate increase for Bar Circle S system is 79%. I understand that
inflation has increased salary, material and maintenance costs, but this is an excessive
proposed increase. The US Bureau of Labor statistics reports inflation over the last 5 years
at approximately 20%. When Gem State took over ownership from Bar Circle S about 2
years ago, the median bill was increased 25%. Considering that the Rathdrum Aquifer
groundwater itself costs nothing, the number of production wells for the local system is
minimal, and there seems to be no line improvement or expansion happening, Bar Circle S
should not require this level of increase. We are not permitted to drill our own water wells
and Gem State has a monopoly. Please consider these factors in reviewing the proposed
increase percentage:'
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Connie Maxwell
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 11:18AM
Email: mcmax@tds.net
Telephone: 208-651-2994
Address: 5070 N Anne Street
Coeur d Alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "once again Gem State is asking for a increase and once again I am asking that
not happen. most of the people in this neighborhood are retired and on a fixed
income. Everything is costing more and it is hard for most of us to pay our bills Please do
not allow another increase:'
Name: Sherrie Badertscher
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 11:32AM
Email: sherrielb93@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-610-9144
Address: 35004 N Hayden Drive
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: GEM State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "GEM State Water Company is once again requesting an excessive rate change
and change to the structure of our water billing minimum. They filed a previous application
which just became effective in late 2023/early 2024 where they were seeking to consolidate
all the water systems into one and where all our minimum rates were increased along with
the gallons per 1,000 charge (38% increase). When will it stop? I'm a part of the Spirit Lake
East water system which is a low maintenance system and should not be consolidated
with other systems the company decided to buy and are losing money on. Why should the
ratepayers in SLE water subsidize the owners for their poor business choice to buy other
small systems that require major infrastructure improvements? I read through GEM State's
current rate increase application and do not find any infrastructure improvements which
would warrant a proposed 79% increase to my water rates (which I'm sure will be much
Larger in summer months when water is used for lawn irrigation). Please do not allow the
water systems to be consolidated as this will only benefit the company and will in no way
benefit all the water system users as is being suggested in the application and justification
for consolidation. I would ask the IPUC to take a very close look at the submitted financial
documents and compare them to the numbers which were submitted with the previous
general rate increase application in 2023/2024. This company is trying to justify rate
increases for all their water services to make up for poor financial business
decisions. Please do not allow these excessive rate increases (79%) and reduction to
gallon minimums (from 7500 to 5000) to take place. Our community is still adjusting to last
year's increase of over 38%to the rate structure and increase to minimum overages. These
rate increases are not justified for the SLE water system and if you take in to account last
year's increase of 38% and add this year's increase of 79%, we will effectively see an
increase of 150%to our rates in less than two years. Please note, the previous owners of
the SLE water system rarely proposed increases to operating costs as the system is very
low maintenance. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments. Best, Sherrie
Badertscher, Spirit Lake East Homeowner"
Name: Brandon Pettibone
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 11:43AM
Email: bpettibone@mac.com
Telephone: 208-255-0625
Address: 2515 W Highway 54
Spirit Lake, ID 83869-8807
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I'm trying to understand how a 79% price increase would be acceptable for
water, let alone any utility/commodity. Seems like a money grab by the company, one that
is based in Portland, OR and not the Idaho based community water company that Spirit
Lake East was founded with. Absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous. "
Name: Darin French
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 11:53AM
Email: dkf6344@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-704-4441
Address: 1297 w lonhorn
rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Gem State water has submitted a price increase from 35.00 to 62.65 which is a
79% increase.
I do not agree with this substantial increase to the water supply. They have not supplied
a reason for the increase other than a standard message of System improvements, and
maintenance. Why do the residence need to pay for this. They are adding customers at a
high rate of speed and this should offset the costs. They need to do a better job with their
business plan and cost models. A 79% increase is not fair to the residence. PLEASE deny
this gouging. "
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Justin Piper
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 12:OOPM
Telephone: 360-553-8672
Address: 33412 N Newman Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am providing a comment regarding the proposed rate increase from Gem
State water. I currently own a home in Spirit Lake East and would be directly impacted by
this increase. The proposed increase is extreme to say the least. This would cause harm to
homeowners affected by a substantial increase in water rates. Gem State wants to
increase our rates by over 70% and lower our base usage allowance while providing no
explanation for how this will improve service and delivery of water. It appears to be
arbitrary without acknowledging a benefit. We have an abundant supply of water and
increasing number of users contributing to the maintenance of the system. Rate increases
are understandable and even expected as the cost of services for everything
increases. This however far exceeds anything that could be considered reasonable. I ask
that the PUC reject this proposal and request that Gem State propose an increase more
inline with standard inflationary gauges. Being able to water lawns helps to reduce wildfire
threats to structures by maintaining a green buffer from our landscape. More lawns will be
Lost adding to dry fuel if water becomes out of reach for people. We are blessed with an
abundant aquifer. Don't make it inaccessible to our citizens based upon the desire of Gem
State to turn profits. "
Name: Michael Mallory
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 12:21 PM
Email: mlmlkm@outlook.com
Telephone: 208-699-7410
Address: 26645 North Bitterroot Court
Athol, ID 83801
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Commissioners, I am requesting you Deny GSW-W-24-01 the current request
by GEM State Water.
My suggestion is an increase in the current rate from $35.00 to $40.00
1. Maintain current commodity charge of$2.45 (excess usage) per one thousand gallons.
2. Base Rate currently is figured on ten thousand gallons increase to fifteen thousand
I guess if you lived in a neighborhood with a small lot with not much to water this most
Likely might be acceptable. Each of our plots are five acres or more, most with trees, plenty
of grass/brush, which require us to keep a defensible fire space around our home's
outbuildings, barns, equipment, RV's, trailers etc.
With this Gem State Water request to the PUC puts us in a terrible crisis situation. As seen
in the last few years we have had several fires in our area and thank the good Lord most of
us have not succumbed to the disaster seen in Southern California. Some of us are on fixed
income, some are building their families, to all, this is a hardship!
I saw in the request a segment mentioning the need to stifle excessive water usage.We can
all agree that it is a goal, not one to be mandated through jacking up rates and filling some
unknown organization's coffers.
Thank You for your attention to this matter.
Michael Mallory
26645 North Bitterroot Court
Athol Idaho, 83801
(208) 699-7410"
Name: Patrick Stanford
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 12:58PM
Email: patrickstanfordmalenurse@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-755-6809
Address: 17461 Circle S Trail
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Idaho
Our water company, Gem State Water, is proposing a 79% increase in water rates on or
after April 1, 2025. Our water bill is currently a basic rate of$35 a month and they want to
increase it to$62.65 a month. I am writing to you to adamantly oppose this rate increase.
We have five acres, we do not have a sprinkler system and water only when needed. We are
also seniors on a fixed income and understand that a slight rate increase is maybe
inevitable due to inflation but this rate increase is ridiculous. Please do not let them
increase our rates. Thank you
Patrick Stanford"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Audra Reeves
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 1:25PM
Email: riverfrontconst@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-661-9471
Address: 33920 N Hayden Drive
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "This comment is in light of a recent notice I received from Gem State Water.
They have filed an amendment for a "general" water increase of 79%. There is nothing
"general" about a 79% increase.....that is outrageous. In addition to the cost increase they
are also proposing to lower our median usage from 10,000 gallons to 7,000. gallons. As an
Idaho business owner, I/we understand that there is continous cost increases in running a
business. However as a business "in general"we do not get to increase our rates to such an
extreme, minimal increases happen, and can be tempered. However to allow extreme
increases sets a standard moving forward that these things can and will be tolerated
without consideration for those who have to absorb the burden of greed. Please consider
the people who pay for and maintain much of this beautiful state, it won't be beautiful for
Long without them.
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: James DeHay
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 2:10PM
Telephone: 208-920-0011
Address: 3543 W. CJ Court
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Good day. i am emailing in protest to the rate hike proposed by Gem State
Water. It is absurd to think a utility company can increase revenue by 78.8% in one year. I
receive water from the Diamond Bar Estates system. They would like to raise our rates by
53%, are you kidding me! Lots of people in these communities are hard working or retired
Idahoans on a fixed income. It is time the utility departments figure out how to budget with
the money they have. Most of us in Idaho will be lucky to get a 3% cost of living increase.
Please protect Idahoans from greedy business. Please deny the rate increase proposed by
Gem State.
James D."
Name: Nathan Wagner
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 2:59PM
Email: natesemipro@icloud.com
Telephone: 208-991-3664
Address: 808 e timber
Coeur d alene , ID 83815
Name of Utility Company: Troy hoff man
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I do not approve these rate increases. Ever since Gem State took over this area
they have been increasing the rates. As I am looking at the numbers with the areas of
increase the changes are 53%-79% across the board.Why are these are the same and not
individually adjusted? I have not seen ANY upgrade/maintenance to the"Troy Hoffman
District"this rate increases is NOT necessary. I DO NOT approve this increase. "
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Christie Wood
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 3:10PM
Email: ap@amulet.bz
Telephone: 925-454-2700
Address: 1818 E Amulet Cir
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "We received your notice about the proposed 79% increase to water base and
usage for Bar Circle "S" and Spirit Lake East.This is excessive for a single rate increase and
makes me curious why this increase/ relief is requested. I am seeing the exhibits that call
out the reason for the increase. While I'm a homeowner and don't fully comprehend the
information at first glance, what I assume is that Gem State bit off(or are planning to bite
off) more than they are able to handle, and will or did acquire debt that the customer is
asked to pay for. I understand prices are going up in every industry, this seems like poor
business management.Also noting the usage decrease on meter sizes, the one that affects
my home is the 1 inch that decreases from 7500 to 5000. In summary the cost rises 79%
and the usage drops 50%. 1 protest this increase:'
Name: Sarah Wagner
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 3:29PM
Email: sarahkaywagner@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-651-7222
Address: 808 E Timber Lane
Coeur D Alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company: Gem state
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I do not approve of these proposed rate increases. Specially for the Troy
Hoffman zone. Rates should be individually adjusted. Meaning we pay what we use, not a
blanket fee for up to what used to be 10k gallons. Now it looks to be they are requesting to
increase rates and lowering the gallons for the blanket fee to 7k!We have received no
known up grades to our area. It is absolutely ridiculous that these rates increase by this
amount. Over a 60%jump is crazy! Please do not approve this and if it is approved we
should have the option to go to city of Cda water!"
Name: Jerry Whetstine
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 3:30PM
Telephone: 509-679-9697
Address: 1609 E. Amulet Circle
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am located in the Bar Circle"S"water system in the Gem State Water
Company. On 8 March 2025 1 received a letter from the Gem State Water Company
indicating a request for a substantial water price increase of 79%. The current rate based of
$35.00 is for median usage of 7000 gallons per month. What Gem State Water has failed to
include in the letter is that they want the new proposed median bill to be $62.65 a month
based on only 5000 gallons a month. This way they can obviously charge a lot more money
for overages. To me this is deceitful.
Indicated in their letter, they are seeking approval of the water increase to recover the
current cost of operating and maintaining the water systems, and prudently incurred
system improvements. As of this date Gem State Water has provided no documentation to
support such a substantial water increase.This leads me to question the justification of a
79%water increase.
Two years ago, I talked to a representative of the Gem State water system concerning the
water pressure in our system. I have monitored my water pressure in the summer and have
had a low of 31 pounds verses around 60 to 65 pounds in the winter. All other neighbors in
our neighborhood have experienced the same water pressure issues. Our water pressure
was so low we had to install a water booster pump for the house as a cost of$2,000 to get
some semblance of normal water pressure.
I indicated to the Gem State representative that I was extremely concerned about the water
pressure in case of any fire. In case of a fire the low water pressure will certainly not help
the firefighters. He recognized that it was an issue and stated that even at 31 pounds of
pressure it still complies with Idaho State regulations.
He further indicated that the water district was going to upgrade the water pumps and that
resources and moneywere already allocated for the upgrade. As of 2 years later it appears
that nothing has been done.
At this time, I am requesting Idaho Public Utilities Commission deny any rate increase due
to the poor service from Gem State Water."
Name: Nick Crilly
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 3:44PM
Email: crilly.nick73@gmail.com
Telephone: 951-970-2413
Address: 32914 N Hayden Dr
Spirit Lake, ID 83869
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I am writing to oppose the proposed rate increase for Gem State Water. I
understand that things have gotten more expensive since 2020, but requesting a 79% rate
increase is ridiculous. Everything has gotten more expensive and almost doubling water
bills is untenable. Even the Gem State literature states their revenue is expected to
increase by 78.8%. Inflation is at record highs, groceries cost significantly more and there is
no end in sight. Please don't burden us with a significant rate increase:'
Name: Barbara O'Hanlon
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 3:48PM
Email: bhrly@roadrunner.com
Telephone: 208-755-5119
Address: 17195 N Circle S Trail
Rathrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "We lived on our property for over 20 years. Have always watered the lawn. Had
a garden watered the animals and never had an issue with the water being so high. As of
Last summer 2024 1 stopped watering the yard. We don't have a garden anymore. No
Livestock and now our bills going up again from six people in the house to two. Our bills
never been more. It's ridiculous.They're bleeding us dry. We moved out in the country so
we could have livestock so we could afford to have a big garden and water so we could
have a nice yard and water and be not having to worry about keeping the trees around us
alive or washing your car or just anything now. We have to worry about every little thing
playing in the sprinkler turning on the sprinklers to keep the grass green and nice. Please
don't pass this. It's just bleeding us all dry. Thank you for listening. "
Name: Margaret Cooper
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 3:48PM
Email: pcooper406@gmaiL.com
Telephone: 208-667-7011
Address: 4950 ezy st
Coeurd alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company: Gem State
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "I reside in the Troy Hoffman district. I was just notified by mail today that Gem
State water is requesting a 79% rate increase. Also taking our 10,000 monthly gallons down
to 7,000. 1 am opposed to this request. Many people in this district raise their own
vegetables and fruit, as well as have animals...all requiring significant amounts of water.
Financially as well as keeping the beautiful green neighborhoods we enjoy, this will have
devastating effects. NO, NO, NO:'
Name: Paul Parks
Submission Time: Mar 10 2025 3:53PM
Email: prparks75@gmail.com
Telephone: 509-413-3560
Address: 1456 W Longhorn
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water
Case ID: GSW-W-24-01
Comment: "Gem State is proposing a 79% increase for water services. This an outrage
increase and I'm sure if researched outside of the standard increase throughout Idaho. I
can appreciate the need to increase some but 79% is unreasonable. I also suspect that the
"Current Median Bill" is only for 2025 which has 3 months of data and wouldn't include
summer months. I don't think this is an accurate representation of the true impact for
consumers costs. "