HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250307APPLICATION - Redacted.pdf HIQAW POWER, DONOVAN WALKER RECEIVED Lead Counsel March 7, 2025 dwalker(a)idaho power.corn Idaho Public Utilities Commission March 7, 2025 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-25-08 Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for an Ownership Interest in the Southwest Intertie Project — North 500-kV Transmission Line and Approval of the Utilization of Capacity on the Line. Dear Commission Secretary: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company's ("Idaho Power") Application and the Direct Testimony of Jared Ellsworth and exhibits in the above matter. A Word version of the Direct Testimony of Jared Ellsworth will be sent in a separate email for the Reporter. Also attached is a Protective Agreement. Due to the voluminous nature of confidential and non-confidential information provided, the Company is posting the Direct Testimony of Jared Ellsworth and exhibits to the secure FTP site to allow parties to view the requested information remotely. Because certain attachments contain confidential information, the FTP site is divided between confidential and non-confidential information. The login information for the non-confidential portion of the FTP site will be provided to all parties, while the login information for the confidential portion will only be provided to those parties who have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. 1221 W. Idaho St(83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission March 7, 2025 Page 2 If you have any questions about any of the aforementioned documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Donovan E. Walker DEW:sg Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY ASSERTION THAT INFORMATION CONTAINED IN AN IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FILING IS PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION Case No. IPC-E-25-08 Idaho Power Company's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for an Ownership Interest in the Southwest Intertie Project— North 500- KV Transmission Line and Approval of the Utilization of Capacity on the Line The undersigned attorney, in accordance with Commission Rules of Procedure 67, believes that the Application, Direct Testimony of Jared Ellsworth and Exhibit No. 5 to the Direct Testimony of Jared Ellsworth dated March 7, 2025, contain information that Idaho Power Company and a third party claims are trade secrets, business records of a private enterprise require by law to be submitted to or inspected by a public agency, and/or public records exempt from disclosure by state or federal law (material nonpublic information under U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation FD) as described in Idaho Code § 74-101, et seq., and/or § 48-801, et seq. As such, it is protected from public disclosure and exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. DATED this 7th day of March 2025. Donovan E. Walker Attorney for Idaho Power Company DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker(o-)idahopower.com Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A ) CASE NO. IPC-E-25-08 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC ) CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR ) APPLICATION AN OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE ) SOUTHWEST INTERTIE PROJECT - ) NORTH 500-KV TRANSMISSION LINE ) AND APPROVAL OF THE UTILIZATION ) OF CAPACITY ON THE LINE. ) Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with Idaho Code §§ 61-501, 61-502, 61-503, 61-508, 61-526; as well as RP 52, 112 and 201, hereby respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order (1) granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN" or "Certificate") for Idaho Power's ownership interest in the Southwest Intertie Project — North, 500-kilovolt ("kV")transmission line ("SWIP-North" or"Project"), including the rights to 250 megawatts ("MW") of the northbound capacity, and (2) approving the Company's utilization of an additional 250 MW of GBT Northbound, LLC's ("GBT Northbound") rights APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 1 to the northbound capacity, both via the SWIP-North agreements. In total, the Company will gain 500 MW of south-to-north capacity on the total Southwest Intertie Project' transmission line ("Total SWIP"), providing a cost-effective resource addition necessary to meet identified capacity deficiencies. Accompanying this Application is the Direct Testimony of Jared L. Ellsworth presenting the need and justification for Idaho Power's participation in the Project and the associated SWIP-North agreements the Company has entered in to, including (1) an overview of the SWIP-North project and its load serving capacity, (2) the evaluation of the Project as part of the Integrated Resource Planning process and identification as a valuable component of Idaho Power's future resource portfolio, and (3) a description of the unique attributes and other benefits offered by SWIP-North. I. CORPORATE STATUS 1. Idaho Power is a corporation incorporated under the laws of the state of Idaho. Idaho Power is engaged in the business of generating, purchasing, transmitting, and distributing electric energy and providing retail electric service in the states of Idaho and Oregon. Idaho Power's principal offices are situated in Boise, Idaho, and its address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. Copies of Idaho Power's Articles of Incorporation and Certificates of Convenience and Necessity are on file with the Commission. Idaho Code § 61-528. II. THE SOUTHWEST INTERTIE PROJECT 2. SWIP-North is an approximately 285 mile, near shovel ready, 500-kV line that will connect the Midpoint substation, near Shoshone, Idaho, to the Robinson Summit Inclusive of SWIP-North and SWIP-South. APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 2 substation, near Ely, Nevada. SWIP-North will connect to the existing Southwest Intertie Project—South 500-kV line ("SWIP-South"), an existing 231 mile 500-kV line that extends between the Robinson Summit substation and the Harry Allen substation, northeast of Las Vegas. When combined, SWIP-North and SWIP-South form the Total SWIP. 3. The ownership and capacity entitlements associated with SWIP-South, as well as SWIP-North and Total SWIP once completed, are all governed by the Second Amended and Restated Transmission Use and Capacity Exchange Agreement by and among Nevada Power Company, Sierra Pacific Power Company, Great Basin Transmission South, LLC, and Great Basin Transmission, LLC, dated as of June 30, 2020 ("TUX),2 which is included as Exhibit No. 2 to Mr. Ellsworth's Direct Testimony. Under the TUA, Great Basin Transmission South, LLC ("GBT South") and NV Energy agreed to build SWIP-South, as the first phase of the project, which has been providing NV Energy benefits over the prior decade.3 In addition, the TUA contemplated SWIP-North and the Total SWIP as a whole and therefore contains definitive provisions for both. 4. Immediately following completion of SWIP-South, NV Energy owned 25 percent of SWIP-South, which was obtained through payment of 25 percent of the SWIP- South costs. GBT South funded the remaining 75 percent of the costs but is receiving recovery of those costs through TUA payments from NV Energy. Given NV Energy customers are ultimately paying for all SWIP-South costs, all rights associated with SWIP- 2 Both Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company conduct business as NV Energy so are collectively referred to as NV Energy. 3 In February 2011, Great Basin Transmission, LLC ("GBT") assigned all of its ownership interest in SWIP-South to GBT South but retained its obligations under the original Transmission Use and Capacity Agreement dated August 20, 2010, on a joint and several basis with GBT South. APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 3 South are currently allocated to NV Energy and NV Energy controls all capacity associated with SWIP-South. 5. Under the provisions of the TUA, once SWIP-North is energized and the resulting Total SWIP is entered in-service, NV Energy will continue to fund all costs associated with SWIP-South through the TUA payments to GBT South and GBT South will continue to own its share of SWIP-South assets. However, pursuant to the TUA, the transmission capacity allocations across SWIP-South will change upon installation of SWIP-North. As the owner and developer of SWIP-North, and an affiliate of GBT South, GBT will receive a portion of the capacity across SWIP-South and NV Energy gains capacity across SWIP-North. Following the addition of SWIP-North, the capacity allocations are as follows: SWIP-South SWIP-North North-to- South-to- North-to- South-to-North South North South NV Energy 1,217.5 MW 1,172.5 MW 952.5 MW 847.5 MW GBT 1,117.5 MW 1,072.5 MW 1,117.5 MW 1,072.5 MW The capacity allocations prior to, and after SWIP-North energization, are detailed in Exhibit No. 3 to Mr. Ellsworth's testimony. III. SWIP-NORTH AND THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN 6. As part of the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP"), the Company evaluated a hypothetical SWIP-North scenario that identified potential benefits associated with the Project. As a result, the 2021 IRP included an Action Plan item focused on partnership opportunities related to SWIP-North. The Company began discussions with APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY-4 GBT and acquired sufficient information to perform a thorough and detailed analysis coincident with the modeling of the 2023 IRP. 7. SWIP-North was analyzed as part of the 2023 IRP as providing a 500 MW resource equivalent capacity, from the Desert Southwest ("DSW") market, in the winter months beginning in 2028. Costs were modeled to reflect a 22.83 ownership interest for Idaho Power. 8. The best way to identify a transmission project's financial benefits is to consider the optimal portfolio of transmission and generation projects (i.e., the least-cost and least-risk portfolio) both with the transmission project and without the transmission project. Therefore, Idaho Power analyzed ten portfolio topologies without SWIP-North and those same ten portfolio topologies with SWIP-North, utilizing a November 2028 in- service date. The results indicated that a portfolio inclusive of SWIP-North was lower cost than its complementary portfolio that excluded SWIP, an estimated lower cost on a net present value basis. IV. IDAHO POWER'S PARTICIPATION AND OWNERSHIP IN SWIP-NORTH 9. The SWIP-North is nearly construction ready and planned to be online in 2028. As such, GBT began negotiations to contract the additional capacity entitlements gained along Total SWIP once SWIP-North is energized, including dedicating all its capacity entitlements to California Independent System Operator ("CAISO") except for 500 MW of south-to-north capacity entitlements, which will be dedicated to Idaho Power. 10. The Company's participation in, and joint ownership of, SWIP-North has been memorialized in the following agreements for which Idaho Power is requesting approval in this case: (1) the Participation and Joint Ownership Agreement by and among APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 5 Great Basin Transmission, LLC, GBT Northbound, LLC and Idaho Power Company dated as of February 13, 2025, (2) the Capacity Entitlement Agreement by and between GBT Northbound, LLC and Idaho Power Company dated as of February 13, 2025 ("Capacity Entitlement Agreement"), (3) the Purchase and Sale Agreement by and between GBT Northbound, LLC and Idaho Power Company dated as of February 13, 2025, and (4) the Purchase Option Agreement by and between GBT Northbound, LLC and Idaho Power Company dated as of February 13, 2025 (collectively, the "Definitive Agreements"). The Definitive Agreements are included as Confidential Exhibit No. 5 to Mr. Ellsworth's direct testimony. 11. The Definitive Agreements address SWIP-North ownership, the Company's entitlement rights to utilize SWIP-South capacity and transact across the Total SWIP, conditions precedent to construction, rights during construction, and Project upgrade rights, among other general contract provisions. Once energized, the Definitive Agreements provide for Idaho Power's undivided ownership interest in approximately 11.4 percent, or 250 MW, of SWIP-North, fully funding the capital requirements of this portion of the Project. GBT will own the remaining approximately 11.4 percent interest, or the remaining 250 MW, in SWIP-North, providing the asset to Idaho Power to utilize via the Capacity Entitlement Agreement. The Company will be given the entitlement right to utilize the approximately 250 MW of capacity for 40 years, at which time Idaho Power will have the option to purchase the asset from GBT Northbound. The Company's rights associated with its ownership interest and capacity entitlement interest in the Project are functionally equivalent. APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 6 V. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY 12. Idaho Power has an obligation to provide adequate, efficient, just, and reasonable service on a nondiscriminatory basis to all those that request it within its certificated service territory. Idaho Code §§ 61-302, 61-315, 61-507. The Commission must assure that the rates Idaho Power charges its customers and that the rules and regulations by which it provides service are just, reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and non- preferential. Idaho Code §§ 61-501, 61-502, 61-503, 61-507, 61-508. The Company must acquire additional resources to meet the identified capacity deficits on its system in order to comply with its continuing obligation to serve customers and thus is requesting an order from the Commission affirming that the public convenience and necessity requires the same. The SWIP-North represents a cost-effective means of providing adequate and reliable service to the customers in Idaho Power's certificated service territory. 13. The Commission has the express authority to order a utility to build new structures, or to upgrade and/or improve existing plant and structures, in order to secure adequate service or facilities. Whenever the commission, after a hearing had upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find that additions, extensions, repairs or improvements to or changes in the existing plant, scales, equipment, apparatus, facilities or other physical property of any public utility . . . ought reasonably to be made, or that a new structure or structures should be erected, to promote the security or convenience of its employees or the public, or in any other way to secure adequate service or facilities, the commission shall make and serve an order directing such additions, extensions, repairs, improvements, or changes be made or such structure or structures be erected in the manner and within the time specified in said order. Idaho Code § 61-508. APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 7 14. A CPCN or Certificate represents the exercise by the Commission of its foundational authority and principles that are necessary in Idaho's system of permitting regulated, vertically integrated, public utilities to exist and to provide necessary services to the public. Certificates have been utilized in various ways from the time that Idaho's statutory system of public utility regulation was enacted by the Legislature in 1913, Idaho Code § 61-101, et seq., to the present time. After nearly 100 years of legislative enactments, Commission orders, and Idaho Supreme Court reviews, the Certificate remains the embodiment of the Commission's fundamental power and authority to, at the most basic level, authorize and direct a public utility to serve in the public interest. See Idaho Power& Light Co. v. Blomquist et al., 26 Idaho 222, 141 P.1083 (1914); Idaho Op. Atty. Gen. No. 87-2, 1987 WL 247587 (Idaho A.G.). 15. In the broadest sense, a Certificate allows a company that meets the definition of a "public utility" pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-129 to exclusively provide its service to the public in a specified geographic region, its service territory. It is a codified part of the "regulatory compact" whereby the utility takes on the exclusive obligation/right to serve all those requesting service within its service territory and, correspondingly, submits itself to the rate and service quality regulation of the Commission. In a more literal sense, a Certificate from the Commission is required for the construction or extension of a line, plant, or system by any street railroad, gas, electrical, telephone, or water corporation. Idaho Code § 61-526. § 61-526 also provides that "if public convenience and necessity does not require or will require such construction or extension [of a line, plant, or system] the commission . . . may, after hearing, make such order and prescribe such terms and conditions for the locating or type of line, plant or system affected as to it may APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 8 seem just and reasonable . . . ." A CPCN is required for the utility to construct a new generation resource or plant but is not required to increase the capacity of existing generating facilities. Id. VI. RATEMAKING TREATMENT FOR SWIP-NORTH OWNERSHIP 16. Idaho Power is not requesting binding ratemaking treatment in this case. The Company's request in this case is that the Commission find Idaho Power has met the requirements of Idaho Code § 61-526 and issue an order granting a CPCN to acquire the rights to approximately 11.4 percent of the northbound capacity of SWIP-North. The Company will make a future filing to address the cost recovery associated with Idaho Power's ownership interest in the Project. VII. FINANCING THE SWIP-NORTH 17. Idaho Power maintains investment grade credit ratings with Standard & Poor's Ratings Services and Moody's Investors Service, with a long-term issuer rating of BBB and Baal, respectively. The Company maintains ready access to the capital markets and to instruments providing for its liquidity. Idaho Power has a $400 million revolving credit facility with its banking syndicate, which may be increased to $600 million under specified conditions, which matures on December 7, 2029. The Company has an option to request an additional one-year extension of the agreement, subject to certain conditions. Idaho Power also has authority from state regulatory commissions to issue up to $1.2 billion in aggregate principal amount of debt securities, $900 million of which remained available as of February 28, 2025. The Company also has access to commercial paper markets, as well as a balance of cash and investments on its balance sheet. Additionally, Idaho Power has access to capital and credit outside of existing APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 9 mechanisms and instruments, such as through term loans, letter of credit, and other instruments. IDACORP, the parent entity of Idaho Power, sold 3,221,982 shares of IDACORP common stock in November 2023 under a forward sale agreement which was settled for cash at IDACORP in 2024 for approximately $292 million. Approximately $92 million of the proceeds remain at IDACORP, which will primarily be used to infuse equity to Idaho Power as needed. IDACORP sold an additional $92 million of its common stock in the fourth quarter of 2024 through its at-the-market program under a forward sale agreement which may be physically settled by delivering shares of stock in 2025. The cash proceeds will be used primarily to infuse equity to Idaho Power. The Company intends to finance its 250 MW ownership of the northbound capacity on SWIP-North with a combination of available cash and operating cash flow, available credit facilities and borrowing and debt issuances, and future equity infusions by IDACORP. VIII. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 18. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Donovan E. Walker Tim Tatum Lead Counsel Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Boise, Idaho 83707 dwalker _idahopower.com ttatum _idahopower.com dockets(o-)idahopower.com IX. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 19. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein, and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, et APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 10 seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to present its testimony and support the Application in such hearing. X. REQUEST FOR RELIEF Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order (1) granting a CPCN for Idaho Power's ownership interest participation in the SWIP-North 500-kV transmission line, including the rights to 250 MW of the northbound capacity, and (2) approving the Company's utilization of an additional 250 MW of GBT Northbound rights to the northbound capacity, both via the SWIP-North agreements. In total, the Company will gain 500 MW of south-to-north capacity on SWIP-North, providing a cost-effective resource addition necessary to meet identified capacity deficiencies. DATED at Boise, Idaho this 7t" day of March 2025. DONOVAN E. WALKER Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY- 11