HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250304Public Notice.pdf WILLIAM HABERMAN MANAGER TIC UTILITIES,LLC 151 CLUBHOUSE WAY SANDPOINT, ID 83864 (208) 265-0400 wh@theidahoclub.com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) TIC UTILITIES,LLC FOR AUTHORITY TO ) INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR CASE NO. GNR-W-24-01 WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) 1 TIC Utilities, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Applicant" and holder of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 554 from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission hereby files the attached Public Notice regarding Applicant's request of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for authorization to increase its rates and charges for water service. DATED March 4, 2025 Respectfully submitted, TIC UTILITIES, LLC William Haberman Manager CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on March 4, 2025, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Via Electronic Mail Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 TIC UTILITIES, LLC William Haberman Manager THE IDAHO CLUB PUBLIC NOTICE TIC UTILITIES,LLC 151 CLUBHOUSE WAY SANDPOINT,ID 83864 (208) 265-0400 TIC Utilities, LLC ("Company") has applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") for authorization to increase its rates and charges for water service. If IPUC approves the request in full, rates would adjust by 333% for a finished home and 0% for a developed lot. The average bill for a finished home would increase by $105 per month, and the average bill for a developed lot would increase by $0 per month. Company revenues would increase by 294%, or$249,043.00 per year due to the increased operating costs and necessary investments made to the water system, to ensure that the water system remains solvent and can meet its annual obligations while providing a reasonable rate of return on the Company's investment. It will take several months for the IPUC to accept, reject or modify the request. This application is a proposal, subject to public review and an IPUC decision. A copy of the application is available for review at the offices of the IPUC, the Company, and on the IPUC homepage at puc.idaho.gov by clicking on the "WATER" icon, then on "OPEN CASES" and scrolling down to case No. GNR-W-24-01. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding the Company proposal may be filed with the IPUC. To submit comments electronically, visit puc.idaho.gov and access the "Case Comment Form " or mail your comments to P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074. When submitting comments,please refer to Case No. GNR-W-24-01. PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF NOTICE & INVOICE FOR BONNER COUNTY BEE CLASSIFIEDS From: Bonner County Bee CDA-Press@orders.getbluefin.com Subject: Bonner County Bee:Order Confirmation for Reference#91184 Date: February 28,2025 at 1:49 PM To: William Haberman wh@theidahoclub.com BONNER COUNTY DAILY BEE Order Confirmation To view your listing online,Click here To make changes to your listing or to stop it early,Click Here. Customer Details Customer Name William Haberman Company Name TIC Utilities,LLC Address 151 Clubhouse Way Sandpoint,Idaho 83864 United States of America Phone 2082650400 Email wh@theidahoclub.com Order Details Announcements::Announcements Company Bonner County Bee Reference Number #91184 Total Price $175.00 Paid By Credit Card Package/Schedule One Week CDA Press in Print/E-Edition 3/4/2025-3/10/2025 Bonner County Daily Bee 3/4/2025 through 3/9/2025 Shoshone News-Press 3/4/2025 3/7/2025 CDA Press Digital Classifieds 3/4/2025-3/10/2025 Newspaper Print Ad Basic Listing Starts at$28.00 PUBLIC NOTICE TIC UTILITIES,LLC 151 CLUBHOUSE WAY SAN DPOI NT,ID 83864 (208)265-0400 TIC Utilities,LLC("Company") has applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission("I PUC")for authorization to increase its rates and charges forwater service. If IPUC approves the request in full,rates would adjust by 333% fora finished home and 0%fora developed lot.The average bill for a finished home would increase by$105 per month,and the aver- age bill fora developed lot wouId increase by$0 per month. Company revenues would in- crease by294%,or$249,043.00 per yea r due to the i ncreased op- erating costs and necessary in- vestments made to the water sys- tem,to ensure that the water sys- tem remains solvent and can meet its annual obligations while pro- viding a reasonable rate of return on the Company's investment. It will take several months for the I PUC to accept,reject or modify the request.This application is a proposal,subjectto public review and an IPUC decision. Acopy of the application is avail- able or review atthe offices ofthe I PUC,the Company,and on the IPUC homepage at puc.idaho.gov by clicking on the"WATER"icon, then on"OPEN CASES"and scrolling down to case No.GNR- W-24-01.Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email aboutthe case. Written comments regardingg the Company proposal maybe filed with the IPUC.To submitcom- ments electronically,visit puc. idaho.gov and access the"Case Comment Form"or mail your comments to P.O.Box 83720, Boise,ID83720-0074. When submitting comments, please referto Case No.GNR-W- 24-01. TIC Utilities,LLC,208-265-0400 Online Ad Description PUBLIC NOTICE TIC UTILITIES,LLC 151 CLUBHOUSE WAY SANDPOINT,ID 83864 (208)265-0400 TIC Utilities,LLC(Y"Company\")has applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission("IPUC\")for authorization to increase its rates and charges for water service. If IPUC approves the request in full,rates would adjust by 333%for a finished home and 0%for a developed lot.The average bill for a finished home would increase by$105 per month,and the average bill for a developed lot would increase by$0 per month. Company revenues would increase by 294%,or$249,043.00 per year due to the increased operating costs and necessary investments made to the water system,to ensure that the water system remains solvent and can meet its annual obligations while providing a reasonable rate of return on the CompanyVs investment. It will take several months for the IPUC to accept,reject or modify the request.This application is a proposal,subject to public review and an IPUC decision. A copy of the application is available for review at the offices of the IPUC,the Company,and on the IPUC homepage at puc.idaho.gov by clicking on the\"WATER\"icon,then on\"OPEN CASES\"and scrolling down to case No.GNR-W-24-01. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUCVs RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding the Company proposal may be filed with the IPUC.To submit comments electronically,visit puc.idaho.gov and access the\"Case Comment Form V or mail your comments to P.O.Box 83720,Boise,ID 83720-0074. When submitting comments,please refer to Case No.GNR-W-24-01. TIC Utilities,LLC,208-265-0400