HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250304Exhibit 6.pdf EXHIBIT NO. 6 The Idaho Club - TIC Utilities, LLC Sheet 1 — Proposed Tariff Schedule Replaces All Previous Sheets THE IDAHO CLUB - TIC UTILITIES, LLC SCHEDULES, RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE 1 METERED WATER RATES SCHEDULE 2 FLAT RATE WATER SERVICES SCHEDULE 3 NON-RECURRING CHARGES SCHEDULE 4 ADDITIONAL RECURRING CHARGES SCHEDULE 5 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES Issued: 212812025 Issued by The Idaho Club-TIC Utilities, LLC Effective: TBD William Haberman, Manager Order No. 1 SCHEDULE 1 METERED WATER RATES Frequency of Billing: Customers will be billed quarterly based on the meter readings from the previous billing period, payable within 15 days of the billing date. Customer Charge: A recurring fixed charge to recover a portion of the cost of providing water service that does not vary with the quantity of water consumed. $135.00 quarterly Usage Charge: The Usage Charge is calculated by multiplying metered water consumption during the billing period by the rate per unit of measurement. The Usage Charge is calculated by multiplying metered water consumption during the billing period by the rate per unit of measurement. The total Usage Charge is the sum of charges for each Tier. Tier 1: First 22,500 gallons (0 to 22,500 gallons) $315 quarterly Tier 2: Over 22,501 gallons (22,501 gallons and over) $0.01 per gallon Note: The Customer shall pay the total of the Customer Charge plus the Usage Charge. SCHEDULE 2 FLAT RATE WATER SERVICES Frequency of Billing: Customers will be billed quarterly, payable within 15 days of the billing date. Customer Charge: $135 quarterly AND Usage Charge: $315 quarterly AND Metered for consumption that exceeds 22,500 gallons per period SCHEDULE 3 NON-RECURRING CHARGES Reconnection Charge: Applies when a Customer requests reconnection following disconnection of service for: • non-payment a dangerous condition caused by the Customer (e.g., lack of certified cross connection control) Does not apply to situations where the Customer requests disconnection to make repairs or prevent water damage to the Customer's property. Also does not apply when service was disconnected by the Company for its convenience. $2,500.00 Returned Payment Charge: Applies when a Customer's check or electronic payment is not honored by his/her financial institution due to lack of sufficient funds in an account, a closed account, or some other reason. $100.00 Late Payment Charge: Applies to the past-due balance owed at the time of the next billing. Three percent (3%) per quarter Account Initiation Charge: Applies when a new account is established and, if necessary, service turned on. $250.00 Meter Testing Charge: Applies when the Customer requests the Company test the accuracy of a meter. $500.00 if error in registration 1 .5% or less Hook Up Charge.. Applies when the Company must install a new service connection in order to provide water to a new Customer. $2,500.00 SCHEDULE 4 ADDITIONAL RECURRING CHARGES DEQ CHARGE: The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEA) assesses a charge to fund its drinking water program. Since this charge is not recovered in tariffed water rates, the cost will be passed along to Customers as a fixed charge appearing as a separate item on each bill. Actual charges incurred, to be reimbursed quarterly Franchise Charge: This charge is applicable to the gross operating revenues received by the Company from the sale of water and water services within the corporate limits of the city. The rates and charges for the sale of water and water services provided under the Company's schedules will be proportionately increased by the following charge within the municipality. Since this charge is not recovered in tariffed water rates, the cost will be passed to Customers. The charge will be shown as a separate item on each bill. Municipality Ordinance No. Effective Date Charge N/A SCHEDULE 5 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES Private Fire Sprinkler Service: Applies to all Customers who have sprinkler systems and/or inside hose connections supplied by a dedicated service line for firefighting purposes. No Charge Miscellaneous: Provided that if the installation of a private fire service shall require an extension of the existing mains of the Company, the cost of such extension shall be borne by the Customer. All private fire services shall be equipped with sealed gate valves or thermal automatic openings. Meters may be placed on fire services by the Company at any time; however, metered rates will not apply unless improper use of water is discovered. If such were the case, and usage can be reasonably determined, the Customer will be billed under Rate Schedule No. 1 . Fire Hydrant Installation Charge: Applies when a private fire hydrant is installed by the Company at the Customer's request. $5,000.00 Private Fire Hydrant Service: Applies to all Customers having private fire hydrants. For fire hydrants installed and maintained by the Customer at Customer's expense. The customer is responsible for maintaining the service pipe from the fitting on the Company water main to the fire hydrant. No Charge