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20250306ZWL to Staff 33-35.pdf
RECEIVED March 6, 2025 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Ziply Fiber • 135 Lake Street South,Suite 155,Kirkland,WA 98033 I M.(503)431-0458 1:)l jessica.epley@ziply.com fiber March 6, 2025 Sent via electronic mail to secretary@puc.idaho.gov Ms. Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No. ZWL-T-24-02 Second Production Request of the Commission Staff to Ziply Wireless, LLC dba Ziply Fiber Dear Ms. Barrios-Sanchez: Please find Ziply Wireless, LLC dba Ziply Fiber's response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff. If you have any questions regarding this filing, you may contact me at (503) 431-0458. Sincerely, qq4____ Jessica Epley VP - Regulatory & External Affairs Ziply ziplyfiber.com I ADAM TRIPLETT DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL 2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 3 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334- 0318 4 IDAHO BAR NO. 10221 5 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A 6 BOISE, ID 83714 7 Attorney for the Commission Staff 8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 9 IN THE MATTER OF ZIPLY WIRELESS, ) 10 LLC,D/B/A ZIPLY FIBER'S APPLICATION ) CASE NO. ZWL-T-24-02 FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE ) I I TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER IN ) RESPONSE TO SECOND THE STATE OF IDAHO TO RECEIVE ) PRODUCTION REQUEST 12 FEDERAL LIFELIFE SUPPORT ) OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ZIPLY WIRELESS, 13 ) LLC,D/B/A ZIPLY FIBER 14 15 REQUEST NO.33: Regarding the Company's response to Request No. 16 10 to Staffs Production Request No. 1, please provide: 17 a. A sample copy of the marketing material that the Company 18 intends to use to advertise Lifeline-including the specific 19 products. 20 ANSWER: Please see Exhibit A and Exhibit B. 21 Bill Message: 22 Ziply Fiber is committed to helping qualified low-income individuals obtain discounted 23 phone or internet service under a government assistance program called Lifeline. Lifeline 24 provides a monthly non-transferable discount($9.25) on internet service or($5.25) on RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 1 I voice service. Lifeline is limited to one discount per household for qualified customers. 2 To receive the Lifeline discount each month, you must receive benefits from one of these programs: Medicaid; Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Supplemental Nutrition 3 Assistance Program (SNAP) formerly Food Stamps;Federal Public Housing Assistance 4 (Section 8);VA Veterans Pension(Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans); or VA 5 Survivors Pension. You may also qualify if your yearly household income is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Residents living on federally recognized Tribal 6 Lands who participate in one of the programs above or one of the following federal 7 assistance programs shall also qualify for an additional monthly credit of up to $25.00 8 with Enhanced Tribal Lifeline and up to $100.00 toward installation fees with Tribal Link-Up Assistance: Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance; Tribally Administered 9 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal TANF); Head Start (Income Based); o 10 Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). For more information or to 11 apply,please visit www.lifelinesupport.org or call the Universal Service Administration Company at(800) 234-9473. 12 13 Link to website: 14 https:Hziplyfiber.com/resources/discount-pro rg am-types/low-income-assistance- 15 programs 16 17 Ziply Fiber does not offer any specific Lifeline plans. The Lifeline discount is available 18 on any available products. 19 20 21 REQUEST NO.34: Regarding the Company's response to Request No.29 22 to Staffs Production Request No. 1, please provide the following supporting documents to demonstrate that the Company can remain functional in 23 emergencies: 24 RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 2 I a. For the circuit auditing, please provide a copy of a quarterly review of 2 Public Safety Answering Points diversity that was conducted; b. For the backup power, please provide any document supporting (fully or 3 partially) the explanation that was previously provided in Production 4 Request No. 1, answer 29 (2); and 5 c. For network monitoring,please provide a copy of the certified 6 annual Network Reliability Certification that was filed with the Federal Communications Commission. 7 8 ANSWER: There are no records maintained for quarterly circuit auditing. Ziply Fiber is 9 not required to do the audit more often than annually for the purposes of the annual E911 Network Reliability report. 10 11 There is no documentation of our critical power supply other than what we provide to the 12 FCC, which is the narrative from the E911 Network Reliability Report. The report itself is not a prepared document- it is provided via the FCC portal as answers to individual 13 questions, so we have no "report" to provide. Ziply Fiber provides the following 14 narrative (as previously provided) to clarify what we provide as far as Backup power: 15 • All Ziply Central Offices hosting a Selective Router or directly serving a PSAP,provide for emergency power distribution via direct current battery strings sized at minimum to 16 hold for PUC defined time in Amp hours. The DC power rectification systems are 17 supported by on-site generators that are started automatically upon voltage drop detection 18 and load is transferred once generator is operating. Most sites maintain on-site reserves to run for 72 hours prior to refueling. Sites that do not have stationary generators are 19 provided trailer mounted portable generators and fuel to run for a minimum of 24 hours. 20 • Many of our locations are serviced and maintained by vendors. 21 • Local Central Office Technicians do the monthly and weekly tests. • Local Central Office Technicians also do a monthly Planned Maintenance Program of 22 the generator which includes a run and functional check of the ATS. These are 23 documented and logged electronically in the PMP system. 24 RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 3 I • The generators and transfer switches are maintained every 18 months except the 2 mountain tops which are done on a yearly basis. There is a generator PM log kept either in the control panel (portable generators) or in the ATS's (stationary units). • All Ziply 3 Central Offices hosting a Selective Router or directly serving a PSAP, that have a 4 stationary generator are controlled via an automatic transfer switch as well as a roll up 5 "pin& sleeve" connection and manual transfer switch as well to accommodate a secondary trailer mounted roll up generator if needed. 6 • All multi-gen configurations are either designed for use via manual tie breaker or 7 paralleling systems that start generators independently and phase balance before load 8 transfer. 9 REQUEST NO. 35: 10 ANSWER: Ziply Fiber objects to Staff Data Request Number 35 on the 11 grounds that the Data Request is redundant, unduly repetitive and has been previously answered four times in the course of this 12 proceeding. Notwithstanding and without waiving that objection, Ziply 13 Fiber states that its application for designation as an ETC in the State of 14 Idaho, signed by its Vice President, Regulatory &External Affairs, and verified as true and correct by its General Counsel and Secretary, contains 15 the following language in paragraph 2: "ZF is a facilities based 16 competitive local exchange carrier with a fully constructed fiber-optic 17 network over which it currently offers a full suite of communications services to customers in Idaho." Additionally, the application states in 18 Paragraph 13 that: "ZF certifies it offers the services that are supported by 19 the federal universal service support mechanisms in the state of Idaho using 20 its own facilities." Paragraph 16 of the application also states that: "Under Section 214(e)(1)(A) of the Act, an ETC must offer the services supported 21 by federal universal service support mechanisms throughout its designated 22 service area `either using its own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and resale of another carrier's services.' Facilities are the ETC' s 23 "own" if the ETC has exclusive right to use the facilities to provide the 24 RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 4 I supported services or when service is provided by any affiliate within the 2 holding company structure. ZF certifies that it provides service through facilities owned and operated by itself or its affiliates." Finally, Ziply 3 Fiber provided this earlier Response to Staff Data Request Number 4 30: "As stated in paragraphs 13 and 16 of the application, Ziply Fiber 5 offers services through facilities owned and operated by itself or its affiliates. Since Ziply Fiber complies with the "own-facilities" 6 requirement, an FCC compliance plan is not required."In sum, Ziply Fiber 7 has submitted a formal pleading (application) to the Commission, verified 8 by an Officer of the Company, that recites in three places that the Company will provide services via its own facilities, and has repeated that assertion 9 both in its response to Staff Data Request 30, also signed by its Vice 10 President—Regulatory &External Affairs, and again in this response to 11 Staff Data Request 35. 12 Respectfully submitted on this 6th day of March 2025. 13 14 �(4-- 15 16 Jessica Epley VP—Regulatory & External Affairs 17 135 Lake Steet South, Suite 155 Kirkland, WA 98033 18 503.431.0458 19 jessica.epley@ziply.com 20 21 22 23 24 RESPONSE TO SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 5 Exhibit A 3/4/25, 12:58 PM lifeline.html z py I fi ber You may qualify for discounts Ziply Fiber is committed to helping you receive internet service at an affordable price. We're excited to announce that in your area, we now participate in the Lifeline Program which can lower the cost of your monthly internet bill. What is Lifeline? Lifeline is a government assistance program offering a monthly discount of $9.25 on internet service or $5.25 on phone service for eligible customers. Those living on Tribal lands can receive an additional $25 discount each month. Please note that Lifeline is limited to one discount per household and is non-transferable from one person to another. � w Do I qualify? ' You may qualify for the Lifeline ' i discount based on your income, current enrollment in SNAP, Medicaid, or other government programs, or if you're a survivor. Apply to find out if you qualify. Apply now file:///C:/Users/emb9953/AppData/Local/M icrosoft/windows/I NetCache/Content.Outlook/373SNYZQ/lifeline.html 1/2 3/4/25, 12:58 PM lifeline.html Once you're approved, call us and we'll apply your Lifeline benefit to your internet service. For questions or if you're already approved, call [insert TFN]. We're here to help! Thanks for choosing Ziply Fiber. ziplyfiber Need more help? Learn more at the help center. Let's stay connected 0 @ 1 0 Privacy Policy I Terms&Conditions ©2025 Ziply Fiber.Ziply®is trademark of Northwest Fiber, LLC.All rights reserved. FETN7WQR If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here unsubscribe. file:///C:/Users/emb9953/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/iNetCache/Content.Outlook/373SNYZQ/Iifeline.htmi 2/2 Exhibit B • Y fiber December 12, 2024 Ms. Jennifer Porter, Chair Kootenai Tribe of Idaho 100 Circle Drive Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Honorable Chair Porter, Ziply Fiber is the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier(aka the telephone company)within the Kootenai Reservation. We are reaching out to better understand the connectivity needs of Tribal communities within our service areas across Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. We are interested in collaborating to bring fiber optic infrastructure to Tribal facilities and residences. We want to learn about each tribes rights-of-way processes, land use permitting, facilities siting, environmental and cultural preservation review process, and business and licensing requirements. Working together will help support the Tribes planning for growth and/or modernization. Ziply Fiber is an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier(ETC), which enables us to provide access for qualifying households to the Lifeline program administered by the Federal Communication Commission. The Lifeline program provides qualifying households on Tribal lands with discounts of up to$34.25 per month for local voice and broadband service. In addition, the Tribal Link Up program provides qualified households up to $100 off the customary installation charges at the customer's household location. How might we increase awareness amongst your membership about these programs? On Reservation lands both tribal and non-tribal households can apply. Only households determined eligible may enroll in the program. To determine eligibility and sign up, interested households can go to https://www.lifelinesupport.org/additional-support-for-tribal-lands/or call 1.800.234.9473. Lifeline is non- transferable and is limited to one discount per household. To schedule a meeting, please contact our Local Partnership Manager/Tribal Liaison, Chris St Germaine at 208-400-0602 or chris.stgermaine(a)zi ply.com or myself at (503) 431-0458 or iessica.epley(a)ziply.com . We look forward to developing a positive relationship that results in meaningful efforts to meet the telecommunications needs of the Tribe and its communities. Sincerely, qq4___ Jessica Epley VP- Regulatory and External Affairs ziplyfiber.com