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20250306FLS to Staff 22 Attachment 1.pdf
FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 243 • 900 N Skyline Drive,Suite B Brad Little,Governor Idaho Falls, ID 83402 • (208)528-2650 Jess Byrne, Director September 5, 2024 NORTHWEST NATURAL WATER LLC 2180 N Deborah Dr Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Email: scottl@fallswater.com Subject: Taylor Mountain Water And Sewer District (ID7100023) - Sanitary Survey conducted on August 23, 2024 Dear NORTHWEST NATURAL WATER LLC: A sanitary survey was recently conducted for Taylor Mountain Water And Sewer District (ID7100023). This letter provides the sanitary survey report and photos for your records. Significant Deficiencies: Significant deficiencies identified in this report must be addressed after consulting with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Idaho Falls Regional Office. Consultation and a written corrective action plan are required within 30 days of any significant deficiencies and/or follow-up requirements identified in this notification (IDAPA 58.01.08). Follow the four steps identified in the sanitary survey report to address all significant deficiencies. Deficiencies: Deficiencies must be corrected when feasible or during modifications of existing processes or facilities. Recommendations: Recommendations identified in the report are not required to be corrected at this time, but it is recommended. Consult DEQ before taking specific corrective actions or modifying the water system. Modifying your public water system or installing new components may require assistance from an Idaho licensed professional engineer and DEQ's review and approval. Contact this office before making modifications to your system. Thank you for your help in completing the sanitary survey. For questions, contact Brianna Lords, Drinking Water Compliance Officer, Idaho Falls Regional Office, 208-528-2623, brianna.lords@deq.idaho.gov. Sincerely, NA+c4k Destiny Locke FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 243 Water Quality Analyst Idaho Falls Regional Office Enclosures: (3) Photo Log, Sanitary Survey Report, Well Logs C: Carlin Feisthamel, PE, Regional Engineering Manager, DEQ-IF Jason Fales, Drinking Water Compliance Supervisor, DEQ-IF Brianna Lords, Drinking Water Analyst, DEQ-IF Tony Wise, Operations Manager, mrwater@fallswater.com - 2 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 243 Sanitary Survey Report Taylor Mountain Water And Sewer District - ID7100023 Survey conducted on August 23, 2024 Report generated on August 28, 2024 Narrative Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer is a privately owned water system located south of Idaho Falls in Bonneville County. The community system serves 185 connections with two groundwater sources and one 150,000-gallon storage tank. Well #1 is located off of E Olympic Ave between the golf course and a single-family residence. The golf course is well manicured; however the well is located uphill of the course. The general vicinity of the well did not appear to have fertilizer or lawn care chemicals applied to the area around the well. The well casing is in good condition. The well lid is pancake style with a bolt, unknown condition of sanitary seal, and no air vent (photo 1). This is noted as a significant deficiency. The well has a VFD pump, and its control panel is adjacent to the well (photo 8). Near the well there is a vault with a locked access hatch that houses the drinking water components including a flowmeter, pressure gauge, isolation valve, and smooth nosed sample tap (photos 3-7). Past waiver notes indicate that a check valve is located between the pump and the isolation valve. Well #2 is located on S Legacy Ln. The well lot is fenced and houses the APU and pump house that replaced the vault for well #2 in 2022 (photo 10). Plans were reviewed and approved by DEQ. Well #2 is in good condition with an approved cap, good sanitary seal, and vented with a screen (photo 11). The pumphouse contains 2 spigots with backflow prevention, flow meter, pressure gauge, isolation valve, pump to waste, check valve, air relief valve, floor drain, and panel system for the VFD pump (photos 13-21). The floor slopes toward the floor drain which drains water to the back of the well lot downhill. The pump to waste has a screen and drain plate that also drains to the back of the well lot downhill (photo 22). The system has back up power that can run continuously for over 48 hours if needed (photos 23 and 24). Further up the hill, is the 150,000-gallon concrete storage tank (photo 25). There was evidence of where leaking had occurred in the past, but these areas have been patched (photo 26 and 27). No leaks were evident at the time of the inspection. On top of the tank is the access hatch that is locked along with a screened air vent and solar power panel for the transducer (photos 28-31). Overall, the tank looked to be in good condition. At the time of inspection, the operators did not know where the drain and overflow pipes for the tank were. This is a significant deficiency. Previous surveys have noted difficulties in findings the discharge pipes. The distribution system main lines are PVC and ductile iron that are 6, 8, and 10-inches in size. All connections are metered, and the entire system can be ran electronically. The system utilizes fire hydrants, and dead-end mains are flushed quarterly. Overall, the system is in better - 3 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 243 shape with the new improvements Falls Water, owner of Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer, has made. Falls Water is part of a larger conglomerate, Northwest Natural Water. Management over the system meets monthly, and money is available to continue to maintain the system. Enforcement Actions None. - 4 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 243 Significant Deficiencies: A significant deficiency as identified during a sanitary survey, is any defect in a system's design, operation, maintenance, or administration, and any failure or malfunction of any system component, that the DEQ or its agent determines to cause, or have the potential to cause, risk to health or safety, or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water (IDAPA Failure to address significant deficiencies constitutes a violation of IDAPA or Significant deficiencies may reference IDAPA design standard requirements. IDAPA rule citations for sections 500-549 are primarily requirements during the design or modification stage of a new system or component, and may not be enforceable as part of a sanitary survey. These requirements are listed to provide reference of what current standards would apply if that particular component were designed, modified, or constructed today. Corrective actions that include material modifications must be approved by DEQ. To address all significant deficiencies identified in this Sanitary Survey Report, follow steps 1 through 4. Step 1 -Within 30 days of receiving this Report, submit to the Idaho Falls Regional Office, in writing, a corrective action plan including planned completion dates for each identified significant deficiency. Step 2- Complete the planned action(s) by the "Planned Completion Date(s)." Step 3-After completing each planned action, enter an "Actual Completion Date," your initials, and write the "Corrective action taken." Step 4-Sign your name at the bottom certifying that each corrective action has been corrected by the planned completion date(s) and that the Public Water System (PWS) has completed the sanitary survey response requirements pursuant to the "Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems" IDAPA 58.01.08. Send a copy of the signed paperwork to the Idaho Falls Regional Office. - 5 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 243 Wells WELL#1 (E0007186) Question#8- Is the well properly vented? (24 mesh screen, open downward>18"outdoor or >12"indoor, etc.) No. Note: There is no well vent. See photo 1. The well casing for Well: E0007186 is not properly vented to include a 24 mesh screen and/or does not open downward and/or is not high enough above the receiving surface to protect the well from flooding (IDAPA Install a casing vent to minimize the possibility of contamination caused by the creation of a partial vacuum during pumping and to release air trapped in the pump column when the pump is not running. On some wells the presence of a water tight(and thus air tight) well casing cap can mean that when the pump is running and drawing down the static head in the well it can create a vacuum that could impede pump operation. The vent lets equalizing air into the casing. The vent needs to be at a height above flood levels and terminated downward to prevent entry of any potential surface water. This may be accomplished by extending the casing 18 inches above the ground or 12 inches above the pump house floor.A 24-mesh screen installed on the vent prevents contamination by prohibiting entry of insects, rodents, and birds. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. Corrective Action Plan Planned Completion Date: , Actual Completion Date: Initials: Corrective action(s) taken (please provide photos): Question#9- Does the well casing and cap prevent contamination and surface water entry? No. Note: The well cap is of the type that it is hard to see if a sanitary seal is there and what condition it is in. See photo 1. Well: E0007186 is not provided with an approved cap and/or solid casing that prevents surface water and contaminants from entering the well (IDAPA A properly cased well with a sanitary well cap prevents surface water and potential contaminants (bacteria,fertilizers, pesticides etc.)from descending along the outside wall of the well down to the zones of stored ground water thus minimizing the possibility of contamination. The ground around the well casing must slope away from the well casing. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. - 6 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 243 Corrective Action Plan Planned Completion Date: , Actual Completion Date: Initials: Corrective action(s) taken (please provide photos): Storage Tanks TOTAL STORAGE CAPACITY (150,000 GALLONS) (000000018090) Question#14- Does the drain discharge in a way to prevent contamination and erosion around the tank? (Discharge to daylight over drainage structure or splash plate, screened, adequate air gap, etc.) No. Note: Location of drainpipe was unknown at time of inspection. Therefore, it is unknown if the discharge pipe is screened, has an air gap, discharges in a way to prevent erosion. The drain for Storage Tank: 000000018090 does not discharge in a way to prevent erosion around the base of the tank such as over a drainage inlet structure or a splash plate, and/or the drain does not discharge in a way to prevent backflow and/or contamination (IDAPA and 546.03). The drain must discharge over a splash plate or into a drainage inlet structure to prevent water from undercutting the storage tank and potentially causing structural failure. The drain must discharge in a way that water does not pool at the drain and potentially submerge the pipe when draining. Stagnant water creates unsanitary conditions that may increase the risk of disease transmission. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. Corrective Action Plan Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials: Corrective action(s) taken (please provide photos and coordinates): Question#15- Is an overflow provided and protected from contamination? (Discharges to daylight, air gap, 24 mesh screen or expanded metal screen with weighted flapper; etc.) No. Note: Location of overflow pipe was unknown at time of inspection. Therefore, it is unknown if the discharge pipe is screened and has an air gap. - 7 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 243 An overflow is not provided for Storage Tank: 000000018090 and/or it does not discharge to daylight in a way that will preclude the possibility of backflow to the reservoir and/or is not provided with an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe to exclude rodents and deter vandalism (IDAPA An overflow pipe is necessary so the storage tank does not overfill, which could cause structural damage. Overflows must discharge to daylight with a sufficient air gap above the receiving surface to preclude the possibility of contaminated water from entering the overflow. All overflows must have a screen to exclude living organisms and the pathogens they harbor out of the tank. Screens are also necessary for flapper and duckbill valves because they can fail in the open position. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. Corrective Action Plan Planned Completion Date: , Actual Completion Date: Initials: Corrective action(s) taken (please provide photos and coordinates): Question#16- Does the overflow discharge in a way to prevent backflow and erosion around the tank? (Drainage structure or splash plate, air gap, etc.) No. Note: Location of storage tank discharge pipes were unknown at time of inspection. Therefore, it is unknown if the overflow pipe discharges in a way to prevent erosion. For Storage Tank: 000000018090,the overflows do not discharge in a way to prevent erosion around the base of the tank such as over a drainage inlet structure or a splash plate (IDAPA The overflow must discharge over a splash plate or into a drainage inlet structure to prevent water from undercutting the storage tank and potentially causing structural failure. The overflow must discharge in a way that water does not pool at the outlet and potentially submerge the pipe when overflowing. Stagnant water creates unsanitary conditions that may increase the risk of disease transmission.An overflow extending at least two pipe diameters in vertical length is a measure to prevent backflow and potential contamination. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. Corrective Action Plan Planned Completion Date: , Actual Completion Date: Initials: - 8 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 243 Corrective action(s) taken: I certify, to the best of my knowledge that all significant deficiencies have been corrected by the agreed upon date and that the corrective action meets the requirements pursuant to IDAPA 58.01.08. Signature: Date: - 9 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 243 Deficiencies: Deficiencies must be corrected when feasible or during modifications of existing processes or facilities. Storage Tanks TOTAL STORAGE CAPACITY(150,000 GALLONS) (000000018090) Question#9- Can the storage structure be isolated from the system without depressurizing the distribution system? No. The finished water Storage Tank: 000000018090 which provides pressure directly to the distribution system cannot be isolated from the distribution system without causing a loss of pressure in the distribution system (IDAPA and 546.02). Install a means to isolate the storage facility without causing a loss of pressure in the distribution system the next time material modifications occur to the system. The water system distribution system needs to be designed such that it will not lose pressure when a tank is taken offline for cleaning and repairs. When storage tanks need to be removed from service for maintenance or cleaning, distribution pressure must not drop below 20 psi. Question#20-Are metal surfaces inside the tank corroding? Yes. Note: The tank was not open during the inspection. The operator stated the ladder in the tank was no longer usable due to deterioration. Metal surfaces of the storage structure are corroding resulting in tank damage. Give proper protection to metal surfaces by paints or other protective coatings, by cathodic protective devices, or by both (IDAPA Corrosion occurs when metal, an electrolyte, and oxygen are present.Alkalinity,pH, temperature, dissolved solids, and hardness can create an aggressive environment inside the tank. Corrosion may indicate that cathodic protection and protective coatings are needed to extend the life of the tank. Internal corrosion may lead to leaking and damage of the storage tank. Coatings can fail for several reasons, including improper surface preparation, application, and curing, use of the wrong type of coating, removal by ice or other environmental exposure, and lack of maintenance. Exposed metal surfaces that are submerged and then exposed to air corrode at an increased rate. Financial/Managerial Capacity Question#10- Cross Connection Control Plan (C only) No. - 10 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 243 The PWS owner/operator has not implemented a cross connection control program or has not provided DEQ with a plan that includes the minimum requirements (IDAPA A cross connection control program needs to be developed and/or implemented. Cross connections are significant sanitary risks that threaten drinking water quality and public health. Successful control of cross connection hazards depends not only on inspecting for cross connections, but also on an enforceable and implemented cross connection control program. Question#11-Asset Management Plan (C and NTNC) No. An Asset Management Plan should be established for the PWS.The assets of a water system include the natural and engineered components for providing water(e.g., source water, pumps, motors, storage tanks,treatment plants, pipes).A good asset management program typically includes a written plan for achieving the best appropriate cost for rehabilitation, repair, or replacement of a public water system's assets. Asset management is effective in maximizing the value of capital as well as minimizing operations and maintenance expenditures.To learn more about asset management, go to DEQ's website at: https://www.deg.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-water/public-water-system-switchboard/capacity- development/ Question#12- Operation and Maintenance Manual (C and NTNC) No. There is not a complete operation and maintenance (O&M) manual or one is not on file for this public water system (IDAPA, 003.90, and 003.91). An O&M manual needs to be developed and/or implemented. Submit an O&M manual for review and approval. Upon approval,the operator must operate the system in accordance with the approved O&M manual. At a minimum, include the following items in the O&M manual: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly operating instructions information specific to a particular type of treatment location of valves and other key distribution system features pertinent telephone and address contact information including the responsible charge water system operator and water system owner operator safety procedures alarm system and emergency procedures trouble-shooting advice water quality testing procedures response plan for depressurization events customer service procedures response plan for customer complaints maintenance information and checklists manufacturer's product information including troubleshooting information parts list, spare parts list, and parts order form necessary special tools - ll - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 243 An O&M manual provides procedures to operate and maintain a facility's various systems and equipment. It is important to analyze and evaluate a facility from the system level, then develop procedures to attain the most efficient systems integration. Lack of an O&M manual can lead to system failures and contamination of drinking water. Recommendations: Recommendations identified in this Report are not required to be corrected at this time, however it is recommended. Wells WELL#1 (E0007186) Question#6- Is the well (not located in a pump house) protected from unauthorized access? (Locking cap,fenced, etc.) No. Well: E0007186 (not in a pump house) should be protected from unauthorized access through fencing around the source and/or use of a locking well cap. Storage Tanks TOTAL STORAGE CAPACITY(150,000 GALLONS) (000000018090) Question#1-When was the storage structure last inspected? Unk. Note: Unknown. Qualified personnel should conduct annual inspections of all storage tanks for structural integrity, protection from contamination, proper ventilation, and screening, and level of silt build up, etc.The storage module of the DEQ sanitary survey form may assist in conducting this annual inspection of each storage facility.The sanitary survey form is available on the Public Water System Switchboard at www.deq.idaho.gov/pws-switchboard. Question#2-When was the storage structure last cleaned? Unk. Note: Unknown. Qualified personnel should clean all storage tanks every three (3)to five (5)years. Sediment may harbor bacteria, pathogens, or other organisms and create the potential for a waterborne disease outbreak. Tank sediment may become disturbed during heavy demand periods and release these pathogens into the distribution system.The cleaning of any storage tank should be coordinated with the DEQ regional office. - 12 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 243 Distribution Systems DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (T7100023DS1) Question#6- Is a current map of the distribution system available? (Main sizes, locations of valves and hydrants, etc.) No. A current map of the distribution system was not available during the inspection. Maps should be made available showing main sizes and locations of valves, hydrants, storage tank locations, and interconnections to other systems. Update maps annually to reflect current conditions.A map should be kept with the Operations and Maintenance Manual. Question#20-Are there any water supply wells that are no longer being used that need to be abandoned? Yes. The Public Water System has water supply wells that are no longer being used and should be abandoned, as required by IDAPA Any water supply well that will no longer be used should be abandoned by sealing the borehole carefully to prevent pollution of the ground water, eliminate any physical hazard, conserve aquifer yield, maintain confined head conditions in artesian wells, and prevent mixing of waters from different aquifers.The objective of proper well abandonment procedures is to restore, as far as possible, the original hydrogeologic conditions.The services of a licensed well driller are required. Instructions for abandoning various types of wells can be obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Resources. Well abandonment must comply with Well Construction Standards Rules (https:Hadminrules.idaho.gov/rules/current/37/370309.pdf) and Section 42-238, Idaho Code. The Application to Abandon a Well form can be found at: https://idwr.idaho.gov/files/forms/238-4-2- authorization-to-abandon-well.pdf Idaho Department of Water Resources 322 East Front Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0098 Telephone (208) 287-4800. Financial/Managerial Capacity Question#9- Can any of the water system's functionality be controlled virtually or over a network? Yes. Without proper cybersecurity, a drinking water system is vulnerable to attack. The EPA recommends all drinking water and wastewater utilities take the following cybersecurity actions: * Prioritize remediating known exploited vulnerabilities. * Enable and enforce multifactor authentication with strong passwords. - 13 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 243 * Close unused ports and remove any application not deemed necessary for day-to-day operations. * Follow the steps outlined in the joint Cybersecurity Advisory to protect your organization from a potential Hive ransomware attack. If you suspect that you organization is the victim of a ransomware attack please report to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency(CISA) at https://us-cert.cisa.gov/forms/report and/or FBI at https://www.ic3.gov/. - 14 - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 243 Photographic Documentation Inspection Date(s): Friday, August 23, 2024 Facility ID: ID7100023 Name of Facility: Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer Inspector(s): Destiny Locke Purpose of Inspection: Sanitary Survey State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 Table of Photographs: Photograph 1: Lot for Well #1.......................................................................................................3 Photograph 2: Well tag ID# E0007186. .........................................................................................3 Photograph 3: Access to the pit for distribution components related to Well #1.........................4 Photograph 4: View of flowmeter, pressure gauge, and isolation valve. ......................................4 Photograph 5: Flowmeter reading 130,161,079 gallons. ..............................................................5 Photograph 6: Pressure gauge reading nearly 100 psi. .................................................................5 Photograph 7: Smooth nosed sample tap.....................................................................................6 Photograph 8: Overall view of the VFD electrical panel................................................................6 Photograph 9: Automated reading for Well #1.............................................................................7 Photograph 10: Lot for well #2 with surrounding fence................................................................7 Photograph 11: Well #2 with screened air vent............................................................................8 Photograph 12: Well ID# E0007187. .............................................................................................8 Photograph 13: Overall view of the pumphouse for well #2.........................................................9 Photograph 14: View of the drinking water components for Well #2...........................................9 Photograph 15: Spigot with backflow prevention.......................................................................10 Photograph 16: Pressure gauge reading near 60 psi...................................................................10 Photograph 17: Reading for the flow meter. ..............................................................................11 Photograph 18: View of spigot with backflow prevention, air relief valve, check valve, and actuator. .....................................................................................................................................11 Photograph 19: Screened air relief valve. ...................................................................................12 Photograph 20: Floor slopes toward the floor drain. ..................................................................12 Photograph 21: VFD electrical panel system for well #2.............................................................13 Photograph 22: Pump to waste with screen and drain plate. Water drains to back of the well lot downhill. .....................................................................................................................................13 Photograph 23: Auxiliary power unit that can consistently run for over 48 hours......................14 Photograph 24: Where fueling occures for the auxiliary power unit. .........................................14 Photograph 25: View of the west side of the 150,000-gallon concrete storage tank..................15 Photograph 26: View of where weeping of the storage tank has been patched.........................15 Photograph 27: East side of storage tank....................................................................................16 Photograph 28: Overall view of the roof of the storage tank......................................................16 Photograph 29: Access cover, air vent, and solar power panel for the transducer.....................17 Photograph 30: Locked access cover. .........................................................................................17 Photograph 31: Screened air vent...............................................................................................18 2 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 243 NING �.idw, S t� AF etc � 4� �` f - eVP s Photograph 1: Lot for Well#1. r. V r A Photograph 2: Well tag ID# E0007186. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 . r 4.. F Photograph 3: Access to the pit for distribution components related to Well #1. �y I.. s � p Photograph 4: View of flowmeter, pressure gauge, and isolation valve. 4 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 s V , 7 n Photograph 5: Flowmeter reading 130,161,079 gallons. 9j O � ®sb \ O r r C] Photograph 6: Pressure gauge reading nearly 100 psi. 5 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 r, Photograph 7: Smooth nosed sample tap. 'I "t r a F. Photograph 8: Overall view of the VFD electrical panel. 6 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 ^ J n , 5® La/0.em Sttaart Photograph 9: Automated reading for Well #1 \1l �'i l\fi51I l Photograph 10: Lot for well #2 with surrounding fence. 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 22 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 1� Mir 0 � I - 3. ?f L 'Ps k {yFbwh! y� a Photograph 11: Well #2 with screened air vent. Q Oq y n, b ? Photograph 12: Well ID# E0007187. 8 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 23 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 t eu,s r: Photograph 13: Overall view of the pumphouse for well#2. . r Photograph 14: View of the drinking water components for Well #2 9 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 24 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 a ........ ... .. r O I = t Photograph 15: Spigot with backflow prevention. i� 8 ' _ 4 10 a 2 12 0 p ®hare Apo 1gg z Rpa psi r,d Photograph 16: Pressure gauge reading near 60 psi. 10 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 25 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 c *[01 0 Photograph 17: Reading for the flow meter. nv-= I I i; Photograph 18: View of spigot with backflow prevention, air relief valve, check valve, and actuator. 11 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 26 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 Photograph 19: Screened air relief valve. Photograph 20: Floor slopes toward the floor drain. 12 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 27 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 t ?fa Photograph 21: VFD electrical panel system for well#2. I t Photograph 22: Pump to waste with screen and drain plate. Water drains to back of the well lot downhill. 13 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 28 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 I 1 3 : ■ I { Photograph 23: Auxiliary power unit that can consistently run for over 48 hours. 4 f�01 Photograph 24: Where fueling occurs for the auxiliary power unit. 14 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 29 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 lad f t Photograph 25: View of the west side of the 150,000-gallon concrete storage tank. r , r r � < i } (( y P< r N 1 Photograph 26: View of where weeping of the storage tank has been patched. 15 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 30 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 i EM lm r < Photograph 27: East side of storage tank. F Photograph 28: Overall view of the roof of the storage tank. 16 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 31 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 .0 111SEE i11!!!1 = 111111!!! T 1, Photograph 29: Access cover, air vent, and solar power panel for the transducer. s ,� ar 4 k,- Photograph 30: Locked access cover. 17 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 32 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer- ID7100023 Mir/ ��ASSIVIOSp� p� kj PF" ' ,•� ••� •�� /// // ' WA�b�' Photograph 31: Screened air vent. 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 33 of 243 Protecting Public Health and the Environm ant Idaho Departm mt of Environm mtal Q uality Sanitary Survey Sanitary Survey (Version 23) ID7100023-TAYLO R PWS: MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Jurisdiction: IDAH OFALLS REG 10 XL SD WE W&site O MICE Sanitary Survey Date: 08/23/2024 General Inform anon Approval Approved Status: #G sound Prim ary Sanitary Survey Index Water 2 County BONNEVILLE Modules Used: # Sources: Served: General 1 #Surface O mner Inform Aion Water 0 Type: Private Wells 2 Sources: yp Prim ary GW Legal Comy n ElSprings Source Type: Entity: Intakes and Total 610 #Storage 1 O Infiltration Population: Facilities: Galleries #Service Total O Consecutive Connections: 185 Storage: 150,000 (gal) Connections O Storage Tanks 1 Water System O Corn m nity O Nontransient O Hydropneum Aic Type* Noncom m nity ❑Transient Tanks Noncom m nity Distribution 1 System Distribution: DWD1 System s Classification: Treatm oat: O N/A O Pumps 1 O Treatm ant Plants Annual O prating Period-Population Served: O Chlorinators ==wEstim 2ted O Gas CL2 CountFinancial- 01/01 1 2/31 R 6 10 M anagerial 1 Total Modules 7 Water Purchased From: FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 34 of 243 None Water Sold To: None Contacts *All systems must have an AC and FC(one of each only). *All C and NTNC must have a DO. NORTHWEST 2180 N IDAHO 208 AC NATURAL A Deborah Dr FALLS ID 8 3401 522- scottl@fallswater.com WATER LLC 1300 2180 208- 208- DO WISE, A DEBORAH AMM(N I D 8 3401 522- 521- 208-521-2m nvater@fallswater.com ANTHONY D DR 1300 9240 9240 40 2180 208- 208- EC BRUCE,K A DEBORAH IDAHO 9631 ID 8 3401 522- 681- 20 6 scottl@fallswater.com DR 1300 9631 31 SCOTT FALLS 2180 208- 208- EC WISE, A DEBORAH AMM(N I D 8 3401 522- 521- 208-521-9240 2m nwater@fallswater.com ANTHONY D DR 1300 9240 40 2180 208- 208- FC BRUCE,K A DEBORAH IDAHO 9631 ID 8 3401 522- 681- 20 6 scottl@fallswater.com DR 1300 9631 31 SCOTT FALLS 2180 N 208- 208- OP WOLFS, A DEBORAH IDAHO ID 8 3401 522- 681- 208-681-426 TIMOTHY FALLS, 026 tim@lllswater.com DR 1300 0426 TAYLOR 2180 N 208- OW MOUNTAIN A DEBORAH IDAHO ID 8 3401 522- fallswater@fallswater.com WATER AND DR FALLS 1300 SEWER DIST 2180 208- 208- SA WISE, A DEBORAH AMM(N I D 8 3401 522- 521- 208-521-2m nwater@fallswater.com ANTHONY D DR 1300 9240 9240 40 Parties Present Role rganization Prim wy i= i WISE,ANTHONY D D WD3-21515 FALLS WATER COM[PANY LOCKE,DESTINY I DEQ P Facilities FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 35 of 243 WSF State Assigned ID itude MI . , - i (Tag) mom E0007186 W ELL#1 W A L erm aient Y 1 /l/1970 43.397081 -111.991531 O 130007lA7 W L LL#2 W erm aient Y 1 /l/1980 43.389790 -111.990630 O TOTAL STORAGE 000000018090 CAPACITY(150,000 ST AP erm aient N GALLONS) T7100023DSI DISTRIBUTION DS A N 7 /31/1984 SYSTEM T7100023S1 C CHU WELL#lI V0 ther Yl /24/2006 43.466667-112.033056 T7100023S2 C CHU WELL#1'I V40 ther Y 43.466667-112.033056 T7100023L3M WELL#1/#2 TMI N MANIFOLD General Questions Note: Save Cancel Delete Close G emeral Q testions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O ❑ ❑ O 1. Have m oterial m adifications been m ale to the PW S since the last survey? Add O ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. If m derial m odifications were m ale,were plans and specs subm lted to and approved by ❑ Add DEQ? (0) ❑ O 3. Were sam lies taken during the survey by the inspector? (If yes, indicate what samples were Add collected in the Notes) Wdls Assigned E0007186 WELL#1 Yes E0007187 WELL#2 Yes Well WELL#1 Nam e Tag E0007186 Num byr: Well Questions FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 36 of 243 Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O ❑ 1. Is there a well log for the source? EDM S#: 2017ACA2182 Add ❑ O ❑ 2 Are surrounding land uses creating health hazards or increasing the potential for source ❑ Add contain nation? (Setbacks not met, dumping, etc.) (0) ❑ O ❑ 3. Are toxic or hazardous chem i als stored on the well lot? (pesticides,paint, herbicides, O Add fertilizers,petroleum, etc) (0) Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot without approval? ❑ ❑ 4. Notes: Well#1 is near the golf course where they fertilize.However,the area around does not look to be (� Edit fertilized,and it is also located uphill from the golf course. If the well is in a pit,is the pit protected from flooding and contain nation? (watertight walls ❑ ❑ O ❑ 5. and floor floor drain, acceptable pit cover, etc.) (� Edit Notes:Well is not located in a pit. ❑ O ❑ ❑ 6. Is the well(not located in a pum phouse)protected from unauthorized access? (Locking cap, ❑ Add fenced, etc) (Recommended) (0) O ❑ ❑ 7. Is the well protected from flooding? (casing height>highest flood level, >18"outdoor, >12" ❑ Add indoor, etc) (0) Is the well properly vented? (24 mesh screen, open downward>18"outdoor or>12"indoor O O El8. etc.) (� Edit Notes:There is no well vent.See photo 1. Does the well casing and cap prevent contain nation and surface water entry? ❑ 0 El9. Notes:The well cap is of the type that it is hard to see if a sanitary seal is there and in good condition.See (� Edit photo 1. O ❑ ❑ 10. Is a raw water sm oath nosed sam lie tap provided on the discharge pipe? (Prior to any O Add treatment) (0) Is a working flow in der provided? (Instant, totaling, nonvolatile memory, installed on Q O O ❑ 11. dischargepipe, etc.) Gallons: 130,161,079 (0) Add O O 12. Is a working pressure gauge provided? (Instant, installed on discharge pipe, etc) PSI: O Add 100 (0) O O O 13. Is an adequate pum pto-waste provided? (Capacity of the well, air gap,prior to the first ❑ Add service connection, etc.) (0) Pum p H arse Q iestions (Only pum phouses that contain a Groundwater Source) Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes ❑ O ❑ 14. Is the well enclosed in a pum phouse? Add ❑ ❑ O ❑ 15. Is the pum phouse protected from contain nation? (Clean, in good repair, etc) (0 Add ❑ ❑ O ❑ 16. Is the pum phouse protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked, durable construction, etc.) (E) Add ❑ ❑ O ❑ 17.Does the pum phouse have adequate lighting throughout? (E) Add O O O ❑ 18. Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps installed in the pum phouse? (0 Add ❑ ❑ O ❑ 19.Are there signs of equipm ait dam ege due to excess heat,in dsture,or corrosion? (inadequate ❑ Add ventilation) (0) ❑ ❑ O ❑ 20. Is there a history of pum phouse equipm mt freezing? (Inadequate heating) (0 Add ❑ ❑ O ❑ 21. Is the pum phouse protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Floor drain, ground ❑ Add surface graded to lead surface water away, etc) (0) O O O ❑ 22 Does the configuration of the floor drain or sum pcause a contain nation risk? (connected to O Add other drainage systems, sump < 30 feet from well, etc.) (0) FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 37 of 243 Wdl WELL#2 Nam c Tag Num ter: E0007187 Well Q iestions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes ME) 1. t there a well log for the source? EDM Sf#: 2017ACA2182 Add O 12 O 2. Are surrounding land uses creating health hazards or increasing the potential for source O Add contam nation? (Setbacks not met, dumping, etc) (0) O 12 O 3. Are toxic or hazardous chem i als stored on the well lot? (pesticides,paint, herbicides, O Add fertilizers,petroleum, etc) (0) O O O 4. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot without approval? (E) Add If the well is in a pit,is the pit protected from flooding and contam nation? (watertight walls O O O O 5. and floor floor drain, acceptable pit cover, etc.) (� Edit Notes: Well is not located in a pit. O O O O 6. Is the well(not located in a pum phouse)protected from unauthorized access? (Locking cap, O Add fenced, etc.) (Recommended) (0) O O O 7. Is the well protected from flooding? (casing height>highest flood level, >18"outdoor, >12" O Add indoor, etc) (0) no O g. Is the well properly vented? (24 mesh screen, open downward>18"outdoor or>12"indoor O Add etc) (0) no O 9. Ibes the well casing and cap prevent contam nation and surface water entry? (0 Add O O O 10.Is a raw water sm oath nosed sam lie tap provided on the discharge pipe? (Prior to any O Add treatment) (0) O O O 11. Is a working flow m der provided? (Instant, totaling, nonvolatile memory, installed on O Add discharge pipe, etc.) Gallons: (0) 0 O O 12 Is a working pressure gauge provided? (Instant, installed on discharge pipe, etc.) PSI: O Add 60 (0) O O O 13.Is an adequate pum p-to-waste provided? (Capacity of the well, air gap,prior to the first O Add service connection, etc) (0) Pum p lI case Questions (Only pum phouses that contain a Groundwater Source) Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O 0 O 14.Is the well enclosed in a pum phouse? Add O O O O 15.Is the pum phouse protected from contam nation? (Clean, in good repair, etc) (0) Add 00 O O 16.Is the pum phouse protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked, durable construction, etc) (0 Add O O O O 17.Does the pum phouse have adequate lighting throughout? (0 Add O O O O 18.Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps installed in the pum phouse? (E) Add O O O O 19.Are there signs of equipm ant dam ege due to excess heat,m dsture,or corrosion? (inadequate O Add ventilation) (0) O O 0 0 20.Is there a history of pum phouse equipm ant freezing? (Inadequate heating) (0 Add FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 38 of 243 O O 0 O 21. Is the pum phouse protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Floor drain,ground O Add surface graded to lead surface water away, etc.) (0) O O p O 22. Does the configuration of the floor drain or sum pcause a contam nation risk? (connected to O Add other drainage systems, sump < 30 feet from well, etc) (0) Storage Tanks WSF State Assigned ID (Tag) MM 000000018090 TOTAL STORAGE CAPACITY(150,000 GALLONS). Yes Storage Tank TO TAL STO RAG ECAPACITY(150,000 G ALLO lam) Nam e Tag 000000018090 Num ber: Storage Tank Q uestions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes 1 When was the storage structure last inspected? Date: --------- ---- 8 Li Edit Notes:Unknown. (0) 2 When was the storage structure last cleaned? Date: --------- ---- 8 O Edit Notes:Unknown. (0) O 3. Total Days Supply(This Structure)? Days: 1 (0 Add O 4. Pbw is the water level m atsured? transducer F0 Add 5 Construction: O Above-Ground O Ground-Level O Partially Buried J Below- Add Ground 0 O O 6. (hn the operator safely access the entire tank? (Recommended) (0 Add O O O 7. D)es the storage structure appear to be structurally sound? (0) Add O O O 8. t leakage evident at tim eof inspection? (E) Add O O O 9. Can the storage structure be isolated from the system without depressurizing the distribution O Add system? (0) O O 10.Does a contam nation risk exist due to wastewater spray irrigation or sludge disposal within O Add 500 feet of the storage structure? (0) O O O 11. Is vegetation m maged to prevent im pmct to the storage structure? (Recommended) (__) Add 0 O O 12. Is the storage structure protected from contam nation? (Watertight roof and sidewalls; O Add excludes birds, animals, insects, and excessive dust;sloped roof to facilitate drainage; etc.) (0) O O O 13. Is the storage structure secure from unauthorized access? (Fencing, locked manholes, etc) (E) Add Does the drain discharge in a way to prevent contam nation and erosion around the tank? O O 14. (Discharge to daylight over drainage structure or splash plate, screened, adequate air gap, O Edit etc) (0) Notes:Location of drainpipe was unknown at time of inspection. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 39 of 243 Is an overflow provided and protected from contain nation? (Discharges to daylight, air gap, O O O O 15.24 mesh screen or expanded metal screen with weighted flapper;etc.) (0) Edit Notes:Location of overflow pipe was unknown at time of inspection. Does the overflow discharge in a way to prevent backflow and erosion around the tank? O O ❑ ❑ 16. (Drainage structure or splash plate, air gap, etc.) (� Edit Notes:Location of storage tank discharge pipes were unknown at time of inspection. O ❑ ❑ ❑ 17.Are access covers locked and protected from contain nation? (>4"above the roof, 2" O Add overlapping lid, watertight, tightly sealed, etc) (0) Are vents provided and protected from contain nation? (open downward>12"above roof O ❑ ❑ 18.and>24"above ground;24 mesh screen;exclude animals, insects, birds, and excessive dust, (� Add etc.) (The overflow pipe shall not be considered a vent) ❑ O ❑ 19.Are there signs or a history of the storage appurtenances freezing? (D Add Are in dal surfaces inside the tank corroding? O 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 20.Notes:The tank was not open during the inspection. The operator stated the ladder in the tank was no longer (0) Edit usable due to deterioration. 00 O 21.Are there any in aerials or com panents contacting water that in ay pose a contain nation risk? O Add (Paint, coatings, sealants, components, etc. NSF 61 Approved) (0) O ❑ ❑ ❑ 22.Is the area surrounding the storage structure graded to prevent standing surface water? (n/a O Add for elevated tanks) (0) Partially buried or below ground storage Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 23.Are in aiholes elevated to prevent contain nation from snow, storm water,etc.? (>24"above O Add the roof or ground) (0) O O O 24.Do potential contain nation sources exist<50 feet from the storage structure? O Add (Sewer/irrigation lines, standing water, etc) (0) Distribution Systems i T7100023DSI DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Distribution System DISTRIBUTIO NSYSTEM Nam e Tag T7100023DS1 Num her: Distribution System Q uestions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes Main line type of in aerials are? (Select all that apply) O Steel O HDPE(black) O O 1. Asbestos/Cem ait O Copper S PVC 0 Ductile Iron O Gray Iron O (0 Add Galvanized Other O 2. Main line sizes? 6-10" O Add (0) O 3. Num ber of M etered Connections? 185 out of � Add FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 40 of 243 0 ❑ ❑ 4. D)es the system utilize fire hydrants? (0) Add O O O 5. Fthe system utilizes fire hydrants, are in dnlines am him a nnf 6 inches? (Recommended) (E) Add Is a current in zp of the distribution system available? (Recommended) (Mdn sizes, locations Q O O O 6 of valves and hydrants, etc.) EDM S#: (0) Add 0 O O O 7. Have public notifications,DEQ notifications,and follow-up actions been followed for any ❑ Add planned or unplanned depressurizations in the past year? (0) Q Q 8 Was the pressure in casured at a service connection? PSI: Location: Add Time --.-- -- Q O O O 9. Is a in him a nsystem pressure of 20 psi.in antained at all service connections? (Including Q Add fire flow-Identify pressure complaints in the Notes) (0) 0 O O O 10.Is a in him u msystem pressure of 40 psi.in antained during in aiim u nhourly dem aid O Add conditions? (PW,%constructed after 71111985-Excluding fire flow) (0) 00 ❑ 11. Does pressure exceed 100 psi at any service connection? (E) Add O O O 12.Are valves inspected and exercised regularly? (Recommended) ❑ Edit Notes:semiannually (0) O 0 O 13.Is the owner/operator aware of any leaking water m ins? (E) Add O ❑ ❑ ❑ 14.Are all dead end in ans equipped with a in cans to flush? (0 Add O O O O 15.Are dead end in ans flushed at least sem annually? (0 Add O O O 16.Are there any in aerials used that should not be in contact with drinking water? (Pipes, O Add sealants, components, etc.) (0) O O O 17.Does the system experience water in an freezing? (E) Add Are there any connections that provide supplem(ntal disinfection and in e✓t the definition of a O O ❑ 18.PW S but are unregulated? (Recommended) (Hospitals, businesses, long-term care facilities, (� Add etc.) O O ❑ 19.Are there any unused subsurface water storage tanks that need to be abandoned? O Add (Recommended) (0) 20 Are there any water supply wells that are no longer being used that need to be abandoned? ❑ Add (Recommended) (0) Cross Connection Control Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes Is an adequate cross connection control program provided and im liein acted? (Community O 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 21.PWSonly) (Authority to implement, inspection program, adequate protection, annual (0) Add testing,ability to discontinue service, 10 days to repair a failed device) O ❑ ❑ ❑ 22.Is the operator trained in cross connection control? (Recommended) 0) Add O O O 23.Are all backflow preventers owned by the PWS tested annually? (0 Add Are there any known unprotected cross connections? (Submerged blow-offs, direct O O 24.connections to storm or sewer drains, connection to unapproved source, uncontrolled fire (� Add hydrant use, treatment bypass with raw water, etc.) O O O O 25.Are all non-potable in dns,hydrants,and taps easily identified as such? ( Add 0 0 O O O 26•Is the discharge piping on all air valves protected from contain nation? (Prevent surface ❑ Add water entry and backflow, open downward, 24 mesh screen, etc.) (0) FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 41 of 243 O ❑ 0 ❑ 27.Are bulk water stations provided with backflow protection m assures? Edit Notes:There are no bulk water stations associated with this PWS (0) Pum,ff power EN set ii i � . EOOOS186 )XE.L#1 W ubm asible 4 0 HP pump I® E000SI87 WE,L#2 W ubm asible 2 5 HP pump PO The questions, below, apply to all Pumps. Pum P-Q u stions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes ❑ O ❑ ❑ 1. Do any of the pum la cycle>6 tim is per hour? (Recommended) (E) Add O O O O 2. Are all pum Is in good repair? (excessive noise, vibration, heat, odors, leaks, etc) (0 Add O O O 3. Are spare parts readily available for critical pum pcom Portents? (0 Add O O O O 4. Is each pum pequipped with an accessible check valve? (on the discharge side before the shut- O Add off valve) (0) O ❑ O O 5. Are isolation valves provided on the discharge side of the pum 19 (E) Add 0 O O O 6. Is a working pressure gauge installed on the discharge line of all pum 10 (0 Add O O O 7. Is a working flow m der provided for each pum# (Required ifpump is connected directly to O Add the distribution system) (0) ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ g Is all pum plubrication oil ANSI/NSF 61 approved? ❑ Edit Notes:There are no pumps associated with this PWSthat require oil lubrication. (0) Is an air/vacuum relief valve provided for each vertical turbine pum pand is it protected from ❑ O 0 O 9. contam nation? (Open downward, 24 mesh screen, air gap, etc.) (� Edit Notes:There are no vertical turbine pumps associated with this PWS Pum uH ause (Only pum phouses that don't contain a Groundwater Source.) Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes 0 O 10.Are there any pum phouses associated with this PWS that don't contain a Groundwater Add Source? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 11.Are all pum phouses protected from contam nation? (Clean,good repair, etc) (0) Add 00 O O 12.Are all pum phouses protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked, durable construction, etc.) (0 Add O O O 13.Do all pum phouses have adequate lighting throughout? (E) Add O ❑ ❑ ❑ 14.Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps/hose bibs installed in any of O Add the pum phouses? (0) FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 42 of 243 O 0 O O 15.Are there signs of excess heat,in dsture,or corrosion dam Zge in any of the purr phouses? O Add (Inadequate ventilation) (0) O O O O 16.Are there signs or a history of pum phouse equipm ait freezing in any of the pum phouses? O Add (Inadequate heating) (0) 0 O O O 17.Are all pum phouses protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Drained,ground O Add surface graded to lead surface water away, etc.) (0) O O O O 18.Do the floor drains discharge>30 feet from any well in all of the pum phouses? (0 Add O 0 O O 19.Does an unprotected cross connection exist due to the floor drain connection in any of the O Add pum phouses? (Connected to sewer storm drains, etc) (0) Auxiliary Power Units(APU) Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O O 20.Does the PW S have any APUs? Add O O O O 21.Are all APUs tested regularly? (Recommended) (0 Add O O O 22.For all APUs,is a working autom aic power transfer switch provided? (0 Add Comm mity System sO dy Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes 00 O O 23. Can the com in nity PW S adequately pressurize the distribution system during a power O Add outage? (C only) (0) Do the APUs power all essential electrical functions in the pum phouses and the pum ling O 00 O O 24. stations(pum A controls,treatm ait,etc.)and pressurize the system for a in him a nDf 8 Add hours? (0) APU on a Well Lot O dy Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes 0 O O 25.Are there any auxiliary power units located on a well lot? Add 0 O O O 26.Are the fuel tanks above ground or otherwise accessible for leak inspection? (0 Add Is secondary spill containm ait provided for all fuel tanks? (110%of fuel tank volume- 0 O O O 27.Double walled tank is acceptable with active leak detection equipment between the two walls (� Add with spill prevention and overfill protection.) 0 O O O 28.Does a certified operator observe filling of the fuel tank(s)? (0 Add O O O O 29.Is engine exhaust directly discharged to the outside atm csphere for all APUs? (0 Add Fin an cial/Man agerial Financial Capacity_ iestions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O O 1. Is the PW S current with the paym mt of drinking water fees? (0 Add 0 O 2 Is the user charged for drinking water? Edit Notes:Homeowners are charged for water using a tiered system. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 43 of 243 O O 3. Does the water system have an annual budget? (Recommended) (0) Add O ❑ O 4 Has an independent financial audit of the PWS been conducted,or has the SMART Financial ❑ Add Tool been corn lieted? (Recommended) (0) Mangerial Capacity Q iestions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O O 5. Does this PWS have a governing body,a board of directors or a recognized organizational Add structure? O O O 6. Does the PWS board m e routinely? Frequency: M cnthly Add Are records retained onsite or nearby for the m him u ntim erequired? (TC-Syr; chem/rad- O ❑ 7. l0yr; violation corrective actions-3yr;sanitary surveys-10yr;waiver, variance, or exemption (0) Add determinations-Syr;PNs issued-3yr;daily free chlorine residuals-lyr) O ❑ 8 Is there a custom a com liaint system and ongoing public inform otion program? O Add (Recommended) (0) Do 9. Can any of the water system§functionality be controlled virtually or over a network? (0 Add Does the PWS have the following docum sits and were they reviewed with the O viner/O Mrator(where applicable)? (An answer of'No'indicates docum art does not exist) Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O O O 10. Cross Connection Control Plan(C only) EDM Sl#: (E) Add O O O 11.Asset M anagem sit Plan(C and NTNC) EDM S#: (E) Add O O ❑ 12. Operation and Maintenance M anual (C and NTNC) EDM S#: (0 Add O O ❑ 13. System Classification W crksheet(C and NTNC) Add O O O 14. Operator Licensing Issues (C and NTNC) Add O O O 15.Em agency Response Plan(recommended for all systems and required for PW&with a O Add population > 3300) EDM S#: (0) O O 16.Water Loss Control Program (0 Add O O 17.Water Efficiency Program (0 Add O O 18.Monitoring Schedules Add O O 19. Sam lie History(TCR and Non-TCR)-Past 5 Years Add O O 20.Violation History-Past 5 Years Add ❑ O ❑ 21. Com liiance Schedules-pending and overdue Add O O O 22.Public Notifications-ongoing/currently required Add ❑ ❑ O 23 Chlorine Residual History-Past 5 years Edit Notes:At the time of the inspection,this PWSdoes not chlorinate. O O O 24.M onthly Operating Reports(M ORs) Edit Notes:At the time of the inspection, this PWSis not required to submit MO?s. Does the PWS have the following Sam lie Siting Plans and were they reviewed with the O miner/0 rue ator(where applicable)? (An answer of'No'indicates docum ant does not exist) Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O 19 O 25.RTCR Sam lie Siting Plan EDM S#: Add FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 44 of 243 ❑ O ❑ 26.PBCU Sam lie Siting Plan(C and NTNC only) EDM S#: Add O O O 27.DBP Sam lie Siting Plan EDM S#: Add ❑ 28 Have changes been m ade to any Sam lie Siting Plans based on the review that was Add conducted?If yes, explain in the note. O O O 29.Do all Sam lie Siting Plan(s)m wt the minim a nrequirem ants? (0 Add O O O 30.Are sam lies being taken in accordance with the Sam lie Siting Plan(s)? (0 Add Safety Q iestions Yes No NA Unk CSL Notes O ❑ ❑ O 31.Are all personnel adequately and appropriately trained in safety procedures and equipm ant? (E) Add ❑ O ❑ ❑ 32.Does a safety concern exist for personnel and/or visitors? (PPE, handrails/guardrails, ❑ Add ladders, non-slip triads, etc.) (0) O O O 33. Is there a potential shock hazard because the electrical wiring appears to be inadequately ❑ Add protected? (0) O ❑ ❑ ❑ 34.Are protocols followed for any confined space entry? (Recommended) (E) Add FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 45 of 243 0623 D� REPORT OF WELL DRILLER TO State of Idaho J AN 20 1°76 State law requires MR this report shall be filed with the State Reclamation Sngineer wit hi�e da s,;c tprj,cmmpletion or abandonment of the well. Eascerr, District Office > WELL OWNER: ize of drilled hole : 16" Total VameFczfq+rzdepth of well: 333' Standing water address c/o Joe Anderson level below ground: ),P, Temp. Fahr. ° Test delivery: 395 gpm ,90 I.emorial Drive, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83LL01 or cfs Pump? Ej Bail owner's Permit No. Size of pump and motor used to make test: VATURE OF WORK (check) : Replacement well 121' Turbine lew well © Deepened 7 Abandoned � Length of time of test: 26 Hrs. 30 Min. Drawdown: 106 ft. Artesian pressure : ft.� Water is to be used for: lnznici.nle above land surface Give .flow cfs KETHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: Rotary r] Cable or gpm. Shutoffpressure: ?ug ❑ Other Controlled b Valve 71 Cap Plu;r, explain _ No control L Does well leak around BASING SCHEDULE: Threaded _ Welded X Yes D No 16 "Diam. from + 1 ft. to 242 ft. DEPTH MATERIAL i;;, ; "Diam. from ft. to ft. FROM TO YES OR N, "Diam. from ft. to ft. FEET FEET "Diam. from ft. to ft. 0 5 sand clay brown Thickness of casin�50 Material: 5 36 Steel F concrete Elwood El other r7 3 42 Clay er -,rave]_ 1�2 47 Clay brown 47 54 G.rvel &. sand explain 54 0 If —11 -- PERFORATED? Yes No 7 Type of -0 90 _ Gravel & si.it. perforator used: 90 95 " " clay --` 95 105 Clay"- Size of perforations: itby ft 777 C I ay prave . uater seepage perforations from ft. to ft. 3r C ay Fravel perforations from ft. to ft. 1T Gravel poss yc perforations from ft. to ft. �.l +.; sand x gravel perforations from ft.' to ft. 47f.T sa.ndstcne er bentonite WAS SCREEN INSTALLED? Yes No a punzce b.en cnite Manufacturer's name —I 205 Sands tor,e & i'entoni.t,e Type Model No. 205 ?� it it _ shale & bent,onite Diam. Slot size Set from ft. to ft 21 225 ,r rr r; Diam. Slot size Set from ft. to ft 2.25 2 0 sandst.nne rra.vrl p, bent,onite CONSTRUCTION: Well gravel packed? Yes 230 235 shale r*ra< cinders R• clav No. XQ size of gravel Gravel 2 5 250 shale rorous clay firm 250 - placed from ft. to ft. Surface seal 2r -5 " It If ray -- ..__ provided? Yes F� No�- To what depth? ?55 270 firm frrav Lave. 47 ft. Material used in seal: cement 270 2PQ. j hrow.n &, r*ray cinders fair 280 2,05 ft " it rr P• Some'. clay 'did any strata contain unusable water? Yes 2`75 290 pray cinders fine pores & cla-v :�o. FL] Type of water: 2 0 295 ray cinders lava & some oroi.s ')epth of strata ft. Method of sealin 295 300 1:ixe.d lava cinders hole cavinp ye;� trata off: 300 305 it cinders talc caving yes _305 312 _Brn. cinders talc sand yes 312 333 brown cinders F: clay caving yes Surface casing used? Yes IX No. _ 'emented in place? Yes No _ Locate well in section I I I I — —I— — — — — T — — - Work started: October 29, 196P I Work finished: December 2, :1.96y I Well Driller's Statement : This well was Sec. drilled under my supervision and this report: is true to the best of my knowledge. I I Name: Andrew lcell Dr:i.11i nfr Contractors - - t- - - - - -4 — — t I Address: 121 E.J'%t.h St Id ahoF l.ls Idaljo o Signed by: `l License N /Date ` LOCATION OF WELL: County. Bonneville _V" )4 SE }, Sec. 21 T. 1 N/% R. 38 E//y Use other side for additional remarks FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 46 of 243 m 7 STATE OF IDAHO c +YPr-WRITER OF DEPA 4ENT OF WATER RESOURCES BAL NT PEN WELL DRILLER 'S REPORT well #a State law requires that this report be filed with the Director,Department of Water Resources within 30 days after the completion or abandonment of the well. WELL OWNER 7. WATER LEVEL Name V ike_Grth (Idaho Falls Country Club) Static water level 120 feet below land surface. Flowing? ❑ Yes EX No G.P.M.flow Address 1P,00 S. Yellowstone Idaho Falls, Ida Artesian closed-in pressure p.s.i. 83401 Controlled by: ❑ Valve ❑ Cap ❑ Plug Owner's Permit No. Temperature OF. Quality NATURE OF WORK 8. WELL TEST DATA ® New well ❑ Deepened ❑ Replacement ❑ Pump ❑ Bailer ❑ Air ❑ Other ❑ Abandoned (describe method of abandoning) Discharge G.P.M. Pumping Level Hours Pumped PROPOSED USE -- ---- -- ❑ Domestic ❑ Irrigation ❑ Test I Municipal g. LITHOLOGIC LOG ❑ Industrial ❑ Stock ❑ Waste Disposal or Injection El Other (specifytype) Hole De th Water -- yP Diam. From I To Material Yes No 0 Soil _mown _ X METHOD DRILLED r 85 if it X M Rotary M Air ❑ Hydraulic ❑ Reverse rotary 85 90 Brown_ems _ X ❑ Cable ❑ Dug O Other _ _ ._90 113 _Broken Basal_t _ X 1 113 1 8 Conglomerate Basalt _ X 1L, 138 1 8 Sand Stone _ X. WELL CONSTRUCTION R 1 ClayGravel __. X_ Casing schedule: r Steel ❑ Concrete ❑Other 180 ashecL Gravel X 18 rr nX _I Thickness Diameter From To1 Coateinches 11 inches + Ol feet 2Va feet 1 8Black Basaltinches inches feet feet 21 Basalt Bl ek X inches inches feet feet 220 Cl Pea Gravelinches inches feet feet 246 Shale Brown X _ Was casing drive shoe used? EX Yes ❑ No 24 246 278 Riolite Brown Was a packer or seal used? 4Yes A No 278 280 Broken Some Clay Perforated? ❑ Yes Cd No 280 317 Broken Some Cl ayX_ How perforated? ❑ Factory ❑ Knife ❑ Torch 317 341 Sand Stone Brown X_? Size of perforation inches by inches 1 345 Riolite X Number From To xi perforations _ feet feet hard Gray Basalt 60 Broken Gray perforations feet feet 60 386 Firm r perforations feet feet 8 ® av Basalt Well screen installed? ❑ Yes IN,No Broken Gray Basal t _X_ 14 410 415 'i im 2 Manufacturer's name Type Model No. - -- - -' Diameter_Slot size Set from feet to feet -- -- - Diameter__Slot size ---Set from feet to feet - - Gravel packed? ❑ Yes X No ❑ Size of gravel - Placed from ___ _ feet to _ feet -- --- -- --- — Surface seal depth f� Material used in seal: n cement grout --- - - - �� ❑ Puddling clay ❑ Well cuttings -- -- ---- — -- Sealing procedure used: ❑ Slurry pit ❑ Temp.surface casing -- - - - (S Overbore to seal depth - - Method of joining casing: ❑ Threaded SWelded ❑ Solvent Weld - ❑ Cemented between strata Describe access port_ _ i lL_(��/�. 10. Work started 8-3-77 finished 9-19-77 i. LOCATION OF WELL - 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Sketch map location must agree with written locatio S I/We certify that all minimum well construction standards were N complied with at the time the rig was removed. Subdivision Name - -- '--T� Firm Name Andrew Well DrillingFirm No. 5 Contr. W E — Address 1268 E. 17th St-, Date - -79---+-- Lot No. Block No. 7; � Signed by (Firm Official Sn and :ou my �,JL« ' ------ (Operator) -/ f� Sec. ,T. N/0, R., E/,�I(. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY - FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 47 of 243 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 900 North Skyline Drive,Suite B• Idaho Falls, ID 83402•(208)528-2650 Brad Little,Governor Jesse Byrne,Director October 27, 2020 Falls Water Company Inc. Attn: Scott Bruce, Manager 2180 Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 ScottI kfallswater.com Subject: Sanitary Survey conducted on September 22, 2020 at Falls Water Company Inc. PWS ID7100030 Dear Mr. Bruce: A sanitary survey was recently conducted for Falls Water Company Inc. (ID7100030). Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the sanitary survey report and photos for your records. Any significant deficiencies identified in the report are required to be addressed following consultation with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ). Consultation and a written corrective action plan are required within 30 days regarding any significant deficiencies and/or follow-up requirements identified in this written notification, as required by IDAPA 58.01.08. Please follow the four(4) steps identified in the sanitary survey report to address all significant deficiencies. Be advised that modifications to your public water system may require the assistance of an Idaho licensed professional engineer and require DEQ review and approval prior to making water system modifications or installing new components. Please contact our office before making modifications to your system. Thank you for your help in completing the sanitary survey. Please contact me at the DEQ Idaho Falls Regional Office at (208) 528-2650 or nick.nielsengdeq.idaho.gov if you have any questions. Sincerely, Nick Nielsen Drinking Water Analyst Enclosures (2): Sanitary survey report, Photos c: Greg Eager, Regional Engineering Manager, DEQ-IF Tony Wise, Water Operator, Falls Water Company Inc. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 48 of 243 Sanitary Survey Report October 27, 2020 ID7100030 Falls Water Company Inc. RE: Sanitary survey conducted on September 22, 2020 A list of findings for your system has been summarized below. In order to address all significant deficiencies, follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ste : Within 30 days of receiving this notification, submit to me in writing a corrective action plan including planned completion dates for each identified significant deficiency. Step 2:-Complete the planned action(s)by the "Planned Completion Date(s)". Step 3: After completing each planned action, enter an"Actual Completion Date",your initials, and write the "Corrective action taken". Stel4: Sign your name at the bottom certifying that each corrective action has been corrected by the planned completion date and that your public water system has completed the sanitary survey response requirements pursuant to IDAPA 58.01.08. Send me a copy of the signed paperwork. Significant Deficiencies A significant deficiency as identified during a sanitary survey, is any defect in a system's design, operation, maintenance, or administration, as well as any failure or malfunction of any system component, that the Department or its agent determines to cause, or have the potential to cause, risk to health or safety, or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water(IDAPA Failure to address significant deficiencies constitutes a violation of IDAPA or Significant deficiencies may reference IDAPA design standard requirements. IDAPA rule citations for sections 500-549 are primarily requirements during the design or modification stage of a new system or component, and may not be enforceable as part of a sanitary survey. These have been listed to provide reference of what current standards would apply if that particular component were designed, modified, or constructed today. Corrective actions that include material modifications must be approved by the Department. 1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 49 of 243 Plan of Action for Significant Deficiencies: Groundwater Source: • #2: The well lot for Wells #2, #4, and#6 has containers of petroleum products and materials known to be toxic or hazardous stored on it(IDAPA Remove hazardous chemicals from the well lot. See Photo 94. Toxic or hazardous materials pose a risk of source contamination. Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials Corrective action taken: • #7: The well casing for Well #2 has an opening where the well vent pipe has been removed. This is creating a direct conduit for surface infiltration into the well column which has the potential to contaminate the well (IDAPA See Photo 80. Install a casing vent to minimize the possibility of contamination caused by the creation of a partial vacuum during pumping and to release air trapped in the pump column when the pump is not running. The vent lets equalizing air into the casing. The vent needs to be at a height above flood levels and terminated downward to prevent entry of any potential surface water. This may be accomplished by extending the casing 18 inches above the ground or 12 inches above the pump house floor. A 24-mesh screen installed on the vent prevents contamination by prohibiting entry of insects, rodents, and birds. Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials Corrective action taken: • #7: The well casings for Wells #4, #5, #8, and#10 are not properly vented, do not include a 24 mesh screen, and do not open downward (IDAPA These wells have piping for a vent, but the pipe terminates upwards and is either capped or left open, thereby creating either a vacuum or open conduit for contamination. See Photos 54, 142, 108, and 164 respectively. Install a casing vent to minimize the possibility of contamination caused by the creation of a partial vacuum during pumping and to release air trapped in the pump column when the pump is not running. On some wells the presence of a water tight(and thus air tight) well casing cap can mean that when the pump is running and drawing down the static head in the well it can create a vacuum that could impede pump operation. The vent lets 2 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 50 of 243 equalizing air into the casing. The vent needs to be at a height above flood levels and terminated downward to prevent entry of any potential surface water. This may be accomplished by extending the casing 18 inches above the ground or 12 inches above the pump house floor. A 24-mesh screen installed on the vent prevents contamination by prohibiting entry of insects, rodents, and birds Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials Corrective action taken: • #8: Wells #1 and#6 appear to have cracks and/or gaps which do not provide an approved cap and solid casing (seal)that prevents surface water and contaminants from entering the well (IDAPA See Photos 1, 24, 27, and 30 respectively. A properly cased well with a sanitary well cap prevents surface water and potential contaminants (bacteria,fertilizers,pesticides etc)from descending along the outside wall of the well down to the zones of stored ground water thus minimizing the possibility of contamination. The ground around the well casing must slope away from the well casing. Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials Corrective action taken: • #12: The pump to waste discharge termination for Well#8 is submerged in the canal under the bridge near N 31 st E and E. Lincoln Rd. This does not provide the necessary approved air gap through an approved non-corrodible screen at a location prior to the first service connection (IDAPA Modify the pump to waste line so that it achieves the necessary air-gap and non-corrodible screen requirements. Pump-to-waste capability permits well water to be discharged prior to entering the distribution system. Wells are typically pumped-to-waste to flush out stagnant water and any potential contaminants, after the well or pump has been serviced to clear any debris, bacteria, chemicals, and after any known ground water contamination. Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials Corrective action taken: 3 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 51 of 243 Pumping: • #9: The vertical turbine pumps for Wells#1, #2, #6, #8, and#10 do not have a 24 mesh corrosion resistant screen covering the air/vacuum and air release valve (IDAPA To prevent air from entering the distribution system at startup and to prevent vacuum and possible collapse of the column pipe during shutdown, the vertical turbine pump should be equipped with an air/vacuum and air release valve with a screen to prevent contaminants from entering the system. Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials Corrective action taken: Treatment Application: • NSF 60 Approved: The chemical applied to the drinking water is not NSF 60 approved (IDAPA This chlorine is rated for swimming pools. See Photos 17 thru 19. All chemicals must conform to applicable AWWA standards and be certified by an accredited ANSI certification body to meet ANSI/NSF Standard 60. NSF/ANSI Standard establishes minimum health effect requirements for drinking water chemicals directly added to water. Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date: Initials Corrective action taken: I certify,to the best of my knowledge that all significant deficiencies have been corrected by the agreed upon date and that the corrective action meets the requirements pursuant to IDAPA 58.01.08. Signature: Date: 4 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 52 of 243 Deficiencies Groundwater Source: • #7: The well casing for Well#6 is not properly vented. There does not appear to be any vent on this well (IDAPA See Photo 30. No immediate action required. Upon material modification to this location, install a casing vent. Install a casing vent to minimize the possibility of contamination caused by the creation of a partial vacuum during pumping and to release air trapped in the pump column when the pump is not running. On some wells the presence of a water tight (and thus air tight) well casing cap can mean that when the pump is running and drawing down the static head in the well it can create a vacuum that could impede pump operation. The vent lets equalizing air into the casing. The vent needs to be at a height above flood levels and terminated downward to prevent entry of any potential surface water. This may be accomplished by extending the casing 18 inches above the ground or 12 inches above the pump house floor. A 24-mesh screen installed on the vent prevents contamination by prohibiting entry of insects, rodents, and birds • #11: A pressure gauge is not provided on all discharge piping (both pumps/discharge lines) for Well #6 (IDAPA A pressure gauge identifies proper working pressures and will help diagnose well and pump problems including leaks, lost pressure, short cycling of the well pump, or a bad check valve or foot valve. • #17: There remain some threaded taps installed in the pump houses throughout the system which are not equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device (IDAPA An appropriate backflow device (typically a hose bib vacuum breaker)protects the potable water supply from contamination should a back-siphonage backflow event occur. • #18: There is not adequate ventilation in the pump house for Well #5 for dissipation of excess heat and moisture from the equipment(IDAPA At the time of the inspection, there was evidence of corrosion of metallic components from excessive heat and/or moisture. See Photos 141 and 142. Excess moisture in a pump house can lead to premature failure of electrical control systems and create unsafe conditions for operators. Extremely high temperatures may also damage electric motors. Managerial: • #12: There is not a system-wide operation and maintenance (O&M) manual for this public water system(IDAPA, 003.90, and 003.91). An O&M manual needs to be developed and/or implemented. 5 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 53 of 243 Submit an O&M manual for review and approval by March 31, 2021. Upon approval, the operator must operate the system in accordance with the approved O&M manual. At a minimum, include the following items in the O&M manual: • daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly operating instructions • information specific to a particular type of treatment • location of valves and other key distribution system features • pertinent telephone and address contact information including the responsible charge water system operator and water system owner • operator safety procedures • alarm system and emergency procedures • trouble-shooting advice • water quality testing procedures • response plan for depressurization events • customer service procedures • response plan for customer complaints • maintenance information and checklists • manufacturer's product information including troubleshooting information • parts list, spare parts list, and parts order form • necessary special tools An O&M manual provides procedures to operate and maintain a facility's various systems and equipment. It is important to analyze and evaluate a facility from the system level, then develop procedures to attain the most efficient systems integration. Lack of an O&M manual can lead to system failures and contamination of drinking water. Treatment Application: • 424: There is no means to contain bulk liquid chemical container leaks and/or spills (IDAPA A method of preventing bulk liquid chemical container leaks or spills must be provided to prevent contamination of the drinking water. Disinfection: • #5: Petroleum products are stored with sodium hypochlorite, creating a potentially hazardous environment in the well house for Wells 42, 44, and#6 garage(IDAPA Under no condition should petroleum products be stored with chlorine. The reaction between chlorine and petroleum products is quick and violent. • #6: Sodium hypochlorite solution storage tanks are not vented to the outside atmosphere (IDAPA 6 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 54 of 243 Sodium hypochlorite vapors can escape into the room which could deteriorate other equipment and cause inhalation hazards for personnel. Recommendations Groundwater Source: • #10: At least one flow meter(located in Well#1) and a sand separator was defunct and obsolete. DEQ recommends removing unnecessary or broken appurtenances from the system. Hydropneumatic Tanks: • The Hydropneumatic Tank in the Well#2, #4, and#6 well lot is currently water logged and serves as a dead point in the system. This can create stagnant water, which in turn can increase the likelihood of contamination and deteriorating water quality. DEQ recommends removing the hydropneumatic tank from the system since it is no longer being used. Financial: • #3: An independent financial audit of the public water system should be completed every year for large systems and every 3 to 5 years for small systems. The SMART Financial Tool located on DEQ's Public Water System Switchboard(www.deq.idaho.gov/water- quality/drinking-water/pws-switchboard) can also be a great way for a public water system to evaluate their financial capacity. 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 55 of 243 Falls Water Company Inc. September 2020 ESS Photo Log Name of Facility: Falls Water Company Inc. Inspector(s): Nick Griffith, Nick Nielsen, and Tyler Ayers Inspection Date:Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Purpose of Inspection: Enhanced Sanitary Survey Table of Photographs: Photograph 1 : Well 1:well head............................................................................7 Photograph 2 : Well 1: discharge piping with pressure gauge and flow meter in foreground. .............................................................................................................8 Photograph 3 : Well 1: control valve an feed line to chlorine mixing tank.............9 Photograph 4 : Well 1:floor sump........................................................................ 10 Photograph 5 : Well 1: pump to waste and sand filter discharge piping..............11 Photograph 6 : Well 1: pre-lube line..................................................................... 12 Photograph 7 : Well 1: control valve and chlorine injection.................................13 Photograph 8 : Well 1: pressure gauge................................................................. 14 Photograph 9 : Well 1: piping to distribution. Red flow meter now defunct.......1S Photograph 10 : Well 1: Chlorine mixing, storage, and injection. ........................16 Photograph 11 : Well 1: pressure gauge off well..................................................17 Photograph 12 : Well 1:view of pump to waste vent. Pump to waste vent not screened................................................................................................................ 18 Photograph 13 : Well 1: defunct flow meter. ....................................................... 18 Photograph 14 : Well 1: pump info....................................................................... 19 Photograph 15 : Well 1: pressure gauge...............................................................20 Photograph 16 : Well 1: chlorine dosing pump. ...................................................21 Photograph 17 : Well 1: chlorine being used. Note,this is swimming pool chlorine. ................................................................................................................22 Photograph 18 : Well 1: swimming pool chlorine being used on system.............23 Photograph 19 : Well 1: chlorine bucket information. Clearly says swimming pool use. No NSF label. .................................................................................................24 Photograph 20 : Well 1: Chlorine tank vent and other piping..............................25 Photograph 21 : Well 1:well tag...........................................................................26 Photograph 22 : Well 1: air/vac relief valve located on top of sand separator....27 Photograph 23 : Well 1: air/vac relief valve piping. No screen.............................28 Photograph 24 : Well 1:well vent. Note well head appears to be cracked and may provide conduit for contamination.......................................................................29 Photograph 25 : Well 1:well house......................................................................30 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 56 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 26 : Well 1: well house and parking lot with storage building in background. ..........................................................................................................30 Photograph 27 : Well 6:View of well head. Pumps#6 and #7 both located inside ofwell 6.................................................................................................................31 Photograph 28 : Well 6: pump 6 piping. Note sample tap, and check valve........32 Photograph 29 : Well 6: pump 7 piping on right. Riser pipe goes to pump to waste.....................................................................................................................33 Photograph 30 : Well 6: well head.Appears to be cracked which may provide conduit for contamination. No vent. ....................................................................34 Photograph 31 : Well 6: Well head in background. Note cracking around well plate. Pump to waste piping in foreground. Note check valve DS of Isolation valve......................................................................................................................34 Photograph 32 : Well 6: Pump 6 pump to waste piping on left. Pump 7 pump to waste piping on left. Both have check valve DS of isolation valve. ......................35 Photograph 33 : Well 6:view of prelube line taken off.Theoretically should not work if the check valve located toward the right directly upstream functions properly.................................................................................................................36 Photograph 34 : Well 6:view of pump to waste line traveling back and to the right.......................................................................................................................36 Photograph 35 : Well 6: pump to waste line. .......................................................37 Photograph 36 : Well 6: Pump to waste tie in with Well 2 and Well 4.................37 Photograph 37 : Well 6: pump to waste discharge. Could not confirm screen....38 Photograph 38 : Well 6: pump 6 information.......................................................38 Photograph 39 : Well 6: pump 7 information.......................................................39 Photograph 40 : Well 6:flow meter......................................................................40 Photograph 41 : Well 6:flow meter read out.......................................................40 Photograph 42 : Well 6: pump 6 and 7 flow meters.............................................41 Photograph 43 :Well 6: air relief valve. No screen.Also down stream of check valves.....................................................................................................................42 Photograph 44 : Well 6: piping manifold out to distribution................................43 Photograph 45 : Well 6: pipe 6 check valve downstream of pump to waste.......43 Photograph 46 : Well 6: pump 7 piping check valve downstream of pump to waste.....................................................................................................................44 Photograph 47 : Well 6: piping manifold isolation valve out to distribution........44 Photograph 48 : Well 6: pump 6 piping pump to waste. With second check valve downstream of isolation valve..............................................................................45 Photograph 49 : Well 6: pump to waste piping. ...................................................45 Photograph 50 : Well 4: sand separator. ..............................................................46 Photograph 51 : Well 4: wellhead, air/vac relief valve and check valve...............47 Photograph 52 : Well 4: pump info.......................................................................48 Photograph 53 : Well 4: well head. Note well vent is capped. Operator uses vent to measure well levels...........................................................................................49 Photograph 54 : Well 4: view of well vent capped and pre-lube line...................50 2 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 57 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 55 : Well 4: air relief valve and check valve......................................51 Photograph 56 : Well 4: unknown %2-inch line coming off piping.........................52 Photograph 57 : Well 4:flow meter and chlorine injection point........................53 Photograph 58 : Well 4:view of air/vac relief valve discharge with vent. ...........54 Photograph 59 : Well 4: piping out to distribution...............................................54 Photograph 60 : Well 4: abandoned pipe with unknown purpose.......................55 Photograph 61 : Well 4: air relief valve discharge with screen.............................56 Photograph 62 : Well 4:flow meter......................................................................57 Photograph 63 : Well 4:flow meter and chlorine injection ine............................58 Photograph 64 : Well 4: piping manifold with well 2 to distribution and pressure gauge.....................................................................................................................59 Photograph 65 : Well 2:view of chlorinator, piping, and defunct hydropneumatic tank. ......................................................................................................................60 Photograph 66 : Well 2: pressure gauge...............................................................61 Photograph 67 : Well 2:threaded sample tap with AVB......................................62 Photograph 68 : Well 2: chlorinator......................................................................63 Photograph 69 : Well 2: pressure gage, sample tap, and prelube line for well 4. 63 Photograph 70 : Well 2: defunct hydrotank piping to distribution. .....................64 Photograph 71 : Well 2: drain and piping to distribution.....................................65 Photograph 72 : Well 2: drain and piping to distribution.....................................65 Photograph 73 : Well 2: drain and piping to distribution.....................................66 Photograph 74 : Well 2: view of air/vac relief valve and piping to waste in background. Hydrotank piping in foreground. .....................................................66 Photograph 75 : Well 2: hydrotank chlorine injection..........................................67 Photograph 76 : Well 6 pump 6 &7 control panels..............................................68 Photograph 77 : Well 2: well head, with air relief valve, control valve, pressure gauge, and other piping........................................................................................69 Photograph 78 : Well 2: piping view two..............................................................70 Photograph 79 : Well 2: view of well head and vertical turbine pump................71 Photograph 80 : Well 2: well casing. Note the area where a well vent previously was located is now open, creating a direct conduit for contamination. ..............72 Photograph 81 : Well 2: presumably a prelube line. ............................................73 Photograph 82 : Well 2: pump info.......................................................................74 Photograph 83 : Well 2: well tag...........................................................................75 Photograph 84 : Well 2: piping view 3. Note,the air relief valve has no screen..76 Photograph 85 : Well 2: piping toward well 4. .....................................................77 Photograph 86 : Well 2: piping toward well 4 and a view of the defunct hydro tankto the left. .....................................................................................................78 Photograph 87 : Well 2: defunct hydrotank drain with sample tap. ....................79 Photograph 88 : Well 2: control panel..................................................................80 Photograph 89 : Well 2: defunct hydrotank air/vac relief valve. Note the site glass indicates the tank is completely water logged. ....................................................81 3 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 58 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 90 : Well 2: pump to waste nearest right with control valve and air reliefvalve.............................................................................................................82 Photograph 91 : Well 2: water feed to chlorinator located on the left of distribution piping. Includes small filter with pressure gauge..............................83 Photograph 92 : Well 2: piping to pump to waste................................................84 Photograph 93 : Well 2:flow meter......................................................................85 Photograph 94 : Well 2 and 4: pump to waste piping.This room contains numerous chemical and petroleum containers, along with auto mechanic tools which indicates dual use as a garage....................................................................86 Photograph 95 : Well 4: pump to waste piping. ...................................................87 Photograph 96 : Well 2: pump to waste control valve. ........................................88 Photograph 97 : Well 4: well tag...........................................................................88 Photograph 98 : Well 2 &4 well house.................................................................89 Photograph 99 : Well 2: chlorine tank. Same as Well 1. Swimming pool grade, not NSF. .......................................................................................................................90 Photograph 100 : Well 2: chlorine data. Swimming pool grade...........................91 Photograph 101 : Well 6: well tag.........................................................................92 Photograph 102 : Well 6,4, and 2 well lot............................................................92 Photograph 103 :Well 8:view of well house. ......................................................93 Photograph 104 : Well 8: well tag.........................................................................93 Photograph 105 : Well 8: pump info.....................................................................94 Photograph 106 : Well 8: pump info.....................................................................94 Photograph 107 :Well 8: well head with pre-lube line. .......................................95 Photograph 108 :Well 8:vent is capped and not turned down...........................96 Photograph 109 : Well 8: from foreground—sample tap,flow meter, chemical injection line, air relief valve. New chlorinator skid to the right. .........................97 Photograph 110 : Well 8: view of water drawing to chlorinator with attached pressure guage,then chemical injection,then air relief valve. Pipe splits to pump to waste line on left upstream of in-line distribution check valve. ......................98 Photograph 111 : Well 8: chlorine injection. ........................................................99 Photograph 112 : Well 8: air relief valve with sample tap upstream of check valve. No screen on valve......................................................................................99 Photograph 113 : Well 8: pump to waste on top, in-line distribution below.....100 Photograph 114 : Well 8: pump to waste and distribution piping. ....................100 Photograph 115 : Well 8: well house.................................................................. 101 Photograph 116 : Well 8: pump to waste discharge completely submerged in canal located near N 31" E and E. Lincoln Rd. .................................................... 101 Photograph 117 : Well 9: well house.................................................................. 102 Photograph 118 : Well 9: well head.Vent turned down with screen.................103 Photograph 119 : Well 9: pump info................................................................... 104 Photograph 120 : Well 9: generator. .................................................................. 105 Photograph 121 : Well 9: well tag....................................................................... 106 4 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 59 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday,September 22, 2020 Photograph 122 : Well 9: well head with air relief valve,vent, and check valve. ............................................................................................................................. 107 Photograph 123 : Well 9: pre-lube line...............................................................108 Photograph 124 : Well 9: sample tap and water line to chlorinator. .................108 Photograph 125 : Well 9: chlorinator.................................................................. 109 Photograph 126 : Well 9: chlorine injection. ......................................................110 Photograph 127 : Well 9: flow meter.................................................................. 110 Photograph 128 : Well 9: pressure gauge...........................................................111 Photograph 129 : Well 9: sample tap and isolation valve to distribution. .........111 Photograph 130 : Well 9: pressure gauge...........................................................112 Photograph 131 : Well 9: VFD control panel. .....................................................112 Photograph 132 : Well 9: flow meter read out...................................................113 Photograph 133 : Well 9: pump to waste...........................................................113 Photograph 134 : Well 9: back lot facing pump to waste...................................114 Photograph 135 : Well 9: generator vent. ..........................................................114 Photograph 136 : Well 9: generator fuel tank. ...................................................115 Photograph 137 : Well 9: fuel tank info..............................................................115 Photograph 138 : Well 5: pump to waste. No screen.........................................116 Photograph 139 : Well 5: pump info...................................................................116 Photograph 140 : Well 5: well tag....................................................................... 117 Photograph 141 : Well 5: well head. Note excess leaking and flooding around well head. ................................................................................................................... 118 Photograph 142 : Well 5: well vent is opened up and not vented. ....................119 Photograph 143 : Well 5: pressure gauge...........................................................119 Photograph 144 : Well 5: piping with sample tap...............................................120 Photograph 145 : Well 5: chlorinator in foreground and sand separator in background. ........................................................................................................ 120 Photograph 146 : Well 5: sand separator with chlorinator and swimming pool chlorine buckets to the right............................................................................... 121 Photograph 147 : Well 5: sand separator with control valve on bottom...........122 Photograph 148 : Well 5: air relief valve on top of sand separator with vent hose feeding into stand pipe. ...................................................................................... 123 Photograph 149 : Well 5: sand separator blow off valve....................................123 Photograph 150 : Well 5: chlorine water feed and chemical injection lines with pressure gauge and check valve. ........................................................................ 124 Photograph 151 : Well 5: pressure gauge...........................................................124 Photograph 152 : Well 5: flow meter.................................................................. 125 Photograph 153 : Well 5: distribution piping with isolation valve to the left. Unknown piping with control valve to the left. ..................................................125 Photograph 154 : Well 5: view 2 of distribution piping and unknown control valve.................................................................................................................... 126 Photograph 155 : Well 5: decommissioned generator and fuel tank.................127 Photograph 156 : Well 5: decommissioned generator and fuel tank.................127 5 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 60 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday,September 22, 2020 Photograph 157 :Well 10: pump to waste..........................................................128 Photograph 158 : Well 10: well house................................................................129 Photograph 159 : Well 10: well house................................................................130 Photograph 160 : Well 10:generator. ................................................................130 Photograph 161 : Well 10:view of well head and piping...................................131 Photograph 162 : Well 10: well head..................................................................132 Photograph 163 : Well 10: pump info.................................................................133 Photograph 164 : Well 10: note leaking around well head.Vent cap also plugged and not routed down.......................................................................................... 134 Photograph 165 : Well 10: air relief valve with not vent. Sample tap................135 Photograph 166 : Well 10: pump to waste just upstream of in-line check valve. Piping up to sand separator................................................................................ 135 Photograph 167 : Well 10: pump to waste discharge pipe................................. 136 Photograph 168 : Well 10: check valve...............................................................137 Photograph 169 : Well 10: check valve and piping to distribution.....................137 Photograph 170 : Well 10: piping. ......................................................................138 Photograph 171 : Well 10: water drawn to chlorinator...................................... 139 Photograph 172 : Well 10: pressure gauge and flow meter............................... 140 Photograph 173 : Well 10: chlorinator and chlorine injection. .......................... 140 Photograph 174 : Well 10: isolation valve to distribution. ................................. 141 Photograph 175 : Well 10: chlorinator. .............................................................. 141 Photograph 176 : Well 10: piping. ...................................................................... 142 Photograph 177 : Well 10: control panel............................................................ 143 Photograph 178 : Well 10: flow meter read out................................................. 144 Photograph 179 : Well 10: flow meter read out................................................. 145 Photograph 180 : Well 10: well tag..................................................................... 146 Photograph 181 : Well 10: generator. ................................................................ 146 6 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 61 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 MEW l� 1 7 Photograph 1:Well 1:well head 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 62 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 J I t 'Ar Photograph 2:Well 1:discharge piping with pressure gauge and flow meter in foreground. 8 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 63 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 INTO •� �. b iU r•• a;. Photograph 3:Well 1:control valve an feed line to chlorine mixing tank. 9 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 64 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 All w e _ Photograph 4:Well 1:floor sump. 10 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 65 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 a � .., t `L l Y —utograph 5:Well 1:pump to waste and sand filter discharge piping. 11 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 66 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i i f —otograph 6:Well 1:pre-lube line. 12 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 67 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 � r 4 s F Photograph 7:Well 1:control valve and chlorine injection. 13 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 68 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 ,t (r Photograph 8:Well 1:pressure gauge. 14 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 69 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 9:Well 1:piping to distribution.Red flow meter now defunct. 15 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 70 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 ion CRANULAR r a ' - - Photograph 10:Well 1:Chlorine mixing,storage,and injection. 16 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 71 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i`�5p 11p :'s N Photograph 11:Well 1:pressure gauge off well. 17 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 72 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i I 1 1 � . 44 Photograph 12:Well 1:view of pump to waste vent.Pump to waste vent not screened. Photograph 13:Well 1:defunct flow meter. 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 73 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 qW t- 1 1 1* F Photograph 14:Well 1:pump info. 19 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 74 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 No{pu n ell. ino i 4Y P. 1 1 Photograph 15:Well 1:pressure gauge. 20 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 75 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r � r � r j® Photograph 16:Well 1:chlorine dosing pump. 21 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 76 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 � 0 J AX RANULAR DANCER Maggio 0 O l Photograph 17:Well 1:chlorine being used.Note,this is swimming pool chlorine. 22 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 77 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Y ------------ �1 READ LAVIEL QS1 NC � a1 r►r' A -.f u� Photograph 18:Well 1:swimming pool chlorine being used on system. 23 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 78 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 �pRHINC CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Contains 56%Available Chlorine i pllso Contans 2,4,6 T6hydroxy-s-thazinethone DgNGEP.1m.,-,,: Easily Soluble in All Pool Water 6krd,r;,r; No Cloudy Build-up/Long-Lasting Chlorine Residual itdry mo Keeps Water Water Sparkling Clear DIRECTIONS FOR USE emorr;s It is aviolation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsis- tentwith as labeling. STRx"11 " Reentry into treated swimming pools/spas is prohibited above levels of sill a"``' 3.0 ppm- ms sr' na . For treatment of freshly filled pools or for su perch lorination "'water free Of visible algae,add 2 oz of this 000. p per 1, gallons of pool water Them; �b too°r� �� bl sprinkling it over a wide area of pool water surface.This dosage will case provide about 8.75 ppm(parts per million)of chlorine to helpsatisfy the ;as<;"dw' , n�1 water's chlorine demand.After this treatment, bathers should not be 'Olu ail dlovved to enter the m arts t� Million) p°0I until the chlorine residual falls to 2 pp (P ,h,!pmwA +tt or less.For subsc uent use,add 1%oz.to 2h oz"(this v10,000 gallons of pool water or as needed to maintain a chlo- 1O1 residual of 1.0 to 1.5 111r. is with a ppm Check water for chlorine content at regu m.rrl 5° 1�loads pool water test kit.During extreme neat or with heavy r., atea to 7.6 for be resu,water lhs�checked every 2 hours.Maintain a pH SM dX ,frl apa of Always distribute granules over an ott 00AF+ Fc,us�0l water surface. \; f �! �e hkI�Yi uz or splasher pools,the recommended daily dosage rµ:(64, f.D7�k Per 7SQ agfal310ns Of vgtec E.VA Est rro.Item 2►Noo.50 y1�. part r - "--�- rt t�r—oa..M t tea^cane+• DKWAAm by LEISURE IMNG S74 Main r St t 7�- T-U.Wlda,NY 14150 Photograph 19:Well 1:chlorine bucket information.Clearly says swimming pool use.No NSF label. 24 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 79 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 t Photograph 20:Well 1:Chlorine tank vent and other piping. 25 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 80 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 e t, Photograph 21:Well 1:well tag. 26 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 81 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 1 4' '1 1 1 f Photograph 22:Well 1:air/vac relief valve located on top of sand separator. 27 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 82 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 �^ Y Photograph 23:Well 1:air/vac relief valve piping.No screen. 28 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 83 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r_ Photograph 24:Well 1:well vent.Note well head appears to be cracked and may provide conduit for contamination. 29 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 84 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 GI G Photograph 25:Well 1:well house 1 ; r 1 Photograph 26:Well 1:well house and parking lot with storage building in background. 30 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 85 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 27:Well 6:View of well head.Pumps#6 and#7 both located inside of well 6. 31 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 86 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 _c _mow y - rK. A r Photograph 28:Well 6:pump 6 piping.Note sample tap,and check valve. 32 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 87 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 h ` Y l : � r �w aA w.' k r , ,r Photograph 29:Well 6:pump 7 piping on right.Riser pipe goes to pump to waste. 33 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 88 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 is Photograph 30:Well 6:well head.Appears to be cracked which may provide conduit for contamination.No vent. N r- Photograph 31:Well 6:Well head in background.Note cracking around well plate.Pump to waste piping in foreground.Note check valve DS of Isolation valve. 34 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 89 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 : cr... _ ALAL 4- "a Photograph 32:Well 6:Pump 6 pump to waste piping on left.Pump 7 pump to waste piping on left.Both have check valve DS of isolation valve. 35 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 90 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 III I���II�1II�IIII�II O e J �1 AIL U Photograph 33:Well 6:view of prelube line taken off.Theoretically should not work if the check valve located toward the right directly upstream functions properly. r= 4 =I Photograph 34:Well 6:view of pump to waste line traveling back and to the right. 36 or Ali FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 92 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 - r ai �I - �„i _ _ - Y.�• '.1t .13,x`, P fY ;l.f..�!�fi,ip� .,I v _ 3 a L •'.� 3� tg Photograph 37:Well 6:pump to waste discharge.Could not confirm screen. HOUSTON,TEXA tcl) d. Xl• PATENTE ' MODEL i►I►; SERIAL,0. 11Mcvrrs - y- �� R lyy .� L.R.AMP31• �- 11f IE'�NA 4 NEMA 7 GRP.Ca D 4 19-01 CL,II GRP.E,F&G Photograph 38:Well 6:pump 6 information. 38 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 93 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 to kw U) - V - _ x a Q A 4 z O Wcc r N so uw N\ Q/ � JO� aww: Z 01 o z Photograph 39:Well 6:pump 7 information. 39 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 94 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 n-tcaRa I L 11 a' Photograph 40:Well 6:flow meter. I y MCCROMM - . f.-J SHORT Pt IQH Photograph 41:Well 6:flow meter read out. 40 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 95 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 42:Well 6:pump 6 and 7 flow meters. 41 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 96 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 t �t Photograph 43:Well 6:air relief valve.No screen.Also down stream of check valves. 42 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 97 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 MAN r ti Photograph 44:Well 6:piping manifold out to distribution. Photograph 45:Well 6:pipe 6 check valve downstream of pump to waste. 43 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 98 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r Photograph 46:Well 6:pump 7 piping check valve downstream of pump to waste. Y 1`. f r Photograph 47:Well 6:piping manifold isolation valve out to distribution. 44 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 99 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 a . w 1 ' , q Photograph 48:Well 6:pump 6 piping pump to waste.With second check valve downstream of isolation valve. it F j„4 Ir Photograph 49:Well 6:pump to waste piping. 45 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 100 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r Photograph 50:Well 4:sand separator. 46 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 101 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i n� ' 1 • � i Photograph 51:Well 4:wellhead,air/vac relief valve and check valve. 47 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 102 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 NEk A Premium TM O 487340 IAL FEATURES BSJ]059 0 R Photograph 52:Well 4:pump info. 48 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 103 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 01 a • Photograph 53:Well 4:well head.Note well vent is capped.Operator uses vent to measure well levels. 49 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 104 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 J T, � 1 Photograph 54:Well 4:view of well vent capped and pre-lube line. 50 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 105 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 O� �4 K 1 ;f t Photograph 55:Well 4:air relief valve and check valve. 51 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 106 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 P 1. Photograph 56:Well 4:unknown%-inch line coming off piping. 52 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 107 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i i b Photograph 57:Well 4:flow meter and chlorine injection point. 53 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 108 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 58:Well 4:view of air/vac relief valve discharge with vent. i r n Photograph 59:Well 4:piping out to distribution. 54 D- Page •• . Tuesday, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. '� r r � I i ya►f- , -, ,,.• ; c •r1 tom° 1. I - � .I� 1 rl � -�f� r'1 � • r - -� r, �Sfl�r• Ltd- �, r�•V� ' `' '. �:.; -i !�rs'��;,;t ray• 9��'�j'��I`•'j I�- I►�i-�7"l;T' • ��f+��YF 'gyp$� / s Photograph .1 abandoned pipe FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 110 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r IIII 1 ;E r 1 11 Photograph 61:Well 4:air relief valve discharge with screen. 56 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 111 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 f 0 s D r Cn w o O t n r Photograph 62:Well 4:flow meter. 57 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 112 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 ,e )N Photograph 63:Well 4:flow meter and chlorine injection ine. 58 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 113 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 64:Well 4:piping manifold with well 2 to distribution and pressure gauge. 59 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 114 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 • �`3. I i i I, 1 L ChO h / a Photograph 65:Well 2:view of chlorinator,piping,and defunct hydropneumatic tank. 60 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 115 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 t 40 yin MEiRIL 90 80 '. OpsiO 100 Photograph 66:Well 2:pressure gauge. 61 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 116 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 67:Well 2:threaded sample tap with AVB. 62 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 117 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 chlor — l LCG-121 chlor s A r Photograph 68:Well 2:chlorinator. Photograph 69:Well 2:pressure gage,sample tap,and prelube line for well 4. 63 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 118 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 1_ I. �C Photograph 70:Well 2:defunct hydrotank piping to distribution. 64 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 119 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 l Photograph 71:Well 2:drain and piping to distribution. l i Photograph 72:Well 2:drain and piping to distribution. 65 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 120 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r U Photograph 73:Well 2:drain and piping to distribution. Photograph 74:Well 2:view of air/vac relief valve and piping to waste in background.Hydrotank piping in foreground. 66 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 121 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 • _ w M �M 11 J Photograph 75:Well 2:hydrotank chlorine injection. 67 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 122 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 � 1 I T 1 L WELL 7 WELL 6 M s l� e Photograph 76:Well 6 pump 6&7 control panels. 68 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 123 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 `1 00 r T, Photograph 77:Well 2:well head,with air relief valve,control valve,pressure gauge,and other piping. 69 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 124 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i • I r ` a AV 9�t� K a v v Photograph 78:Well 2:piping view two. 70 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 125 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 79:Well 2:view of well head and vertical turbine pump. 71 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 126 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 rt :r Photograph 80:Well 2:well casing.Note the area where a well vent previously was located is now open,creating a direct conduit for contamination. 72 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 127 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r { r r i i . 4 Photograph 81:Well 2:presumably a prelube line. 73 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 128 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 h 9. s Photograph 82:Well 2:pump info. 74 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 129 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 1F ' F n Photograph 83:Well 2:well tag. 75 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 130 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 `r' NP- _ I \ Photograph 84:Well 2:piping view 3.Note,tht— elief valve has no screen. 76 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 131 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 w r 4 i i Photograph 85:Well 2:piping toward well 4. 77 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 132 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 I ' Photograph 86:Well 2:piping toward well 4 and a view of the defunct hydro tank to the left. 78 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 133 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r Photograph 87:Well 2:defunct hydrotank drain with sample tap. 79 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 134 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 ar • I R* r ri,otograph 88:Well 2:control panel. 80 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 135 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 5 r f 4 Photograph 89:Well 2:defunct hydrotank air/vac relief valve.Note the site glass indicates the tank is completely water logged. 81 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 136 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 y Photograph 90:Well 2:pump to waste nearest right with control valve and air relief valve. 82 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 137 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 —utograph 91:Well 2:water feed to chlorinator located on the left of distribution piping. Includes small filter with pressure gauge. 83 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 138 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 • i ti - a �F .1. Photograph 92:Well 2:piping to pump to waste. 84 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 139 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 irto'�iAfd�"s'ry son soo ..�0 Ovk5 PER 4, soo 3 300 F i00 ® 1100 I 00 1200 H1P Photograph 93:Well 2:flow meter. 85 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 140 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 I � i I �I 1 a L Photograph 94:Well 2 and 4:pump to waste piping.This room contains numerous chemical and petroleum containers,along with auto mechanic tools which indicates dual use as a garage. 86 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 141 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 • i a J • r�s r- 1 Photograph 95:Well 4:pump to waste pipi,%. 87 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 142 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r r r : Photograph 96:Well 2:pump to waste control valve. Photograph 97:well 4:well tag. 88 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 143 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i r a, +I Photograph 98:Well 2&4 well house. 89 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 144 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 3, e Photograph 99:Well 2:chlorine tank.Same as Well 1.Swimming pool grade,not NSF. 90 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 145 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 h•Ienlm�pq�yYil id FIRST AIO y"kft �WUYM m yx�nmirg IF IN EYES USE �dKNM•wO1F.htlk Oegoe9 pNdpe IFINNALEO IF ON SIGN Ig11Yp��N4Y YppIiOgOeEo.YNeYdJ ON CLOTHING ��tiYSO�i'ppM�PmY'I6 NCi FSWALLLTYID .. 1 eb ramieT. SIrol xuMB(° -=.On,~.eA """mrmneri+. 'm IpFue, �»q'^•aromalm�roeaerlcu "m'"'�,.,..s�n.nu.m�.,.�n in OL 111YF1I��. ��F&�460(l'R.I i'''�`ar.•r.I�romis�.sv�nn d�qa��' nr w.n..ow..."ti%M^^`y��M•^dM r �`��1► 'rv�.es®m�.rdn.nvwdm��la� tA/ ni`��•�wmn moo n.ao�newnn�muatl`^'^� Photograph 100:Well 2:chlorine data.Swimming pool grade. 91 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 146 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 101:Well 6:well tag. Photograph 102:Well 6,4,and 2 well lot. 92 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 147 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 EVANS G INS Photograph 103:Well 8:view of well house. -ter 4 Photograph 104:Well 8:well tag. 93 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 148 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 TALOG MODELM S:)gIL LOWED ENOBRG ENO BHG FR S ! TYPE HI, ENCL PH 'J MAX , 1JI11 IN ! !rI CLASS :J DUTY l WT BAL HP I RPM SF H2 ,r VOLTS Lax19 NEMANON AMPS I;' CODE DES SF AMPS PF GUAR TEED ICIENC OILCAPACM ErGML OTS. ENoeR� OTS. out N �����yy w IF L U.S.ELECTRICAL MOTORS r,:i ON OF ELERSON ELECTRIC CO /22703-M ST LOLAS.MO ■YYIIt•� Photograph 105:Well 8:pump info. • e as A - r. • .. aA Photograph 106:Well 8:pump info. 94 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 149 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r Photograph 107:Well 8:well head with pre-lube line. 95 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 150 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 108:Well 8:vent is capped and not turned down. 96 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 151 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 I 1 r Photograph 109:Well 8:from foreground—sample tap,flow meter,chemical injection line,air relief valve.New chlorinator skid to the right. 97 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 152 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 400 ` a f hip 14 1 i Photograph 110:Well 8:view of water drawing to chlorinator with attached pressure guage, then chemical injection,then air relief valve.Pipe splits to pump to waste line on left upstream of in-line distribution check valve. 98 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 153 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 111:Well 8:chlorine injection. l Photograph 112:Well 8:air relief valve with sample tap upstream of check valve.No screen on valve. 99 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 154 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 113:Well 8:pump to waste on top,in-line distribution below. J Photograph 114:Well 8:pump to waste and distribution piping. 100 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 155 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 115:Well 8:well house. Ys� }mot a `fix - .Q.� A VI , Photograph 116:Well 8:pump to waste discharge completely submerged in canal located near N 315t E and E.Lincoln Rd. 101 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 156 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 1 s - e n-: Photograph 117:Well 9:well house. 102 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 157 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r r r I r i Photograph 118:Well 9:well head.Vent turned down with screen. 103 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 158 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Inverter ` `r Suitable - VT & 4:1CT ` GTALOGs• ' - _ TYPE_ _ Eli - WT HP. RPM _ -----. - VOLTS AMPS - - OIL CAPACITY tio`�nc - Ol. y - OL 2 �1 INVERTER DUTY aMvs L _ TORQUE HZ RANGE MAC(RPM V 1171 1: 1 R-FT SF 1. INV.TYPE -1ERSON MOTOR Low NV w rJ, 111111 •, EMER°. S•LOUIS 1.n Photograph 119:Well 9:pump info. 104 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 159 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 1i ,F Photograph 120:Well 9:generator. 105 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 160 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 121:Well 9:well tag. 106 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 161 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 �f Iwo �Z- 1 r Photograph 122:Well 9:well head with air relief valve,vent,and check valve. 107 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 162 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 ar, Ali i Photograph 123:Well 9:pre-lube line. Photograph 124:Well 9:sample tap and water line to chlorinator. 108 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 163 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 125:Well 9:chlorinator. 109 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 164 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 126:Well 9:chlorine injection. ii r Photograph 127:Well 9:flow meter. 110 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 165 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r Photograph 128:Well 9:pressure gauge. Photograph 129:Well 9:sample tap and isolation valve to distribution. 111 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 166 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 w 300 400 Gr �'60 20 80 600 10 e 90 psi R T T 4100 E ll Photograph 130:Well 9:pressure gauge. c 0 ` O Photograph 131:Well 9:VFD control panel. 112 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 167 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 �5 y.,nr. aM 1 T . Photograph 132:Well 9:flow meter read out. Photograph 133:Well 9:pump to waste. 113 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 168 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 G lt_ Photograph 134:Well 9:back lot facing pump to waste. f TOOL Photograph 135:Well 9:generator vent. 114 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 169 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 F— - I Photograph 136:Well 9:generator fuel tank. J UL LISTED 00 i'Rf 111:C"I'EU SF,CONDARY AM ITMAIINN LIQUIDS LE B TAHDb'EGROI'�\D I:I"'I II: FLAMMABLE UI.'-055 NO. IHI GATE:'. MODFI.. CAMCM THIS TANK REQLIRC"S ENIERCiENCY RFLIEF\'L.N I 1\(;NOT LESS THAN: 1 t1BICFEETPERHDUR. PRI'.1,1R1'TANKIANDNOT LLSS TH\.N I BIC FEET PER HOUR I ti1,CONDARY/ANNUILAR SPACE) n:\LLISTIC AND IMPACE RESISTANT THIS TANK SHALT HE INYF.'STIGAMTO.DETERMINE ACCEPTABILITY FOR USE WIER FIRE EICPOSURE OR .PHYSICAL DAMAGE. ISUSE PRESSURIYE_P F;". 8SSURE TESTING ANNULAR SPACE. THISTANKt$ 'FOR' 1'IONARY INSTALLATION ONLY S'I FOtt.O`GV UWALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ISTANKLNTENDED.EQ,�t,N, P�u�INACCORDANCE WRH NFPA 30.NFPA �T Photograph 137:Well 9:fuel tank info. 115 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 170 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 iLs a Photograph 138:Well 5:pump to waste.No screen. r '/ Photograph 139:Well 5:pump info. 116 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 171 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Now _ s r ; Photograph 140:Well 5:well tag. 117 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 172 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 R 1 i Photograph 141:Well 5:well head.Note excess leaking and flooding around well head. 118 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 173 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 >C Photograph 142:Well 5:well vent is opened up and not vented. IF W 21 0 Ip 6U' J 0 P0' 0 _ la C Photograph 143:Well 5:pressure gauge. 119 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 174 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 q +7 Photograph 144:Well 5:piping with sample tap. c. I I Photograph 145:Well 5:chlorinator in foreground and sand separator in background. 120 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 175 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 9 I Photograph 146:Well 5:sand separator with chlorinator and swimming pool chlorine buckets to the right. 121 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 176 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 'M1 �I I1 I I Vk- Photograph 147:Well 5:sand separator with control valve on bottom. 122 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 177 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 148:Well 5:air relief valve on top of sand separator with vent hose feeding into stand pipe. 7 i Photograph 149:Well 5:sand separator blow off valve. 123 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 178 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 l Photograph 150:Well 5:chlorine water feed and chemical injection lines with pressure gauge and check valve. s� Photograph 151:Well 5:pressure gauge. 124 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 179 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 \I � pncl Photograph 152:Well 5:flow meter. Z s r Photograph 153:Well 5:distribution piping with isolation valve to the left.Unknown piping with control valve to the left. 125 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 180 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 _1 _f v K Photograph 154:Well 5:view 2 of distribution piping and unknown control valve. 126 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 181 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 t r _ y Photograph 155:Well 5:decommissioned generator and fuel tank. Li INN Photograph 156:Well 5:decommissioned generator and fuel tank. 127 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 182 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 1 h eyy ''4r; i. O - h la ry'L Photograph 157:Well 10:pump to waste. 128 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 183 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 j 1 I t 4 t. Photograph 158:Well 10:well house. 129 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 184 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 159:Well 10:well house. N a + Photograph 160:Well 10:generator. 130 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 185 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4 1 Photograph 161:Well 10:view of well head and piping. 131 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 186 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 I I I I Photograph 162:Well 10:well head. 132 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 187 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 rI i� INW- NP249A5564P009 NP249A5564P009 Photograph 163:Well 10:pump info. 133 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 188 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 ,I Photograph 164:Well 10:note leaking around well head.Vent cap also plugged and not routed down. 134 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 189 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 4 d Photograph 165:Well 10:air relief valve with not vent.Sample tap. i Photograph 166:Well 10:pump to waste just upstream of in-line check valve.Piping up to sand separator. 135 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 190 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 ,i �.r Photograph 167:Well 10:pump to waste discharge pipe. 136 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 191 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Vw l .. �r Photograph 168:Well 10:check valve. II � 1 Photograph 169:Well 10:check valve and piping to distribution. 137 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 192 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r Photograph 170:Well 10:piping. 138 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 193 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r I i �I t 4. Photograph 171:Well 10:water drawn to chlorinator. 139 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 194 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 9 i s ✓ t k ff Photograph 172:Well 10:pressure gauge and flow meter. boom tln Photograph 173:Well 10:chlorinator and chlorine injection. 140 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 195 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 - m . 4 r !r Photograph 174:Well 10:isolation valve to distribution. 4# a w Photograph 175:Well 10:chlorinator. 141 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 196 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 i I I d Photograph 176:Well 10:piping. 142 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 197 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 A MIT m Photograph 177:Well 10:control panel. 143 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 198 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 I Photograph 178:Well 10:flow meter read out. 144 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 199 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 r0e00030"'l Msd-I e.E12-p309 Serisl°;.UN2p12059 Meter M- } pvE NEMET�e a2^A` m e5W STETSON hllD ll�ynCGfolnclCf: 19S11 fi526e17_ j 'W SUPPLY io-240V VA AC 2S 111 < / Max.PowHa 44J66 HZ T 60°C IP 67 COUPLING ITEM CE Photograph 179:Well 10:flow meter read out. 145 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 200 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Falls Water Company Inc. Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Photograph 180:Well 10:well tag. 011 r — 1 Photograph 181:Well 10:generator. 146 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 201 of 243 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 900 N.Skyline Dr.,Suitc I; farad Littic,Governor Idaho Falls.ID.83402 Jess Byrne.Director November 24, 2021 Scott Bruce Falls Water Company Inc. 2180 Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 scottl@fallswater.com Subject: Morning View Water Company Sanitary Survey conducted on November 8, 2021 PWS #ID7260063 Dear Scott Bruce, A sanitary survey was recently conducted for Morning View Water Company. We appreciate you and Tony's help and cooperation in scheduling and performing this survey. Sanitary surveys are safety and security measures typically performed every S years. Their purpose is to identify areas where the systern does not meet the requirements of the State of Idaho Drinking Water rules and Regulations and identify potential sources of contamination. Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the sanitary survey report and photos for your records. There were no significant deficiencies identified during the inspection, therefore there is no need for the water system respond to this report in writing. There were several Deficiencies and Recommendations noted during the inspection. Deficiencies are items that do not meet current state requirements. Currently, you are not required to address all these iterns, but in the event that material modifications are made to your system, you will be required to meet current standards. In the report, deficiencies are highlighted in orange. Recommendations (highlighted in yellow) are not deemed as an eminent health threat, but are helpful suggestions to consider for enhancing overall operation of the system. At the time of inspection, the pump for Well 42 was removed. The operator indicated Well 42 had been experiencing electrical problems and that a new pump and wiring would be installed in the next couple based on arrival of parts. Be advised that modifications to your public water system may require the assistance of an Idaho licensed professional engineer and require DEQ review and approval prior to making water system modifications or installing or removing components. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 202 of 243 DEQ appreciates your commitment to providing a safe and reliable supply of drinking water to your users. Thank you for your help in completing the sanitary survey. Contact me at the Idaho Falls Regional Office at (208)-528-2650 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 9 y' - Nick Nielsen Drinking Water Analyst Enclosures (3):Sanitary survey report, Well logs, Photos c: Greg Eager, Regional Engineering Manager, DEQ-IF Carlin Feisthamel, Senior Water Quality Engineer, DEQ-IF Tony Wise, Operator, Falls Water, mrwater@fallswater.com I FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 203 of 243 Sanitary Survey Report November 24, 2021 ID7260063 Morning View Water Company RE: Sanitary survey conducted on November 8, 2021 System Overview: The Morning View Water Company public water system is classified as a very small community water system that serves more than twenty-five (25) year-round residents (see classification worksheet and update as necessary from the Switchboard). This water system consists of three groundwater sources served by variable frequency drive pumps that provide water to the distribution system. The distribution system consists of 128 metered connections. The system is owned by Northwest Natural Water LLC and operated by a local subsidiary: Falls Water Company. The Morning View water system serves roughly 440 people. There have no been no water pressure issues reported since the recent acquisition of the system by Falls Water. Additionally, there have been no water quality issues to speak of. Well #1 and Well #2 are together designated as a wellfield and are associated with a common wellhouse on 200 N south of Rigby. In 2014, Well 43 and its associate house and appurtenances were brought online. This well is located on 178 N. Well 43 currently operates as the system's primary well and is also served by an 80kW auxiliary power generator in the event of power outages. Each of the 3 wells are served by variable frequency drive pumps. DEQ has well logs on file for all 3 wells. The system is served by .3 pressure tanks: 2 at the wellfield location, and 1 at the Well #3 location. They appear to be in good condition and properly maintained, There is no water storage and no treatment associated with this systern. Plan of Action A list of findings for your systern has been summarized below. In order to address all significant deficiencies,follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4. Step 1: Within 30 days of receiving this notification,submit to me in writing a corrective action plan including planned completion dates for each identified significant deficiency. Step 2: Complete the planned action(s) by the "Planned Completion Date(s)". FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 204 of 243 Step 3: After completing each planned action,enter an "Actual Completion Date", your initials, and write the"Corrective action taken". Step 4: Sign your name at the bottom certifying that each corrective action has been corrected by the planned completion date and that your public water system has completed the sanitary survey response requirements pursuant to IDAPA 58.01.08.Send me a copy of the signed paperwork. Significant Deficiencies A significant deficiency as identified during a sanitary survey, is any defect in a system's design, operation, maintenance,or administration, as well as any failure or malfunction of any system component,that the Department or its agent determines to cause,or have the potential to cause, risk to health or safety,or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water(IDAPA Failure to address significant deficiencies constitutes a violation of IDAPA or Significant deficiencies may reference IDAPA design standard requirements. IDAPA rule citations for sections 500-549 are primarily requirements during the design or modification stage of a new system or component, and may not be enforceable as part of a sanitary survey.These have been listed to provide reference of what current standards would apply if that particular component were designed, modified, or constructed today. Corrective actions that include material modifications must be approved by the Department. No Significant Deficiencies identified. Steps 1-4 above not required. Deficiencies As identified during a sanitary survey, any defect in a system's design, operation, maintenance, or administration, as well as any failure or malfunction of any system component, that the Department or its agent determines are not in compliance with the drinking water rules and are not expected to cause a direct risk to health or safety, or are not expected to directly affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water. Well Source 412. The pump to waste discharge line for Well ##1 & 2 (wellfield) does not provide the necessary approved non-corrodible screen. (IDAPA During the inspection, the operator indicated past issues with screens blowing off under pressure when pumping to waste. DEQ would allow alternative measures in this case that would accomplish the some tasks such as a flapper-valve or similar. 3 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 205 of 243 Distribution: #18. The PWS owner/operator has not implemented a cross connection control program that includes the minimum requirements (IDAPA A cross connection control program needs to be developed and/or implemented. Cross connections are significant sanitary risks that threaten drinking water quality and public health. Successful control of cross connection hazards depends not only on inspecting for cross connections, but also on an enforceable and implemented cross connection control program. Pumping: #2. Pump #2 is not in good repair: currently out of service. New pump and wiring is expected to be installed in the next few weeks. Excessive noise, vibration, heat, smell, oil leaks, and excessive leaking of water from the pump are indicators that immediate maintenance is required to prevent pump failure, which could lead to system depressurization, and lack of water supply. Leaking water can produce moisture around the motor, unsafe conditions in the pump house. Recommendations Hydropneumatic Tanks: 41. A VFD pump produces steady pressure and can cause stagnation in a hydropneumatic tank. Stagnant water (aged water) is a major factor in water quality deterioration within a distribution system. The Department recommends all hydropneumatic tanks associated with a VFD be isolated and drained twice a year to remove stagnant water. Distribution: 48. A water loss control program should be put in place and utilized. More than 15%water loss is an indication of either inaccurate meters or excessive leakage. Inaccurate meters result in lost revenue and leaks are potential points for entry of contaminated groundwater. The following is a link to an EPA resource for developing a water loss control program: https://www.ePa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-04/documents/epa816f13002.pdf. #10. A water efficiency program should be implemented. Improvements in water efficiency in the distribution system begin with metering, water audits, and water loss control programs. The following is a link to an EPA resource for developing a water efficiency program: https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZVPDF.cgi/P100MEV6.PDF?Dockey=P100MEV6.PDF. a FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 206 of 243 State of Idaho Public Water System Sanitary Survey Survey Date PWS# WATER SYSTEM INVENTORY INFORMATION 1 v8/2021 (rnrn7dd/yyyy) F ID7260063 Name of Public Water System-_ #Groundwater Sources 3 #Storage Facilities 0 Morning View Water Company-Falls Water #Surface Water Sources 0 Total Storage(gal): na Date of Last Survey: Health District/DEQ Region: Physical Location(Township, Range, Section)_ County 8/21/2015 IFRO T 4N, R 39E,S 30 Jefferson #_Service Connections: Population: Owner Type, Legal Entity: Status IJ Approved 128 440 Private ]Company ❑ Disapproved Water System Type_ System Classification. ❑ N/A Seasonal Systems: 0 N/A Water Purchased From: L N/A ❑Community Distribution VSWS (Scheduled operating dates) PWS# ❑ Nontransient Noncommunity Treatment NA Date Open Name ❑Transient Noncommunity-NC Date Closed Water Sold To: N/A Responsible Charge Operator(DO): ❑ No DO Properly Licensed? U N/A PWS# (Identify operator for GW-NC) Yes ❑No Name ❑ Mr. ❑ Ms. Tony Wise License Type/Number DWD3-21515 Mailing Address 2180 Deborah Dr License Type/Number 7/22/2022 Others Present During Inspection City, State,Zip: Ammon, ID,83401 Expiration Date Name, Tony Wise Phone Number 208-521-9240 Emergency Phone Title. Operator E-mail mrwater(cNallswater.com Name. Substitute Responsible Charge Operator(OP): Properly Licensed? N/A Title ❑No OP ❑ N/A-DO available 24/7 ❑N/A-GW/NC E Yes ❑No Name. i ❑✓ Mr. ❑ Ms. Matt Wise License Type/Number DWDl-21837 Title Mailing Address: 2180 Deborah Dr License Type/Number Name City, State,Zip: Ammon, ID,83401 Expiration Date: 6/10/2022 Title Phone Number 208.522-1300 Emergency Phone Name E-mail Title. Legal Owner: Surrey conducted by: ❑ Mr. ❑ Ms. Falls Water Company 2 IDEQ ❑ Health Dept. Mailing Address: 2180 Deborah Dr Name: Nick Nielsen City, State,Zip Ammon, ID,83401 Title. Drinking Water Compliance Officer Phone Number: 208-522-1300 Emergency Phone: Phone (208)528-2650 E-mail Email nick.nielsen(EDdeg.idaho.gov yes no n/a unk note General Information Sanitary Survey Index ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 Have material modifications been made to the PWS since the last survey? Modules used. # ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ 2 If yes,were plans and specs submitted to and approved by DEQ? = General Information 1 ❑ El ❑ 3 Were samples taken during the survey by the inspector? E]Well Source 3 (If yes, indicate what samples were collected rr1 comments below) ❑Spring Source ❑Storage Notes: Hydropneumatic Tanks 1 ❑� Distribution 1 Pumping 1 Q Financial -Managerial 1 ❑Treatment Application ❑ Disinfection ❑Gas C12 ❑Notes Color Key Significant Deficiency ❑� Photo Log 1 Deficiency Total Modules 9 77 Recommendations/Info Gathering/Notification Page 1 of 9 IDEO-Sanitary Survey- 1/1120 General Information FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 207 of 243 WELL SOURCE Survey Date PWS# A separate form must be completed for each well associated to the PWS 11/8/2021 (rnm/dd/yyyy) ID7260063 Tag# S ou #1 rce Name: Associated with: )N/A Is this Well Source Treated? E0006771 wellfielci w/source Well#2 ElYes L�] No ❑ Manifold wlsource Treatment Processes: ❑N/A Physical Location: (Explain(he Treatment Train in Notes) South side of road on 200 N. Located inside the fenced well lot at the well house. Source Activity Status. (choice One) Source Availability: (choice One) Active ❑ Inactive ❑ Proposed ❑ Permanent ❑Seasonal ❑Interim ❑ Emergency ❑Other Latitude(Decimal) 43.655066 Verified as accurate Longitude(Decimal) -11 1.910979 Verified as accurate Is there a well log for the source? ❑Yes ❑ No ❑Unk EDMS#: 2021ACA7045 P.eodingc at the time of inspection: Ic this source eeaconal? Yes -J No Pump Capacity(GPM) No scada ❑✓ Unk Start-up(MM/DD) Stater.Watpr nepth(FT) Nn srada ❑Unk Shut Down(MM/DD) Yes no n/a unk rote WELL INFORMATION Notes: 1 Are surrounding land uses creating health hazards or increasing the (Please indicate question number) ❑Significant ❑Deficiency I potential for source contamination?(Setbacks not met,dumping, etc) L lJ Ll L 2 Are toxic or hazardous chemicals stored on the well lot? (pesticides,paint,herbicides, fertilizers,petroleum,etc.) ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 3 Are pesticides, herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot without approval? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 4. If the well is in a pit,is the pit protected from flooding and contamination? (watertight walls and floor, floor drain,acceptable pit cover,etc.) �] ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Is the well(not located in a pump house) protected from unauthorized access? (Locking cap, fenced, etc.) (Recommended) n ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Is the well protected from flooding? (casing height>highest flood level, >16"outdoor, >12"indoor,etc.) 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Is the well properly vented? (24 mesh screen,open downward>18"outdoor or>12"indoor, etc.) P] ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 Does the well casing and cap prevent contamination and surface water entry' ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 Is a raw water smooth nosed sample tap provided on the discharge pipe? (Prior to any treatment) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ to Is a working flow meter provided? 56701564 gallons (Instant, totaling, nonvolatile memory.installed on discharge pipe, etc.) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ I I Is a working pressure gauge provided? 57 psi. (Instant,installed on discharge pipe,etc.) ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 12 Is an adequate pump-to-waste provided? 12. Pump to waste is adequate, (Capacity of the well,air gap,prior to the first service connection,etc.) however the open discharge end yes no n/a unk note PUMP HOUSE(Only pump houses that contain a Groundwater Source) is required to be screened ❑ E ❑ ❑ 13. Is the well enclosed in a pump house? (IDAPA 1,02).See ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 14, Is the pump house protected from contamination?(Clean,in good repair,etc.) photo 5. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15, Is the pump house protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked,durable construction,etc.) ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 16. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ IT Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps installed in the pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 18 Are there signs of equipment damage due to excess heat,moisture,or corrosion? (Inadequate ventilation) ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 19 Is there a history of pump house equipment freezing? (Inadequate heating) ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 20 is the pump house protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Floor drain,ground surface graded to lead surface water away.etc.) ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 21 Does the configuration of the floor drain or sump cause a contamination risk? (connected to other drainage systems, sump<30'from well,etc.) Page 2 Of 9 IDEQ-Sanitary Survey-111120 Well Source FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 208 of 243 WELL SOURCE Survey Date PWS# A separate form must be completed for each well associated to the PWS 11/8/2021 (mm/dd/yyyy) ID7260063 Tag#. Source Name: Associated with ❑ N/A Is this Well Source Treated? E0006772 Well#2 U Wellfield w/source: Well#1 ❑Yes ❑' No ❑ Manifold w/source. Treatment Processes: ❑ N/A Physical Location: (Explain the Treatment Train in Notes) Near Well#1 off 200 N. Approximately 200 ft WNW of Well#1 Source Activity Status (Choice One) Source Availability: (Choice One) ❑� Active ❑ Inactive ❑ Proposed ❑� Permanent ❑Seasonal ❑ Interim ❑ Emergency ❑Other Latitude(Decimal) 43.65518 l Verified as accurate Longitude(Decimal) -11 1.911345 Verified as accurate Is there a well log for the source? [] Yes ❑ No ❑ Unk EDMS#:2021ACA7046 Readings at the time of inspection: Is this source seasonal? El Yes 0, No Pump Capacity(GPM). No scada Unk Start-up(MM/DD) Static Water Depth(FT) No scada �_]Unk Shut Down(MM/DD) yes no nia unk note WELL INFORMATION Notes: 1 Are surrounding land uses creating health hazards or increasing the (Please indicate question number) ❑Significant ❑Deficiency potential for source contamination?(Setbacks not met,dumping, etc) 2 Are toxic or hazardous chemicals stored on the well lot? (pesticides,paint,herbicides,fertilizers.petroleum,etc.) ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 3. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot without approval? ❑ ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ 4 If the well is in a pit,is the pit protected from flooding and contamination? (watertight walls and floor,floor drain,acceptable pit cover,etc-) 7 ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 Is the well(not located in a pump house) protected from unauthorized access? (Locking cap, fenced,etc) (Recommended) 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 Is the well protected from flooding? (casing height>highest flood level, >18"outdoor, >12"indoor,etc.) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Is the well properly vented? (24 mesh screen,open downward>18"outdoor or>12"indoor,etc.) ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Does the well casing and cap prevent contamination and surface water entry? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Is a raw water smooth nosed sample tap provided on the discharge pipe? (Prior to any treatment) Q ❑ ❑ ❑ to- Is a working flow meter provided? 56701564 gallons (Instant, totaling,nonvolatile memory,installed on discharge pipe. etc) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 11, Is a working pressure gauge provided? 57 psi (instant,installed on discharge pipe,etc-) ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 12 Is an adequate pump-to-waste provided? 12. Pump to waste is adequate, (Capacity of the well,air gap,prior to the first service connection,etc.) however the open discharge end yes no nta unk note PUMP HOUSE(Only pump houses that contain a Groundwater Source) is required to be screened ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 13 Is the well enclosed in a pump house? (IDAPA See ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 14 Is the pump house protected from contamination?(Clean.in good repair,etc.) photo 5. ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 15 Is the pump house protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked, durable construction.etc) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16 Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 17 Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps installed in the pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 18 Are there signs of equipment damage due to excess heat,moisture,or corrosion? (Inadequate ventilation) ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 19 Is there a history of pump house equipment freezing? (Inadequate heating) ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 20 Is the pump house protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Floor drain,ground surface graded to lead surface water away,etc) ❑ ❑ [A ❑ ❑ 21, Does the configuration of the floor drain or sump cause a contamination risk? (connected to other drainage systems,sump<30'from well,etc.) Page 3 Of 9 IDEO-Sanitary Survey- 111120 Well Source FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 209 of 243 WELL SOURCE Survey Date PWS# A separate form must be completed for each well associated to the PWS 11/8/2021 (mm/dd/yyyy) ID7260063 Tag#: Source Name: Associated with: ❑ N/A Is this Well Source Treated? D0062972 Well#3 ❑Wellfield w/source ❑Yes M No ( ] Manifold w/source Treatment Processes: ❑ N/A Physical Location: (Explain the Treatment Train,n Notes) Next to the well house and inside the fence at the west end of 178 N. Source Activity Status (Choice One) Source Availability. (Choice one) [ [Active ❑ Inactive [-] Proposed [2) Permanent ❑seasonal ❑ Interim ❑Emergency [_[Other Latitude(Decimal) 43.652388 ] verified as accurate Longitude(Decimal) -111.919665 17 Verified as accurate Is there a well log for the source? Yes ❑No ❑ Unk EDMS#:2021ACA7047 Readings at the timc of incpcction: Is this sourcc s asonal? Yes FT INo Pump Capacity(GPM). No scada Unk Start-up(MM/DD) Static Watpr npnth(FT) Nn gcarla I✓1 Unk I Sh.d nnwn IMnnmrn Yes no n/a unk note WELL INFORMATION Notes: 1 Are surrounding land uses creating health hazards or increasing the (Please indicate question number) potential for source contamination?(Setbacks not met.dumping, etc El significant ❑Deficiency J U I LJ LL 2 Are toxic or hazardous chemicals stored on the well lot? (pesticides,paint,herbicides, fertilizers.petroleum, etc.) ❑ [A ❑ ❑ 3 Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot without approval? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 4 If the well is in a pit,is the pit protected from flooding and contamination? (watertight walls and floor, floor drain. acceptable pit cover.etc.) ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 Is the well(not located in a pump house) protected from unauthorized access? (Locking cap, fenced,etc.) (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Is the well protected from flooding? �� (casing height>highest flood level, >18"outdoor, >12"indoor,etc.) u tt ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Is the well properly vented? (24 mesh screen,open downward>18"outdoor or>12"indoor, etc.) ❑' ❑ ❑ ❑ 8- Does the well casing and cap prevent contamination and surface water entry? ❑- ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 Is a raw water smooth nosed sample tap provided on the discharge pipe? (Prior to any treatment) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 Is a working flow meter provided? 270533285 gallons (Instant, totaling,nonvolatile memory,installed on discharge pipe, etc.) [] ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Is a working pressure gauge provided? ipsi (Instant,installed on discharge pipe,etc.) 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Is an adequate pump-to-waste provided? (Capacity of the well,air gap,prior to the first service connection,etc.) Yes no nla unk note PUMP HOUSE(Only pump houses that contain a Groundwater Source) ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 13 Is the well enclosed in a pump house? ❑ ❑ 1Z ❑ ❑ 14 Is the pump house protected from contamination?(Clean,in good repair, etc) ❑ ❑ ❑. ❑ ❑ 15 Is the pump house protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked,durable construction,etc.) ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 16 Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 17 Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps installed in the pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ 18 Are there signs of equipment damage due to excess heat,moisture,or corrosion? (Inadequate ventilation) ❑ ❑ ❑.r ❑ ❑ 19 Is there a history of pump house equipment freezing? (Inadequate heating) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 20 Is the pump house protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Floor drain,ground surface graded to lead surface water away,etc.) ❑ ❑ ❑.r ❑ ❑ 21. Does the configuration of the floor drain or sump cause a contamination nsk? (connected to other drainage systems,sump<30'from well,etc.) Page 4 Of 9 IDEQ-Sanitary Survey-111120 Well Source FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 210 of 243 HYDROPNEUMATIC TANKS Survey Date PWS# One form for all Hydropneumatic Tanks. 11/8/2021 (mm/dd/yyyy) ID7260063 Tank ID#: Physical Location Brand. Model: Bladder:(yes/no) Size(gal) Installation Date: 1 Wellfield house Well X Trol WX-350 yes 119 est.2014 2 Wellfield house Well X Trol WX-350 yes 119 est. 2014 3 Well#3 house Well X Trol WX-250 yes 44 est.2014 yes no n/a unk note ALL HYDROPNEUMATIC TANKS Notes: ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Is the system served by variable speed pumps(VFDs)? (Recommended) (Please indicate question number) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is the tank(s)in a structure protected from flooding and unauthorized entry? For systems served by VFD pumps, (Locked, watertight walls and floor,floor drain, acceptable cover,etc-) DEQ recommends draining ❑ ❑ El ❑ 3 Can the hydropneumatic tank pressure tanks twice per year to s)be isolated from the system without eliminate potential stagnant water depressurizing the distribution system? which can promote bacteria growth 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 Do the exterior surfaces appear to be in good condition? (Coating intact, no corrosion,etc.) El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Do the tank supports appear to be structurally sound and adequate? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Has the hydropneumatic tank(s)been tested for structural integrity in the past 5 years?(Recommended) yes no nra unk note Bladder Tanks Only Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Has the pre-charge on all bladder tanks been tested in the last year to ensure the air pressure is 5 psi below the low operating pressure for the system?(Recommended) yes no nra unk note Non-bladder Tanks Only ❑ ❑ El ❑ ❑ 8 Is the recharge air protected from contamination? (free of air compressor oil,clean air filter,etc.) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 9. Are installed appurtenances working properly and protected from contamination? (access manhole,drain, water sight glass,means to add air,air blow-off,etc.) Page 5 Of 9 IDEQ-Sanitary Survey-111/20 Hydropneumatic Tanks FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 211 of 243 DISTRIBUTION Survey Date PWS# One form for all distribution systems in the PWS. 1 1/81202 1 (mm/dd/yyyy) ID7260063 Main Line Type of Materials ❑ Unk Main Line Sizes: ❑ Unk #Metered Connections (Select all that apply) ❑Steel ❑ HDPE(black) ❑Asbestos/Cement ❑Copper 4"and 6" 128 out of 128 P] PVC ❑Ductile Iron ❑Gray Iron ❑Galvanized #Fire Hydrants: #Flushing Hydrants. ❑Other: none 6 yes no nla unk note DISTRIBUTION Notes: ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 Is a current map of the distribution system available?(Recommended) (Please indicate question number) (Main sizes,locations of valves and hydrants,etc.) ❑� ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 2 Have public notifications, DEO notifications,and follow-up actions been followed for any planned or unplanned depressurizations in the past year? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 3 Was the pressure observed at a service connection? If yes ipsi. Location: yes no nra unk note Time: ❑A.M. ❑ P.M. ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. Is a minimum system pressure of 20 psi.maintained at all service connections? (Including fire flow-Identify pressure complaints ut the notes) El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Is a minimum system pressure of 40 psi maintained during maximum hourly demand conditions?(PWSs constructed after 71111985-Excluding fire flow) ❑ FYI ❑ ❑ 6.Does pressure exceed 100 psi at any service connection? 7 DEQ recommends exercising ❑ El 7. Are valves inspected and exercised regularly?(Recommended) valves 2 times per year. If yes, how often? Once/year ❑ 2 ❑ ❑ 8. Is there a water loss control program?(Recommended) ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 9. Is the owner/operator aware of any leaking water mains? ❑-I ❑� ❑ ❑ 10 Is there a water efficiency program?(Recommended) u ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11, Are all dead end mains equipped with a means to flush? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Are dead end mains flushed at least semiannually? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 13 Are there any materials used that should not be in contact with drinking water? If yes,explain in comments section (Pipes,sealants,components.etc) ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 14 Does the system experience water main freezing? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 15 Are there any connections that provide supplemental disinfection ono meet the definition of a PWS but are unregulated? (Recommended) (Hospitals, businesses,long-term care facilities,etc.) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16 Are there any unused subsurface water storage tanks that need to be abandoned? (Recommended) ❑ [7 ❑ ❑ 17 Are there any water supply wells that are no longer being used that need to be abandoned? (Recommended) 18 A cross control program needs to be developed in order to inspect and yes no nra unk note Cross Connection Control enforce upon cross connection ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 18 Is an adequate cross connection control program provided and implemented? issues (Community PWS only)(Authority to implement,inspection program,adequate protection, annual testing,ability to discontinue service, 10 days to repair a failed device) U ❑ ❑ ❑ 19, Is the operator trained in cross connection control?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ E ❑ ❑ 20 Are all backflow preventers owned by the PWS tested annually? ❑ n ❑ ❑ 21, Are there any known unprotected cross connections? (Submerged blow-offs,direct connections to storm or sewer drains,connection to unapproved source, uncontrolled fire hydrant use. treatment bypass with raw water,etc.) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 22 Are all non-potable mains,hydrants,and taps easily identified as such? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23 Is the discharge piping on all air valves protected from contamination? (Prevent surface water entry and backflow,open downward, 24 mesh screen,etc.) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 24 Are bulk water stations provided with backflow protection measures? Page 6 Of 9 IDEO-Sanitary Survey- 111120 Distribution FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 212 of 243 PUMPING -PG. 1 Survey Date PWS# One form for all Pumps. 11/8/2021 (nun/dd/yyyy) ID7260063 PUMPS,PUMP HOUSES,AND CONTROLS Low(psi) High (psi) Pump ID# Physical Location: Type of Pump: Horsepower: set point set point Purpose: 1 Well#1 Submersible 30 50 60 Distribution 2 Well#2 Submersible 7 50 60 Distribution 3 Well#3 Submersible 30 50 60 Distribution yes no nla unk note PUMPS Notes: ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 Do pumps cycle<6 times per hour?(Renommended) (Please indicate question number) ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 Are all pumps in good repair?(excessive noise, vibration,heal,odors,leaks, etc) Pump#2 was out of service at the time ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3- Are spare parts readily available for critical pump components? of inspection with electrical issues. New ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 Is each pump equipped with an accessible check valve? pump and cables expected to be installed within 2 weeks, (on the discharge side before the shut-off valve) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Are isolation valves provided on the discharge side of the pump? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Is a working pressure gauge installed on the discharge line? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Is a working flow meter provided? (Required if pump is connected directly to the distribution system) ❑ ❑ 2 ❑ ❑ 8. Is all pump lubrication oil ANSI/NSF 61 approved? ❑ ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ 9 Is an air/vacuum relief valve provided for vertical turbine pump(s)and is it protected from contamination?(Open downward,24 mesh screen,air gap,etc) yes no n/a unk note PUMP HOUSE(Only pump houses that don't contain a Groundwater Source) ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 Is the pump house protected from contamination?(Clean,good repair,etc.) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 Is the pump house protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked,durable construction,etc) Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12 Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps/hose bibs installed in the pump house? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14 Are there signs of excess heat,moisture,or corrosion damage? (Inadequate ventilation) ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15 Are there signs or a history of pump house equipment freezing? (Inadequate heating) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16, Is the pump house protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Drained,ground surface graded to lead surface water away,etc.) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. Does the floor drain discharge>30 feet from any well? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 18 Does an unprotected cross connection exist due to the floor drain connection? (Connected to sewer,storm drains,etc.) Pay; 7 Of 0 IDEQ-Sanitary Survey-111120 Pumping FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 213 of 243 PUMPING - PG. 2 SURVEY DATE PWS# One form for all auxiliary power units 11/8/2021 (mm/dd/yyyy) ID7260063 Auxiliary Power Units(APU) APU ID# Physical Location. Type of APU: Brand Model: Purpose. 1 Outside Wellhouse#3 Natural Gas Kohler 80REZGD Well#3 APU yes no n/a unk note AUXILIARY POWER UNIT(APU) COMMENTS: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 19 Is the APU tested regularly?(Recommended) (Please indicate question number) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20 Is a working automatic power transfer switch provided? yes no n/a unk note Community Systems Only 21 Can the community PWS adequately pressurize the distribution system ❑Significant ❑ Deficiency during a power outage? 22. Does the APU power all essential electrical functions in the pump house and the pumping station(pump,controls, treatment,etc.) and pressurize the system for a minimum of 8 hours? yes no n/a unk note APU on a Well Lot Only ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 21 Is the fuel tank above ground or otherwise accessible for leak inspection? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 24. Is secondary spill containment provided for all fuel tanks? (110%of fuel tank volume) ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 25 Does a certified operator observe filling of the fuel tank? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26 Is the engine exhaust directly discharged to the outside atmosphere? Page 8 Of 9 IDEO-Sanitary Survey-111/20 Pumping FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 214 of 243 FINANCIAL / MANAGERIAL Survey Date PWS# One form for each survey. 111812021 (rnnildd/yyyy) ID7260063 yes no nia unk note FINANCIAL CAPACITY Notes: ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 Is the PWS current with the payment of drinking water fees? (Please indicate question number) n ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 Is the user charged for drinking water? Fee $ Operator is Unaware If no,identify why in the notes. �] ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3 Has an independent financial audit of the PWS been conducted,or has the SMART Financial Tool been completed?(Recommended) yes no n/a unk note MANAGERIAL CAPACITY ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 Does this PWS have a governing body or board of directors? E ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 5 Does the board meet routinely? Frequency ❑ 6 Review the following where applicable (]System Classification Worksheet(C&NTNC) n PWS Inventory Information Sample Schedules Sample History(TCR and Non-TCR)-Past 5 Years Sample Siting Plan(s) RTCR ❑PBCU ❑ DBP ❑POU ❑Chlorine Residual History- Past 5 years ❑N/A 0 Violation History-Past 5 years U Public Notification-ongoing/currently required ❑Compliance Schedules pending and overdue ❑Munlhly OPerdliny Reports(MORs) ❑Cross Connection Control Plan ❑Special RTCR Monitoring Evaluation(CFR 141.854(c)(2)) Current RTCR schedule. ❑ Monthly ❑Quarterly Change frequency to: ❑Monthly ❑Quarterly ❑ No Change yes no n/a unk note RECORDS MANAGEMENT I] ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 Do all sample siting plan(s)meet the minimum requirements? F11u ❑ ❑ ❑ 8 Are samples being taken in accordance with the sample siting plan(s)? �] ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 Are records retained onsite or nearby for the minimum time required? (TC-5yr,chetn/rad-10yr, violation corrective actions-3yr,sanitary surveys-10yr, waiver, variance,or exemption determinations-5yr;PNs issued-3yr; daily free chlorine residuals-1 yr) [] ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 Is there a customer complaint system and ongoing public information program (Recommended) yes no nia unk note MANAGERIAL PLANS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 Is there a recognized organizational structure and management of the PWS? (Recommended) ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Is there an overall operation and maintenance manual for the PWS? (including equipment manuals,as-builts. SOPS,manufacturers'literature,etc) n ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 Does the PWS have an Asset Management Plan?(Recommended) ❑r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14 Does the PWS have an Emergency Response Plan?(Community PWSs>3300) yes no nla unk note OPERATOR SAFETY ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15 Are all operators trained in safety procedures and equipment? ❑ E ❑ ❑ ❑ 16 Does a safety concern exist for personnel and/or visitors? (PPE handrails/guardrails,ladders,non-slip treads,etc.) ❑ P1 ❑ ❑ 17 Is there a potential shock hazard because the electrical wiring appears to be inadequately protected? ❑ ❑ ❑ 18 Are protocols followed for any confined space entry?(Recommended) Page 9 Of 9 IDEQ-Sanitary Survey-1/1/20 Financial/Managerial Capacity FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 215 of 243 For .7 �+ IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATE uw�9 O�f1 i'3 95 ��� Office Use Only A l I \ WELL DRILLERSREPOR Inspected by Iv ell Use Typewriter or Ballpoint Pew L� 6 MIS Twp Rge_—_Sec --1/4-- _1/4_ 1/4 1/4 1. DRILLING PERMIT NO. -JX0 P14 °I,": Lat: Long: Other IDWR No._ .r 7•� � ❑Pump ,i Hailer ❑Air J Flowing Artesian 2.OWNER' Yloldga0mm. Drnwdown PumpingLevol Time Name O G �[ /a 4 Address "^ o n City- Water Temp. Bottom hole temp. 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: Water duality test or comments: Sketch map location must agree with written location. Depth first Water Fncountered . N 12. LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) water Bore Twp._ North or South El From To Remarks:Litho)D a o9Y,Water Quelky 6 Temperature v N w e Rge. East ik or West ❑ d O `7G Sec. 1/4 L1lF 1/4 1/4 Gov't Lot .County �a Lat: ong.. , ' J Address of WAIT Site e d dA _ lG' i o.1� .Uerance m Hoed or LarMnurk) CI� -- fir---' IF -- Lt.._, )ilk. Sub Name_., d r 1 I► NC y F. 4. USE: El Domestic ❑Municipal _I Monitor ❑Irrigatjo.�j J Thermal ElInjection -1 Other M 5.TYPE OF WORK check all that apply (Replacement etc.) 4 New'Well ❑ Modify r Abandonment ❑ Other 6. DRILL METHOD ❑Air Rotary OPCable Cl Mud Rotary ❑Other 7. SEALING PROCEDURES SEALIFILTER PACK AMOUNT METHOD Metedal From To Sacks or _ Was drive shoe used?A Y Ll N Shoe Depth(s) Was drive shoe seal tested? ❑Y ❑N How? VJ 8.CASING/LINER: ^ Diameter From To Gauge Malarial Casing Liner Wattled Threaded J� ❑ ❑ n ❑ � ur esourcos ❑ n ❑ ❑ Length of Headpipe Length of Tailpipe 9. PERFORATIONSISCREENS ❑ Perforations Method O Screens Screen Type Completed Depth (Measura Date:Started Completed From To Slal Sire Number Olnmeter Material Casing Liner o -I 13. DRILLER'S CERTIFIJ ❑ ATION ❑ I/We certify that all minimum w I construction standards were complied with at f1 p the time the rig was removed. Firm Name 4/✓ Firm No. 10 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: -3�fL below ground Artesian pressure _Ib. Firm Official Date Depth flow encountered ft. Describe access port or and control devices: __ Supervisor or OperatorQ'1i! Date (Sign once it Firrn ofhdal&Operator) FORWARD WHITE COPY TO WAT"LR RESOURCES FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 216 of 243 roan 239-7 4 V -e STATE OF IDAHO USE TYPEWRITER OR y'B= DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES BALLPOINT PEN WELL DRILLER'S REPORT state law requires that this report be filed with the Director,Department of Water Resources within 30 days after the completion or abandonment of the well. - 1. WELL OWNER LarLdca LG-nd J-)avt Lepm&H_i. 7. WATER LEVEL Nan+ep � � r Static water level fast below land surface. ,�/ Flowing? ❑Yes R!o G.P.M.flow Address [[�7/__ //,,�jy __ �� Artesian elosed•in pressure ps.l. Controlled by: 0 Valve ❑Cap U Plug Owner's Permit No. Temperature ____OF. Quality pCSCliad erindi0/+or flmpe/ale/e rOpIS Oa/O W 2.NATURE OF WORK S. WELL TEST DATA JISI'lllew well ❑Deepened 0 Replacement ❑ Pump U Bailer U Air ❑Other 0 Abandoned(describe abandonment procedures such as materials,plug depths,etc in lithologie log) Oisehsrgo G.P.M. Pumping Level I Hourr Pumped 3.PROPOSED USE pt vomestic U Irrigation ❑Test ❑Municipal g. LITHOLOGIC LOG gr73(� ❑Industrial 0 Stock ❑Wade Disposal or Injection Bore Da th Writer 0 Other _ _- (specify type) Dlam.From--Ta1 Material Yes No 4.METHOD DRILLED 41Hotary ❑Air CI Hydraulic ❑ Reverse rotary ❑ Cdble ❑ Dug Ll Other 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION Cdsing schedule: 0 Concrete ❑Other Thickneu Diameter From To - L.b'� inches _� Inches + I feet Ai-1 feet inches inches feet feet inches inches feet feat — _. inches inches feet _feet -Was casing drive shoe used? R-Tes ❑No - Was a packer or seal used? Cj Yes &-No Perforated? ❑ Yes Ta-Mo How perforated? ❑Factory Cl Knife 0 Torch Size of perforation Inches by__inches Number From To perforations feet feet - -- perforations __ feet feet _ perforations `feet feet Well screen installed? 0 Yes 25mo Manufacturer's name - - Type _ _ Model No. Diameter Slot size__Set from feet to feet Diameter_Slot size Set from feet to feet j Gravel piked? ❑Yes_� 0 Size of gravel _ Placed from feat to feet Surface�al depth L e Material used In seal: 0 Cement grout — ® Bantonite ❑Puddling clay 0 -- Paff�"T@1'-AByoafCB Sealing procedure used: O Slurry pit ❑ Temp.surface casing fstrtCt•OfffCB— IWOverbore to seal depth - Method of joining casing: ❑Threaded Welded U Solvent Weld ❑Cemented between strata Describe access port_ _ 10. Work started _ finished �ir 6.LOCATION OF WELL 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION U" Sketch map location must agree with written location, I/We certify that all minim m well construction standards were N complied wl at the"me th rig was removed, Subdivision Name It '- '-�-- Firm Noma 4irm No._/Q__ r r W E T Address Date_ 2� Lot No. Block No. IlIIttt�''� t p by(Firm Officlal) County S if aaYM��'''���YA�"' and ��q� -Q�� (Operator) _ !r -/ A Ali,% Sec.�-J _,T._ ,R.��/• USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY - FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 217 of 243 We It h31 �/ Fonn 2:S&/ 6107'L) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 0 WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 1 WELLiTAG NO.D C()(O Z"� Z 12.STATIC WATER LEVEL and WELL TESTS: r ruding Permit No _ _ _- Depth first water encountered(it) -'--U_ _, Static water level(it)LG Watel right orayeclwn well 0 Water lamp(°F) Bottom hole temp,('F) 2.OWNER: ` \ / Describe access port Non r ,',y`1�.r1_�_ 1 1�Jr�yi �o n �1rr r� r�I Well lost: Teat method: r Address (t) I�(x Z?Sic orav+aoivn lreell surge ar teal auraion Pump Ba.a Ar fi�nrnq rely d(epm mnaue maven Cny 1r�r�t�ct1\�. State Zip ® ❑ J.WELLLOCATION: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Twp North 91 or South❑ Rge 31 East or West❑ Water quality lestor comments: 1 1 13.LITHOLOGIC LOG and/ot repairs or abandonment: Sec ) 1141Po1l4 Bore Wain 1� from To Remarks,Ialieloay or doaenpllon et repairs er -A Ola, IRI (at samdem ent•walp lamp. Y N Gov't Lol County `e �FU Lc• in (oaq andorammmmulesl r w Long I I G ° Ci.19�t ( aq and beumelmnulea) ')'1 ri C ,e i.a e Address of Well Silo 39 ct C' C `-? 7 City LI Let .. , •Blk._ Sub Nam mivvs•�c.._) �- J �1 --- - - -- -- a.USE: ❑Domestic %I Municipal ❑Morulor ❑irrigation ❑Thermal Cl inleclmn ❑Other S.TYPE OF WORK: 1I New well ❑Replacement well ❑Modify existing well —- ------ - - ❑Abandonment ❑Other B.DRILL METHOD. ` Wo Rotary ❑Mud P.olary, ❑Cab:e ❑Other.. _ —— 7.SEALING PROCEDURES: Soiatmalim y,Fomjoll TotalO•oe�rYta�ea Ora Placement malho rocadure _ 8.GASINGILINER: e�onrmgr Fcm lire To pq :tN de:a lie al [asap 0— Threaued Wede° f '+2r y,i ❑ ❑ Q 1 IT ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ �-�--� Was drive shoe used?VJY ❑N Shoe Depths) pit " e - g,PERFORATION SCREENS _ _ OUT Is- --' Perforations ❑Y [IN Method n Manufactured screen) ❑N Type - L' Melllod of inNallation From ul r malarial —vp-e B—cef u neeveaToInl sasea awme. Com eled0eplh�easurable__ 4!51C ICr0-' Oale Started --�hz hL(_I t _1. L __Dale _ 14.DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION: IIWe certify that ail minimum well construction standards were complied with at Length of Headpipe r 1 Length of Tegpipe — the time the rig was removed Packer jaY ❑N Type TrlpL.L< Company Name -+ I'n Co No r1 r 10.FILTER PACK: 'Principal Driller f%^r#L Dale rarer Manual F-0) Total arrlaldY Jibs or ll'I Pleulmlm melkod- I 'Driller Dale 'Opera(or ll Dale - -- - j 11.FLOWING ARTESIAN: Operator I_ - - _ Data_T Floating Artesian')❑Y ❑N Artesian Pressure(PSIG) •Signature of Principal Driller and rig operator are required Oeauibe control device I FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 218 of 243 Photographic Documentation Name of Facility: Morning View Inspector(s): N. Nielsen Inspection Date: Monday, November 8, 2021 Purpose of Inspection: Enhanced Sanitary Survey Table of Photographs: Photograph1 :Well#1.............................................................................................3 Photograph 2 :Well#1 Tag......................................................................................3 Photograph 3 :Well#1 wirh Wellhouse in the background....................................4 Photograph 4 :Wellhouse associated with Wellfield (Well#1 and Well#2)...........4 Photograph 5 :Pump to waste discharge. Note missing 24-mesh screen...............5 i Photograph 6 :Discharge for sand separator..........................................................5 Photograph 7 :Well#2 with Wellhouse in the background....................................6 Photograph 8 :Line in from Well#1 with check valve and isolation valve..............6 Photograph 9 :Another view of Well#1 check valve and isolation valve...............7 Photograph 10:Discharge line as it routes through the sand separator................7 Photograph 11 :Sand separator and presure gauges..............................................8 Photograph 12 :Pump to waste line going through exterior wall...........................8 Photograph 13 :Line in from Well#2 with check valve and isolation valve............9 Photograph 14 :Overview of discharge configuration.Well#1 (left), Well#2 (bottom center).......................................................................................................9 Photograph 15 :Pressure tank configuration and smooth nosed sample tap. .....10 Photograph 16 :Discharge to distribution.............................................................10 Photograph 17 :Flow meter and pressure tanks...................................................11 Photograph 18 :2 Well X Trol WX- 350s...............................................................11 Photograph 19 :Tank isolation valves,tank drain with appropriate AVB,and pressureswitch. ....................................................................................................12 Photograph 20:Tank 1 spec tag............................................................................12 Photograph 21 :Tank 2 spec tag............................................................................13 Photograph 22 :Octave flow meter close up.........................................................13 Photograph 23 :Electrical controls for Well#1 and Well#2.................................14 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 219 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8, 2021 Photograph 24 :Well#1 VFD controler reading....................................................14 Photograph 25 :Well#3 well lot and house..........................................................15 Photograph 26 :Well#3 and "new"well house.....................................................15 Photograph 27 :Well#3.........................................................................................16 Photograph 28 :Screened pressure relief discharge and screened vent. .............16 Photograph 29 :Frost free hydrant........................................................................17 Photograph 30 :Natural Gas APU associated with Well#3...................................17 Photograph 31 :APU spec tag-Kohler 80REZGD...................................................18 Photograph 32 :Well#3 discharge line into wellhouse with check valve and isolationvalve........................................................................................................18 Photograph 33 :Pressure switch and pressure gauge...........................................19 Photograph 34 :Flow meter. .................................................................................19 Photograph 35 :Octave flow meter close up.........................................................20 Photograph 36 :Air relief valve with downturned and screened discharee. ........20 Photograph 37 :Air relief specs-Val Matic 201C.2...............................................21 Photograph 38 :Pressure reilief saftey valve Merrill PRVHDNL200....................21 Photograph 39 :Pressure relief valve and discharge through the exterior wall. ..22 Photograph 40:Smooth nosed sample tap and a threaded tap with appropriate AVB........................................................................................................................22 Photograph 41 :Pressure tank and isolation vavle................................................23 Photograph 42 :Pressure tank specs.Well X Trol WX-250....................................23 Photograph 43 :VFD controler.. .............................................................................24 Photograph 44 :Electrical controls and panels......................................................24 Photograph 45 :Fan and heater for Wellhouse#3................................................25 2 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 220 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 r q._ 3: t Photograph 1:Well#1 r al t 1 r Photograph 2:Well#1 Tag 3 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 221 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 god Photograph 3:Well#1 wirh Wellhouse in the background rG Photograph 4:Wellhouse associated with Wellfield(Well#1 and Well#2) 4 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 222 of 243 I Idaho Department of Environmental quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 i Photograph 5:Pump to waste discharge.Note missing 24-mesh screen 1 I i Photograph 6:Discharge for sand separator 5 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 223 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 Photograph 7:Well#2 with Wellhouse in the background. • � W LW Z w. Photograph 8:Line in from Well#1 with check valve and isolation valve. 6 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 224 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 > �. Photograph 9:Another view of Well#1 check valve and isolation valve. r i 9. , Photograph 10:Dischorge line as it routes through the sand separator. 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 225 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 I J r • t Photograph 11:Sand separator and presure gauges. n� J` 7 �l 1 Photograph 12:Pump to waste line going through exterior wall. 8 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 226 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 Yam` J Photograph 13:Line in from Well lt2 with check valve and isolation valve. c Photograph 14:Overview of discharge configuration.Well#1(left), Well#2(bottom center) 9 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 227 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 r� 'I11;111 ttllll I1f1fIR11f"nf -- '— 71 i. i •c Photograph 15:Pressure tank configuration and smooth nosed sample tap. F.. I� 11 p y Photograph 16:Discharge to distribution. 10 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 228 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 WAI- v � r n Photograph 17:Flow meter and pressure tanks. r _ . i Photograph 18:2 Well X Trol WX-350s 11 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 229 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 -<:, M►n►►►�►►►►F11►1 _ Wm� Photograph 19:Tank isolation valves,tank drain with appropriate AVB,and pressure switch. f .. r ......�-.w. '8'6'dsl Photograph 20:Tank 1 spec tag 12 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 230 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8, 2021 7��",°••''' .OIIIPI094f(I(J71511.U.Y, A WARNIN04 •li..IlMInnM•..nr.... l:.•....buwr pnnp M ��•�q . wu..mmn,...,nn5..anIMg1.10 71:1 5.30214-6949y Jr .•v rnlni IrM.y,lw4uvl r.Rpnly,i f'�A o.n'.�il l.vry.nafun..q,�..ewl n0'C IIIO'I7 •• . ...., ,1 WX-3stY W5050 '�. •.�n..�wn.mmanmeaaral.,rww��lu ib'=10:?G14 ' ', ' nkNn.nln llv.l.nn of lTrvrl ::' •wmrn,o..n Mllwrw ro IN a■wrr. 150 Psi 125 PSI A CAUTIQA :_°.Urt' 15d P91'^..'an.w..���a"m.rnwn...�� 0 3 5-3 0214-4060 /`.AMTROL J Photograph 21:Tank 2 spec tag. .IY ' ' 1 1 -� -rf _-° t I.Ui IU octave q7,P, 1� 1,AMYAWN0 115p%- ; ,�- ;0"fh..1:.n 1600 GPM •,.,i•,.,.. .. rvWA�ER sell AAMF ER 9 r ' Photograph 22:Octave flow meter close up. 13 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 231 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 r. _ r> I — =AW/A . IIIIIIIIIIII�" I ` Photograph 23:Electrical controls for Well#1 and Well#2 r < ' STOP SIAHI � 11 b Photograph 24:Well#1 VFD controller reading. 14 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 232 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 Photograph 25:Well#3 well lot and house. CFI Photograph 26:Well#3 and"new"well house. 15 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 233 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 �.t ♦�.e�Yf'`..'1�.•, _ 4 i � t�±� its .i NOW �,. r Photograph 27:Well#3 Photograph 28:Screened pressure relief discharge and screened vent. 16 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 234 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 .d a�•:1 .N Photograph 29:Frost free hydrant. fir lv; sl. . JF_� !� t,'•V! hl I Photograph 30:Natural Gas APU associated with Well N3. 17 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 235 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 source KON E!R. PoVve i @ ]I __Vstems o t Model —enHFzao- or L— GMO1112-OA1 or F 3OM32OJw4 RMber F 80REZGD '� UnbdM ImpPo/p ANoeY Amp. In N4FOO-1 and9W j'nIMO PL.w� W,. t00 Use WOO DO 1W AR it"IuY RPM= r� eA WhenMOR Whom" t ftr ow" securreCPW u end pr.u-" OtLM � Photograph 31:APU spec tag-Kohler 80REZGD s T::NM4O y'. I Photograph 32:Well#3 discharge line into wellhouse with check valve and isolation valve. 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 236 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 i V I ` Photograph 33:Pressure switch and pressure gauge. t - I Photograph 34:Flow meter. 19 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 237 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8, 2021 WbN; 0.1 OutP_uaw lxl iB iol = 3 II F }�E bs` a �I�Ina cttaly iho S(�II IIU 1 I — Bn—Wma+/c.l. r AM^ '5070M 11 017o1a NI. IW i 11 4 501101 1i '�IIi1 G` Photograph 35:Octave flow meter close up. t l 0 Photograph 36:Air relief valve with downturned and screened discharge. 20 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 238 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8, 2021 Photograph 37:Air relief specs-Val Matic 201C.2 t 1 Photograph 38:Pressure relief safety valve-Merrill PRVHDNL200 21 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 239 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 i Photograph 39:Pressure relief valve and discharge through the exterior wall. i '1 O .. 1 Photograph 40:Smooth nosed sample tap and a threaded tap with appropriate AVB. 22 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 240 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8, 2021 h " i Y Photograph 41:Pressure tank and isolation valve, comP1eseed gas n.o.s. OOTSP.Y1692 k� Ortiled ills lank.turn oil ttowor 10 the W,nP IEau ��tapZgRD.(]slam Fe tu,o to lolto'N ale insU�tit�ons�n,ll ono>^Nri9 m{>'ri9 system. yonous a Iatal Injury,iea•e�nq or Itoodmg and/a 030-23314-66702 ON n ll+e tank end Itu 1 —� p..rvo-�.PO�ury u�us�nA ya/Gera the Pump and tank W In the menuatbelween t tom immure can oxcoad en'c(t4o`Fl WX_250 WX250 W.W�.,.pip not operate m a sethn9 hem93'C the blon .r sel a Man W.,k,ny TemPo tIvo I d to this Product. 1.2014 e r anon 0'C wo,kl^9 P,ess110 � tanks.this lenk can over limo fArtnde.weaxen.and Og-2 l ea Oaf pp.U.most",,Sunzed vNe4tE7 adjustment at the tlmo of dlo mdinl >ee e.eae► a a p "'a m a a�uctn il�*man"Y 150 P51 125 PSG .Q ant 0�17+0 b may and as described ;:nao to the aroa adl ent to the app1i0Mo —� ,�aeeeri tlw eteskmB or flood-9c-Id"e" .;b irwa p,e product � to,o.er eaor►dtno atmctue. Ma cpraded.Cana p30-23314-667 11 the tank aPP�to lM mellua trol.con. e.aes�pwn�nMY e,podenv daata9e. at www.ww. M1001 "- e�P111111WOL(ymra Cope'ol the prod uel 150 PSI AMTROL. Test Pressure: /�� emuvw •moxeaausa Photograph 42:Pressure tank specs. Well X Trol WX-250 23 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 241 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8,2021 1 ' I AS$ I I I� I Photograph 43:VFD controller. t a . i• r r Id dll Upl IIIIII Photograph 44:Electrical controls and panels. 24 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 22 Attachment 1 Page 242 of 243 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Morning View Monday, November 8, 2021 r7 i - 4 Photograph 45:Fan and heater for Wellhouse#3 25 --- 1000 ft - N t t ,` - •� �Candi Idaho _ z mldaho Tans octavo ■ ,? - - __-_ .� s-s. - - S � •� f�. "t-M. h eantai P ee - _20 N - ,, MorngyVi ��I #2- �_ orning VieWel # ? tai tc e 1, E _ ' i _ c + � _ o � . T - � ;�-. ._ - ._ ' - •4� � , 4.� tom. � t - . y - ® aye Storage- Rigli}�X,ellov✓stone o i View Well•#3 ., irransport o:r ! ` �E Engine 8 h1anufact ring