HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250306FLS to Staff 16 Attachment 2.pdf FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 237 7.0 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: RELEVANT ENGINEERING DATA APPENDIX B: DEQ SANITARY SURVEY APPENDIX C: WATER RIGHT RESERVE CAPACITY MEMO APPENDIX D: WATER QUALITY DATA APPENDIX E: CALIBRATION DATA APPENDIX F: REQUIRED FIRE FLOWS FROM IDAHO SURVEY AND RATING BUREAU APPENDIX G: ELECTRONIC FILES APPENDIX H: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PLAN INFORMATION APPENDIX I: FALLS WATER COMPANY REVENUE AND EXPENSE DETAIL APPENDIX J: DRINKING WATER SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION WORKSHEET Schiess&Associates September 2019 18030 Falls Water Company Facility Planning Study 43 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 237 Appendix A: Relevant Engineering Data • EDU Calculation Data • Well#1 Data • Well#2 Data • Well#4 Data • Well#5 Data • Well#6 Data • Well#8 Data • Well#9 Data • Well#10 Data • Detailed Construction Cost Estimates. A-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 3 of 237 EDU CALCULATION FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 237 PAGE 1 OF 2 S4Schiess & Associates JOB FWC Capital Facilities Plan IMPROVING COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE JOB NUMBER 18030CALCULATED BY RTC DATE 2/1/2019 7103 SOUTH WEST, IDAHO FALLS, ID 83402 OFFICE: (208) 522-1244 FAX: (208) 522-9232 AF = acre-feet FWC = Falls Water Company DEQ = Idaho Department of Environmental Quality gpm =gallons per minute EDU = equivalent domestic unit gpd = gallons per day BMPO = Bonneville Metropolitan Planning Organization Key: I Input I Calculated Value Water Use and EDU Calculations FWC service area population = 16,110 Total water use = 3,809 AF (from 2018 Billing Data) Residential connections = 5,001 (from 2018 Billing Data) Total Connections = 5,260 (from FWC 2018 Summary data) Residential water use = 3,547 AF (from 2018 Billing Data) Average Residential flow rate = 2,199 gpm Residential demand per EDU = 0.440 gpm/EDU Non residential water use = 262 AF Non residential water use = 162 gpm Summation of EDUs from non-residential demands = 369 EDUs Total EDUs = 5,370 EDUs Demands Based on Measured Production Volumes Annual demand volume = 4,145 AF Average annual demand = 2,570 gpm Average annual demand per EDU = 0.48 gpm/EDU Maximum day demand = 7,200 gpm (from 2018 Production data) Maximum day demand per EDU = 1.34 gpm/EDU Maximum day/Average day peaking factor= 2.80 Peak hour demand = 10,579 gpm (from July 14, 2018) Peak hour demand per EDU= 1.97 gpm/EDU Winter time daily demand = 806 gpm (daily meter reads from Jan, Feb, Mar& Dec 2018) Winter demand per EDU = " -5 gpm/EDU (216 gpd) Assume winter demand is equal to indoor demand and indoor demand remains relatively constant throughout the year Peak day outdoor demand =I 1.19 gpm/EDU (1,742 gpd) https://d.docs.live.net/e2970976d620749e/Work/FWC FPS/5.0 Design/Calculations/ERC calculations.xlsm FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 237 PAGE 2 OF 2 S4Schiess & Associates JOB FWC Capital Facilities Plan IMPROVING COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE JOB NUMBER 18030CALCULATED BY RTC DATE 2/1/201 7103 SOUTH WEST, IDAHO FALLS, ID 83402 Future Peak day Model Flow Computation Average persons be household in Bonneville County= 2.83 based on US Census Data However, BMPO estimates are higher for FWC service area = 3.00 estimated from BMPO data Growth rate for planning = 3% Year Population 14,226 1 16,987 1 19,692 1 22,829 1 26,465 EDUs 75, 70 1 6,412 1 7,433 1 8,618 1 9,990 2040 EDUs = 9,990 EDUs 2040 Average Day Demand = 4,781 gpm 2040 Maximum Day Demand = 13,394 gpm 2040 Peak Hour Demand = 19,681 gpm FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 237 WELL#1 DATA FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 7 of 237 (---` State of Idaho USE TYPEWRITE R Department Of Water Resources �BALL'POINT WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State law requires that this report be filed with the Director,Department of Water Resources within 30 days after the completion or abandonment of the well. 1. WELL OWNER 7. WATER LEVEL Name—_Yiilccx Zonstuction Static water level_-!+:L-_feet below land surface Flowing? ❑ Yes C3 No G.P.M.flow__ j Address, & Temperature °F. Quality __-__� Artesian closed-in pressure_ p.s.i, Owner's Permit No. T l Controlled by ❑ Valve ❑ Cap n Plug 2. NATURE OF WORK R. WELL TEST DATA i ❑ New well M Deepened ❑ Replacement T-3 Pump ❑ Bailer ❑ Other Dimharga G.P.M. Draw Down Hours Pumped ❑ Abandoned(describe method of abandoning) 10 6f to 1100 6 + 3.PROPOSED USE --� M Domestic ❑ Irrigation ❑ Test ❑ Otwwmfy typo) g LITHOLOGIC LOG 103266 f Hole Depth w.te,M I ❑ Municipal ❑ Industrial ❑ Stock ❑ Waste Disposal w Meterul Injection Diam.I From To j 12 1 0 170 I r.ard Cre Basa.lt �,` 4. METHOD DRILLED 170 175 Hardrout Basialt g7 Rotory ❑ Dug ❑ Other 1 180 Brcken 3rown 3asalt _ x I 1QO 191 Broken Gray Basa-It r 1 1 202 in rg id Cl 5. WE CONSTRUC71pN 202 208 Hard Gray Basalt Diameter of hole 12 inches Total depth 215 12 20°feet i Casing schedule: ❑Steel ❑ Concrete Thi knew Diameter From To inches inches + feet feet irate; inches feet feet inches inches feet _ feet inches inches feet feet inches inches feet feet _Was casing drive shoo used? ❑ Yes 1I NoE ell i Was a packer or seal used? ❑ Yes ® No IL 11V — Perforated? ❑ Yes 0 No How perforated? ❑ Factory ❑ Knife ❑ Torch Isla Size of perforation inches by inches --1 i — Number perforations From To 6 feet feet perforations feet _ feet perforations feet feet I Well screen installed? ❑ Yes M No —� I Manufacturer's name Type__ Model No. — Diameter—Slot size—Set from feet to,_feet Diameter_Slot size_ Set from feet to,_ feet Gravel packed? ❑ Yes ® No Size of gravel E Placed from feet to __feet Surface seal depth 20+ Material used in seal ❑ Cement grout 0 Puddling cloy ❑ Wall cuttings Se,ing pracMws used ❑ Syrry pit ❑Twmerery serfage ❑ Overbors to sew 6. LOCATION OF WELL 10 Work startedAug:?st 26, 1976finished August 30, 1976 Sketch map location must agree with written location. N 11.DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Subdivision Name Firm Name Andrew Well DriUine Contr.Form No.5 W � E AMr..l 68 Fast 17th Street D. 0-4-76 _-i--• Lot Na Block No Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 5 Signed by (Firm OftiaiW li County Bonneville am I IDveralor) dd _ SW %._ S %sec. 14 ,T. 2 N/$,R. EµiV USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 8 of 237 N m r N � -P � P�-{ � w r7 PC Q -� ° z z z J J >W Q Q N m > o g g c� z _J z —� W a W J y z a a a d w W ° WLU o w w J y 1 L J V pe ("- _JF- w � "O Z � _p 10 ICV O V C'1 r o Q w W a - r o CO w O < W a> W Q 0 U_ LL N t0 C) Cr) U ry U « U] r Z v r r r r L r r < w O t U Z M N N Pq r+ p Lij w w 0- ` .. _ U a CL a- V o d a ap 1 pp w J = J N N Q t Q p LU H O O w n ~ f o '� 1 U Q �i 1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 9 of 237 o •o v v v v T "1 � � � � uj .� D O 00 C U d U U w O Z Z Z J w QNQ N N 8 8 8 8 CO rO_ V _ z L� N C i u J � o w Q N aC > Z w O d O > w Ijl i o a oLU �� w 3 • • • • • • • e w LU �—�-� d - 3 T Cow o �- r 'M z W O r w rp U Cu Oyu CO w O_ LLJ _Q I U I � tit CO [� C� V r CO U) • ` v r z Y W t T t t t T t } N N N p Q O � o ~ O Z p F- a LU oe Qui W D } b U- a a a a COw J ♦� Q F- ggqCCC J = Q O[ OC O N w N G LU O N Cr z F- w LU _I FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 10 of 237 DAVID E. BENTON eo,isuttlnrg Engineei 1400 BENTON ST. DAVID E. BENTON, P.E. IDAH❑ FALLS, IDAHO RE& PH. JA 2-5046 PH. JA 2-8033 LLOYD J. BENTON RES. PH. JA 2-0314 Jan. 25, 1960 Wilcox Construction Co. 970 9th Street Idaho Falls, Idaho Gentlemen: This letter is to certify that an actual measurement was made by me of the flow of the No. 1 well located in Mobile Homes Estates ( just north of 16t St. and & East of the Ammon- Lincoln road). A measurement of this flow was made by using a test pump furnished by the Snake River Equipment Co. The orfice measurement showed a flow of 1446 gallons per minute which was continuous and did not cause the pump to break suction at this rate. This measurement was mad* in June 195$. Respectfully submitted, ,<Sra,>�Q4�5' David E. Benton, P.E. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 11 of 237 z1 7 I� CI U U U u FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 12 of 237 t)IIMAII: AND UKULK 16UY.M , lYl Gwyn ��uRICUITURAI ShflCEVINC. \�\ I PUMPS AND IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT ..' MONE 785•1717 BLACKFOOT IDAHO 63221 P O Box 627 i uS1c?M[R Vi ices .Cons ul t ion �Fel l s Valley Wate,r �lser,s-Z___-__. .._.__—.DATE.�SecCemb�> � 19�_/ nUDWf S5 - -- PFIONE ..... —-- - -. .....- U(JANIIfY I I T E M 1. Wygr,__lube d e - well turbine ..pump designed -Eor-_900•gpm-• ..... __,_,,,__„_,__—,_,_ _—,,,._•.• ••1„ 75 Hp_L_P 4 0 1800 RPM motor ___ .,.... . 1 .. ..-81_..d1schar a-d---. ���_'.... .._..124!... ._8'_'.as_1�.":r8t Ilubt�olslmn ass ____.-•- -- - 1 1D11- cone-st rai ----- ----— --------- -- Installation _pump._nnht_._ —_— —•— —•-- _ --- — - 1 .850,00 ' F0L1QQ_ 1L.fl8Bemb1v & adding. 20r of_ wrtJQlLd.e �I-- -- _and 137S.00 less_mnney_ — _75 HP Z401volt electric panel w/lightning arrestor, 1 fER11AS:-s CASH DOWN=__ BALANCE$ PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS,AS INDIVIDUAL ITEMS ARE DELIVERED: i II seller ij to Install the equipment and roc or other circumstances are encountered which Increase costs, these additional costs will be added to ;he balance due and be paid by purchas r. All merchandise sold hereunder Is subject to Seller's continuing ability to procure some from'SeI1Cr's •egular sources of supply and at Seller's re ant costs. In event of Increases In Seller's cost of any Item, the price of that Item as herein quoted ;hall be donespondingly increased. _ I eorllfy the proeerty purchased pursumni hereto will be used directly for mining, manufacturing, processing, or forgling purpoaee, 4•.-- I I!have re Id this document In Its entirely; have received a true, signed copy of It; and 1 conllrm that this Is a firm offer on my part to purohase 109 Items Iset forth hereon. If this offer is accepted by Seller by affixing Its signature hereon, by delivery of all or any part of the items, or other- Oleo, I agree that I am bound by and un s tend all of the above terms and the SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS contained on the reverse 11 here f. k4ROVE AGRICULTU ERV C S, INC. Purchaser By Purchaser Purchaser's residence-- ,11� TI,ITLi Purchaser's Chief Place of Business- NOTICE: Sea Other Side for Important Information. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 13 of 237 Re P. Dope Well Drilling 4 2 7 P O U L S E N S T R E E T P H O N E J A c k s o n 2 2 3 2 4 1 D A H O F A L L S I D A H O Wilcox Well 0 to 2 ft. Top soil 2 to 65 " Gravel and boulders 65 to 85 " Black lava 85 to 110 Lava crevices 110 to 125 Lava 125 to 128 Cinders and sand 128 to 140 Lava and cinders j in. wall casing set at 65 ft. below ground level to 2 ft. abotre ground level Casing cemented in lava at bottom FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 14 of 237 WELL#2 DATA FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 15 of 237 07/12/2004 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATION OF WATER RIGHTS ACQUIRED UNDER STATE LAW RIGHT NUMBER: 25--14055 NAME AND ADDRESS: FALLS WATER CO INC 1770 SABIN DR IDAHO FALLS ID 83406 SOURCE: GROUND WATER TRIBUTARY: QUANTITY: 1.160 CFS PRIORITY DATE: 12/31/1962 POINT OF DIVERSION: T02N R38E Sll SWSWNW Within BONNEVILLE County T02N R38E S14 SENESW Within BONNEVILLE County T02N R38E S14 SENESW Within BONNEVILLE County T02N R38E S14 SWSWSW Within BONNEVILLE County T02N R38E S15 SENESE Within BONNEVILLE County PURPOSE AND PERIOD OF USE: PURPOSE OF CISE PERIOD OF USE QUANTITY MUNICIPAL 01/01 12/31 1.160 CPS PLACE OF USE: Place of use is within the service area of Falls Water Company as provided for under Idaho law. The place of use is generally located within T2N R38E Sections 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23. OTHER PROVISIONS NECESSARY FOR DEFINITION OR ADMINISTRATION OF THIS WATER RIGHT: This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. To the extent necessary for administration between points of diversion for ground water; and between points of diversion for ground water and hydraulically connected surface sources, water was first appropriated or used from: Well No. 1 located in T2N R38E S14 SWSWSW on 6/10/1958 in the amount of 0.59 cfs. Well No. 2 located in T2N R38E S14 SENESW on 12/31/1962 in the amount of 1.16 cfs. Well No. 3 located in T2N R38E S15 SENESE on 11/11/1974 in the amount of 0.29 cfs. Well No. 4 located in T2N R38E S14 SENESW on 4/18/1980 in the amount of 3.00 cfs. Well No. 5 located in T2N R38E S]l SWSWNW on 3/13/1978 in the amount of 1.89 cfs. EXPLANATORY MATERIAL: BASIS OF CLAIM - Beneficial Use This right originally established for Well 12, located at T2N R38E S14 SENESW. RIGHT INCLUDES ACCOMPLISHED CHANGE IN POINT OF DIVERSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 42-1425, IDAHO CODE. THE FOLLOWING RIGHTS ARE DIVERTED THROUGH POINTS OF DIVERSION DESCRIBED ABOVE: 25-14035, 25-14055, 25-7191, 25-7148, AND 25-7418. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 16 of 237 i • P• Cope Well Drf ll►..in' 9 2 7 P O U E S E N S T R E E T P H O N E Jf} c k s on 2 23 2 4 IDAHO FAC LS IDAH O � I �11 No. 2 Falls Water oo. Inoor�porated 0 to 2 Top soil 2 to 46 Grravel and boulders 46 to 64 Sand and gravel 64 to 74 Sand, gravel and boulders 74 to 79 Soft lava 79 to 108 Hard blaok lava - Casing drove to 84 fte and oementod at 108 to 128 Softer lava bottom of Gaging ; 128 to 147 Red oindars i Water level stands svt,{�8 fte 84 Ft. of 5116"' wall- thiolmess oaring used plus steel dr ve shoe on bottom of oaring. ! FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 17 of 237 DAVID E. BENTON eo,tsu4ln9 Fn9ln�cs 1400 �DENTON ST. DAVID E. B[NTDN, P,E, IDAHO FALLS, IDAH❑ RK9. PH. JA 2-5046 LIOYD J. BENTON PH. JA 2.8033 RKl. PH. JA 1-0314 ' April 28, 1960 i i ; Federal Housing Administration 415 Sun Bldg., Boise, Idaho. Gentlemen:-- This is to certify that on March 17, 1960, we run a test on the number two well for Falls Water Company, in the Mobile Homes Addition, Bonneville County, east of; Idaho Falls. ..This well was tested using 101, x 811 Orifice and Pitot-tube. The h vf}lue was 59.751f. The maximun table reading read only to 37". 3711 equals 1900 gallons per minute. Flow was so much greater than 1900 G.P.M. that we used the formula Flow equals K x A where K for w • 1034 inch diameter pipe is equal to 85.9. We measuredA to be 3411 where water had dropped 12 inches. This gives a flow of 2921 G.P.M. The total draw down in this well was from 57�11" to 601611. The bottom of this well is 143; feet below the surface with the bowler of the , Pump set at 135 feet. The; well is cased with a 16 inch casing.,, This is one of the; best wells that has been drilled in the Idaho Falls area. f ry truly yours, i 'David E. Bentbn, P.E. DESi br •� I1 `' ^t F�, I � I lil +F.1,,'�t ..••ti'L ,,q, k•� ! i ' �'S i•r'" i, .I '' '..r° lfjl' FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 18 of 237 CABLE ADDREiG: JOMNbTOr - "HOIgE DYCAMOR[' a'Bae• JOHNSTON PUMP COMPANY A UIY1410 i 11 OF TN[YOUNOSTOWN/MINT AND rve COMPANY i 3272 EAST f OOTHILL 6LVD., PASADENA,CALIFORNIA 593 North Yeliorstone l Idaho Falls, jdaho MaY 3, 1960 TO WHOM IT IRT CONCFANt I We have installed a 40 fi.P. primp for the Falls Water Company, Inc., at Pfeil Site No. 2, that is very capable of producing f650 g.p.m. with 60 # pressure. ! I 'Yours very truly, JO ANY ( ✓ Manager l ... RJ/ef �� I .9�'��;F�R•11,�` I a;y vl ���i _, ,.! f •; I � : . .�i�) I.l..i =� !Alt h j: ,'4 , I � I: • ua.'• llS..i. Al: I a ! FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 19 of 237 FALU WATER CO., 09/08/88 405 111h Street IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83401 Telephone (208) 522.2525 COST FOR PRC1DUCTTON OF VIATF.R BY PIF.LL SITE THE COST TO PUMP ONE THOUSAND GALLONS OF WATER BASED UPON POWER, PATE OF 6 . 3 CENTS PER K1•IH AND NO DEMAND CONS I DEP.ED . WELL 01 8 . 52 CENTS PER THOUSAND r-ALLONS WELLS 2&4 8 . n5 CENTS PER THOUSAND GALLONS WELL 45 8 . 74 CENTS PEP THOUSAND 4ALLONS POWER CONSUMPTION PER THOUSAND GALLONS WELL N1 1 . 35 KWH PER THOUSAND GALLONS WELLS 2 8 4 1 . 28 K'-IH PER THOUSAND GALLONS WELL $5 1 . 39 KWII PER THOUSAND GALLONS DEMAND CHARGES PER MONTH IF ANY WATER IS PUMPED : WELL 01 $ 959 . 69 PER MONTH IF USED WELLS 2 F. 4 $2 , 070 . 44 PER MONTH IF USED WELL N5 992 . 27 PER MONTH IF USED FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 20 of 237 WELL#4 DATA FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 21 of 237 AL FTUSEPEWRITER State Saho POINT PEN Department of Water Administration WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State law requires that this report be filed with the State Reclamation Engineer within 30 days after completion or abandonment of the well. 1. WELL OWNER 7. WATER LEVEL Name_ Falls Water Company Static water level 68 feet below land surface Flowing? ❑ Yes ❑ No G.P.M,flow Address 405 11th Idaho Falls, Idaho Temperature .F. Quality Artesian closed-in pressure p.s.i. Owner's Permit No. 25—7047 Controlled by ❑ Valve ❑ Cap ❑ Plug 2. NATURE OF WORK 8. WELL TEST DATA ® New well ❑ Deepened ❑ Replacement ❑ Pump ❑ Bailer ❑ Other Discharge G.P.M. Draw Down Hours Pumped ❑ Abandoned(describe method of abandoning) 3. PROPOSED USE ® Domestic ❑ Irrigation ❑Test 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG Note Depth Water CJ Municipal ❑ Industrial ❑Stock Diam. From To Material Y. Nc 4, METHOD DRILLED ;9 Cable ❑ Rotory ❑ Dug ❑ Other S. WELL CONSTRUCTION Diameter of hole 16 inches Total depth Meet Casing schedule: V Steel ❑ Concrete Thickness Diameter From To inches 16 inches +_ feet Meet € irtdtes 12 Inches _ feet 95 feet inches inches feet feet inches Inches feet feet inches inches feet feet Was a packer or seal used? ❑ Yes ❑ No Perforated? 11 Yes ❑ No How perforated? ❑ Factory ❑ Knife ❑Torch Size of perforation Inches by inches Number From To perforations __ feet feet perforations feet feet perforations fact fast IL Well screen installed? ❑ Yee ❑ No Manufacturer's name Type Model No, Diameter_Slot size_Set from feet to feet e Diameter—Sict size._Set from feet to feat Gravel packed? ❑ Yes :0 No Size of gravel— Placed from feet to feet Xa 5 ft. puddling clay Z Surface seal? 9) Yes ❑ No To what deptheet Material used in seal O Cement g► t cEl udd" B. LOCATION OF WELL QS PE✓ s4e,taro C , Sketch map location must agree with written location, 10, N Work started March _74 ( WELL 11.DRILLER%CERTIFICATION W E This well was drilled under my supervision and this report is true to the best of my knowledge. R. P. Cope Well Arilline 28 Dollars or Firm's Name Number County Bonneville Rt#3 Box 470 Idaho Falls, Address SEl 4NE+, SW � 14 T. 2 N�/ R.; $FNy , � Signed By WIL USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY FORWARD THE WHITE,BLUE,AND PINK CMS TO THE DEPARTMENT FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 22 of 237 LAVSED `• Identification No. U Application No. . STATE OF IDAHO APR 2.2 1914 DEPARTMENT OF WATER ADMINISTRATION U-Pementd1WelerAdministtolion APPLICATION FOR PERMIT APPR4VEL Eeslietn OlSlticl ONice To Appropriate the Public Waters of file State of Idaho (TYPE OR PRINT IN INK) 1. Name of applicant Falls Water Company, Inc. post office address 405 - llth Street, Idaho Falls, 83401 2. Source of water supply--&round_water which is a tributary of 3. a. Location of point of diversion is NE 1 Po __ of SW V<of Section *14 Township 2N Range 3dE B.M. Bonneville Count additional Y: points of diversion if any: b. If waler is not consumed, it will be discharged into. at a point in Of-`A of Section Township Range B.M. 4. Water will be used for the following purposes: Amount 3.0 for Municipal purpose from Jan. 1 ro Dec. 31 (both dales Inclusive) I<h or.c #.—per--.) Amount for_ purpose from to (both dales inclusive) Amount «for purpose from_ to (both dates inclusive) 5• Tolal quanlily lorbe appropriated: a. -�.D cubic feet per second and/or fb. acre feet per annum. b. Proposed diverting works: a. Description of ditches, flumes, pumps, headgares, etc. deep well, turbine pump 125 HP and.-water svatem b. Height of storage dam feet, active reservoir capacity acre feel; total reservoir capacity acre feel, materials used in storage dam: Period of year during which storage will occur to inclusive. - Imo.O,rl IMo.0<YI c. Proposed well diameter is_20 inches;proposed depth of well is 300 feel- 7. a. TKne required for the completion of the works and application of the water to the proposed beneficial use ,is\7_ years. Ib. Eslimaled construction cost is s_40,OOOi00_ 8. Description of proposed uses: a. If water is not for irrigation: 1 (1) Give the place of use of water:,_$ _ of.._ _' of Section 14 Township^2N__ { H,1 t Range_3HE.- + (2) Amount of power to be generated: hp hp under. feet of head. 11 Q) List number of each kind of livestock to be watered 1f (4) Name of municipality to be served-------, or number of families to be supplied with domestic watec_85O (5) If water is to be used for other purposes describe: a FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 23 of 237 b. If water is for irrigation, indicate acreage in each subdivision in the tabulation belowt NDA NWV4 IWtA SIK W►. ANOf sic. _ — .. �_ �._......- �.. .-. _�. TOMS NVA NWV. iwA SAV. NIV4 NWV4 sWV4 SEV. NVA NW% %WV4 $IV, N/V. NWVi sWW FXd N ME 14 x x x x x x x 15 x x Tolal number of acres to be irrigated c. Describe any other water rights used for the same purposes as described above. Three other wells located in NESW, SWSW, Sec. 14 SESE, Sec. 15, T. 2Ni_R. 38E. Glaimed under a use right. 9. a. Who owns the properly at the point of diversion Falls Water Co. b. Who owns the land to be irrigated or place of use private Individuals c. If the properly is owned by a person other than the applicant, describe the arrangement enabling the applicant to make this tiling 'PUC Certificate of convenience and necessity to supply dom 4stic water and fire aroteg_tfon I 10. Remarks Water will be used for Fire Port ection, lawn and_•garden irrigation. This well will also be sup2lemental to three other existingwells comprised of 1 - 40 NP,_1 - 20 NpLand_1-•,=,Z�.IIP_motor on pump that furnishes water to_500 residences not claimed on this permit. a a' I I L .-d 1• r I.1 • 1, FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 24 of 237 • If. Map of proposed project: show clearly the proposed point of diversion, place of use, section number, township and range number. I I I I I I I ---r--- ---L--- ---�--- - P38 E _�---- r------I ---i---- ---�-- I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 ----1—�— ----i--- ----i--- I ---�---' --- 1 ---4--- ---1-- I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I I j I I I 1 I I I i 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 ----y--------J-------J-------�------- t--- — t ---i--- ---J--- I I I I t --,----— I I 1 I I I I I I t 1 I ---1--- ---1------- I --+Q°— fit✓ I I I ► 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I •'j � j 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 Scale, 2 inches equal I mile BE IT KNOWN Thal•the undersigned hereby makes application for permit to appropriate the public waters of the Stale of,Idaho as herein set forth. (Applicant) FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 25 of 237 3-22-1974 Received bye Date�'/��/.'� Time Preliminary check bye Fee S t ��5^c Receipled bylr, Dater!_12 �,5� Publication prepared by ' Date ''• "�� Published in Publication dates r r Publication approved L� Date , Priority reduced to Reason rf Protests filed by: Copies of protests forwarded by Hearing held by Date ( Recommended for approval denial byi�PG..M_ f , ACTION OF THE DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF WATER ADMINISTRATION This is to certify that) have examined Application for Permil to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho No. 25-7047 , and said application is hereby_.APP$QY M . 1. Approval of said application is subject to the following limitations and conditions: a. SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR WATER RIGHTS. b. Proof of construction of works and application of water to beneficial use shall be submitted on or before Ap_iI I , 19 -71) c. Other;_g_meAS,,ring_dosrJrPoIF Axype_npprou�d-by_-this-Zopaum"c nha-l-"c— _permanently fnctalled anrt mai nPalryed_1c r`o�j,bg_dj,t arting_work-& - 2. Denial of said application is for the following reasons: f , 1 � 1�I Witness my hand this 12 day of ApCil 19 714 . l Y � A �Iwf 14' \ FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 26 of 237 WELI�`4- 7� it L • a - � �Q3 ' I /3 s5,as •- jj /T_OI(!d►3 jpf !Av?. w Y' ��p/`^ �i��Y ��it/`wl 1 ell) . . . r I ` • i f I 1 bq <6 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 27 of 237 Tj RI CO , L--Aj P" ^ 1 i � 1\ FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 28 of 237 l '�\ ` Cl y Ib I a i Y _ \ i a XN cl I � Ih , FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 29 of 237 1331 Ob!ZM34 14:Od lntlOYYqu" 1•ALLb WA I LN UU F'AbE 01 JUI-03 Ap►-03 - Jan-03 -- — Oct-02 Jul-02 Apr-02 Jan-02 " Od.01 ! Ju1.01 C -..._ Apr•Ot V Jan-01 - Oct-00 , - may-Do V 3 Feb•00 ?. � y � •- Nov99 y � , Q - May.99 . 0 - Feb-99 M - -- Aug-96 {4 j `I - _ M•y96 q N - -- Feb-96 Nov-97 S r LL — Aug-97 —. May-97 3 Fab-97 Nov-96 - Aug•96 C f _ May 98 Feb-96 -- — Nov95 Aug.95 V May-95 --- -. ff Mu-95 p 'Ile De691 {`�. 3 g JaieM O el 4000 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 30 of 237 WELL#5 DATA FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 31 of 237 Form 238-7 1 STATE OF IDAHO USE-TYYE.WRITER OR 1^s DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ! }'1 l ;,'\I3A!- P(1'INT PEN WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State law requires that this report be filed with the Director,Department of Water Ral" j within 30 days after the completion or abandonment of the well. 1. WELL OWNER 7. WATER LEVEL �9ternBistrictct;i:e Name Falls Water Co. (Wayne Wilcox) Static water level 92 feet below land surface. Flowing? ❑Yes M No G.P.M.flow Address 405 11th Street Idaho Falls Idaho Artesian closed-in pressure p.s.i. Controlled by: ❑ Valve ❑Cap ❑Plug Owner's Permit No. ZS" 71 Temperature —OF. Quality 2. TURE OF K 8. WELL TEST DATA i9 New well ❑ Deepened ❑ Replacement ❑ Pump ❑ Bailer ❑ Air ❑ Other ❑ Abandoned(describe method of abandoning) Discharge G.P.M. Pumping Level Hours Pumped 3. PROPOSED USE ❑ Domestic ❑ Irrigation ❑ Test R Municipal 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG ❑ Industrial ❑ Stock ❑Waste Disposal or Injection ❑ Other (specify type) Hole De th Water Diam. From I To Material Yes No Clay and gravel 4. METHOD DRILLED 20 10 142 1 Large gravel and sand x ❑ Rotary ❑ Air ❑ Hydraulic ❑ Reverse rotary 20 42 1 45 1 Brown Clay x ® Cable ❑ Dug ❑ Other 20 45 51 Med. Gravel and clay x 20 51 154 1 Gray Broken Basalt x 20 54 59 1 Solid Gra Basalt x 5.WELL CONSTRUCTION 20 59 93 1 Broken Gray Basalt x Casing schedule: ® Steel ❑ Concrete ❑Other 20 93 1321 Med. Pea Gravel 20 132 214 1 Brown Clay & SK. Gravel Thickness Diameter From To 20 144 1561 So ' t .2 0 inches 20 inches + 1 feet feet 156 1611 Broken Brown .250 inches 16 inches 1 feet 152 feet 6-3 1661 Solid Brown B inches inches feet feet 66 171 Broken inches inches feet feet Was casing drive shoe used? B Yes ❑ No 2b6 Was a packer or seal used? ❑ Yes E No 10t Perforated? ❑ Yes fail No 181 201 Solid QW Elamalt How perforated? ❑ Factory ❑ Knife ❑ Torch 2b201 214 Broken Brown Basalt Size of perforation inches by inches tO 2U 227 Clay & Cinders Number From To 2 227 2A2 Broken Brown Basalt perforations feet feet 2 251 (bray Basalt x perforations feet feet 2 1 268 Broken Brown Bas t & Clay x perforations feet feet 268 2 QrAv Solid B s t x Well screen installed? ❑ Yes 10 No 271 2 6 Broken B s t Manufacturer's name 276 281 &ay SolidBasalt Type Model No. 281 t Diameter—Slot size Set from feet to feet Diameter_Slot size —Set from feet to feet Gravel packed? ❑ Yes 9 No ❑Size of gravel Placed from feet to feet Surface seal dept �aterial used in seal: 99 Cement grout Bentonite ® Puddling clay ❑ Well cuttings Sealing procedure used: ❑Slurry pit ❑ Temp.surface casing ® Overbore to seal depth Method of joining casing: ❑Threaded IN Welded ❑ Solvent F Weld ❑ Cemented between strata Describe access port `1'O.r'�^^' @' +3ter Resource ork started !D tdd9VelerrR 6. LOCATION OF WELL 11, DRILLERS CERTIFICATTb11P""""^• ' - - ketch map location must agree with written location. I/We certify that all minimum well construction standards were N complied with at the time the rig was removed. r _3 Subdivision Name --:-- Firm Name Andrew Well Drillingirm No. 5 on r. • E Address 1268 East 17th Street Date 6-20-79 Lot No. Block No. Idaho Falls, o 83 Signed by(Firm Official S County pe yt-".,� /X, and NG✓ ,S' (Operator)�J�ie.P,4�� Sec.-&.__,T. _a7—NX R_?4 EAIC USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY - FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 32 of 237 I � f�1 . C� _ o L o L0 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 33 of 237 ESTIMATE AND ORDER FORM A��KULTURAL SE�--ICES INC. ROMPS AND IRR10Ai0W,1G1J1FM1Wt PwdNE 78611717 .IRACKROOV, IdAHO 9021b•l—i W 0.Box 027 CUSTOWR I : d+ _ � .� --• pia i�� ' �.. DATE �,•, .� r• I9 ADDRESS -*AJ PHONE OuANTI•TY I T E 11 1 � � I Let ,r. d r'' 0. OL 1 !. • .•s ll '1' n S: •ti• t •i` I� .r,. TER1 9.••iCl�fif DQM�!N;- iOALAN.0 = i. ,PAfIA6 FOLi'O"' {AS1l1pI VIDUALfi8M&-jo!"b]EWVERI II`oil r,le' o,tnetp :,the,equipment and-rpck or,other clrc metances,a .enoounlared wbbh•' orsaae`oal�I�the Ia dltlonelI costs Wllb be'added Ihe•balance 4ue ,.co paid by pulcheser:: All''meroh ndlas solda ' eurj"d Is sub(ebt.ta tleli��pril (p�.Qt'�}�bpMe eaihe hOm•Belle repel sources 61-;Qt#01y and at'Seller's,�present'coats. In even) oil reahbs In sill a 'bT any Ite�rl, the p•lotl 01 that Item Whereln quota) ,atuuoF• poA�WY utareaend. :.:;; :. .:.:._w_.,. ,r I ,. I ,,:,J Ify 'thg, op4rty purchased,putluenl`• ereto wll be wedir�a{ly for gi!nlna,4�ten romtur np, prOceaelf� or 1erMilrjp byrppaee.r 1 II r�,'I all 111jV�;;rl}ld' to 11b6U�ittenl In Its sntlrely�).Its'"leslved �I true, slpnec� copy-of If; enq l pdnllrm fh41 this,lea Iprm.offer on my part to pyrohae l{flh� wt�gMMlh}leon. If Ih�s olNr w im49Ptld by eller by,414}1nolts;slpnaturoher4on,a�f,ge)Iv0!.m a� r•f iy pert of the Iteml;,oroiher rigill,Pr ao bound btl eit0'yhderelpr4',0l:o► the sbpvo'alihmiF.*�jl;lhs:GWIAL TI:NMS.AW CON TIONS contained oh•'IhM tove ,. 0. ••yi �e��•t 112I"III 1 �i •'� I '.1' ,t ' Q 7 ' AORI T li SERJV 8, INC. PurchaS ° I C, +"s ' t y K ��•`: I _I .Y' .1 .`r•' l L� .fi� 4 ,., iF T 1. a •!• .i ..:I .i •h" Cf.: ..r Puroheer +1, � al 6,Y. 1 «d. tl r t: ''. Icy r4ll i., ...l..i• a ,i.�yi:4 t FI �. a• . !! .r I I't �:� ..s i.,.{I r •o i ri ! 1. •v;, .t II Y.d„�; purohd�Or a 1 ' "1 :� ,`., r$r.'. ' '' • - u i ' 1"r' Ph uro a or,l t �ieuilri�J w .+: V 11 �M! MA`� Sy, I a `� - 1 i:+l<i✓•Ii as. r I. E:1.n r�!••i`tw 4 ifs , *{ M Olhor f1 i wr iW R'o.... ..- .-. . .._.. ... _ l �t1e.r�'�e� I .I-,• J.�,. II• -Tr .a. 7N:•v� ,.. ,.,.,� . F FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 34 of 237 JALU WATER CO.—.�� 405 11 th Street IDAHO (AILS, IDAHO 83401 Telephone (208) 522-2525 6 — ac)-7y One deep well turbine pump complete designed for 760 GPM at 325 feet 75 HP 1760 RPM 175 feet of 8' z 11 hater lube oolunm assembly, 4 stage 12' bowl assembly and cone strainer R/ 20 feet of pipe. 175 feet of 1/4"' gale air line with fittings- and guage FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 35 of 237 FALLJ WATER Col 09/08/88 405 11Ih Street IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83401 Telephone (208) 522.2525 COST—FOR—PRODUCTION OF WATER BY WELL SITE THE COST TO PUMP ONE THOUSAND GALLONS OF WATER BASED - UPON POWER, RATE OF 6 . 3 CENTS PER KhJH AND NO DEMAND CONSIDERED . WELL 21 9 . 52 CENTS PER TIIOUSAIID r-ALLONS WELLS 294 8 . 05 CENTS PER THOUSAND GALLONS WELL 115 9 . 74 CENTS PEE' THOUSAND GALLONS POKIER CONSUMPTION PER THOUSAND GALLONS WELL 01 1 . 35 KVIH PER THOUSAND GALLONS WELLS 2 E 4 1 . 28 KWH PER THOUSAND GALLONS , WELL 05 1 . 39 K1.111 PER THOUSAND GALLONS DEMAND CHARGES PER MONTH IF A11Y WATER, IS PUMPED : WELL 01 $ 959 . 69 PER MONTH IF USED WELLS 2 6 4 S2 , 070 . 44 PER MONTH IF USED WELL 05 S 992 . 27 PER MONTH IF USED FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 36 of 237 • i 405 11 th Street IDAHO FAIL, IDAHO 83401 Telephone rZOB)322-2525 +! - ,• i INITIAL TEST RESULTS 4. I" 'r L00 Victot F Hanks SUM . Capacity. 610 O.p.M, (b 1521 6'n Static Level: - 92 feet ))raw*; Down 60! 6" Datev June 18, 1979 , 6 .. _ . ,. •a .. it 1. i FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 37 of 237 1 C N ` Y o Z w u o 0 0 D w o z z z oLu u u 0 u f o cc _ _ Z c � u _J ~ Z w < O J W o a w Z� LL a- w > o a a a w W -- Y CY < > H V• � I ' �O' > F, N Z l oC OO \ \ \ ui nO 3 M \ �J < o J w W I CY - — � w � w V LLJ u ". Cz uj z } O �-- 0 = O t Z w a o LnLu Lu O F- a a a < w O w N d } N J d O_ 0 CO LLJ O O CY = Q OC of FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 38 of 237 I ~ a0 Z w � h 0 D w z z z o 3 V) LO � Q) U o \ m L� a C u rf. -J w U) O � � z A w o `u _ _ j w w W 3 N j W i 0 0 0 J U Y 1 J J J Q /- \ 3 O ~ E N 3 t Lu 1— o . J W us Q y o Ex l �O Zl f W h w d o ll U Y Oe ti C� LL z ti z ,� _ o ° ;.: rc r O t z w 0 0 O a w LIJa . a a m Ck `Cien ui n o ^ p O p w FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 39 of 237 M !� N K Z ac o v w w � � w O Z Z Z J J w a � a Q C u Ci w a 0 0 N Q J w J w Z a 0 a a a " w p LU w w w J N �i oc oC LU 3 �o 0 J � � u LL - 30 � � z p > W w w n Q w V ti I OC f V p 6 `v z Z oz N o O L Z Q u, w a .0 l�L N Q- r a. 2 CIO Jix C O w = J V - N N V) u a 3 O O F - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 40 of 237 s State of Idaho J Department of Water Resources MAR g 1990 Department of Water Resources WATER RIGHT LICENSE WATER RIGHT NO. 25-07148 Eastern District Office Priority: March 13, 1978 Maximum Diversion Rate: 1.89 CFS Maximum Diversion Volume:l 145.9 AF This is to certify, that FALLS WATER CO. INC. 405 11TH ST. IDAHO FALLS, ID 63401 has complied with the terms and conditions of the permit, issued pursuant to Application for Permit dated March 13, 19781 and has submitted Proof of Beneficial Use on February 7, 1983. An examination indicates that the works have a diversion capacity of 1.890 cfs of water from a GROUNDWATER source, and a water right has been established as follows: BENEFICIAL. USE PERIOD OF USE RATE OF DIVERSION ANNUAL VOLUME DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 1.89 CFS 145.9 AF LOCATION OF POINTS) OF DIVERSION: NWSW Sec. 11, Township 02N, Range 38E BONNEVILLE County PLACE OF USE: DOMESTIC TM RGE SEC 02N 38E 11 NESW NWSW SWSW 14 SWNE NENW NWNW SWNW NESW NWSw SWSW SESW NESE NWSE SWSE SESE 15 NESE NWSE SESE 22 NENE MgNE SWNE 23 NWNE NWNW SWNW NWSW CONDITIONS/REMARRS: 1. The maximum diversion volume is defined as the maximum allowable volume of water that may be diverted annually from the source under this right. The use of water confirmed by this right is limited to the amount which can actually be beneficially used. The maximum diversion volume may be adjusted to more accurately describe the beneficial use or to implement accepted standards of diversion and use efficiency. 2. This water right is appurtenant to the described place of use. 3. This right is subject to all prior water rights and may be forfeited by five years of non-use. 4. Modifications to or variance from this license must be made within the limits of Section 42-222, Idaho Code, or the applicable Idaho law. 5. Domestic use is for 118 homes. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 41 of 237 ' PAGE 2 State of Idaho Department of Water Resource: WATER RIGHT LICENSE WATER RIGHT NO. 25-07146 This license is issued pursuant to the provisions of Section 42-219, Idaho C . Witness the seal and signature of the Director, affixed at Boise, this �2 day of -�� «-�� 19�. Acting for . Ker Higg nson, Di tor c 6 V FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 42 of 237 ellt� IdentHlcelion No. -} 1 Application No. 15 I 1 fi 8 V MAY 4 1915 STATE OF IDAHO Department of I;afar Resources DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES EesteinDistrict0111ce APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ARPfz4VED To Appropriate the Public Waters of the Slate of Idaho (TYPE OR PRINT IN INK) I. Name of applicant Falls Water Company, Inc. (2081 522-1300 Post office address 405 11 th Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 2. Source of water supply ground water which is a iribufaiy of 3. a. location of point of diversion is NW y. of SW A of Section 11 2N _Township Range 38E g.M, Bonneville County;additional points of diversion if any; b. If water is not consumed, it will be discharged into at a point in V. of 'A of Section Township Range D.M, 4. Water used for the following purposes: �9 AmoA 2 36 domestic or purpose from-, Jan. 1 Dec. 31 u•..... o.r.w��int to--_.•-----(both dates inclusive) Amount for purpose from W.a„•,r t.a p.•.ft,,,,,�) to fboth dates inclusive) Amount for purpose from to_at «•-t--•� , (both dates inclusive) 5. Total quantity to be appropriated: 6. 2.36 cubic feet per second and/or b. acre fear per annum. 6. Proposed diverting works: a. Description of ditches, flumes, pumps, headgales, etc, wel l, 75 Hp pump and water system b Height of storage dam feet, active reservoir capacity acre feet; total reservoir capacity acre feet, materials used in storage dam: Period of year during which storage will occur to inclusive. c. Proposed well diameter is 16 ab p•p o.n inches; proposed depth of well is 300 feel.. 7. a. time 5 required for the completion of the works and application of the wafer to the proposed beneficial use is years. b. Estimated construction cost is E 30,000.00 8. Description of proposed uses: a. It water is not for irrigation: (1) Give the place of use of water: Nis of 5W y. of Section--il Township 2N Range__ O _._._B.M. (2) Amount of power to be generated;. hp under _•. -feet of head (3) List number of each kind of livestock to be watered (4) Name of municipality to be served. _ _ _ _ _ or number of Iam,hes to be supplied with domestic water 118 15) If water is to be used for other purposes describe: FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 43 of 237 b. If water is for irrigation, indicate acreage in each subdivision in the tabulation below: MV RANG11 sic. "WV4 1W. 111% N64* NW, JW'*4 J19%9 Nlk. Nwk,. sw% Stio� • TOTALS NWW %W;1. Sl v. --- ------------------- Total number of acres to be irrigated-- c. Describe any other water rights used For the same purposes as described above. Four other wells: located in NEUSW-4, SwhSA, Sec. 14, SEkSE4, Sec. 15, T. 2N, R. 38- B.M, claimed under a use- right and one located in NEhSWh, Sec. 14, T. 2N, R. 38E underpermit 9. a. Who owns the properly at the point of diversion- Idaho Land Developers, Inc. b. Who owns the land to be irrigated or place of use Private Individuals C. If the property Is owned by a person other than the applicant, describe the arrangement enabling the applicant lo,make this filing IPUC Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Supply domestic water supply and fire protection 10. Remarks Water will be used for fire DrSjtejQ�,n4.t_l---- garden irrigation. This well will be used 4VP-AInL...-.-- - —tqjYRP!�Mnt—LO—Ur-0"4Lrj__e.x i s,ti wells comprised of 1 .- 150 Hp, I - 4LH.p I _ 20 L, hLiotn on pumps that furnish water to 900 residences not claim on this permit. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 44 of 237 1p 11. Map of proposed project: show clearly the proposed point of diversion, place of use, section number, township and range number. Ric 3 sE- I I I 1 I I I I --1--- -- �--- --1--- I ---+--- ---1-- I I I I I I I I I I I• I I I I I I I I I I j 1 I I I I I ---�--- ---L——— ———L——— ---i--- ---�--- ---r--- ---�---- ---L— I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I --J--- --)--- I --�--- -- 1 -- --- 1-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I ' fr. 9 ,2I� I I I • 'I a. I),11V�a� 1��1 I � I I -----------1--- ---a--- ---J— I I I -1 1 I I I j 1 I I I } 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I lJ I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 --- ---� --- ---�--- i--- ------ �--- ---L--- --- ---�— I I 1 1 I 1 1 Scale: 2 lrtches equal I mile BE IT KNOWN that the undersigned hereby makes aplilicaiion for permit to appropriate the public waters of the Stoic of Idaho as herein set forth. F,4 NG 6 (Applicant) t, FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 45 of 237 Proposed Prlority.3/ 3L78 // ,, Received by Oaf Date��2�'�� Time�U Preliminary check by. fee S O ,'7 Receipled bvi,�I e- Date /i --2d Publication prepargd by_LLJ_Dale i-/ Published Publ,caliondales�,�,�1..��.,/���i]]d Publication approved fir_Date.Sl�1�sG�,._T.J-./�!7 y_ r• Priority reduced to_ _Reason Protests filed by: Copies of protests forwarded by Hearing held by Dale Recommended for ap rova denial I�qG}� ACTION OF THE DIRECTOR,DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES This is to certify that I have enamined'Applicalion for Permit to appropriate the public waters of the Slate of Idaho No. 25-7148 , and sai.:1 application is hereby APPROVED 1. Approval of said application is subject to the following limitations and conditions: a. SUBJECT TO All PRIOR WATER RIGHTS. b. Proof of consuuclion of works and application of water to beneficial use shall be submitted on or before Agri 1_1 , 19 83 c. Othcr: For licensing—nurposee a scientific measurement of the diversion rate of the system as it is normal operated shall be provided by either properly installing an approved type of measuring device or by having a professional engineer certify the rate of diversion to the Department prior to submitting proof of beneficial_use of water. The issuance of this permit in no way grants any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. �� T Witness my hand this st!// day of _April lq 78 r Administrator FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 46 of 237 WELL#6 DATA FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 47 of 237 F.�n 2�8-7 STATE OF IDAHO USE TYPEWRITER OR 9' DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES BALLPOINT PEN WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State law requires that this report be filed with the Director,Department of Water Resources within 30 days after the completion or abandonment of the well. 1, WELLOWNER FallsWater Co., Inc. 7- WATER LEVEL Name Wayne Wilcox Static water level 56 feet below land surface. 405 11th Street Flowing? ❑Yes M No G.P.M.flow Address Idaho Falls, Id 83401 Artesian closed-in pressure p.s.i. C Controlled by: ❑Valve ❑ Cap (7 Plug Owner's Permit No. 25-87—$-OC4-000 Temperature OF. Quality Cood Describe arresian or temperature zones below. 2.NATURE OF WORK to �,as•O /8 8. WELL TEST DATA X7 New well ❑ Deepened ❑ Replacement ❑ Pump ❑ Bailer ❑ Air ❑ Other ❑ Abandoned(describe abandonment procedures such as materials,plug depths,etc.in lithologic log) Discharge G.P.M. Pumping Level Hours Pumped 3. PROPOSED USE ❑ Domestic ❑ Irrigation ❑ Test It Municipal 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG U (1 Cj ❑ Industrial ❑ Stock ❑Waste Disposal or Injection ❑ Other (specifytype) Bore Depth Water y Diam, From To Material Yes No 24 U 4 Top Soil X 4. METHOD DRILLED 10 Gravel & LXU clay X d Rotary ❑ Air ❑ Hydraulic ❑ Reverse rotary 10 0 0 Izr e vel & clay $1 Cable El Dug Q Other 4C Lar e era,,el & sand X 6U 70 r n n X 0 77n t 5. WELL CONSTRUCTION 77 80 3asalt boulders & clay X Casing schedule: IN Steel ❑ Concrete ❑Other 3esalt broken & clay X 2 Basalt fractures Thickness Diameter From To k2U892 Course sand & broken rock X .25C inches 24 inches + 1 feet 9Uz feet•250 inches 20 inches l feet 122.9feei9 997 lU8 Basalt hard ra X Basalt firm -ra X inches inches feet feet1U8 1 6 Basalt hard fractured ra X inches inches feet feet136 144 Cinders blacksand red X Was casing drive shoe used? (M Yes ❑ No 1 1 U C'nd r Dine sand re Was a packer or seal used? El Yes IZ No Perforated? ❑ Yes ® No How perforated? ❑ Factory Cl Knife ❑ Torch Size of perforation inches by inches Numb-r From To perforations feet feet perforations feet feet _ perforations feet feet Well screen installed? ❑ Yes M No Manufacturer's name Type Model No. n: Diameter_Slot size_Set from feet to feet Diameter Slot size_Set from feet to feet Gravel packed? ❑ Yes )EI No ❑ Size of gravel souK41 Placed from feet to feet i" Surface seal depth U+ Material used in seal: IX Cement grout t V Bentonite ❑ Puddlingclay ❑ Sealing procedure used: ❑ 7 Slurry pit � Temp,surface casing )V Overbore to seal depth Method of joining casing: ❑ Threaded X3 Welded ❑Solvent Weld ❑ Cemented between strata Describe access port Well Cap _�_ 12_ Work started 88 finished 3/1/89 6. LOCATION OF WELL 11..DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Sketch map location must agree with written location. I./We certify that all minimum well construction Vangat s were N complied with at the time the rig was removed. r r Subdivision Name - i-- Fir rilNameAndrew Well Drillin Firm No. 5 W r E o ' Addr$ 126E E. 17th Street Date 3/2C/89 r . --�-- "'"+-' Lot No. Block No, Idaho Falls, Idaho 831y0Lr„ 'Signed by(Firm Official) S �.. l' and County o neville �•.'. (Operator) INE y, SW %,Sec. 14 ,T. 2 &,R3 E/9L. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY -FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 48 of 237 ANDREW WELL DRILLING CONTRACTORS 1s 1268 EAST 17TH STREET IDAHO FALLS. IDAHO i PHONE 522.2794 Date March 21, 1989 1 Statement Wayne Wilcox Well and/or Pump RROEM for: Kw Name Falls Water Co. Inc. Address 405 llth Street Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Location 1501 Drilling Municipal Well 10,500.00 911 Casing 24" Steel 2,730.00 1231 Casing 2011 Steel 2,952 00 1 2011 Steel 190 00 I Shoe 2411 Steel 640 00 4 Yrds Cement Grout 90 00 8 Hrs }I ' C Pump Test _ 1,320.00 Hrs XX Additional Pumping 260.00 Submersible Cable Drop Pipe Well Seal Pittless Adaptor Valves & Fittings Electrical Materials Pump Installation State Tax 1 0 Total 19 327 10 Signature FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 49 of 237 f I- `\1 tz tic hC uj < + f O Q +' Cv o a q c� c] pi Q Q U A 0 w O Z Z Z 3 O 3 u u u m O m O 0 ull, p 0 0 0 0 � • • . C_ O N J a CO CO N Z < C u 0 o F o < O w O N � Z J Z ao � � aw LU > o LJJ W wft- w 3 W to i o 0 o J u C w w Q a i w O N ° 3 Co CO r-1 r-i 0, 1 0 0 Oz W �� a 0, r-1 ~ u1 cC1 _0 00 w '0 Cam- '0 -'0 v V a a 0 w u a a Q U O O O O O O O nt, u� O r-i W CO 00 xj-% W u Co r-i r-i .-I H r-i H H o a N A a c� a z r - N Q F td 0 ('1 v 3 X rI U = = o v\ D �I H N N N = O 0Uj H 1- O p p l¢¢Su _i OC < d U < 3 0 0 r C Q O U �7 ri O 0 w S = H ri N r-1 ri N N r1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 50 of 237 Q bi U) � G _ w N CO - F, o ti �{ Cu a) oOc Ci_ 6_ 6_ q d A A A U U « U w O J J z z z 3 to N V1 0 w u O m CU U-\ v% Z N C c N N U = z ti _J rN1 � Q w v to !] W a C=TfJ w Z o w o W n W 3 N W I] W w wi J J J J < ~ < LLj dy 0 t off H r�-i rr, H o� 'A w W 0 o ro I w \0 10 10 10 [— t- C1 4.) r-4 10 10 1,0 a U) Q I w u_ 0 w °C E O H O Lr\ O O O +� O O 0 0 C7 O W U N v� O O Lr\ .� � � [rl` N O {tea V x � ri Z NLU w. Q rj Z o Z N N M n � � N N Co CN0 = O cad 0 ~ ~ A N h (ti g o - 0. V) c LLJ U Q O O n " T T r1H r � 8 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 51 of 237 rn $; rA - - 3 d c - U) o LU cn o0 Ci Z w o a o 6 0 � b _ _ W 0 z z z >W N V1 QN m y U U V O 9N N p r-I r 4 r-A ° z J — Q � U p —_1 �J d x p u O Z Z 06 0- R a W W O W 1 o a o J J J Q Y--- Q ; FO 1) zLU 0 W E) o - w w 4c Oq ..� W - W I { 1 o Q - - W C 0 LL j n WIC 10 d Q [ Lli U Ck LL Q) E 0 0 N N v M � K � O U r-I Q z > W f- �z p Q V p - Z O Z Clqr. Q) = 0 ° h �— �° 0 N p 0 a a ° � N a m ay n a LL J o O ui ix J = JC C DC OC Lli 1` v~i 0 w vUi ~ IE U 0 C, ►- U Q H r FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 52 of 237 STANDARD FORM DRILLING CONTRACT -pM• THIS Afiltri-MENT. Made And rnlercd info this .23 dny of ....3 0PLk _ .. 19 between Howard E. Andrew and Vert J. Andrew dba ANDI1F 1�V LIi)DRILLING C'ONTRA("1'OfiR of Idaho Falls, Idaho, herrionfler called the DRILLING CON- TRA("TORS, and ... axis WAf er GO. ' 405. 110. 8t -- of--_. ___.._- ..Idaho..Falls, .1d-83404_—._ ,hereinafter called the PURCHASER. WITNRSRETII: That the Drilling Cootrncfor agrees, for And in conviderAlinn of the terms and agreements herein contained,and for the price herein Haled fnr the work mlecifird. to drill n hole beginning with a__inch holy and continuing such size unless formations are encountered which would necensilntr reelurlion of some. Drilling Conlraclnr having right to make reduclions as he finds it necessary to do on. If necessary to reduce size of hole, prier will he adjuAled aA fnllowle: neduclinom nnticipAlyd to he ns follows: ._. --.—_-- _ ']'too hole to ba drilled is on properly belonging to Ihlrelum—r, and drneribed as follows, (%•wit: — ------- ---------- —AS—Per estimate The Drilling Contractor agrees to drill the hole and the Purchaser agreen to pay same at the rate of E_—(per hDur) (per font) (not) (including caning). (Strike out terms which do not npply.) All other work shall he paid at the fallowing roles: Perforating E per hour, Developing E —per hr/ur.Tent pump E per hour, Mnlnr Power E per hour. Other items Drill rate does not include caning or other materials unlrAs otherwi,e spreified herein and all such materials shall he paid by the Purchaser in addition to the charges herein set forth. Drill rate per foot dory not include limn spent by Drilling Contractor for well development,deal- ing,or unforpeen evenlualiliea. All casing and materials will he Fpecified by,l}le Drilling Contractor. The pump In be used on the hole herein glrcifird shall be lypc, 1'urolne and size Special specifications are as follows: All drilling and All labor performed Ali 11 be suhjerl to the rnllowing covenants and agreements: A. There shall he. a minimum charge of E_—NO[le -- necessitated by the coat of moving And setting up Drilling Cnnlractnr'r equipment. I3. Drilling Confrnelor agrees to keep an accurate log of all formations and water levels, and perform all work in a grand and workmanlike mamler, hole to be serviceably straight• but does not under any circumstances represent or goarantre a flowing well or thin( he will strike water nl nil. The Drilling CorUraclor does not wnrranf any quanlily or quality of water. All operations are at the risk of the Purchaser and failure to strike water shalt in no way relrnse Purchaser from payment of the full contract price. C. All charges shall he clue and payable when the hole in finished or when the machine leaves the job,whichever is first in (imp. 1). Purchaser Agrees that overdue payyments shall draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum unt;1 paid and that if suit he commenced or other legal proceedings h, taken to enforce the payment of any amount due or any other provision of thin agree- ment that he will pay a reasonable allnrney's fee. And Ilse costs of any such proceeding. E. No provision herein contained shall be conAtrued as An election of any remedy which the Drilling Contractor might have at law or equity,and time and the terms, covenants and conditions are hereby made the essence of this agreement. F. If Purchaser does not pay the agreed price for said hole in the manner herein provided as follows.- Cash on completion the Drilling Contractor shall at any time niter ten (10) (lave of Purchaser's default in payment as herein provided have the right and permission to go upon the premises without guilt of trespass and reclaim and recover any materials installed by Drilling Contractor in the hole, including caning. It is specifically agreed That casing placed in hole by Drilling Contractor shall he deemed personal property unattached to the really until fully paid for as provided herein. G. Purchaser hereby grants to Drilling Contractor the right of ingress and egress upon any of Purchaser's land necessary or convenient to reach the Rite of the Well and In carry out the provisions of thin agreement. Il It. The Purchaser taken full reaponnihilily fnr selecting the site of the well, and ed' any stalemenls made by tho Drilling Conlrac- for are suggestions only and shall not he construnA representalions aA to where the well should be drilled. 1. Purchaser represents that he in the legal and record owner of the property upon which the well is to be drilled,or (hat he holds equitable title under the following facts: J. Thr.Drilling Contractor agrees that Idle Purchaser will not he responsible in case of accident or injury to persona or employees in conneclion with the drilling operation%. K. The Drilling Conlrarfor shall cnol he responsible for dmmnges or <Ielnyn caused by fire• parlbqunkes, war• strikes, material shortage or Ihefl, or other causes beyond flip control of Ihr Drilling Conlrnelor. L. The Drilling Contractor further agree% to comply with the standarda net up by the Idnhn ]drillers Association, Inc., and it is mutually agreed that the inspection provision at the commencement of this contract is hereby made a part hereof. IN WITNFSS WH RREOF, The particle have hereunto net. their hands at —.this—]�.____ day of_5.e.pt ..7, i g ANDREW WELL DRILLING Dr' ling Confinclor —Witnesses-—_� ------ Purchaser NINI NI�fNNNININ�NINNNNN�pNNN.Ip'e� rutaf 9 0 Simnntoro FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 53 of 237 ANDREW WELL DRILLING CONTRACTORS 1268 EAST 17TH STREET t IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 1 PHONE 522-2794 1 Dare May 6, 1987 _ 7R�¢Jlx]Q4�CC Well and/or Pump EsliMate for: Name _ a e ilcox Address Falls Water uo. a Iaaho Yal.Lsf Idaho Location 1 U, Drilling 491 ® •UO 10 UU u0 Casing t1 @ 30.00 Casing 20r1 II' needed 24 '{ 24 tr aft Shoe 2011 Ir needed p 64.. . ()0., Cement Grout State seal Possib.Le " 011 Cas' & Ce ent :., 8 Hour Test `T% 6: Tank Submersible Cable iq Drop Pipe 2 Well Seal Pittless Adaptor Valves&Fittings o. �.� Electrical Materials " f.: Pump Installation r State Tax Total d5 79450 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 54 of 237 i i f y ANDREW WELL DRILLING p CONTRACTORS 1268 EAST 17TH STREET IDAHO FALLS. IDAHO j i PHONE 522-2784 i Date May 6. 198E _ AWX Well and/or Pump Estimate for: Name — 64 Address Falls Water uo daho falls, Idaho Location l Ur Drilling 2 11@ 70.UO 10,500 t0 I '7 1 Casing 2 11 ® •0.00 ;e.250.00 CI Casing 2U11 If, needed 00 2411 64U 00 Shoe 20t1 II needed 0 UCement Grout State seal ossible '011 Casing & Ce ent Soo 0 Alum 8 Hour L Tank (� Submersible Cable Drop Pipe Well Seal Pittless Adaptor Valves & Fittings Electrical Materials I Pump Installation --------------- � C li « State Tax Total 79 4 50 Signature FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 r Page 55 of 237 NOV 24 1987 2$ i41F Form 202 6/66 STATE OF IDAHOepartment of Water Resources 1derf No, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESWIDAtW9 Office APPLICATION FOR PERMIT - oipp" O�� To appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho , O 1. Name of applicant Fal Is Water Company Inc. Phone 522-1300 Post office address 405 11th Street, Idaho Falls, ID 83401 2. Source of water supply groundwater Well St6) which is a tributary of 3. Location of point of diversion is ya Of NE ,/4 Uf SW '/., Govt. Lot Sec. .1.4 Township 2•N Range 38E t3 M Bonnev i l l e County; additional points of diversion if any: (Well #1) SWSW, (Well #2 & #4) NESW, Sec. 14, (We]1 #5) NIJSW, Sec. 11 , all in T. 2N, R. 38E, B.M. _ 4. Water will be used for the following purposes: Amount 1 .00 c€6r Irrigation purposes from - 4/1 to 11/1 (both dates inclusive) Amount 1 .00 c f& Domestic 1/1 to 12/31 (cfs purposes from (both dates inclusive) Amount purposes from for to Ida or acre-foot per Onnum) (both dates inclusive) Amount for purposes from (cfs or acre-foot per annum) t0 (both dates inclusive) 5. Total quantity to be appropriated is.(a) 1 .00 and/or(b) cubic feet per second acre feet per annum 6. Proposed diverting works: a. Description of ditches, flumes, pumps, headgates, etc. we 1 , 40 hp pump, mainI ine to water system serving 1500 homes. b. Height of storage dam feet; active reservoir capacity acre-feet; total reservoir capacity acre-feet; period of year when water will be diverted to storage: , to inclusive. c. Proposed well diameter is 24 inches; proposed depth of well is 150 feet. d. Is ground water with a temperature of greater than 90OF being sought? 7. Time required for the completion of the works and application of the water to the proposed beneficial use is 2 years(minimum I year). FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 56 of 237 B. Description of proposed uses(if irrigation only, go to item 9): a. Hydropower; show total feel of head and proposed capacity in KW. b Stockwatering; list number and kind of livestock. c. Municipal; show name of municipality. d. Domestic; show number of households. 500 (dome st i r u ea j S a 1 to lama a s i rr i na f i on a se e. Other; describe fully. 9. Description of place of use: a. If water is for irrigation, indicate acreage in each subdivision in the tabulation below, b. If water is used for other purposes, place a symbol of the use(example; D for Domestic) in the corres- ponding place of use below. See instructions for standard symbols. NEY. NW'/. RANGE SEC SW' SE'/. TWP fNE /. TO ' NWIA SWA SE1A NEh NW%. SW'/. SE'/. NE'/. NWA SW'A SEV. NE!. NW/- SWV. SE`/. 2N 38E 1 6 6 27 39 14 9 2 27 27 27 27 27 27 14 212 15 26 10 2 23 61 22 11 6 17 �,. 23 16 5 ?1 AT it ina ion is or resident al ots Total number of acres to be irrigated 35n v. a� .10. Describe any other water rights used for the same purposes as described above. No. 25-7191 and 25-7148 l 11. a. Who owns the property at the point of diversion? Fall '-later Co. b. Who owns the land to be irrigated or place of use? Individual Home Owners e. If the property is owned by a person other than the applicant, describe the arrangement enabling.the applicant to make this filing. Co. certified by P.U.C. 2«) Remarks: Wells #1 through #5 already licensed or under claim to a water rinht ': "`•"' Size of well is to accommodate future growth demand. i Irrigation is for residential lots, Y . r�Q�%. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 57 of 237 13. Map of proposed project: show clearly the proposed point of diversion, place of use, section number• township and range number. Ors y �• aM 47 4 QJ Ir S wt►L •»• AC fl0 -_ �Grow 4168 ae U Trailer S t� I F Park / ML \ I •7 �M 4756 i l ��Llnooln •••••• Gm 4 ••l � ,:. iY• o fJ6j �CAce C¢(ASE ` Doan- or�wt"Rstaia i. 14 � as � I • . :t � .. • ' � � a,�ail i�*,i ,���,: �.k�.'.�' _ .•`+- A- '•• a Ar I _ 1 r; �I i a • ,. . , Q--ALL 77 11L AL AAAJON ,f E8- - .. .. EML01'I • K I Ljol • I _ •• ale • Inc of 1 L• 1 I j 3� ,cr.w ` 13E IT KNOWN that the undersigned hereby makes application for permit to appropriate the public waters of V.the State of Idaho as herein set forth. (Applicant) FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 58 of 237 9/23/87 Received by Date�3= Time _.�_1 U A0 Preliminary check by 1' o� pp C Fee S- YS Receipted by l a /�+0l Date 9-� a --�� a-- ,0.. Publication prepared by _ Date_ r".Y Published in C Publication approved Date fACTION OF THE DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES This is to certify that I have examined Application for Permit to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho No. 25-7418 APPROVED and said application is hereby 1. Approval of said application is subject to the following limitations and conditions: a. SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR WATER RIGHTS. b. Proof of construction of works and application of water to beneficial use shall be submitted on or before December 1 19 89 c. The rate of diversion, if water is to be used for irrigation under this permit, when combined with all other water rights for the same land shall not exceed 0.02 cubic feet per second for each acre of land. d. The water right acquired under this permit if for hydropower purposes shall be junior and subordinate to all rights to the use of water, other than hydropower, within the State of Idaho that are initiated later in time than the priority of this permit and shall not give rise to any right or claim against any future rights to the use of water, other than hydropower,within the Stale of Idaho initiated later in time than the priority of this permit. e. Other: Permit holder shall commence the excavation or construction of diverting works within one year of the date this per,nit is issued and shall proceed diligently until the project is complete. Permit holder shall comply with the drilling permit requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Code. Prior to the diversion of water under this permit a flow measurement port or other device as specified by the Department shall be installed to provide for the installation of measuring equipment and the determination of the rite of diversion by the Department. The issuance of this permit in no way grants any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. Irrigation use under this permit is authorized only in connection with a domestic use. Witness my hand this day of November, 1987. Director FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 59 of 237 .Form 235-1 � Drilling Permits. .2 S -� j- Z- go-I 6jeZ Water Permit No s _Injection Permit Permit No. State of Idaho Department of Water Resources D R I L L I N G P E R M I T NOV 24 19t1I (Authorizing Construction of a Well)* Department of Water kpsourCeg Eastern District office 1. Applicant FA,►_ AliETz (�o N c 2. Address 405 WIN IN .�e�a\•.� �a1\c Zat �`�O t (vI Well Owner ( ) Well Operator ( ) Other, specify 3. Water right permit no. Injection well permit no. 4. Proposed well location S E 1/4 /VE 1/4 S W 1/4, or Gov't lot No. , Sec. 14 , Twp. Z ti Rge. 3 FE , County (3 0,-)"e /, /lc Lot, block and subdivision L61 35 , �(���� �S rAO%Luc IA,:) ESTATE-S 5. Proposed use of well: (Check all that apply) (Domestic ( ) Stockwater ( ) Monitoring (Irrigation ( ) Industrial ( ) Municipal ( ) Injection ( ) Other, Specify 6. welll construction information: (1, New well ( ) Deepen ( ) Replace Proposed surface diameter 7-4 Proposed depth t S y Anticipated bottom hole temperature: (�850� or less (Cold water well) ( ) 850 F to 212O F (Low temp. geothermal well) ( ) 212OF or more (Geothermal well) t,2 Nov 1487� 7. Anticipated construction start date ASP.Y Ai NpPLtcPATtoN _oQ TtEr_rn+-r A,>pRc;ut--D 8. Well Driller (if known) v, Wzu \ _J ,J 6,9 Address 12ia8 1­41'- ic IAO" T� Date 2 3 S p+B7 Applicant's signature Title * After other pre-requisite approvals have been obtained. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 60 of 237 Kpproved ( Denied The approval of this permit authorizes the construction of a well as described on this application subject to the conditions on this permit. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. The well must be constructed in compliance with the applicable statutes, specific conditions of approval shown on the water right permit, injection n well permit, transfer or amendment and the rules and regulations of the I Department for water appropriation, injection wells and well construction standards. ll 2. This drilling permit is valid for t (2) months from its date of issuance for the start of construction and is valid for one (1) year from the date :. of issuance for completion of the well unless an extension has been grant— ed. V•�1 3. The permit holder or his representative shall notify the Department ten (10) days prior to the start of construction unless good cause for later notification can be shown. 4. The well shall be constructed by a driller currently licensed in the State of Idaho who must maintain a copy of the drilling permit at the drilling site. �I 5. Issuance of this drilling permit does not authorize trespass on the land I of another party. 6. This permit does not constitute other local, county, state or federal approvals which may be required for construction of a well. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: L L Dated this 6th day of November 19 87 Signed r 14 � TitleC4 ) liT. Receipted by Fee V U 6 Date �' 7 d Q s Receipt No. 076 �U Construction start date I Construction start extension to I_ Extension approved by FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 61 of 237 Form 217 For Office Use On I� 6 Fee Received 125 Ogre 9-29-$9 Race i pf I GtAI 2,0 STATE OF IDAHO Receipt by Reviewed by OF-OAR114ENT OF WATER RESOURCES Sent to region PROOF OF BENEFICIAL USE The Idaho Oaoartment of ''Maroc Resources wlII consider this torn) as a sratanent that rho permit holders) lies completed all development that will occur under this permit and that rater he, been aw led according to Tie provlslons of the permit for the beneficial use($) described below. This torn) roust b• accomoanled by a license exaelnetlon rN or a completed field examinatlon report prepared by a cor-rlfled water rlgnt examiner wno nas been appointed by The devartment. Permit No. Naae(s) of Permit Holder. FALLS WATER COMPANY , INC Post Office Address: 405 11TH STREET , IDAHO FALLS , IDAHO 83404-4899 Telephone No. 70 522 - 1300 Source of water: r R 0 U H W-1 A T E P Extent of Use: Oom"tIc 1 5 0 0 (number of households) Stockwater (number and type Or lTOC�;) Irrigation 3 5 0 (acres) Other/Rawark Total rate and/or volume for which proof Is submitted 2 . 0 cfs acre-Omer Show the dart• water was first diverted and baneflclally used under this permit: J U L Y 1 , 19 3 8 Measuring Device: Required? X yes _NO Fee enclosed S 12 5 . 00 Insta11ed7 y, Yes _No (See License Examination Fee Scheduie) Flow Measurement Port: ReoulredT _Yes _No Installed? Yes No Person to contact to accompany "a Oepartment represeotative during the field examination: KELLY HOWELL 209-522- 1300 (Name) (Telephone Number) 405 11TH STREET , IDAHO FALLS , ID 93404 (Address) The above information Is .wry true statement of "a extent to which the above numbered permit hes been developed and I relinquish any undeveloped portlon of the permit to the state of Idaho. SEPT . 29 , 1989 VICE-PRES . Der►• Slgnatur• of Permi Holder (and title. If approprlate) FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 62 of 237 WELL#8 DATA FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 63 of 237 A 69 CJr J $�W 6 0 6, 4 L 71 4i ON l FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 64 of 237 IV 0 K 1 q ' REPORT OF WELL DRILLER State of Idaho rAddress e law requires that this report shall be filed with the State Reclamation within 30 days after completion or abandonment of the well. R: ize of drilled hole: N Total a. depth of well: e. T tending rater level below ground: 0 Temp. IA.,,Uv TA Fahr. ° Teat d ery: h�0 gpm or cfa Pump? Ec Bair ermit No. Size of pump and motor used to make test: F WORK (check) Re lacement well New well Deepened Abandoned Length of timg,of test: Hrs_o Min_ Water is to be used for: Drawdown: O / It. Artea an pressure: ft. above land surface Give flow cfa METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: Rotary L] Cable L] or gpm. Shutoff roasure: Dug Other Controlled b Valve f Cap Plug explain _ No control Does wall leak around casing? CASING SCHEDULE: Threaded Welded Yee No "Diam. from ! ft. to SJ_ 7 ft. DEPTH MATERIAL WATER An "Diam. from t) ft. to ft. FROM TO YES OR NO "Diam, from ft. to ft. FEET FEET "Diam. from ft. to ft. Thickness of casing: Material: 21 IQ[ Wash C�rflval Steel © concrete El wood E] other (explain) - 7 Broken Inver Va PERFORATED? Yes ❑ No © Type of s„ perforator used: 110 Cemtlted (5rav Size of perforations: " by " „perforations from ft. to ft. h Pouroua Lava __perforatione from ft. to ft. 8 2 _perforations from ft. to ft. 132 _D5 Broken Lava perforations from ft. to ft. l , ;r&y Lava WAS SCREEN INSTALLED? Yes No Manufacturer's name Type Model No. 160 208 GMap BaAgt 5ol1d Diam. Slot size Set from ft. to ft 208 211 P LAVP Diam. Slot size Set from ft. to ft 211 228 Finn CONSTRUCTION: Well gravel packed? Yes 228 245 Hard Gray Lava No. � size of gravel Gravel 'S -?54 Lava placed from ft. to ft. Surface seal -U- 2 60 Hard GriLy LAVA provided? Yes ® No L- To what depth? 1�ft. Material used in seal: /p r—� 285 Lairs Did an strata contain unusable water? Yes 0 v No. [ Type of water: 05 319 Green Basalt Depth of strata ft. Method of 6ealinf 319 22 Broken Brown Lavy, _ strata off: __122 two Be own LAVA 8 Finn Brown Lava Surface casing used? Yes LXj No. Cemented in place? Yes Q No © 8 Bryken Locate well in section Flam Gr Lava 779 ea Lava av L. I I Cemented i - - By Work started: Margh 16. 1 I I Work finished:_ MAY S° IgA I I Well Driller's Statement: This well wen Sec. drilled under my supervision and this report I I is true to the best of my knowledge. I I Name: Andrew Wall nrillina rantrartnra - - �-- - --a- - I I Address: 1268 E. 17th St. Idaho Falls I I Signed by: License No. S Date: LOCATION OF WELL: County K w Sec. T. N/S R. E/W Use other side for additional remarks 1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 65 of 237 .M r Uay S, 1J:,7 I :fell +Q;;t U S I Sugar Company Lincoln, ICat:o o .5'P7'« pM Orlice Draw, :,ovm aPM 1300 11 i" 171 10 07 1350 17 171r. 1314 140;; ,•i 1" In 1460 1450 `dG;" 1W 1604 IWO 119 101 1G7s 1300 30� 1050 41" 1700 11150 bl " 193 224-0 ILCO �.�Y" 1A:0 59 194' 2400 Y JOU 19tjC 66 196 2030 2000 701-" 1�J7 £G4C� 20�0 2100 2150 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 66 of 237 �, 1 S'� REPORT OF WELL DRILLER ^ (f State of Idaho /• , filed t h Reclamat on State law require that t isrport shallor be abandonment ofthewell,te Engineer within 3 dayscompletion ize of drilled hole: ,Z_h _ Total WELL OWNER: depth of well: —J� Standing water Name level below ground: Temp• Fahr. . Toot delivery: 00 gpm Address or cfe Pump? ❑ Bai at: Size of pump and motor used to make to Owner's Permit No. NATURE OF MORN (check Re lacemeat welQ Length of time of test:�� ure: ft. Deepened ❑p Abandoned ft. Artesian press � New wall ❑ P Drawdown: above land surface dive flow cfe V Water is to be used for: Cable or gpm. Shutoff rassure; METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: Rotary ❑ Valve ri Cap Plug Controlled b Dug ❑ Other No control Does well leak around casing? explain — —CASIp SCHEDULE: Threaded _ Melded Y°B ❑ No �HATERIAL WATER DEPTH YES OR NO ; "Dinm. from / ft. to f�� FROM TO Y Diem. fro ft to ! ft. FEET FEET _"Dian. from��ft. to ft. to �.:• "Dinm. from Material: Thickness of caning: Steel © concrete ❑ wood ❑ other ❑ explain ❑ PERFORATED? Yes No © gyps of perforator used: Size of perforations: ft. to ft. �orforationa from ft. to ft. _____perforation( from ft. to ft- _ perforations from ft. to ft. perforations from ❑ No ❑ WAS SCREEN INSTALLED? Yes Manufacturer's name Mod-- -- Type Set from ft. to ft i DU . Slot size ft to ft Dian. Slot sizs Set from . ElCONST©TION: Well gravel packed? Yes rd No. size of evil —_ Gravel �� placed from ft. to ft. Surface sealflard provided? Yes ® No ❑- To what depth? [/6 'ft. Material used in seal: Did any_ strata contain unusable water? Yes No. Type of water: _ Depth of strata _ft. Method of sealin 6 strata off: 8 ` No. Surface casing as e d? Yee ❑ rM Cemented in place? Yee No _ Locate well in section . 4 - or arte Vork finished: Well Driller's Sta ement: ie well was I drilled under my supervision and this report I is true to the best of my Sec knowledge. • I I Name: -a—— Address; � I Signed by Data: License No. LOCATION OF WELL: County N/S R. E/W 7< _� Sec. T. Use other side for additional remarks V v � 1 V E Z--l— FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 67 of 237 t [U UJtlL U R I L L I I I evafracfori Pump and Well Drilling Equipment Installed 1360 E. 17th St., Idaho Falls, Idaho Utah and Idaho S"War Cnnnany. Static water-. 122 Speed 1650 With No. 1 pump running; nDIy, 123 in No. 2 Well rafter 25 min. running. Started No, 2 8130 a.m. Water down to 143 Stopped No. 2 1Ot30 a,m. Water raised to 126 Started No. 2 llt00 a.m. Drawdown to 143 No, 2 11: 30 a.m. Drawdown to 147 No, 2 11146 a.m. Drawdown to 148t No. 2 12:00 a.m. Drawdown to 150 No, 2 1100 p.m, Drawdown to 1501 No, 2 2100 p.m. Drawdown to 150 No, 2 3:00 P.M. Drawdown to 150 No. 2 4900 P.M. Drawdown to 160 i No. 2 5100 P.M. Drawdown to 150 MOO P.M. Slight increase In speed 162 7900 p.m, 152 8100 P.M. 162 9t 00 p,m. 152 10100 p,m. 152 11:00 p,m. 152 I - 12100 p.m. 152 It 00 a.m. Sliv;ht increase in speed 152 2:00 a.m, 162 l 3900 a.m, 152 4t 00 a.m, 152 5: 00 a.m. Speed fluctuation 152J 6:00 a.m. Speed increase 166 Water began to fluduate, water too near bowl assembly Water near 2400 GPm 7: 00 Speed 1650 _ water 2200 GPM /7f I- 8:00 162 9:00 1621 Shut down - water flooding necessitating ©top of final test measuring. .Augu_et 2 hre. A*ul%t 3 8 2 Are: oontinuoue run. PURE DRINKING WATER IS THE ESSENCE Of LIFE,JET US DRILL YOUR WEIL, AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED. •,M..J wAY.AI ..� i ' I iWeltl" Driller is- Statement: This well was F---i Sec.—t--� 3ri 11 Ad under my Riini rvi ci ran and Chi n ri FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 68 of 237 Cas,Hy To e, de_R--,5_ o ha - a vet Af ' ,y. StIoL' /J rya d0l ZJV 1,20 F7. n F C a DX��vP SN�E' / ,ram_ e e Tee S S�`IL�K !i✓ h o l e 4Zt a<� _ e - 1 ��/r1 Sao sa A- 57l�- FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 69 of 237 uT ?"Do L-5 5,tLk g � 8(k; L t c i y b,,-r � ' RvSS,bLG �7� �Oy �B d.Sr3L_T� .. 1ULL �LuW eP 0111�1/ ,�i 31� bl-0L-)Al L a ira P. flaaLPv bi-t -no a L DiIV4 i'T. / —1u -- e,✓ a S,3 ,c 7- d Old. e D 2-hlp 7 T Ta vS DN &R)-Q brei.>.✓ laY� �aes bi-C i 7 BM 1 a FA PIZ- klic • .gyp J,�y, 3s-� 3_j o_s�s b�c _ Y P ,hul f�Ho - G a J t po.ss�b��- � d• 3 � � -�r,��e� haiL flo4c 731- _47� FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 70 of 237 -MyR. AP ;L 'Z'A 070 MR 3 76- '0 y C',FM EdTcD GKAML FA ip. « lyyo yob W.47M O6 — 0 9 AROW4 1109-y08' o y0-F W S ,E AvK LF wA7 ATER 0V C / 3d F� 30 WIN lb, .s a T T iNe, PvMp M,CA vMP�Na /a 0 uMPt.p V H s PvNlp ' T6 S�ISSEML3�ED PuC7P NuR. ZY 'fti iNsTALL 0 3o fT of PviyV vLL.Ep Te:T Pum P 347 AlkvL E-b E"c4vi r T MOB, G /G G iN /rN %✓0' T vc, 2 y iN- R S iN S 3 Fr, N-1, X V r,Y, CA 5 /NYC / -7. 2,9 it . CA-s Meld `! ice. -'O'C i of S&0,E O /N -PAty-r s1l06__� Y - FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 71 of 237 I� i /✓ .i+ ..,. '..•� . . ' _ , ' tom•. `. . . . p/...t �!� �l/' ^ J .I .�. �G2 4v I ' I r FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 72 of 237 WELL#9 DATA FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 73 of 237 .q1A Form 238-7 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES `' ) office use only v Well ID No. 6f02 WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Inspected by: Andrew Twp Rge Sec_ 1/4 1/4 114 1 WELL TAG NO. D 0045655 Lat: Long: DRILLING PERMIT NO 12 WELL TESTS: Water Right or Inlectron Well No. ❑Pump ❑Bailer ❑Air [I Flowing Artesian 2 OWNER: Yeild gal/min Drawdown Pumping Level Time Name Falls Water Company Inc.TEST WELL Address. 1770 Sabin Drive City: Idaho Falls State: ID Zip: 83406 Water Temp Bottom hole temp 3 LOCATION OF WELL by legal description. Water Quality test or comments: You must provide address or Lot.Blk.Sub.Or Directions to well. Depth first water encountered: Tvvp 2 8 North or ❑South 13 LITHOLOGIC LOG: (Describe repairs or abandonment) Rge 38 ✓ East or ❑West Bore From To Remarks:Lithology Water Quality&Temperature Y IN .Sec 10 114 NE 114 SE 114 Dia. 10 Acres 40 Acres 160 Acres 101, 0 1 Soil x Gov't Lot County Bonneville 1 47 Gravel&sand x Lat: 43:31.083 Long: 111:57.899 47 88 Basalt firm grey x Address of Well Site: 2431 Deborah 88 97 Gravel&sand x City: Idaho Falls 8" 97 122 Gravel&sand x (Give at least name of Road+Distance to Road or Landmark) 122 140 Basalt firm grey x Lt. Blk Sub.Name: 140 146 Basalt broken grey x 146 182 Basaltfirm grey x 182 190 Basalt hard grey x 4 USE: 190 195 Cinders x 8 Domestic Q Municipal ❑Monitor ❑irrigation 195 214 Basalt broken x Thermal ❑Injection ❑Other 214 230 Cinders x 230 242 Basalt broken grey x 5 TYPE OF WORK: (Replacement etc.) 242 247 Basalt firm grey x El New Well ❑Modify ❑Abandonment ❑Other 247 251 Basalt broken grey x 251 253 Clay brown x 6 DRILL METHOD: 253 255 Basalt broken grey x [A Air Rotary ❑Cable ❑Mud Rotary ❑Other 6" 255 263 Basalt broken grey x 263 285 Basalt firm grey x 7 SEALING PROCEDURES: 285 298 Basalt broken,clay x Seal Material From To Weight i Volume Seal Placement Method 298 301 Basalt firm grey x 301 368 Basalt hard green x 368 37o Basalt broken grey x Was drive shoe used? Yes L No Shoe Depth(S) 47'-122' 370 390 Sand&gravel small x Was drive shoe Seal tested? ❑Yes ❑No How? 390 396 Gravel,sand x 8 CASINGILMER: Dia. From To Gauge Material Casing Liner Welded Threaded 1 +2' .250 steel 8 8 ❑� ^ +2' 122 2' 250 steel 6" +2' 272' .250 steel Length of Headpipe: Length of Tailpipe Packer❑Yes ❑No Type: 9 PERFORATIONS/SCREENS:PACKER TYPE Perforation Method: Screen Type&Method of Installation: o ; From To Slo(Size Number Diameter Material Casing Liner ❑ ❑ Completed Depth 396' (Measurable) B ❑❑ Date: Started 2122/07 Completed 3/15/07 10 FILTER PACK: 14 DRILLER'S CERTIFICATION: Seal Material From To weight/Volume Seal Placement Method IlWe certify that all minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the rig was removed. Company Name An rew Well Drilling Services,Inc.Firm No.5 11 STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: 105 ft.below ground Artesian Pressure: to Principal Driller Dale: (J and �/ w Depth flow encountered: ft Driller or Operator II Date: Describe access port or control devices: Sanitary Weill Cap Operator I Date. 1/e)� FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 74 of 237 v O Q J J UZ pQ LJ�O VU am p� W VI �Z;,) O JO Q O N W N Ln Z V)W,-- R u g M T'? O 1 zW a -t oz �? ttxw o z - p U "L W U w s C) 2 O iJ c, U U H J (D W W O () N JJ In vi J z LL W W Q J �.0 W V O .Q CD ] f.7 11 y O f. W '+' h Q (¢j O Q H OJ O< J - -� O U1 11 ? _[�J Z W Z Q N V J N W W QOO 4 S' 1W- - lV W t� W L�.. zz c? F O R O Q vw iDO 20 �_ C N V WZU. OOV tu W K dd W 2 Q O O O d Oy� O n- U ar WX U. 4 O iV W O N 2 0 Q W O t7 Q O O_ U(.'J D_ C7 F- O J a O m z tV O O O h m N O W O (n ru 7 W O ~ i�0 0 0 0] d 2 3 Z 0] D.' d. a_ d Q W r o o o a ~ \' \ \� \ \ ` Off\ •��\ ` t~+a { oN ]` ~ ao t1 d OLa a Ln i)f Oj X\` ,\\``\,\�\�`�'a\`•\,\•,�\ \\z�.�`\�\,`��,\•,\\e`e� r�EI,{1�. 1I��r##N'i(((((i!iittI.'i,,.*H1i{!iE F�{IIi--I h�} I-1,Iu{,f\-�[i��.a iji- Si.:. I��-1.1'���t'1i�,h{!; 4�{1"- I�i;-7: f:�!I LF�I-I.; "t-I E1,,�Iµ..}i1;�• i i1�_�I�;"��I,,y.'i-.u. I'*'�i'- ��i iI I;i-' ', �,j ]�o .,S�1`,Y1��N k.\.:} -.4 14i !, 4 i ,�. ; �� ,7 •.l+r�i'}�'t f r'_.�`'y.�4t f},�`,,yr•r�,°ru.,1.a.. ', {'1a'ty '.,. ; � :;�'t� :_!'�.., '.-:�'tl•/�. (..,�;eT`,s�i.��?'`\-%e,J!i .. S .,�!T co o n i�N N (�V N Cn r�'1 OV c^D t O NI � M M N7 EXISTING 12" CASING / v PLACE 1W CASING INSIDE OF SCREEN AND REST ON TOP OF o THE K-PACKER ASSEMBLY wU :3 O 2 .d 10" CASING cry (� f'Y�Q ?v O Z / WELD RING TO 1 D" CASING TO Z SUPPORT CASING ON TOP OF Z '5 O O a- z K-PACKER ASSEMBLY p y �) W z.w NSF APPROVED GASKET CAPABLE 4p J�J CASING AND I INSTALLATION LOAD WEIGHT OF 10" �� � o Z> (n �- L C9 Q o =U�� .' K-PACKER ASSEMBLY O W , C7; ) a f tJ r� < z~ W J —Z N r/ MACHINE OUTSIDE OF 10" CASING o ) = AS REQUIRED To FIT INSIDE w i? j p _ K-PACKER ASSEMBLY U -m � W Z C� s- `�C' 2" WELD RING O uwi a 12" SS SCREEN z CONNECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PRo�ECT NO. L 192 2006 FALLS WATER COMPANY SHEET DATE APRIL 2006 i Associates WRLL!#9 N0. DESCBIP710N REV.8Y CiCD.BY DALES BY: DRAWtI B`F. /�_ I P. SCORESHI' T. wNrrE .FALLS WATER COMPANY WELL NO. 9 COMPLETION PLAN l.. REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS CHECKED er: APPRDVED BY, ENGINEERING•PLANNING-LAND SURVEYING "o. of This eewmmt a any port!hereof In dstdl ar design wneapt b the propertyy of Sohimee h P. SCORESBY P.SCORESBY AAA lesea and shall not be aop;ed in my tam,without fhe written wmarr:oUon of Schleee HORIZONTAL.SQA F, y�ow�� Idaho Falls 522-1244 Rexburg 3,96-6092 NOT TO SCALE N/A - REV.NO. FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 75 of 237 Pump D. . Sheet - National Pump Company Company:PumpTech Company,Inc. Customer:Vern Clark&Sons Construction j e Name:Barry Cazier Project:Falls Water Co.Well#9 NATIONAL PUMP Date: 5/31/2008 1.1 COMPANY,LLC Search Criteria: Size: H14MC(6 stage) Flow. 3000 US gpm Head: 404 ft Type: VERT.TURBINE Speed: 1770 rpm Fluid Synch speed: 1800 rpm Dla: 11.4525 In Curve: CVH14M4P6CY Impeller: Water Temperature:60°F SG: 1 Vapor pressure: 0.2563 psi a Specific Speeds: Ns: 3500 Viscosity. 1.105 cP Atm pressure.- 12.9 psi a Nss: 11200 NPSHa: — Dimensions: Suction: UW IY vi Discharge:;04rr fZ•,,,i MOW. � - Standard: NEMA Size: 400 hp Pump l�mlte;,.. i Enclosure: WP-1 Speed: 1800 Temperature: 180"F Power. — Frame:.48—a fK'f T FIlk Pressure: 320 psi g Eye area: 39 in' Sizing criteria: Max Power on Design Curve Sphere size: 0.92 In Flow: 3000 US gpm 800 11.688 in Head: 404 ft Eff- 84% 11' Power: 365 hp 700' NPSHr: 19.5 ft 10.688 in P` t:" :A9n Curvy J^ 73 Sal sao 1 7s Shutoff head: 728 ft ; `y 80 63 Shutoff dP: 315 psi I 84 1 Min flow. 816 US gpm $ 500 j 885 85 I 85%®2721 US gpm ' I l power. 0 78 `I 83 366 hp®2953 US gpm = 400 I 80 _ 'T so, 178 Max power 300 f• I -73400 t 404 hp®2880 US gpm I go 78 351 200 73 300 hl 100 I 0 50 600 1000 1600 2000 2500 3000 3500 ` 25 2 N a z o � 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 US gpm Performance Evaluation: Flow Speed Head Efficiency Power NPSHr US gpm rpm ft % hp It 3600 1770 281 74 343 36.8 3000 1770 404 84 365 19.5 2400 1770 496 83 362 11.6 1800 1770 561 75 338 7.05 1200 1770 618 60 300 4.89 Selected from catalog: National Pump Company.60 Vers:60cy0331 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 76 of 237 JOB 1'4a45 ; l;rrx Wf`i- 9 S4 Schiess & Associates JOB NUMBER 9*1?7- SCALE ENGINEERING • PLANNING • LAND SURVEYING CALCULATED BY �i�zp��✓, DATEy IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO REXBURG, IDAHO CHECKED BY DATE OFFICE: (208) 522-1244 OFFICE: (208) 356-6092 SHEET--L_OF _ FAX: (208) 522-9232 I I l/S� /�Unrr TT ttI _ ► j 7'd E5'TiM/+ r� FIE,W-. 7'd�'NSMissiv.ro Anil NYOI1Aai-Ir 16o ;Duce✓.r f1„ ,��Atysl4 !s /NAME, m�s"vG -rNe CobFwtz -✓�cor3 1V.0tJ/FlC4-;lon! _. 0.F 711F' r11C1S EOuA-rlo-J w.rN 'P'MA 7-*r- 1/ r-,QoM 7/'JE �Uly1pF-I�. . .W_�7I ,._�%r�zF ..�' ��o,_,�,Pib,/raDi✓A/ ;�fE/?Su�JsD',,Ji�/E'i�1/eo,�..�1� c��.�s v�at,cy.,�r, 77f& ! l?� v�/ ` !S - !JR/t7�I•✓4 Fa.PA4 !} �iG:FCRCnJT AOu/cE�- 264- f i�vA/ I__ Od _I-_/i.�. --C�JE�f�G/� Of 7��ffNSM�SS.✓ETC � fin/ (/�!�/F f � - I j i �SHL/Ok./E/NO F R T//E-( � - C/i'N.. t I �--•-3--/�/-V/�•rkiod►�.�_' W� i}-,,/y �i✓_d. _T1rv1�5 a�✓ ,r r„y�.,�.�.:_.rv�r/.o s,G. - - 3/15/• M A4- / D i o c: oN D t�I✓/ -- S�L - �-- -� -+-- - -- --- -T- Jil 1-4 - o Kctll�ilt -i f -77I-. 1. Jln[c ! I 6_ — -- - --- --- - -— - --- - - - !W5: 28'9 FFoM f�'Z- i,d ._ 1.Z M. It .( £ A_ Tip---7-,I — I FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 77 of 237 t u ao �U- n0 of- muu, III .4x o o OF o ^ o y o Ln oLna 0 o 0 0 NNr CD N M O O C) O �) W rn o 14) M "^ Al Al M a 3 0 F v - F - — -- LL c VP Q 1 N O O 1� O l7 O ^�O O �O Q' N V1 lA to ul M M M M M M M N H A o O M M N N N N N O ISd FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 78 of 237 tom. '1 a C � N n v v a li_ U 0- a a O n E D a u o c Q F- U uw 1� o0 II .4X °F k 3 � a C, i0 C. Ln 111 O) Ln Q' O Ln n O C N M N O CO rn O� fV f+1 O 0 N O v is r7 fM O Ln Q m J O 3 � Zs N O� J m N O MO^O N H � u p � J s E 3 3 a 1n n v O V' M ISd O 00 O O ti M O FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 79 of 237 t- , ,I r, C C\I O 0 (D N O I I T N N J cc Q- Q NO E +y 0) p) N U OU-) ro N C Q� N > .0 7 a CO O � O CD 'p +�-� d E cc 4 M C Q (n a) U Q C Ca Q (n LL QI O N co E F- Q E CD Q (D 00 (n (D N V E d O m t U (� a) L U N (n T .j O Q. . E N m C T r ch cc C ,I o 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 N CO V cn CD f- CO O) (11) UMOpm J(] FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 80 of 237 f� N p, 1 1 Il -• rinl II - O C r0 I _O II d I. O • O LO I r ~ N N - `m E E _ v CLLO S co Q U 4) �C c L O N O Q Maui E cc N y � � d u" ;a — E P O U v u { 3 o 3 E2 t � U) m Ir N lD O II 0 CD N CO VO o M O (1))S `UMOpmeja FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 81 of 237 ti. 0 o �9 - � O N N O C Cy f - N d - Ch r II � N • J OL (M CO U) _ - U N C N v 00 ra () Q. O N tM a > G.L cf — E e9 _4 *4) t a cC �E i Q — .. Cc — — �a >` to LL N E c O U co �n ui u 0 Y O L o LO N N M O (u)s'uMopM@JQ FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 82 of 237 0 o - i — - CO c� f� O r, 0 00 CO I N n o f C`) N 1 0 i � O ( � N CO O 0 N 00 d) O d Cn C i O N N 3 M M > O p lL L N � o COO CO ' �' CD LL N I 1 r2 r1 Cl) f 1 � CD O J C7 O � N O O �n O O O O CO O O O f�- (D LO V Cr) N r (unnopmuip;o loot aad wdf) Alpedeo oijpad$ FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 83 of 237 WELL #10 DATA : r `'_ .�.!- :., � l�. .F�7 •IMF.�7 _•._...<'t �. .-��� _ ���� FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 85 of 237 PERFORMANCE CURVE GOULDS Quote Number: 9001-170821-077:1 WATER TMONCL06V xylem brand Model:DWT-DITM a Size:12CHC 5 Stage(s) I 50 +60 68 m 5 80 (34 87 400 7.94 in I I SB.7 rM 84 87 87 $y &4 9 ------ - --- 8 75 i g . 7,.- i 30 Z0D COD _ � t000 1 4oD 12AJ ao - _._.....__ _.._. 1___.._----- - _. �.__ __. ______ _ - -•_-__- ydo � _._.__. ...�._._..._ _._..._ ..... z 3 CL 403 600 SW toJO 1200 1400 t800 USgpm Driver Size Criteria: Max power on design curve(NOL) Best Efficiency: 88.70% Speed: 1770 Flow at BEP: 1088.00 USGPM Impeller Trim: 8.6250 inch Min Flow: 272.00 USGPM Frequency: 60 Hz Derate Factor: 0.0000 Additional Impeller Trim: 8.625 inch NPSH Required: 17.10 it Impeller Maximum Trim: 8.6900 inch NPSH Actual: 115,81 ft Specified Flow: 1250.00 USGPM Shut-Off Head: 451,00 ft Specified Head: 351.00 ft Fluid Type: Water Head at Design: 354.00 it Temperature/Speck Gravity: 50°F/1.00 Efficiency at Design: 87.20% Viscosity: 1.2685 cP Power at Design: 128.00 Hp Allowable Sphere Size: 0.94 inch Flow on Design Trim at Max Power: 1603 USGPM Thrust K Factor: 7.5000 Ibslft Max Power on Design Curve: 138.00 Hp Additional Thrust K Factor: 7.5000 Ibs/ft Run-Out Flow: 0.00 USGPM Max Lateral: 1.00 inch Run-Out Head: 0 it DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS CERTIFIED Certified by Date of certification Pump serial number Project Name Ta FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 86 of 237 Clearwater Clearlvaler Geuscietives.LLP Ground Water Development and Gtpluralion Falls Water Well 10 Pumping Test 1250 gpm June 28-30,2017 Elapsed Time In Minutes 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 00 10 - 20 30 Pump Adjustment 1200 C to 1250 gpm o 40 -- - — 50 -- 60 — —-------- ------- --- --- - - Figure 2-1.Plot of drawdown versus time for theyk-24 hour pumping test. �sDl 'ID44 1818 East 49,h South Idaho Falls,ID 83404 208.589.5555 8 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 87 of 237 COST ESTIMATES FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 88 of 237 Falls Water Company Summary of FY 2019 Improvement Costs Projects Addressing Existing Deficiencies Project ID Project Description Estimated Cost A-1 Ryan Anderson Development Well $771,700 A-2 Crowley Road from 1st Street to John Adams Pkwy(8" Extension) $319,000 A-3 Lincoln Road from 4743 E to Wood River Road (12" Extension) $70,500 A-4 Replace 6" Pipe in Fall River Road with 8" Pipe $72,900 A-5 Replace 6" Pipe in Edwards Drive with 8" Pipe $183,300 A-6 Harding Lane from Kit Lane to 1st Street(8" Extension) $95,900 A-7 25th East and Iona Road Waterline Extensions $1,233,800 A-8 Ammon Road from Pearce Drive to Greenwillow Drive(12" Extension) $147,800 A-9 Ammon Road from Greenwillow Drive to O'Bryant Street(10" Extension) $187,200 A-10 Replace 6" Pipe in Dixie Street with 10" Pipe $42,600 A-11 Replace 8" Pipe East of Well 2 with 12" Pipe $37,400 A-12 First Street From Robison Drive to Wheatfield Lane (10" Extension) $245,100 A-13 First Street From Ammon Road to Nassau Drive(10" Extension) $278,800 A-14 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes-Lakewood Street and Upland Street $411,900 A-15 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes-Jensen Drive $141,900 A-16 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes-Contor Avenue $454,800 A-17 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes-Crawford Street $131,100 A-18 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes-North Adams Drive $166,500 A-19 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes-Mobile Drive $67,400 Increase the volumetric water right capacity by at least 535 acre-feet and the $1,230,500 A-20 diversion rate by 3,170 qpm A-21 Reconfigure the SCADA system control of pump start and stop triggers $34,500 TOTAL $6,324,600 Alternative 1 Option B-1 New 2.0 MG Storage Tank $2,517,200 B-2 New Booster Pump Station with 5,500 gpm capacity $426,700 B-3 New Tank Pipeline Upgrades $367,800 TOTAL $3,311,700 Subtotal of Existing Projects with Alternative 1 Option $9,636,300 Alternative 2 Option C-1 New Well in Northeast Area of System $771,700 Subtotal of Existing Projects with Alternative 2 Option $7,096,300 Projects Addressing Future Deficiencies D-1 New Wells with about 9,000 gpm Capacity $4,629,900 D-2 New 1.0 MG Storage Tank $1,280,000 D-3 New Booster Pump Station with 3,000 gpm capacity $365,700 D-4 Crowley Road from Green Willow Lane to John Adams Pkwy(12" Extension) $424,800 D-5 Iona Road from Pinnacle Drive to 3452 Iona Road (12" Extension) $392,200 D-6 Replace 6" Pipe in Monte Vista Avenue with 12" Pipe $262,900 Increase the volumetric water right capacity by 3,600 acre-feet and the diversion rate $8,280,000 D-7 by 9,100 gpm TOTAL $15,635,500 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 89 of 237 Ryan Anderson Development Well Project A-1 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $38,000 $38,000 2 Land aquistion acre 1 $0 $0 3 Well drilling and construction lump sum 1 $250,000 $250,000 4 Variable frequency drive lump sum 1 $30,000 $30,000 5 Backup generator lump sum 1 $50,000 $50,000 6 Pump house lump sum 1 $300,000 $300,000 7 Connection to existing system per each 1 $3,000 $3,000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $671,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $100,700 Total Estimated Project Cost $771,700 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 90 of 237 Crowley Road from 1st Street to John Adams Pkwy (8" Extension) Project A-2 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $15,700 $15,700 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 1,850 $45 $83,250 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 4 $1,500 $6,000 4 New 8"valves per each 3 $1,800 $5,400 5 Fire hydrants per each 4 $4,500 $18,000 6 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 2 $7,000 $14,000 7 Connection to existing system per each 3 $3,000 $9,000 8 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 9 Traffic control lump sum 1 $15,000 $15,000 10 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 1,850 $60 $111,000 11 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 12 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 13 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $277,400 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $41,600 Total Estimated Project Cost $319,000 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 91 of 237 Lincoln Road from 4743 E to Wood River Road (12" Extension) Project A-3 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $3,500 $3,500 2 New 12"water line lineal foot 320 $54 $17,280 3 New 12"tees, crosses, fittings per each 2 $2,000 $4,000 4 New 12"valves per each 1 $2,500 $2,500 5 New 8"valves per each 1 $1,800 $1,800 6 Fire hydrants per each 1 $4,500 $4,500 7 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 8 Connection to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 9 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 10 Traffic control lump sum 1 $2,500 $2,500 11 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 320 $60 $19,200 12 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 13 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 14 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $61,300 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $9,200 Total Estimated Project Cost $70,500 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 92 of 237 Replace 6" Pipe in Fall River Road with 8" Pipe Project A-4 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $3,600 $3,600 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 520 $45 $23,400 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 2 $1,500 $3,000 4 New 8"valves per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 5 Fire hydrants per each 0 $4,500 $0 6 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 7 Connection to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 8 Service line reconnection to new main per each 3 $1,200 $3,600 9 Traffic control lump sum 1 $500 $500 10 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 520 $31 $16,120 11 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 12 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 13 1"service lines lineal foot 90 $40 $3,600 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $63,400 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $9,500 Total Estimated Project Cost $72,900 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 93 of 237 Replace 6" Pipe in Edwards Drive with 8" Pipe Project A-5 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $9,000 $9,000 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 1,220 $45 $54,900 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 2 $1,500 $3,000 4 New 8"valves per each 3 $1,800 $5,400 5 Fire hydrants per each 0 $4,500 $0 6 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 7 Connection to existing system per each 3 $3,000 $9,000 8 Service line reconnection to new main per each 12 $1,200 $14,400 9 Traffic control lump sum 1 $500 $500 10 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 1,220 $40 $48,800 11 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 12 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 13 1"service lines lineal foot 360 $40 $14,400 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $159,400 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $23,900 Total Estimated Project Cost $183,300 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 94 of 237 Harding Lane from Kit Lane to 1st Street (8" Extension) Project A-6 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $4,700 $4,700 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 770 $45 $34,650 3 New 10"tees, crosses, fittings per each 1 $1,800 $1,800 4 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 1 $1,500 $1,500 5 New 8"valves per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 6 Fire hydrants per each 1 $4,500 $4,500 7 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 8 Connection to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 9 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 10 Traffic control lump sum 1 $1,000 $1,000 11 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 640 $40 $25,600 12 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 13 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 14 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $83,400 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $12,500 Total Estimated Project Cost $95,900 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 95 of 237 25th East and Iona Road Waterline Extensions Project A-7 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $60,700 $60,700 2 Removal of Miscellaneous Items (trees, lump sum 1 $2,000 $2,000 thrust blocks, existing pipe, etc.) 3 Removal of Existing Asphalt Surface lineal foot 2,755 $5 $13,775 4 Surface Restoration lump sum 1 $152,705 $152,705 5 24 inch diameter Steel Casing Pipe lump sum 1 $300,150 $300,150 Boring and Jacking 6 12-inch pipe lineal foot 5,884 $55 $323,620 7 12 inch Elbows and Tees per each 30 $1,500 $45,000 8 Water Main Fitting 12 inch Cross per each 1 $2,000 $2,000 9 12 Inch Gate Valve per each 5 $2,800 $14,000 10 Hydrant(includes gate valve) per each 10 $4,800 $48,000 11 Water Service Connection (install per each 1 $800 $800 materials provided by Owner) 12 Construction Traffic Control lump sum 1 $80,000 $80,000 13 Pavement Line Paint lineal foot 3,195 $1 $3,195 Remove and Repair Concrete Wall, 14 Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter, Cobbles, and lump sum 1 $10,000 $10,000 Miscellaneaous Work Appertaining thereto at the Roundabout 15 Construction Staking lump sum 1 $2,000 $2,000 16 Materials Testing I lump sum 1 $15,000 $15,000 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $1,072,900 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $160,900 Total Estimated Project Cost $1,233,800 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 96 of 237 Ammon Road from Pearce Drive to Greenwillow Drive (12" Extension) Project A-8 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $7,300 $7,300 2 New 12"water line lineal foot 1,300 $54 $70,200 3 New 12"tees, crosses, fittings per each 2 $2,000 $4,000 4 New 12"valves per each 2 $2,500 $5,000 5 Fire hydrants per each 2 $4,500 $9,000 6 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 7 Connection to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 8 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 9 Traffic control lump sum 1 $12,000 $12,000 10 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 250 $60 $15,000 11 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 12 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 13 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $128,500 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $19,300 Total Estimated Project Cost $147,800 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 97 of 237 Ammon Road from Greenwillow Drive to O'Bryant Street (10" Extension) Project A-9 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $9,200 $9,200 2 New 10"water line lineal foot 1,080 $50 $54,000 3 New 10"tees, crosses, fittings per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 4 New 10"valves per each 2 $2,100 $4,200 5 Fire hydrants per each 2 $4,500 $9,000 6 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 7 Connection to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 8 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 9 Traffic control lump sum 1 $12,000 $12,000 10 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 1,080 $60 $64,800 11 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 12 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 13 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $162,800 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $24,400 Total Estimated Project Cost $187,200 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 98 of 237 Replace 6" Pipe in Dixie Street with 10" Pipe Project A-10 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $2,100 $2,100 2 10"water line lineal foot 160 $50 $8,000 3 10"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 4 10"valves per each 2 $2,100 $4,200 5 Fire hydrants per each 0 $4,500 $0 6 Connections to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 7 Service line reconnection to new main per each 2 $1,200 $2,400 8 Canal/storm sewer crossings per each 0 $7,000 $0 9 Meter pits per each 0 $600 $0 10 Traffic control lump sum 1 $500 $500 11 Street repair lineal foot 160 $40 $6,400 12 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 20 $35 $700 13 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 10 $65 $650 14 1"service lines lineal foot 60 $40 $2,400 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $37,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $5,600 Total Estimated Project Cost $42,600 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 99 of 237 Replace 8" Pipe East of Well 2 with 12" Pipe Project A-11 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $1,800 $1,800 2 12"water line lineal foot 280 $54 $15,120 3 12"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 2 $2,000 $4,000 4 12"valves per each 2 $2,500 $5,000 5 Fire hydrants per each 0 $4,500 $0 6 Connections to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 7 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 8 Canal/storm sewer crossings per each 0 $7,000 $0 9 Meter pits per each 0 $600 $0 10 Traffic control lump sum 0 $500 $0 11 Street repair lineal foot 10 $40 $400 12 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 5 $35 $175 13 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 14 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $32,500 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $4,900 Total Estimated Project Cost $37,400 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 100 of 237 First Street From Robison Drive to Wheatfield Lane (10" Extension) Project A-12 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $68,700 $68,700 2 10"water line lineal foot 1,060 $50 $53,000 3 10"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 4 10"valves per each 2 $2,100 $4,200 5 Fire hydrants per each 2 $4,500 $9,000 6 Connections to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 7 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 8 Canal/storm sewer crossings per each 0 $7,000 $0 9 Meter pits per each 0 $600 $0 10 Traffic control lump sum 1 $5,000 $5,000 11 Street repair lineal foot 1,060 $60 $63,600 12 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 13 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 14 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $213,100 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $32,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $245,100 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 101 of 237 First Street From Ammon Road to Nassau Drive (10" Extension) Project A-13 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $13,700 $13,700 2 10"water line lineal foot 1,240 $50 $62,000 3 10"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 4 $1,800 $7,200 4 10"valves per each 4 $2,100 $8,400 5 Fire hydrants per each 3 $4,500 $13,500 6 Connections to existing system per each 4 $3,000 $12,000 7 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 8 Bore lineal foot 120 $300 $36,000 9 Canal/storm sewer crossings per each 1 $7,000 $7,000 10 Meter pits per each 0 $1,200 $0 11 Traffic control lump sum 1 $8,000 $8,000 12 Street repair lineal foot 1,120 $60 $67,200 13 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 20 $35 $700 14 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 10 $65 $650 15 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 16 Disconnect and abandon existing Well 1 per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 line to Contor Ave. Total projected construction cost (rounded) $242,400 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $36,400 Total Estimated Project Cost $278,800 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 102 of 237 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes - Lakewood Street and Upland Street Project A-14 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $20,300 $20,300 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 2,200 $45 $99,000 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 7 $1,800 $12,600 4 New 8"valves per each 7 $2,100 $14,700 5 Connections to existing system per each 7 $3,000 $21,000 6 Service line reconnection to new main per each 61 $1,200 $73,200 7 Traffic control lump sum 1 $8,000 $8,000 8 Street repair lineal foot 2,200 $40 $88,000 9 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 610 $35 $21,350 10 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 11 1"service lines lineal foot 1,830 $40 $73,200 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $358,200 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $53,700 Total Estimated Project Cost $411,900 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 103 of 237 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes - Jensen Drive Project A-15 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $7,000 $7,000 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 780 $45 $35,100 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 3 $1,800 $5,400 4 New 8"valves per each 1 $2,100 $2,100 5 Connections to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 6 Service line reconnection to new main per each 22 $1,200 $26,400 7 Traffic control lump sum 1 $2,500 $2,500 8 Street repair lineal foot 780 $40 $31,200 9 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 220 $35 $7,700 10 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 11 1"service lines lineal foot 660 $40 $26,400 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $123,400 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $18,500 Total Estimated Project Cost $141,900 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 104 of 237 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes - Contor Avenue Project A-16 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $22,400 $22,400 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 2,600 $45 $117,000 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 7 $1,800 $12,600 4 New 8"valves per each 3 $2,100 $6,300 5 Connections to existing system per each 4 $3,000 $12,000 6 Service line reconnection to new main per each 73 $1,200 $87,600 7 Traffic control lump sum 1 $8,000 $8,000 8 Street repair lineal foot 2,600 $40 $104,000 9 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 730 $35 $25,550 10 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 11 1"service lines lineal foot 2,190 $40 $87,600 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $395,500 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $59,300 Total Estimated Project Cost $454,800 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 105 of 237 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes - Crawford Street Project A-17 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $6,500 $6,500 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 860 $45 $38,700 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 1 $1,800 $1,800 4 New 8"valves per each 1 $2,100 $2,100 5 Connections to existing system per each 4 $3,000 $12,000 6 Service line reconnection to new main per each 10 $1,200 $12,000 7 Traffic control lump sum 1 $3,000 $3,000 8 Street repair lineal foot 860 $40 $34,400 9 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 100 $35 $3,500 10 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 11 1"service lines lineal foot 300 $40 $12,000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $114,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $17,100 Total Estimated Project Cost $131,100 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 106 of 237 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes - North Adams Drive Project A-18 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $8,200 $8,200 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 890 $45 $40,050 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 3 $1,800 $5,400 4 New 8"valves per each 3 $2,100 $6,300 5 Connections to existing system per each 3 $3,000 $9,000 6 Service line reconnection to new main per each 24 $1,200 $28,800 7 Traffic control lump sum 1 $3,000 $3,000 8 Street repair lineal foot 890 $40 $35,600 9 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 240 $35 $8,400 10 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 11 1"service lines lineal foot 720 $40 $28,800 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $144,800 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $21,700 Total Estimated Project Cost $166,500 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 0717/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 107 of 237 Fallsbrook asbestos cement pipes - Mobile Drive Project A-19 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $3,300 $3,300 2 New 8"water line lineal foot 410 $45 $18,450 3 New 8"tees, crosses, fittings per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 4 New 8"valves per each 0 $2,100 $0 5 Connections to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 6 Service line reconnection to new main per each 6 $1,200 $7,200 7 Traffic control lump sum 1 $1,500 $1,500 8 Street repair lineal foot 410 $40 $16,400 9 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 60 $35 $2,100 10 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 11 1"service lines lineal foot 180 $40 $7,200 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $58,600 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $8,800 Total Estimated Project Cost $67,400 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 108 of 237 Increase the volumetric water right capacity by at least 535 acre-feet and the diversion rate by 3,170 gpm Project A-20 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Increase water right capacity lump sum 1 $1,070,000 $1,070,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% $160,500 Total Estimated Project Cost $1,230,500 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 109 of 237 Reconfigure the SCADA system control of pump start and stop triggers Project A-21 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 I Reconfigure SCADA system lump sum 1 $30,000 $30,000 Engineering & contingency @ 15% $4,500 Total Estimated Project Cost $34,500 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 110 of 237 New 2.0 MG Storage Tank Project B-1 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $123,900 $123,900 2 Land aquisition acre 1 $0 $0 3 Tank construction lump sum 1 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 4 Re-equip Well 9 and connect to tank lump sum 1 $25,000 $25,000 5 Re-equip Well 5 and connect to tank lump sum 1 $40,000 $40,000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $2,188,900 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $328,300 Total Estimated Project Cost $2,517,200 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 111 of 237 New Booster Pump Station with 5,500 gpm capacity Project B-2 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $21,000 $21,000 2 New booster pump station lump sum 1 $350,000 $350,000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $371,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $55,700 Total Estimated Project Cost $426,700 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 112 of 237 New Tank Pipeline Upgrades Project B-3 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $18,100 $18,100 2 10"water line lineal foot 1,070 $50 $53,500 3 10"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 4 10"valves per each 2 $2,100 $4,200 5 12"water line lineal foot 290 $54 $15,660 6 12"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 1 $2,000 $2,000 7 12"valves per each 2 $2,500 $5,000 8 16"water line lineal foot 290 $62 $17,980 9 16"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 1 $2,700 $2,700 10 16"valves per each 1 $3,300 $3,300 11 20"water line lineal foot 390 $71 $27,690 12 20"tees, crosses, elbows, fittings per each 2 $3,500 $7,000 13 20"valves per each 1 $4,300 $4,300 14 Fire hydrants per each 0 $4,500 $0 15 Bore lineal foot 100 $300 $30,000 16 Connections to existing system per each 8 $3,000 $24,000 17 Service line reconnection to new main per each 16 $1,200 $19,200 18 Canal/storm sewer crossings per each 0 $7,000 $0 19 Meter pits per each 0 $600 $0 20 Traffic control lump sum 1 $8,000 $8,000 21 Street repair lineal foot 1,570 $40 $62,800 22 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 160 $35 $5,600 23 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 80 $65 $5,200 24 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $319,800 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $48,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $367,800 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2017 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 113 of 237 New Well in Northeast Area of System Project C-1 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $38,000 $38,000 2 Land aquistion acre 1 $0 $0 3 Well drilling and construction lump sum 1 $250,000 $250,000 4 Variable frequency drive lump sum 1 $30,000 $30,000 5 Backup generator lump sum 1 $50,000 $50,000 6 Pump house lump sum 1 $300,000 $300,000 7 Connection to existing system per each 1 $3,000 $3,000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $671,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $100,700 Total Estimated Project Cost $771,700 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 114 of 237 New Wells with about 9,000 gpm Capacity Project D-1 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 6 $38,000 $228,000 2 Land aquistion acre 6 $0 $0 3 Well drilling and construction lump sum 6 $250,000 $1,500,000 4 Variable frequency drive lump sum 6 $30,000 $180,000 5 Backup generator lump sum 6 $50,000 $300,000 6 Pump house lump sum 6 $300,000 $1,800,000 7 Connection to existing system per each 6 $3,000 $18,000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $4,026,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $603,900 Total Estimated Project Cost $4,629,900 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 115 of 237 New 1.0 MG Storage Tank Project D-2 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $63,000 $63,000 2 Land aquistion acre 1 $0 $0 3 Tank construction lump sum 1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 4 Re-equip Well 2 and connect to tank lump sum 1 25000 25000 5 Re-equip Well 4 and connect to tank lump sum 1 25000 25000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $1,113,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $167,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $1,280,000 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 116 of 237 New Booster Pump Station with 3,000 gpm capacity Project D-3 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $18,000 $18,000 2 New booster pump station lump sum 1 $300,000 $300,000 Total projected construction cost (rounded) $318,000 Engineering, legal, & contingency @ 15% of construction $47,700 Total Estimated Project Cost $365,700 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 117 of 237 Crowley Road from Green Willow Lane to John Adams Pkwy (12" Extension) Project D-4 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $20,900 $20,900 2 New 12"water line lineal foot 2,380 $54 $128,520 3 New 12"tees, crosses, fittings per each 3 $2,000 $6,000 4 New 12"valves per each 2 $2,500 $5,000 5 New 10"valves per each 1 $2,100 $2,100 6 New 8"valves per each 2 $1,800 $3,600 7 Fire hydrants per each 5 $4,500 $22,500 8 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 2 $7,000 $14,000 9 Connection to existing system per each 3 $3,000 $9,000 10 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 11 Traffic control lump sum 1 $15,000 $15,000 12 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 2,380 $60 $142,800 13 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 14 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 15 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $369,400 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $55,400 Total Estimated Project Cost $424,800 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 118 of 237 Iona Road from Pinnacle Drive to 3452 Iona Road (12" Extension) Project D-5 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $19,300 $19,300 2 New 12"water line lineal foot 2,350 $54 $126,900 3 New 12"tees, crosses, fittings per each 3 $2,000 $6,000 4 New 12"valves per each 1 $2,500 $2,500 5 New 10"valves per each 0 $2,100 $0 6 New 8"valves per each 1 $1,800 $1,800 7 Fire hydrants per each 5 $4,500 $22,500 8 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 9 Connection to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 10 Service line reconnection to new main per each 0 $1,200 $0 11 Traffic control lump sum 1 $15,000 $15,000 12 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 2,350 $60 $141,000 13 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 14 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 15 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $341,000 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $51,200 Total Estimated Project Cost $392,200 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 119 of 237 Replace 6" Pipe in Monte Vista Avenue with 12" Pipe Project D-6 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization lump sum 1 $11,300 $11,300 2 New 12"water line lineal foot 1,620 $54 $87,480 3 New 12"tees, crosses, fittings per each 2 $2,000 $4,000 4 New 12"valves per each 2 $2,500 $5,000 5 Fire hydrants per each 0 $4,500 $0 6 Canal/storm sewer crossing per each 0 $7,000 $0 7 Connection to existing system per each 2 $3,000 $6,000 8 Service line reconnection to new main per each 40 $1,200 $48,000 9 Traffic control lump sum 1 $2,000 $2,000 10 Asphalt street repair lineal foot 1,620 $40 $64,800 11 Replace curb/gutter lineal foot 0 $35 $0 12 Replace sidewalks sq.yard 0 $65 $0 13 1"service lines lineal foot 0 $40 $0 Total projected construction cost(rounded) $228,600 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% of construction $34,300 Total Estimated Project Cost $262,900 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 120 of 237 Increase the volumetric water right capacity by 3,600 acre-feet and the diversion rate Project D-7 Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 I Increase water right capacity lump sum 1 $7,200,000 $7,200,000 Engineering, legal, &contingency @ 15% $1,080,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $8,280,000 Prepared by Schiess &Associates 07/17/2019 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 121 of 237 Appendix B: DEQ Sanitary Survey s-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 122 of 237 STATE 1;JDA4:� DEPARTMENT OF EtIVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 900 Borth Skyhre C'mc Sude @-�da�o Caro.iD 83402.1208)528.2050 C L '8utow Otter.Goye+�u Cun A Franzen.Drector May 11,2015 Scott Bruce, Manager Falls Water Company 2180 Deborah Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Re:2015 Falls Water Company Enhanced Sanitary Survey; PWS#7100030 Dear Mr. Bruce: On April 28,2015 I conducted a sanitary survey on the Falls Water Company public drinking water system. Please thank Brad Wright for his cooperation and patience in completing the survey. The system was found to be well-managed. However,the survey found several deficiencies(non-compliance with IDAPA 58.01.08-Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems)requiring attention. There were t o significant deficiencies at the facility(significant deficiencies cause,or have potential to cause,risk to health or safety,or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water). The DEQ requests you address the deficiencies. 1. Significant Deficiencies: none. 2. Deficiencies a. Threaded spigots were found on many of the well discharge piping to the distribution system. All threaded spigots should have an anti-siphon attachment installed,or have threads removed from the spigot. b. Pump seven requires a meter. c. The well 6 pump to waste requires a screen. 3. Recommendations:none. If you have any questions,please contact the DEQ Idaho Falls Office at 208-528-2650. JarlieMazzone ly, Staff Engineer Enclosures: List of inspection findings Enhanced Sanitary Survey Inspection Form Enhanced Sanitary Survey Report C: Tony Wise,Operator,Falls Water Co. Greg Eager,DEQ Idaho Falls Engineering Manager Rochelle Mason,DEQ Idaho Falls Drinking Water Analyst FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 123 of 237 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Falls Regional Office Sanitary Survey Report Falls Water Company, Incorporated April 28, 2015 I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 1 A. Purpose of Report.....................................................................................................................................................1 B. Summary Description of the System........................................................................................................................1 C. Consumption and Production...................................................................................................................................2 D. System Improvements..............................................................................................................................................2 E. Monitoring and Reporting........................................................................................................................................2 F. Summary of Findings................................................................................................................................................2 II. INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS...........................................................................................................2 A. Sources of Information.............................................................................................................................................2 B. Source Water Supply Wells......................................................................................................................................2 C. System Control.........................................................................................................................................................2 D. Water Quality...........................................................................................................................................................2 E. Treatment..................................................................................................................................................................2 F. Storage......................................................................................................................................................................3 G. Distribution System..................................................................................................................................................3 # H. Emergency Operations..............................................................................................................................................3 ! III. APPRAISAL OF SANITARY HAZARDS AND SAFEGUARDS................................................................3 j A. Ground Water under the Influence of Surface Water...............................................................................................3 B. Other Issues 3 IV. Appendix A: Photographs.........................................................................................................................4 A. Well 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................4 ; B. Wells 2&4...............................................................................................................................................................5 C. Well 5 D. Well 6:pumps 6&7 Pump to waste needs a screen........................................................................................11 F. Well 9.....................................................................................................................................................................13 I V. Appendix B:Well Logs............................................................................................................................ 17 A. Well 1 B. Well 2 ; C. Well 3(deepened in 1997)......................................................................................................................................19 D. Well .....................................................................................................................................................................22 E l F. Well .....................................................................................................................................................................24 G. Well 8.....................................................................................................................................................................25 l VI. Appendix C:Well 9 GWUDI Field Survey...............................................................................................28 1 I. INTRODUCTION A.Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to present a sanitary survey review of the Falls Water Co.,Inc. (FWC)drinking water system that was conducted on April 28,2015. Sanitary surveys are intended to inspect drinking water systems for health risks. B. Summary Description of the System i FWC serves 4,076 residential(estimated 14,000 capita)and 85 commercial hookups with seven wells. Water supply is controlled with a water system pressure priority SCADA system,and wells 2,4,5 and 9 have hypochlorination to keep distribution lines sanitized. 1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 124 of 237 C. Consumption and Production The 2013 FWC report to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(PUC)indicates 1,231,491,000 total gallons pumped,and peak day demand at 9,857,800 gallons(6,846 gallons per minute at constant 24 hour demand). Well pump capacity is 9,100 gallons per minute. D. System Improvements There have been no major modifications or improvements since the last sanitary survey in 2009. E. Monitoring and Reporting FWC is current with all monitoring and reporting requirements. F. Summary of Findings The system was found to be well-managed. This survey found no significant deficiencies (significant deficiencies cause, or have potential to cause, risk to health or safety, or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water), several deficiencies (non-compliance with IDAPA 58.01.08 - Iduho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems),and has no recommendations for system improvements(listed below). 1. Significant Deficiencies: none. 2. Deficiencies a. Threaded spigots were found on many of the well discharge piping to the distribution system. All threaded spigots should have an anti-siphon attachment installed, or have threads removed from the spigot. b. Pump seven requires a meter. c. The well 6 pump to waste requires a screen. 3. Recommendations: none. II. INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS A. Sources of Information I. DEQ Falls Water Company drinking water files. 2. System Operator Brad Wright. B. Source Water Supply Wells FWC utilizes 8 wells and 9 pumps to supply water. All well logs are appended to this report. Items of concern for the wells: ➢ Wcll 6 contains pumps 6&7—tliere is no well 7. ➢ Well 3 was abandoned in 2008. C. System Control A SCADA system activates wells according to distribution system pressure. D. Water Quality FWC has not had water quality problems in the last year. E. Treatment All wells pump to waste at startup to remove sand from the well water. Hypochlorination is utilized on wells 2,4, 5 and 9 maintain distribution line sanitation. 2 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 125 of 237 F. Storage Well 2 pumps to an above ground steel storage tank which once served as a pressure tank,but is no longer pressurized. The tank now serves only as storage. G. Distribution System The distribution system has been constructed thru the years and includes HDPE,asbestos cement, PVC and ductile iron. Line size and total footage,according to the 2013 PUC annual report,is: n Use Insiallo Aband&Qn use Pipe Beginning During During End of sire Of Year Year Year Year 2' 1,239 0.14 4" 1,879 795 2675 6" 220.271 192 220 464 8" 72.242 1 856 7 f M 10' 29,489 20,489 1r 24.991 2 985 27,056 H.Emergency Operations Wells 5 and 9 both have emergency generators,for a capacity of 3750 gallons per minute(750+3000 gpm, respectively). III. APPRAISAL OF SANITARY HAZARDS AND SAFEGUARDS A. Ground Water under the Influence of Surface Water Under the federal Surface Water Treatment Regulations(SWTR)all groundwater sources serving community public drinking water systems must be evaluated to determine if they are directly influenced by surface water or at risk with respect to giardia,cryptosporidium or other microbial contamination. Criteria used to determine the vulnerability of microbial contamination include a well's distance to a surface water source(should be greater than 500 feet),fractured basalt aquifers,and well construction features such as an annular grout seal and depth of casing. All FWC wells have been determined not to be under the influence of'surlace water as documented by the DEQ June 2009 GWUDI Field Survey. B. Other Issues This Sanitary Survey found no significant deficiencies. Section I.F.,above,details the complete findings of this survey. 3 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 126 of 237 IV. Appendix A: Photographs A. Well 1 Pump to waste cistern Pump i i A ppurlcnanccti �s 1 1 i a i- 4 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 127 of 237 B. Wells 2&4 Wells Room . l k r- Well 4 Well 2 5 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 128 of 237 Well 2 Flow meter&pump to waste Sample tap,pressure gage fry. Storage tank f N s r 6 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 129 of 237 Well 4 Appurtenances r� Mi1 0 v � 4 G l 1 � - 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 130 of 237 Wells 2&4 hypochlorination -r 40 8 .- Page 131 of 237 C. Well 5 +' s � s 1 a 'ice J Appurtenances Y, FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 132 of 237 Hypochlorination and diesel secondary containment o - C i A r 1 10 .- Page 133 of 237 „p to waste needs a screen .- Page 134 of 237 E. Well 8 I H t i� JI \ � Ir . FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 135 of 237 _ -- 77 r ,i Y 1 13 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 136 of 237 Well 9 and appurtenances o lie - - r r t� 14 • _ 3 BII4. , OR 14 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 137 of 237 Well 9 Generator I r 15 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 138 of 237 16 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 139 of 237 V. Appendix B: Well Logs A. Well 1 State of Idaho HAALLLL POINT PAN t1 N1TP OR Department of Hater Reeur ocee �� •�• WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Sl*te Itw raquiret that this report be filed wlth taw Dlrwtar,Wpnwertl of VMeM EerOMiee r/Mfn 70 Jay.after the completion or abandonment of the 1.WELL OWNER 1.WATER LEVEL $;alit water INrI_if feet b.IoW land sue • Flowing) Ll Yes 12 No G.P.M.IIow _ Addau__._ Tempoatun F. Owluv_ iwcd _ Antsien closed in pr"wra p.&I, ' Owners Permh No. Controlled by O Val,o O Cap O Plug 12.NATURE OF WORX _ S.WILL TMIT DATA41—_ I O New well O Dow ed ❑Ropbament III Pump n Seller 0 Other D w oava n Abandoned Idettfibe method of abandoning) r r S.PROP03E0 tw O Domrello ❑kdgelIV 0 AN 0 omerlleeelr Mai g.LITHOLOOIC LOG _ t Cl"od O Inslslrle 0 Etere 0 was Oferaael or No" Frees Ta_ M'er'r Y Hr 4.MITHOD DRILLID 1 n Gbla ❑Amory O Dug ❑Other JAL-LIU— S,WELL CONSTRUCTION 2f., Diameter of hole__ Inchr Total depth foal Gt4ngMhedu167 O Steel n Comsat. TMaoow 0— Frem Ta lnchN_. Inch. • INI _feet Indeed, Indrr _ INI _feet inch. __ Inch" INI FM InM.,_._ Inch" __ INt _feet 1+ inch. inrflN ._ fool le 1 MM sell[din dae oral T 0 1b O IVe Wn a packer of—1 urd? ❑Yet ❑No I'"s-1.0 O Yr O No Now paforatadl 0 Factory O Knife O Torch Slaofparfaetlon _,inohNby_ Inches HumMr Frew To 1 —__pMoatbnt la. feel r pvtoatbm feel _ feet 10C. feet feel 1 Well aueen irMaled/ ❑YN O No Manufacturer'*rwrw Type ModN No. _ O1,melef_SlotaN_Setlrom feetto feat Di.m.er—Slot all*_Set from feet to__Mt L;nN1 Packed) ❑Yes O No Silo of gravel Placed from_ feel to—.—feel •^••^ IIaNee teed Meth Zt•a Halertel eeee In reel 0 Caeens Scow 0 PWINne day rJ 11h11 tulllq, •'••� 5101grq ereee, use ❑MwT ON 0 Tearwvy weleoe tarrq 0 owssera N read Mee• L LOCATION OF WELL 10, work ttueM Ai!!Iai, 26 t 976 nnlMd August,IQ,.jS„h!I Skull map location muer agree with wflttoq[motion. N If.DINLIARS CQITNICATION •.j.•• •i O*dgm R terra Firm Name ar,•ITmr Nall Oaf sal nc rn..tr•_Fkel fUs_ w � ' l E u ere IEaell w nay.�'�'•'• ;.rat. 1'lth SGraat drtlo F'nJi :dcho R3/,0I sa"M tFkw OtnaSfl i'. nunq_IL'n'1^"Sly=o b.,aerrl / 17 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 140 of 237 R. Well 2 It. P `' Cope Woll D:i lk-lig 9 2 7 P O U t. S F. N S T R E E T P H O N E J !} c k son 2 2 3 2 4 IDAHO FARLS , IDAHO fI AbIl No. 2 Falls Water Go. Inoojporated 0 to 2 Top soil ' 2 to 46 Oravel and boulders 46 to 64 Band and gravel 84 to 74 Sand, gravelly and boulders 74 to 79 Soft lava , 79 to 108 Hard blaok lava - Oasing drove to 84 ft. and oomentod at bottom of oaring 108 to 128 Softer lava : 126 to 147 Red oinder■ j Vkter level stand■ stieft. 84 Ft. of 6118n' xal] thiokness Gaming used plus steel drljve shoe on bottom of oasing. i I I ! i i . .. .... .. ... ...... . 1. •....,.. ..._ ... .:. __. ..i . ... . .:.... , , 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 141 of 237 C. Well 3 (deepened in 1997) 1 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES +.37 F. WI.L DR><LLF.R'S REPORTWks Use Onlyt Use Typal mW er BsIptIMR Pan InspeM by LING PER1111TNO_ -081IM00— . 7wyl Rps Secl` Olhcr IDWR No.__*7 r,�-0"U -- - — 068508 114 A ,I14 y,1.,! 2. OWNER: Lot Name Falls Water Company,lee 11. WELL TESTS: Address--405 1 nth Street o Pump rJ Bailer ■ Air o FlowingArtesian (*fly IdahckFells _ State.1D_ /.Ip 8.1404-4999_ Yield a 3. LOCATION OF WELL by legal description: Umin Unlwdtssm Pumping Level 7utw notch map lorafon rrtul moos wm mitten location 275syn ISOR 3hr N Twp. _2- North•or South D Rile. 38 East ■or West o Water Temp. Bottom hole temp._— _- Sec. 16 SEA/4. NW-V4, SE--1/4 Water Quality test or continents:_ 10Aerea 4OApes 160Acues -- - Depth first Water Encountered: Li0ft.____ Gov't Lot County Ronnevilta­, 12. LITHOI.OGIC I OG:(Describe s or abandonnKnt) Warer a I Long: non Reruarkc Litholot),Walrr Quality N Address of Well Sita_JruL_Ds11a._V1s=,% Ma. From To leariptiraturt Y N $r,I,1,rv:aL■.YI City Jdab",ItL (OinrMrr.■eefReehDlttawt■Re.aa1M.■►) - 10 146 149 Bauh bro►nt way X Lot No. 2-Block No.1 Subel.NameywnAdta Evetei uhd ML 49 a Cinders x 4. VSF.: ISI 161 Bawh firm gray X ■ Domestic n Munkipal ❑Monitor D Irrigation nThermal D Injection t t Other 161 178 Basal Ilan1 Or X S. TYPE OF WORK check all that apply (Replacement at.) 179 180 naslt Broken Gray X ClNew Well ■ Modify U Abandonment ■Other _Doapetalag 4. DRILL METHOD Ito 183 C'indcn X ■Air Rotary o Cable a Mud Rotary U Other — 183 196 BamIt,Firm Gn X 7. SEAUNG PROCEDUR@S 196 202 Basdt Broken Clay k Sill X _jEALAUXERPACK AAf(NBJT 202 7)4 Haull Mud Gray X $►tits Or Maurtrl Tian To Peed. med-i 234 239 Cinders X 239 231 Ba,alt 1lmken&Clo X 2.11 237 Cinders 257 270 nualt,Broken Cray X Was drive shoe umd7 t r Y IIN Shoe Depth(s) _ _ 270 774 Dault Hard Gra• X Ww drive shoe seal tested?nY EN How? I.CASING/LINER n . a R E C E I v u o u o u r o n - I.ength of I Icadplpe:__— . LenSth of Tailpipe _. 9. PERFORATIONS/SCREENS: -- 9Ii1 ( I ; flapaflfw d 11we keyywras n 1'efforatlons Method o Scrccns Scrten T e rrcen To Sim$ire N-1,vr launder %froid ('ar;rK 1, 1 17-1-1 coinploted fkpth __22411_— (Measurcable) Dale: Sfarted:_ ('nmplct M1_ —_ n n 13. DRII,I.YR'SC�77 ICA ON IM't certify" nl 11 con tctio s were complled with an u a Iht 1ifn0 the N'et M'MO%Vd, IO.STATIC WATER LP.VI{I.OR ARTESIAN PRES9UR17�E C E I n drcw_1YifI ,low Firm N3 P1r�<7flF _ y ,Datc:tS[D1lR7 68 - flbelowground Artesian pressure lb SUN 1 9 Depth flow encountered fl Describe access port or iwrtt)peratur Daw-fi;11N7 control devices: —Welded on Cap _ (>•paiM F 91�npapvgo ant if Flint O is &Operator 19 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 142 of 237 Well 3 Abandoned {!- ✓ rcmr:is I IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Oft*Lt�OnM woo 1cl No mul WELL DRILLER'3 REPORT YnDtcltd M•_ MMr.. Twp-Rat_See_. I WELL TAG NO. 0 004565S 'LM la+o 010L1 RIG PEMAT NO 12 WELL TESTS: Water Rlgh1 or In;n t M1 Well NO U pump U B w ❑AiT ❑Ftowr'q/ulrsierl 2 OWNRR: aidgWmn O.a,^down Pu LroH t.r4 Name Fats Water Company Inc TEST WELT. Address. 11 Ra n Drive City: Idaho Falls State, to Zip.03406 Visor Temp 00"hot.tarp 3 LOCATION OF WELL by legal dtaoription. water owitY au a con"ents You mull preY04 add,#$$o'1 n1 Ile Sib Or evot ni 0 wtl Dep!n fill waw oncMtaed. TWP ? Nash of n Swth 17 LITHOLGOIC LOG: (0tunbe repaln or Mwdonin"A R9t East M WM ear. r..m T. T—rW. a Y N $et 10 IH ir( 1N LE IN o" 10K1.. .30..I M10Mn. Gov't Lot Counq Donnevdle 01 43:31.01I —Lo,V 111:5 Address a I:tte: 7431 Oebdah This well was abandonded. All casing has ay. Idaho Falls RONN1.w�rM) been removed and the hole filled from 376'to ( NYM.N rIe•ad Noll• \waY.M Lt. RWA Sub Name top of ground, 4 USE: f cW. n(4unYlrtiJ H Monitor ❑Inl¢Xm n.rimv u InjectionOIMr 6 TYPE OF WORK: IR.p(M:WOA eK.) Ld Nrz.I wdl L I►Wfy ❑Ab ndr --nt l—J ovxe 6 DRILL METHOD: PI AK Rotary L]Cable ❑Mud Rotary F�Olber 7 SEALING PROCEDURES: 6.0 UN.'W l.an Tn MC r Vetu... 1 \..I e1.cNne111aaned anton4e 3 125000S 1 Pound Wasdrlve eaoa UW47 Y fa0 5Mn De11th(s) Ybs ditW SAD@ 1441191Mn 7 M yes FI Ncr 110w9 6 CASINGA_INER: (M in.+ To . Mr.rW I c—.j l nN w~bW lhe.*a Length of Headpl r e/glh10001 P"01 Q Yes No yT P* - 9 PERFORATIONSISCREENS:PACKER TYPE Pedorallon Method — P b z I6d1 Sueen Type 6 Method of Installal . Err /.om T� 5b13tt. IauM.e (.am.Nr M.I.nI lU �_ Comp:eled l>•put IA4ee\uraNe) Dale: Stalled Cotmicied 3128100 10FILTER PACK: 14 DRILLER'S CER I . !4.1 u..w rw r.00, To I VAam. &.4 P+.ot.a.N M.U..e IIWe w0y that a I minimum wea construction ataixfolds Wem compll d W.th at the time the 1,9 was removed Germany Name Andrew WNI 0041n Servkos.Inc ram No 11 STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: A berry ground Artes.an Pressure Ib Pf'oopal DrAer oats and Depth nuw oncounte(ed. A PIMra Opaekln Dale. lr Describe access pod or control devices Sanhwy Weal Cap Operator 1 ILIt 20 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 143 of 237 Well 3 abandoned(cont'd) 4ZA - rirn2kar IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES GAU10OnY WORM)No 41o2 WELL DRILLER'S REPORT hspectedbo, Andw re 1 WELL TAG NO. D 0045656 _114_Ira Ir4 ORKtINO PERMIT NO 12 WELL TESTS: tat Lag Water Right ox Injection Well No 0 Pump [l Balk, ❑Air n9❑fl0vn ARCS�an 2 OWNER: blewdmn I PrxnF lavl Tme Name FAIN Woo Compan Inc TEST WELL Address. 1 me CAy: Idaho Falls State: I SM06 YValei Temp Bd110m h01e limp 3 LOCATION OF WELL by legal doserlptlo7n. Weser Ouasty IeN or co"Whi Ycu must r+omo addrom or Lot Got Sub.Or Dktxllcns WWII. Depth Fist walor encowlered Two 2 North W South 13 Oosetwe reparrs or Wsnoonment) Rga 38 8 East Or West hoe From to Mw,wks:Lwdoor We ar e Wy s tv.vg(0 re y N See IT. Im MF IN 5a u4 OM rO&(*$ gAnee 103Apee l(r o 1 IS61 a Gowl Lot County BOWWAe 1 41 1 crvat a a Band x Lot. 43:31.08Y Long. I 47 ell Basal krll greyx Address o 07-002431IDabotah se 97 Como a said x City-.ldsho Falls W 97 122 Gravel&terd x /Ol,en rain nswe or Rood.Oltui' W Asoador tw""A) 122 440 asak.rm W x Lt. 04 Sub NUM 140 140 111,114111 broken : 1" I82 a"Nor grey x tat 100 134sallherd r x 4 USE: 19D 105 CRdws x eDOt vwc H 1'tUlKlpal ❑Monitor ❑)rrlgation 105 214 b(*kM x Thorn&? L�InJettwn ❑Other 214 M Ckden t 230 242 Omsk broken 9 e1 x 6 TYPE OF WORK: (Re9IX"wr4 er) 242 241 BASAfgm x n New Well O Modify ❑AbwWwrlent ❑Other N7 261 Woken greyx 251 253 CLwt--n x 6 DRILL METHOD: 253 2s5 Bnakbfoktngleyx Q AIr Rotary ❑Cade ❑Mud Rotary []Do,,, a 7a5 763 B"Woken ores x 263 1 265 B"trm grey x 7 SEALING PROCEDURES: gas "ll 164nakbrokM•city s Sett Y.rirW From To Vhehlh V(r" SOM►wi wr Nst d 296 301 Bgae Trm x _ 301 3" Bstae hard Or x 3" 310 Beeaa Mok4n r Was dl,re shoo used? i Y NO Deplh(s) 4 370 39-0 a pavM arras x was dr.vv spice$"1oeNd? -Yes I INO How? 300 396 Gravel.Send x 6 CASING/LINER: W IrVn To O++9e IXMW � �r W lrvleoia 1 • 4 SO 3I001 V � `IILNJ�JI stee 6" • 1 ' steel1 on , 0 pi p a oogt o arplpa: P.A.r❑yes 110 Type .l 9 PERFORATIONSISC R EE PIS:PACKER TYPE Perlorallon Method Screen Type 6 Method of Installation Fro« To •e Nurser cwvla r Mowwi Ceerp mar 8 Cornplated arced 386' (MepComp) Data. Started �- Completed 371SN7 10 14 DRILL CERTIFICATION: SW s/eriei Iron To VrelpN I Voerria teal I, mom Urtwd IM7e cert-ly that all min WMM well construction standDrds%%*to cwmplbd wah at the lime the rig was removed. Company Name An Well 061114io eervlt e•hic Farm No 5 11 STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: �� 105(1below ground Artesian Pressure: Ib Pdncloal Driller Date. Ord o l� Depth Row encountorod: R Draer or Operator[IDate:i 4 Describe access port or control devices'. Sanlaiv W6111 Cap Operator 1 21 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 144 of 237 D.Well {, t,;w use TyplylRlT111 OR `•T /Ad{ _ BALL POINT►EN Department of Water AdmltlLlratton WELL DRILLER'S REPORT we:CL � Stole law roquu.s that this report be filed with the State Reclamation Engineer within 30 days afut completion or abandonment of the well, 1.WELL OWNER 7.WATER LEVEL Name_ falls VfIl Company _ Stati—ate,lentil_68 feet below land.,face Flowing? ❑Yes O No G.P.M.flow r Address 405 llth Idaho FAlla, l_t�V TempsralWe--F. Duality— Attention closed In pr=ure p•e I. Owner's Permit No. '25-7047 __ Controlled by ❑Valve O Cap O Plug I s.NATURE OF WORK S.WELL TEST DATA 0 New well 0 Dooponed 0 Replacement ❑Pump 0 Boil. ❑Other DfhM•rp d..M. Drew Gown aura Forrestal 0 Abandoned ideectibo method of abandoning) S /110/OEID W/ If Iv}� O OeRIwUe O Irrlgnlon 0 Test {�I Y. LITNDLOOIO LOG 1 NW �M wow O Municipal 0 Industrial ❑Stock "am Prom To yes Ilr �.METNOD DRILLED 0 Cabla 0 Rotary 0 Dug ❑Other d.WILL CONSTRUCTION +"- ?,—Davin Dlnttetn of hole _16 Inch= Total depth 11 2 ten eeeod�r+ Calling whedul/i 13 Ste, O Comets TkleLees R\ois mesw I— To r, Inches-�— Inch= f1_ feet 72 Ili Milk Indies 1 t� Inchon --t&_ feet _95__fact Irm*m Inches fact Teal Inchon Inches feet f=t Inches Inchon hot _feet Was a pooker of MM uswd? 0 yes El No Feetkntad? O Y= O No Now perforated? 0 transitory O Knits 0 Torch Slesofperfornk. _InM=by_ Inches N-0m Hoah To perforations feat feet perloralbM yet Iran perlofvd" lest teal Well swoon InaWkd7 O Yoe ❑No MarrufroWrw's noon Typo Mod,No. DMm=es_tlocaha_seKfrom hates fan Mantes_Slot/es_Eat from la,ed het Oros,packed? 0 Yee ZI No Site of Renal /hoed fran tat to fen 5 ft. uuddlLnR clay Surfwo wall? fl Yen O No Te west depth��5 rf �eet MataW used In se, O CWMM WM lCl►iddWNW, S LOCATION OF WILL aft eel,map kfenlon nmo Was,with written location. 10. WorlietaAsd Me rr•h WELL 4-t 11.ORILLER'I CERTIFICATION Thiswell villadrilled u,drr my aupervlalon end thleupon Is '._. true to the beet of my knowledge. R. Y. GOP» Mell Drlllina 2A olis�.er • - County Bonneville 111,N3 Box 1,70 Idaho Fall. Tdahn SS 6X�4PL%/pa-.l�_ T.�NIS,11.,1aBl�IW MAX tD. gbmdov 22 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 145 of 237 I•;. Well 5 Form 23B.7 STATE OF IDAHO USE TYPEWRITER OR I I'B DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 9ALVIGI JE11 WELL DRILLER'S REPORT It-1- tr? " State law nqulnt that this report be filed with the Dhactot.Dpertment of Water Reeouro" - within 30 days after the oomplelWir,or abrdonmant of the well. 1.WELL OWNER 7.-WATER LEVEL -�f- Name _�.r xJ,•i 6�,i;; t'n :.l;cr.sc 1 Static water level `!2 feet below land sui•/aQe..,I. Flowing?Address ❑Y" l8 No O.P.M.IIOW nC' .Cis 'L!'QC't '.L'd. .jtinJtu A►ptlen closed-in pressure Gntnolld by: O VolvoO Cep. O plan;`;. Owner's Permit No._ 7amporature _OF, Duality •r"'''f' I 2.NATURE OF WORN r IL'iALLT19T DATA '+ '•' O New well ❑Deepened U Replecoment .•*1]hr^�P �]saNae,s ❑ :.., I ❑Abandoned(describe method of abandoning) AI. 3.PROPOSED USE •i - ',l` 17 Domestic ❑Irrigation U Test 13 Municipal @.)i,THOLOOIC LOG 13 Industrial ❑Stock ❑Wane Disposal or Injection ' ❑Other --__ - hpeclly type) To r 4.METHOD DRILLED ❑Rotary ❑Air ❑Hydraullc O Revers rotary ' 0 Cable ❑Dug ❑Other 6.WELL CONSTRUCTION xv -d • Bt sit .t v Casing schedule: Cl Steal ❑ Concrete ❑Other 2 Thickness Memo", From i0 tkrma Inches—2( _ Inches+ ^� feet :j -feet 32 m• Inches-- -� Irxhee feetI_�feet10 inch" Inches feet_feet 20 Oil 11 Inch" Inches feet feet en W"cuing drive shoe used? (3.Yes ❑No 7.04 AMID Wise s packef or s"I used? ❑Y" O No 20 Perforated? Ll Yes W No 81 Now perforated? ❑Factory ❑Knife ❑Torch 20 Scaid Site of perforation Inch"by_Inches 20 �• 71 ffl' ,iP- •c Nurrgss From To 2O �2 Q C1nd :r Perforations feet ,feet 22 9r0?t hit �. A,rt.• 25 Perforations feet feet , 2 2 R 1'R'Ok� a . . r• perforations feet feel .2 R 2 Well Screen InRslled? ❑Yes L3 No Or Manufacturer's name ro Ot' Dt'ok /. Type MadN No. 2 1 Gr SoUd 8 s Diameter Slot size_Set from _fast to—foot 297 Crack Or 9 Dismal"_ Slot Uts_Set from _feet to_feet U r• Gravel packed? ❑Y" 15 No O Sin of gravel ^� Placed from feet to feel i'•" •`' Stitrlaca"eel dpp/tit Metarlol used In seal: Mi Osment grout .if=/'to{ilte 13 Puddlingclay ❑Well cut....- Setting procedure unit: ❑Slurry pit O Temp,surface using ' 13 Overbore to fast depth Method of joining casing: O Threaded O Welded O Solvent Web O Camentd between«rste Describe access port 10, work flnhited B.LOCATION OF WELL 11, DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Sketch map 10"tionmud agree with written location. ItWo colts that al minimum wall y i1 N ry oonepsjtNprs etendai'da lryei. Subdivision Name complld with at the time the rlgww removed. t t ? — Flrm Name AlidrfM Kell llr�No. W i E — Address 1266 Xrkat 17th Street Qma. 6.266.79<r;: ..e.. ••e•' Lot No. BlDck No.__ _ .OnktO •R, e, ..GR G 1t01 —� y,+. Signed by(Firm Official) �asntY and .�r IOPentarl - • ,T. N/S,R. F/W. 23 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 146 of 237 P. Well 6 rnim 238 7 STATE OF IDAHO USE TYPEWRITER OR Sio2 wiPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCbo BALLPOINT PEN WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Stale law rectulms MN this report be filed with the Director,Department of Water Resources within 30 days alter the comisfollon or abandonment of the well. 1.WELL OWNER Falla Water Co., Inc. 7. WATER LEVEL Nerve rWayne Wilcox Static water level 50 feet below land wrfate, 1,05 Ilth Street Flowing? ❑Yes 10 No G.P.M.flow Address Idaho Faille, ]d 031401 Artesian closed-In pressure P.I.I. Controlled by: ❑Valve ❑Cep ❑Plug Owner's Permit No. 25-117-Z-W* Temperature OF. Oustity Oaod l — —i.,rm.rrema.r.rur.,oaoeasw 2.NATURE OF WORK 8. WELL TEST DATA X.]Now well ❑Deepened ❑Replacement ❑Pump 0 Batter 0 Air O Other ❑ Abandoned(describe abandonment procedures such as materiels,plug depths,etc.In lithologic lop) 01chug.G.P.M. Pumpla L.+H I Haut,Pump.d 3.PROPOSED USE ❑Domestic ❑Irrigation ❑Test b Municipal 9, LITHOLOGIC LOG 0 Industrial El Stock ❑Waste Disposal or Inl.cllon 0 Other _ (specify type) gore D.Pth Water Malaria oN --- Olson.From To Ve N 21, U 1 1, Soil 4.METHOD DRILLED 1 110 l;rnvnl &)IJIt C.n X O Rote ❑Air ❑Hydraulic ❑flevarto rotary 10 10 IAt'r (,ravel & C1R X In prAY2 < earr XJ Cable ❑Dug ❑Other U u u n X S.WELL CONSTRUCTION, TJ CO mna11, boulders h clay X Casing schedule: 15 Steel O Concrete OOther _f4o n i)a mall. broken k,city X nr 2 IMnnit fi tu•e X Thlesnar 0l.mna From To - -y2 - i t.ouree nand s bro.en rock •250 Inehn 2h Inehas a 1 lost �O� feat r, y sell, rim r X .250 Inches Inches �feet Meat Ut flnen t. hArrl r v Inches Inches feet _feel lU ] i)Reoll, hard rrml,tn•ell ray _ Inches Inches feet leer • , 144 Cinders black sand raid X Was casing drive shoe wadi Vas ❑No lhl. 1 0 C nddre sumo nand teed X _ Was a packer or lost used? ❑Yes CI No _ Pwforated? 0 Yee 0 No Haw perforated? O Factory 0 Knife ❑Torch Slsa of perforation __ Inches by Inchn _ N.~ From To _ parforation% Not (Set perforations feet lost perforations feel fast —Well screen Installed? O Yes It No Manufacturer's name _ Type Model No. Diameter_Slot also_Sol from _feet to_lest Diameter_Slot size_Set from _lost to_fast _ Gravel packed? 0 Yes)b No O Size of gravel Pieced from last to feet _ Surface seal depth )+ Material used In tool: CJ Cement grout _ E)Bentonlle ❑Puddling cloy 0- Sealing procedure used: ❑Slurry pit '0 Temp,turlace cosing _ :O Overbore to seal depth _ Method of joining casing: O Threaded :0 Welded Cl Solvent Weld O Cemented between Urals Describe access port 't•J J •,4) 10. Work started )•/!�/fhl Iinbhed S.LOCATION OF WELL 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Sketch map location must agree with writion location. I1W@ certify that all minimum well construction standards ware N oomplled with at the lime the rig well removed. t Subdivision Name -i-- --�-- Firm Name hntlz+•rr '••71 ,.•1711»;plrm No. , Ir W fl Addrm])!1! le. 171.h ftreeL Date 3�20�49 Lot No._Block No.--- tr' to 3L(3, Signed by(FirmOfficial) __ ..Z S and County :lowleviAn IDporalor) E• IA' K t.t,--R Sag, ] ,T. _NIh,R;" F/W. 24 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 147 of 237 G. Well 8 L) S REPORT OF WELL DRILLER state of Idaho State law, requires that this report shall be filed with the . to Roclamation Engineer within 30 days after completion or abandonment of the well. Total ito of drilled hole:�T ng water WELL OWNER: depth of Well: Temp. Nam ee•8 level below ground: m Address Fehr. ° Test delivery: _c gP or Pump? ❑ Bail U Site of pump and motor used to make teat: Owner's Permit No. Hrs. Min_ NATURE OF WORK (oheok : ,RR"lacendoaed 1❑ Length of t me of test: I New well ❑ Deepened lJ DraWdown: ft. Artee wn pressure: ft. Oive flow ofe Water is to be used for: Cable above land surface V ressure: METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION: Rotary ❑ Controlled by_ Vahuto lve Cap Plug ❑ Other No control ❑ Does well leak around casing? expla a — — _ Yeldsd Yee ❑ No ®MATERIAL WATER OASIpO SCHEDULE: Threaded DEPTH YES OR NO �p "Diem. from f / ft. fo �it. p,ROM TO 4 _"Diam, from ft. to CS "Diam, from�ft. to �ftft. FEET FEET 1 . :. Diam. from ft. to M— ater�al: Thro—nems Of owe ngl Steel m concrete ❑ wood other ❑ explain PERFORATED? Yee ❑ No © Type of 1 perforator used: C ee� 6y Size of perforations: ft.bto —ft. _perforations from ft. to ft. _perforations from tt. to ft. 11b rforatione from ft. to ft. perforations from ❑ No ❑ WAS SCREEN INSTALLED? Yee Manufacturer's name - - Type Model No. yp Diam. S of sizo Set fromft• 'to—It Diam.___Slot size-3et from_-ft. to ft ravel packed? Yee ❑ - rSaa CONSTRUCTION: Well g Orave1 No. Bite of gravel 175 nas planed ft. to t-3ur�a°e seal prov}ded? -4ie No� To what depth? r ft. Material used in eeal:� Did a6h strata contain unuew le water as ' No. Type of water: Depth of strata— �ft. Metho of eealin i strata off: - -_-0aaalt------ No❑. ' Surface casing used? Yen Cemented in place? Yee Lp No 49 Locate well in section H a — or arts -1- Work finished: 1 Well Driller's Ste ement: hie well was 1 1 drilled under my supervision and thin report Soo knowledge. 1 1 in true to the boat of my dory�� 1 1 Name: Address: 1 1 1 I Signed by: ate: Lioenee No.iY _ LOCATION OF WELL: County NHS R. E/W Us* other Bide for additional remarks 25 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 148 of 237 H. Well 11/12/2008 09:21 12065229232 SCHIESS&ASSOCIATES PAGE 02/03 LJ 9 ranbe•? IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES GtOce Use Only Wall ID No, am& WELL DRILLER1 REPORT Inspected by: Anaray. rwo--7— g° 1 e0"T 1 WELL TAG NO. n 0040514 rsr Long: GRILLING PERMIT NO 12 WELL TESTS: Water Right or Injaction'Well No. D Pump ❑Bailer ❑Air ❑Plowing"On 2 OWNLR: Vud Go Drswaown Pum In Level Tkn■ Name Falls Water com an Ind.Produutlon Will 70' Is Addreas� eb n Drive City: e o eta State: 10 Zip:83400 Water crap Bosom hole lamp 3 LOCATION OF WELL by legal description, Water Quadly lost or oomm6nta: You metal provtdo address or LOL Slk.Sub,Or DlfaUM to wall, Dopth Ora water encountered: TWO 2 B North or ❑South 13 IT C G: Dnsadbo repaint or sbandonment) Rga 38 ✓ list, Or ❑West pine srom to m.mxrkst LMohey.wNa ck,asq A T,.mp^mu,m v N 104 Ni 114 lie 1st 1oArree 4oArna T « 24- 0 3 T oil x GOv'tLot County Bonnowlllo 3 to Oravd sand x Lot: 43:31.0813—Long: 1111:57,909 Id 41 Orevt),land x Address of Wall 8V. 2431 Os ore 41 46 ravel sill x City:Idaho Faille 46 40 86-Hlw revel x love at Nast some of mood HN+ierlat to vodw LmldnNnr) 41 83 Bleak biked hard x Lt. Elk Rub.Name: ea e4 erakan black boaep x 04 a6 aid black bassll x a6 87 /and baull,minor gravel x 4 U881 e7 Da Somali x BDomesdc Municipal Q Monitor El irrigation 20' 06 /e lie to medium sand x Themrial ❑Infection Other a6 1f0 Coorae send,gravel,cobbles x 110 lie Fine gravel,band x 8 TYPE OF WORK: (RopincomontOtt) lie 1 120 Pro sand,gralvel x 21 New Well❑Modify ❑Abandonment ❑Odler 110 tAt Fine sand gravel,brreoit x 121 123 11■4e4 x 8 DRILLMET1100; 123 139 era a IackOeee x Air Rotary a gable ❑Mud Rotary [3Other 130 146 Gm 4 black billion,brakes x 140 140 81arh based DrokbA x 7 SNALING PROCEDURES: 140 tee Firm black A91 sit x 6eN MNUNI Rom To Weight I 10e 11e Broken beck bass" x Sea e •2 218 232 Borkm bleak b4oan w/amall cinders It 202 1 240 Broken black bees I caving x Was anve shot usoo7 Y No�$hoe Depths) 248 AR m brill( x Was ddve sho.ase)lined 7 n ves IJ No How? 231 200 Black hold basalt x 16- 268 280 ilk based slightly broken x 8 CASINGILINER! 212 209 FM1 Matte basalt x Din rrme To MaNnsl c"I q 64xv w,.l�p0 W dad 219 340 Green assail x [Sea a e 340 30a Bra00 gray re x 30o sae Broken eeh easy,land x see Sae Gr One send x Lengtho eo p": sage o T61lpipe; 1 300 374 Band, ravelto I" Iw x Pecker❑Yes LJ NO Y�Pay 374 d04 6 eaxrf* Iewl some Me send x 3g4 400 Gravel,send x 1 PERFORATIONSISCR!ENS:PACKER TYPE 4D0 40e en see ravel dayx Perforation Method: Faolo wound"V"Who Joe 401 Ler a "oolits" x Screen Typo a Method o1 sea a a on: oun re asaopa 4oe 4/a vt Mau x 413 4u mvol,land x From To:t IMMIR Manlwrf DINnaler MA16M OaNnp r sr ed 1 n u ✓ Completed Depth 408 (Mtaaurebls) etesoo e 8 Dale: Slxrted r— Completed 3127/00 9O 14 ER%CERTIFICATION: soolm"ll II From To I wallimilvailm eeNFhesnenlM■rMW IIWo codify Ih6t all mlmlmum wall construction standards were oomplled With at the time the rIg was removed. Company Name Andrew Wall btlillng SerVIOM,Imo.Firm No.6 11 STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTESIAN PRESSURE: 132 fl.bolaw round Artesian Pressure: lb Principal Driller Data.A✓ / g and Depth flow encountered: R Dauer or operator 11 Dole: Describe access port or control dovloee; Well Cap Operator 1 CLADal17 e: 26 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 149 of 237 Form R3a•7 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES cros WELL.DRILLE'R78 REPORT Androw 1 WELL TAG NO. D 0048314 DRILLING PERMIT NO Water Right or Injection ell No. 2 OWNER: Name Falls Water Com an Inc.Production Well Addra�r.: Sewn nve City: a o ale ate: Zip: 53406 3 LOCATION 0r WELL by legal dosorlption. You mull provide address orILot,BIk.Sub,Or Dlreadons to wall. Two 2 ❑✓ North or ❑South Rge �� ✓� East or [)West Sac � , 114 NE 114 SG 114 IuMow 40Aar" 160Ams Gov't Lot County Bonneville Lot: 43:31,083 Long: 11 7.099 Address o e SI o: 2431 Dabofas city: ao as 7 SEALING PROCEDURES: yep1malwIll From To We hlrvetumo 3"1 P14c4ment mauwd oment 0 .0 CY Tremmle Cement 'E 20 remm e ea Grave 9 (310vity enton a 28 30' Olbe rav I. ca 5an 33 9 010s Tremm o WM%drive shoe used? ✓ Y No shoe Depth ' s) 122'-3 Was drive shoo seal lasted 7 ]Yes LI No How? 8 CASINGILINER: Oni From To Cleo a Mnleral Cwln9 Lire WoldM Thre 21 z' .3s Steel ✓ ✓ 18" •2' 26 0.37 eel ✓ ✓ —TT0 376 0,37 ee ✓ ✓ 10' 7.4 7' c 40 toll ✓ ✓ engt o oa prl�e,: one h o elllplpe: Packer[]✓ Yes U No yA-FIp.K 27 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 150 of 237 V1. Appendix C: Well 9 GWUDI Field Survey GWUDI FIELD SURVEY System name Falls Water Co,Inc Source name Well s PWS# 7100030 Source type Public water supply well Maximum pUnlpinq rate 400 hp.3000 gpm VFD turbine pump System representative: Tony Wise Date April28,2015 N A + ----------- -- 200' Diesel generator fuel lank 500' Lot fence —Railroad I'l Ammon Road —Irrigation ditch Map checklist: 200 feet limit: Unknown Municipal or on-site sewer lines the far side of N Ammon Road may have a server line,if so..about 200 feet distant 500 feet limit: Clone Dairies or livestock feeding operations none Injection wells (lone On-site sewage systems or lagoons none Stormwater disposal systems Irrigation ditch 175 ft Surface water Unknown Other sources of contamination 29 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 151 of 237 Water elevations Source Elevation Date Pump rate Well 9(this well) 132 feet below ground surface to static water level,2008 Test pumped at that time for 24 hours at 300 gallons per minute with 78 feet of drawdown Note measure the ground water surface elevation under maximum pumping conditions,record the water elevation at maximum drawdown Physical Attributes Depth of source(feet) 418 feel hlmimum distance to surface water(feet) About 175 feet to the east is an irrigation dd Did construction problems allow surface water influence? Unknown Describe the construction problem: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ......,..................................,.,....................................................................................................,.....,.....,..........,,............................................................ ........................................_.,......._...._.....................................................................................,........................................................................................... Ana"is&Monitoring Idonths with total cokform positive samples in the past 3 years None Is disinfection used for this source? Yes Is water quality monitoring required for this source(6 month minimum)? Yes Has a posdrve hydraulic connection been established?No MPA sample scores Cate Score Date Score No MPA was conducted. ................................I ............................I............ .,...................................................................... ....,... .......................................... ..., ...........,..................I....................................................................,..................._.......................... ........................................... ................................................ .................................................................. ............... ,..,,,,..,............. Comments Thiswell and well lot look,good.................................... .... ........ ................._„....,......_...........,....,,....,....,..,............,,........ .......................................................................................................................................................................—............................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................................._................................................ ...............................,.........,..............................,...............................I..............,.,.........................................................._............................................... ..........................................................................................................................................._.,.....................,,.................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................_.............................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. GWUDI DETERMINATION Ground water Influenced by surface water Ground water,but further evaluation is recommended. Date 412&2015 DEQ or HD representative mazzone 29 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 152 of 237 State of Idaho Public Water System Enhanced Sanitary Survey WATER SYSTEM INVENTORY INFORMATION survey date:F 4/28/2015 PWS: 7100030 Name of Public Water System: #of groundwater sources: 8 #of storage facilities: 0 Total Falls Water Company, Inc. #of Surface Water Sources: 0 storage(gat): 0 Date of last survey: Health District: Q N/A DEQ region: ❑ N/A County: 10/0712009 FRO-Idaho Falls Bonneville Number of service connections: Residential population: Status: Water purchased from: Lj NIA Water sold to: N/A 4076 Residential; —14,000 I�Apprnved Name: Leased well from PWS#: 85 Commercial. ❑Disapproved Lincoln Land Co.,LLC Name: Owner type: Legal entity: Water system classification: Combined sources? Seasonal operation0 Yes ❑ No System classification: dates: N/A If yes,❑Well Field Distribution: Date open: ❑� Community Water System ❑ Manifold/Spring Box DST2 2-private CM-company ❑Nontransient Noncommunity Sources Combined: Treatment: ❑ N/A Date closed: ❑Transient Noncommunity-NC see Comments Responsible Charge Operator(DO): No DO Legal Owner's Name: 0 Mr. ❑ Ms. Tony Wise Mr. ❑ Ms. Brent Johnson Properly licensed? Q Ye:❑ No❑N/A-GW-NC License type: DW132 ❑ NIA Mailing address: Mailing address: license number: 11816 2180 N.Deborah Drive 2180 N.Deborah Drive City,State, Zip Code: Telephone City,State, Zip Code: Telephone Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Day: 208-522-1300 Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Day: 208-522-1300 Night: Night: Fax: E-mail: Fax: E-mail: Substitute Responsible Charge Operator(OP): No oP Individuals present during inspection: ❑� Mr. ❑ Ms. Brad Wright Name: Brad Wright Title: Cert.Operator Properly licensed? ❑ Yes❑ No❑ N/A-GW-NC License type: ❑ N/A Name: mazzone Title: DEQ Mailing Address: License number: Name: Titre: 2180 N.Deborah Drive Name: Title: City,State, Zip Code: Telephone Physical location of the PWS(Township,Range,Section): t Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Day: 208-522-1300 I I Night: I l E-mail: Fax: € a Samples taken E tthe time of survey by inspector? Survey performed by: Agency: ❑ Yes Q No Name: mazzone ❑IDEQ If yes,what: Title: staff engineer ❑ Health Dept. t Phone#: 208-528-2650 ❑ Other: yac nn n/a —1, nnta General Information Sanitary Survey Index � ❑v ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Have previously required Significant Deficiencies&Deficiencies been addressed? Modules used: # ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Have modifications been made to the PWS since the last ESS? Q General Information 1 ❑ ❑ ❑v ❑ ❑ 3. If yes,are the modifications considered to be significant? ❑v Groundwater Source 8 ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ 4. If yes,were plans and specs submitted to and approved by DEQ? Storage 1 ❑ ❑v ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Are there any known issues or problems with equipment or operation of the PWS Hydropneumatic Tanks 0 that could negatively effect the quality of the waterproduced? (Ifyes,comment) ❑Distribution 1 f Comments: 0 Pumping 1 Sources Combined:Wells 2&4 are manifolded togeter;pumps 6&7 are in the same well. ❑v Financial Capacity 1 ❑v Managerial Capacity 1 g ❑v Treatment Application 1 Il Disinfection 1 ❑v Notes 1 ❑Photo Log 0 Total Modules 17 ,t FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 153 of 237 STORAGE survey date 4/28/2015 PWS#:F7100030 Storage structure name: Storage structure ID#: COMMENTS: Well 2/4 storage (Please indicate question number) Physical location: Date in service: ❑ Unk This tank was originally prior to 1976 designed to be a Volume(gal): ❑ Unk pressurized tank,but now 5,000 gallons total;1,800 gal useable. serves only as a storage/ Storage tY(rw• Consfrvrliaty ❑ Elevated Type of.aWerial: chlorine contact tank. ❑✓ Reservoir/Tank Q Above Grnund ❑ Plastic ❑ Wood ❑ Standpipe ❑ Partially Below Ground ❑ Fiherglasc Q Metal ❑ Below Ground ❑ Concrete ❑ Naturally Contained Total days supply(this structure): Date Last: inspected: U Unk cleaned: Unk ❑ Unk How is the water level measured? ❑ Unk yes no n/a unk note ALL STORAGE STRUCTURES Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Is the storage structure safely accessible to the inspector? ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is the PWS storage tank located within 600 feet of any municipal or Industrial wastewater treatment plant or any land which is spray irrigated with wastewater or used for sludge disposal? ❑ ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ 3.Are any of the storage structure drains directly connected to a sewer or storm drain? ❑ ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ 4. Is an overflow provided that discharges to daylight in a way that will preclude the possibility of backflow to the reservoir and,where practical,provided with an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe that will exclude rodents and deter vandalism? ❑ ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ 5. Are overflows brought down to an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above the ground surface? (2Xthe diameter or the discharge pipe above a basin rim) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 8. Do overflows discharge over a drainage inlet structure or splash plate?(storm or sanitary) .r❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Is the storage structure secure from unauthorized access? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ B. Does the storage reservoir have a watertight roof or cover and is i1 sloped to facilitate drainage? ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Is the storage water protected from contamination? 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Is the storage structure structurally sound? ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Could vegetation In the area potentially impact the storage structure? (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ 12. Is the storage structure designed so that it can be isolated from the distribution system without necessitating loss of pressure in the distribution system? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Is leakage evident at time of inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ 14. Is the storage structure interior coating or liner peeling or cracked? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Is the storage structure used to store finished wafer? ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 16. Are access manhole openings for the storage structure 4 Inches or greater above the surface of the roof,with a cover 2 inches overlapping,water tight,hinged and locked? ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 17. Are all vents extended 12 inches above the roof and constructed to exclude potential sources of contamination? (The overflow pipe shall not be considered a vent) yes no n/a unk note ABOVE GROUND STORAGE ❑ ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ 18. Do all vents open downward and are they fitted with a 4 mesh non-corrodible screen? yes no n/a unk note GROUND-LEVEL.PARTIALLY BURIED,of BELOW-GROUND STORAGE ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 19. Does the overflow for the storage structure have a vertical section of pipe at least 2 pipe diameters in length? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. Is the overflow for the storage structure provided with either a 24 mesh non-corrodible screen installed within the pipe when practical,or an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe plus a weighted flapper or check? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. is the area surrounding the storage structure graded in a manner that will prevent surface water from standing within 50 feet of it? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Are all vents for the storage structure open downward with the opening at least 24 inches above the roof or the ground level and covered with 24 mesh non-corrodible screen to exclude potential contamination? yes no n/a unk note PARTIALLY BURIED OR BELOW-GROUND STORAGE ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 23. Are"ALL"manholes elevated 24 inches above the surface of the roof or the ground level,which ever Is higher? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 24. Is there a minimum distance of 50 feet between the storage structure and any non-potable main,standing water,or other possible source of contamination? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 154 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PGA survey dale:1 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 Tag#: Common name of source: Source: Is this source treated? Yes No E0007128 Well 1 ❑✓ Well - ❑ Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑N/A Physical location: ❑Spring—► ❑ Spring Box D-disinfection;see comment South central service area Treatment types: Lj N/A (Identify Treatment Train In Comments) Is there a well log for the groundwaler source? ✓ Yes No N/A Unk 423-hypochlodnation Pump capacity(GPM) Casing Shepn) Dale drilled- Well depth(ft) Casing deplh,14) Grout dRn►ttff►,1 Static water deplh,f$l 750' Unk ✓ Unj- 1976• ✓ Un 215 UnJ__ ✓ Unk 20"" Unk 47— Unk IS the casing screened? Screen depth((t): N/A ✓ UnIC Is the casirip,nerforated? Perforation depth(ft): ✓ N/A ❑ Yi-c ❑ No ❑✓ Unk From: ❑ Yes ❑ No Q Unk From: ❑ Unk N/A To: I E3 N/A To' Latitude Daclmal): Long Ilude Decimal): All Sources COMMENTS: 1. This source Is Please Indicate question number 0 Active ❑ Proposed Treatment:this well pumps to waste at yes no nla unk note ❑ Inactive ❑ Emergency(<60 days per year) start up to remove sand. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for the source? Date: see comment 2 "PUC data, Other l"IX data: ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ T Has a final GWUDI determination been done for this source? -68.782 MG production in 2013; Date: 8/1/2003 65 psi discharge;-VF'D turbine pump. ax no nia unk not« WELL INFORMATION ✓ LJ U 4 Is the well on a separate lot that Is large enough to provides minimum +*1976 Driller's Report: Significant Deficiency distance of 50 feet between the well and the nearest property fine? the report is attached to the narrative (applicable If constructed after 11/l/77) write-up of this sanitary survey; Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? - 12 inch diameter hole to 215 tact,no ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ 5. Gravity sewer line._ ._.... ............................50 a. casing sire is specified. This 1976 well ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 6. Pressure sewer line... .................................tall ft. log,the only one found,indicates the wet Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Individual home septic lank............................1.100 a. was existing and deepened in 1976- ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Individual home disposal geld...........................100 a. •test data:6 ft of drawdown at 8 hours o 21 ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Individual home seepage pit.....................-......100 a. .110 gpm discharge;63 ft of drawdown a 21 ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Privies.........................................................calla. 8 hours of 1100 gpm discharge. p ❑ ❑ ❑ tt. -Livestock...................................................son -the well log is attached to the 2015 El ❑ ❑ 12, Canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and sanitary survey narrative report. tanks used to stare nonpotable substances........501t. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? 2.The report was compacted December ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ 14. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot? 17,2001,Potential contaminant Cl ❑' ❑ ❑ 15, Is the well In a pit? If yes,Date constructed: information was updated on March 15, ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 16. Was the wall that is located In a pit Installed after 11/5/84? 2013. ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 17. If pit was Installed prior to 11I5I64-Has DEQ granted an exception and does the pit have water tight construction of pit wails and floor,a floor 5-12:llte well is located along Ammon yes no n/a unk riots drain and an acceptable pit coven Road,it is unknown what changes have ✓ 18 Is ate well protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) been made regarding wastewater ✓ 19. Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 Inches above the final ground collection lines since installation of the Significant El Deficiency surface and/fir 12 Inches above the pump house floor! well. ✓ 20. Is the well vented with the open end of the vent screened and terminated downward at least 18 Inches above the Mel ground surface? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21, Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is the Well cased and sealed In such a manner that surface water canllol enter the well? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 155 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCES-PG.2 common name: Well 1 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 yes no nls unk note WELL INFORMATION(cunt.) COMMENTS: Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Is there a smooth nosed sample lap provided on the well discharge pipe Please Indicate question number prior to treatment?(Threaded lap Is approved with backfiow preventer) 35,The floor drain/sump pump is 24. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile approxalely 1 foot from the well. The Unnecessary memory Installed on the pump distribution line of the well and Is It pump to waste cistern is within 30 feet, maintained and working properly? 7,683,600 gallons though it may be plumbed away from the Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Is a pressure gouge provided at all Installations and Is tl maintained well. and working properly? SS psl. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the first service connection? yes no Na unk note PUMP HOUSE(Any structure containing important water system components) Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27. Is the source located In a pump house? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Is the pump house kept clean and In good repair? (Floorcracks?) Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29, Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? (Recommended) Q ❑ E] ❑ ❑ 31. Are all non-sample laps Installed In the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? 32, Is adequate ventilation provided In the pump house for dissipation of Significant Deflciency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? 33. Is adequate heating provided In(he pump house to provided safe and Significant Deficiency efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing 7 34, Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, Is the floor surface at least six(6)Inches above the final ground surface, and Is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from the pump house? 35. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? yes no nla rink note SPRING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 37. Is the entire area within a one hundred(100)foot radius of the spring box fenced to prevent trespassing of livestock and vold of buildings,dwellings and sources of contamination? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3e. Is surface water diverted from the 100 root protection zone around the spring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 39, Is the spring housed in a permanent structure and protected from contamination Including the entry of surface water,animals and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the spring discharge pipe prior to treatment?(Threaded lap Is approved with backfiow preventer) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 41- Is a flow meter or other flow measuring device provided? you no We unk note SPRING BOX INFORMATION(Not all existing springs have a spring box) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 42 Is the spring box equipped with a screened overflow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 43. Is the supply Intake located above the Hour of the collection chamber? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 44. Is the spring box protected from contamination Including the entry of surface water,animals,and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 45 Is the access port fitted with a solid water light cover which overlaps a framed opening and extended down around the frame at least 2 inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46- Is the access pan a framed opening that Is at least 4 inches high with a locking device? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 47. Is the access port elevated at leas(twenty-four(24)Inches above the top of the box or ground level,whichever Is higher? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 156 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PGA sury date:1 4/28/2015 PWS#. 7100030 Tag#: Common name of source: Source: Is this source Treated? ✓ Yes No E0007131 JWell 2 ❑u well Do ❑✓ Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑N/A Physical location: ❑ Spring I ❑ Spring Box D-disinfection Located in the south central region of the service area,this well field Includes the manifolded wells 2 and 4,adjacent to well 6 which contains both pump 6 and pump 7. Treatment types: N/A (Identity Treatment Train/n Comments) Is there a well log for the groundwater source? ✓ Yes LJ No N/A ✓ Comment 423-hypochlorinalion Pump capacity(GPM) Casing si7A(In) Date drilled lWellepthd (ft) Casing depth rftl Grout dRnlhfnl Static water deplh,if)1 400 Unk ✓ Un ✓ unk 147' n Unil 84' Ej Unk f-,11 Unk 58' Unk Is the casing screened? Screen depth(ft): N/A Unk Is the caslrlp,nerforated? Perforation depth(ft): LJ N/A ❑Yea ❑ No Q Unk From: ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Unk From ❑ Unk N/A To: N/A To: Latitude(Decimal): Lon Rude Daclmal: All Source B COMMENTS: 1 This snurre Is' Please Indicate question number 0 Active ❑ Proposed Treatment:this well pumps to waste at yes no n/a unk nolo ❑ Inactive ❑ Emergency(<60 days per year) start up to remove sand, Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for the source? Date: see comment 2 *Well log:an abbreviated well log slates Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3, Has a final GWUDI determination been done for this source? (only):the geology;depth to 147 reel, Date: 8l112003 water level at 58 feet;84 ft ors/16" nn na n/a unk note WELL INFORMATION casing pis a steel drive shoe on the bottom ✓ LJ U 4. Is the well on a separate lot that Is large enough to provide a minimum of the casing;by R.P.Cope Well El Significant EJ Deficiency distance of 50 feel between the well and the nearest property line? Drilling;no dale. See the survey (applicable If constructed after 1111177) narrative for this abbreviated log. Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Gravity sewer line...........................................50 ft. P1JC info: El ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Pressure sewer line................................••.....100 ft, -turbine pump at 40 hp,400 gpm&65 ✓❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Individual home septic tank..............................too n psi discharge;67.262 MG produced in 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ s. Individual home disposal field.........................100 a 2013;chlorination;this pump shares the Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Individual home seepage pit..... _- _...—. -100 it, pressurized steel storage lank(tile only Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Privies........................................................100 ft. system storage)with well 4. 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. livestock......................................................50 n. L] ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and tanks used to store nonpotable substances.........50It. 2.The report was completed December ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 13. Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum 17,2001.Potential contaminant products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? information was updated on March 15, ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 14, Are pesticides,herble des,or fertilizers applied to the well lot? 2013. ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 15. Is the well In a pit? If yes,Date constructed: O ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 16. Was the well that Is located In a pit Installed after 11/5/64? ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 17. If pit was Installed prior to 11/5/64-Has DEO granted an exception and does the pit have water light construction of pa walls and floor,a floor yes no We unk note drain and an accoptabie pit cover? ✓ 18 Is the wall protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) ✓ 19, Does the casing extend a minlmum of 18 inches above the final ground SI nlflcant Deficiency surface and/or 12Inches above the pump house floor? ✓ LJ LJ LJ LJ 20. Is the well vented with the open and of the vent screened and terminated downward at least is Inches above the final ground surface? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry'/ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is the well cased and sealed In such a manner that surface water cannot enter the well? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 157 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCES-PG.2 common name: Well 2 4/28/2015 PWS#.. 7100030 yes no n/a unk note WELL INFORMATION(cost.) COMMENTS: ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the well discharge pipe (Please indicate question number) prior to treatment?(Threaded tap is approved with backflow preventer) 24.The flow meter may meter both well J J 24. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile 2 and 4. ❑Unnecessary memory installed on the pump distribution line of the well and is it maintained and working properly? 133,975 gallons ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Is a pressure gauge provided at all installations and is it maintained and working properly? F--9-21 psi. ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the first service connection? yes no n/a unk note PUMP HOUSE(Any structure containing important water system components) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27, Is the source located in a pump house? ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28, Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair? (Floor cracks?) ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? (Recommended) ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Are all non-sample taps installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? J LJ LJ U Lj 32. Is adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? J 33. Is adequate heating provided in the pump house to provided safe and ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing? =Lj Lj U Lj 34. Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, Is the floor surface at least six(6)Inches above the final ground surface, and is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from the pump house? ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ 35. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? yes no n/a unk note SPRING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ 37. Is the entire area within a one hundred(100)foot radius of the spring box fenced to prevent trespassing of livestock and void of buildings,dwellings and sources of contamination? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 38. Is surface water diverted from the 100 foot protection zone around the spring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 39. Is the spring housed in a permanent structure and protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40. is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the spring discharge pipe prior to treatment?(Threaded tap is approved with backflow preventer) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 41. Is a flow meter or other flow measuring device provided? yes no n/a unk note SPRING BOX INFORMATION(Not all existing springs have a spring box) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 42. Is the spring box equipped with a screened overflow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 43. Is the supply intake located above the floor of the collection chamber? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 44. Is the spring box protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals,and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 45. Is the access port fitted with a solid water tight cover which overlaps a framed opening and extended down around the frame at least 2 inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46. Is the access port a framed opening that is a1 least 4 inches high with a locking device? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 47. Is the access port elevated at least twenty-four(24)Inches above the lop of the box or ground level,whichever is higher? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 158 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PGA survey date:1 4/28/2015 PWS#.- 7100030 Tag#: Common name of source: Source: Is this source treated? El Yes D No E00008064 Well 3 ❑ well 0- ❑ Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑ N/A Physical location: ❑ Spring ❑ spring sox This well was abandoned in 2008 according to IDWR rules. Treatment types: ❑ N/A (Identify Treatment Train in Comments) Is there a well log for the groundwater source? 2 Yes No El N/A[A comment Pump capacity(GPM) Casing size(In) Date drilled: Well depth(ft) Casing depih,tftl Grout derit(ft) Static water deplh,(fj) Ll unk Un ❑ Un Un El unk ❑ Unk El Link Is the casing screened? Screen depth(11): ❑ N/A ❑ Link Is the casirlppErforated? Perforation depth M: N/A ❑ Yp_a ❑ No ❑ Link From: ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Link ❑ N/A To: ❑ N/A To: Latitude(Decimal): Longitude(Decimal): All Sources COMMENTS: 1. This source is (Please indicate question number) ❑ Active ❑ Proposed Yes no n/a unk note ❑Inactive ❑ Emergency(<60 days per year) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for the source? Date:0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Has a final GWUDI determination been done for this source? Date:0 es no n/a unk note WELL INFORMATION 4. Is the well on a separate lot that is large enough to provide a minimum Significant Deficiency distance of 50 feet between the well and the nearest property line? (applicable it constructed after 11/1/77) Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? El El El ❑ 5. -Gravity sewer line...........................................50 ft. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Pressure sewer line.......................................100 ft. f ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Individual home septic tank..............................100 ft. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Individual home disposal field...........................100 ft. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. -Individual home seepage pit.............................100 ft. z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. -Privies.........................................................100 ft. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Livestock......................................................50 ft. 3 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and ; tanks used to store nonpotable substances.........50 ft. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? e ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Is the well in a pit? If yes,Date constructed: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16. Was the well that is located in a pit installed after 11/5/64? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. If pit was Installed prior to 1115/64—Has DEQ granted an exception and does the pit have water tight construction of pit walls and floor,a floor yes no n1a unk note drain and an acceptable pit cover'? 18 Is the well protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) 19. Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 inches above the final ground Significant Deficiency surface and/or 12 inches above the pump house floor? ❑ LJ ❑ LJ ❑ 20. Is the well vented with the open end of the vent screened and I terminated downward at least 18 inches above the final ground surface? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is the well cased and sealed in such a manner that surface water cannot enter the well? 1 h E FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 159 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PGA surveydate: 4/28/2016 PWs#. 7100030 Tag it: Common name of source: Source: Is this source treated? Yes No E0007130 Well 4 0 Well 0 El Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑ N/A Physical location: ❑ Spring ❑ spring Box Located in the south central region of the service area,this well field includes the manifolded wells D-disinfection;see comment 2 and 4,adjacent to well 6 which contains both pump 6 and pump 7. Treatment types: ❑ N/A (Identify Treatment Train in Comments) Is there a well log for the groundwater source? Yes No N/A LJ unk 423-hypochlorination Pump capacity(GPM) Casing size(ln) Date drilled Well depth(ft) Casing depth,tf;1 Grout dentlt(ft) Static water depth,rf)1 1500' Un •• U. 5/6/1974 un 142 Lin 95 Unk 15 Unk 68"* Unk Is the casing screened? Screen depth(ft): N/A unk Is the casinp,nerforated7 Perforation depth(ft): N/A ❑Yes Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Yes Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Unk ❑ N/A To: El N/A To: Latitude(Decimal): Longitude(Decimal): All Sources COMMENTS: 1. This source s. (Please indicate question number) ❑� Active ❑ Proposed Treatment:this well pumps to waste at yes no n/a unk note ❑ Inactive ❑ Emergency(<60 days per year) start up to remove sand. ❑Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for the source? Date:0 *PUC info: ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Has a final GWLIDI determination been done for this source? -168.7 MG in 2013;shares the Date: 8/1/2003 pressurized steel storage tank with well 2 es nn rva unk sofa WELL INFORMATION -150 hp&1500 gpm capacity at 65 psi 4. Is the well on a separate lot that is large enough to provide a minimum discharge turbine pump. j Significant Deficiency distance of 50 feet between the well and the nearest property line? (applicable if constructed after 11/1/77) **1974 well log:16 inch diameter 114" Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? thick casing to 72 feet; 12 inch diameter ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Gravity sewer line...........................................50 ft. (1/4"thick?)casing from 68 to 95 feet; t Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. -Pressure sewer line,......................................100 ft. no well test data;static water at 68 feet. ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. -Individual home septic tank..............................100 ft. R.P.Cope Well Drilling. z ❑� El ❑ ❑ a. Individual home disposal field..........................A00 ft. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Individual home seepage pit.............................100 ft. s 2.The report was completed December € Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Privies.........................................................too ft. 17,2001.Potential contaminant R] ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. -Livestock......................................................50 ft. information was updated on March 15, Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. -Canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and 2013. tanks used to store nonpotable substances.........50 ft. s ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 13. Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? 3.No GWUDI determination was found on file,but it is assumed one has been El El ❑Q ❑ 14. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot? ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 15. Is the well In a pit? If yes,Date constructed: F done based on the age of the well and ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 16, Was the well that is located in a pit installed after 11/5/64? review by previous sanitary surveys. I ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 17. If pit was installed prior to 11/5I64—Has DEQ granted an exception and - does the pit have water tight construction of pit walls and floor,a floor yes no n/a unk note drain and an acceptable pit cover? 18 Is the well protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) 19. Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 inches above the final ground Significant Deficiency surface and/or 12 inches above the pump house floor? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. Is the well vented with the open end of the vent screened and 1 terminated downward at least 18 Inches above the foal ground surface? a Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is the well cased and sealed in such a manner that surface water u cannot enter the well? Nj v 1 1 a u 5 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 160 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCES-PG.2 common name: Well 4 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 yes no Wa unk note WELL INFORMATION(cont.l COMMENTS: ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the well discharge pipe (Please indicate question number) prior to treatment?(Threaded tap is approved with backflow preventer) 24.The flow meter may meter both well ❑✓ 24. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile 2 and 4. ❑ Unnecessary memory installed on the pump distribution line of the well and is it maintained and working properly? 133,97i5 gallons ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Is a pressure gauge provided at all installations and is it maintained and working properly? 92 psi. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the first service connection? yes no nla unk note PUMP HOUSE(Any structure containing important watersystem components) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27, Is the source located In a pump house? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28. Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair? (Floorcracks?) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? (Recommended) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Are all non-sample laps installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? ✓ 32. Is adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? ✓ 33. Is adequate heating provided in the pump house to provided safe and ❑ Significant Deficiency efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing? ✓ 34. Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, is the floor surface at least six(6)inches above the final ground surface, and is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from the pump house? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 35. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? yes no We unk note SPRING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 37. Is the entire area within a one hundred(100)foot radius of the spring box fenced to prevent trespassing of livestock and void of buildings,dwellings and sources of contamination? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 38. Is surface water diverted from the 100 foot protection zone around the spring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 39. Is the spring housed in a permanent structure and protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the spring discharge pipe prior to treatment?(Threaded tap is approved with backflow preventer) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 41. Is a flow meter or other flow measuring device provided? yes no n/a unk note SPRING BOX INFORMATION(Not all existing springs have a spring box) ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 42. Is the spring box equipped with a screened overflow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 43. Is the supply Intake located above the floor of the collection chamber? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 44. Is the spring box protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals,and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 45. Is the access port fitted with a solid water tight cover which overlaps a framed opening and extended down around the frame at least 2 inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46. Is the access port a framed opening that is at least 4 Inches high with a locking device? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 47. Is the access port elevated at least twenty-four(24)inches above the top of the box or ground level,whichever is higher? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 161 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PG.1 survey date: 412812015 PWS#: 7100030 Tag#: Common name of source: �S�rce, Is this source treated? ✓ Yes No E0007132 Well 5 Well —0 ❑ Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑N/A Physical location: ❑ spring ❑spring sox D-disinfection;see comment Located in the north central service area. Treatment types: ❑ N/A (Identify Treatment Train in Comments) Is there a well log for the groundwater source? 21 Yes No N/A U Unk 423-hypochlorination Pump capacity(GPM) Casing size(ln) Date drilled: Well depth(ft) Casing depth(q) Grout denttt(tf) Static water depth,(f) 750** ❑ Unk Unk! 6/20/1979 ❑ Un 337 El Un 152 EJ Unk 51 EJ Unk 92* F1 Unk Is the casing screened? Screen depth(ft): ✓ N/A U Unk Is the casinp,nerforated? Perforation depth(ft): ✓ N/A ❑vas Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Yes Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Unk ❑ N/A To: El N/A To: Latitude(Decimal): Longitude(Decimal): All SOUrCCS COMMENTS: 1. This source ts*. (Please indicate question number) ❑✓ Active ❑ Proposed Treatment:this well pumps to waste at yes no n/a unk note ❑Inactive ❑ Emergency(<60 days per year) start up to remove sand. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for source? Date: comment *1979 well log: a ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Has a final GWUDI determination been done for this source? -a 20 inch diameter,1/4"thick casing Date: 8/1/2003 from 1 to 51 feet and a 16 inch diameter es no n/a unk note WELL INFORMATION 1/4"thick casing from l to 152 feet;92 ✓ U 4. Is the well on a separate lot that is large enough to provide a minimum feet to static water;no well test data; Significant R Deficiency distance of 50 feet between the well and the nearest property line? Andrew Well Drilling. (applicable if constructed after 11/1177) Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? ** 6 PUC information: Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Gravity sewer line...........................................50 ft. 75 hp turbine pump with a capacity of B Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Pressure sewer line...............................1.......100 ft. 750 gpm at 65 psi discharge;211.62 MG � Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Individual home septic tank..............................100 ft. produced in 2013;sand separation and 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Individual home disposal field...........................100 ft. chlorination. ✓ 9. Individual home seepage pit ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. -Privies.........................................................too ft. 2.The report was completed December j ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Livestock......................................................50 ft. 17,2001.Potential contaminant ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and information was updated on March 15, tanks used to store nonpotabie substances.........50 ft. K ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 2013.13. Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum t products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ 14. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot? � ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 15. Is the well in a pit? If yes,Date constructed: n" ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 16. Was the well that is located in a pit installed after 11/5/64? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 17. If pit was installed prior to 11/5164—Has DEQ granted an exception and does the pit have water tight construction of pit walls and floor,a floor yes no n/a unk note drain and an acceptable pit cover? ✓ 18 Is the well protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) 1 ✓ Li Li Li U 19. Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 inches above the final ground � Significant Deficiency surface and/or 12 inches above the pump house floor? ✓ ❑ LJ U ❑ 20. Is the well vented with the open end of the vent screened and terminated downward at least 18 inches above the final ground surface? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21, Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is the well cased and sealed in such a manner that surface water cannot enter the well? Y w a E W 8 :r FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 162 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCES-PG.2 common name: Well 5 1 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 yes no nia unk note WELL INFORMATION(cont.) COMMENTS: ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the well discharge pipe (Please indicate question number) prior to treatment?(Threaded lap is approved with backflow preventer) ✓ 24. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile ❑ Unnecessary memory installed on the pump distribution line of the well and is it maintained and working properly? 22,930,100 gallons ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Is a pressure gauge provided at all installations and is it maintained and working properly? F 831 psi. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the first service connection? yes no nra unk note PUMP HOUSE(Any structure containing important water system components) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27. Is the source located in a pump house? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28. Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair? (Floorcracks?) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? (Recommended) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Are all non-sample taps installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? ✓ Ll LJ r=32. Is adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? ✓ 33. Is adequate healing provided in the pump house to provided safe and ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing? ✓ U Ll Lj U 34. Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, Is the floor surface at least six(6)inches above the final ground surface, and is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from the pump house? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 35. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? yes no rua unk note SPRING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 37. Is the entire area within a one hundred(100)foot radius of the spring box fenced to prevent trespassing of livestock and void of buildings,dwellings and sources of contamination? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3& is surface water diverted from the 100 foot protection zone around the spring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 39. Is the spring housed in a permanent structure and protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the spring discharge pipe prior to treatment?(Threaded tap is approved with backflow preventer) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 41. Is a flow meter or other flow measuring device provided? yes no nra unk note SPRING BOX INFORMATION(Not all existing springs have a spring box) ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 42. Is the spring box equipped with a screened overflow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 43. Is the supply intake located above the floor of the collection chamber? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 44. Is the spring box protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals,and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 45. Is the access port fitted with a solid water tight cover which overlaps a framed opening and extended down around the frame at least 2 inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46. Is the access port a framed opening that is at least 4 inches high with a locking device? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 47. Is the access port elevated at least twenty-four(24)Inches above the top of the box or ground level,whichever is higher? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 163 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PGA survey date: 4/28/2015 PWS#. 7100030 Tag#: Common name of source: Source: Is this source treated? PI Yes No E0007129 JWell 6 well 0 0 Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑ N/A Physical location: 1 ❑ spring -- ❑ spring Box D-disinfection;see comment The well is located in the south central service area near wells 2 and 4. Pumps 6 and 7 are both located in this well. Treatment types: ❑ N/A (identify Treatment Train in comments) Is there a well to for the roundwater source? E]Yes No N/A Unk 423-hypochlorination Pump capacity(GPM) Casing size(n) Date drilled Well depth(ft) Casing depth if1) Grout denihft3,l Static water depih,(fj) 600" Un Lin 31i11989 ❑Lin 150 ❑ Lin] 123 Unk 30rro Unk * Unk Is the casing screened? Screen depth(ft): ❑ N/A ❑ Unk Is the casirLa,nedorated? foration depth(ft): N/A ❑ Ypc Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Yes Q No ❑ Unk m: ❑ Unk ❑ N/A To: ❑ N/A Latitude(Decimal): Longitude(Decimal): ! All Sources COMMENTS: 1. This source is,. (Please indicate question number) ❑� Active ❑ Proposed This well pumps to waste at startup to , yes no n/a unk note ❑ Inactive ❑ Emergency(<60 days per year) remove sand. ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for the source? Date: comment *1989 well report: ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Has a final GWUDI determination been done for this source? -24"diameter casing from+1 to 90.5 Date:1 8/1/2003 feet;20 inch casing from 1.5 to 123 feet; es no rva unk note WELL INFORMATION static water at 56 feet;no well test data; 1-11 Li Li 0 4. Is the well on a separate lot that is large enough to provide a minimum Andrew Well Drilling. The well log is Significant Deficiency distance of 50 feet between the well and the nearest property line? attached to the narrative portion of the (applicable if constructed after 11/1/77) sanitary survey. Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Gravity sewer line...........................................50 ft. **PUC information: ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Pressure sewer line.......................................100 ft. 3 -47.684 MG in 2013;submersible pump ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Individual home septic tank..............................100 ft. rated at 75 hp and 600 gpm at 65 psi, Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Individual home disposal field...........................100 ft. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Individual home seepage pit.............................100 ft. 2.The report was completed December ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. -Privies.........................................................100ft. 17,2001.Potential contaminant ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Livestock......................................................50 ft. ❑� Information was updated on March 15, El ❑ 12. canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and 2013. s tanks used to store nonpotable substances.........50 ft. r ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 13. Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 14. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 15. Is the well in a pit? If yes,Date constructed: ❑ ❑ [,d ❑ ❑ 16. Was the well that is located in a pit installed after 1115/64? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 17. If pit was Installed prior to 11/5/64—Has DEC granted an exception and does the pit have water tight construction of pit walls and floor,a floor yes no n/a unk note drain and an acceptable pit cover? It 18 Is the well protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) " Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 inches above the final ground Significant DeficieP19. surfaceand/or 12 inches above the pump house floor? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. Is the well vented with the open end of the vent screened and terminated downward at least 18 inches above the final ground surface? ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is the well cased and sealed in such a manner that surface water cannot enter the well? ff t u a t s S FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 164 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCES-PG.2 common name: Well 6 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 yes no rva unk note WELL INFORMATION(cunt.) COMMENTS: J❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Is there a smooth nosed sample lop provided on the well discharge pipe Please Indicate question number prior to treatment?(Threaded lap Is approved with backflow,prevenler) 24.the meter for pump 7 needs to be J J J 24, is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile replaced;only the pump 6 meter was unnecessary memory Installed on the pump distribution line of the well and is it operable. maintained and working property? 40,36D 100 gallons ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 26. Is a pressure gauge provided at all Installations and is it maintained 26. The pump to waste pipe needs a and working properly? =psi. screen on the discharge to the canal. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 26. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the Ilra1 service connection? yes no Wa unk note PUMP HOUSE(Any structure containing Important water system components) ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27. Is the source located In a pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28. Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair? (Floorcracks7) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ [] 31, Are all non-sample taps Installed In the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? 32. Is adequate ventilation provided In the pump house for dissipation of Significant Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? 33. Is adequate heating provided In the pump house to provided safe and Significant Deficiency efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing? 34, Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, Is the floor surface at least six(6)Inches above the final ground surface, and Is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from the pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 35. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer then 30 feet from the well? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contaminallon? yes no We unk note SPRING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ 37. Is the entire area within a one hundred(100)foot radius of the spring box fenced to prevent trespassing of livestock and void of buildings,dwellings and sources of contamination? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 38. Is surface water diverted from the 100 foot protection zone around the spring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 39. is the spring housed In a permanent structure and protected from contamination Including the entry of surface water,animals and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the spring discharge pipe prior to treatment?(Threaded lap Is approved with backflow preventer) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 41. Is a flow meter or other flow measuring device provided? yes no nia unk note SPRING BOX INFORMATION(Nol all existing spnngs have a spring box) ❑ ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ 42. Is the spring box equipped with a screened overflow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 43. Is the supply Intake located above the floor of the collection chamber? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 44. Is the spring box protected from contamination Including the entry o1 surface water,animals,and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46. Is the access port filled with a solid water light cover which overlaps a framed opening and extended down around the frame at least 2 Inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46, Is the access port a framed opening that Is at least 4 Inches high with a locking device? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 47. Is the access port elevated at least twenty-four(24)Inches above the top of the box or ground level,whichever is higher? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 165 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PSA survay dale:1 4/2 812 0 1 5 PWS#: 7100030 Tag 0: Common name of source: Source: Is this source treated? ✓Yes No E0008065 Well 8 ❑✓ well —► ❑ Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑NIA Physical location: ❑ Spring—♦ ❑ spring Box Comment Located in the west central part of the service area. Treatment types: LJ N/A (Identify Treatment Trafn In Comments) Is there a well log for the groundwater source? Yes No L I N/A I I Unk Pump capacity(GPM) Casing S17S(In) Date drilled—, Well depth(ft) Casing depth Jft) Grout dP,nlhfftl Static water depth,(gl 1500" Unk 20 to 24 0 Unkl 7/28/1955 El Un 421 UnJ 135 Unk 118 n Unk 24 Unk Is the casing screened? Screen depth(ft): ✓ N/A Unk Is the casinp,nerforaled? Perforation depth(ft): ✓ N/A ❑Yee Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑Yes Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Unk ❑ N/A To: NIA To: Latitude(Decimal): Longitude Decimal): All Source a COMMENTS: 1. This source Is Please indicate quesilon number) ❑✓ Active ❑ Proposed Treatment:this well is seldom used; yes no rva unk note ❑ Inactive Q Emergency(<60 days per year) however,it portable hypochlorinalor is ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for the source? available if needed. Also,the well is Date: comment designed to pump to waste upon startup ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Has a final GWUDI determination been done for this source? to remove Sand. Date: 8/1/2003 ss no nm unk note WELL INFORMATION '1955 well log info: ✓ ✓ 4. lathe well on a separate lot that is large enough to provide a minimum 24"diameter casing from+1 to 60 ft;22" 51 nlflcant 0 Deficiency distance of 50 feet between the well and the nearest property Iine7 diameter casing from+1 to 116 ft;20" (applicable If constructed after 11(1/77) cling from 78 fl to 135 0, Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being me(? -24 ft to standing water;well lest at 240 QCl ❑ ❑ 5. Gravity sewer line.................I.....I....I......I......50 n. Spin and 24 hours,but no drawdown N Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Pressure sewer line......................--.....,,.,...100 n. given. Andrew Welt Drilling for the Utah Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Individual home septic tank... .................100 fL Idaho Sugar Co. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ S. Individual home disposal field..........................100 ff. i ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Individual home seepage pit.......---..............too fl. ••PUC info: 21 ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Privies........... ... .. ._................................10oft, [21 El ❑ ❑ 11. Livestock........ .........................................sit n. 75 hp t MG produced to 2013; . ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and 7 hp turbine pomp rated at I500 gpm tanks used to store nonpotable substances.........50It, and 65 psi ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 13. Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? "`Well$appears to have been dril Icd it ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 14, Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well loll 1995 and deepened in 1999. ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 15 Is the well In a pll? If yes,Date conslrucled: O ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 16 Was the well that Is located in a pi(Installed after 11/5/647 1.This well is seldom used. ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 17. If pit was Installed prior to 11/5/64-Has DIED granted an exception and does the pit have water light construction of pit wells and floor,a floor 2.The report was completed December yes no Me unk note drain and an acceptable pit cover? 17,2001.Potential contaminant ✓ F1 n n n 18 Is the well protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) information was updated on March 15. ✓ 1g. Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 inches above the final ground 2013. Significant Deficiency surface and/or 12 Inches above the pump house floor? ✓ ❑ 20. Is the well vented with the open and of the vent screened and 4.The well and well house are situated terminated downward at least 18 Inches above the final ground surface? less than 50 feet from an access road, ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 22- Is the well cased and sealed In such a manner that surface water cannot enter the well? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 166 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCES-PG.2 common name: Well 8 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 yes no Na unk note WELL INFORMATION(cost.) COMMENTS: Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the well discharge pipe (Please indicate question number) prior to treatment?(Threaded tap is approved with backflow preventer) 25.the well was not in use at the time of ❑.r El 0 7= 24. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile the survey. El unnecessary memory installed on the pump distribution line of the well and is it maintained and working properly? 191,900 gallons Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Is a pressure gauge provided at all installations and is it maintained and working properly? �0 psi. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the first service connection? yes no n/a unk note PUMP HOUSE(Any structure containing important water system components) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27. Is the source located in a pump house? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28, Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair? (Floor cracks?) Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? (Recommended) Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Are all non-sample taps installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? Li Li Li 32. Is adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? 33. Is adequate heating provided in the pump house to provided safe and Significant ❑ Deficiency efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing? 34. Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, is the floor surface at least six(6)inches above the final ground surface, and is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from the pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ 35. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? yes no n/a unk note SPRING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ 37. Is the entire area within acne hundred(100)foot radius of the spring box fenced to prevent trespassing of livestock and void of buildings,dwellings and sources of contamination? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 38. Is surface water diverted from the 100 fool protection zone around the spring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 39, Is the spring housed in a permanent structure and protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the spring discharge pipe prior to treatment?(Threaded tap Is approved with backflow prevenler) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 41. Is a flow meter or other flow measuring device provided? yes no n/a unk note SPRING BOX INFORMATION(Not all existing springs have a spring box) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 42. Is the spring box equipped with a screened overflow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 43. Is the supply Intake located above the floor of the collection chamber? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 44, Is the spring box protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals,and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 45. Is the access port fitted with a solid watertight cover which overlaps a framed opening and extended down around the frame at least 2 inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46. Is the access port a framed opening that Is at least 4 inches high with a locking device? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 47. Is the access port elevated at least twenty-four(24)inches above the top of the box or ground level,whichever is higher? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 167 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCE- PGA survey date:1 4/28/2015 P WS#: 7100030 Tag#: Common name of source: Source: Is this source treated? Yes No D0048514 JWell 9 0 Well 0 ❑ Manifold Treatment Objective: ❑ N/A Physical location: ❑ Spring—s ❑ Spring Box D-disinfection;see comments Located in the north central service area. Treatment types: ❑ N/A (Identify Treatment Train in Comments) Is there a well log for the groundwater source? Yes No 0 N/A El Unk 423-hypochlori nation Pump capacity(GPM) Casing size(in) Date drilled Well depth(ft) Casing depth iH,l Grout dentll(H,l Static water depth(ql 3000"* Un Un 31271200a Un 418 Un 248 Unk 261 Unk 132 Unk Is the casing screened? Screen depth(ft): ❑ N/A ❑ Unk Is the casiriga,nerforated? Perforation depth(it): N/A Q Y— ❑ No ❑ Unk From: 367 ❑Yes Q No ❑ Unk From: ❑ Unk ❑ N/A To: 407 ❑ N/A To: Latitude(Decimal): 43:31.1 Longitude(Decimal): 51:57.9 All Sources COMMENTS: 1. This source is•. (Please indicate question number) ❑� Active ❑ Proposed This well pumps to waste at startup to yes no nla unk note ❑Inactive ❑ Emergency(<60 days per year) remove sand. ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 2. Has there been a Source Water Assessment conducted for the source? j Date: comment *2008 well log: 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 3. Has a final GWUDI determination been done for this source? -the casing is 20"diameter from 0 feet t R Date: 4/28/2015 122 feet below ground surface(bgs);16" es nD n1a unk note WELL INFORMATION from+2 ft to 256 ft bgs;12"from 340 ft 4. Is the well on a separate lot that is large enough to provide a minimum to 375 ft bgs,and 10"from 248 ft to 367 Significant Deficiency distance of 50 feet between the well and the nearest property line? ft bgs. S (applicable if constructed after 1111/77) r -test pumped at 300 gpm for 24 hours Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? with 78 feet of drawdown. I Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Gravity sewer line...........................................50 ft. -Andrew Well Drilling Services,Inc., ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Pressure sewer line.......................................100 ft. 3/31/2008. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Individual home septic tank..............................100 ft. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. individual home disposal field...........................100 ft. **PUC data: 21 El E] E] 9. -Individual home seepage pit.............................100 ft. -3000 gpm capacity at 65 psi; 10. Privies.........................................................100 ft. -502,000,000 gallons annual production 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Livestock......................................................50 ft. in 2013; ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. canals,streams,ditches,lakes,ponds and tanks used to store nonpotable substances.........50 ft. -400 hp VFD turbine pump. ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 13. Are pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,portable containers of petroleum t products,or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 14. Are pesticides,herbicides,or fertilizers applied to the well lot? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 15. Is the well in a pit? If yes,Date constructed: 1 ❑ ❑ H ❑ ❑ 16. Was the well that is located in a pit installed after 11/5/647 ❑ ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ 17, If pit was installed prior to 1115/64-Has DEQ granted an exception and does the pit have water tight construction of pit walls and floor,a floor yes no nla unk note drain and an acceptable pit cover? it 18 Is the well protected from unauthorized entry? (Recommended) 19. Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 inches above the final ground ;I Significant Deficiency surface and/or 12 inches above the pump house floor? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. Is the well vented with the open end of the vent screened and terminated downward at least 18 inches above the final ground surface? ( Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the well provided with a sanitary cap that prevents surface water entry? k 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is the well cased and sealed in such a manner that surface water cannot enter the well? ( f ) ( �l r FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 168 of 237 GROUNDWATER SOURCES-PG.2 common name: Well 9 4/28/2015 PWS A 7100030 yes no Na unk note WELL INFORMATION(cost.) COMMENTS: ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the well discharge pipe (Please indicate question number) prior to treatment?(Threaded lap is approved with backfiow preventer) ✓ 24. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile ❑ Unnecessary I memory installed on the pump distribution line of the well and is it maintained and working properly? not observed gallons ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Is a pressure gauge provided at all installations and is it maintained and working properly? 76 psi. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the first service connection? yes no nla unk note PUMP HOUSE(Anystructure containing important watersystem components) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27. Is the source located in a pump house? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28. Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair? (Floorcracks?) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? (Recommended) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Are all non-sample taps installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? ✓ Ll LJ Ll 32. Is adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? ✓ 33. Is adequate heating provided in the pump house to provided safe and ❑Significant ❑ Deflciency efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing? ✓ Lj U Lj U 34. Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, is the floor surface at least six(6)inches above the final ground surface, and is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from the pump house? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 35. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? yes no rva unk note SPRING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 37. Is the entire area within a one hundred(100)foot radius of the spring box fenced to prevent trespassing of livestock and void of buildings,dwellings and sources of contamination? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 38. is surface water diverted from the 100 foot protection zone around the spring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 39. Is the spring housed in a permanent structure and protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40. Is there a smooth nosed sample tap provided on the spring discharge pipe prior to treatment?(Threaded tap is approved with backfiow preventer) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 41. Is a flow meter or other flow measuring device provided? yes no rda unk note SPRING BOX INFORMATION(Not all existing springs have a spring box) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 42. Is the spring box equipped with a screened overflow? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 43. Is the supply intake located above the floor of the collection chamber? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 44. Is the spring box protected from contamination including the entry of surface water,animals,and dust? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 45. Is the access port fitted with a solid water tight cover which overlaps a framed opening and extended down around the frame a1 least 2 inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 46. Is the access port a framed opening that Is at least 4 inches high with a locking device? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 47. Is the access port elevated at least twenty-four(24)inches above the fop of the box or ground level,whichever is higher? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 169 of 237 STORAGE survey date 4/28/2015 PWS A 7100030 Storage structure name: Storage structure ID#: COMMENTS: Well 2/4 storage Please Indicate question number) Physical location: Date in service: ❑ Unk This tank was originally prior to 1976 designed to be a Volume(gal): ❑ Unk pressurized tank,but now 5,000 gallons total;1,800 gal useable. serves only as a storage/ StorageJXne ConsJrUckan' ❑ Elevated Type nf.maJerial: chlorine contact tank. E Reservoir/Tank ❑✓ Ahnve Ground ❑ Plastic ❑ Wood ❑ Standpipe ❑ Partially Below Ground ❑ Fiherglass ❑� Metal ❑ Below Ground ❑ Concrete ❑ Naturally Contained Total days supply(this structurpl: Date Last: inspected: Lj Unk cleaned: Unk ❑ Unk How is the water level measured? ❑ Unk i yes no n/a unk note ALL STORAGE STRUCTURES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Is the storage structure safely accessible to the inspector.? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is the PWS storage tank located within 500 feet of any municipal or Industrial wastewater treatment plant or any land which is spray irrigated with wastewater or used for sludge disposal? ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Are any of the storage structure drains directly connected to a sewer or stone drain? ? ❑ ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ 4. Is an overflow provided that discharges to daylight in a way that will preclude the possibility of backflow to the reservoir and,where practical,provided with an expanded I metal screen installed within the pipe that will exclude rodents and deter vandalism? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 5. Are overflows brought down to an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above the ground surface? (2X the diameter of the discharge pipe above a basin rim) ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 8. Do overflows discharge over a drainage inlet structure or splash plate?(stone or sanitary) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Is the storage structure secure from unauthorized access? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Does the storage reservoir have a watertight roof or cover and is it sloped to facilitate drainage? ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Is the storage water protected from contamination? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Is the storage structure structurally sound? ❑ ❑d ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Could vegetation in the area potentially impact the storage structure? (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ 12. Is the storage structure designed so that it can be isolated from the distribution t system without necessitating loss of pressure in the distribution system? ❑ ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Is leakage evident at time of inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. Is the storage structure interior coating or liner peeling or cracked? ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Is the storage structure used to store finished water? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 16. Are access manhole openings for the storage structure 4 inches or greater above the s surface of the roof,with a cover 2 inches overlapping,water tight,hinged and locked? ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 17, Are all vents extended 12 inches above the roof and constructed to exclude potential sources of contamination? (The overflow pipe shall not be considered a vent) yes no We unk note ABOVE GROUND STORAGE ❑ ❑ R ❑ ❑ 18. Do all vents open downward and are they fdted with a 4 mesh non-corrodible screen? yes no We unk note GROUND-LEVEL PARTIALLY BURIED or BELOW-GROUND STORAGE ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 10. Does the overflow for the storage structure have a vertical section of pipe at least 2 pipe diameters in length? s ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20, Is the overflow for the storage structure provided with either a 24 mesh non-corrodible screen installed within the pipe when practical,or an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe plus a weighted flapper or check? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the area surrounding the storage structure graded in a manner that will prevent surface water from standing within 50 feet of it? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Are all vents for the storage structure open downward with the opening at least u 24 inches above the roof or the ground level and covered with 24 mesh non-corrodible screen to exclude potential contamination? yes no n/a unk note PARTIALLY BURIED OR BELOW-GROUND STORAGE ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 23. Are"ALL"manholes elevated 24 inches above the surface of the roof or the ground level,which ever is higher? ; ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 24. Is there a minimum distance of 50 feet between the storage structure and any non-potable main,standing water,or other possible source of contamination? IJ Y il. 4 I sl tl FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 170 of 237 DISTRIBUTION survey date:1 412812016 PWS#: 7100030 What are water lines made of: COMMENTS: Material(s): ❑ Unk Size(s): ❑ unk 17.A cross connection control Diameter(inches))Number of feet in use in 2013 program Was first adopted in ❑ steel ❑✓ HDPE(black) ❑ Asbestos/Cement 2 / 1239 1982. ❑✓ PVC ❑✓ Ductile Iron ❑ Copper 4 / 2675 6 / 220,464 ❑ Other: 8 / 74,099 How many services are metered? 10 / 29,489 4161 out of 4161 12 / 27,956 Number of fire hydrants: yes no We unk note DISTRIBUTION ❑ ❑J ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Have there been any interruptions in service during the pastyear?(including pressure loss) ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 2. If a loss of pressure occurred(>20 psi),did the PWS provide public notice and disinfect the system?(Reminder) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3.Is the PWS able to maintain a minimum pressure of twenty(20)psi throughout the distribution system(including fire flow),or forty(40)psi for PWSs constructed after 7/1/1985(excluding fire flow),during maximum hourly demand conditions? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. Was the pressure observed at a service connection? 5. If yes: psi. Location: yes no We unk note Time: ❑ A.M.❑ P.M. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ 6. Do all water mains that provide fire flow have a diameter of at least 6 inches? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Are valves exercised regularly?(Recommended) If yes,how often? annually ❑ ❑ El El ❑ 8. Is there a leak detection program?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 9. Is 15%or more of the water unaccounted for? ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 10. Is a water conservation program in effect?(Recommended) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. Is an adequate map of the distribution system maintained?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 12. Does the system flush all main lines annually?(Recommended) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Are all dead end water mains equipped with a means to flush? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. If yes,are the deadends flushed at least semiannually? ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Are there any distribution materials used that should not be in contact with the drinking water? If yes,explain in comments section. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16. Is the system adequately protected from freezing? ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 17. Is there a cross connection control program? (Community PWSs Only) ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 18. Is the operator trained in cross connection control?(Recommended) ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 19. Is the operator aware of any cross connections or were any cross connections observed during the course of the survey? ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ 20. If a separate non-potable irrigation system is provided for the consumer, are all mains,hydrants,and appurtenances easily identified as non-potable? (Purple Tape or other)(Recommended) yes no nla unk note AirNacuum Relief Valves-Placed at high points in water mains. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ 21. Are all automatic air relief valves equipped with a means of backflow protection? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 171 of 237 PUMPING page 1 survey date: 4/28/2015 PWS#. 7100030 PUMPS,PUMPHOUSES,AND CONTROLS Pump ID# Physical location Type of pump Brand Model Horsepower Purpose Well 1 750 m;68,742,000 gallons 2013 VFD turbine 75 Well 2 400 m;67,262,000 gallons 2013 Turbine 40 Well 4 1500 m; 168,690 000 gallons 2012 Turbine 150 Well 5 750 m;211,616,000 gallons 2013 Turbine 75 Well 6 600 m;47 684,000 gallons 2013 Submersible Pump 7 jPump 7 is located in Well 6;600 gpm;87,907,000 gallons 2013;submersible pump at 75 hp. Well 8 1500 m;76 705,000 gallons 2013 Turbine 150 Well 9 3000 m; 502 885,000 gallons 2012 Turbine 400 COMMENTS: yes no ruin unk note ALL PUMPS Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Are all pumps capable of providing the maximum demand of the system? 2013 data: ❑ ✓❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Does the pump(s)cycle excessively?(Recommended) 2S 7d 3 Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Are all pumps provided with readily available spare parts and tools? N �2 3 Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. Is a water pressure relief valve Installed where the pump Is directly N ry w connected to the distribution System? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ s. Is a standard pressure gauge installed on the discharge line? yes no No unk nose WELL PUMPS ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ e. is there an accessible check valve Installed In the discharge line of each well between the pump and the shut-off valve? o ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 If the system has a vertical turbine motor driven pump(s),is an air rolease-vacuum relief valve located upstream from the check valve,with exhausUrellef piping terminating In a down-turned position at least 18 Inches above the floor and covered with a 24 mesh corrosion resistant screen? ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 8. If the pump(s)Is"oil lubricated",is the oil NSF approved and suitable for human consumption? S � y09 nn nra unk noia WATER PUMPS(not well pumps) S ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 9 Is an accessible check valve on the discharge side between the pump C and the shut-off valve? 12 s no Na unk nose AUXILIARY POWER S d o ✓ 10. Is there auxiliary power on-site? El Significant ElDeflclency ✓ Lj U Lj Lj 11 Is auxiliary power tested?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑✓ 12. If a diesel or gasoline fueled engine is used on the well lot;is the fuel tank and connecting piping double waited? O r❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Is the fuel lank above ground? 6 3 g ❑ ❑ ❑ 2] ❑ 14. Is a certified operator present during the filling of the fuel tank? E M Eg£ If the engine Is In the well house p ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15, Is the engine exhaust directly discharged outside the well house? r3 Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 18. Is a spill containment structure surrounding all fuel tanks adequate? (Secondary containment-110%fuel tank volume,) 3 Community Systems Only y ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17, (Community Systems built after 4115107 only)Is on-site power or standby storage provided so water can be treated and supplied to pressurize the 12.the fuel tanks have entire distribution system during a power outage for a minimum of 8 hours? secondary containment ❑' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 18. (Community Systems built alter 4115M7 only)If standby power is provided, Is there a minimum of 8 hours of fuel stored and located on site? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 172 of 237 PUMPING page 2 survey date: 4/2 812 0 1 5 PWS#:F 7100030 COMMENTS: YPs no n/a Link not. BOOSTER PUMPS (Please indicate the question number) 19. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter installed where the booster ❑ unnecessary pump is directly connected to the distribution system? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. Are all in-line booster pumps supplied with an automatic cutoff that activates when intake pressure is less than or equal to 5 psi? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the booster pump located on a suction line that is directly connected to any storage reservoir? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22, If yes,are all booster pumps protected by an automatic cutoff to prevent pump damage and avoid excessive reservoir drawdown? yes no Na Link note PUMP HOUSE(Only pump houses that don't contain a Groundwater Source) ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 23. Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair?(Floorcracks?) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 24. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Are all non-sample taps installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? 27. Is adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? 28. Is adequate heating provided in the pump house to provided safe and ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency efficient operation of equipment(prevent moisture buildup and/or freezing)? 29, Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, is the floor surface at least six(6)inches above the final ground surface, and is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from yes no Na Link note the pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 173 of 237 FINANCIAL CAPACITY surve date: 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 ypa no nla unk note FINANCIAL CAPACITY COMMENTS: ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Is the PWS current with the payment of drinking water fees? (Please indicate the question number 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 2. Does the PWS charge a drinking water fee to the user? Rates from the 2013 PUC report: If yes,what Is the fee: 5 ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3_ Is the PWS in the business of selling water? ? d #3 Note: If no,Identify why In the comments section and mark Cr E �6 10 8 N 8 a4 "N/A"on questions 4.19. = U r� to 04 ❑r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. Does the PWS provide and use an annual budget?(Recommended) N cli c H ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ S. If applicable,Is the PWS fund separate from the waste waterlsewer utility fund?(Recommended) c o Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6, Do water system revenues exceed expenditures? (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7. Are controls established to prevent expenditures from exceeding revenues? ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 8. Has an independent financial audit been completed?(Recommended) v 2 $ a g g 8 ❑� ❑ El El El9. If yes,is a copy of the most recent balance sheet for the water system C14 r' No o 0 GO NC available? (Recommended) cV ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Does the water system Include a cash budget within Its annual — budget for cash flow? (Recommended) o N ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 Does the water system management review the user fee,user jp cam. charge,or rate system at least annually? (Recommended) 12, When was the last user fee,user charge,or rate system adjustment? m yes no We unk note 1 011 612 01 2 mm/dd/yyyy t4 to El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Does the water system management review financial reports at least — monthly? (Recommended) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. Does the PWS provide and use a capital budget? (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ n ❑ 15, Has this PWS produced and does It currently utilize a capital Improvements plan? (Recommended) 16, If yes,when was the ca ilal Im rovements budget produced? mm/dd*yy, ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. Has the capital Improvement budget been updated In the last 18 months? (Recommended) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 18. Does the water system budget provide funding for depreciation of existing plant In service andfor for the funding of reserves for system replacement? 4 (] ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 19. Are there sufficient funds for training personnel? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 174 of 237 MANAGERIAL CAPACITY survey date: 04/28/2015 PINS#: 7100030 yes no n/a unk note COMMENTS: ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1, Is a properly licensed operator available at all times?(NIA for GW-NC PWS) ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Is there a Drinking Water Source Protection Plan developed for this system? Date: 2008 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3, Does this PWS have a goveming body or board of directors? If no,please indicate: ❑ Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnership ❑ Limited Liability Corp. Other:lCorporation 4. How often does the board meet? ❑ N/A ❑ weekly ❑ semi-annually ❑ never ❑ monthly ❑r annually ❑ unknown ❑ bimonthly ❑ as necessary ❑ other: yes no n/a unk note Are the following records maintained onsite or located near by? l ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 5, Bacteriological Analysis-5 years retention. e❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6, Chemical Analysis-10 years retention. ❑e ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7, Records of actions taken to correct violations-3 years retention. ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 8, Copies of reports,summaries or communication related to sanitary surveys-10 years retention. ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9, Reports concerning variances or exemptions-5 years retention. ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. - Copies of public notices issued-3 years retention. [A ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11. - Daily free chlorine residuals(required disinfection)-1 year retention. ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Are routine maintenance schedules established? (Recommended) ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. is an operation and maintenance manual(s)provided for the PWS and does it include;daily operating instructions,operator safety procedures, location of valves and other key system features,parts list and parts order form,and information for contacting the water system operator? Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. Is there a clear plan of organization and control among the people responsible for management and operations of the water system?(Recommended) yes no n/a unk note Are any samples of the following parameters past due? ❑ ❑.r ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Coliform ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ ❑ 16. Nitrates ❑ ❑s ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. Nitrites ❑ ❑r ❑ ❑ ❑ 18. Lead and Copper ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 19. IOCs ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. VOCs ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. SOCs ❑ ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Disinfection Byproducts ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 23. Radionuclide ❑ ❑ ❑ A ❑ 24. Is a written total coliform rule(TCR)sample site plan available for review? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑s ❑ 26. Does the(TCR)sample site plan meet the minimum requirements? ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Does the system have a sufficient supply of approved sampling bottles properly stored? (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27. Does the PWS provide stairways,ladders and handrails where needed? ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28. Are treads of non-slip material provided where needed? ❑ [A ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Is a health concern produced from inadequately protected electrical wiring? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Are all confined space entry requirements considered?(Recommended) ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Are there any unused subsurface water storage tanks that need to be abandoned? ❑ (A ❑ ❑ ❑ 32. Are there any water supply wells that are no longer being used that need to be abandoned? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 175 of 237 PUMPING page 1 survey date:F 4/28/2015 PWS# 7100030 PUMPS,PUMPHOUSES,AND CONTROLS Pump ID# Physical location Type of pump Brand Model Horsepower Purpose Well 1 750 m;68,742,000 gallons 2013 VFD turbine 75 Well 2 400 m 67 262,000 gallons 2013 Turbine 40 Well 4 1500 m 168 690,000 gallons 2012 Turbine 150 Well 5 750 m;211,616,000 gallons 2013 Turbine 75 Well 6 600 m;47,684,000 gallons 2013 1 Submersible Pump 7 Pump 7 is located in Well 6;600 gpm,,87,907,000 gallons 2013;submersible pump at 75 h Well 8 1500 m;76,705,000 gallons 2013 Turbine 150 Well 9 3000 m'502,885,000 gallons 2012 Turbine 400 COMMENTS: yes no n/a unk note ALL PUMPS ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Are all pumps capable of providing the maximum demand of the system? 2013 data: QQ Q I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 2. Does the pump(s)cycle excessively?(Recommended) 25 ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Are all pumps provided with readily available spare parts and tools? a a 3 ll ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 4. Is a water pressure relief valve Installed where the pump Is directly ,:r "' * 1 connected to the distribution system? El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 5. Is a standard pressure gauge Installed on the discharge line? yes no We unk nolo WELL PUMPS ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Is there an accessible check valve Installed In the discharge line of each well between the pump and the shut-off valve? 121 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ T. If the system has a vertical turbine motor driven pump(s),Is an air release-vacuum relief valve located upstream from the check valve,with exhaustfrelief piping terminating in a down-turned position at least 18 Inches above the floor and covered with a 24 mesh corrosion resistant screen? C. ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ 8. If the pump(s)Is"oil lubricated',Is the oil NSF approved and suitable for human consumption? c, xr f+ 7SR yes no nla unk nole WATER PUMPS(not well pumps) H ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 9. is an accessible check valve on the discharge side between the pump , and the shut-off valve? 9 c es no We unk note AUXILIARY POWER S 10, Is there auxiiarypoweron-site? ❑ Significant ❑ Deflciency it. Is auxilarypower tested?(Recommended) - !Z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑Q 12- If a diesel or gasoline fueled engine is used on the well lot;is the fuel tank and connecting piping double walled? a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 Is the fuel tank above ground? [:1 ❑ [10 El14. Is a certified operator present during the filling of the fuel tank? If the engine Is In the well house u ❑✓ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Is the engine exhaust directly discharged outside the well house? S ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16. Is a spill containment structure surrounding all fuel tanks adequate? (Secondary containment-110%fuel tank volume) !4 Community Systems Oaty 3" Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17, (Community Systems built after 4115107 only)Is on-site power or standby storage provided so water can be treated and supplied to pressurize the 12 the fuel tanks have entire distribution system during a power outage for a minimum of 8 hours? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 18. (Community Systems built after 4/16107 only)If standby power isprovided, secondary containment. Is there a minimum of 8 hours of fuel stored and located on site? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 176 of 237 PUMPING page 2 survey date: 4l28l2015 PWS#:F 7100030 COMMENTS: no n/a unk not. BOOSTER PUMPS (Please indicate the question number) Lj 19. Is an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter installed where the booster Unn pumps directly connected to the distribution system? ❑ ecessary 20. Are all in-line booster pumps supplied with an automatic cutoff that activates when intake pressure is less than or equal to 5 psi? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Is the booster pump located on a suction line that is directly connected to any storage reservoir? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. If yes,are all booster pumps protected by an automatic cutoff to prevent pump damage and avoid excessive reservoir drawdown? yes no Na unk note PUMP HOUSE(Only pump houses that don't contain a Groundwater Source) ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 23. Is the pump house kept clean and in good repair?(Floor cracks?) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 24. Is the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 26. Are all non-sample taps installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? 27, Is adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency excess heat and moisture from the equipment? 28. Is adequate heating provided in the pump house to provided safe and ❑ Significant ❑ Deficiency efficient operation of equipment(prevent moisture buildup and/or freezing)? 29. Is the pump house protected from flooding,have adequate drainage, is the floor surface at least six(6)inches above the final ground surface, and is the ground surface graded so as to lead surface water away from yes no nra unk note the pump house? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Is the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Is the floor drain connected to sewer,storm drains,chlorination room drains,or any other source of contamination? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 177 of 237 TREATMENT APPLICATION &CONTROL survey date 4I28/2015 PWS#; 7100030 Purpose of treatment: Treatment facility location: Date online: LJ Unk Treated water`(gpd): LJ Unk sand removal All wells According to well 1,041,934 Identi(y one process in the treatment train for Inspection: LJ N/A ❑Sedimentation Basin ❑ Filtration ❑ Blending ❑Oxidation❑ ton Exchanoe ❑ Aeration ❑ Reverse Osmosis Sequestration by Polyphosphates ❑ Detention Basin ❑ Chemical Coagulauon ❑ Softening ❑ Disinfection(Complete Disinfection Mod.) ® Sequestration by Sodium Silicates Sources treated by facilityXTag a) Equipment manufacturer: Model#: All wells but well B. All well pump to waste upon startup to remove sand. Chemical trade name: Chemical manufacturer: NSF/ANSI certified? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑Q N/A ❑ Unk ❑ Yes ❑ No N/A ❑ Unk Yes No rr N/A F1 Unk yA% w. unk „m _WASTE HANDLING and DISPOSAL Comments: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Are provisions made for proper disposal of water treatment plant waste such Please Indicate the question number as sanllary,laboratory,clarification sludge,sonening sludge,Iron sludge,filler Treated water"in gallons per backwash water,brines and treatment media? day was derived from the 2013 ❑ Q 2. If yes,how are wastes being disposed of?(Identify In comments) total production from wells 4& yes no nfa unk now SAMPLE TAPS 5,divided by 365. ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 3. Are smooth-nosed sampling taps provided prior to and after each form of treatment? ❑ N/A 4.23 CHEMICAL APPLICATION of no chemlcal applied,questions 4-23 are We 2.Well startup water is pumped yes no Ma unk note to waste. ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 4. Are spare parts available for all chemical feeders to replace parts which are subject to frequent wear and damage? ❑ 5. Are the feeders manually,or atdomellcally controlled? ❑ Manual ❑ Automatic ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. For chemical application control systems,Is the chemical feeder controlled by a flow sensing device so that Injection of the chemicals will not continue when the flow of water stops? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7, Is a means to measure water flow provided in order to determine chemical feed rates? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Are provisions made for measuring the quantities of chemicals used? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. Is cross-connection control provided an the service water lines that discharge to the solution tanks? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Is cross-connection control provided so that liquid chemical solutions cannot be siphoned through solution feeders into the water supply? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 Is the chemical feed equipment readily accessible for servicing,repair,and observation of operation? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Is space provided for convenlent/efflclent storage and handling or chemicals? (Recommends ❑ El ❑ El El13. Ara chemicals that are incompatible stored or handled together? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14, Are chemical solution tanks kept covered? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Are chemical solution lank overflow pipes,when provided,turned downward with the end screened?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ to. Do chemical solution lank overflow pipes,when provided,have free fell discharge?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. Where more than one(1)chemical Is stored or handled,are tanks and pipelines clearly labeled to identify the chemical they contain? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16 Are floor surfaces smooth and Impervious,slip-proof and well drained? (Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 19. Are vents from feeders,storage facilities and equipment exhaust discharged to the outside atmosphere above grade end remote from air intakes? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. Are chemical shipping containers fully labeled to Include chemical name, pudly,concentration,supplier name and address,and evidence of ANSIINSF certification? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. Are acids and caustics kept in closed corrosion-resistant shipping containers of storage units? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Are at least one pair of rubber gloves,a dust respirator of a type certified by NIOSH for toxic dusts,an apron or other protective clothing and goggles or fats mask provided for each operator as required by the reviewing authority? El El El El 23. Is a deluge shower and/or eyewashing device Installed where strong acids and alkalis are used or stored? FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 178 of 237 State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Inspection Notes survey date: 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 Name of Public Water System: Falls Water Company,Inc. 1.Well chronology/info A.N on-existant wells -the Well 3 pump failed in 2005,and was not replaced due to the low well production capacity. B. Well completion dates Well 1:8/30/1976 Well 2:unknown Well 3:the 2004 ESS slates a 1997 drill date. Well 4: 5/6/1974 Well 5: 6/20/1979 Well 6:3/1/1989 Well 7:there is no well 7;pumps 6&7 are located in well 6. Well 8:7/28/1995 Well 9:3/27/2008 C.Chlorination wast installed in 1976 or 1977 on wells 2&4 due to poor water quality. Well 3 may also have had bad quality and been out of use for a short time until chlorination was installed. Inspected by: mazzone Date: 4/28/2015 Title: staff engineer FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 179 of 237 DISINFECTION-page 1-systems using only groundwater survey date: 4/28/2015 PINS A 7100030 Treatment facility name: Treatment facility location: Date online: ❑ Un Treated water*(gpd): ❑ Unk All well except#8. injection near each well According to well. 2,814,132 Select all disinfection types used: ❑ Gas chlorine dioxide ❑ UV Light 0 Sodium Hypochlorite ❑ Calcium Hypochlorite ❑ Miox ❑ Ozone ❑ Chlorine Dioxide ❑ Other Comments: yes no n/a unk note DISINFECTION *Treated water in gallons per ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Is disinfection used on a voluntary basis to prevent bacterial day was derived from the total contamination of the distribution system? 2013 production of these wells ❑ ❑ ❑ lA ❑ 2. Any interruptions in disinfection in the past year? If yes,comment. divided by 365. ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Have any changes been made to this treatment facility since the last ESS? ❑ ❑ ❑ I] ❑ 4. If yes,were plans and specs submitted to DEQ? 3. It appears disinfection has Date approved: been added to all wells. ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ S. Does the system have a means of measuring the residual disinfectant concentrations of free chlorine,combined chlorine(chloramines),and/or chlorine dioxide? ❑� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6. Is a smooth nosed sample tap provided before and after treatment? ❑ ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 7. Is a chlorine residual being recorded when all compliance total coliform samples are being taken? yes no n/a unk note VOLUNTARY DISINFECTION ❑ ❑ ❑ El ❑ 8. Is a measurable free chlorine residual maintained throughout the distribution system?(Recommended) ❑ ❑ ❑ El ❑ 9. Is the free chlorine residual being measured daily?(Recommended) 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Is an automatic proportioning chlorinator being used where the rate of flow is not reasonably constant? i ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑J ❑ 11. is the analysis for free chlorine residual being made at a frequency that is i sufficient to detect variations in chlorine demand or changes in water flow? r i yes no n/a unk note REQUIRED DISINFECTION ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Is the free chlorine residual being measured daily at a location prior to the first service connection? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13. Is the daily free chlorine residual being recorded and kept on file for a minimum of 1 year? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14. Is a detectable chlorine residual maintained throughout the distribution system? I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. Is an automatic proportioning chlorinator being used where the rate of flow is not reasonably constant? t ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 16. Where chlorination is required for protection of the supply,is there standby equipment of sufficient capacity available to replace the largest unit? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17. If primary disinfection is accomplished using ozone or some other chemical that does not provide a residual disinfectant,is chlorine added to provide a residual disinfectant? a I� �q I? * " v a °�i FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 180 of 237 DISINFECTION-page 2-systems using only groundwater Treatment facility locations: injection near each well JESS date:1 4/28/2015 PWS#: 7100030 GAS DISINFECTION ONLY-FIII out any time Gas Chlorination Is connected to the PWS- Comments: yus no nra unk note PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Please Indicate the question number) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 18, Is respiratory protection equipment,meeting the requirements of NIOSH available where chlorine gas Is handled,and Is It stored at a convenient location,but not inside any room where chlorine Is used or stored? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 19,Does the respiratory protection equipment consist of compressed air,that has at least a 30 minute capacity,and is compatible with or exactly the same as units used by the fire department responsible for the plant? yes no this unk note CHLORINE LEAK DETECTION ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 20. Is a bottle of ammonium hydroxide(58 percent ammonia solution)available for chlorine leak detection? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21. where ton containers are used,Is a leak repair kit approved by the Chlorine Institute provided? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 22. Is chlorine gas leak detection equipment provided? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 23, where a leak detector Is provided,is Il equipped with both an audible alarm and a warning light? yes no n1s unk note CHLORINE ROOM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 24. Is a separate room provided for gas chlorination equipment? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25. Do pressurized chlorine feed lines carry chlorine gas beyond the chlorinator room? 28. Is the chlorine room provided with a shatter resistant inspection window ❑ Significant❑ Deficlency Installed In an interior wall? 27. Is the chlorine room constructed In such a manner that all openings between the chlorine room and the remainder of the plant are sealed? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 28. Are the chlorine room doors equipped with panic hardware,assuring ready means of exit and opening outward only to the building exterior? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 29. Where chlorine gas is used,does each room have a ventilating fan. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30. Does the ventilating fan take suction near the floor and discharge away from any air Inlets? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 31. Are all air Inlets through louvers near the calling? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 32. Are there separate switches for the fan and lights located outside of the chlorine room and at the Inspection window? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 33. Are outside switches protected from vandalism? yes no wo unk note CHLORINE GAS CYLINDERS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 34, Are chlorinator rooms heated to 60"F,and protected from excessive heat? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Are full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas isolated from operating areas? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 36. Are full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas restrained in position to prevent upset? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 37 Are full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas stored In rooms separate from ammonia storage? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 38. Are full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas stored In areas that are not In the direct sunlight or exposed to excessive heat? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3g Is a reasonably precise weight scale provided for weighing cylinders,at all plants utilizing chlorine gas? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 40, Is there an automatic swllch-over of chlorine cylinders provided,where necessary,to assure continuous disinfection?(Recommended) FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 181 of 237 Appendix C: Water Right Reserve Capacity Memo c-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 182 of 237 S4Schiess & Associates IMPROVING COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 7103 SOUTH 45TH WEST,IDAHO FALLS,ID 83402 OFFICE:(208)522-1244 FAX:(208)522-9232 April 12, 2019 Scott Bruce Falls Water Company 2180 N. Deborah Drive Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Subject: Falls Water Company Reserve Water Right Capacity Dear Scott: Per your request, we have investigated the current reserve capacity of Falls Water Company's water rights and this letter report has been prepared in order to summarize the findings of our investigation. There are two separate limitations associated with Falls Water Company's water rights: total annual volume and total diversion rate. Based on data provided to Schiess and Associates, the total annual volume limitation is 4,970 acre-feet while the diversion rate is limited to 21.94 CFS (9,847 gpm). This diversion rate limitation applies to user demand, but not to emergency situations such as a fire flow. In addition to owned water rights, Falls Water Company leases water rights that can be used at Well 8. The leased water rights sum to a volume of 97.07 acre-feet and a diversion rate of 6.17 CFS. The following paragraphs present our analysis of Falls Water Company's reserve capacity in comparison to volume and diversion rate limitations. Annual volume is the total volume of water used throughout one year. The volume allowed by Falls Water Company's water rights must be equal to or greater than the annual volume produced by the Company's wells. Production data from 2018 show that Falls Water Company pumped 4,145 acre- feet during that year. Based on calculations using 2018 billing data, Falls Water Company currently serves 5,370 EDUs. Average annual use is therefore approximately 0.77 acre-feet/EDU and the Company has capacity to serve an additional 1,071 EDUs. As noted above, Falls Water Company leases water rights that allow an additional 97.07 acre-feet to be pumped from Well 8. The leased right can supply water to approximately 126 EDUs, which brings the total annual volume reserve capacity to 1,197 EDUs. Total diversion rate refers to the sum of the instantaneous pumping rates for each of Falls Water Company's wells. The diversion rate changes over time as a result of diurnal and seasonal variations in demand. Because Falls Water Company does not have storage facilities, the diversion rate at any given time must equal the system-wide demand. Falls Water Company's peak instantaneous demand was found to be 10,600 gpm, as determined using SCADA data and results from daily meter reads. Dividing the peak instantaneous demand by the number of EDUs gives a value of 1.97 gpm/EDU. Therefore, if only the water rights owned by Falls Water Company are considered, there is a diversion rate shortage of 753 gpm which is equivalent to 382 EDUs. Currently, the leased rights are able to make up for this deficit. For these calculations, a diversion rate of 3.34 CFS (1,500 gpm)was used for the leased rights. Although the leased water right has an allowable diversion rate of 6.17 CFS on paper, its use is restricted to Well 8, which has a maximum FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 183 of 237 Scott Bruce April 12,2019 Page 2 pumping rate of about 1,500 gpm. The leased rights are adequate to provide service to an additional 761 EDUs which brings the total diversion rate reserve capacity to 379 EDUs. Historic growth was also reviewed. Growth over time has been highly variable. One general observation is that high growth years tend to be bunched together with lower growth in the intervening years. Over the last 25 years, the years with the largest percentage growth occurred in 2004 through 2006 with the highest reaching just over 15% in 2005. However, over the last 10 years the largest growth was 7.1% and occurred in 2015. Based on the current growth trends and the availability of developable land, it is believed that 7.1% annual growth is on the upper end of what should be expected over the next several years. Annual growth of 7.1%would yield an additional 1,227 EDUs over the next three years. As an additional consideration, water use is somewhat variable from one year to the next based on changes in temperature and precipitation. Previous experience in analyzing water use data suggests that a 10% increase in annual volume is very possible during a year that is unusually hot and dry. A 10% increase in demand as a result of weather leads to an increase of about 415 acre-feet in annual production volume. It is recommended that annual variation should be accounted for in water right planning. Although the contribution of leased water rights has been included in this analysis, it is not recommended that they be considered when planning water right purchases. The lease has a duration of ten years and has been renewable in the past; however, the long-term availability of the leased rights cannot be guaranteed and for this reason they should not given equal consideration as compared to the owned rights. With respect to annual volume, the current reserve capacity will serve 1,071 EDUs. At 7.1% annual growth, the projected shortfall over the next three years will be 156 EDUs,which represents a need of 120 acre-feet. Adding 415 acre-feet to account for annual weather variability brings the total recommended increase in volume to 535 acre-feet. A similar procedure applied to diversion rate shows that diversion rate should be increased by 1,609 EDUs to meet demands for the next three years. This value accounts for the current 382 EDU shortfall as well as the projected 1,227 EDU increase. An increase of 1,609 EDUs is equivalent to 3,170 gpm (7.1 cfs). Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns with these findings. Sincerely, �SS�ON�1L F^'c Q�O� ��C E N S FQ /yF 1�913� -J . OF\0 r cHRls�� Ryan T. Christensen, PE, PhD FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 184 of 237 Appendix D: Water Quality Data • Water Quality Test Results • 2019 Consumer Confidence Report D-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 185 of 237 WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTS FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 186 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-01 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 10:54 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 2455 S N 45th E Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.1 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 1 of 16 F Page 1 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 187 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-02 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 11:09 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 2169 Viola Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.1 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 2 of 16 F Page 2 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 188 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-03 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 11:21 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 1354 Preston Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 3 of 16 F Page 3 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 189 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-04 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 11:30 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 1360 Richland Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 4 of 16 F Page 4 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 190 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-05 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 11:44 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 719 S Adam Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.1 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 5 of 16 F Page 5 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 191 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-06 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 09:52 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 2785 Midnight Blue Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 6 of 16 F Page 6 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 192 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-07 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 10:04 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3653 Spectrum Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 7 of 16 F Page 7 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 193 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-08 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 10:14 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3671 Vision Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 8 of 16 F Page 8 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 194 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iosenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-09 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 10:25 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 2827 Teal Blue Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 9 of 16 F Page 9 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 195 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iasenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-10 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 10:42 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3904 Marble Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 10 of 16 F Page 10 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 196 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iasenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-11 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 08:51 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3560 Deloy Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 11 of 16 Fi Page 11 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 197 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iasenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-12 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 09:02 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3399 Sandy Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 12 of 16 F Page 12 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 198 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iasenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-13 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 09:14 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3271 Larsen Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 13 of 16 F Page 13 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 199 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iasenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-14 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 09:25 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3020 Lucina Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.2 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 14 of 16 F Page 14 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 200 of 237 IAS EnviroChem 3314 Pole Line Rd. . Pocatello, ID 83201 Phone: (208) 237-3300 . Fax: (208) 237-3336 email: iasec3308@iasenvirochem.com • www.iasenvirochem.com EPA Laboratory Number: ID00952 Microbiological Analysis Report Falls Water Co Scott Bruce 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls,ID 83401 Lab Sample ID: M807167-15 Jurisdiction: Idaho Falls DEQ Collection Date: 7/12/18 09:41 Date Received by Lab: 7/12/18 15:30 Water System: 7100030-Total Coliform P/A-Falls Water Co. Sample ID/Location: 3057 Bechler Collector Name: Matt Wise Collector Phone: 208-522-1300 Method Desc: SM9223B P/A Colilert Cmp Name Result Analysis Date/Time Analyst Total Coliforms Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH E.coli Absent /100 ml 7/12/18 17:05 CCH Aux.Data Sample Type Code: S-Routine Sample Residual Chlorine(ppm): 0.1 PWS Date of Original Positive: PWS Repeat Sample Location: Tag#/Facility ID: 7/13/2018 Signature of Laboratory Supervisor Date Page 15 of 16 F Page 15 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 201 of 237 R t 1111118 Water Co Received-,07/I2/2018 _T u u IS Samples C) o In (9 2 0 N C N ^_ G r o v o IC) N E m l0 w u a) Cn 0. 0. c1Oi 2 a n O 0. D. N O W d Cf ❑ ❑ c O 0 > Q a aWi a i W W 0 rn z 0 v m m CD m r 61 4/ r Z NLL L oo rva as rnd rva r•.a Q r > B v ui V _ r U w y N _1 ° H N N � 0 Z CO IL ❑ ❑ ❑ U7 �` d NNE a E a ❑ ❑ E] ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ 0 N M a:n y a LL � W o 00 r fu Z v fy- :3 — Cl0 >° ~ CO CL C v N d h n o Y 0 M n. �U F dno a m W $ ' m m m m In m w 16 0 to (V G d = v ~° 8o ra �2 4a rva rna E m 2 v T w ; o y v " 0 fa > a ON to I LL Y In V d 4 y E{ O E ez \ w 0 N x p y b h U U r O 1p W Z h ao u \ t W X C a LL d F— la 3 0` ti n cl `Y 'b I C a o Z aoQ Q = a N oN rn �` E r oa LI.I Ca M LU C m U P a y C v I ° ti .y >t N Q C ��//�� l" U d Q Q `o `°to t a m v a V/ C N d •,- V r N O l: y w U¢ a C Q Co ` '- f� L N N ,ro N> N N y CV m O 7 w j c 7 c F- 1 V air U ILL. r� be 'y ; Z 1 o rh a - oO U o °i a s p o () v 4 'a } 4 lL 0 n w 0 � 1 w a a 0 o c 0 z c 0 0 o a l '2m O ~ as r U� d n Q t1I m t 0 C) N E to C)❑ a CO v aj LU m t C d o o Op 7 ° ❑ o ani UJI Z ° °a O ,❑❑ aid 'm Q _ In 8 V ❑ 0 0 C F-- E CL F \ N = C) n U w 4 a Z d c rn $ O O o E a' E o C Z' U o r^ a a w w w E Y $ ~ v cc E d C u G w- E N E N w O 3 � o m � N E C C a N H G C C N oho A o 0 N a O p z'ro t � — A is o a by V Z ¢ N V a — W U Page 16 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 202 of 237 0. 07 n rCL �n d E „8 o a s r O c c ❑ ❑ o v Z L p W s duo ? 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E d o t lL ro o E ro u� u 1Cl) q a °1 c Mao m> � � ° au o c� 1 V v)4 m > u-0 O O c [t O cc v ti Q a z �a z C O c1 C R ro W 3r A n r- a rev m �J O U -,r N R U) oO ❑❑ n .h E E i� oo E E- � N W m 12 m c o 0 LU v C4. �LLJF aiZ0 co a O 0 � a o CO n C H Ca Eed c V N w z.E wWE C. V V O �. � a dN V W w H r H E- z ^ E n Q w W U- U lz Page 17 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 203 of 237 cn u a v a = u � O ro i M o n o � u C� N a s �� d N o a s c n p " G� ❑ ❑ E c Q Q D D W a N N o `� d d D O > L v Q Q d U_ d: ss U I Q IY 1 uj ro ro a G �' C S 2 W Ul A " r- d 6� .tL d+ Z t J cUil a c (Q V U w I U N N N J a A O A us v a z Co ce � E w �o LLJ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ ''f^� � Apo vI ¢0: a ¢ a `I U 1 o I w WLLo Lo D I o U I U d O O p Ii N _ O c m 0 d d E c X O M n Nco m v o C [7 co w a O a� E!s y III W O th p c A N io O>- $ r a al a w N N m a a w O u 0tiUpH 5 aE Z d y) oyi? ` ww OX goo EQ ° LLQ !-Q 2 � ow z a W O i m aa cO lI Da N oc fO v I C_ 04 a " <.7 .�. m c C m i. W U M p -Q. 0 - Q _j O Q >_ > c 7 m ~ 1- a0.i a U W d eZ Ems ; v , O d� E ��, o r N } _ cx o L c,) dO W ro � � dC7 d V r 7 n U �n O ro "r IL O O i y : w N K a u Q C Z) > c ti- o °J m 0 o o L, o I y p c 00 I of O a 0 a r ci d U7 o o $ o E E c ❑❑ ono V) In d LU d 7 W w E E w a w z >= O 0❑ 0 N w w w m T d y w T o C b w J H .ca E n o U a Z m E of a O O E d n Q E O C �' c U O rat }a• v o w w H * V > A `v -- F- f c v o N p j N E Q W W o m o >i h Z o 2 N E c c Q Q o In 3 0 c „ _� d o .c Goo �, d c o d N u O o E — c z' A s 0 m :,a Uo a U W } Page 18 of 18 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 204 of 237 8/26/2019 Lead&Copper Sample Summary Results Drinking Water Branch Return Links Lead and Copper Sample Summary Results Water System No. : ID7100030 Federal Type : C Water System FALLS WATER COMPANY Detail Water System Name INC State Type : C Principal County BONNEVILLE Primary Source :GW Water Systems Served : Status : A Activity Date : 03-29-1984 Water System This list displays Lead and Copper Sample Summary Results for the last 2 years Search by default. If you need to search for a specific date range,use the following date fields (you can also pick a date from the pop-up calendar next to the field) and County Map click on Search. Glossary Monitoring Period Begin Date From E To L___ Ed 410 Data Monitoring Monitoring Number WaterDate Quality Period Period End of Measure System Summary Analy ` ode Begin Date Pa+P Cnmrlas (mg/1) Facility State A 01-01-2019 06-30-2019 60 0.132000000T7100030DS1 06-11- Copper 2019 pp A 01-01-2019 06-30-2019 60 0.002000000T7100030DS1 06-11- Lead 2019 A 07-01-201812-31-2018 60 0.132000000T7100030DS1 10-16- Copper 2018 A 07-01-201812-31-2018 60 0.002000000T7100030DS1 10-16- Lead 2018 Total Number of Records Fetched = 4 dww.deq.idaho.gov/1 DPDW W/JSP/LeadAndCopperSampleSummaryResuIts.jsp?tinwsys_is_number=2776&tinwsys_st_code=l D&begin_date=&end_d... 1/1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 205 of 237 2019 CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 206 of 237 FALLS WATER COMPANY 2019 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) 2180 N. Deborah Drive Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Este informe contiene informacion importante acerca de su agua potable. Tele: (208) 522-1300 FAX: (208) 522-4099 Haga que alguien to traduzca para usted, o hable con alguien que to entienda www.fallswater.com Water System information Water System Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. PWS ID#: 7100030 Water System Operator: Tony Wise Population Served: 17,575 5325 Connections Date of CCR Distribution: June 20, 2019 For Calendar Year: 2018 Water Sources a. Source Deep Wells into Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Water Contamination Source a. Source: None Are Known Special Compliance Violations No notices of any violations. We're pleased to provide you with this year's Annual Quality Water Report. We want to keep you informed about the excellent water and services we have delivered to you over the past year. Our goal is and always has been, to provide to you a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. This report shows our water quality and what it means. Falls Water Co. Inc. routinely monitors for constituents in your drinking water according to Federal and State laws. This table shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1St to December 31", 2016. Some of our data in the tables are more than one year old, since certain chemical contaminants are monitored less than once a year. Our sampling frequency complies with EPA and State drinking water regulations. Definitions Maximum Contamination Level (MCL): The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. Maximum Contamination Level Goal (MCLG): The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. Treatment Technique: A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water. Action Level: The concentration of a contaminant,which, if exceeded, triggers treatment, or other requirements which a water system must follow. 1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 207 of 237 Maximum Residual Disinfectant level (MRDL): The highest level of disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants. Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal (MRDLG): The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contamination. Health Information Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791 or http://www.epa.gov/safewater/hotline/. Drinking water,including bottled water,may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk.More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency's(EPA)Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791 or http://www.epa.gov/safewater/hotline/. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health. The Sources of drinking water(both tap water and bottled water)include rivers,lakes,streams,pond, reservoirs,springs,and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and,in some cases,radioactive material,and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activitiy. Contaminants that may be present in source water before we treat it include: Microbial contaminants such as viruses and bacteria,which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring or result from urban systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. Pesticides and herbicide, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and residential uses. Organic chemical contaminants,including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals,which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production,and can also come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff, and septic systems. Radioactive contaminants,which can be naturally-occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. Lead Informational Statement(Health effects and ways to reduce exposure) If present,elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems,especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. Falls Water Co. Inc. is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours,you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your drinking water,you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water,testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/lead. Microbial Contaminants in a Month (YML Total Coliform 0 >1 0 NO Naturally present in the environment Fecal Coliform or 0 0 NO Human and animal fecal waste E. coli *Compliance with the Fecal Coliform/E.coli MCL is determined upon additional repeat testing. 2 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 208 of 237 Appendix E: Calibration Data • Fire flow field test results • SCADA Calibration E-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 209 of 237 FIRE FLOW FIELD TEST RESULTS FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 210 of 237 Hydrant Field Test Results Observed Modeled Site Static Residual Flow Flow @20 Static Residual Flow (gpm) Flow @20 Pressure (psi) Pressure (psi) (gpm) psi (gpm) Pressure (psi) Pressure psi (gpm) 4267 E Cordoba Ln 62 42 1,022 1,526 68 49 1,023 1,644 4580 N Yellowstone Hwy 62 45 1,022 1,666 70 44 1,022 1,419 3116 N Tage Ave 76 58 1,118 2,064 76 63 1,113 2,234 1990 N Deer Valley Dr 76 60 1,199 2,359 75 60 1,199 2,341 3243 Garnet St 86 60 1,089 1,800 83 59 1,089 1,862 Thunder Ridge High School, southwest corner 761 621 1,0481 2,216 791 681 1,0481 2,743 Taylor's Crossing School, northwest corner 76 46 1,022 1,432 75 36 1,022 1,235 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 211 of 237 Client: Falls Water Company Project: 18030 Feature: Fire Flow Test Date: 6/14/2019 Time: 9:50 AM STANDARD NON-DIFFUSER TEST FLOW HYDRANT 4326 Tasman Dr TEST HYDRANT 4267 E CORDOBA LN Pitot Pressure 45.0 psi(velocity head) Static Pressure 62 psi. Discharge Coef.,C 0.9 Residual Pressure 42 psi Discharge ID 2.500 inches Flowrate,Q1 1022 gpm Residual Flow at 20 psi 1526 gpm Test Hydrant Flow Pressure vs. Discharge 70 60 - - - - - - - ------- --------------- ------------------ ---------- ------------------- --- - - 50 --- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----------- - - ---- -- ------------- --_- ------------------ -------40 a v 30 v ---- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ------ ---- ----- ------------ - - - - - - - - L ---------------------------------- d 20 10 --- ------- ----- ----- -- --------- ------- ------ ------- ----- ------- --------- - --------- 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Discharge (gpm) 1. Flowrate equation is from "Accuracy of Hydrant Flow Tests Using a Pitot Diffuser" by Walski and Lutes Journal AWWA, 1990 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 212 of 237 Client: Falls Water Company Project: 18030 Feature: Fire Flow Test Date: 6/14/2019 Time: 10:15 AM STANDARD NON-DIFFUSER TEST FLOW HYDRANT Landmark Circle TEST HYDRANT 4580 N YELLOWSTONE HWY Pitot Pressure 45.0 psi(velocity head) Static Pressure 62 psi. Discharge Coef.,C 0.9 Residual Pressure 45 psi Discharge ID 2.500 inches Flowrate,Q1 1022 gpm Residual Flow at 20 psi 1666 gpm Test Hydrant Flow Pressure vs. Discharge 70 60 50 40 a v 30 v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -------------- -L d 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Discharge (gpm) 1. Flowrate equation is from "Accuracy of Hydrant Flow Tests Using a Pitot Diffuser" by Walski and Lutes Journal AWWA, 1990 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 213 of 237 Client: Falls Water Company Project: 18030 Feature: Fire Flow Test Date: 6/14/2019 Time: 10:45 AM STANDARD NON-DIFFUSER TEST FLOW HYDRANT 2851 E PINNACLE DR TEST HYDRANT 3116 N TAGE AVE Pitot Pressure 57.0 psi(velocity head) Static Pressure 76 psi. Discharge Coef.,C 0.9 Residual Pressure 58 psi Discharge ID 2.500 inches Flowrate,Q1 1118 gpm Residual Flow at 20 psi 2064 gpm Test Hydrant Flow Pressure vs. Discharge 80 70 60 50 40 a ------------ --- -- --- -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- v v 30 20 10 - -------- - - - -- - - - ---------- --- -- 0 - 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Discharge (gpm) 1. Flowrate equation is from "Accuracy of Hydrant Flow Tests Using a Pitot Diffuser" by Walski and Lutes Journal AWWA, 1990 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 214 of 237 Client: Falls Water Company Project: 18030 Feature: Fire Flow Test Date: 6/14/2019 Time: 11:10 AM STANDARD NON-DIFFUSER TEST FLOW HYDRANT 3930 DEER RIVER DR TEST HYDRANT 1990 N DEER VALLEY DR Pitot Pressure 70.0 psi(velocity head) Static Pressure 76 psi. Discharge Coef.,C 0.9 Residual Pressure 60 psi Discharge ID 2.500 inches Flowrate,Q1 1199 gpm Residual Flow at 20 psi 2359 gpm Test Hydrant Flow Pressure vs. Discharge 80 70 60 50 40 v v 30 a - - - - - - - ----- 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Discharge (gpm) 1. Flowrate equation is from "Accuracy of Hydrant Flow Tests Using a Pitot Diffuser" by Walski and Lutes Journal AWWA, 1990 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 215 of 237 Client: Falls Water Company Project: 18030 Feature: Fire Flow Test Date: 6/14/2019 Time: 11:25 AM STANDARD NON-DIFFUSER TEST FLOW HYDRANT 3273 E KIT LN TEST HYDRANT 3243 GARNET ST Pitot Pressure 53.0 psi(velocity head) Static Pressure 86 psi. Discharge Coef.,C 0.9 Residual Pressure 60 psi Discharge ID 2.500 inches Flowrate,Q1 1089 gpm Residual Flow at 20 psi 1800 gpm Test Hydrant Flow Pressure vs. Discharge 100 90 80 70 60 50 a a, — — — — — — — — — — — — —-- — — — — — — L 40 v L d 30 20 10 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Discharge (gpm) 1. Flowrate equation is from "Accuracy of Hydrant Flow Tests Using a Pitot Diffuser" by Walski and Lutes Journal AWWA, 1990 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 216 of 237 Client: Falls Water Company Project: 18030 Feature: Fire Flow Test Date: 6/14/2019 Time: 11:45 AM Thunder Ridge High School STANDARD NON-DIFFUSER TEST FLOW HYDRANT Southeast Corner TEST HYDRANT Southwest Corner Pitot Pressure 48.0 psi(velocity head) Static Pressure 76 psi. Discharge Coef.,C 0.9 Residual Pressure 62 psi Discharge ID 2.500 inches Flowrate,Q1 1048 gpm Residual Flow at 20 psi 2216 gpm Test Hydrant Flow Pressure vs. Discharge 80 70 60 4 50 40 v v 30 a --- --- --- --- -- --- -- ---- - - - - ----- 20 10 - - - - - - -- - - --- --- ---- --- --- - - - - - 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Discharge (gpm) 1. Flowrate equation is from "Accuracy of Hydrant Flow Tests Using a Pitot Diffuser" by Walski and Lutes Journal AWWA, 1990 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 217 of 237 Client: Falls Water Company Project: 18030 Feature: Fire Flow Test Date: 6/14/2019 Time: 11:55 AM Taylor's Crossing School STANDARD NON-DIFFUSER TEST FLOW HYDRANT Southwest Corner TEST HYDRANT Northwest Corner Pitot Pressure 45.0 psi(velocity head) Static Pressure 76 psi. Discharge Coef.,C 0.9 Residual Pressure 46 psi Discharge ID 2.500 inches Flowrate,Q1 1022 gpm Residual Flow at 20 psi 1432 gpm Test Hydrant Flow Pressure vs. Discharge 80 70 60 50 40 a - ---- - - - - - - - — - - - - v v 30 20 10 - - - -- - - - - - - --- -------- -- -- - 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Discharge (gpm) 1. Flowrate equation is from "Accuracy of Hydrant Flow Tests Using a Pitot Diffuser" by Walski and Lutes Journal AWWA, 1990 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 218 of 237 SCADA CALIBRATION FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 219 of 237 Well 1 Flows Flow for Link Welli eso.o {............ { a.........{■ 1 ............. ........ so. ■ ■•••, ■. ■ 7. • ■ • soo.o 1.0 ■ o , ., - s 3 3 ,o „ n�2o�n1 13 ,a 15 s „ 13 13 2� z, v z3 z. Well 1 Pressures Press.refor Node Well'I Pressure z 1.0 ie.o • ■■• • • • ....... • • • • • • •■■• ■ is.o _.r._.__._._ • • .-.....-. s • • ■ is.o ia.o ... ------------------ • I a __ _ -- _ -- __ ■ ___._ 2 ago _ ---- ------___�__ ____• t__-- ____t_ 1_______, +___... _.__,i__ ______ _1_____ __'__ �________ •__ _�.__ esa • • ------------------------------------------- o z 3 a s s . n z i 1a 14 11 1s n 1e 1s zo z� as a za Well 2 Flows Flow for Link We112 sso.o • • sso.o • .00 • ■ sz11 •■ • • so • • as ' •• � I�__.__. aso.o • • ••• ■ ■ _._..._._.-_ a3o.o • o i z a 4 1 1 7 a e ra 11 _.2 U 14 11 1e 17 U 1. 20 21 22 23 z� FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 220 of 237 Well 2 Pressures Pressure for Node J-893 • i ___ __ ___ ___ __- ■■ __.__ --_ _____ --- -- - - ___ r r 710 ■■ 1... ■ • • •■■ se.a ....... a _. ...... 8 • -------------------------- - - _ ___--------------_. sea ■.* ■ - - I -------------------------------------------- o z 3 a e r e a m 11 13 a 15 16 n m is m 21 zz zo m Well 5 Flows Flow for Link We115 asoo ■ _ ,'. ■• asoo �.__... • • eaoo ■:-.... asoo __�_.. • ■ sz ■ " eeo.o eaoo ■ asoo • _ -.. _,. a■ eaoo ......, ■ eaoo ... _._._ _. _�. ezoo ' e000 ■, ■-..._. ■■■ ■.■ of_._ ■ y ■;_ ■ • • ■ ■• -.....-.... • ■ asoo { _� �____ .�_._._ j _j_■ ■ ,_._ _-- .--------- o 2 a a s s r e a ao as 12 as as 1s 1. n 1. as zo 21 u za x Well 5 Pressures Pressure for Node J-86 ....-..-.... Sao __ __ . •■. ■..■ •.■..• ■• ••■ _. - 7io _.. ■ • __. 711 s o • • se.o -.-.. -.--.-..-._ ;._._ _._...y - -.....-.. -..-..-.-. -.-..-..- - .. ------------ o ■ u.o _. w.o o - z 1 4 s o e o w 11 T.re h�r:1 13 14 11 1e n 1e 19 m n zz as za FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 221 of 237 Well 8 Pressures Pressure for Node J-286 711 __._ _- • • • • • • • • ■■ •■ �s o • • 71. esa i 1_ ___.+ + __.. ----------------- ---------------- __._. .__ _. _._..._ .._._ __ __._ a . z s a c e 7 e a io n nre@o I 12 u u ,e n ,e ie 20 21 22 zs u Well 9 Flows Flow for Link WeIN 2s000 ................ ,.....-..-.... ----- -..- .... ------------ ...-..- -..-.-.... • ■■■ • ■ • I ■ -..-.- _._r. -._._.- r ,eoo r.-._._ _,. -._.__ - ° ---- ■■ • : ° •■ ■ ,eoo ° ,zoo r .... ..... r ,_.__._ ,---------------- o■ •■• • ,.--------- F- r _.-.-__-__Fr-__-__- _,-, — — _ _• goo .-- --- +--- +-- e , n 2 a s e r e a ro n nre mowsi s 'a 15 16 n ,e re zo zi u 22 m Well 9 Pressures Pressure for Node J-892 s.a ...... ...... { {...... ■..�. '. w.o -.-.. .................. ...-.....-..-. ...-.�.-..- ... ... -..-.- -- ------------------------ . {-..- ■■■ .■.i __ "' __. _. . __. __. fl aoa e >ea ........... .............. . ,........ ...... , 2.1 ,o 11 m.ino I 13 14 15 16 11 ie 10 20 zi a ze za FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 222 of 237 Appendix F: Required Fire Flows from Idaho Surveying & Rating Bureau F-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 223 of 237 Idaho Survey and Rating Board Fire Flow Requirements COMMUNITY Address FireFlow OWNER Adequate IDAHO FALLS 1523 N 25TH E 4000 SLS1 LLLP yes AMMON 1568 N 25TH E 3000 S2M PROPERTIES LLC yes IDAHO FALLS 2411 E 26TH N 3000 SANDALS LEASING LLC/RICK MILES PRODUCE yes IDAHO FALLS 4434-A E IONA RD 2500 SCHOOL DISTRICT 93 yes AMMON 1362 TERRILL DR 2000 TRUSSWORKS INC yes IDAHO FALLS 3423 E 1850 N RD 2000 ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS, LLC yes IDAHO FALLS 4021 E LINCOLN RD 2000 D &J ENTERPRISES LLC yes IDAHO FALLS 4025 E LINCOLN RD 2000 D &J ENTERPRISES LLC yes IDAHO FALLS 3428 E 20TH N 2000 B & M PROPERTIES yes AMMON 2873 E 14TH ST NORTH 1750 TERRY KOSTER yes AMMON 1574 N 25TH E 1750 TRELLIS SQUARE BUILDING 1 yes IDAHO FALLS 1 2758 E LINCOLN RD I 1750 BURGENER NORIS, LLC yes IDAHO FALLS 1 2695 N 25TH E I 1750 CHERRY GLASS AND ALUMINUM INC. yes FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 224 of 237 Appendix G: Electronic Files CD includes: • EPANET 2.0 modeling files • Electronic file of report G-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 225 of 237 Appendix H: Cross Connection Control Plan Information H-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 226 of 237 IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE IDAPA 58.01.08 Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems or taste and odor control, when the source(s) is known to be free of microbial contamination, must ensure that chlorine residual entering the distribution system after treatment is less than four(4.0) mg/L. The requirements in Subsection 552.04.b.ii. also apply if the system maintains a chlorine residual in the distribution system. (3-30-07) 05. Fluoridation. (12-1-92) a. Commercial sodium fluoride,sodium silico fluoride and hydrofluosilicic acid which conform to the applicable American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards, incorporated by reference into these rules at Subsection 002.01,are acceptable.Use of other chemicals shall be specifically approved by the Department. (3-30-07) b. Fluoride compounds shall be stored in covered or unopened shipping containers. (3-30-07) C. Provisions shall be made to minimize the quantity of fluoride dust. Empty bags, drums, or barrels shall be disposed of in a manner that will minimize exposure to fluoride dusts. (3-30-07) d. Daily records of flow and amounts of fluoride added shall be kept. An analysis for fluoride in finished water shall be made at least weekly. Records of these analyses shall be kept by the supplier of water for five 06. Cross Connection Control Program - Community Water Systems. The water purveyor is responsible through its cross connection control program to take reasonable and prudent measures to protect the water system against contamination and pollution from cross connections through premises isolation, internal or in-plant isolation, fixture protection, or some combination of premises isolation, internal isolation, and fixture protection. Pursuant to Section 543, all suppliers of water for community water systems shall implement a cross connection control program to prevent the entrance to the system of materials known to be toxic or hazardous. The water purveyor is responsible to enforce the system's cross connection control program. The program will at a minimum include: (4-7-11) a. An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine required suitable protection.For new connections,suitable protection must be installed prior to providing water service. (5-8-09) b. Required installation and operation of adequate backflow prevention assemblies.Appropriate and adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities,fixtures,equipment,and uses of water should be selected from the AWWA Pacific Northwest Section Cross Connection Control Manual,the Uniform Plumbing Code, the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control (M14), the USC Foundation Manual of Cross Connection Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department. The assemblies must meet the requirements of Section 543 and comply with local ordinances. (4-4-13) C. Annual inspections and testing of all installed backflow prevention assemblies by a tester licensed by a licensing authority recognized by the Department. Testing shall be done in accordance with the test procedures published by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. See the USC Foundation Manual of Cross-Connection Control referenced in Subsection 002.02. (4-7-11) d. Discontinuance of service to any structure,facility,or premises where suitable backflow protection has not been provided for a cross connection. (4-7-11) e. Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to be defective shall be repaired,replaced, or isolated within ten(10)business days. If the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10)business days,water service to the failed assembly shall be discontinued. (4-4-13) community water systems shall ensure that cross connections do not exist or are isolated from the potable water system by an approved backflow prevention assembly.Backflow prevention assemblies shall be inspected and tested annually for functionality by an Idaho licensed tester,as specified in Subsections 552.06.c. and 552.06.e. (4-4-13) 08. Start-up Procedures For Seasonal Systems Subject To Subsections 100.01.a.,c.,and d. Section 552 Page 134 Reauthorized Rules Temporary Effective Date (6-30-19)T FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 227 of 237 Appendix I: Falls Water Company Revenue and Expense Detail J-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 228 of 237 Falls Water Company Confidential 414/2019 NAME: Falls Water Co.,Inc- REVENUE&EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended December 31,2010 ACCT# DESCRIPTION 40 REVENUES 1 460 Unmetered Water Revenue 2 461.1 Metered Sales-Residential 1,695,334 3 461.2 Metered Sales-Commerclal,Industrial 64,819 4 462 Fire Protection Revenue 5 464 Other Water Sales Revenue 9,000 6 465 irrigation Sales Revenue - 7 466 Sales for Resale - 8 400 Total Revenue(Add Lines 1 -7) 1,768,952 (also enter result on Page 4,line 1) 9 'DEQ Fees Billed separately to customers Booked to Acct 9 10 "Hookup or Connection Fees Collected 162.780 Booked to Acct 8 271.3 11 'Commission Approved Surcharges Collected Booked to Acct# 401 OPERATING EXPENSES 12 6011-6 Labor-Operation&Maintenance 180,599 13 601.7 Labor-Customer Accounts 14 601.8 Labor-Administrative&General 272,585 15 603 Salaries,Officers&Directors - 16 604 Employee Pensions&Benefits 106,226 17 610 Purchased Water 3,300 18 615-16 Purchased Power&Fuel for Power 190,747 19 618 Chemicals 12,535 20 620.1-6 Materials&Supplies-Operation&Maint. 54,101 21 620.7-8 Materials&Supplies-Administrative&General 111,985 22 631.3-4 Contract Services-Professional 25,676 23 635 Contract Services-Water Testing 10,041 24 636 Contract Services-Other 14,774 25 641-42 Rentals-Property&Equipment 62.960 26 650 Transportation Expense 43,116 27 656-59 Insurance 22,908 28 660 Advertlsing 29 666 Rate Case Expense(Amortization) 30 667 Regulatory Comm.Exp.(Other except taxes) 31 670 Bad Debt Expense 5,418 32 875 Miscellaneous 68,630 33 Total Operating Expenses(Add lines 12-32,also enter on Pg 4,line 2) 1,186,801 Rev 3102 Page 3 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 229 of 237 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/412019 Name: Fags Water Co.,Inc. INCOME STATEMENT For Year Ended December 31,2018 ACCT>f DESCRIPTION 1 Revenue(From Page 3,line 8) 1,768.952 2 Operating Expenses(From Page 3,line 33) 1,186,801 3 403 Depreciation Expense 125,384 4 406 Amortization,Utility Plant Aquisition Adj. 5 407 Amortization Exp.-Other 6 408.10 Regulatory Fees(PUC) 3,598 7 408.11 Property Taxes 55,729 8 408.12 Payroll Taxes 36.665 9A 408.13 Other Taxes(list) 9B 9C 9D 10 409.10 Federal Income Taxes 11 409.11 State Ineane Taxes 12 410.10 Provision for Deferred Income Tax-Federal 13 410.11 Provision for Deferred Income Tax-State 14 411 Provision for Deferred Utility Income Tax Credits 15 412 Investment Tax Credits-Utility 16 Total Expenses from operations before Interest(add lines 2-15) 1,408,175 17 413 Income From Utility Plant Leased to Others 18 414 Gains(Losses)From Disposition of Utility Plant (2,844) 19 Net Operating Income(Add lines 1, 17&18 less One 16) 357,933 20 415 Revenues,Merchendizing Jobbing and Contract Work 21 416 Expenses,Merchandizing,Jobbing&Contracts 22 419 Interest&Dividend Income 70 23 420 Allowance for Funds used During Construction 24 421 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Income 50,038 25 426 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense 53,952 26 408.20 Other Taxes,Non-Utility Operations 27 409-20 Income Taxes,Non-Utility Operations 28 Net Non-Utility Income(Add Ones 20,22,23&24 less Ines 21,25,26,&27) (3,043) 29 Gross Income(add lines 19&28) 354.889 30 427.3 Interest Exp,on long-Term Debt 29,803 31 427.5 Other Interest Charges 0 32 NET INCOME(Line 29 tess lines 30&31) (Also Enter on Pg 9,Line 2) 325,086 Rev 3102 Page 4 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 230 of 237 Appendix J: Drinking Water System Classification Worksheet J-1 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 231 of 237 Print Form Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System Classification Worksheet •� • Idaho Drinking Water Program System Classification Worksheet All community and nontransient noncommunity public water system owners and operators are required to submit proof of current conditions related to their system classification at least every five years (IDAPA The classification is used to determine the required level of licensed operator(s). Please work with your local DEQ or health district field office to complete this worksheet. Public Water System No.: ID7100030 System Name: Falls Water Company INC Contact Person: Scott Bruce Title: General Manager Address: 2180 N Deborah Dr. City: Idaho Falls State: ID Zip: 83274 Business Phone: (208)522-1300 Email: scott1@fallswater.com Population served by this distribution system(number of people,not number of connections): 17,100 System Type (choose one): Q Community QNontransient Noncommunity Q Transient Noncommunity Complete the worksheet on the following pages, then return to Table 1 and select the classification(s) of the public water system(PWS)based on the outcome. Table 1. System classification. Distribution Classification: Treatment Classification: ❑ VSWS ❑ I ❑ II ❑x III ❑ IV ❑ I ❑ II ❑ III ❑ IV or or ❑ Not applicable ❑x Not applicable Licensed Operator Requirements(IDAPA Community,nontransient noncommunity, and all systems supplied by surface water,including ground water under the direct influence of surface water, are required to be under the direct supervision of a properly licensed distribution and/or treatment operator licensed at the same level of system classification or higher. Transient ground water systems are only required to be under the direct supervision of a properly licensed distribution or treatment operator if they are surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water. May 2018 Page 1 of 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 232 of 237 Print Form Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System Classification Worksheet Step 1--Very Small Water System (VSWS) Classification (Choose A or B) Determine if your PWS is classified as a Very Small Water System(VSWS). A VSWS is a community or nontransient noncommunity PWS that serves five hundred(500)persons or fewer and has no treatment other than disinfection or has only treatment which does not require any chemical treatment,process adjustment,backwashing,or media regeneration by an operator(e.g.,calcium carbonate filters,granular activated carbon filters,cartridge filters,ion exchangers). C9 A. My system serves more than 500 people. If yes, go to Step 2. G B. My system serves 500 or fewer people and utilizes only ground water. Select only one choice below(i, ii, or iii). Chi. My system has no treatment. On Table 1 (page 1), choose"VSWS" as the Distribution Classification and"Not Applicable" as the Treatment Classification. Go to Step 4. 0 ii. My system only has the following exempt treatment processes. Select all that apply(a full list of treatment processes is listed in Step 3),then choose"VSWS" as the Distribution Classification and "Not Applicable" as the Treatment Classification on Table 1 (page 1) and go to Step 4. Process Process Code Process Code Process 13 005 Point of Use(POU),Activated Carbon-Granulated ❑ 401/403 Gaseous Chlorination ❑ 010 Point of Use(POU),Ion Exchange ❑ 421/423 Sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite ❑ 015 Point of Use(POU),Reverse Osmosis ❑ 470 Exempt,Softening-VSWS(Water softener) ❑ 354 Exempt,Roughing Filter-VSWS ❑ 720 Ultraviolet Radiation ❑ 356 Exempt,Cartridge Filter-VSWS ❑ 800 Raw water,little or no variation ❑ 361 4-Log Treatment of Viruses(Ground Water System) C�iii. My system has treatment other than what is listed above in B.ii. On Table 1 (page 1), choose "Not applicable"as the Distribution Classification. Skip Step 2; go to Step 3. Step 2--Distribution Classification Choose the Distribution Classification based on the number of people (not connections) served by this public water system. Distribution Classification Population Served ❑ Distribution Class I 501 to 1,500 ❑ Distribution Class II 1,501 to 15,000 0 Distribution Class ITI 15,001 to 50,000 ❑ Distribution Class IV 50,001 and greater Enter the Distribution Classification in Table 1 (page 1). To determine the treatment classification, go to Step 3. May 2018 Page 2 of 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 233 of 237 Print Form Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System Classification Worksheet Step 3--Treatment Classification Evaluation Choose A or B below and enter the information in Table 1 (page 1). O A. This system only has the following exempt treatment processes that will not require a Treatment Classification. Select all that apply,then choose "Not Applicable" as the Treatment Classification in Table 1 (page 1). Process Process Code Process Code Process 005 Point of Use(POU),Activated Carbon-Granulated 401/403 Gaseous Chlorination ❑ 010 Point of Use(POU),Ion Exchange ❑x 421/423 Sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite ❑ 015 Point of Use(POU),Reverse Osmosis ❑ 470 Exempt,Softening-VSWS(Water softener) ❑ 354 Exempt,Roughing Filter-VSWS ❑ 720 Ultraviolet Radiation ❑ 356 Exempt,Cartridge Filter-VSWS ❑ 800 Raw water,little or no variation ❑ 361 4-Log Treatment of Viruses(Ground Water System) Q B. This system has treatment in addition to or other than the items in A. Review and enter the applicable point values in the "System Points" column for each applicable row of Table 2 to reflect system treatment processes. Table 2. Treatment classification process and description. Process Code Item Points System Points Process Code Item Points System Points Process Code Item Points System Points System Size--Population(all systems--choose one) --- Very Small(25-500) 1 --- Small(501-3,300) 5 --- Medium(3,301-10,000) 10 --- Large(10,001-100,000) 15 --- Very Large(100,001+) 20 Water Supply Source(mark all that apply) --- Ground Water 0 --- Surface Water or Ground Water Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water(GWUDI) 8 361*/363 Required Contact Time(CT) -4-log Treatment/Removal of Viruses 2 Raw Water Quality Variation(all systems--choose one) This designation reflects the effect of changing raw water quality on treatment process changes that would be necessary to achieve optimized performance. 800* Raw water,little or no variation 0 805 Raw water,minor variation (consistently<10 NTU,treatment adjustments rarely made) 1 810 Raw water,moderate variation(regular treatment adjustments made monthly) 3 815 Raw water,significant variation(regular treatment adjustments made weekly) 5 820 Raw water,severe variation(regular treatment adjustments made daily or source may be subject to 7 non-point discharge,agricultural/urban storm runoff,or flooding) May 2018 Page 3 of 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 234 of 237 Print Form Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System Classification Worksheet Process Code Item Points System Points 825 Raw water,quality subject to agriculture point sources or municipal wastewater point source 8 discharges(within the mixing zone of an upstream municipal NPDES discharge) 830 Raw water,quality subject to industrial wastewater pollution 10 (within the mixing zone of an upstream industrial NPDES/IPDES discharge) Raw Water Quality is Subject to:(mark all that apply) 835 Raw water,taste/odor(treatment process adjustments are routinely made) ' 2 840 Raw water,color>15 Color Units(not due to precipitated metals)--See exception in Table Note 1 3 845 Raw water,iron and/or manganese>MCL: See exception in Table Note 1 3 850 Raw water,algal growth (treatment process adjustments are routinely made) 3 Disinfection(mark all that apply) 425 Onsite generation of hypochlorite 1 421*,423* Liquid chlorine(sodium hypochlorite)or in solid form(calcium hypochlorite tablets or powder) 5 401*,403* Gaseous chlorination 8 720* Ultraviolet light 2 541,543 Ozonation 10 200 Chloramines 10 220 Chlorine dioxide 10 190 Brominization 5 455 Iodine 5 Coagulation/Flocculation(mark all that apply) 240 Coagulation 6 245 Coagulant aid 2 360 Flocculation 2 Clarification/Sedimentation(mark all that apply) 660 Sedimentation/Clarification 4 665 Sedimentation,Upflow Clarification(2 pts.flocculation+4 pts. sedimentation/clarification)2 6 Filtration(mark all that apply) 352 Pre-filtration,roughing filter(staged cartridges,pressure sand w/o coagulation) 1 341 Cartridge/bag filters 5 342 Diatomaceous earth filters 3 10 343 Greensand filtration 10 344 Pressure sand filters 10 345 Rapid sand filters 15 346 Slow sand filters 5 347 Membrane/Ultrafiltration 10 350 Filter aid 2 354* Exempt--roughing filter(Very Small Water System only) 0 356* Exempt--cartridge filter(Very Small Water System only) 0 Other Treatment Processes(mark all that apply) 005* Point of Use(POU),activated carbon-granular (point of use only) 0 010* Point of Use(POU),ion exchange(point of use only) 0 015* Point of Use(POU),reverse osmosis(point of use only) 0 141 Aeration,cascade 3 3 May 2018 Page 4 of 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 235 of 237 Print Form Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System Classification Worksheet Process Code Item Points System Points 147 Aeration,slat trays 3 149 Aeration,spray 4 3 143 Aeration,diffused s 5 145 Aeration,packed towers 5 160 Algae control(surface water reservoir treatment) 3 460 Ion exchange(softening,inorganic removal,radionuclides removal) 5 470* Exempt,softening(Very Small Water System only) 0 100 Ion exchange,activated alumina 5 121 Activated carbon,granular 5 125 Activated carbon,powdered 2 180 Bone char 5 580 Peroxide 5 560 Permanganate(oxidation) 4 680 Sequestration(addition of a phosphate) 4 380 Fluoridation 4 300 Distillation 10 640 Reverse osmosis s 10 320 Electrodialysis 3 15 500 Lime-Soda Ash Addition 5 741,742 pH Adjustment 4 Stability or Corrosion Control(mark all that apply) 441 Inhibitor,Bimetallic Phosphate 4 443 Inhibitor,Hexameta Phosphate 4 445 Inhibitor,Orthophosphate 4 447 Inhibitor,Polyphosphate 4 449 Inhibitor,Silicate 4 620 Reducing Agents 4 Sludge/Backwash Water Disposal(mark all that apply) --- Sludge Treatment--Disposal to sanitary sewer or off watershed 0 700 Sludge Treatment--On site treatment of waste(examples: sludge drying beds,discharge to lagoons 3 and/or on-site disposal/land application) 710 Backwash Water--Any water recycled to plant raw water influent 5 Total System Treatment Points: *Exempt treatment processes. See page 6 for table notes. Add the total points and determine the system classification. Enter the classification in Table 1 (page 1). Treatment Classification System Points ❑ Treatment Class I 30 or fewer ❑ Treatment Class II 31-55 ❑ Treatment Class III 56-75 May 2018 Page 5 of 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 236 of 237 Print Form Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System Classification Worksheet ❑ Treatment Class IV 76 or greater Step 4--Sign and Mail Mail the completed, signed form to your regional Idaho Department of Environmental Quality or health district drinking water contact for system classification evaluation. Retain a photocopy of the original form for your files. Signature Date Table Notes: 1. Raw water quality is subject to: • Taste and/or odor(T&O)for which treatment process adjustments are routinely made(2 points): 1)T&O issue has been identified in a pre-design report,etc.,2)a process has been installed to address,and 3)operational control adjustments are made at least seasonally.Do not give points for T&O when there is no specific additional impact on operation(e.g., if a system is already pre-chlorinating for disinfection,give no points for T&O). • Color> 15 Color Units(CU)(not due to precipitated metals)(3 points)with the following exceptions:Color will be considered elevated and points assigned when levels exceed 75 Color Units(CU)for conventional filtration,40 CU for direct filtration3,or 15 CU for all other technologies,except reverse osmosis(no points given for color for reverse osmosis). • Iron(FE)and/or manganese(MN)>Maximum Contaminant Level(MCL):Fe(2 points),Mn(3 points)(3 points maximum allowed)with the following exceptions:Iron and manganese levels will be considered elevated and points assigned if they are greater than the MCL,except for applications of manganese greensand filters.For applications of manganese greensand filters,iron and manganese levels will be considered elevated when their combined level exceeds 1.0 mg/L(3 points allowed). • Algal growths for which treatment process adjustments are routinely made(3 points):Raw water will be considered subject to algae growths when treatment processes are specifically adjusted due to the presence of high levels of algae on at least a weekly basis for at least two months each year. 2. Upflow clarification(sludge blanket clarifier)(6 points):Also known as sludge blanket clarification.Includes such proprietary units as Super-Pulsator.These units include processes for flocculation and sedimentation.Important note:these are not the same as adsorption clarifiers. 3. Water Treatment Definitions Definitions reprinted from"Master Glossary of Water and Wastewater Terms"(www.owp.csus.edu/ lg ossary/index.php) with permission from Office of Water Programs,California State University,Sacramento. • Adsorption The gathering of a gas,liquid,or dissolved substance on the surface or interface zone of another material. • Aeration The process of adding air to water.Air can be added to water by passing air through water or passing water through air. • Diatomaceous earth A fine,siliceous(mad of silica)"earth"composed mainly of the skeletal remains of diatoms. • Direct filtration A method of treating water which consists of the addition of coagulant chemicals,flash mixing,coagulation,minimal flocculation,and filtration.The flocculation facilities may be omitted,but the physical-chemical reactions will occur to some extent.The sedimentation process is omitted. • Electrodialysis The selective separation of dissolved solids on the basis of electrical charge,by diffusion through a semipermeable membrane across which an electrical potential is imposed. • Reverse osmosis The application of pressure to a concentrated solution which causes the passage of a liquid from the concentrated May 2018 Page 6 of 7 FLS-W-24-02 IPUC DR 16 Attachment 2 Page 237 of 237 Print Form Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System Classification Worksheet solution to a weaker solution across a semipermeable membrane.The membrane allows the passage of the water (solvent)but not the dissolved solids(solutes). May 2018 Page 7 of 7