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Please provide a one page summary of the business case and high-level summary of the projects
or programs included. Please describe the need for the project (a synopsis of the problem, the
current state, and recommended solution), alternatives considered, the cost of the recommended
solution, applicable metrics, customer benefits, Avista benefits or offsets derived from the
investment, and risks, to customer and Avista, if the business case is not funded. (DELETE THE
Version Author Description Date
1.0 Initial draft of original business case
BCRT BCRT Team Has been reviewed by BCRT and meets necessary requirements
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Staff DR_040 Attachment A
<Project Name>
($) PLANT ($)
Project Life Span 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.
Requesting Organization/Department
Business Case Owner i Sponsor
Sponsor Organization/Department
Phase Choose an item.
Category Choose an item.
Driver Choose an iterr
Definitions for the Category and Driver can be found on the Business Case Review Team Team's site see link.
Investment Drivers
�. BUSINESS PROBLEM - This section must provide the overall business case information
conveying the benefit to the customer, what the project will do and current problem statement.
1.1 What is the current or potential problem that is being addressed?
1.2 Discuss the major drivers of the business case.
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<Project Name>
1.3 Identify why this work is needed now and what risks there are if not
approved or if deferred or risks being mitigated by the request.
1.4 Discuss how the proposed investment, whether project or program, aligns
with the strategic vision, goals, objectives and mission statement of the
organization. See link.
Avista Strategic Goals
1.5 Supplemental Information — please describe and summarize the key
findings from any relevant studies, analyses, documentation,
photographic evidence, or other materials that explain the problem this
business case will resolve.'
2. PROPOSAL AND RECOMMENDED SOLUTION -Describe the proposed solution to
the business problem identified above and why this is the best and/or least cost alternative (e.g., cost benefit
2.1 Please summarize the proposed solution and how it helps to solve the
business problem identified above.
Please do not attach any requested items to the business case, rather be sure to have ready access
to such information upon request.
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<Project Name>
2.2 Describe and provide reference to CIRR/IRR analyses, relevant studies,
documentation, metrics, data, analysis, risk reduction, or other
information that was considered when preparing this business case (i.e.,
samples of savings, benefits or risk avoidance estimates; description of
how benefits to customers are being measured; metrics such as
comparison of cost ($) to benefit (value), or evidence of spend amount to
anticipated return).2
2.3 Summarize in the table, and describe below the DIRECT offsets3 or
savings (Capital and O&M) that result by undertaking this investment.
Offsets Offset Description 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
Capital $ $ $ $ $
0&M $ $ $ $ $
2.4 Summarize in the table, and describe below the INDIRECT offsets4
(Capital and O&M) that result by undertaking this investment.
Offsets Offset Description 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
Capital $ $ $ $ $
0&M $ $ $ $ $
z Please do not attach any requested items to the business case, rather be sure to have ready access
to such information upon request.
3 Direct offsets are defined as those hard cost savings Avista customers will gain due to the work
under this business case. Such savings could include reductions in labor, reduced maintenance
due to new equipment, or other.
4 Indirect offsets are those items that do not directly reduce the current costs of the Company, but
may serve to reduce future hirings, improve efficiencies, reduces risk (cost or outage), or allows
current employees to focus on higher priority work.
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<Project Name>
2.5 Describe in detail the alternatives, including proposed cost for each
alternative, that were considered, and why those alternatives did not
provide the same benefit as the chosen solution. Include those additional
risks to Avista that may occur if an alternative is selected.
Alternative 1:
Alternative 2:
Alternative 3:
2.6 Identify any metrics that can be used to monitor or demonstrate how
the investment delivered on remedying the identified problem (i.e., how will
success be measured).
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<Project Name>
2.7 Please provide the timeline of when this work is schedule to commence
and complete, if known.
2.8 Please identify and describe the Steering Committee/governance team
that are responsible for the initial and ongoing approval and oversight of the
business case, and how such oversight will occur.
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<Project Name>
The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the <Business Case Name> and agree with the
approach it presents. Significant changes to this will be coordinated with and approved by the
undersigned or their designated representatives.
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Role: Business Case Owner
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Role: Business Case Sponsor
Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Role: Steering/Advisory Committee Review
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