HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250305Combustion Turbine Usage Report.pdf —�IQAHO Re RECEIVED March 5, 2025 MATTHEW T. LARKIN Idaho Public Revenue Requirement Senior Manager Utilities Commission mlarkin@idahopower.com VIA ENCRYPTED ELECTRONIC MAIL March 5, 2025 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A (83714) Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: PCA Deferral, FCA, CSPP, MRT and Combustion Turbine Usage Dear Commission Secretary: Enclosed for electronic filing please find Idaho Power's monthly Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") Deferral Report and Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") Report through January 31, 2025, along with the Cogeneration and Small Power Production Report and Combustion Turbine Usage Report for the month of January 2025. The Combustion Turbine Usage is provided pursuant to Order No. 30563, which directs Idaho Power to provide detailed information about daily decisions to run its gas-fired peaker plants. The report also includes the dispatch information for the Langley Gulch combined-cycle power plant. The Company has also included a confidential Energy Risk Management Standards Market Review Trigger ("MRT") Notification as part of this packet. Please note that information in the PCA, FCA, and Combustion Turbine Usage reports and MRT are commercially sensitive, potentially material non-public information under Regulation FD and if disclosed freely could subject Idaho Power or its customers to risk of competitive disadvantage or other business injury. The financial data is confidential until it is publicly disclosed in a broad, nonexclusionary manner(such as a national press release or public filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission). If you have any questions about these reports, please contact me at (208) 388-2461 or mlarkinCo)idahopower.com. Very truly yours, Matthew T. Larkin MTL: sg Enclosures cc w/encls: Chris McEwan Stephen Goodson CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY ASSERTION THAT MATERIALS ARE PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION The undersigned attorney, in accordance with RP 67, believes that the attachments produced in Idaho Power Company's Confidential Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") Deferral Report, Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") Report, and Combustion Turbine Usage Report and Market Review Trigger ("MRT") contain information that Idaho Power Company claims is a trade secret as described in Idaho Code § 74-101, et seq., and § 48-801, et seq., or otherwise protected from public disclosure, and as such is exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. DATED this 5th day of March 2025. Lisa D. Nordstrom Counsel for Idaho Power Company 1aVUF10 on PCMAIIER An IDACORP Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production As of February 18, 2025 This report is only for "PURPA" qualifying facilities and does not include "Net Metering" or "Non-PURPA PPA" Projects. CSPP SALES SUMMARY Net kWh Energy Payment Mills/kWh January 2025 171 ,409,170 $ 13,412,872 78.25 2024 Year to Date 171 ,409,170 $ 13,412,872 78.25 Inception to Date 53,142,947,452 $ 3,371 ,794,005 63.45 CONTRACTS BY RESOURCE TYPES Projects Under Contract Projects Online Notes on Data Number of Nameplate Rating Number of Nameplate Biomass s includes 5 landfill Projects (KW) Projects Rating (KW) gas facilities, totaling Biomass 6 20,130 6 20,130 13,881 kW; and 1 wood Hydro 68 144,350 68 144,350 waste facility, totaling Wind 32 624,820 32 624,820 6,250 kW. Geothermal 0 0 0 0 Solar 20 319,250 19 316,250 Thermal (Combined Heat and Power) 2 5,000 2 5,000 Cogeneration (Industrial Waste/Natural Gas) 2 18,030 2 18,030 Total Projects under contract: 130 1,131,580 129 1,128,580 CURRENT CONTRACT PARAMETERS AVAILABLE Idaho Published Avoided Cost - (Levelized or Non-levelized; Fueled or Non-fueled) Solar, Wind and Battery Storage up to 100 kW All others less than 10 aMW Oregon Standard Avoided Cost Rates (Schedule 85) Solar up to 3 MW Nameplate Capacity-standard avoided cost prices Idaho Schedule 86, up to 10 MW Nameplate Capacity Solar 3-10 MW Nameplate Capacity - negotiated avoided cost prices Price = 82.4 % of ICE Market All other up to 10 MW Nameplate Capacity-standard avoided cost prices No generation commitment No set term of contract On a non-firm, if, as, and when available basis Idaho and Oregon Negotiated IRP-based Rates If above eligibility cap, IRP-based Negotiated Avoided Cost Prices CONTRACTS BY STATE Projects Under Contract Projects Online Number MW Number MW Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Idaho 106 972.94 106 972.94 Energy Station (3.06 MW) is a Oregon 23 149.64 22 146.64 project located in ID, but has Montana 1 9.00 1 9.00 an OR Schedule 85 contract. 130 1 ,131 .58 129 1 ,128.58 It is counted as an OR Project.