HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250305Comments_1.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Roger Petersen
Submission Time: Mar 4 2025 7:09PM
Email: rogerpetersen24@outlook.com
Telephone: 801-718-0165
Address:2236 East Willow Hills Drive
Sandy, ID 84093
Name of Utility Company:Aspen Creek Water Company
Case ID:ASP-W-24-03
Comment: "Comments: I believe this is an extreme annual water rate increase(almost five times
current rate). This is a very large increase all at once! This raises the funds you are seeking however
it doesn't fairly address the issue of water usage variation nor does it address the future charging
model. Most municipalities have a model which establishes a baseline amount of cost and usage,
then charges customers an additional amount for overage water use.
Since you are proposing metering all new connections,we should also require meters on all
structures connected to water currently. We could raise the baseline cost to($50 or$60), so all
share in raising a portion of the additional funds. Then fairly charge additional fees for utilization of
water above the baseline level. This would create a fair long-term charging model,which is better
representation of cost to usage, between those not connected to water,those who occasional use
their structures and those that are permanent occupants.
Question: I am unsure why almost$100,000 of addition income is needed? It doesn't state exactly
what the additional funds are for, so this may or may not be a valid question? Are the funds being
used for infrastructure or for other areas of need? If that is the case then I would think the
subdivision developer has some accountability?I may be off base with this,just a thought? "