HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250304APPLICATION.pdf RECEIVED Avista Corp. March 4, 2025 Idaho Public 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Utilities Commission Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 AVU-ECase -25 -03 Toll Free 800-727-9170 AVU-G 25 02 March 4, 2025 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 RE: Case No. AVU-E-25-_and AVU-G-25-_ Application of Avista Corporation for an Deferred Accounting Treatment Dear Commission Secretary: Attached for electronic filing is Avista's Application for Deferred Accounting related to tariffs imposed on Canadian energy imports. Please direct any questions on this matter to me at (509) 495-8620 or at Patrick.ehrbargavistacorp.com. Sincerely, /s/Patrick Ehrbar Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Enclosures l DAVID J. MEYER 2 VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR 3 REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS 4 AVISTA CORPORATION 5 P.O. BOX 3727 6 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE 7 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 8 TELEPHONE: (509)495-4316 9 EMAIL: DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM 10 11 12 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 13 14 15 16 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-25- 17 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR ) CASE NO. AVU-G-25-_ 18 AN ACCOUNTING ORDER AUTHORIZING ) 19 ACCOUNTING AND RATEMAKING ) APPLICATION OF AVISTA 20 TREATMENT OF COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ) CORPORATION FOR 21 TARIFS LEVIED ON CANADIAN ENERGY ) DEFERRAL OF COSTS 22 IMPORTS ) ASSOCIATED WITH TARIFFS 23 24 25 I. INTRODUCTION 26 Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter "Avista" or 27 "Company"),at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane,Washington,pursuant to Section 61-524 28 Idaho Code and Rule 52 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission Rules of 29 Procedure"), hereby petitions the Commission for an order authorizing it to utilize deferred 30 accounting for the potential impact to its expenses due to the levying of tariffs by the United 31 States on energy resources imported from Canada, and for electric operations to defer those 32 expenses for recovery in the PCA at 100%. As discussed below, the impact of such tariffs, 33 and how they will be paid for is unclear. As of now the Company does not know whether such 34 tariffs would be reflected in the embedded cost of the Canadian commodity(and therefore flow 35 through the Company's natural gas Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Mechanism (PGA) or 36 electric Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism (PCA)) or would be considered something more Application of Avista Corporation Page 1 Case Nos. AVU-E-25- and AVU-G-25- I akin to an excise tax (such taxes are not tracked in the PGA or PCA deferrals). Therefore, the 2 Company is seeking deferral treatment of any imposed tariff(tax), which aligns the cost of 3 providing service to customers with the benefits customers receive from the Company's 4 delivered energy.2 5 Avista is a utility that provides service to approximately 420,000 electric customers 6 and 381,000 natural gas customers in northern Idaho, eastern Washington, and Oregon. The 7 largest community served by Avista is Spokane, Washington, which is the location of its 8 corporate headquarters. Pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 201, the Company 9 requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's rules for Modified Procedure. 10 Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: 11 David J. Meyer, Esq. Patrick Ehrbar 12 Vice President and Chief Counsel for Director of Regulatory Affairs 13 Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation 14 P. O. Box 3727 P. O. Box 3727 15 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC 13 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC 27 16 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 17 Telephone: (509)495-4316 Telephone: (509)495-8620 18 E-mail: david.meyer(aavistacorp.com E-mail: patrick.ehrbar(aavistacorp.com 19 20 Avista Dockets (Electronic Only) -AvistaDockets(iDavistacorp.com 21 22 23 II. BACKGROUND 24 On February 1, 2025, President Trump announced his intention to impose tariffs on 25 Canadian energy imports as part of a broader strategy to address national security concerns 26 and trade imbalances. The proposed tariffs, which include a 25% tariff on all imports from 1 Requests for treatment of unforeseen changes in taxes are not new. For example,in 2017,the Company worked with Commission Staff on deferred accounting treatment of reductions in federal taxes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act(see Case No.GNR-U-18-01). 2 Given the uncertainty that exists around the imposition of tariffs,and the accounting thereof,Avista will update this request as necessary if it learns more during the processing of this Application.Further,it is our understanding that other utilities will also be making similar filings, and we will monitor those and adjust our request as appropriate. Application of Avista Corporation Page 2 Case Nos. AVU-E-25- and AVU-G-25- I Canada and a 10%tariff specifically on energy resources, were justified by the administration 2 as necessary measures to combat the flow of illegal drugs into the United States, among other 3 reasons. These energy imports issue include natural gas and electricity. While the tariffs were 4 suspended for a period of time, on February 27, 2025 the President announced that "the 5 proposed tariffs scheduled to go into effect on March 4th will, indeed, go into effect, as 6 scheduled." On March 4, 2025, the tariffs went into effect.3 7 For natural gas operations, the Company purchases natural gas for distribution 8 customers in wholesale markets at multiple supply basins in the western United States and 9 western Canada. Purchased natural gas can be transported through six inter-connected 10 pipelines on which Avista holds firm contractual transportation rights. Approximately 10% is 11 U.S.-sourced natural gas, primarily the Rocky Mountains basin. The remaining 90% is from 12 Canadian-sourced natural gas,located in Alberta and British Columbia.The majority of natural 13 gas is purchased at AECO, which has traditionally been one of the lowest priced natural gas 14 trading hubs and is among the most liquid supply points, especially for longer-term 15 transactions. Even with the proposed tariffs, natural gas prices at AECO are still well below 16 any alternative, and is the lowest cost resource for our customers. 17 The same holds true for electric operations. To fuel its natural gas turbines, Avista 18 purchases natural gas from various supply basins. As discussed in our Integrated Resource 19 Plan, Avista transports fuel to its natural gas-fired generators using the Gas Transmission 20 Northwest (GTN) pipeline owned by TC Energy. The pipeline runs between Alberta, Canada 21 and the California/Oregon border at Malin, Oregon. Avista holds 60,592 dekatherms per day 22 of capacity from Alberta to Stanfield, Oregon. Avista's customers not only benefit from the 3 https://www.whitehouse.gov/fact-sheets/2025/03/fact-sheet-president-donald-j-trump-proceeds-with-tariffs- on-imports-from-canada-and-mexico/ Application of Avista Corporation Page 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-25- and AVU-G-25- I low cost natural gas used to generate electricity, but also benefit from optimization activities 2 where low cost natural gas sourced in Canada can be sold in markets in the United States at a 3 premium, the benefits of which flow through the PCA. 4 The Company employs Commission-approved mechanisms for tracking actual natural 5 gas or power supply expenses as compared to that authorized by the Commission. The specific 6 FERC accounts(and various subaccounts)that are tracked in the PGA and PCA are as follows: 7 PGA Accounts include: 8 Account 483: Sales for Resale 9 0 Account 804: Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 10 0 Account 495: Other Gas Purchases 11 0 Account 808: Gas Delivered/Withdrawn from Storage 12 0 Account 811: Gas Used for Compression Station Fuel 13 0 Account 813: Other Gas Supply Expenses 14 15 PCA Accounts include: 16 0 Account 555: Purchased Power 17 0 Account 501: Thermal Fuel 18 0 Account 547: Natural Gas Fuel 19 0 Account 557: Other Expenses 20 0 Account 565: Transmission Expense 21 0 Account 456: Other/Transmission Revenue 22 0 Account 447: Sale for Resale 23 24 It is unclear at this point as to how those costs will appear and if they would flow 25 through the PGA or PCA, or not. It is possible that the costs associated with tariffs will be 26 absorbed or paid by Canadian producers and included in the embedded cost of the natural gas 27 or electricity commodity billed to Avista. In such an instance, the Company would report a 28 higher price for that item and have no special treatment for the excise tax that might be 29 embedded in the cost of the item. Such expenses would continue to be deferred through the 30 PCA or PGA FERC accounts noted above. 311 If,however,Avista is considered the importer,and therefore responsible for paying the 32 tariff(the excise tax), we believe such an expense would be posted to FERC Account 408 Application of Avista Corporation Page 4 Case Nos. AVU-E-25- and AVU-G-25- I (Taxes Other Than Income Taxes)and the payable would be posted to a 236 account(Taxes 2 Accrued). These accounts are not included in the accounts tracked in the PGA or PCA, as 3 shown above. Avista does not believe that it should absorb such unexpected expenses/taxes 4 that are beyond its control. Further, while Avista will seek to procure commodity resources 5 at the lowest reasonable cost from producers in the United States, as discussed earlier 6 Canadian natural gas that Avista has access to is the lowest in the region, even with levied 7 tariffs. As such, it is reasonable that the costs associated with the tariffs be deferred and 8 recovered from customers just like any other cost that is directly related to the underlying 9 commodity which customers benefit from. In the end, these tariff costs should be included 10 in the PCA from a deferral and recovery perspective (at 100%). 112 What is also clear is that these tariffs were not contemplated by the Company,nor any 12 party, in the Company's last general rate case where the power supply base was set.4 As 13 such, absent regulatory relief here,the Company would absorb a portion of those tariff costs 14 even while it is doing its duty to source electricity and natural gas at the lowest reasonable 15 costs. It is still probable that the lowest reasonable cost for natural gas for electricity 16 generation, in particular, will be from natural gas sourced in Canada. Customers will still 17 benefit from such low cost natural gas, but at the same time it is not reasonable that Avista 18 should be penalized because of a tariff it could not have reasonably known about. 19 20 III. PROPOSED ACCOUNTING TREATMENT 21 22 To the extent any costs associated with tariffs imposed on Canadian imports do not 23 otherwise flow through the various FERC accounts tracked in the PGA or PCA, they are 24 charged to FERC Accounts 408.1 and 408.2, which reflect amounts of ad valorem, gross a Case No.AVU-E-23-01. Application of Avista Corporation Page 5 Case Nos. AVU-E-25- and AVU-G-25- I revenue or gross receipts taxes, state unemployment insurance, franchise taxes, Federal 2 excise taxes, social security taxes, and all other taxes assessed by Federal, state, county, 3 municipal, or other local governmental authorities, except income taxes. These accounts are 4 charged in each accounting period with the amounts of taxes which are applicable to each 5 account, with concurrent credits to FERC Account 236, Taxes accrued, or FERC Account 6 165, Prepayment, as appropriate. When it is not possible to determine the exact amounts of 7 taxes, the amounts shall be estimated and adjustments made in current accruals as the actual 8 tax levies become known. For the reasons discussed above, Avista proposes to defer those 9 amounts to FERC Account 182.3 (Regulatory Asset). The monthly accounting entries would 10 be as follows: 11 Accounting Entry to Record the Deferral of Tariffs -Recorded Monthly 12 Account Description FERC Account Debit Credit Regulatory Asset- Deferred Costs 182.3XX xxx 13 Regulatory Credit- Deferred Costs 407AXX xxx 14 The Company proposes, for electric operations, that any deferred costs charged to the 15 accounts above be recovered at 100%, and not be subject to the deadband nor sharing bands. 16 Further,the Company requests that any direct,identifiable tariff costs that flow through normal 17 PCA FERC accounts be separately tracked and likewise be deferred at 100%, for the reasons 18 discussed earlier. 19 Interest would accrue in the same manner as is authorized for the PGA or the PCA. 20 21 IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 22 Avista does not believe that a hearing is necessary to consider the issues presented 23 herein, and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; 24 i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, et seq. Application of Avista Corporation Page 6 Case Nos. AVU-E-25- and AVU-G-25- I V. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 2 WHEREFORE, Avista respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order 3 approving the requested deferred accounting treatment, as described above, for the effects of 4 tariffs placed on energy imports from Canada (to the extent they are not already deferred 5 through the PGA or PCA), and process the request under Modified Procedure. 6 DATED at Spokane, Washington, this 4t1i day of March 2025. 7 AVISTA CORPORATION 8 9 By PC&A. 10 Patrick Ehrbar 11 Director of Regulatory Affairs Application of Avista Corporation Page 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-25- and AVU-G-25-