HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250303Comments_3.pdf From: PUCWeb Notification <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Monday, March 3, 2025 2:00 PM
To: Monica Barrios-Sanchez
Subject: Notice:A comment was submitted to PUCWeb
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Ross Gibson
Submission Time: Mar 3 2025 1:04PM
Email: ross_gibson@hotmail.com
Telephone: 208-877-1428
Address: 1039 Helmer Lane
Deary, ID 83823
Name of Utility Company: Residential
Case ID:AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Public Notification 01/31/25, "Exhibit B."
Cleverly worded notice to the public (using an average of 939 KWh per month)does not warn of the
impact of the winter monthly bills. Also,two times it reads: ("included IN that bill change"),which
infers the increase numbers that were shown before it; not an "additional" $5 per month or
$60/year. I suggest, both times, should read "In addition to this bill change..."). SEE yours below:
"Effective Sept. 1, 2025, residential customers using an average of 939 kilowatt hours per month
would see their
monthly bills increase from$104.30 to$119.66, an increase of$15.36 or 14.7%per month. Included
in that bill
change is a proposed increase in the basic monthly charge of$5.00,to a level of$25.00 per month.
Effective Sept. 1, 2026, residential customers using an average of 939 kilowatt hours per month
would see their
monthly bills increase from$119.66 to$126.02, an increase of$6.36 or 5.3% per month. Included in
that bill
change is a proposed increase in the basic monthly charge of$5.00,to a level of$30.00 per month."
Thanks in protest of AVU-E-25-01 and AVU-G-25-01 price increases.
February 26, 2025 RECEIVFn
P.O. Box 83720 :
Boise, ID 83720-0074
To Whom if May Concern:
This is in regards to the new AVISTA proposed rate increases: Case No's:AVU-
E 25-01 &AVU-25-G 25-01.
In today's economic environment a rate increase of 20%over one years time,
especially for residential rate payers, is completely unreasonable. AVISTA also wants an
increase of the base monthly charge of 50%from $20 to$30 which is simply
I am a retired 69 year whose only income is Social Security which increased by
only 2.5%this year to keep up with inflation and I have to supplement with my modest
savings just to meet my monthly expenses.
This winter has been fairly mild, yet my last two monthly bills were$192 and $188
Last winter, I had two bills; $220 and $200, all for a 750 sq. foot apartment ! If the total
increase that AVISTA wants is granted my monthly bill in the winter would average
around $245 +/- a Month !
Neither does an individual bill exist in a vacuum. Due to the nearly doubling of
property taxes in SandpoinVBonner County, my monthly rent is scheduled to increase
by around 25% this year in two jumps. A 10% increase next month, (March) and then
this September 15% more. I am on a waiting list for rental assistance, but I have
recently learned that it may not come through until Sept. of 2026 !
I'm sure that you are also aware of the inflation in Food for example.
Bottom-line, private business like AVISTA seem to think that their customers are a
bottomless source of income for them. They don't realize and may not even care that a
large percentage of their customers income is like from a small garden hose, but the
outgo is like a gushing fire hose.
I strongly urge you to either deny AVISA's rate increase request or at the very
lest, cut it way down to a fraction of what they want!
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