HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250228AVU to Staff 5 Attachment A - 2024 Q2 Rate Order Summary.pdf Summary of Rate Orders Avista Corporation Q2 2024 Purpose: This report summarizes the findings and rulings of the various state Utility Commissions as they apply to Avista Corporation. These rate orders are available from the different state Utility Commission websites that Avista provides service, including: • Idaho—www.puc.idaho.gov • Oregon—www.oregon.gov/puc • Washington—www.utc.wa.gov • Alaska—www.rca.alaska.gov • Montana—www.psc.mt.gov IDAHO Case No. AVU-E-23-16 Order No. 36125 (4/1/2024) On November 3, 2023, Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ("Company") applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission("Commission")requesting authority to establish electric tariff Schedule 23, "Direct Current Fast Charging("DCFC")Rate Option" ("Schedule 23"). The Commission now issues this Order establishing the Company's proposed Schedule 23 as a pilot as described below. Case Details -IPUC (idaho.gov) Case No. AVU-E-23-12 Order No. 36127 (4/3/2024) On February 20, 2024,the Company filed a correspondence Agreement that agreed with Staff s update to the SAR model and avoided cost rates. At the Commission's March 5, 2024, Decision Meeting, Staff presented a Decision Memorandum which noted that Staff had reviewed the Updated Compliance Filing and recommended the Commission approve the first capacity deficiency year of 2033 based on the updated load forecast,the updated SAR model, and resulting published avoided cost rates with an effective date of January 11,2024. The Commission now issues this Order approving the first capacity deficiency year of 2033 based on the updated load forecast,the updated SAR model, and resulting published avoided cost rates with an effective date of January 11, 2024. Case Details - IPUC (idaho.gov) 1 Case No. AVU-E-23-15 Order No. 36157 (4/23/2024) On December 29, 2023,the Commission issued Order No. 36046 approving the Company's Petition subject to a compliance filing which required the Company to work with Staff to determine the appropriate rates to be charged between the Parties, in addition to other modifications. On January 19, 2024,the Company submitted a compliance filing which was followed by a corrected compliance filing on that same date. The Company submitted a subsequent compliance filing on February 2, 2024, (collectively"Compliance Filings").1 At the Commission's February 13, 2024, Decision Meeting, Staff presented a Decision Memorandum which noted that Staff had reviewed the Company's Compliance Filings and recommended the Commission issue an Order specifying that the Company had sufficiently—but not completely—complied with Commission requirements in Order No. 36046. Case Details -IPUC (idaho.gov) Case No. AVU-E-23-16 Order No. 36184 (5/23/2024) On April 1, 2024,the Commission issued Order No. 36125 approving Schedule 23 as a pilot program until the next general rate case or until the Commission enters an order making this schedule permanent or modifying or terminating Schedule 23,with an effective date of April 1, 2024. The Order also required the Company to submit a compliance filing updating Schedule 23 consistent with the Order by April 15, 2024. On April 2, 2024, the Company submitted a compliance filing with updated Schedule 23 tariffs. On April 5, 2024, the Company submitted a supplemental compliance filing that added additional language to the updated Schedule 23 tariffs. These compliance filings were submitted to comply with Commission Order No. 36125. Case Details -IPUC (idaho.gov) 2 OREGON Case No. LC 81 Order No. 24-156 (5/31/2024) This order memorializes our decision, made and effective at our February 22, 2024, special public meeting, concerning the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan(IRP) for Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities. Through this IRP process, we reviewed Avista's longterm plan for a least-cost, least-risk portfolio of resources to serve customer energy needs and satisfy state policy requirements, as well as a corresponding series of implementing actions that Avista intends to take in the next two to four years (the "action plan"). We acknowledge Avista's near term action plan, as revised on February 15, 2024. As revised, Avista's proposed action plan includes primarily energy efficiency actions; in response to the Oregon Court of Appeals' invalidation of the Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) Climate Protection Program(CPP), Avista removed action items related to the purchase of Community Climate Investments (CCIs) and renewable natural gas (RNG) for compliance with the CPP. We also adopt some but not all of the recommendations for future Avista plans from Staff of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, attached to this order as Appendix A, and including requirements for non-pipes alternatives, alternative resource portfolios, and load forecasting. We do not, however, acknowledge Avista's long-term plan and preferred resource portfolio. We are persuaded by Staff s explanation of the significance of the absence of alternative portfolios, an error in climate modeling affecting the load forecast, and unrealistic assumptions about costly decarbonized fuels. State of Oregon: Public Utility Commission of Oregon WASHINGTON Docket No. UE-240077 Order No. 01 (5/23/2024) After the effective date of this Order,Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities is granted a five-year exemption from WAC 480-109-210(2)(a)(i)(B) and(E), in order to use the most recently filed electric Integrated Resource Plan or the most recent Integrated Resource Plan Progress Report for the basis of determining eligible and ineligible leveled capacity costs. UTC Case Docket Detail Page I UTC (wa.gov) Docket No. UE-220350 Order No. 02 (5/9/2024) Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities' request to defer non-capital costs incurred while implementing its approved CEIP and associated CEIP conditions, as reflected in its Petition is granted. UTC Case Docket Detail Page I UTC(wa.gov) 3 Docket No. UE-230405 Order No. 01 (4/22/2024) The Commission accepts the calculation of 871,917 MWh as the 2023 renewable energy target for Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities. Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities has identified eligible renewable resources sufficient to supply at least 15 percent of its load for 2023. UTC Case Docket Detail Page I UTC(wa.gov) Docket No. UE-240006 Order No. 05 (4/12/2024) The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers' Request for Case Certification is GRANTED. The NW Energy Coalition's Request for Case Certification is GRANTED. The Energy Project's Request for Case Certification is GRANTED. UTC Case Docket Detail Page I UTC (wa.gov) Docket No. UE-240006 Order No. 06 (4/12/2024) The Energy Project's Proposed Budget and Fund Grant is APPROVED, in the amount of $85,000. The NW Energy Coalition's Proposed Budget and Fund Grant is APPROVED, in the amount of$30,000. The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers' Proposed Budget and Fund Grant is APPROVED, in the amount of$85,000. UTC Case Docket Detail Page I UTC (wa.gov) ALASKA No Orders to report. MONTANA No Orders to report. 4