HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250224GSW to Staff 40 Attachment 1.pdf GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 154 • '� • STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 2110 Ironwood Parkway•Coeur d'Alene,ID 83814•(208)769-1422 Brad Little,Governor www.deq.idaho.gov Jess Byrne,Director October 8,2020 Gem State—Bitterroot Water Company Leslie Abrams-Rayner,Administrative Contact PO Box 3388 Coeur d'Alene,ID 83816 leslieggemstate-water.com Subject: Sanitary Survey for Gem State—Bitterroot Water Company, ID1280260 Survey Date(s): August 10,2020 and September 8,2020 Last Survey Date: May 27,2015 Dear Leslie: I thank you for assisting me in the field inspection for the Sanitary Survey that is normally required every three years for this public water system. The purpose of the Sanitary Survey is to document a detailed record of the water system configuration, evaluate current operating procedures,provide recommendations, and identify deficiencies that require correction. The Sanitary Survey Report is enclosed for your files consisting of 15 pages of narrative description including this cover letter and 16 pages of photographic documentation. Requirements and recommendations are listed on page(s) 13-15 in order to protect public health,prevent future problems,minimize contamination potential,maximize safety, and promote effective system operation. The water system is advised to implement solutions to these issues as soon as practical. Discuss the report findings and submit a written Plan of Correction within 30 days after the date of this report. Complete the Significant Deficiency corrections within 120 days and submit documentation of the corrections to Idaho Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)within 150 days after the date of this report. If a Significant Deficiency cannot be corrected within this timeframe,the water system must be in compliance with a DEQ-approved plan. Failure to comply with any of these requirements may result in violations and public notification. In addition to noted deficiencies,the water system is currently disapproved for material modifications without engineering review and approval according to DEQ requirements and Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (Rules). Sincerely, Jim Williamson Drinking Water Compliance Officer Jim.Williamson&deq.Idaho.gov Enclosures(2) c: Anna Moody,Drinking Water Compliance Supervisor, anna.moody@deq.idaho.gov Andy Olson,Drinking Water Compliance Officer, andy.olsongdeq.idaho.gov Matthew Plaisted,Water Quality Engineering Manager,matthew.plaistedndeq.idaho.gov EDMS file: ID1280260 : 2020ACA6472 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 154 DRINKING WATER SANITARY SURVEY REPORT IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY System: Gem State—Bitterroot Water Company Source: Well#1 (West) and Well#2 (East) PWS#: ID1280260 County: Kootenai Surveyor(s): Jim Williamson Survey Date(s): August 10,2020 and September 8,2020 Population: 398 Connections: 161 PWS Type: Community AERIAL VICINITY MAP Joao WE •� Y r ,A• 0 - O z 0 ��. At DWELL#1 OINTERTIE WITH ID1280254 OSTORAGE TANK#1 ©WELL#2 OPUMP STATION#1 ©DBP2 SITE,24461 OLD HWY 95 OGENERATOR OBLOW OFF HYDRANT OVERALL SYSTEM FACILITIES The Gem State—Bitterroot Water Company (Bitterroot)water system serves a residential population. The drinking water system is supplied by two groundwater wells with an emergency intertie to the Eight Mile Subdivision. There is no treatment or disinfection. There is one storage facility. One pressure zone is controlled by pressure-boosting pumps. Distribution mains include primarily 6-inch and 8-inch pipe with several fire hydrants. Page 2 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 154 WATER SYSTEM HISTORY The Bitterroot water system is located in the north central portion of Kootenai County west of Highway 95 approximately three miles southwest of Athol, Idaho. The service area is primarily suburban residential in nature and is within the Chilco Recharge Area to the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. The Bitterroot water system was constructed in 1994 to serve the 33-lot Silver Meadows development. The original water system consisted of a single well, well house, and distribution mains serving the development. Construction of the water system was approved by DEQ with the contingency that the water system would obtain a second source before the development reached 25 connections. In May of 1995, an agreement between Bitterroot and the nearby Eight Mile Prairie water system was reached, and the two systems were interconnected to accommodate fire flows. Water infrastructure for the 3rd Addition of the development was completed in 1996. This phase added an additional 64 lots to the development. The 4th Addition infrastructure was completed in 1997 and added an additional 29 connections to the water system. A 100,000 gallon reservoir and booster pumps were added to the water system in 1997. In 1998, Bitterroot installed an interconnection to another nearby water system owned by Ken Rickel in order to fulfill the requirement of having two wells. Phase 2 of the development was constructed in 2005 and included the addition of 19 residential connections and a connection to a school. In 2008, water system improvements included the addition of a new booster pump and a stand-by power generator. In 2015, a 2-inch transmission line was replaced with approximately 75 feet of 4-inch pipe. These and other improvements were constructed without prior review and approval, and the water system was disapproved by DEQ in April 2019 with a requirement to submit information pertaining to these improvements. In March 2014, the water system stopped voluntary chlorination of the distribution system. In April 2020, water system ownership was transferred to Gem State Water with new operating staff. SYSTEM CHANGES SINCE THE LAST SANITARY SURVEY The water system was significantly changed since the last sanitary survey in 2015. Sources: 1) Consultant engineering correspondence appears to indicate a new submersible well pump was installed in each of Well#1 (West) and Well#2 (East). The new pumps increased capacity from previous pump installations. Controls: 1) Mission Controls evaluated water system infrastructure after ownership transfer and installed a limited SCADA system. Management: 1) The Bitterroot water system was disapproved in April 2019 for 39-118 violations stemming from improvements completed without prior DEQ review and approval. Page 3 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 154 2) Submittals to address water system disapproval and capacity requirements were deemed incomplete by the DEQ engineering section. The system continues to operate under disapproved status, and this ongoing process is managed under the DEQ engineering section as outlined in correspondence filed under EDMS record number 2019AGD6785. 3) Ownership was transferred to Gem State Water in April 2020. The water system continues to operate under the Idaho Public Utility Commission(IPUC) tariff for Bitterroot Water Company, Inc. 4) Cole Rayner and Leslie Abrams-Rayner started operating the system in 2020 after ownership transfer. SOURCE FACILITIES Well#1 (West, E0005561) Original Construction Date: April 28, 1994 Well Log: Permit#96-94-N-65 Total Depth: 470 ft Casing: 8 in by 464 ft Intake: Perforations,440-460 ft Static Level: 344 ft Pump: Submersible Max. Tested Yield: 50+gpm(1994 air test) Surface Seal: 50 ft,Bentonite Confining Layers: Cemented gravels,280-400 ft TRS: T53N R3W S29 Lat/Long: 47.904721/-116.741712 Well#1 is located approximately 200 feet northeast of the intersection of Brunner and Clagstone Roads. The general area surrounding the well includes a perimeter security fence, undeveloped land, low-density residential development, and a BNSF railroad right of way. A 50-foot isolation zone around the well contains a well house structure, a shipping container structure with diesel generator, a booster pump station structure, and a concrete storage tank. Topography is flat with grass vegetation. Well#1 is located inside a well house with well casing that projects approximately 18 inches above the surrounding concrete floor. The well casing features a center-discharge split cap sanitary seal, a screened vent, and conduit with pump wiring. There are no apparent gaps or cracks leading into the well casing. Well#1 discharge piping features galvanized iron pipe and fittings in the well house, a screened and downturned vent, a static water level gauge, a pressure relief valve, an electrical conduit entrance, a transducer controlling a VLT Aqua Drive variable frequency drive (VFD), a 4-inch piping branch leading through a transmission main to Storage Tank#1, and a piping branch within the well house through an isolation valve, a flow meter, multiple pressure switches, and a series of six captive air(bladder) tanks to distribution. While each bladder tank is still connected to the piping through isolation valves and union couples, the entire branch and bank of pressure tanks are isolated and not in use. Well#1 discharge piping did not appear to feature an accessible check valve,pressure relief piping to the exterior of the well house, flow-to-waste piping to the exterior of the well house, a sample tap, nor a flow meter on the 4-inch transmission line leading to Storage Tank#1. The well house building consists of one structure with wood framing, concrete floor, metal roofing, lap siding, and electric forced air heat at ceiling level. The structure generally appears to direct local runoff away, provides adequate protection from the weather, and prevents unauthorized access. The well house is adequately sized for the existing equipment, and it appears to have capacity for the installation of additional water system appurtenances if the unused equipment is removed. Page 4 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 154 DEQ records indicate Well#1 was evaluated in May 1999 for the influence of surface water using the Ground Water Under the Direct Influence (GWUDI)process on the source. DEQ files indicate setbacks formed the basis of a determination that the source is groundwater. Well#2 (East, E0005553) Original Construction Date: December 7, 1992 Well Log: Permit#96-92-N-278 Total Depth: 447 ft Casing: 10 in by 200 ft, 8 in by 447 ft Intake: Perforations,417-443 ft Static Level: 381 ft Pump: Submersible Max. Tested Yield: 30+gpm(1992 air test) Surface Seal: 60 ft,Bentonite Confining Layers: None indicated TRS: T53N R3W S29 Lat/Long: 47.904341/-116.738755 Well#2 is located more than 40 feet north of Brunner Road and approximately 80 feet east of the railroad right of way. The general area surrounding the well includes a perimeter security fence, undeveloped land, low-density residential development, and a BNSF railroad right of way. A 50-foot isolation zone around the well contains a well house structure, a storage structure, and the Brunner Road right of way. Topography is flat with grass and shrub vegetation. Well#2 is located inside a well house with well casing that projects less than 18 inches above the surrounding concrete floor. The well casing features a center-discharge welded-cap sanitary seal, a screened vent, and conduit with pump wiring. There are no apparent gaps or cracks leading into the well casing. Well#2 discharge piping features galvanized iron pipe and ductile iron fittings in the well house, a screened and downturned vent, an electrical conduit entrance, a flow meter, a branch with an isolation valve and pipe cap for flow-to-waste, a piping branch leading through a transmission main to Storage Tank#1 with a threaded sample tap, and a piping branch within the well house through an isolation valve, a flow control valve, a pressure tank, and a booster pump to distribution. While the branch line with the pressure tank is still connected to the piping, the entire branch is isolated and not in use. Well#2 discharge piping did not appear to feature an accessible check valve,pressure relief piping to the exterior of the well house, flow-to-waste piping to the exterior of the well house, nor an atmospheric vacuum breaker on the threaded sample tap. The well house building consists of one structure with wood framing, concrete floor, metal roofing,panel siding, and electric forced air heat at ceiling level. The structure generally appears to direct local runoff away, provides adequate protection from the weather, and prevents unauthorized access. The well house is adequately sized for the existing equipment, and it appears to have capacity for the installation of additional water system appurtenances if the unused equipment is removed. DEQ records indicate Well#2 was evaluated in May 1999 for the influence of surface water using the Ground Water Under the Direct Influence (GWUDI)process on the source. DEQ files indicate setbacks formed the basis of a determination that the source is groundwater. Well#1 and Well#2 Wellfield DEQ files indicate Well#1 and Well 42 are considered to be a wellfield for compliance monitoring purposes, and monitoring as a wellfield began in late 1998. While the well driller's reports (well logs) for both Well#1 and Well#2 indicate substantially similar construction and lithology over a separation of Page 5 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 154 approximately 740 feet horizontally and negligible feet vertically, DEQ files do not appear to contain comparative water quality parameter results or other basis for the determination. More evaluation may be required of the water system as determined by DEQ in order to support the current compliance monitoring schedule. Intertie An intertie with ID 1280254 Eight Mile Prairie water system is a physical connection with the Bitterroot water system located near the western fence line surrounding the Well#1 site. The connection is normally closed with a post valve, and the local fire authority maintains the lock. Its purpose is to provide additional flows in the event of a fire event. Source requirements were noted at the time of inspection: Physically disconnect unused pressure tanks and appurtenances in the well houses in order to eliminate potential contamination. In any remaining branch piping, ensure there is a flow-to-waste capability to remove potentially stagnant water. Install a pressure gauge and an accessible check valve to well discharge piping. Replace the threaded sample tap in Well#2 discharge piping with a smooth nose sample tap or install an atmospheric vacuum breaker. Coordinate with DEQ to further evaluate Well#1 and Well#2 as a wellfield for compliance monitoring purposes. Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy plans and specification requirements for source and transmission main minimum design standards. TREATMENT FACILITIES There are no treatment processes currently in operation. Any future disinfection process would require prior review and approval by DEQ. FINISHED WATER STORAGE FACILITIES Storage Tank#1 Original Construction Date: 1978 Capacity: 100,000 gallons Type: Partially-Buried Concrete Storage Tank#1 is located adjacent to Well#1 within the perimeter security fencing. A portion of the tank roof serves as the floor of Booster Pump Station#1. Page 6 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 154 The rectangular concrete tank is approximately 80 feet by 24 feet and is partially buried. The tank features a single man-way hatch inside the pump station building with a shoe-box style lid and tight-fitting gasket, a screened vent above the exterior portion of the roof, and an external overflow with screened outlet. The storage tank roof is assembled from pre-cast hollow core concrete sections and appears to have a slope for drainage. Several cracks are starting to form in the seams of the concrete roof. The tank appears to have inlets for each well pump transmission line into the internally baffled pump chamber under the pump station structure. Storage Significant Deficiencies were noted at the time of inspection: Cracks are present in the seams of the concrete roof sections. This condition is a defect in maintenance that meets the definition in the Rules of a Significant Deficiency. Correct the condition by repairing the cracks to ensure runoff water cannot enter the interior of the tank. IDAPA 58.01.08(544)(09)(d) Storage requirements were noted at the time of inspection: Install a downturned elbow, splash pad, and 24 mesh non-corrodible screening on the overflow pipe. Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy plans and specification requirements for storage minimum design standards. Storage recommendations were noted at the time of inspection: Regularly inspect the visible exterior features of storage facilities. Inspect interior features and clean storage facilities every five years or more frequently as necessary. Utilize different inspection strategies to evaluate both below the water line and above the water line. Repair active leaks and other defects as they are identified. PUMPS AND CONTROL FACILITIES There are two mechanisms utilized to maintain water pressure in this water system. 1) Submersible well pumps transfer groundwater into storage. 2) Pumps boost pressure from storage into the service area distribution system. Well Pump Control The submersible pumps in Well#1 and Well#2 are controlled by level sensors in Storage Tank #1 via buried-wire relay. Mission Controls installed a limited SCADA system. Page 7 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 154 Emergency Power A 120 KW diesel generator provides manual-transfer, 480V 3-phase and 120V 1-phase backup electrical service to the Well#1 pump and two of three pumps in Pump Station#1. The generator is housed inside a shipping container with pier block foundation adjacent to and within 50 feet of Well#1. Ventilation is provided to the generator by separate inlet and outlet vents. Pump Station#1 Pump Station#1 is housed inside a wood-framed structure over the western portion of the roof of Storage Tank#1. The pump station includes separate inlet piping from Well#1 and Well#2 with independent smooth nose sample taps and flow meters, a separate blow off branch with isolaltion valve, and a common manifold discharge piping branch to distribution. Two centrifugal 15 HP pumps (Baldor JMM 3314T motors, Goulds Pumps model 3656)provide boosted- pressure service to distribution under routine demand, and one centrifugal 30 HP pump (Baldor motor, Goulds Pumps model 3656)provides additional fire flow demand. Two of the three pumps feature automatic shutoff at 5 psi, and two pressure gauges are installed on the discharge manifold. Suction line details within the pump chamber of Storage Tank#1 do not appear to be documented in DEQ files. Correspondence in DEQ files (EDMS record number 2020AGD509 dated February 5, 2020) indicate the pumps are not capable to supply maximum daily flows with the largest pump offline. Pump and Control requirements were noted at the time of inspection: Provide a minimum 110% spill containment structure around the diesel generator. Document that the diesel generator tank is approved by Underwriter's Laboratory, double-walled, meets local fire jurisdiction requirements, and includes both spill and overfill protection features. Submit documentation of the Mission Controls system including specifications, control features, and configuration settings. Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy plans and specification requirements for pumps and control minimum design standards. Pump and Control recommendations were noted at the time of inspection: Repair the pump leak in Pump Station#1. DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES The distribution service area primarily includes low-density suburban residences in Silver Meadows, Beverly Estates, and Corbin Estates subdivisions. One currently undeveloped lot is owned by Lakeland School District#272 (Silver Meadows 2nd Addition, Lot 7, Block 2). Page 8 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 154 As documented in previous sanitary surveys, distribution system piping includes primarily 6-inch and 8-inch pipe. Water services are metered. Most of the distribution layout includes looped lines, and dead end branches feature blow-off hydrants. There is no known asbestos pipe in the system. Fires in the service area are responded to by the Timberlake Fire Protection District. There are multiple fire hydrants distributed throughout distribution, and fire flows are provided by the water system in conjunction with a locked intertie with ID1280254 Eight Mile Prairie water system. Distribution requirements were noted at the time of inspection: Per the Level 2 Assessment findings dated July 29, 2020 and when possible after COVID 19 restrictions, identify adequate representative sampling sites in distribution to replace the frost free hydrant sites currently being used. Distribution recommendations were noted at the time of inspection: Locate and map all system valves and water service features in distribution. Consider documenting GPS coordinates for each. Exercise all valves annually. MONITORING, REPORTING, AND DATA VERIFICATION Monitoring Schedule This water system is classified as a community public water system with a population of 3,300 or less. EPA's current standard monitoring framework is within the Fourth Cycle (2020-2028) and the 1st Period (2020-2022). Online tools for reviewing currently updated monitoring schedules are available for viewing on the web: http://www.deq.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-water/pws-switchboard.aspx It is important to note that monitoring schedules may be changed or modified by DEQ as required. Before sampling, water system operators are advised to revisit both monitoring schedule tools and review the most current requirements in order to ensure compliance. Lead and copper monitoring in tap water has special requirements. Sample sites must be residential service taps at highest risk of contamination and may not have point-of-use treatment. Lead and copper samples must be first draw collections (including the first drop) from the cold-water kitchen or bathroom tap after a motionless period in the plumbing system of at least six hours. Samples must be collected every third calendar year between June 1 and September 30 in the year they are collected. This water system last collected lead and copper tap water samples in 2019 and the next samples are due in 2022. Note there is no benefit to sampling prior to the scheduled year. Sample Type Frequency Sample Location Remark Lead and Copper 5 every 3RD year Distribution Taps Jun 1 to Sep 30 Page 9 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 154 Monitoring Violations There is one failure to monitor violation on record in the past five years. Record Keep The water system is reminded to maintain accurate and complete testing records, and to make these available to DEQ upon request. Per Idaho Rules for Public Water Systems and Federal CFR 141.33, records of bacteriological analyses are to be kept for not less than five years, and records of chemical analyses are to be kept for not less than ten years. The water system is advised to review all applicable statutes for additional requirements. Monitoring and reporting requirements were noted at the time of inspection: Monthly total coliform bacteria samples are required to be collected from representative areas in distribution and according to a DEQ-approved sampling site plan. Report the rotated total coliform monitoring locations on the updated DEQ sample site plan form available on the web at htlp://www.deg.idaho.gov/water- Quality/drinking-water/revised-total-coliform-rule/. Submit a copy of the completed form to the local DEQ office via email or mail. Ensure the rotation list does not include a tap in the school that is treated by the UV disinfection treatment unit. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION Consumer Fees The Bitterroot water system is regulated by the IPUC and is currently operating under the tariff for Bitterroot Water Company, Inc. effective February 1, 2006. Water users are charged a base rate of$21 per month for up to 15,000 gallons. Overage fees are $1.73 per thousand gallons per month. Other miscellaneous charges include hook-up fees, reconnection charges, and returned check charges. DEQ Fees The water system appears to be current with drinking water program fees paid to DEQ. Cross Connection Control Program DEQ files indicate the Bitterroot water system has historically implemented an adequate cross connection control program(CCCP). Since the transfer of ownership in April 2020, another CCCP of equal adequacy has been newly implemented according to allowances in the IPUC tariff. A CCCP is also required by DEQ Rules to protect the water system against contamination and pollution from cross connections. The following are minimum standards required of Community water systems per IDAPA 58.01.08(552)(06): a) An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine suitable protection; b) Installation and operation of adequate backflow prevention assemblies; c) Annual inspections and testing of installed assemblies by a licensed tester; Page 10 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 154 d) Discontinue service where suitable protection is absent for a cross connection; e) Repair, replace, or isolate failed or defective assemblies within ten business days. The water system may find these measures to be helpful in keeping the CCCP actively implemented: 1) Train coordinators and operators to be familiar with Pacific Northwest Cross Connection Control Manual, American Water Works Association, University of Southern California, and Uniform Plumbing Code guidance documents; 2) Train coordinators and operators to understand backflow prevention measures and to properly determine adequate protections; 3) Conduct initial cross connection surveys of every property in the service area; 4) Follow up and act upon issues of non-compliance; 5) Maintain adequate records of all program activities and results; 6) Periodically evaluate existing ordinances, resolutions, and/or bylaws for compliance with current DEQ Rules. Management requirements were noted at the time of inspection: Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy requirements to address record drawings, post- construction reports, facility planning, and DEQ review comments as outlined in DEQ correspondence dated November 4, 2019 (EDMS record number 2019AGD6785). Management recommendations were noted at the time of inspection: Develop operation and maintenance manuals for the water system. OPERATOR COMPLIANCE WITH STATE REQUIREMENTS DEQ Rules require that all public drinking water systems and distribution facilities be classified based on indicators of potential health risk. Criteria used to determine the potential health risks include the system's complexity, size, and source water for treatment facilities; complexity and size of distribution systems; and other criteria deemed appropriate. The Rules also require that public drinking water systems be staffed by licensed operators based on the system classification. The water system is currently classified as a very small water system(VSWS). Water system owners are responsible for ensuring that public drinking water systems are adequately supervised by properly licensed operators, and it is DEQ's responsibility to provide oversight. The Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (DOPL) is responsible for administering the system of licensure for public drinking water operators. DEQ database records indicate Cole Rayner is the primary responsible charge operator for the drinking water system, and DOPL database records indicate that Cole Rayner(License#DWD I-19173) is adequately licensed to operate the drinking water system. Leslie Abrams-Rayner(License#DWT1-15876 and DWDI- 14223) serves as a secondary operator of the water system. Page 11 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 154 Operator and State requirements were noted at the time of inspection: Water systems must update their classification rating every five years and submit the results to DEQ. A form for completing this requirement is available on the web at: http://www.deg.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking- water/pws-classification-licensure/system-classifications/ OTHER ELEMENTS Source Water Assessment Report Source Water Assessment describes the public drinking water wells, the well recharge zones, and potential contaminant sites located inside the recharge zone boundaries for a public water supply. This assessment, taken into account with local knowledge and concerns, should be used as a planning tool to develop and implement appropriate protection measures for the public water system. The Gem State—Bitterroot Water Company (PWS# 1280260), Source Water Assessment Reports for Well#1 E0005561 and Well#2 E0005553 were originally completed March 14, 2002 with updated information added in January 2019 and January 2020. The reports contain information for Well#1 and Well#2 and are available online at the following web address: http://Www2.deg.idaho.govlwaterlswaOnlinelSearchSwa.aspx. Source Water Protection Plan The water system does not appear to have a voluntary Source Water Protection Plan prepared by DEQ. Source water protection(synonymous with the term drinking water protection) is a voluntary effort a community can implement to help prevent contamination of the source water that supplies its public water system. The Source Water Protection Plan outlines the management tools local committees can use to protect drinking water sources, and describes the implementation of regulatory and/or non-regulatory management practices. The Source Water Protection Plan builds upon the work completed in the Source Water Assessment. 1) Regulatory tools include items such as zoning ordinances, overlay districts, or site plan review requirements; 2) Non-regulatory tools include items such as educational or pollution prevention activities and implementation of Best Management Practices; 3) Every plan should also include a public education and information component. Other recommendations were noted at the time of inspection: 1) Implement a voluntary Source Water Protection Plan and certify it through DEQ. This process will add to the protection of the source and may enhance the water system's qualification for some types of funding. Contact John Jose at 208.666.4620 or john.jose(a),deq.idaho.gov Page 12 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 154 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS As a reminder, all material modifications of existing public water systems require the submittal of plans and specifications for DEQ review and approval prior to construction. IDAPA 58.01.08(504)(03). For all future improvements, water system purveyors are advised to contact DEQ in the planning stages of projects to determine applicable submittal requirements. Material Modification: Those modifications of an existing public water system that are intended to increase system capacity or alter the methods or processes employed. Any project that adds source water to a system, increases the pumping capacity of a system, increases the potential population served by the system or the number of service connections within the system, adds new or alters existing drinking water system components, or affects the water demand of the system is considered to be increasing system capacity or altering the methods or processes employed. Maintenance and repair performed on the system and the replacement of valves,pumps,or other items with new items of the same size and type are not considered a material modification. IDAPA 58.01.08(003)(72) As a reminder, all existing water systems that are substantially modified must meet certain requirements in specific sections of the Rules: IDAPA 58.01.08(501.07.b, 552.O1.v.1, and 513.01). If the drinking water system has been or will be substantially modified, notify DEQ and plan for improvements that will bring applicable infrastructure into compliance with the current version of these Rules. Substantially Modified: The Department shall consider a public water system to be substantially modified when, as the result of one(1)or more projects,there is a combined increase of twenty-five percent(25%)or more above the system's existing configuration in the population served or number of service connections, the total length of transmission and distribution water mains, and the peak or average water demand. SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCES: Significant Deficiency As identified during a sanitary survey, any defect in a system's design, operation, maintenance, or administration, as well as any failure or malfunction of any system component,that the Department or its agent determines to cause,or have potential to cause,risk to health or safety, or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water. See also the definition of Health Hazards. IDAPA 58.01.08(003)(131) Health Hazards: Any condition which creates, or may create, a danger to the consumer's health. Health hazards may consist of,but are not limited to, design, construction, operational, structural,collection, storage,distribution,monitoring,treatment or water quality elements of a public water system. See also the definition of Significant Deficiency,which refers to a health hazard identified during a sanitary survey. IDAPA 58.01.08(003)(60) For Significant Deficiencies,the water system is required to: 1) Prepare a written Plan of Correction and meet with DEQ within 30 days of the report date. 2) Correct the deficiencies within 120 days of the report date. 3) Submit documentation of the correction within 150 days of the report date. 4) If a deficiency cannot be corrected within 120 days,propose an alternate completion timeline. Storage: 1) Cracks are present in the seams of the concrete roof sections. This condition is a defect in maintenance that meets the definition in the Rules of a Significant Deficiency. Correct the condition Page 13 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 154 by repairing the cracks to ensure runoff water cannot enter the interior of the tank. IDAPA 5 8.01.08(544)(09)(d) End of Section: Significant Deficiencies RULE REQUIREMENTS Scope: The purpose of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems rules is to control and regulate the design, construction, operation,maintenance, and quality control of public drinking water systems to provide a degree of assurance that such systems are protected from contamination and maintained free from contaminants which may injure the health of the consumer. For Requirements,the water system is required to: 1) Prepare a written Plan of Correction explaining how and on what schedule the deficiency will be corrected. Source: 1) Physically disconnect unused pressure tanks and appurtenances in the well houses in order to eliminate potential contamination. In any remaining branch piping, ensure there is a flow-to-waste capability to remove potentially stagnant water. 2) Install a pressure gauge and an accessible check valve to well discharge piping. 3) Replace the threaded sample tap in Well#2 discharge piping with a smooth nose sample tap or install an atmospheric vacuum breaker. 4) Coordinate with DEQ to further evaluate Well#1 and Well#2 as a wellfield for compliance monitoring purposes. 5) Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy plans and specification requirements for source and transmission main minimum design standards. Stogy 1) Install a downturned elbow, splash pad, and 24 mesh non-corrodible screening on the overflow pipe. 2) Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy plans and specification requirements for storage minimum design standards. Pumps and Controls: 1) Provide a minimum 110% spill containment structure around the diesel generator. Document that the diesel generator tank is approved by Underwriter's Laboratory, double-walled, meets local fire jurisdiction requirements, and includes both spill and overfill protection features. 2) Submit documentation of the Mission Controls system including specifications, control features, and configuration settings. 3) Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy plans and specification requirements for pumps and control minimum design standards. Distribution: 1) Per the Level 2 Assessment findings dated July 29, 2020 and when possible after COVID 19 restrictions, identify adequate representative sampling sites in distribution to replace the frost free hydrant sites currently being used. Page 14 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 154 Monitoring and Reporting: 1) Monthly total coliform bacteria samples are required to be collected from representative areas in distribution and according to a DEQ-approved sampling site plan. Report the rotated total coliform monitoring locations on the updated DEQ sample site plan form available on the web at http://www.deg.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-water/revised-total-coliform-rule/. Submit a copy of the completed form to the local DEQ office via email or mail. Ensure the rotation list does not include a tap in the school that is treated by the UV disinfection treatment unit. Management: 1) Continue to work with the DEQ engineering section to satisfy requirements to address record drawings,post-construction reports, facility planning, and DEQ review comments as outlined in DEQ correspondence dated November 4, 2019 (EDMS record number 2019AGD6785). Operator and State Requirements: 1) As a reminder, water systems must update their classification rating every five years and submit the results to DEQ. A form for completing this requirement is available on the web at: htt 2://www.deq.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking_water/pws-classification-licensure/system- classifications/ End of Section: Rule Requirements RECOMMENDATIONS: Storage: 1) Regularly inspect the visible exterior features of storage facilities. Inspect interior features and clean storage facilities every five years or more frequently as necessary. Utilize different inspection strategies to evaluate both below the water line and above the water line. Repair active leaks and other defects as they are identified. Pumps and Controls: 1) Repair the pump leak in Pump Station#1. Distribution: 1) Locate and map all system valves and water service features in distribution. Consider documenting GPS coordinates for each. 2) Exercise all valves annually.. Management: 1) Develop operation and maintenance manuals for the water system. Source Water Protection Plan: 1) Implement a voluntary Source Water Protection Plan and certify it through DEQ. This process will add to the protection of the source and may enhance the water system's qualification for some types of funding. Contact John Jose at 208.666.4620 or john.josekdeq.idaho.gov End of Section: Recommendations Page 15 of 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 154 Photographic Documentation Name of Facility: ID1280260 GEM STATE - BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Inspector(s): JIM WILLIAMSON Inspection Date: Thursday, October 8, 2020 Purpose of Inspection: DRINKING WATER SANITARY SURVEY Table of Photographs: Photograph 1 :Well#2 Site with Perimeter Security Fence....................................3 Photograph2 :Well#2 ............................................................................................3 Photograph 3 :Well#2 Discharge Piping.................................................................4 Photograph 4 :Well#2 Threaded Sample Tap ........................................................4 Photograph 5 :Well#2 Isolated and Unused Control Valve and Air Compressor Equipment...............................................................................................................5 Photograph 6 :Well#2 Isolated and Unused Pressure Tank...................................5 Photograph 7 :Well#2 Unused Booster Pump Controls.........................................6 Photograph 8 :Well#2 Well House Storage Area ...................................................6 Photograph 9 :Well#1 Site with Perimeter Security Fence....................................7 Photograph 10 :Well#1 Well House.......................................................................7 Photograph 11 :Well#1 ..........................................................................................8 Photograph 12 :Well#1 Discharge Piping and Captive Air Tanks...........................8 Photograph 13 :Well#1 Static Water Level Gauge.................................................9 Photograph 14 :Well#1 VFD and Mission Controls................................................9 Photograph 15 :Pump Station#1 Building and Storage Tank#1..........................10 Photograph 16 :Pump Station Well #1 and Well#2 Inlet Piping with Independent Sample Taps and Flow Meters..............................................................................10 Photograph 17 :Pump Station Pumps and Manifold Piping .................................11 Photograph 18 :Pump Station Discharge Pressure Gauge....................................11 Photograph 19 :Pump Station Discharge Pressure Gauge....................................12 Photograph 20 :Pump Station Heater and Electrical Panels.................................12 Photograph 21 :Storage Tank#1 Access Hatch Inside Pump Station#1 Building 13 Photograph 22 :Storage Tank#1 Screened Vent..................................................13 Photograph 23 :Storage Tank#1 Screened Overflow...........................................14 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 Photograph 24 :Storage Tank#1 Cracks...............................................................14 Photograph 25 :Storage Tank#1 Cracks...............................................................15 Photograph 26 :Storage Tank#1 Cracks...............................................................15 Photograph 27 :Generator Shipping Containder Structure..................................16 Photograph 28 :120 KW Diesel Generator Inside Shipping Container..................16 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 •I .H Photograph 1:Well#2 Site with Perimeter Security Fence Photograph 2:Well#2 3 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 r ct e • ,r Photograph 3:Well#2 Discharge Piping c s t Photograph 4:Well#2 Threaded Sample Tap 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 TM, I; Photograph 5:Well#2 Isolated and Unused Control Valve and Air Compressor Equipment • 4 i f 1 _ - Photograph 6:Well#2 Isolated and Unused Pressure Tank 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 1 le Photograph 7:Well#2 Unused Booster Pump Controls Volk - 1 Photograph 8:Well#2 Well House Storage Area 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 22 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 AL Photograph 9:Well#1 Site with Perimeter Security Fence Photograph 10:Well#1 Well House 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 23 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 Photograph 11:Well#1 1 Photograph 12:Well#1 Discharge Piping and Captive Air Tanks 8 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 24 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 t J 1 Photograph 13:Well#1 Static Water Level Gauge ■ Photograph 14:Well#1 VFD and Mission Controls 9 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 25 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 J ' I Photograph 15:Pump Station#1 Building and Storage Tank#1 I - Photograph 16:Pump Station Well#1 and Well#2 Inlet Piping with Independent Sample Taps and Flow Meters 10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 26 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 N r 1 ' Photograph 17:Pump Station Pumps and Manifold Piping ��a sue'" Photograph 18:Pump Station Discharge Pressure Gauge 11 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 27 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 40 F '' i 10 80 f �r 1 l Photograph 19:Pump Station Discharge Pressure Gauge Photograph 20:Pump Station Heater and Electrical Panels 12 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 28 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 V 1 o. Ammo r Photograph 21:Storage Tank#1 Access Hatch Inside Pump Station#1 Building Photograph 22:Storage Tank#1 Screened Vent 13 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 29 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 R ♦ya.� raj _ is Photograph 23:Storage Tank#1 Screened Overflow r _ i Photograph 24:Storage Tank#1 Cracks 14 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 30 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 - r f ' Photograph 25:Storage Tank#1 Cracks Photograph 26:Storage Tank#1 Cracks 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 31 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for ID1280260 GEM STATE- BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Thursday, October 8, 2020 w Photograph 27:Generator Shipping Containder Structure i t Photograph 28:120 KW Diesel Generator Inside Shipping Container 16 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 32 of 154 • • 2110 Ironwood Parkway • Brad Little,Governor Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 • (208)769-1422 Jess Byrne, Director November 21, 2023 Leslie Abrams-Rayner Gem State—Spirit Lake East leslie@gemstate-water.com Subject: Gem State-Spirit Lake East(ID1280176) -Sanitary Survey conducted on July 25, 2023 Dear Leslie Abrams-Rayner: A sanitary survey was recently conducted by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)for Gem State - Spirit Lake East (ID1280176) on July 25, 2023. This letter provides the sanitary survey report and photos for your records. Significant Deficiencies: No significant deficiencies were identified. Deficiencies: Within 30 days of receiving this Report, consult with DEQ and submit to the Coeur D'Alene Regional Office, in writing, a corrective action plan including planned completion dates for each identified deficiency. Recommendations: Recommendations identified in the report are not required to be corrected at this time, but it is recommended. Consult DEQ before taking specific corrective actions or modifying the water system. Modifying your public water system or installing new components may require assistance from an Idaho licensed professional engineer and DEQ's review and approval. Contact this office before making modifications to your system. Thank you for your help in completing the sanitary survey. For questions, contact Anna Moody, Drinking Water Compliance Officer, Coeur D'Alene Regional Office, 208.666.4612,Anna.Moody@deg.idaho.gov. Sincerely, / /& Michael Anderson, PE Water Quality Engineer Encl(s): Sanitary Survey Report and Findings, Photo Log c: Cole Rayner, Designated Operator, cole@gemstate-water.com Anna Moody, Drinking Water Compliance Supervisor, DEQ,Anna. Moody@deg.idaho.gov GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 33 of 154 Sanitary Survey Report Water System Spirit Lake East Survey Date July 25, 2023 PWS# ID1280176 Source(s) Groundwater County Kootenai PWS Type Community,Treated Inspector Mike Anderson Connections/Pop 350/875 System Rep(s) Cole Rayner Others present None Narrative The Spirit Lake East water system supplies drinking water year-round to a rural residential community of approximately 350 connections.The drinking water is supplied by one ground water well source located in a well house on a large, secured lot. Ground water is pumped from the well to a 200,000-gallon concrete storage reservoir on the well lot. Before entering the storage reservoir, a 12.5%solution of sodium hypochlorite is injected into the well discharge piping near the well head.This voluntary disinfection is to maintain an acceptable residual in the distribution system for precautionary safety reasons.Three booster pumps in an accessible buried concrete vault push water to the distribution system to meet user demands.The distribution system consists of 6-inch PVC piping to 350 metered residential service connections.A pressure-reducing valve station in the distribution system controls the pressure to a lower-elevation pressure zone. Sources The system is supplied by one groundwater well.The well is located inside a well house on a large,fenced lot.Well construction was completed in December 1974 and was drilled to a depth of 600 feet.The well has a 16-inch steel casing with a 300-foot seal of puddling clay. No pump test was performed at that time and the static water level was recorded at 558 feet.The well head is surrounded by a concrete floor in the well house with a well cap and discharge pipe.The well contains a 100 hp Peerless submersible pump according to the previous sanitary survey,which operates at a flow rate of 500 gpm.The well pump delivers groundwater through the control piping in the pump house and to a ground level storage reservoir,turning off and on depending on the level of water inside. Treatment The system is not required to provide treatment to the groundwater, but it does provide voluntary treatment for precautionary reasons and to maintain a chlorine residual in the distribution system.The treatment chemical is a 12.5%solution of sodium hypochlorite.The solution is injected into the water through a treatment port in the well discharge pipe,shortly after the well head. At the time of inspection,the chemical injection diaphragm pump was located on one of the solution tanks, adjacent to the well and control piping in the well house. Normally,the chemicals and injection pump are located in the well house, but in a containment room next to the control room.The chemical tanks and injection pump were temporarily moved from the containment room for some insulation work that was done in the pump house but was not yet moved back to the containment room. Well House The well house contains the above-ground piping for the single system well.The discharge pipe is equipped with a chemical injection port,followed by an instantaneous-read and totalizing flow meter, and a pump-to-waste discharge line,which discharges outside of the well house. Piping then leads to a gate valve, and a threaded hose bib for collecting water quality samples. Next is a pressure gauge and eleven 81-gallon hydropneumatic tanks. Piping then goes through the floor and is buried from there to the storage reservoir. The well house is also equipped with well pump controls and booster pump VFD controls for the buried booster station adjacent to the storage reservoir. 1 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 34 of 154 The hydropneumatic tanks are connected to the system but are not being used.They are only put online through manual valve control for emergency pressure and storage situations, should any arise.The tanks are each equipped with isolation valves and threaded hose bibs for flushing. Each hose bib is required to have an atmospheric vacuum breaker installed. Much of the well discharge mainline shows signs of corrosion and signs of moisture dripping on the floor below the pipes,with the initial 4-6 foot section immediately downstream of the well head being the worst section. The piping does not contain an accessible check valve before the control valve and does not contain a smooth-nosed sample tap before the chlorine injection port. When the well discharge pipe is replaced then these are required to be installed. Storage The system has one storage reservoir.The storage reservoir is a 200,000-gallon ground-level concrete tank.The circular tank has a flat roof,with a constructed and pitched wood-frame roof covering.Access to the storage reservoir is a rectangular steel hatch located on the roof.The hatch is locked and properly sealed and raised above the reservoir roof.Also on the reservoir roof is an air vent,which is a pvc pipe, properly screened and turned downwards.The storage reservoir does not have a drain. It does have two overflow pipes,which are properly directed away from the reservoir through screened openings. The storage reservoir appears that it may have been constructed in two parts with a seam in the middle, as there are many points of leakage around most of the reservoir circumference near the middle of the outside wall.The operator stated that the tank undergoes an annual repair of these leaks, and that the tank was last inspected and cleaned in July of 2021. Distribution Next to the storage reservoir is a buried booster pump vault. Inside the concrete vault is a manifold pipe with an electronic pressure gauge tied to the VFDs in the pump house.Two booster pumps branch from the manifold pipe and deliver system pressure.A third, larger booster pump serves as a backup pump. Each booster pump has control valves upstream and downstream, but only the large booster pump has a check valve between the pump and the downstream gate valve. The distribution system consists of 6-inch PVC piping to 350 residential service connections.There are no dead-end mains and the system does not have fire hydrants.The system operates on two pressure zones.A buried pressure- reducing valve station is located before the area of the system that is lower in elevation. If at any time there is a depressurization event,where pressure is known to drop below 20 psi, notify DEQ, provide public notice to the affected customers within 24 hours, and disinfect or flush the system as appropriate. When sampling and corrective procedures have been conducted and after determination by DEQ that the water is safe,you may re-notify the affected customers that the water is safe for consumption. Monitoring This water system is classified as a community public water system and is required to send in monthly coliform (TCR) tests, and annual tests for nitrate and disinfection byproducts. Lead and copper samples are required to be collected every three years. Sampling and testing requirements appear to be in compliance. The monitoring requirements for the water system include inorganics and total coliform samples as describe in the monitoring schedule of the SDWIS Switchboard at: https://www2.deg.idaho.gov/water/monitoringschedulereport. 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 35 of 154 The total coliform and lead and copper sample site plans were discussed, however formal documents have not been submitted to DEQ. Both sample site plans must be submitted in response to this sanitary survey.Templates may be accessed from the public water system switchboard: https://www2.deg.idaho.gov/admin/LEIA/index.html?view=folder&id=2728. Financial and Managerial Since the last sanitary survey in 2016,the water system has been purchased by Gem State Water.The previous owner, Leslie Rayner, remains as the administrative contact and designated operator of the system.The system is managed well, and nothing has changed from a practical standpoint with the change in ownership. Water operators Leslie and Cole Rayner are current with their drinking water licenses. The water system is current with drinking water fees. Cross Connection Control As per the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems,the water system is required to have a written and approved cross connection control (CCC) program that meets minimum requirements of IDAPA as follows. A CCC program is not on file with DEQ and was not available for review. This is classified as a deficiency requiring a response. An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine required suitable protection. For new connections, suitable protection must be installed prior to providing water service. 1) Required installation and operation of adequate backflow prevention assemblies.Appropriate and adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities,fixtures, equipment, and uses of water should be selected from the AWWA Pacific Northwest Section Cross Connection Control Manual,the Uniform Plumbing Code,the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control (M14),the USC Foundation Manual of Cross Connection Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department.The assemblies must meet the requirements of Section 543 and comply with local ordinances. 2) Annual inspections and testing of all installed backflow prevention assemblies by a tester licensed by a licensing authority recognized by the Department.Testing shall be done in accordance with the test procedures published by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. See the USC Foundation Manual of Cross-Connection Control referenced in Subsection 002.02. 3) Discontinuance of service to any structure,facility, or premises where suitable backflow protection has not been provided for a cross connection. 4) Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to be defective shall be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days. If the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days,water service to the failed assembly shall be discontinued. 3 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 36 of 154 Findings Deficiencies Requiring Corrective Action Plan Within 30 days of receiving this Report, consult with DEQ and submit to the Coeur D'Alene Regional Office, in writing, a corrective action plan including planned completion dates for each identified deficiency. 1. Wells Question#10- Is a raw water smooth nosed sample tap provided on the discharge pipe?(Prior to any treatment) No. Note: Two threaded raw water sample taps are located on the discharge pipe. One is located upstream of the treatment injection location and one is located downstream of the treatment injection location. Both sample taps need to be changed to smooth nosed taps. The discharge pipe for Well 1: E0005365 does not provide a sample tap that is properly located, or the sample tap that is used to collect bacteria samples is not of the smooth-nosed type without interior or exterior threads (IDAPA A raw-water sample tap should be smooth-nosed with no interior or exterior threads, screen, aerator, or other attached appurtenances to allow for proper sampling techniques and to decrease the risk of contaminating a sample during collection. 2. Wells Question#18- Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps installed in the pump house? No. Note: All hydropneumatic tanks are equipped with threaded hose bibs for flushing. These all need to have atmospheric vacuum breakers installed on them. All threaded hose bibs installed in the pump house for Well: E0005365 are not equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device (IDAPA An appropriate backflow device(typically a hose bib vacuum breaker)protects the potable water supply from contamination should a back-siphonage backflow event occur. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. 3. Wells Question#19-Are there signs of equipment damage due to excess heat, moisture, or corrosion? Yes. Note: Discharge pipe from the well is heavily corroded and needs to be replaced. There is not adequate ventilation in the pump house for dissipation of excess heat and moisture from the equipment for Well: E0005365 (IDAPA the time of the inspection,there was evidence of corrosion of metallic components from excessive heat and/or moisture. Excess moisture in a pump house can lead to premature failure of electrical control systems and create unsafe conditions for operators. Extremely high temperatures may also damage electric motors. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. 4. Storage Tanks Question#13- Is the storage structure secure from unauthorized access?(Fencing, locked manholes, etc.) No. 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 37 of 154 Note: The storage structure is locked and secured. However, the booster pump vault for the storage reservoir is not locked. Part of the fencing on the lot is heavily sagging, does not prevent unauthorized entry to the lot, and thus to the booster pump vault. The booster pump vault needs to be equipped with a lock or other means to secure access or the fencing around the lot needs to be repaired or both. Fencing, locks on access manholes, and other necessary precautions have not been provided for Storage Tank: ID1280176STO1 to prevent trespassing,vandalism, and sabotage (IDAPA Maintain storage tanks in a manner to deter unauthorized entry, vandalism, and sabotage to protect from contamination. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. 5. Treatment Plants Question#24- Is secondary spill containment provided for all bulk liquid chemical containers? (110%of container volume) No. Note: Pump house wall insulation work required the temporary relocation of the chemical solution tanks from the spill containment room to the floor near the well and pumping appurtenances. Injection and solution tubing needs to be secured to the repaired wall and solution tanks and pumps relocated to the spill containment room. There is no means to contain bulk liquid chemical container leaks and/or spills (IDAPA A method of preventing bulk liquid chemical container leaks or spills must be provided to prevent contamination of the drinking water. Submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. 6. Distribution Systems Question#21- Is an adequate cross connection control program provided and implemented?(Community PWS only) (Authority to implement, inspection program, adequate protection, annual testing, ability to discontinue service, 10 days to repair a failed device) No. Note: The operator stated that a cross-connection control program is in place by Gem State Water. DEQ does not have a record of this program and one needs to be submitted. The PWS owner/operator has not implemented a cross connection control program that includes the minimum requirements (IDAPA cross connection control program needs to be developed and/or implemented. Cross connections are significant sanitary risks that threaten drinking water quality and public health. Successful control of cross connection hazards depends not only on inspecting for cross connections, but also on an enforceable and implemented cross connection control program. 7. Financial/Managerial Capacity Question#10-Cross Connection Control Plan (C only) No. The PWS owner/operator has not implemented a cross connection control program that includes the minimum requirements (IDAPA A cross connection control program needs to be developed and/or implemented. 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 38 of 154 Cross connections are significant sanitary risks that threaten drinking water quality and public health. Successful control of cross connection hazards depends not only on inspecting for cross connections, but also on an enforceable and implemented cross connection control program. Consult with DEQ and submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. 8. Financial/Managerial Capacity Question#29- Do all Sample Siting Plan(s) meet the minimum requirements? Unk. Note: Sample siting plan form must be submitted to DEQ first for review. • The system owner does not have a current written sample siting plan that meets RTCR requirements (40 CFR 141.853.a).An RTCR sample siting plan needs to be developed and/or implemented. • The system owner does not have a current written sample siting plan that meets Lead/Copper requirements (40 CFR 141.86).A Lead/Copper sample siting plan needs to be developed and/or implemented. • The system owner does not have a current written sample siting plan that meets Disinfection Byproducts requirements (40 CFR 141.622).A DBP2 sample siting plan needs to be developed and/or implemented. A sample siting plan is designed to specify where in the distribution system samples will be drawn to ensure they are representative of the water system. Consult with DEQ and submit planned completion dates to DEQ within 30 days of this letter. Deficiencies: Deficiencies must be corrected when feasible or during modifications of existing processes or facilities. 1. Storage Tanks Question#8- Is leakage evident at time of inspection? Yes. Note: It appears this concrete storage tank may have been constructed in two pieces. There is evidence of leaking around most of the circumference of the structure near the middle. This has been ongoing for years as evidenced by the sanitary survey conducted in 2017. The system regularly conducts annual maintenance and repairs of the leaking locations. The Storage Tank: ID1280176STO1 was observed to be leaking at the time of inspection (IDAPA A leak in the storage structure indicates tank damage and creates an environment where algae, bacteria, and pathogens can grow and potentially lead to a waterborne disease outbreak. 2. Storage Tanks Question#14- Does the drain discharge in a way to prevent contamination and erosion around the tank? (Discharge to daylight over drainage structure or splash plate,screened, adequate air gap, etc.) No. Note: This storage tank does not have a drain. Installation of a drain is required if the tank undergoes any material modification. Storage Tank: ID1280176STO1 does not have a drain.A drain is required to be installed if the tank undergoes any material modification (IDAPA 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 39 of 154 3. Pumps Question#4- Is each pump equipped with an accessible check valve?(on the discharge side before the shut-off valve) No. Note: There is not an accessible check valve on the discharge side of the well pump before the control valve inside the pump house. One needs to be installed when the discharge pipe from the well is replaced. An accessible check valve is not provided on the discharge line between the well pump and the shut-off valve (IDAPA pumps or IDAPA -water pumps). Install an accessible check valve next time material modifications occur to this section of the water system. A check valve allows flow in one direction and prevents back flow(reverse flow)if water in the line reverses direction. The check valve is intended to prevent the system from draining and prevents the pump from excessive cycling. 4. Treatment Plants WELL 1 TP(E0005365T) Question#4- How many gallons of water are treated per day? Unk. Note: This was not reviewed during the inspection. The Owner/Operator of the public water system should identify how many gallons of water are treated per day. Recommendations: Recommendations identified in this Report are not required to be corrected at this time, however it is recommended. 1. Chlorinators Question#14- Is the free chlorine residual measured daily at the entry point?(Recommended) No. Note: Free chlorine residual near the entry point is measured weekly. The free chlorine residual should be measured daily at the entry point to the distribution system. 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 40 of 154 Photographic Documentation Inspection Date(s): Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Facility ID: 1280010 Name of Facility: Gem State - Bar Circle S. Inspector(s): Andy Olson Purpose of Inspection: 2022 ESS State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 41 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 Table of Photographs: Photograph 1: Pic1 Well #1 wellhouse & Well #3 Outside............................................................3 Photograph 2: Pic2 Well #1 wellhead with vent & elec control ....................................................3 Photograph 3: Pic3 Well #1 Well Tag............................................................................................4 Photograph 4: Pic4 Well #1 Discharge Appurtenances .................................................................4 Photograph 5: Pic5 Well #1 Pressure Guage & Smooth Nose Sample Tap....................................5 Photograph 6: Pic6 Well #1 Totalizing Flow Meter .......................................................................5 Photograph 7: Pic7 Well #3 Discharge Appurtenances .................................................................6 Photograph 8: Pic8 Well #3 Pressure Guage and Smooth Nose Sample Tap.................................6 Photograph 9: Pic9 Well #3 Totalizing Flow Meter .......................................................................7 Photograph 10: Pic10 Well #1 &#3 Controls ................................................................................7 Photograph 11: Pic11 Backup Generator Well #1 &#3.................................................................8 Photograph 12: Pic12 Well Tag Well #3 ........................................................................................8 Photograph 13: Pic13 Storage, Well #2, Backup generator (Well #2, Booster pumphouse) .........9 Photograph 14: Pic14 Plant growth next to Storage .....................................................................9 Photograph 15: Pic15 Screened Overflow Outlet........................................................................10 Photograph 16: Pic16 Booster pumphouse.................................................................................10 Photograph 17: Pic17 Pressure tanks..........................................................................................11 Photograph 18: Pic18 Specs on Pressure tanks...........................................................................11 Photograph 19: Pic19 Booster Pumps, Fire Pump.......................................................................12 Photograph 20: Pic20 Controls for firepump, 10inch ductile Iron main out of reservoir ............12 Photograph 21: Pic21 10inch ductile Iron main out of reservoir, pressure transducer...............13 Photograph 22: Pic22 Main Control Cabinet...............................................................................13 Photograph 23: Pic23 Pump Controls .........................................................................................14 Photograph 24: Pic24 Pump Controls .........................................................................................14 Photograph 25: Pic25 Software pushing data to operators phone .............................................15 Photograph 26: Pic26 Flow Meter for Well #2............................................................................15 Photograph 27: Pic27 AVB needed for threaded tap next to right pressure tank.......................16 Photograph 28: Pic28 check valve for pressure tanks.................................................................16 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 42 of 154 04vtO to 041/19/2022 Photograph 1: Pic1 Well#1 wellhouse &Well #3 Outside 0411912022 CIIervWmmn m' Photograph 2: Pic2 Well #1 wellhead with vent& elec control GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 43 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 ire t PUBL tC g ill ICAO =F' 04/19/2022 Photograph 3: Pic3 Well#1 Well Tag r, ti Y . Photograph 4: Pic4 Well #1 Discharge Appurtenances 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 44 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 Photograph 5: Pic5 Well#1 Pressure Guage & Smooth Nose Sample Tap Photograph 6: Pic6 Well#1 Totalizing Flow Meter 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 45 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 i h Photograph 7: Pic7 Well #3 Discharge Appurtenances r i i I . `: � ` Cad J✓!�i L AL .. Photograph 8: Pic8 Well#3 Pressure Guage and Smooth Nose Sample Tap 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 46 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 �z Photograph 9: Pic9 Well#3 Totalizing Flow Meter r o Photograph 10: Pic10 Well#1 &#3 Controls 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 47 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 Y J Y Y I I Photograph 11: Pic11 Backup Generator Well#1 &#3 AL Photograph 12: Pic12 Well Tag Well #3 8 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 48 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 MII y y. Photograph 13: Pic13 Storage, Well #2, Backup generator(Well #2, Booster pumphouse) i d , i Photograph 14: Pic14 Plant growth next to Storage 9 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 49 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 54 M 4 " l -^ .sad- q\ �� sue• �/,���ti, `f ,G' ��j�i � ... - _ .�. ��-4� .,,r/ T� -si /✓.sue/ PA ,- Photograph 15: Pic15 Screened Overflow Outlet iII C r Y K FEE.. . .yam. Y{M•►••:,` ,Ti. .. 4 g ai4.a„�� MIN Photograph 16: Pic16 Booster pumphouse 10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 50 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 -- r f I 5 ' � 2022 Photograph 17: Pic17 Pressure tanks MOdei r"'Tso,,,we,,,,gO"'°Mwma„1p� / MoUele#t H2P-1 2 '� �0W �M Preaapq tO�'dal tanqua-CaPaclre totele 119 Gallons/450 Litres 4a�_ •alm„-- E�r,nclPnam �W rrom r.�y•.���Y•y�P•a•.e� ,antO de mixlmo/prueba De g�KPA� prnsl6n- ��� �„ `�"'b• �aa�.��sc.ro.a.rubric.aei tango.- B gar/262 KPA _--1._4 4?^wYp �■r PrecM1argaa uslno 3Q P51/Z w �rnrrou 04/19/2022 Photograph 18: Pic18 Specs on Pressure tanks 11 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 51 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 1 _ e i r , Photograph 19: Pic19 Booster Pumps, Fire Pump ®z `o a y Photograph 20: Pic20 Controls for firepump, 10inch ductile Iron main out of reservoir 12 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 52 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 . Photograph 21: Pic21 10inch ductile Iron main out of reservoir, pressure transducer MAIN (yNiRW.:JBiNET I � •�i -._ 1 t °� p Photograph 22: Pic22 Main Control Cabinet 13 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 53 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 - 9 40 G � .b.M 1 +• 04/19/2022 Photograph 23: Pic23 Pump Controls sMI .r! IC 4f / 6 Photograph 24: Pic24 Pump Controls 14 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 54 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 v � AN NomW Aeservow level �.....� 29 oe few O charge Pressure _ E`. ICI 'joster 2 ICI I,I Dater 4 A low Le-MEW 14.1 VAC VAui 0 o v i 1 ZA VOC Temp INN& a 0 T kSi10 i-/1.0• RSRP —#.0 dW+' Photograph 25: Pic25 Software pushing data to operators phone r s Illy �' 4 f Photograph 26: Pic26 Flow Meter for Well #2 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 55 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Gem State - Bar Circle S. - 1280010 � i •c '' ��������.�ohs, 1 � 4� fs s Aor ►ice y� 5r t � • _ � r Photograph 27: Pic27 AVB needed for threaded tap next to right pressure tank L' j A Photograph 28: Pic28 check valve for pressure tanks 16 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 56 of 154 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 2110 Ironwood Parkway,Coeur d'Alene,ID 83814 Brad Little,Governor (208)769-1422 Jess Byrne,Director July 8, 2022 Bar Circle S Ranch Leslie Abrams-Rayner, Financial Contact PO Box 3388 Coeur d' Alene, ID 83816 Leslie@gemstate-water.com info@gemstate-water.com Subject: ID1280010 Bar Circle S Ranch Sanitary Survey April 19 &June 16, 2022 Dear Leslie: Andy Olson with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Cole Rayner with Gem State, assisted in the field inspection for the Sanitary Survey that is normally required every five years for this public water supply system. The purpose of the Sanitary Survey is to document a detailed record of the water system configuration, evaluate current operating procedures, provide recommendations, and identify deficiencies that require correction. The Sanitary Survey Report, enclosed for your files, consists of a narrative description including this cover letter and photographic documentation. Requirements and recommendations to protect public health, prevent future problems, minimize contamination potential, maximize safety, and promote effective system operation are listed on pages 9- 10. The water system is advised to implement solutions to these issues as soon as practical. Sincerely, Andy Olson Drinking Water Compliance Officer,Andy.Olson@deg.idaho.gov Encl(s):Narrative and Photo Log Ec: Anna Moody, Drinking Water Compliance Supervisor,Anna.Moody@deg.idaho.gov Lisa Waterman,Administrative Contact, lisa@gemstate-water.com Cole Rayner, Designated Operator, Cole@gemstate-water.com EDMS: ID1090010: 2022ACA2992/ 2022ACA2993 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 57 of 154 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Drinking Water Sanitary Survey Report PWS NUMBER: ID1280010 SYSTEM: Bar Circle S Ranch OPERATOR PRESENT: Cole Rayner INSPECTOR:Andy Olson LOCATION: W. Garwood Rd. East of 95 northwest of Rathdrum COUNTY: Kootenai POPULATION SERVED: 633 NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS: 253 DATE OF SURVEY: April 19 &June 16, 2022 AERIAL VICINITY MAP IL Storage :.._� �� ....*._. .,,,�,.a•,,,ire-n, SUMMARY The Bar Circle S Ranch Water System is a privately owned water system serving the Bar Circle S Ranch subdivision, Garwood Business Center subdivision, Double T Estates subdivision, Country Estates, and the Garwood Elementary School. Located on the south side of W. Garwood Rd between Circle S. Trail and N Dylan Ct., 5 miles northwest of Rathdrum, in Kootenai County, Idaho. There are 3 wells on this system. Well #1 and well #3 are the primary producers. Well #3 is the primary well for this system (lead), well #1 is second in production (lag) and well #2 operates when needed. All wells draw from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. Storage for this system consists of a 185,000 gallon reservoir with dedicated feeder lines from wells 1, 2, and 3. Booster pumps draw from the reservoir to provide boosted pressure to distribution. A primary logic controller (PLC) system in the booster station generates the call for water from wells 1, 2, and 3 based on pressure transducer readings in 10 ductile iron outlets of the reservoir. Auto-dialer alarms are generated from the PLC via cellular notices to the responsible charge operator in the event of low or high reservoir level, power failure or actuation of the 110 hp fire pump. D&J critical power 1 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 58 of 154 checks/maintains generators quarterly. A 125kW diesel generator equipped with secondary containment (double lined barrel) provides back up power to well 2 and the booster pumps (including fire pump). A natural gas Cummings brand generator provides backup power to wells #1 & #3. Kilowatts produced is needed information for this generator and will be requested under "additional requirements". The system maintains an emergency intertie with the neighboring Alpine Water District. A gate valve provides separation between the two approved water supplies. This system serves 253 connections and 633 people. Gem State is the management entity. Their parent company is Northwest Natural Water of Idaho. The designated licensed operator in charge is Cole Rayner. Mr. Rayner was on site with DEQ to perform the survey. SOURCE Well#1 West (E0005561) Original Construction Date: 9-02-1977 Well Log: Yes Total Depth: 342 ft Casing: 24inch Intake: N/A Static Level: 260 ft Pump: 60 hp Tested Yield: 50 gpm Lat/ Long: 47.831231/-116.797845 TRS:T52N R4W S26 Surface Seal: 50ft Confining Layers: Clay 302-303 Well #1 was drilled in 1977 and is located on North Circle S Trail on a 0.98 acre parcel owned by Bar Circle S. Water Inc. The well is protected inside a locked well house and meets all required setbacks from potential sources of contamination. Well Driller's Report on file indicates the 16-inch steel-cased well was cable tool drilled to a depth of 342 ft below ground surface (bgs) and constructed with a 50- grout cement grout and puddling clay surface seal. The well was equipped with a telescoping screen from 322 to 342ft. Static water level was reported at 260 ft bgs. The well is equipped with a 60-horsepower submersible pump producing approximately 450 gallons per minute (gpm). The well rides its own feeder line to the storage reservoir. The reservoir discharges to distribution via signal from the pressure transducer installed on the 10-inch ductile iron outflow main on the 185,000 gallon reservoir. Valves are installed on Circle S Trail adjacent to the well lot to isolate the connection to the reservoir and allow for the well to discharge to waste via a fire hydrant on the well lot property. The well discharges via a pit-less adaptor to a below grade vault constructed from steel culvert and houses well discharge appurtenances. Discharge appurtenances include: an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter, check and gate valve, pressure gauge and source sample tap.The well is set up to lag after well #3 leads. Well#2 (E0009245) Original Construction Date: 2-05-1993 Well Log: Yes Total Depth: 360ft Casing: flinch Intake: N/A Static Level: 260 ft Pump: 5 hp Tested Yield: 60+gpm Lat/ Long: 47.831626/-116.785683 TRS:T52N R4W S24 Surface Seal: 20ft Confining Layers: Unknown 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 59 of 154 Well #2 was drilled in 1993 and is located at 654 W. Garwood Road on a .42 parcel owned by Bar Circle S Ranch Water Inc. The well meets all required setbacks from potential sources of contamination. The Well Driller's Report on file indicates the 6-inch cased well (8 inches to 20 feet bgs) was air rotary drilled to a depth of 360 feet bgs and constructed with a 20-ft bentonite clay surface seal. The well was drilled through multiple layers of sand, gravel, and clays. A static water level was reported at 260-ft bgs. A mushroom vent equipped with screen is installed on the well cap. This well is equipped with a 5 hp submersible pump producing approximately 30 gpm. The pump is actuated by the ultrasonic level sensor installed in the reservoir outlet. The well discharges via pitless adaptor into the booster pump building to supply the reservoir. A flow meter, sample tap, and isolation valve are installed on the galvanized well discharge in the booster pump building. Under regular operating conditions, the well discharges to the reservoir. Gate valves are provided on well discharge to isolate flow to the reservoir and discharge directly to distribution. A pressure gauge was not observed at the time of inspection. Additional Requirement: Please provide a picture of pressure gauge for well #2. Well#3 (E0010065) Original Construction Date: 3-15-1993 Well Log: Yes Total Depth: 340ft Casing: 15inch Intake: N/A Static Level: 250 ft Pump: 60 hp Tested Yield: 100+gpm Lat/Long: 47.831626/-116.785683 TRS:T52N R4W S24 Surface Seal: 65ft Confining Layers: Unknown Well #3 was completed in March 2016 and sits on the same lot and is manifolded with well #1 at North Circle S Trail. The well was drilled approximately 20 feet north of the existing well house and meets all required setbacks from potential sources of contamination. The Driller's Report is on file and indicates the 10-inch steel cased well was air rotary drilled to a depth of 340 feet bgs and constructed with a 60-ft bentonite grout surface seal. The well has a slot size 0.50 inch screen from 318 to 338 feet. Static water level was reported at 250-ft bgs. The well routinely operated in lead and well #1 in lag. The well is equipped with a 60-hp submersible pump producing approximately 650 gpm. The well discharges via pitless adaptor to a concrete vault located inside the well house building. Well discharge appurtenances include and instantaneous and totalizing flow meter, check valve, and gate valve. Discharge appurtenances include a smooth nosed sample tap, pressure gauge and screened vent in the west wellhouse. This well can be isolated and discharged to waste. Well #3 discharges via a designated 6-inch main to supply the reservoir. The well is configured to actuate based on setting relayed from the pressure transducer installed on the 10-inch ductile iron outflow main to the reservoir. Valves are installed on Circle S Trail adjacent to the well lot to isolate the connection to the reservoir and allow for the well to discharge to the 10-inch distribution main. A GWUDI (Ground Water Under Direct Influence of Surface Water) assessment was completed for well GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 60 of 154 #2 on November 12, 2003. It was determined that no surface water is influencing the ground water source. A Source Water Assessment was completed for wells 1, 2, and 3 on June 03, 2002. Potential contaminant information was updated on November 27, 2018. Source water assessments are available at: https://www2.deq.idaho.gov/water/swaOnline/Search TREATMENT There is no treatment on this system. STORAGE Distribution storage capacity is provided via the 185,000-gallon Mount Baker Silo above grade concrete reservoir constructed in 1997. Past records indicated original reservoir construction included a lining between reservoir joints. The reservoir exterior was found to be in excellent condition, no leaks were observed during the field inspection. Reservoir levels are maintained via a pressure transducer installed on the 10-inch ductile iron outflow discharge to distribution. The transducer modulates actuation of wells via the PLC to maintain storage levels set by the operator. Wells have a dedicated feederliner to reservoir. Well 3 in lead, 1 in Lag, and 2 if needed to maintain levels in storage. Part of DEQ's "additional requirements" will include a picture of the reservoir hatch seal and lock. Access to top of storage reservoir was limited. DEQ requires a lock on the access hatch and a watertight seal. The overflow discharge outlet was inspected during the survey and found to be adequately equipped with 24- mesh screen. A recommendation will be included to remove large vegetation on sides of storage. DISTRIBUTION The Booster Station provides boosted pressure via five centrifugal pumps housed in the booster station sharing the 0.4 acre property at 654 W Garwood Road owned by the Bar Circle S Water Co. The reservoir is configured with a shared 10-inch ductile iron outflow main, check valves preclude the reservoir from gravity supplying distribution. Rather, gravity supply from the 10-inch ductile iron main supplies the booster station via a tee located between check vales and reservoir discharge. Under regular operation, four 10-hp centrifugal pumps and one 110-hp fir pump actuate in response to pressure switch settings in a fixed rotation as described in the table below (amended from 2016 survey). Booster pumps are equipped with an automatic low-level reservoir cut off. Booster pumps #2 and #4 were replaced since last survey. The pressure relief valve, instantaneous and totalizing flow meter, and sample tap are provided on the boosted discharge to distribution. 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 61 of 154 Booster Pump# Pump/Motor Horsepower Actuation Range (psi) Pump#1 Jacuzzi/ U.S. Electric 10 52-72 Pump#2 Leeson 10 47-67 Pump#3 Griswold/Emerson 10 43-63 Pump#4 113aldor 110 38-58 Fire Pump jPeerless 1110 1<38 The four 10-hp pumps actuate based on pressure switches on boosted discharge. The 110-hp fire pump is actuated via a separate pressure switch control system (Firetrol, Inc.) monitoring boosted pressure entering the reservoir. Three Flexcon H2P120 hydropneumatic tanks ride on boosted discharge. These are new tanks installed toward the end of 2021. Each tank may be individually isolated and drained. One threaded tap by the tank on the right needs cross control protection, DEQ suggests an Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB). The distribution system serves 253 metered residential connections. Distribution mains consist of 6, 8, and 10-inch Class 160 PVC and C900 main. Distribution pressure ranges between 50 and 70 psi. Past records indicate construction of a northern booster station. Work for this was never started but will be included in the upcoming facility plan the system is in the process of developing. Records also indicate distribution main pressure in the northern zone averages 50 psi, sizing of some service connections may be attributed to observe flow restrictions by respective customers. Distribution for this system is primarily looped. All dead-end mains terminating at fire hydrants. There are 63 fire hydrants on this system. CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION The system is required to implement a cross connection control program and it must be in writing. In response to the survey, please provide DEQ written documentation demonstrating the system's authority to implement their program and documentation that it is actively implemented. As per Idaho Rules, the water system purveyor is responsible for implementation of a Cross Connection Control Program. The water system purveyor is defined as "the person, company, or association who provides or intends to provide drinking water to the customers and is ultimately responsible for the public water system operation." The managing authority of the system is ultimately responsible for implementation of the program. The following Rule citation (IDAPA lists the minimum requirements of a Cross Connection Control Program: Cross Connection Control Program - Community Water Systems. The water purveyor is responsible through its cross-connection control program to take reasonable and prudent measures to protect the water system against contamination and pollution from cross connections through premises isolation, internal or in-plant isolation, fixture protection, or some combination of premises isolation, internal isolation, and fixture protection. Pursuant to Section 543, all suppliers of water for community water systems shall implement a cross connection control program to prevent the entrance to the system of materials known to be toxic or 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 62 of 154 hazardous. The water purveyor is responsible to enforce the systems cross connection control program. The program will at a minimum include: 1. An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine required suitable protection. For new connections, suitable protection must be installed prior to providing water service. 2. Required installation and operation of adequate backflow prevention assemblies. Appropriate and adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities,fixtures, equipment, and uses of water should be selected from the AWWA Pacific Northwest Section Cross Connection Control Manual, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control(M14), the USC Foundation Manual of Cross Connection Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department. The assemblies must meet the requirements of Section 543 and comply with local ordinances. 3. Annual inspections and testing of all installed backflow prevention assemblies by a tester licensed by a licensing authority recognized by the Department. Testing shall be done in accordance with the test procedures published by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross- Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. See the USC Foundation Manual of Cross-Connection Control referenced in Subsection 002.02. 4. Discontinuance of service to any structure,facility, or premises where suitable backflow protection has not been provided for a cross connection. 5. Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to be defective shall be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days. If the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days, water service to the failed assembly shall be discontinued. DEQ does not have a copy of the Cross Connection Control Plan for this system. Please provide a copy to DEQ. If the program does not meet minimum required elements, this requirement will be added above as a deficiency needing corrective action in the plan of correction(POC) MONITORING, REPORTING, AND DATA VERIFICATION This water system is classified as a community water system serving greater than 15 service connections used by year-round residents. Online tools for reviewing currently updated monitoring schedules are available for viewing on the web: https://www.deg.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-water/public-water-system-switchboard/ Monitoring schedules may be changed or modified by DEQ as required. Before sampling,water system operators are advised to review the monitoring schedule for the most current requirements to ensure compliance. 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 63 of 154 The water system is reminded to maintain accurate and complete testing records, and to make these available to DEQ upon request. Per DEQ Rules and Federal CFR 141.33, records of bacteriological analyses are to be kept for not less than five years, and records of chemical analyses are to be kept for not less than ten years. The water system is advised to review all applicable statutes for additional requirements. DEQ does not have a copy of the Lead and Copper Site Sample Plan and Total Coliform Site Sample plan for this system. Please provide copies of both sample plans to DEQ. If no plans are available, contact DEQ for correct form to update and return to DEQ. FINANCIAL AND MANAGMENT Bar Circle S Ranch is operated by Gem State Water. Cole Rayner is the designated operator in charge of the water system. Mr. Rayner holds a DWD1 — 19173 licensure with Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses. This meets operator requirements for this water system. It is classified as a Very Small Water System. This system's accounting services are managed by Gem States parent company to Northwest Natural Water of Idaho. Bar Circle S Ranch is current with payment on their drinking water fees with the State. DEQ recommends an operation and maintenance manual be provided for the drinking water system. Operation and maintenance manuals should include daily operating instructions, trouble shooting, operator safety procedures, location of valves and other key system features, parts lists and parts order forms, and information for contacting the water system operator. SMART Financial planning tools are available on the Idaho DEQ public water system switchboard at: https://www.deg.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-water/public-water-sVstem- switchboard/ SOURCE WATER PROTECTION PLAN The water system does not appear to have a Source Water Protection Plan prepared by DEQ or Idaho Rural Water Association. Source water protection is a voluntary effort a community can implement to help prevent contamination of the source water that supplies its public water system. The source water protection plan outlines the management tools local committees can use to protect drinking water sources and describes the implementation of regulatory and/or non-regulatory management practices. The plan builds upon the work completed in the Source Water Assessment. 1. Regulatory tools include items such as zoning ordinances, overlay districts,or site plan review requirements. 2. Non-regulatory tools include items such as pollution prevention activities and implementation of Best Management Practices. 3. Every plan should also include a public education and information component. 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 64 of 154 DEQ recommends that the water system pursue a Source Water Protection Plan to establish further protective measures against contamination in the watershed. A regional DEQ Drinking Water Compliance officer may be contacted at 208-666-4630 for further information regarding the plan. Part of a Source Water Protection Plan can include emergency response planning. Knowing what to do, who to call and what resources are available, and where, can make a difference in emergency situations. For more information on how to create a FREE source water protection plan or emergency response plan contact your regional DEQ office. CONCLUSION At the time of the survey, it was evident that Cole and his team take the responsibility of providing safe drinking water to the users seriously; and his efforts are appreciated by DEQ. The deficiencies and additional requirements listed below need to be addressed in a written Plan of Correction (POC), submitted to DEQ within 30 days of the receipt of this letter. The POC is a simple narrative document that lists the deficiencies and additional requirements, how they will be corrected, and the date by which correction will be completed. 8 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 65 of 154 SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES 1. There were no significant deficiencies noted during this inspection. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Historical documents indicate the Bar Circle S Ranch water system has established a formal Cross Connection Control Program, DEQ does not have a copy of this for our file. Please provide a copy of your cross- connection control program. If the program does not meet minimum required elements,this requirement will be added above as a deficiency needing corrective action in the plan of correction (POC). 2. Please provide an updated formal Lead and Copper Sample Site Plan to DEQ. 3. Please provide an updated formal RTCR Sample Site Plan. 4. Appropriate backflow prevention is needed on threaded tap next to the far-right pressure tank,such as an AVB. S. Pictures are needed of the storage hatch seal & lock. 6. Provide picture of pressure gauge for well #2. 7. Provide kilowatts for generator on west lot for wells#3 &#1. 8. Provide pump information (model) for pumps in wells#1, #2, &#3. 9. Confirm outlet for reservoir does not have inflow as well. 10. Provide copy of map for distribution. RECCOMENDATIONS 1. DEQ recommends all valves are exercised on an annual basis. 2. DEQ recommends the storage tank be inspected and cleaned every 5 years. 3. DEQ recommends pressure tanks be inspected every 5 years. 4. Remove vegetation around storage tank to prevent root intrusion. 5. DEQ recommends that the water system pursue a Drinking Water Protection Plan and Emergency Response Plan to establish further protective measures against contamination in the watershed.A DEQ regional Drinking Water Compliance Officer can be contacted at 208- 9 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 66 of 154 769-1422 for further information regarding the implementation of the plan. 6. DEQ recommends an operation and maintenance manual be provided for the PWS. 7. DEQ recommends the system develop an asset management plan to assist with future planning and financial management. 10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 67 of 154 • • 2110 Ironwood Parkway Brad Little,Governor Coeur d'Alene,ID 83814• (208)769-1422 Jess Byrne,Director in • February 23, 2023 Troy Hoffman Water Corporation Cole Rayner, Designated Operator cole@gemstate-water.com Subject: ID1280096Troy Hoffman Water Corp Enhanced Sanitary Survey Survey Date:J a nua ry 24,2023 Dear Cole: Thankyou for assisting me in the field inspection for the Sa nita ry Survey of the Troy Hoffman Water Corp drinking water system.A sa nita ry s urvey report and photo log is enclosed. There were no Significant Deficiencies identified at the time of this survey. However,there were Deficiencies identified that require follow-up actions. Please consult with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) then submit a written Plan of Correction within 30 days after the date of this report describing how and on what schedule the system will address Deficiencies Requiring Action. Consult with DEQ priorto taking specific corrective actions or making modifications to the water system.Be advised that modifications may require the assistance of an Idaho licensed professional engineer and DEQreview and approval prior to making water system modifications or installing new components. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments; I can be reached at(208)666-4624 or the email below. Sincerely, Cz Tianna Drew Drinking Water Compliance Officer Tianna.dre w@ deg.Idaho.gov Enclosures Ec: Anna Moody, Drinking Water Compliance Supervisor, anna.moody@deg.idaho.gov Leslie Abrams-Rayner,THWC Administrative Contact,leslie@gemstate-water.com E D MS:I D 1280096:2023ACA500/2023ACA493 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 68 of 154 Sanitary Survey Report Water System Troy Hoffman Water Corp Source Well 1 PWS# ID1280096 County Kootenai Surveyor Tianna Drew System Representative Cole Rayner PWS Type Community Inspection Date January 24, 2023 Classification VSWS Connections 147 Population 336 AERIAL VICINITY MAP y �S �,- .�.• � ^�. _ 4 t -fir � `� � i, � I�'`f�;, i 0 Well House(Well 1,Tank A) ©Well House Addition(Tank B) ©Intersection of E.Hoffman Ave.and N.Anne St. 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 69 of 154 WATER SYSTEM BASIC FLOW DIAGRAM (Not to scale,main components only) 20HP Flow to Pump Waste gii � Well1 30"Casing Pressure Relief Double (000� Check (001� Hydropneumatic Hydropneumatic Pressure Tank A Pressure Tank B (4,000 gallons) (3,000 gallons) To well Lot underground sprinkler system ' To manifold pressurizing To manifold pressurizing distribution distribution Well House (1956) Well House Addition (1966) OVERALL SYSTEM FACILITIES The Troy Hoffman Water Corp water system(system)is operated year-round. It is supplied by one 30-inch hand-dug well equipped with two pumps. Each pump supplies it's respective hydropneumatic pressure tank. The discharges from Tank A(4,000 gallons)and Tank B (3,000gallons)are manifolded before continuing to distribution. Inaddition to Distribution,Tank (4,000gallons)alsosupplies an underground sprinkler system used to irrigate the well lot. Distribution consists of asbestos-cement(AC)and C900 water main with 147 metered connections, 7 flushing hydrants,and 2 fire hydrants. 3 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 70 of 154 WATER SYSTEM HISTORY The system was formed circa 1956 and the well lot is located directly south of the East Hoffman Avenue and North Anne Street intersection, between the residences at 1020 E. Hoffman and 5155 N. Anne. The service area extends east from Fourth to Fifteenth Street,and north from Day Road to DaltonAvenue. The well, hydropneumatic tanks and discharge appurtenances are enclosed within a locked well house situated on a 0.08acre well lot (parcel#C-0000-036-8555)owned by Hoffman Troy Water Corporation(in turn owned by Gem State Water Company, LLC as of October 2021)as per Kootenai County Assessor records. A 0.5 cubic feet per second, the equivalent of 224 gallons per minute (gpm), municipal water right was allocated from Idaho Department of Water Resources(IDWR)with a priority date of April 30, 1956. Troy Hoffman Water Corp is currently working with T-O Engineering to develop a Facility Plan for the system in an effort to address aging infrastructure,source capacity,system redundancy, and energy efficiency. SOURCE Well Lot The well lot perimeter is fenced to prevent unauthorized entry.The well lot does not meet the minimum required setback distance of 50 feet from neighboring property lines. However,well construction precedes the adoption of the setback Rule (1977).Setback requirements would be enforced in the event the well is subject to unresolvable contamination attributed to practices within setback distances.According to the previous survey, "The location of sewermain owned and maintained by the City of the Coeurd'Alene was taken into consideration at the time sewerservice became available to the Hoffman subdivision. Sewer main was constructed at a setback radius of greater than 70 feet from the well. Mike Becker with the City of Coeur d'Alene Wastewater Departmentalso confirmed the nearest pressure sewer mains were greater than one half mile from all Hoffman water system components." Well House and Addition The well and Tank A(see Additional Pumps and Controls)are enclosed within the secured Well House (east side)equipped with adequate lighting, heat,and ventilation. The Well House is not equipped with a floor drain. There did not appear to be pooling or water damage, which could be attributed to graded floors, according to the operator. However,flooding protection must be considered during the facility planning process,as well as otherpump house requirements. The well casing is sealed by a concrete pedestal and extends approximately 24 inches above grade.Well vent, electrical,and pump discharge lines route through a steel plate sealed to the pedestal. The Well House Addition (west side)houses Tank B(see Additional Pumps and Controls)and lag pump appurtenances,including the flow-to-waste line and pressure gauge.A push lawnmower that the system uses for well lot maintenance is stored in this room; it is required to be stored and refueled off-site from the well lot. Well 1 The following table outlines well construction information for the source.A well log (driller's report)for Well 1 could not be located;all information was gathered via previous survey reports. 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 71 of 154 Well Well Depth Water Level Casing: Casing: Screened Surface Drill (fbgs) (fbgs) diameter/ depth(ft)/ Interval Seal: Year thickness material (ft) depth(ft)/ (in) material Well 254 230 30/unk unk/Steel unk unk/unk 1957 Well 1 (tag no. E0005232)is equipped with "twosubmersible three-phase pumps installed in the well casing," each withtheir respective discharge lines.A 30HP Grundfos pump (equipped with soft start,installed 2009) operating in lead discharges approximately 300gpm to Tank A.A 20HP Red Jacket pump operating in lag discharges at an estimated 175gpm to Tank B. Pumps are actuated by pressure switches installed on the discharge lines to their respective tanks.The lead pump actuates on at 55psi and off at 72psi;the lag pump actuates on at 45psi and off at 70psi.Well pump maintenance and spare parts are provided by a local pump company utilized by the system. Because each discharge line can function without the other while serving watertothe public, they will be evaluated individually for compliance with IDAPA58.01.08.511.The well casing is equipped with a single, adequately screenedvent thatfunctions for both pumps,as they all extend into the same pit. Lead Pump Well Discharge Appurtenances The 30HP leap pump discharge appurtenances include: a raw water smooth-nosed sampletap,pressuregauge, an isolation valve,an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter,and what is identified as a pressure relief line. The flow meter was installed without adequate pipe lengthto meet Rule. In addition, the well discharge line does not include a flow-to-waste line, or an accessible check valve. Upon material modification of this portion of the system,correction and installation of these items will be required. The line identified as the pressure relief line discharges outside the well house building and the outlet is equipped with 24-mesh screen.An icicle forming on the outlet indicates there may be a slow leak from this line. The cause of the leak and purpose of the line must be investigated and addressed. Lag Pump Well Discharge Appurtenances The 20HP lag pump discharge appurtenances include:a flow to waste line,a pressure gauge,and an isolation valve. According to the operator,the flow-to-waste, line may not be adequately sized to be fully functional as required by Rule but has not been used since Gem State acquired the system to verify. This line discharges outside the well house building and the outlet is equipped with 24-mesh screened mushroom cap.This could be indicative of a pressure relief line ratherthan a flow-to-waste line, and will otherwise direct the flow-to- waste discharge toward the building. The operator indicates they will pull the cap and attach a line that leads awayfrom the building if utilizing the flow-to-waste line. Although the flow-to-waste line is equipped with a check valve, the well discharge line itself is not. In addition, the discharge line does not include a raw water smooth-nosed sample tap nor an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter.As soon as practical,a sample tap must be installed on the well discharge line. Upon material modification of this portion of the system, installation of these items will be required, as well as installing and bringing the flow-to-waste lines for each pump into compliance with well design rules(see Findings). In addition,if the system has undergone substantial modification as defined by IDAPA58., source redundancy requirements must be considered as part of the facility planning process. The burden of proof is on the system to whether they qualify as substantially modified. Source Water Assessment A Source Water Assessment report was completed by DEQfor Well 1 in April of 2001 and the Potential Contaminant Inventory was updated in Januaryof 2020. Reports may be accessed at Source Water 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 72 of 154 Assessments Online- Search- DEQ(idaho.gov). There are source water delineation maps, potential contaminant inventories, and contaminants usceptibility scores for each assessed,active source. A ground water under direct influence of surface water(GWUDI)determination was completed on May 2, 1995; the source was evaluated as ground water. TREATMENT The system does not utilize treatment. FINISHED WATER STORAGE The system does not utilize storage outside of the hydropneumatic pressure tanks on site(see Additional Pumps and Controls]. The system may consider installing storage during the facility planning process, especially if removing the pressure tanks is part of the path forward. DISTRIBUTION According to the Operator,the system serves a total of 147 metered connections with a calculated population of 367.All but four of the connections have been updated with radio-read meters since Gem State acquired the system. Distribution consists of 6-inch AC water line, with a portion of 8-inch AC line on Hoffman Avenue east of the pump house,and 4-inch AC lines serving Timber Avenue and Day Road.Small segments of distribution main at street intersections were replaced in 1998with C-900 in coordination with a Citysewer main construction project. AC line replacement is being considered as part of the facility planning process. According to the previous survey,"setbacks from gravity sewerandpotable watermain are met.Sewermains are located down centerlines of streets and potable watermains are locatedin alleyways."Dead end mains are equipped with a means to flush and flushed twice per year.Other system valves are also exercised semiannually. Distribution is not equipped with air relief valves.The system provides water efficiency information on mailers,including the water bill, and on the Gem State Water website. Fire Flow The system is equipped with two fire hydrants.According to the previous survey report, "The system does not provide adequate fire flow as established by the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department to two fire hydrants installed on 6-inch distribution main... Lack of adequate fire flow presents a risk of damage to main in the event fire pumps were connected to hydrants. In order to prevent this, operators have notified the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department regarding this concern. In response the Fire Department does not recognize the two hydrants supplied by the system. Rather,fire flow is provided to the subdivision from four hydrants supplied by the City of Coeur d'Alene Water Department and located at Troy, Margaret and Anne Avenues and Easy Street." E me rge ncy I ntertie The system is not interconnected with any other drinking water system. Depressurizations Since the previous survey, no depress urizations have been reported. Please be reminded, if at any time there is an event where pressure is known to drop below 20 psi, notify DELL provide public notice to the affected customers within 24 hours,and disinfect or flush the system as appropriate and approved by DEQ.When sampling and corrective procedures have been conducted and after determination by DEQthat the water is safe,you may re-notify the affected customers that the water is safe for consumption. 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 73 of 154 ADDITIONAL PUMPS AND CONTROLS Hydropneumatic Tanks Two flow-through steel hydropneumatic tanks ride on distribution.The east 4,000-gallon tank is identified as Tank A(installed 1956),and the west 3,000-gallon is identified at Tank B(installed 1966). Each tank is equipped with a pressure gauge, pressure relief valve,isolation valves,and drain. A portable electric air compressor located in the well house recharges tanks.The compressor is actuated by a time meter adjusted by the operatoras necessaryto maintain sight glass level on Tank B;currently the timer is set to approximately 30 minutes per day, and third-party inspections are conducted regularlyto ensure the tanks arefunctioning properly. The sight glass level on Tank B is assumed representative of both tank levels, as individual tank effluent discharges to a manifold supplying Distribution. Valves allow for individual tank discharge to be isolated from distribution;however, well discharge is not plumbed with a tank by-pass to dischargeto pressure. As part of the facility planning process, the system is considering removing the pressure tanks altogether. Until action is taken on this matter, it is recommended these tanks be inspected at least every five years for structural integrity. SCADA Since the previous survey, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)has been installed on the system. A primary logic controller(PLC)communicating via SCADA panel monitors distribution pressure via pressure tank data.SCADA allows the operators to have ongoing remote oversight of the system and respond in a timely manner to system concerns. Auxiliary Power Three phase electrical supplies pumps via a designated overhead power connection from Avista.The operator reports the system has not experienced a power loss since Gem State acquired the system,and the previous operator reported not experiencing a power loss in over 20 years. If the system does not wish to provide auxiliary power with upgrades, the burden of proof is on the system to justify their reasoning through the facility planning process. MONITORING,REPORTING,AND DATA The system conducts sampling in accordance with their total coliform and lead&copper sampling plans.The system participates in the monitoring waiver program and the latest waivers were issued in October of 2020 for the 2020-2022 monitoring period. DEQ is currently accepting waiver applications for the 2023-2025 monitoring period. Compliance monitoring schedules are online within DEQ's public water system switchboard at Home Page-MonitoringScheduleReport (idaho.gov). SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION This system is classified as a community(C)type and a Very Small Water System (VSWS). The Responsible Charge Operator is Cole Rayner(DWD1-19173,exp. 05/02/2023). Leslie Abrams-Rayner(DWD1-14223, DTD1- 15876,exp. 09/23/2023) of Gem State Water is the system's back-up operator.The system is administered by Gem State Water.Along with facility planning, the system is also conducting asset management and a rate study. From the previous survey,the "water rate schedule was updated in 2014. All service connections are metered and billed a flat rate of$27.50 bi-monthly for a 10,000-gallon usage.An overage of$1.12 for each additional 1,000 gallons per billing period is charge.A$458 hook up fee is charged for new service connections."According to the operator,this has not changed,but may change with the conclusion of the rate study and facility planning process. 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 74 of 154 A comprehensive Operation and Maintenance(O&M) manual is not available for the system.An O&M Manual must be developed and submitted to DEQfor review and approval.This should be required with any engineering upgrades and must include the minimum items in the Findings section of this report. It is recommended that the Operation and Maintenance manual be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect current equipment, system conditions, and personnel. The system actively implements across connection control program meeting the requirements of the Rules. Specifics of the program are saved in DEQ records(EDMS 2012ACA161).The programs hould be updated to reflect current conditions, including personnel contact information, and resubmitted.Alternatively,the Gem State Water program can be submitted in its place. The system owns one backflow preventor,located within the Well House on the underground sprinkler line to the well lot.This assembly is tested annually by a licensed backflow assemblytester. A total coliform sampling plan that meets current minimum requirements was not available during the survey. DEQ has an updated templatethat will be emailed to the operator. Please have it filled out and resubmitted within 30 days. A lead&copper (PbCu)sampling that meets current minimum requirements was not available during the survey. Please work with DEQto update this plan and resubmit for review before the next round of PbCu sampling takes place. ENFORCEMENTAND COMPLIANCE DEQ is not engaged in Enforcement Action with this water system. 8 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 75 of 154 FINDINGS SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCES: Significant Deficiency: As identified during a sanitarysurvey,any defect in a system's design,operation, maintenance,or administration,as well as any failure or malfunction of any system component, thatthe Department or its agent determines tocause,or have potential to cause, riskto health or safety,orthat could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water. IDAPA58.01.08(003)(131). Therewere no Significant Deficiencies identified at thetime ofthis survey! End of Section: Significant Deficiencies DEFICIENCIES REQUIRING ACTION Scope:The purpose of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems is to control and regulate the design, construction,operation, maintenance,and quality control of public drinking water systems to provide a degree of assurance that such systems are protected from contamination and maintained free from contaminants which may injure the health of the consumer.Correct each deficiency as soon as practical. 1. Source A lawnmower(petroleum products)is stored in the Well House Addition adjacent to the Well House,located on the well lot for Well 1 (1 DAPA Toxic or hazardous materials pose a risk of source contamination. It is required to remove all toxic or hazardous materials from the well lot;the lawnmower must also be refueled off-site. Planned Completion Date: , Actual Completion Date: , Initials Corrective action taken: 2. Source Well 1 is equipped with a 30HP pump and subsequent discharge and pressure relief lines. The line identified as a pressure relief line discharges outside of the well house and is adequately screened. However,an icicle forming on the outlet indicates a slow leak,which suggests the line is not preventative of contaminants from entering the well. The cause of the leak must be identified and addressed. It is also recommended to verify the purpose of the line identified as a pressure relief line for the 30H P Well 1 pump. Planned Completion Date: , Actual Completion Date: , Initials Corrective action taken: 9 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 76 of 154 3. Source The discharge pipe for the 20HP pump on Well 1 does not provide a sample tapthat is properly located,or the sample tap that is used to collect bacteria samples is not of the smooth-nosed type without interior or exterior threads and/or is a mixing faucet and or is of the petcock type and/or has a screen and/or has an aerator (I DAPA A raw-watersample tap should be smooth-nosed with no interioror exterior threads,screen, aerator,or other attached appurtenances to allow for proper sampling techniques and to decrease the risk of contaminating a sample during collection. The discharge pipe for the 30HP pump on Well 1 is equipped with an adequate sample tap. However, because each discharge line (20HP pump and 30HP pump) can function without the other while serving water to the public, they are being evaluated individually for compliance with I DAPA sample tap must be installed as soon as practical. Planned Completion Date: , Actual Completion Date: ,Initials Corrective action taken: 4. Financial—Managerial: There is not a complete operation and maintenance(O&M) manual for this public water system(IDAPA,003.90,and 003.91).An 0&M manual needs to be developed and/or implemented. Submit an O&M manual for review and approval. Upon approval, the operator must operate the system in accordance with the approved O&M manual.At a minimum, include the following items in the O&M manual: • daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly operating instructions • information specificto a particulartype of treatment • location of valves and other key distribution system features • pertinent telephone and address contact information including the responsible charge water system operatorand water system owner • operator safety procedures • a larm system a nd emergency procedures • trouble-shooting advice • water quality testing procedures • response plan for depressurization events • customer service procedures • response plan for customer complaints • maintenance information and checklists • manufacturer's product information including troubleshooting information • parts list,spare parts list,and parts order form • necessaryspecial tools An O&M manual provides procedures to operate and maintain a facility's various systems and equipment. I t is important to analyze and evaluate a facility from the system level, then develop procedures to attain the most efficient systems integration. Lack of an 0&Mmanual can lead to system failures and contamination of drinking water. Planned completion date: 10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 77 of 154 Actual completion date: Initials Corrective action taken: 5. Financial—Managerial The system owner does not have a current written sample siting plan that meets RTCR requirements(40 CFR 141.853.a).The RTCR sample siting plan needs to be updated and implemented. A sampling plan template will be enclosed with this report. Please complete the plan and submit to DEQ within 30 days. Planned completion date: Actual completion date: Initials Corrective action taken: 6. Financial—Managerial The system owner does not have a current written sample siting plan that meets Lead &Copper(PbCu) requirements(40 CFR 141.86). The PbCu sample siting plan needs to be updated and implemented. A sampling plan template will be enclosed with this report. Please completethe plan and submit to DEQfor review before the next round of PbCu sampling takes place. Planned completion date: Actual completion date: Initials Corrective action taken: End of Section: Deficiencies Requiring Action DEFICIENCIES—No Immediate Action Required 1. Source-30HP Well Discharge Piping The 30HP pump distribution line for Well 1 does not provide the necessaryvalves and appurtenances to allow the well to be pumped to waste at the design capacityof the well via an approved air gap through an approved non-corrodible screen at a location prior to the first service connection (I DAPA Pump-to-waste capability permits well water to be discharged prior to entering the distribution system. Wells are typically pumped-to-waste to flush out stagnant water and any potential contaminants, after the well or pump has been serviced to clear any debris, bacteria,chemicals,and after any known ground water contamination. Install pump to waste capabilities the next time material modifications occur to this section of the watersystem. An accessible check valve is not provided on the discharge line between the 30HP pump and the shut-off valve (I DAPA 11 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 78 of 154 A check valve allows flow in one direction and prevents back flow(reverse flow) if water in the line reverses direction. The check valve is intended to prevent the system from draining and prevents the pump from excessive cycling. Install an accessible check valve the next time material modifications occur to this section of the water system. The installedflow meter on the 30HP pump distribution line for Well 1 was installed without adequate pipe length(IDAPA58.01.08.511.04). A flow meter measures total flow(gallons) and flow rate(gpm). A flow meter can help detect changes in the system so the operator can take corrective action before a serious problem develops as well as provide more accurate accounting of water production. To ensure reliable readings,reinstall with adequate pipe length the next time material modifications occur to this section of the water system. 2. Source-20HP Well Discharge Piping The 20HP pump distribution line for Well 1 may not provide the necessaryvalves and appurtenances to allow the well to be pumped to waste at the design capacityof the well via an approved air gap through an approved non-corrodible screen at a location prior to the first service connection (I DAPA Pump-to-waste capability permits well water to be discharged prior to entering the distribution system. Wells are typically pumped-to-waste to flush out stagnant water and any potential contaminants, after the well or pump has been serviced to clear any debris, bacteria,chemicals,and after any known ground water contamination. Investigate pump to waste line capabilities at the "capa city of the well"to determine if requirements are met. If necessary,install pump to waste capabilities the next time material modifications occur to this section of the water system. Although there is a check valve on the pump-to-waste line, an accessible check valve is not provided on the discharge line between the 20HP pump and the shut-off valve (IDAPA A check valve allows flow in one direction and prevents back flow(reverse flow) if water in the line reverses direction. The check valve is intended to prevent the system from draining and prevents the pump from excessive cycling. Install an accessible check valve the next time material modifications occur to this section of the water system. The 20HP pump distribution line for Well 1 does not provide an instantaneous a nd tota liz ing flow meter equipped with nonvolatile memory(IDAPA58.01.08.511.04). A flow meter measures total flow(gallons) and flow rate(gpm). A flow meter can help detect changes in the system so the operator can take corrective action before a serious problem develops as well as provide more accurate accounting of water production. Installan instantaneous andtotalizingflow meter equipped with nonvolatile memory the next time material modifications occur to this section of the water system 12 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 79 of 154 End of Section: Deficiencies RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Facility Planning Considerations In addition to the Deficiencies above, please consider the following when discussing a path forward with T-O Engineering and DEQ: • Flooding and corrosion protection in the Well House and Addition —there are no floor drains • Source redundancy if the system has undergone Substantial Modification as defined in IDAPA • Incorporating Finished Water Storage(IDAPA58.01.08.544),especiallyif removing pressuretanks • Replacement of asbestos-cement(AC)piping as time and resources allow 2. Records Management: It is recommended to update system files to reflect current conditions regarding personnel information included in documents such asthe Cross Connection Control program. 3. HydropneumaticTanks: DEQ recognizes the system intends to remove the tanks in the future and regularly has a third party inspect the functionality of the tanks and air compressor. However, hydropneumatictanks should be tested for structural integrityevery5 years. End of Section: Recommendations 13 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 80 of 154 Photographic Documentation Inspection Date(s): Tuesday, January 24, 2023 Facility ID: ID1280096 Name of Facility: Troy Hoffman Water Corp Inspector(s): Tianna Drew Purpose of Inspection: Enhanced Sanitary Survey State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 81 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For: Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 Table of Photographs: Photograph 1: Well House and Well House Addition building....................................................... 3 Photograph 2: Well 1 pumps - 20HP (left, silver) and 30HP (center, blue), pressure gauge, sampletap....................................................................................................................................... 3 Photograph 3: Well 1 pump (30HP) discharge pressure transducer readout................................ 4 Photograph 4: Well 1 pump (30HP) soft-start control ................................................................... 4 Photograph 5: SCADA interface. Channel 1 distribution pressure, Channel 2 not connected. ..... 5 Photograph6: Well 1 vent.............................................................................................................. 5 Photograph7: Well 1 vent cap ....................................................................................................... 6 Photograph 8: Well 1 pump (30HP) pressure relief discharge line, underground sprinkler backflow protection, and hydropneumatic tanks' shared air compressor .................................... 6 Photograph 9: Well 1 discharge appurtenances to Tank A (flow meter, pressure gauge/switch, isolationvalve)................................................................................................................................ 7 Photograph10: Tank A ................................................................................................................... 7 Photograph 11: Well 1 pump (20HP) discharge to Tank B flow-to-waste line............................... 8 Photograph 12: Tank B housed in Well House Addition................................................................. 8 Photograph 13: Tank B sight glass and pressure gauge ................................................................. 9 Photograph 14: Well 1 flow-to-waste (top), pump pressure discharge relief (bottom right), and line to underground sprinkler system (bottom center).................................................................. 9 Photograph 15: Well 1 pump (30HP) pressure relief discharge outlet and line to underground sprinkler........................................................................................................................................ 10 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 82 of 154 f i �.a .r•. Photograph 1: Well House and Well House Addition building f r t` 1 Photograph 2: Well 1 pumps-20HP (left, silver) and 30HP (center, blue), pressure gauge, sample tap GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 83 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 1 1 1 1 Photograph 3: Well 1 pump (30HP)discharge pressure transducer readout I le y Ef iE11 i�a-- J Y �l gar to Photograph 4: Well 1 pump (30HP)soft-start control 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 84 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 UUM§2828 MIN t•. C - f If �^i•r;r Photograph 5: SCADA interface. Channel 1 distribution pressure, Channel 2 not connected. y i Photograph 6: Well 1 vent 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 85 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 f Photograph 7: Well 1 vent cap t� 0.. Photograph 8: Well 1 pump (30HP) pressure relief discharge line, underground sprinkler backflow protection, and hydropneumatic tanks' shared air compressor 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 86 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 J Photograph 9: Well 1 discharge appurtenances to Tank A(flow meter, pressure gauge/switch, isolation valve) 0 1 1 Photograph 10: Tank A 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 87 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 ¢g.t t Photograph 11: Well 1 pump (20HP)discharge to Tank B flow-to-waste line. r 1� IN I� 1 r a R Photograph 12: Tank B housed in Well House Addition GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 88 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 d 51 I "I i, J Photograph 13: Tank B sight glass and pressure gauge ilk I � Photograph 14: Well 1 flow-to-waste (top), pump pressure discharge relief(bottom right), and line to underground sprinkler system (bottom center) 9 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 89 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For:Troy Hoffman Water Corp - ID1280096 ` n t j -a" Photograph 15: Well 1 pump (30HP) pressure relief discharge outlet and line to underground sprinkler 10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 90 of 154 2018 Drinking Water Supply Report Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System: Happy Valley Water System PWS #: ID1280220 County: Kootenai Date of Survey: April 2, 2018 System Representatives Present at Survey: Ken Rickel, Responsible Charge Operator Surveyed by: Suzanne Scheidt Miller, Senior Drinking Water Analyst Source: Well Water System Type: Community Population: 60 Service Connections: 25 residential metered connections System Overview The Happy Valley community public drinking water system (system) is privately owned and administered by Happy Valley Water System, Inc. The system is supplied by one well, located on a 0.38 acre lot (parcel 51N04W-17-6650), north of the intersection of Hayden Avenue and Happy Trails Lane, and owned by the system. The well lot is bordered by agricultural fields; application of herbicides and pesticides is prohibited within a 50 foot radius of the well. r H 12 - 1 f 1 t The well is enclosed within a dog house structure attached to the well building. Five hydropneumatic bladder tanks ride on well discharge to tamper pressure transients to distribution main. 1 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 91 of 154 Idaho Public Utilities Commission regulates the privately owned water system. The system is not equipped with alarms or auto-dialers, nor is a pigtail receptacle for a portable generator provided. The system does not share an emergency intertie with neighboring purveyors. Back-up power or an emergency intertie is a strongly recommended to provide system redundancy. The water system was not designed to provide fire flow. Well 1 (E0005370) and Discharge Appurtenances DEQ records indicate the system was first inspected in 1986. The inspection report notes the 8-inch cased well supplying the system was drilled at an unknown date to a depth of 310 feet. Static water level was recorded at 270 feet as per DEQ records. A drillers report was not located on the Idaho Department of Water Resources website nor saved to DEQ files. It is unknown if the well was constructed with a surface seal. In order to continue to protect the well from potential contamination, cracks in concrete adjacent to well casing were identified as a deficiency and sealed by the operator. A gap in the joint of the well casing and cap was identified from photos taken at the time of the survey and also sealed by the operator. While the casing and cap had separated, a rubber gasket below the well cap provided a seal to protect the source from contamination. Photos of repairs are included in the photo log. The well is equipped with a 25 hp (3 phase) submersible pump set at 300 feet and discharging between 100 and 125 gallons per minute (gpm). Well actuation is regulated by a 40-68 psi pressure switch on well discharge (the service area is of similar elevation to the well). Well discharge appurtenances include an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter, isolation valves, pressure gage, and sample tap. The well is plumbed to discharge to waste outside the well building. A pressure relief valve is installed on well discharge and plumbed to exhaust to atmosphere at 75 psi, the outlet was equipped with 24-mesh screen following the survey(photo-documentation is included in the photo log). The well casing is not vented. As per the 2013 survey, IDAPA requires the well cap be vented if waterable drawdown exceeds 10 feet at maximum pump capacity. The 2013 survey indicated the system operator did not anticipate well draw down to exceed 10 feet as the well draws from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. It is strongly recommended the well casing be equipped with a vent protected with a 24-mesh screen to prevent damage to casing and electrical conduit. A vent will be required in the event coliform contamination is attributed to the source. Five hydropneumatic bladder tanks ride on well discharge; each tank may be isolated and drained. Tanks were last tested in August 2017 (tested every three years) and did not sound water logged at the time of the survey. Source Water Assessments have been completed by DEQ,potential contaminant inventories were last updated in March 2013. Detailed findings may be reviewed and updated at: http://qpps.deq.idaho.gov/water/swaonline/ 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 92 of 154 Distribution Summary Record drawings indicate looped distribution main is constructed of 2-inch and 4-inch class 160 PVC main; the operator reported some main may be as small as 11/4-inch PVC. It is unknown if the system holds easements for distribution main. Plans also indicate one dead end main was constructed within the southwest zone of distribution. However, the operator excavated the area following the 2013 survey and reported the dead end main extension was not constructed; rather the main terminates at the service meter. It is recommended that flushing hydrants be installed to allow for flushing in the event of contamination of the distribution system. The operator indicated there are no air vacuum relief valves installed on distribution main. As the system receives electrical power from Kootenai Electric Cooperative, energy savings rebates are available from the Bonneville Power Energy Smart Industrial Program. Rebates may go toward cost of leak detection and repair as well as pump replacement. For more information,please contact Layne McWilliams with the Energy Smart Industrial Program in Coeur d'Alene at layne.mcwilliamskenergysmartindustrial.com or at 971-244-8581. Required Depressurization Response The Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems require the following response to distribution depressurization(pressure below 20 psi) as per IDAPA during unplanned or emergency situations, when water pressure within the system is known to have decreased below 20 psi, the water supplier must notify DEQ,provide public notice to affected customers within 24 hours and flush and/or disinfect the system. When sampling and corrective procedures have been conducted, the water supplier may re-notify the affected customers that water is safe for consumption. During planned maintenance or repair situations, when water pressure is expected to fall below twenty (20)psi, the water supplier must provide public notice to the affected customers prior to planned maintenance or repair activity and shall ensure that the water is safe for consumption. Cross Connection Control Implementation As per Idaho Rules, the water system purveyor is responsible for implementation of a Cross Connection Control Program. The water system purveyor is defined in the Rules as, the person, company, or association who provides or intends to provide drinking water to the customers and is ultimately responsible for the public water system operation. The purveyor is ultimately considered responsible for implementation of the program. IDAPA lists the minimum requirements of a Cross Connection Control Program: Cross Connection Control Program - Community Water Systems. The water purveyor is responsible through its cross connection control program to take reasonable and prudent measures to protect the water system against contamination and pollution from cross connections through premises 3 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 93 of 154 isolation, internal or in plant isolation,fixture protection, or some combination of premises isolation, internal isolation, and fixture protection. Pursuant to Section 543, all suppliers of water for community water systems shall implement a cross connection control program to prevent the entrance to the system of materials known to be toxic or hazardous. The water purveyor is responsible to enforce the systems cross connection control program. The program will at a minimum include: 1. An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine required suitable protection. For new connections, suitable protection must be installed prior to providing water service. 2. Required installation and operation of adequate backflow prevention assemblies. Appropriate and adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities, fixtures, equipment, and uses of water should be selected from the AWWA Pacific Northwest Section Cross Connection Control Manual, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control(M14), the USC Foundation Manual of Cross Connection Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department. The assemblies must meet the requirements of Section 543 and comply with local ordinances. 3. Annual inspections and testing of all installed backflow prevention assemblies by a tester licensed by a licensing authority recognized by the Department. Testing shall be done in accordance with the test procedures published by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. See the USC Foundation Manual of Cross-Connection Control referenced in Subsection 002.02. 4. Discontinuance of service to any structure,facility, or premises where suitable backflow protection has not been provided for a cross connection. 5. Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to be defective shall be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days. If the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days, water service to the failed assembly shall be discontinued. A copy of the system ordinance providing purveyor authority to implement the program was provided following the 2013 survey. The document appears to provide purveyor authority to actively implement the Cross Connection Control program. The operator reported the system has initiated program implementation through service connection inspections and required installation of backflow prevention assemblies where required. As an additional requirement to the survey, the system must continue to implement the program by inspecting all connections, requiring installation of backflow prevention devices and assemblies where applicable, and tracking annual testing of backflow prevention assemblies by an Idaho licensed backflow assembly tester. Monitoring Summary The system is operating in compliance with all current monitoring requirements and actively participates in DEQ's monitoring waiver program. Source water quality currently meets all regulatory drinking water standards. The table below summarizes current monitoring requirements for the system. The monitoring schedule may also be accessed at: htttp://www.deg.idaho.izov/water- quality/drinkingg water/pws-switchboard.aspx 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 94 of 154 Distribution Contaminant Frequency Sample Location Total coliform 1 sample per month In accordance with coliform sampling plan Lead and Copper 5 samples every 3 years Assigned sampling locations Well Contaminant Frequency Nitrate 1 sample per year Nitrite 1 sample per 9 years Gross Alpha I sample per 9 years Fluoride I sample per 9 years Sodium 1 sample per 3 years Uranium I sample per 6 years Arsenic I sample per 9 years Radium 226 1 sample per 3 years Radium 228 1 sample per 3 years Regulated IOC Contaminants I sample per 9 years Nitrate levels have historically ranged(1986 to present) from 1.4 to 2.8 mg/L with 2017 results at 2.61 mg/L. Historic arsenic levels have been consistently below minimum detection levels. Lead and copper monitoring results from the last round of five samples collected in September 2016 ranged from 0.0016 to 0.0022 mg/L for lead, with copper levels ranging from 0.0137 to 0.0769 mg/L. The lead action level is 0.015 mg/L and copper action level is 1.3 mg/L. Lead and copper monitoring will be due again between June 1 and September 30, 2019 and are to be collected from home sampling locations identified as per system lead and copper site selection criteria. As a community water system, monthly monitoring for total coliform in distribution is required to represent water quality throughout distribution. A review of monthly sampling history between March 2017 and February 2018 reflects samples are collected in accordance with the sampling plan. Sampling locations include 9961 Huetter, 5948 Emmanual, 5891 Hayden, 4941 Hayden, 5876 Emmanual, and 10087 Huetter. Total coliform samples collected from the well building will not be credited for future compliance. Administrative and Operational Oversight The system is classified as a Very Small Water System under direct oversight of responsible charge licensed operator, Ken Rickel, who holds a Very Small Distribution License (DWDVSWS-12995) due for renewal September 8, 2018. Back-up operation is provided by Robert Wachter. Mr. Wachter holds a distribution one license (DWD1-12905) due for renewal on December 17, 2018. Administrative oversight of the water system is provided by a two member Board. Ken Rickel serves as President, Catherine Rickel serves as Secretary. Please complete the enclosed financial and managerial forms and return to the DEQ Coeur d'Alene Regional Office within 30 days of receipt. 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 95 of 154 Conclusion The system is considered to be operating in compliance with the Rules. Below please find a summary of requirements and recommendations for optimization of future system operation. Requirements 1. The application of herbicides or pesticides is prohibited within a 50-foot radius of the well. 2. A well casing vent will be required in the event coliform contamination is attributed to the source. 3. In the event distribution pressure decreases below 20 psi, appropriate follow up action in accordance with the Rules must be followed, as stated on page 5 of this report. Requirements include providing notification to affected customers within 24 hours, notification to DEQ and collection of water quality samples to verify integrity of the water supply. 4. The cross connection control program is required to be fully implemented. 5. Total coliform samples collected from the well building will not be credited for compliance in the future. 6. Please complete and return the enclosed financial and managerial forms within 30 days of receipt of this report. Recommendations 1. Back-up power or an emergency intertie with a neighboring purveyor is strongly recommended to provide system redundancy. 2. It is strongly recommended the well is equipped with a vent protected with a 24-mesh screen to prevent damage to well casing and electrical conduit upon well actuation. A vent will be required in the event coliform contamination is attributed to the source. 3. It is recommended that flushing hydrants be installed on looped distribution main to allow for flushing in the event of system contamination. 4. It is recommended hydropneumatic tanks continue to be routinely tested for potential bladder failure. 5. It is recommended all system valves are exercised on an annual basis. 6. It is recommended that an Operation and Maintenance Manual be drafted for the water system if not already available. 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 96 of 154 Photographic Documentation Name of Facility: Happy Valley Water System Inspector(s): Suzanne Scheidt Miller Inspection Date: Monday, April 02, 2018 Purpose of Inspection: Sanitary Survey • • Publish Date: Tuesday 17 April 2018 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 97 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Happy Valley Water System Table of Photographs: Photograph 1: Pump house &attached dog house structure................................................................................................................3 Photograph 2: Pump house &3 phase overhead power........................................................................................................................3 Photograph 3: Well head enclosed within dog house structure............................................................................................................3 Photograph 4: Sealed well head and well cap post field survey.............................................................................................................3 Photograph 5: Sealed well head post field survey..................................................................................................................................4 Photograph 6: Well discharge appurtenances........................................................................................................................................4 Photograph 7: Well discharge to waste outlet.......................................................................................................................................5 Photograph 8: Well discharge to distribution.........................................................................................................................................5 Photograph 9: Well discharge to distribution.........................................................................................................................................5 Photograph 10: Well discharge pressure relief outlet to atmosphere...................................................................................................5 Photograph 11: Well actuation pressure switch.....................................................................................................................................6 Photograph12: Well house floor drain ..................................................................................................................................................6 Photograph 13: Well house thermostatically controlled heater............................................................................................................6 Photograph14: Well controls.................................................................................................................................................................6 Photograph 15: Hydropneumatic testing history(every 3 years) ..........................................................................................................7 Photograph 16: Pressure relief outlet ....................................................................................................................................................7 Photograph 17: Pressure relief outlet to atmosphere screened post field survey................................................................................7 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 98 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Happy Valley Water System i- Photograph 1:Pump house&attached dog house structure Photograph 2:Pump house&3 phase overhead power Photograph 4:Sealed well head and well cap post field survey f Photograph 3:Well head enclosed within dog house structure 3 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 99 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Happy Valley Water System i ram' Photograph 5:Sealed well head post field survey u Photograph 6:Well discharge appurtenances 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 100 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Happy Valley Water System �l torn%*%%1 W-NI . s Photograph 7:Well discharge to waste outlet A. i Photograph 8:Well discharge to distribution �N M 1 Photograph 9:Well discharge to distribution Photograph 10:Well discharge pressure relief outlet to atmosphere 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 101 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Happy Valley Water System \f/ L Photograph 11:Well actuation pressure switch Photograph 12:Well house floor drain t f Photograph 13:Well house thermostatically controlled heater Photograph 14:Well controls 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 102 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Happy Valley Water System I -�4•Il WwS 38� uow dR� 8-t4r1 "►�Sp Now38 + Photograph 15:Hydropneumatic testing history(every 3 years) Photograph 16:Pressure relief outlet Photograph 17:Pressure relief outlet to atmosphere screened post field survey 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 103 of 154 Environmental Health tlas Road Panhandle Health District 85°0,Iaho83835 Hayden,Idaho 83835 IV Health People in Health Communities phone:208-415-5220 Public Health y P y Fax:208-415-5201 Prevent, Promote. Protect. www.panhandlehealthdistict.ore Panhandle Health District October 17, 2023 Leslie Abrams-Rayner PO BOX 3388 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 Email: leslie@gemstate-water.com Subject: Gem State- Lynnwood Estates (ID1280259) -Sanitary Survey conducted on September 21, 2023 Dear Leslie Abrams-Rayner: A sanitary survey was recently conducted for Gem State - Lynnwood Estates (ID1280259). This letter provides the sanitary survey report and photos for your records. Significant Deficiencies: No Significant Deficiencies were identified during this inspection. Deficiencies: Deficiencies must be corrected when feasible or during modifications of existing processes or facilities. Recommendations: Recommendations identified in the report are not required to be corrected at this time, but it is recommended. Consult DEQ before taking specific corrective actions or modifying the water system. Modifying your public water system or installing new components may require assistance from an Idaho licensed professional engineer and DEQ's review and approval. Contact DEQ before making modifications to your system. Thank you for your help in completing the sanitary survey. For questions, contact Jamie Barton, Drinking Water Compliance Officer, Health District 1, 208-415-5208,jbarton@phdl.idaho.gov. Sincerely, v Jamie Barton Environmental Program Manager Enclosures (n): Photographic Documentation, Sanitary Survey Form - 1 - GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 104 of 154 Sanitary Survey Report Gem State - Lynnwood Estates - ID1280259 Survey conducted on September 21, 2023 Report generated on October 17, 2023 Narrative The Lynnwood Estates water system is classified as a community public drinking water system located approximately a % mile north of Athol, east of Highway 95 along Trinity Lane. The water system consists of a single drilled well, pressure tanks, and distribution mains serving 24 rural residential connections. History Lynnwood Estates was platted in 1962 into 36 lots. Jerry Mortensen had a well drilled in 1991 (well #1) to serve available lots within Lynnwood Estates and the surrounding area. The well had collapsed at the time of drilling and eventually led to an overproduction of sand in the drinking water. Kootenai Investment Company took over the water system and had a second well (well #2) drilled October 21, 1994. Plans and specifications (P&S) for the well and pump house were submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by Gem State Engineering in August 1994 and approved by DEQ September 1994. As reported, well #1 was no longer used but remained listed as a backup well until 2007 when it was inactivated and scheduled for abandonment. In April 2010, the water system was notified by the Panhandle Health District (PHD) of being in violation for exceeding the running annual average maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic (0.010 mg/L). Various options were explored; including treatment at the source, point- of-use treatment, or drilling a new well. In March 2013 the well was rehabilitated, beginning with pulling the pump, sealing the lower portion of the well, re-perforating the casing, and installing the pump at a higher level. The rehabilitation resulted in a significant amount of fine material drawn through the perforations, causing a reduced production which could not support the demands of the entire system. The filled portion of the well was removed and following that entire process, all arsenic monitoring results have been below the MCL. Source—Well #2 (DEQ tag# E0005366) The water system receives its water supply solely from well #2; an 8-inch cased well drilled by H2O Well Services to a total depth of 394 feet. A well driller's report is on file with PHD and indicates the 8-inch casing extends the entire depth of the well and is sealed with bentonite to 60 feet. The static water level was reported at 324 feet below the surface with production - 2 - GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 105 of 154 tested at 50 gallons per minute. The casing extends 16 inches above the surface and is fitted with a watertight vented well cap. The well and pump house are located on a 100 by 100 foot well lot along the north side of Trinity Lane. A portion of the well lot is fenced to prevent unwarranted access to the well and pump house; however, the well itself is located only 9 feet from the fence line leaving the well vulnerable to the uses of the neighboring property. Pumps & Pump House The well is equipped with a 15-horsepower submersible pump controlled by a pressure switch in the pump house. The pump house is a below ground concrete vault located on the well lot. A locking riser and ladder are included for access to the vault. It appears that adequate light, heat, and floor drainage are provided. According to the original plans, the floor drain discharges to drain rock beneath the vault. Ventilation is provided thru a 4-inch pipe out the roof of the vault which is properly screened and downturned. The operator monitors oxygen levels prior to entering the vault. Contained in the pump vault are the flow to waste line, cycle stop valve, smooth-nosed sample tap, flow meter, four pressure tanks, pressure switch, and the pump control panel. The pressure tanks are each equipped with an isolation valve and threaded tap for draining; hose bib vacuum breakers are provided on each of the threaded taps. The flow to waste line discharges to a gravel basin located just east of the vault; the open end of the discharge line is screened and downturned to keep the line clear of insects or debris. The gravel basin is quick draining and located approximately 20 feet from the well; this was approved by DEQ in the original plans for the water system in 1994. Distribution The distribution system is comprised of 4-inch PVC pipe and is not looped. Two-inch flush hydrants are located at each of the dead ends and are flushed semiannually. All service connections are equipped with radio-read meters. Financial & Managerial Capacity The water system is owned by Gem State Water Company, LLC and operated by Cole Rayner. Mr. Rayner holds a Drinking Water Distribution Class I Water System Licenses (DWD1-19173). Compliance monitoring schedules may be accessed online within DEQ's public water system switchboard at https://www.deg.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-water/public-water-system- switchboard/. Source Water Assessment reports can be viewed online by including the water system name or number at.http://www2.deg.idaho.gov/water/swaOnline/Search. The report includes source - 3 - GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 106 of 154 water delineation maps, potential contaminant inventory, and contaminant susceptibility scores for the well. Deficiencies: Deficiencies must be corrected when feasible or during modifications of existing processes or facilities. Well #2 (E0O053661 Question#2-Are surrounding land uses creating health hazards or increasing the potential for source contamination? (Setbacks not met, dumping, etc.) Yes. Note: The well is on a 100x100 foot well lot; however, the well itself is only 9 feet from the fence line and large fuel operated machinery is stored on the other side of the fence. The land surrounding Well #2 has a condition that has the potential to cause a health hazard.This health hazard may create a danger to the consumer's health (IDAPA The PWS owner should work with the adjacent landowner to control/eliminate potential sources of contamination. Land use increases the susceptibility of source water contamination. Financial/Managerial Capacity Question#10- Cross Connection Control Plan (C only) No. Note: A copy of the CCCP is not in the file The PWS owner/operator has not implemented a cross connection control program that includes the minimum requirements (IDAPA cross connection control program needs to be developed and/or implemented. Cross connections are significant sanitary risks that threaten drinking water quality and public health. Successful control of cross connection hazards depends not only on inspecting for cross connections, but also on an enforceable and implemented cross connection control program. Question#11-Asset Management Plan (C and NTNC) No. Note: Operator stated there is an Asset Management Plan; however, a copy of it could not be found in the file. An Asset Management Plan should be established for the PWS. The assets of a water system include the natural and engineered components for providing water(e.g., source water, pumps, motors, storage tanks,treatment plants, pipes). A good asset management program typically includes a written plan for achieving the best appropriate cost for rehabilitation, repair, or replacement of a public water system's assets.Asset management is effective in maximizing the value of capital as well as minimizing operations and maintenance expenditures.To learn more about asset management, go to DEQ's website at: https://www.deg.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-water/public-water-system-switchboard/capacity- development/ - 4 - GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 107 of 154 Question#12- Operation and Maintenance Manual (C and NTNQ No. There is not a complete operation and maintenance (O&M) manual for this public water system (IDAPA, 003.90, and 003.91).An 0&M manual needs to be developed and/or implemented. Submit an O&M manual for review and approval. Upon approval,the operator must operate the system in accordance with the approved O&M manual.At a minimum, include the following items in the O&M manual: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly operating instructions information specific to a particular type of treatment location of valves and other key distribution system features pertinent telephone and address contact information operator safety procedures alarm system and emergency procedures trouble-shooting advice water quality testing procedures response plan for depressurization events customer service procedures response plan for customer complaints maintenance information and checklists manufacturer's product information including troubleshooting information parts list, spare parts list, and parts order form necessary special tools An O&M manual provides procedures to operate and maintain a facility's various systems and equipment. It is important to analyze and evaluate a facility from the system level, then develop procedures to attain the most efficient systems integration. Lack of an O&M manual can lead to system failures and contamination of drinking water. Question#29- Do all Sample Siting Plan(s) meet the minimum requirements? Unknown Note: The sample siting plan was not available for review. • The system owner does not have a current written sample siting plan that meets RTCR requirements (40 CFR 141.853.a). An RTCR sample siting plan needs to be developed and/or implemented. • The system owner does not have a current written sample siting plan that meets Lead/Copper requirements (40 CFR 141.86). A Lead/Copper sample siting plan needs to be developed and/or implemented. A sample siting plan is designed to specify where in the distribution system samples will be drawn to ensure they are representative of the water system. Question#30-Are samples being taken in accordance with the Sample Siting Plan(s)? Unknown Note: The sample siting plan was not available for review. - 5 - GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 108 of 154 • RTCR monitoring samples are not being taken in accordance with the approved sample siting plan (40 CFR 141.853.a). • Lead/Copper monitoring samples are not being taken in accordance with the approved sample siting plan (40 CFR 141.86). Samples not taken in accordance with a sample siting plan, may not be representative of the distribution system resulting in the water system not receiving credit for sampling. Recommendations: Recommendations identified in this Report are not required to be corrected at this time, however it is recommended. Financial/Managerial Capacity Question#9- Can any of the water system's functionality be controlled virtually or over a network? Yes. Without proper cybersecurity, a drinking water system is vulnerable to attack. The EPA recommends all drinking water and wastewater utilities take the following cybersecurity actions: * Prioritize remediating known exploited vulnerabilities. * Enable and enforce multifactor authentication with strong passwords. * Close unused ports and remove any application not deemed necessary for day-to-day operations. * Follow the steps outlined in the joint Cybersecurity Advisory to protect your organization from a potential Hive ransomware attack. If you suspect that you organization is the victim of a ransomware attack please report to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at https://us-cert.cisa.gov/forms/report and/or FBI at https://www.ic3.gov/. - 6 - GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 109 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey Protecting •lic Health and the Environment Department of Environmental Quality jDj"OSanitary Survey NOW Sanitary Survey (Version 23) PWS: ID1280259 - GEM STATE- LYNNWOOD ESTATES Jurisdiction:HEALTH DISTRICT 1 SDWIS Websiteg Sanitary Survey Date: 09/21/2023 General Information Approval Approved Status: #Ground Primary Sanitary Survey Index Water Sources: 1 County KOOTENAI Modules Used: # Served: General #Surface Owner Information 1 Water Sources: 0 Type: Private Primary Source GW Legal Company Wells 1 Type: Entity. p y Total 50 #Storage 0 Springs Population:c' Facilities: Intakes and #Service 24 Total Infiltration Connections:c' Storage: (gat) Galleries Consecutive Community Nontransient Connections Water System Type: Noncommunity Transient Storage Tanks Noncommunity Hydropneumatic 1 Tanks Distribution: VSWS System Distribution 1 Classification: Treatment: 0 Systems N/A Pumps 1 Annual Operating Period - Population Served: Treatment Plants �. Date Type Estimated Count Begin 01/01 12/31 R 50 Chlorinators Gas CL2 Water Purchased From: Financial- 1 Managerial None Total Modules 6 Water Sold To: None Contacts file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Downloads/ID1280259_Finalized_ESSForm.html 1/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 110 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey All systems must have an AC and FC(one of each only). All C and NTNC must have a DO. V jNa �j[tus Addr 1 City State Zip p Biz Ext Mobile hone ABRAMS-RAYNER, PO BOX COEUR 877 208 877-755- leslie@gemstate- AC LESLIE A 3388 D'ALENE ID 83816 755- 929- 9287 water.com 9287 1045 PO BOX COEUR 877 208 877-755- cole@gemstate- DO RAYNER, COLE A ID 83816 755- 651 3388 D'ALENE 9287 7769 9287 water.com ABRAMS-RAYNER PO BOX COEUR 877 208 877-755- leslie@gemstate- EC LESLIE A 3388 D'ALENE ID 83816 755- 929- 9287 water.com 9287 1045 PO BOX COEUR 877 208 877-755- cole@gemstate- EC RAYNER, COLE A ID 83816 755- 651 3388 D'ALENE 9287 7769 9287 water.com ABRAMS-RAYNER PO BOX COEUR 877 208 877-755- leslie@gemstate- FC LESLIE A 3388 D'ALENE ID 83816 755- 929- 9287 water.com 9287 1045 ABRAMS-RAYNER, PO BOX COEUR 877 208 877-755- leslieCgemstate- OP LESLIE A 3388 D'ALENE ID 83816 755- 929- 9287 water.com 9287 1045 PO BOX COEUR 877 infoCgemstate- OW GEM STATE A 3388 D'ALENE ID 83816 755- water.com 9287 ABRAMS-RAYNER, PO BOX COEUR 877 208 877-755- leslie@gemstate- SA LESLIE A 3388 D'ALENE ID 83816 755- 929- 9287 water.com 9287 1045 Parties Present Role .. Title Organization Primary Inspector BARTON, JAMIE jHD1 P RAYNER, COLE ISAMPLER IGEM STATE Facilities Assigned Type Status Availability Source D it—e - (Tag) 1� Indicator Constructil. E0005366 WELL#2 WL A Permanent Y 47.957170 -116.697089 4 H-TANKS 4 HYDROPNEUMATIC ST A N TANKS T1280259DS1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DS A N 10/21/1994 E0005367 IWELL#1 1 WL I I I Permanent I Y 1 147.9571679-116.697203 General Questions General Questions Yes No N/AUnk CSL Notes 1. Have material modifications been made to the PWS since the last survey? Add file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Downloads/ID1280259_Finalized_ESSForm.html 2/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 111 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey u u u 2• If material modifications were made, were plans and specs submitted to and approved by DEQ? Add (0) 1112 3 Were samples taken during the survey by the inspector? (If yes, indicate what samples were Add collected in the Notes.) Wells WSIF State Assigned ID Name Verified E0005366 IWELL#2 Yes Well WELL#2 Name: Tag Number:E0005366 Well Questions Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes 1. Is there a well log for the source? EDMS#: 12023ACA5802 Add Are surrounding land uses creating health hazards or increasing the potential for source M 2 contamination? (Setbacks not met, dumping, etc.) Edit Notes: The well is on a 100x100 foot well lot;however the well itselt is only 9 feet from the fence line and (0) large fuel operated machinery is stored on the other side of the fence. Are toxic or hazardous chemicals stored on the well lot? (pesticides, paint, herbicides, 3. fertilizers, petroleum, etc.) (0) Add 4. Are pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers applied to the well lot without approval? Add (0) If the well is in a pit, is the pit protected from flooding and contamination? (watertight walls 5. and floor, floor drain, acceptable pit cover, etc.) Edit Notes: Well is not located in a pit. (0) 6 Is the well (not located in a pump house) protected from unauthorized access? (Locking cap, Add fenced, etc.) (Recommended) (0) 7. Is the well protected from flooding? (casing height >highest flood level, >18"outdoor, >12" Add indoor, etc.) (0) $ Is the well properly vented? (24 mesh screen, open downward >18"outdoor or >12"indoor, Add etc.) (0) 9. Does the well casing and cap prevent contamination and surface water entry? Add (0) 10.Is a raw water smooth nosed sample tap provided on the discharge pipe? (Prior to any Add treatment) (0) Is a working flow meter provided? (Instant, totaling, nonvolatile memory, installed on 11•discharge pipe, etc.) Gallons: 66,818,754 (0) Add 12 Is a working pressure gauge provided? (Instant, installed on discharge pipe, etc.) PSI: Add 67 (0) 13.Is an adequate pump-to-waste provided? (Capacity of the well, air gap, prior to the first Add service connection, etc.) (0) Pump House Questions (Only pump houses that contain a Groundwater Source) Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Down load s/ID1280259_Finalized_ESS Form.htm1 3/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 112 of 154 10/17/23,10:24 AM Sanitary Survey J Q 14.Is the well enclosed in a pump house? Add ❑ ❑ 0 ( 15.Is the pump house protected from contamination? (Clean, in good repair, etc.) Add (0) [ 16.Is the pump house protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked, durable construction, etc.) Add (0) ❑ ❑ 0 ( 17.Does the pump house have adequate lighting throughout? Add (0) [ 18.Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps installed in the pump house? Add (0) ❑ ❑ Q [ 1 19.Are there signs of equipment damage due to excess heat, moisture, or corrosion? (inadequate Add ventilation) (0) 20.Is there a history of pump house equipment freezing? (Inadequate heating) Add (0) ❑ ❑ 0 ( 21 Is the pump house protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Floor drain, ground Add surface graded to lead surface water away, etc.) (0) [ 22.Does the configuration of the floor drain or sump cause a contamination risk? (connected to other drainage systems, sump < 30 feet from well, etc.) (0) Add Hydropnuematic Tanks Tag Name Comments #1 - Pump Vault - Well-x-Trol - WX252 - Bladder- 86gal. - Installed: unk 4 H-TANKS 4 HYDROPNEUMATIC #2 - Pump Vault - Well-x-Trol - WX255 - Bladder- 81 gal. - Installed: unk TANKS #3 - Pump Vault - Well-x-Trol - WX252 - Bladder- 86 gal. - Installed: unk #4 - Pump Vault - Well-x-Trot - WX255 - Bladder- 81 gal. - Installed: unk The questions, below, apply to all Hydropneumatic Tanks. Hydropneumatic Tanks Questions Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes 1. Is the system served by a variable frequency drive (VFD)? (Recommended) Add (0) 2 Is the tank located in a structure that is protected from flooding and unauthorized entry? Add (Locked, watertight walls and floor, floor drain, acceptable cover, etc.) (0) 3 Can all hydropneumatic tanks be isolated from the system without depressurizing the Add distribution system? (0) 4. Do the exterior surfaces appear to be in good condition? (Coating intact, no corrosion, etc.) Add (0) 5. Do all tank supports appear to be structurally sound and adequate? Add (0) 6 Have all hydropneumatic tanks been tested for structural integrity in the past 5 years? Add (Recommended) (0) Bladder Tanks Only Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Downloads/ID1280259_Finalized_ESSForm.html 4/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 113 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey 7. Has the tank been tested for bladder failure in the last year? (Recommended) Edit Notes:Completed every 6 months (0) Non-Bladder Tanks Only Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes Is the recharge air protected from contamination? (free of air compressor oil, clean air filter, 8.etc.) Edit Notes:This PWS has no non-bladder hydropneumatic tanks. (0) Are installed appurtenances working properly and protected from contamination? (access ❑ ❑ 0 , 9.manhole, drain, water sight glass, means to add air, air blow-off, etc.) Edit Notes:This PWS has no non-bladder hydropneumatic tanks. (0) Distribution Systems WSF State Assigned ID Name T1280259DS1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Distribution System DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Name: Tag T1280259DSI Number: Distribution System Questions Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes Main line type of materials are? (Select all that apply) Steel HDPE (black) 1• Asbestos/Cement Copper PVC Ductile Iron Gray Iron Add (0) Galvanized Other 2. Main line sizes? 4-inch Add (0) 3 Number of Metered Connections? 124 out of I Edit Notes:All have radio-read meters with leak detection (0) ❑ Q 4. Does the system utilize fire hydrants? Add (0) ❑ ❑ L 5. If the system utilizes fire hydrants, are mainlines a minimum of 6 inches? (Recommended) Add (0) Is a current map of the distribution system available? (Recommended) (Main sizes, locations 0 ❑ ( 6. of valves and hydrants, etc.) EDMS#: Edit Notes:A current map in not on file. (0) Have public notifications, DEQ notifications, and follow-up actions been followed for any 7. planned or unplanned depressurizations in the past year? Edit Notes:No public notifications, DEQ notifications,or follow-up actions were required for planned or unplanned (0) depressurizations in the past year. Was the pressure measured at a service connection? PSI: 69 Location: 8. Add 32124 N Roberts Rd Time: 11:56 AM 9 Is a minimum system pressure of 20 psi. maintained at all service connections? (Including fire Add flow- Identify pressure complaints in the Notes.) (0) 10. Is a minimum system pressure of 40 psi. maintained during maximum hourly demand conditions? (PWSs constructed after 7/1/1985 - Excluding fire flow) (0) Add file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Down load s/ID1280259_Finalized_ESS Form.htm1 5/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 114 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey 11.Does pressure exceed 100 psi at any service connection? Add (0) 12 Are valves inspected and exercised regularly? (Recommended) Edit Notes:At least twice a year (0) 13.Is the owner/operator aware of any leaking water mains? Add (0) 14.Are all dead end mains equipped with a means to flush? Add (0) 15.Are dead end mains flushed at least semiannually? Add (0) 16.Are there any materials used that should not be in contact with drinking water? (Pipes, Add sealants, components, etc.) (0) 17.Does the system experience water main freezing? Add (0) Are there any connections that provide supplemental disinfection and meet the definition of a 18.PWS but are unregulated? (Recommended) (Hospitals, businesses, long-term care facilities, Add etc.) (0) 19.Are there any unused subsurface water storage tanks that need to be abandoned? Add (Recommended) (0) 20 Are there any water supply wells that are no longer being used that need to be abandoned? Add (Recommended) (0) Cross Connection Control Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes Is an adequate cross connection control program provided and implemented? (Community 21.PWS only) (Authority to implement, inspection program, adequate protection, annual Add testing,ability to discontinue service, 10 days to repair a failed device) (0) 22.Is the operator trained in cross connection control? (Recommended) Add (0) Are all backflow preventers owned by the PWS tested annually? 23• Edit Notes: This PWS does not own any testable backflow preventers. (0) Are there any known unprotected cross connections? (Submerged blow-offs, direct 24.connections to storm or sewer drains, connection to unapproved source, uncontrolled fire Add hydrant use, treatment bypass with raw water, etc.) (0) 25 Are all non-potable mains, hydrants, and taps easily identified as such? Edit Notes: There are no non-potable mains, hydrants or taps. (0) Is the discharge piping on all air valves protected from contamination? (Prevent surface water ❑ ❑ 0 ( 26.entry and backflow, open downward, 24 mesh screen, etc.) Edit Notes: There are no air valves associated with the Distribution System. (0) 27 Are bulk water stations provided with backflow protection measures? Edit Notes: There are no bulk water stations associated with this PWS. (0) Pumps powerState Name Type Pump Type Pump (e.g. 1.5HP. Low/High set Auxiliary(e.g. Emergency Assigned (WL or Capacity points: 25/75psi) Power a propane generator) file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Downloads/ID1280259_Finalized_ESSForm.html 6/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 115 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey 15HP sumbersible E0005366 WELL#2 WL Submersible controlled by a pressure NO switch The questions, below, apply to all Pumps. Pump Questions Yes No N/AUnk CSL Notes 1. Do any of the pumps cycle > 6 times per hour? (Recommended) Add (0) 2.Are all pumps in good repair? (excessive noise, vibration, heat, odors, leaks, etc.) Add (0) 3.Are spare parts readily available for critical pump components? Add (0) 4 Is each pump equipped with an accessible check valve? (on the discharge side before the shut- Add off valve) (0) 5.Are isolation valves provided on the discharge side of the pump? Add (0) 6. Is a working pressure gauge installed on the discharge line of all pumps? Add (0) 7. Is a working flow meter provided for each pump? (Required if pump is connected directly to Add the distribution system) (0) 8 Is all pump lubrication oil ANSI/NSF 61 approved? Edit Notes:There are no pumps associated with this PWS that require oil lubrication. (0) Is an air/vacuum relief valve provided for each vertical turbine pump and is it protected from 9.contamination? (Open downward, 24 mesh screen, air gap, etc.) Edit Notes:There are no vertical turbine pumps associated with this PWS. (0) Pump House (Only pump houses that don't contain a Groundwater Source.) Yes No N/AUnk CSL Notes 10.Are there any pump houses associated with this PWS that don't contain a Groundwater Add Source? 0 ❑ ❑ l 11.Are all pump houses protected from contamination? (Clean, good repair, etc.) Add (0) 0 ❑ ❑ F- 12.Are all pump houses protected from unauthorized entry? (Locked, durable construction, etc.) Add (0) 0 ❑ ❑ ( 13.Do all pump houses have adequate lighting throughout? Add (0) 0 ❑ ❑ (_, 14.Is adequate backflow protection provided on all threaded taps/ hose bibs installed in any of Add the pump houses? (0) Are there signs of excess heat, moisture, or corrosion damage in any of the pump houses? ❑ 0 ❑ ( 15.(inadequate ventilation) Edit Notes:Some corrosion is evident but in comparing with old photos in the file, the corrosion has not increased. (0) ❑ 0 F 16 Are there signs or a history of pump house equipment freezing in any of the pump houses? Add (inadequate heating) (0) 17 Are all pump houses protected from flooding and surface water entry? (Drained, ground Add surface graded to lead surface water away, etc.) (0) 18 Do the floor drains discharge > 30 feet from any well in all of the pump houses? Edit Notes:According to the original plans, the floor drain discharges to drain rock beneath the vault. (0) file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Down load s/ID1280259_Finalized_ESS Form.htm1 7/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 116 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey 19.Does an unprotected cross connection exist due to the floor drain connection in any of the Add pump houses? (Connected to sewer, storm drains, etc.) (0) Auxiliary Power Units (APU) Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes 20.Does the PWS have any APUs? Add ❑ ❑ 0 ( 21.Are all APUs tested regularly? (Recommended) Add (0) 22.For all APUs, is a working automatic power transfer switch provided? Add (0) Community Systems Only Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes Can the community PWS adequately pressurize the distribution system during a power outage? 23.(C only) Edit Notes: This system was constructed prior to the requirement for backup power. (0) Do the APUs power all essential electrical functions in the pump houses and the pumping U ❑ Q ( 24.stations (pump, controls, treatment, etc.) and pressurize the system for a minimum of 8 Add hours? (0) APU on a Well Lot Only Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes u 25.Are there any auxiliary power units located on a well lot? Add ❑ ❑ 0 ( 26.Are the fuel tanks above ground or otherwise accessible for leak inspection? Add (0) Is secondary spill containment provided for all fuel tanks? (110%of fuel tank volume - Double ❑ ❑ 121 27.walled tank is acceptable with active leak detection equipment between the two walls with Add spill prevention and overfill protection.) (0) ❑ ❑ 0 ( 28.Does a certified operator observe filling of the fuel tank(s)? Add (0) ❑ 29.Is engine exhaust directly discharged to the outside atmosphere for all APUs? Add (0) Financial/Managerial Financial Capacity Questions Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes 1. Is the PWS current with the payment of drinking water fees? Add (0) 2 Is the user charged for drinking water? Edit Notes:$35/month for up to 15,000 gallons;$2.45 for every gallon over. 3. Does the water system have an annual budget? (Recommended) Add (0) Has an independent financial audit of the PWS been conducted, or has the SMART Financial 4' Add Tool been completed? (Recommended) (0) Mangerial Capacity Questions file:///C:/Users/ibarton/Downloads/ID1280259_Finalized_ESSForm.html 8/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 117 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes Does this PWS have a governing body, a board of directors or a recognized organizational 5.structure? Edit Notes:NW Natural Holdings 6. Does the PWS board meet routinely? Frequency: IlEvery 6 months Add Are records retained onsite or nearby for the minimum time required? (TC-5yr; chemlrad-10yr; 7.violation corrective actions-3yr;sanitary surveys-10yr; waiver, variance, or exemption Add determinations-5yr; PNs issued-3yr; daily free chlorine residuals-1 yr) (0) 8 Is there a customer complaint system and ongoing public information program? Add (Recommended) (0) 9.Can any of the water system's functionality be controlled virtually or over a network? Add (0) Does the PWS have the following documents and were they reviewed with the Owner/Operator (where applicable)? (An answer of'No' indicates document does not exist) Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes 10.Cross Connection Control Plan (C only) EDMS#: Edit Notes:A copy of the CCCP is not in the file (0) Asset Management Plan (C and NTNC) EDMS#: 11.Notes:Operator stated there is an Assest Management Plan;however,a copy of it could not be found in the Edit file. (0) 12.Operation and Maintenance Manual (C and NTNC) EDMS#: Add (0) 13.System Classification Worksheet (C and NTNC)cY Add 14.Operator Licensing Issues (C and NTNC) Add 15.Emergency Response Plan (recommended for all systems and required for PWSs with a Add population >3300) EDMS#: (0) 16.Water Loss Control Program Add (0) 17.Water Efficiency Program Add (0) 18.Monitoring Schedules Add 19.Sample History (TCR and Non-TCR) - Past 5 Years Add 20.Violation History - Past 5 Years Add 21.Compliance Schedules - pending and overdue Add 22.Public Notifications - ongoing/currently required Add 23 Chlorine Residual History- Past 5 years Edit Notes:At the time of the inspection, this PWS does not chlorinate. 24 Monthly Operating Reports (MORs) Edit Notes:At the time of the inspection, this PWS is not required to submit MORs. Does the PWS have the following Sample Siting Plans and were they reviewed with the Owner/Operator (where applicable)? (An answer of'No' indicates document does not exist) Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes 25.RTCR Sample Siting Plan EDMS#: Add 26.PBCU Sample Siting Plan (C and NTNC only) EDMS#: Add file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Down load s/ID1280259_Finalized_ESS Form.htm1 9/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 118 of 154 10/17/23, 10:24 AM Sanitary Survey 27.DBP Sample Siting Plan EDMS#: I Add 28 Have changes been made to any Sample Siting Plans based on the review that was conducted? Add If yes, explain in the note. Do all Sample Siting Plan(s) meet the minimum requirements? 29. Edit Notes: The sample siting plan was not available for review. (0) Are samples being taken in accordance with the Sample Siting Plan(s)? 30. Edit Notes: The sample siting plan was not available for review. (0) Safety Questions Yes No N/A Unk CSL Notes 31.Are all personnel adequately and appropriately trained in safety procedures and equipment? Add (0) 32 Does a safety concern exist for personnel and/or visitors? (PPE, handrails/guardrails, ladders, Add non-slip triads, etc.) (0) 33.Is there a potential shock hazard because the electrical wiring appears to be inadequately Add protected? (0) 34.Are protocols followed for any confined space entry? (Recommended) Add (0) file:///C:/Users/jbarton/Down load s/ID1280259_Finalized_ESS Form.htm1 10/10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 119 of 154 Photographic Documentation Inspection Date(s): Thursday, September 21, 2023 Facility ID: ID1280259 Name of Facility: Gem State - Lynwood Estates Inspector(s): Jamie Barton Purpose of Inspection: Sanitary Survey Public Health Prevent. Promote. Protect. Panhandle Health District GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 120 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 Table of Photographs: Photograph 1: Fenced well lot ......................................................................................................3 Photograph 2: Well and pump vault in fenced area......................................................................3 Photograph 3: Well and pump vault in fenced area......................................................................4 Photograph4: Well .......................................................................................................................4 Photograph 5: Well and pump vault .............................................................................................5 Photograph 6: Flow to waste discharge........................................................................................5 Photograph 7: Screen on flow to waste discharge........................................................................6 Photograph 8: Pump vault and vent .............................................................................................6 Photograph 9: Screen on pump vault vent....................................................................................7 Photograph 10: Remote meter reading ........................................................................................7 Photograph 11: Flow meter and check valve on well discharge line.............................................8 Photograph 12: Face of flow meter - 66,818,754 gallons..............................................................8 Photograph 13: Pressure tanks .....................................................................................................9 Photograph 14: Smooth nose tap, pressure gauge, and pressure switch .....................................9 Photograph 15: Well discharge line and flow to waste line ........................................................10 Photograph 16: Gate valve and cycle stop valve.........................................................................10 Photograph 17: Control panel.....................................................................................................11 Photograph 18: Remote monitoring ability.................................................................................11 Photograph19: Floor drain .........................................................................................................12 Photograph 20: Distribution system pressure - 32124 N Roberts Rd - 69 psi..............................12 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 121 of 154 Zi I• XLy) � �1�..ff1�/Jfjf�•+�eL. I '- . V{ 'YI. Photograph 1: Fenced well lot � I :< y •: y.• ,,» .W Photograph 2: Well and pump vault in fenced area GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 122 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 y4 rt Photograph 3: Well and pump vault in fenced area OMJM ORM >(f ,•' o Photograph 4: Well 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 123 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 Photograph 5: Well and pump vault 1 r q 57, •r '4i 4 :�r Photograph 6: Flow to waste discharge 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC .- •• Attachment 1 Page 124 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 �_�� �•,~- i� - �fG .77. ;fir ' Photograph 7: Screen on flow to waste discharge yi��F�r toil��i1 + � 5,� _ '� .. �- •T '�� � s.\'�a� , t Photograph i • vault and vent GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 125 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 Photograph 9: Screen on pump vault vent —. `tl — .. . .eea+Moee�m.�eKNe• ■sour" S 4 . Gem state Water e / Photograph 10: Remote meter reading 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 126 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 • I _ r � r Photograph 11: Flow meter and check valve on well discharge line �Y Photograph 12: Face of flow meter-66,818,754 gallons 8 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 127 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 I) • s v! S. Photograph 13: Pressure tanks w Photograph 14: Smooth nose tap, pressure gauge, and pressure switch 9 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 128 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 F 1 Photograph 15: Well discharge line and flow to waste line Q a P � Photograph 16: Gate valve and cycle stop valve 10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 129 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 ■ Z ® ` l 5 Photograph 17: Control panel 4_Jy-97 imeo u P fttL �te5 T'o 3a Psz c...J- r n Photograph 18: Remote monitoring ability 11 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 130 of 154 Panhandle Health District Photographic Documentation For: Gem State- Lynwood Estates- ID1280259 t , Photograph 19: Floor drain a " Ol q h d SS��iI r x$ � Y _r J =r I Photograph 20: Distribution system pressure - 32124 N Roberts Rd - 69 psi 12 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 131 of 154 Gem State—Diamond Bar Estates, ID1280268 2020 Drinking Water Supply Report Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Field Inspection Date March 10, 2020 System Representatives Leslie Abrams, Responsible Charge Operator Surveyed by Suzanne Scheidt, Senior Drinking Water Analyst Available Sources Well 1 (Primary), Well 2 (Emergency) Population 138 Service Connections 55 residential connections A photographic log is enclosed with the narrative report. System History and Overview The Diamond Bar Estates water system(system) is under ownership and operation of Gem State Water Company, LLC. System engineering plans were submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) by Jeff Block, P.E., on behalf of developer Robert Turnipseed in September 1995. Water system plans including wells, tank and distribution main serving the system were approved by DEQ in February 1996. The system was first inspected in 1996 and community public drinking water supply population criteria met in 2001. In January 2005,plans submitted by Roger Glessner were approved by DEQ for an 8-inch main extension from the 6-inch main on Atlas Road to serve the 14 lot Boekel Estates residential subdivision on CJ Court. System ownership was transferred from Diamond Bar Estates Limited Liability Corporation (established 2003)to Gem State Water Company, LLC on October 1, 2019. The system is primarily supplied by well 1 (E0009134). Well 2 (E0009135) functions as an emergency backup source. Wells draw from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. Well 1 discharges directly to the 55,000 gallon concrete ground level tank via pitless adaptor and is not plumbed to discharge to pressure. Under routine operation, two booster pumps operating in lead/lag lift water from the tank to pressurize distribution main. A third booster pump provides fire flow. The well, booster pumps and storage tank are constructed on a 1.18 acre lot located at 13919 Rodeo Road, Rathdrum. The lot is owned by Gem State Water Company, LLC (Parcel Number 0-1774-001-999- 0). Well 2 is drilled on a 59 acre lot(Parcel Number 51N04W-03-3500) owned by Robert Turnipseed on Atlas Road and plumbed for discharge to pressure via 6-inch Class 160 PVC main. Chlorination is neither required nor provided. The system is working toward installation of a primary logic controller with SCADA remote relay within the year. 1 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 132 of 154 ,r CJ Court(equipped with dead end flushing hydrant) Emergency well # .r Well,pump building and tank Diamond Bar Estates PWS Overview Source Information The Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR)website indicates two water rights shared between wells 1 and 2 have been allocated with a priority date of November 29, 1965. Water Right No. 95-10068 provides for a municipal beneficial use of 2.7 cubic feet per second(cfs) or 1211 gallons per minute (gpm). Water Right No. 95-10067 provides an irrigation beneficial use between April 1 and October 31 with diversion rate of 1.3 cfs or 583 gpm. A transfer of IDWR's water right for well 1 has been filed and scheduled for processing following final adjudication. Setback distances from potential contamination sources are met at well 1. As per the Asset Purchase Agreement between Robert Turnipseed and Gem State Water, a one year agreement provides for use and access to well 2 expires July 31, 2020. On January 31, 2020, a well site evaluation report was submitted to DEQ for a planned replacement well to be drilled on the current lot where well 1 is located. The well site field evaluation was conducted during the survey inspection. Written DEQ approval of the well site was provided to Gem State on March 10, 2020 (EDMS#2020AGD1133). Source water assessment delineation reports for the primary and emergency well were completed by DEQ in June 2013 and updated in January 2020. Individual reports for both sources may be accessed at: http://www2.deq.idaho.gov/water/swaOnline/Search 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 133 of 154 Well 1, Storage Tank and Booster Pumps Well 1 was drilled by Holman Drilling Corporation of Spokane, Washington in 1966 for irrigation use. Well 1 was later converted from an oil-lubed irrigation well and equipped with a 60 horsepower (hp) submersible pump producing approximately 570 gpm. The Driller's Report on file indicates the 16-inch cased well was cable tool drilled to a depth of 373 feet below ground surface (bgs) and constructed with a 94 foot bentonite surface seal. The well is equipped with telescoping screen from 342 to 373 feet. The lithologic log indicates the well was drilled through multiple layers of sand, gravel and boulders with a blue clay lens encountered between 324 and 332 feet. Static water level was reported at 298 feet bgs. Well 1 is centered on the fenced well lot. A 24-mesh screened mushroom cap vent is installed off the well cap. Well actuation set points are based on tank float system. Well 1 discharges via pitless adaptor through the tank and pump building floor to the 55,000 gallon partially buried rectangular concrete tank. The pitless adaptor enters through the pump building floor via 4-inch galvanized main. Well 1 discharge may be isolated and routed to waste prior to the tank. It is required that the retro-fit discharge to waste is routed away from the tank during system upgrades. A Kent instantaneous and totalizing flow meter(reading 36,439,200 gallons) and smooth nose raw water sample tap are installed on 4-inch galvanized line prior to tank discharge. The 55,000 gallon concrete storage tank is constructed below the pump building. A partial baffle wall between well discharge and booster pump suction lines provides structural building support. The tank access hatch is within the locked pump building and equipped with an internal gasket. Small holes in the hatch are required to be sealed and evaluated as a system deficiency. An adequately screened combined overflow and vent is installed; however, is not downturned and also evaluated as a deficiency. As the system is undergoing major modification, a separate vent must be installed and overflow equipped with weighted flapper to prevent dust from entering the tank. Please provide written timeline for correction within 30 days of receipt of survey report. Two 5 hp submersible pumps actuated in lead/lag draw from the tank to pressurize distribution between 38 and 60 psi under normal operation. A third 10 hp fire pump actuates on a 35/60 psi switch provides fire flow. Boosted discharge appurtenances include: sample tap, isolation valves and pressure relief valve (opens at 75 psi). The relief valve is required to be routed to atmosphere. It is strongly recommended that flow meter and pressure transducer are installed on boosted discharge and communicate with planned PLC and SCADA components to allow for remote oversight. A control valve on boosted discharge is regularly maintained by a third party contractor. Significant pipe corrosion was apparent in the pump building, and some isolation valves were inoperable. This is evaluated as a deficiency. The operator plans to install a dehumidifying system, remove corrosion and ensure valve actuation. Please provide a timeline for correction within 30 days of receipt of survey. Five 119 gallon Well X-trol hydropneumatic bladder tanks ride on boosted discharge to distribution. Tanks are equipped to be individually isolated and drained. Threaded hose bibb drains are equipped with atmospheric vacuum breakers. A second sample tap on boosted discharge is downstream of 3 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 134 of 154 hydropneumatic tanks. The bladder in tank number four was found to have failed. The tank has been valved off(isolated) and the operator has scheduled for replacement by March 31, 2020. Pump building floor drains gravity discharge through the tank to daylight on the east side of the pump building. Well 2 As previously indicated, well 2 is located approximately 2,300 feet west-northwest of well 1 on private property and enclosed within a locked, heated and ventilated pump building. Prior survey reports indicated a dedicated well lot needs to be created for the well in the event Mr. Turnipseed sells or transfers property ownership. A Driller's Report is not available for the well; however, a pump installation report by Dickerson Pump and Irrigation Company (1990) indicates the 8-inch cased well was drilled by Hollman Drilling Corporation to a completed depth of 373 feet in 1975. A static water level of 295 feet was indicated on the Dickerson report. Well 2 is reportedly equipped with a 15 hp submersible Berkeley pump; the well pump curve provided by United Crown Pump and Drilling in 2015 indicates a maximum production rate of 95 gpm. Well 2 discharges off the well cap through 2-inch galvanized water line. A pressure relief valve and smooth nosed sample tap are installed on well discharge appurtenances within the well building. A 2-inch galvanized tee discharges through an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter to supply the residential connection. Supply to the Diamond Bar Estates system is provided via manual actuation of a gate valve on well discharge appurtenances within the well building. A separate instantaneous and totalizing flow meter is installed on discharge to the Diamond Bar Estates distribution system. Well operation is controlled by pressure switches installed off the 600 gallon hydropneumatic pressure tank. The tank appeared to be structurally sound with water levels monitored via sight glass. The tank is equipped with a pressure relief valve; air to the tank is supplied by an electric compressor. Well 2 discharge routes to distribution main on Atlas Road, an isolation valve on well discharge is located on the Turnipseed property. The valve was located during the survey and discussion between operators indicated a valve access easement would be created as required to ensure access to all water system distribution components. Distribution System The distribution system serves 55 metered residential connections. Water mains are constructed of class 160, 6- and 8-inch pipe providing service to Diamond Bar Avenue, Ramsey Road (between Diamond Bar Avenue and Boekel Road), and Atlas Road from Boekel to the main loop on Rodeo Road. A 6-inch Class 160 PVC main runs north on Atlas under Boekel Road to supply CJ Court (Boekel Estate)via 8-inch Class 160 PVC main. A flushing hydrant on 8-inch main dead end main is required to be flushed twice per year. According to Tyler Drecshel, Fire Inspector with Northern Lakes Fire District,the water system meets fire flow requirements. 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 135 of 154 Required Depressurization Response The Idaho Rules require the following response to distribution depressurization as per IDAPA - 2: during unplanned or emergency situations, when water pressure within the system is known to have decreased below 20 psi, the water supplier must notify DEQ,provide public notice to affected customers within 24 hours and flush and/or disinfect the system. When sampling and corrective procedures have been conducted, the water supplier may re-notify the affected customers that water is safe for consumption. During planned maintenance or repair situations, when water pressure is expected to fall below twenty (20)psi, the water supplier must provide public notice to the affected customers prior to planned maintenance or repair activity and shall ensure that the water is safe for consumption. Cross Connection Control Diamond Bar Estates initiated a Cross Connection Control Program in June of 2004. The program includes inspections of services to evaluate potential cross connections, installation of adequate and suitable backflow protection, annual testing of backflow assemblies by a licensed backflow assembly tester and discontinuance of service where adequate backflow protection is not available. An active program will continue to be implemented by Gem State this year. Annual backflow assembly test reminders will be mailed to customers by April 1, 2020. Backflow testing reports must be submitted to Gem State by July 1, 2020. Water Quality Monitoring Overview The system is in compliance with all current monitoring requirements. The monitoring schedule may be assessed at: http://www.deq.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking water/pws-switchboard.aspx. Source Well water quality monitoring is below maximum contaminant levels (MCL). The nitrate level from annual sampling collected in September 2019 was 1.24 mg/L; the maximum contaminant level for nitrate is 10.0 mg/L. The arsenic level from a sample collected in September 2019 was 0.0019 mg/L; the maximum contaminant level for arsenic is 0.010 mg/L. Distribution System Lead and copper samples collected from five residential locations in September 2019 indicated lead levels ranging from below minimum detection limits to 0.0024 mg/L, and copper ranging from 0.0224 mg/L to 0.0482 mg/L. The action level for lead in drinking water is 0.015 mg/L; the action level for copper is 1.3 mg/L. The system is required to collect one coliform sample per month from rotating locations throughout distribution. A review of coliform sampling results over the last year indicates coliform samples are collected from the following distribution locations on a rotating basis: 1990 W Boekel, 14052 Rodeo, and 1798 W Boekel. Please provide an updated total coliform sampling plan within 30 days of receipt of this report. 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 136 of 154 Administrative and Operational Oversight Gem State Water Company, LLC provides administrative oversight of the system and is registered with Idaho Secretary of State. The Gem State Diamond Bar water system is classified as a Very Small Water System under direct oversight of responsible charge licensed operator, Leslie Abrams- Rayner. Ms. Abrams-Rayner holds Treatment 1 (DWT 1-115876) and Distribution 1 (DWD 1-14223) licenses; renewal is required by September 23, 2020. Rate Structure The water system charges a metered rate of$29.00 per month for up to 55,000 gallons. Additional usage is billed at a rate of$0.80 per 1,000 gallons. Conclusion The system will be considered to be operating in full compliance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems at the time the following deficiencies and requirements are met. Deficiencies—please provide a timeline for correction of deficiencies within 30 days of receipt of the survey report. 1. Significant pipe corrosion was apparent in the pump building, and some isolation valves were inoperable. In order to address, the operator plans to install a dehumidifying system, and remove corrosion and ensure valve actuation. 2. Small holes in the tank hatch are required to be sealed. 3. As the system will be undergoing major material modification, the tank must be equipped with a designated vent and tank overflow must be equipped with a weighted flapper to prevent dust from entering the tank. 4. As the system will be undergoing material modification,the retro-fit well 1 discharge to waste must be routed to discharge away from the tank. 5. The bladder in tank number four was found to have failed. The tank has been valved off from the system and scheduled for replacement by March 31, 2020. Requirements—please provide a timeline for completion of requirements within 30 days of receipt of the survey report. 1. The system is required to continue to operate with a back-up source following termination of the current lease agreement to utilize well 2. 2. Well 2 discharge routes to distribution main on Atlas Road, an isolation valve on well discharge is located on the Turnipseed property. The valve was located during the survey and discussion between operators indicated a valve access easement would be created as required to ensure access to all water system distribution components. 3. A copy of the updated routine total coliform sample plan is to be provided to DEQ. 4. The dead end main on CJ Lane must continue to be flushed at a minimum frequency of twice per year. 5. The system is required to continue to implement their Cross Connection Control Program. 6. In the event of system depressurization, Rule requirements detailed on page 5 of this report must be implemented by the purveyor. 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 137 of 154 Recommendations—the following recommendations are suggested to optimize system operation into the future. 1. It is strongly recommended that a flow meter and pressure transducer are installed on boosted discharge and communicate with planned PLC and SCADA components to allow for remote oversight. 2. The control valve on boosted discharge should be regularly maintained by a third party contractor to ensure functionality. 3. All valves should be exercised on a routine basis. 4. Distribution main should be flushed on a routine basis. 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 138 of 154 Photographic Documentation Name of Facility: Gem State- Diamond Bar Estates Inspector(s): Suzanne Scheidt Inspection Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 Purpose of Inspection: Sanitary Survey Table of Photographs: Photograph 1 :welll flow meter.............................................................................3 Photograph 2 :well 1 discharge to waste................................................................3 Photograph 3 :well 1 sample tap prior to tank discharge.......................................4 Photograph 4 :well 1 discharge to tank..................................................................4 Photograph 5 :booster pump pressure switches....................................................5 Photograph 6 :boosted pressure gage....................................................................5 Photograph 7 :booster pump discharge manifold to distribution..........................6 Photograph 8 :corrsion of discharge appurtenances to be addressed...................6 Photograph 9 :tank access hatch............................................................................7 Photograph 10 :tank access hatch holes to be sealed............................................7 Photograph 11 :tank interior..................................................................................8 Photograph 12 :pump building heater....................................................................8 Photograph 13 :pump controls...............................................................................9 Photograph 14 :pump controls...............................................................................9 Photograph 15 :pump controls.............................................................................10 Photograph 16 :electrical controls........................................................................10 Photograph 17 :well pump controls......................................................................11 Photograph 18 :floor drain discharge...................................................................11 Photograph 19 :well discharge to waste outlet....................................................12 Photograph20 :well 1...........................................................................................12 Photograph 21 :pump building over 55k storage tank.........................................13 Photograph 22 :tank overflow..............................................................................13 Photograph 23 :well, pump building over 55k storage tank.................................14 Photograph 24 :well 2 flow meter........................................................................14 Photograph 25 :well 2 isolation valve...................................................................15 Photograph 26 :well 2 isolation valve...................................................................15 Photograph 27 :well 2 pressure relief valve off hydropneumatic tank................16 Photograph 28 :well 2 pressure relief valve off well cap......................................16 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 139 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 Photograph 29 :well 2 flow meter on residential connection .............................17 2 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 140 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 0 o F•-- u`� i 'o o M'0 LLJ: o•oi� P�0 , / 1 � L•Y✓ J, Photograph 1:welll flow meter . * 4 r r f , Y � A Photograph 2:well 1 discharge to waste 3 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 141 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 IF sob ,. s. - f 1'r Photograph 3:well 1 sample tap prior to tank discharge .r Photograph 4:well 1 discharge to tank 4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 142 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 Y�16o 39/60 3f�i0 r Photograph 5:booster pump pressure switches a s R Photograph 6:boosted pressure gage 5 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 143 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 r - - r f s i Photograph 7:booster pump discharge manifold to distribution 1 Photograph 8:corrosion of discharge appurtenances to be addressed 6 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 144 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 r •� C Photograph 9:tank access hatch a Photograph 10:tank access hatch holes to be sealed 7 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 145 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 Photograph 11:tank interior fr PF W. `+ JL .,. Photograph 12:pump building heater 8 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 146 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 _ ✓� tom. r f Photograph 13:pump controls Photograph 14:pump controls 9 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 147 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 oil- y t � Photograph 15:pump controls v JI@I�Iii-. A I Photograph 16:electrical controls 10 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 148 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 z Photograph 17:well pump controls =tea *t; OW OAF z ' JmI '�' - t3ot+ oo y' } Photograph 18:floor drain discharge 11 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 149 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 � 3 Photograph 19:well discharge to waste outlet .S�CI J Photograph 20:well 1 12 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 150 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 r' Photograph 21:pump building over 55k storage tank ;0111- .T• y + WC airA'sy' Photograph 22:tank overflow 13 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 151 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 r.. Photograph 23:well,pump building over 55k storage tank f,. Photograph 24:well 2 flow meter 14 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 152 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 kk i �A�..•, } Photograph 25:well 2 isolation valve Photograph 26:well 2 isolation valve 15 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 153 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 -f, Photograph 27:well 2 pressure relief valve off hydropneumatic tank 1 ' Photograph 28:well 2 pressure relief valve off well cap 16 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 40 Attachment 1 Page 154 of 154 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation for Diamond Bar Estates Thursday, March 12, 2020 4 1 Photograph 29:well 2 flow meter on residential connection 17