HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250224Comments_2.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: matthew sower
Submission Time: Feb 22 2025 7:22PM
Email: ms4runner@outlook.com
Telephone: 208-635-8225
Address: 2849 w timberlake loop
couer d' alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Greetings! I oppose the basic charge rate increase sought by AVU. I have lived in the same
house with AVU as the provider for 20 years. Basic charge rates were $3 in 2005.They increased
incrementally until 2023 when it doubled. And now they want$25 which is basically 8X the original rate.
I don't make 8X my 2005 salary. I make 1.4X.The service has been great but unchanged from 2005; 1
have gas and electricity available when I need it. Beyond the obvious financial hardship it is a penalty for
those of us who conserve energy. For example, my summer gas/electric bill ran sub $40 up until 2017. At
the proposed level the minimum bill would be $50 before any energy is used! In closing, it seems like the
rate hike poses an undue burden on fixed income families as well as being excessive in nature.
From: Sharon Rossiter<idahoshar@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2025 3:44 PM
To: secretary<secretary@puc.idaho.gov>
Subject:Avista Utilites Rate Increases
I am writing saying I hope that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission does NOT approve their request. If
they get this increase,they will just keep coming back wanting more increases every 2 years or so. We
in Idaho already have the highest property tax rates, at least here in Lewiston. This put a hardship on
working people as well as seniors. I do not know if I am doing this right, but I just want to say I do Not
want to see another rate increase
Sharon G. Rossiter
A registered Voter
Best Regards,