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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250221Comments_6.pdf From: Brandy B<> Sent:Thursday, February 20, 2025 4:42 PM To: secretary Subject:Avista rate increase I encourage you to deny Avistas rate increase they are asking for. Idahoans are struggling to afford life as it is in this economy and a rate increase will make it even harder!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Rusty Bennett Submission Time: Feb 20 2025 6:08PM Email: Telephone: 208-305-7324 Address: Box 130 Grangeville, ID 83530 Name of Utility Company:Avista Case ID: AVU-E-25-01 Comment: "This is my first winter with Avista, my power bill has been raising by$100 a month for the last three months. The bill I just paid is just short of$400. This is ridiculous for a 900 square-foot two bedroom one bath home. It's just the wife and I no kids. I go to bed by 6pm and get up for work at lam. My wife works out of town Sunday through Thursday. She stays in our 5th wheel our power bill for that is about$125 per month. I see no need for these power companies to be getting raises.They are already milking the public dry." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: McKenzie Mael Submission Time: Feb 212025 5:33AM Email: Telephone: 208-669-0990 Address: 1905 Lewiston, ID 83501 Name of Utility Company:Avista Case ID: AVU-E-25-01 Comment: "An increase on utilities? People are struggling to pay$2000 a month rents,getting rid of any extra costs things at this time and you want more?! Give people a break.They are minimizing their extras to pay YOU, power and water, phone and insurance companies are going wild while people are struggling for grocery's... " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 From: Kelsey Hebert Roach<> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2025 8:31 AM To: secretary Subject:Avista price increase Please no. Beyond gas leaks and the monthly increase we already have, as pay wages stay the same and groceries,fuel and everything else has become less attainable for many, we simply cannot afford this proposal. How would someone that's already strapped for money stay warm?Or take a warm shower consistently? Please think of Idaho citizens, we are already going through a lot financially. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb Notification Sent: Friday, February 21, 2025 10:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:Vicci Presnell Submission Time: Feb 212025 9:28AM Email: Telephone: 208-791-4283 Address: 2945Juniper Dr#110 Lewiston, ID 83501 Name of Utility Company:Avista Contacted Utility: Yes Comment: "I'm on Social Security. I get$1354 a month. My Avista bill is on comfort level at$90 a month. my bill is usually around $75-$80 a month but right now$40 of that bill is your basic fee so my actual bill is only$35-$40. I'm low income people. I'm on Food Stamps. I'm on Housing and I don't understand why you can't make some kind of compensation to people like me that are struggling for month-to-month and now you want to raise it again you need to prioritize who gets these raises because you keep this up and I don't know how I'm going to heat my house because I can't keep affording to pay you twice what my heat bill really truly is look up the history of my heat bill at my address and my apartment number I'm hoping to get some kind of help a resolution with this because this is totally unfair to senior citizens on disability or any senior citizen that is below$1500 a month income. Please don't shove this to the side and look into this. I'm desperate." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Idaho Public Utilities- Ctlt�E[:f WOW, a 14.7% increase! ! What the heh'r0 XTii'sY s big wigs thinking! This is a slap in the faces of the ItiVa� iQ ; pse only option is to go off the grid to get away from your monopoly! Are you seeking this higher than usual increase because USAID funds have been taken away and you are no longer getting taxpayer kick backs? Curious minds would like some answers! I have sent responses previous years to the Commission. All of which were either not considered or ignored. I understand that Avista et al have again decided to increase their billing to cover their costs to pay million dollar salaries to their GEO (God Exec Officer) ! In these times that we now live, that seems to be the trend. Let's stick it to the customers, because we have no other source of revenue to pay for our business costs. Your proposed monthly increases in 2024/25 is almost as high as egg increases, 14.7%. We all know you always seem to come in high and settle for a smaller percentage, fulfilling your goal by screwing the customer a little less although still screwing the customers. As you must be aware of the economy in America today and especially here in North Idaho, after 12 years under the Obama (3 terms)/Biden regime, we are heading towards collapse, a potential depression, and possible World War 3. President Trump has over whelming support in America and is trying his best to correct the over spending problem we have. Unlike yourselves where you want increases instead of decreasing the charges and high salaries. All you have to do is look and listen to see that I am not a conspiracy nut job saying this. The experts are all seeing what is happening with our poor leadership and what the Chinese are up should be clear. Having all that in mind why would you even consider increasing the burden of already high priced utilities on your customers. When you are paying your CEO's etc six figure salaries. To me it is very troubling what you are doing. I realize you are not the only energy utility to do this. It seems the taxing districts and utilities are practicing the "EAT CAKE OR DIE" scenario on their subjects! So, before you vote for ANY increase, reduce the management staff of corporate Avista by 50% and use that money to cover your costs! Refrain from using electric vehicles and place personnel on a part time basis unless there is an emergency. Respectfully submitted, Craig Kerwin �— 1720 E. Pebblestone Ct Hayden, Idaho 83835 Avista account number:1879040000 Paying customer for 22years. 02/17/2025