HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190426Network Billing Systems L.L.C. Idaho Name Change and Detariffing Notice.pdf Andrew O. Isar Via Electronic Filing April 26, 2019 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 RE: Network Billing Systems, LLC Name Change Notice and Detariffing Request Dear Secretary Hanian: Network Billing Systems, L.L.C. (“NBS”), Utility Code NEB-T, hereby notifies the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) that the Company is changing its name from Network Billing Systems, L.L.C. to Fusion, LLC (”Fusion”), effective June 1, 2019.1 A copy of Fusion, LLC’s Secretary of State name registration is attached. The Company maintains authority to provide non-facilities-based interexchange telecommunications services in Idaho.2 The Company provides service exclusively to commercial subscribers. Subscribers are being notified of the name change via bill message. This change in corporate name will have no effect on the services offered to Idaho subscribers. The Company respectfully requests that the Commission amend its records to reflect the Fusion, LLC name, as appropriate. 1 Unless otherwise directed by the Commission. 2 See, In the Matter of the Notice of Network Billing Systems, L.L.C. for Authority to Provide Specialized Telecommunications Services in the State of Idaho (1998) RECEIVED 2019 April 26 PM 5:03 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho Ms. Diane Hanian April 26, 2019 Page 2 Pursuant to Section 62-606(2) Idaho Code, Requirement for Price List or Tariff Filing – Withdrawal of Tariffs or Price Lists, the Company also requests withdrawal of NBS’s retail local interexchange tariff, Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1, effective immediately. In support of its request, NBS states as follows. Section 62-606(2), establishes that: Upon written notice to the commission and to its business customers, and after posting the rates, terms, and conditions of its services on the carrier’s public website, a telephone corporation may withdraw any tariff or price list not required to be filed under the provisions of this section As noted, NBS provides service exclusively to commercial subscribers. The Company has posted a service guide containing general service rates, terms, and conditions on the Company’s web site, http://www.fusionconnect.com/tariffs. NBS now respectfully requests that its retail tariff, Idaho P.U.C. Tariff No. 1, be withdrawn as authorized pursuant to Section 62-606(2). The Company also advises the Commission of a change in Company regulatory contact. Effective immediately, all Commission communications regarding the Company should be directed to: Mr. Ronald A. Sheehan Director of Regulatory Compliance Fusion Connect LLC 695 Route 46 West, Suite 200 Fairfield, NJ, 07004 Telephone: 781-519-7424 Email: Ronald.Sheehan@fusionconnect.com Thank you for you for attention to this matter. Questions may be directed to the undersigned. Sincerely, MILLER ISAR, INC. /s/ Andrew O. Isar Andrew O. Isar Consultants to Network Billing Systems, L.L.C. (nka Fusion, LLC) Attachments