HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250213Compliance Tariffs.pdf _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN 1407 W.North Temple,Suite 330 POWER. Salt Lake City,UT 84116 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP RECEIVED Thursday, February 13, 2025 February 13, 2025 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES IN IDAHO Attention: Commission Secretary As requested in Order No. 36452 in the above-referenced matter, Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission copies of its proposed tariffs, including Schedule 74(which was omitted from Exhibit No. 61),with an effective date of February 1, 2025. As agreed to in paragraph 11 of the settlement agreement, the declaration from Richard A. Vail, attesting that the Gateway South transmission project is in service is also included with this filing. Informal inquiries may be directed to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2313. Very truly yours, q�za,,D Joe Steward Senior Vice President, Regulation Attestation of Richard A. Vail BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 In the Matter of DECLARATION OF PACIFICORP d/b/a PACIFIC POWER RICHARD A. VAIL Request for a General Rate Revision. I, Richard A. Vail, hereby declare that the statements below are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I understand these statements are admissible as evidence in legal proceedings and subject to penalty for perjury: 1. In accordance with the settlement stipulation and Order No. 36452 issued in this docket, PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power(PacifiCorp), PacifiCorp now files this declaration from the Vice President of Transmission, certifying that the Gateway South transmission project is in service and operational. 2. I am employed by PacifiCorp as Vice President, Transmission. 3. As of today, February 3, 2025, the Gateway South transmission project is in service and operational. The Gateway South transmission project was placed in service and has been operational since December 2024. SIGNED this 3rd day of February 2025, at Portland, Oregon. Signed: Page 1 —DECLARATION OF RICHARD A. VAIL Compliance Tariffs _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixteenth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifteenth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES-Continued Schedule Sheet No. Class of Service No. 23 General Service- Small Power 23.1 -23.3 23A General Service- Small Power(Residential and Farm) 23A.1 -23A.4 31 Partial Requirements Service-High Voltage 31.1 -31.6 34 Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act- 34.1 - 34.3 Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit 35 Optional Time-of-Day General Service-Distribution Voltage 35.1 - 35.4 35A Optional Time-of-Day General Service-Distribution Voltage (Farm) 35A.1 -35A.5 38 Qualifying Facility Avoided Cost Procedures 38.1 -38.11 36 Optional Time of Day Residential Service 36.1 -36.3 70 Renewable Energy Rider-Optional 70.1 -70.4 73 Renewable Energy Rider- Optional-Bulk Purchase Option 73.1 -73.4 74 Renewable Energy Credit Option Program 74.1 -74.2 92 Insurance Cost Adjustment 92.1 94 Energy Cost Adjustment 94.1 98 REC Revenue Adjustment 98.1 105 Irrigation Load Control Program 105.1 - 105.3 118 Home Energy Saver Incentive Program 118.1 - 118.2 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1, 2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP First Revision of Sheet No.3R.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Original Sheet No.311.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO.3 STATE OF IDAHO Electric Service Agreements 1. APPLICATION FOR SERVICE Each Applicant for electric service may be required to sign the Company's standard application for electric service or a contract before service is supplied by the Company. For electric service in large quantity or under special conditions, the Company may require a suitable written agreement or contract. No such agreement, contract or any modification thereof shall be binding upon the Company until executed by its duly authorized representative. Executed agreements and contracts shall be to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, administrators, executors, successors in interest and assigns of the Customer and Company. In any case where two or more parties join in one application for electric service, such parties shall be jointly and severally liable. Only one bill shall be rendered for electric service unless specifically contracted otherwise. When a change of customer occurs, notice of such change must be given to Company prior to the date of such change. The outgoing Customer will be held responsible for all service supplied at the location until such notice has been received by Company. Transfer of service requires that the person to whom the service is to be transferred make application to the Company, qualify as a Customer and agree to assume responsibility for the billing for service, including minimums, from that date forward. An Applicant's service may be connected after normal office hours as described in Schedule 300, provided the conditions shown under Rule 25 2. (c ) are met and the Applicant pays the charge as specified in Schedule 300. 2. IMPLIED SERVICE AGREEMENT In the absence of a signed application, agreement or contract, the delivery of electric service by the Company and the acceptance thereof by the Customer shall be deemed to constitute an agreement or contract between the Customer and the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 12R.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 12R.2 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (c) Engineering Costs -- (continued) If the Applicant or Customer requests changes that require additional estimates, they must advance the Company's estimated Engineering Costs, but not less than the minimum specified in Schedule 300 for each additional estimate. The Company will not refund or credit this payment. (d) Extension -- A branch from, or a continuation of, a Company owned transmission or distribution line where a line has not been removed, at customer request, within the last five (5) years. An extension may be single-phase, three-phase, a conversion of a single-phase line to a three-phase line,the provision of additional capacity in existing lines, substations or other facilities, or addition of new distribution or transmission facilities. The Company will own, operate and maintain all Extensions made under this regulation. (e) Extension Allowance -- The Extension Allowance is the portion of the Extension that the Company provides or allows without cost to the Applicant. The portion will vary with the class of service that the Applicant requests and the Applicant's total load request, and is the lesser of. the maximum potential extension allowance; or the Extension Cost. The Extension Allowance does not include costs resulting from: additional voltages; duplicate facilities; additional points of delivery; or any other Applicant requested facilities that add to, or substitute for, the Company's standard construction methods or preferred route. An Extension Allowance will be provided only if the Company has reasonable assurance as to the permanent continuation of required revenue. The Extension Allowance is not available to customers receiving electric service under special pricing contracts. (f) Extension Costs -- Extension Costs are the Company's total costs for constructing an Extension using the Company's standard construction methods, including services, transformers and meters, labor,materials and overheads. (g) Extension Limits -- The provisions of this regulation apply to Line Extensions that require standard construction and will produce sufficient revenues to cover the ongoing costs associated with them. The Company will construct Line Extensions with special requirements or limited revenues under the terms of special contracts. Examples of special requirements include, but are not limited to, unusual costs incurred for obtaining rights-of-way, overtime wages,use of special equipment and facilities, accelerated work schedules to meet the applicant's request,or non-standard construction requirements. Examples of limited revenues include, but are not limited to,jobs where the line extension cost is high relative to the revenue, speculative loads and service to loads that will not have permanent ongoing revenue. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 12R.7 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 12R.7 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (e) Underground Extensions The Company will construct underground Extensions when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. In addition to the requirements of the preceding sections, the Applicant must provide, at their expense, all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6. Relocation or Replacement of Facilities apply. 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS Applicant loads of a speculative nature or of questionable permanency either in duration or size of load that exceed the Company's engineering loading limits for one circuit at the local primary distribution voltage shall take delivery at the locally available transmission voltage (at or above 46,000 volts). (a) Extension Allowances—Delivery at 46,000 Volts and above The Company will grant Customers taking service at 46,000 volts or greater an extension allowance of the meter, current transformers and potential transformers necessary to measure the Customer's usage. Other than the extension allowance, the Customer is subject to the same Extension provisions as a Customer who takes service at less than 46,000 volts. (b) Extension Allowances—Delivery at less than 46,000 Volts (1) Less than 1,000 kVA The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants requiring less than 1,000 kVA an Extension Allowance equal to nine (9) times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Company. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Company may require the Customer to pay a Contract Minimum Billing for five (5)years. Remote Service customers must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years, nor more than 30 years. (2) 1,000 kVA or Greater,but less than 25,000 kVA The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants requiring 1,000 kVA or greater, but less than 25,000 WA, an Extension Allowance equal to nine (9) times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Company. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Thirteenth Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Twelfth Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 1 STATE OF IDAHO Residential Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current electric service supplied at approximately 120 or 240 volts through one kilowatt-hour meter at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises for Residential purposes. When conditions are such that service is supplied through one meter to more than one dwelling or apartment unit, the charge for such service will be computed by multiplying the minimum charges by the maximum number of dwelling or apartment units that may be served. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, the premises will be classified as nonresidential and the appropriate schedule applied. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for Residential purposes can be metered separately, this Schedule will be applied to such service. MONTHLY BILL: 2/l/2025 6/l/2025 6/l/2026 6/l/2027 to to to 5/31/2025 5/31/2026 5/31/2027 Customer Service Charge per customer $16.50 $20.75 $25.00 $29.25 Energy Charge(¢/kWh) Billing months June through October inclusive Per kWh first 700 kWh 11.6263 11.0858 10.5453 10.0048 Per kWh all additional kWh 13.6026 12.9703 12.3379 11.7055 Billing months November through May inclusive Per kWh first 1,000 kWh 9.6885 9.2381 8.7877 8.3373 Per kWh all additional kWh 11.3355 10.8085 10.2816 9.7546 Seasonal Service Charge Minimum per season per customer $198.00 $249.00 $300.00 $351.00 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6 STATE OF IDAHO General Service-Large Power AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirement, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months June Billing Months November through October, Inclusive through May,Inclusive Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery $45.00 per Customer $45.00 per Customer (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery $ 134.00 per Customer $ 134.00 per Customer (2300 volts or higher) Power Rate: $ 16.00 per kW for all kW $ 14.41 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 4.98980 per kWh for all kWh 4.98980 per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6- Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1%for every 1%that the power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Power will be: $0.65 per kW for all kW of Power Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge. POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month,determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 540.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and $ 1,608.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 6A.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 6A.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6A STATE OF IDAHO General Service-Large Power (Residential and Farm) AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both(1)the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act,P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and(2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirement, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Billing Months June Billing Months November through October, Inclusive through May,Inclusive Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery $45.00 per Customer $45.00 per Customer (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery $ 134.00 per Customer $ 134.00 per Customer (2300 volts or higher) Power Rate: $ 16.00 per kW for all kW $ 14.41 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 4.98980 per kWh for all kWh 4.98980 per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 6A.3 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 6A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6A- Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 540.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and $1,608.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm,unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include,but are not limited to: -- size --use --ownership --control --operating practices --distance between parcels --custom in the trade --billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certify to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 9.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 9.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 9- Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months June Billing Months November through October, Inclusive through May,Inclusive Customer Service Charge: $433.00 per Customer $433.00 per Customer Power Rate: $12.01 per kW for all kW $10.82 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: On-Peak 5.95470 per kWh 5.40130 per kWh Off-Peak 4.55340 per kWh 4.10310 per kWh TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. Off-Peak: All other times. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1%for every 1%that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge plus the minimum Power Charge and appropriate Energy Charges. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 10.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 10.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 10 STATE OF IDAHO Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at the Company's available voltage through a single point of delivery for service to motors on pumps and machinery used for irrigation and soil drainage. IRRIGATION SEASON AND POST-SEASON SERVICE: The Irrigation Season is from June 1 to September 15 each year. Service for post-season pumping may be taken by the same Customer at the same point of delivery and through the same facilities used for supplying regular irrigation pumping service during months from September 16 to the following May 31. MONTHLY BILL: Irrigation Season Rate Customer Service Charge: Small Pumping Operations: 15 horsepower or less total connected horsepower served through one service connection- $17.00 per Customer Large Pumping Operations: 16 horsepower or more total connected horsepower served through one service connection- $49.00 per Customer (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Twelfth Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE No. 10-Continued MONTHLY BILL: (Continued) Power Rate: $7.05 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 10.45720 per kWh for first 25,000 kWh 7.81500 per kWh for the next 225,000 kWh 5.84870 per kWh for all additional kWh Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85%lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85%lagging,the power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1%for every 1%that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. Post-Season Rate Customer Service Charge: $27.00 per Customer Energy Rate: 8.88020 per kWh for all kWh Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. ADJUSTMENTS: All monthly bills shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedules 34 and 94. PAYMENT: All monthly service billings will be due and payable when rendered and will be considered delinquent if not paid within fifteen (15) days. An advance payment may be required of the Customer by the Company in accordance with Electric Service Regulation No. 9. An advance may be required under any of the following conditions: (1) the Customer failed to pay all amounts owed to the Company when due and payable; (2) the Customer paid an advance the previous season that did not adequately cover bills for the entire season and the Customer failed to pay any balance owing by the due date of the final billing issued for the season. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 23.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No.23.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23 STATE OF IDAHO General Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which,because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirement, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three(3)months of any continuous period of six(6)successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Billing Months June Billing Months November through October,Inclusive through May,Inclusive Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery $21.00 per Customer $21.00 per Customer (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery $56.00 per Customer $56.00 per Customer (2300 volts or higher) Energy Rate: 11.04580 per kWh for all kWh 9.19640 per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23 -Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, Customer will be billed for 3/4 of 1% of the Power recorded by the Company's meter for every 1% that the power factor is less than 85%. This Power will be billed at the Power Rate stated in Electric Service Schedule No. 6. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Energy will be: 0.43970 per kWh for all kWh. Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month,determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operations. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $252.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $672.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Tenth Revision of Sheet No.23A.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No.23A.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23A STATE OF IDAHO General Service(Residential and Farm) AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a"Residential Load"or"Farm Load"under both (1) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which,because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirement, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three(3)months of any continuous period of six(6) successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Billing Months June Billing Months November through October, Inclusive through May,Inclusive Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery $21.00 per Customer $21.00 per Customer (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery $56.00 per Customer $56.00 per Customer (2300 volts or higher) Energy Rate: 11.04580 per kWh for all kWh 9.19640 per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Fifth Revision of Sheet No.23A.3 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No.23A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23A—Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $252.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $672.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm,unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include,but are not limited to: -- size -- use -- ownership -- control -- operating practices -- distance between parcels -- custom in the trade -- billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certify to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 24.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.24 STATE OF IDAHO Interruptible Power Service AVAILABILITY: For power loads of 1000 kW or greate y poin on e Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate c acity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for the sup of ating curr t, -phase electric service at available delivery voltages through a single poin live all servi r quired on the Customer's premises. Service hereunder may be interrupted t e degr and u the c itions hereinafter set forth. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: I. Deliveiy at 46 k i A. G teed Ava ili omputer Code 124) Al $6.94 per kW Energy R All kWh 3.71630 per kWh B. ua Availability of 80% (Computer Code 125) ower Ratr All kW $6.60 per kW Enere Rate: All kWh 3.71630 per kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 24.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 24-Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) C. Guaranteed Availability of 70% (Computer Code 126) Power Rate: All kW $5.6 W Energy Rate: All kWh .716 ¢per D. Guaranteed Availability of 60% (Com uter Code Power Rate: All kW $4.78 p Energy Rate: All kWh 3.71 per kWh Customer Charge: 6.34 per Customer IL DeliveKy at Prim4a Vol e 2.3 kV to Less 6 kV A. Guarantee ail a of 90% ( omputer Code 128) Power Rate: '10 jobwL.- $8.69 per kW Energy Rate: All kWh 4.05360 per kWh B. nteed A ility of 80% (Computer Code 129) Po e: 11 $8.42 per kW ergy Rate: kWh 4.05360 per kWh (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 24.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.24- Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) C. Guaranteed Availability of 70%(Computer Code 130) Power Rate: All kW $7.74 W Energy Rate: All kWh 4 6¢p D. Guaranteed Availability of 60% (Computer 131) Power Rate: All kW $ er kW Energy Rate: All kWh 4.0536 h Customer Charge: $266 per Customer Contract Demand: "Total Contract Demand" ere all mean maximum Power contracted for by Customer, and in excess which the Co is er no obligation to supply, as set forth in the Electric Service A ement executed b etween Customer and Company. 04 Power Factor: This rate is based on the Cu ma' ining at all times a power factor of 90% lagging, or higher ned by mea nt. If the average power factor is found to be less than 90°o lag , the Power ILs recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1%for every 1%that the power factor is less than 90%. Minimum Blilr �I The nthly minimiu bill shall be the Customer Service Charge plus the Power Charge lus the�applopri7 onthly Energy Charge. OWER: The k as shown by or computed from the readings of the Company's Power meter for the -minute perio of stomer's greatest use during the month, adjusted for power factor as specified, determin the neare kW. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 24.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.24- Continued GUARANTEED AVAILABILITY: Customer may contract for an annual guaranteed availability of supply of 60%, 70%, 80%, or 90%. Guaranteed Availability shall mean the annual amount of energy in kWh that Company guarantees to make available to Customer over any Contract Year and is determined by multiplying 8760 hours by the Contract Demand in kW and then is product by the Guaranteed Availability expressed as a fraction; i.e., 90% Guaranteed Av ' ility is ssed as the fraction 9/10. CONTRACT YEAR: Contract Year, as used herein, shall the erio 2 mon y billing periods between the date of initial service hereunder or any anniv there and t in ate of the following calendar year. INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE: All electric power delivere and hall be subject to curtailment when in the Company's sole judgment its spiAT%keserve, its tran n margin or both are needed to meet the demands of its regular customers rm r or there i a ctual or threatened need for such reserve or margin. Customer, upon th notice m e Com shall c ail his use of electric power except plant lighting, fire protection load, and other safety ) secur loa o the extent requested by and as scheduled by the Company. Curtailment shall be effey us er (1) immediately upon request from the Company in cases of emergencie9Oot reqson�bly redicta y the Company, and (2) in all other instances on notice as specified in the st dard form con Tot nnual interruption in kWh during any Contract Year shall not exceed the differ ce between the Co emand in kW multiplied by 8760 hours and the Guaranteed Availability iA'h c acted for by us er. All electric power delivered hereun ce t nt lighting, fire protection load, and other safety and security load, shall b�tQ interruption. tomer shall install to Company's specifications and maintain at his sole expense► digital under frequency relay with adjustable contacts set to close at the Scheduled Frequency, associateNelay facilitiesand communication channels to the Company's switching center. Companytave the rig to inspect these facilities upon reasonable notice to Customer. After any interruption herCustome 11 not resume use of electric power except upon notice from Company. n addition toieu of nterruption of electric power at the Scheduled Frequency Company may requir at electric power b * errupted automatically in the event of a reduction in voltage or in the event of such er operating ondllions as may appear appropriate to the Company from time to time. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 24.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.24- Continued PRIOR RIGHTS: Any right to service under this schedule shall be subject to any prior rights established in Company's existing contracts with customers providing for the supply of interruptible service and specifically rights of Monsanto Company and Amax including right of first refusal to interruptible service. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Servic nder this edule 11 be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement betwee Custor and Co any. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and app by c I ho lic Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, wil be consi ed as fo a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Third Revision of Sheet No.31.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No.31.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31 STATE OF IDAHO Partial Requirements Service--Large General Service—1,000 kW and Over AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, three phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through a single point of delivery for Supplementary, Back-up, Maintenance Power or Excess Service(partial requirements service)in addition to regular electric requirements obtained from any service other than the Company,including on-site generation. This Schedule is applicable to customers with on-site generation of more than 1,000 kW but that does not exceed 30,000 kW. Customers not contracting for Back-up Power shall not be subject to this Schedule and shall receive electric service under the applicable general service schedule. This Schedule is not applicable to service for resale,intermittent or highly fluctuating loads,or seasonal use. This Schedule is not required where on-site generation is used only for emergency supply during times of utility outage. This Schedule is not available to loads in excess of 30,000 kW, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three(3)months of any continuous period of six(6)successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months June Billing Months November through October, Inclusive through May,Inclusive Customer Service Charge: Secondary Voltage $45.00 per Customer $45.00 per Customer Primary Voltage $134.00 per Customer $134.00 per Customer Transmission Voltage $433.00 per Customer $433.00 per Customer Back-up Facilities Rate: Secondary Voltage $9.56 per kW for all kW $7.81 per kW for all kW Primary Voltage $9.13 per kW for all kW $7.38 per kW for all kW Transmission Voltage $6.68 per kW for all kW $5.03 per kW for all kW The Facilities Rate applies to the kW of Back-up Contract Power (continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1, 2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACT FICORP Fifth Revision of Sheet No.31.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 31.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31 -Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months June Billing Months November through October, Inclusive through May,Inclusive Back-up Power Rate: Secondary Voltage $0.32 all kW Day $0.27 all kW Day Primary Voltage $0.31 all kW Day $0.26 all kW Day Transmission Voltage $0.22 all kW Day $0.16 all kW Day Back-up Power is billed on a per day basis and is based on the fifteen(15) minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Back-up Power during the day Scheduled Maintenance Power rate is one half(1/2)of the Back-up Power Excess Power Rate: Secondary Voltage $34.58 per kW for all kW $28.44 per kW for all kW Primary Voltage $33.01 per kW for all kW $26.88 per kW for all kW Transmission Voltage $24.02 per kW for all kW $18.12 per kW for all kW Supplementary Power Rate: Secondary Voltage $16.00 per kW for all kW $14.41 per kW for all kW Primary Voltage $15.35 per kW for all kW $13.76 per kW for all kW Transmission Voltage $12.01 per kW for all kW $10.82 per kW for all kW Supplementary and Back-up Energy Rate: Secondary Voltage 4.98980 per kWh 4.98980 per kWh Primary Voltage 4.98980 per kWh 4.98980 per kWh Transmission Voltage On-Peak 5.95470 per kWh 5.40130 per kWh Off-Peak 4.55340 per kWh 4.10310 per kWh TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. Off-Peak: All other times. (continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1, 2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Twelfth Revision of Sheet No. 35.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Eleventh Revision of Sheet No.35.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35- Continued MONTHLY BILL: For Billing Effective between 2/1/2025 to 5/31/2025 Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) $ 8 1.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) $200.00 per Customer Power Charge: On-Peak kW $ 19.96 per kW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh 6.33900 TIME PERIODS: On-Peak 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.,Monday thru Friday, except holidays. Off-Peak All other times. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday)will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. POWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1% for every 1% that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 35.3 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No.35.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35- Continued For Billing Effective 6/1/2025 Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) $ 8 1.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) $200.00 per Customer Energy Charge: Billing Months June through October,Inclusive On-Peak 12.72290 per kWh Off-Peak 9.72880 per kWh Billing Months November through May,Inclusive On-Peak 11.54050 per kWh Off-Peak 8.82470 per kWh TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. Off-Peak: All other times. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Energy charges. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No.35.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35- Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: For Billing Effective between 2/1/2025 to 5/31/2025 $ 972.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $2,400.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. For Billing Effective 6/1/2025 $ 972.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $2,400.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments,will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Twelfth Revision of Sheet No.35A.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Eleventh Revision of Sheet No.35A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A-Continued MONTHLY BILL: For Billing Effective between 2/l/2025 to 5/31/2025 Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) $ 81.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) $200.00 per Customer Power Charge: On-Peak kW $ 19.96 per kW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh 6.33900 TIME PERIODS: On-Peak 7:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m.,Monday thru Friday, except holidays. Off-Peak All other times. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday)will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. POWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of 1% for every 1%that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixth Revision of Sheet No.35A.3 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifth Revision of Sheet No.35A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A-Continued For Billing Effective 6/1/2025 Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) $ 81.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) $200.00 per Customer Energy Charge: Billing Months June through October,Inclusive On-Peak 12.72290 per kWh Off-Peak 9.72880 per kWh Billing Months November through May,Inclusive On-Peak 11.54050 per kWh Off-Peak 8.82470 per kWh TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. Off-Peak: All other times. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Energy charges. MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP First Revision of Sheet No.35A.4 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Original Sheet No.35A.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A-Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (a) Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: For Billing Effective between 2/1/2025 to 5/31/2025 $ 972.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts,and $2,400.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. For Billing Effective 6/1/2025 $ 972.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $2,400.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm,unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include,but are not limited to: -- size --use -- ownership -- control -- operating practices -- distance between parcels -- custom in the trade --billing treatment by the utility (continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No.35A.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A-Continued SPECIAL CONDITION (continued) Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments,will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Fifteenth Revision of Sheet No. 36.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fourteenth Revision of Sheet No. 36.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.36- Continued MONTHLY BILL: 2/l/2025 6/l/2025 6/1/2026 6/1/2027 to to to 5/31/2025 5/31/2026 5/31/2027 Customer Service Charge Per customer $20.75 $23.50 $26.50 $29.25 Energy Charge(¢/kWh) Billing Months May through October inclusive On-Peak kWh 17.0675 Off-Peak kWh 6.0187 Billing Months November through April inclusive On-Peak kWh 14.6223 Off-Peak kWh 5.5335 Billing Months June through October inclusive On-Peak kWh 18.5344 18.1314 17.7619 Off-Peak kWh 5.9010 5.7727 5.6551 Billing Months November through May inclusive On-Peak kWh 15.8791 15.5338 15.2173 Off-Peak kWh 5.4253 5.3074 5.1992 Seasonal Service Charge Minimum per season per customer $249.00 $282.00 $318.00 $351.00 On Peak: Before June 1,2025 -May through October inclusive 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday, except holidays. November through April inclusive 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday, except holidays. Holidays include only: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day,Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. On and after June 1, 2025 -June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all days. November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m.to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.to 11:00 p.m., all days. Off Peak: All other kWh usage. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonable service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be applied plus energy charges. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13, 2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 74.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 74 STATE OF IDAHO Renewable Energy Credit Option Program PURPOSE: To allow Customers the ability to achieve sustainability goals through this voluntary program that provides the option to have Rocky Mountain Power retire renewable attributes associated with the generation from Renewable Resources, referred to as Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), on the Customer's behalf. Customers participating in this Schedule will forego the benefits of the revenue from the sales of RECs in Electric Service Schedule No. 98 (REC Revenue Adjustment). APPLICATION: To Customers receiving service under the Company's Electric Service Schedules 6, 6A, 9, 10, 23, 23A, 35, 35A and 400. DEFINITIONS: ENROLLMENT PERIOD: Enrollment begins January 1 and ends September 30 of each calendar year prior to the Program Year. PROGRAM YEAR: January 1 through December 31 of each calendar year. RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS: A Renewable Energy Credit (also known as Tradeable Renewable Energy Credit, Renewable Energy Certificate, Green Tag, or Carbon Credit) represents all of the regional and global environmental and emissions benefits associated with one unit of output from a qualifying renewable electricity generating resource. For purposes of this Program, Renewable Energy Credits from Rocky Mountain Power's owned and contracted resources will be utilized. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 FILED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No.74.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 74-Continued SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. On behalf of the participants of the Program, the Company will retire RECs from contracted or Company-owned Renewable Resources equal to the aggregated load for participating customers multiplied by a percentage of renewable resource generation from PacifiCorp's system. For participating customers receiving service on Company's Electric Service Schedules 6, 6A, 9, 10, 23, 23A, 35, 35A and 400, the load will be based on the total energy consumption in the calendar year immediately proceeding the Program Year. 2. Rocky Mountain Power will retain the right to determine the particular Renewable Resources for allocating and retiring system RECs and will also determine which RECs for each resource type will be retired on behalf of the Program. 3. The RECs associated with the Company REC Option will not require Green-e certification or eligibility. 4. The Company will provide an annual notice to participating customers providing a summary of the RECs that were retired on behalf of all participants in the Program during the Program Year. 5. The REC revenue that the program participants would otherwise have been credited through Electric Service Schedule No.98 from the sale of system RECs generated will be forfeited from the first month of participation until the Customer cancels their participation in this Schedule,through written notice. 6. The Customer may cancel its participation in the Program by notifying the Company in writing of its intent to cancel during the Enrollment Period, but no later than September 30, for the upcoming Program Year. 7. The Company may not accept enrollments for accounts that have a time-payment agreement in effect, or have received two or more disconnect notices, or have been disconnected for non-payment within the last 12 months. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments,will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 FILED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1, 2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. l Original Sheet 92.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.92 STATE OF IDAHO Insurance Cost Adjustment PURPOSE: The Insurance Cost Adjustment is designed to recover the base and deferred cost of insurance premiums. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule,all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate. Schedule 1 0.48500 per kWh Schedule 6 0.36340 per kWh Schedule 6A 0.36340 per kWh Schedule 7 0.74590 per kWh Schedule 7A 0.74590 per kWh Schedule 9 0.26860 per kWh Schedule 10 0.41060 per kWh Schedule 11 1.59200 per kWh Schedule 12 0.53710 per kWh Schedule 23 0.41990 per kWh Schedule 23A 0.41990 per kWh Schedule 35 0.42640 per kWh Schedule 35A 0.42640 per kWh Schedule 36 0.43470 per kWh Schedule 400 0.26610 per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1, 2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Sixteenth Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fifteenth Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 94 STATE OF IDAHO Energy Cost Adjustment AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjustment is calculated to collect the accumulated difference between total Company Base Net Power Cost and total Company Actual Net Power Cost calculated on a cents per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule,all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate by delivery voltage. Delivery Voltage Secondary Primary Transmission Schedule 1 0.905¢per kWh Schedule 6 0.905¢per kWh 0.888¢per kWh Schedule 6A 0.905¢per kWh 0.888¢per kWh Schedule 7 0.905¢per kWh Schedule 7A 0.905¢per kWh Schedule 9 0.8590 per kWh Schedule 10 0.905¢per kWh Schedule 11 0.9050 per kWh Schedule 12 0.9050 per kWh Schedule 23 0.9050 per kWh 0.8880 per kWh Schedule 23A 0.905¢per kWh 0.888¢per kWh Schedule 24 0.905¢per kWh 0.888¢per kWh Schedule 35 0.905¢per kWh 0.888¢per kWh Schedule 35A 0.905¢per kWh 0.888¢per kWh Schedule 36 0.905¢per kWh Schedule 400 0.867¢per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1,2025 _ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. l Original Sheet 98.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.98 STATE OF IDAHO REC Revenue Adjustment PURPOSE: The REC Revenue Adjustment is designed to refund actual REC revenue to customers. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule,all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate. Schedule 1 0.000¢per kWh Schedule 6 0.0000 per kWh Schedule 6A 0.0000 per kWh Schedule 7 0.000¢per kWh Schedule 7A 0.0000 per kWh Schedule 9 0.0000 per kWh Schedule 10 0.000¢per kWh Schedule 11 0.000¢per kWh Schedule 12 0.0000 per kWh Schedule 23 0.000¢per kWh Schedule 23A 0.000¢per kWh Schedule 35 0.0000 per kWh Schedule 35A 0.0000 per kWh Schedule 36 0.000¢per kWh Schedule 400 0.0000 per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1, 2025 _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Thirteenth Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Twelfth Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 400 STATE OF IDAHO Special Contract PURPOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by the Company pursuant to a Special Contract approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Availability This schedule is available for firm and interruptible retail service of electric power and energy delivered for all service required on the Customer's premises by customers contracting for not less than 150,000 kW as of May 18, 2006 and as provided in the Electric Service Agreement between the two parties. Monthly Charge Firm Power and Energy: Firm Energy Charge: 39.220 mills per kilowatt hour Customer Charge: $1,834.00 per Billing Period Firm Demand Charge: $18.40 per kW Interruptible Power and Energy: Interruptible Energy Charge: 39.220 mills per kilowatt hour Interruptible Demand Charge: Firm Demand charge minus Interruptible Credit Excess KVAR: $0.96/KVAR Replacement Energy_ Adjusted Index Price multiplied by Replacement Energy. Tariff Rates: The Commission approved rates applicable to the Special Contract Customer, including,but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor. Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-24-04 ISSUED: February 13,2025 EFFECTIVE: February 1, 2025