HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250211GSW to Staff 23 Attachment 1.pdf GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D.Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year 2024 Bill Number A)Oma P O Box 9000 AIN 177e4, Billing Date 11 21,?024 PIN)Parcel ID.0048bu010r)r F Balance good until.12.20,2024 Coeur d'Alene,ID 83816-9000 Code-Area m7000 208-446-1005 P-1 Dncn— BAR LIHCLL S RANCH 3HU ADD,LT 7 S K 1 EX TAX a 15982 2652N04W Lxahor•- A— 1.9350 19'1'7077..•..........•...••'AUTO"MIXED AADC 936 III'I''1111'II1-111111-1 1'll1'II'I•I'll HI I'd II'I If you halite en Moera�rnr�anm�anpdroper yloot el-III q �rY olial conam GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC dew� o-c eck ra4T1208)L48-1 errd to l Palmaat 67'oradn a 250 SW TAYLOR ST at vnwwAr4—us5091Tre4mwwne eiaonQwpay slam PORTLAND OR 97204-3034 - i - .;isr.•a rn-r:H4a,.=_s nn+r,.cvla OW"s W CieeY Valdes and Eaamp6Dns 1 KMTFNAI GO 2r1844616M 000IV24480 1,13 land Ma,k.._t 1,000 227 LAKES MWY e2 208 772 7S27 0000282W—) 0 29 Total Tasaclr� 1.000 231 SCHOOL DIST 0272J BON 208 687.0431 0.Do 231 SCHOOL DIST 1272J OTH M 687 0431 0.00001192X 0.01 231 SCHOOL DIST 0272JSUP 208-687 0431 0.0009082210 0.91 254 N LAKES FIRE 208-772 5711 0 0006500730 0 65 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 2()8-773 1506 00001434270 0.14 272-COMM LIB NET BOND J 208 7 73 .00-15% 000096610 001 351 N ID COLLEGE 208-764-3340 0.0001731710 0 37 354-KOOTENAI EMS 2089304224 0D00(1776370 008 351 N ID COLLEGE TOM 2M 769 3340 0.0000107450 0.01 Prior Year Clul 452 MICA FP 208.7691577 1500 482 MICA EPA 208-769 1577 3 24 .Tes Ref61 lied B The I. lature 490-AQUIFER PROT 208-446-1600 5 74 Gros s Total Charge! 27 77 School Savings' 31 Net Charges 27.77 Ba summary ,,urrenl Year Charges $27.77 Delinquent Charges G0 00 Interest Charges S0.00 Late Fee Charges $0.00 Fee Charges $0.00 Paid Amount SD 00 Total Amount Due $27.77 Valet Appiroved Fund Tracker hills I,—kcgov us5Cf T,c. ,,.. Make Check Payable to KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records ..............IMPORTANT.............. PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK 2nd Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETIJRr;THIS STUB WITH 2"JD HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 00486001007A00000013880000002777 FOR PROPER CREDIT.RE TURN THIS STUB WI1H YOUR PAYMENT CHECKSARE SUBJECT TOACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY June 20.2025 Bill Number 2024-200398 2r°Half Amount Due 111 ... 1 111 1 11 11 I II. III 11. AIN 177841 u•III •I•h rru• h I u 11•r•••I r•I 513.88 PIN 0048WI007A KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC PO BOX 9000 250 SW TAYLOR ST COEUR D'ALENE.ID 83816-9000 PORTLAND OR 97204 31 1 St Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1 ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR or 00486DO1007ADOOD001388D000002777 FOR PROPER CREDIT.RE TURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR - Full PAYMENT CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY S 191 Half Amount Due YOUR BANK Bill Number 2024 200398 S13.89 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY December 20.2024 AIN 177841 Full Amount Due Or II'IIIL11.L1L..1/11.i.uil1Ip111uILI1....IIL L.I I111.11. PIN 00486001007A S27.7 7 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY I COEUR D'ALENE.ID 83816-9000 250 SW TAYLOR ST PORTLAND OR 972D4-3034 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 22 ** * COLLECTION OF TAXES* Tir NOTE:A r.LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED ATTHE RATE OF 1'.PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE Payment of a tax delinquency T -. ;ly ia,roc ec!rr may issue A ee:r:arw for payment on any persona'C. poi te..::c n»> -:,!l a^c apoi-I In manu lactured Iwusmg tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date lax e n:"qx•rtrdn •i;h uLars toI`.fie:.0 is:IW pad.Ibecomes delinquent the day following the demand dale the I""a "u l T�.' See IDAHO CODE 53-tGi.'. When any par.of a tax becomes delnlquent.a warrant of distraint is issued to IN,CO-l sheriff for!Is collectpn Fling of material by mail.Date effective. A post ufhi•, cancel-at.on's ronside,ea the t-I nq dale A postage.rneter is—:an Belpre the tax becomes delinquent the board of county commissioners may acceptable Dust o'fice canCellaV-3n n•1.a,k grarl up to a four mcnlh extension to pay the tax.late charge and interest A See IDAHO CODE 53-217 warrant or oisuatnt is not Issued until the extended time expires.There are no extensions given on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(131.63.904(5)and 63 1013. If you nn no!r c.erre a tax hol;ce on properly,this does no!excuse the fare charge irld interest fur rcr':iavmant OCCUPANCYTAX See IDAHO CODE 63-902-'0; Occ.ipancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufacture'housing.or real property.whichever is applicable. See IDAHO CODE 63.317.63-602Z.and 63.903 Aar Taxes extended on the property roll are payable on Or before December 20 The taxes may be paid in h•.o equal halves I1 the first halt 6 not paid or.or WMa,any pan Of the tax becomes delinquent,file tax may be collected in the before Decenibar 20,that hall decor:delrtrquerit and a 2'.late charge must same manner as tax is collected for manufactured homes of real property. be added.Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is Calculated at the rate whichever s applicable Of 1".pet Month berinn,Mj January 1 el the fdflowing year If the first half Tax has been paid to Dar*.late ChWOe and mte,est are calQnaled on the remaining Total tax due Shown on this statement May.not be deductible for Internal firs:tar!lax If the wined half Is not paid on or oefom.lane 20 that half Revenue Service(IRS}purposes.Please check with an accountant becomes delinquent and a 2`,.late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent lax and!ate charg' is CalculatM at me rate Of 16.per month Levy Sheefs Available beq--:,.j january 1 0!Via: ,ea, 1';he secono half tax has teen par:in par late Champ.ar;d mrwesr are^a:^u,ale.0 on the'emainmci far Market Value Legend Pers Prep-Parsonai Proderty Tot=Total Ill=Market All taxes exrenoen•-n c:.nos-o ant or maser property ro°s are payah'e re.trur HC Homeovmer Exempt Exemption tinny(3b1 days of 1,�i ;iale and e del, <n• . nays;Thar Me n.1c P.-�., Se?IDAHO C.DE 6?ux PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-00. Ail taxes shown on pe sor,u Dro^ery a-c i I:'.:!aa.,r•,:;: -,:x,,'Po..:ue payable on demana.is no 01-na!m a rl•ade bee taxes may b,paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves The firs:halt is due an.!payable on or tefore December 20 a mf the secor:ha+t,s due and payac'e or o,t>>fore J,-,e 20 of Tne lolior g year It the A-., w 1Ks, of a property tax may be paid at any !line However, to ay" hrV.hat n^l Bard en c:hehlra Decem:;v+r 20 Inat nalt"'comes delinquent and dekrxlr.ency-Waal payinant must be made in full by The due date.Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.A 2°.;ale charge must lea added to of any tax will not invalidate any collection process as debited by Idaho Code the deai:q;,enl hall !rra-est calculated at the rate of 1�.per month beginning (�'+,303i 21 January 1 of the f Lgp•r,inq y..ar an V:e:�emquent ha8 and late charge It the first pad m hall was par: aee c^.age and:merest are calculated nn the unpa.i 'PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE l-0portion of tre first har the second halt is not paK1 on or tefore June 20 that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR hall r!.. KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOLR RECORDS b... PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT Cna'- SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE Note name and address changes below Name Address City _ State __ Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City State_ Zip Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMEN 1 Steven D.Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year 2024 dill Number 2;0812 PO Box 9000 AIN 300681 Billing Date 11;21.2024 PIWParcel ID 52t404W25,2' , Balance good until 12,202024 Coeur d'Alene.ID 83816-9000 Co 208-446-1005 de-Area o7000 7 AXe22622 I IN NW NWI 2552NG4W L«Nbn. 654 W GARWOOD RE)RAT)?DRUM A.... 0 4233 11 you have✓rl amm ammm with yow mo 10e0e eor"ity,pkefa Makin GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC •"�b•°I r1��r1L o 1f; to P•Moll.For prynrM by cred9 a 250 SW TAYLOR ST IkOinard«• N��MAdo•�np«�p�Jtopov.wlbB80rrtleetrer PORTLAND OR 97204-3034 ✓A•i•c�'-S V E'.EIVE F 9 4.,;>I.•.TC MTr DE'_I•A�IEN''AMEc Wti1 aF APGIIE:T; 'nF l'JES'-A.CG�-->E A':'.:.''-4'ERc„ A'F rMARGES P4rlfEATS ..5'(tC Y$TR:ARKEL✓'' l4'CR THAN TFIA4'r•E f%W:SATE choyea wEcni Vakw ad&Wr 90r1{ 1-KOOTENAI CO 208 44616N 0.01)W.14•t80 131.25 Land Market 66.000 227{AKES HWY I2 208 772 7527 0 000282W_0 28.05 Improvement value 33.250 231 SCHOOL DIST e272J BON 208 687 0431 0 00 Total Ta.able 99.250 231 SCHOOL DIST e272J OTH 2O8 687 D431 0,0000119230 1.1a 231-SCHOOL DIST e272J SUP 208 687 0431 0.0009052210 .14 254 N LAKES FIRE 206 772-5711 0 0006508730 64.60 254NORTHERN LAKES JUDGME 20&772.5711 000"12340 0.12 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 208 773 1506 00001434210 14.24 272 COMM UB NET BOND J 208 773 1506 0 DOODD96610 0.96 361-N ID COLLEGE 208 769 3340 0 00031317 10 37.04 354-KOOTENAI EMS 208-930-4224 0 OD00776370 7 71 Prior Year Chalpes 354-KOOTENAI EMS JUDGMENT 208-930.4224 00000001040 0.01 351 N ID GOLLFGE JUDGMENT 20&769 3340 00000005780 0.06 •Tor.ReMI Ied 8 The Legislature 1 351 N ID COLLFGF TORT 209 769-3340 0 0000107450 107 496AOUIFER PROT 208 446-1600 5 74 School Savinys 3e ,6 Grog Total Charyee 352.17 Net Charyef 392.17 RX Sunwwy Jurrenl dear Charges $382 17 Delinquent Charges $0,00 Interest Charges $0 00 Late lee Charges $0 00 Pee Charges $0.00 Paid Amount $0 00 Total Amount Due $382.17 V.I.ApIrrowd Fund Tracker. Hops.www acarn us505.71easure� Make Check Payable to.KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep by portion for your records '"...........I MPORTANT'.....•....... PLEASE READ BOTH FRONTAND BACK 2no Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETUR'i TH!F FT!1F1'/ITH HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 52N04W25320000000191080000038217 FOR PROPER CREDIT.RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY June 20.2025 Bill Number 2024-270812 2nd Half Amount Due AIN 300881 n•dl• •I•Ir••In•u•• h I n II•r•••1 r•I ,. S 191.08 PIN 52NG4W253200 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLG PO BOX 9000 250 SW TAYLOR 3i COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 PORTLAND OR 97204 3034 1 St Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement 5 Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR or 52NO4W25320000000191080000038217 FOR PROPER CREDIT.RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR Full PAYMENT CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCF BY E 111 Half Amount Due YOUR BANK Bill Number 2024-270812 S191.09 DELINQ UE NT IF NO T PAID BY December 20.2024 AIN 300881 P Or Full Amount Due IN 52NO4W253200 u•dh•D•I•Ir••rrlrLurl,yn„nlpr,....,u.,..pl,l.n. S382.17 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9oo0 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC COEUR D'ALENE.ID 83816-9000 250 SW TAYLOR Sl PORTLAND OR 97204 3034 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 21,LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31 BEGINNING JANUARY t. INTEREST ON THE DELJNOUENTTAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1',PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. ,i,e county:a[COde;,ur may Issue a de:nuno for payment on any personal or Wl?rt, ­�,r.,ueM paymen:s a•e posted tO the rcli and applied to manutacture!housing tax which becomes due and payable Or.the demand date. Cosy. :a Cali-.. - ;e an•.O tlenn;uen�•a.•a:^e p•,;z.nar�?act bears to it the air is hot paid.it becomes delinquent the day lollowaig the demand date. the Tom mduni tlua - See IDAHO CODE 63:002. When any part of a tax becomes delinquent a warrant of distraint Is issued to the county sheriff for its collection Filing of material bymail.Date effective. A post office can;9.'Idnen is considered the fdcg dale.A postage:Haler is not an Befolte the tax becomes delinduant the board of County Commissioners ma/ am,eplabte post Dike CadCedabon mark, grant io to a lour month extension to pay the tax,late charge and interest A See IDAHO CODE 63-217. warrant of dlslralnt Is not issued until the extended time expires.There are no extensions given on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-20103).63.904(5)and 63-1013 If you do not receive a tat notice On property,this does nor excuse the late charge arid interest for non-payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63-902{10t. REAL PROPERTY Occupancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as manufactured housinrgg.On real property,whichever is applicabe Sea IDAHO CODE 63.317,63-602Z.and 63-903 All taxes extended on the property rol!are payable on or before December 20. The taxes may be psad m two equal halves If the first hall is not paid on or When any part of the tax becomes delinquent,the lax may be collected In the before December 20.that halt becomes deanquent and a 2°0 late charge must same manner as tax is Collected nor manufactured homes or real property, be added Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate whichever is applicable. of I%per month begmnrllg January 1 of the follcmng year,If the first half lax has been paid uh par,,late c",arge and interest are calculated on the remaining Total tax due shown on this statement may not be deductible for Intemal first ha!I tax It foe secv,nd hat is not datd 01 or before June 20,that hall Revenue Service IIRS)purposes Please check with an accountant. becomes delinquent and a 2°.lade charge must be added. Interest on the delifiquent tax and late charge Is alCCtated at tie rate of 1°e per month Levy Sheets Available beginning January 1 of that year.If the second half tax has been paid in part, Market Value Legend late charge and interest are ca!,ulaled on the remaining tax pars prop Personal Prop erty Tot=Total Mki -Market All;axes extended cn subsequent or missed pfcoe:ty roils are payable within HO Homeowner Exempt-Exemption thirty,(301 days of the Dinnrk;date and become delinquent it unpaid thirty 00) days after the bills are mailed.See IDAHO CODE 63-903. PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63.9D4 All taxes shown on personal property and manufactured housing are Our dnd payable on demand If n0 demand is made,the taxes may be paid in two equal # * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves The first half is due and payable on or before December 20.and the second halt is due and payable on or before June 20 of the lollowing year If the Any portion Of u property tax may be paid at any time Ho.vever• :a avod first hall Is not paid on or before December 20.that half becomes delinquent and delinquency.Wiled payment in be made full by the due date.Partial payment the entire tax becomes duo and psylible.A 2q,late charge must be added to of an tax will not invalidate a Collection process as defined by Idaho Code the delinquent hat! Interest Is calculated at the rate of 1%per month beginning Y any January 1 of the following year on the delinquent half and late charge.If the first 63-9C312r ham was pad In part.late charge and interest are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE portion Of the first half.it the second half IS not pad on or before June 20,that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR. half becomes delnquent and a 2%late Charge must be added.Interest on the delinquent tax and lase charge is calculated at the rate of I% per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS beginning January:o!that view,If the second had has been paid in part,late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge r:^1—r=rps!;rr-i—) •rr.O the remaining tax. SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE, Note name and address changes below Name Address _ City State , Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City State_ Zip_ Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT 6 Steven D. Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year: 2024 Bill Number. 102120 P.O Box 9000 AIN: 345332 Billing Date: 11/20/2024 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-9000 PIN/Parcel ID:UP15804107500 Balance good until:12/20/2024 208-446-1005 Code-Area 107500 Parcel Description: Location: Acres: 0 If you have an escrow account with your mortgage company, please confirm GEM STATE WATER COMPANY with them prior to sending a property tax payment.For payment by credit or debit card or e-check.call(208)446-1005 and choose option#3 or pay online PROPERTY TAX at www.kcgov.us/509/Treasurer PO BOX 3388 TAXES WILL BEAPPLIEDTC COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 PAYMENTS THE RECEIVED DES T AXES DUE�UNTS To AVOID INTWITHDEE ESTT AND LATE CHARGES.PAYMENTS MUSTBE PCST4'ARKPD Nam',ATER THAN Tuc DUE DATE Charon and crows Values and Exemptions 1-KOOTENAI CO 208 446-1600 0.0013224480 499 75 Operating Property Value 377,898 227-LAKES HWY#2 208-772-7527 0.0002826000 106.79 Total Taxable 377,898 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-BON 208-687-0431 0.00 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-OTH 2O8-687-0431 0.0000119230 4.51 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-SUP 208-687-0431 0.0009082210 343.21 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 208-773-1506 0.0001434270 54.20 272-COMM LIB NET-BOND J 208-773-1506 0.0000096610 3.65 351-N ID COLLEGE 208-769-3340 0.0003731710 141.02 354-KOOTENAI EMS 208-930-4224 0.0000776370 29.34 354-KOOTENAI EMS JUDGMENT 208-930-4224 0.0000001040 0.04 351-N ID COLLEGE JUDGMENT 208-769-3340 0.0000005780 0.22 Prior Year Charges 351 N ID COLLEGE TORT 208-769-3340 0.0000107450 4.06 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 5.74 Gross Total Charges 1,192.53 Tax Relief Appropriated By The Legislature Net Charges 1,192.53 School Savings' 146.82 so Surrrllary e-,Q (�a 3 Current Year Charges $1,192.53 Ulu 1 Delinquent Charges $0.00 Interest Charges $0.00 Late Fee Charges $0.00 ((�� Q /,,D Fee Charges $0.00 Gcs I-` Paid Amount $0.00 Total Amount Due S1,192.53 Voter Approved Fund Tracker. https kcgov us 509 Treasurer Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records ..............I MPORTANT......,.... PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK 2nd Your cancelled check is your receipt. HETURN THIS STUB WITH 2ND HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR UPI580410750000000596260000119253 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT.CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TOACCEPTANCI BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY: June 20,2025 Bill Number: 2024-102120 2nd Half Amount Due n•III • I Ir••I•rn• • II I n II• t l 1 1 1 AIN: 345332 S596.26 PIN: UP15804107500 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 1 St Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT Please note name or address change on back of statement d Half Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR j} �r UPI58041075000000059k260000119253 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR 8 Full PAYMENT.CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY 1st Half Amount Due YOUR BANK Bill Number: 2024-102120 $596.27 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY December 20,2024 AIN: 345332 or Full Amount Due a 111t i' I It t I n t �t'Irtl'rni'll tr tr' r 1n,1.n• PIN: UP15804107500 51,192.53 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83816-9000 PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 TxNT 2024 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2 LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1. INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF loo PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. The county tax collector may issue a demand for payment on any personal or When a tax becomes delinquent.payments are posted to the roll and applied to manufactured housing tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date. costs, interest, late charge and delinquent tax in the proportion each bears to If the tax is not paid,it becomes delinquent the day following the demand date. the total amount due. See IDAHO CODE 63-1002. When any part of a tax becomes delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the county sheriff for its collection- Filing of material by mail.Date effective. A post office cancellation is considered the filing date.A postage meter is not an Before the tax becomes delinquent. the board of county commissioners may acceptable post office cancellation mark, grant up to a four month extension to pay the tax, late charge and interest. A See IDAHO CODE 63-217. warrant of distraint is not issued until the extended time expires. There are no extensions given on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(13),63-904(5)and 63-1013. If you do not receive a tax notice on property. this does not excuse the late charge and interest for non-payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63-90200). Occupancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufactured housing.or real property,whichever is applicable See IDAHO CODE 63-317.63-602Z,and 63-903. All taxes extended on the property roll are payable on or before December 20. The taxes may be paid in two equal halves, If the first half is not paid on or When any part of the tax becomes delinquent, the tax may be collected in the before December 20.that half becomes delinquent and a 2oo late charge must same manner as tax is collected for manufactured homes or real property, be added.Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate whichever is applicable. of 1%per month beginning January 1 of the following year. If the first half tax has been paid in part,late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining Total tax due shown on this statement may not be deductible for Internal first half tax. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20, that half Revenue Service(IRS)purposes. Please check with an accountant. becomes delinquent and a 2% late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 11� per month Levy Sheets Available beginning January 1 of that year If the second half tax has been paid in part. Market Value Legend late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax Pers Prop=Personal Property Tot=Total Mkt=Market All taxes extended on subsequent or missed property rolls are payable within HO - Homeowner Exempt= Exemption thirty (30)days of the billing date and become delinquent if unpaid thirty (30) days after the bills are mailed. See IDAHO CODE 63-903. PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-904. All taxes shown on personal property and manufactured housing are due and payable on demand. If no demand is made,the taxes may be paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves. The first half is due and payable on or before December 20. and the second half is due and payable on or before June 20 of the following year.If the Any portion of a property tax may be paid at any time. However. to avoid first half is not paid on or before December 20.that half becomes delinquent and delinquency,total payment must be made in full by the due date.Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.A 29.late charge must be added to of any tax will not invalidate any collection process as defined by Idaho Code the delinquent half_ Interest is calculated at the rate of 10o per month beginning 63-903(2). January 1 of the following year on the delinquent half and late charge.If the first half was paid in part. late charge and interest are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE portion of the first half. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20,that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR. half becomes delinquent and a 21.late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge Is calculated at the rate of 110 per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. beginning January 1 of that year. If the second half has been paid In part, late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are Calculated on the remaining tax. SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE. Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D.Matheson-Treasurer 1-Year rJz4 Ba Numb- 2026s2 P.O Box 9000 AIN 198274 Billing Date n 2i,g024 Coeur d'Alene,ID 83816 9000 PIN'Parcel ID 0735500030013 Balance good until 12-?02024 208-446-1005 Code Area 156000 va.c•i oe•croowr SILVER MEADOWS 1ST AVE).L1 1 HLK 3 Lac.awr Aww'. 0.2300 19'1'7078"'•'•"'••"'•••"'AUTO"MIXED AADC 836 I'IrIIIII"rI^ III I IIIIII'I' I'lIIIIfI IL IIIIrIIJlrll ll an Gaol.acoountwh your moraaoewmvany.pleasec confirm, GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC w'a'am ow 10�q�q a p apM W payment For payment by Ixdil or delta card or @,dw4 n!(YBIj Mb11005 and ditoae option 63 or pry online HE 250 SW TAYLOR ST atwwJwgw.us60WFrenum PORTLAND OR 97204-3034 r'AV MLniS NeCLIvEU r.',F A�.r INT,N^.'Nr)t,�,ry(711- 1A%F1`11 -`I'-.,-.., :., H- -ii '4r F'.:•.= .�\iF o-AA-�.4-�rH" f� ..1,_., Ckarpar 1W Ga6Y M11Nars lktas 1 KOOTF NAI CO 20&44&1600 00013224480 133 Land Market 1.000 T27 LA KF3HWY•2 KA-7727527 000M260-V 028 ToW Taxable 1.Cgy) 231-SCHOOL DIST 4272J-SON 208 687-0431 0.00 231 SCHOOL D73T 4272J-OTH 2O8-68T0431 0 0000115230 001 231 SCHOOL DIST s272J SUP 208.6810431 0.0009082210 0.91 252 TIMBER LK FIRE 208 683-3333 0 0005647480 0.56 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 208-773-1506 0.0001434270 0 14 272-CO1.M4 LIB NET-80NO J 208 773-1506 0 0000096610 0 Ol 351 N ID COLLEGE 208.769-3340 0.00M731710 037 354-KOOTENAI EMS 208-930-4224 0 0000776370 0.08 351 IN ID COLLEGE TORT 208.76&3340 0.0000107450 001 Prwr Year Cheryes 452-MICA FP 208-789.1577 15.00 482-MICA FPA 208 769 1577 324 •Tax ReW m led B The L - e 0&490-AQUIFER PROT 2446-[600 5 74 Gross Told Charpas 27.68 School Savings 030 Nat Charaas 27.68 aY SumMry Current Year Charges $27.68 Delinquent Charges S0.00 Interest Charges S0.00 Late Fee Charges $0.00 Fee Charges SO 00 Paid Amount $0.00 Total Amount Due $27.68 Voter A cued Fund Tracke,. Make Check Payable to KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records .••.... ^IMPORTANT"'"-**'— ' PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK nd Your cancelled check is your receipt. "FTU - / PN THIS Nh STUPIA11TH 2 HALF PAYMENT 2 Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 07350DO3001000000013840000002768 F OR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINOUFNT IF NOT PAID BY June 20,2025 Bill Number 2024-202882 2nd Half Amount Due I'hlrD'•I'••n•'•1I•rII'I'•I•ul•r'1'•I'•'Idudl•IIII•'••' AIN. 198274 S 13.84 PIN. 073500030010 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 220 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC CALDWELL,ID 83606-0220 250 SW TAYLOR ST POR 1 LAND OR 97204 RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT St Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR or 071S0003001000000013840000002768 onPHOI>FRCREOIT.lit rulcNlws STUB WITH YOUR �u11 PAYMENT CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY 1sl Half Amount Due YOUR BANK Bill Number 2024 202882 S 13.84 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY December 20.2024 AIN 198274 or Full Amount Due I"dl•'"•I'••n•'•'I•rII't1•I•ul•r'1'•I'•4dudl•1111•'••' PIN 073500030010 S27 68 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 220 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC CALDWELL,ID 83606-0220 250 SW TAYLOR ST PORTIAND OR 97204 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 22 ** * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2' LATE CHARGE 1S CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1. INTEREST ON THE.DEUNOUENTTAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED ATTHE RATE OF 1`,PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. Tne county tax coiled r may Issue a demand for payment on any persona;D, When a tax becomes de-!^qusnt,payments are r.-sled to the rU and applied to manufactured rcusng tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date -its.ut1«n•,t 'ate f.i, ry,.ai... '!e1ir:lpr•'J;.,. r,iw I .h Ll,- �'u II Ine lay,•IO!paid It t wx.,nes delinquent the day IOIIovaing the demand dal:. uric total a•nuuri,"I� See iDAHO CODE 6's-1?C2 VO-.tan any pan of a tax becomes delinquent,a warrant of distraint Is issued I ,1,molly sheriff t;m its codtect.or. Filing of material by mail.Date effective. A Cos!OR.fi-C3ni ell:l:')' S;CrblCer!'o tt`.v hi ry da;2 A s net an SAID,tits lax LecOrneS delinquent.the board Of County oor11m SS.oners m6, acceplab:P i(.St rtf-n r3-r-�a:''n mdrk gram up to n'cur nxi extension to pay the tax.tale Charge and Interest A See IDAHO COCE 5- noire';oi',.site nt.s not Issued until the extended ixne expires There are no extensions given an the second he" Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(13).63-904(5)and 63-1013 If you do not receive a tax no!--or proverty.this(fees not excuse the late charge !or nor payment OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE_63 tri` r,,ccuparcy lax ,s due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY -ranufachirecd housing,or real property.weh,chever:s appkcaMe 5,--IDAHO CODE 63-317.63-6022.arid 63-903 .I:taxes t•xieniieo cr,the ar�:pegy ru:.i are Dai m,e a,or telo,e Dezember 20, T.,e taxes'ray ne pa.n n I—rctua,hazes I!ihp`—1 hall - Dl Da.d.'x•, Y7ne,.3nr pad or the tax becomes delinquent.the tax may be colllected in the ueture 2C -.:o n a:r - .. me ,�nq-n•.a•-cl 2-:..ale me_ m cha:ce us! saanner as tax Is collected for manular urea nomes or real property. r ad:1e. ,. .. tr.,�n.��rP !1%i a"';1.alp chary:•,. .:a•. tlM; tu. •AIP 'M,rt I,• Iti APOncable \(1"he .'.tit V,111 lax ,as bares c'-1�;+rid mef,-l cif r,.•remar.ing Tula, !ax due sn,wn on this statement may not be deductible for Intema, isst riot't, P Ine se::�,•. ran'paL^.n i o, :,'Lira 2!i !r a:nail Re•:rnu•• purposes Please check With an accountant XcOm,es at'-',rgL•-nl zl,n 2. a:e•.hac'-- on:he dehrque^t •ax ano :PIP rn;•c,« ,a!tow Y^ ,Mine '9'e r. c,.Fer a,cntn Levy Sheets Available 7e3gann,n�lama,,,1 -__ !!tie SeCn"G`a 1 lo- a_hire.,pa,d,n part. .,,. •e•,: ., ,+; .,r. eta. rt tale Lu0 ,d P,^;?_rty Tot -Total !.'-' Exempt Exemohnn ,aVS I-M. .-Ertl,u,_ ...., PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-9G4 AI:taxes s"Awn on personal pr,lr_vty anu,1 _..•_...., ._, payable on oemend 11•,,demand s made.Ine;axes may oe ua o,n:wo equal *** MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED ^aloes Tile first halt.s dire arzl pavable or,o-before Defemcer 20.and me second hart•s doe and payable Cn or relu,e J,Ire 20 of I!te year It!hp any :b,tttm uI a properY may be Pa.o a:any tlrtw. However, to avoid first hall Is rot paid o„Dr 9efore December 2C,thal hall no,<o•res dei nquem and :he entire tax becomes due and payable.A 2",late charge must be added to rdei.rlquency.!cal payment must be made in till by the due date.Partial payme-rit :he delinquent half interest Is calculated at the rate of 1'.per month beginning of any tax will nal Invalidate arty collectors process as defused by Idaho Code January 1 of the following year on the delinquent half and late charge.If the torsi 63.903(2' nalf was paid in part.late charge and mlerest are calculaled on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINOUENCY WILL BE portion Of the.last hall.If the second half is not paid on Or before June 20,that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR. half becomes delinquent and a 2 late charge must be added.Interest on the delinquent tax and ial^charge is calculated at the rate of 1%per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR'OUR RECORDS beginning January 1 of Inat year t the second hail has been paid in part late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are calculated on the remaining lax SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE Note name and address changes below Name Address amity _- _ State - Zip 'hone Note name and address changes below Name Address City _ _ .State Zip Phone — GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D.Matheson-Treasurer lax Year Rill Number 22222E P.O Box 9000 A,N B ling Date I12112W4 PINiParcei lD 01%741 KJ 199?:1 Balance good until 12Mr"4 Coeur d'Alene.ID 83816-900T) 208446-1005 Code-Area 10i0oo Pnrtnl Dnnergewn. DIAMOND BAR ESTATES,LI 9W BLK t 13919 N RODEO RE,RATHDRUM Ac.r: I I M0 If you have an escrow accounl with your mortgage carpeny.pl~confirm GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC wilh them prior 10 sending a property tax payment.For payment by tread of 250 SW TAYLOR ST debit card or e-check all 1446-1005 and choose option 03 or pay online kcguv.uwr5097Treasurer PORTLAND OR 97204-3 03 4 Chwgo and CMM Values and Exempliom I KD)TENAI CO 208.4461600 0.0013224490 198 Land Market 1,000 127 LAKES HWY 42 20a 772 7527 0 0002826000 042 Improvement Value 500 231 SCF4001.DIST 4272J BON 208 681 0431 0-00 Total Taxable 1,500 231-SCHOOL DIST a272J.OTH 2O8-W-0431 0.0000119230 002 231 SCHOOL DIST s272J SUP 206-6a7 0431 00009082210 136 254 N LAKES FIRE 208 772 571, 0.00065067-10 0.96 271 COMM LIBRARY NET J 208.773 1506 0.DD01434270 0.22 272-COMM LIB NE T BOND J 208 773 1506 0 0000096610 0.01 351 N ID COLLEGE 208 7693340 0.0003731710 0.56 354 KOOTENAI EMS 208 930 4224 0 ON0776370 0.12 351 N 000LLEGE TORT 200 769 3340 0 0000107450 0 02 Pray Year Charges 490 AQUIFER PRO T 208 446 1600 5,74 Gross Total charges 11.43 a Tax RellirlAppropirsided By The L w lalure Net charges 11.43 -"1dJl Sa,ngs 058 Bill Summary Current Year Charges $11 43 Delinquent Charges gD 00 Interest Charges S0 DO Late F ee Charges SO 00 lee Charges SO DO Paid Amount S0.00 Total Amount Due S11.43 Vokr Dudes Fund Tracker nll[g 'vmw kcnr>v'us's09'Trz.,rwzr Make Check Payable to.KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep by portion for your records ""'«"«IMPORTANT«""""«'• PLEASE READ BOTH FRONTAND BACK 2nd Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 2ND 1-41,' G +ENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 01774001999D00000005710000001143 FOR PROPER CREDIT.RL I URN[HIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT CHECKSARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY June 20,2025 Bill Number. 2024-222228 2nd Half Amount Due III I III III II .I••••II. I I I.11. AA N, 197784 u•111. •I•h•••rru• II I u 11 I I r•I I $5.71 PIN. 017740019990 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC PO BOX 9000 250 SW TAYLOR ST COEUR D'ALENE.ID 83816-9000 PORTLAND OR 972043034 1 St Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement _ Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR r or 0177400199900000000571D00D001143 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RE TURN THIS STUB WI T H YOUR Full PAYMENT CHECKSARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY 8 V Half Amount Due YOUR BANK BIII Number 2024-222228 S5-72 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY December 20.2024 AIN 197784 PIN 0177 4001 999 0 or Full Amount Due 11'1111'II'1'h"'1'1'11'1'1141yulllgl'11'•"111'1"11111.11. S11.43 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 250 SW TAYLOR ST PORTLAND OR 97204-30.-+4 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2°,LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1. INTEREST ON THE DELIHOUENTTAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1'.PER MONTH ON THE DELINOUENTTAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. The co_r1'L,col;ec:or may.ssue a demand for payment or any persona or When a lax be:orhes d<:inquent.payments are posted to the roil and applied to manufactured Musing tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date. costs.,Merest.Tate ccargc a,delmquere lax m the D'oportan each bears to if the lax.s not pad.if becomes delinquent the day following the demand date the(ota.a"hourl due. See IDAHO CODE C;1007 Nrhen any pan of a tax becomes delinquent a warrant of distraint is Issued to the ecun!y sheriff for its collection. Fling of material by mail.Date effective. A post office cancellation is considered:he!,Iing Cate A pos!age ei i5 rot an Before the tax Decomes dekquem.the board of county commissioners may acceptable post oflYk._ance!fal on mark ,rant'lip to a four month extension to pay the tax,late charge and Interest A See IDAHO CODE b3-�", warant of distraini!s not Issued until the extended time expires.There are no extensions given on the second haft. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(13).63-90415)and 63-1013. It you do not receive a tax nOt.ne On property.!n15 does not excuse the.ate charge and Interest for iron payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63.902i 10) Occupancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufactured hous'ag.or real property whichever is applicable. See IDAHO CODE 63-317.63.602Z,and 63.903, All taxes extended on the property roil are payable on or before December 20. The taxes may be pad in txo equal haves If the first half,5 not paid on or �Nhen any pan of the tax becomes delinquent.the tax may be collected In the before Decemoer 20.th.a nail uecomes dei,nquent and a 2' :ale rharoe must same manner as tax Is cofaecled for manufactured homes or real properly, be added Interes!on lh,•0`1111 o,:ent tax and la:e cr.arge is rvdwated at in,rate wnicti~r,s applicable of 11.per'Orin Pa-­.!q January 1 of the'otlornnd year II the tarsi half fax has beer.paid,o oaf-, Late charge an,ime,eel are ralcu:a!e-I on the remaining Total tax due shown on INS statement may not b3 deductible for Internal first half tax II the secund hall Is n01 pad oil or Write.tune 20. that hall Revenue Service(IRS)purposes.Please check wen an accountant becomes delinquent and a 2`."late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and aa!e charge is calculat;�d at the rate a 1'>per.month Levy Sheets Available beannmq January 1 of trial year.It the secd•td hall tax has been pad in rt htah et Value Legend late charge and Interest are ca;cuaaied cn rhi remalnmg tar Pars Prep=Personal Property Tot=Total Mkt=Market All taxes extended on subsequent or missed property rods are payable within HO'Homeowner Exempt Exemption thin,/(30)days of the bdhno date and beoume delinquent,f unpaid m:rty 130 days after the bills are mailed See IDAHO CODE 63-903. PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-904 AN taxes shown on personal property and manufactured no,.>'y,a'e U'- payable on demand.It no demand is made.the taxes may be paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves-The first had Is due and payable on or before December 20.and the second half is due and payable on or before June 20 of the follewing year.If the Any pcihon of a property tax may ba pad at any hire. However, to avoid fist had Is not paid on o,before December 20.that had becomes delinquent and delinquency total payment must ce made n tuff by the due date.Partial payment the emiro tax pall [Merest e due antl payable.! Z`�late charge must be addetl to of any tax will not Invalidate any collection process as defined by Idaho Code the narydeli I of t nett wingy Is con me de al the tale of! per moroe beginning 63-90 f21 January 1 d the tdbvnng year on the delinquent had and late rdlarge.If the'.its[ had was pad in part,late charge and mtelesi are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE portion of the first had.It the second half is not paid on or before June 20.that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR had becomes delinquent and a 2%fate charge must be added.interest on the KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS delinquent tax and late charge is Calculated at the rate of 11•e per month beginning January 1 o'that year.If the second half has Weer'pail in part •a!e PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are Calculated an the remaninq'-: SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE. Note name and address changes below Name Address City __ State — Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City _ State _ Zip Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D. Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year: 2024 Bill Number: 103029 P.O Box 9000 AIN: 352996 Billing Date: 11/20/2024 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 9000 PIN/Parcel ID:UP15804045500 Balance good until:12J20/2024 208-446-1005 Code Area: 045500 Parcel Description: Locatlon: Acres: 0 If you have an escrow account with your mortgage company, please confirm GEM STATE WATER COMPANY with them prior to sending a property tax payment. For payment by credit or debit card or e-check,call(208)446-1005 and choose option#3 or pay online PROPERTY TAX at www.kcgov.us/509/Treasurer PO BOX 3388 S RECEIVED FORTAXES WILL BE APLIED TC COEUR ID ID 83816-2527 PAYMETHEOLDES TAXESDUEOUNTS TOAVOIDIN EWITHERESTTANDLATE HARGES.PAYMENTS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN THE DUE DATE qw "dc mft Values and ExatrlptloDs 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 0.0013224480 24.44 Operating Property Value 18,480 225-PF HWY 01 208-765-3717 0.0002046610 3.78 Total Taxable 18,480 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-BON 208-687-0431 0.00 231-SCHOOL DIST 4272J-OTH 2O8-687-0431 0.0000119230 0.22 231-SCHOOL DIST F272J-SUP 208-687-0431 0,0009082210 16.78 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 208-773-1506 0,0001434270 2.65 272-COMM LIB NET-BOND J 208-773-1506 0.0000096610 0.18 351-N ID COLLEGE 208-769.3340 0.0003731710 6.90 354-KOOTENAI EMS 208-930-4224 0.0000776370 1.43 351-N ID COLLEGE JUDGMENT 208.769-3340 0.0000005780 0.01 351 N ID COLLEGE TORT 208-769-3340 0.0000107450 0.20 Prior Year Charges 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 5.74 Gross Total Charges 62.33 Tex Rene(Appropriated By The Legislature Net Charges 62.33 School Savings' 7.18 Current Year Charges $62.33 Delinquent Charges $0.00 Interest Charges $0.00 Late Fee Charges $0.00 Fee Charges $0.00 Paid Amount $0.00 Total Amount Due $62.33 Voter Anwed Fund Tracker hops://www.kcgov.us/509/Treasurer ayable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records '*'****'***'**IMPORTANT"****"****** MS@M'n j@ p0r PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK Znd Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 2ND HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR UPI580404550000000031160000006233 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT.CHECKSARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY: June 20,2025 Bill Number: 2024-103029 2nd Half Amount Due „•,II'•"•I•Ir••rru•'•01h'I°u"II•h••••1°•r•I'h'•"• Al N: 352996 S31.16 PIN: UPI5804045500 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83816-9000 PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 1 St RETURN THIS STUBWITH 1ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT t Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please note name or address change on back of statement Half Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR or UPI580404550000000031160000006233 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR 8 Full PAYMENT.CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY 1s' Half Amount Due YOURBANK Bill Number: 2024-103029 S31.17 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY: December 20,2024 AIN: 352996 or Full Amount Due n•tll'•"•I•Ir••t ru•t•O1b'I"��°II''�""�°•r luit.u. PIN: UP15804045500 S62.33 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 TXNT 2024 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2°o LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1, INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1%PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. The county tax collector may issue a demand for payment on any personal or When a tax becomes delinquent.payments are posted to the roll and applied to manufactured housing tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date. costs, interest. late charge and delinquent tax in the proportion each bears to If the tax is not paid. it becomes delinquent the day following the demand date. the total amount due. See IDAHO CODE 63-1002. When any part of a tax becomes delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the county sheriff for its collection. Filing of material by mail.Date effective. A post office cancellation is considered the filing date.A postage meter is not an Before the tax becomes delinquent. the board of county commissioners may acceptable post office cancellation mark. grant up to a four month extension to pay the tax, late charge and interest A See IDAHO CODE 63-217. warrant of distraint is not issued until the extended time expires. There are no extensions given on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(13).63-904(5)and 63-1013. If you do not receive a tax notice on property, this does not excuse the late charge and interest for non-payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63-90200). Occupancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufactured housing.or real property.whichever is applicable. See IDAHO CODE 63-317.63-602Z.and 63-903. All taxes extended on the property roll are payable on or before December 20. The taxes may be paid in two equal halves. It the first half is not paid on or When any part of the tax becomes delinquent. the tax may be collected in the before December 20 that half becomes delinquent and a 20a late charge must same manner as tax is collected for manufactured homes or real property. be added.Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate whichever is applicable. of 1 per month beginning January 1 of the following year. If the first half tax has been paid in part,late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining Total tax due shown on this statement may not be deductible for Internal first half tax. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20. that half Revenue Service(IRS)purposes. Please check with an accountant. becomes delinquent and a 20Q late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 1% per month Levy Sheets Available beginning January 1 of that year If the second half tax has been paid in part. Market Value Legend late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. Pers Prop= Personal Property Tot=Total Mkt- Market All taxes extended on subsequent or missed property rolls are payable within HO- Homeowner Exempt- Exemption thirty (30)days of the billing date and become delinquent if unpaid thirty (30) days after the bills are mailed. See IDAHO CODE 63-903, PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-904. All taxes shown on personal property and manufactured housing are due and payable on demand If no demand is made,the taxes may be paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves. The first half is due and payable on or before December 20, and the second half is due and payable on or before June 20 of the following year. If the Any portion of a property tax may be paid at any time However, to avoid first half is not paid on or before December 20,that half becomes delinquent and delinquency,total payment must be made in full by the due date. Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.A 2%late charge must be added to of any tax will not invalidate any collection process as defined by Idaho Code the delinquent half. Interest is calculated at the rate of 11.per month beginning 63-903(2). January 1 of the following year on the delinquent half and late charge. If the first half was paid in part, late charge and interest are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE portion of the first half. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20,that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR, half becomes delinquent and a 21.late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 11. per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. beginning January 1 of that year. If the second half has been paid in part, late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE. Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone I Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D.Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year AV4 Bin Number PO Box 9000 AIN 196388 Bdhng Date 11'1 Coeur d'Alene.ID 83816-9000 PIN,Parcel ID 53W3W 10.1,= Balance good until 12;, 208-446-1005 Code-Area 1560(10 PucM Dn<ripOoa: TAX'62267[IN SW NWI nn W,D0j LxMbx- Ac 0 2mo 11 hM an ewew nowuel with your morlpps.many.Plasm wort. GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC ���e�. aA° �&W F chome�Payment03 P a 250 SW TAYLOR ST al www.hopoa.ua40Wfrenum pay alM PORTLAND OR 97204-3034 aAv.I:ryr.tiaF!'Fr4F.f?c-GPM^,r'itl•1"4'J;11";)F'..hr�..;fA" t N:I.F�A{+t•I FIl 1 - r i:.Fy'"Av.ti I .F �I.�'nY'. :�",F• v.f..A .-. f".IIUar wid c"" VWies sad I KOOTENAI CO 208.446 1600 0.0013224480 132.25 Lend Market 100A00 227-LAKES HWY 4? 2'08-772.7527 00002826000 28 26 Total Taxable 100,000 231 SCHOOL DIST 9272J-BON 208-681 U431 0.00 231-SCHOOL DIST s272J-0TH 2O8-687 0431 0.0D00119230 1.19 231 SC 40CIL DIST s272J-SUP 206 b87-0431 0.0009082210 90.82 252 TIMBER LK FIRE 208,683 3333 0.0005647480 5647 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 208-773-1506 00001434270 14.34 272-COMM LIS NET-BOND) 208 773-1506 0.0000096610 097 351 N ID COLLEGE 208 7693340 0.0003731710 3732 354'KOOTENAI EMS 208 930 4224 0.000077&370 7.76 354-XOOTFNAI EMS JUDGMENT 2089304224 0,0D00001D40 001 Prior Year ChwUm 351-N ID COLLEGE JUDGMENT 208769-3340 0.000D00S780 006 35 N ID COLLEGE TORT 208 1693340 0 0000 107450 1 07 .Tax �By The Legislature 452 MK)AFP 208%69 7577 1500 482-MICA FPA .11169-I517 324 School Sayings' 3885 490-AQUIFER PROT 208 4461600 5 74 Gross Total CharDss 394.50 W Summary Nst charpas ncso Current Year Charges S394.50 Delinquent Charges SO 00 Interest Charges $0 00 Late Fee Charges S0.00 Fee Charges SO 00 'aid Amount $0 00 Total Amount Due $394.50 VoteApixiw Fund Tracker h111n.�vww.hulov us�509.'lieasulei Make Check Payable le:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR aY Keep by portion for your records """"""IMPORTANT""""""" PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK 2nd Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN-HIS STUBWITH 2ND HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to.KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 53NO3W104375D0000197250000039450 FOR PROPER CREDI T,RE TURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT CHECKSARE SUBJECT TOACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DEUNQUE NIT II NO!PAID BY June 20.2025 8,11 Number 2024 257269 2nd Half Amount Due 1 11 I III III 11 I II II I II AIN. 196388 11'III' 'I'II"'1'I'll'' III II II't I I"I 1 S 197.25 PIN 53NO3W104375 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC PO BOX 9000 250 SW TAYLOR ST COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 PORTLAND OR 97204-3034 1 St Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1 ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to,KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR or 53NO3W1043750000019725000DO39450 FOR PROPER CREDIT.RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR Full PAYMENT CHECKSARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY 3 151 Half Amount Due YOURBANK Bill Number 2024 257269 S197.25 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY December 20.2024 AIN: 196388 or Full Amount Due 11'IIII'Ir'I'h"'LLIr.I'rrrlillf lllrill'rl'"'III'1"IIIII'I1. PIN: 53W3W 104375 $394.50 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 250 SW TAYLOR ST PORT LAND OR 97204 3034 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2'.LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1, INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1',PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. Tlie c­,ty:ax collei;or may issue a demand for payment on any perSGnai or when,?fzx nt pavmems arc posted to the roll and applied to manufactured housing a ix which becomes due and payable on the demand date. orsts.,r '..SI iatc , .�..!:)r n,ue•r I.tx •,,-N t, trruon each Dx'7s to It the lax is not paid,it becomes delinquent the day following the demand date. the lop';fnouni duet See IDAHO CODE K,'.O;2. when any part of a tax becomes delinquent a warrant of distraint is issued to the county sheriff for its collection. Filing of material by mail.Date effective. A post office cancetiatien,s cw:s,cererl the fling date.A eosage meter Is no;an Before the tax becomes delinquent,the board of county commissioners may acceptable post office cance',laton ma,1, grant up to a four month extension to pay the tax,late charge and Interest A See IDAHO CODE 63-2!7 warrant of dfsiraxft is not Issued until the extended time expires There are no extensions g.van on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(131.63-904451 and 63.1013. It you do not receive a tax nottccr on property.this Goes not excuse the'gate charge and interest for non-payment OCCUPANCYTAX See IDAHO CODE&3-902f 101. Oczupancy lax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufac!ured housing,or real property,whichever,s applicable See IDAHO CODE 63-317.63-602Z.and 63-903 AN taxes extended on it-,it ptopenly roll are payable on Or,beicre Dece-nuer 20. The taxes may be paid in t,vo equal halves.It the first hall is not paid on or When any Dart of the tax becomes delinquent.the lax may be collected in the before December 20 It ah hail heco,ne5 deietrluent and a 2`c:aie charge must same manner as tax is colleted!or rnanufamwred homes w real property, be added Interest on m,061nquent tax and late charge—,ca:cuiated a:the rate v,nlGaever Is applicable. Of lrr per mnmh begrc xg Januan,'t t-I the foBoning year 1!the I,rst half in has Nsei paid m pant'die r-aide ano.-t P,es!are Ca'c Water on the femaln,ng Total tax due Shinn on this statement may fail be deductible for Internal Iret,art lax If me second hall is net paid or o•pefo,e Jure 20 that hall Revenue Service(IRS)purposes.Please check with an accountant. becomes deEncuent and a 2`,late cnarge niw bc'added Interest on the deknquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 1co per month Levy Sheets Available beginning January 1 of mai Yea,.it the seconn bail ax has been par,rn tar; Market Value Legend charge and interest are Ca'wula:ed..':r,the remaining tax. Pets Prop=Personal Property Tot=Total Mkt Markel Ail taxes extended on sumo.;�)ent w missed prop"rolls ate payable wiritm HO-Homeowner Exempt-Exemption thirty 1301 days of the bt4mg date and become delinquent:1 unpaid trmty(30, days after the bells are coaled See IDAHO CODE 63-903. PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63.904 All taxes shown on personal property and manufactured housing are due and payable on demand It no demands made,the taxes may be paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves.The firs.half is oue and payable on or before December 20.and the second hall Is due and payable on or before June 20 of the following year It the wever. to avoid first half s not paid on or before December 20,trial Mad becomes delinquent and d�eluquetrl�cY ICaal payment must be made In full by th Do paid at e duea time te Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.th 2°w late charge must h added to of any lax will nos invalidate any collection process as defined by idaho Code the delinquent half. Interest is calculated ffi the rate Of 1^,per rrhoMh beginning January 1 of the following year on the deltnquent half and late charge If the first 63.903(2) half was paid rr)pan-'late Charge and(Merest are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WitH A DELNNQUE NCY WILL BE portion of the f rsl halt.If the second half is not paid on or before June 20,that flat)becomes delinquent and a 2%late Charge must be added.Interest on the APPLIED TO THE GLUES?DELINQUENT YEAR delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate Of 11,per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS beginning January 1 of that year.If the second half has been paid in pat late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are Calculated on the remwrwV tax. SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE Note name and address changes below Name Address City State_ Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City ___ _—State Zip—_ _ Phone _ _ GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D. Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year: 2024 Bill Number: 102586 P.O Box 9000 AIN: 345333 Billing Date: 11/20/2024 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-9000 PIN/Parcel ID:UP15804156500 Balance good until:12/20/2024 208-446-1005 Code-Area: 156500 Inn 1 ,\ Parcel Description: 1 I Location: t �_v �\ Acre.: 0 \ •l/` If you have an escrow account with your mortgage company, please confirm GEM STATE WATER COMPANY with them prior to sending a property tax payment.For payment by credit or debit card or e-check.call(208)446-1005 and choose option#3 or pay online PROPERTY TAX at www.kcgov.us/509/Treasurer PO BOX 3388 RECEIVED FOR ACCOUNTS WITHWILL BE APPLIED TC COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 PAYMENTS THEOLDEST TAXES DUE TO AVOID INTDEE E INTEREST DELINQUENT LA ECHARGES,PAYMENTS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN THE DUE DATE charges will Cmft Wiles 8rrd 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 0.0013224480 562.45 Operating Property Value 425,302 227-LAKES HWY#2 208-772-7527 0.0002826000 120.18 Total Taxable 425,302 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-BON 208-687-0431 0.00 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-OTH 2O8-687-0431 0 0000119230 5.07 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-SUP 208-687-0431 0.0009082210 386.27 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 208-773-1506 0.0001434270 61.00 272-COMM LIB NET-BOND J 208-773-1506 0.0000096610 4.11 351-N ID COLLEGE 208-769-3340 0.0003731710 158.71 354-KOOTENAI EMS 208-930-4224 0.0000776370 33.02 354-KOOTENAI EMS JUDGMENT 208-930-4224 0.0000001040 0.04 351-N ID COLLEGE JUDGMENT 208-769-3340 0.0000005780 0.25 Prior Yew Charges 351 N ID COLLEGE TORT 208-769-3340 0.0000107450 4.57 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 5.74 •Tax Relet The Legislature Gross Total Charges 1,341.41 Net Charges 1,341.41 School Savings 165.24 >! ry Current Year Charges $1,341.41 V Delinquent Charges $0.00 Interest Charges $0.00 AA Late Fee Charges $0.00 � Fee Charges $0.00 Paid Amount $0.00 Total Amount Due $1,341.41 VollerAppmved Fund Tradler: hftps://www.kcgov.us/509/Treas u re i Make Checkable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records ..............I MPORTANT"".......,,. PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK Znd Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 2ND HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR UPI580415650000000670700000134141 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT.CHECKSARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY: June 20,2025 Bill Number: 2024-102586 2nd Half Amount Due „•,II'•"•I•Ir••rru•'•"'It'I'ht"II•h••••t"•r•I'h'•"' AIN: 345333 S670.70 PIN: UPI5804156500 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1 ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT St Your cancelled check is your receipt. 1 Please note name or address change a on back of statement Half 5 Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Or UPI580415650000000670700000134141 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR g PAYMENT.CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY Full YOUR BANK 1s1 Half Amount Due Bill Number: 2024-102586 5670.71 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY: December 20,2024 AIN: 345333 Or Full Amount Due n•ill'•O•I•Ir••rrn•'•O1Ir'I'hr°II•rr•...ru.r..lurr.n. PIN: UP15804156500 S1,341.41 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY ] PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 TXNT 2024 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2°o LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1. INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1°i PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. The county tax collector may issue a demand for payment on any personal or When a tax becomes delinquent,payments are posted to the roll and applied to manufactured housing tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date costs, interest. late charge and delinquent tax in the proportion each bears to If the tax is not paid. it becomes delinquent the day following the demand date the total amount due. See IDAHO CODE 63-1002, When any part of a tax becomes delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the county sheriff for its collection. Filing of material by mail.Date effective. A post office cancellation is considered the filing date.A postage meter is not an Before the tax becomes delinquent. the board of county commissioners may acceptable post office cancellation mark. grant up to a four month extension to pay the tax. late charge and interest. A See IDAHO CODE 63-217 warrant of distraint is not issued until the extended time expires.There are no extensions given on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63.201(13),63-904(5)and 63-1013. If you do not receive a tax notice on property, this does not excuse the late charge and interest for non-payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63-90200). Occupancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufactured housing,or real property.whichever is applicable. See IDAHO CODE 63-317,63-602Z.and 63-903. All taxes extended on the property roll are payable on or before December 20. The taxes may be paid in two equal halves. It the first halt is not paid on or When any part of the tax becomes delinquent.the tax may be collected in the before December 20.that half becomes delinquent and a 2%late charge must same manner as tax is collected for manufactured homes or real property. be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate whichever is applicable. of 1%per month beginning January 1 of the following year. If the first half tax has been paid in part,late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining Total tax due shown on this statement Ln__ay_n_Qt be deductible for Internal first half tax. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20, that half Revenue Service(IRS)purposes. Please check with an accountant. becomes delinquent and a 20o late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 1 per month Levy Sheets Available beginning January 1 of that year If the second half tax has been paid in part. Market Value Legend late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. Pers Prop-Personal Property Tot -Total Mkt=Market All taxes extended on subsequent or missed property rolls are payable within HO Homeowner Exempt=Exemption thirty (30) days of the billing date and become delinquent if unpaid thirty (30) days after the bills are mailed. See IDAHO CODE 63-903. PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-904. All taxes shown on personal property and manufactured housing are due and payable on demand If no demand is made.the taxes may be paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves. The first half is due and payable on or before December 20. and the second half is due and payable on or before June 20 of the following year.If the Any portion of a property tax may be paid at any time. However, to avoid first half is not paid on or before December 20,that half becomes delinquent and delinquency.total payment must be made in full by the due date. Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.A 21.late charge must be added to of any tax will not invalidate any collection process as defined by Idaho Code the delinquent half. Interest is calculated at the rate of 10o per month beginning 63-903(2). January 1 of the following year on the delinquent half and late charge. If the first half was paid in part. late charge and interest are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE portion of the first half. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20,that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR. half becomes delinquent and a 21.late charge must be added Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 110 per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. beginning January 1 of that year. If the second half has been paid in part, late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE. Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 22 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Kootenai County Tax Collector J 02781 Steven D. Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year: 3453 Bill Number: 11/20/ P.O Box 9000 AIN: 345331 Billing Date: 11/20/2024 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-9000 PIN/Parcel ID:UP15804034500 Balance good until:12/20/2024 208-446-1005 Code Area 034500 Parcel Description: l Location Acres 1-1-115...................................SNGLP If you have an escrow account with your mortgage company. please confirm with them prior to sending a property tax payment. For payment by credit or GEM STATE WATER COMPANY debit card or e-check.call(208)446-1005 and choose option#3 or pay online PROPERTY TAX at www.kcgov.us/509/Treasurer PO BOX 3388 PAYMENTS RECEIVED FOR ACCOUNTS WITH DELINQUENT TAXES WILL BE APPLIED T COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 THE OLDEST TAXES DUE TO AVOID INTEREST AND LATE CHARGES.PAYMENTS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN THE DUE DATE Charges and Credits Values and ExenVflons 1-KOOTENAI GO 208-446-1600 0.0013224480 708.72 Operating Property Value 535.913 227-LAKES HWY#2 208-772-7527 0.0002826000 151.45 Total Taxable 535,913 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-BON 208-687-0431 0.00 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-OTH 2O8-687-0431 0.0000119230 6.39 231-SCHOOL DIST#272J-SUP 208-687-0431 0.0009082210 486.73 271-COMM LIBRARY NET J 208-773-1506 0.0001434270 76.86 272-COMM LIB NET-BOND J 208-773-1506 0.0000096610 5.18 351-N ID COLLEGE 208-769-3340 0.0003731710 199.99 354-KOOTENAI EMS 208-930-4224 0.0000776370 41.61 354-KOOTENAI EMS JUDGMENT 208-930-4224 0.0000001040 0.06 351-N ID COLLEGE JUDGMENT 208-769-3340 0.0000005780 0.31 Prior Year Charges $1.484.50 351 N ID COLLEGE TORT 208-769-3340 0.0000107450 5.76 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 5.74 •Tax Relief Appropriated By The Legislature Gross Total Charges 1,688.80 Net Charges 1,688.80 School Savings 208.21 Bill Summary Current Year Charges $1,688.80 Delinquent Charges $0.00 Interest Charges $0.00 Late Fee Charges $0.00 Fee Charges $0.00 Paid Amount $0.00 Total Amount Due $1,688.80 Voter Approved Fund Tracker ht%- lwasurer Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records ..............I MPORTAN T,,.,........_„ PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK 2nd Your cancelled check is your receipt. HETURN THIS STUB WITH 2ND HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR UPI580403450000000844400000168880 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT.CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TOACCEPTANCL HY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY: June 20,2025 Bill Number: 2024-102781 2nd Half Amount Due u•III . •I•Ir^rrn• • II I n II• I I I••I t Al N: 345331 S844.40 PIN: UP15804034500 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE,ID 83816-9000 PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 1 St Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT Please note name or address change on back of statement Half Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR or UP I580403450D00000844400000168880 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR Full g PAYMENT.CHECKSARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY 1 sl Half Amount Due YOUR BANK Bill Number: 2024-102781 S844.40 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY: December 20,2024 Al N: 345331 Or Full Amount Due a lilt " III t t n'''11111'h'n'rll tt ^tn.t..lutr.n. PIN: UP15804034500 S1,688.80 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83816-9000 PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 TxNT 2024 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2%LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1, INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENTTAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1°o PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. The county tax collector may issue a demand for payment on any personal or When a tax becomes delinquent,payments are posted to the roll and applied to manufactured housing tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date. costs, interest. late charge and delinquent tax in the proportion each bears to If the tax is not paid,it becomes delinquent the day following the demand date. the total amount due. See IDAHO CODE 63-1002 When any part of a tax becomes delinquent.a warrant of distraint is issued to the county sheriff for its collection Filing of material by mail.Date effective. A post office cancellation is considered the tiling date.A postage meter is not an Before the tax becomes delinquent, the board of county commissioners may acceptable post office cancellation mark. grant up to a four month extension to pay the tax, late charge and interest. A See IDAHO CODE 63-217, warrant of distraint is not issued until the extended time expires.There are no extensions given on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(13).63-904(5)and 63-1013. If you do not receive a tax notice on property, this does not excuse the late charge and interest for non-payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63-902(10). Occupancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufactured housing.or real property.whichever is applicable. See IDAHO CODE 63-317.63-602Z.and 63-903. All taxes extended on the property roll are payable on or before December 20 The taxes may be paid in two equal halves. If the first half is not paid on or When any part of the tax becomes delinquent, the lax may be collected in the before December 20,that half becomes delinquent and a 21".late charge must same manner as tax is collected for rnanufactUied homes or real property be added.Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate whichever is applicable. of 1%per month beginning January 1 of the following year. If the first half tax has been paid in part,late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining Total tax due shown on this statement may no be deductible for Internal first half tax. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20. that half Revenue Service(IRS)purposes. Please check with an accountant. becomes delinquent and a 2% late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 11a per month Levy Sheets Available beginning January 1 of that year If the second half tax has been paid in part. Market Value Legend late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. Pers Prop Personal Property Tot =Total Mkt- Market All taxes extended on subsequent or missed property rolls are payable within HO= Homeowner Exempt=Exemption thirty (30) days of the billing date and become delinquent if unpaid thirty (30) days after the bills are mailed See IDAHO CODE 63-903, PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-904 All taxes shown on personal property and manufactured housing are due and payable on demand. If no demand is made,the taxes may be paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves. The first half is due and payable on or before December 20, and the second half is due and payable on or before June 20 of the following year. If the Any portion of a property tax may be paid at any time. However, to avoid first half is not paid on or before December 20.that half becomes delinquent and delinquency.total payment must be made in full by the due date. Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.A 2%late charge must be added to of any tax will not invalidate any collection process as defined by Idaho Code the delinquent half. Interest is calculated at the rate of 1".per month beginning 63-903(2) January 1 of the following year on the delinquent half and late charge.If the first half was paid in part, late charge and interest are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE portion of the first half. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20,that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR. half becomes delinquent and a 2%late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 1% per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. beginning January 1 of that year. If the second half has been paid in part. late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE. Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone I Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 22 Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D.Matheson-Treasurer Tax Yea, m24 8,11 Number 2D31 r5 P O Box 9000 AIN 98,1 Billing Date I I212o24 Coeur d'Alene.ID 83816-9000 PIKParcel 10 n 074200C.002UI Balance good until 12,202024 208-446-1005 Code-Area 034000 Parcel DascrgleP: SPIRIT LAKE EAST.LT 20 1(WELL SITEI 0953ND4W a11O1 9112 W Llnrn TY r)P'iFIRIT LAKE Aerax: 0,9300 k you have an escrow acC 1 with your mortgage company please conFsm GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC win them prior to sending a property lax payment For paymenl by credit or deba card or e-cllxk.call(208)44&1005 and choose option 03 or pay online 250 SW TAYLOR ST altwrwJwpov.us509.rTreasurer PORTLAND OR 97204-3034 PA�rlENiS RE{E�YED c"'R ACf�NNTS'.:�'-� i'...:Er.'�nx�S v:iI�NE Si'(•I iF T, 'HE OLDES'-AXES DUk JA'7r%'v iN!ENESt hNG LA'F::HARl.ES PAS•.'-N1ti 1.IUST8F PISTMARKED rX LATER THAN THE DUE DATE clwpas and claws, Wkm and GN;P-lama 1-KOOTENAI OO 208-446 1600 000132244E 133 Land Market 1.000 227 LAKES FM a2 208 772-T521 0.0002826(XO ().28 Total Taxable 1.000 231-SCHOOL DIST a272J"BON 208-681 0431 0.00 231-SCHOOL DIST a272J-OlH 208-687.0431 0.0000119230 0-01 231-SCHOOL DIST 0272J-SUP 208,687-0431 00009082210 D91 246SPIRIT LK FIRE J 208-623F5800 00005079720 051 271-COMM LIBRARY NETJ 208.7731506 0OD01434270 014 272 COMM LIB NET-BOND J d06.773-ISM 0 DD0009010 001 351-N to COLLEGE 208 76P 3340 0 OD03731710 037 354 KOOTENAI EMS 208-930 4224 0 ODOD776370 008 351 N ID COLLEGE TORT 205 759 3340 0 000010745o 001 Prior Year Charges 452-MICA FP 206-769 1577 15.00 482 MICA FPA 208,764-1577 324 •Tax RefidApproprialed By The L e 490 AOUIFER PROT 208.446-1600 5 74 Groan Total ChagM 27.53 School Savings- 0'tin Net Charpaa 27.63 Big Su^i^oy Current Year Charges S27 63 Delinquent Charges SO 00 Interest Charges S0 00 Late Fee Charges $0 00 Fee Charges SO 00 Paid Amount $0 00 Total Amount Due $27.63 Voles oved Fund 1—kei Make Check Payable to KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records --«...... IMPORTANT........ "' PLEASE READ BOTH FRONT AND BACK 2na Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN'HIS STUB WITH 2ND HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 07420000020100000013810000002763 FOR PROPER CREDIT,RE TURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF N(1T PAID PY June 20,2025 Bill Number 2024-M175 2nd Half Amount Due ,„ ••• 1111 ,„ „ , II 111 II unll• •I.11 rv•Ir• III a II•,...., r•I 1. AIN 119811 S13.81 PIN 074200000201 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC PO BOX 9000 250 SW TAVLOR Si COEUR D'ALENE.ID 83816-9000 PORTLAND OR 972D4 3034 1 Your cancelled check is your receipt. St RETURN THIS STUB WITH 1 ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement a Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Full0742000OD20100000013810000002763 FOR PROPER CREDIT.RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR Full PAYMENT CHECKSARE SUBJECT TOACCEPTANCE BY 8 1"Half Amount Due YOUR BANK Bill Number 2024-203175 S13.82 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY December 20,2024 AIN 119811 PIN. 074200000201 or Full Amount Due N•dP•D•I•b•••rru•'•1191'I"uDll•'r...,u.11.11111.11. S27.63 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR GEM TAYLOR Sl EH COMPANY LLC PO BOX 9000 250 SWW TAYOR COEUR D'ALENE.ID 83816-9000 PORTLAND OR 97204 1034 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 22 * ** COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2 LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1 INTEREST ON THE DELINOUENTTAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1 PER MONTH ON THE DELINOUENTTAX AND LATE CHAR', Payment of a tax delinquency. t he cu,wy:ar C011e for may issue a demand for paymert on any persona a yylien a fax lie-om�,;rx�'-­i.u`_-f payments ate posted to the roll and appheo to marlufdctured housing tax which becomes due and payable on The demand date. costs.u•.ti>rist.late cha,ge aoc delinquent tax in the proportion each bears to It the tax is not pad,it becomes delinquent the day toilowang the demand date. the total amount due See IDAHO CODE 63-1002. When any part of a tax becomes delinquent.a warrant of distraint is issued to the County sheriff for its collection Filing of material by mail.Date execttve. A post affice cancellation is considered the fling date.A postage meler is not an Before the tax becomes delinquent,the board of county commissioners may acceptable post office cancellation mark grant up To a four month extension to pay the tax.late Charge and interest A See IDAHO CODE 63-217 warrant of distraint*not Issued until the extended time expires.There are no extansions gran on the second halt. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201 0 31.63-904151 and 63 1011 if you do net rece:vi,a tax ncYx on prbperti;.INS ones net excuse the late charge and interest for non-payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63-90200) REAL PROPERTY Occupancy lax is due and payable according to the same schedule as manufactured housing.or real property.whichever,s applicable See IDAHO CODE 63.317.63.602Z.and 63-903 All taxes extended on the property roll are payable on or before December 20 The taxes may be paid in two equal halves.If the first hall:s not paid on Or When any pan of the tax becomes delinquent.Tfte tax may be collected,n the before Dc-ceTtr r 20 vial haJ becomes dehrquen:and a 2`>late charge must same manner as tax is collected for manufactured homes or real property. be adoed Interest en the dek:.quent tax and ale clia'ge.s calculated i :ne rate wnlCnever•s applicable. of 1",.pet!nonin beg,nr,mg January 1 of the f.-Aomrq year.I;the Msl 110 tax has Deer.patd!n enn.'ate cyarge and interest are calcu.weC,on the remaining Total tax due shown on This statement may not be deductible for 611ernal first half tax If file siind half is not paid on or before June 20 that half Revoli Serv:ce(IRS)purposes.Please check-Th an accountant. becomes delinquent and a 21:Tate charge must be added.Interest or.the delinquent tax and !a:e charge is Calculated at the rate Of 11, per month Levy Sheets Available beginning Jaruary 1 of that year 11 fix,second half tax flay been paid in part late Charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. Market Value Legend Pets Prop=Personal Property TO,=Total Mk:°Market AN taxes extended on subsequent or mssed property rolls are payable within HO Homeowner Exempt Exemption thirty(301 days of the odnng date and becnrne deknquent:f,,.pa,<•'r..f..:,;,�, nays after the D f's are ma,1Cd.See IDAHO CODE 63-903 PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-904. Ali taxes shove,on tvrsonai property and manufactured h—,•J a _ :,o payable on demand.It nu demand,s made the taxes may be paid in taro equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves.The fast hall Is due ano payable on or before December 20,and the second half is due arc payable on or before June 20 of the following year If the Any portion O'a property lax may be paid at any time However. TO avoid first hall is not paid on or Wore December 20.that hall becomes delinquent and delinquency.Mat payment must be made in full by the due date.Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.A 2',,tale charge must be added to of any tax will riot invalidate any collection process as defined by Idaho Code the delinquent bait Interest Is calculated at the rate of 1`s per month ftrw in 63.9W(2i January 1 of the following year on the delinquent halt and late charge If the first hall was paid in part,late crarge and interest are calculated on the unpard PAYMENTS RECEIJED IN TH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE pom0n of the first half.Of the second half is not paid on or oefore June 20.that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAP. hall becomes delinquent and a—.late charge must be added,Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is Calculated at the rate Of 1%per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS beginning January 1 of that year.If the second half has beer pa-d m^art lair PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT Charge and interest are Calculated on time remaining tax SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City _ ..,,. State _ Zip Phone GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 22 t Kootenai County Tax Collector KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX STATEMENT Steven D. Matheson-Treasurer Tax Year: 2024 Bill Number 102831 P.O Box 9000 AIN: 347997 Billing Date: 11/20/2024 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-9000 PIN/Parcel ID:UP15804001001 Balance good until:12/20/2024 208-446-1005 Code-Area 001001 Parcel Description. t a24 `}--{I ,- Location: Acres: 0 If you have an escrow account with your mortgage company, please confirm GEM STATE WATER COMPANY with them prior to sending a property tax payment. For payment by credit or debit card or e-check.call(208)446-1005 and choose option#3 or pay online PROPERTY TAX at www.kcgov-us/509/Treasurer PO BOX 3388 RCEIVEDWILL BEAPLIETC COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 PAYMENTS THEOLDEST TAXES DUEOUNTS TO AVOID INTERESTE INTEREST AND LA WITH DELINQUENTECHARGES.PAYMENTS MLiST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN THE DUE DATE Charges and Credits Vskies and Exemptions 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 0.0013224480 76.16 Operating Property V311.ie 57,582 202-CITY CDA 208-769-2225 0.0024702850 142.24 Total Taxable 57,582 227-LAKES HWY#2-CDA 208-772-7527 0.0002826000 16.28 230-SCHOOL DIST#271-BOND 208-664-8241 0.00 230-SCHOOL DIST#271-OTHE 208-664-8241 0.0000080870 0.47 230-SCHOOL DIST#271-SUPP 208-664-8241 0.0008331260 47.97 351-N ID COLLEGE 208-769-3340 0.0003731710 21.49 354-KOOTENAI EMS 208-930-4224 0.0000776370 4.47 354-KOOTENAI EMS JUDGMENT 208-930-4224 0.0000001040 0.01 351-N ID COLLEGE JUDGMENT 208-769-3340 0.0000005780 0.03 351 N ID COLLEGE TORT 208-769-3340 0.0000107450 0.62 Prior Year Charges 1-KOOTENAI CO 208-446-1600 5 74 Gross Total Charges 315.48 •Tax Relief Appropriated By The Legislature Net Charges 315.48 School Savings 10 54 Bill Summary Current Year Charges $315.48 Delinquent Charges $0.00 Interest Charges $0.00 Late Fee Charges $0.00 Fee Charges $0.00 Paid Amount $0.00 Total Amount Due $315.48 Voter Approved Fund Tracker. hops-,vA-,N kcq.,,(j ."'H.h,1r 111wi Make Check Payable to:KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Keep top portion for your records MPORTANT«««««««««««««« PLEASE READ BOTH FRONTAND BACK 2nd Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETUHN I HIS STUB WITH 2ND HALF PAYMENT Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR UPI5804DO100100000157740000031548 FOR PROPER CREDIT, RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT.CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY YOUR BANK DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY June 20,2025 Bill Number: 2024-102831 2nd Half Amount Due III I III III II I .... 11. II 1.11. n•III . •I•II•••rrn• • II I n II• I I I^I I AIN: 347997 S 157.74 PIN: UP15804001001 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR GEM STATE WATER COMPANY PO BOX 9000 PROPERTY TAX COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83816 9000 PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 1 St Your cancelled check is your receipt. RETURN THIS STUBWITH 1ST HALF OR FULL PAYMENT � Please note name or address change Half on back of statement Make Check Payable to: KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR or UPI580400100100000157740000031548 FOR PROPER CREDIT, RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR -_ Full PAYMENT.CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY 1 st Half Amount Due YOUR BANK Bill Number: 2024-102831 S157.74 DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID BY December 20,2024 AIN: 347997 Or Full Amount Due 11'llll'tt'I'll"'I'I'II'r'rrrlltl1111tr11'rl""11 t'I"Irrlr'll. PIN: UP15804001001 S315.48 KOOTENAI COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX 9000 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83816-9000 PROPERTY TAX PO BOX 3388 COEUR D ALENE ID 83816-2527 TXNT 2024 GSW-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 1 Page 22 of 22 * * * COLLECTION OF TAXES NOTE:A 2°a LATE CHARGE IS CHARGED ON LATE PAYMENTS MADE BETWEEN DECEMBER 21 AND DECEMBER 31.BEGINNING JANUARY 1, INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT TAX AND LATE CHARGE IS CALCULATED AT THE RATE OF 1°o PER MONTH ON THE DELINQUENTTAX AND LATE CHARGE. Payment of a tax delinquency. The county tax collector may issue a demand for payment on any personal or When a tax becomes delinquent.payments are posted to the roll and applied to manufactured housing tax which becomes due and payable on the demand date costs. interest, late charge and delinquent tax in the proportion each bears to If the tax is not paid, it becomes delinquent the day following the demand date the total amount due. See IDAHO CODE 63-1002 When any part of a tax becomes delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the county sheriff for its collection. Filing of material by mail.Date effective. A post office cancellation is considered the filing date.A postage meter is not an Before the tax becomes delinquent, the board of county commissioners may acceptable post office cancellation mark. grant up to a four month extension to pay the tax. late charge and interest. A See IDAHO CODE 63-217. warrant of distraint is not issued until the extended time expires.There are no extensions given on the second half. Effect of failure to receive notice. See IDAHO CODE 63-201(13).63-904(5)and 63-1013. If you do not receive a tax notice on property, this does not excuse the late charge and interest for non-payment. OCCUPANCY TAX See IDAHO CODE 63-902(10). Occupancy tax is due and payable according to the same schedule as REAL PROPERTY manufactured housing.or real property,whichever is applicable See IDAHO CODE 63-317.63-602Z.and 63-903. All taxes extended on the property roll are payable on or before December 20. The taxes may be paid in two equal halves. If the first half is not paid on or When any part of the tax becomes delinouent, the tax may be collected In th'- before December 20.that half becomes delinquent and a 20o late charge must same manner as tax is c,ll-cted !or manufact• red :^•omen or real property be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate whichever is applicable of 11.per month beginning January 1 of the following year. If the first half tax has been paid in part,late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining Total tax due shown on this statement may not be deductible for Internal first half tax. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20, that half Revenue Service(IRS)purposes. Please check with an accountant. becomes delinquent and a 20o late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 1% per month Levy Sheets Available beginning January 1 of that year. If the second half tax has been paid in part. Market Value Legend late charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. Pers Prop=Personal Property Tot=Total Mkt- Market All taxes extended on subsequent or missed property rolls are payable within HO-Homeowner Exempt= Exemption thirty (30) days of the billing date and become delinquent if unpaid thirty (30) days after the bills are mailed. See IDAHO CODE 63-903. PERSONAL PROPERTY or MANUFACTURED HOUSING See IDAHO CODE 63-904 All taxes shown on personal property and manufactured housing are due and payable on demand If no demand is made.the taxes may be paid in two equal * * * MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED halves. The first half is due and payable on or before December 20. and the second half is due and payable on or before June 20 of the following year. If the Any portion of a property tax may be paid at any time. However, to avoid first half is not paid on or before December 20,that halt becomes delinquent and delinquency.total payment must be made in full by the due date. Partial payment the entire tax becomes due and payable.A 210 late charge must be added to of any tax will not invalidate any collection process as defined by Idaho Code the delinquent half. Interest is calculated at the rate of teo per month beginning 63-903(2). January 1 of the following year on the delinquent half and late charge.If the first half was paid in part. late charge and interest are calculated on the unpaid PAYMENTS RECEIVED WITH A DELINQUENCY WILL BE portion of the first half. If the second half is not paid on or before June 20,that APPLIED TO THE OLDEST DELINQUENT YEAR. half becomes delinquent and a 21�late charge must be added. Interest on the delinquent tax and late charge is calculated at the rate of 1% per month KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS. beginning January 1 of that year. If the second half has been paid in part, late PERSONAL CHECKS ARE YOUR RECEIPT charge and interest are calculated on the remaining tax. SUBJECT TO BANK CLEARANCE. Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone Note name and address changes below Name Address City State Zip Phone