HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250210Comments_16.pdf The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Rod Arnold
Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 7:53PM
Email: rodspace53@aol.com
Telephone: 909-319-6340
Address: 501 S Rocky Point Ct
Post Falls, ID 83854-7976
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "I've recently heard that Avista will be raising their prices for both electric and gas. With the
growth of our city its understandable, but those increases should fall on shoulders of those who have
caused the increases! A lot of us live on a fixed income, and can't afford to pay out more.The
irresponsible actions, and lack of good logistics and (greed) common sense by our city planners have
caused these problems and they should be held responsible for their lack of proper planningH
Rod Arnold "
Name: Lenore McDonald
Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 9:21PM
Email: unclesamstiredchild@msn.com
Telephone: 208-640-0724
Address: 3080 N Precept Ct
Post Falls, ID 83854
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "I read with great interest about the rate increases that Avista has planned for 2025 and
2026. Currently, my husband and I pay our Avista bill via the Comfort Level Billing program. Granted,we
recognize the payment increases/decreases after a review of our usage. Fortunately for us,we are in a
position where we don't have to "scrimp and scrape" each month to pay bills. However,we know people
on "fixed incomes" who will be penalized when the new rates take effect, even after implementing
measures to help them save energy and lower their usage.
We don't know the "cost" of running an efficient utility-we just witness the effect that it has on good
people economically when they've done all they can and it's still not enough.
What we say here probably won't change the outcome because we don't have a lot of power to do that.
All we can do is try and help you understand the "human" toll it takes on people who have very little and
are at risk for losing what they DO have. I'm certain we're not the only ones who feel this way-we're just
brave enough to say it and hope it does some good!"
Name: Henry Richard McAllister
Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 10:02PM
Telephone: 562-833-8191
Address: 10635 N Bligh Ct
Hayden, ID 83835-8276
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Avista wants to raise rates to subsidize operating costs. Let them pay those costs from their
own funds, like citizens do.
News reports show rates may skyrocket in the next 3 years.This will particularly affect seniors and
others on fixed incomes."
Name: Wyonia Farner
Submission Time: Feb 8 2025 12:13AM
Email: wyoniar@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-929-2574
Address: 12217 N Nine Bark Rd
Hauser, ID 83864
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "My husband and I, are opposed to the raising our gas. We are both vintage our 80's, Charles
88 years old, I am 82 on the 12th of thus month.
We barely can make our bills each month, with food prices rising continuously, utilities, gas and oil, and
insurances...car, home, life, medical insurance is$765. Per month as our supplement insurance. It has
gone up from $518.30 in 3 years to the above cost. We are in fixed income. Our pension does not go up.
Social Security went up, but medical crossed it out by raising our Medicare cost. Please stop.Your
causing us to suffer and pricing us out of our home that we worked for over 50 years to obtain. Give
seniors over 70 years a senior break.
Wyonia and Charles Farner
Hauser, Idaho"
Name: Holly Cargile
Submission Time: Feb 8 2025 5:43AM
Telephone: 208-290-3364
Address: 3639 White Sands Ln
Post Falls, ID 83854-4953
Name of Utility Company:Avista and Kootenai
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "How are we supposed to survive with this outrageous rate hike. My wages have been the
same for 3 years!! I run everything in my house on the bare minimum already. Not sure what to cut back.
I also only buy the bare minimum for food, I've tried to get help and am told I make to much!! Getting
old is not for the weak When is it going to stop!?"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Robert Cushman
Submission Time: Feb 8 2025 7:36AM
Email: rmcushman@msn.com
Telephone: 208-765-1623
Address: 2536 Canyon Dr
CdA, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "There is a need to keep the utilities up to date, but much of this cost should come from the
profits the companies make, not from the users at this high rate increase. People on fixed income can
not afford this kind of an increase. It would be stay warm or go without medications, which am I going to
do? The new construction should have to pay more for new services, because they are causing some of
the increases. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Joyce Buragino
Submission Time: Feb 8 2025 12:23PM
Telephone: 208-416-1988
Address: 1238 N Moonstone St
Post Falls, ID 83854
Name of Utility Company:AVISTA
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Keeping it simple: NO INCREASE IN COST TO THE CONSUMER!!!"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Elgene Clabough
Submission Time: Feb 9 2025 8:35AM
Email: jeanclabou�h8@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-755-1669
Address: 3755 N. 4th St#17
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "I am a 77 year old wheelchair bound senior in tax credit housing. I applied for HUD in 6/2023
but still approximately a year out I was told Friday. For the last 2 years my rent has gone up 10%.Total
actually of 25% in 3 years and due to go up again in September. I am on a fixed income, and barely have
enough for food right now. I keep my house at 62 degrees, I am cold all the time. I am on comfort level
billing. I don't open shutters or curtains for fear of letting cold in. I leave the lights off, so it is very dark.
Now you are going to raise my bill twice over next 2 years. I live under the blankets now but still my face,
especially my nose, and hands are COLD. Since I am old and wheelchair bound, once cold very hard to
warm up. With your rate increase, my supplemental medical rate increase in June, and my rent increase -
I won't have money for food, You have no idea how hard it is for us fixed income seniors. I was an RN but
became fully disabled in 1996. I try so very hard to prepare and live, but you make it harder and harder. I
am sure it is the same for many other seniors and disabled. President Trump is trying hard to make us
energy independent again and bring down cost. Can't you wait for that? I'm sure this will fall on deaf
ears, but I had to try and explain for all of us who are really really hurting. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Jared Winchell
Submission Time: Feb 9 2025 6:25PM
Email: jawincheII03@aol.com
Telephone: 909-708-7816
Address: 13993 north Hauser lake rd
Hauser, ID 83854
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "The rate hikes over the past few years have been devastating in our economy. We have seen
rates soar over and over, all while being told it's essential for Avista to maintain and upgrade the
infrastructure. Now we are being told we will see more rate hikes for the next 2 years in a row! This is
absurd. Why does the upgrades and improvements to this infrastructure not fall on the developers that
are putting all of these homes in, driving the required upgrades?! Why should this fall to existing
customers?The state needs to set rules to avoid companies that have a monopoly in a service from
raising costs nearly every year.This is not sustainable. People are hurting from these raises and now
faced with multi-year rate hikes?! Where does it end?! Please, Help! "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Gloria McCubbin
Submission Time: Feb 10 2025 9:56AM
Email: glmccubbin@hotmail.com
Telephone: 303-501-9910
Address: 6893 N. Freestyle Dr.
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company:Avists
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Dear Public Utilities Commission, Please have some heart and stop raising prices. We realize
you are being controlled from above, but you can stand up and do the right thing. You may have riches
here in this terrible world, but when you die you will have to account for what you are currently doing,
trying to get us to adhere to the new infrastructure that will imprison us. Remember lives mean nothing
to your masters, so you'll be part of the culling soon."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Ross Gibson
Submission Time: Feb 10 2025 2:36PM
Email: ross gibson@hotmail.com
Telephone: 208-877-1428
Address: 1039 Helmer Lane
Deary, ID 83823
Name of Utility Company: Homeowner
Case ID: AVE-E-25-01
Comment: "I see that many have my same concerns:
2023 and 2024 'dug deep' into fixed income and low use (conservation) customers with just the Basic
Charge increases from $7 to $20. AND NOW AVISTA asks to take more by raising the Basic Charge for
Elec and Gas AGAIN. (Yes I will file a Comment in protest of usurious increases on the Basic Charge;
especially with fixed income, Social Security people). Raising use rates makes more sense, but"get off"
the Basic Charge Rate.
I don't care about investors' ROE, and AVISTA can reduce their future investment projects, or other self
cost cutting. I was shocked by the raises in 2023 and 2024."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Nancy Mills
Submission Time: Feb 10 2025 3:18PM
Email: nancyclark475@sbcglobal.net
Telephone: 916-769-0553
Address: 515 East Garden Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "The rate hikes coming in September 2025 and 2026 for both gas and electric are ridiculous.
Avista is profitable,they have a monopoly, and they are gouging customers plain and simple. Why aren't
the incoming developers paying for the upgrades and improvements to the infrastructure that Avista
claims are essential?"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Theodore Turrentine
Submission Time: Feb 10 2025 4:30PM
Email: ted turrentine@yahoo.com
Telephone: 760-333-8532
Address: 1135 W Shane Dr
Coeur D Alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "I wish to state my opposition to the proposed residential gas and electric usage rate and
basic charge increase for Idaho customers of Avista Utilities Co. We are a retired ,fixed income family,
solely dependent on Social Security and a small pension.The Social Security COLA increase for 2025 is
2.5 %. If approved, our gas and electric usage rate bills would each increase by 12%over two years, and
our electric basic charge will have increased 77%during the four year period we will have been an Avista
customer.This will be in addition to the numerous other rate (including inflation) and fee increases larger
than 2.5%which we will incure from businesses, governments, and utilities during 2025-2026 and
beyond. Our income will be stretched unfairly even further to pay for these and other necessities.This
will be the second rate increase we will have incured by Avista in only 2 years, 10 months-excessive, I
feel. I suggest that, in an effort to keep rates low while maintaining infrastructure, Avista spend less
money on creating and promoting expensive "green energy" and instead use the abundant, cheaper
traditional sources which modern technology has made potentially much less polluting. Also, spend less
on steering customers toward tax and other ratepayer subsidized rebates and programs, as well as
promoting DEI policies within their business and society, and providing excessively generous
compensation packages to their employees when compared with the averages in the overall non-
government/union workforce. Thank you for your consideration "
2525 FEB 10 AM 10' 10
L, ,,10 PQBLiC
February 7, 2025 ,, , fit;-i =; (;QljMiSSION
Idaho public Utilities Commission
To Whom it May Concern:
on the upcoming proposed electric rate increase which
I would like to comment
AVISTA Corp. wants for Idaho customers.
From media accounts, they want a 14.7%increase this er Stemb in e base rate.
increase. In September 2026, another 4.7°a a mend rit income and a modest savings
1, as many are trying to make do withlandlad is raising
of our counties property taxes, my Y
account. Due to the near doubling list for rental assistance,but from
out rent by 35%this September. I am on a waitinb delay ed from this May when I
recent communications, the assistance will likely Y
expected it until well into next year. s sixth as tariffs likely raising our
Along with all the inflation in food and other thing
expense even more, making enough to just keep ourselves in shelter an even more
living p Social Security went up by only 2.5%this year,which in my
precarious proposition. My
case was only$30• AVISTA's
Bottomline, please take these concerns into advisement back by at least
rate increases. Either do not grant them, or at lease true
S - C�S�
Lawrence D. Fury
1107 church St. ,, Apt. ..#1
sandpoint, Idaho 83864
February 6, 2025
Idaho Public Utilities Commission 2015 FEB 10 AN 10: 06
iG�'J-IU Re:Avista's Proposed Electric/Gas Rates Increase i=i;BLIC
�,)j 1l ITIES (,Ok ,91SS10N
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 838720-0074
cc: Paul Kimmell,Avista Mgr, Palouse Region
cc: Dan Foreman, State Senator, Dist. 6.
Dear Commission members,
I'm writing regarding Avista's current request for a rate increase per an email received January 31, 2025. 1
have considerable concerns as to the double-digit rate increases for 2025:
Effective in Sep.2025 Effective in Sep.2026
• Billed increase of 14.7%or • Billed increase of 5.3%or
$15.36 per month $6.36 per month
• Monthly bill change from • Monthly bill change from
$104.30 to$119.66 $119.66 to$126.02
• Billed increase of 10.4%or$6.29 • Billed increase of 1.3%or
Natural per month $0.88 per month
• Monthly bill change from$60.63 • Monthly bill change from
to$66.92 $66.92 to$67.80
The proposed increase for September is untimely and unreasonable, and more in line with a large city as
New York which is considering a similar increase:"The company(ConEd) is asking New York state's
utilities regulator,the Public Service Commission,for double-digit rate increases that jack up average
electric bills by 11.4%and send gas bills soaring 13.3%". (per a New York Post article 2/5/2025)
The past four years have seen prices on everything rise with"inflation" including costs of most goods and
services some upwards of 30%. 1 live in Troy Idaho. I'm a widow(of 8+years) and have so far been able to
take care of myself- bills,taxes, insurance, and a home-within my means.To help offset my energy bills I
have replaced three windows and paid for blow-in insulation. I also manage my heating costs by keeping
my furnace at 63 degrees. Every year I turn it down lower and lower. I only use space heaters if it's really
cold. Our water and sewer bills in Troy have also seen two increases in the past year with the latest
increase because of a bond measure (40-year loan for a new system? Idiocy). My health insurance also
went up$84 a month for 2025 which eats up my SS increase of a whopping$61 per month. Not that these
expenses are anyone else's problem, but they illustrate a trend in recent increases in the cost of living.
Before you suggest it, I tried the comfort level billing when I was newly widowed in a rental here in Troy.
ended up with a$635 overage since I wasn't aware my water heater wasn't working well. I don't want to
end up in that situation again. It may have to become an option though but one that I prefer not to use.
I understand that infrastructure needs constant maintenance and upgrades, but utilities are also now
pricing people out of their homes and this proposed double-digit increase will be another blow to people
like me—an independent senior homeowner. I estimate that this increase, along with my city bill,will cost
approximately$600 per month during the cold months. I know many in this area who have a similar living
situation and others who are, or will be, considerably worse off financially because of this increase.
I'm hoping this new administration will make natural gas and oil plentiful so costs will go down. I imagine
if this increase is approved it will not be reversed or reduced even if energy prices go down.
Please consider a denial of Avista's double-digit request for 2025. Let's not become New York City.
Christina Nowak
Jolene Bossard
From: PUCWeb Notification <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2025 7:00 AM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Christian Waco
Submission Time:Jan 312025 10:13PM
Email: christianwaco@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-818-8441
Address: 1157 W KYLER AVE
Hayden, ID 83835
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Contacted Utility: Yes
Comment: "The proposed rate increase is price gouging. We have no other options but to receive gas from Avista in
Hayden, ID. Kootenai Electric will not service many parts of the city for electricity either.
The proposed rate increases would negatively affect our community which is already struggling with inflation in this
Please vote no on these rate increases.
Thank you for your time,
https://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Complaint [Opens the PUC Intranet application]