HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250207Comments_6.pdf -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb Notification<Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Friday, February 7, 2025 7:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb- Myrna Dossey The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Myrna Dossey Submission Time: Feb 6 2025 6:10PM Email: myrnadossey@gmail.com Telephone: 208-262-6549 Address: 1925 East Sundance Drive Post Falls, ID 83854-9534 Name of Utility Company:Avista Contacted Utility: Yes Comment: "As a resident, homeowner, and taxpayer in Idaho for over 26 years, I'm appalled and furious over the planned 2025 &2026 Avista rate hikes! It's hard enough to pay the current rates. I'm a senior citizen and keep my thermostat at 60 degrees in the winter and I can't afford A/C in the summer. I sit in a room lit by a single lamp. What are those on low fixed incomes supposed to do? The amount of the hikes is obscene. You have us backed against a wall having to choose groceries versus utilities.Why not put the hikes on developers and those responsible for all the growth and taxing of the infrastructure? Why doesn't Idaho offer some of the assistance programs that Washington and other states offer? Where does this blatant greed end? Why are public "servants" not looking out for the needs of their citizens rather than appeasing Avista? " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Manny Malito Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 2:15PM Email: mmalito@cdaresort.com Telephone: 509-378-0231 Address: 5103 E Portside Ct Post Falls, ID 83854 Name of Utility Company:Avista Case ID: AVU-E-25-01 Comment: "Avista should not be able to raise the rates on Natural gas, without first showing that they have cut wasteful spending. They are hurting families and have a monopoly on energy in the area." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Name: Heather Greenman Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 2:21PM Email: longfellowdeedsl2@gmail.com Telephone: 719-663-7087 Address: 1624 E 1st ave Post Falls, ID 83854 Name of Utility Company:Avusta Case ID: AVU-E-25-01 Comment: "I do not agree with the current rate hikes in 2025 and 2026. Costs have increased. I understand that. It seems Avista is just using their power as a monopoly and taking everything they can get.They should be careful because the Idaho Legislature is already looking at legislation to cap the amount they can increase. If they don't stop they will be regulated by the government. Enough people are hurting where they will be pressured to do pass legislation to stop them. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vName: Mary Ann Bouttu Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 2:48PM Email: mbouttu@tds.net Telephone: 208-457-2943 Address: 8401 W Arizona St RATHDRUM, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company:Avista Utilities Case ID: AVU-E-25-01 Comment: "Avista is requesting rate changes effective Sept. 2025 and Sept. 2026.The requested increase is 14.7%for 2025 and 5.3%for 2026 making a total of 20%increase in 2 years. Forecasted inflation increase is 3.2% over 5 years.Avista's request is more than 11% higher than the forecasted inflation rate for 2025 and 17% higher than the forecasted rate over a 5 year period.As a senior citizen on a fixed income, my social security only increased 2.7%for 2025. How am I supposed to come up with the money Avista is wanting? In addition, they say they need the money for upgrades to service equipment. My understanding from an individual who works for a similar utility is that most funds needed by utility companies for infrastructure is provided by grants from the federal government. Is Avista anticipating that those funds will be decreased by the current administration? If so,they are overreaching the knowledge they have to predict future costs. Please do not allow these increases as requested by Avista Utilities.Thank you. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: April Ice Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 3:05PM Email: davidcarlrudy@gmail.com Telephone: 208-704-3133 2 Address: 220 15th Av Post Falls, ID 83853 Name of Utility Company:Avista Case ID:AUV-E-25-01 Comment: "No rate increase for all of 2025 until providers can account for every penny of revenues. Including salaries. No rate increases for seniors, people on disability or household's with low incomes. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Mary Ann Bouttu Submission Time: Feb 7 2025 3:01PM Email: mbouttu@tds.net Telephone: 208-457-2943 Address: 8401 W Arizona St RATHDRUM, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company: Mobile Notary 2U Case ID: AVE-G-25-01 Comment: "Avista Utilities is requesting a 5.3% increase in natural gas for 2025 and an additional 1.3% increase for 2026,for a total of 6.6% increase over 2 years.The current forecasted inflation increase over the next 5 years is 3.2%. Avista wants more than twice the forecasted inflation rate in increases. In August 2023 Avista replaced my gas meter. In January 2023 my usage was 66.55 therms. In January 2024 my usage was 116.70. My lifestyle did not change and yet my usage according to Avista almost doubled! Assuming other customers saw similar increases on their bill, I think Avista's expectations are out of line. I am a senior citizen on a fixed income. For 2025 my social security increase was 2.7%. For one year Avista wants double my income increase! They say they need this increase for infrastructure, but do not inform citizens how much funding they get from federal grants to cover such expenditures. I think they are wanting more than they need to cover their expenses. Please do not allow this increase as they have requested.Thank you. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3