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20250131Direct V. Malensky_Exhibits.pdf
RECEIVED Friday, January 31, 2025 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-25-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) DIRECT TESTIMONY NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) OF AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) VERNON L. MALENSKY STATE OF IDAHO ) 1 FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC ONLY) 1 I. INTRODUCTION 2 Q. Please state your name, employer and business address. 3 A. My name is Vernon L. Malensky and I am employed as the Director of Electrical 4 Engineering for Avista Corporation (Avista or Company), In this role I also lead Avista's 5 Wildfire Resiliency Program. My business address is 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, 6 Washington. 7 Q. Would you briefly describe your educational background and professional 8 experience? 9 A. Yes. I graduated from the University of Idaho in 2006 with a B.S. in Civil 10 Engineering. I am a registered professional civil engineer in the State of Washington and the 11 State of Idaho. I joined Avista in 2012 after spending six years with T-O Engineers, Inc. (now 12 known as Ardurra). Since joining Avista in 2012, I have held various positions supporting 13 both natural gas and electric operations,including Gas Design Engineer,Project Manager(Gas 14 Control Room and Washington Advanced Metering Infrastructure), Manager of Washington 15 Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Manager of Engineering Projects, Gas Operations 16 Manager, Manager of Gas Compliance and Integrity Management, and Manager of Energy 17 Efficiency Engineering. 18 In 2022, I became the Director of Electrical Engineering where my primary 19 responsibilities include management and oversight of transmission line design, distribution 20 engineering, substation engineering, system protection engineering, as well as project 21 management and construction services and design for the Spokane region. In 2023, my 22 primary responsibilities transitioned to also include management and oversight of joint use 23 services and the wildfire resiliency program. Malensky, Vern 1 Avista Corporation I Q. What is the scope of your testimony in this proceeding? 2 A. My testimony and exhibits discuss the status of the Company's Wildfire 3 Resiliency Plan("Wildfire Plan"or"Plan"), reiterate its goals and objectives, and summarize 4 the technical and operational aspects of the Plan. Avista's Wildfire Plan reflects the 5 Company's 135-year operating history combined with Avista's efforts to quantify and respond 6 to the financial, safety-related, and service reliability risks associated with wildfires. While I 7 discuss this plan in detail within my testimony and exhibits, Company witness Ms. Andrews 8 sponsors the O&M expense adjustment associated with the Company's Wildfire Plan and 9 reflected in the Wildfire balancing account,and Company witness Ms. Benjamin includes any 10 capital additions that transfer to plant prior to or during the Two-Year Rate Plan as proposed 11 by the Company, within her capital adjustments. 12 A table of contents for my testimony is as follows: 13 Description Page 14 I. Introduction 1 15 II. Elements of the Wildfire Plan 4 16 A. Enhanced Grid Hardening 5 17 B. Enhanced Vegetation Management 8 18 C. Enhanced Situational Awareness 11 19 D. Enhanced Operational Readiness 12 20 III. Program Costs 22 21 IV. Summary of Recent Improvements 28 22 23 Q. Are you sponsoring exhibits in this proceeding? 24 A. Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 11, Schedules 1 8: 25 • Schedule I —Avista 2024 Wildfire Resiliency Plan 26 • Schedule 2 -Avista 2024 Wildfire Resiliency Communications Plan 27 • Schedule 3 —Avista Distribution Risk Tree Program - Iapetus Report 28 • Schedule 4 -Vegetation Management Third Party Evaluation Summary 29 • Schedule 5 - Avista Washington State Mandated Wildfire Resiliency Report 30 Pursuant to HB 1032 31 • Schedule 6 -Avista Wildfire Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan 2024 32 • Schedule 7 -Avista Exponent Undergrounding Report October 30, 2024 Malensky, Vern 2 Avista Corporation I • Schedule 8—Wildfire Resiliency Business Case 2 3 Q. What was the intensity of the 2024 fire season specific to Idaho? 4 A. The Idaho Dept. of Lands (IDL)reported 301 wildfires on their public lands in 5 Idaho in 2024 compared with 284 in 2023. The National Interagency Fire Center reported a 6 total of 1,453 wildfires across Idaho in 2024, up from 892 wildfires in 2023, with 826,000 7 acres burned versus the number of acres burned in 2023, which was at a twelve year low at 8 only 87,801 acres.' Major areas impacted included the Boise and Payette River regions. IDL 9 provided information on the 2024 fires for Illustration No. 1 below. 10 Illustration No. 1 —2024 Idaho Wildfires I I Idaho Number of Wildfires Incidents:2024 2024 Idaho Fires Railroads 12 Misuse of fire bya minoi -Wr Iq Arson 0 13 FPO"- Fireworks Q Power/Utility Q Recreation/Ceremony 14 Caused, 184, Equipment/vehide us' ' Undetermined/Other 15 Debris and open burnin Natural mmmill 0 20 40 60 80 10' 16 Number of Incidents 17 18 Q. How did wildfires impact Avista infrastructure in the 2024 fire season? 19 A. One of the biggest fires in our service territory was the Gwen Fire near 20 Juliaetta, Idaho, that started on July 24 (lightning caused) and burned nearly 30,000 acres.2 It 21 destroyed 38 homes and businesses as well as 122 outbuildings. Avista lost 14 transmission 22 poles and 4 distribution poles in this fire. The County Line Fire near Plummer, Idaho, burned t Statistics I National Interagency Fire Center and YTD-State and Agency 2 InciWeb: Idids 2024 Gwen Fire- I InciWeb Malensky, Vern 3 Avista Corporation 1 192 acres and destroyed several structures on our Benewah-Pine Creek 230 line.3 A fire near 2 the Shawnee Substation destroyed 7 distribution poles. Altogether in 2024 Avista lost 38 3 transmission poles and 13 distribution poles to wildfire. This compares to 2023 when we lost 4 3 transmission structures and 264 distribution structures,primarily as a result of the Gray Fire 5 in the State of Washington. 6 7 II. ELEMENTS OF THE WILDFIRE PLAN 8 9 Q. Please describe the primary elements of the Wildfire Plan. 10 A. Avista has developed a wildfire strategy and mitigation effort focused in four 11 primary areas: 12 • Grid Hardening—this involves investing in electric infrastructure to reduce spark- 13 ignition outage events and to protect critical assets from the impact of wildfires at 14 the distribution level, including replacing wood crossarms with fiberglass, 15 replacing small wire, adding protective devices, undergrounding, and more. The 16 Company also invests at the transmission level,replacing wood poles with steel or 17 wrapping them with a fire-resistant protective cover in high fire risk areas. The 18 Company is also developing an Enhanced Grid Hardening program which involves 19 undergrounding high fire risk sections of the distribution system. 20 21 • Enhanced Vegetation Management — This includes 100% risk tree inspection in 22 non-urban areas each year, the addition of digital data collection (LiDAR and 23 satellite images), Fuel Reduction Partnerships, and the Safe Tree Program. In 24 accordance with the direction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), 25 we also had a third-party study the effectiveness of this program and the preferred 26 inspection cycle. The results of this study are attached as Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 27 3 (Avista Iapetus Risk Tree Report Final Delivered) and Schedule 4 (Avista 28 Vegetation Management Third Party Evaluation Summary). 29 30 • Situational Awareness — these are elements designed to help us identify and 31 respond to risk, including the Avista WUI map, the Fire Weather Dashboard, 32 installation of wildfire identification cameras and localized weather stations. 33 34 • Operations and Response—this area is focused on automating our system to allow 35 remote control and operation of key equipment including Fire Safety Mode 36 automation devices(midline reclosers, SCADA installations)as well as Fire Safety s Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls Press, Sept. 3, 2024, "County Line Fire Fully Contained Near Plummer," Coun Line Fire fully contained near Plummer I Coeur d'Alene Press Malensky, Vern 4 Avista Corporation I Mode and Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) operations during critical fire 2 weather, as well as Expedited Response Agreements and other partnerships and 3 relationships with external agencies such as first responders. 4 5 These elements are described in more detail in Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 1 - Avista Wildfire 6 Plan 2024 Final.4 7 A. Enhanced Grid Hardening 8 Q. Please provide more information about the Enhanced Grid Hardening 9 Program. 10 A. Avista has had a strong grid hardening program in place for many years, 11 focused on improvements made to overhead distribution to mitigate wildfire risk and increase 12 reliability. These efforts protect customer reliability by reducing the risk of outages and 13 equipment failures that could potentially lead to wildfires during high fire risk periods. Avista 14 sees the value in enhancing our grid hardening and risk reduction efforts through 15 undergrounding overhead facilities in select, high risk areas. Avista is working to identify 16 areas where potential large fire growth is coupled with proximity to communities which are 17 vulnerable to total loss in the event of wildfire. These identified areas will be risk-ranked and 18 prioritized for sectional undergrounding of existing overhead conductor. This strategy will 19 reduce wildfire risk and increase safety for the communities facing the highest risk from 20 Avista's distribution electric facilities, allowing Avista to mitigate the most risk for the least 21 cost by using a surgical rather than a system-wide replacement program. As described below, a The Company has also included,for informational purposes,Exhibit No. 11,Schedule 5,Avista's Washington Electric Utility Wildfire Mitigation Plan Pursuant to HB1032, dated October 31, 2024. This report is a Washington State mandated report requiring all electric utilities in the State of Washington to submit a Wildfire Resiliency Plan in an approved format and in accordance with the elements identified by the State. This plan as well as Avista's standard Wildfire Resiliency Plan,can be found on our website. Though the State plan format differs from our traditional Wildfire Resiliency Plan(Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 1),they are basically the same. Both plans reflect our commitment to partner with customers, communities, and those who manage forest landscapes and fight fires. Malensky, Vern 5 Avista Corporation I Avista engaged an external consulting firm,Exponent Consulting to perform a cost-benefit on 2 this concept to help us determine the safety and reliability benefits as well as the cost of 3 undergrounding distribution lines. Exponent's report is attached as Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 4 7. 5 Q. What is the expected risk reduction from Enhanced Grid Hardening? 6 A. Part of this risk reduction involves the precise approach used to identify areas 7 for Enhanced Grid Hardening work. There are many cases where sections of distribution 8 conductors do not pose highly probable threats to nearby communities, including urban areas 9 that are largely unbumable or with available firefighting resources, or long sections of line 10 with many miles between one customer and the next.Both cases show lower wildfire risk than 11 would be necessary to invest in Enhanced Grid Hardening. However, by focusing on areas 12 where wildfire growth modeling suggests the potential for large scale loss to communities and 13 high impacts to homes and people, we should be able to create a direct risk reduction using a 14 precise, focused approach versus using a cost-prohibitive blanket undergrounding policy. 15 Q. Please describe the criteria for the Enhanced Grid Hardening Program. 16 A. Avista is currently assessing concepts including undergrounding and utilizing 17 covered conductor in high-risk sections of the distribution system based on a multitude of 18 factors. We believe that the risk can be separated into three parts: Outage Potential, Ignition 19 Potential,and Community Impact from Wildfire.For Outage Potential,Avista is consolidating 20 historic outage data, asset fragility analysis, and percent treed areas in strike zones to estimate 21 risk of an outage occurring as the result of a wind event on the overhead distribution system. 22 In the Ignition Potential category, Avista is utilizing the Wildfire Hazard Potential data,s s This is the USDA Wildfire Hazard Potential map that quantifies the relative potential for wildfire that could be difficult to control.Wildfire Hazard Potential I Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory(firelab.org) Malensky, Vern 6 Avista Corporation I which is a summary of fuel type, slope, and exposure used to assess the burnability and 2 ignitability of a location. Lastly, Avista is using the Housing Unit/Community Impact data 3 from the U.S. Forest Service to estimate the impacts of fires moving from Avista's 4 distribution lines to nearby communities, showing potential impacts and losses if a fire were 5 to occur. These datasets are combined into one risk score that should result in a risk heat map 6 showcasing the areas of highest risk. By focusing on areas where wildfire growth modeling 7 suggests large scale loss and high impacts to homes,people,and communities,we will be able 8 to identify areas where we can create direct risk reduction. 9 We are in the process of evaluating this strategy,including application of the analytics 10 to define and prioritize risk areas across our service territory as well as identifying the best 11 approach to defining and quantifying risk using the tools described above. This program is 12 still in the feasibility stage. Starting in 2026, we added $25 million to the Wildfire capital 13 budget in support of our overall wildfire efforts, including Enhanced Grid Hardening. Once 14 this work is undertaken, we will solidify our understanding of what it takes to implement this 15 new strategy, and the actual costs and logistics involved. We anticipate that this will increase 16 our capital budgets from that point forward by an amount that will be determined after our 17 first years of experience with this program, at which time the budget will be updated 18 accordingly. 19 Q. Did Avista perform a cost-benefit analysis of this new program? 20 A. Yes. The Commission requested that we develop a formal process for 21 undergrounding distribution lines to include project criteria, a selection process, and cost- 6 This data represents the impact of fire on housing units across the U.S. Wildfire Risk to Communities Housing Unit Impact (Image Service) Wildfire Risk to Communities Housing Unit Impact (Image Service) ArcGIS Hub Malensky, Vern 7 Avista Corporation I benefit analysis for completed and future undergrounding of distribution line projects related 2 to wildfire mitigation prior to the Company's next general rate case(i.e.,this case).As a result, 3 Avista engaged an external consulting firm, Exponent Consulting,' to perform a cost-benefit 4 analysis on feeders in Avista's overhead distribution system as a means of determining the 5 safety and reliability benefits as well as the cost of undergrounding distribution lines. The 6 safety aspect considered the economic value associated with loss of life and injuries;reliability 7 considered the financial impact of service outages; direct financial impact included directs 8 costs of implementing undergrounding projects, including outage costs and operations and 9 maintenance ("O&M") costs. The cost-benefit ratio developed defined the benefits of 10 undergrounding via the sum of reduced costs over the expected life of the project divided by 11 the costs associated with undergrounding. Exponent Consulting utilized a variety of aspects 12 including estimating ranges of outages with and without an underground project, costs related 13 to these outages,maintenance costs,and reductions in wildfire risk. The results of this analysis 14 can be found in Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 7. 15 B. Enhanced Vegetation Management 16 Q. Please describe your work with a third party vendor in evaluating the 17 efficacy of Avista's vegetation management programs. 18 A. In June of 2023, Avista agreed to the following settlement terms with the 19 IPUC: "For the Distribution Risk Tree Program,Avista will have a third party conduct a study, 20 within a year of Commission Order, to see what the most efficient vegetation management 7 Exponent Consulting is an international engineering and scientific consulting firm which has been evaluating the root cause of failures and accidents since 1967, expanding into investigations, data analysis, statistics,cost/benefit, and best practices related to the power industry in the 1970s. They are a well-respected industry expert in industry operations and practices. Malensky, Vern 8 Avista Corporation I cycle should be in their service area(i.e., 2- or 3-year cycles)."8 2 Following the agreement, the vegetation management team began work to identify a 3 potential vendor. Iapetus Infrastructure Services (IIS), a company specializing in utility 4 vegetation management and risk mitigation solutions, had introduced themselves and their 5 services to the Avista vegetation management team the previous year. These services included 6 program evaluations and outage investigations. Due to the reputation of the company in the 7 industry and with other utilities and the significant expertise offered by Iapetus,9 Avista 8 reached out to them. As Iapetus had no other dealings with Avista and were independent of 9 the vendors currently under contract, they would also be impartial regarding outcome. The 10 following Scope of Services was agreed to: 11 1) Understand the key points in Avista's distribution risk tree program to assess the 12 optimum frequency of maintenance per service area. All areas of review will be 13 made within the context of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan. 14 a. Fire risk profile 15 b. Infrastructure components 16 c. Wildfire Resiliency Plan - Interviews/questions from Iapetus review of the 17 document 18 2) Evaluate Avista's risk assessment strategy 19 3)Analyze Avista's data on workload, cost, and tree failure 20 4) Understand how industry research informs the management of tree risk programs 21 a. Regional practices 22 b. Industry practices and data on tree failure 23 c. Existing practices at Avista 24 5)Present findings, model various scenarios, and provide recommendations 25 26 After several months of work, Iapetus sent their report and findings to Avista (a copy 27 is included in Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 3). The key observation from Iapetus was that Avista 28 has a reasonable and responsible approach which is aligned with "best-in-class" vegetation s Case Nos.AVU-E and AVU-G-23-01,Order No.35909,Stipulation and Settlement page 15, Sec. 14(a). 9 For example, some of their advisors have over 40 years of experience in this industry, such as Senior Iapetus Advisor Phil Charlton, Ph.D., who is a well-respected industry expert including being Utility Arborist Association(UAA)Executive Director for 10 years. The Iapetus podcast"Trees&Lines:A Utility Vegetation Management Podcast,"has thousands of followers. Malensky, Vern 9 Avista Corporation I programs of other major utilities. Iapetus found that Avista's approach to managing the risk 2 associated with utility-caused wildfires as an annual cycle is an effective strategy,pointing to 3 the evidence shown by the reduction in actual risk tree fall-ins, which have seen a 62% 4 reduction since the Wildfire program began in 2020. It stated that by leveraging the industry- 5 accepted UAA/ISA guide,Best Management Practices— Utility Risk Tree Assessment,Avista 6 is utilizing the most current protocol in use today by North American utilities. They further 7 noted that Avista's WUI risk tiers are aligned with the California approach to delineate high 8 fire threat districts, which is considered best practice. Iapetus' primary recommendation for 9 improvement was collecting more data about the root cause of tree-related outages,which the 10 Avista Vegetation Management Team is undertaking. The comments from Iapetus are shown 11 in Table No. 1 below. The full report can be found in the attached Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 12 3, see "Key Observations" summary at page 4. 13 Table No. 1 —Yd Party Vendor Risk Tree Program Comments 14 Ob Consideringthe impactthat drought and tree mortality has had on forests in the Westem United States,Avista has implemented an effective strategyto reduce 15 Rhk Tree Cyrlee the pate ntial for util ity-caused wi ldfires.As the Risk Tree Program matu res,the i nventory of rl sk trees id entifi ed and re moved shou Id conti nue to red uce in numbers as long as the goal sand objectives remain in I inewith current standards,An annual cycle is cons iste nt with best-in-class programs at other major 16 util iti es i n the West. 17 Risk Tree Avista has taken a comprehensive approach to identify and mitigate risk treesthat pose a hazard tothe overhead distri bution system.This approach has a two- Strategy fold benefit of reduci ng the volume of trees that can potentially result i n a uti lity-caused wildfire,aswelIas reduce the types oftree-related event thatcause 18 interruption of electrical service. IdeitifyingRisk By I everagi ng the inclustry-accepted UAA/lSA guide,gestMonagement Practices-Udity Risk Tree Assessment,Avista is util izi ng the most current protocols in 19 Trees use today by North American Utilities to identify off-ROW risktrees that pose a hazarcl to the electri cal grid and potentially pose a wil dire risk. Outage Avista should commit tostudyirg the root causes oftree-related outages through accurate reportingand thorough post-outage investigations.A commitment to 20 Investigatfans post-incident investigations does not mean everyoutage needs to be investigated;however,the more data,the betterthe analysis. 21 Q. What do you anticipate changing due to this third-party evaluation? 22 A. As a result of this assessment and the recommendation to study the root causes 23 of tree-related outages, the Vegetation Team is working to add an investigation program to Malensky, Vern 10 Avista Corporation I their portfolio, with hopes to have it in place by early 2025. It is too early to predict how this 2 will impact changes in the current program or the number of outages experienced, but the 3 team believes this work will help them target potential problem trees with even greater 4 accuracy, including gathering and analyzing data to spot trends and helping identify potential 5 gaps in current processes or scopes of work. 6 C. Enhanced Situational Awareness 7 Q. Turning to some of the elements that are new to the Plan,what is the status 8 of the use of wildfire cameras? 9 A. By the end of November 2024, nine of ten planned wildfire cameras were 10 installed(six in Washington,three in Idaho). The camera locations were chosen based on high 11 fire risk areas in Avista's service territory and in partnership with the Washington Dept. of 12 Natural Resources (DNR) and the Idaho Dept. of Lands (IDL). Three of these cameras are in 13 Northern Idaho.10 The tenth camera, located on Saddle Mountain East,just outside of Othello, 14 Washington, was installed at the end of December.11 15 These cameras almost immediately proved their value. On Thursday, August 8th, 16 2024, our Eastern Lincoln County, Washington camera detected a fire and promptly notified 17 Washington DNR. This notification triggered an immediate response from DNR aircraft and 18 ground resources. Due to the early detection and situational awareness provided, the forward 19 progress of the fire was quickly halted. While the total acreage of that incident was estimated 20 to be 20-30 acres,the DNR indicated that the fire would have been significantly larger if more 21 time had elapsed before they received accurate information on the fire's existence, location, 10 The Idaho cameras are located on Gold Mountain in the Idaho Panhandle National Forest near Sagle, Gold Cup Mountain in Bonner County near Priest River,and Hoodoo Mountain near Blanchard,all in North Idaho. 11 The cameras in Washington are in Colville, South Spokane County, eastern Lincoln County near Ford,WA, and in Stevens County. Malensky, Vern 11 Avista Corporation I and behavior. The detailed information provided by the camera allowed DNR to appropriately 2 scale their response and quickly manage and contain the situation. 3 Q. What is the value in adding local weather stations to your Situational 4 Awareness strategies? 5 A. Weather stations enhance a utility's knowledge of an area's weather situation 6 with on-the-ground observations, including indications that dangerous weather conditions are 7 approaching. Weather conditions directly affect the potential for a fire to occur and spread. 8 Weather stations can monitor relative humidity, temperatures, wind speeds and gusts, all key 9 factors in fire prediction. Regional weather stations better inform operation decisions, 10 supplement the information from the National Weather Service, and improve our information 11 when making operational decisions. This is especially important as we consider PSPS.Avista 12 is continuing to work toward installation of local weather stations in key areas of our service 13 territory. In the meantime, in 2024 the Company deployed several handheld weather meters 14 with field personnel to gather real-time weather information during fire season. Crews were 15 able to test the process of weather data collection and how it is relayed to key personnel. The 16 meters were used during Avista's PSPS event to provide weather updates from the location of 17 the outage to Operations, the Wildfire and PSPS teams, and to the Emergency Operations 18 team that was managing the PSPS event. I will discuss that PSPS event later. 19 D. Enhanced Operational Readiness 20 Q. Has the Company utilized Fire Safety Mode? 21 A. Yes. Since the early 2000s, the Company has operated distribution lines 22 located in high fire risk areas with automatic reclosing and instantaneous tripping disabled 23 during wildfire season. Traditionally this was a manual process of turning on the system at Malensky, Vern 12 Avista Corporation I the beginning of fire season (typically early July) and then returning to normal operation at 2 the end of Ere season (usually early October). In 2020, with the implementation of Avista's 3 Wildfire Resiliency Plan,the Company began moving to a modified protection setting scheme 4 that was aligned with Ere risk, including automated operations and remote monitoring 5 capability, including different levels of protection beyond simply on and off. These levels 6 include Base Fire Safety Mode, Extreme Protections Settings, and Public Safety Power 7 Shutoff. More details about this program are provided in the 2024 Wildfire Plan, Exhibit No. 8 11, Schedule 1. 9 In 2024 we entered Fire Safety Mode on June 26, and elevated protection settings on 10 five days, twice in August and in September and once in October, elevating 48 feeders (28 11 unique feeders) and 63 devices (37 unique devices). One feeder tripped while in extreme Fire 12 Safety Mode impacting 1,753 customers. Fire Safety Mode operations ended on October 16, 13 2024. 14 Q. Were the elevated settings used in Fire Safety Mode effective, and did they 15 work as intended? 16 A. We have learned through utilizing elevated Fire Safety Mode settings that these 17 additional safety measures do not cause a large number of outages to our customers without 18 good cause (meaning an actual event leading to a fault). During the fire weather events in 19 2023 and 2024, we elevated multiple circuits. In these two years, only two feeders tripped, 20 meaning all other circuits maintained customer service. None of the elevated circuits was 21 involved in a fire start. We believe that this experience helps prove that this strategy is 22 successful and that it operates as predicted. Further,the insights gained from actual experience 23 are allowing us to modify our thresholds for action going forward, knowing that outages that Malensky, Vern 13 Avista Corporation I may occur would be the result of actual impact to the system rather than strictly an estimate 2 of risk. Thus,Avista can be more conservative in risk mitigation through using these elevated 3 protection settings.12 4 In 2023 Avista did not have a formal PSPS in place but had a formal plan in place for 5 2024 and elevated to this level one time, as discussed below. Along with the PSPS plan we 6 will continue to operate Fire Safety Modes at lower thresholds than would be used for a PSPS 7 to mitigate more moderate fire weather conditions. 8 Q. Would you describe the difference between enhanced protection settings 9 (FSM) and Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS)? 10 A. Yes. When a PSPS, circuits are preemptively removed from service based on 11 a calculated level of fire risk. In Fire Safety Mode, circuits are only removed from service 12 when an actual fault is experienced on the line. In both cases, circuits can be out of service for 13 several hours to several days depending upon conditions, as they must be manually inspected 14 before reenergizing to ensure that it is safe to place lines back into service. 15 Q. Please provide more details about Avista's PSPS plan. 16 A. PSPS happens when electric companies preemptively turn off the power to 17 specific areas to reduce the risk of wildfires and help keep customers and communities safe. 18 It is an effort to prevent electrical equipment from starting a severe, fast spreading wildfire in 19 high fire threat areas by turning off powerlines during extreme weather based upon a 20 calculation of risk, typically when high winds and other adverse weather conditions combine 21 to increase the risk of wildfire. 22 Avista developed its PSPS Plan to mitigate this risk. Our PSPS Plan involves turning iz This methodology has been adopted by the utilities in California as a means of reducing the use and impact of Public Safety Power Shutoff events. Wildfire and Wildfire Safety(ca.Rov) Malensky, Vern 14 Avista Corporation I off power to select and specifically identified areas when severe weather makes utility 2 equipment unsafe to operate. It identifies relevant considerations and decision process flow 3 and implementation protocols before, during, and after a PSPS event, recognizing that this is 4 subject to each situation being unique and that actual considerations and/or actions will vary 5 depending on the circumstances. We further note that nothing in Avista's PSPS Plan 6 supersedes the general authority of the Company to de-energize a power line during an 7 emergency. A decision (i.e., to protect fire response personnel or to protect company assets 8 from fire damage) might be made without complying with the notification and outreach 9 sections of the PSPS Plan (attached as Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 6). In addition, extreme 10 weather events are, by their nature, unpredictable and unique, so the specific considerations 11 applicable to possible de-energization may vary based on the specific circumstances. 12 As a general matter, Avista would initiate a PSPS if the Company determines, based 13 on the circumstances and information available at the time, that a combination of critical 14 conditions at certain locations creates a consequential risk of wildfire ignition and severe risk 15 resulting in harm, and that those risks outweigh the corresponding risks associated with 16 initiating the PSPS. This determination would take into consideration,without limitation, fire 17 risk potential,relative humidity, field observations and measurements, anticipated duration of 18 events,geographic characteristics and critical infrastructure,wind direction and speeds,utility 19 and firefighting resources available, etc. This list of considerations is non-exhaustive, as each 20 weather situation is unique and involves a wide variety of characteristics, risks, and 21 considerations. 22 Q. How are you preparing for a PSPS event? 23 A. The single most important part of a PSPS program is a well-developed and Malensky, Vern 15 Avista Corporation I comprehensive communications strategy. Keeping customers and utility stakeholders well 2 informed before,during,and after a PSPS event is essential to minimizing the effects of power 3 outages and protecting Avista's reputation. In 2024, the first year of Avista's PSPS Plan, 4 throughout our service area, we conducted outreach to all Avista customers, agency partners, 5 city, and county emergency management organizations and first responders, community 6 leaders, medical and other service providers to provide information and education around the 7 Company's PSPS efforts and to help prepare and support customers during a potential PSPS 8 event. 9 PSPS preparedness is a cyclical effort involving specialized communications and 10 many associated parties including Avista personnel, public safety partners, state and local 11 governments, communities, and customers. Prior to wildfire season Avista communicates 12 broadly with customers about wildfire preparations and expected operations, including PSPS, 13 as described in Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 2. Avista's main objectives of preparedness are 14 performing wildfire prevention and mitigation activities and engaging with external first 15 responders, critical facilities, Tribal partners, and communities to develop relationships and 16 provide education to implement this plan safely and effectively. 17 Q. How do you support customers during PSPS event? 18 A. Strong partnerships have been developed between Avista and local public 19 safety,health, other utilities, and emergency management agencies over the last several years 20 to assist in the coordination for any event which impacts the communities we serve. Avista 21 will be the initiating agency in the event of a PSPS in our service territory and will coordinate 22 with all local agencies as appropriate. In order to support our communities during such an 23 event, we plan to provide a real-time outage/PSPS map on our website, activate Avista's Malensky, Vern 16 Avista Corporation I Customer Service CARES (Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Services) Team13 2 who actively engage and act as a liaison for medically vulnerable customers in the impacted 3 areas,and provide Community Resource Centers in strategic areas with air conditioning,water 4 and snacks, communications and charging capabilities, restrooms, etc. Avista is also offering 5 a battery backup program to qualified Life Support customers who have been verified through 6 a medical provider to support them through a potential outage. We connect customers with 7 Washington and Idaho 211 services for additional assistance that Avista is unable to provide. 8 Prior to an event, Avista will utilize multiple communication channels to reach 9 customers and inform them about a potential PSPS event in their area, including notification 10 of available customer services. This information will also be published to our social media 11 pages and provided to emergency management partners to disseminate. In addition, we have 12 a strong partnership with access and functional needs population support agencies who will 13 be notified of potential PSPS events to further support customers. We anticipate improving 14 and modifying these and other PSPS operations and tactics over time as we experience these 15 events. 16 Q. Have you implemented a PSPS? 17 A. Yes. On Sunday, September 29, 2024, the Spokane area experienced strong 18 winds, blowing dust, and dry conditions that created high fire risk. Our Dashboard indicated 19 extreme risk on one of our circuits in North Spokane. In response, Avista implemented our 20 first ever Public Safety Power Shutoff. Approximately 1,500 customers were impacted from 13 The CARES (Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Services) Team is a specialized team within Avista's customer contact center that supports our most vulnerable customers by helping them with their Avista account and acting as a liaison between the customer and community partner support networks. They are specially trained to help people who need assistance with their energy bills or other resources such as food, housing, and medical care. Customers with medical equipment in the home are also handled with special consideration by this team,who work with medical providers to verify customer needs. Malensky, Vern 17 Avista Corporation 1 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. During this event, Avista set up a Customer Resource Center at Mead High 2 School to provide information, charging stations, snacks, and water for impacted customers. 3 Q. Tell us more about the PSPS Battery Backup Program. 4 A. With the implementation of PSPS we knew medically vulnerable customers 5 could be significantly impacted when the power is out. A PSPS event can be lengthy due to 6 the requirement to fully inspect the impacted line before putting it back into service to ensure 7 that it is safe to re-energize. We developed the Battery Backup Program to protect medically 8 qualified customers on life support with a battery backup system for use during power outages. 9 We engaged with partners including Aging and Long-Term Care of Eastern Washington who 10 worked with us to develop this program and determine what size battery would be needed in 11 order to support customer medical devices for multiple hours.14 12 Avista's CARES Team works with medical providers to verify customers having 13 significant dependency on electricity for medical devices and their eligibility for the program. 14 Postcards regarding this program were sent out in early June 2024 to registered life support 15 customers in the highest wildfire threat areas of our service territory. As of November 2024, 16 of the 207 postcards mailed, Avista has delivered 96 batteries. 17 Q. Does the Company have specific communication plans related to 18 Wildfire? 19 A. Yes, it does. A key element of the Company's Wildfire Resiliency Plan is 20 ensuring that all who are interested know that the plan is in place and that Avista is taking the 21 right precautionary steps to reduce the potential for and impact of a wildfire. A strong and is Avista partnered with Goal Zero to provide a 3000x battery,essentially a 3000-watt battery. Goal Zero works with other utilities across the Western United States to provide batteries for their battery programs so was a trusted and recommended provider. Malensky, Vern 18 Avista Corporation I effective strategic communications campaign is critical to the Company in ensuring broad 2 awareness and to demonstrate Avista's commitment to reducing the impact of wildfires. Our 3 wildfire communications goals are to create awareness of Avista's plan to prevent or mitigate 4 the risk of wildfires,promote the safety and well-being of all customers,to engage customers 5 in programs that impact them and their communities,and to help our customers and employees 6 stay safe. 7 On the customer side, we use a wide variety of means to reach our customers as 8 described in Avista's 2024 Wildfire Resiliency Communications Plan provided as Exhibit No 9 11, Schedule 2. We utilize newsletters, customer emails, phone calls, social media, Avista's 10 website, and local media outlets. When projects directly impact customers, they are directly 11 notified of work happening in their area and its purpose. One way we reach out to customers 12 is through annual spring Telephone Town Hall events intended to reach all electric customers 13 across our service territory. These customer engagements are centered on overall wildfire risk 14 and preparations for fire season as well as Fire Safety Mode and Public Safety Power Shutoff 15 operations.Emergency management professionals,public safety partners,and key community 16 leaders from each region are also invited to provide additional information and perspective. 17 Another facet of our communications work is the specialized outreach framework we 18 developed to help educate elected, community, and Tribal leaders as well as emergency 19 management agencies and first responders about wildfire resiliency and Avista's Plan,as well 20 as to gather insights from them about how to better engage with communities, share 21 information on how to best coordinate activities before, during, and after an event, and help 22 community leaders better help answer questions and support their citizens during events. 23 Another important part of the communications piece of the Plan relates to creating Malensky, Vern 19 Avista Corporation I emergency readiness both within the Company and with our community partners. We work 2 with fire agencies across our service territory in response to outage events, engage with the 3 Tribes on fuel reduction efforts and their specialized communications needs, and actively 4 engage with customers through a variety of means from emails and bill inserts to direct 5 engagement. All of these partnerships and related communications are integral to the success 6 of our plan, as Wildfire is too critical a situation for us to deal with strictly on our own. 7 We are also working on including additional language options.We have identified that 8 five percent of Avista customers speak a primary language other than English and of those, 9 95 percent speak Spanish as their primary language, encouraging us to focus on Spanish 10 outreach. In response,Avista developed a variety of materials in Spanish which are distributed 11 through our various communications channels and community events. We also launched a 12 Spanish website in April of 2024, added an outage map in Spanish, and had a Spanish option 13 for all six of our Telephone Town Halls in the summer of 2024. We are also focused on 14 ensuring additional customers can access these materials by subtitling videos and working to 15 translate our messages into American Sign Language and other languages we have identified 16 in our customer base, including Russian. 17 Another feature of our communications outreach is requests for customers, especially 18 those who are medically vulnerable or who have special needs, to update their contact 19 information with Avista so we can reach out to them in preparation for outages, including 20 connecting them with Avista's Customer CARES (Customer Assistance Referral and 21 Evaluation Services) Team. We are continually reevaluating and improving our customer 22 outreach, as this is such a critical means of helping keep our customers safe. More details 23 about our communications efforts can be found in Exhibit No 11, Schedule 2. Malensky, Vern 20 Avista Corporation I Q. Would you please provide more details about your fuel reduction efforts 2 with external agencies, specifically in Idaho? 3 A. We are actively engaged with several land management agencies to assist them 4 with fuel reduction near our facilities. For example, the State of Idaho identified several 5 communities that Avista serves with overhead electrical service that the State classifies as 6 communities at risk of wildfire. Avista works with these communities to reduce their fire risk, 7 including mitigating dead trees on or adjacent to Avista-owned facilities and corridors, 8 thinning small diameter trees, and removing brush. In another example, we have helped with 9 funding for the Bonner County Department of Emergency Management's BonFire Program.15 10 BonFire is a county-wide resource whose goal is to provide technical expertise to landowners 11 who wish to reduce fuels in and around their homes. In addition to expertise, this program 12 provides labor resources to complete the fuel reduction work prescribed. 13 Q. What other external partnerships has Avista developed and how do they 14 benefit the Plan? 15 A. Avista works with many diverse external parties in planning and executing our 16 Wildfire Plan. These partnerships began in 2019 with the initial development of the Plan as 17 we called upon outside experts to help us develop our wildfire risk reduction strategies, and 18 we have continued to grow these partnerships and add to them over time. Some of these parties 19 gain direct monetary benefits, such as the Safe Tree Program that replaces risk trees on 20 customer private property at no cost to our customers or our work on fuel reduction with 21 Bonner County's BonFire Program. Other partnerships have no cost associated with them,but 22 provide direct benefit such as the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources calling upon is htWs://www.bonnercop]tyid. ova/departments/EmerizencyManalzementibonfire Malensky, Vern 21 Avista Corporation I Avista's Fire Weather Dashboard to help them strategically place firefighting resources across 2 the State based upon the Dashboard's analysis of risk. Some partners join with us in Ere risk 3 reduction activities such as the Expedited Response contracts, others help prepare and support 4 our customers and communities such as public health and safety agencies. Some examples are 5 listed below: 6 • Customers— Safe Tree Program,preparations for PSPS. 7 • Idaho Dept. of Lands (IDL) and Washington Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) — 8 shared wildfire cameras and use of Ere risk analysis (Avista's Fire Weather 9 Dashboard), expedited response agreements,joint fuel reduction efforts, cooperative 10 participation in emergency operations exercises. 11 • Firefighters/First Responders — development of our Plan and strategies, working 12 together to keep firefighters safe in fire situations including opening fuses on the 13 distribution system or de-energizing transmission lines as requested, participating in 14 Emergency Operations training, Avista's joining with Fire Incident Command during 15 wildfire events. 16 • State and Local Agencies -helping fund fuel reduction efforts with the State of Idaho, 17 Bonner County BonFire Program, DNR, IDL, and local/regional fire agencies such as 18 the City of Spokane and Town of Malden. 19 • Public Safety,Health, and Emergency Management Agencies—PSPS preparation and 20 response, participation in joint emergency operations exercises, working together to 21 identify special needs customers, and providing appropriate outreach and support. 22 • Neighboring Utilities — sharing best practices, assisting with their wildfire plans and 23 strategies,joint preparation for wildfire events (EOP participation), and PSPS related 24 communications and cooperative engagement. 25 • Communities and Local Leaders — participation in Telephone Town Halls, working 26 together to prepare citizens for outages and to provide support and services (such as 27 libraries, schools, and business owners who provide Customer Resource Centers for 28 customers during PSPS events). 29 • Tribes — helping us identify their specialized communications needs and their most 30 vulnerable members for support, especially during PSPS events. 31 32 III. PROGRAM COSTS 33 Q. What are the current capital and expense cost estimates for the Wildfire 34 Plan from 2020 to 2029? Malensky, Vern 22 Avista Corporation I A. Revised in 2024, the updated system-wide Wildfire Resiliency Plan program 2 costs include capital investment(spend)of approximately$387.2 million16 from 2020 to 2029 3 with corollary operating expenses of$126.3 million (all electric system numbers). Note that 4 the budget has been approved through 2026. Included in Table No. 2 below are the system 5 (Idaho and Washington electric) annual capital additions and O&M expenses (actual and 6 expected spend) for the 10-Year period 2020—2029. 7 Table No. 2 —Wildfire Annual Capital Investment & Operating Expense (System) 8 IIIs) 2020 A I21 Adual 2022 Adual 2023I ' 2025 2026I I . 2029 I i 9 (apital $3,421 $19,375 $26,066 $28,319 $33,750 $35,250 $60,250 $60,250 $60,250 $60,250 $387,181 10 0&M $2,430 $7,602 $17213 $19,727 $16,721 $15,391 $B1811 $g130 $11,050 $10,160 $126,296 11 These total capital investments and expenses of the Wildfire Plan will be directly assigned or 12 allocated to Avista's Idaho and Washington jurisdictions over time as the costs occur. The 13 following Illustration No. 2 indicates the total estimated approved capital and operating 14 expense on a per year basis (Washington and Idaho electric) through 2026 and estimated(but 15 not approved) expenditures for 2027 through 2029. Note that 2026 through 2029 show an 16 addition of$25 million in capital expenditures related to the implementation of the Enhanced 17 Grid Hardening Program the Company is currently developing as well as many other 18 enhancement efforts across the program. This program and other enhancements will increase 19 our capital budgets by an amount that will be more accurately defined after actual experience 20 with this new strategy. The budget will be updated as we gain information and can more 16 The$387.2 million 10-Year Capital Total as described here and shown in Table No. 2 above,is not reflected in the current 2023 Wildfire Resiliency Business Case(provided as Exhibit No. 11,Schedule 8)reporting$310.9 million,as it does not reflect the estimated incremental annual$25 million of capital additions for enhanced grid- hardening for the period 2026-2029. This$25 million of capital additions for 2027 (Rate Year 2)has also not been included in the Company's transfers to plant amounts included in this case,as sponsored by Ms.Benjamin, as the actual needed 2027 grid-hardening capital investment is still under assessment. Malensky, Vern 23 Avista Corporation I accurately measure these costs. 2 Illustration No. 2—Annual Wildfire Resiliency Plan Costs (System) 3 Avista Wildfire Resiliency Plan Expected Cost 4 $70,000 5 $60,000 6 L $50,000 0 $40,000 7 $30,000 8 0 ~ $20,000 9 $10,000 10 $0 - 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 11 Actual Actual Actual Actual 0Capita1 $3,421 $19,375 1 $26,066 $28,319 $33,750 $35,250 $60,250 $60,250 $60,250 $60,250 N O&M $2,430 $7,602 $17,273 $19,727 $16,721 $15,391 $13,812 $12,130 $11,050 $10,160 12 13 The individual recommendations that result in these costs estimates are provided in 14 the updated 2024 Wildfire Plan(Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 1). By far the single largest capital 15 investment is associated with electric distribution and transmission grid hardening, which 16 accounts for the majority of our capital expenditures. 17 For operating expenses,the primary expenditure is related to vegetation management, 18 which accounts for over 80% of the Wildfire O&M budget. Operating expense levels which 19 peaked in 2023 are gradually declining as subsequent year risk tree inspections should reveal 20 fewer risk/hazard trees due to our vigorous efforts to mitigate them. However,the majority of 21 operating expense items are generally related to risk-based enhanced vegetation management 22 expenses; those could increase in the future, however, as changes in the climate and potential 23 disease could increase the need for more vegetation management. Malensky, Vern 24 Avista Corporation I Q. What are the specific costs Avista is seeking to recover in this general rate 2 case over the proposed Two-Year Rate Plan? 3 A. As discussed by Ms.Andrews,specific costs proposed by Avista in this general 4 rate case reflect the expected costs to be charged to Idaho electric operations over the 5 Company's proposed Two-Year Rate Plan. While Company witness Ms. Schultz sponsors 6 the wildfire deferral amortization adjustment and incorporates the incremental costs 7 associated with the Company's Wildfire Plan within her Electric Pro Forma Study for the 8 Two-Year Rate Plan, and witness Ms. Benjamin sponsors the capital additions adjustments 9 pro formed by the Company, Ms. Andrews sponsors the Wildfire Expense Adjustment and 10 discusses the Wildfire Balancing Account proposed baseline update for the Two-Year Rate 11 Plan and the overall costs in this case associated with the Wildfire Plan. 12 Specifically,Ms.Andrews explains within her direct testimony,that the Company has 13 pro formed a level of Idaho wildfire transmission and distribution O&M expense totaling 14 $5,740,00017 annually for the Two-Year Rate Plan, and that this amount is the Company's 15 proposed Wildfire Expense Balancing Account baseline to be utilized over the Two-Year Rate 16 Plan.18 17 Ms.Andrews also explains that the pro forma capital additions adjustments(sponsored 18 by Ms. Benjamin), includes capital additions above test period levels related to Wildfire Plan 19 investment, reflecting Idaho's share of Wildfire Plan transmission and distribution net capital 20 additions of projects transferring to plant between July 1, 2024, and August 31, 2027. These 21 additions result in the overall increase in Idaho electric rate base (net of A/D and ADFIT) of 17 The Pro Forma level of wildfire expense of$5.74 million reflects an increase of$.59 million from test period levels(twelve-months-ending 06.30.2024)of$5.15 million. 18 The$5.74 million baseline would remain in effect until the baseline is revised in a future general rate case. Malensky, Vern 25 Avista Corporation 1 $19.4 million in Rate Year 1 and $17.0 million for Rate Year 2, or $36.4 million over the 2 Two-Year Rate Plan. Finally, Ms. Andrews provides details on the Wildfire Balancing 3 Account deferred expense incurred by the Company for Idaho operations through September 4 30, 2024, of$6.5 million, and the proposed two-year amortization to recover these deferred 5 expenses ($6.5 million), annually at $3.25 million, from September 1, 2025, through August 6 31, 2027. 7 In summary, reflecting each of these wildfire costs, therefore, result in an overall 8 increase to the Idaho electric revenue requirement included in this case totaling approximately 9 $8.8 million, or $6.7 million and $2.1 million in Rate Year 1 and Rate Year 2, respectively, 10 and an increase in net rate base, as noted above, of$19.4 million in Rate Year 1 and $17.0 11 million in Rate Year 2. Approval of these proposed incremental costs is an important element 12 of the Company's wildfire program and helps support the level of wildfire mitigation efforts 13 proposed in the Company's Wildfire Plan. 14 Q. How will any offsetting benefits be captured in the form of operating and 15 maintenance savings? 16 A. As discussed by Ms.Andrews,the operation of the balancing account for O&M 17 costs will be net of cost savings, thereby capturing over time any embedded cost savings. 18 Q. Please provide more information about other funding sources the 19 Company has pursued related to Wildfire. 20 A. In 2023, Avista applied for a grant through the Infrastructure Investment and 21 Jobs Act (IIJA), aka Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Part of this law included $10.5 22 billion in grants to enhance grid flexibility and improve the resilience of the power grid, Malensky, Vern 26 Avista Corporation I known as the DOE Grid Resiliency and Innovation Project (GRIP).19 Avista applied for 2 funding from this grant to upgrade powerlines located in high fire threat areas but was not 3 selected as a recipient. 4 In 2023 the Idaho Governor's Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (OEMR) 5 awarded Avista a grant of$230,000 to fund 50% of the cost to underground a section of the 6 Dalton 133 feeder which serves about 500 customers in Northern Idaho. This feeder has a 7 high number of customers experiencing multiple outages in a year. This undergrounding 8 project was completed in October of 2023. We applied for three additional grants from the 9 OEMR to complete grid hardening in Northern Idaho,but these were not awarded to Avista. 10 The Company also spearheaded the application for another GRIP grant with a 11 consortium of utility providers from Washington to South Dakota in addition to National 12 Laboratories, universities, and private innovators to bolster wildfire resiliency through 13 development of a state-of-the-art unified wildfire risk methodology and application tool. The 14 tool was planned to include a wildfire risk model, a weather model, and a geospatial view of 15 utility infrastructure that would be used by fire agencies and first responders.All of the partner 16 utilities would share this tool (along with the costs). It would cover a vast territory of about 17 126,000 square miles and over 4.6 million customers. It was envisioned that the tool will help 18 guide long-term planning investments for wildfire mitigation and serve as a real-time decision 19 support tool for wildfire-related decisions such as elevating protection settings or 20 implementing a Public Safety Power Shutoff. We were informed in late 2024 that this 19 The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act(IIJA), aka Bipartisan Infrastructure Law(BIL),was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021. The law authorizes $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending,with$550 billion of that going toward new investments and programs.In early 2023,as part of this Act, the U.S. Dept. of Energy(DOE) offered $918 million in grants to utilities across America to inspire grid resilience efforts. This grant is called"DOE Grid Resiliency and Innovation Project(GRIP). Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships(GRIP)Program I Department of Energy Malensky, Vern 27 Avista Corporation I application was unsuccessful. 2 3 IV. SUMMARY OF RECENT IMPROVEMENTS 4 Q. Would you provide an overview of the recent improvements you have 5 made related to the Plan? 6 A. Yes. Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan is built upon the concept of Plan-Do- 7 Check-Adjust. We are continually evaluating the efficacy of our programs and adjusting them 8 as we see opportunities for improvement.We have made some significant improvements since 9 the Plan began. These improvements have been described in more detail in the testimony 10 above,but in summary we have: 11 • Increased and enhanced our wildfire-related customer communications efforts, 12 specifically with customer engagement activities such as the town hall meetings, 13 which have been expanded to all customers in our service territory. 14 15 • Added additional language options (with Spanish being a focus) to our 16 communication outreach, as well as translating our messages into American Sign 17 Language and providing subtitling to allow us to reach more customers. 18 19 • Created a Community Response for Vulnerable Populations During Outages 20 (CRVP) Stakeholder Group which includes nearly 40 representatives from 21 organizations and agencies that serve vulnerable populations(as well as municipal 22 departments and emergency managers) to inform them of our Wildfire and PSPS 23 plans and strategies and to gather information/feedback on how best to reach our 24 vulnerable customers with this information. 25 26 • Supplemented support for our most vulnerable customers using our Customer 27 Assistance Referral and Evaluation Services (CARES) Team, a specialized team 28 within Avista's customer contact center that focuses on this work, acting as a 29 liaison between the customer and community partner support networks. We also 30 launched an employee team of volunteer Community Response Ambassadors who 31 trained with the Red Cross to provide additional help for these customers, 32 especially during outage events. 33 34 • Developed outreach specific to area Tribes, including working with them to 35 identify their vulnerable populations including Tribal elders and medically 36 vulnerable Tribal members to help support them in case of an extended power Malensky, Vern 28 Avista Corporation I outage. 2 3 • Worked with Avista's Equity Advisory Group to fully develop and identify Highly 4 Impacted Communities and Vulnerable Populations ("Named Communities")20 5 unique to the Company's service territory to allow working through the barriers 6 specific to this customer group in wildfire education, preparation, and support. 7 8 • Developed the ability to quickly identify and contact life support customers for 9 specialized support and outreach by adding a life support customer flag to all the 10 feeder lists so we can proactively call to make sure they are aware of wildfire threat I I and potential outages due to the weather and provide options for support. 12 13 • Created a program to provide customers who have gone through the process of 14 being verified through their primary care physician as having 24-hour dependency 15 on medical equipment with battery backup power systems to protect them in case 16 of outages, specifically in relation to PSPS, which can entail extended outage 17 duration. 18 19 • Completed identification of critical commercial and industrial customers and 20 service providers for notification during elevated Fire Safety Mode protection 21 settings or in the event of a PSPS.These are customers who provide critical support 22 services to society such as police and fire stations, large airports, traffic control, 23 communication towers, etc. Recognizing who these customers are, the critical 24 services they provide, and where they are located makes it possible to do as much 25 as possible to protect their energy supply and/or restore their service as quickly as 26 possible for public safety. 27 28 • Implemented a comprehensive PSPS outreach program. In 2024 the Company 29 reached out to over 14,000 first responders,emergency managers,critical customer 30 groups, service providers, healthcare organizations, city and county leaders, state 31 agencies, and others to provide education around our PSPS Plan and to strategize 32 about protecting and supporting customers through potential outages. 33 34 • Continually improve the inputs to our WUI map by updating information we use 35 from the USDA(both the Housing Unit Impact and the Wildfire Hazard Potential 36 data as mentioned previously) to help us more clearly and specifically include 37 structural and human impact as well as areas where fires may be particularly 38 difficult to control. It further enables our ability to identify the areas of highest risk 39 of impact in our service territory. This information is free and publicly available. 40 41 • Added additional modeling inputs, capability, and refinement to our Fire Weather 42 Dashboard to advance our ability to forecast and identify risk, including use of 20 Washington State Department of Health,"Instructions for Utilities to Identify Highly Impacted Communities," Instructions for Utilities to Identify Highly Impacted Communities I Washington State Department of Health Idaho overburdened and underserved areas can be found on the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool: Explore the map-Climate&Economic Justice Screening Tool(geoplatform.gov) Malensky, Vern 29 Avista Corporation I correlating dynamic forecasted risk and actual events that took place, as well as 2 back-casting to prove the Dashboard concepts, analysis, and output. 3 4 • Added the U.S. Forest Service Severe Fire Danger Index data to the Dashboard to 5 further bolster our decision-making around use of Fire Safety Mode and PSPS. 6 This is a forecastable metric that can help predict extreme fire conditions based on 7 historical data related to fire intensity and spread potential. When this data is 8 combined with current wildfire situations it helps predict fire intensity, the 9 likelihood of resulting damage, and the potential for loss of life. It is another 10 valuable data point in helping us determine risk and protect lives and property. 11 12 • Assessing the concept of undergrounding distribution powerlines in select, high 13 risk areas. Avista is working to identify areas where large fire growth may be 14 coupled with proximity to communities which are vulnerable to total loss in the 15 event of a wildfire. These identified areas will be risk-ranked and prioritized for 16 sectional undergrounding of existing overhead conductor. This strategy will 17 reduce wildfire risk and increase safety to the communities facing the highest risk 18 from Avista's distribution electric facilities and should mitigate the most risk for 19 the least cost by performing this work at a surgical rather than a system-wide level. 20 We have engaged a consultant to assist us in this complex analysis. 21 22 • Partnered with the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources and the Idaho Dept. of 23 Lands in installing ten wildfire identification cameras across our service territory, 24 three in Idaho and seven in Washington. Wildfire identification cameras are 25 invaluable in quickly identifying a fire start as well as pinpointing its precise 26 location, dispatching resources directly to the latitude and longitude of the smoke 27 so firefighters do not have to search for the fire, saving invaluable time. 28 29 • Developed a robust Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP)related specifically to 30 Wildfire situations. Created realistic EOP annual tabletop exercises that include 31 external partners such as the Red Cross, Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, 32 and Idaho Dept. of Lands to practice wildfire response in a coordinated,consistent, 33 efficient manner. 34 35 • Expanded the Fuel Reduction Partnership program beyond Washington State to 36 include engagement with the Idaho Dept. of Lands, the U.S. Forest Service, the 37 Nez Perce Tribe, and local and regional fire agencies across our service territory. 38 39 • Continuing to refine and enhance Fire Safety Mode operations to provide a 40 comprehensive scale of risk reduction based upon actual conditions. We are 41 utilizing actual experience, such as the 2022,2023, and 2024 fire seasons,to refine 42 and improve these efforts and set our trigger points for action to increase safety. 43 44 • Extended our Safe Tree Program, which works with customers directly to remove 45 risk trees on their property, into all WUI 2 and WUI 3 areas across the service 46 territory and added a platform to the Company's website for this program. The Malensky, Vern 30 Avista Corporation I website allows customers to request Safe Tree work directly(if they are qualified), 2 communicating with arborists to schedule this work at their convenience. 3 4 • By engaging with first responders such as the Washington Dept. of Natural 5 Resources and the Idaho Dept. of Lands, created Expedited Response Agreements 6 that cover nearly 99% of our service territory. These agreements do not have end 7 dates and have no cost. This professional fire response to transmission-level faults 8 during fire season helps ensure that any fires that may result do not spread. 9 10 • Worked with a third party to validate the effectiveness of our Vegetation 11 Management Programs and the most efficient vegetation management cycle in our 12 service area. This analysis determined that Avista has a reasonable and responsible 13 approach which is aligned with"best-in-class"vegetation programs of other major 14 utilities, that our one-year Risk Tree inspection cycle is aligned with industry best 15 practices, as are our WUI Tier designations. 16 17 • In acquiring digital data for both the transmission and distributions systems for 18 identifying risk trees,we are becoming familiar with the large amount of data these 19 tools provide and how to use all this information to focus our vegetation efforts in 20 areas that should provide the most positive impact and risk reduction. We believe 21 that these tools are helping us plan vegetation work in the areas of greatest need 22 with accuracy in a more precise and predictable way, streamlining our vegetation 23 management programs and helping to maximize their value. 24 25 • Created a strategy to prioritize steel transmission pole replacements in the highest 26 risk areas based on a spectrum of inputs including actual historic fires and 27 topography,moving beyond utilizing WUI zone alone. We are also using satellite- 28 acquired digital data to help determine whether transmission lines are in treed areas 29 (candidates for steel replacement) or in low-vegetation areas (candidates for fire 30 mesh wrap). Knowing where the poles are physically located, and the geography 31 of the area has a significant budget impact. The cost for replacement of a wood 32 pole with steel is several thousand dollars per pole versus a few hundred dollars 33 for installing mesh wrap on a pole so this analysis should benefit our budget. 34 35 • Continued to actively seek out and build valuable partnerships and connections to 36 support our wildfire efforts with both external partners and customers, including 37 working with and learning from our utility peers to strategize and develop best 38 practices. 39 40 Q. Does this conclude your pre-filed direct testimony? 41 A. Yes. Malensky, Vern 31 Avista Corporation DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-25-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) EXHIBIT NO. 11 NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) OF AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) VERNON L. MALENSKY STATE OF IDAHO ) 1 FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC) I 1 ' y a ,q W fir • • ���� fir' �'�•' .� ��' Resalle . Cy , PI r Repor 2024 Working to prepare for and reduce wildfire risk. z, ��'=C� -'lam •'� •`.� TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement from Avista Executive Management.....................................................................................3 ExecutiveSummary.................................................................................................................................4 Avista's Commitment to Wildfire Resiliency........................................................................................... 5 WildfirePlan Goals .............................................................................................................................. 6 WildfirePlan Updates..........................................................................................................................7 Governance..........................................................................................................................................8 Wildfire Resiliency Program Elements..................................................................................................... 9 GridHardening .................................................................................................................................. 11 Enhanced Vegetation Management.................................................................................................. 20 SituationalAwareness....................................................................................................................... 29 Operations & Response..................................................................................................................... 38 CommunityOutreach............................................................................................................................52 Equity................................................................................................................................................. 56 2023 Fire Season Recap.........................................................................................................................59 Impactsto Infrastructure................................................................................................................... 60 2024 Fire Season Outlook...................................................................................................................... 62 Challenges& Lessons Learned.............................................................................................................. 63 ContinuousImprovement...................................................................................................................... 65 Avista Wildfire Resiliency Plan Glossary of Terms.................................................................................... 74 Appendix A:Avista's Wildfire Public Safety Shutoff Plan Summary....................................................... 108 2 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 2 of 114 Statement from Avista Executive Management 2024 represents Avista's 411 year of implementing the Wildfire Resiliency Plan.Avista's wildfire strategies are firmly rooted in our 135-year operating history and represent the collective knowledge of Avista employees and fire agency professionals together with assistance from peer utilities, and other experts and, most importantly, engagement with customers.This Wildfire Plan builds upon strategies originally developed in 2020 and aligns with the Company's mission to provide safe, reliable, and affordable energy.Avista's Wildfire Plan is designed to reduce fire risk associated with the operation of electric transmission and distribution facilities and reflects our commitment to partner with customers, communities, and those who manage forest landscapes and fight fires, as we all have a role to play in minimizing the risk of wildfire. Heather Rosentrater, Chief Operating Officer(COO) Date: August 31, 2024 Josh DiLuciano,Vice President Energy Delivery Date: August 31, 2024 Vern Malensky, Director Electrical Engineering I i Vmot,. 14 Date: August 31, 2024 3 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 3 of 114 Executive Summary Avista published its first Wildfire Resiliency Plan in June of 2020 and began to implement elements of the Plan in 2021.That work P introduced the risks, costs, and benefits of implementing a holistic set of measures to reduce utility wildfire risk.The original ,40�Plan built upon Avista's operating history responding to and Avista Y" ; p p g Y p g Wildfire mitigating wildfire activity, and we continue to do so four years Resiliency later. Our 2024 Report details the performance and investments ..- . . made since 2020 and serves to reaffirm Avista's commitment to reducing fire risk to communities and customers, as well as the Company infrastructure that serves our customers. Avista is making wildfire-related investments in four key areas: • Grid Hardening— Investing in electric infrastructure to reduce spark-ignition outage events and to protect critical assets from the impact of wildfires. • Enhanced Vegetation Management—Reducing the number of vegetation-related issues that can lead to outages and/or spark events by inspecting 100% of our powerline assets annually to identify and mitigate risk trees. Adding remote sensing technologies such as LiDAR and satellite imagery to enhance overall vegetation management information and decision-making. • Situational Awareness — Providing both static and dynamic tools needed to identify, manage, and react to wildfire risk. • Operations&Emergency Response—Preparing for and effectively reacting to wildfire situations, including remote automation and control of critical equipment, along with collaborating with critical partners in reacting to wildfire events in a holistic and unified way. Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan is intended to accelerate and/or focus existing programs as well as initiate new programs that reduce fire ignition risk related to Avista's electric equipment and make our system more resilient to the impact of fires. Avista's Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) map indicates that approximately 2,745 miles of our electric distribution lines (36%of our system) are located in high fire consequence areas.These zones mark the intersection between forest land and human development and are the focal point of Avista's risk mitigation strategies, as they are the areas most likely to be impacted by wildfire. From 2020 when the initial Wildfire Plan work began through the end of 2023,Avista completed upgrades on over 600 miles of distribution lines and installed nearly 4,200 steel transmission poles (389 of these specific to Wildfire). Avista also made tremendous progress towards automating its distribution protection system with upgrades to 208 devices. As of the end of 2023, Wildfire's 4 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 4 of 114 Enhanced Vegetation Management program removed over 64,000 risk trees. We also performed other resiliency work that will be discussed in more detail in the following pages. These investments will reduce wildfire risk and improve system resiliency and customer reliability by reducing the number of both outages and fire ignition events. It is important to remember that most of the benefits of the Wildfire programs will not show up immediately. Wildfire metrics are intended to reflect long-term trends on our system. Only long-term trends are truly meaningful here; it is not practical or reasonable to look merely to end-of-year results due to the variability of a variety of factors, most specifically weather conditions. In addition, a marked change in these statistics will take the time it requires to replace thousands of crossarms across the system'and mitigate vegetation issues across the 30,000 square miles of our service territory,for example. None of these programs will be completed within a year but will be ongoing and offering continual improvement. Avista's Commitment to Wildfire Resiliency The risk of wildfire is ever present in the western United States. Research indicates that the frequency of wildfires has quadrupled in some areas since the 2000s.2 In fact,the National Interagency Fire Center has documented almost 70,000 wildfires per year since 1983.1 Multiple studies have found that there is a significant increase in wildfire season length,wildfire frequency, and amount of burned area. The wildfire season has been extended in many areas due to factors including warmer springs, longer summer dry seasons, and the resulting drier soils and vegetation. Similarly, climate change threatens to increase the frequency, extent, and severity of fires through increased temperatures and expanded drought.'Though we have always faced the threat of wildfires,that threat is also increasing both as a function of population growth and population location. It has been estimated that 1 in 6 Americans now live in areas of significant wildfire risk.'6 Avista developed a wildfire plan to help mitigate this risk. Some examples in the Plan include modifying operations to reduce the risk of fire ignition such as Avista's Fire Safety Mode operations, strengthening our infrastructure by migrating from wooden to fiberglass crossarms on distribution poles, and installing steel rather than wood transmission poles to fire-harden the high voltage system. As part of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan,Avista tracks metrics that help us determine the success of our strategies and programs. Overhead equipment failures, pole fires, and spark-ignition events are among 1 Note that the Company has over 265,000 poles in the field.It will take several years to replace all of our wood crossarms. 2"U.S.Fires Four Times Larger,Three Times More Frequent Since 2000,"University of Colorado at Boulder,March 16,2022,U.S.fires four times larger, three times more frequent since 2000 1 ScienceDaily 3 NIFC(National Interagency Fire Center).Total wildland fires and acres(1983-2023).Accessed July 2024.Wildfires and Acres I National Interagency Fire Center(nifc.gov) 4"Climate Change Indicators:Wildfire,"United States Environmental Protection Agency,July 2022,Climate Change Indicators:Wildfires I US EPA 5 John Muyskens,Andrew Ba Tran,et al,1 in 6 Americans Live in Areas with Significant Wildfire Risk,"The Washington Post,May 17,2022,Map:See where Americans are most at risk for wildfires-Washington Post 5 Wildfire Risk Map courtesy of FEMA,Wildfire I National Risk Index(fema.gov) 5 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 5 of 114 our key performance indicators. We also track the number of trees that fall or grow into powerlines. Each of these measures represents a situation that may lead to a wildfire. Recent values are summarized in Table 1.These values Outage Issue 20192020 I I 1 represent a subset of unplanned Pole Fires 68 66 15a 56 67 82.2 outages that can be managed in part Tree Fall-In all 42O 363 376 22a 358.8 by upgrading powerlines and Tree Grow-In 96 72 83 59 53 72.6 Overhead Equipment 655 608 622 750 641 655.2 equipment as well as removing risk Bird/Animal0utages 538 525 565 51 5573 543 trees,which are primary objectives Spark Events 99 164 115 109 65 110.4 of Avista's Wildfire Plan. Table 1.Historic Outages Though reducing spark-ignition events is a core tenant of Avista's Plan,we acknowledge that fire risk cannot be completely eliminated, and that actions and investments must be balanced against affordability, reliability, safety, and security, as well as other utility operating risks.Avista is committed to a multi-year Wildfire Plan to reduce the number of fire ignition events and to make our system more resilient to the impacts of wildfire while accounting for those considerations.This Plan describes that commitment and the specific actions we are taking to achieve these goals. Wildfire Plan Goals The stated goals of Avista's Wildfire Plan include: • 1. Protecting Life and Property—To protect physical assets, property, ��eG�o`e Human ��`� • Life and most importantly, human lives, against the threat of wildfires.To eo G recognize fire potential in our operating and maintenance strategies o�`a� Homes& and take actions to reduce the risk of wildfire from the �eva���e\�` Property interaction of Avista's energy delivery system and the Electric service � Disruption environment, as well as the impacts of wildfire to Utility Financial Infrastructure Avista's system. Liability 2. Emergency Preparedness—To recognize and react to wildfire as a recurring threat to infrastructure, communities, and utility customers.To prepare and train for episodic wildfire events and align operating practices with fire threat conditions to help mitigate wildfire risk. 3. Financial—To mitigate the probability and consequence of direct financial costs and liability associated with large scale fire events. This 2024 Wildfire Report highlights the progress and milestones achieved since 2020 and discusses our wildfire mitigation strategies going forward.Avista started work on this plan in the second half of 2020.The combination of 2021 and 2022 served as the test bed for gathering direct feedback from employees,fire agency professionals, customers, and others to help further shape and refine the Plan. All of our programs have now come up to speed and are being fully implemented. Even so, we continue to apply our goal of constant improvement and have experienced some significant 6 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 6 of 114 achievements in service to that goal. For example, our Fire Weather Dashboard has been enhanced and refined with more data and improved analytics, and our WUI map has been updated to include community impact information. While many of the elements of the 2020 Plan remain relevant,this updated report enjoys the benefit of hindsight and provides focus for Avista's approach to mitigating fire risk going forward. In the following pages we will discuss the elements of our Plan,what has been achieved, and how it has evolved over time. Wildfire Plan Updates Avista is continually reflecting on our Plan and updating and revising its strategies to incorporate lessons learned, new information related Wildfire}, to fire risk, utility best practices, and in response to feedback from =3 Resilieney customers, agency partners, regulators, and others including fellow utilities. Avista uses a Plan-Do-Check-Adjust framework to adapt business strategies, plans, and processes to align with changing business and physical climates. In fact, initial core elements of the Wildfire Plan were derived from a series of business process improvement workshops held to identify opportunities to build upon Avista's operating history and existing Company programs. As more focus is being placed on wildfire resiliency and protection measures across the western U.S., opportunities arise for new and improved data to incorporate into our modeling. In one important example,the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture together with the U.S. Forest Service provides free analytics and mapping related to fire risk, including their Wildfire Hazard Potential Map (WHP)'that defines wildfire hazards and the associated prioritization of fuels management needs across the entire United States. It is basically a fire-fuel model that shows the burnability of an area. They have also developed the Housing Unit Impact (HUI) dataset'which contains a nationwide raster of housing /' � e unit density measured in persons per ' �•` :�- square kilometer.This information * SA, incorporates the general consequences of fire on people and the potential economic impact of wildfire on communities and infrastructure.These two relatively new ►� detailed modeling tools, used together, provide a solid understanding of wildfire risk. Avista's WUI map built on this -- foundation and incorporated our own Figure 1. USDA-US Forest Service Wildfire Hazard Potential Map internal-use data for actual outage rates "USDA USFS Wildfire Risk to Communities,"Download-Wildfire Risk to Communities Data is available as raster GIS data or as spreadsheets from the USDA Forest Service Fire Modeling Institute. 8"Wildfire Risk to Communities:Spatial Datasets of Wildfire Risk for Populated Areas in the United States,"fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/products/RDS-2020- 00601 metadata RDS-2020-0060.html 7 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 7 of 114 and vegetation risk including historic feeder outages,vegetation conditions on each feeder, and feeder health data to create a customized, detailed means of identifying risk areas across our service territory. We have also honed and refined our Fire Weather Dashboard,which is the heart of our situational awareness (and reaction) efforts. Since it was initially developed, it has been continually improved, including model calibrations to best fit data to observed outcomes in real time, back-casting against actual situations and conditions in order to test concepts and accuracy, and incorporation of the updated WUI information described above. It is critical to continue to search for ways to improve our ability to predict and react to wildfire risk, as this risk is only increasing with time. Another example of our striving for continuous improvement is the incorporation of LiDAR and satellite data acquisition into our vegetation management practices. Because these images are taken on a regular basis,they show us where vegetation risk exceeds both reliability and fire mitigation thresholds and give us valuable information regarding the location of problem (or potential problem)vegetation issues over time.The analysis provided is invaluable in directing planners and line clearing crews to specific locations on the system to perform maintenance and mitigate risk trees based on identified location of risk rather than the traditional method of working on an entire circuit or polygon.This data gives us the ability to send crews to the areas of greatest need with accuracy. Both of these tools and the detailed, over-time analysis they provide will essentially learn Avista's system and the vegetation around our lines, and both allow planning work in a more precise and predictable way, streamlining our vegetation management programs and helping to maximize their value. Governance Directors The Wildfire Implementation Team is composed of individuals who Executive oversee and track the programs described here,who do the day Committee - to-day work of managing the programs and who track and report Steering on the results as well as the Wildfire Resiliency Manager. Committee F, Wildfire Overall Plan implementation and guidance is governed by the Team Wildfire Steering Committee whose membership reflects a Figure 2.Avista Wildfire Governance broad cross section of Avista departments.The Steering Committee is responsible for on-going oversight of wildfire season preparedness and providing support to the Wildfire Resiliency Manager,focused primarily on tactical issues.The Committee consists of internal Avista stakeholders with responsibility for the outcome of wildfire preparedness and response activities.This includes Risk, Legal, Regulatory,Asset Maintenance, Customer Service, Communications, and the Director of Electrical Engineering,who oversees the Wildfire program. As Wildfire is an enterprise level risk, executive level oversight is essential for producing prudent and cost effective outcomes for customers. The Wildfire Executive Committee oversees activities related to operational response to weather conditions as well as broad Plan implementation, budget, and strategies.This executive-level committee consists of officers and senior officers of Avista. 8 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 8 of 114 The Board of Directors are regularly kept apprised of the general Plan, program progress, new strategies, and status.They provide an executive level of oversight that includes external expertise and objective perspective to guide both implementation and plan related expenditures. In the case of a wildfire or PSPS event, decision making is escalated through appropriate channels.This typically begins with an Emergency Operations Process (EOP), a team comprised of cross-functional Company specialists.These people represent the impacted areas of the utility and provide a high level of experience and expertise. The EOP defines key roles and responsibilities for personnel, identifies communications channels, and outlines strategies for engaging with fire protection professional and emergency operating agency staff during expected or actual wildfire events, creating a consistent and efficient approach.This group is responsible to prepare crews and employees, notify customers, and manage the situation from initiation to full restoration. Another aspect of governance and accountability includes gathering customer and first responder feedback via our communications outreach efforts.This includes engaging continuously with partners outside the Company such as the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources,the National Weather Service, our Commissions, and many others. External engagement helps ensure that the Plan is meeting all stakeholder objectives and hopes for the Program and that we continue to improve over time. A Wildfire Resiliency Program Elements Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan groups our efforts into four major program areas: (1) Grid Hardening, (2) Enhanced Vegetation Management, (3) Situational Awareness, and (4) Emergency Operations and Response. Each of these areas will be described in further detail below. Avista's Wildfire Plan leverages several existing asset programs and operating practices, building upon them whenever possible. Many of these programs already have demonstrated benefits related to reducing the risk of fire or in making the electric system more resilient, such as vegetation management and steel pole replacements.The Wildfire Resiliency Plan adds additional funding and creates a focus for these programs specifically related to high fire threat areas. Other programs suggested by the Plan are new to Avista, including LiDAR and satellite imaging, cross-training with external fire professionals, and the creation of a fire-weather risk monitoring system (our Dashboard).All of the Wildfire programs, new or re-tooled,work in concert to provide a well-rounded and thorough approach. Approved capital and Operating Expenses for Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan through 2029 are shown below, after which we will discuss each of the program areas and their related metrics and expenditures. Note that the budget has only been approved through 2026. 9 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 9 of 114 Avista Wildfire Resiliency Plan Expected Cost $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 16 -o `p$30,000 0 0 L ~ $20,000 $10,000 $0 2020 YE 2021 YE 2022 YE 2023 YE A 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Actual Actual Actuals Actuals ■Capital $3,421 $19,375 $26,066 $28,319 $33,750 $35,250 $60,250 $60,250 $35,250 $35,250 0 Operating 1 $2,430 $7,602 $17,273 $19,727 $16,721 $15,391 $13,812 $12,130 $11,050 $10,160 Figure 3.Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan Actual and Projected Expenditures Operating Expenditures 2020-2027 Capital Expenditures 2020-2027 AM--I Digital Data Vegetation 7% 1 Dist.Management Other Pole Wraps k Total Capital, Hardening1% Steel Other 4� Replacement 8% 11% L— Iq L.——.A L— 14 Figure 4. Wildfire Plan Cost Breakout Note that the additional $25 million in capital shown for 2026 and 2027 indicates the implementation of an Enhanced Grid Hardening Program the Company is currently evaluating. Elements of this program are described below. We anticipate this program increasing our capital budgets from that point forward by an amount that will be determined after our first years of experience with this new approach.The budget will be updated as we gain information and can more accurately measure these costs. Operating expenses, primarily related to Enhanced Vegetation Management, are expected to peak in 2023 and then gradually decline as subsequent year vegetation inspections hopefully reveal fewer risk/hazard trees due to our vigorous efforts to mitigate them. 10 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 10 of 114 Grid Hardening Many sources of powerline outages are difficult to control, including winter storms, strong wind events, lightning, and public-caused outages including vehicular accidents and trees that are felled through powerlines. However, by upgrading powerline conductor and equipment, many types of failures are more manageable and represent a cost effective means to reduce the overall number of outages and the resulting potential for spark-ignition events. is Though Avista has well-established programs to replace poles, conductor, Pole fire from a wood crossarm and equipment, existing programs are condition-based and aligned with that burned the pole and reliability objectives. Wildfire grid hardening objectives are risk-based and crossarm then traveled to the focused on reducing the number of(and potential for) spark ignition ground. events. Hardening powerlines, poles, and other equipment through updated designs and material selections also helps the power system withstand higher wind speeds and other environmental factors such a wildfire near or beneath our facilities.Thus, Wildfire system hardening focuses on the prevention of equipment spark events as well as promoting equipment resilience during fire (and other reliability risk) exposure. Grid hardening programs are a key component in protecting customer reliability and safety as well as safeguarding our electric transmission and distribution systems from wildfire risk—systems that our customers have paid for and depend upon. We believe that our grid hardening Wildfire programs are already showing benefit. For example, in 2023,Avista recorded 65 spark ignition events as compared to the previous year which recorded 109 events, with the most significant reductions coming from fewer overhead equipment outages.This reduction can at least in part be credited to the work being done to install wildlife guards and replace aged overhead equipment as part of our Avista Historical Pole Fires grid hardening efforts. While the vast zso majority of spark-ignition events do not 200 — result in fires or wildfires, it is an important measure of fire risk o150 performance and the benefits offered by a Avista's Wildfire programs. loo £ ... Z 50 We recorded 67 pole fires in 2023 versus the 5-year average of 81.9 The 0 — mechanism that causes pole fires is well- 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 known and is highly weather dependent. Figure 5.Avista Historic Pole Fires This issue is related to periods of hot, dry 9 Note that there were 205 pole fires in 2015 and 154 poles fires in 2021 due to hot dry conditions followed by light rains,ideal conditions for electrical tracking between poles and wood crossarms that can lead to pole fires.This compares to 92,79,68,and 66 poles fire per year in 2017 through 2020 and 51 pole fires in 2022. 11 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 11 of 114 weather when insulators become covered with dust and other contaminants, creating a path for leakage current,which happens as insulating properties of overhead equipment naturally break down over time. Leakage current is usually invisible and does not cause a heat signature, making it almost impossible to detect. A light rain after the dry spell increases this leakage current and creates the right conditions for pole fires, especially when the leakage current is concentrated between wood-to-wood or wood-to-metal contacts such as the contact point between wood crossarms and wood poles. Wood shrinkage and cracking around metal bolts holding wood crossarms to poles form a combustive- friendly cavity for arcing and burning, and the burning process accelerates when the moisture of wood increases. Fiberglass crossarms, which are naturally fire resistant due to their smooth surfaces and composition, virtually eliminate pole fires." In the early 2000s, Avista began using fiberglass crossarms and, according to our field crews,this has virtually eliminated fires on poles with these crossarms.As part of Wildfire Resiliency,the plan is for all wood crossarms on structures located in elevated fire areas to be replaced with fiberglass units.The number of pole fires should be significantly reduced over time with this work. Other Grid Hardening efforts, described below, should significantly reduce outages that could lead to sparks overtime as equipment identified as related to wildfire risk is methodically replaced, starting in the highest fire threat zones. Avista supports four primary projects within Grid Hardening: "{J • Distribution Grid Hardening )- • Transmission Steel Pole Conversion • Fire Resistant Wraps on Wood Transmission Poles n • Annual Fire Inspections on Transmission Lines -� Y Table 2 indicates the Grid Hardening Program metrics, and Figure 6 Avista crews install a fiberglass depicts the associated program key performance outage metrics. distribution crossarm. Over the life of the Plan,we anticipate replacing 1,000 wood transmission poles with steel in high fire threat areas under the Wildfire budget, maintaining a rate of 211 miles per year of distribution grid hardening, and wrapping 2,500 wood transmission poles per year from 2024 to 2029. ProgramInfrastructure Distribution Grid Hardening(miles) 61.2 150.5 180 214 Wildfire Transmission Steel Pole Conversion(units) n/a 169 118 102 Other Transmission Steel Pole Conversion(units) 1,821 847 514 622 Transmission Wood Pole Wrap(units) 1,235 1,938 1,454 1,533 Table 2.Grid Hardening Program Primary Metrics 10 Each year in the U.S.there are over 3,000 pole fires.Pole fires are caused by periods of very dry conditions followed by moisture,when leakage current,which is normally present,heats and creates combustion in gaps where metal bolts connect wood crossarms to wood poles.This does not happen with fiberglass crossarms.For more information,see:John Lauletta,"The Mystery of Dry Band Arcing&Pole Fire Causation,"The Mystery of Dry Band Arcing&Pole Fire Causation I TO World(tdworld.com) 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 12 of 114 Grid Hardening Related Outage Metrics 800 700 600 � I - � soo o 0 400 300 -r• z 200 100 Animal OH Equipment Conductor Pole Fire Spark Event Bird contact with a regulator M 2020 hd 2021 ■2022 u 2023 which started afire. Figure 6.Grid Hardening Related Outage Metrics Distribution Grid Hardening The single largest capital program in the Wildfire Plan is Distribution Grid Hardening. As mentioned earlier,though Avista has asset maintenance programs to replace poles and equipment, existing programs are condition-based and aimed at reliability objectives. Wildfire Distribution Grid Hardening focuses on upgrades most likely to reduce spark ignition events, directed in the highest fire threat areas of our service territory.The scope of this work includes: • Replace wood crossarms with fiberglass to mitigate pole fires. • Replace copper and other small wire with modern steel-reinforced wire to reduce conductor failures. • Install wedge-bail clamps at hot tap connector locations to prevent thermal failures. • Add or replace wildlife guards to mitigate electrical contacts with birds and animals. I . • Replace wood distribution poles with metal poles at critical span locations such p as highway and river crossings for additional strength and resiliency. <�y -i Avista's Grid A 4 Hardening Work Atec 0 13 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 13 of 114 MileageYear 2020 63 $3,115,000 Percent of Distribution Grid Hardening Projects Planned vs Completed 11 92% 74% 90% 101% 2021 146 $11,848,000 Miles of Overhead Distribution Grid Hardening Planned 66.5 204 201 211 2022 180 $15,095,000 Miles of Distribution Grid Hardening Completed 61.2 150.5 180 214 2023 210 $17,650,000 Circuit Miles of Overhead Conductor Installed/Replaced 61 149 179 209 Underground Miles Constructed 0 1 1 5 2024 1 264 $22,900,000 Number of Wildlife Guards installed 598 1363 2555 2299 2025 255 $22,900,000 Number of Crossarms installed 666 977 1636 1448 2026 246 $22,900.000 Number of Distribution Steel Poles Installed 0 16 31 2 2027 238 $22,900.000 Number of Distribution Wood Poles Installed 32 115 323 375 2028 230 $22,900.000 Number of Open Wire Secondary Districts Removed(by Polygon) 0 3 4 7 2029 222 $22,900.000 Number of Wedge/Bail Clamps at Hot Tap Connection Points Installed 200 2550 4785 4738 Number of Lightning Arrestors Installed 191 599 467 851 Totals 2,053 $185,108,000 Number of Cutouts Installed 208 550 949 914 Table 3.Distribution Grid Hardening Number of Insulators Installed 3023 4615 9563 7888 Financial Plan Number Distribution Fire Resistant Mesh Installed 6 201 100 49 Table 4.Distribution Grid Hardening Program Results Avista Fiberglass Crossarm Installations Arrester 1800 4% 1600 1400 � 1200 1', ° 1000 Animal Pole/Crossarm u 2% 800 w � 600 E Z 400 200 0 Insulator 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 3% Figure 7.Number of Avista Fiberglass Crossarm Installations Figure 8.Overhead Equipment Related Outages 2009-2023 On average,Avista experiences about 80 pole fires per year, mostly related to wood crossarms and specific weather conditions as described earlier. By replacing wood crossarms with fiberglass units, leakage current is substantially reduced and pole fire risk is much lower. Old and obsolete wire types, such as copper, fail at higher rates than do modern aluminum conductors, so replacing this wire reduces line failure. Animals cause about 8%of Avista's overall outages (45%of overhead equipment outages) but animal guards at transformers and other connection points are an effective means of reducing these electrical contacts that can lead to sparks.Though hot taps fail at a low rate, a majority of our peer utilities use a bail type connector in conjunction with hot taps to prevent burn downs,thus Avista crews are adding these connectors. At critical spans such as highways or river crossings, line personnel are replacing wood poles with metal units to strengthen those spans. All of these measures strengthen and reinforce our distribution system, making it more resilient to outages which could lead to a spark.They should also aid in protecting general customer service and 14 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 14 of 114 reliability. Our accomplishments in this area through 2023 are shown in Table 4 above.Table 3 indicates the predicted level of expenditures for Grid Hardening through the period. It should be noted that the mileage achieved varies each year based on the areas selected for hardening, as each situation or segment presents unique challenges and requirements. Enhanced Grid Hardening In addition to existing undergrounding practices,the Company is developing a new program that we call Enhanced Grid Hardening. Converting overhead distribution line sections to underground cables has not historically been listed as a specific component of our distribution grid hardening. In the past,Avista has conducted underground conversion of overhead lines on a case-by-case basis, but in most existing situations the physical challenges create an undue economic burden,11 making conversion unfeasible. According to the California Public Utilities o ® o o Commission, undergrounding costs about In Community Protected $400 to$600 per trenched foot of 4- distribution line, about$2.1 to $3.2 million 3 Miles Out Enhanced Grid 5 Miles Out per mile.12 For comparison, the typical • Hardening •- replacement costs for existing overhead Enhanced Grid Hardening Concept distribution lines range from about$86,700 to$126,900/mile.13 However,for new applications, such as a new subdivision or business developments, costs can be more manageable. In fact, over the last five years Avista crews have installed over 500 miles of underground cable and have removed over 100 miles of overhead lines in these types of areas. Still to date Avista has converted less than 2%of our overhead lines to underground cable under the Grid Hardening Program. However, going forward,Avista has made a commitment that new distribution facilities located in specific areas with high fire risk will be undergrounded to mitigate future risk. Overhead distribution lines have the narrowest rights-of-way and lowest ground proximity of Avista's above-ground conductor.This creates potential conflicts with a multitude of foreign objects entering the space of impact around our facilities.A large portion of these objects are trees/branches that are propagated into the lines from weather events with strong sustained winds. By undergrounding sections of conductor,we essentially eliminate the possibility of trees/branches impacting the conductor during these weather events.This ultimately reduces outages, decreases safety and fire risk, and increases reliability. It eliminates the risk of a powerline falling to the ground and starting a fire. 11 Underground cables are twice as expensive(or more)than overhead lines,in part due to restoration costs(sidewalks,roadways,landscaping)and environmental impacts.Maintenances costs for underground are also significantly higher due to the limited access.For more information:David Baker, "Despite Being Safer,Underground Power Lines Are Very Expensive,"San Francisco Chronicle,October 23,2017, https://www.govtech.com/fs/i nfrastructu re/d espite-bei ng-safer-u nd erg round-power-I i nes-are-very-xpensive.html.. 12 California Public Utilities Commission,"Overhead to Underground Conversion Programs," Slide 1 (pdi2.org) 11"Cost Estimation O/H Lines,"ENG-TIPS.com,Cost Estimation O/H lines WV and 13.8kV)-Electric power&transmission&distribution-Eng-Tips 15 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 15 of 114 There are many cases where sections of distribution Fire went through ' transmission lines near conductors do not pose highly Spokane. ( on the left) probable threats to nearby "=� was un..ICI ..ed, ..ucture(on the right) I, communities, including urban ucturareas that are largely unburnable or with availablelaw firefighting resources, or long sections of line with many miles between one customer and the next. But in some areas of our service territory, large fire growth risk potential is in Wildfire near Beacon Hill,Spokane WA,indicating the resiliency of steel poles(on proximity to communities which are the left)versus traditional wood structures(on the right) vulnerable to total loss in the event of a wildfire. Thus,we are evaluating the concept of risk-ranking these areas and prioritizing sectional undergrounding of existing overhead conductor in areas identified at being most at risk, primarily the outskirts of these communities. Avista is currently assessing the concept of undergrounding high risk sections of the distribution system using a multitude of factors to determine the specific locations of highest wildfire risk surrounding the overhead distribution facilities. We believe that the risk can be separated into three parts: Outage Potential, Ignition Potential, and Community Impact from Wildfire. For Outage Potential,Avista is consolidating historic outage data and percent treed areas in strike zones to estimate risk of an outage occurring during a wind event during fire season on the overhead distribution system. In the Ignition Potential category,Avista is utilizing the Wildfire Hazard Potential data,14 which is a summary of fuel type, slope, and exposure used to assess the burnability and ignitability of a location. Lastly,Avista is using the Housing Unit/Community Impact data from the U.S. Forest Service15 to estimate the impacts of fires moving from Avista's distribution lines to nearby communities, showing potential impacts and losses if a fire were to occur.These datasets are currently being combined into one risk score that will allow for a 250 meter resolution risk heat map, showcasing the areas of highest risk. By focusing on areas where the wildfire growth modeling suggests large scale loss and high impacts to homes, people, and communities, we will be able to identify areas where we can create direct risk reduction. By concentrating on very specific areas and the conductor segments most at risk, we may be able to provide this reduction without using a far more expensive "blanket" undergrounding policy applied territory wide—a "surgical" approach versus a broadscale application. We are in the process of evaluating this strategy, including application of the analytics to define and 14 This is the USDA Wildfire Hazard Potential map that quantifies the relative potential for wildfire that could be difficult to control.Wildfire Hazard Potential I Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory(firelab.org) 15 This data represents the impact of fire on housing units across the U.S.Wildfire Risk to Communities Housing Unit Impact(Image Service)I Wildfire Risk to Communities Housing Unit Impact(Image Service)I ArcGIS Hub 16 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 16 of 114 prioritize risk areas across our service territory as well as identifying the best approach to defining and quantifying risk.This program is still in the feasibility stage. In 2026 and 2027 we added $25 million to the Grid Hardening capital budget primarily in service to this goal. This work will solidify our understanding of what it will take to implement this new strategy and the actual costs and logistics involved. We anticipate that this will increase our capital budgets from that point forward by an amount that will be determined after our first years of experience with this program, at which time the budget will be updated accordingly. Transmission Steel Pole Conversion Transmission lines are particularly vulnerable to wildland fires. Repairs to them can cost millions of dollars in addition to the potential for significant impact to customers16 and the effect of their loss on the stability of the Western Interconnected Grid (that is, our neighboring utilities.) Avista began installing tubular steel w ,. transmission poles in the late 198Os for added resiliency and has Above is a high canopy fire,below is afire in systematically replaced wood transmission poles and structures low-level vegetation. with steel since 2006,typically for poles which were damaged or failed, or in the course of routine transmission line build projects. Since then, reconstruction projects have converted a number of circuits from wood to steel, and that trend will continue. Currently about 40%of Avista's transmission poles are steel, which makes them more resilient to wildfire and other weather events.Though Avista is committed to steel conversion, one of the objectives of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan is to accelerate that process in fire prone areas. In service to that goal,the Company has created a prioritized list of wood structures to be replaced with steel based upon WUI zone location, historical fire patterns, and type of vegetation.This segregation is significant from a cost perspective, as it allows us to separate our mitigation efforts into poles in high canopy/forested areas which are candidates for steel replacement, and those in low vegetation areas,which may be adequately protected with fire resistant mesh.The cost for replacement of a wood pole with steel is several thousand dollars per pole versus a few hundred dollars for installing mesh wrap on a pole.Thus, knowing where the poles are physically located and the geography of the area has a significant budget impact. In 2021,Avista conducted analysis using 50 years of fire history to determine which transmission lines were experiencing recurring impacts from wildfires.This analysis indicated that several of our transmission lines are particularly vulnerable to recurring wildfires. We are targeting our resiliency efforts in these areas. Lines most at risk from fire, such as the Addy-Gifford and the Devil's Gap lines, 16 Avista Outage Data from 2009 to 2023 indicates that the average number of customers impacted by a distribution outage is 50 versus a transmission outage average of 615 customers affected. 17 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 17 of 114 are slated for wood to steel conversion. In 2021 and 2022,transmission upgrades were focused on the 21-mile of the Addy-Gifford 115 kV line which serves areas near the Columbia River including the towns of Wellpinit and Inchelium, Washington, both of which are Named Communities. In 2023, wildfire budgeted wood-to-steel conversion was undertaken for transmission lines near the Devil's Gap Substation which connects the hydroelectric dams of the lower Spokane River(Nine Mile, Long Lake, and Little Falls)with areas west of Spokane and communities including Reardan, Davenport, Odessa, and Othello. In 2024 our wildfire related steel replacement work will continue to be focused on the Devil's Gap lines. Transmission Steel Replacement Poles Installed 2020 1 2021 2022 2023 Transmission Steel Replacement Poles Installed:Wildfire Only n/a 169 118 102 Asset Condition/New Projects Poles Installed n/a 812 476 526 Failed/Damaged Replacement Poles Installed n/a 35 38 4 Planned/Ad Hoc Transmission Poles Installed n/a 0 0 92 0 Total Non-Wildfire Transmission Poles Installed 1,821 847 514 622 Number of Transmission Wood Pole Fire Resistant Wraps Installed 1235 1 1938 1454 1533 I I Table 5.Transmission Grid Hardening Results =- - 7Most transmission lines are part of a networked grid, and this redundancy helps reduce or negate customer impact during outages. However, some lines, like now_-[ Addy-Gifford, operate in a radial one-way fashion.This makes the work very — challenging since the line must remain energized during construction. This kind Transmission steel of complexity can impact the number of poles that can be replaced under the replacement work. allocated budget, as the costs are much higher in this type of circumstance. Thus, as in this example,the number of transmission poles replaced will vary from year to year depending upon the complexity of each project, as reflected in Table 5,which indicates the number of wildfire-budgeted steel poles installed since the Wildfire Plan was implemented, in addition to traditional condition-based replacement and construction of new facilities.The table also includes the number of wood poles '' that were protected using the fire resistant mesh wrap product described below. The Wildfire Plan has budgeted approximately 1,000 steel pole replacements on { the transmission system through 2029, with approximately 10,000 wood transmission poles receiving fire mesh wrap. Our work in this area through 2023 is shown in Table 5. Fire Resistant Wraps on Wood Transmission Poles Avista began using fire-resistant paint to protect transmission poles as early as 2005.Though the paint has proven effective in protecting poles from fires, it has a limited expected life and requires maintenance or replacement every 3 to 5 years „ ;! Avista worked with Southern California Edison to adopt a more resilient product for protecting transmission poles at risk from grassland fires. Fire resistant mesh Fire resistant paint chips, peels and falls off the wrap incorporates a heat activated chemical on a steel mesh substrate. When poles over time unless activated,the chemical expands to seal the pole and protect it from fire. This repainted. 18 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 18 of 114 product works well in protecting wood y t poles that reside in low vegetation areas _ , - :. where fires move quickly but tend to stay low to the ground. Protecting wood �' s' i" ".. '= poles from the impacts of wildfire also supports reliable operations for customers. Avista initially expected to wrap r approximately 1,000 wood transmission _+,ti# � F'�r ««a. ° , � poles per year, but the wrapping crews grew so proficient at this work that we have increased our prediction to Fire-resistant mesh wrap effectiveness demonstration. wrapping 2,500 per year starting in 2024. Annual Wildfire-Specific Inspections on Transmission Lines Avista conducts annual inspections of transmission lines prior to -' the summer operating season as required by federal - regulations.17 Generally inspections are conducted via helicopter, vehicle, or on foot,with maintenance personnel looking for failed ' equipment, bird nests, broken insulators, and other structural defects.The Wildfire Plan adds LiDAR inspections to the existing transmission inspection methods, which is able to specifically identify vegetation-related risk. In addition, Wildfire provides funding to help Transmission Design mitigate issues identified in inspections that could potentially increase wildfire risk. Transmission ground patrol inspection Grid Hardening Financials Distribution grid hardening represents the single largest capital investment in the Wildfire Plan, comprising about 77%of total capital expenditures over the ten-year period (2020-2029),followed by transmission steel replacement at about 11%.Table 6 indicates the costs for all grid hardening programs including transmission inspections. Note that "Transmission Inspection/Construction"is listed both in the Capital and O&M portions of the table. Inspection is an expense activity(O&M) while the follow-up capital maintenance is an investment in plant. 17 FERC Reliability Standard FAC-003,Template-Standard(Results Based)(nerc.com)requires inspection of 100%of the interconnected transmission grid annually. 19 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 19 of 114 Grid Hardening ii, i i i i 1 is i $1 $1 $94 $0 $200 $2D0 $200 $200 $200 $200 $1,186 $74 $5,455 $4,021 $3,623 $3,788 $3,960 $3,950 $3,960 $3,960 $3,960 $36,759 $1,513 $7,134 $9,985 $11,594 $13,528 $13,740 $28,740 $28,740 $13,740 $13,740 $142,455 $1,602 $4,714 $5,945 $7,452 $8,948 $9,160 $19,160 $19,160 $9,160 $9,160 $94,460 $0 $16 $3,626 $2,375 $2,798 $3,000 $3,0DD $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $23,805 $3,190 $17,319 $23,661 $25,044 $29,252 $30,050 $55,060 $55,060 $30,060 $30,060 $298,766 $3,421 $19,375 $26,066 $28,319 $33,750 $35)M $60)M $60,250 $35,250 $35,250 $337,181 93% 89% 91% 89% 87% 85% 91% 91% 85% 85% 89% $137 $172 $251 $74 $150 $1% $ISD $a $150 $150 $1,534 $178 $421 $72D $655 $550 $550 $550 $550 $550 $550 $5,274 is $316 $593 $971 $729 $700 $700 $70D $70D $700 $700 $6,809 $2,430 $7,602 $17,273 $19,727 $16,721 $15,391 $13,612 $12,130 $11,050 $10,160 $126,296 is 13% 8% Al4% 41 5% 5% 6% 6% 7% 5% Table 6.Grid Hardening Actual and Budget Expenditures Enhanced Vegetation Management Vegetation management is an integral part of maintaining overhead electric distribution and transmission lines as well as reducing outage and fire risk. Historically, utilities have trimmed and removed trees with a focus on service reliability and grid security. Avista has a long history of '' }, deploying industry best practices related to our vegetation management work, including the use of tree growth inhibitors and herbicides to retard shrub growth,together with cycle-based tree trimming and hazard tree removals.Avista's Wildfire Plan enhanced this work by splitting it into two programs: routine inspections (which continue the existing vegetation practices) and Enhanced Vegetation Management in which inspections A dead tree falls into an Avisto specifically concentrate on identifying and mitigating risk trees. distribution line. Tree fall-in rates tend to be closely linked 2% 2% U.S.Vegetation-Related with wind and weather events. When outages 5% vegetation comes into direct contact with IF ,ttm Grow-Ins electric lines and conditions are right, • Fall-Ins Hazard Trees Outside the ROW there is potential for fire ignition. As part Green Trees of the Wildfire Program, distribution Dead Trees Vines routine cycle trimming has been unknown decoupled from hazard tree inspection, Weather:Lightninglice Storms with each becoming its own standalone program.The routine program will Figure 9.Interesting graphic from a survey of U.S.vegetation managers continue with cycle-based trimming regarding vegetation related outages in 2023.Courtesy ofAiDash.18 18 "2023 State of Vegetation Management,Survey Findings,"AiDash,2023,SOVM-2023-Survey-eBook-Final.Ddf(aidash.com) 20 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 20 of 114 focused on about 20% (about 1,500 Tree Incidents I ' 2020 2021 2022I Average miles) of the system each year on about Distribution a five year cycle. In contrast, Avista's Tree Grow-In 96 72 83 59 53 73 Tree Fall-In 411 420 363 376 224 359 Wildfire Enhanced Vegetation Transmission Management goal is to perform risk tree Tree Grow-In 0 3 0 0 0 1 inspections across 100%of the Tree Fall-In 0 9 1 3 3 3 transmission and non-urban distribution Table 7.Tree Incident Rates systems every year.19 Our goal for wildfire Note that the risk tree program became fully operational in 2022. risk reduction Is to Identify every dead, dying, diseased, or defective tree within strike distance of a powerline and remove that tree as quickly as possible. In fact,the Vegetation Team has the goal of removing risk trees within six months of identification if at all practicable. A key performance measure of the Wildfire Plan is a reduction in the number of tree incidents that lead to outages (and therefore potential spark events). Tree contacts with powerlines are categorized as either grow-in risk(encroachment into lines) or fall-in risk. All risk trees with the potential of imminent fall-in or contact hazard to the energized facilities are trimmed or removed to eliminate potential for fire ignitions and outages. A risk tree is a visibly dead, diseased, or dying tree, or one which possesses obvious structural defects that could fall into the conductor.21 Our historical outage data indicates that trees fall into electric distribution lines about five times more often than they grow into them.Table 7 indicates the tree Avista Tree Related Outages incident rates for both distribution and 450 transmission lines, and Figure 10 shows 400 — Avista-related tree incidents overtime. 350 � T •Fa-Ins There are far fewer tree incidents with 9 300 transmission lines than distribution lines a 250 - N00 0 SWOO due to the well defined wide rights-of-way o 200 -0- around transmission lines versus the 1507 ree G row-ns distribution system, which lacks clearly Z 100 �#_L�11 1 defined corridors. 50 2009 2011 2023 2015 2017 2019 2021 As evident in Table 7,tree incidents on the distribution system far exceed those on the Figure 10.Avista's Tree-Related Outages transmission grid. In most situations,transmission lines occupy dedicated corridor rights-of-way which afford the utility greater authority to manage vegetation.Also,transmission systems are regulated by federal agencies such as FERC and NERC with prescriptive mandates for vegetation management.21 A 99 This does not include WUI 0 or WUI 1 areas or inside city limits with populations over 10,000. 20 Tree assessments are in part regulated by ANSI A300(Part 9)-2017 Tree Risk Assessment-a.Tree Failure.Part 9-Tree Risk Assessment-Tree Care Industry Association,LLC. Assessments conform to level 1 standards as performed from the center of the corridor using ground-based patrols(or from a vehicle)and/or by analyzing high-resolution images captured via satellite. 21 FAC-003-4 Transmission Vegetation Management Regulations,Template-Standard(Results Based)(nerc.com) 21 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 21 of 114 premium is placed on the reliability and security of the nation's � . high voltage transmission grid, and ` I that focus is reflected in overall reliability performance and maintaining the integrity of the interconnected `�$ �s� The distribution system is often located in areas such as Nl'Pi b tF "LC grid, including robust The transmission system has wide well on private property,locking in defined corridors that defined rights-of-way.(This is the make it more difficult to access for vegetation transmission vegetation genewah-Pine Creek 230 kV line.) management. management regulations and requirements. Avista's Wildfire Plan did not alter the thorough vegetation maintenance practices on the transmission system but did add LiDAR surveys to aid with inspections. LiDAR inspections are able to specifically identify and measure vegetation type and precise distance from powerlines to identify fall in potential to conductor. It can identify clearance issues that may be undetectable by other methodologies such as ground inspections and provides a precise location of the issues found. UDAR works very well for the wide corridors of the transmission system. We also added satellite digital data Avista Vegetation Management Risk Trees Removed collection for the distribution system,which 25,000 22,573 provides a huge volume of geospatial o 20,000 18,959 information, enabling deeper and more F regular vegetation management 15,000 12,796 ai aj intelligence, including change detection. 0 10,000 10,091 Satellite based vegetation inspection works well for the distribution system, as it can 5,000 z cover large areas quickly and accurately, 0 providing detailed data on vegetation, 2020 2021 2022 2023 growth patterns, and risk to power ■Distribution ATransmission infrastructure. It can easily differentiate between grassland, agricultural, or urban Figure11. Wildfire Risk Tree Program Work areas and detect the species and health of vegetation,thus can identify vegetation that is likely to grow into or fall into powerlines. In 2023, a record setting 22,573 trees were removed near powerlines.These trees were weakened by drought, disease, and insects. Insects such as the pine bark beetle and spruce moth have emerged as significant contributors to tree mortality. Forest health and insect infestation issues continue to 22 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 22 of 114 increase the number of risk trees in our service territory. r In 2022 and 2023 we found that the actual number of risk trees was nearly double earlier ` estimates. Forest health was made more dire by the historic drought of 2021, but also reflects increased levels of insect damage combined with human activity, all leading to These photos,taken 4 months apart show the rapid impact of an insect infestation. higher levels of tree mortality than expected. In fact, the USDA anticipates "substantial tree mortality from insects and diseases through 2027" in our region.22 As shown in Table 8,the number of tree removals have significantly increased each year of the program.At the same time, we are seeing a decline in tree-related outages. In 2022,438 trees fell into electric lines. In 2023 this number was reduced to 280, at least partially as a result of Avista's dedicated vegetation efforts. Enhanced Vegetation Management Program 2020 2021 2022 2023 Reducing the number of ITotal Number of Trees Trimmed 3,129 4,313 13,036 9,989 Total Number of Hazard Trees Removed 10,091 12,796 18,959 22,573 tree falls is an important Distribution Enhanced Vegetation Management Program 2 2021 2022 2023 , 0 component of Avista's Miles of Distribution Risk Tree Inspections 2,811 5,245 6,466 6,546 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Percent of Distribution Risk Tree Inspections Performed on Time 100% 100% 100% 100% Percent of Distribution Risk Tree Inspections Remediated n/a n/a 90% 58%* and positively impacts Number of Distribution Risk Trees Removed 10,091 12,796 15,678 19,511 both wildfire risk Number of Distribution Risk Trees Trimmed 3,129 4,313 10,780 9,142 reduction and customer Miles of Distribution Satellite-AiDash Completed 85 7,675 7,675 7,675 service and reliability. Transmission Enhanced Vegetation Management Program 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Miles of Transmission Risk Tree Inspections 1,355 2,270 2,270 2,270 Enhanced vegetation Percent of Transmission Risk Tree Inspections Performed on Time 100% 100% 100% 100% Percent of Transmission Risk Tree Inspections Remediated n/a n/a 100% 96%* management under the Number of Transmission Risk Trees Removed 1,288 1,910 3,281 3,062 Wildfire Plan represents Number of Transmission Risk Trees Trimmed n/a 232 2,256 847 Acres of Transmission Corridor Clearing Completed 1,270 1,848 736 782 new activities such as Miles of Transmission LiDAR Completed 540 1,143 2,270 1,679 digital data collection Enhanced Vegetation Management Program 2020 2021 2022 2023 (LiDAR and satellite) as Miles of Distribution Risk Tree Inspections 2,811 5,245 6,466 6,546 well as incremental Number of Distribution Risk Trees Removed 10,091 12,796 15,678 19,511 Miles of Distribution Satellite-AiDash Completed 85 7,675 7,675 7,675 activities beyond what Total Miles of Transmission Risk Tree Inspections 1,355 2,270 2,270 2,270 Number of Transmission Risk Trees Removed 1,288 1,910 3,281 3,062 was historically Miles of Transmission LiDAR Completed 1 540 1 1,143 2,270 1,679 undertaken by Avista OtherVegetation Management Programs 2020 2021 2022 2023 vegetation managers. INumber of Trees Replaced Through the Customer Safe Tree Program n/a n/a 870 477 Number of Trees Removed Through Customer Requests n/a n/a 63 1,365 Fuel Reduction Partnership Acres of Trees and Brush Removed/Trimmed n/a n/a 211 179 Table 8.Enhanced Vegetation Management Program Results* 22"Forest Health Summary for the Pacific Northwest Region 2022:USDA Forest Service:Forest Health Protection,Oregon Department of Forestry,and Washington Department of Natural Resources,July 11,2022,Forest Health Summary for the Pacific Northwest Region 2022(arcgis.com) 23 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 23 of 114 *Note:The percent of risk trees remediated can be misleading. The program goal is to mitigate risk trees within 6 months of identification.In 2022 90%of the risk trees remaining at year end were less than 6 months old. In 2023 only 58%of the risk trees remaining at year end were less than 6 months old. This is due in part to the timing of the respective inspections, with the 2023 inspection being completed earlier in the year than in 2022.However, 100%of risk trees identified in 2023 were mitigated prior to fire season 2024. We did not track the%of remediations until 2022. Enhanced Vegetation Management activities include: • 100% Distribution Risk Tree Inspections • Transmission LiDAR • Distribution Satellite Imaging • Safe Tree Program • Fuel Reduction Partnerships Each of these activities will be discussed in more detail below. Fuel Reduction Work 100% Distribution Risk Tree As noted above, Avista increased the annual risk tree inspection of the electric distribution system from 20%of the system each year to 100%of non-urban areas as part of the 2020 Wildfire Plan.The Company began ramping up activities starting in 2020 and achieved 100% inspection starting in 2022. Table 8 above indicates the program results by year. Avista is committed to removing risk/hazard trees within six months of identification, and the Company continues to work with line clearance contractors to build a local workforce in support of that goal. Avista believes that the risk-based inspections provided by LiDAR and satellite imagery as well as expansion of our existing risk tree inspection program to viewing nearly 100%of the system each year will aid in identifying and mitigating risk tree issues going forward,though there will likely be some time catching up on current risk tree inventory as the backlog of risk trees are removed, leading to higher costs in the first few years of the program. In June of 2023, Avista agreed to the following terms with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC): "For the Distribution Risk Tree Program,Avista will have a third party conduct a study,within a year of Commission Order,to see what the most efficient vegetation management cycle should be in their service area (i.e., 2 or 3 year cycles)." Avista chose an industry leader specializing in utility vegetation management and risk mitigation solutions and who had no other dealings with Avista to provide a neutral third party evaluation.After several months of work,this provider, Iapetus, sent their report and findings to Avista.The key observation from Iapetus was that Avista has a reasonable and responsible approach which is aligned with "best-in-class"vegetation programs of other major utilities. They commented that Avista has developed a Risk Tree Program by leveraging their internal experience and history of tree outages and program performance and via collaboration with leading 24 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 24 of 114 wildfire mitigation programs Iapetus Third Party Evaluation Findings observation Comments at electric utilities with more Consideringthe impact that drought and tree mortality has had on forests in the Western United States, Avista has implemented an effective strategyto reduce the potential for utility-caused wildfires.As the mature and robust programs. Risk Tree cycle Risk Tree Program matures,the inventory of risk trees identified and removed should continue to reduce in numbers as long as the goals and objectives remain in line with current standards.An annual cycle is consistent with best-in-class programs at other major utilities in the West. Based upon their review, Avista has taken a comprehensive approach to identify and mitigate risk trees that pose a hazard to the Risk Tree overhead distribution system.This approach has a two-fold benefit of reducing the volume of trees that Iapetus found that Avista's strategy can potentially result in a util ity-caused wildfire,as well as reduce the types of tree-related events that approroach to managing the cause interruption of electrical service. ach g g identifying Risk By leveraging the industry-accepted UAA/ISA guide,Best Management Practices-utility Risk Tree risk associated with utility- Trees Assessment,Avista is utilizing the most current protocols in use today by North American Utilities to identify off-ROW risk trees that pose a hazard to the electrical grid and potentially pose a wildfire risk. caused wildfires as an annualAvista should commit to studying the root causes of tree-related outages through accurate reporting and thorough post-outage investigations.A commitment to post-incident investigations does not mean every cycle is an effective strategy [�� outage needs to be investigated;however,the more data,the better the analysis. and pointed to the evidence shown by the Iapetus Third Party Distribution Vegetation Program Evaluation reduction in actual tree fall-ins, which have seen a 62% reduction since the Wildfire program began in 2020.They stated that by leveraging the industry-accepted UAA/ISA guide, Best Management Practices—Utility Risk Tree Assessment,23 Avista is utilizing the most current protocol in use today by North American utilities.They further noted that Avista's WUI risk tiers are aligned with the California approach to delineate high fire threat districts, which is considered best practice.Their primary recommendation for improvement was collecting more data about the root cause of tree-related outages, a suggestion that Avista's Vegetation Management team is pursuing. r Transmission LiDAR Beginning in 2020, Avista has used LiDAR24 surveys to assess vegetation encroachment and fall-in risks on the transmission system. It is a laser -dill survey technique that is highly accurate and able to identify tree health as well as tree height and distance from powerlines. LiDAR data is generally collected via a fixed wing aircraft or helicopter,so it is a natural fit for wide and well-defined transmission corridors.The resulting survey-grade data yields sub-centimeter accuracy, and when combined with high resolution photography, it provides vegetation planners with a robust assessment of both encroachment and risk tree hazards. It can clearly identify dead, dying, diseased or structurally defective trees both inside and outside our corridor rights-of-way and is very accurate in calculating fall-in risk. LiDAR also provides computer- Avista transmission corridor aided precise location and identification of vegetation-based issues as they arise over time. LiDAR works well for transmission inspections because it provides a high level of detail and accuracy, including the placement of the conductor in the corridor, so areas where vegetation might impact the lines are identifiable. Wide transmission corridors (versus the narrow corridors around most distribution lines) make it easy for a helicopter or airplane to fly over them to collect LiDAR data. 23 International Society of Arboriculture(isa-arbor.com) 24 LiDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. 25 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 25 of 114 The digital data provided by LiDAR supplements traditional visual inspections and helps vegetation planners prioritize and prescribe treatments including herbicide applications,tree trimming, and tree removal with great accuracy.The data from the LiDAR scans, in conjunction with existing aerial and ground inspections, is incredibly accurate. When combined with high resolution photography, it provides vegetation planners with a A .- robust assessment of both slash and risk tree hazards. It also shows R. n the topography of our service territory. The associated anal tics track vegetation growth over time and are very accurate in calculating fall-in risk. Historically, transmission lines were trimmed on a calendar cycle, but LiDAR is changing that practice. Digital data combined with machine learning computer algorithms allow our System Forester to use a risk-based approach to treatments rather LiDAR Image of transmission line than routine maintenance cycles alone. While Avista is still calibrating LiDAR information based on human observations, digital inspections are quickly .. becoming the industry standard practice and allow for a complete vegetation record, including the efficacy of field work along with the information necessary to create future work plans. Distribution Satellite Imaging3 Similar to the LiDAR project for transmission,Avista is incorporating satellite ?;, u digital data to aid vegetation planners with the risk tree inspection and planning process on the distribution system.This methodology allows for a ; system-wide approach rather than conventional corridor collection (LiDAR), which aligns well with distribution topologies, as it works very efficiently for the trunk-and-lateral, non-linear configuration of the distribution system, which lacks consistent defined flyable corridors. Satellite acquisition allows AiDosh'satellite image of collection over a broad area both in urban and rural areas. Satellite-based data, an Avista distribution line however, is not as sophisticated as LiDAR, requiring several passes over the showing tree proximity. system to collect the data needed. In addition, satellite images are not detailed enough to include conductor placement. However, with satellite imaging,successive overpasses are paired with artificial intelligence to effectively assess the risk of both tree encroachment(grow-in) and strike potential (fall-in),thereby providing a data-driven approach to identifying and managing the risk of vegetation encroachment on our distribution system. Satellite systems are quickly evolving.These technologies apply machine learning computer algorithms to large data sets and help vegetation planners create risk-based work plans rather than relying solely on cycle trimming. For many years, Avista has used cycle trimming to maintain vegetation near distribution lines on a rotating 5-year cycle. However, some areas have higher growth rates and may require shorter trim cycles, while other areas with slow-growing trees may accommodate longer cycle times. Beginning in 2020,Avista partnered with AiDash to provide satellite data along with their 26 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 26 of 114 Intelligent Vegetation Management System (IVMS).25 Like the aLiDAR project,vegetation planners are working with AiDash to calibrate the system and align computer-derived N assessment with field observations. Starting in 2023, Avista vegetation planners transitioned their work plans to the IVMS r system.This allows them to customize the cycle trim times I i ' and incorporate a risk-based approach to work planning. In short,they will focus attention in areas with higher levels of t tree encroachment risk and outage rates as well as increased y fire risk rather than solely relying on cycle trimming. Safe Tree Program 1 In 2022 Avista started a new program we initially called "Customer Driven Right Tree Right Place," renamed the "Safe / d Tree Program."This program is designed to work proactively with customers in elevated fire threat areas who have tall- Satellite-derived vegetation information growing trees under or adjacent to our powerlines and located on their private property.The Safe Tree Program removes non-compatible vegetation (i.e., likely to grow into powerlines), cleans up the debris, and replaces the previous tree with a low-growing species of the customer's choice if the customer wishes to do so, all at no direct cost to the customer. Low growing replacement species mature to a height that will not interfere with overhead powerlines and should not require ongoing trimming to keep them from becoming hazards to powerlines. Interestingly, most of our customers are happy r• u ssiz hti., to have trees they are concerned about removed without - requesting a replacement. For example, in 2022 we worked with 52 landowners to remove 870 trees but they Safe Tree Program Work only requested 63 replacement trees. In 2023 we removed 1,365 trees and replaced 477 trees as shown in Table 8 (page 23). We also implemented the "Safe Tree Customer Service Portal" for this service on the MyAvista website'26 allowing customers to communicate directly with our arborists and schedule this work when it is convenient for them. Fuel Reduction Partnerships We believe that partnerships with non-Company entities are critical, as many agencies and groups are also focused on wildfire risk reduction and there are many parts to play. Avista is working with a variety of agencies who share a vested interest in wildfire mitigation. One of the ways we do this is by 25 AiDash Intelligent Vegetation Management System Intelligent Vegetation Management System(IVMS)-AiDash 26 Tree Pruning(mvavista.com) 27 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 27 of 114 providing funding to state and tribal agencies to support their efforts in reducing dead trees and brush. For example,the Washington Department WESTERN PINE BEETLE 10•YEAR TREND of Natural Resources (DNR) has embarked FOR TOTAL ACRES AFFECTED IN on a 20-year plan to improve forest health WASHINGTON figure 12. on 2.7 million acres of forest land in = So —AeerapAaes IS 'Data not shorn for central and eastern Washington.27 They t020 due 10 tUngg Y ao - msurvry methods and .�. reduced wrvry area. state that unhealthy forests are driving gS - catastrophic wildfire, in great part due to 30 large expanses of beetle kills in € :s Average Anres s m Washington forests.28 As Hilary Franz, W � ,s — Washington Commissioner of Public Lands, ,D states: "We have a forest health crisis in S our state....... Hot, dry conditions coupled 02011 :014 :g,s 2016 2017 2018 m,g 7020 :021 20:: with diseased and dying forests are leading to explosive wildfires."29 Avista partners Figure 12. Washington DNR chart indicating forest health issues due to directly with fire protection agencies beetle kill. including the Washington Department of Natural Resources and the Idaho Department of Lands, the Nez Perce Tribe, local and regional fire agencies, and others to help them reduce this risk.Through our Fuel Reduction Partnerships,Avista financially assists these external agencies with fuel reduction on their properties near our facilities, helping the agencies cover some of the funding gaps they face.Their work helps create defensible space that can make the difference between a structure surviving a wildfire or becoming a total loss. In another example,the State of t Idaho identified several communities that Avista serves with overhead electrical service that they classify as communities at risk of wildfire.30 Avista works with _ y the State to help pay for fuels t c reduction in these at-risk areas. Note that the work in Idaho costs more per acre to complete than in Fuel Reduction Work Before&After 27 Western Pine Beetle graphic from"Forest Health Highlights in Washington 2022,"Washington Dept.of Natural Resources, hftps://www.dnr.wa.gov/publications/rp fh 2022 forest health highlights.pdf,page 23. 28 Washington Policy Center,"What is Causing the Increase in Catastrophic Wildfire,"Oct.6,2022,What is causing the increase in catastrophic wildfire:a short explainer»Publications»Washington Policy Center 29 Washington Dept.of Natural Resources"20 year Forest Health Strategic Plan:Central&Eastern Washington," https://www.dnr.wa.gov/ForestHealthPlan 30 Idaho Dept.of Lands"Good Neighbor Authority"is an agreement Idaho has with federal agencies to carry out forest,rangeland,and watershed activities on federal lands within Idaho.Part of this is joint fuel reduction efforts.More information available in their brochure:11c01 m6771Fuel Reduction PartnershipslGNA-report-Dec-2020.pdf and Fuel Reduction PartnershipslGNA-Update-January-2020.pdf 28 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 28 of 114 Washington because the density of fuels is much higher and requires more mechanical treatment than most areas in our Washington service territory. We have also been able to help fund Bonner County Department of Emergency Management's BonFire Program.31 BonFire is a county-wide resource whose goal is to provide technical expertise to landowners who wish to reduce fuels in and around their homes. In addition to expertise, BonFire also provides labor resources to complete the fuel reduction work prescribed. While this type of work benefits the people in that area directly, it also has a positive impact in developing additional partnerships in Idaho counties,which will ideally lead to additional partnerships with fire agencies. Our Fuel Reduction program not only helps reduce fire risk for customers but has also done a great deal to continue to bolster our relationships with great partners across Washington and Idaho. It is another way Avista contributes in a very real way to reducing wildfire risk for the communities we serve. Enhanced Vegetation Management Financials Table 9 indicates actual and projected costs for Enhanced Vegetation Management program from 2020 through 2029. Enhanced Vegetation Management $1,239 $3,152 $6,023 $5,404 $5,720 $4,901 $4,410 $3,969 $3,572 $3,215 541,605 $0 $2,624 $7,948 $10,600 $7,223 $6,209 $5,588 $5,029 $4,526 W73 553,819 $0 $0 $260 $741 51,200 $1,200 $1,200 $500 $300 $200 $5,601 $o SO $159 $225 $300 $300 5300 $300 $300 $300 $2,183 $59 $327 $494 $511 $107 $107 $107 $107 $107 $107 $2,033 5491 5450 $680 $783 5900 $900 $900 $900 $900 5900 57,805 �• $1,790 $6,553 $15,563 $18,263 $15,450 $13,616 $12,505 $10,805 $9,705 $8,7% $113,047 �• $2,4301 $7,6021 $17,273 $19,7271 $16,721 $15,3911 513,812 $12,130 $11,050 $10,160 $116,296 1 ;1 74% 86%1 L 951M 92% A% 91% 89% Sol am 90% Table 9.Enhanced Vegetation Actual and Budget Expenditures Situational Awareness Avista developed tools under the Situational Awareness part of the Plan that are designed to identify and manage risk, primarily the Fire Weather Dashboard and Avista's WUI Map. Using the dynamic risk model offered by the Fire Weather Dashboard and the information on areas of impact provided by our customized WUI map,Avista can align system protection with fire threat conditions across the full spectrum from nominal operations (non-fire season)to a base-level setting used during fire season through elevating protection settings during critical fire weather conditions.This approach allows for an almost hour-by-hour balance of fire safety and reliability.The Dashboard helps us minimize customer impacts by elevating protection settings (and therefore increasing the risk of an outage) only 31 For more information:BonFire Program Bonner County-BonFire(bonnercountyid.gov) 29 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 29 of 114 in areas most at risk, while at the same time continually tracking risk levels to allow us to move back into normal settings quickly once an event has passed. A new facet in the Situational Awareness category is the addition of monitoring technology. We are currently working on adding wildfire identification cameras and weather stations across our service territory to provide additional insights and real-time information about conditions to help predict and/or identify fire situations. Note that the budget for automation devices(both distribution and substation), initially in the Situational Awareness category, were moved into Operations and Response to more closely align with their purpose. More details about our Situational Awareness programs are provided below. Fire Weather Dashboard A key part of Avista's wildfire strategy is the ability to identify when risk is increasing. Avista developed a computer algorithm to monitor,forecast, and allow us to adapt to elevated risk and fire-weather events.This tool that we call the Fire Weather Dashboard was designed to indicate the moments where utility-sourced fire potential is at its highest and when fire spread rates pose significant risk to neighboring communities. It provides daily quantitative fire risk potential metrics for every feeder on our distribution system and each transmission circuit. Knowing this risk helps the Company make better operational decisions as to when electric facilities should be placed in any kind of elevated fire mode (FSM) in order to protect customers.The Dashboard allows system operators to align circuit protection settings with fire-weather conditions and minimize the potential for spark-ignition on a circuit-by-circuit basis. It quantifies the daily fire risk for the upcoming week on all of Avista's 350 distribution circuits and 72 transmission lines. + A EI Forecast Temperature Wind Humidity Vegetation/ Equipment Human Impact (Sustained,gusts, Fuel Conditions (Condition& direction) Outage History) This monitoring system is similar to those used in California. In fact,Avista worked closely with San Diego Gas& Electric to calibrate the system to achieve a balance between electric service reliability and fire ignition potential.The Dashboard is the key to Avista's fire season circuit protection program known internally as Fire Safety Mode, described in more detail below. 30 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 30 of 114 y - • " ' FIR:2.3 FR:2A Area_Oflire H,.Safe 04-25 04- RECASTS FR:0.0 Fr„I�Ily� 1 C :�FR:0:0 MRX FIRE RISK •$ FIR:0.0 i;,kafie . Spokane NON-DLM .3 0.5 FR:MIj Spokane NON-DLMFIR:0•$,P } 1 eA qr Spokane NON-DLM � T.. A' aem o (8) CDA NON-DLM (�23) MWSWNMNCd Area Filter AVERAGE HOURLYWIND GUST 05-02 Feeder Area Office FR 35 mph .......... .......... .......... ..... CDA w 30mph 2.0 INT12F2 25 mph Colville w E = = 1.9 SUN12F2 20mph p............... Davenport w 15mph 7,9 WAK121`4 0 nph Deer Park Low 1.4 RA7233 S,h Grangeville w 0mph puouuuu..up.ouuouwo..nu.......oueuuou. 0.9 DRY1208 12.00 Apr 27 12:00 Apr 28 �upda�e:iminu.e ago„ WlndGust WlndSpeed FlreRisk WlndDirection 1.4 SUN12F5 Figure 13.Screenshot of the Distribution Fire Weather Dashboard The Dashboard is a sophisticated risk-based model developed within Avista and directly customized to our system. It uses historical data based on our service territory that combines elements of the 7-day National Weather Service forecast with infrastructure performance and underlying fire risk metrics. This tool provides insights into each individual feeder in Avista's distribution system, delivering a risk level based on a comprehensive spectrum of information including wind speed and direction, sustained wind levels, humidity and dryness levels,type of vegetation on each feeder,temperature, condition of equipment, mode of operation, historic outage data, and more. It provides a dynamic look at Avista's daily fire risk and weather conditions across our system, identifying areas and times where 31 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 31 of 114 problems may arise and when the risk is increasing beyond a desirable point. It provides notice to take actions to mitigate potential risk on individual facilities throughout our system. It also has the ability to track current fire paths and estimate potential risk to Avista's infrastructure. When combined with the dynamic operating capability provided by automated protection equipment, it guides the decision to enable various levels of operations and protection systems (Fire Safety Mode operations)to mitigate risk. Transmission Filter ti y U R _Ri 2 EUD wi.dS,.... windG..... rtAaRveFlo... Rre_risk Lol.-O.o 13 mph 21 mph 8% IF -3.0{{{{{{ Chelan-So-... 18 mph 9% I M — n Crimhfield... 1S mph 23 mph 9% FR+2.2 J - FRo 1.8 �.7 -. Cleanva e.. 14 mph 23 mph 9% FR 3 FR:1 6 FR:2:2 R�' Dry Creek 14 mph 22 mph 10% FR:2.1 FR:,21,;, Dry Creek.. 19 mph 2.2 ph 9% FR:0.0 .n FR Churwate. 14m h 23m h 10% 2 'FR:0.0r,. FR:2L1' , c P p FR'0.0 FR 00 FR 121. D Dry Creek_ 19 mph 23 mph 9% SI'-L- FR 1 5 r,111 y Dry Creek. 14 mph 23 mph 10% Dry Creek... 15 mph 24 mph 9% •fK�s -FR' ti Hmvai-No... 14 mph 22 mph 10% Lob-Poun... 13 mph 22 mph 9% 1 ) North Lew... 13 mph 21 mph 9% I I Clearwate_. 13 mph 21 mph 10% Hmvai- . 13 mph 21 mph 10% ev 'I Dil's Ga_. 19 mph 2t mph 10% Stratford-&- 14 mph 21 mph 12% SyWwrc Cw�ry,Bv�a�aH.N Mm�sym.... USGS.EPA NPS 11—:US Oqau.cmdJr 1.wno,,OR�dWAJIaNFi,�E: He�e.v � ...NLy E.. Lolu-Nea P... 13 mph 20 mph 12% AVAFACIL SFDI MAP Mosoow C... 14 mph 20 mph 12% FIRE RISK Airway H.... 13 mph 18 mph 12% Devil's Ga_. 13 mph 18 mph 11% Airway H.... 12 mph 18 mph 10% Low MwNreb Larson-S.— 14 mph 20 mph 14% Lind-Neison 12 mph 20 mph 11% Lmd-Shaw_. 12 mph 17 mph 10% Saddle M... 14 mph 22 mph 12% 6n to J.i 2P 1.122 i�i z4 Wilbur Tap 14 mph 20 mph 14%& AVERAGE HOl1RLY WIND GUST Hatwai-M... 13 mph 20 mph 12% 5m Grange 01... 12 mph 16 mph 15% Airway H.... 12 mph 17 mph 12% B.—S.... 12 mph 20 mph 11% 1-0 Flint Road... 12 mph 17 mph 12% Lo 1-0 Moscow2... 10 mph 17 mph 11% W Neilson-W... 12 mph 18 mph 11% O.ph North Lew... 13 mph 20 mph 13% �I to J�IM 1.12i JU12a Sunset-W... 12 mph 17 mph 11% gYWind Gust Wnd Speed Wind Direnion Relative Humidity Temp P dp Ptobabiky FRP Dedzion Tab Figure 14.Screenshot of the Transmission Fire Weather Dashboard 32 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 32 of 114 WUI Map '-- 2023 Wildfire Risk Tiers The interface area between forest lands and human ��f development is referred to as Wildland Urbany `; Interface, commonly known as WUI Zones, which are the transition zones between wilderness and r populated areas- basically where the built , environment meets the natural environment. Today, _ more than one-third of the U.S. population lives in Spoke �Oe 'e^° the wildland urban interface.32 The attraction of WA living in wooded areas and closeness to nature is accelerating growth in the WUI. However,when I F wildfires strike,the WUI's mix of buildings with �- r t.m.da forests and grasslands can set the stage for disaster. / yr} Md,eow " I ,Homes and businesses located in WUI zones are most tewi;t at-risk from the impact of wildfires and are often located in rural areas lacking adequate fire ll. suppression resources. Approximately 126,200 Avista customers33 (about 30%) reside in elevated risk fire Electri,Dmtnbuti..System mn Wldfre Risk Tiers L..lol zones. 1elti OR Elevated(l) High(3) In contrast, incorporated urban areas exceeding paol 10,000 in population are typically identified as gCV1;,e^ "developed areas"for wildfire hazard potential and are considered non-WUI, as they have well established Figure 15.Avista's WUI Map fire response facilities and non-burnable hardscape areas such as roads and parking lots to help serve as fire containment zones.These areas tend to have firefighting and fire identification and response capability.Thus,fire spread potential is constrained in these areas. WUI Risk Tiers —LOW(0) Avista believes that employing a WUI map helps identify and .Moderate(1) -Elevated(2) prioritize areas of greatest risk and serves to inform �Edreme(3) recommendations and operational decisions related to wildfire resiliency and applying the Wildfire programs within our service eur NAlana territory. In utilizing a WUI map specific to our service territory and Co Spokane s customer base,we can target our programs where they have the potential to reduce the most risk and have the greatest positive �p� ! impact in the safety and protection of our customers and our ' Infrastructure.Avlsta's WUI map Is based upon characteristics of our Figure 16.Close-up of Avista's system such as: Distribution WUI Map 31 USDA USFS"Wildland-Urban Interface Growth in the U.S.,"Wildland-Urban Interface Growth in the U.S.I US Forest Service Research and Development(usda.gov) 33 As of 2023 based on customer meter count and the current Avista WUI map. 33 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 33 of 114 • Fuel concentration and vegetation density-areas with high volumes of trees based on data from both the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildfire Hazard Potential map34 and Avista's specific system characteristics based on our distribution satellite imaging data. • Impacts to communities- areas identified by their probability for total loss if a wildfire were to occur at that location.This information is obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildfire Housing Unit Impact dataset.ss • Our own historic outage data,focused on areas with higher levels of historic outages during fire season as obtained from Avista's Outage Management System. Distribution Line Miles State Low(0) Moderate(1)Miles Elevated(2) Extreme(3) WU12&3 Total Miles Miles % 1 miles % I Miles % Miles % miles I % miles F--5.7 2,670 35%1 780 10%1 1,056 14%1 652 8%1 1,708 22%1 5,158 67% 1,181 15%1 349 1 5%1 418 1 5% 619 1 8%1 1,037 1 13%1 2,567 33% 3,851 50%1 1,129 1 15%1 1,474 1 19%1 1,271 16%1 2,745 1 36%1 7,725 100% Table 10.Avista's WUI Miles Using this information, Avista "WUI Risk Levels" were established: • WUI Tier 0- None to low levels of fuel and outage potential, and low to moderate housing impact (lowest). Statistically,this represents fire risk of less than the system average minus of the dataset's standard deviation (low). • WUI Tier 1—Low to moderate levels of fuel and outage potential and low to moderate housing impact(low). Fire risk is greater than WUI 0 but less than the system average (moderate). • WUI Tier 2—Moderate to high levels of fuel and outage potential and moderate housing impact (medium). Fire risk is above the system average but less than the system average plus the standard deviation (elevated). • WUI Tier 3—High levels of fuel, outage potential, and housing impact (high). Fire risk is above WUI 2 levels (extreme). The combination of WUI 2 and 3 represents approximately 36%of Avista's distribution system where fire risk exceeds the overall system average (high).As of 2023,Avista had over 126,000 customers located in high fire risk areas. 31"Wildfire Hazard Potential for the United States,"fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/products/RDS-2015-0047-4/ metadata RDS-2015-0047-4.html 35"Wildfire Risk to Communities:Spatial Datasets of Wildfire Risk for Populated Areas in the United States,"fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/products/RDS-2020- 0060/ metadata RDS-2020-0060.html 34 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 34 of 114 Having a WUI map helps Avista apply grid hardening programs most effectively to reduce equipment failures, reduce the chance for sparks, and make the grid more resilient to the impact of fire where the risk is highest. It informs vegetation planners on how best to prioritize their tree trimming and removal work plans and allows us to maximize the value of the Wildfire Plan dollars spent. We are also looking into addition tools to help us evaluate risk and further quantify how our programs are reducing risk in our elevated WUI areas.36 1 G Washington and Idaho �L( State WUI Zone Maps 1•'.�Nww + n.�' Y` !� J'afiofWls. �� Wildfire Cameras Wildfire identification cameras are invaluable in quickly identifying a fire start as well as pinpointing its precise location. Early detection of ignition increases the likelihood of timely containment and suppression of wildfires, saving lives and reducing property losses. Camera technology can also assist first responders with evacuation planning and routes if required,thereby protecting a community if it needs to evacuate. Interestingly, a recent study states that only 5%of 911 fire calls are actually a fire'31 but that must be verified by dispatching a truck to the scene,which is costly and time consuming. With the Al technology offered by ultra-high-definition wildfire cameras such as those offered by Pano Al, confirmation of an actual fire and its location can be made.This technology allows dispatching resources directly to the latitude and longitude of the smoke so firefighters do not have to search for the fire, saving invaluable time.Their system also provides information on the nearest water sources as well as wind direction to further aid first responders. In 2023 the UMS Consulting Group applied for a federal grant under the DOE Grid Resiliency and 36 Washington State WUI Map courtesy of Ashely Blazina and Kirk Davis,Washington Dept.of Natural Resources,February 25,2022, https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/7016c437623a445997c072a05e26afbb and Idaho WUI zone map courtesy of the USDA Map of the Wildland-Urban Interface of the Conterminous United States,page 24,The 2010 wildland-urban interface of the conterminous United States(usda.gov) 37 Haje Jan Kamps,"Wildfire detection startup Pano Al extends its$20M Series A with another$17M,"TechCrunch Magazine,July 10,2023,Wildfire detection startup Pano Al extends its$20M Series A with another$17M I TechCrunch 35 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 35 of 114 Innovation Project (GRIP)38 to help utilities mitigate fire risk exposure, specifically to increase situational awareness including the application of surveillance cameras to identify fire ignition. Avista joined with UMS and _ -• several other utilities including Inland Power & Light, Portland General Electric, and BPA, as •S�roamliva well as vendors including AiDash (Avista's satellite vendor) and Pano Al (wildfire camera vendor)to file a joint application for funds from this grant.This application was Wildfire detection approved in October of 2023, including cameras and associated funding of$38 million to install wildfire Al can pinpoint and precisely locate fires cameras across Washington, Idaho, Oregon, when thev first start. and California with another$38 million in cost sharing by the participants. Avista's portion of this was about$2 million. A match in funding from each participant is required. For Avista,this level of funding and our associated match would have provided funding for 10 camera installation sites plus a requirement of about$10,000 per location in annual O&M costs. However, as this process proceeded Avista found that UMS did not involve participants in any of the planning, scoping, or budgeting for this grant. In fact,they submitted numerous materials to the Dept. of Energy on Avista's behalf of which we were completely unaware, including documents that reflected a budget that did not adequately cover Avista's costs with no ability to increase the proposed allocations. In addition,the Company learned that we would be required to engage with subcontractors of UMS's choosing and adhere to reporting requirements that were either redundant with or would require us to divert resources away from our [AN] existing wildfire mitigation efforts. It was determined that Avista would proceed �Y with the wildfire camera installation on our own,as wildfire cameras can yYe Fave a new 19rvliM �•°9P"s monitor vast areas susceptible to fire and early detection of ignition increases ,o sP,aad last. Ganuned Fl,e:3°s""e'� ° the likelihood of timely containment and suppression of wildfires, saving lives petec,wn T�e:2020-8-2°.'�16.9 Co`tY'0 prnado SM1a�Yer"9Sa lca Mason and reducing property losses. RM1ed Ma;ieBN2�lepsa'. Avista partnered with Pano Al, a company that provides cameras, surveillance, 24 hour monitoring, and computer machine learning to identify fire starts. With this system, a full 360°view is captured every two minutes. If the system detects a smoke plume, Pano staff are alerted. If the smoke plume is ® verified as a fire start,first responders and utilities are alerted and sent directly to the site. The Washington Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) Pano Al Notification 38 The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act(IIJA),aka Bipartisan Infrastructure Law(BIL),was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021.The law authorizes$1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending,with$550 billion of that going toward new investments and programs. In early 2023,as part of this Act,the U.S.Dept.of Energy(DOE)offered$918 million in grants to utilities across America to inspire grid resilience efforts. This grant is called"DOE Grid Resiliency and Innovation Project(GRIP).Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships(GRIP)Program I Department of Energy 36 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 36 of 114 recently selected Pano Al to install 20 cameras in the state of Washington,which presents a great partnering opportunity for Avista. r 6 We are also partnering with the Idaho Dept. of Lands for key sites in our Northern Idaho service territory. We joined with these state WASHINGTON • Colville Mountain agencies to fund 10 camera installations. Washington Commissioner of • Lilienthal Mountain Public Lands Hilary Franz is working with legislators in Washington D.C. • Scoop Mountain • Stanger Mountain to get more funding for these cameras for the Dept. of Natural • Mount Spokane Resources and their partners in this endeavor, including Avista.39 • Devils Gap • Krell Ridge By August of 2024,five of the ten cameras were in place, with the IDAHO remaining cameras scheduled for completion by the end of September. • Gold Mountain These cameras almost immediately proved their value. On Thursday, • Gold Cup Mountain • Hoodoo Mountain August 8th, 2024, our Eastern Lincoln County camera detected a fire and promptly notified the Washington DNR.This notification triggered an immediate response from DNR aircraft and ground resources. Due to the early detection and situational awareness provided,the forward progress of the fire was quickly halted. While the total acreage of the incident was estimated to be 20-30 acres,the DNR indicated that the fire would have been significantly larger if more time had elapsed before they received accurate information on the fire's location and behavior to appropriately scale their response. Avista has access to the camera systems and fire start reporting from Pano Al. While Avista fully defers fire response to state and local fire agencies, knowing the proximity of fires to critical infrastructure will help System Operators protect equipment and customers with real-time access to fire activity. LEGACY Bystander sees fire Initial resources are Confirmati.on and Full containment APPROACH and calls 911 deployed to confirm dissemination by resources deployed+ incident&location radio utilities notified WITH Pano Stations First responders& Full containment & Accelerate utility PANC) au aitically detect utilities are notified+ resources deployed wildfire mitigation smoke receive live video through Pano 360 plans+activities 14 tr. Pano Al Functionality Weather Stations Weather stations enhance a utility's knowledge of an area's weather situation, including dangerous weather conditions approaching and on-the-ground observations.Weather conditions directly affect the potential for a fire to occur and spread. Weather stations can monitor relative humidity, 39 Courtney Flatt,"How Al is helping detect wildfires in Washington,"Sept.11,2023,How Al is helping detect wildfires in Washington-OPB 37 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 37 of 114 temperatures,wind speeds and gusts, all key factors in fire prediction. Regional weather stations better inform decision makers related to _ issues such as potential fire risk and elevating protection settings, which is especially helpful given the size of our service territory.These stations - ' supplement the information from the National Weather Service and r __ improve our information when making operational decisions, which is particularly important as we consider Public Safety Power Shutoffs. PG&E installs a weather station. In 2024 Avista joined with a consortium of utilities across the Northwest in applying for a federal grant that will, if accepted by the Dept. of Energy, help provide funding for weather stations across the Northwest,though we will be pursuing these stations regardless. Due to this project being in preliminary stages, at this point we have not yet assigned budget dollars to cameras or weather stations. Situational Awareness Financials Table 11 indicates actual and projected costs associated with our Situational Awareness programs to date. Note that we have included placeholders for wildfire cameras and weather stations, as we do not yet have a solid estimate of the costs around these elements, but these expenditures will be broken out of what is currently being shown in the Fire Weather Dashboard, thus the total Situational Awareness budget should not be changed. Situational Awareness Budget(in Mausands) 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Actwl 2023AMA! 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Fire Weather Dashboard $198 $189 $64 S447 $1,272 $40 S40 540 $40 S40 S2,370 Wildfire Cameras so $0 $0 so $0 So $0 $0 So $0 s0 Weather Stations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s0 Total SituarlaralAxareness(rap) $198 $199 S64 $417 $1,272 $40 540 $40 $40 $40 S2,370 Total Wildfire Capital Budget S3,421 $19,375 $26,066 $28,319 $33,750 535,250 $60,250 $60,250 $35,250 $35,250 S337,181 SA of capita/Budger 6% 1% 0% 2% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% Fire Weather Dashboard so $0 $41 $70 S75 S75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $561 Total Shatiarall Anareness(O&M) So SO $41 $70 $75 $75 $75 S75 S75 $75 $561 Total MWIre 08M Budget $2,430 $7,602 $17,273 $19,727 $16,721 $15,391 $13,912 S1L $11,050 $10,160 $126,296 SA%of O&M Budget 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% Table 11.Situational Awareness Actual and Budget Expenditures Operations & Response l �.........•� �1 r;�u;�� Avista developed a two-pronged Operations and Response strategy designed to react to wildfire risk both operationally and through critical partnerships. First, it is important to be able to manage the system with rapid .. identification of increasing risk and have the ability to react accordingly. A key way of doing this is through protection settings changes and remote monitoring and control of equipment, specifically substation SCADA installations and Fire Safety Mode automation devices. Automation strategies and systems enable remote monitoring and control of transmission and distribution equipment, providing not only direct 38 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 38 of 114 control of this critical equipment, but also allowing system operators and planners to fully see and react to short term operating risks. In this area of the Plan, investment expenditures are primarily related to upgrading, replacing, or installing equipment to help us monitor and control protection equipment out in the field, on distribution lines, or in substations to allow quick response to fire weather and associated risk. Another aspect of this element of the Plan has little or no budget, as it is focused primarily on relationships.Though planned investments in utility infrastructure and vegetation maintenance represent the bulk of our Wildfire Plan costs, human investments in training, partnerships, and engagement with customers are also an important feature of Wildfire Resiliency.This aspect of the Operations and Response part of the Plan encompasses both internal and external resources with a goal of reacting to wildfire threat in a thoughtful, proactive, and coordinated manner, along with the ability to rapidly respond as needed. Its purpose includes building solid working relationships with outside entities and first responders, developing both internal and external joint response strategies, and tracking the progress and benefits of the Wildfire Plan programs to allow continuous improvement.Avista has a tradition of'doing the right thing'for customers and the communities we serve. Working together to promote safety and manage the risk of wildfire is not a new concept, but simply one that commands a unified and holistic response. Elements of our Operations and Emergency Response efforts are designed to accomplish this, as described below. F.,"lateral Automation Clrcults Automation equipment provides"eyes" on some Main Trunk Midline fuzes) CircultNo of our most critical infrastructure in high fire ( j Rec,oset _, J threat areas. For example, midline circuit Risk Su lstalion W Elevated 2 er reclosers are often deployed on long distribution circot Recloeer (SCADA) Risk lines where substation-based equipment cannot _. adequately protect the entire length of the Example ofAvista's use of a recloser circuit. Urban distribution IEEE Bushing lines are typically 5 to 10 miles in length, while rural counterparts can Interface Vacuum extend hundreds of miles. Many of Avista's circuit breakers do not support Interrupter Voltage monitoring or control, which means they cannot be remotely operated, Sensor requiring manual intervention to make changes to settings or to identify an Epoxy issue.This may take several hours depending on location and crew Encapsulation Current/ y p g Voltage Sensors availability. Part of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan is installing modern circuit Drive Assembly reclosers on circuits deemed potentially at risk.These new reclosers are Manual open capable of remote observation and operation so do not require manual Handle Magnetic . intervention. We are also updating some "dark" substations located in high Actuator fire threat areas, meaning those currently lacking automation and Position Indicator communications equipment, so they can be monitored and controlled Diagram of a distribution remotely as well. recloser 39 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 39 of 114 + Avista operates about 330 midline reclosers outside of the substation. Of these, 240 distribution reclosers (both midline and substation) require protection setting upgrades in order to be Fire Safety Mode capable and able to aid in implementing ' �' '�•_,�'� wildfire protection measures.40 The vast majority of these devices are located on circuits that serve rural areas in high fire threat (typically WUI 2 and 3) regions. Many of these devices lack communication controls and must be switched or altered Substation circuit breaker manually by physically accessing the device. Other circuit reclosers are modern units and will support automated Fire Safety Mode but require software upgrades. In addition to updating or installing automated reclosers on - the distribution system midlines,fifteen Avista substations are rA located in high threat fire areas and lack communications ! yj - equipment. Another thirty substations require hardware ' upgrades to support a fully automated Fire Safety Mode system.This work includes 129 substation breakers that serve C'_f downstream WUI 2 or 3 zones. Additional units both on the distribution grid (midline devices) and those located in Avista substation upgrade work. substations require some level of hardware upgrades such as recloser replacement and/or upgrades to electronics. Others need major installations, such as SCADA monitoring systems. Upgrading these units is a significant project and is expected to run the through 2029. Avista plans to modernize 7Safety eclosers Commissioned/Settings Only n/a 65 100 1 4-5 substations per year, tributionMidlineReclosersInstalled n/a 7 17 7 with the goal of forty-five installed n/a 2 0 9 stations capable of remote monitoring and control by Table 12.Operations&Response Program Status 2029.41 It is important to realize that the cost of updating Note:This program did not begin until 2021. one substation does not accurately reflect the cost of updating another substation. Each one is its own individual project with unique equipment and material requirements. For example, one existing station may already have integrated fiber,while a different rural station would require $500k+to install new fiber/T1 for providing a communications connection.Another example could be that an existing station may already have a panel house to integrate protection and communications equipment, while another substation may require us to construct a new panel house. Some substations may have one or two transmission and/or distribution lines associated with them while others may have many lines connected with them, adding complexity and cost to the equipment required. Some may require 40 These 240 devices were selected based on the downstream WUI tier zones that are served(Tiers 2 and 3 were mandated by the Program,while some Tier 1 were also included based on historical events). 41 Note that this number is based upon allocated budgets. 40 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 40 of 114 complete replacement of equipment while others may only need upgrades. All substation sites have different requirements; thus, it is not prudent to assume that each site will cost the same to upgrade. Wildfire Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) , The Emergency Operating Plan (or EOP) is an incident i e command structure that defines workflow processes and unified command configurations deployed during emergency events. It includes defining key roles and responsibilities, identifying communications channels, and operating `. ,,, procedures to be used during emergency events such as storms _ or wildfire. In accordance with the Wildfire Resiliency Plan, a specific EOP and associated procedures were developed for Avista restores power in Medical Lake in 2023 wildfire situations.These events differ from "traditional" weather events such as high winds and ice storms in that those situations are caused by situations outside of the Company's control.A wildfire event may, on the other hand, be a result of Company operations, so has an additional level of focus and action. In 2023 we finalized Emergency Operating Procedures specific to wildfire response and set up a tabletop exercise to test the design against a simulated fire situation. We invited emergency and land management agencies across our service territory including the Red Cross,the Idaho Department of Lands, and the Washington Department of Natural Resources to be observers in this wildfire exercise scenario. Avista's incident management teams went through this situation as if it were occurring.They "1 developed strategies including customer outreach, crew placement, damage assessment, mutual assistance requests, and planned restoration efforts from the beginning of the ` scenario event until final restoration and return to normal operations.The involvement of state and local agencies t allowed the teams to practice coordination efforts. This practice paid off shortly after the exercise when Avista crews successfully joined the Incident Command Structure (ICS)for the Gray Fire in Medical Lake in 2023. EOP exercise at Avisto in 2023 Avista's strong relationships with fire professionals, strengthened by our work with them on the Plan and bringing them into our internal discussions and EOP processes, is also helping Avista successfully engage with them in actual wildfire situations.This teamwork approach helps our personnel understand what is expected of them and how they can assist and support fire command. Cross Training with First Responders Avista employs approximately 290 electric line operating personnel across 12 operating districts.These employees respond to a variety of electric trouble calls including those that involve structure fires as 41 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 41 of 114 well as wildland fires. Divisional managers are responsible for conducting basic fire training at their monthly safety meetings. A prominent theme in that training is direct contact and coordination with fire authorities prior to conducting any line inspections or attempting to re- energize portions of electric circuits. We recognize that in a wildfire event safety comes first, and that police and fire ' authorities command the scene, but as part of the Plan, Avista partners directly with fire protection agencies to cross-train personnel so that Avista first responders Cross-training to keep first responders safe. understand fire incident command structures, their role during an active event, and fire safety. In turn, fire professionals are educated about the hazards associated with electric operations to help keep them safe when working near our equipment.Though Avista crews routinely respond to pole fire events and have basic firefighting training and equipment,they are not professional firefighters, and we defer fully to those professionals. Cross training helps keep everyone safe. Expedited Response Agreements During development of the 2020 Wildfire Plan,Avista met with several fire agencies including those in Spokane County.These discussions led to an agreement in 2022 with Spokane County whereby Avista transmission operators notify fire officials of transmission line faults during fire season. Fire crews are then dispatched directly to the scene to determine whether the incident resulted in fire activity.This initial agreement, known internally as Expedited Response,was so successful that by 2023 Avista had signed agreements that fire professionals, including the Idaho Dept. of Lands (IDL),the U.S. Forest Service, and the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) will respond to transmission level outages in both Idaho and 2022 �.�'.-E 2�23 ��>F Washington. In 0 25 50 100 Miles 0 25 50 100 Miles Washington,the ' DNR has agreed m ' to manage all fire ;ai response even Montana Montana outside of their jurisdiction. Was was The goal of these agreements is to get a rapid response to the Oregon Oregon site of the fault. If the fault causes a Figure 17.Avista's Expedited Response Agreements started in Spokane County in 2022 and now cover spark event and a fire nearly our entire service territory. 42 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 42 of 114 results,trained firefighters and apparatus are onsite and able to engage the fire quickly.A quick response is key to keeping fires smaller. Nearly 100%of our service territory is d�PSNINGTpN covered by these agreements,which have no expiration date and no cost associated with the responses. In 2023 we used our expedited response PC agreements 4 times in Washington State and 2 times in Idaho. To date,there have ; o been no fires found while using these expedited response agreements, but the gyro R NATUaP increased level of safety and peace of mind these partnerships provide is invaluable. Wildfire Partnerships As evidenced in the discussions above,Avista has always had good relationships with the firefighting agencies that have jurisdiction on the lands that our facilities occupy. These experts were helpful in formulating Avista's initial Wildfire Resiliency Plan and have continued to be crucial partners in this effort. These long term partnerships have been created in part due to Avista's willingness to quickly respond to fires at the request of fire officials. For example, we respond to fire incidents on our distribution facilities by opening fuses to protect firefighters, and we also de-energize transmission lines at the request of fire commanders. Avista regularly works with fire officials in both Washington and Idaho to share information about our operations and what we are doing to decrease accidental fire starts from our facilities. During these meetings we also solicit information about agency priorities and high-risk areas to better coordinate our fire mitigation activities. Avista is recognized as a partner with the major fire agencies and is invited to participate with them in pre-fire season planning meetings and post-fire season reviews as well as coordination during fire events. Since 2022,Avista has been building relationships and partnering with local emergency managers,first responders,fire districts and elected officials across our Washington and Idaho service territory in support of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan.This includes county and city emergency managers, local emergency planning committees, local public health Avista has partnered with firefighters throughout our history. jurisdictions,fire chiefs, critical infrastructure providers, public safety leaders, and a variety of elected officials, especially in our highest fire threat regions. Interactions with these key public safety partners include attending meetings to present and discuss the Wildfire Resiliency Plan (including PSPS), working with municipalities and agencies to identify critical infrastructure, updating the notification process (who, how and when)for Extreme Fire Safety Mode (FSM) and PSPS, and working with some of these partners to identify locations for Community Resource Centers (CRCs) in the event of a PSPS. We also invite these partners to participate in tabletop exercises to continue to build readiness, awareness, and relationships around PSPS, and to participate as guest experts in Avista's 43 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 43 of 114 series of annual Wildfire ti��p�tT� \l� y�Eprye 01,�", 9, Telephone Town Hall Q 9N d SDg meetings. yF L �� UTc T Avista is also an active AI2AfH TACOMA►OWEN � .. Im ... ................ participant in the Inland Powli �pSNINp,GN WASHINGTON STATE DEPT OF Empire Fire Chiefs PUGET :" T�=� nATURAL Association. We were asked ®SOUND = °ENERGV RESOURCES ,�,iqGa SpokInd be �NglU0.� to join in their meetings to S"ING,°N SOUHIIM-11101GYIA add input on critical CHRAN COUNTY J EDISON` infrastructure capabilities ;`,, p�G NOrthWesterri NATUOL Drier ° gy 44 " ' �.and needs during wildfire and other emergency �PAC f'IFICORP responses.This group includes the Fire Chief of the Some ofAvista's Partners City of Spokane and the Chiefs of Spokane County as well as the Spokane County Department of Emergency Management and the Spokane County Sheriff's Department.Along with information sharing,this relationship has brought a heightened awareness of how fire and emergency response is coordinated and how the utility can integrate into emergency response efforts. Avista has also taken a lead role in information sharing and learning regarding wildfire with other utilities in the Pacific Northwest. Starting in 2019,Avista began organizing and hosting the Pacific Northwest Wildfire Working Group meetings.This group shares information on planning, mitigation strategies, and logistical constraints on a regular basis. Attendees in this meeting typically include Idaho Power, Portland General Electric, Puget Sound Energy, Northwestern Energy, PacifiCorp, and Chelan County Public Utility District among others.These meetings have been helpful for all participants in understanding the components of neighboring utilities wildfire plans and the challenges in implementing them as well as discussions around best practices in the industry. As Avista's Wildfire Plan was being developed, we reached out to our California contemporaries, specifically Southern Cal Edison and San Diego Gas& Electric.42 These utilities were very open in sharing their experiences,their plans, and their strategies.They became mentors as we went through the process of developing our own wildfire plan, and they helped guide us in creating our focus areas and tactics, openly sharing the benefit of their more than ten years of experience (at that time) in this area. In return,Avista has been very open in sharing our Wildfire Plan and strategies with fellow utilities, most frequently in the Northwest. In fact, both Idaho Power and Northwestern based their initial wildfire plans on Avista's plan and have adopted our strategies and program philosophies as well.Avista is considered a leader in the Northwest in this endeavor. Our Wildfire Resiliency Plan creator and manager, David James, became recognized as a national leader in Wildfire. 42 We contacted Pacific Gas&Electric(PG&E)but due to their involvement in litigation,they were reluctant to participate or provide guidance. 44 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 44 of 114 Avista is also involved with the Western Energy Institute and other utility-based organizations to gain learning and information-sharing related to emerging issues pertinent to utilities.The risk that wildfire poses to utilities throughout the West is always a central topic. Along with regular attendance,Avista has shared what we are doing in response to the wildfire threat and have gained a better understanding of what other utilities are doing to address the same issues.This is another forum in which we can share and learn about industry standards, best practices, methodologies, lessons learned, and successes that we can apply to our own plan and strategies. The benefits of these relationships are too numerous to list. Our external partners have helped design, create, and shape our Wildfire Resiliency Plan since the beginning.They have collaborated with us in actual fire situations, advised and guided policy and strategy, and shared ideas and best practices to help us make the best possible choices. Synergy is a very powerful force when bringing diverse groups of people together to address an issue that is of concern to them all. Fire Safety Mode Operations Fire Safety Electric utilities use automatic Mode reclosing to improve system Operations reliability through managing Levels momentary faults on overhead conductor that may result in extended outages and impacts to customers. Electric faults occur when equipment fails or when �o I weather and wind cause branches Risk Based Settings -------------- ----- -------------- Reliability Based Settings n or trees to fall into powerlines,for i example. Equipment failures, vegetation contacts, wind, snow, 71 and lightning are significant \0 5.5-7, Public 0-3.5 3.5-5.5 Extreme Safety contributors to line faults, and Normal Fire Safety Protection Power Operations Operations Settings Shutoffs each line fault represents interruptions to electric Figure 18.Fire Safety Mode Operation Steps and Fire Risk Index Levels service as well as the potential for a spark to occur, as all electrical faults involve a release of energy before the fault is interrupted by the utility's protective equipment,which isolates the fault location and attempts to reclose the line to restore customer service. For circuits that pass through high fire risk areas, automatic reclosing may not be desirable due to the increased risk of ignition from repeated arcing as the line tests to try to reclose and restore service. In response,the Company developed a methodology for using the distribution protection system to reduce the chance of a spark event. Fire Safety Mode has five levels of risk as shown in Figure 18.The Fire Risk Index(FRI) is based on a number of elements including weather(wind speed and gusts),fuels in the area (grasses, shrubs, 45 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 45 of 114 trees),topography (fires on flat lands are easier to fight than those on steep slopes), community risk, historic outages on the identified equipment during fire season, humidity,soil conditions, etc.The five Fire Risk Index levels are: 1) Green (Low)—Risk of fire spread is low to near zero e.g.,typical winter conditions: FRI score of 0—4.0. 2) Blue (Moderate)—Risk of outage is high, while fire spread is low, or Risk of outage is low, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is moderate and fire spread is moderate: FRI score of 4.1 -5.4. 3)Yellow(High) (Extreme FSM)—Risk of outage is high, while fire spread is moderate, or Risk of outage is moderate, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is high and fire spread is high: FRI score of 5.5 -6.4. 4) Orange (Very High) (Extreme FSM)—Risk of outage is extreme, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is high, while fire spread is extreme, or Risk of outage is very high and fire spread is very high: FRI score of 6.5 to 6.9. 5) Red (Extreme)— Risk of outage is extreme, and risk of fire spread is extreme FRI: >7.0 The FRI supports operational decision-making to reduce potential wildfire risk. Base Fire Safety Mode protection settings are typically considered beginning at an FRI of about 3.5 and moved to extreme settings at about 5.5. The Company will consider the possibility of initiating a PSPS when the FRI forecast is at 7.0 or greater, or where other factors applicable to the situation warrant such consideration. Factors Firerisk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 9t0 be considered may index: Automated Fire Potential Base Fire Safety include,without 2020 Fire Safety y(FSM)Mode PSPs Safety Mode limitation,fire risk Strategy: Manual Fire Potential Safet ' �'• ' Original Fire Safety Mode PSPS potential, relative y humidity,field Reliability Risk WIkIWreRlsk observations and measurements, Firerisk 0 1 2 3 4 5 5.5 6 7 anticipated duration of index: events, geographic st Extreme 2024 Fire Base Fire Safety ProtSyecemtion OperationsProtection characteristics, critical y settings Safety Mode Se ling Mode infrastructure,wind Strategy: Fire Danger Rating Moderate MEW, direction and speeds, Classifications medically vulnerable RellabilWyW9k WildTireRisk populations, proximity to aid, utility resources Figure 19.Fire Safety Mode Operations in 2020 Versus 2024 F available, etc.This list 46 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 46 of 114 of considerations is non-exhaustive, as each weather situation is unique and involves unique characteristics, risks, and considerations. Avista already makes a great effort to reduce the number of faulted circuits with existing programs such as Wood Pole Management,Vegetation Management, and adding sectionalizing devices such as reclosers. Since the early 2000s, during fire season Avista has transitioned into the mode of limiting the number of circuit recloses on circuits deemed potentially at risk during fire season.This operational methodology is an important defensive strategy against wildfire ignition. Previously known as "Dry Land Mode,"this operating mode, which we now call Fire Safety Mode (FSM), involves both identifying electric circuits that operate in elevated fire threat areas and the reconfiguration of their associated protection systems to allow these protection devices to be remotely and automatically adjusted for wildfire threat based on the operating location and threat level. Historically, this has been a manual process of turning on the system at the beginning of fire season (typically early July) and then returning to normal operation at the end of fire season (usually early October).Through the Company's Wildfire program, we have added additional safety measures including modernizing this system so that reclosers can support higher modes of protection and can be remotely monitored and operated, and by adding Fire Safety Mode operations. FSM can significantly reduce spark ignition potential by adjusting the sensitivity of the protection system for electric circuits that operate in elevated fire threat areas when there are forecasted significant weather events during wildfire season. It allows reconfiguring protection systems so protection devices can be remotely and automatically adjusted for wildfire threat based on the operating location and the estimated risk at that location. Avista's Fire Safety Mode has gone through three iterations since its inception in the 2000s, starting with the initial on/off methodology. In 2020,with the implementation of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan,the Company began moving to a modified protection setting scheme that was aligned with fire risk, including automated operations and remote monitoring capability.This new approach had five modes of operation: normal operations, base fire safety mode (described below), elevated mode (removed in 2024 but which allowed a circuit to close back in for temporary faults), extreme (described below), and de-energizing or Public Safety Power Shutoffs (officially adopted in 2024.)The diagram above, Figure 19, depicts the 2020 Fire Safety Mode strategy as it compares to 2024. Fire safety Mode#of Elevated Operation Days 4 Fire Safety Mode#of Circuits Elevated 20 Fire Safety Mode#of Circuits Elevated That Tripped Off 2 An additional upgrade to the Fire Safety Number of Faults Without Ignition Events 2 Mode methodology is our use of the Severe Number of Customers Impacted From Elevated Tripped Circuits 961 Fire Danger Index(SFDI) developed by Expedited Response Requests 6 the U.S. Forest Service.43 This is a Table 13.Fire Safety Mode Operations Note:We implemented this program in 2023. 43"Severe Fire Danger Index:A Forecastable Metric to Inform Firefighter and Community Wildfire Risk Management,"US Forest Service,Severe Fire Danger Index:A forecastable metric to inform firefighter and community wildfire risk management I US Forest Service Research and Development usda. ov 47 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 47 of 114 forecastable metric that can help predict extreme fire conditions based on historical data related to fire intensity and spread potential. When this data is combined with current wildfire situations it helps predict fire intensity,the likelihood of resulting damage, and the potential for loss of life.This metric helps firefighters and communities by providing critical information to help improve early warnings and situational awareness.Avista overlays the SFDI information over our service territory within the Fire Weather Dashboard, and when the resulting analytics indicate a risk level of about 3.5,we typically enter Fire Safety Mode. The current version of Fire Safety Mode has the levels of reclosing operations (system protection settings) described below: 1) Normal Operations—(blue) During non-fire season, circuit breakers automatically reclose multiple times before locking out,with a focus on reliability and maintaining customer service. 2) Base Level Fire Safety Mode—(yellow) If a circuit is set to this protection level, when it trips it waits a predetermined length of time then recloses to test the circuit. If the circuit tests bad the second time it will stay off until manually inspected before being placed back in service. This level is used on specifically identified circuits during the bulk of fire season to limit automatic reclosing of faulted circuits, reducing spark ignition energy levels and associated potential for fire ignition. 3) Extreme Fire Safety Mode—(orange) Circuits considered in extreme danger are configured for instantaneous tripping and non-reclosing so if the circuit trips, it does not test or try to reclose. It stays off until it is inspected and released back into service.This level of protection operates at significantly reduced energy levels, and once the feeder trips due to a fault condition, mitigates the impact of future system faults due to the feeder being in an off status until conditions are safe and the feeder is patrolled and re-energized.This level can impact customer reliability, as it may take several hours to patrol the entire line and mitigate any issues found.Thus,this extreme protection level will only be used for high fire risk weather conditions due to its potential to have a significant impact on customer outage times.At this risk level, spark ignition danger takes priority over service reliability. 4) Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS)/De-Energizing—(red) For extreme weather events exceeding Extreme Fire Safety Mode conditions,the Company will selectively implement de- energization on feeders or sections of feeders as a measure of last resort in coordination with our partners and first responders. Note that we have implemented de-energization at the request of first responders as a course of business throughout our history primarily to keep firefighters safe when working near our equipment. However,with the implementation of our PSPS Plan,when it is clear that the safety benefits exceed the costs and risks of shutting off power to customers,the Company may selectively implement proactive de-energization of circuits deemed at exceedingly high risk.This is likely to be based upon the Dashboard predicting a risk level of 7 and above on the circuit as well as projected wind speed and gusts, humidity, 48 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 48 of 114 vegetation dryness levels, etc.The Company recognizes that this action can have a significant impact on customers. When a circuit is de-energized for a PSPS event,the entire length of the circuit must be inspected to ensure conditions are safe before reenergizing. Therefore such a decision will be made with great care. More information on PSPS can be found below. Note: The major difference between Fire Safety Mode(FSM)Operations and PSPS is that FSM circuits are only removed from service when an actual fault is experienced on the line, while PSPS circuits are proactively disconnected based on an assessment of risk. Although many elements of Wildfire Resiliency are aimed at reducing outage events and possible fire starts,we realize that it is impractical to expect perfect reliability, especially during fire season wind events. By altering protection schemes Avista may initiate a PSPS if on select circuits, Avista can achieve a better balance between reliability the Company determines that a combination of and fire safety objectives.This means that at times of extreme risk, critical conditions at certain customer reliability may be sacrificed in order to focus on customer locations creates the safety. We believe that if this balance is carefully considered and potential for consequential risk of wildfire ignition, decisions are made with the sophisticated analysis and guidance spread,and severe resulting provided by the Fire Weather Dashboard,we can help make our system harm,and that those risks safer in times of fire threat while minimizing customer impact. outweigh the corresponding risks associated with initiating the PSPS. Public Safety Power Shutoffs :U� Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) happen when electric companies preemptively turn off the power to specific areas in order to reduce the risk of wildfires and to help keep customers and communities safe. It is an effort to prevent electrical equipment from starting a severe,fast spreading wildfire in high fire threat areas by turning off powerlines during extreme weather based upon a calculation of risk,typically when high winds and other adverse weather O conditions combine to increase the risk of wildfire. It is considered a top tier PSPS mitigation tool to help prevent utility involved wildfires in extreme fire threat Considerations situations. QFire Risk Index C ritical Customers As part of its operational mitigation strategies related to Fire Safety Mode Operational Criticality operations,Avista developed a Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan for I�Medically Vulnerable proactively de-energizing facilities located in high risk areas during extreme II Actual Weather Conditions weather conditions that have the potential to propagate large destructive Duration&Event wildfires. Our PSPS Plan,to be implemented for the first time (if needed) Utility Resources during the 2024 fire season, is essentially the last step in our Fire Safety Available Mode operations,though the major difference between Fire Safety Mode Fire Spread Risk Operations and PSPS is that Fire Safety circuits are only removed from Proximity to Aid service when an actual fault is experienced on the line, while PSPS circuits are proactively disconnected based on an assessment of risk. 49 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 49 of 114 Many factors go into considering whether it would be prudent to initiate a PSPS and the assessment of risk, including environmental factors such as wind speed and direction, relative humidity levels, outage data (that is,feeder health and likelihood it might trip off), and fuel conditions (includes moisture content,type of vegetation,topography, and tree mortality rates in the area). Community factors are also a major consideration, including impacted population and number of structures,firefighting capabilities in the area, and the potential impact to customers including expected outage duration and potential restoration timelines.44 Infrastructure elements are also considered including the type of conductor, poles, and crossarms,the design and strength of overhead facilities, as well as vegetation types and amounts near infrastructure. J High Winds Low Dry Fire Population Public (Including Red Humidity Vegetation Threat &Structures Safety Flag warnings) that could serve to electric Risk as fuel infrastructure The Company believes that the use of proactive de-energization must be carefully considered, as this can have a significant impact on our customers in the number of outages they may experience, in the length of those outages, and in the associated risks and costs involved.To assist customers during these extreme events, the Company has an extensive plan to coordinate with public safety partners, municipalities, and tribal authorities as well as providing an outage map on our website, a specialized customer CARES team41 to assist special needs customers, proactive customer education and outreach, and Community Resource Centers. Special consideration is also given to critical service providers who are integral to the processes and functionality of society(such as hospitals, airports,traffic systems, communications systems) as well as customers who are medically vulnerable (such as those dependent upon medical equipment), proximity to aid for customers in remote locations, and other factors.Avista recognizes that losing power can have a significant impact on our customers, thus will evaluate the use of protection settings, including PSPS,with great sensitivity and consideration. In 2024 Avista put together a robust notification plan for PSPS events including email, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) callouts, press releases,web banners, outage map updates, social media,text alerts (during outage), as well as engagement with community-based organizations and public safety partners. Restoration timeframes are especially important to customers; estimates for outage duration and time for customer restoration depend on the magnitude of the event and can be highly variable. In response, communications around these estimates are updated frequently as new information becomes available. 44 Note that in the case of a PSPS event,duration times may be extended due to the requirement to manually inspect each de-energized circuit from beginning to end to ensure that it is safe to place it back into service.This is also the case for circuits that trip off while placed in Extreme Fire Safety Mode. 45 CARES(Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Services)is a specialized team within Avista's customer contact center that supports our most vulnerable customers,assisting with resources such as food,housing,and medical care. 50 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 50 of 114 Prior to an event Avista will utilize multiple communication channels to reach customers and inform them about a potential PSPS event in their area, including available customer services.This information will also be published to our social media pages and provided to emergency management partners to disseminate. We will also connect customers with Washington and Idaho 211 services for additional assistance that Avista cannot provide. In addition,we have a robust partnership with access and functional needs population support agencies who will be notified of potential PSPS events in an effort to further support customers. This year Avista will be standing up community resource centers (CRCs) in areas impacted by PSPS events. We have partnered with a third party contractor to help assist with CRC setup and operation. CRCs generally include air conditioning, electronic and medical device charging, snacks/water/ice, and information regarding the outage.Avista is also offering a battery backup program to qualified life support customers who have been verified through a medical provider (at no cost to the customer). The batteries will be shipped directly to the customer's residence.A specialized customer support team will assist with the battery order and answer questions about the program. Avista also updated our existing Outage Map to provide additional communications related to a PSPS event. Customers can go to the outage map to see if they are in an area which could potentially be experiencing a PSPS in the coming days or if they are in an area where one is occurring. Up to 7 days out customers would be able to see if they are in a PSPS Watch, at approximately 2 days they would be able to see if they are in a PSPS Warning and they would be able to see if their outage is related to a PSPS event as well. All of our Operations and Response programs are designed to protect our customers by reducing the chance for spark events, rapidly reacting to increasing wildfire threat, and working with customers and external partners to prepare for and react to wildfire. As described earlier, expenditures in this area primarily related to the cost of automating equipment to enable remote control and operation. Operations&Response i �Waugmm r r $il $1,355 $1,599 $1,273 5438 %50 $650 5650 5650 5550 57,946 SO $515 $741 $1,555 $2,788 5 500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $28,099 S3 S3 SO SO SD SO SO SO 50 9 $0 5331 $1,868 $2,3401 $2,8281 $3,226 4150 $5,1501 $5,150 55,150 $5,150 s36,045 $3,421 $19,375 $26,0% $28,319 533,150 $35,250 $60,250 A,250 $95,M $35,250 $337,181 1% 10% 9% 10%1 NJ 15% 9% 9% 15% 15% 11% Table 14.Operations&Response Actual and Budget Expenditures 51 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 51 of 114 Community Outreach A key element of the Company's Wildfire Resiliency Plan is ensuring that all interested persons know that the plan is in place and that the Company is taking the right precautionary steps to reduce the potential for and impact of a wildfire. A strong and effective strategic communications campaign is critical in ensuring broad awareness and in demonstrating Avista's commitment to Wildfire season reducing the impact of wildfires. is here. Avista is ready. Avista's Wildfire communications plans are directed at all of Avista's key participants including customers, Dry vegetation and high winds increae the chances of virilemployees, state and local government officials and andrs ez gut Mats is doing our part to keep ourSya:em and communities safe. We are partnering with property owner to mrnmm ar trim regulators, law enforcement,fire departments, emergency trees nmrour lines.We are nuking improvements to nuke our syrem stronger.And we arc changing operations when management agencies, local media, and shareholders. Our hot windy foreouts are predicted,In area of higher risk.vre on set the system to be more semitiot-.meaning we don't try wildfire communications goals are to create awareness of and came-We automaticallyato the liningwmes in contact g with a line_We physitatly patrol the fine when it's sate to make sure there is no fire danger before reenergiang. Avista's work to prevent or mitigate the risk of wildfires, Our system isbuItto keep outagestoa minimum buthelp us keep you informed.Log in and update your contact promote the safety and well-being of all customers,to infodr-aniZon our,mbtite.Also sign uptorete;,re pmweroutage alerts by text or mobile app. engage customers in programs that impact them and their Clkktheword-autag:in the top navigation to locate the page.We just want to keep you safe. communities, and to help our customers and employees Leam more about our wildfire_res at my—ista.cornJwi tdfira stay safe. The Company's overarching Wildfire Resiliency Communication Plan objectives include: • Build awareness among all key participants of the significant actions and investments Avista is making to prevent or mitigate the risk of wildfires. • Instill confidence in Avista as a proactive and responsible corporate citizen. Avista • Demonstrate Avista's focus on prioritizing the safety and well-being Communications of its customers and the communities it serves. •Avista Connections Newsletters • Provide examples of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan in action and show . Customer Emails progress as it is implemented. . Fire Safety Mode Specific Outreach • Engage customers in programs that impact them and their . Telephone Town Halls communities. • Print Ads •Avista Website We have a variety of ways we communicate with customers about • Community Meetings wildfire-related work on the system that may impact their service. We 52 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 52 of 114 utilize newsletters, customer emails, phone calls, social media,Avista's website, and local media outlets. When projects directly impact customers, they are directly notified of work happening in their area and its purpose. One of our most effective means of reaching customers specifically related to wildfire and our Fire Safety Mode operations (including PSPS) are Avista's annual Telephone Town Hall Meetings. Avista uses this platform to communicate broadly with all electric customers, including especially vulnerable customers, about overall wildfire risk and preparations for fire season. We request that customers ensure that their contact information is up to date so we can reach them. In addition to providing information and answering customer questions,this platform also yields helpful information about how our customers are preparing and what is most concerning to them. We also share updates on our current and future wildfire plan progress and plans. Emergency management professionals, public safety partners, and key community leaders from each region are invited for their associated town hall. In 2022 we reached out to nearly 36,000 customers in 8 counties and 3 tribal governments. In 2023 our customer engagement extended to 16 counties including outreach to over 90,000 electric residential customers and 640 public safety partners,tribal, and key community leaders.This engagement was in coordination with associated emergency response agencies who participated in the discussions. Each year we learn more from these meetings about how to improve communications with customers. For example,Telephone Town Hall Meetings are now offered in both English and Spanish. Also, in 2024 we started our communications earlier to create the opportunity to reach more impacted people including city councils and county commissions, key stakeholder interest groups, medically vulnerable customers, medical service providers, as well as including more media and language options.These platforms are an excellent way to gather feedback and input used to continually improve our outreach. The Company also sends mailed Community Outreach and emailed newsletters in Washinton advance of fire season to •Dept.ofLandsNR/Idaho •Nez Farce Tribe -F.M a is fer{dl - educate all electric customers WLAI Z&3 •Spokane Tribe C�Mli+ C sftmrsLeAk (Tenerd s. : Tirs about Avista's Wildfire • Specific Colville Tribe � �� Cuy �� Resiliency Plan and inviting gat First Responders \i7 participation in our Town Hall � VulncraMc •Spokane County events. Wildfire related updates •Stevens County are provided throughout fire Kootenai County season. We also run a series of •BenewahCounty print ads in more rural Emergency Managers 4 I communities related to the �iVISTA Wildfire Plan and PSPS. More than 130 ads run in 33 different publications, including several in Spanish, reaching a circulation of about 250,000. We also host community meetings with emergency management organizations led by our regional business manager team.This team also works with account executives to identify and 53 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 53 of 114 engage with critical infrastructure in their areas (such as water,wastewater/sewer, healthcare facilities, emergency responders)for education and support. In all of these platforms we ask customers to make sure their contact information is up to date with Avista so we can reach them as needed about changes to operations in their area. Specialized Outreach • CARES Network. In 2022 we began an effort to better support our medically vulnerable customers. We developed an outreach framework for proactively notifying life support customers on elevated Fire Safety Mode (FSM)feeders.The process is very similar to what we do for planned outage notifications, utilizing Avista's CARES outreach teams.The CARES (Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Services)Team is a specialized team within Avista's customer contact center that supports our most vulnerable customers by helping them with their Avista account and acting as a liaison between the customer and community partner support networks.They are specially trained to help people who need assistance with their energy bills or other resources such as food, housing, and medical care. Customers with medical equipment in the home are also handled with special consideration by this team. This team works to specifically identify and reach out to our most vulnerable customers related to wildfire preparation and notification. 2022 was spent primarily in designing and preparing this outreach,which was then used in 2023 with great success. One of the things they accomplished was adding a life support customer flag to all the feeder lists, making it possible for Avista to quickly identify special needs customers who may be impacted by an event and proactively call them to make sure they are aware of potential outages in their area due to the weather along with potential wildfire threat and available support. • Community Response Ambassadors. In 2023 Avista launched an employee team of volunteer Community Response Ambassadors who train with the Red Cross to provide help and support to our most vulnerable customers during outage events. •Beyond English Communication. We have identified that five percent of Avista customers speak a primary language other than English and of those, 95 percent speak Spanish as their primary language.Avista developed a variety of materials in Spanish which are distributed through our outreach channels and community events. We launched a Spanish version of our website in April of 2024. We include a Spanish option for all of our telephone townhalls. Our ad campaign was created in Spanish and is running in Spanish publications across our service territory.Avista's website and outage map are now available in English and Spanish. All wildfire-related print materials are also available in English and Spanish. In 2024 Avista hosted a booth at the Latinos en Spokane's El Mercadito event to share various programs with the Latino population in Spokane, including wildfire and PSPS. We are also working on including additional language options.This year for the Telephone Town Hall Events we provided either Russian or Spanish for the 6 events. There were 79 customers that identified as Russian, and for Spanish, 1,192 customers, providing a total of 1,271 non-English speaking customers. We also have a language line option for customer service so that customers can talk to someone in their own language. 54 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 54 of 114 • Other Specialized Communication.Another specialized focus is for those with hearing impairment.Avista's notification process for active - events involves email, social media posts,web banners,text, and phone callouts. Our videos are n also subtitled. We are working with the 1 Washington State Dept. of Social and Health t Services (DSHS) and the Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing to further our outreach to this audience, including how to best translate our messages into Bow ManNpoeaNNe sy�� oTxnjoj,Hl1N 311e e3ona"O�TN npN American Sign Language.Avista presented its °a° m° y¢ x�poNN Wildfire Resiliency Plan to approximately 80 staff from DSHS and then collected feedback °�° ••.� e -� �'„ and answered questions specifically related to customer support around potential outage or PSPS events.Avista is remaining in contact with DSHS to continue to refine and improve ; Avisto our communications in this area. outreach 'M � '° " materials • Critical Infrastructure Customer Identification.The in Russian Company completed identification of critical commercial/industrial customers for notification during elevated Fire Safety Mode protection settings or in the event of a PSPS.These are customers who provide critical support services to society such as police and fire stations, large airports,traffic control, communication towers, etc. Recognizing who these customers are,the critical services they provide, and where they are located makes it possible to do as much as possible to protect their energy supply and/or restore their service as quickly as possible for public safety. • Tribal Outreach. Discussion topics in our community outreach efforts with the tribes include concern for tribal elders and medically vulnerable tribal members.The tribes are partnering with Avista to further identify these vulnerable populations (some tribes already have partial lists) and see what can be done to help and support them in the case of an extended power outage. 2024 PSPS Meeting Participation • PSPS Outreach. In 2024 the Company reached out to over 14,000 Agency Partners 94 first responders, emergency managers, critical customer groups, city/county 418 service providers, health organizations, city and county leaders, Emergency Management 201First Responders 60 state agencies, and others to provide education around our PSPS Medical 117 Plan and to strategize about protecting and supporting customers Service Provider 20 through potential outages.46 Town Hall 13,262 TOTAL 14,172 46 More details about the 2024 PSPS Outreach can be found in Appendix A. 55 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 55 of 114 • Equity Advisory Group.Avista is also working closely with its Equity Advisory Group to fully develop and identify Highly Impacted Communities and Vulnerable Populations("Named Communities") unique to the Company's service territory.The identification of customer barriers, development of workable solutions, and implementation of an effective multilingual communication strategy is an ongoing process, but one that Avista believes to be integral to the success of the Wildfire Plan as well as FSM and/or PSPS planning and implementation. Avista is steadfast in ensuring that all customers have access to programs and utility-related information. These efforts will be reflected in our wildfire outreach efforts going forward, especially in the areas of public safety and notification, but also in relation to providing information about our Wildfire Plan and its associated programs. • Named Communities/Medically Vulnerable. Avista attends community events throughout our service territory with a particular focus on Named Communities. Many of these communities are rural or represent limited-income populations. In addition to information on bill assistance options, we also distribute materials on wildfire resiliency and PSPS. We begin communicating with customers in February with a bill insert, in both English and Spanish, asking customers with medical needs to contact us so we can reach out to them to ensure that we are reaching all customers with medical needs when there are risk events.This goes beyond our life support customers to include all customers with medical equipment that requires electricity. We ask customers to report themselves or family members if they need specialized assistance. In conjunction with this effort, Avista developed a Community Response for Vulnerable Populations During Outages (CRVP) Stakeholder Group which includes nearly 40 representatives from organizations and agencies that serve vulnerable populations, as well as municipal departments and emergency managers.The vulnerable populations represented by the membership in this group include refugees and immigrants, seniors and aging populations,folks with disabilities, limited-income communities, and those with high health risks. In 2024 Avista invited the CRVP group to attend a 2-hour workshop at our headquarters focused solely on wildfire at which we shared Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan, provided handouts on the Public Safety Power Shutoff, and gathered information/feedback on how best to reach our vulnerable communities with this information. Avista also offers a battery �•� �•� .� backup program to qualified Life Support ����•� ;'�.�` �� ; �•�;��,� customers. •�,; • ; �• �_ _ , • ••• Equity The Washington State Legislature enacted • • clean energy transformation standards legislation that applies to all electric utilities,47 and as part of this regulation, utilities must file Iy �l In s I� �I ��I I�� I M a Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP) Equality doesn't mean Equity 47 Clean Energy Transformation Act-Washington State Department of Commerce 56 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 56 of 114 every four years. As part of the CEIP, Avista must ensure equity(fair treatment) for all customers, especially vulnerable customers,which are designated as "Named Communities" which are defined as one or a combination of the following ti f populations: • Highly Impacted Community means , a community designated as such by 0 the Washington Department of Health based on being within the limits of an Indian reservation and/or suffering environmental _ -- health disparities such as pollution, hazardous waste, poverty, or - cardiovascular disease.48 _. • Vulnerable Populations mean communities that experience a disproportionate cumulative risk from environmental burdens due to adverse socioeconomic factors, ,end including high unemployment, high =" housing and transportation costs relative to income, limited access to food and health care, and linguistic Figure 20.Vulnerable Population Areas in Avista's Washington Service isolation, as well as sensitivity factors Territory such as low birth weight and higher rates of hospitalization.41 In Avista's Washington service territory, 34%of the areas Avista serves have populations designated as Highly Impacted Communities or Vulnerable Populations as defined by the Washington State Department of Health. More than 65%of Avista's high fire threat districts coincide with 2010 census tracts that are "overburdened and underserved" according to the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.50 This includes tribal areas served by Avista. 48 Washington State Department of Health,"Instructions for Utilities to Identify Highly Impacted Communities,"Instructions for Utilities to Identify Highly Impacted Communities I Washington State Department of Health 49 Ibid. 50 Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool,Explore the map-Climate&Economic Justice Screening Tool(geoplatform.gov) 57 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 57 of 114 In Washington State, vananno """"'yU�MYNA)otsford randfnr 1,044 of 1,708 miles Duncan of powerlines located in high fire risk zones are ` located in � . underserved and financially Rank i�4'�M1 , fi•1/1 a overburdened High communities. 10 Avista utilized 8 information from 6 s'�Sti S s the Washington 4 _ r 5ton State Health z Disparities Map to �} --- identify these `ow _ { populations.slln - Portland Idaho, 794 of 1,037 Figure 21. Washington State Disparities Map miles of distribution line miles are located in underserved areas and high fire risk zones.52 Avista's WUI map indicates that 1,838 powerline miles are located in underserved communities out of the total mileage of 2,746 (67%) across our service territory. Those most at risk from wildfires are typically also the most disadvantaged and economically challenged communities.These communities are often located in rural areas where electric service is threatened by terrain, weather, and human factors. By focusing on areas of highest risk,the bulk of the resources allocated to the Wildfire Plan will flow to these disadvantaged communities. Thus, by definition,Avista's most capital intensive program, electric distribution grid hardening, will have a positive impact on these communities.This work will not only reduce fire risk in some of our most vulnerable communities, but also significantly improve reliability for these customers. 51 Washington State Dept.of Health"Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map,"Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map I Washington State Department of Health 52 Idaho overburdened and underserved areas can be found on the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool:Explore the map-Climate&Economic Justice Screening Tool(geoplatform.gov) 58 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 58 of 114 2023 Fire Season Recap In our area, spring water supply conditions for 2023 were -= much better than normal with higher than average precipitation over the prior winter and spring. As a result, no part of Washington or Northern Idaho experienced extreme drought conditions. However, above-normal temperatures in July through September created an opportunity for expansion of drought areas primarily in western Washington. Conditions in eastern Washington and northern Idaho remained stable." Even so,there were about 200 more fires in Washington Northwest DO-Abnormally Dry Dl-Moderate Drought compared to 2022,though the number of acres burned was drought D2-Severe Drought conditions in mid- D3-Extreme Drought gh down by 15%due to well coordinated response from the summer 2023 D' Ex`e ° °gh` � Total Area in D—Drought(Dl-D4) Washington Dept. of Natural Resources and their strategic placement of firefighters and equipment across the state. Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz stated, "Statewide,we saw the second-most ignitions in Washington's history this year [2023], including the tragedies that were the Gray and Oregon fires. But we kept 95 percent of DNR protection fires under 10 acres and remained well below the 10-year average for acres burned—a testament to the investments we have made in resources like additional aircraft, more firefighters, better training, and the great work done by firefighters and interagency partners."54 According to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, 1,884 fires were counted in Washington in 2023 with 165,365 acres burned. Of those fires, 41 were considered "large" (over 100 acres of forest land or 300 acres of grassland).The state further estimates that over 400 homes were destroyed in these fires.55 The number of fires was about 200%of normal with the acres burned at about 88%of normal. Besides fires of unknown cause, 57%of the fires in Washington were caused by human activity.16 In Idaho, the number of fires compared to 2022 dropped by nearly 200.The Idaho Dept. of Lands reported 284 wildfires on public lands in Idaho in 2023, in which all but 78 were human caused.57 The National Interagency Fire Center reported a total of 892 wildfires across the state, but the number of acres burned was at a twelve year low at only 87,801 acres, almost half of what burned in 2022.58 53 Idaho I Drought.gov and Washington I Drought.gov. 54 DNR,"Commissioner Franz,DNR Leaders Recap Wildfire Season,Celebrate Partnerships,"October 25,2023,Commissioner Franz,DNR Leaders Recap Wildfire Season,Celebrate Partnerships I WA-DNR 55 Lauren Gallup,"Washington state endures'catastrophic'2023 wildfire season with high ignitions,property loss,"OPB,October 18,2023,Washington state endures`catastrophic'2023 wildfire season with high ignitions,property loss-OPB 56 Washington Dept.of Natural Resources DNR Wildfire Intel Dashboard,Wildfire Intel Dashboard(arcqis.com) 51 Idaho Reports,"State Reports 284 Wildfires This Season,Most Human-Caused,"October 17,2023,State reports 284 wildfires this season,most human-caused -Idaho Reports(idahoptv.org) 58 National Interagency Fire Center,"Wildland Fire Summary and Statistics Annual Report 2023,"National Interagency Coordination Center Wildland Fire Summary and Statistics Annual Report 2022(nifc.gov) 59 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 59 of 114 Impacts to Infrastructure Noxon-Pine Creek 230kV In 2023 Avista lost 266 structures (transmission and distribution)to wildfire. On July 8, 2023, approximately one acre was t burned near Avista's Noxon-Pine Creek 230 kV transmission line near Kingston, Idaho.The suspected cause of the fire is a broken bond wire,which came loose and made contact with ,. About 1 acre a wood crossarm. Suspected Cause:Broken bond wire Burned trees and brush Ritzville,WA—July 17th On July 17, 2023, about 250 acres burned in ,F Ritzville, Washington.The suspected cause of the fire is a combine in a wheat field. This fire destroyed nine Avista distribution poles as well as two buildings. • 250Acres On July 29, 2023, close to Avista's Plummer, • Believed to a combine-caused fire Idaho substation, it is suspected that a broken • 2 abandoned buildings lost crossarm on a transmission structure on the • Destroyed 9 distribution poles Benewah-Pine Creek 115 kV line caused a small fire.This fire was approximately 20 feet in diameter and was quickly extinguished by the local fire department. This fire burned some brush but no structures. • Fire about 20 feet in diameter 'd Right outside Plummer Substation a Shawnee-Sunset 115 kV—August 3 On August 3, Broken transmission crossarm • No public structures damaged 2023, a Burned brush wildfire Quick response by fire department burned through the right-of-way underthe Shawnee- Sunset 115 kV Benewah-Pine Creek 115 kV—July 29th About 1 acre in size • Outside Spangle Substation line near our • Damaged 1 transmission structure • No public structures damaged Spangle,Washington substation, destroying one of our Burned brush a transmission H-frame structures.This fire grew to about an acre in size before it was extinguished. No public structures were damaged. Cause is unknown. 60 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 60 of 114 On August 18, 2023,the Gray Fire burned through the communities of Medical Lake and Four Lakes, Washington.This fire started in �i the early afternoon in a rural area and spread rapidly due to hot, dry conditions and . ; _• n sustained southwesterly winds that gusted toa ti 35 mph. This fire destroyed 259 homes and structures, prompted the mass evacuation of residents, and was linked to the death of a �' > ,_3 local man. It was not contained until - ; September 1, 2023. Over 1,700 electric and . 295 Avista natural gas customers were impacted, and Avista lost Images from the Gray Fire in Medical Lake 255 distribution poles. CVay Fire Medical Lake— r Investigators have attributed this fire to sparks from a security light (not owned or operated by . Avista)that ignited brush - nearby.Avista had 13 crews helping with service restoration work,with crews from Spokane, Coeur d'Alene, Colville, Pullman, and Davenport. Electric service • 1o,os5Acres was restored within three days for the people returning to their •Caused by faulty outdoor light. homes, and gas service was restored in 4-5 days. •259 homes&buildings lost. • 1 fatality The other large fire in Avista's service territory in 2023 was the Oregon Road Fire, in Elk, Washington, (north of Spokane) which also started on August 18 and tripled in size in one day, growing to nearly 11,000 acres. One hundred Hospital Fire Oro ino— ugust 29th twenty six houses and 258 outbuildings were destroyed by this fire. One person was killed. It took almost three weeks to completely contain this fire. Fire officials have stated that the fire was "human- caused, spontaneous combustion" but have not been more specific. Avista did not suffer any damage from this fire and has no facilities located in the fire's boundary. • 53Acres • Cause:Under Investigation On August 29, 2023, the last fire of the season impacting our • Destroyed 6 homes&multiple outbuildings • Destroyed 1 transmission H-Frame infrastructure occurred near Orofino, Idaho. A 30 mph wind drove 4. the fire across 53 acres, destroying six homes and multiple a' outbuildings.Avista lost one transmission H-frame structure in this fire.The cause of this fire is under investigation. 61 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 61 of 114 2024 Fire Season Outlook Drought&Dryness11,Dl,ies %.3% OD-Abnormally Dry 36.3% Dl-htad—Drought 37.6% Long term in the D2-severe Drought 3.3% L D3-Ex[reme 0 Drought .0% N-B Northwest the TototA in Dr Drought 3.D% I , Total Area in Drought(Dl-D9) 4a.T% number, size, and severity of wildfires E.. has increased in 0 recent years, primarily associated with increased temperature and D 0 drought, hotter and Drought&Dryness Categories %ot wA DO-Abnormally Dry 33.6% drier summers(and the associated drier soils Dl-Aodemte Drought Da-severe Drought and vegetation), earlier spring melting leading D3-Extreme Drought D4-Exceptional Drought 0.01. to decreased summer water availability, and Total Area in Drought(Dl-D4) s8.3% reduced snowpack.These climate changes Drought maps courtesy of Drought.gov.Current as of August2024 lead to additional risk factors such as invasive grasses that provide fuel. Other influences include land use, prior fire suppression practices that led to increased forest density and fuel levels, invasive species that have damaged the health of trees, and the largest factor, human activity, which accounts for 70-90%of wildfires in the Northwest.59 As far as the outlook for 2024, scientists are predicting a shift to La Nina for 2024,which can bring dry, hot summer conditions and perhaps a later start to typical fall precipitation, which could mean a stronger and longer wildfire season.60 Drought.gov predicted stronger areas of drought in Northern Idaho, especially along the Montana border, primarily due to concerns about low snow amounts and possible early snowmelt.They note that warm and dry drought conditions are persisting across both Idaho and Washington with near record low snow water equivalent measurements.61 The National Weather Service agrees that drought conditions through much of the Northwest will persist.They report that snowpack was below normal across the Northwest, ranging from 56%to 77%of normal, and they also predicted a warm dry summer.62 In response,the Washington Dept. of Ecology issued a drought emergency for much of Washington state on April 16 (exceptions for Seattle,Tacoma, and Everett). A drought emergency is declared when there is less than 75%of normal water supply and the risk of"undue hardship."They state that there is just not enough water contained in the mountain snow and in area reservoirs to prevent serious impacts on water users and the environment.61 59 USDA Climate Hub,"Climate Change and Wildfire in Idaho,Oregon,and Washington,"Climate Change and Wildfire in Idaho,Oregon,and Washington I USDA Climate Hubs 60 Kelly Kizer Whitt,"U.S.Wildfire Season Outlook Suggests a Slow Start,"EarthSky,April 19,2024,U.S.wildfire season outlook suggests a slow start (earthsky.org) 61 NOAA Drought.gov"Snow Drought Current Conditions and Impacts in the West,"Snow Drought Current Conditions and Impacts in the West I April 3, 20241 Drought.gov 62 National Weather Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,WA Drought page(weather.gov) 63"Statewide Drought Declared Due to Low Snowpack and Dry Forecast,"Dept.of Ecology News Release,April 19,2024,Apr.16-Drought Declaration- Washington State Department of Ecology 62 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 62 of 114 Challenges & Lessons Learned Scaling the Vegetation Program to 100% Scaling the vegetation management risk tree program to complete 100% risk inspection annually continues to be a much bigger and more expensive proposition than originally anticipated.As mentioned earlier,Avista expanded its risk/hazard tree program from a program concurrent with cycle trimming (about 20%of the system annually)to include a 100% risk tree inspection and remediation program upon implementation of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan. Vegetation planners had preliminary forecasts of the volume of dead, dying, and diseased trees that could potentially strike powerlines prior to 2022. However, in 2022 and 2023 we found that the actual number of risk trees was nearly double earlier estimates. Forest health has been made more dire by the historic drought of 2021 but also reflects increased levels of insect activity combined with human activity, all leading to higher levels of tree mortality than expected. Avista removed nearly 19,000 dead, dying, or diseased trees within strike distance of our facilities in 2022 and 22,573 trees in 2023. (Note that this value does not include the over 5,000 trees removed as a result of the Gray Fire.) These are a record levels of tree removals for Avista that we see continuing into the future. Vegetation Contractor Cost and Availability This is another area that continues to challenge. In U.S.Vegetation-Related addition to finding more risk trees than anticipated, Contract Costs tree-related labor resources have been an issue. 0 Remained Flat Utilities across the western U.S. are all competing for 0Increased 1%-5% Increased 6%-10% the same labor resources, leading to large increases 0 Increased 11%-15% in vegetation contract crew costs as shown in the Increased Over 75% graphic on the right. AiDash, who commissioned this study of utilities across the U.S., notes that 62%of the utility vegetation contractors increased their Figure 22.Costs of Vegetation Management Contractors costs—sometimes substantially—in 2023.64 Across the U.S.from 2022 to 2023 Avista's primary vegetation inspection contractor has been repeatedly unable to recruit and retain enough inspectors to complete the work. Given the level of competition for resources, contractors—if we are able to secure them -are able to command 60-hour work weeks, lodging, and per diem allowances, unexpectedly increasing costs for this critical program.As an example of the issues around acquiring an adequate level of crews,the Gray Fire led to Avista contract crews removing over 5,000 risk trees related to this fire over the short span of four weeks.They removed trees that had been damaged by the blaze and were at risk of falling during future weather events.This single event led to approximately 37 crew weeks lost to this extensive risk tree response, creating complications in getting planned vegetation work back on schedule. As mentioned previously, impacts from forest health (drought, insects, disease, weather, and fire) continue to create spikes in risk trees on the system, and 64 Source of graphic:"2023 State of Vegetation Management,Survey Findings,"AiDash,2023,SOVM-2023-Survey-eBook-Final.pdf(aidash.com) 63 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 63 of 114 this necessitates the addition of labor accordingly, which will likely continue to elevate costs into the future. Customer Access for Vegetation Work Another issue that is cropping up is permitting and acquiring customer permission to access trees for removal.The Vegetation Team is developing strategies to deal with these barriers,focusing on the fact that it is in everyone's best interests to remove danger trees for public safety, protection of customer reliability, and prevention of wildfires, but these types of issues create unanticipated delays and can also increase costs. We have experienced times when it has taken several years to secure permission to remove risk trees.The Vegetation team is continually working on strategies to mitigate this issue. Digital Data Provider Issues NIVI5 O(OSPAVAL In 2023 we completed 6,466 miles of Tree Health Assessment satellite inspections on the Fpn-band orthophoto images and forest metric.are used to identify stressed vegetation it the corridor. w—sed orthophotos are displayed in both the RGB(true cold)and CIR(Color Inhe(ed)to analyze the status of each tree.CIR imagery penetrates atmospheric haze and assists in det—Ming the health by looking distribution system. However,the at the chlorophyll reflectance in the vegetation.Infrared Refkctence(IR)is an indicator of vegetation health by showing chlorophyll reflectivity in the vegetation.The healthier the vegetation the higher the reflectance aantt- brighter red viuWix ti When vegetaton appear stressed.the vegetation appears light red to gray transmission LiDAR inspections did Q. not meet the target of 2,086 miles. health-.•..ssmenL-era conducted on all vegetation in the ROW that are determined to be at potential risk for falhng into conductions This method is conservative by design to redme the risk of omission For th.Aveta We were only able to capture 1 679 Transmisz on VM 2023 project,Use health was ml dsd ase separate layer on the INWE platform with each l idenbhad tree fond m the vegetation aegmentabon p--s assigned a healthy.stressed,or very str--sad healthattnbuteSee the`'age b " ":.ue`l" for ah-wn`f healthy,rtr—d.and—y:t—sedre tez lxatcd miles within budget. Our original on the Nwon-Puw Meek Trion—ion ..it—th accarnpanyrg 3D UOAR imagery fa a selected group of tree vendor's delivery and billing was so late that some of the work they performed for us in 2022 was not billed until 2023,throwing off our 2023 inspection budget and causing us to not meet our objectives. In response, we switched to a new vendor for 2024 and are expecting Tne Health altribulr and 3D LiDAR Paint Claud Imagery visualised n.ar Prieherd,ID that this change will provide us with more reliability. Tree,Health Analyzit;Legend Icon Attribute Descnpt— Heathy TKe tO%avearea • Lan Man Learning and Incorporating Digital P N•w�epelyge O .etna'.Sed Tree to to 30%atrereea P•e1a Inspection Data warm polygon • very Stre--d T— W—«ttun 30%at—ae As mentioned earlier, Avista is also .kv.w mPolygon beginning to incorporate remotely sensed LiDAR and satellite imagery Sample of an Avista Digital Data Report data into the vegetation management programs.These are new technologies to the Company and will need more experience and refinement before they truly begin replacing boots-on-the-ground labor resources. However, after our initial experience in 100% inspection and subsequent mitigation,this should become more of a known quantity, making it easier to right size the labor required to complete this work on an annual basis. 64 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 64 of 114 Continuous Improvement Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan is built upon the concept of Plan-Do- Check-Adjust. We are continually evaluating the efficacy of our programs WildCre and adjusting them as we see opportunities for improvement. We have � Resilieney made some significant improvements since the Plan began. Some of a� these improvements are summarized below. Communications As described previously, we have significantly increased, expanded, and enhanced our wildfire-related customer communications over the years of our Plan implementation, specifically with customer engagement activities such as the town hall meetings and through additional communication materials and strategies (including expanding beyond English-alone materials). We are now conducting direct outreach in all 16 counties within our service territory, including outreach to hundreds of community leaders, emergency management professionals, and first responders. We continue to search for meaningful ways to engage with customers across our service territory to improve their safety. As an example, having a survey done of the languages spoken across the service territory in order to provide materials they can read and understand. We are reaching out to more interested parties as we identify them, including city and town councils, o© county commissioners,tribal leaders, and medical service providers for example, as well as employing more media outreach. Each year of engagement with our "r e customers and partners through all of our various channels provides additional insights into who our stakeholders are and their needs and interests so we can more effectively reach them.As mentioned previously, we have significantly expanded M9 our outreach, including non-English and for those who are hearing impaired. Safe Tree Program uktngaproamve aFproamao prerant[mun taetweentreesvegelat ana power lines In Yeur omgon e rore Yw wq In wasnllgtan laano,or to Weanw win You as a Islaawner,to replan Vees on Your GopwaY Vlal mule[one Into Outreach to Vulnerable Customers � w�emlln at no[mueYo" ryam""apama m you as as�Your veesrm removal ano repu[ement.It You aevae b 90 imwv4 our We have developed an additional focus on vie appxlatt Yourpatrermip to keep our[ommumry sate wr mare lnrormauon.please eaun wereaoing moreupwte[t agalmtwllenres identifying and reaching our most ° vulnerable customers, including the ability mrs mry ry to quickly identify and contact critical and A wise investment inpreparedness yam",son keeping people ano pmperryvre.aa,vre are wgnmmg our[lrramnreguxm ra pleu�entlnq mnlga"ng ano mauang melmpxt pr wianea wnnanrn mnan<ea auyxv avlppre aeplpnry Emergenry aesponrers life support customers to warn them of the rs p"a„[omaaa potential for elevated protection settings eery aaa NMaVI Iency P.an or a Public Safety Power Shutoff. In 2023 we added a life support customer flag to all the Avisto's Wildfire Website for Customers 65 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 65 of 114 feeder lists, making it possible for Avista to quickly identify these special needs customers and proactively call them to make sure they are aware of potential outages due to the weather as well as potential wildfire threat and options for support.Also, in 2023 Avista launched an employee team of volunteer Community Response Ambassadors who trained with the Red Cross to provide help and support to our most vulnerable customers, especially during outage events.This year Avista also developed a Community Response for Vulnerable Populations During Outages (CRVP) Stakeholder Group which includes nearly 40 representatives from organizations and agencies that serve vulnerable populations (as well as municipal departments and emergency managers)to inform them of our Wildfire and PSPS plans and strategies and to gather information/feedback on how best to reach our vulnerable customers with this information. We are also in the process of providing some medical equipment-dependent customers with battery backup power systems to protect them in case of outages, specifically in relation to Public Safety Power Shutoffs,which can entail extended outage duration. In all of our outreach efforts we encourage customers to update their contact information with Avista (and medical status if applicable)to ensure that we can reach them. Identifying Critical Service Providers As mentioned above, the Company has made a significant effort to identify and work with customers who provide services critical to societal well-being including hospitals, specialty care centers, dispatch centers, police and fire departments, communications providers,water systems, and more to help prioritize re-energizing their service. En Some of these entities are key to responding to and mitigating outages, Se„,,,, care cenrers Emergency Services Basic Services for example communications required I to work with Avista crews in the field ft Vulnerable performing the work the power Access for First Population r Populations Responders required to open the bay doors at a fire station, or energy needed to Va. h Transportation c omm u n Ic,ttions operate water pumps to fight fires. Knowing the location and needs of public I L 111 m salary these providers will reduce the ,�., .—I&S i er Traffic Systems - - -- 40 impacts of an outage event and SupportAgencles 04 Was[eviacer, I A Cooling Canters increase levels of public safety. SShelters Government Facilities WUI Map Refinement Over the past two years we have significantly improved the inputs to our WUI map to define risk areas more clearly and to specifically include structural and human impact. This includes incorporating data from the USDA with the Housing Unit Impact(Wildfire Risk to Communities) dataset that integrates wildfire likelihood and intensity with generalized consequences to homes.This data includes the exposure of each home based on adjacent vegetation,the probability of a wildfire burning at a specific location, and the potential consequences of a wildfire at a given location.This very detailed data helps Avista identify very specific risk areas related to our customers and their location within the service 66 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 66 of 114 territory. We have also incorporated and updated the USDA Wildfire Hazard Potential map that quantifies the relative potential for wildfire that could be difficult to control.This data helps prioritize where fuel treatments might be beneficial.65 These datasets are updated in Avista's WUI map as new information becomes available. The information is free and publicly available. We are also working with other utilities to create a fire risk map for all western states, perhaps incorporating the static fire risk data as a layer in Esri's Living Atlas of the World. Avista is the leader in this effort, which may enable all of the participating utilities to better define and mitigate wildfire risk. Fire Weather Dashboard Upgrades DNR Fire Causes 2023 Fires ignitions from all sources including natural, human- Misc. Natural 8% caused, and utility-caused fires seem to randomly occur 10% Celebration $'%O Equi,/Vehicle within Avista's service territory.This appears to be confirmed ,% by the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources list of fire �✓�;�-,--____ Arson causes in Washington State in 2023, as shown in pie chart. Debris Burning 1% Jr, _/Firearms However,fires of severe consequence and size have regularly 1% Power Gen occurred in areas that Avista has modeled as being at high lJndetermIne:`i 3% risk, indicating the accuracy of our Dashboard. For example, sml%ng both of the large fires of consequence in 2023 within Avista's Ra1%oad service territory, in Medical Lake and Elk, Washington, Figure23. Washington Dept.of Natural occurred in areas that Avista's Fire Weather Dashboard Resources Fire Causes 2023 modeled as high risk at the time of the fires, and the Dashboard also predicted fires of 10,000 acres, which is what occurred.These trends indicate that focusing mitigations in areas we have identified as high fire risk areas should be effective in decreasing utility- related fires of severe consequence. By directing our actions in high-risk areas, we are more efficiently dealing with causal factors that could result in severe impacts to our customers and communities. We are still working on a comprehensive comparison of actual fire events, but preliminary findings suggest good correlation between the dynamic forecasted risk and the actual events that took place. We have done some initial work to assess the risk forecast versus the outcomes of certain events and see strong correlation with the areas where we acted based on our forecasted risk modeling and actual large impact fires.The data we are seeing is well within the normal forecast error for estimating the average worst case fire sizes.The two large fires in 2023 mentioned above were started miles from any Avista facility but were helpful data points in ensuring that where we acted (initiated Fire Safety Mode operation) and actual fire size show good correlation with actual outcomes. Avista continues to enhance its fire risk models as we gain experience and incorporate feedback from peers including fire agencies and weather forecasting professionals. We have added additional 65 These datasets are available as raster GIS data,tabular summaries by state,county,and community,or in a white paper.Located here:Download- Wildfire Risk to Communities 67 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 67 of 114 modeling inputs, capability, and refinement to our Fire Weather Dashboard to advance our ability to forecast and identify risk.This is an ongoing process as we learn from each fire season through analysis of actual events and back-casting. Wildfire Emergency Operating Procedures In 2022 we developed a robust Emergency Operating Procedure related to Wildfire response as described previously. In 2023 and 2024 we tested it in realistic tabletop exercises that included external partners such as the Red Cross, Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, and Idaho Dept. of Lands. We plan to host exercises with external partners and internal stakeholders each year prior to fire season to hone skillsets, develop comfort with each others practices and "language," as well as develop and refine strategies for customer outreach, crew placement, damage assessment, mutual assistance requests, and planned restoration efforts.This work will evolve and improve with experience. For example, shortly after the 2023 practice exercise,Avista was invited to participate with the Gray Fire Incident Command, ensuring that fire and utility crews worked safely together in the field. During this event Avista de-energized specific powerlines where firefighters were working and Fire Command permitted Avista work crews to come into the area when it was safe to ensure that customers had power and gas service when they returned home after the fire. Fire Safety Mode Operations In 2024 we further refined and enhanced Fire Safety Mode operations to provide a comprehensive scale of risk reduction based upon actual conditions. We are utilizing actual experience, such as the 2022 and 2023 fire seasons,to refine and improve these efforts. After experiencing use of Fire Safety Mode (FSM) over the past couple of fire seasons, in 2024 we chose to modify the trigger levels for modifying protection settings. Previously we had five FSM settings: 1. Normal Operations (at trigger points 0 to 3) 2. Base Fire Safety Mode Fire risk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 9 (basically putting the index, i circuits "on alert" 2020-2023Fire Automated FireNormal Hea Potential Safety Mode safety ac atee PSPS during fire season with Strategy: Manual Fire �_ Poten al SafetyMode - - PSPS trigger points set a 3 to 6.4) rtetsnmty Rbk 3. Elevated FSM (with Fire risk p 1 2 3 4 5 5.5 6 7 trigger points between index: i System Extreme 2024 Fire Fire Safety 6.5 and 6.9) Safe Protection a Or Protection Mode Settings Mode Setting 4. Extreme FSM (trigger Strategy: Fire Danger lating Very points 7 to 7.5) Classifications High High 5. Potential De- MoawMyl9ak energization/Public Safety Power Shutoff (above 7.5) Figure 24.Fire Safety Mode Comparison:2020-2023 vs.2024 68 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 68 of 114 With the new version of FSM,the Elevated set points have been eliminated, so trigger points are: 1. Normal Operations are typically(approximately)from 0 to 3.4 2. Base Fire Safety Mode (trigger points 3.5 to 5.4) 3. Extreme (trigger points from 5.5 to 6.9) 4. PSPS starting at 7.0 These changes (including the original FSM concept) are highlighted in Figure 24.The new strategy utilizes trigger points reported by the Dashboard as well as expected accuracy of the weather forecasts, potential impacts to customers, and other factors to determine fire risk levels. We have also added the U.S. Forest Service Severe Fire Danger Index data to the Dashboard to further refine its analytics, as mentioned above. We believe that these adjustments will enhance our ability to protect our customers during high fire risk weather events by reducing the point at which our protection settings will be activated. After 2024, as we experience our first wildfire season with the addition of Public Safety Power Shutoffs in the strategy,these levels may again be adjusted based on experience. Public Safety Power Shutoffs We now have a full plan and strategy around Public Safety Power Shutoff events including new trigger points (as described above), an online live outage map, customer resource center options, provision of battery backup systems for medically vulnerable customers in high risk areas, a specialty customer service team to reach out and support our most vulnerable customers, and additional efforts to mitigate impacts on critical societal service providers. With our PSPS Plan,Avista will consider de- energizing distribution circuits in order to protect our customers and employees based on a combination of critical risk conditions at specific locations with a consequential risk of ignition and the potential for significant fire spread and community impact. This is the first year in which we have a PSPS plan, and as we gain experience in this area,this plan will be improved and refined. We are learning through this evolution is that the biggest concerns of our public safety partners during a PSPS event are access to water and concern for medically vulnerable individuals in the event of a summertime power outage. Many municipalities and agencies (especially those in rural areas) do not have back-up generation for critical water and wastewater treatment facilities,which is high cause for concern and one we are working to address. We have also learned that although each individual county has its own emergency management system, not all are as robust as Spokane County so there is room for improvement in that area as well. Enhanced Grid Hardening/Undergrounding Avista has had a strong grid hardening program in place for many years, focused on improvements made to overhead distribution to mitigate wildfire risk and increase reliability.These efforts reduce the risk of Undergrounding Distribution outages and equipment failures that could potentially lead to wildfire Conductor 69 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 69 of 114 during high fire risk periods. Avista sees the value in enhancing our grid hardening and risk reduction efforts through undergrounding overhead facilities in select, high risk areas.Avista is working to identify areas where large fire growth is coupled with proximity to communities which are vulnerable to total loss in the event of a wildfire.These areas will be risk-ranked and prioritized for sectional undergrounding of existing overhead conductor.This strategy will reduce wildfire risk and increase safety to the communities facing the highest risk from Avista's distribution electric facilities. It will also allow Avista to mitigate the most risk for the least cost related to conversion to underground by providing resources to efficiently eliminate risk at a surgical rather than a system-wide level. In 2025 we will begin a cost feasibility study on this strategy, and we anticipate that experience that will guide this work (and the associated expenditures required) going forward. Working Effectively with Fire Professionals =� ' Avista has always worked to create and maintain effective relationships with fire professionals, but through the , Wildfire Plan have greatly expanded our engagement. We �-�_— cross-train with fire professionals at the start of each fire season to prepare for events and have participated with them in their Incident Command Structure in actual fire Cross Training with Firefighters ' situations. Fire professionals and emergency management personnel also participate with us in events such as our Emergency Operations exercises and telephone town hall meetings, and in our Public Safety Power Shutoff preparations and planning. Our engagement with these professionals,the joint understanding this promotes, and the ability to learn and understand each side's strategies, work processes, and terminology has been invaluable in actual fire situations. We continue to seek out ways to engage and partner with first responders. Expedited Response As part of working effectively with fire professionals,Avista r engaged with first responders including the Washington Dept. of - - Natural Resources and the Idaho Dept. of Lands to create Expedited Response Agreements. Over the past couple years, we have = expanded these Expedited Response Agreements with firefighting 1 +. agencies to cover nearly 100%of our service territory.The goal of these agreements is to get a quick response to the site of a transmission-level fault during fire season. If the fault causes a spark event and a fire results,trained fire fighters and apparatus Firefighters put out groundfire caused by a respond and are able to engage the fire quickly, which is key to poiefire. keeping fires smaller. In 2023 we used our expedited response agreements 4 times in Washington State and 2 times in Idaho.To date,there have been no fires found in these responses.The agreements have no expiration date, and there is no cost associated with the responses. This cost-free program is an excellent addition to our wildfire risk reduction strategies and plays a role in reducing fire risk—and spread—across our service territory. 70 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 70 of 114 Fuel Reduction Partnerships Fuel reduction measures reduce the fuels that allow fires to burn hotter, faster, and with higher flame lengths as well as eliminating ladder fuels that allow fires to move into _ treetops, where they are much isrrzr_t, harder to control.66 A recent major r joint study undertaken by the U.S. Forest Service,The Nature Fuel Reduction Efforts Before&After Conservancy, and the University of Montana found that this type of proactive forest management adds significant value by changing how fires behave and reducing their severity.67 In 2022,Avista partnered with the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR)to assist our customers in completing hazardous fuel reduction treatments on their property. As mentioned earlier, in 2023 the Company expanded this effort to include engagement with the Idaho Dept. of Lands, the U.S. Forest Service,the Nez Perce Tribe, and local and regional fire agencies across our service territory. This work reduces the risk of fire starts and fire spreading across our service territory by supporting key partners with financial assistance in removing fuel on their properties located near our facilities or within our service territory. Safe Tree Program Our Safe Tree Program was started in Kellogg, Idaho, in 2022 and the results were overwhelmingly favorable. As a result,we extended this program in WUI 2 and WUI 3 areas across the service territory. It works with customers directly to remove risk trees on their property. We also added a platform to the Company's website allowing customers to request Safe Tree work directly.68 The "Safe Tree Customer Service Portal"69 for this service is now available on the MyAvista website, allowing customers to communicate directly with arborists and schedule this work when it is convenient for them.The website takes customers through a series of questions to ensure that they are qualified for this free service.They are then scheduled in the order in which their requests are received. We see a real win-win with this program as we protect our customers from a potential hazard situation, reduce reliability risk, and provide offsets to future vegetation management work on their trees and the associated costs. Strategizing with Peers We continue to work with and learn from our utility peers and join with them to strategize and develop best practices. We are also partnering with them in attempting to acquire federal grant funding, on 66 For more information on the benefits of fuel reduction,see a fuel reduction treatment analysis by the US Forest Service at An evaluation of the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Treatment Program—Are we treating enough to promote resiliency or reduce hazard?I US Forest Service Research and Development(usda.gov) 61"Comprehensive Science Review Shows Fuel Treatments Reduce Future Wildfire Severity,"The Nature Conservancy,June 24,2024,Comprehensive Science Review Shows Fuel Treatments Reduce Future(nature.org) 68 Note that only eligible customers are allowed to request this service.The portal can be found at:Safe Tree Program(myavista.com) 69 https://www.mvavista.com/safety/were-doing-more-to-protect-against-wildfires or email Wildfire@avistacorp.com 71 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 71 of 114 regional and national wildfire interest forums, directly through sharing information, ideas, and strategies, and in any other arena possible. For example,Avista has visited San Diego Gas & Electric and worked with the wildfire experts there on strategies and proven methodologies. San Diego has been a mentor for Avista since we began developing our Plan, and we are continuing this engagement, as they are considered a utility industry leader in wildfire practices. We also joined with our Northwest peers in working on the Washington Legislature's mandated wildfire plan in an attempt to ensure that it provides comprehensive, useful information that could be applied consistently to all of us. We regularly invite all of our connected utilities to tabletop exercises and have offered to have joint discussions with all who would like to engage further. This sharing will continue to be a benefit. Expanded Use of Digital Data 40 Poiigons Unapproved(0) Approved(Unplanned)(82) Planning(185) Active(191) Completed(2) Digital data is both a learning R Year experience and a source of continuous �� t� per ,Itl,317wy i�i,1n`v wtk improvement. In acquiring digital data �,, �, 'y�G7�,�g� a�1�. ,,,,,� , t3 6p:: ) M.•p� on both the transmission and11 4 •:a{ x e- ; � I distributions systems for identifying risk �` $�: • ��` � ,... trees we are becoming familiar with the large amount of data these tools provide ' iU and how to use all of this information to 4A 'ai! focus our vegetation efforts in areas that �u. should provide the most positive impact and risk reduction.This data is detailed :.: ; and very comprehensive and we are .. finding new uses for it all the time. For example,the analytics provided by LiDAR analysis allow our System Forester Example screensnorof digital data results. to focus tree work on the transmission system where it will provide the most value and protection,that is,where the most risk trees are present and using it to help us differentiate between high canopy and low vegetation areas for transmission resiliency planning (steel replacement versus fire mesh wrap as mentioned above). We are using satellite data to help refine our WUI maps by identifying vegetation near our facilities, pinpointing areas where vegetation-related risk is highest. There are many uses for this detailed information. We believe that the over-time analysis provided by the LiDAR and satellite tools will change the way our Vegetation Management programs are managed.The analysis provided is invaluable in directing planners and line clearing crews to specific locations on the system to perform maintenance and mitigate risk trees rather than the traditional method of working on an entire circuit or polygon.This data gives us the ability to send crews to the areas of greatest need with accuracy. Both of these tools essentially learn Avista's system and the vegetation around our lines to identify issues and growth rates over time, and both allow planning work in a more precise and predictable way, streamlining our vegetation management programs and helping to maximize their value. 72 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 72 of 114 Prioritizing Steel Grid Hardening We have refined the Transmission Steel Replacement Program to include not only WUI map designations, but also the fire history and number of occurrences near each of our lines. Avista layered the fire maps associated with our service territory over our transmission system.This allowed us to see the historic fires that have occurred within strike distance of our transmission lines as well as acquire a count of the frequency of the fires near each line, identifying lines or segments most likely to experience fire issues based on actual events, helping inform the level of risk. To add another dimension to this data,we layered a vegetation dataset over our transmission line maps to indicate whether the lines are in high tree level or forested areas versus low IL - growth and/or developed areas. This segregation is significant from a cost 4 perspective, as it allows us to separate our mitigation `FMIA . efforts into poles in high Avisto Steel Transmission Pole Replacement Work canopy/forested areas which are candidates for steel replacement, and those in low vegetation areas which may be adequately protected with fire resistant mesh.The cost for replacement of a wood pole with steel is several thousand dollars per pole versus a few hundred dollars for installing mesh wrap on a pole.Thus, knowing where the poles are physically located and the geography of the area, has a significant budget impact. 73 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 73 of 114 AVISTA WILDFIRE RESILIENCY PLAN GLOSSARY OF TERMS Access and Functional Needs (AFN): Customers who are especially vulnerable, such as those who are disabled, dependent on electrically operated medical equipment, who are transportation disadvantaged, etc. ADMS: Advanced Distribution Management System.This is the replacement system for Avista's current inhouse-created Outage Management System (OMS) designed to manage and track all planned and unplanned outages that affect the grid. It is an enterprise level system. Wildfire is among many other Company users of this system. I Animal Guards: Parts installed to act as a barrier to stop animals such as Animal Guard squirrels and birds from coming into contact with energized power equipment. Asset: Electric lines, structures, equipment, or supporting hardware in the service of providing electric power to customers. J At-Risk Species: Species of vegetation that have an elevated risk of: (1) coming into contact with powerlines, (2) causing an outage or ignition, and/or(3) are easily ignitable and within close proximity to potential arcing, sparks and/or other utility equipment thermal failures. "At-risk species" are a function of species-specific characteristics including growth rate,failure rate of limbs,trunk, and/or roots (as compared to other species), height at maturity,flammability, vulnerability to disease or insects, etc. v , Backburn/Backfire:A fire set along the inner edge of a fire line to consume the fuel in the path of a wildfire and/or change the - direction of force of the fire to help get it under control. Bail Connector:A protection device installed on hot taps to hold the conductor if the hot tap fails, preventing live conductor from falling to the ground and potentially starting a fire. Base Level Fire Safety Mode (FSM):This is Avista's current "normal" Fire Safety Mode protection scheme that has the goal of balancing reliability and fire risk potential. In this configuration, circuit breakers will provide a fast trip to clear temporary fault conditions such as animal contact, small tree branch, or lightning disturbance with a short D.., Time Delay pause before a reclose attempt. If the circuit Instantaneous„Tripping Open Period Tripping remains faulted, such as wire-down or a tree in the .second) Auto-Reclose line,the nearest upstream fuse will operate and isolate the faulted line section.This reduces the spark-ignition potential associated with temporary faults and slightly increases the level for permanent faults. When protection devices are operating in Base Level Fire Safety mode, only the 74 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 74 of 114 time delay overcurrent element is active, meaning both the instantaneous tripping and automatic reclosing are disabled. Baseline: A measure,typically of the current state or condition,which establishes a starting point for comparison with measures from other states or conditions. Brush: Refers to vegetation dominated by shrubby, woody plants, or low growing trees. Bulk-Power System:This includes all facilities and control systems necessary for operating the interconnected electric transmission network(or any part of it) as well as the electric energy from generation facilities needed to maintain transmission system reliability.This includes facilities that, if disrupted,would impact the grid beyond just one location or utility. Burning Index:An estimate of the potential difficulty of fire containment,judged by the flame length at the most rapidly spreading portion of a fire's perimeter. CAM Customer Average Interruption Duration CAIDI: CAIDI refers to "Customer Average Interruption Duration Index." It is calculated as total minutes of customer interruption divided by the total number of customers interrupted. CAIDI describes the average time required to restore service. It only includes SAIFI CAIFI System Average AIL System Average customers who actually experienced an interruption. interruption Frequency Interruption Duration CAIFI: CAM refers to "Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index." It is calculated by dividing the number of interruptions by the number of customers experiencing interruptions. It describes how many interruptions each impacted customer experiences. CARES: Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Services is a specialized team within Avista's customer contact center that supports our most vulnerable customers, assisting with resources such as food, housing, and medical care. Cascading Outage:The uncontrolled successive loss of system elements triggered by an incident at any location that can cause a cascading outage that rolls across several sections or the entire interconnection. Usually there is one or more initiating events, such as heavy loading. For example, a transmission line experiencing high temperatures and sagging into a tree, causing the line to fail, which shifts the load it was carrying to other interconnected lines, overloading them, and triggering cascading events in widespread electric service interruption that reaches a point where it cannot be stopped from spreading beyond the area in which it started. CEIP/Clean Energy Implementation Plan: Washington State's RCW 19.405,the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA).70 This Act requires all retail sales of electricity to Washington customers 0 RCW 19.405.040:Greenhouse gas neutrality—Responsibilities for electric utilities—Energy transformation project criteria—Penalties.Chapter 19.405 75 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 75 of 114 be greenhouse gas neutral by January 1, 2030. Avista's CEIP work impacts Wildfire as the CEIP team works to communicate better with customers, including on wildfire preparation, Fire Safety Mode, and Public Safety Power Shutoff impacts. power plant transmission lines carry Electric Circuit generates electricity electricity long distances distribution lines carry CEML Stands for"Customers Experiencing f�/"' electricity to houses Multiple Interruptions"which indicates the ratio of customers experiencing 1 or more sustained interruptions as a step ownriscrcitys step down electricity translarmer steps before it enters houses percent of the total number of p neighborhood M up voltage for transformer steps customers served.This is a customer- transmission down voltage centric measurement that helps identify "worst served" customers. Circuit:The path for transmitting electric current from the device that creates the current(generator) across all associated equipment (such as the wire or conductor, switches,transformers, breakers, etc.) to the end user, as shown in the graphic on the right. Circuit Breaker: An essential device usually located in a substation for interrupting excessive current flow typically initiated by a fault or heavy t' loading. Circuit breakers cut the power until someone can fix the problem. In addition, using a circuit breaker, interruption and reclosing times can be Circuit Breaker adjusted to keep temporary faults from resulting in a sustained outage.The circuit breaker can sense whether the fault is transient and choose to keep the electricity flowing. If it is a serious - --- fault that must be addressed,the breaker halts ICircuitMil ' the flow. I� B Line Miles Circuit Mile:The total length in miles of separate Circuit Recloser 1 Relays circuits regardless of the number of conductors ;. Modern circuit reclosers are used per circuit. controlled via microprocessor relays.In this photograph,a Schweitzer SEL-351R relay is Circuit Recloser: Circuit reclosers are similar to ii beingtested priorto installation. ' Equipment connected to household breakers.They shut off the power when communication systems(SCADA &DMS(are continuously trouble has been detected then automatically test monitored and capable of remote operation.This the line to see if the trouble has been removed. If I' ! functionality is an important element in Avista's wildfire the problem is only temporary,the recloser strategy. automatically resets itself and restores electrical power.Adding communications to circuit reclosers RM WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY TRANSFORMATION ACT 76 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 76 of 114 provides monitoring and control functionality, including the ability to operate the device remotely. Also, by placing circuit A Lesson reclosers at strategic locations,Avista Distribution Operations can re-task or control those devices during periods of elevated What happens if lightning strikes? fire danger to operate in fire protection mode rather than in their typical reliability mode. In other words, if there is a high- risk situation,the reclosers can be set to not automatically reclose. Community Response Ambassadors:An Avista employee team of volunteers who train with the Red Cross to provide help and support to our most vulnerable customers during outage events. Complex: As related to fire, this is when two or more individual fire incidents located in the same general area are assigned to a single incident commander or unified fire command and typically given one name that includes the word "Complex" to indicate that the fire has individual components. Condition-Based: Maintenance based on the way equipment is performing, its age, number of times it was actuated, and/or other factors that indicate the actual condition of an asset. Conductor:This is the wires or lines suspend ed from towers or poles that help electricity to pass from one location to another, generally made of aluminum reinforced with steel or composite materials, though some low and medium voltage conductor is made of copper. Consumer Average Interruption Duration Index: CAI DI is the average duration of an interruption, calculated based on the total number of sustained (over five minutes in length) interruptions in a year, considered the average restoration time over the course of a year across the entire utility. �Ilflrr� Control Line:A completed fuel break around the fire.This break may include natural barriers, manually created barriers, and/or mechanically constructed fire lines in an attempt to control the t fire. Cooperating Agency/Partner: For Avista,this includes external fire professionals, agencies that provide customer assistance, law enforcement,the Red Cross, emergency management agencies, state and local governments, tribes, etc.that the Company works with in planning and implementing our Wildfire Plan as well as in actual fire or fire threat situations. 77 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 77 of 114 Critical Facilities/Infrastructure: Referring to outage events,these are F elements critical to public safety such as emergency services, schools, jails/prisons, healthcare and medical services, water,waste and wastewater systems, communications, some manufacturing, and transportation. Referring to the utility,these are elements of the electrical grid that are required in order to provide customer service as well as human health and safety. Critical infrastructure is a priority for restoration of service. -i { Above:Transmission Crossarm:A crossarm is a piece of hardware providing an crossarm attachment point for insulators to support the loading of / { Left:Distribution overhead conductors.The crossarm is typically made of crossarm wood, steel, or fiberglass. Crowning:A crown fire is defined as a fire that has ascended from the ground into the forest canopy and is spreading through it, usually in conjunction with the surface fuels. When a forest fire spreads from treetop to treetop it often begins advancing at great speed,well in advance of the fire on the ground, and becomes extremely dangerous and difficult to control. Customer Choice Right Tree Right Place Program:This has been renamed the "Safe Tree Program." It is a partnership with private landowners to remove trees located on private property that are likely to come into contact with power lines.This program reduces the chances of these trees contacting powerlines and creating fire potential, danger to the customer, or loss of reliability. Customer Hours: In reference to power outages,this is the total number of :.` cutout customers multiplied by the average number of hours of power outages. Cutout:A "C" shaped piece of insulated hardware with a tubular insulator that is .. designed to melt or break when the circuit going through it exceeds its rated ' value.This serves to disconnect one section of the line from another section of "Melt" the line for maintenance or repair or to prevent an outage from spreading. tube. Cycle Trimming: At Avista, the routine vegetation management program divides the system into five segments which are patrolled on a rotating five-year basis, meaning about 20%of the system is inspected and subject to trimming each year.The Wildfire program y ; / /0 added a 100% risk tree inspection to non-urban areas of the -i distribution system in addition to the routine cycle trimming to more � rapidly identify and address vegetation issues that may lead to fire. A sick and damaged"danger"tree located adjacent to power lines. Danger Tree: At Avista, a danger or risk tree is a tree with the potential of imminent fall-in hazard to energized facilities. This is a 78 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 78 of 114 DEAD FUEL MOISTURE CLASSES tree within or adjacent to the utility right-of-way that is dead, diseased, or dying or has a structural defect or lean Cured Grass Needle Litter 0ow�ed wood that makes it likely to fail in whole or in part and contact electrical equipment or facilities. Dead Fuels: Fuels with no living tissue, so moisture content is governed almost entirely by atmospheric moisture (relative humidity and precipitation). Moisture and flammability of dead fuels is governed by the weather conditions around them.Fine dead fuels,like grass and litter,gainand lose t moisture Dead Fuel Moisture: Moisture content of dead vegetation, from hour to hour as the sun rises and sets,the temperature risesandfalls,and moisture moves which responds to current environmental conditions.This is between the fuel and the air.Peak burning conditions typically°"urlate in the after"°°". critical in determining fire risk potential. Larger dead woody fuels dry more slowly and usually burn most readily during the peak season. Defensible Space:An area, either naturally or human-made, where material capable of causing a fire to spread has been treated, cleared, reduced, or changed to act as a barrier between an advancing wildland fire and the loss of life, property, or resources. In practice, "defensible space" is often defined Creating Defensible Space as a buffer, an area a minimum of 30 feet around a structure that is cleared of 30-foot-defensible space 70 feet too feet flammable brush or vegetation. In forested Game Vent aoet � G �p a,- areas,this buffer area increases to 100 feet of •� �, space. Digital Data Collection:At Avista, this means - collecting LiDAR and satellite images of our transmission and distribution systems in order to help pinpoint vegetation issues and other encroachments,which allows us to plan vegetation field work and mitigate problematic vegetation more accurately. Dispatcher: A person who receives reports of discovery and status of outages, confirms their locations, and takes action to provide people and equipment likely to be needed, sending them to the proper place with all available information in order to make repairs or manage a situation effectively. Distribution (DX): Electric facilities that have a voltage that is 60 kV or lower. Distribution Automation: Avista's Wildfire Program to aid in implementing wildfire protection measures.This program will fund upgrading or replacing 240 devices (including about 50 midline and substation breakers)to enable dynamic protection settings, allowing these devices to be monitored and operated remotely and automatically during fire season. Distribution Grid Hardening: Avista's Distribution Grid Hardening Program targets portions of circuits located in high-risk fire areas with the goal of reducing spark ignition outages.This work includes replacing wood crossarms with fiberglass units, replacing end-of-life wood poles, changing out 79 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 79 of 114 obsolete small copper wire with modern steel reinforced aluminum wire, installing wildlife guards to reduce animal related events, eliminating open wire secondary districts, installing wedge connected stirrups to provide protection and additional strength at hot tap connection points, and undergrounding conductor when cost-justified. Distribution Infrastructure Upgrades: In Avista's Wildfire Plan,this means making improvements to our distribution system including adding wildlife guards, replacing wood crossarms with fiberglass, replacing wood poles with steel in specific locations, and replacing replaced obsolete equipment that has known spark potential.These changes are designed to increase resiliency and reduce the potential for sparks. Also called Distribution Grid Hardening. Drip Torch Drip Torch: A hand-held device for igniting fires by dripping flaming t` liquid fuel on the materials to be burned; consists of a fuel fount, pburner arm and igniter. Fuel used is generally a mixture of diesel and gasoline.This tool is used to create back burns to help control a fire's spread. .- Drought Index: A number representing net effect of evaporation, transpiration, and precipitation in producing cumulative moisture PA94MM depletion in the soil. Studies done by NASA found a strong (Trip and stay off until manually correlation between dry soil and an increase in fires.71 Dry soil can t help create favorable ignition conditions, especially in regard to its Elevated Fire Safety Mode (Trip,test,then reclose if good—no impacts on the health of vegetation. delay/wait) Dry Land Mode (DLM): Renamed Fire Safety Mode, this is a non Base Level Fire Saf,Jo - (Trip,wait,test,then rec reclosing distribution protection scheme used during summer fire t season (typically July and August) on circuits determined to be at Non-Fire Season risk for fire activity based on a variety of factors including (Normal Operations,multiple recloses allowed) vegetation, past events, and age of equipment. This strategy Original Dry Land Mode Levels modifies the protection settings of equipment in the field in response to fire threat conditions as a way to reduce the chance of utility equipment creating a spark. Easement: An agreed-upon use of land by someone other than the landowner.An easement allows building on someone else's property versus a right-of-way which only allows access to travel across someone else's property. Elevated Fire Safety Mode : Circuits whose fire risk exceeds nominal levels are modified to increase protection levels.This is similar to Base DLM/FSM but instead of a time delay tripping step the circuit will instantly trip if it tests bad.This allows service restoration for temporary faults but will 71 Karl B.Hille,"NASA Study Finds a Connection Between Wildfires and Drought,"Jan.9,2017,NASA StudV Finds a Connection Between Wildfires and Drought-NASA 80 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 80 of 114 de-energize the entire circuit for permanent faults by ITY tripping off at the breaker. Elevated Fire Danger means that weather and land conditions are favorable for erratic fire spread,if a fire does start. Elevated Fire Threat Areas:These are WUI Tiers 2 Stay safe from fire danger with those tips! ,,.� ti- - and 3 in which there is a higher risk for the ignition Properly discard cigarettes-don'ttoss and rapid spread of wildfires due to the proximity of them from a vehicle • Avoid parking on dry grass and check flammable vegetation,vegetation ignitability, human trailers for dragging chains. �. activity and habitation zones, and other Avoid activifiesthal cause open flames or sparks - "'+ environmental conditions. Mild►; Elevated Wildfire Risk:This means that based on existing weather and vegetation conditions,wildfires are possible should ignitions occur.At this level, the Company considers making changes to the distribution protection systems to reduce this risk. Emergency First Responder Training: Protects both - firefighters and utility workers in the event of a fire ° g. ri event by providing proper training in response to both. - Avista first responders (field crews) are trained by fire personnel in fire safety and engaging with fire incident command, and fire responders are trained in safely !� operating around power equipment. Training with Firefighters Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP):An EOP is a command structure that shifts normal operations to emergency response,with service restoration typically the primary objective. For a Wildfire EOP, the primary focus is safety, and the engagement includes outside fire and emergency-related entities to prepare for potential or actual wildfire events.The Wildfire EOP defines key roles and responsibilities for personnel, identifies communications channels, and outlines strategies for engaging with fire protection professional and emergency operating agency staff during expected or actual wildfire events, creating a consistent and efficient joint approach. Enhanced Grid Hardening: Avista is working to identify specific areas where large fire growth is coupled with proximity to communities which are excessively vulnerable to total loss in the event of a wildfire.These areas are being risk- ranked and prioritized for sectional undergrounding of existing overhead dM, �e a conductor.This strategy will reduce � • ° ° 10 111 L J wildfire risk and increase safety to the Community Protected communities facing the highest risk from %i6o 5 Miles out Avista's distribution electric facilities.This .. strategic approach will allow Avista to mitigate the most risk for the least cost related to conversion to underground, allowing resources 81 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 81 of 114 to efficiently eliminate risk at a surgical rather than a system-wide level. Enhanced Vegetation Management: Avista's Wildfire Plan created a separate vegetation management program from our existing routine vegetation management practices.This new program has the goals of inspecting 100%of the non-urban distribution system for risk trees annually and mitigating any such trees found within six months of identification.The Wildfire Plan also added LiDAR and satellite data collection for the transmission and distribution systems to provide detailed vegetation data to aid our vegetation managers in identifying, prioritizing, and developing plans to mitigate vegetation risk in the highest risk areas. Episodic Wildfires: Wildfires that do not occur frequently or regularly. Equity Advisory Group: Avista's specialized team that is working specifically with vulnerable customers and Named Community members to identify barriers and develop workable solutions for their needs, including multilingual communications and ensuring accessibility to programs and materials. Expedited Fire Response: In Avista's Wildfire Plan,this is an agreement with state, local, and regional firefighting agencies to send fire crews directly to the site of a transmission trip during fire season event so if the fault results in a fire, it is managed immediately. Extreme Fire Behavior: "Extreme" implies a level of fire behavior that ordinarily precludes methods of direct control action. One or more of the following is usually involved: high rate of spread, prolific crowning and/or spotting, presence of fire whirls, and/or a strong convection column. Predictability is difficult because such fires often exercise some degree of influence on their environment and behave erratically, often dangerously. Extreme Fire Safety Mode: Circuits whose fire risk is judged to be extreme are configured in a way similar to the crew safety mode called "Hot Line Hold." In this configuration, auto reclosing is disabled, and instantaneous Instantaneous Breaker L/O tripping is enabled. A circuit that experiences a fault will trip off Tripping and stay off at the first instance. It does not test or try to reclose. The circuit must be manually inspected to ensure it is safe before it is placed back into service. Extreme Wildfire Risk:This means that based on existing weather and vegetation conditions, a large, rapidly growing wildfire is possible should ignition occur. Fault:A fault is an abnormal condition present on the power system, usually a short circuit caused by lightning,tree contact, windblown object in the lines, or other similar problem. Fault Reduction: In the utility world,this means decreasing the number of faults by prioritizing reliability programs that strengthen the utility's infrastructure, which is especially important in higher wildfire risk areas. 82 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 82 of 114 Feeder:A distribution circuit (feeder) coming out of a substation, consisting of a three- phase main feeder that splits into laterals at the customer level. Avista's distribution system follows the industry standard of using relatively short sections of main feeder trunk supporting longer connected lateral lines that carry electricity to the customer's service line. Fiberglass Crossarms: Pole fires are a well understood \ phenomenon within the electric utility community. \ Electric current tracking during summer months leads to increased rates of pole fires. Fiberglass crossarms reduce or eliminate electric current tracking and hence, pole fires. Fiberglass crossarms are smooth and resistant to contamination, do not rot or degrade over time, and are much lighter while being up to six times pole Fire on a stronger than wood. In addition,fiberglass crossarms Wood Crossarm _ I� are inherently self-extinguishing, so perform well in fire situations. Fire Behavior:The manner In which a fire reacts to the Influences of fuel, weather, and topography. Fire behavior provides an indication to Fiberglass Crossarm firefighters on how to best battle the blaze. Fire Behavior Forecast:A prediction of probable fire behavior, usually prepared by a fire professional, in support of fire suppression or prescribed burning operations. Fire Behavior Index: A scale that captures fire severity as a function of flame length (intensity of burn) and rate of spread. - -I W ;�Y f Fire Break:A natural or constructed barrier used to stop orR.-I +' check fires that may occur, or to provide a control line from which to work. bulldozeCrews break at thefire's edge along 83 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 83 of 114 Fire Behavior Index In Forest Fuels r V.A. 24-50 Fire Behavior - -. y; 12-24 Index r L ~ y til .A..L.1 � Fire Danger High Catastrophic Rating y _ High probability of Fire Behavior . Increased likelihood loss in life and Increasing focus on of community loss property. F irestypically defensive &significant Typical prescribed suppressed with suppression consequences. burn conditions. offensive fire strategies.Aerial 1. r Fire likely to self- Fires likely to be management suppression likely IL eutinguish self-sustaining. strategies. be effective. "A ire Behavior is made up of steps or transitions triggered by a change in fire behavior,suppression response,or potential for impacts. Fire Front:The part of a fire within which continuous flaming combustion is taking place. The fire front is usually assumed to be the leading edge of the fire perimeter. In ground fires, the fire front may be mainly smoldering combustion. Fire Ignition Events: When a spark is created by the interaction of utility equipment and its surroundings (such as when a tree falls into a powerline) and results in a spark that, under the right circumstances, could become a fire. Fire Mesh Wraps: Avista uses Genics Fire Mesh, a wire mesh treated with \\' a s a intumescent graphic that, when exposed to extreme heat, rapidly expands to �# form a barrier between the fire and the wood pole.These wraps help prevent low-burning fires from accessing wood poles, protecting them from damage _ or destruction. Fire Perimeter:The entire outer edge or boundary of a fire. Ford Corkscrew Fire Perimeter Fire Prone: Areas where fires are most likely to occur or have a higher tendency to occur, often as a result of drought, forest health issues or insect infestations, human interaction, large amounts of dry undergrowth, low levels of humidity, etc. . ..., 84 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 84 of 114 Fire Retardant:Avista uses two primary forms of fire retardant protection on the transmission system and on some distribution poles. Historically we have placed fire resistant paint on wood transmission structures starting near the ground line and several feet up the pole, which is an effective means of preventing damage caused by ground fires.This product must be re-applied every 3-5 years. Fire resistant mesh is a new product the Company is switching to. It is chemically reactive to extreme heat, expanding to protect wood poles from fire.This product does not require ongoing maintenance and is quick and easy to apply for about the same cost. Fire Risk Potential:This incorporates weather and fuels information to rate the overall fire threat at a particular location as well as a fire's likely behavior should one start. Fire Safety Mode (FSM): Formerly called Dry Land Mode, Fire Safety Mode is a non-reclosing distribution protection scheme used during summer fire season (typically July through September) on circuits determined to be at risk for fire activity based on a variety of factors including vegetation, past events, and age of equipment. If not in elevated or PSPS mode,these circuits are configured so that when they trip,they will wait for a predetermined length of time then test the circuit.This allows the line to go back into service for incidental and transitory faults such as a tree branch touching the line,thus having a focus on reliability. Under Fire Safety Mode operations, reclosing is limited or not allowed to help prevent equipment from failing and creating a spark, thus focusing on safety. Fire Safety Mode Automation:Avista's plan to upgrade midline and substation devices in areas at risk for wildfire to enable these devices to be operated remotely and automatically in response to fire situations. Fire Safety Mode Ready Devices: Midline and substation devices located in high risk fire areas that Avista's Wildfire Program will upgrade or replace to allow protection settings to be operated remotely and automatically in reaction to wildfire or wildfire risk situations. Fire Season:The time of year that wildfires are most likely to take place for a given geographic region due to seasonality, historical events and weather conditions,vegetative characteristics, etc. Fire Spread:This is a measurement to help firefighters determine how far and fast a fire may spread. The intensity and movement of a wildfire ultimately depends on three factors:fuel,weather, and topography. A fuel's composition, including moisture level, chemical makeup and even density, influences how quickly a fire will spread.The moisture content of fuel helps determine how much area may burn. If vegetation has a low moisture level and is very dry, a fire will burn faster and more intensely because the heat does not have to eliminate water. The size and amount of fuel also affects wildfire behavior. Small fuel sources such as grasses typically burn quicker and do not generate as much heat as trees and other large fuel sources.And while a small amount of fuel will cause a fire to spread slowly with lower intensity, a lot of fuel will cause a fire to spread faster with more intensity. Some plants,trees and shrubs also contain oils and resins that cause them to burn more quickly and intensely. Weather conditions such as wind,temperature and humidity also play 85 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 85 of 114 Firc Spread a major role in the behavior and spread of a wildfire. Wind supplies fire with additional oxygen.This can cause a fire to move across a TO*Own landscape at a much faster rate. Topographical features of a landscape, such as slope, It elevation, and aspect, can also tndaer ive� facilitate wildfire progression. If a sL,r, Ft,� fire ignites at the bottom of a t.vesteep slope,for example, it will Ina forest where fires rare Iy happen,fuel Surface fires Ladder fuelsallow Tree crown fires are spread more quickly uphill Builds up.There is surface fuel(grass,logs, spread quickly the fire to move up so intensethat they woody debris,brush),ladder fuels(shrubs, through brush and toward the forest are difficult to because heat rises. small trees),andtree crowns. debris. canopy. control. Fire Threat Areas: Areas which have the highest likelihood of impacting people and property and where additional action may be needed to reduce wildfire risk.Threat level is based on elements such as population,topography,vegetation type, and historical fires in the area. Fire Threat Conditions/Fire Danger Rating:This considers current and antecedent weather,fuel types, and both live and dead fuel moisture to estimate the likelihood of a fire occurring as well as potential fire behavior should a fire occur. Fire Triangle:The "fire triangle" is composed of fuel, heat, and oxygen. Fire is the effect of a chemical reaction known as combustion, which occurs between oxygen in the air and some sort of fuel that has been heated to its flash • point (the lowest temperature at which it will ignite.) Fuel is any kind of flammable material, including trees, grasses, shrubs, and even houses. These materials emit a vapor. Heat brings these fuels to their flash point, causing the vapor to evaporate and mix with oxygen. Oxygen is the naturally occurring element needed for igniting and sustaining a fire. When burning fuel is exposed to oxygen from the air, a chemical reaction occurs that releases heat and generates combustion. A fire can only occur when all three components react together. Fire Weather: Weather conditions that influence fire risk, ignition, behavior, and suppression. Fire Weather Dashboard:This is Avista's primary means of determining fire risk across our system. It is a risk-based computer program that combines the 7-day weather forecast with equipment performance and fire risk levels based on time of year, drought conditions,type of vegetation and moisture levels, sustained winds,wind gusts, and more. It indicates the risk level on each of Avista's 86 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 86 of 114 distribution circuits for the upcoming MAX FIRE RISK ` week and highlights the maximum o . `'FR<<:' FR expected daily risk for every feeder on Avista s distribution and transmission 5.7 r` FR systems. •- r mMAX WIND SPEED FR E2A FR:32 - Fuel: Combustible material. Includes, 41 F so FR3<.T vegetation, such as grass, leaves, -r ground litter, plants, shrubs, and trees o 25.3 m FR' FR a that feed a fire. Fuel Concentration/Density: Mass of fuel "°""� NWS WARNINGS (vegetation) in an area which could oWM>i.n Combust in a wildfire. Fire Weather Dashboardscreenshot Fuel Management: Removing,thinning, or otherwise altering vegetation to reduce the potential rate of propagation or intensity of wildfires. \ \I UM Fuel Moisture Content:Amount of moisture in a given mass of fuel (vegetation), measured as a percentage of its dry weight. Fuel Reduction: Manipulation, including removal of fuels (vegetation S management)to reduce the likelihood of ignition and/or to lessen potential damage and resistance to control. Fuel Reduction Partnerships: Partnering with external land management 4 l�. sy � 1l agencies, leveraging funding to remove fuels near Avista facilities. Sharing - Fuel Reduction Efforts �:?I- the cost allows both parties to do more work than each could accomplish with individual budgets. c r Fuse:A device that limits the Generation Transmission amount of current flowing through Fuse O iO, the circuit.The fuse is constructed III Transmission line with a small piece of metal that, :- Power station 'ansfmme. when exposed to high current _ typically caused by a fault, melts and interrupts the flow of werline Substation electricity. Fuses are typically placed on lateral tap lines off � Distribution Po the main circuit. Substation Consumption Grid: General design of an electric grid, whether looped or Powerline O radial, with consequences for reliability and ability to support de-energization (e.g., being able to deliver electricity Nome Commercial facliry from an additional source). 87 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 87 of 114 Grid Hardening: Actions such as equipment upgrades, Fiberglass with polymer ribs Insulator maintenance, and planning for more resilient Eyebolt ✓ infrastructure,taken in response to the risk of Hot clamp undesirable events (such as outages or wildfires) or 3. Bracket undesirable conditions (such as old or unreliable Lightning arrestor equipment) of the electrical system in order to i reduce or moderate those events and conditions, / Disconnect switch informed by an assessment of the relevant risk :).. drivers or factors. In the Wildfire Plan,this specifically means adapting transmission and distribution materials and construction to minimize the potential for utility-involved fires in addition to protecting utility infrastructure in the event of a fire. Primary Hazard Tree: A risk or hazard tree is defined as one that —Hazard Tree Line is dead, dying, diseased or exhibits obvious structural N Secondary defects defects such as a co-dominate stem which pose an L1pe increased fall-in risk with conductor during severe Service Drop weather.At Avista, a "risk tree" is a tree with the potential of imminent fall-in hazard to energized �- facilities. Herbicides:Typically used on the right-of-way to control incompatible tall growing species and noxious weeds. For the past several years, at Avista herbicide applications have primarily consisted of treating the stumps of fast-growing deciduous trees after they are removed to prevent resprouting.These applications are recorded within the same work records as the tree removals which are generally categorized as risk tree work. High Canopy: Forested areas with tall mature trees. In these types of areas, fire can spread from the ground into the tree tops, where it becomes difficult to control. In t. relation to utility infrastructure, this high fire can access the tops of poles and structures and burn them down to the ground.Thus, ' replacing more burnable wood poles with steel helps protect High Canopy Fire near the Noxon-Pine Creek transmission line in 2023. against this type of high level fire. High Risk Fire Areas:Areas in Avista's service territory that have been identified as most at risk for wildfire and associated damage, locations in wildland urban interfaces (WUI zones)for which there 88 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 88 of 114 is little or no fire protection (typically rural or remote areas), or which have experienced historic wildfires. Lineman's Safety Equipment High Value Locations: In Avista's Wildfire Plan,this SAFO YGLASSES ld bl«k haaaredna sen glare. / HARD HAT refers to situations where wood poles are p"i"Itidyy when wcrkingonanergind Mae. Made fmm ham plaali"Ith inner web—M.M.I'll—hea unl—I aldls to attach acceasariea replaced with steel to add strength and durability EAR PROTECTION such as ear prdteaidn.Eatendee brim prole<Is lace Iram lalling debris. t Mounla into hardhal slots and has Factory-tested for dielacldc strength. at high consequence locations such as high- eplaceablatdamddahidn,.Ginarenl ypes have alnarenl noise resudldn ratings.(nol pictures) volume traffic areas, railroad, highway, and river RaUBBERaSLEEVES w amdam:aa mdlaaa robber that crossings, at hard angles, or if access for to Fall bodyNcs,,Hii-se° uhi,to,�iunal`[nntact nth levaleo bucket.d,Mts attaches to buck boom wilA energized power source. maintenance is particularly difficult.These are anyard.ad Inking snap adds SHIRT locations where mechanical or fire-related pole RUBBER GLOVES bb%Modacryll db%coltdn Olelecteolested,rubber name reeistanl fabric tine 'hit.1-d gldvda Idr Mason. slachiag with nnmelalec failures could lead to increased safety risks and protection.Glove thickness bulldhi. dictates the level of voltage line Deraonnel may work. reliability impacts. LANYARD Nylon e1raP wits lasing snap hoows connects to High Wind Advisory or Warning: Level of wind risk baemao;sate""'mesa„" back)t wck wo. prevem tolling.(nol pidmed) from weather conditions as declared by the National Weather Service (NWS).The difference RUBBER GLOVE PROTECTORS harp between a high wind advisory and a high wind Leather gloves with Velcro HOTSTICK lightening strap ens attached Insulated.diolecMc-tested .Worn aver insulated fiberglass tool for moving or warning is the level of winds associated with the mrange vinyl cunbb,,gl,,ea 10 reduce 0daring troth h.ac.0' edju=ling live electrical equipment Puncturing«t s objects. event.Advisories go into effect for sustained EANS winds of 40 mph or less with gusts of at least 45 lon asislant Goadnl p RK B T tP%nywith name resistanl Lace to lde,steel dr ant'hmg. mph. Warnings are issued if sustained winds are etemlc.taa I alher boots with ealra ercA Idr climbing supPda above 40 mph and gusts are 50 mph and above. Highly Impacted Communities:As defined in Washington State, highly impacted communities must meet at least one of the following criteria: are within the limits of an Indian reservation and/or suffer environmental health disparities such as pollution, hazardous waste, poverty, or cardiovascular disease.72 Hot Line Hold:A hot-line hold is an assurance to the worker that an automatic protective device has been set to not reclose in the event the line or equipment becomes de-energized,typically used when line crews are working on a powerline or power equipment issue.With a hot line hold,the applicable device will not be re-energized until the appropriate dispatcher determines workers are in the clear.A hot line hold always pertains to energized lines or equipment. In this configuration, auto reclosing is disabled, and instantaneous tripping is enabled. Hot Tap: A connection to the utility's powerline. A hot YYYY tap is a connection that can easily be removed Hot Top Connectors 72 Washington State Dept.of Health,"Instructions for Utilities to Identify Highly Impacted Communities,"Instructions for Utilities to Identify Highly Impacted Communities I Washington State Department of Health 89 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 89 of 114 versus a wedge connector, which is more permanent. The traditional hot line tap is attached via a bolt. Over time this type of connection can come loose and arc and spark and can melt through the conductor, dropping it to the ground.Thus, adding parts that keep the conductor from falling may help prevent fires. Ignition probability:The relative possibility that an ignition will occur, quantified as a number between 0% and 100% (where 0% indicates impossibility and 100% indicates certainty).The higher the probability of an event,the more certainty there is that the event will occur. (Often informally referred to as likelihood or chance). Impact/Consequence of Ignitions:The effect or outcome of a wildfire ignition upon objectives,which may be expressed by terms including, but not limited to, maintaining health, and safety, ensuring reliability, and minimizing economic and/or environmental damage. Incident:A human-caused or natural occurrence, such as wildland fire,that requires emergency service action to prevent or reduce the loss of life or damage to property or natural resources. Incident Command Structure (ICS):The combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure,with responsibility to manage assigned resources to effectively manage an incident. Every incident needs to have someone in charge, overseeing the event and the associated response, ensuring that adequate supplies and manpower are in place,to know who is operating and where, and to identify who might be impacted and how to protect them.The ICS provides a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of emergency response, providing a common hierarchy within which all responders (including Avista) can be effective, as well as commonly understood procedures designed to keep everyone safe and communicating effectively. It helps provide an orderly, systematic approach to incidents. InciWeb:This is an Interagency All-Risk Incident Information Management System that provides a single source for fire ^' incident related information and a standardized reporting tool for public use. Fire information is available for events across the U.S. a Infrastructure:This refers to the equipment Avista utilizes in order to serve customers, including poles,transformers, conductor, switches, substations, etc. Inherent Risk: In Avista's Wildfire Plan,this is the current state wildfire risk level which reflects Company wildfire defense -�.. strategies initially in place. InciWeb Fire Map 90 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 90 of 114 Insulator: Insulators have the duty of keeping the electrically charged line from touching the poles or towers so the line can ��` G,, continue to transmit and is not grounded. Insulators must be strong enough Stay Insulator to withstand the weight of the conductor > ,K and the potential stress of the electricity wanting to connect to the earth.They are s ff q"W designed to be non-conducting, but getting Strings of transmission insulators, wet can cause flashovers, which Is why sometimes called bells Dead-end Insulator many insulators are designed with an umbrella or petticoat at the top to keep the lower part insulated from the rain.73 Extreme weather, sun and vandalism can reduce the strength of the insulator, making it more likely to break and cause an outage so insulators are monitored during inspections.There are many kinds of insulators depending upon their application. .1 Ira Insulator Insulator Pin:This is a piece of overhead hardware that fastens the insulator to with pin the crossarm.The insulator pin is bolted through the crossarm and the insulator is screwed onto the top of the insulator pin. IVR: Interactive Voice Response is a technology that allows telephone users to interactive with a computer-operated telephone system with voice recognition technology. It allows automatic call Vertical Fuel Arrangement distribution, allowing the Company to reach out to multiple customers at the same time. Aerial Fuels� Ladder Fuels: Fuels which provide a vertical path between Ladder..Fuels the ground strata and higher vegetation, allowing fire to carry from surfaceSurface Fuels Ladder Fuel Diagram fuels into the crowns of ;. trees or shrubs with '.• l�» x relative ease.These fuels help initiate and assure the continuation of crowning where the , fire spreads very rapidly from treetop to treetop, becoming much more difficult and dangerous to control. Lateral: In the distribution system,these are circuits that break off from the main feeder trunk(that comes out of the substation) and deliver electricity to customer's 73 For more than you ever wanted to know about insulators,see:Glossary of Insulator Terms(insulators.info) 91 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 91 of 114 homes (service lines).The laterals normally have fuses to separate them from the mainline if they are faulted. LiDAR: Light Detection and Ranging, sometimes called 3-D laser scanning,which can be used to make LiDAR Image high resolution representations of the earth's surface. At Avista it is used on the transmission system to identify vegetation encroachment and risk trees. It works well for - transmission due to the open linear transmission - - rights-of-way. LiDAR is primarily collected via helicopter and fixed wing aircraft 1_I Lightning Arrester:A piece of hardware that reduces voltage surges from direct or nearby — - lightning strikes. When a lighting strike occurs,the overhead conductor experiences higher than normal voltage levels.This high voltage is dissipated via the lighting arrester, mitigating potential damage to equipment. Line Miles:The number of miles of transmission and/or distribution line. Differs from circuit miles because 1 circuit Mil ' individual circuits, such as the two circuits of a double- B Line Miles circuit line, are not counted separately in circuit miles but are counted as separate in line miles. LIVE FUEL MOISTURE CONTENT Live Fuel Moisture Content: Moisture content within living I . 0 vegetation,which can retain water longer than dead fuel. Moisture content is the most critical factor related to how MOISTURE CONTENT GRASSES TREES/SHRUBS much fuel is available to burn in a wildfire. When 150-300% GROWING CYCLE GROWING CYCLE 120-150% RESIST SPREAD RESIST SPREAD moisture content in living vegetation reaches a critical low 100-120% RESIST SPREAD RESIST SPREAD B0-100% BECOMING LESS FLAMMABLE SHRUBS threshold,fire danger increases. RESISTANT TO SPREAD BURN AGGRESSIVELY n FUELS CONTRIBUTE CONTRIBUTES TO 50-80% TO SPREAD FIRE INTENSITY 30.50% COMPLETELY CURED DORMAN7,LEAFLE55 Managed Risk: In Avista s Wildfire Plan,this is the future _ DEAD FUELS DEAD FUELS state wildfire risk level as it is impacted by the addition of Wildfire Resiliency elements like grid hardening. Medical Baseline Customers: Residential customers with qualifying medical conditions and/or who are dependent on power for qualifying medical devices for certain medical needs. For example, customers that have specific heating and cooling, breathing, or mobility needs. Member of the Public: Any individual not employed by the utility. Metrics: In Avista's Wildfire Program,these are measurements that track how much utility wildfire mitigation activity has changed the conditions of utility wildfire risk exposure or the ability to manage and reduce wildfire risk. 92 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 92 of 114 Midline (Midpoint) Circuit Reclosers: Often used on long distribution lines where substation-based equipment cannot adequately protect the entire length Sectionalizing Midpoint of the circuit. Avista s Wildfire Plan adds recloser recloser communications to these midline circuit reclosers in Substatan 1 -_ �� order to provide monitoring and control functionality, Faye including the ability to operate the device remotely. By Tie placing automated midline circuit reclosers at strategic recloser O locations,Avista Distribution Operations can re-task those devices during periods of elevated fire danger to saoseerartz operate in fire protection mode rather than in their Sectionalizing Midpoint recloser recloser typical reliability mode. In other words, if there is a high- risk situation,the reclosers can be set to not automatically reclose. Miles Completed: In the Avista Vegetation Management Plan,this is a calculated value that equates to the known overhead line mileage within a work polygon multiplied by the percentage of planned work completed within that polygon. Completion of planned work means executing the plan (trimming, removing, replacing)to the Company's specifications. Miles Patrolled:The number of miles inspected via foot,vehicle, or aerial patrols. Miles patrolled and miles planned effectively mean the same thing within the vegetation work plans. Miles Planned: In Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan,this is the number of miles of risk tree inspections projected for completion. Miles patrolled and miles planned effectively mean the same thing within the vegetation work plans. Mitigation:A measure or activity Why outages proposed or in process that is Construction 0 Weather may occur: designed to reduce the UNDO impact/consequences and/or the likelihood/probability of a risk Animals inthesystem event such as wildfire. i_ (� It I I Vandalism Vehiclewrecks Momentary Outage:The IEEE defines ,'momentary" outages as a brief t V Fallen trees loss of power(less than five I Fire Aging equipment minutes in length) caused by the opening and closing operation of an interrupting device. Multi-Agency Coordination/Partnerships:A generalized term which describes the functions and activities of representatives of involved agencies and/or jurisdictions who come together to make decisions regarding the prioritizing of incidents, and the sharing and use of critical resources.Also refers to agencies who work together, sometimes via financial assistance, in reducing fire risk. 93 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 93 of 114 Named Communities:According to amma 9 C�"ommunities AF Washington State,these are '� *EMERGENCY v f M�VA AGEMENY communities that are highly impacted by uSlLli/FS adverse socioeconomic conditions, sT'�I�ES' ;`�° " -- o pollution, and climate change, or who RESOURCES �°� ,0 experience a disproportionate risk ofREM " IJTC " I environmental burdens.They are „r,,,,, µ • WATER DISTRICTS ICTS �� k �Q comprised of a combination of"Highly � �l° / rjk* Impacted Communities and Vulnerable Populations" (each defined elsewhere in this report). Some ofAvista's Wildfire Partners National Weather Service: An agency of the United States federal government tasked with providing weather forecasts,warnings of hazardous weather, and other weather-related products to organizations and the public for the purposes of protection, safety, and general information. Most of its products are in the public domain and available free of charge. Normal Fire Season: A season or time of year when weather,fire danger, number and distribution of fires are about average. "Old" Fire Safety Mode:This is the original program implemented by Avista in the early 2000s, when, during the summers,Avista changed the distribution system to turn off automatic re-closing when a fault occurs in certain parts of the system at the beginning of fire season (typically June) and back on at the end of fire season (usually September). Note that when breakers are automated,they move from "Old" Fire Safety Mode to Base Fire Safety Mode. OMS/OMT: Outage Management System or Outage Management Tool.This is an Avista inhouse developed tool for tracking electric outage cause information (such as car hit pole,tree fall-in, wind, pole fire, etc.) as well as time stamp, reason,type, number of customers impacted, and length of outage.The OMS was designed to record actual events based upon cause, not impact, with the goal of repairing or replacing equipment that has or could lead to an outage. The current OMS does not include provisions for tracking outcomes Primary Phase Conductor beyond direct customer impacts, so is not set up to capture if Distribution an outage results in a fire unless that is noted in Dispatcher Transformer prima,y Netural Conductor comments. Second—Dlai» Open Wire Secondary Districts:Three conductors with 120/240 volts that run pole to pole below the primary conductors z (primary conductors are on top of the pole in an overhead _ distribution system). It is called "open wire" because the three wires are clearly visible as opposed to a design in which v, the three conductors are bundled together. Sometimes called "Secondary Main." Open Wire Secondary Districts 94 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 94 of 114 Operations and Response: Many of Avista's circuit breakers cannot be remotely operated and require manual intervention to make changes to settings or to identify an issue.This may take several hours depending on location and crew availability. Avista's Wildfire Program funds communications and control equipment that will help us have "eyes" on critical equipment out in the field as well as be able to control and adjust it remotely in case of fire or high fire threat conditions. This automation equipment as well as our work with internal and external partners in reducing the risk of wildfire are part of the "Operations and Response" portion of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan. Outstanding Plan:A still-to-be-completed plan. As inspections are performed, plans are created that consist of one or more units of work that need to be performed. Sometimes completion of a plan is delayed due to customer permission, access, inclement weather, etc. and thus are categorized as "outstanding." NIFC/National Interagency Fire Center: Located in Boise, Idaho,this is the home NGENcyA to the National Interagency Coordination Center(NICC) and National Multi- r� A. Agency Coordination (NMAC)groups, which provide unified guidance to fire o Z agencies, coordinate fire response, manage firefighting resources, and track y a and document fires, sources, size, and impact across the United States. Borse.ldah° Patrol: In Avista's Wildfire Plan,this refers to ground,vehicle, and aerial inspections of our transmission and distribution systems to identify vegetation or structural issues, right-of-way infringement or encroachment,ground profile changes, etc. Patrol Inspection: A visual inspection of applicable utility equipment and structures that is designed to identify obvious structural problems and hazards. Peak Fire Season:That period of the fire season during which fires are expected to ignite most readily,to burn with greater than average intensity, and to create damages at an unacceptable level. Plan-Do-Check-Adjust: A continuous improvement technique also known as the Deming Circle or Shewhart Cycle. Avista's Wildfire program uses this technique to help continue to grow and improve the program. _ Planned Outage: Electric outage announced ahead of time by the utility. Pole Fires: Pole fires are a significant contributor to wildfire risk.The mechanism that causes pole top fires is well-known.This issue is related to periods of hot, dry weather when insulators become covered with dust and other contaminants, creating a path for leakage current. A light rain after the dry spell increases leakage current and creates the right conditions for pole fires.This leakage current is concentrated between wood-to-wood contacts such as the contact point between wood crossarms and wood poles. Fiberglass crossarms virtually eliminate pole fires. Avista has been installing 95 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 95 of 114 fiberglass crossarms since the early 2000s. As part of Wildfire Resiliency,the Company has an additional focus on replacing wood crossarms on structures located in elevated fire areas. yre •• " ° Pole Wraps: Avista uses Genics Fire Mesh, a wire mesh treated with an r - intumescent coating that, when exposed to extreme heat, rapidly expands to form a barrier between the fire and the wood pole.These wraps help prevent low-burning fires from accessing wood poles, protecting them from damage or destruction. Mesh is more durable than the fire-resistant paint and is considerably less expensive than replacing a wood pole with steel. At Avista, pole wraps are used in areas subject to routine grassland, sage-shrub, or other low level fires. Polygons: Between 2017 and 2018 Avista's Vegetation Management planning was changed from circuit level to polygon level. Polygons contain many circuits. Prior to switching to the polygon method, the overhead line mileage of a circuit was multiplied by the percentage of the circuit planned/inspected to arrive at Miles Planned and the percentage of the work on the circuit completed was multiplied by overhead line mileage to arrive at Miles Completed. Polygon Planned Work Completed:This is a Vegetation Management work polygon that has 100 percent Miles Planned and 100 percent Miles Completed and thus requires no further remediation —all tree work has been completed. It is technically possible that an inspection could lead to no work needed at all, but it is not something that has been encountered in practice. Polygon Planned Work Not Done: The entire vegetation management work polygon has been planned/inspected but tree work is incomplete.This category helps keep track of inspections and work spanning between two plan years,so that those polygons will be carried into the following year for completion. Preparedness: Condition or degree of being ready to cope with a potential fire situation. Preventive Maintenance (PM): The Types of Maintenance practice of maintaining equipment on a regular schedule based on risk, Preventative Corrective Maintenance Maintenance elapsed time, run-time meter readings, or number of operations.The intent of Component Failure Condition predictive Risk Based Deferred Emergency PM is to prevent maintenance Finding Based problems or failures before they take place by following routine and comprehensive maintenance procedures.The goal is to achieve fewer,shorter, and more predictable outages. 96 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 96 of 114 Priority Essential Services: Critical m first responders, public safety1& s , i i ,f'�; Care Centers partners, critical facilities and Emergency Services Basic Services infrastructure, operators of I .......... telecommunications infrastructure and water �—°' Vulnerable Access for First - Populations utilities/agencies. It is important Responders for a utility to know who and where these customers are Transportation G' � Communications located so they can be prioritized for service restoration during an Public + ry Water&Sewer outage or d I e-energlzatlon. Traffic Systems Suppon Agencies ' 0 Wastewater '�� '�1 _ — Cooling Centers Program Targets: Quantifiable 1 &Shelters Government Facilities measurements of activity identified in WMPs and subsequent updates used to show progress towards reaching the objectives. Progress Metrics: Measurements that track how much utility wildfire mitigation activity has changed the conditions of utility wildfire risk exposure or utility ability to manage wildfire risk exposure, in terms of leading indicators of ignition probability and wildfire consequences. Protection System:This comprises protective relays, associated communication systems,voltage and current sensing devices, station batteries, and DC control circuitry designed to protect equipment and facilities. ® :... .. Protective Relays:These devices detect and attempt to identify and correct Protective Relay faults.They read measurements such as current,voltage, and frequency and can be set to recognize when these indicate a problem. For example, if a protective relay senses that a circuit breaker is interrupting the system, it can disconnect it. Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS): When electric companies preemptively turn off the power to specific areas of the system to reduce the risk of wildfires and to help keep customers At �G> and infrastructure safe.These r� events differ from typical outages because they are based on a prediction of risk Weather Red Flag Spark Ignition Fire Behavior Forecasts Warning - Risk rather than the occurrence of an actual event. Public Safety Power Shutoff Deciding Factors 97 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 97 of 114 PSPS Event: Defined as the time from the when the first public - - safety partner is notified of a planned public safety de- energization to the final customer being re-energized. PSPS Risk:The potential for the occurrence of a PSPS event expressed in terms of a combination of various outcomes 7-2 utys Hoar Days ' De-energize of the event and their associated probabilities. Public Safety Power Shutoff Typical Timeline PSPS Weather: Weather that exceeds a utility's risk threshold and creates decisions around initiating a PSPS in specific areas of the system. Radial:A transmission or distribution line that does not have a redundant feed —it is a single line running from the generator to the customer, so if this line is 1211111111M,L �n lost, customers lose service, versus a redundant system that has another line or lines available to serve load if one line is lost Power Radial Line Plant (see Looped or Redundant).These are common for low density rural areas where more complex systems are cost prohibitive. Rate of Spread:The relative activity of a fire in •• extending its horizontal dimensions. It is expressed as the rate the total perimeter of the fire is growing, as rate of forward spread of the fire ,r "'r front, or as rate of increase in area, g on B��etl Area depending Rate otsp�eadl$istanceRime p n "s; •k!W the intended use of the information. Usually, it is Primary factors`affecting expressed in acres per hour for a specific period in rate ofspreI the fire's history. y IneceRSf�d.I�CC intensity SAY ' a °IS'°Pe Reburn:The burning of an area that has been f previously burned but that contains flammable fuel that ignites when burning conditions are more favorable. Fire Rateofspreaa 4 Recloser: A device that operates similarly to a circuit breaker but is installed on a distribution circuit. Reclosers are available for both single- phase and three-phase fault interruptions.The main purpose of a � ? recloser is to sectionalize a portion of a circuit from the rest of the circuit P to prevent outages from spreading. Red Flag Warning(RFW): Level of wildfire risk based on weather Viper Recloser conditions, as declared by the National Weather Service.This is a term used by fire weather forecasters to alert the public to an ongoing or imminent critical fire weather pattern that would allow for rapid fire starts and/or spread, as well as extreme fire behavior.This pattern must coincide with fuels that are critically dry and fire danger that is moderate to high. 98 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 98 of 114 �n Redundant:This is also called a looped system. In the transmission n world,this means that more than one line or route runs between Redundant or Looped the generation source and the end customer, so if one line is lost, System the power is rerouted via another line and the customer suffers Powe Plant 4 either a shorter outage or no outage at all. Relative Humidity(RH): Relative humidity is expressed as a percent of the amount of moisture in the air to the amount of moisture needed to saturate the air. Humidity can either dampen or dry out potential fuel. When relative humidity decreases,fire behavior increases because fine fuels like grass and pine needles become drier VMr—,a B quickly. Heavy fuels are less easily hd-ln."t'l, r-vapor to wat« wafe cap aaty apo, affected by changes in humidity, and it often takes a larger or longer-lasting la seFlopa�ity to hold water event to affect their moisture vapor Water Water Water significantly. Low humidity levels dry out vapor vapor apar vegetation fuels on a short-term basis, 20 50% 100% relative relative miallm and they can also cause ashort-term humidity humidity humidity 5 VM. 11 n.M. 5 AM. spike in fire danger.The relative humidity is lowest when the air temperature is high and the dewpoint temperature is .. .. . . . . .. low.The dewpoint temperature is the • ' •• • ' temperature when the air needs to be cooled to become saturated. When there are cooler temperatures and/or high atmospheric moisture levels, it reduces fire danger. Reliability: Maintaining customer service continuity. Restoration: When a threat has ended � and it is safe to begin making l; f ,DALL-CLEAR repairs, crews are organized and Line Patrol: Restore Power: _7� Complete Repairs: Event Ends: dispatched to the "All Clear"is declared by Start with Critical Main Trunk Lines EOP is Declared Over decision-makers Infrastructure,Commercial Branch Lateral Circuits After Action Review With site of a power Field Crews Mobilized Zones with Equity Individual Customers Emergency 11t Responders Considerations •Broad Communications to Update&Communicate PSPS Report to Regulators outage.Typically, Customers Including Help Estimated Restoration Time Thank You to Crews& the priority is to With Support Resources restore service to as many Typical PSPS Restoration Process customers as possible through line switching and by isolating faulted circuits with preference given (as possible)to critical service providers and vulnerable customers and communities. Right Tree Right Place:This has been renamed the "Safe Tree Program." It is a partnership with private 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1, Page 99 of 114 landowners to remove risk trees on their private property that areFTall the Right Tree in the Right Place at risk of coming into contact Medium Small Wire Border outer Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone with owerlines and Creatin fireTrees no Trees no taller Nan 25 No veer Onlysmall Treesnotaller p g taller than feet at maturity trees or than distance 40 feet at shrubs to wire at potential or loss of reliability. maturity maturity Transmission tine Risk Based: Making decisions based 0lstrlbutlon tlne upon how much risk is involved. Typically, a utility identifies ' specific risks to elements such as safety of employees,first responders, and the public as well as financial well-being, customer reliability impacts, probability of occurrence, and consequence of occurrence among other factors.This is done in order to develop programs and plans which seek to reduce those risks. Risk Based Vegetation Inspections:A new vegetation management goal based on the Company's Wildfire Plan that requires 100%of non-urban distribution areas to be inspected for vegetation issues each year. At Avista, this called our Enhanced Vegetation Management program. Risk Event:An event with probability of ignition, including wires down, contacts with objects, events with evidence of heat generation, and other issues that cause sparking or have the potential to cause sparks. Risk Tree: At Avista, a visibly dead, diseased, damaged, or dying tree or one which possesses obvious structural defects that could fall into energized r 4 facilities. k Right-of-Way(ROW):A right-of-way is the right to come onto a property owned by another. For a utility,this allows us to do maintenance and/or , tree trimming work on land that is i not our own. ' Right-of-Way Work: ROW work includes re-clearing or reclaiming the right-of-way with planning and completion of work at the span (from one pole to the next) level as opposed to spot work planned and completed at the Avista Transmission Right-of-Way Restored with individual tree level. Low-Growing vegetation Routine Vegetation Inspections: As opposed to risk-based vegetation inspections, routine inspections consist of cycle-based tree trimming,focused on about 1,500 miles (20%of the system) annually. Run-to-Failure:A maintenance approach that replaces equipment only when it fails. 100 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 100 of 114 Rural:Areas of our service territory with small populations, often having less access to services such as firefighting.This is typically an area with a population of less than 1,000 persons per square mile as determined by the U.S. Census. SAIDI: SAIDI refers to "System Average Interruption Duration Index." It is calculated by multiplying the average duration of customer interruptions by their total number and then dividing by the total number of customers in the system. SAIDI describes the total duration of the average customer interruption. It is calculated by dividing the sum of all customer interruption minutes by the number of customers served (for a year). SAIFI: SAIFI refers to "System Average Interruption Frequency Index." It describes the average number of non-momentary interruptions a customer experiences in a year(not including major event days). It is calculated by dividing the total number of customer interruptions by the average number of customers served during a year. Safe Tree Program:This is a partnership with private landowners to remove risk trees on their property to reduce the chances of their trees contacting powerlines and creating fire potential or loss of reliability.At Avista this program is offered to customers in high fire threat (typically WUI 2 or 3) areas who have trees likely to come into contact with our powerlines.At the customer's request the tree is removed, the debris cleared, and a new low-growing tree is planted in the same place (if they wish to do so) at no cost to the customer. Safety Hazard:A condition that poses a significant threat to human life or property. Sag: For overhead transmission lines, sag is the difference between the point of I ��Span�► support, being the transmission pole or ---sag on cold day tower, and the lowest point on the FVA --------- ---Maximum Sag conductor. Calculating sag is critical, as Full load,hot day conductor must be held at a safe tension y level to ensure that it does not break under its own weight or the added weight of snow and/or ice or as it is stressed by wind, loads, or ambient temperatures. Engineers also carefully calculate the amount of sag to ensure that the conductor remains a safe distance from the ground.This is especially tricky when the line is on uneven terrain. Satellite Imaging: In Avista's Wildfire Plan,this means using satellites to capture images of the distribution system to detect vegetation issues and changes in ' vegetation over time. Satellite-powered artificial intelligence systems such as that used by Avista can predict vegetation growth years in advance. Satellite ' imaging works well for the distribution system,which is more widespread and convoluted than the transmission system and is located in a wide variety of environments not always accessible or visible from the aircraft used to collect LiDAR images. 101 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 101 of 114 Severe Fire Danger Index(SFDI):This is a forecastable metric that can help forecast extreme fire conditions based on historical data related to fire intensity and spread potential. When this data is combined with current wildfires it helps predict fire intensity, potential resulting damage and loss of life.This metric helps firefighters and communities by providing critical information to help improve early warnings and situational awareness. When we are entering Fire Safety Mode, Avista overlays this information over our service territory, and when it indicates any"extreme" levels we declare Fire Safety Mode operations. Situational Awareness:Tools designed to identify and manage risk, primarily Avista's Fire Weather Dashboard and WUI Map. In the future this will include weather stations and wildfire cameras. Slash: Branches or limbs less than four inches in diameter, and bark and split product debris left on the ground as a result of utility vegetation management or other vegetation management work. Slash can become a fuel for wildfires. Y Span:The space between adjacent supporting poles _ or structures on a circuit consisting of electric ._.SP�1__ __.SPAN 2___ lines and equipment. Spark Ignition Event:A situation when something such as equipment failure creates a spark that can potentially lead to a fire. Spark Ignition Potential:The risk of heat (usually via spark or arc) creating the ability for a fire to start, spread, and do damage. Spark Ignition Source: Something that creates a spark that may lead to a fire under the right circumstances, such as a failed piece �f of equipment, blown fuse, or conductor that touches dried vegetation on the ground. Steel Conversion: One of Avista's wildfire resiliency strategies is to replace wood transmission poles in areas at an elevated risk of fire with steel, as steel is less likely to be damaged and fail when exposed to fire or other damage risk. Strike Distance:A term used to describe a tree that has the potential to impact powerlines and other equipment. Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition: Control system architecture comprising computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces (GUI)for high-level process supervisory management, used to monitor and control a variety of critical infrastructure in manufacturing, power generation, and other complex circuit infrastructure. It provides the ability, for example,to monitor and control reclosers to isolate and/or reroute power during outages or 102 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 102 of 114 fire events. SCADA provides insights for operators DistOps Dispatcher into the operation of the system in addition to helping them remotely control and operate it. Wide Area Substation SCADA/Substation Fire Safety Mode Communications Automation: Provides automation that allows Communication circuit remote control and operation of substation Remote equipment to allow it to respond more quickly if fire . . .Terminal Units conditions indicate elevated risk. In Avista's Wildfire • • • 10Hardware Plan,fifteen remote substations located in high fire sub- sub- sub- station station I station risk areas will be upgraded with communications Simplified SCADA Diagram equipment and hardware/software that allows them to support fully automated Fire Safety Mode operations. Surface Fuels: Loose surface litter on the soil surface, normally consisting of fallen leaves or needles, twigs, bark, cones, and small branches; also grasses, forbs, low and medium shrubs,tree seedlings, heavier branches, downed logs, and stumps interspersed with or partially replacing the litter.These fuels are more susceptible to fire and fire spread as they tend to react to humidity and dry out more quickly. i Sustained Outage:The IEEE defines a sustained outage as a disruption in power supply lasting more than five minutes. It is the de-energized condition of a line resulting from a fault or disturbance following an unsuccessful automatic { reclosing sequence and/or unsuccessful manual c reclosing procedure. Air Switch in open position Switch: A disconnection point used to interrupt the flow of electricity. Air switches waiting to be Switches can be mounted on overhead lines, on underground lines, and in installed. substations. Switches mounted overhead and underground are used as a disconnection point as well as a sectionalizing device. During outages the switch can be opened in order to sectionalize the faulted or damaged part of the circuit. Switches mounted in a substation can be used to isolate devices in a substation, such as a regulator,to protect them in case of fault. System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI): SAIDI is a system-wide tally of the total number of minutes per year of sustained outage per customer served. It is measured in units of time, usually minutes or hours, and is measured over the course of a year. It basically measures the average length of time an average customer is without power over the course of a year. System Average Interruption Frequency Index: SAIFI is the average number of sustained interruptions per customer during the year. It is the number of non-momentary outages the average customer experiences in a year. 103 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 103 of 114 Third-party Contact: Contact between a piece of electrical equipment and another object, whether natural (tree branch) or human (vehicle). Tiers: In Avista's Wildland Urban Interface,the power system is divided into sections based upon the risk of a fire occurring and having impact.These are called Tiers and include:Tier 0(Low or no risk), Tier 1 (Moderate),Tier 2 (Elevated), and Tier 3 (Extreme). 4 Transmission: Electric facilities that have a voltage of 60 kV or above. - — Avista Transmission Corridor Transmission Corridor: The right-of-way associated with a transmission line in . which the utility has the right to remove vegetation that may interfere with the �% {.... line. - Transmission Work on Chelan- Stratford 115 kV line 4 Transmission Line Inspection: Avista r uses ground patrols, aerial inspections, and LiDAR data to inspect their transmission lines and structures each year.Transmission inspections are regulated by NERC and, in the Western Grid, by WECC(Western Electricity Coordinating Council) requirements.74 Transmission Steel Conversion: Avista's effort to replace wood poles specifically in areas with elevated fire risk with steel poles to protect both infrastructure and customer reliability.The Company has experienced wildfire burning through steel pole lines with no impact from the fire. Tree Fall-In Tree Fall-In:Trees (or limbs)that are dead, dying, or damaged by illness, by lumberjack errors, storms, etc. that fall and come into contact with powerlines, often causing an outage. Tree Grow-In:Trees planted under powerlines that over time grow into and contact those lines. Trip and Reclose: (T/R) A trip and reclose occurs when a circuit breaker is able to clear a fault and quickly restore power by closing the circuit breaker to put the line back in service. TX:Transmission. Tree Grow-In Undergrounding: Undergrounding is the replacement of overhead distribution powerlines with underground cables. In Avista's current Grid Hardening efforts, select portions of distribution overhead line will be converted to underground facilities where feasible and cost justified. In the 74 FAC-501-WECC-2:Transmission Maintenance,WECC-0120 Posting 5 FAC-501-WECC-2 Transmission Maintenance Posting 5 Clean(nerc.com) 104 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 104 of 114 new Enhanced Grid Hardening Program, areas of our distribution system at particularly high risk will be undergrounded based on extensive analysis. Converting facilities to underground fully mitigates potential spark-ignition risk. Unplanned Outage: Electric outage that occurs with no advance notice from the utility. Urban: Population centers such as cities and towns,typically having access to firefighting resources. Includes areas with a population of more than 1,000 persons per square mile as determined by the United States Bureau of the Census. Utility-Related Ignitions: Ignitions involving utility infrastructure or utility employees as determined by official investigation. Vegetation Issues:This typically means trees and other vegetation that has the potential to or has contacted powerlines and which is likely to -✓ cause an outage. .-/ Vegetation Management, Risk-Based: Under Avista's Wildfire Plan, risk tree inspections are increased to 100%of non-urban polygons in anf effort to mitigate the potential for vegetation to F,i I Vegetation Issues contact powerlines and create an outage or spark event. ` Vegetation Management, Routine:Trimming, removal, and other remediations of vegetation used to maintain utility right-of-way and reduce the risk of outages, ignitions, or other disruption and K < danger. At Avista, routine vegetation management is five-year ` cycle with 20%of the system completed each year. Vegetation Risk Index: Risk index indicating the probability of vegetation-caused outages and/or the potential for ignitions along a particular circuit based on the vegetation species, density, height, growth rate, etc. Vulnerable Populations:The State of Washington defines vulnerable populations as people who are unable to care for themselves, have a developmental disability, or receiving healthcare services.71 Wedge Connected Stirrups: The traditional hot line tap is attached via a bolt. Over time this type of connection can come loose, arc and spark, and melt through the conductor, dropping it to the ground.The wedge connected stirrup device prevents the hot tap from being Wedge Connected directly connected to the conductor.The stirrup attaches in such a Stirrup 75 Washington State Dept.of Social&Health Services,"Vulnerable Adult,"Vulnerable Adult I DSHS(wa.gov) 105 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 105 of 114 way that if the connection loosens and if the stirrup melts,the conductor is still intact and does not fall to the ground. A wedge connected stirrup is a more permanent connection to the powerline than a hot tap. Wildfire Impact/Consequence: The effect or outcome of a wildfire affecting objectives, which may be expressed in terms including, although not limited to, health, safety, reliability, economic and/or environmental damage. Wildfire Mitigation Plan: A thoughtful approach to addressing the utility's responsibility in preventing their 0 f. equipment from starting :r.., a wildfire, while at the same timeYlrotectin O Wildfire Ignition ©Source of Fire Damage Urban Conflagration protecting Wildfires can start through both natural and The damage caused by fires comes from If a wildfire reaches a neighborhood of man-made events.Most wildfire ignitions are radiant heat(flames),embers(burning closely spaced homes,fire can easily spread i assets paid for by man-made,either directly(e.g..campfires)or chunks of fuel),and smoke.Fires send from house to house.If aided by wind,the indirectly(e.g.,utlity line spark).Because of embers into the air,which travel downwind entire neighborhood may quickly burn down. this,wildfires often occur In proximity to and may jump natural barriers,such as rivers customers. humans-in towns and along road. and road.If they land on dry vegetation,they Smoke Damage can start new fires.This process of spreading Fires create large amounts of smoke which ©Fire Spread can be repeated over and over. Is then transported by the wind.If the Wildfire Programs: Fire spreads by wind and through available concentration of smoke Is high enough,it fuels.If either goes away,the fire will usual) 0 Ignition of Structures y can result in insurance loss from evacuation stop spreading. Buildings can be ignited by flames or embers orders(additional living expense),business Activities, practices, and which land on the surface of a building or fly closures(business Interruption),and into vents and windows. contents loss from contamination.Smoke strategies that are only can cause damage far beyond the fire g y perimeter during a wildfire event. necessitated by wildfire risk beyond that required by minimum reliability and/or safety requirements. Such programs are not indicated or in common use in areas where wildfire risk is minimal (e.g.,territory with no vegetation or fuel) or under conditions where wildfires are unlikely to ignite or spread (e.g., when rain is falling). Wildfire Risk:The potential for the occurrence of a wildfire event expressed in terms of ignition probability and wildfire impact/consequence, and the likelihood that an ignition will grow to become a large or rapidly growing wildfire due to dry vegetation and weather conditions. Wildfire Risk Reduction:The average percentage difference between the current state of risk and future state risk levels as wildfire measures are implemented. Wildland Urban Interface: Or WUI, is the zone of transition between wilderness (unoccupied land) and land developed by human activity; basically, where the natural environment (typically forested areas) meets the built environment. Homes and businesses located in WUI zones are most at-risk from the impact of wildfires, as they are often located in rural areas lacking adequate fire suppression resources.The WUI map helps to identify and prioritize these areas of greatest risk and serves to inform the recommendations and operational decisions related to wildfire resiliency. Using a WUI map specific to our service territory, we can target our programs where they have the potential to reduce the most risk and have the greatest positive impact in the safety and protection 106 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 106 of 114 of our • t• 46. �1/i■1■►��a■f�l1,i�■■Yr �; ■ono.rulr ■•� ! `� � ® �11r\I:�iiifiii■ii,�.iui ■u.1� ��lyl�1 it -�4 „�� ir■ �o.�au■u■u�CS�r1.1 •app.�.� � L•,f►`i. �,■■ ■■■■■■■•i�•�i■��\'ir•i•i i�i:l��ii.li►a r /:i�I-,� �e�i■�� N��j �',i a,l��i-fi,• I��N fi�� a`l� II`.1_ �"�■IrT■ r * � f tUl�i-Ir'u^•\.I � �tl ���1 �, dui ■■�. ■►+,1�Y•`"Jl�•" i�••.; a•a.�•� Percent I u ■ • Ia y / '� ' Homes WU1 by County �!• _ire.. .7N• w broken and falls from its intended position to rest on the ground or on a foreign object. If the conductor contacts dry materials on the ground and is live,the sparks created can lead to a fire. Wire Down: Instance where an electric transmission or distribution conductor is Wood • • Avista uses Genics Fire Mesh, a wire mesh treated with an inturnescent material that, when exposed to extreme heat, rapidly expands to form a barrier between the fire and the wood pole.These wraps help prevent low-burning fires from ••• poles, protecting them fromdamage • Avista's M' ole Wrap Test ' destruction. Source76 of 1 .' "Understanding the Wildland-Urban991 1 1September1 2023, • . 1Urban Interface •'1 1 1 1 Exhibit • Case • ` 1 Schedule • 107of APPENDIX A: AVISTA'S WILDFIRE PUBLIC SAFETY SHUTOFF PLAN SUMMARY Based on Avista's PSPS Plan Version 1.0—July 2024 Summary of Avista's PSPS Plan 2024 represents Avista's first year of implementing a Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS) Plan. As part of its operational mitigation strategies, Avista developed a PSPS Plan to guide the assessment and decision making process when determining whether to proactively de-energize electrical facilities in areas identified as being at extreme wildfire risk,times when conditions are so severe that it is deemed unsafe to operate our electrical facilities.This effort reduces the potential of those electrical facilities becoming a wildfire ignition source or creating safety concerns for our customers, communities, and employees.The PSPS Plan identifies relevant considerations, decision process flow, and implementation protocols before, during, and after a PSPS event, subject to the recognition that each situation is unique and that actual considerations and/or actions will vary depending on the circumstances. In general,the Plan will be active during wildfire season (typically June-October), reviewed annually, and updated as necessary prior to the start of each wildfire season. Note that nothing in this Plan supersedes the general authority of the Company to de-energize a power line during an emergency or as requested by firefighters, and a decision (i.e., to protect fire response personnel or to protect company assets from fire damage) might be made without complying with the notification and outreach sections of the PSPS Plan. In addition, extreme weather events are, by their nature, unpredictable and unique, so the specific considerations applicable to any decision regarding possible de-energization may vary based on each individual circumstance. Based on the inherently disruptive nature of power outages, PSPS events must be carefully evaluated to balance wildfire risk with potential PSPS impacts on Avista customers and the communities we serve.Thus, a planned de- energization is a measure of last resort to reduce public safety risk. The key goals Avista considers as foundational for the PSPS Plan are listed below: • Advancing the safety of customers, communities, and Avista employees • Collaborating with key external stakeholders (agencies, counties, local governments, public safety partners,tribes and first responders) • Minimizing both potential wildfire risk and power outage impacts to communities and customers • Maintaining reliable electric service As described in the report above, Avista uses a customized WUI map to identify areas at highest risk of wildfire occurrence and impact. Communities such as Chewelah and Colville border national forest 108 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 108 of 114 lands, as do many other areas including Sandpoint, St. Maries, Grangeville, and portions of the Lewiston/Clarkston Valley, placing them at higher risk. Spokane County, having seen significant population growth, also has an increasing number of housing developments within high fire threat areas, increasing the risk of wildfire impacts.According to our current WUI map, approximately 2,746 miles of electric distribution lines are in high fire risk areas, or about 36%of the system. In 2023 the Company identified the top 25 most at-risk distribution feeders across our service territory in the Spokane, Coeur d'Alene,Sandpoint, Kellogg, and Grangeville areas."This list is based on the Avista Fire Weather Dashboard,the WUI map, historic wildfires, historic outage data, and scenario planning. These are the feeders most likely to experience a PSPS event, but this list does not preclude Avista from initiating a PSPS on other circuits in its service territory and the list may change over time. At this time, PSPS is only being considered for use on Avista's electric distribution system; use of PSPS on Avista's transmission system is not currently part of this PSPS plan. Avista's transmission system is part of the Bulk Electric System (BES) which requires strict operational standards for maintaining integrity of the grid.Additional analysis of the impacts of PSPS on Avista's transmission system and development of the process to implement a transmission PSPS are required before being incorporated into this Plan. Preparation Each year as Avista prepares for fire season,we engage with public safety partners, state and local governments, critical facilities,tribal partners, communities, and customers regarding wildfire prevention and Wildfire Resiliency Plan mitigation activities, as well as to provide education in safely and effectively implementing the PSPS plan.The Director of Electrical Engineering along with the Wildfire Resiliency Manager coordinate and facilitate activities of multiple Avista business units for wildfire prevention and mitigation activities including Fire Safety Mode and PSPS operations, while Business& Public Affairs, Customer Solutions, and Corporate Communications facilitate public outreach and coordination efforts with external stakeholders. Coordination with agencies like the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) and Idaho Dept. of Lands (IDL) are part of this work. Decision-Making As a general matter,Avista would initiate a PSPS if the Company determines, based on the circumstances and information available at the time,that a combination of critical conditions at certain locations creates a consequential risk of wildfire ignition and severe resulting harm, and that those risks outweigh the corresponding risks associated with initiating the PSPS. As described earlier in this report,the Fire Risk Index(FRI)generated by the Fire Weather Dashboard will be one of the deciding factors.As a reminder,these levels are: 1) Green (Low)—Risk of fire spread is low to near zero e.g.,typical winter conditions: FRI score "Details are available in Avista's Public Safety Power Shutoff Report located on Avista's website:Public Safety Power Shutoffs(mvavista.com) 109 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 109 of 114 of 0—4.0. 2) Blue (Moderate)—Risk of outage is high,while fire spread is low, or Risk of outage is low, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is moderate and fire spread is moderate: FRI score of 4.1 -5.4. 3) (High) (Extreme FSM)—Risk of outage is high,while fire spread is moderate, or Risk of outage is moderate,while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is high and fire spread is high: FRI score of 5.5-6.4. 4) Orange (Very High) (Extreme FSM)—Risk of outage is extreme, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is high,while fire spread is extreme, or Risk of outage is very high and fire spread is very high: FRI score of 6.5 to 6.9. 5) Red (Extreme)—Risk of outage is extreme, and risk of fire spread is extreme: FRI: >7.0 The FRI supports operational decision-making to reduce potential wildfire risk. Fire Safety Mode which includes enhanced protection settings are used begins at an FRI of approximately 3.5, and elevating to extreme FSM is typical at levels of 5.5. The Company will consider the possibility of initiating a PSPS when the FRI forecast is at 7.0 or greater, and where other factors applicable to the situation warrant such an action.All of these levels and associated decisions are approximate, as the final decision is based upon a number of factors such as expected accuracy of the weather forecasts, potential impacts to customers, and other factors. Timelines PSPS Watch. Avista will transition from normal wildfire season operations to PSPS Watch approximately 7-2 days prior to a potential PSPS event at the direction of the Director of Electrical Engineering (Wildfire Lead) when conditions indicate elevated risk. During the PSPS Watch phase, Avista will activate the PSPS Assessment Team who will meet as needed to discuss current and forecasted weather conditions PSPS Assessment Team and other critical information.An operational risk assessment • Director of Electrical Engineering will be performed to determine, risks, and vulnerabilities.The • Wildfire Resiliency Manager Director of Electrical Engineering will determine whether to • Director of Business&Public Affairs remain at a PSPS Watch, escalate to PSPS Warning, or de- • Electric Operations escalate to seasonal FSM operations.The PSPS Assessment Team • Corporate Communications will decide if Avista will issue a preliminary notification of a • Regulatory •System Operations potential PSPS event to public safety partners, critical facilities .SystomOper eraio ce operators, governmental agencies, and emergency management • Manager of Social Impact partners. An Emergency Operating Plan (EOP) briefing will also . Legal be initiated as early as 7 days prior to the initiation of a PSPS Event. 110 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 110 of 114 PSPS Warning.48-24 hours in advance of a potential event if it is Full PSPS Team believed that a PSPS outage is either probable or is already • PSPS Assessment Team plus: scheduled,the full PSPS team will be placed on stand-by. . Wildfire Executive Committee Executives will be given detailed information. Operations will o President and COO help determine which circuits should be de-energized and begin o VP of Energy Delivery developing a restoration plan. Impacted customers will be o VP of Community Affairs& contacted and are warned to take steps to prepare for an Chief Customer Officer outage. Internal stakeholders such as line crews and provisioners o Sr. VP and General counsel o Sr. VP CFO Treasurer will begin preparations.The utility continues to coordinate with o Regulatory Affairs Officer identified external partners such as first responders and o Director of Corporate community support organizations to provide them with Communications information and develop a joint strategy. PSPS Event.The power has been shut off. Information on all channels is continuously updated, including the outage map,to keep customers informed about the situation and when the Company expects to restore power. PSPS End.An "all clear" is issued based on weather projections and in consultation with necessary parties.At this point, Avista determines that the threat has ended and that it is safe to begin making repairs. Crews are organized and dispatched.This process may take several days. Communications will continue to be a priority. It is important that customers are kept informed throughout this process, including estimated restoration time. It is important to note Restoration that a PSPS event and associated complexities One of the challenges when using PSPS is the process of re-energization, related to patrol and repair work does not Power restoration following a PSPS is akin to a major storm. In traditional account for the outages on other circuits and utility restoration efforts, the priority is to restore service to as many there would likely be customers as possible through line switching and by isolating faulted hundreds of such outages in an event of circuits. Restoration efforts may also include a consideration of customers this magnitude. most heavily impacted by outages or located in Named Communities. If a utility de-energizes lines for a PSPS event,facilities cannot be re-energized until all impacted circuits and lines are thoroughly inspected or patrolled to ensure that the situation is safe. After inspection, lines are re-energized segment by segment. Patrol of all impacted overhead electric facilities can only commence once the weather event has subsided and it is safe for crews to enter the area. Restoration following a typical PSPS event normally requires three to six days depending upon the location, crew availability,the total number of lines to be inspected, and other factors. For this reason, several PSPS events in California have taken up to 14 days for full restoration. Restoration efforts following a PSPS will always require additional time to fully inspect each circuit and line even if they weren't damaged during the weather event and must account for the fact that a situation that would lead to a PSPS is likely to cause damage system-wide, not only on PSPS circuits. 111 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 111 of 114 Customer Communications& Support Strong partnerships have been developed between Avista and local public safety and health organizations, other utilities,tribal and community leaders, and emergency management agencies to assist in the coordination for any event which impacts the communities we serve. Avista will serve as the initiating agency in the event of a PSPS and will coordinate with all local agencies as appropriate. If requested, an Avista employee may be dispatched to the affected State or County Emergency Operations Centers in the role of Liaison Officer and will provide a constant and direct conduit for information. As discussed previously in this report, multiple channels of communication will be used before, during, and after a PSPS event. Avista Regional Business Managers will maintain regular outreach with local jurisdictions including voice and email notifications during the event with specific information about the location of a PSPS event and estimated restoration times.This information is also included on our website and outage map. As mentioned previously,Avista has a Customer Service CARES Team which is engaged with medically vulnerable customers and acts as a liaison to support those customers and any who are identified as being on life support. Another way Avista will support customers during a PSPS event is to operate Community Resource Centers (CRCs). CRCs are an integral part of ensuring that customers affected by PSPS events have access to basic resources and up-to-date information during a PSPS event.Avista utilizes a contracted vendor, FireDawg,for logistical support in deploying CRCs. CRCs will be activated once a PSPS de- energization is imminent.The center(s)will generally be open from the beginning of a PSPS event until final re-energization,with typical hours of operation being 8 am to 8 pm. CRCs generally include air conditioning, electronic and medical device charging, snacks/water/ice, and information regarding the outage.Avista will utilize brick-and-mortar facilities for CRC locations unless such a facility is not available, in which case FireDawg will deploy a large generator-powered trailer or tent.Avista personnel, Community Resource Ambassadors, and the contracted vendor will staff the center(s)to assist and provide information to customers in need. Avista has identified many potential locations for CRCs throughout the service territory based upon estimated customer needs.The work of formalizing agreements and securing additional locations for CRCs is ongoing and will continue into 2025.Avista is working both internally and externally with local public safety partners, other community partners, and tribal leadership to identify appropriate CRC sites. In most circumstances one CRC location will be established within each de-energized area and will provide the ability for the community to have specific needs met during a PSPS event. In 2024 the Company reached out to over 14,000 first responders, emergency managers, critical customer groups, service providers, health organizations, city and county leaders, state agencies, and others to provide education around our PSPS Plan and to strategize about protecting and supporting customers through potential outages. Details of this engagement can be found in the tables below. 112 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 112 of 114 Date: Agency/Event: Representatives: Attendees: Topics: January 29th Horizon Hospice Executive Director and Case Manager 3 Potential implications of PSPS and extended outages and opportunities to partnertogether Lakeland Managers of Facilities at Eastern State Hospital and Lakeland Implications of upcoming PSPS and discussing opportunities for February 8th Village/Eastern State Village 5 communication and collaboration during emergency events Hospital Idaho Office of Emergency Managers from Clearwater,Latah,Lewis,Idaho,Nez March 14th Emergency Perce,City of Lewiston,National Weather Service,Kootenai 17 Shared about PSPS,discussed medically vulnerable customers,questions Management,North Health,Public Health North Central District and Nez Perce County about length of outage,CRCs Central Region March 21st North Idaho Healthcare Kootenai Health,Kootenai County EMS,North Central Health 20-25 Discussed impacts of PSPS and introducing the topic to the group,also Coalition District,Panhandle Health District discussed work with medically vulnerable customers Community Resilience Executive Directors of Providence,Multicare,Aging&Long Term Discussed impacts of PSPS and how we can continually improve our reach Care of EW;representatives from WA State DOH,Spokane March 22nd &Vulnerable Regional Health District,DSHS,Horizon Hospice,Indian Health 15-20 and service to medically vulnerable customers.Also discussed continued Populations Luncheon desire to partnertogether Services April 10th Shoshone County LEPC 17 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,questions about medically vulnerable,backup generation April 11th Bonner County LEPC 22 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,questions about medically vulnerable,backup generation April 17th Benewah County LEPC 16 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,questions about medically vulnerable,backup generation Cottonwood Fire Dept.,North Idaho Healthcare Coalition,Public Idaho County Local Health N.Idaho,Elk City Fire Dept.,Idaho County Mapping, Discussed PSPS,questions about medically vulnerable,length of outages, April 18th Emergency Planning Harpster Fire Dept.,Idaho Office of Emergency Mgmt.,3 Rivers 17 CRCs Committee Ham Radio,Lewis County Ham Radio,Idaho County Emergency Mgmt.and Idaho Dept.of Lands April 23rd City of Spokane City of Spokane Mayorand Cabinet 18 Discussed PSPS and medically vulnerable customers,other partnerships and data sharing opportunities Spokane Fire Chiefs Spokane Fire Chiefs,Providence Emergency Manager,Dept.of Discussed PSPS and changesto Fire Safety Mode(FSM),discussed water May 2nd Meeting Natural Resources,Spokane County 18-20 resources,where to send information about potential PSPS event and water resources in event of wildfire Public Health Spokane Regional Health District,NETri-County Health,Whitman Discussed PSPS and medically vulnerable customers,wells and May 6th Emergency Planning County Public District,Lincoln County Public Health,Adams County 12-14 Region Meeting(9 East) Health District wastewater treatment Press Conference regarding PSPS Partners:Citypartnerships p of Spokane,Spokane County,De t.of Natural Provided an overview of PSPS and the importance of artnershi s helping Rosentrater(President May 7th presented by Heather Resources and Idaho Dept.of Lands,Spokane County Fire Chiefs 20-24 keep our communities safe and CEO of Avista) Lewis County Emergency Mgmt.,Lewis County Sheriff,3 Rivers Lewis County Amateur Radio,Idaho Transportation Dept.,City of Nez Perce, May 8[h Emergency Planning Kamiah Fire Protection,National Weather Service,Nez Perce 17 PSPS discussion,questions about communication timeline,length of Tribe,Craigmont Rural Fire Dept.,Winchester Rural Fire Dept., outage,backup generation for wastewater treatment plants Committee Public Health North Central District,Lewis County Commission and City of Nez Perce Planning and Zoning, May 8th CDA Executive Round 35 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,questions about medically y Table vulnerable,backup generation,water resources for rural customers Community Response Spokane County,Spokane Transit,WSDOT,Spokane Regional for Vulnerable Health District,Aging and Long Term Care of EW,Spokane Discussed PSPS/medically foryvulnerable customersandhings wesed about May lath 18 mostimportant issues forvulnerable populations and things we should be Population During Neighboorhood Action Partners,Disability Action Center NW, Outages International Rescue Committee focused on going forward May 13th City of Spokane Fire Spokane Fire Chief,executive chief staff,wildland planner, 12 Discussed PSPS and updates to FSM,discussed medically vulnerable y Chiefs wildland group battalion chiefs customers and continued efforts to partner togetherfor outreach events Panorama Counties May 14th, School and Community Stevens County,Kettle Falls School District,ESD 101,Newport 12-14 Discussed PSPS and using schools as potential CRC locations Emergency Responders School District,Pend Oreille School District Meeting May 14th Stevens County Stevens County Commissioners,Stevens County Emergency 15 Discussed PSPS and Wildfire Resiliency Program Commissioners Meeting Manager,Fire Personnel May 15th Medical Lake Recovery Agencies and organizations around the community who assist in 80 Discussed PSPS and Wildfire Resiliency Program Group disaster recovery May 16th Providence Hospitals Providence Emergency Manager and Facilities Managers 5 Discussed PSPSforthe hospitals,best points of contacts,backup generation May 20[h Commercial and Discussed PSPS and Wildfire Resiliency Program answered questions from I Various industrial and commercial accounts ndustrial Accounts group Washington State Discussed PSPS and the implications of DSHS facilities,discussed May 20th Department of Social DSHS employees from around the state 7Ot communications and implored folks to discuss this topic with their local and Health Services municipalities May 22nd Kootenai County LEPC 25 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,questions about medically vulnerable,backup generation,water resources for rural customers Asotin County Dept.of Emergency Mgmt.,Washington State Emergency Mgmt.,Nez Perce County/City of Lewiston Emergency Asotin County Local Mgmt.,Garfield County Emergency Mgmt.,National Weather Discussed PSPS and questions about length of outages,communications May 24th Emergency Planning Service,Avista,City of Asotin Mayor,Asotin County Public Works, 15 Committee Asotin County Commission,Asotin County Conservation District, prior to PSPS event Asotin County Fire Chief,Asotin County Sheriff,Asotin County Health District,Tri State Health. 113 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 113 of 114 Date: Agency,Even[: Representatives: Attendees: Topics: June loth Spokane Valley Council 1 City Councl Member with Spokane Valley Discussed PSPS and questions about length of outages,communications Member Discussion onto PSPS event and medical) vulnerablecustomers Discussed Wildfire/PSPS Resiliency and what Avesta is doing within their Stevens&Ferry Counties and 4vlzta speakers,to inclutle the communities to prepare for wildfire season sharing Info about our NE Washington Dire for of Electrical Engineering,Manager of WF Resiliency, Vegetation Management programs,Operational changes,the WMP,CRC's, une llth Telephone Town Hall -2 and what our guest speakers within the community are using to address Event Electric Operations Manager,and guest speakers from local Fire Agencies and Emergency Managers nP the threat of wildfire.This was a live event,allowingthe le on The callcalltoask questions.answering 15 g them ward:the last minutes of the call lcwis-Clark Valley Chamber members,business leaders,elected officals, June 12[h amber of Commerce educational institutions and other VIPs from the Lewis-Clark ]Sot Discussed Avesta's Wildfire Resiliency Program and briefly discussed the (presenter Heather Valley,active and retired potential for PSPS Rosentrater June 13th Spokane Tribe yearly Fire Mgmt.Officer,Wildlife Manager and Acting Forestry Manager Discussed AWVa's Wildfire Resiliency Program and discussed the wildfire meeting with Spokane Tribe potential for PSPS,also discussed best points of contact during emergency Colville Confederated Natural Resources Director,Emergency Mgmt.Coordinator, Discussed Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Program and discussed The June 13th Tribe yearly wildfire Assistant Forest Manager,Forest Manager,Health and Human meeting Services Director,and Fire Chief of Nespelem, contact potential for PSPS,also discussed best points of during emergency June 13th Nez Perm Tribe yearly Fire Preverdlon&Mflfgation Specialist,Natural Resource Manager Discussed Avista's Wildfire Resiliency program and discossed the wildfire meeting and Deputy Executive Director Potential for PSPS,also discussed best points of contact during emergency Discussed Wildfire/PSPS Resiliency and what Avesta is doing within their Kootenai,Benewah,Bonner,and Shoshone Counties and Avesta commun Ries to prepare forweldfire season sharing info about our North Idaho Telephone speakers,to include the Director of Electrical Engineering, Vegetation Management programs,Operational changes,the WMP,CRCs, June 13th Town Hall Event Manager of WF Resiliency,Electric Operations Manager,and guest 2,0]6 antl what our guest speakers with the community are using to address speaker from Idaho Dept.of Lands the threat of wildfire.This was a live event,allowing the people on the call to ask questions,answering them towards the last 15 minutes of the call June 1]Ri Providence Hospice ExeaHve Director and Care Coordinator Discussed PSPS and questions about length of outages,communications Care of Spokane prior to PSPS event and medically vulnerable customers Discussed Wildfire/PSPS Resiliency and what Avesta is doing within their Clearwater,Asohn,Lewis County,Lewis Clark Valley,Nez Pence mmunnies to prepare for wildfire season sharing info about our N.Central Idaho and Whitman Counties and Avesta speakers,to include the Director Vegetation Management programs,Operational changes,the WMP,CRCs, June lath Telephone Town Hall of Electrical Engineering,Manager of WF Resiliency,Electric 2,275 and what ourguest speakers within the community are using to address Event Operations Manager,and guest speakers from Idaho Dept.of the threat of wildfire.This was a live event,allowing the people on thv Lands and County Fire Chief call to ask questions,answering them towards the last IS minutes of the call North Central Multi County emergency managers from Asotin,Clearwater,Idaho, Discussed Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Program and briefly discussed the June 20th Agency Coordinating Lewis and Nez Pence counties as well as the City of lewiston,Nez 65 potential for PSPS Group Pence Tribe As well as Idaho Office of Emergency Mg-[. Northern Spokane County,Deer Park,West Plains,Greater Discussed Wildfire/PSPS Resiliency to include what Avista is doing within Spokane Region Spokane Valley areas,Southern Spokane County,and Avesta their communf[ies to prepare for wildfire season to include,Vegetation June 2t th Telephone Town Hall speakers,to include the Director of Electrical Engineering, 2 40] Management,Operations,the WMP,CRCs,and guest speakers from our Event Manager of WF Resiliency,Electric Operations Manager,and guest partners within the community.This wasalive event,allowing the people speaker from Chen Fire,and Spokane County Emergency Mgmt. on the call to ask questions,answeringthem toward,the last 15 minutes zPea Cheney po ty rgenry Br^ of the call Discussed Wildfire/PSPS Resiliency and what Avesta is doing within their City of Spokane,and Avista speakers,to Include the Director of communities to prepare for wildfire season sharing info about our City of Spokane Vegetation Management programs,Operational changes,the WMP,CRCs, June 25th Telephone Town Hall Elec(nical Engineering,Operations Manager of Vegetation Mgmt, 3634 and what ourguest speakers within the community are using to address Electric Operations Manager,and guest speaker from the Cety of Event Spokane Fire,and Director of Emergency Mgmt. the threat of wildfire.This was a live event,allowing the people on the call to ask questions,answering them towards the last 15 minutes of the Panhandle call June. Health/Medical Reserve 32 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,q uestfons about medical ly Co vulnerable,backup generation,water resources for rural customers Junes lath Stevens County Flre Fire Chiefsfrom Stevens County area antl Stevens County 16 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,questlonsabout medically Chiefs Meetin Emer a Maria a vulnerable,backup generation,water resources for rural customers Liberty take City Council,City Administrator,Liberty lake Mayor, Discussed Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS,questions about medical ly July 2 d liberty lake City Council other Liberty lake City staff,Spokane Valley Fire Dept.,Liberty 20 vulnerable,backup generation,water resources for rural customers Lake Police,plus several Libe Lake citizens July2nd Medical take City City Council and members from public 30 Dacisssed Wildfire Resiliency Plan and PSPS Councl Discussed Wildfire/PSPS Resiliency and what Avesta is doing within then Adams,letah,Lincoln,Whitman Counties,and Avista speakers,to mm—dies to prepare forweldfire season sharing info about our Palouse Region Vegetation Management programs,Operational changes,[he WMP,CRCs, July 2nd Telephone Town Hall silienincludethe Director ofElectrical ageEngs, ring,Manager r WF 2,929 and what our guest speakers within the community are using to address Resiliency,Electric Operations Whit Manager,and guest speakers from Event Pullman Fire,and Whitman County Emergency Mgmt. the threat of questions, answering was t live event,allowing the people on the call to ask questions,answering them towards the last 15 minutes of tho_ call Jul ath Conversation with Regional Director Discussed PSPS and best contacts durin y Verizon Wireless Hiona dung emergency Kootenai County Fire& Discussion focused on vulnerable water districts without backup July 9th Resale/Northam Lakes 11 generation and communications during PSPS Fire District Idaho Regional Wildfire Emergency Mgmt.personnel from Asotin,Her Pence,Lewis,Idaho, July 22th prep Discussion Group Clearwaterand latah counties,aswellasthe Nez Pence Tribe and a Discussed Wildfire Resiliency Plan and PSPS the Idaho Office of Emer e Mgmt. July 11th Meeting with Spokane County Library Dlstrlcl Operations Manager of Spokane County Libraries Discussed specifics of PSPS Plan and request to use locations for CRi Presentation to Faith Representatives from various faiths Including Christian,LDS, Discussed specifics of Wildfire Resiliency and PSPS Plans and request l.: July 12fh Based Regional Buddhist,Sikh,salvation army Committee 61U potentially use church locations In rural areas for CRCs Committee Meeting with Discussed specifics of PSPS communications strategy and ooncems ab,.i s July 24th Whitworth Water Executive Director and Lead Engineer dis for ba District ckup generation water tre t Follow-up with Discussed new methods to reach customers in rural areas and the effo rt: July 25th agencies working in WSDOi and Disability Action Center NW rural Communities t0 combat false InfprtnaflOn July 27th Settlers Day Deer Park, Citizens from Deer Park and surrounding area 20 Had booth open to discuss PSPS and wildfire progWA I ram August 3rd Family Day(Location: General public(put on by group of rellglous organizations In the 150-200 Had booth o to discuss PSPS and wildfire gu City of Spokane PNWre Ion open program August 14th Meeting with AT&T t0 AT&T employees from Washington,Idaho and California and 8-10 Discussed PSPS and best contacts during emergency discuss PSPS rotacols S ne Coun Emer e M cot August 15th S kane Fere District 5 Fire Commissioner 1 Discussed Wildfire Resiliency Plan and PSPS and answered uestions 114 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 1,Page 114 of 114 AVISTA'S WILDFIRE RESILIENCY PLAN 2024 Communications Plan Overview The 2024 communications plan builds on the last four years of Wildfire Resiliency communications plans. The scope of this plan is broad communications to customers about Avista's wildfire resiliency work and direct customer communications regarding work or events that may impact them. It does not include communication between Avista staff and first responders or community outreach led by the Regional Business Manager or Wildfire Resiliency Teams but includes support for those efforts. Objectives We aim to partner with our customers in preparing for and preventing wildfire while also reinforcing our main communications objectives and: • Build awareness among all key stakeholders of the significant actions and investments Avista is taking to prevent or mitigate the risk of wildfires. • Instill confidence in Avista as a proactive and responsible corporate citizen. • Demonstrate Avista's focus on prioritizing the safety and well-being of its customers and the communities it serves. • Provide examples of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan in action and show progress as it is implemented. • Engage customers in programs that impact them and their communities. • Promote preparedness for potential outages, including PSPS. The Wildfire Resiliency Plan identified four main components—Grid Hardening, Vegetation Management, Situational Awareness and Operational Readiness. We continue to support each of these elements, highlighting projects in each area as proof points of Avista's plan in action. PSPS and Customer Preparedness • Encourage customers to be prepared for outages, including updating their contact information with Avista. • Partner with emergency management and fire agencies to promote public safety and demonstrate support for PSPS as a mitigation strategy. • Continue to reinforce key messages of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan and remind customers of the significant actions and investment Avista is taking. • Encourage customers considered medically vulnerable to contact Avista CARES team. • Educate customers on PSPS and enhanced protection settings so they understand why these measures might be needed and when Avista will contact them. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 2, Page 1 of 4 Tactic Timing/Details Press Release • May— Develop joint press release with partners before the start of wildfire season. Explain elements of the plan with a particular focus on the addition of PSPS. • June/July—Announcing start of Fire Safety Mode for the season • As needed throughout the season based on conditions and weather events Press • May—With partners, same time as press release Conference Website • April/May - Update Avista's wildfire pages • April/May - Create dedicated PSPS page. Bill Inserts • February— Insert about Medically Vulnerable customers with CTA to contact Avista's CARES Team (translated into Spanish) • May/June — Insert about PSPS and preparing for wildfire season with CTA to update contact information (translated into Spanish) Emails • March/April — Encourage medically vulnerable sign up All WA/ID . May— Coincides with press release electric customers • June/July—Announcing Fire Safety Mode as begun As needed throughout the season based on conditions and weather events Internal • May— Employee meeting announcing new elements of the plan with a particular focus on PSPS • E.View or E.View extra with content from press release • Updates through All-Employee meetings Additional • One pagers for PSPS and general wildfire program materials and collateral • Support RBM efforts to conduct series of meetings and telephone town halls • Telephone town halls available in Spanish Print Ads . Continue previous two years' print campaign in smaller papers reminding customers wildfire season is coming. • Translate ads and include in Spanish speaking publications Video a Utilize videos created in 2023 regarding Fire Safety Mode and the Fire Weather Dashboard Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 2, Page 2 of 4 • Create third video about PSPS Vegetation Management— Right Tree, Right Place, Fuel Reduction, Safe Tree • As part of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan, Avista has elevated its approach to vegetation management, particularly in targeted, high risk geographic areas, to further reduce the risk of trees making contact with electrical lines. • Electric customers in high-risk areas (WUI Tier 2-3) may be eligible for a program where Avista will remove and replace incompatible trees with low growing, compatible species. In 2022, we named this program Safe Tree, and it has expanded to several counties. It currently has a waitlist. Tactic Timing/Details Customer Targeted outreach to customers identified who qualify for program. Communication • Additional follow-up outreach from program. • Created "Safe Tree" program that included postcards and emails to eligible customers along with web form. Website • Online form on the wildfire webpage. Avista-Owned Success stories from pilot program shared on Connect blog, Channels possible Connections article, social media posts. Grid Hardening • As grid hardening projects continue throughout our service territory, we are working with that team to notify customers who will be impacted by the work and reinforce why we are doing it. • Grid hardening projects offer a tangible example of how Avista is investing in its wildfire plan. • In 2024 and 2025, Avista is completing an undergrounding project as a feasibility effort to inform moat undergrounding (or covered conductor) strategy. Tactic Timing/Details Customer . Ongoing, Postcards alerting customers of work that is happening in Communication their area. To be mailed within two weeks of work for each project. • Outreach to community impacted by undergrounding Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 2, Page 3 of 4 Earned Media . As appropriate, actively pitch media stories about grid hardening and wildfire resiliency as work happens in an area Avista-Owned . As appropriate and available, stories, like wood-to-steel Channels transmission upgrades, can be used on our own channels like Connect, Connections and social media. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 2, Page 4 of 4 Avista Statement of Approval In the 2023 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. AVU-E-23-01 parties agreed to the following: For the Distribution Risk Tree program, the Company will have a third party conduct a study, within a year of Commission Order, to see what the most efficient vegetation management cycle should be in their service area (i.e., 2- or 3-year cycles). In accordance with this directive, the Company hired an external vegetation management evaluation service, Iapetus Infrastructure Services, to look at the key points of Avista's risk tree program, assess the optimum frequency of maintenance across the service area, examine our fire risk profile, compare our existing program to industry best practices, and to evaluate our strategies and their effectiveness. Their report is attached. In summary, Iapetus found that Avista's approach to managing the risk associated with utility-caused wildfires as an annual cycle is a reasonable and responsible approach and that Avista is using best-in-class practices in this area. They sited, as partial evidence of this, a reduction in actual tree fall-ins since the risk tree program began in 2020 of 62%. A summary of their investigations is shown below: Observation Comments Considering the impact that drought and tree mortality has had on forests in the Western United States, Risk Tree Avista has implemented an effective strategy to reduce the potential for utility-caused wildfires.As the Cycle Risk Tree Program matures,the inventory of risk trees identified and removed should continue to reduce in numbers as long as the goals and objectives remain in line with current standards.An annual cycle is consistent with best-in-class programs at other major utilities in the West. Avista has taken a comprehensive approach to identify and mitigate risk trees that pose a hazard to the Risk Tree overhead distribution system.This approach has a two-fold benefit of reducing the volume of trees that Strategy can potentially result in a utility-caused wildfire,as well as reduce the types of tree-related events that cause interruption of electrical service. Identifying By leveraging the industry-accepted UAA/ISA guide, Best Management Practices-Utility Risk Tree Risk Trees Assessment,Avista is utilizing the most current protocols in use today by North American Utilities to identify off-ROW risk trees that pose a hazard to the electrical grid and potentially pose a wildfire risk. Outage Avista should commit to studying the root causes of tree-related outages through accurate reporting and Investigations thorough post-outage investigations.A commitment to post-incident investigations does not mean every outage needs to be investigated;however,the more data,the better the analysis. We fully support their findings and have committed to the only recommendation they had for improvement, to perform a more thorough investigation and documentation of root causes for tree- related outages. Vern Malensky, Director Electrical Engineering Date: August 26, 2024 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 1 of 19 AllV --- /" IST A�iI/ Distribution Risk Tree Program MAY 2024 r PROGRAM ASSESSMENT ye ^ fir;. Iapetus infrastructure services PREPARED BY: Adam Warf Dr. Philip Charlton Steve Hallmark Iapetus Infrastructure Services, LLC 3900 Essex Lane, Suite 775 Houston, TX 77027 LEGAL DISCLAIMER:Recommendations made in this report are for Avista's internal use only.IIS is not responsible for Avista's action(s)or inaction in response to these recommendations.Assumptions made by IIS in the composition of this report were made based upon information collected by and from Avista. Gaps in information are noted,but numbers may be skewed as a result of missing or inaccurate data provided. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 2 of 19 Executive Summary Introduction In 2020, Avista Utilities (Avista) began a risk tree inspection program on the distribution system. Trees meeting predetermined risk criteria are scheduled for tree maintenance within six months of identification. Its first full annual system assessment was completed in 2022. In June 2023, Avista agreed to the following terms with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC): For the Distribution Risk Tree program, the Company will have a third party conduct a study, within a year of Commission Order, to see what the most efficient vegetation management cycle should be in their service area (i.e., 2- or 3-year cycles). In response to the Commission Order (the "Order") above, Avista contracted Iapetus Infrastructure Services ("IIS") to evaluate its current Distribution Risk Tree Program and provide recommendations for enhancing its approach to timing of inspections and subsequent mitigation measures. Assessment Process As directed by Avista, IIS performed a detailed review of Avista's Distribution Risk Tree Program to assess the optimum frequency of maintenance per service area (i.e., one-, two- or three-year cycles). All areas of review were made within the context of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan. The team utilized the following process for this assessment: 1. Review Avista's Enhanced Vegetation Management and Wildfire Resiliency Plans. 2. Assess Avista's tree-specific performance including tree-related outage data and work completion records. 3. Interview Avista's Vegetation Management team. 4. Develop and document recommendations. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 3 of 19 Key Observations Avista has developed a Risk Tree Program leveraging their internal experience and history of tree outages and program performance, as well as collaboration with leading wildfire mitigation programs at electric utilities with more mature and robust programs. Based upon this review, the IIS team finds that Avista's approach to managing the risk associated with utility-caused wildfires as an annual cycle is a reasonable and responsible approach. IIS has identified the following major areas of focus to enhance the foundation of Avista's Risk Tree Program and become a more progressive, best-in- class program. Observation Comments Risk Tree Considering the impact that drought and tree mortality has had on Cycle forests in the Western United States, Avista has implemented an effective strategy to reduce the potential for utility-caused wildfires. As the Risk Tree Program matures, the inventory of risk trees identified and removed should continue to reduce in numbers as long as the goals and objectives remain in line with current standards. An annual cycle is consistent with best-in-class programs at other major utilities in the West. Risk Tree Avista has taken a comprehensive approach to identify and mitigate Strategy risk trees that pose a hazard to the overhead distribution system. This approach has a two-fold benefit of reducing the volume of trees that can potentially result in a utility-caused wildfire, as well as reduce the types of tree-related events that cause interruption of electrical service. Identifying By leveraging the industry-accepted UAA/ISA guide, Best Risk Trees Management Practices— Utility Risk Tree Assessment, Avista is utilizing the most current protocols in use today by North American Utilities to identify off-ROW risk trees that pose a hazard to the electrical grid and potentially pose a wildfire risk. Outage Avista should commit to studying the root causes of tree-related Investigations outages through accurate reporting and thorough post-outage investigations. A commitment to post-incident investigations does not mean every outage needs to be investigated; however, the more data, the better the analysis. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 4 of 19 Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary ........................................................................................................2 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 AssessmentProcess....................................................................................................2 KeyObservations......................................................................................................... 3 Avista Distribution Risk Tree Program............................................................................. 5 Wildfire Resiliency Plan................................................................................................ 5 FireRisk Profile............................................................................................................ 6 Risk Assessment Strategy........................................................................................... 8 Risk Tree Workload, Cost, and Tree Failure.............................................................. 10 IdentifyingRisk Trees............................................................................................. 10 Post-outage Investigations ..................................................................................... 12 Tree-related Outages................................................................................................. 13 Cycle Length and Objectives.................................................................................. 15 Historical Risk Tree Workload ................................................................................ 16 IISConsulting Team...................................................................................................... 18 AdamWarf................................................................................................................. 18 SteveHallmark........................................................................................................... 18 Dr. Phil Charlton......................................................................................................... 18 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 5 of 19 Avista Distribution Risk Tree Program Wildfire Resiliency Plan Wildfires are generally defined as "unplanned, uncontrolled fires fueled by an area of combustible vegetation" and, like all fires, require three fundamental elements to exist: fuel, oxygen, and heat. The fuel supply across North America has increased over the past few decades due to political policies around fire suppression and forest management, the introduction of non-native grasses, and dryer climates and droughts that left forests damaged by insects and disease. Oxygen often comes in the form of high winds that can spread the fires quickly. Sparks that initiate the fires are primarily generated by human activities and weather, but about 10% of wildfire ignitions are sparked by faults in electrical infrastructure or electric equipment failure.' In recent years, wildfires have emerged as a significant risk to public safety and to the bulk power system (BPS) assets that serve the Western Interconnection of North America. Wildfires initiated by electric utility infrastructure prompted the state of California to enact legislation in 2018 that required each electrical corporation, local publicly owned electric utility, and electrical cooperative to do two things: 1) construct, maintain, and operate its electrical lines and equipment in a manner that will minimize the risk of catastrophic wildfire posed by those electrical lines and equipment and 2) prepare and submit wildfire mitigation plans (WMPs) on an annual basis for review and approval by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC). Recognizing the value of WMPs, a significant number of electric utilities outside of California in the Western US have voluntarily developed their own WMPs to identify and reduce their wildfire risk exposure. Both investor-owned and publicly owned utilities (e.g., municipal, cooperative, REA, and federal utilities) have developed WMPs as guiding documents to codify their risk reduction efforts as they relate to wildfires. Electric Utilities in the Western US with WMPs include: • Bonneville Power • Idaho Power • Northwestern Energy • PacifiCorp • Puget Sound Energy A WMP details a utility's initiatives and activities for reducing the risks of its lines and equipment igniting wildfires in the high fire risk areas of its service territory. The risks associated with the equipment vary depending upon several factors: age and condition, population density (ingress and egress), surrounding climate, terrain and vegetation, "Wildfire Mitigation Webinar Series." U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity.April 2021. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 6 of 19 voltage class and type of construction, and policies and regulations around land/forest management. New technologies and increasing data capture have enabled companies to perform risk analyses at the asset level, allowing them to prioritize activities and develop initiatives for specific lines and equipment. This granularity provides for more effective and efficient mitigations. While each utility's risks are unique, general metrics for various aspects of the plan enable a utility to assess the outcomes and measure the performance of individual initiatives. Identifying plan successes and deficiencies ensures that the iterative development process is one of continuous improvement. In general, WMPs describe how the utilities' electric systems are designed, constructed, operated, inspected, and maintained to promote wildfire safety, prevention, mitigation, and recovery. Fire Risk Profile As identified in the Wildfire Resiliency Plan, Avista has committed to reducing fire risk to its communities, customers, and the company. Like other utility wildfire plans, Avista is making investments in four key areas: 1. Grid Hardening — to invest in electric line infrastructure to reduce spark-ignition outage events and protect critical assets from the impact of wildfires. This has become a key focus of utilities that are exposed to the highest probability of utility-caused wildfire ignitions, as well as protecting assets from any wildfire that encroaches on the utility's assets. Some examples include undergrounding, fire-resistant overhead construction materials (e.g. composite poles, or fire-retardant wrapped material on poles), as well as the use of tree wire and construction standards that reduce the failure potential of overhead lines. 2. Enhanced Vegetation Management — to inspect 100% of distribution line assets annually and combine remote sensing technologies such as LiDAR and satellite imagery to aid in overall vegetation management decision-making. Annual inspections of overhead electrical facilities in high fire risk (or high fire threat) areas of a utility's footprint are becoming commonplace, and in certain states a regulatory requirement. Such inspections take place for infrastructure (typically poles and hardware), as well as to identify hazardous trees. 3. Situational Awareness — to automate Avista's non-reclosing protection strategy and align short-term, weather-related fire risk with system protection levels. This is a basic tenet of a utility wildfire risk reduction effort. Seasonal adjustments to reclosure settings are an accepted standard for many utilities in high fire risk areas. Increasingly, remote switching at the sub-circuit level is being deployed to Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 7 of 19 isolate electrical facilities damaged by wildfire, as well as proactive de-energizing of line segments during high fire threat periods. It should be noted that proactive de-energizing is a very complex process for any utility to deploy, and requires significant buy-in among the utility, regulators, and customers. As documented in Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Report: "Avista has developed a computer algorithm to monitor, forecast, and adapt to fire-weather events. Avista's Fire Weather Dashboard combines the National Weather Service's 7-day forecast with Avista infrastructure data to quantify the daily fire risk on 350 distribution circuits. This allows system operators to align circuit protection settings with fire-weather conditions and minimize the potential for spark-ignition on a circuit-by-circuit basis. This monitoring system is similar to those used in California. In fact, Avista worked closely with San Diego Gas & Electric to calibrate the system to achieve a balance between electric service reliability and fire ignition potential. This monitoring system supports Avista's fire season circuit protection program known internally as Dry Land Mode." Observation: San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has been at the forefront of managing wildfire risk and developed one of the most comprehensive utility wildfire management programs in the United States. Leveraging SDG&E's experience and knowledge is commendable. 4. Emergency Response & Operation — to help customers be better prepared for wildfires and partner with emergency first responders before, during, and after fire events. Emergency Response Plans are core to a utility's ability to effectively manage the complexities of any emergency, including wildfire. By actively engaging local and state agencies in the development and execution of a utility emergency response plan, all parties involved can perform at their highest level. In turn, the customers are best served with reliable information that keeps them informed and able to make informed decisions. These are core principles of a proactive Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP), which is the term typically used by most electric utilities in the Western United States. These principles provide focus for the utility on design and maintenance practices that can best reduce the risk of utility-caused wildfires, as well as establish clear operating procedures during periods of elevated wildfire potential. Avista has established a framework for a plan to identify and reduce risk from wildfire on their system. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 8 of 19 Risk Assessment Strategy For this report, IIS will focus specifically on the Risk Assessment Strategy as it relates to the Distribution Risk Tree Program. In 2019, Avista developed the initial wildland urban interface (WUI) map that combined data from the Wildfire Hazard Potential with the location of Avista electric lines in areas of low, medium, and high population. This analysis indicated that 3,240 miles of Avista's 7,725-mile distribution system were located in high fire threat districts (42% of the system). Avista's 2020 Wildfire Plan focused on grid hardening and vegetation programs in these elevated risk areas. In 2023, Avista's WUI map was updated and now includes additional data which measures the impact of fire on human development. The USDA's Housing Unit Impact dataset14 combined with the Wildfire Hazard Potential data mentioned previously, was used to refine the Avista WUI map. Areas shown on the 2023 WUI map with either an orange or pink highlight indicate these high fire risk zones. Communities like Chewelah and Colville border national forest lands, as do many other areas including Sandpoint, St. Maries, Grangeville, and portions of the Lewiston/Clarkston Valley, placing them more at risk. In total, 2,746 miles of electric distribution lines are in high fire risk areas or about 36% of the system. This analysis indicates slightly lower risk values as compared to 2019. The WUI map serves to identify and prioritize the areas of highest risk. The Avista WUI identifies three wildfire risk levels: rrarl Grand Forks k Tier 1: Moderate levels of fuel and low to moderate housing densities (low) C A Tier 2: Moderate to high levels of fuel s " and moderate housing densities `akNaS ''�� Re—tw - - (medium) .4t ;Qa.o-,�, ro '"' ,1. Tier 3: High fuel levels and moderate to high housing densities (high) i � ^vision e Kennewick r e Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 9 of 19 By overlaying the vegetation management polygons with the WUI map, the percentages of the polygon with a tier 3 (highest risk), tier 2, and tier 1 WUI designation were calculated. These percentages were then used to generate a risk score for each vegetation management polygon. A weight was applied to each of the WUI tier levels to ensure that tier 3 areas are placed at higher priority levels than WUI tiers with lower risk. The following table demonstrates how the overall risk weighting score for Avista is calculated on each vegetation management polygon. Table 1. Weighting calculation example for risk tree prioritization WUI Tier Weight applied Sample calculation CDA R P4 (WUI %) x weight 3 10 0.229 x 10 = 2.29 2 5 0.655 x 5 = 3.275 1 1 0.009 x 1 = 0.009 Overall risk score 5.574 In 2017, the California Public Utilities Commission adopted the CPUC Fire-Threat Map which describes the boundaries of a new High Fire Threat District (HFTD) where utility infrastructure and operations will have stricter fire-safety regulations. The CPUC Fire- Threat Map incorporates the fire hazards associated with past powerline wildfires and ranks fire-threat areas based on the risks that utility-associated wildfires pose to people and property. The main team that handled the development of the CPUC Fire-Threat Map was a group of utility mapping experts known as the Peer Development Panel (PDP), with oversight from a team of independent experts known as the Independent Review Team (IRT). The members of the IRT were selected by CAL FIRE and CAL FIRE served as the Chair of the IRT. The development of CPUC Fire-Threat Map includes input from many stakeholders, including investor-owned and publicly-owned electric utilities, communications infrastructure providers, public interest groups, and local public safety agencies. Additional information on California's approach can be found at the California PUC Fire Safety Rulemaking Background webpage. The process that Avista has utilized to define Risk Tiers is comparable to the California approach utilized to delineate the High Fire Threat Districts. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3, Page 10 of 19 Risk Tree Workload, Cost, and Tree Failure Identifying Risk Trees Industry research has shown that the vast majority (80% or more) of tree-caused outages are a result of trees or tree parts falling from off the ROW. • On TransAlta's distribution system, where all overhangs were removed, 90-98% of tree-caused outages were due to tree failure 2 • Niagara Mohawk reported 86% of tree-caused outages result from trees outside the right-of-way 3 • Puget Sound Energy found 66% of all outages were caused by trees greater than 15 feet from the nearest conductor 4 • A survey of 71 utilities by the University of Wisconsin found about 81% of outages are due to off-ROW trees, broken branches, and whole tree failures rather than on-ROW grow-ins 5 Risk is the combination of the likelihood of an event and severity of the potential consequences. The Utility Arborist Association developed, and the International Society of Arboriculture published, the Utility Risk Tree Assessment best management practices which aid in the development of this tool. The likelihood a tree will cause an outage, damage utility infrastructure, or cause a wildfire is dependent on the likelihood that a) the tree will fail and b) the failed tree will impact the electrical system. Table 2. Likelihood matrix presented in the UAA//SA Utility Risk Tree Assessment Likelihood Likelihood of Impact on the System of Failure Very low Low Medium High Imminent Unlikely Somewhat likely Likely Very likely Probable Unlikely Unlikely Somewhat likely Likely Possible Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Somewhat likely Improbable Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely 2 Guggenmoos, S. 1996. "Outage statistics as a basis for determining line clearance program status." UAA Q. 5(1). 3 Finch, K.E., and C.Allen. 2001. "Understanding Tree-Caused Outages." EEI Natural Resource Conference.Apr. 2001. Palm Springs, CA. 4 Rogers, B.I. 2001. "Puget Sound Energy Tree Watch Program." EEI Natural Resource Conference,Apr. 2001, Palm Springs, CA 5 "Utility Vegetation Management in North America," College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point, and CNUC. March 22, 2021. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 11 of 19 Tree risk rating is based on the likelihood of failure and impact combined with the severity of the consequence of impact. The severity of consequence will differ for 69kV vs 7.2kV, single- vs multi-phase lines, sections with and without special equipment, and so forth. Following is a risk rating matrix which combines these factors. Table 3. Risk Tree Rating Matrix presented in the UAA11SA Utility Risk Tree Assessment Likelihood of Consequence of Failure Failure & Impact Negligible Minor Significant Severe Imminent Low Moderate High Extreme Probable Low Moderate High High Possible Low Low Moderate Moderate Improbable Low Low Low Low The consequence assessment should reflect what portion of the system is involved (e.g., 69kV, multi-phase, single-phase) and Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) designation. Observation: By leveraging the industry-accepted UAA/ISA guide, Best Management Practices— Utility Risk Tree Assessment, Avista is utilizing the most current protocol in use today by North American Utilities to identify off- ROW risk trees that pose a hazard to the electrical grid and potentially pose a wildfire risk. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 12 of 19 Post-outage Investigations One of the greatest challenges facing UVM professionals is knowing which trees cause outages and how. Utilities cannot effectively manage a problem they do not understand. Not all tree species have the same failure rate. Not all portions of the system respond the same to tree contact (1- vs 3-phase) and the consequence of failure varies widely (e.g., 69kV vs 1-phase 7.2KV). Best Management Practices— Utility Risk Tree Assessment provides general guidance regarding risk factors, but best practices utilities collect utility-specific data through post-outage investigations. Utilities need to study the root causes of their specific tree-related outages to replace intuition, anecdotal evidence, and generalized industry data with reliable data. The Avista VM team does not currently investigate tree-related interruptions. Utilities that begin post-event investigation of tree-related outages initially find a 25-40% error rate in unaudited reporting. Observation: Avista should commit to studying the root causes of tree-related outages through accurate reporting and thorough post-outage investigations. A commitment to post-incident investigations does not mean every outage needs to be investigated; however, the more data, the better the analysis. Those selected for investigation should include incidents on all voltages, construction types, and in both storm and non-storm situations. They should also be timely—conducted close to the outage occurrence. The objective of these investigations is to understand which trees fail, how they fail, and how they impact the electrical system. These post-outage investigations should be performed by an experienced arborist to: • Give direct feedback on which trees are causing the majority of interruptions • Provide learning opportunities for the arborist • Refine assessment criteria These investigations should go beyond simply indicating it was a "tree-related event" to identifying distinct characteristics about the tree and the site surrounding it. The data can then be used to drive the risk tree mitigation process. Data collected during post- outage investigations often include: • Voltage • Orientation to the line • Line configuration (single-wire • Tree or tree part that failed primary, 2-wire primary, etc.) . Nature of failure (trunk failure, • Tree species branch failure, uprooted tree, etc.) • Height • Condition of tree or tree part failure • Diameter . Site conditions • Distance to the line • Date of last maintenance Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 13 of 19 Tree-related Outages Since the full rollout of the Risk Tree Program, Avista has documented that more than 60% of the tree-related outages in Idaho from 2020 to 2023 occurred in Tiers 2 and 3. Tree-related Outages by Tier 400 a 350 6 300 ca 250 0 200 150 = 100 z 50 ■ Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 ■2020 2021 2022 2023 Note: Although the WUI map identifies three wildfire risk levels, Avista also collects outage data for Tier 0 (i.e., nominal risk with low levels of fuel). Over the past ten years in Idaho, 92% of spark-related outage events fall into five basic cause categories: animal, weather, public, tree, and equipment. Of these categories, electric utilities can have the most influence over reducing equipment- and tree-related events. Animal, weather, and public are much harder to predict and guard against. Spark-related Outage Events (2014-2023) Public 18% Weather 8% ■ Equipment 54% Tree 8% — ■ Other ■ Animal 8% 4% Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 14 of 19 As covered previously under the Fire Risk Profile section of this report, Avista has identified Grid Hardening and Enhanced Vegetation Management as two of the four areas for reducing wildfire risk on the company's electrical grid. Additionally, research and industry data has shown the following: 1. Unless the distribution lines are entirely enveloped by vegetation, a shorter cycle seldom results in fewer tree-related interruptions.6 2. At distribution voltages (15kV and below), trees in incidental contact are unlikely to result in an electrical fault (phase-to-ground) causing an interruption. • Tree grow-ins represent only 2-14% of all tree-caused outages.',$ • At voltage gradients below 2kV per foot, the probability of a fault occurring is almost zero.9 3. Due to the above, almost all tree-related outages are caused by whole trees or limbs falling on the conductors and creating a phase-to-phase electrical fault or physical damage rather than by tree growth resulting in incidental contact with the lines.10 Observation: Avista has taken a comprehensive approach to identify and mitigate risk trees that pose a hazard to the overhead distribution system. This approach has a two-fold benefit by reducing the volume of trees that can potentially result in a utility-caused wildfire, as well as reduce the types of tree-related events that cause interruption of electrical service. 6 Guggenmoos, S. 1996. "Outage statistics as a basis for determining line clearance program status." UAA Q. 5(1). Rees, W.T., Jr., T.C. Birx, D.L. Neal, C.J. Summerson, F.L. Tiburzi, Jr., and J.A. Thurber. 1994. "Priority Trimming to Improve Reliability." ISA conference presentation, Halifax, NS. 8 Finch, K.E., and C. Allen. 2001. "Understanding Tree-Caused Outages." EEI Natural Resource Conference.Apr. 2001. Palm Springs, CA. 9 Russell, D. et. al. 2011. "Best Practices in Vegetation Management for Enhancing Electric Service in Texas." PUCT Project 38257. 10 Guggenmoos, S. 2003. "Effects of Tree Mortality on Power Line Security." Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 181-196. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 15 of 19 Cycle Length and Objectives As currently designed and implemented, Avista's Enhanced Vegetation Management Program incorporates two primary components relative to management of vegetation on the overhead distribution system: Routine and Risk Tree. The Routine Maintenance Program emphasizes maintaining a five-year cycle for addressing the vegetation on the entire distribution system and preventing grow-in outages. To meet these objectives, the routine maintenance program prioritizes work based on time since last trim and number of grow-in related outages. The Risk Tree Program objective is to identify risk trees, with the potential of imminent fall-in or grow-in hazard to the energized facilities, and ensure they are trimmed or removed to eliminate potential for fire ignitions and outages. A risk tree is defined as visibly dead, diseased, dying, or possessing obvious structural defects that could fall into the conductor. The corresponding risk tree annual patrol identifies trees which are deemed a threat to reliability and pose a fire risk. The Routine Maintenance Program and Risk Tree Program are interrelated because risk inspections and mitigation are performed as part of routine maintenance if a polygon is on the routine plan for the year. This allows for planning and mitigation work to happen using the same planners and crews. While the Risk Tree Program and Routine Maintenance work planning and mitigation contracts are separate, this enables Avista to move crews between programs as needed to meet work plan objectives and gain efficiencies. Observation: Implementing an extensive risk tree assessment and mitigation program is a best practice today. This includes documenting the root cause of outages (e.g., which trees/conditions result in failure) and aggressively targeting higher risk, off-ROW trees (see previous reference). Important to note: The optimum cycle for preventing tree growth into the conductors may be different from the optimum cycle for off-ROW risk tree mitigation. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 16 of 19 Historical Risk Tree Workload Beginning in 2020 when Avista implemented the system-wide patrol of the overhead distribution system, the annual volume of risk trees abated has increased year-over- year. Expenditures had initially shown an annual cost per tree increase for 2020-22, but a reduction in cost per tree in 2023. Idaho Risk Tree Expenditures 16000 $600 14000 $500 '0 12000 a) 10000 $400 fy 8000 $300 a� V) 6000 $200 v n 4000 01� 2000 $100 0 $0 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Risk Trees Completed Cost/Risk Tree Contributing factors include: • More than 90% of the U.S. West was in moderate drought or worse by late June 2021. More than a quarter was in exceptional drought, the highest level, indicating widespread risk of crop loss, fire, and water shortages." Moderate drought or worse Severe drought or worse —Extreme drought or worse —Exceptional drought IuC' 80 60 40 20 0 AAL A Ak 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 Data as of June 24,2021 Chart:The Conversation!r -BY-ND-C:_urcr r,n_i,hAcrito,-�,nt-r,dsta tt "National Drought Highlights Report," U.S. Drought Monitor, June 24, 2001. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 17 of 19 • Trees in Western forests have been dying at an alarming rate over the past two decades due to droughts, high temperatures, pests, and fires.12 • Labor cost and availability has had a significant impact on utilities. Based upon Avista's experience in 2022, the increased volume of risk trees required mobilization of crews from outside the region to accomplish the workload. Conversely, by achieving a stabilized workforce in 2023, per unit costs decreased by 17%. To determine if a program is influencing system performance, one of the most valuable measures for a risk tree program is to show a reduction in the occurrence of actual tree fall-ins. For the evaluation period from 2020 to 2023, Avista has recognized a 62% reduction in tree fall-ins. Idaho Tree Events by Outage Type 350 300 v, 250 c > 200 w m 150 100 50 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 ■Tree Fall-In ■Tree Grow-in Observation: Considering the impact that drought and tree mortality has had on forests in the western United States, Avista has implemented an effective strategy to reduce the potential for utility caused wildfires. By maintaining the current annual cycle of identifying and abatement of risk trees, the inventory of risk trees identified and removed should continue to reduce in numbers so long as the goals and objectives remain consistent with current practices. By doing so, the annual cycle should continue to reduce the overall risk exposure from hazard trees. 12 Daniel Johnson and Raquel Partelli Feltrin, "Trees are dying of thirst in the Western drought," The Conversation, June 29, 2021. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 18 of 19 IIS Consulting Team Adam Warf Mr. Wares experience includes leading business development strategies for a Q r utility vegetation management consulting firm, vegetation management field 1 , operations at two major investor-owned utilities in the southeastern US, project management at a variety of utilities in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern regions, and vegetation management program development and assessments across the country. His utility arboricultural experience provides a broad understanding of the many different methods used to create a successful utility right-of-way vegetation management program, including remote sensing, work management solutions, data analytics, optimization, and the utilization of third-party consulting foresters for planning and auditing duties. Steve Hallmark Mr. Hallmark serves in a senior leadership role to IIS' Chief Operating Officer, driving strategic solutions, innovation, and an entrepreneurial vision to power and energy companies. Mr. Hallmark has extensive experience managing large-scale utility vegetation management programs, including budget, regulatory compliance, and contract design and enforcement. Over the years, he has served in a leadership capacity on vegetation management issues and acted as a government and industry liaison. Most recently, he served as part of a team at the direction of the California Governor's Office overseeing PG&E's Wildfire Mitigation Program. With over 40 years of utility vegetation management and line construction practices experience, Mr. Hallmark is recognized as a highly qualified subject matter expert on a national level. Dr. Phil Charlton ,0 Dr. Charlton has worked with over 150 electric utilities in seven countries, helping to develop long-term vegetation management programs for distribution W line clearance and transmission rights-of-way maintenance. Most of these studies required detailed evaluation of the vegetation conditions, work practices, and operating procedures. Dr. Charlton has also been active in industry research since 1980. His research has encompassed cost and effectiveness issues related to rights-of- way maintenance, environmental concerns with use of herbicides, wetlands protection, reliability, and more. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 3,Page 19 of 19 Vegetation Management Third Party Evaluation Summary Iapetus Infrastructure Services (IIS) performed a detailed review, completed in May of 2024, of Avista's Distribution Risk Tree Program to assess the optimum frequency of maintenance per service area (i.e., one-,two-or three-year cycles) as requested by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 2023 GRC Case AVU-E-23-01, Order No 35684.1 All areas of review were made within the context of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan.The IIS team utilized the following process for this assessment: 1. Review Avista's Enhanced Vegetation Management and Wildfire Resiliency Plans. 2. Assess Avista's tree-specific performance including tree-related outage data and work completion records. 3. Interview Avista's Vegetation Management team. 4. Develop and document recommendations. In summary, based upon their review,the IIS team found that Avista's approach to managing the risk associated with utility-caused wildfires as an annual cycle is a reasonable and responsible approach. IIS summarized the following major areas of focus related to Avista's Vegetation Management Program, with one recommendation to enhance this foundation (Outage Investigations) as shown below: Observation Comments Risk Tree Considering the impact that drought and tree mortality has had on Cycle forests in the Western United States. Avista has implemented an effective strategy to reduce the potential for utility-caused wildfires. As the Risk Tree Program matures, the inventory of risk trees identified and removed should continue to reduce in numbers as long as the goals and objectives remain in line with current standards. An annual cycle is consistent with best-in-class programs at other major utilities in the West. Risk Tree Avista has taken a comprehensive approach to identify and mitigate Strategy risk trees that pose a hazard to the overhead distribution system. This approach has a two-fold benefit of reducing the volume of trees that can potentially result in a utility-caused wildfire, as well as reduce the types of tree-related events that cause interruption of electrical service. Identifying By leveraging the industry-accepted UAA/ISA guide. Best Risk Trees Management Practices— Utility Risk Tree Assessment. Avista is utilizing the most current protocols in use today by North American Utilities to identify off-ROW risk trees that pose a hazard to the electrical grid and potentially pose a wildfire risk. Outage Avista should commit to studying the root causes of tree-related Investigations outages through accurate reporting and thorough post-outage investigations. A commitment to post-incident investigations does not mean every outage needs to be investigated; however. the more data. the better the analysis. In June 2023,Avista agreed to the following terms with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(PUC):"For the Distribution Risk Tree program, the Company will have a third party conduct a study,within a year of Commission Order,to see what the most efficient vegetation management cycle should be in their service area(i.e.,2-or 3-year cycles)." Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 4, Page 1 of 2 IIS further found that: 1. By leveraging the industry-accepted UAA/ISA guide, Best Management Practices — Utility Risk Tree Assessment, Avista is utilizing the most current protocol in use today by North American Utilities to identify of ROW risk trees that pose a hazard to the electrical grid and potentially pose a wildfire risk. 2. The process that Avista utilizes to define WUI Risk Tiers is comparable to the California approach utilized to delineate the High Fire Threat Districts 3. Avista should commit to studying the root causes of tree-related outages through accurate reporting and thorough post-outage investigations. A commitment to post- incident investigations does not mean every outage needs to be investigated; however, the more data, the better the analysis. 4. Avista has taken a comprehensive approach to identify and mitigate risk trees that pose a hazard to the overhead distribution system. This approach has a two-fold benefit by reducing the volume of trees that can potentially result in a utility-caused wildfire, as well as reduce the types of tree-related events that cause interruption of electrical service. 5. One of the most valuable measures for a risk tree program is to show a reduction in the occurrence of actual tree fall-ins. For the evaluation period from 2020 to 2023, Avista has recognized a 62% reduction in tree fall-ins. 6. Considering the impact that drought and tree mortality has had on forests in the western United States, Avista has implemented an effective strategy to reduce the potential for utility caused wildfires. By maintaining the current annual cycle of identifying and abatement of risk trees, the inventory of risk trees identified and removed should continue to reduce in numbers so long as the goals and objectives remain consistent with current practices. By doing so, the annual cycle should continue to reduce the overall risk exposure from hazard trees. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 4, Page 2 of 2 Avista Utilities Washington Electric Utility Wildfire Mitigation Plan Pursuant to HB1032 October 31, 2024 Version 1.0 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 1 of 41 Statement from Avista Executive Management 2024 represents Avista's 4th full year of implementing the Wildfire Resiliency Plan. Avista's wildfire strategies are firmly rooted in our 138-year operating history and represent the collective knowledge of Avista employees and fire agency professionals together with assistance from peer utilities, and most importantly, engagement with customers. This Plan was created in compliance with Washington HB 1032 requiring all electric utilities in the State of Washington to submit a Wildfire Resiliency Plan in an approved format and in accordance with the elements identified by the State. This plan as well as Avista's standard Wildfire Resiliency Plan, can be found on our website. Though the State plan format differs from our traditional plan, they are basically the same. Both plans reflect our commitment to partner with customers, communities, and those who manage forest landscapes and fight fires. We all have a role to play in minimizing the risk of wildfire. Heather Rosentrater, President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) Date: October 31, 2024 Josh DiLuciano, Vice President Energy Delivery Date: October 31, 2024 Vern Malensky, Director Electrical Engineering t/'� I Date: October 31, 2024 1 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 2 of 41 Table of Contents Statement from Avista Executive Management................................................................................. 1 1.0 Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................4 2.0 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Overview................................................................................................4 2.1 Purpose of the Wildfire Mitigation Plan...............................................................................................5 2.2 Description of Where the Wildfire Plan Can Be Found Online...........................................................6 2.3 Best Practices Cross-Reference Table...............................................................................................6 3.0 Utility Overview..............................................................................................................................6 3.1 Utility Description and Context Setting Table.....................................................................................7 4.0 Objectives of the Wildfire Mitigation Plan....................................................................................9 4.1 Minimizing Sources of Ignition..........................................................................................................10 4.2 Resiliency of the Electric Grid...........................................................................................................15 5.0 Roles and Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Utility Roles and Responsibilities......................................................................................................17 5.2 Coordination with Local Utilities and Infrastructure Providers..........................................................18 5.3 Coordination with Local Tribal Entities..............................................................................................19 5.4 Emergency Management/Incident Response Organization............................................................19 6.0 Wildfire Risks & Drivers Associated with Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance . 21 6.1 Risks and Risk Drivers Associated with Topographic and Climatological Risk Factors...................21 6.1 Enterprise-Wide Safety Risks...........................................................................................................23 7.0 Wildfire Preventative Strategies .................................................................................................24 7.1 Weather Monitoring...........................................................................................................................24 7.1.1 Current Strategy Overview........................................................................................................... 24 7.1.2 Planned Updates.......................................................................................................................... 25 7.2 Design and Construction Standards.................................................................................................25 7.2.1 Current Strategy Overview........................................................................................................... 25 7.2.2 Planned Updates.......................................................................................................................... 26 7.3 Fuel and Vegetation Management....................................................................................................26 7.3.1 Current Strategy Overview........................................................................................................... 26 7.3.2 Planned Updates.......................................................................................................................... 27 7.4 Asset Inspections and Response.....................................................................................................27 7.4.1 Current Strategy Overview........................................................................................................... 27 7.4.2 Planned Updates.......................................................................................................................... 29 7.5 Workforce Training............................................................................................................................29 7.5.1 Current Strategy Overview........................................................................................................... 29 7.5.2 Planned Updates.......................................................................................................................... 29 2 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 3 of 41 7.6 Relay and Recloser Policy................................................................................................................30 7.6.1 Current Strategy Overview........................................................................................................... 30 7.6.2 Planned Updates.......................................................................................................................... 30 7.7 De-Energization/Public Safety Power Shutoff................................................................................31 7.7.1 Current Strategy Overview........................................................................................................... 31 7.7.2 Planned Updates.......................................................................................................................... 33 8.0 Community Outreach and Public Awareness............................................................................ 33 8.1 Current Community Outreach and Public Awareness Program.......................................................33 8.2 Planned Updates..............................................................................................................................35 9.0 Restoration of Service................................................................................................................. 35 10.0 Evaluating the Plan.................................................................................................................... 36 10.1 Metrics and Assumptions for Measuring Plan Performance ..........................................................36 10.2 Identifying and Addressing Areas of Continued Improvement in the Plan.....................................37 10.3 Monitoring the Effectiveness of Inspections...................................................................................37 AppendixA......................................................................................................................................... 39 A.1 Metrics Tables..................................................................................................................................39 AppendixB.........................................................................................................................................40 B.1 Commerce Reported DNR Reported Utility Involved Wildfires........................................................40 3 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 4 of 41 1.0 Executive Summary Provide a brief overview of the Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) and the associated material provided to assist the consumers of the information. The below text can be kept and added to, edited, or removed for a utility-specific narrative. Since 2020 Avista has responded to the increasing threat of wildfires within our service territory with a robust and well-rounded Wildfire Resiliency Plan focused on reducing the likelihood of a wildfire caused by Avista's Idaho and Washington electric operations, protecting the safety of our employees, customers, communities, and infrastructure, and preparing ourselves, our system, and external partners for a wildfire event. The Company produces an annual plan outlining our programs, strategies, performance metrics, and goals, as well as a state required plan that is produced every three years (beginning in 2024). Though these plans have two formats, they are, collectively, the same Plan, with the goals of: • Supporting safe and reliable operations by protecting human lives, safeguarding property, and protecting physical assets against the threat of wildland fires through the implementation of Avista's Wildfire programs and Company operations. • Reducing the risk of wildfire from the interaction of Avista's energy delivery system and the environment, as well as the impacts of wildfire to Avista's system. • Preparing and training for episodic wildfire events, ensuring emergency preparedness for ourselves and our partners, and aligning operating practices with fire threat conditions. • Protecting the energy delivery infrastructure that serves our customers and mitigating the probability and consequence of direct financial and liability costs associated with large scale fire events. Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan recommendations also reflect cost prudency and were adopted based on their ability to leverage existing asset programs and operating practices, promote public safety, and mitigate financial risks. Avista's Plan is comprised of four major categories. The first category is grid hardening to reduce spark ignition events and make Avista's electrical system more resilient to the impacts of wildfire. Second is enhanced vegetation management practices to reduce vegetation-related risk, often a factor in creating heat events or sparks. The third involves situational awareness, primarily monitoring technology as well as a Wildland Urban Interface map of our service territory to help us identify and focus in on the areas of our system most likely to be at risk. Fourth is emergency operations and planning, which includes automation of equipment to allow us to quickly react to fire threat situations, partnerships and cross-training with external stakeholders, as well as operational tactics such as Enhanced Protection Settings (Fire Safety Mode) and Public Safety Power Shutoffs to help us react to wildfire risk. 2.0 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Overview Avista is charged with safely, reliably, and affordably delivering energy services to its customers. At the same time, Avista recognizes that the threat of wildfire impacts all of us at our homes, communities, and businesses. Our Wildfire Resiliency Plan serves as a testament to our commitment and the responsibility 4 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 5 of 41 we take in working to mitigate the risk of our equipment being involved in sparking a fire event, protecting the safety of our customers and communities, and protecting the infrastructure that reliably serves our customers. 2.1 Purpose of the Wildfire Mitigation Plan This Wildfire Mitigation Plan describes in detail the range of activities that a Utility or joint Utilities are taking to mitigate the threat of utility involved wildfires, including various programs, policies, and procedures. This plan complies with the requirements of HB 1032 for investor and customer owned electric utilities (IOU/COU) to prepare a wildfire mitigation plan by October 31, 2024, and every three years thereafter. The risk of wildfire is ever present in the western United States. Though we have always faced the threat of wildfires, that threat is increasing both as a function of population growth and location and as the result of a changing climate. Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan was developed as a risk-based approach to mitigating wildfires, which is critical for customers, communities, investors, and the regional economy. Avista has taken a proactive approach for many years to manage wildfire risks and impacts, and through its Wildfire Resiliency Plan, the Company has identified additional wildfire mitigation efforts for implementation, as described further in this report. The goal of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan is to reduce the likelihood of a wildfire caused by Avista's electric operations, reduce the risks associated with utility involved fires, protect the safety of customers, employees, and first responders, and to lessen the degree and impact of electric system damage and outages related to wildfire. Avista is continually balancing wildfire risk and reliability risk. The recommendations contained in this Plan are based on the ability to reduce wildfire-related risk while considering this balance. It is important to note that though many elements of Wildfire Resiliency are aimed at reducing outage events and possible fire starts,we realize that it is impractical to expect perfect reliability, especially during fire season wind events. Using our strategy of altering protection schemes on select circuits based on data and the analysis provided by our Fire Weather Dashboard,Avista can achieve a better balance between reliability risk and wildfire risk safety objectives. This means that at times of extreme risk, customer reliability may be sacrificed in order to focus on customer safety. We believe that if this balance is carefully considered and decisions are made with the sophisticated analysis and guidance provided by the Fire Weather Dashboard, we can help make our system safer in times of fire threat while balancing customer service and reliability. The Wildfire Resiliency Plan recommendations consider inherent risk (no defenses) and managed risk (with defenses) and investments needed to fund the programs necessary to achieve the Plan's objectives. Since the Plan was developed as a risk-based approach to mitigating wildfires, as a part of the Company's wildfire resiliency analysis, the Company focused on understanding the risk exposure of wildfires in general as well as the opportunity to reduce risk through specific actions taken associated with the Company's transmission and distribution areas. We believe it is critical to act in protecting our customers as well as the infrastructure that serves those customers. The Washington State Mandated Wildfire Resiliency Plan, in compliance with HB 1032, will be filed with the State by October 31, 2024, and every three years thereafter. 5 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 6 of 41 2.2 Description of Where the Wildfire Plan Can Be Found Online Provide a description of how the public and other reviewers can find WMP information online, if available. It is recommended that utilities host their WMP on the utility website in a location that is relatively easy to find and prioritizes the most current and up to date WMP. Avista maintains a current copy of this Washington State Wildfire Resiliency Plan, as well as Avista's full service territory Wildfire Resiliency Plan on the Company's MyAvista.com website under "Safety" and "Wildfire Resiliency." 2.3 Best Practices Cross-Reference Table Provide any industry standard or other best practices (Standards may include guidance from FEMA, US Forest Service, NERC regulations, NST, OSHA guidelines, etc.) referenced within the WMP including what section and page number in the form of hyperlinks. Standards that do not have a specific reference within the text but apply to the entirely of the plan can be listed without additional information. If no industry-wide standards or practices are utilized, this table may be left blank. Statutory Requirement/Standards Section & Page Number HB 1032—By October 31,2024, and every three years thereafter, each Investor-owner and Consumer-owned Utility must review,if Sec. 4,p. 4 appropriate revise, and adopt its wildfire mitigation plan ANSI A300 (Part 9)-2017 Tree Risk Assessment- Section 7.3.1, n. 25, 26 Tree Failure American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society for Quality(ASQ) Z1.4-2008 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Section 10.3,p. 35 Inspection by Attributes FERC Reliability Standard FAC-003 Section 7.3.1,pp. 26, 27 NERC Standard TOP-001-4 Section 7.7.1,p. 29 3.0 Utility Overview In the following sections,provide an overview of the utility,its service area, and general description of the purpose of the Wildfire Mitigation Plan(WMP). Avista Utilities serves electric and natural gas customers within a 30,000 square mile service territory containing approximately 1.7 million people in Washington (62%), Idaho (28%), and Oregon (gas only: 10%). We have approximately 414,000 retail electric customers and 378,000 natural gas customers.' From Avista's 2024 Quick Facts. 365756ed-8fd4-48f4-9abe-e79ef78c730b (avistacorp.com) 6 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 7 of 41 3.1 Utility Description and Context Setting Table Provide a brief description of the utility and include the context-setting table. For utilities operating in multiple states, complete the table below only for the areas within Washington state. If any of the information is not tracked, not applicable, or not known, please leave that section blank and provide a summary of the exception. They note that for many utilities this will be a reference to a Public Safety Power Shutoff(PSPS) event. These events, whether through a formally defined PSPS program or not, are recognized as a safety measure of last resort initiated by utilities to pre-emptively de-energize specific powerlines during critical fire weather to reduce the risk of the electric system being involved in an ignition. The decision to either have or not have this type of practice is at the operational discretion of the individual utility. 7 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 8 of 41 Utility Name Avista Utilities Notes: Service Territory Size(sq miles) 30,000 Square Miles [1.48]%Open Water [0]%Perennial Ice/Snow [1-19]%Developed:Open Space [.85]%Developed.Low Intensity [.51]%Developed Medium Intensity [.09]%Developed High Intensity [.22]%Barren Land This information is for our Sen-ice Territory Make-up [-05]%Deciduous Forest Washington and Idaho Service [42.5 1]%Evergreen Forest Territories.We do not have this [-09]%Mixed Forest data broken out by state. [18.571%Scr ub'Shrub [16.17]%Crrassland'Herbaceous [.88]%Pasture'Hay [16.31]%Cultivated Crops [.45]%Woody Wetlands [.62]%Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands [8]%Wildland Urban Interface[14]%Wildland Urban Intermix Interface(based Service Territory on total area)Midland Urban []NA/Not tracked(please add any other detail below) Washington Only a Customers Served 408,000 retail electric customers Account Demographic []%Residential[]%Agricultural[]0 o CommerciaU'Tndustrial[] NA/Not tracked(please add any other detail below REVENUE_CIASS COUNT PERCENT 01 Residential 714965 89.49% 21 Commercial-Firm 81997 10.26% Avista does not track customers 22 Commercial-Interruptible 28 0.004% with the suggested categories.Our 31 Industrial-Firm 824 0.1096 customer classes are defined by [Note:Please pros isle as a percent of 39 Pumping-Irrigation 548 0.07% 41 lndustnal-Interruptible 25 0.003% the Commission.Those classes are total customers sem•ed l 80Interdepartmental 2401 0.03%] indicated in this response. 91 Commercial Transportation 62 0.01% 92 Industrial Transportation 99 0.01% 93Interdepartmental Transportation 6 0.001% NA Not Applicable 1331 0.02% Utility Equipment Make-up(circuit miles) Overhead Dist.:7,675 This data is in circuit miles and [.',Vote:Pleasepro>•icle brrefclescription Overhead Trans-:2,270 includes Avista's entire service Underground Dist.:4,906 of how line miles are measured or territory. calculated] Underground Trans.:0 Has developed protocols to pre- Yes.No[] Avista has developed a PSPS emptivel shut off electricity in A summary or description of protocols can be prodded in program which was implemented response to elevated wildfire risks?3 section 7- for the 2024 wildfire season. Yes—NO. Has previously pre-emptively shut off If ves, then proNide the following data for the three trailing electricity in response to elevated calendar years: 'No PSPS events from 2021-2023. wildfire risk? Number of shut-off events:[I7] Customer:accounts that lost service for >10 minutes: [0 ]For prior response,average duration before service restored:[n'a] 8 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 9 of 41 4.0 Objectives of the Wildfire Mitigation Plan In this section, please state the objectives of the mitigation plan and how each objective supports a response and recovery system that is focused on public safety. For any section where a program overlaps two or more elements of the plan, it is acceptable to select the most applicable element to describe the program and reference that section where applicable for other areas. It is not necessary to repeat the program description multiple times. Research indicates that climate change has fueled the increase in wildfires across the Western U.S. and that the frequency of wildfires has quadrupled since the 1980s. Fire season is also longer. Most areas across the western United States report 80 additional days of fire season.2 The U.S. Forest Service has extensive fire records for the Western states which indicate a tripling in fires larger than 1,000 acres, from an average of about 50 fires in 1970 to nearly 150 today.' Conditions are becoming more and more condusive to large, destructive wildfires, and U.S. utility electric assets are located in areas that are becoming increasingly vulnerable to wildfires. Avista published its first Wildfire Resiliency Plan in June of 2020 following 18 months of development which included working with peer utilities, internal subject matter experts, and regional wildfire and emergency response agencies. Based on the input provided by this array of participants, the Company identified actions to reduce wildfire risk grouped into four categories, all of which are designed to work together to protect customer, employee, and first responder safety, and protect critical assets to help ensure customer reliability and service. Our programs are grouped into four primary categories: • Grid Hardening—Strengthen and upgrade infrastructure to reduce equipment failures, decrease the potential for spark events, and protect poles and equipment from the impact of wildfires. • Enhanced Vegetation Management—Remove dead, dying, and diseased trees that could strike powerlines. Employ remote sensing such as LiDAR and satellite-derived information to aid in vegetation inspections and risk tree identification to help reduce the potential for vegetation- related outages that can impact customer service and/or lead to a spark. • Situational Awareness — Develop and utilize tools to predict, identify, and respond to risk, both static risk in our service territory (via the WUI map) and dynamic real time risk (using Avista's Fire Weather Dashboard). • Emergency Response & Operations — Align utility system protection with fire-weather conditions in order to enhance the safety of customers, especially during high fire threat weather. Recognize wildfire as separate and distinct from other weather events and partner closely with emergency first responders and firefighters before, during, and after an event to increase safety. 2 John T.Abatzoglou and A. Park Williams, "Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire Across Western US Forests," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,October 10,2016, Impact of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire across western US forests i PNAS 3 Climate Central, "Graph: Hotter Years, More Fires in Western States,"https://www.climatesignaIs.org/resources/graph-hotter- yea rs-more-fi res-western-states 9 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 10 of 41 The elements within each of these program areas are specifically designed to address safety for people, communities, and infrastructure. Programs to reduce the risk of spark or heat events include distribution grid hardening measures such as replacing outdated equipment and installing wildlife guards, as well as identifying and mitigating risk-trees (trees with the potential of imminent fall-in hazard to energized facilities). Programs to protect infrastructure include replacing wood poles with steel and wrapping wood poles with fire resistant mesh in high fire threat locations. The Wildfire Resiliency Plan also has a strong focus on preparation as a means of reducing risk, including the development of our Fire Weather Dashboard, which models fire risk on a feeder-by-feeder and section-by-section basis. It also includes use of the Fire Safety Mode operating practice, installation of additional monitoring and control equipment in high fire threat areas, and "people" preparation including formalizing procedures inside and outside of the Company to address wildfire situations, as well as working with external partners on training, coordination, and response. Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan is intended to accelerate existing infrastructure programs as well as conduct new programs to reduce fire ignition risk from electric lines and to make systems more resilient against the impact of fires. Avista's Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) map indicates that 2,746 miles (36%) of its electric distribution lines are located in high fire consequence areas, of which 1,708 miles reside in Washington (22%). These zones reveal the intersection between forest land and human development and are the focal point of Avista's risk mitigation strategies. 4.1 Minimizing Sources of Ignition Describe steps taken to reduce likelihood of ignitions from energized equipment. Most of Avista's Wildfire Program elements are related to minimizing the chance for a spark or heat event occurring. Some of our programs are more specifically focused on this mitigation, including our distribution grid hardening efforts, enhanced vegetation management practices, situational awareness strategies, and operational tactics. Distribution Grid Hardening Distribution grid hardening efforts are intended to reduce the number of spark-ignition events on the distribution system and to protect critical infrastructure from the impacts of fire, focused primarily on portions of electric circuits located in high fire threat areas. Though Avista has asset maintenance programs to replace poles and equipment, existing programs are condition-based and support reliability objectives. Wildfire Distribution Grid Hardening focuses on upgrades most likely to reduce spark ignition events and poles fires. The scope of this work includes: • Replace wooden crossarms with fiberglass to mitigate pole fires. • Replace small or outdated wire with modern steel-reinforced wire to reduce conductor failures. • Install wedge-bail clamps at hot tap connector locations to help prevent thermal failures. • Underground distribution lines where financially feasible. • Add or replace wildlife guards to mitigate electrical contacts with animals and birds. • Replace wood with metal poles at critical span locations such as highway and river crossings. 10 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 11 of 41 On average, Avista experiences about 80-90 pole fires per year mostly related to wood crossarms. In the U.S., about 25% of pole fires lead to collateral damage including wildfire.' By replacing wood crossarms with fiberglass units, leakage current is substantially reduced, and pole fire risk is much lower. Animals cause about 8%of Avista's outages (animal related outages are the number five cause of power outages in the U.S.)'Wildfires caused by animals are increasingly common due to issues such as ignition of nesting materials and other animal-related debris or electrocuted birds and animals falling to the ground, igniting dry vegetation below.' Installation of animal guards at transformers and other connection points is an effective means of reducing these electrical contacts. Though hot taps fail at a low rate, a majority of peer utilities use a bail type connector in conjunction with hot taps to prevent conductor drops, which can lead to live wires coming in contact with dry vegetation on the ground, thus Avista crews are adding these connectors. At critical spans such as highways or river crossings, line personnel are replacing wood poles with metal units to strengthen those spans and reduce the risk of pole failure. They also replace end-of-life wood poles and equipment and install lightning arresters to help prevent lightning storms from sparking fires. These efforts are focused on the areas of our system identified by our Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) maps as being at highest risk. Enhanced Vegetation Management Effective vegetation management is an integral part of maintaining overhead electric distribution and transmission lines. Historically, utilities have trimmed and removed trees with a focus on improving reliability and reducing the frequency of outages. Avista has a long history of using proactive approaches to identify and address potential vegetation-related issues before they result in outages. However, with the increasing threat of wildfires as a result of poor forest health, past fire suppression activities, and periods of prolonged drought, through the Wildfire Resiliency Plan, Avista enhanced our existing vegetation management practices especially in elevated fire threat areas. This was accomplished by splitting the existing vegetation management program into two programs: routine inspections (which continue the existing vegetation practices) and risk tree inspections which will encompass 100% of our non-urban distribution system each year. This new program that we call "Enhanced Vegetation Management" focuses specifically on risk trees, those most likely to be a hazard to electrical facilities. This new program includes new elements such as digital data collection, Fuel Reduction Partnerships, and the Safe Tree Program. All of these programs are designed to identify and mitigate vegetation issues to help prevent outages and spark events. Situational Awareness Avista has developed a computer algorithm to monitor, forecast, and adapt to fire-weather events. Avista's Fire Weather Dashboard combines the National Weather Service's 7-day forecast with Avista 4"National Survey Takes a Look at Pole Fire Causation and Mitigation,"T&D World, November 11, 2019, National Survey Takes a Look at Pole Fire Causation and Mitigation I T&D World (tdworld.com) 5 Krysti Shallenberger, 7 ways animals threaten the power grid," UtilityDive, October 21, 2016, 7 ways animals threaten the power grid I Utility Dive 6 Brian McGowan, Michael Anderson, Luis Puigcerver, "Increase Reliability in the Power Grid and Reduce Wildlife-Related Fire Risk,"T&D World, Sept. 20, 2020, Increase Reliability in the Power Grid and Reduce Wildlife-Related Fire Risk I T&D World (tdworld.com) 11 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 12 of 41 infrastructure data to quantify the daily fire risk on all of our distribution circuits. This allows system operators to align circuit protection settings with fire-weather conditions and to minimize the potential for spark-ignition on a circuit-by-circuit basis. This monitoring system is similar to those used in California. In fact, Avista worked closely with San Diego Gas & Electric to calibrate the system to achieve a balance between electric service reliability and fire ignition potential. This monitoring system supports Avista's fire season circuit protection program known internally as Fire Safety Mode. Avista developed the Fire Safety Mode (FSM) operating program in the early 2000s in response to a number of active fire years in the late 1990s. Historically, circuit reclosers are programmed to automatically reclose several times after detecting a line fault in order to maximize service reliability. Electric faults occur when equipment fails or when weather and wind cause branches or trees to fall into powerlines, for example. All electrical faults involve a release of energy before the fault is interrupted by the utility's protective equipment. The vast majority of electrical faults do not result in fire ignition, and most distribution faults are temporary, such as animal contacts, lightning, and small tree branches. Temporary faults can be cleared by de-energizing a circuit and then re-energizing a couple of seconds later to maintain customer service. On the other hand, if the fault is permanent such as a broken conductor or when trees fall into powerlines, a combination of circuit breaker operation and line fuses is used to isolate the fault and limit the number of impacted customers. However, in some situations this series of reclose attempts can add to fire ignition potential. Avista engineers developed the FSM program to limit automatic reclosing on circuits with elevated fire ignition risk. Avista also developed a Wildland Urban Interface(WUI)map of our service territory which identifies areas of our system that are most likely to be impacted by wildfire, helping prioritize the work required to clear vegetation hazards and to harden electric lines. Avista's WUI risk mapping is oriented towards potential utility-caused fires combined with significant impact to communities. Understanding where our greatest risk areas are located is an important component in implementing the Wildfire Resiliency Plan, helping us prioritize the application of solutions. Operations and Emergency Response A large part of Operations and Response includes the ability to monitor and control electric transmission and distribution equipment, which is critical when responding to wildfires and addressing wildfire risk. Centralized aggregation of data (such as SCADA) received from the power system provides visibility and allows operators to quickly adjust protection and controls to match fire risk (or other) conditions. Automation and communications equipment let us rapidly disable reclosing or, in extreme cases, shut off power in response to increased fire hazard in accordance with established procedures.As part of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan, we are working to make sure key protection devices out on the powerlines and in substations can be operated remotely to quickly respond to fire weather and the associated risk. Thus, the Plan includes installing or upgrading midline and substation breakers to enable dynamic protection settings, allowing these devices to be monitored and operated remotely and automatically during fire season, as well as SCADA installations at substations in high fire risk locations to enable substation monitoring and operation during high fire threat conditions. One important defensive strategy against wildfire ignition is Avista's Fire Safety Mode (FSM) operations, which can significantly reduce spark ignition potential by adjusting the sensitivity of the protection system when there are forecasted significant weather events during wildfire season. Since 12 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 13 of 41 the early 2000s, during fire season Avista has transitioned into the mode of limiting the number of circuit recloses on selected feeders on circuits deemed potentially at risk. This operational methodology is an important defensive strategy against wildfire ignition by both identifying electric circuits that operate in elevated fire threat areas and the reconfiguration of their associated protection systems to allow these protection devices to be remotely and automatically adjusted for wildfire threat. This practice allows us to reduce the number of times a line will try to reclose if it trips off, reducing the chance for a spark. Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) happen when electric companies preemptively turn off the power to specific areas in order to reduce the risk of wildfires and to help keep customers and communities safe from the threat of wildfire. It is an effort to prevent electrical equipment from starting a severe, fast spreading wildfire by turning off powerlines during extreme weather based upon a calculation of risk, typically when high winds, low humidity, and other adverse weather conditions combine to increase the risk of wildfire. It is considered a top tier mitigation tool to help prevent utility involved wildfires in extreme fire threat situations. As part of its operational mitigation strategies related to Fire Safety Mode operations, Avista developed a Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan to proactively de-energize facilities located in high risk areas during extreme weather conditions that have the potential to propagate wildfire. Our PSPS Plan is essentially the last step in our Fire Safety Mode operations plan, though the major difference between Fire Safety Mode Operations and PSPS is that Fire Safety circuits are only removed from service when an actual fault is experienced on the line, while PSPS circuits are proactively disconnected based on an assessment of risk. The primary objective of Wildfire Resiliency is to reduce the number of utility-involved ignition events and to minimize the damage to infrastructure resulting from wildfires. The bulk of that effort is rooted in long- term planning and implementation of methods such as clearing vegetation away from powerlines, automation, operational strategies, and increasing the resiliency of infrastructure. However, wildfires will continue to occur, so Wildfire Resiliency also includes support elements such as first responder training, developing relationships with key internal and external partners, and emergency operations procedures. The Operations and Emergency Response part of the Plan encompasses both internal and external resources with a goal of reacting to wildfire threat in a proactive and coordinated manner, along with the ability to rapidly respond as needed. These strategies are described below: • Wildfire Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) Avista uses a formal Incident Command Structure (ICS) to respond to electric and natural gas emergencies called Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP). This system may be activated several times each year in response to severe weather conditions and other high impact events. Avista expanded its existing EOP to incorporate a specific wildfire function in order to coordinate with fire officials during an event. To customize Avista's EOP work to Wildfire, we brought fire professionals into our internal discussions and EOP processes, which has also allowed us to successfully integrate into their Fire Incident Command (ICS) structure during actual fire events. In Washington State, the Department of Natural Resources is responsible for most non-federal fire suppression, and in Idaho, the Department of Lands takes the lead. In either state, responses to fires larger than 100 13 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 14 of 41 acres triggers an ICS. The ICS is a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of the fire response from beginning to end, allowing the various agencies responding to the fire to work together efficiently. It provides components such as common terminology, integrated communications, and a unified command structure over all of the jurisdictions and personnel involved. Avista's strong relationships with these fire professionals, strengthened by our work with them to develop and implement the Plan and their participation in our EOP processes, ensures that Avista is successfully engaged with them in a fire situation. This integration enables our personnel to understand what is expected of them and how they can assist and support fire command. • Cross Training on Fire Safety Avista employs approximately 290 electric line operating personnel across 12 operating districts. These employees respond to a variety of electric trouble calls including those that involve structure as well as wildland fires. Each year in-person training is provided to all electric line personnel with a focus on safety during wildfire response. A prominent theme in that training is direct contact and coordination with fire authorities prior to conducting any line inspections or attempting to re-energize portions of electric circuits during fire season. We recognize that in a wildfire event safety comes first, and that police and fire authorities command the scene. Though Avista crews respond to pole fire events and have basic firefighting training and equipment, they are not professional firefighters. We defer fully to fire professionals. Avista conducts annual fire safety and electrical hazard training with fire agency partners across the service territory, including joint training sessions with fire protection personnel. Fire professionals provide fire safety training to Avista first responders and, in turn, Avista conducts electrical hazard training for fire personnel. It is important that Avista personnel understand the safety precautions taken during an active fire situation and that Avista first responders understand fire incident command structures and their role during an active event. Likewise, it is essential that fire personnel understand the hazards associated with electric operations and firefighting operations in the vicinity of utility facilities. This program is designed to promote the safety of everyone involved in a wildfire situation. • Expedited Response Agreements This entails agreements with local fire departments, the Washington Department of Natural Resources, and the Idaho Department of Lands to dispatch fire patrol personnel to transmission- level outage locations during fire season. The goal of these agreements is to get a quick response to the site of the fault. If the fault causes a spark event and a fire results, trained fire fighters and apparatus respond and are able to engage the fire quickly. A quick response is key to keeping fires smaller. Expedited Response is initiated when Avista System Operations makes a request and provides an exact location of the incident to the appropriate entity, enabling fire department response to go directly to the scene with any required available information. Avista has signed agreements in place that fire professionals will respond to transmission level outages in both Idaho and Washington. Nearly 100% of our transmission system is covered by Expedited Response agreements. These agreements have no cost and no end date. 14 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 15 of 41 • Weekly Fire Threat Assessment Meetings During fire season, Avista hosts meetings to discuss fire threat, the potential to elevate protection settings (Fire Safety Mode) as appropriate, share current information, and coordinate efforts. These meetings provide a forum for Avista district managers to report on fires in our operating districts including impacts or potential impacts to our infrastructure as well as discuss elevating system protection settings (Fire Safety Mode) in response to fire threat situations. 4.2 Resiliency of the Electric Grid Describe the utility's ability to withstand fire weather conditions and quickly recover services. As mentioned above, most of Avista's Wildfire Program elements are related to minimizing the chance for a heat or spark event to occur. Some of our programs are more specifically focused on resiliency, including our steel replacement program and transmission wood pole fire resistant mesh wraps. Transmission Steel Pole Conversion Transmission lines are particularly vulnerable to wildland fires. Avista began installing tubular steel transmission poles in the late 1980s and has systematically replaced wood transmission poles and structures with steel since 2006, typically for poles which were damaged or failed, or in the course of routine transmission line build projects. Since then, reconstruction projects have converted a number of circuits from wood to steel, and that trend will continue. Though Avista is committed to steel conversion, one of the objectives of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan is to accelerate that process in fire prone areas. The Company has created a prioritized list of wood structures to be replaced with steel based upon WUI zone location, historical fire patterns, and in high canopy areas where steel poles would be the best choice (versus low-vegetation areas where fire protection may be provided with fire mesh wrap at the base of the wooden pole). Steel poles have the added benefit of increasing reliability, as they are less likely to fail. Steel poles are stronger and less prone to wind, fire, lightning, bird, and insect damage. They also resist catastrophic "domino effect" failure when a tension release from a pole being knocked down can cause a long line of consecutive poles to snap, and are resistant to structural failure, which can lead to an ignition if it results in a wire down. Steel poles that are incorporated within a steel structure that includes a steel cross arm, commonly referred to as an H-Frame, provide more resistance to failure from severe weather events. Steel poles have a longer life expectancy and typically require less maintenance and repair than wooden poles. Fire Resistant Wraps on Wood Transmission Poles Avista began using fire-resistant paint to protect transmission poles as early as 2005. Though the paint has proven effective in protecting poles from low-level fires, it has a limited expected life and requires maintenance every 3 to 5 years. Avista worked with Southern California Edison to adopt a more resilient product for protecting wood transmission poles at risk from grassland or other low-level fires. Fire resistant mesh wrap incorporates a heat activated chemical on a steel mesh substrate that is wrapped around the base of wood poles. When activated by extreme heat, the chemical expands to seal the pole and protect it from fire. This product works well in protecting wood poles that reside in areas where fires move quickly and tend to stay low to the ground. Restoration of Service 15 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 16 of 41 For all utilities, restoration of service following any outage to as many customers as quickly as possible is a top priority. Restoration efforts may also, if possible, include consideration of customers most heavily impacted by outages or located in Named Communities. If Avista de-energizes a line for Public Safety Power Shutoff or if a line placed in elevated protection settings trips out of service, the process of restoration may take longer, as facilities cannot be re-energized until conditions are safe and all lines are thoroughly inspected to ensure that any safety related issues are mitigated before the line is returned to service. Restoration time for any event is impacted by crew availability and location, the accessibility of the impacted circuit, how many circuits were impacted across the service territory, how much damage was done, when firefighters allow access to the area, employee safety, and other factors. 5.0 Roles and Responsibilities Provide within these sections an organizational overview of the utility and wildfire management or response personnel, coordination efforts with other local utilities and infrastructure providers, and any currently obligated or voluntary emergency management communication efforts. It is up to the discretion of each utility to determine the specific needs of the communities they serve and how best to prepare for any emergency situation, including wildfire. The Wildfire Implementation Team is comprised of a manager who oversees wildfire-related programs, plans, and strategies as well as his associated staff. Plan implementation is governed by an Avista steering committee whose membership reflects a broad cross-section of departments including Regulatory, Financial, Risk, Insurance, Electric Operations, Community Relations, Corporate Communications, Real Estate, Environmental, Legal, and Asset Maintenance. In addition to governance by the steering committee, an executive management team routinely meets to monitor progress and discuss forward-looking strategies. Wildfire is an enterprise level risk and executive level oversight is essential for producing prudent and cost effective outcomes for customers. Thus, Avista's officers and the Board of Directors are provided consistent progress reports. We also gather customer and first responder feedback via our communications outreach efforts and engage continuously with partners outside the Company such as the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Idaho Dept. of Lands, the National Weather Service, our Commissions, and others to gather input, insights, and expertise. All of this engagement helps ensure that the Plan is meeting all stakeholder objectives and goals for the program and that we continue to improve over time. Working With External Parties An important part of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan relates to emergency readiness with our community partners. We have learned that partnerships are absolutely critical, and we continue to add and enhance these relationships whenever we can. Since the beginning of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan, we have focused on outreach. The Company has developed close and integral partnerships with outside agencies including first responders and state and federal agencies. The Company is also cross-training with first responders regarding fire situation command and response and in working safely near electric facilities. The Wildfire Team participates in Washington Dept. of Natural Resources and Idaho Dept. of Lands fire briefings during fire season. We also work with fire agencies across our service territory in response to outage events. This includes de-energizing facilities upon their request in order to keep firefighters safe. It also includes our Expedited Response strategy where these professionals respond to transmission level outages during fire season. We engage with the Tribes on fuel reduction efforts and communications needs unique to them. We actively engage with customers through a variety of means, from emails and 16 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 17 of 41 bill inserts to direct face-to-face engagement, telephone town hall events, events, phone calls and/or emails.All of these partnerships are integral to the success of our plan, as Wildfire is too critical a situation for us to deal with strictly on our own. In the case of implementing a PSPS or wildfire-related Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP), external agencies that may be impacted (such as the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, the Idaho Dept. of Lands, the U.S. Forest Service) are brought into the process to provide input and ideas as well as to receive a heads-up regarding Avista's information on fire risk that may be related to their jurisdictions. Customers and communities that are directly impacted by these actions are informed and provided updates prior to, during, and after an event. We also coordinate with external agencies to reduce the chance of wildfires by reducing fuel loading near our facilities. Through our Fuel Reduction Partnerships, Avista financially assists these external agencies with fuel mitigation near our facilities. Partnerships include the U.S. Forest Service, the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, the Idaho Dept. of Lands, area tribes, counties, and local and regional fire agencies. This work includes removal of dead trees and underbrush and thinning small diameter trees on or adjacent to Avista-owned facilities and corridors. Some of these funds are also used to help these agencies provide assistance, expertise, and educational opportunities to property owners. For example, Avista's partnership with Bonner County's Dept. of Emergency Management provides funding for their BonFire Program,7 a county-wide resource whose goal is to provide technical expertise to landowners who wish to reduce fuels in and around their homes. In addition to expertise, BonFire also provides labor resources to complete the fuel reduction work prescribed. 5.1 Utility Roles and Responsibilities Please provide a utility wildfire program organizational chart highlighting the wildfire specific staff/positions within the utility. The utility should also provide a detailed description of the wildfire specific roles within the utility and the responsibilities of said roles. The Wildfire organization at Avista is based out of the Electrical Engineering group, led by the Director of Electrical Engineering. The Wildfire Team is comprised of a manager who oversees the wildfire programs, plans, and strategies. They are supported by a Wildfire Program Specialist who oversees external relationships including Expedited Response, provides training/cross-training, monitors the Fire Weather Dashboard, and manages situational awareness tools. The Wildfire Analyst is responsible for Commission work, writing the wildfire resiliency plans, providing presentations, and collecting and reporting plan-related metrics. This team does the day to day work related to Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan, including managing relationships with other groups within the Company who do the physical work related to our programs such as vegetation management, transmission and distribution grid hardening, and installing the equipment on the distribution grid to control and monitor operations. The Sr. Wildfire Resiliency Program Manager and the Wildfire Community Safety Manager report to the Wildfire BonFire Program Information: https://www.bonnercountyid.gov/departments/EmergencyManagement/bonfire 17 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 18 of 41 Dennis Resiliency Manager and lead the Company's F Vermillion Public Safety Power Shutoff plan development I L Chief Execufve Officer and implementation as well as associated customer engagement and communications Heather Rosentrater and managing Customer Resource Centers during a PSPS event. The Wildfire Steering Committee is responsible for on-going oversight of wildfire Vern Malensky season preparedness and providing support to Director Electrical Engineering the Wildfire Resiliency Manager, focused Matt Ugaldea primarily on tactical changes. The committee Manager Wildfire Resiliency consists of internal Avista stakeholders with responsibility for the outcome of wildfire Lisa LaBolle Brett Connor Lange RobynBrookshire preparedness and response activities. This Wildfire easiness Analyst Wildfire Program Specialist Wildfire Community Safety Sc Wildfire Resiliency Manager Program Manager includes representation from Risk, Legal, Regulatory, Asset Maintenance, Customer Service, and Communications. Activities related to operational response to weather conditions are overseen and directed by Avista's Executive Wildfire Leadership Team, consisting of officers and senior officers of the Company. This team provides strategic direction related to wildfire activities and final operational approval when placing feeders elevated protection setting operating mode. In the case of a wildfire or PSPS event, decision making is escalated through the appropriate channels. This typically begins with an Emergency Operations Process (EOP), a team comprised of cross-functional Company specialists. These people represent the impacted areas of the utility and provide a high level of experience and expertise. They guide the work and the decisions regarding escalating a situation, prepare crews and employees, notify customers, and manage the situation from initiation to full restoration. They also make the call whether to involve executive leadership. The EOP defines key roles and responsibilities for personnel, identifies communications channels, and outlines strategies for engaging with fire protection professional and emergency operating agency staff during expected or actual wildfire events, creating a consistent and efficient approach. 5.2 Coordination with Local Utilities and Infrastructure Providers Describe any coordination and communication involving other local utilities and infrastructure providers which are essential to wildfire response and recovery(e.g., water utilities, gas utilities, phone%able/internet providers, local emergency management and first responders). Avista Regional Business Managers have been coordinating and communicating about our Wildfire Resiliency Plan with a number of partners over the past several years including local emergency managers, local emergency planning committees, fire districts and departments, tribes, state and national wildfire responders (DNR, IDL, BLM) and elected officials in high fire threat municipalities. Avista has also been working closely with our municipalities, large customers and other local utilities (especially water purveyors) to identify critical infrastructure (such as water supply, wastewater treatment facilities, hospitals, emergency operations centers and the radio towers that support them) on our system, down 18 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 19 of 41 to the meter number. We have conversations with our public safety partners, including the Red Cross, about the services essential to wildfire response and recovery. We have also been establishing and enhancing partnerships with community and health organizations that support vulnerable populations in the event of a power outage. 5.3 Coordination with Local Tribal Entities Describe any coordination with adjacent Tribes that may be impacted or have emergency response needs in the event of a wildfire scenario. Avista holds Town Hall Meetings in all of our elevated WUI zones each year prior to fire season. These meetings are designed to educate elected, community, and tribal leaders about wildfire resiliency and Avista's Plan, as well as to gather insights about how to better engage with these communities going forward. The goal of these meetings is to inform first responders on Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan, share information on how to best coordinate activities before, during, and after an event, to educate customers on the Company's efforts to reduce wildfire risk, and to notify them about our strategy to elevate system protection settings (Fire Safety Mode and Public Safety Power Shutoffs) during critical fire weather events, including the potential impacts of these efforts. An important factor in this engagement is ensuring that potentially impacted community leaders understand the possibility for more frequent and longer power outages during Fire Safety Mode activation so they can help answer questions and support their citizens. Specific community outreach efforts with the Tribes have included a number of discussion topics especially concerning tribal elders and medically vulnerable tribal members. The Tribes are partnering with Avista to further identify these vulnerable populations (some already have partial lists) and to strategize on what can be done to help support all tribal members, especially these vulnerable customers, in the case of an extended power outage. We also work closely with the Tribes while performing grid hardening and transmission resiliency work that impacts their land and members. 5.4 Emergency Management/Incident Response Organization Describe utility's efforts(if any) to coordinate with relevant safety agencies as well as other relevant local and state agencies to establish roles, responsibilities, and structure of communication for emergency management system alerts. Coordination efforts may include but are not limited to: •Emergency management system structure during red flag conditions and wildfires •Relevant training exercises the utility may participate in relating to red flag conditions and wildfires (It is recommended as a best practice that utilities adopt or adapt an industry recognized Incident Management System as a guide). The Emergency Operating Plan or EOP is an incident command structure that defines workflow processes and unified command structures deployed during emergency events. It includes defining key roles and responsibilities, identifying communications channels, and emergency operating procedures to be used during emergency events. The vast majority of the major events that lead to an Avista Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) are weather related, coming about due to extreme wind, dangerous temperatures, or snow/ice events. Avista has developed an EOP specific to wildfire events, as it is imperative that wildfire events or potential wildfire conditions be managed in a specific, detailed, and 19 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 20 of 41 thoughtful way that has a strong emphasis on the safety of people, places, and infrastructure and also that includes critical external partners. Prescribed procedures must be adopted and followed at all levels of the Company in order to manage a wildfire or potential wildfire situation adequately and successfully. At the same time, the Company must integrate into firefighting efforts in a way that supports their work and increases their safety. In 2023 we finalized our Emergency Operating Procedures specific to wildfire response and set up an extensive tabletop exercise to test the design against a simulated fire situation. We invited emergency management agencies across our service territory including the Red Cross, the Idaho Department of Lands, and the Washington Department of Natural Resources to be observers in this tabletop exercise wildfire scenario. The exercise included a realistic situation related to a wildfire event and allowed participants to "experience" and react to this event and develop a unified approach, specifically related to working together in fire Incident Command Structures (ICS) in place during wildfire events. The ICS provides a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of the fire response from beginning to end, allowing the various agencies responding to the fire to work together efficiently. It provides components such as common terminology, integrated communications, and a unified command structure over all of the jurisdictions and personnel involved. Avista's strong relationships with fire professionals, strengthened by our work with them on the Wildfire Resiliency Plan, have brought them into our internal discussions and EOP processes. Working together in this way, practicing response together, ensures that Avista is successfully engaged with them in an ICS situation, and that our personnel understand what is expected of them and how they can assist and support fire command. It should be noted that in most large wildfire situations, local response (city, county) is superseded by state and federal authorities. In Washington State, the Department of Natural Resources is responsible for most non-federal fire suppression. Fires larger than 100 acres trigger a Fire Incident Command Structure (ICS). Avista defers to the leadership of these organizations in a wildfire event. Avista has always had good relationships with the firefighting agencies that have jurisdiction on the lands that our facilities occupy. During fire season the Wildfire Team holds fire risk meetings to provide updates and information sharing as well as gather feedback from operations managers and non-Company associated parties. Divisional managers are responsible for conducting basic fire training at one of their monthly safety meetings, but as part of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan, Avista partners directly with fire protection agencies to cross-train personnel so that Avista first responders understand fire incident command structures, their role during an active event, and fire safety. In turn, fire professionals understand the hazards associated with electric operations to help keep them safe when working near our facilities. Avista is recognized as a partner with the major fire agencies and is invited to participate with them in pre-fire season planning meetings and post-fire season reviews as well as coordination during fire events. Avista is also an active participant in the Inland Empire Fire Chiefs Association. We were asked to join in their meetings to add input on critical infrastructure capabilities and needs during wildfire and other emergency responses. This group includes the Fire Chief of the City of Spokane and the Chiefs of Spokane County as well as the Spokane County Department of Emergency Management and the Spokane County Sheriff's Department. Along with information sharing, this relationship has brought a 20 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 21 of 41 heightened awareness of how fire and emergency response is coordinated and how the utility can integrate into emergency response efforts. Emergency Management organizations around the service territory take part in our spring telephone town hall meetings. Avista uses this platform to communicate broadly with customers, community leaders, and first responders from highly impacted communities located in elevated fire risk zones, including vulnerable populations and medically vulnerable customers. These meetings review Avista's preparations for fire season and potential operations such as Fire Safety Mode and Public Safety Power Shutoffs. In addition to answering customer questions, this platform also yields helpful information about how our customers are preparing and what is most concerning to them. In these meetings we share updates on our current and future wildfire plan progress as well. Emergency management professionals, public safety partners, and key community leaders from each region are invited to participate in their associated town hall meeting. It is important to note that Red Flag conditions are only one factor Avista considers in evaluating fire risk. Due to the size of our service territory at over 30,000 square miles, weather risks vary significantly across our system. To manage this variability, our Fire Weather Dashboard was developed to model and predict fire risk on each individual feeder in Avista's system in real time. A spectrum of information goes into this analysis including a variety of National Weather Service information such as wind speed and direction, sustained wind levels, humidity and dryness levels, temperature, and drought conditions, as well as Avista-specific information including type of vegetation on each feeder, condition of equipment, type of equipment, mode of operation, historic outage data, population and human impact, and other factors to develop a prediction of wildfire risk. This information is far more detailed than the more general Red Flag Warning. 6.0 Wildfire Risks & Drivers Associated with Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance Within these sections, provide any specific information regarding the risks and risk drivers specific to the utility service territory and surrounding areas as well as enterprise-wide safety risks. 6.1 Risks and Risk Drivers Associated with Topographic and Climatological Risk Factors List primary risk drivers for wildfires specific to the utility service area and briefly describe the utility's prioritization of stated risks (what is most important in a service area),and what climate conditions or geographic characteristics the utility's wildfire mitigation strategy incorporates. Example risk drivers may include Extended drought; Vegetation type;High winds; Steep terrain;Lack of early fall rain. A variety of factors go into Avista's assessments around wildfire risk and how this risk can be effectively mitigated. Our risks are captured both in our static Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) map specific to our service territory and which informs where we will focus our mitigation efforts, and in our dynamic Fire Weather Dashboard, which models real-time fire risk on a feeder-by-feeder basis. In general, for Avista, wind is the number one most impactful factor contributing to wildfire risk. We cannot have high risk without high winds. Relative humidity is typically the second most important determining factor, as it influences fuel moisture levels and therefore burnability. Avista's risk drivers include: 21 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 22 of 41 Vegetation Type Vegetation type is a key driver in the risk assessment for utilities as it shows areas that have higher flame lengths and higher probabilities of fire occurrence and spread rates. This can also help describe areas of lower risk like urban core areas that are less burnable. The spread of wildfires varies based on the flammable material present and in vertical arrangement or slope. Ground fires typically burn by first smoldering in organic material on the ground and are fed by leaf and timber litter, grass, and low-lying shrubs and plants. Ladder fires are fed by the fuels between the ground and the tree tops such as small trees and downed logs. Crown fires, those in the tree tops, are dependent upon the density of trees. If trees are close together, the fire can spread more easily. It is important to know the geographic characteristics of an area in order to predict fire risk and behavior. Avista has identified the areas of our system with the most tree cover near our powerlines using the USDA Forest Service Wildfire Hazard Potential map.$ We also use our LiDAR and satellite inspection data to help us identify vegetation type and location. Slope and Exposure Slope and exposure indicate areas where fires will grow faster under certain conditions and provide less time and access to attack the fire from first responders. For example, fuels uphill from a fire are more readily dried and warmed by the fire than those downhill, yet burning logs can roll downhill from the fire to ignite other fuels. Thus, slope is an important factor. Exposure provides both rainfall and sunlight, allowing surface plants to proliferate, providing fuel for fire spread. Exposure is also a factor in how quickly vegetation dries out if it is located in a sunny versus a shaded area. Winds Winds are critical in risk assessment as this can indicate how quickly fires will travel and grow. Wind is the major lateral driver for most wildfires that become extremely large in a single burn window. Winds are also the most variable and hardest factors to predict in analyzing wildfire risk. Wind affects wildfire in a variety of ways. It can dry out vegetation, it can carry burning embers that spread the fire, and it can cause vegetation to fall or come in contact with power equipment. In fact, strong winds can be the primary cause of a spark transforming into a wildfire. In Avista's service territory, the least impactful winds for tree damage are from the Southwest, as this is our "normal" wind direction and the trees have self- strengthened to be more durable to winds in this direction. Winds from the North tend to do the most damage to our system, especially related to tree fall-ins. Thus, the predicted directionality of the wind is a factor included in our calculations of fire risk. Humidity Humidity is another key driver in determining wildfire risk. Relative humidity affects wildfires by either dampening or drying out potential fuel, thus hour-by-hour changes in fuel moisture are tracked as a forecasted value. Low humidity levels dry out vegetation fuels on a short-term basis, and they can also cause a short-term spike in fire danger. When there are cooler temperatures and/or high atmospheric moisture levels, fire danger is reduced. At a microscopic scale, the increase or decrease in humidity is 8 Source: Wildfire Hazard Potential I Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory (firelab.org) Data is available as raster GIS data or as spreadsheets from the USDA Forest Service Fire Modeling Institute. 22 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 23 of 41 pushing and pulling moisture out of vegetation depending on humidity and temperature, which can increase or decrease the intensity of a wildfire directly. Drought Drought leads to lack of moisture in the soil, which prevents plants from absorbing water, increasing the amount of dead and dry vegetation, which then becomes fuel for wildfires. Dry vegetation causes fires to spread more quickly and become more intense. Burn Index/Energy Release Component The Burn Index and Energy Release Component are values derived from the United States Forest Service (USFS) Severe Fire Danger Index.' This index is a value that has been shown to best provide an accurate location of 90% of the burned acres on all historic back casting done by the USFS. It does not necessary correlate to ignition but rather those spaces that are primed for large growth fires and where those fires could happen at a forecasted level. Probability of Loss of Homes The probability of loss of homes is a key driver in the risk assessment for utilities as it shows the areas and communities near utility services that are at the highest risk levels for total loss during a wildfire. This data is compilation of a multitude of datasets and consolidated down to the structures near the utility's service territory. Avista acquires this information from the USDA Forest Service Wildfire Hazard Potential Map (WHP)10 which indicates the burnability of an area, and from the USDA Housing Unit Impact (HUI) dataset" which incorporates the general consequences of fire on people and the potential economic impact of wildfire on communities and infrastructure. Conservative wildfire spread is then assessed and summed to attempt to account for a potential loss of homes if a wildfire were to occur in a particular place. We note that climatology may change utility risk over time. Things like prolonged droughts and low rainfall will increase risk. Further, this will potentially turn lower risk areas today into higher risk areas of tomorrow. Lastly, increases in urban development into the wildland urban interface will increase the likelihood of community-altering wildfires in the future. Much of this is difficult to estimate or predict. 6.1 Enterprise-Wide Safety Risks Describe the utility's methodology for identifying and assessing enterprise-wide safety risks related to wildfires. Risk areas may include Operational, Procedural, System Sensitivities. Example risk drivers may include: Contact from Object (i.e., animal, balloon, vegetation, vehicle); Equipment/Facility Failure (i.e., Capacitor Bank, Conductor, Crossarm, Fuse, Insulator, Transformer, etc.); Wire to Wire Contact 9 Severe Fire Danger Index: A forecastable metric to inform firefighter and community wildfire risk management I US Forest Service Research and Development(usda.gov) 10 Source: Wildfire Hazard Potential I Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory(firelab.org) Data is available as raster GIS data or as spreadsheets from the USDA Forest Service Fire Modeling Institute. 11 Wildfire Risk to Communities:Spacial Datasets of Wildfire Risk for Populated Areas in the United States. fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/products/RDS-2020-0060/ metadata RDS-2020-0060.html 23 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 24 of 41 Avista tracks the metrics most closely related to wildfire risk in our service territory. One of these operational risk areas is related specifically to vegetation contacts with our facilities. We track the number of these events that cause these outages as well as the number of risk trees we mitigate on both the transmission and distribution systems and the number of miles inspected (including ground, aerial, LiDAR and satellite). This helps us determine if our vegetation management practices are having positive effect in reducing fall-in and grow-in risk. Other operational wildfire risk areas are related to our equipment and elements that could lead to spark events; thus, we track overhead equipment failures (arresters, conductor, crossarms, cutouts and fuses, insulators, reclosers and regulators, switches, and overhead transformers). We also track the number of outages related to pole fires. In relation to these outages, we monitor the miles of distribution grid hardening accomplished as we work toward hardening all of the elevated fire risk areas of our system. These outages are shown in Appendix A. Additional operational risk areas involve our work in automating our system to react to increases in fire threat conditions. This includes installation of automation and control devices at both the midline and substation level on the distribution system. We track the number of these devices we install each month as we work toward automating all of these devices located in high fire threat areas. Procedural risk is addressed through training of our personnel (and cross-training with fire personnel), development and practicing Emergency Operations Procedures specific to wildfire situations, as well as weekly assessment meetings during wildfire season that include both internal and external participants to ensure readiness and to work together to determine operations. 7.0 Wildfire Preventative Strategies Within these sections, provide any specific information regarding current prevention strategies, lessons learned from the prevention activities, and considerations for the future state. 7.1 Weather Monitoring 7.1.1 Current Strategy Overview Provide details on weather monitoring (if any) conducted by the utility. The following is a list of possible weather monitoring sources:United States National Weather Service, United States Forest Service Wildland Fire Assessment System, National Fire Danger Rating System. Avista forecasts short-term fire risk via our Fire Weather Dashboard by combining elements of the National Weather Service 7-day hourly weather forecasts with Avista's circuit health, performance metrics and historical data based on our service territory. Our Dashboard was designed to indicate the moments where utility-sourced fire potential is at its highest and when fire spread rates pose significant risk to neighboring communities. It provides daily quantitative fire risk potential metrics. During fire season Avista continuously tracks localized weather patterns to identify consistently dry conditions that promote lower fuel moisture, as well as extreme wind conditions, as an acute risk-based warning system for wildfire potential. Because weather cannot be controlled, Avista desires to prioritize where there is 24 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 25 of 41 increased potential for wildfire given current conditions, fuel, terrain, and prior ignition events so we can react accordingly. 7.1.2 Planned Updates Describe changes (if any) to weather monitoring that are anticipated in the upcoming three years. If applicable, describe what led to the change and the anticipated benefit or improvement once implemented. If it is a pilot program, describe the pilot period. The Dashboard has been calibrated over time to best fit data to observed outcomes in real time and through back casting. These calibrations simplify action points and ensure proper weighting of factors. It may also be updated based upon revisions to Avista's WUI map, which is an input to the model. The WUI map is updated each time the underlying data is updated. Inputs are provided by the U.S. Forest Service Fire Modeling Institute's Wildfire Hazard Potential Map12 which defines the relative potential for wildfire, and the USDA Housing Unit Impact dataset13 which indicates the consequences of wildfire on communities and infrastructure. Updates of the WUI map into the Dashboard analytics allows us to have an increased view of potential impact to communities in our service area as new data becomes available. In addition, Avista is participating with the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) in the installation and monitoring of ten wildfire cameras in key locations across Washington and Northern Idaho in the fall of 2024. 7.2 Design and Construction Standards 7.2.1 Current Strategy Overview Detail any instances where the utility is engaged in system re-design and hardening practices or other efforts for purposes of wildfire mitigation. If any industry best practices are being utilized, note the standard or code, as applicable, and how the utility achieves that standard in its processes. Many sources of powerline outages are difficult to control, including winter storms, strong wind events, lightning, and public caused outages including vehicular accidents and trees that are felled through powerlines. However, by upgrading powerline conductor and equipment, these failures are more manageable and should reduce the overall number of outages and potential for spark-ignition events. Though Avista has well-established programs to replace poles, conductor, and equipment, existing programs are condition-based and aligned with reliability objectives. Wildfire grid hardening objectives are focused on reducing the number of (and potential for) spark ignition or heat events, thus we have enhanced these existing programs by focusing hardening efforts in high fire threat areas based upon our WUI map and historic fire patterns. Hardening powerlines, poles and other equipment through updated designs and material selections also helps the power system withstand higher wind speeds and other environmental factors such a wildfire near or beneath our facilities. Wildfire system hardening focuses on 12 Source: Wildfire Hazard Potential I Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory(firelab.org) Data is available as raster GIS data or as spreadsheets from the USDA Forest Service Fire Modeling Institute. 13 This data is acquired from the USDA/US Forest Service Housing Unit Impact(HUI)dataset which contains a nationwide raster of housing unit density measured in persons per square kilometer and incorporates the general consequences of fire on people and the potential economic impact of wildfire on communities and infrastructure. fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/products/RDS-2020- 0060/ metadata RDS-2020-0060.html 25 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 26 of 41 the prevention of equipment spark events as well as promoting equipment resilience during fire (and other reliability risk) exposure. Grid hardening programs are key to protecting both our customers and our electric transmission and distribution systems from wildfire risk, with a focus on high fire threat areas. Avista's Grid Hardening measures include distribution grid hardening measures such as replacing outdated equipment, adding strength such as wedge/bail clamps, and installing wildlife guards, as well as identifying and mitigating risk-trees (trees with the potential of imminent fall-in hazard to energized facilities). On the transmission system, programs to protect infrastructure include replacing wood poles with steel and wrapping wood poles with fire resistant mesh in high fire threat locations are utilized. These elements were described earlier in this report. 7.2.2 Planned Updates Describe any changes to design and construction standards that are anticipated in the upcoming three years. If applicable, describe what led to the change and the anticipated benefit or improvement once implemented. Avista is developing a new program we call Enhanced Grid Hardening. Converting overhead distribution line sections to underground cables has not historically been listed as a specific component of our distribution grid hardening. In the past, Avista has conducted underground conversion of overhead lines on a case-by-case basis, but in most existing situations the physical challenges create an undue economic burden, making conversion expensive and unfeasible unless it was for new applications such as a new subdivision or business development. However, going forward, Avista has made a commitment that new distribution facilities located in specific areas within high fire risk zones will be installed underground to mitigate future risk. We are currently risk-ranking communities in our service territory which are excessively vulnerable to total loss in the event of a wildfire. We believe that by focusing on zones where the wildfire growth modeling suggests large scale loss to communities and high impacts to homes, people, and communities, thus concentrating on very specific areas and the conductor segments most at risk and carefully prioritizing this work, we may be able to provide a direct risk reduction. This concept is currently being developed and will be evaluated in 2026 to determine cost and feasibility. 7.3 Fuel and Vegetation Management 7.3.1 Current Strategy Overview Detail any instances where the utility has or is developing or implementing programs and practices to manage fuels and vegetation for purposes of wildfire mitigation. If any industry standards are used as a baseline for Vegetation Management, please cite and briefly describe the standard(s). Effective vegetation management is an integral part of maintaining overhead electric distribution and transmission lines. Avista's Vegetation Team uses a proactive approach to identify and address potential vegetation-related issues before they result in outages. Avista's vegetation management program, with implementation of the Wildfire Plan, was broken into two distinct programs: routine cycle maintenance and risk tree mitigation (known as the Enhanced Vegetation Management Program. Avista's routine cycle distribution vegetation management program consists of cycle trimming and risk tree inspections. Note that Avista's definition of"risk tree"is a visibly dead, diseased, or dying tree, or one which possesses obvious structural defects that could fall into conductor. This is in part regulated 26 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 27 of 41 by ANSI A300 (Part 9)-2017 Tree Risk Assessment - a. Tree Failure.14 Avista's assessments conform to level 1 standards as performed from the center of the corridor using ground-based patrols (or from a vehicle) and/or by analyzing high-resolution images captured via satellite. In alignment with its Wildfire Resiliency Plan, Avista added the goal of inspecting the entire distribution system annually for risk trees using a combination of satellite data and visual inspection. Transmission annual inspections are conducted with a combination of ground and aerial inspections in accordance with NERC/FERC regulations.15 The Wildfire Resiliency Plan added LiDAR inspections to the existing transmission inspection methods, which is able to specifically identify and mitigate vegetation-related risk not always visible using traditional inspection methods. The Wildfire Resiliency Plan also added the new program of Fuel Reduction Partnerships with external parties such as the Idaho Dept. of Lands and Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, partnering with these state agencies as well as regional counties and area Tribes to reduce fuels/vegetation on their properties near our facilities. And, in addition, the Wildfire Resiliency Plan added the Safe Tree Program to remove and/or replace trees located on customer property in danger of contacting powerlines. 7.3.2 Planned Updates Describe changes to the utility's vegetation management practices(if any) that are anticipated in the upcoming three years. If applicable, describe what led to the change and the anticipated benefit or improvement once implemented. Avista's Enhanced Vegetation Management Program has been in place since 2020 and is in full operation. We inspect 100% of our system each year for risk trees and will continue to do so into the future. A recent goal, added in 2023, is mitigation and removal of risk trees within six months of identification. 7.4 Asset Inspections and Response 7.4.1 Current Strategy Overview Detail any instances where the utility is engaged in inspection practices or pilot projects (e.g., use of LiDAR, infrared, drones, etc.) for purposes of wildfire mitigation. For any inspection program descriptions, include detail on remediation practices. If industry standards are used as a basis for inspections,please cite and briefly describe the standard(s). As part of Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan we perform risk tree inspections across 100% of the non- urban, high fire risk areas of the distribution system every year with the stretch goal of remediating risk trees within six months of identifying them. Inspection methodologies include boots-on-the-ground, ground and aerial surveys, and LiDAR and satellite imaging. As mentioned above, Avista's definition of a risk tree is and our inspection standards are defined by ANSI A300 (Part 9)-2017 Tree Risk Assessment - a. Tree Failure.16 Assessments conform to level 1 standards. 14 ANSI A300 Standards, https://treecareindustryassociation.org/business-support/ansi-a300-standards/ 15 FERC Reliability Standard FAC-003, https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/FAC-003-4.pdf requires inspection of 100%of the interconnected transmission grid annually. 16 ANSI A300 Standards, https://treecareindustryassociation.org/business-support/ansi-a300-standards/ 27 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 28 of 41 LiDAR and satellite data collection was added by Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan in order to complement and supplement routine manual inspections. These new technologies provide a high level of detail regarding the health and location of vegetation across the system with a goal of reducing tree contacts with powerlines, one of the most common causes of outages and sparks. In 2020 as the Wildfire Resiliency Plan was getting started, we began the addition of both satellite and LiDAR data collection for our distribution and transmission systems. Digital inspections are quickly becoming the industry standard practice, as it allows for a complete vegetation record, including the efficacy of field work along with the information necessary to create future work plans. Digital data collection techniques provide detailed data on vegetation, growth patterns, and risk to power infrastructure, and can easily differentiate between grassland, agricultural or urban areas, and can detect the species and health of vegetation, thus can identify vegetation that is likely to grow into or fall into powerlines. Because these images are taken on a regular basis, they show us where vegetation risk exceeds both reliability and fire mitigation thresholds and provide valuable information regarding the location of problem (or potential problem)vegetation issues overtime. The analysis provided is invaluable in directing planners and line clearing crews to specific locations on the system to perform maintenance and mitigate risk trees rather than the traditional method of working on an entire circuit or polygon. Both the satellite and LiDAR tools and associated analytics will essentially learn Avista's system and the vegetation around our lines, allowing us to plan vegetation work in a more precise and predictable way, streamlining our vegetation management programs and helping to maximize their value. The transmission system is inspected annually via ground, aerial, and LiDAR. LiDAR works well for transmission because most transmission lines have open linear rights-of-way like roads and railways, allowing LiDAR data to be primarily collected via a fixed wing aircraft or helicopter. The resulting survey- grade data yields sub-centimeter accuracy, and when combined with high resolution photography, it provides vegetation planners with a robust assessment of both encroachment and risk tree hazards. It can identify dead, dying, diseased or structurally defective trees both inside and outside corridor rights- of-way and is very accurate in calculating fall-in risk. LiDAR works well for transmission inspections because it provides a high level of detail and accuracy, including the placement of the conductor in the corridor, so areas where vegetation might impact the lines are identifiable. LiDAR inspections not only pinpoint potential vegetation issues, but also identify issues that could create risk such as corroded attachment hardware, ground profile changes, excessive sag, unauthorized encroachments or attachments and thermal issues. We note that transmission inspections are regulated by FERC Reliability Standard FAC-003 which requires inspection of 100% of the interconnected transmission grid annually." Failure to meet this requirement can result in substantial fines. Avista uses satellite data collection on the distribution system, which allows for a system-wide approach rather than conventional corridor collection (LiDAR). Satellite-based data is not as sophisticated as LiDAR, requiring several passes over the system to collect the data needed, and satellite images are not detailed enough to include conductor placement. However, satellite imaging aligns well with distribution topologies, as it works very efficiently for the trunk-and-lateral, non-linear configuration of the distribution system, which often lacks well-defined flyable corridors. Satellite acquisition allows collection over a " FERC Reliability Standard FAC-003, https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/FAC-003-4.pdf 28 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 29 of 41 broad area both in urban and rural areas using successive overpasses, pairing this information with computer-based machine learning algorithms to assess the risk of both tree encroachment ("grow-in") and hazard tree risks ("fall-in"). Satellite imagery provides a huge volume of geospatial information, enabling deeper and more regular vegetation management intelligence, including change detection. Satellite based vegetation inspection works well for the distribution system, as it can cover large areas quickly and accurately and provide detailed data on vegetation, growth patterns, and risk to power infrastructure. It can easily differentiate between grassland, agricultural or urban areas and detect the species and health of vegetation, thus can calculate vegetation that is likely to grow into or fall into powerlines. 7.4.2 Planned Updates Describe any changes to the utility's inspection program that are anticipated in the next three years. If applicable, describe what led to the change and the anticipated benefit or improvement once implemented. No major changes or updates anticipated. We believe that the combination of inspection methods Avista utilizes is invaluable in directing planners and line clearing crews to the areas of greatest need with accuracy. A small "change" may be in finding additional uses for the data analysis gained from LiDAR and satellite imaging. 7.5 Workforce Training 7.5.1 Current Strategy Overview Describe any wildfire mitigation related workforce training or work rules/practices. The Company provides annual fire safety training as part of the field crew safety meetings. Our crews also cross-train with first responders and fire professionals regarding working safely around the electric system. In 2023, as we finalized our Wildfire Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP), we set up an extensive tabletop exercise to test our EOP design against a simulated fire situation. We invited emergency management agencies across our service territory including the Red Cross, the Idaho Department of Lands, and the Washington Department of Natural Resources to be observers in this tabletop exercise wildfire scenario. The exercise included a realistic situation related to a wildfire event and allowed participants to "experience," train, and react to this event together. This event highlighted the value of having Avista embedded with Fire Incident Command. Working together in this way helps ensure that direct communication and coordination between Avista and the fire agency responders will be effective and efficient and that fire and utility crews can work safely in the field. This exercise provided an excellent opportunity to train Avista employees in successfully managing an actual wildfire situation as well as in effective engagement with external parties and will be conducted annually. 7.5.2 Planned Updates Describe any changes to workforce training efforts that are anticipated in the next three years. If applicable, describe what led to the change and the anticipated benefit or improvement once implemented. 29 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 30 of 41 We will continue to work with our external partners and participate in Incident Command Responses as needed, learning from both joint exercises and actual situations, and folding what we learn into our wildfire planning and into future training. We will continue to train and practice with our crews and fire professionals to ensure a strong and effective response to wildfire situations. This includes annual exercises related to Wildfire EOPs and Public Safety Power Shutoff events. These joint exercises and real life experiences will help us continue to refine our skills and capabilities related to actual fire events, and further strengthen our relationships with our external partners. 7.6 Relay and Recloser Policy 7.6.1 Current Strategy Overview Describe the utility's associated protective devices and relay practices, including the use of pulse reclosers and other programmable controlled reclosers. Additionally, describe if the utility changes relay settings to more quickly or easily de- energize a circuit during certain conditions. Electric utilities use automatic reclosing to improve system reliability by preventing momentary faults on overhead conductors that may result in extended outages and impacts to customers. However,for circuits that pass through high fire risk areas, automatic reclosing is not always desirable during certain conditions due to the increased risk of ignition. Since the early 2000s, during fire season Avista has transitioned into the mode of limiting the number of circuit recloses on selected feeders during fire season on circuits deemed at risk. This operational methodology is an important defensive strategy against wildfire ignition. This operating mode, which we call Fire Safety Mode (FSM), involves both identifying electric circuits that operate in elevated fire threat areas and the reconfiguration of their associated protection systems to allow protection devices to be remotely and automatically adjusted for wildfire threat based on the operating location and threat level. Fire Safety Mode reduces the potential for spark events and the risk of fire. Avista's Fire Weather Dashboard allows system operators to better understand timing and extent of the risk, providing the opportunity for the Company prepare and to act in order to mitigate potential spark- ignition events. When combined with the dynamic operating capability provided by automation equipment such as distribution and substation reclosers, the Dashboard guides the decision to enable various levels of operations (including Fire Safety Mode and Public Safety Power Shutoffs) to mitigate risk. Based on the Fire Risk Potential Score from the Dashboard, we can move from Non-FSM (non-fire season where multiple reclose attempts are permitted) to Base FSM (where protection settings are set to limit non- reclosing but fuses will operate), to Extreme FSM (where a single instantaneous overcurrent condition will trip and fuses will not operate), to PSPS level where the line will be de-energized. However, by disabling reclosing, utilities are prioritizing wildfire risk over reliability risk, so this decision is carefully considered. The Company attempts to carefully balance the safety of the public with the need to maintain reliability and customer service. 7.6.2 Planned Updates Describe any changes to relay or recloser operations that are anticipated in the next three years. If applicable, describe what led to the change and the anticipated benefit or improvement once implemented. 30 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 31 of 41 Avista's Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan was ready for the 2024 fire season. We will continue to refine the trigger points for system protection based on the Dashboard Fire Risk Potential score as we gain experience with the use of both FSM and PSPS. 7.7 De-Energization /Public Safety Power Shutoff 7.7.1 Current Strategy Overview Provide information about plans(if any) to proactively de-energize as it pertains to wildfire mitigation, this can include, but is not limited to Public Safety Power Shutoff guidelines. Summarize the conditions (if any) under which the utility may de-energize to prevent ignitions. Describe the protocols the utility would utilize when determining the appropriateness of proactive de- energization. If a utility does not plan on enacting proactive de-energization,please list other mitigation strategies to limit asset related ignitions under critical fire weather conditions.Additionally, utilities describe notification protocols and procedures ahead of, during, and following a proactive de-energization.Detail on restoration of service following a de-energization can be provided in Section 9. Avista has developed a scale of actions to be taken prior to implementing de-energization by using enhanced protection settings through our Fire Safety Mode strategy, thus the threshold for implementing PSPS would be relatively high. The decision to do this is highly impactful to customers, including real financial consequences as well as the potential for loss of water, food spoilage, dangers associated with loss of traffic signals and communications, and other impacts that often hit the most vulnerable customers hardest. Determining when to implement a PSPS event will include factors such as the fire risk index, the impact on critical customers, operational criticality, effects on medically vulnerable customers, customer proximity to aid/support, the potential duration of the event, the utility resources available, the potential for fire spread, and actual weather conditions. Generally, de-energization is more commonly used on the distribution systems than on transmission systems. Transmission level PSPS events are very complex due to regulatory requirements and overall bulk electric system impacts. This is due in great part to mandatory NERC and FERC requirements around maintaining system reliability for Avista and the Western Interconnection. Remaining in compliance with these requirements is designed to keep the Western Interconnection stable and is regulated under federal mandates. Therefore, Avista's PSPS program will focus primarily on distribution, and potentially include the transmission lines only after a thorough analysis of Avista's transmission system and of the impacts a PSPS event would have on Avista's reliability and compliance obligations.18 The Company is taking a very measured, thoughtful, and cautious approach to proactive de-energization for PSPS, because in this case, unlike de-energizing for planned work for example, facilities cannot be re-energized until conditions are safe and all lines are thoroughly inspected, which can take a significant amount of time. The process of de-energizing the system is less challenging than re-energizing it. De- energizing lines for a PSPS event, given the scope of the restoration efforts and the anticipated duration of the outages, presents a substantial cost to the utility—and to customers, in great part because a PSPS '$Since PSPS would not initially involve Avista's transmission system, interconnected transmission providers(BPA, PAC, Idaho Power, etc.) should be minimally affected. Avista should also be able to continue to serve BPA's transfer customers. Interconnected transmission operations are regulated under NERC Standard TOP-001-4. TOP-001-4.pdf(nerc.com) 31 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 32 of 41 would only be considered during an extreme weather event in which many circuits beyond those that have been proactively de-energized and potentially be impacted as well. Once lines are de-energized for a PSPS event, facilities cannot be re-energized until conditions are safe and all circuits and lines are thoroughly inspected or patrolled to ensure that it is safe to re-energize. After inspection, lines are re-energized segment by segment. Patrol of all impacted overhead electric facilities, both transmission and distribution, can only commence once the weather event has subsided. While the overall duration of PSPS events is uncertain, many utilities report durations between 3-6 days. Several PSPS events in California have taken up to 14 days for full restoration. Restoration efforts following a PSPS will always require additional time to fully inspect the full length of each circuit and line that was de-energized. Power restoration following a PSPS is akin to a major storm. In traditional utility restoration efforts, the priority is to restore service to as many customers as possible through line switching and by isolating faulted circuits. Restoration efforts may also include a consideration of customers most heavily impacted by outages or located in Named Communities. Notification protocols and procedures are critical in implementation of Fire Safety Mode and a PSPS. Prior to fire season the Company communicates with customers about Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan, what FSM and PSPS are, and how these operations may impact them. Our education and outreach efforts are designed to help customers prepare for wildfire season and the associated actions we may take in order to protect them, including resources available to impacted customers, identification of and communicating with critical infrastructure customers, working with regulators and local community leaders, and engaging with first responders and emergency management personnel. An important factor in this engagement is ensuring that community leaders understand the potential for more frequent and longer power outages during Fire Safety Mode activation so they can help answer questions and support their citizens. The company works with customers, first responders, emergency managers, and community leaders across the service territory, specifically those in elevated fire threat areas, including public safety and tribal partners, prior to wildfire season. In the case of a PSPS event, Avista has a multi-step communications plan. From 2 to 7 days out from a potential event, we begin a PSPS Watch in which we monitor the weather forecasts, begin internal discussions and preparations (pre-EOP) and begin notifying key public safety and tribal partners as well as critical customers likely to be impacted. From 48 hours to within 1 hour of the estimated event, we begin the PSPS Warning process in which we reach out to additional external public safety partners and begin notifying customers directly if they are within the expected PSPS area. When a PSPS is executed, public safety partners, critical infrastructure customers, and all impacted customers are notified, if possible, up to 24 hours in advance. During this time, we utilize an Outage Map tool located on our website which will provide PSPS specific information regarding the location of the event, and any other pertinent event information. The map will be updated throughout the event to keep customers informed. Avista also has a specialized customer service team in place to engage with medically vulnerable customers to ensure that they have a plan in place or to assist if they need help and support. These same parties are also notified when service has been restored. It should be noted that weather is dynamic and Avista may modify the PSPS plan and process to accommodate changing levels of risk. Any changes will be communicated to customers as early as possible. 32 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 33 of 41 7.7.2 Planned Updates As the Company experiences its first season with a PSPS Plan, it is anticipated that goals, set points, and expectations will be refined. Communications may also be refined and improved over time based on customer and external partner feedback and suggestions. 8.0 Community Outreach and Public Awareness 8.1 Current Community Outreach and Public Awareness Program Provide a description of customer communication efforts or programs related to wildfire mitigation performed over the past three years. If any evaluations or assessments of customer communications were performed, briefly describe the findings as appropriate. This may include efforts to increase awareness that a WMP exists, notification of activities under the WMP, etc. If the Utility utilizes proactive de-energization (or PSPS) protocols, this section may be used to describe any efforts made to educate or interact with the public regarding customer awareness of the utility's protocols. Examples may include, but are not limited to, interaction with the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network, initiatives to reach customers with limited English proficiency, or interagency meetings to promote best management practices. Examples of evaluations may include number of impressions, customers reached, or resources provided/requested. Avista is committed to partnering with emergency first responders, community leaders, and customers in our Wildfire communications. The original 2020 Wildfire Resiliency Plan noted customer outreach as a goal and described some of the initial meetings with fire departments, elected leaders, regulators, and peer utilities that were foundational in development of our initial Plan. Avista's communication outreach extends well beyond wildfire issues and has adopted an `all-means and all-channels' approach to communicating with customers and other interested persons. Starting in 2022, Avista established a cross-functional team including regional business managers, corporate communication specialists, tribal relations employees, customer engagement, electric operations, and the Wildfire Resiliency team to improve and expand Avista's customer outreach related to wildfire. Each year the Company sponsors a series of meetings with first responder groups and county- level emergency management offices along with police, fire, and emergency dispatch centers, ambulance services, volunteer support, and elected officials throughout Washington and Idaho in order to provide information about Avista's Wildfire Resiliency Plan and fire season operating strategies. Avista also meets with members of the Colville Confederated, Spokane, and Nez Perce Tribes. Meetings have been convened with the Washington Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Department of Lands, and the Spokane City Council. An additional communications framework was developed to assist employees who routinely meet with local emergency first responders. Each year prior to fire season, Avista conducts a series of residential customer telephone townhall meetings. In these meetings, Avista employees provide an overview of the Wildfire Resiliency Plan as well as information about changes to the protection system during fire season and how that might impact them. At each meeting a fire agency or emergency management expert is available to answer questions about fire safety, home preparedness, evacuations, and other emergency response issues. The focus of 33 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5, Page 34 of 41 these meetings is to connect with customers who live in high fire threat areas. The convenience of attending by telephone allows customers to connect with utility employees and fire professionals more easily. Questions ranged from "who do I contact about a tree near a powerline" to "how should I prepare for a fire" to "how are evacuations handled in my area." We are expanding these communications to provide messages in multiple languages. In 2022, our first year of town hall meetings, we reached out to nearly 36,000 customers in 8 counties (Washington and Idaho) including 225 county emergency managers,fire officials, tribal leaders from three tribes, and elected officials. In 2023 we expanded this outreach to over 90,000 customers in 16 counties across our service territory, including over 640 community leaders and emergency response organizations. Conducting telephone townhall meetings require significant planning, coordination, and internal support, but the benefits both to customers and the Company are tremendous. It is important that we partner closely with emergency professionals, community leaders, as well as customers to understand fire risk and to work together before, during, and after a wildfire event. Providing clear and concise communication together with receiving feedback are important components of implementing a successful wildfire mitigation plan. Related specifically to PSPS, we rolled out PSPS as an added part of our wildfire strategies in 2024. In May of 2024 we held a press briefing with local fire agencies and others to talk about the 2024 season and overall preparedness, with an emphasis on PSPS and elevated protection settings. In addition to earned media, we use all our Avista channels, such as email, customer newsletters, bill inserts, and social media to spread awareness of our wildfire work and PSPS. For our most vulnerable customers, Avista has a Customer Service CARES team which is specifically trained to engage with medically vulnerable customers and acts as a liaison between the customer and community partner support networks. A PSPS event may especially impact medically vulnerable customers, necessitating additional outreach to ensure these customers have a plan to be prepared for the de-energization. The CARES Team will provide additional notifications to customers who are considered "Life Support" to help ensure that they have what they need during these events. Avista is also offering a battery backup program to qualified life support customers who have been verified through a medical provider at no cost to the customer. In addition, we launched an employee team of volunteer Community Response Ambassadors who trained with the Red Cross to provide help and support. We have also made a significant effort to identify critical commercial/industrial customers for notification during elevated Fire Safety Mode protection settings. Recognizing who these customers are, the critical services they provide, and where they are located makes it possible to do as much as possible to protect their energy supply and/or restore their service as quickly as possible. Specialized community outreach efforts with the tribes included a number of discussion topics including concern for tribal elders and medically vulnerable tribal members. The tribes are partnering with Avista to further identify these vulnerable populations (some tribes already have partial lists) and see what can be done to help support them in the case of an extended power outage. 34 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 35 of 41 8.2 Planned Updates Describe any changes to customer communication and public awareness strategies or programs that are anticipated in the next three years. If applicable, describe what led to the change and the anticipated benefit or improvement once implemented. We added PSPS as part of our wildfire work for the 2024 fire season. Continuing changes include expanding our language options beyond English-only. For example, in 2023 we offered materials and translation options for our Town Hall Meetings in Spanish. We are also working with our Equity Advisory Group to fully develop and identify Highly Impacted Communities and Vulnerable Populations ("Named Communities") unique to our service territory to help identify barriers to participation and education and specialized accessibility needs. 9.0 Restoration of Service Within this section,provide the detailed process for restoring service after an outage as outlined by the utility during high wildfire risk conditions or following a de-energization or wildfire event. When applicable, reference specific sections within the utility's restoration plan (if available) that detail the utility's protocols before during and after restoration. (Here they note that the State Energy Office—Energy Emergency Management is available to support development and assessment of restoration activities or assist with any questions or concerns.) Power restoration following a PSPS is akin to that of a major storm. In traditional utility restoration efforts, the priority is to restore service to as many customers as possible through line switching and by isolating faulted circuits. However, if a utility de-energizes lines for a PSPS event, facilities cannot be re-energized until conditions are safe and all lines are thoroughly inspected and re-energized segment by segment as it is deemed safe to do so. Patrolling all impacted overhead electric facilities, both transmission and distribution, will only commence once the weather event has subsided and when fire response leadership (if involved) gives the all-clear. Restoration following a typical PSPS event are variable, but may require up to three to six days perhaps longer, as restoration efforts following a PSPS require the time it takes to fully inspect each de-energized circuit, even if the circuits weren't damaged during the weather event, to ensure that it is safe to re-energize the line. Factors impacting the length of these outages include crew availability, terrain and accessibility of the impacted lines, length of the feeder, etc. Typically, a restoration process will begin with the "all clear" being issued by decision-makers including fire professionals if applicable. Field crews will then be mobilized and broad communications to impacted customers will begin, including providing help with resources as appropriate. Restoration typically starts with critical infrastructure and commercial zones. To complete repairs, main trunk lines are the focus followed by branch lateral circuits, then individual customers. Communications are updated to provide estimated restoration times. Once the event is over and all power has been restored, the Company conducts an after-action review with emergency first responders to identify areas for improvement. For Avista, like many utilities, it seems likely that PSPS would be limited to the highest fire risk zones while areas of lower risk may be subject to elevated protection levels. Avista operates 350 electric distribution lines over 7,650 miles. It is conceivable that following a major fire-weather event, 50 to 100 or even more of these circuits could be de-energized either through pre-emptive action (PSPS), circuit breaker operation settings (Fire Safety Mode), or due to weather impacts such as a tree falling across a line. Circuits that have not been moved to elevated settings or de-energized may also be impacted by 35 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 36 of 41 the storm and require repair. Most, if not all, of Avista in-house resources would be focused on the patrol/inspection effort system wide. Outage scenarios that would lead to consideration of a PSPS could also be of a large enough magnitude for Avista to initiate a mutual aid request from other utilities as well as the need for outside contractors, which could have an impact on restoration time depending upon where these crews are based, in addition to the significant cost involved. Avista's field operations will coordinate with the PSPS Assessment Team to develop estimated restoration times and a plan specific to the situation. Outage times will be impacted by conditions and dependent upon when it is safe to re-energize. As Avista further develops and refines its restoration efforts specific to an actual PSPS, the Company will need to prioritize balancing and allocating additional resources to circuits that may have been impacted by storm damage in Named Communities, in areas with critical customers, and in areas with large numbers of customers. This will help ensure that restoration efforts are equitable for the most vulnerable and highly impacted customers that may not have equal means or access to resources during prolonged outages. This additional effort will take more time and resources during the restoration process but ensures that equity is being applied to the PSPS restoration process. 10.0 Evaluating the Plan Within these sections,provide information on how the utility tracks and evaluates the performance of its wildfire mitigation plan and the associated mitigation efforts. If this is an initial WMP submission, some sections may not apply or have any historical context. In such cases, the section can be used to describe future states if such information is known. If leaving blank, please indicate that the information is not yet available. 10.1 Metrics and Assumptions for Measuring Plan Performance Provide metrics that are relevant to the utility's wildfire mitigation efforts described in the WMP and that measure or benchmark the utility's performance on such mitigation efforts. If desired, full metrics or tracking can be attached in the Appendix. Our Wildfire programs are tracking a variety of data, statistics, and achievements. For example, a decreasing number of tree-related outages should indicate the benefits of our Enhanced Vegetation Management program, and our distribution grid hardening efforts should reduce the number of overhead equipment outages over time. We are also tracking the number of pole fires, as these should be positively impacted by grid hardening investments, specifically replacing wood crossarms with fiberglass crossarms. However, most of the benefits of the Wildfire programs will not show up immediately. Wildfire metrics are intended to reflect long-term trends on our system. Only long-term trends are truly meaningful here; it is not practical or reasonable to look merely to end-of-year results due to the variability of a variety of factors, most specifically weather conditions. In addition, a marked change in these statistics will take the time it requires to replace thousands of crossarms across the system, change out aged equipment, and mitigate vegetation issues system wide, for example. None of these programs will be completed within a year but will be ongoing and offering continual improvement. Metrics track the progress of our primary programs and support the Wildfire goal of continual improvement based on data and experience. Our four primary programs: Grid Hardening, Enhanced 36 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 37 of 41 Vegetation Management, Emergency Operations & Response, and Situational Awareness, are grouped into three broad metrics categories: Performance, Infrastructure, and Vegetation Management. In the Performance category we collect metrics about pole fires, tree fall-ins and grow-ins, overhead equipment failures, etc. In the Infrastructure category we collect metrics about Grid Hardening efforts including the number of miles of distribution grid hardening achieved, the number of transmission steel pole conversions completed, and the number of transmission fire-resistant mesh wraps installed. This category also includes the progress being made to add the automation and communication equipment necessary to enable Fire Safety Mode operation, including equipment at both the distribution midline and substation levels. The Vegetation category is focused on hazard tree identification and remediation. We track several metrics related to this program including number of hazard trees identified and mitigated, number of miles inspected, and number of satellite (Distribution) or LiDAR (Transmission) miles completed. All of these metrics help us track the improvements brought about by our programs (such as a reduction in the number of tree-related outages) and highlight areas where more focus is needed (such as areas of the system or equipment experiencing more outages than typical.)Tracking metrics also ensures that we are meeting performance goals such as 100% inspection of the system each year for risk trees. Some of our key metrics can be found in Appendix A. 10.2 Identifying and Addressing Areas of Continued Improvement in the Plan When applicable, describe adjustments, improvements, or additions to the plan derived from established metrics including, lessons learned, or any other processes contributing to continuous improvement efforts. Avista's Wildfire effort focuses on the "Plan-Do-Check-Adjust" methodology, thus we are constantly monitoring the impacts of our programs and the work happening in the industry, as well as seeking the guidance of our partners and peers. We are continuously searching for areas of improvement and refinement, which is evidenced by the fact that our Fire Weather Dashboard risk model has been upgraded to new levels of sophistication, we have developed strong and invaluable partnerships with first responders and fire professionals, and we are establishing data-driven means of determining the most cost-effective grid hardening and vegetation management strategies. We consider our Wildfire Resiliency Plan a dynamic program that will be improved over time with experience and associated increases in expertise. Some lessons learned as we have implemented the Plan include things that are within our control, such as the cultural changes required to implement elevated protection settings and PSPS. Others, such as tree mortality and the significantly escalated amount of vegetation work required, are outside of our control and require additional (and sometimes unexpected) amounts of money and manpower. 10.3 Monitoring the Effectiveness of Inspections Describe processes for monitoring the performance of inspections,including inspections performed by contractors. This section may include any assurance or control protocols for reviewing inspection quality. 37 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 38 of 41 Vegetation work is inspected after completion using several techniques depending on work type. All hazard trees are photographed by the work prescriber on Fieldnote. Fieldnote associates the photo with the plan and GPS point of the tree to be mitigated. When work is complete, the contractor takes a photo of the work when it is completed, resulting in a geo-referenced before and after photo series. In addition to before and after photo logs, field audits are completed. The target sample size of the audits is determined based on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society for Quality (ASQ)Z1.4-2008 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes.19 Using this method, the sample size is selected based on the population size. In this case it is the number of polygons in the annual workplan for each program. A two-stage sampling procedure is used, with the first stage sampling stage 1 stage z determining the polygons to be audited and the Random probability second stage sample determining which jobs are sample of polygons Random probability audited within each polygon. An audit plan is from the annual work sample selected polygons within the selected p generated for the Wildfire Risk Tree Program and plan another for the Routine Vegetation Maintenance Program. Multistage random sampling involves random sampling of a population based on natural clusters within that population and then sampling an attribute within the selected clusters. In this case, the natural cluster would be the vegetation work polygon, and the attribute sampled within the selected polygons would be the specific jobs. Two stage random sampling requires that cluster elements are heterogeneous, each cluster is a small portion of the entire population, and each cluster is mutually exclusive. Avista's distribution vegetation sampling plan meets these requirements. In addition to the audit process, Avista staff periodically conduct field visits to check on work progress and work practices. As mentioned previously, vegetation inspections of the transmission system are regulated at the federal level. NERC's Electric Reliability Standard for Vegetation Management20 is designed to prevent vegetation-related outages which could lead to cascading, that is, outages that impact large areas of the interconnected grid. This Standard directly addresses inspection requirements. The Standard mandates documented maintenance specifications, strategies, procedures, and processes to prevent flash-over, including considering engineered sag and sway of the conductor, as well as the interdependence of vegetation growth rates, treatment methods and the frequency of inspection. It directs transmission and generation owners to have an imminent threat procedure whereby the applicable control center is notified of vegetation conditions that could cause an outage at any moment. Further, each owner must complete annual work plans to prevent violation of the standard. Each utility's vegetation management plan must conform to requirements. Utilities can be fined as much as much as one million dollars per violation per day for FAC-003 violations.21 19 ANSI/ASQ Z1.4&Z1.9 Sampling Plan Standards for Quality Control I ASQ 20 NERC Transmission Vegetation Management Standard FAC-003-2, FAC-003-2 TR December 17 2010.pdf(nerc.com) 21 Randall H.Miller,"FAC-003-4 Revisited,"CNUC,April 29,2020, FAC-003-4 Revisited-CN Utility Consulting(wearecnuc.com) 38 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 39 of 41 Appendix A A.1 Metrics Tables External Risk Metric Type External Risk Event 2021 20221 Red Flags Warning Days'for Weather Avista does not maintain historic Red Flag Warnings Zone that includes Utility Service #of Days weather data Territory High Wind Warning Days'in Weather Avista does not maintain historic High Wind Conditions Zone that Includes Utility Service #of Days weather data Territory Circuit Miles(in High Risk Areas as 3,240 2,746 2,746 #Miles Based on Avista's WUI Map Defined by the Utility) As Percentage of Total Distribution 42% 36% 36% % Based on Avista's WUI Map Increase of Customers/Infrastructure Circuit Miles in High Risk Areas Customer Accounts in[High Risk Area 126,200 126,200 126,200 #Cust.Accounts Based on Avista's WUI Map as Defined by Utility] As Percentage of Total Customer 31% 31% 31% % Based on Avista's WUI Map Accounts Votes: 'Red Flag Warnings and High Wind Warnings are declared by the National Weather-Service. Performance Metrics Metric Type External Risk Even[W 2021 2022 2023 Units Comments Circuit Miles Inspected 5,245 6,466 6,546 #of Circuit Miles Vegetation Management- 1.Distribution Inspections Wildfire Only:Risk7ree Count of Inspection Findings #of Circuit Miles The Wildfire Program does not trackthis. Patrol Inspections Performed 2,270 2,270 2,270 #of Circuit Miles Vegetation Management- 2.Transmission Inspections Wildfire Only;Risk Tree Count of Inspection Findings #of Circuit Miles The Wildfire Program does not track this. Vegetation Management- 3a.Vegetation Inspections Circuit Miles Inspected 5,245 6,466 6,546 #of Miles Wildfire Only:Risk Tree Distribution #Risk Trees Vegetation Management- CountoflnspeRion Findings 12,7% 15,678 19,511 Removed Wildfire Only:Risk Tree Circuit Miles Inspected 2,270 2,270 2,270 #of Mlles Vegetation Management- 3b.Vegetation Inspections Wildfire Only:Risk Tree Transmission #Risk Trees Vegetation Management- Countof Inspection Findings 1,910 3,281 3,062 Removed lWildfire Only:Risk Tree Outage Metric Type category 202=jr2022r Animal 585 538 590 Planned 3106 2846 2861 Equipment 820 967 838 Pole Fire 140 51 56 Outage Event Distribution Public 520 579 602 Vegetation Caused 560 471 355 Weather 3582 1715 445 Unknown 481 425 401 Animal O O 0 Planned 5 16 16 Equipment 13 29 28 Outage Event Transmission Pole Fire 14 0 11 Public 15 2 3 Vegetation Caused il 10 6 Weather 1121 50 15 Unknown 211 311 3 39 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 40 of 41 Appendix B B.1 Commerce Reported DNR Reported Utility Involved Wildfires , OBJECT General_ Discovered Longitud Avista Info IDD Incident Name LJ Fire Number LJ Causes AcrJ _Date) LatituLvj e J Utility_Narr{JShared FiJ x LJ V LJ Available 5 ALADDIN FORK 2023-WANES-001335 Powergen 0.1 06/10/2023 48.6196 -117.776 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.776 48.6196 No Information 6 COLUMBIA DAISY 2023-WANES-001342 Powergen 0.1 06/11/2023 48.36533 -118.163 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.163 48.36533 No Information 10 ALADDIN POLE 2023-WANES-001322 Powergen 0.4 06/08/2023 48.61038 -117.802 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.802 48.61038 No Information 17 MARTIN ROAD 2023-WANES-001555 Powergen 0.1 07/06/2023 48.27855 -118.13 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.13 48.27855 No Information r 20 SKIDMORE ROAD 2023-WANES-001717 Powergen 0.1 07/24/20233 48.45862 -117.897 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.897 48.45862 No Information 22GOLD 2023-WANE5-001789 Powergen 0.3 08/02/2023 48.5399 -117.971 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.971 48.5399 No Information 25 SILVER QUEEN 2023-WANES-001822 Powergen 0.1 08/05/2023 48.56475 -118.113 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.113 48.56475 No Information 38 HOUSE CANYON 2023-WANES-002032 Powergen 0.2 08/25/2023 47.9318 -117.685AVISTACORP Not Shared -117.685 47.9318 No Information 42ONION 2023-WANES-002148 Powergen 0.1 09/13/2023 48.72088 -117.877AVISTACORP Not Shared -117.877 48.72088 No Information 45SPRINGDALE 2024-WANES-001059 Powergen 0.1 03/20/2024 48.04417 -117.777 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.777 48.04417 No Information 47 LONG PRAIRIE 2024-WANES-001093 Powergen 0.1 04/04/2024 48.1498 -117.763 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.763 48.1498 No Information 51 MUDGETT 2024-WANES-001203 Powergen 9.6 05/16/2024 48.0238 -118.216 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -11811�6 48.0238 Some Information, 55 PARK RAPIDS 2024-WANES-001362 Powergen 0.106/23/2024 48.51275 -117.683 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.683 48.51275 No Information 60WALLBRIDGE 2024-WANES-001559 Powergen 0.1 07/21/2024 47.96086 -117.552 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.552 47.96086 No Information 62 STENSGAR CREEK 2024-WANES-001638 Powergen 0.1 07/27/204f 48.2953 -117.938 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.938 48.2953 No Information 64 HUNTERS CAMPGROUND 2024-WANES-001671 Powergen 3.5 08/01/2024 48.11668 -118.223 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.223 48.11668 Some Information 67 EVANS LINE 2024-WANES-001777 Powergen 0.5 08/13/2024 48.72453 -118.036 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.036 48.72453 Some Information 68 DEEP LAKE 2024-WANES-001494 Powergen 2.2 07/12/2024 48.8699 -117.6 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.6 48.8699 Some Information 70 CEDAR CREEK 2024-WANES-001885 Powergen 0.1 08/23/2024 48.98337 -117.567 AVISTA CORP Not Shared 117.567 48.98337 No Information 71CASHMERE 2024-WANES-001871 Powergen 0.608/23/2024 48.3312 -117.874 AVISTA CORP Not Shared 117.874 48.3312 No Information 72ADDY 2024-WANES-001870 Powergen 0.3 08/23/2024 48.3375 -117.871 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -117.871 48.3375 No Information 73 ROCKY LANE 2024-WANES-001872 Powergen 0.1 08/23/2024 48.49813 -117.899AVISTACORP Not Shared -117.899 48.49813 No Information 74MELLENBERGER 2024-WANES-001874 Powergen 0.408/23/2024 48.6005+88 -118.142AVISTACORP Not Shared -118.142 48.60058 No Information 75MCNITT 2024-WANES-001876 Powergen 0.3 08/23/2024 48.80247I -118.112 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.112 48.80247 No Information 76DOYLE 2024-WANES-001878 Powergen 0.2 08/23/2024 48.74817 -118.135 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.135 48.74817 No Information 83 BOULDER 2024-WANES-002069 Powergen 0.27 09/25/2024 48.95685 -118.212 AVISTA CORP Not Shared -118.212 48.95685 No Information 84WEBLEY 2024-WANES-002060 Powergen 0.3 09/25/2024 48.56625 -117.979AVISTACORP Not Shared -117.979 48.56625 Some information 87PACKMULE 2023-WANES-001253 Powergen 0.2 05/27/2023 47.88848 -117.459AVISTACORP Shared -117.459 47.88848 No Information 88KEENE 2023-WANES-001375 Powergen 0.1 06/15/2023 47.58278 -117.659 AVISTA CORP Shared -117.659 47.58278 No Information 89 KATIELANE �2023-WANES-001770 Powergen 12.4 0713012023 4757868 -117.333 AVISTA Shared -117.333 47.57868 Inland 90 PEASE HILL 2023-WANES-001964 Powergen 0.1 08/17/2023 47.85587 -117.458 AVISTA CORP Shared -117.458 47.85587 No Information H59391 GRAY 2023-WANES-001974 Powergen#### 0811812023 4753803 117.744 A VISTA CORP Shared -117.744 4753803 Inland 92MONROE 2023-WANES-002004 Powergen 0.108/21/2023 47.82957 -117.443 AVISTA CORP Shared -117.443 47.82957 No Information NORTHEUCLID 2024-WANES-001202 Powergen 1 0511612024 47.68643 -117.559 AVISTA CORP Shared -117559 4768643 Inland 94 HAWK CREEK 2024-WANES_-001255 Powergen 1.5 0610312024 47.71127 -118.272 AVISTA CORP Shared -118.272 47.71127 Inland 95HAWK 2024-WANES-001259 Powergen 0.106/04/2024 47.71872 -118.277AVISTACORP Shared -118.277 47.71872 No Information 96HELENA 2024-WANES-001627 Powergen 0.1 07/26/2024 47.60014 -117.388AVISTACORP IShared -117.388 47.60014 No Information 97 STERLING 2024-WANES-001756 Powergen 0.2 08/10/2024 47.36118 -117.623 AVISTA CORP Shared -117.623 47.36118 No Information 98WAVERLY 2024-WANES-002031 Powergen 0.1 09/19/2024 47.37628 -117.316 AVISTA CORP Shared -117.316 47.37628 No Information 40 Avista 2021-2023 DNR Wildfire Resiliency Plan Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 5,Page 41 of 41 Docusign Envelope ID:B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • 11 AVISTA WILDFIRE PUBLIC SAFETY POWER SHUTOFF PLAN July 2024 Version: 1 .0 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 1 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Avista Corporation Wildfire Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan Statement from Avista Executive Management 2024 represents Avista's 1st year of implementing the Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan. This Plan adds to the work being done to minimize risk of wildfire in Avista's 2023 Wildfire Resliency Plan. The framework for operational izing a PSPS Plan at Avista is firmly rooted in our 135-year operating history and represents the collective knowledge of Avista employees and fire agency professionals together with assistance from peer utilities, and most importantly, engagement with customers. It also reflects our commitment to partner with customers, communities, and those who manage forest landscapes and fight fires. We all have a role to play in minimizing the risk of wildfire. Heather Rosentrater, President& Chief Operating Officer(COO) A. FDocuSigned by: �'Ia.� 30-12-2024 1 6:26 PM PDT Date: Josh DiLuciano, Vice President Energy Delivery DocuSigned by: �bS� 3ul-12-2024 1 5:32 PM PDT A7f`7'IA7 IF IA f1R Date: Vern Malensky, Director Electrical Engineering V DocuSigned by: UUU tta&AwA� 30-12-2024 1 3:48 PM PDT f1R(:d FFSCRf1QFdf7R Date: Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 2 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Avista Corporation Wildfire Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan Document Owner: The Wildfire Resiliency team is responsible for maintaining this document. This includes coordinating with Emergency Management in scheduling annual reviews and exercises, updating content based on annual reviews and exercises, and redistributing new versions of the document to stakeholders. The plan will be reviewed and exercised annually. The scale of the exercise will be determined by the Wildfire Executive Committee in coordination with Wildfire Resliency personnel and key leadership. Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 3 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Tableof Contents............................................................................................................ 1 Listof Figures.................................................................................................................. 3 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................4 2.Acronyms..................................................................................................................... 5 3. Public Safety Power Shutoff Overview ........................................................................ 6 4. Purpose & Scope......................................................................................................... 6 5. PSPS Risk-Informed Decision Making......................................................................... 7 1. Wildfire Risk......................................................................................................... 7 1. PSPS Feeders & Circuits........................................................................... 7 2. PSPS Weather Monitoring and Review............................................................. 12 1. Fire Risk Index......................................................................................... 12 2. National Weather Service Red Flag Warning .......................................... 13 3. Agency Input............................................................................................ 14 6. PSPS Operations..................................................................................................... 14 1. General.............................................................................................................. 14 2. Decision Process for PSPS ............................................................................... 14 3. Event Response & Management....................................................................... 14 4. De-energization Protocols ................................................................................. 16 5. PSPS Recovery (Monitor, Patrol, Restore)........................................................ 16 7. Roles & Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 19 1. Electric Field Operations ................................................................................... 19 2. Electric Distributions Operations........................................................................ 19 3. Director of Electrical Engineering ...................................................................... 19 4. Wildfire Resiliency ............................................................................................. 20 5. Corporate Communications............................................................................... 20 1 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 4 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 6. Customer Service ............................................................................................. 20 7. Business and Public Affairs .............................................................................. 21 8. Supply Chain Management ............................................................................... 21 9. Fleet Management............................................................................................. 21 10. Substation Operations ..................................................................................... 21 11. Vegetation Management.................................................................................. 21 12. Products and Services..................................................................................... 22 13. Geographic Information Systems..................................................................... 22 14. Executive Officers............................................................................................ 22 15. Legal ................................................................................................................ 23 16. Regulatory ....................................................................................................... 23 17. Emergency Management ................................................................................ 23 18. Finance ............................................................................................................ 23 8. Community Outreach & Preparedness .................................................................... 23 1. Coordination with Public Safety Partners and Municipalities ............................. 23 2. Community Support........................................................................................... 24 3. Proactive Customer Communications ............................................................... 26 4. Information Sharing ........................................................................................... 26 9. Continuous Improvement......................................................................................... 27 10.Financial Administration........................................................................................... 27 11. Reporting ................................................................................................................. 27 12.After-Action Report .................................................................................................. 28 13.Training.................................................................................................................... 28 14.Exercises ................................................................................................................. 28 2 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 5 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 List of Figures Figure 1 PSPS Top 25 Avista Wildfire Risk Feeders Map............................................................................................. 8 Figure 2 PSPS Spokane & Coeur d/Alene Risk Feeders Map...................................................................................... 9 Figure 3 PSPS Sandpoint & Kellogg Risk Feeders Map............................................................................................. 10 Figure 4 PSPS Grangeville Risk Feeders Map............................................................................................................ 11 Figure 5 Organizational Process Flow......................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 6 RestorationProcess ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 7 CommunicationTimeline ............................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix A: Notification Plan 3 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 6 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 1 . INTRODUCTION In the Northwest, the number, size, and severity of wildfires has increased in recent years. This trend is expected to continue as temperatures rise and drought persists.' Avista published its first Wildfire Resiliency Plan in June of 2020 (the 2020 Plan). That plan introduced the risks, costs, and benefits of implementing a holistic set of measures to reduce utility wildfire risk. The 2020 Plan built upon Avista's operating history responding to and mitigating for wildfire activity in addition to adopting other risk mitigation strategies employed by peer utilities. Avista updated its Wildfire Resiliency Plan in 2023 (the 2023 Plan); the 2023 Plan details the performance and investments made from 2020 through 2023 and serves to reaffirm Avista's commitment to reducing fire risk to communities, customers, and the Company. Similar to other utility wildfire plans, Avista is making investments in four key areas: Grid Hardening — to invest in electric line infrastructure to reduce spark-ignition outage events and to protect critical assets from the impact of wildfires. Enhanced Vegetation Management— to inspect 100% of distribution line assets within wildfire risk tiers 2 and 3 annually and combine remote sensing technologies such as LiDAR and satellite imagery to aid in risk tree management. Situational Awareness —to automate Avista's non-reclosing protection strategy, identify dynamic short term fire related risk and align with system protection levels. Emergency Response & Operation —to help customers and communities be better prepared for wildfires and partner with emergency first responders before, during, and after fire events. As part of its operational mitigation strategies, Avista has developed this Public Safety Power Shutoff Plan (PSPS Plan or Plan) to guide the assessment and decision making process when determining to proactively de-energize electrical facilities in identified areas of extreme wildfire risk when conditions are so severe it is deemed unsafe to operate our electrical facilities. This effort reduces the potential of those electrical facilities becoming a wildfire ignition source or creating safety concerns for not only our customers and communities but Avista staff as well. This Plan identifies relevant considerations, decision process flow and implementation protocols before, during and after a PSPS event, subject to the recognition that each situation is unique and that actual considerations and/or actions will vary depending on the circumstances. In general, the Plan will be active during wildfire season (typically June-October), reviewed annually and updated as necessary prior to the start of the next wildfire season. 1 USDA Climate Hub,"Climate Change and Wildfire in Idaho,Oregon,and Washington,"hftps://www.climatehubs.usda.gov/hubs/northwesUtopic/climate-change-and-wildfire-idaho- oregon-and-washington 4 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 7 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 2. ACRONYMS AAR — After Action Review AE —Account Executive COO—Chief Operations Officer CRC — Community Resource Center DNR— Department of Natural Resources DOT — Department of Transportation EM — Emergency Management EOC — Emergency Operations Center EOP — Emergency Operations Plan ERT — Estimated Restoration Time EWC — Executive Wildfire Committee FRI — Fire Risk Index FSM — Fire Safety Model FWW—Fire Weather Watch GIS — Geographic Information System ICS — Incident Command Structure IPUC — Idaho Public Utility Commission IVR— Interactive Voice Response NWS — National Weather Service OEM — Office of Emergency Management PG&E — Pacific Gas & Electric PSPS — Public Safety Power Shutoff PUC — Public Utilities Commission RBM — Regional Business Manager RFW—National Weather Service issued Red Flag Warning WRMAA—Western Region Mutual Assistance Agreement WUTC — Washington Utility and Transportation Commission Formerly known as Dry Land Mode(DLM) 5 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 8 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 3. PUBLIC SAFETY POWER SHUTOFF OVERVIEW Over the last several decades, the western United States (U.S.) has experienced an increase in the intensity of wildland fires (wildfires). There have been several factors contributing to this trend, including climate change, increased human encroachment in wildland areas, historical land management practices and changes in forest health. Recent events in western states have increased awareness of electric utilities' role in wildfire prevention and mitigation. Avista has always prioritized keeping our communities and customers safe and continues to prioritize safety by increasing the resiliency of Avista's transmission and distribution (T&D) facilities. As part of its operational mitigation practices, Avista developed this PSPS Plan to proactively de-energize electrical facilities in extreme weather conditions where it is deemed unsafe to operate. Based on the inherently disruptive nature of power outages, PSPS events must be carefully evaluated under this Plan to balance wildfire risk with potential PSPS impacts on Avista customers and the communities it serves. For Avista, a planned de-energization is a measure of last resort to reduce public safety risk. 4. PURPOSE & SCOPE This PSPS Plan identifies relevant considerations, decision process flow and implementation protocols before, during and after a PSPS event. The Plan will be active during wildfire season and reviewed and updated annually as necessary prior to the start of the next wildfire season. Nothing in this Plan supersedes the general authority of the Company to de-energize a power line during an emergency, and a decision (i.e., to protect fire response personnel or to protect company assets from fire damage) might be made without complying with the notification and outreach sections of this Plan. In addition, extreme weather events are, by their nature, unpredictable and unique, so the specific considerations applicable to any decision regarding possible de-energization may vary based on the specific circumstances. The key goals Avista considers for the foundation of the of the Plan are listed below: • Advancing the safety of customers, communities and Avista employees • Collaborating with key external stakeholders (agencies, counties, local governments, public safety partners, tribes and first responders) • Minimizing both potential wildfire risk and power outage impacts on communities and customers • Maintaining reliable electric service 6 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 9 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 5. PSPS RISK-INFORMED DECISION MAKING 1 . Wildfire Risk Avista's 2019 Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) map combined data from the Wildfire Hazard Potential with the location of Avista electric lines in areas of low, medium, and high population. This analysis indicated that 3,240 miles of Avista's 7,725 mile distribution system were located in high fire threat districts (42% of the system). In 2023, Avista's WUI map was updated and now includes additional data which measures the impact of fire on human development. The USDA's Housing Unit Impact Dataset-14 combined with the Wildfire Hazard Potential data mentioned previously, was used to refine the Avista WUI map. Communities such as Chewelah and Colville border national forest lands, as do many other areas including Sandpoint, St. Maries, Grangeville, and portions of the Lewiston/Clarkston Valley, placing them at higher risk. Spokane County, having seen significant population growth , has an increasing number of housing developments within high fire threat areas, increasing the risk of wildfire impacts. According to the updated data, 2,746 miles of electric distribution lines are in high fire risk areas, or about 36% of the system. Although this analysis indicates slightly lower risk values compared to 2019, it still demonstrates significant fire risk potential throughout the service territory. The unpredictable nature of wildfire and weather patterns create significant challenges with forecasting PSPS events. Real-time evaluations and decision-making are therefore critical in making PSPS determinations and, depending on the associated wildfire risk, those determinations may result in proactive de-energization in areas not originally anticipated, or in decisions not to proactively de-energize a line depending on the circumstances. 1. PSPS Feeders & Circuits In 2023, Avista developed a list of 25 distribution feeders with the highest likelihood of being included in a PSPS event (the Top 25 List); this list was developed using the existing Avista Fire Weather Dashboard, wildfire data, historic outage data and scenario planning. This Top 25 List was developed as part of Avista's risk-based approach to preparedness. The Top 25 List assists with the planning and preparedness process to support our customers in the event of a PSPS event; the list does not preclude Avista from initiating a PSPS on other feeders or circuits in its service territory. At this time, PSPS is only being considered for use on Avista's electric distribution system; use of PSPS on Avista's transmission system is not currently part of this PSPS plan. Avista's transmission system is part of the Bulk Electric System (BES) which requires strict operational standards for maintaining integrity of the grid. Additional analysis of the impacts of PSPS on Avista's transmission system and development of the process to implement a transmission PSPS are required before being incorporated into this Plan. 7 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 10 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 The maps below include those feeders where a PSPS event is most likely to occur: Top 25 Avista Wildfire Risk Feeders Feeder Names BLU322 LIB12F3 BUN424 LTF34F1 CKF711 MEA12F2 DAL133 ORO1281 FOR12F 1 OSB521 — GLN121`2 RAT233 GRN12F3 SAG741 — GRV1271 SAG742 GRV1273 SE12F2 KAM1291 SE12F4 KAM1292 SUN12F2 — KAM1293 WAK12F2 KOO1298 WEI1289 KOO1299 Miles 0 5 10 20 30 40 Figure 1 PSPS Top 25 Avista Wildfire Risk Feeders Map 8 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 11 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Avista Wildfire Risk Feeders in Spokane, Washington and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Areast-14 - s I M•Ii�J L.I- Feeder Names BLU322 RAT233 DAL133 SAG742 FOR12F1 SE12F2 GLN12F2 SE12F4 LIB12F3 SUN12F2 LTF34F1 WAK12F2 MEA12F2 N Miles 0 5 10 20 30 40 Figure 2 PSPS Spokane&Coeur d/Alene Risk Feeders Map 9 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 12 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Avista Wildfire Risk Feeders in Sandpoint, Idaho and Surrounding Areas Feeder Names CKF711 SAG742 SAG741 N Miles �m 0 1.5 3 6 9 12 Avista Wildfire Risk Feeders in Kellogg, Idaho and Surrounding Areas r K,n Q.nn Smdtervlll• KdI..+Iq r auln' Gindv.n=1 Feeder Names BUN424 — OSB521 N Miles 0 1.5 3 6 9 12 Figure 3 PSPS Sandpoint& Kellogg Risk Feeders Map 10 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 13 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Avista Wildfire Risk Feeders in Grangeville, Idaho and Surrounding Area Feeder Names GRV1271 KOO1298 GRV1273 KOO1299 KAM 1291 ORO1281 KAM1292 WE11289 KAM 1293 N Miles 0 5 10 20 30 40 Figure 4 PSPS Grangeville Risk Feeders Map 11 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 14 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 2. PSPS Weather Monitoring and Review As a general matter, Avista would initiate a PSPS if the Company determines, based on the circumstances and information available at the time, that a combination of critical conditions at certain locations creates a consequential risk of wildfire ignition and severe resulting harm, and that those risks outweigh the corresponding risks associated with initiating the PSPS. 1. Fire Risk Index In addition to the Fire Risk Tiers (Low, Moderate, Elevated, High) Avista developed a Fire Risk Index (FRI) to compare ignition potential and wildfire spread potential across Avista's service areas. The FRI converts data on weather; prevalence of fuel (shrubs, trees, grasses); topography; community risk; historic summer outages; Severe Fire Danger Index; Fire Preparedness; and percentage of treed overhead spans into a numerical FRI score to forecast the short-term wildfire threat in geographical areas throughout Avista's service area. FRI scores range from 0 (very green, wet fuels with low to no wind or high humidity) to 9 (very brown and dry, both live and dead dry fuels with very low humidity and extreme wind speeds). FRI scores are grouped into the following 5 index levels: 1) Green (Low)—Risk of fire spread is low to near zero e.g., typical winter conditions: FRI score of 0 —4.0 2) Blue (Moderate) — Risk of outage is high, while fire spread is low, or Risk of outage is low, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is moderate and fire spread is moderate: FRI score of 4.1 - 5.4 3) Yellow (High) (Extreme FSM) — Risk of outage is high, while fire spread is moderate, or Risk of outage is moderate, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is high and fire spread is high: FRI score of 5.5 - 6.4 4) Orange (Very High) (Extreme FSM) — Risk of outage is extreme, while fire spread is high, or Risk of outage is high, while fire spread is extreme, or Risk of outage is very high and fire spread is very high: FRI score of 6.5 to 6.9 5) Red (Extreme)— Risk of outage is extreme, and risk of fire spread is extreme FRI: >7.0 The FRI supports operational decision-making to reduce potential wildfire risk. Fire Safety Mode which includes enhanced protection settings are used beginning at an FRI of 5.5 to reduce the risk of potential ignition. The Company will consider the possibility 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 15 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 of initiating a PSPS when the FRI forecast is at 7.0 or greater, and where other factors applicable to the situation warrant such consideration. Factors to be considered may include, without limitation, fire risk potential, relative humidity, field observations and measurements, anticipated duration of events, geographic characteristics and critical infrastructure, wind direction and speeds, medically vulnerable populations, proximity to aid, utility resources available, etc. This list of considerations is non-exhaustive, as each weather situation is unique and involves unique characteristics, risks, and considerations. During wildfire season, Avista will determine a daily FRI on each feeder as described in our 2023 Wildfire Resliency Plan and related white paper documents. 2. National Weather Service Red Flag Warning A Red Flag Warning (RFW) is a forecast warning issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) to inform the public, firefighters and land management agencies that conditions are ideal for wildland fire combustion and rapid spread. RFWs are often preceded by a Fire Weather Watch (FWW), which indicates weather conditions that could occur in the next 12-72 hours resulting in a Red Flag Warning. The NWS has developed different zones across the nation for providing weather alerts (such as RFWs) to more discrete areas. These zones are shown on this NWS webpage: Fire Weather. The following thresholds are used by most NWS offices: Daytime: • Relative humidity of 25% or less • Sustained winds greater than or equal to 10 miles per hour (mph) with gusts greater than or equal to 20 mph over a four-hour period Nighttime: • Relative humidity of 35% or less • Sustained winds greater than or equal to 15 mph with gusts greater than or equal to 25 mph over a three-hour period Lightning: • The NWS rarely issues RFWs for lightning in the western United States. For this to occur, the Lightning Activity Level—a measure of lightning potential specifically as it relates to wildfire risk—needs to be at 3 or higher. Although Red Flag Warnings are used as a tool for forecasting, they are only one factor Avista considers when determining initiation of a PSPS event. Initiating a PSPS will 13 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 16 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 require a refined and focused approach for specific feeders rather than an entire geographic area; consequently, a RFW cannot be used as the sole determinative factor in whether to initiate a PSPS in any specific region or area. 5.2.3. Agency Input Coordination with agencies like the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) will also aid in the decision making for PSPS events. During wildfire season, DNR provides weekly briefings which assist in analyzing drought conditions and weather forecasts. IDL also holds meetings during wildfire season to provide updates on wildfires and weather conditions. 6. PSPS OPERATIONS 1 . General PSPS preparedness is a cyclical effort involving Avista, public safety partners, state and local governments, communities and customers. Avista's main objectives of preparedness are: 1) performing wildfire prevention and mitigation activities; and 2) engaging with external public safety partners, critical facilities, tribal partners and communities to develop relationships and provide education to safely and effectively implement this plan. The Director of Electrical Engineering along with the Wildfire Resiliency Manager coordinate and facilitate activities of multiple Avista business units for wildfire prevention and mitigation activities while Business & Public Affairs, Customer Solutions and Corporate Communications facilitate public outreach and coordination efforts with external stakeholders. 2. Decision Process for PSPS The weather monitoring and situational awareness criteria outlined in Chapter 5, in addition to other factors mentioned, will assist Avista in determining whether a PSPS event may be warranted. The decision of whether to initiate a PSPS in any given situation will be made by a team of individuals utilizing the information that is available to them at the time. 6.3 Event Response & Management Avista will transition from normal wildfire season operations to PSPS Watch approximately 7-2 days prior to a potential PSPS event at the direction of the Director of Electrical Engineering (Wildfire Lead). During the PSPS Watch phase, Avista will 14 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 17 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 activate the PSPS Assessment Team, which includes Director of Electrical Engineering, Wildfire Resiliency Manager, Director of Business and Public Affairs (or delegate), a representative from Electric Operations (or Director), a representative from Corporate Communications (or Director), Regulatory, System Operations, Customer Service, Manager of Social Impact (or delegate) and Legal representatives. The PSPS Assessment Team will meet as needed to discuss current and forecasted weather conditions and other critical information regarding a potential PSPS event. The Director of Electrical Engineering will facilitate the PSPS Assessment Team meetings and conference calls to ensure operational readiness for a potential event. The Director of Electrical Engineering and Wildfire Resiliency Manager will provide a recommendation to the Wildfire Executive Committee taking into account input from other support roles on the PSPS Assessment Team. The Director of Electrical Engineering will determine whether to remain at a PSPS Watch, escalate to PSPS Warning, or de-escalate to seasonal FSM operations. The PSPS Assessment Team will decide if Avista will issue a preliminary notification of a potential PSPS event to public safety partners and critical facilities operators. The first notification to governmental agencies and emergency management partners could occur during the 7-2 day PSPS Watch phase. An Emergency Operating Plan (EOP) briefing will be initiated as early as 7 days prior to the initiation of a PSPS Event. The Director of Electric Operations will aid in the coordination of the PSPS event in close collaboration with the Director of Electrical Engineering (Wildfire Lead). See Figure 5 for organizational process flow and transition into the EOP event. The procedures and incident management structure outlined in the most current edition of the Avista Emergency Operations Plan will be followed to coordinate the response for a PSPS event once fully transitioned to an EOP. During PSPS Watch, the PSPS Assessment Team will review the PSPS Plan and supporting documents. An operational risk assessment will be performed as well to determine, risks and vulnerabilities. A determination will be made whether to escalate to PSPS Warning by the Director of Electrical Engineering approximately 48-24 hours in advance of a potential event. Within one hour of initiating a PSPS Warning notification, the full PSPS team will be placed on stand-by and team member availability will be determined. The full PSPS team is the PSPS Assessment Team plus the Wildfire Executive Committee including the President and COO, VP of Energy Delivery, the VP of Community Affairs and Chief Customer Officer, Sr. VP and General Counsel, Sr. VP CFO Treasurer and Regulatory Affairs Officer and Director of Corporate Communications. 15 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 18 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 PSPS Assessment Corporate Director of 40MM Communications Electrical Director of Engineering Electric (Wildfire Lead) Operations � l .. . Area Manager SupplyAsset SupportPSPS Assessment Business and Committee Customer Public Affairs Service Community Electric Outreach Operations OperationsCorporate Substation Vegetation Communications System Emergency Operations Management Products Services Figure 5 Organizational Process Flow 4. De-energization Protocols Distribution Operations will develop the switching plan(s)for the PSPS execution after adoption of this PSPS plan. A final review of the switching plans by the Director of Transmission Operations and System Planning will be completed prior to any PSPS execution by the Electric Operations Director. The final approval to initiate a PSPS or not to initiate a PSPS will be provided by the Wildfire Executive Committee, in consultation with the PSPS Assessment Team. After the final approval to activate PSPS is received, the Manager of Distribution Operations receives instruction from the Electric Operations Director to execute de-energization protocols; the appropriate operator(s)will begin switching activities with field personnel (if necessary). 5. PSPS Recovery (Monitor, Patrol, Restore) Power restoration following a PSPS is akin to a major storm. In traditional utility restoration efforts, the priority is to restore service to as many customers as possible through line switching and by isolating faulted circuits. Restoration efforts may also include a consideration of customers most heavily impacted by outages or located in 16 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 19 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Named Communities. One of the challenges when using PSPS is the process of re-energization. If a utility de- energizes lines for a PSPS event, facilities cannot be re-energized until all circuits and lines are thoroughly inspected or patrolled. After inspection, lines are re-energized segment by segment. Patrol of all impacted overhead electric facilities, both transmission and distribution, can only commence once the weather event has subsided. Restoration following a typical PSPS event normally requires three to six days, however, several PSPS events in It is important to note California have taken up to 14 days for full restoration. Restoration that a PSPS event and efforts following a PSPS will always require additional time to fully associated complexities inspect each circuit and line, even if they weren't damaged during related to patrol and the weather event. repair work does not account for the outages on other circuits and The hypothetical scenario modeled for this report considered there would likely be implementation of a PSPS with sustained winds (those lasting over hundreds of such a 2-minute period)2 greater than 50 mph. It is important to note that outages in an event of in such conditions, circuits that have been placed in elevated or this magnitude. extreme protections schemes (and perhaps even more than that) would also likely be impacted. In other words, there would likely be additional damage to other distribution circuits and to the transmission system. In this scenario, there may be as many as 25 distribution circuits, with 1,500 miles of distribution line to patrol, as well as potentially 1,000 miles of transmission line to patrol. Transmission has been included here only to analyze potential resources needed; however, transmission is not being considered for PSPS. One element of the PSPS restoration plan includes pre-staging two-man crews at known PSPS facility locations when conditions are safe to do so, since PSPS locations are identified in advance of the storm. The PSPS restoration plan also accounts for the need to assign additional resources to impacted transmission and distribution lines outside of the affected PSPS areas, with patrol activities commencing when the all-clear is given. Avista's goal is to complete patrol/inspection within the first 24-48 hours, but this estimate is heavily dependent upon the amount of damage the system sustained and crew availability.' It is also impacted by the ability to use aerial patrols, which may be grounded due to wind/weather. 2 Note that assessment times are completely separate from repair times—one does not impact the other.In addition,this 24 hour estimate is only for the PSPS portion of the outages,which in this example would be 17 circuits,should take about 24 hours to patrol. 17 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 20 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Power.ilia ot Restore Line Patrol: Start with Critical Complete Repairs., Event Ends "All Clear"is declared by Infrastructure,Commercial Main Trunk Lines •• is Declared • - decision-makers Zones with Equity Branch Lateral Circuits After Action Review With Field Crews Mobilized Considerations Individual Customers Emergency 15t Responders Broad Communications to Communicate Estimated U... . Regulators IncludingCustomers Help Customers Estimated Restoration SupportWith Resources Customers Figure 6 Restoration Process Most, if not all, of Avista in-house resources would be focused on the patrol/inspection effort.3 Scenarios that would lead to consideration of a PSPS would likely be of a large enough magnitude for Avista to initiate a mutual assistance request from other utilities, as well as the need for outside contractors. Availability of these additional resources could have an impact on restoration time depending upon where these crews are based. As Avista further develops and refines its restoration efforts, specifically after the occurrence of a PSPS, the Company will need to prioritize balancing and allocating additional resources to circuits that may have been impacted by storm damage in Named Communities, in areas with critical customers, and in areas with large numbers of customers. This will help ensure that restoration efforts are equitable for the most vulnerable and highly impacted customers that may not have equal means or access to resources during prolonged outages. This additional effort will take more time and resources during the restoration process but ensures that equity is being applied to the PSPS restoration process. 3 Avista has learned through experience that only about 80%of our total field resources are available at any given time(due to illness, vacation,etc.),meaning that in the event of a PSPS-level situation the Company will have about 125 qualified line personnel available. 18 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 21 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 7. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Electric Field Operations • Work closely with PSPS Assessment Team on field conditions and Estimated Restoration Times (ERTs). • Participate in After-Action Reviews (AARs) (further discussed in Section 12 below) and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 2. Electric Distribution Operations • Develop and implement safe and reliable power shutoff protocols and procedures. • Ensure System and Regional Dispatch employees are appropriately trained to perform relevant responsibilities under this PSPS Plan, and that such employees receive timely information regarding wildfire risk and weather conditions for purposes of performing those responsibilities in the event of a PSPS. • Participate in the PSPS Assessment Team with PSPS evaluation and decision-making. • Safely restore service to PSPS areas when notified by Electric Field Operations it is safe to re- energize. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 3. Director of Electrical Engineering • Serves as the Wildfire Lead • Activate the PSPS Assessment Team if a PSPS is likely. • Support EOC Director in facilitating PSPS event. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 4. Wildfire Resiliency • Oversee wildfire mitigation program (including this Plan) and support cross departmental collaboration. 19 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 22 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • Monitor daily, weekly and long-term weather and wildfire forecasts. • Monitor weather conditions for Fire Weather Watches, Red Flag Warnings and High Wind Watches and Warnings. • Communicate with Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Idaho Department of Lands (IDL). • Oversee operation of the Customer Resource Centers and designated contractor prior to and during PSPS event. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 5. Corporate Communications • Work directly with the Assessment team to create external messages to share with stakeholders and customers regarding PSPS events. • Implement its developed Notifications Plan to notify customers and employees on a wide range of channels and in coordination with Avista's Customer Service and Community Outreach teams. See appendix A: PSPS Notification Plan for additional details. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols and communication practices are modified as necessary. • Ensure a coordinated and cohesive external and internal communication and notification plan is in place and reviewed annually. 6. Customer Service • Respond to customer calls and respond to questions with information provided by Corporate Communications. • Ensure customer service representatives are trained to manage customer interactions during a PSPS event. • CARES Team will provide additional communications to Life Support customers managed under their case load. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 7. Business and Public Affairs • Communicate with external partners, governmental agencies, public safety partners and critical business customers on updates and status regarding PSPS watches, PSPS 20 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 23 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 warnings, activity and following a PSPS outage. • Coordinate internally with Corporate Communications and Wildfire Executive Committee to ensure consistent communications with external partners and customers. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 8. Supply Chain Management • Ensure contract resources are appropriately trained to perform all relevant responsibilities under this PSPS Plan. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 9. Fleet Management • Ensure employees are appropriately trained to perform all relevant responsibilities under this PSPS Plan. • Ensure readiness of resource pool equipment for a PSPS event. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 10. Substation Operations • Monitor substations and perform actions to support PSPS operations. • Coordinate activities with Dispatch and Customer Service. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 11. Vegetation Management • Following de-energization, and when it is safe to do so, Electric Field Operations will report impacts to infrastructure and assets from vegetation, as appropriate. • Vegetation Management will work toward removing risk trees created by the wind or storm event in order to re-energize system. • Ensure contractors and field personnel are appropriately trained to perform all relevant responsibilities under this PSPS Plan. • Use reasonable efforts to ensure contract resources are available and prepared for PSPS events. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 12. Products and Services 21 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 24 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • Provide necessary updates to outage map vendor. • Assist with Estimated Restoration Time calculations with the Operations Managers • Update Internal Communications Portal with current Estimated Restoration Times (ERTs) during an event. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 7.13.Geographic Information Systems • Work with Electric Operations and Corporate Communications to ensure PSPS boundary information for PSPS GIS maps is accurate and up to date for emergency planning partners. • Before wildfire season and during preliminary notifications of a potential PSPS event, provide relevant GIS data within the confines of applicable law to public safety partners. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 7.14.Executive Officers • Provide guidance and direction as part of the Wildfire Executive Committee where appropriate in order to evaluate whether to initiate PSPS event. • Provide oversight for additional Plan changes prior to next wildfire season. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 7.15.Legal • Provide legal guidance in evaluating a potential PSPS event. • May direct AARs after a PSPS event (or potential event in which the PSPS Assessment Team is activated). • Involved in reviewing communications and holding statements to customers, media, public safety partners, critical facilities, and involved communities. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 7.16. Regulatory • May provide regulatory guidance in evaluating a potential PSPS event. 22 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 25 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • May be involved in reviewing communications to customers, public safety partners and critical facilities. • Assist in/direct regulatory reporting/filing activities. • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 7.17.Emergency Management • Coordination and assistance with activation and operation of EOP event. • Help facilitate the AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 7.18. Finance • Provide financial accounting assistance for EOP event (for example, providing a Project and Task code for event tracking purposes). • Participate in AARs and ensure modifications to PSPS protocols are implemented as necessary. 8. COMMUNITY OUTREACH & PREPAREDNESS 1. Coordination with Public Safety Partners and Municipalities Strong partnerships have been developed between Avista and local public safety, health, other utilities, and emergency management agencies over the last several years to assist in the coordination for any event which impacts the communites we serve. Avista will serve as the initiating agency in the event of a PSPS and will coordinate with all local agencies as appropriate. Avista will collaborate with those agencies with expertise and consider any recommendations offered by state and local emergency management agencies. Any non-outage related issues or incidents that arise during a PSPS will be handled by local emergency management and public safety. Avista Regional Business Managers will maintain regular outreach with local jurisdictions to include voice and email notifications and communication during the event. Additionally, if requested, an Avista employee may be dispatched to the affected State or County Emergency Operations Centers in the role of Liaison Officer and will provide a constant and direct conduit for information. 2. Community Support In addition to proactive outreach to public safety partners, municipalities and tribal entities, support will also be necessary for residential customers. Outage Map Effective communications regarding location of PSPS events and restoration times will be critical to 23 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 26 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 support customers before and during the event. Avista has an Outage Map tool which will provide PSPS specific information regarding the location of the event, and any other pertinent event information. The map will be updated throughout the event to keep customers informed. CARES Team Avista has a Customer Service CARES Team which is engaged with medically vulnerable customers and acts as a liaison to support those customers. A PSPS event will greatly impact medically vulnerable customers necessitating additional outreach to ensure these customers have a plan needed to be prepared for the de-energization. The CARES Team will provide additional notifications to these customers who are considered Life Support in CC&B. Community Resource Centers (CRCs) Another way Avista will support customers during a PSPS event is to operate Community Resource Centers (CRCs). CRCs are an integral part in ensuring customers affected by PSPS events have access to basic resources and up-to-date information, during the PSPS event. Avista utilizes a contracted vendor, FireDawg for logistical support in deploying CRCs during a PSPS event. CRCs will be activated once a PSPS de-energization is Imminent. The center(s) will generally be open from the beginning of a PSPS event, during Avista crew patrols, and final re-energization in communities affected. The typical hours of operation will be 8AM-8PM, unless otherwise noted. Avista will utilize brick and mortar facilities for CRC locations unless a facility is not available or feasible in which case the CRC contractor, FireDawg will deploy a large generator powered trailer or in last resort instances a tent. Avista personnel including available wildfire staff and Community Resource Ambassadors and the contracted vendor will staff the center(s) to assist and provide information to customers in need. Avista has identified many potential locations for CRCs located throughout the service territory. Locations have been strategically chosen to provide the flexibility to select the location that best suits customers' needs based on event specifics. This work of formalizing agreements for CRC locations is ongoing and will continue to be developed into 2025 as more locations are secured. Avista will continue to work both internally and externally with local public safety partners, other community partners, and tribal leadership to identify appropriate CRC sites. A future appendix will be added which will generally include locations identified and specific details regarding the site configuration with maps and diagrams. In most circumstances one CRC location will be established within each de-energized area and will provide the ability for the community to have specific needs met during a PSPS event. Services/Resources generally provided include: 24 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 27 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • Shelter from environment • Communications capability such as Wi-fi • Air conditioning access, Sat Phone, Radio, Cellular • Potable water & Non-perishable light snacks phone etc. • Seating and tables . Charging stations for Cell Phones, • Restroom facilities AM/FM/Weather radios, • Refrigeration & Heating for medicine and/or computers, medical devices, etc. baby needs • Portable ADA Ramp • Interior and area lighting • On-site security • Televisions • Ice On an annual basis, Avista will evaluate the effectiveness of these tools and programs used to support customers and determine if changes are needed. 25 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 28 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 8.3. Proactive Customer Communications Although the size of Avista's service area, geographic and environmental diversity, and unpredictable nature of Washington and Idaho weather make it challenging, Avista is committed to providing as much advance notice as reasonably possible in preparation for a PSPS event. Figure 7 provides Avista's optimal communication timeline for PSPS events, circumstances permitting. PSPS Timeline uescription of Planned Communications Awareness/ Pre-Wildfire Season—Provide education throughout service territory to customers, Public Safety and Tribal Partners, monitor weather conditions Preparedness and seasonal forecasts and provide internal PSPS training. 7-2 days—Monitor the weather forecasts, Internal EOP Activation, begin PSPS notifying public safety partners of potential PSPS, begin planning for CRC Watch operation. First notifications to affected public safety and tribal partners and affected customers occur during this initial phase. PSPS tribal hours- 1 hour—Additional notification to affected public safety and tribal partners to inform of potential pending PSPS event, additional Warning notifications to customers within potential PSPS boundary. PSPS Execute PSPS initiation—Notify Public Safety Partners, operators of critical facilities (if possible)and all customers within the PSPS boundary. Provide updates in (Power Off) 24-hour intervals until re-energization begins. Restoration—When re-energization begins, if possible, notification to affected Public Safety and Tribal Partners, operators of critical facilities and Restore all affected customers. Once re-energization is complete, provide final notifications to all affected and Public Safety Partners. Figure 7 Communication Timeline 8.4. Information Sharing Coordination with both internal and external partners is instrumental to the success of any emergency event. Avista will coordinate with public safety partners, municipalities, and industrial/commercial customers in advance of a PSPS event. This will help these partners prepare necessary communication functions and establish communication 26 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6, Page 29 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 protocols for critical decision-making before and during a PSPS event, including restoration activities. 9. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Avista will strive to continuously improve the effectiveness of this PSPS Plan, which will include periodic review and assessments. Avista participates in industry events, table- top exercises, and other functional activities to keep abreast of industry-best practices and lessons learned so that it may adapt its planning and processes as appropriate. Avista's PSPS Plan is reviewed annually to ensure that it reflects Avista's current policies and implementation procedures with updates, as needed, to the program's organizational structure, training and education, responsibilities, operations, reporting, record keeping, and any other changes. The end products of these reviews are new or revised documents, if necessary, including revised versions of this Plan. 10. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Avista will track expenses related to PSPS events for WUTC and IPUC reporting and potential recovery. Expense should be tracked for the entire PSPS event (PSPS Watch through conclusion of the Post-Incident Review and filing the PSPS event report with the WUTC or IPUC) to include, without limitation, time reporting, equipment and supplies used to set up customer resource centers and provided to customers (e.g., water, ice, etc.) 11 . REPORTING Employees are required to manage information regarding PSPS events pursuant to Avista's Information Retention Policy and underlying standards. Avista will submit reports to the WUTC and IPUC as required. 12. AFTER-ACTION REPORT An AAR is a structured review or de-brief process used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan and potential areas for improvement. This process may be performed after a PSPS event and may be confidential at the direction of Legal to improve the PSPS processes and procedures. Generally, the After-Action Report could include: • Explanation of the decision to de-energize, factors contributing to the decision. • Explanation of how the utility determined that the benefit of de-energization 27 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 30 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 outweighed potential public safety risks. • Location, time, and duration of event. • Number of affected customers, broken down by residential, medically vulnerable, commercial/industrial, and others. • Describe wind-related damage to utility overhead powerline facilities in the areas where power was shutoff. • Describe customer communications and notifications. • Whether CRCs were activated, and the location, resources provided and duration of the CRCs. • Describe the engagement with local and state public safety partners and community partners with regards to advanced outreach/notification during the PSPS event. • Summarize the number and nature of complaints received as a result of PSPS event and include claims that are filed against Avista because of the PSPS. • Lessons learned by Avista from the PSPS event 13. TRAINING Avista will strive to provide regular training, prior to or shortly after the beginning of wildfire season (annually), to relevant employees on their respective roles in executing this PSPS Plan. 14. EXERCISES Avista's Director of Electrical Engineering in partnership with the Emergency Management Team will exercise this PSPS Plan at least annually using various scenarios and testing of all or any portion(s) of the Plan which may include: • Improving communication efforts with public safety partners which may include testing text and/or phone alerts • Testing tactical operational plans such as reporting field observations or positioning employees at manually operated disconnects to test timing for de- energization and field inspections of distribution infrastructure 28 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 31 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • Discussing and/or practicing roles and responsibilities of both strategic and tactical operations, including decision-making handoffs and hypothetical scenarios • Discussing and/or developing re-energization plans • Testing capacity limits on incoming and outgoing communications systems 29 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 32 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 Appendix A: Avista PSPS Notification Plan Overview Avista's comprehensive Wildfire Resiliency Plan, launched in 2020, identified four categories of focus: grid hardening, enhanced vegetation management, situational awareness, and emergency response and operations. The goals of the plan have remained consistent: 1. Emergency Preparedness —To recognize wildfire as a recurring threat to infrastructure, communities, and utility customers. 2. Protect Life and Property—To protect physical assets, property, and human lives against the threat of wildfires. To recognize fire potential as a manageable risk element of our operating and maintenance strategies. 3. Financial —To mitigate the probability and consequence of direct financial costs and liability associated with large-scale fire events. In emergency response and operations, Avista has evolved its strategies over time. Fire Safety Mode now has an extreme setting. Customers on impacted circuits are notified when their protection settings are increased to prepare them for potential outages. Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), a temporary, preemptive power shut off to electrical circuits in select areas of our system to keep communities and customers safe, is a new tactic in the plan. Due to the potential hardships that a temporary power shut off may cause, especially to vulnerable individuals and communities, it is critical that that in times of extremely high fire risk, Avista provides advanced notice of a possible power shut off. This advanced notice is important to individuals and communities in their own planning in preparation for, and living with, an electrical outage event. Objectives To ensure all customers are aware of any potential or planned PSPS event, the objectives of the notification plan are to: • Develop strategies to ensure timely notifications are made. • Create clear and consistent messaging based on each event. • Utilize a broad range of channels, both owned and earned, to communicate. • Provide updated information as quickly as possible throughout an event. Public Safety Power Shutoffs-Preparation Building on the multi-channel communications supporting wildfire resiliency, in 2022 we turned our efforts toward operational changes, specifically changes to Dry Land Mode, now called Fire Safe Mode. We continued to notify customers that we had gone into our base-level Fire Safe Mode and implemented new notifications for all customers on impacted circuits when we went 1 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 33 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 into elevated or extreme settings. When there was a need for an elevated protection setting, we sent emails and did Interactive Voice Response (IVR) call-outs (recorded phone messages)to all customers on the impacted circuits, including times we planned to go into the elevated mode. While the existing communications and outreach plan and framework provide a solid foundation to build from, successful and effective implementation of a Public Safety Power Shut Off(PSPS) requires its own dedicated effort and strategy. The first step, before wildfire season begins, is to educate customers about PSPS and what it means for them and their communities. Corporate Communications will work on a campaign to bring awareness to all wildfire resiliency efforts and outage preparedness. We will also work in coordination with community outreach efforts to support their initiatives and strategies. The community outreach work is separate from this notification plan, which is more tactical in implementing a PSPS. During a PSPS Event When a PSPS event is being considered, the following strategies and actions will be implemented: • Communications will be integrated into the Pre-EOP/EOP structure to receive the most up-to-date information and thoroughly understand the potential impact to customers. • Communications will develop messages based on the situation, including messages for each stage of the event. • Communications will receive the list of customers on impacted circuits and share with all departments that need the information, such as customer service and community outreach. • Communications will determine executive availability and identify media spokespeople at the executive and management levels. o Determine appropriate spokespeople for different events like press conferences, media updates, one-on-one interviews, if needed. • Communications will develop key talking points for the specific event, including facts, status and steps Avista is taking. • Communications will consult with Legal and executive leadership to approve messaging. • Communications will determine most effective media channels. • Communications will monitor ongoing media and social media coverage. Respond appropriately. • Communications will report out on ongoing communications efforts at all EOP meetings. • Communications will update messaging as event develops and give updates to customers at a minimum of every 24 hours after PSPS has been implemented. Notification Methods: • Customer email o Repurposed for internal communication to employees • Customer IVR callout, initiate by Customer Service with messaging from Corp Comm • Website banner and wildfire/PSPS page updates • Social media channels, such as Facebook • Outage map updated • Outage texts sent to customers 2 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 34 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • Messages amplified by regional partners and community-based organizations Timeline During Event: = I - 4 4 4* ! . When 72-48 hours 48-24 hours 4-1 hours During As soon as its PSPS is over safe PSPS looks Power is being Power is shut We have Restoration What PSPS is possible necessary shut off off begun is complete restoration Email Email IVR Email IVR • Press Text alert IVR Release May include Press social Email updates Release Media Email IVR depending Social Text alert Email IVR Social Media on Media Web IVR Press Release estimated Web Text alert banner Other Social Media outage time banner end 1101H: appropriate Web banner Web banner Social webpage and channels and webpage and webpage Media updates updatewebpage n updates Partner CBOs updates Outage map Web Outage Outage Outage map banner and map to map to webpage have have updates updated updated Outage ERTs ERTs map Coordination with Stakeholders: Notifications to audiences outside of broad customer communications are conducted by the following roles/teams within Avista: • Wildfire Team o Fire Agencies o Emergency Medical Response Agencies o DNR/IDL • Regulatory Officer o WUTC and/or IPUC • Tribal Relations Advisor o Any impacted Tribal partners • RBM Team o Local elected/community leaders o Red Cross o Community-based organizations 3 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 35 of 36 Docusign Envelope ID: B96EE566-86D7-486D-B927-42308BC579F1 • AE Team o Critical infrastructure o Commercial customers • CARES Team o Medically vulnerable customers • Internal Corp Comm o Avista employees Notification Cancellation If conditions change and fire risk has decreased, customers will be informed that Avista will not implement a PSPS event. All communication channels will reflect that new message. If an elevated protection setting is still warranted, customers will be notified of that, as they may still be more likely to experience an outage. 4 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 6,Page 36 of 36 E lx ponent' Cost-Benefit Analysis for Avista Undergrounding Projects Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7, Page 1 of 61 Exponent' Cost-Benefit Analysis for Avista Undergrounding Projects Prepared For: Heather Webster Manager Asset Maintenance Program Delivery Avista Corp. Spokane, WA 99202 Prepared By: �� omf�� Ezra Jampole, Ph.D., P.E. Kristen Hollingsworth, Ph.D. Exponent, Inc. 149 Commonwealth Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 October 30, 2024 © Exponent, Inc. Page ii 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 tplver1.0 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7, Page 2 of 61 October 30, 2024 Contents Page List of Figures v List of Tables vi Limitations vii Executive Summary 1 Project Background 3 Cost-Benefit Analysis Components 4 Methodologies 5 Outages Customer Impacts Analysis 5 Outage Direct Costs 21 Operations and Maintenance 24 Vegetation Management 24 Other O&M 26 Wildfire Losses 26 Wood Poles Failure Rates 30 Overview of Methodology 30 Hazard Curves 32 Fragility Curves 34 Calculated Wood Pole Failure Rates 41 Calculating Benefit-Cost Ratios 41 Costs of Undergrounding 43 Cost-Benefit Analysis Results 44 Recommendations for Future Study 49 Rationale for Incorporating Scenario Risk Analysis 51 Fat-tailed distributions and uncertainty 51 Page iii 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 IX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 3 of 61 October 30, 2024 Scenario risk analysis as a complementary method 53 Application to Avista's Proposed Undergrounding Projects 53 Page iv 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7, Page 4 of 61 October 30, 2024 List of Figures Page Figure 1. Total customer count(top) and total customer outage hours (bottom)for each outage reason and subreason combination. 6 Figure 2. Total customer count(top) and total customer outage hours (bottom) for each feeder where the feeder names are shown for visual context only and not intended to be legible. 7 Figure 3. Distribution of total feeder lengths and proposed undergrounded feeder lengths for 370 and 195 feeders,respectively. 8 Figure 4. Distribution of total customers per feeder for 384 feeders. 8 Figure 5. Distribution of mitigated interruption costs per year for 195 feeders with proposed undergrounding. 21 Figure 6. Distribution of mitigated direct costs per year for 195 feeders with proposed undergrounding. 24 Figure 7. Histogram of vegetation management costs per year per mile for each feeder. 25 Figure 8. Example Hexes from Avista's Consequence Analysis. 27 Figure 9. Proportion of wildfires and acres burned in California caused by electric power from 2016 to 2020. 28 Figure 10. Sample hazard curve (left)and fragility curve(right). 32 Figure 11. Contours from ASCE Hazard Tool for 300-year wind speed. 33 Figure 12. Contours from ASCE Hazard Tool for 700-year wind speed. 33 Figure 13. Example wind speed hazard curve and underlying MRI data. 34 Figure 14. Loss of strength and increased dispersion as wood poles age(from EPRI, 1986). 35 Figure 15. Histogram of wood pole ages for each shell rot condition code. 38 Figure 16. Estimate of Remaining Strength as a function of age;used in the absence of shell rot condition code or explicit measurement of remaining strength. 39 Figure 17. Example relationship between pole age and fragility curve dispersion parameter,/3. 40 Figure 18. Histogram of estimated wood pole annual failure rates. 41 Figure 19. Distribution of the estimated cost to underground for 177 feeders. 43 Page v 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 5 of 61 October 30, 2024 List of Tables Page Table 1. System-Wide Parameters Calculated Using All Available Outages 11 Table 2. Feeder Specific Outage Rates for Feeders with Proposed Undergrounding 12 Table 3. Proportion Mitigation Effectiveness due to Undergrounding 16 Table 4. Example Outage Benefit Calculation for a Feeder 17 Table 5. Outage Benefit Analysis Results for Feeders with Proposed Undergrounding 18 Table 6. Example Mitigated Annual Direct Cost Calculation for a Feeder 22 Table 7. Assumed remaining strength for different shell rot conditions. 37 Table 8. Mapping of Age to Remaining Strength 38 Table 9. Cost-Benefit Analysis Results by Feeder 44 Page vi 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 IX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7, Page 6 of 61 October 30, 2024 Limitations The study presented in this report is intended for use by Avista Corp. to assist with their decisions regarding underground sections of their distribution feeders. Proper application of this report requires recognition and understanding of the limitations of both the scope and methodology of the study. The risk assessment methodology forming the basis of the results presented in this report is based on mathematical and statistical modeling of physical systems and processes as well as data from third parties. Given the nature of these evaluations, significant uncertainties are associated with the various hazard and loss computations, some of which are accounted for in the methodology, while other uncertainties such as as-built construction details, modifications, current conditions, material characteristics, among others cannot be explicitly incorporated into the analyses. These uncertainties are inherent in the methodology and subsequently in the generated hazard and loss results. These results are not facts or predictions of the loss that may occur as a result of future events or any specific event; as such, the actual losses may be materially different from those presented in this study. Furthermore, the assumptions adopted in determining these loss estimates do not constitute the exclusive set of reasonable assumptions, and the use of a different set of assumptions or methodology could produce materially different results. Page vii 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EXrM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 7 of 61 Executive Summary This study contains a cost-benefit analysis ("CBA") of selected portions of feeders on Avista's overhead to inform potential distribution undergrounding projects on around 190 feeders in Washington and Idaho. The purpose of the undergrounding projects is to improve reliability and reduce the likelihood of an Avista-caused ignition and consequent wildfire. The analysis contained herein considers three key components that are relevant to utilities: safety, reliability, and direct financial considerations. Safety considers the economic value associated with loss of life and injuries; reliability considers the financial impact of service outages; and direct financial considers includes directs costs of implementing undergrounding projects, direct costs from outages, and operations and maintenance ("O&M") costs. Fundamentally, the CBA calculates benefit-cost ratios ("BCR") for each potential undergrounding project. The BCR is the ratio of the benefits of undergrounding, i.e., the sum of the reduced costs over the expected life of the project, assumed to be 76.5 years, divided by the costs associated with the undergrounding project. Ultimately, all benefits and costs are translated to a monetary figure to be included in the BCR calculation. A discount rate of 6.89%was used, to be consistent with other Avista investment decisions. A BCR greater than 1 indicates that the benefits exceed the costs, suggesting that the undergrounding project on that feeder is financially advisable. Conversely, a BCR less than 1 indicates that the costs exceed the benefits, suggesting that the undergrounding project on that feeder is not financially advisable. The benefits are calculated using a variety of methodologies: • Reliability benefits are calculated by estimating rates of outages with and without an undergrounding project. Analysis of historical outages from around 40 mechanisms was undertaken, with statistical checks for whether each mechanism's outage rate (outages per mile per year) is feeder-specific, or if a general rate is applicable to the mechanism. The effectiveness of the undergrounding mitigation was estimated based on subject matter expertise and engineering judgement. Combined initial outage rates with mitigation effectiveness and customer counts, the change in expected number of outages is computed. This is translated to a dollar value using Avista-specific customer interruption costs for Washington and Idaho. • Changes in direct costs are estimated based on historical costs of outages and the change in outage rates. • Changes in O&M costs are calculated based on historical Avista data on maintenance costs for overhead and underground feeders and the length of each feeder that is intended to be undergrounded. • Reductions in costs associated with Avista-caused wildfire are calculated by apportioning expected annual losses from FEMA's National Risk Index to utility-caused fires, and to specific feeders based on the relative risk and estimated wood pole and tree fall failure rates along the feeder. Wood pole failure rates were calculated using fragility curves, Page 1 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 8 of 61 October 30, 2024 relating wind speed to probability of failure, and hazard curves, relating frequency of exceedance to wind speed, with reference to remaining strength and pole condition from test and treat data. • Costs associated with undergrounding projects were provided by Avista and consider fixed costs associated with project labor, civil construction costs, truck and lateral build costs, distribution automation costs, and service transfer and overhead wreckout costs. Calculated BCRs range from values of 0.06 to 11, indicating that there is varying financial utility in performing specific undergrounding projects. While some of the proposed undergrounding projects have BCR values less than 1, components of the analysis that consider contributions to the "benefits" consider both the consequence and the frequency of the consequence. In particular, the wildfire frequency, which is typically low, is considered in FEMA's calculation of wildfire losses, which informed this study. However, a catastrophic wildfire would have drastic consequences far exceeding the cost of any undergrounding projects, if it were to occur, potentially causing irreparable harm to Avista and its customers. It is thus worth considering the severity of the consequences, independent of the frequency of their occurrence, as part of the decision-making process for undergrounding. Scenario-based risk analysis, which considers only consequences and no probability, is a valid academic exercise for making decisions on low- probability high-consequence hazard mitigation. Several recommendations for further study were identified through the course of this analysis: • Wildfire consequence modeling that explicitly estimates structures burned, acres burned, and lives lost, as well as estimates of ignition probabilities along specific feeders, would improve the wildfire cost portion of the model; • Data collection of remaining pole strength and connectivity between poles and conductors would enable more sophisticated fragility-based analysis of poles, which informs the wildfire model. • The current analysis only considers undergrounding projects specifically identified by Avista, however, optimization strategies could be used to identify projects with high BCRs; • Other contributors to costs and benefits, such as aesthetic benefits (home values), construction-associated injuries and fatalities, and economic impact on ratepayers could be considered. Page 2 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 9 of 61 October 30, 2024 Project Background Avista is currently preparing its Wildfire Resiliency Plan("WRP")update for calendar year 2024. In conjunction with that plan, Avista is considering strategically undergrounding sections of their distribution system to reduce wildfire risk. Exponent has been asked to perform a cost- benefit analysis for undergrounding projects being considered on a feeder-by-feeder basis. Exponent has performed a cost-benefit analysis of undergrounding projects on each selected feeder, considering costs (estimated by Avista), and the benefits derived from the expected reduction in consequences considering life-safety, economic loss,protection of property, and customer outage duration. Quantitative risk analysis techniques have been used throughout the assessment. The analysis has produced benefit-cost ratios for the projects proposed on each feeder, considering the estimated project design life. Page 3 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 10 of 61 October 30, 2024 Cost-Benefit Analysis Components Cost-benefit analyses for utility projects typically consider three key components: 1. Safety: loss of life and injuries to people and property associated with the projects, e.g., stemming from changes in wildfire risk. 2. Reliability: customers impacted by the project in terms of outage hours. 3. Financial: direct costs associated with the project, including both the cost of executing the project and costs or benefits associated with maintenance. Exponent has considered these three key components through a variety of analyses. Safety: - Loss of life and injuries to people, land, and property is considered within the analysis of reductions in expected wildfire event rates when undergrounding projects are implemented. Reliability: - Analysis of outage data including outage rates, outage durations, and customers impacted on each feeder, combined with consideration of how undergrounding affects the likelihood of different types of outages is used to determine the expected change in customer-outage hours for each feeder with proposed undergrounding segments. Financial: - The direct costs of implementing each undergrounding project was calculated by Avista for each feeder. Exponent understands that these costs include restoration and environmental considerations. - The change in direct costs associated with outages is estimated, with consideration to how undergrounding affects the likelihood of different types of outages. - The change in operations and maintenance ("O&M") costs are estimated based on Avista's O&M historical costs for the overhead and underground components of their system. Page 4 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 IX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 11 of 61 October 30, 2024 Methodologies Outages Customer Impacts Analysis The purpose of this analysis is to determine the benefit, in terms of dollars, due to the reduction in frequency and duration of outages when select feeder sections are undergrounded. To perform the outage benefit analysis, Avista provided datasets for outages, feeder lengths, and total customers per feeder. The outage dataset contains reported outages by feeder between January 2018 and June 2024, and categorized the outages into 38 reason and subreason combinations. For each outage, the outage dataset includes the outage duration (hours) and the number of customers impacted. Figure 1 shows the total customer count and total outage duration by outage reason and subreason combination. Weather and its subreasons has the highest total customer count and total outage duration. Figure 2 shows the total customer count and total customer outage hours by feeder. Some feeders have more impacted customers, while other feeders have more total outage hours. The feeder length dataset includes total overhead (OH) feeder lengths and proposed undergrounded feeder lengths. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the total OH feeder lengths and proposed undergrounded feeder lengths. The overhead system is comprised of primarily shorter feeders (<25 miles) and the proposed undergrounded sections are typically less than 10 miles. Figure 4 shows the distribution of total customers per feeder, ranging from a few customers to around 3,500 customers. Page 5 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 12 of 61 October 30, 2024 600 500 o U a 400 m a o 300 t U 200 co a 100 H 0 U) 6 = 5 c6 n 4 0 .2 3 a� E g �2 U) U 1 m 0 �oco � 5 �oc.\a o�e e nod'5,tiO� Or oc�ceeee`°ee�e\c` ec 5eo`roQ < & 0 �\e C;•°�o `c a oe°�oac�oo��y\p p Z• �, ac` oySGZ\c� Q�\�eOO Q�Z. oC�a�oJ5��.o�St O ,X p�� GP � oo�Goo\co p ZG-Gp ��p �cj: ;X. D - OZ �rO � .Jo �Q���\GQ G aQ�J Q�J�O�Q\J \�ac.�t������c Qee� t�,eP\<���QQ�'���'Q?��'Q��,P�� t�,�4Q�\\�`�•Q�`�`��`�J\e�o-J\Q pJ Q,d,4�,r`Q.�Q�P� Q,��� Q.4J4J\�.dJ4J\4J\Q�'c3 �4 Q. J\Q J\Q�'p��\• �O Outage Reason: Subreason Figure 1. Total customer count (top) and total customer outage hours (bottom)for each outage reason and subreason combination. Page 6 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 JJ V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 13 of 61 October 30, 2024 80 o —60 U N `m C: co o 5 40 fn 0 7 aL+ U �_ Fa 20 H 0 500 y 0 x 400 0 � rn m 300 O N E w 200 0 U 100 m F 0 _ 3 ..= R Feeder Name Figure 2. Total customer count (top) and total customer outage hours (bottom) for each feeder where the feeder names are shown for visual context only and not intended to be legible. Page 7 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E/Vj rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 14 of 61 October 30, 2024 90 OTotal Feeder Length 80 0 Proposed Undergrounded Feeder Length 70 ;n 60 50 0 �5 40 E Z 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Feeder Length (mi) Figure 3. Distribution of total feeder lengths and proposed undergrounded feeder lengths for 370 and 195 feeders, respectively. 60 50 E 40 0) -a LL am 0 30 s E Z 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Total Customers per Feeder Figure 4. Distribution of total customers per feeder for 384 feeders. Page 8 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E/VTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 15 of 61 October 30, 2024 The provided datasets were used to determine the benefit associated with reduced customer hours interrupted due to undergrounding projects on each feeder, which we refer to as the mitigated cost. The procedure to determine the mitigated cost is as follows: l. The outage rate is the frequency of service interruptions per unit feeder length. The outage rate for an outage reason and subreason combination could be specific to the feeder or be consistent system-wide. For example, a feeder may be located in an area with more squirrels, which would increase the frequency of ANIMAL: Squirrel outages for that feeder relative to other feeders. Conversely, a certain EQUIPMENT OH related outage may equally affect all feeders because the equipment is subject to random failures and relatively unaffected by age or environmental factors. For each outage reason and subreason combination (o), the feeder specific or system-wide outage rate (R°) (outages/yr./mi.) is determined according to: outages° _ t x ELF system-wide R° — outages°,F lfeeder specific txLF Where outages°,F is the number of outages on a specific feeder (F) for an outage reason and subreason combination, outages° is the number of outages for an outage reason and subreason combination, t is the time (yrs.) over which the outages occurred, LF is the length of feeder, and Z LF is the total length of all considered feeders. The system-wide and feeder specific outage rates are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. 2. For an outage reason and subreason combination, statistical significance checks were performed to determine whether outage rates for each subreason are likely to be feeder- specific or if it is more appropriate to apply the system-wide outage rate. The designation for whether the outage rate is feeder-specific or uses a system-wide rate for each outage reason and subreason combination is provided in Table 1. 3. It is assumed that the proportion of customers impacted by an outage is specific to the outage reason and subreason combination,but not feeder-specific. For each outage reason and subreason combination (o), the average proportion of customers impacted by an outage (CI°) is determined as follows: n 1 Custlmpi,F _ CIO n I CustTotF Where n is the number of outages for an outage reason and subreason combination, Custlmpi,F is the customers on feeder F impacted by outage instance i, and CustTotF is the total number of customers on feeder F. Page 9 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 16 of 61 October 30, 2024 4. It is assumed that the duration of outages is specific to the outage reason and subreason combination,but not feeder-specific. For each outage reason and subreason combination (o), the average duration of an outage (Do) is determined as follows: n 1 Do = n Di i=1 Where n is the number of outages for an outage reason and subreason combination and Di is the duration (hours) of outage instance L 5. The annual customer outage-hours per feeder(ACOHF) is determined using parameters determined from the outage dataset as follows: °total ACOHF = Y, Ro LF CustTotF CIO Do 0=1 Where ototai is the total number of outage reason and subreason combinations. The calculated parameters are shown in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 5. 6. The mitigated annual customer outage-hours is the reduction in customer outage hours if the proposed undergrounding projects are completed. The mitigated annual customer outage-hours per feeder(Mitigated ACOHF) is determined using parameters related to undergrounding according to: Ototal Mitgated ACOHF = Y, ACOHF UGF MEo 0=1 Where °total is the number of outage reason and subreason combinations, UGF is the proportion of the feeder that is proposed to be undergrounded (see Table 5), and MEo is the proportion mitigation effectiveness of undergrounding to reduce outages for the outage reason and subreason combination (see Table 3). An example of the calculation of Mitigated ACOHF for a feeder is shown in Table 4. 7. For each feeder, the interruption cost per customer outage-hour, ClCostF, was determined using the state specific interruption cost and the proportion of poles on the feeder located in that state. Avista provided the interruption costs per customer outage- hour of$94.62/hr. and $127.37/hr. for Washington and Idaho, respectively. For a limited number of poles located in Montana, the Idaho interruption costs per customer outage- hour were used. 8. The mitigated annual interruption cost is the reduction in annual costs if the proposed undergrounding projects are completed and is calculated as follows: Mitgated AICostF = Mitgated ACOHF x ClCostF Page 10 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 17 of 61 October 30, 2024 An example of the calculation for one feeder is shown in Table 4. The feeder-specific annual reduction in costs associated with customer interruptions is shown in Table 5 and Figure 5. Table 5 shows the results for 195 feeders with proposed undergrounding, and Figure 7 shows a histogram of the mitigated annual interruption costs provided in Table 5. Table 1. System-Wide Parameters Calculated Using All Available Outages Outage Reason: Feeder Specific or System-Wide R. Do (hrs.) Clo Subreason System-Wide Outage Rate? (outages/yr./mi.) ANIMAL: Bird Feeder Specific N/A 1.69 0.037 ANIMAL:Other System-Wide 0.00327 1.88 0.053 ANIMAL: Protected System-Wide 0.00018 1.60 0.073 ANIMAL:Squirrel Feeder Specific N/A 1.46 0.015 COMPANY:Other System-Wide 0.01059 1.39 0.150 EQUIPMENT OH: Feeder Specific N/A 2.05 0.049 Arrester EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00018 2.38 0.121 Capacitor EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.01047 3.24 0.149 Conductor-Pri EQUIPMENT OH: Feeder Specific N/A 2.01 0.005 Conductor-Sec EQUIPMENT OH: Feeder Specific N/A 2.61 0.081 Connector-Pri EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00828 1.82 0.004 Connector-Sec EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00164 3.15 0.093 Crossarm-rotten EQUIPMENT OH: Feeder Specific N/A 2.29 0.032 Cutout/Fuse EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00247 2.92 0.226 Insulator EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00142 2.86 0.102 Insulator Pin EQUIPMENT OH:Other System-Wide 0.00373 2.30 0.078 EQUIPMENT OH: Pole- System-Wide 0.00112 4.59 0.020 rotten EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00030 2.38 0.523 Recloser EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00020 2.60 0.339 Regulator EQUIPMENT OH: System-Wide 0.00040 1.40 0.417 Switch/Disconnect EQUIPMENT OH: Feeder Specific N/A 3.88 0.025 Transformer-OH EQUIPMENT OH:Wildlife System-Wide 0.00002 4.39 0.009 Guard MISCELLANEOUS:SEE System-Wide 0.00114 2.38 0.004 REMARKS POLE FIRE: Pole Fire System-Wide 0.00890 4.47 0.230 PUBLIC:Car Hit Pole Feeder Specific N/A 3.03 0.247 PUBLIC: Fire Feeder Specific N/A 1.54 0.013 PUBLIC:Other Feeder Specific N/A 1.82 0.040 PUBLIC:Tree System-Wide 0.00403 2.87 0.074 Page 11 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 �j �jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 JJ V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 18 of 61 October 30, 2024 Outage Reason: Feeder Specific or System-Wide R. Do (hrs.) CIo Subreason System-Wide Outage Rate? (outages/yr./mi.) TREE:Service Feeder Specific N/A 2.05 0.003 TREE:Tree Fell Feeder Specific N/A 3.15 0.099 TREE:Tree Growth Feeder Specific N/A 1.93 0.032 TREE:Weather Feeder Specific N/A 5.63 0.071 WEATHER:Heat System-Wide 0.00004 7.96 0.002 WEATHER:Lightning Feeder Specific N/A 3.99 0.070 WEATHER:Snow/Ice Feeder Specific N/A 10.29 0.063 WEATHER:Wildfire System-Wide 0.00030 9.57 0.497 WEATHER:Wind Feeder Specific N/A 17.22 0.074 UNDETERMINED: Feeder Specific N/A 2.10 0.098 Undetermined Table 2. Feeder Specific Outage Rates for Feeders with Proposed Undergrounding Feeder Specific Ro (outages/yr./mi.) ANIMAL EQUIPMENT OH PUBLIC TREE WEATHER UNDETER- MINED U = - O C0 (L y L � ULL d O N E Feeder a o r o C Name* a` C) C) L U LL o U) � U m U) D 9CE12F4 0.018 0.036 0 0.036 0 0 0 0.054 0.073 0.036 0.018 0.018 0 0 0.018 0.054 0.109 0.073 9CE12F6 0.018 0.018 0.036 0.009 0 0 0 0.0180.0180 0.009 0.118 0.018 0 0 0.236 0.517 0.018 AIR12F1 0.033 0.047 0.014 0 0.003 0.011 0.011 0.017 0.003 0.008 0 0 0.003 0 0.019 0.006 0.053 0.022 AIR12F2 0.045 0 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0.123 0.034 0.011 0 0 0 0 0.011 0.034 0.056 0.034 AIR12F3 0.110 0 0 0 0 0.027 0 0 0.055 0.027 0 0 0 0 0.027 0.027 0.055 0.055 APW112 0.023 0.058 0.023 0.035 0.023 0.012 0.012 0.081 0.058 0.012 0.035 0.070 0.012 0.012 0.058 0.023 0.336 0.104 APW113 0.026 0.026 0.013 0 0 0.026 0.013 0.013 0 0 0 0.052 0.039 0.026 0.026 0.091 0.389 0.065 ARD12F2 0.044 0.019 0.003 0.005 0.022 0.011 0.003 0.008 0.022 0.005 0 0.047 0.003 0.005 0.069 0.077 0.069 0.159 AVD151 0.014 0.054 0.020 0 0 0.020 0.014 0.020 0.034 0.014 0 0.047 0.007 0.007 0.014 0.054 0.440 0.027 AVD152 0.040 0 0.027 0 0 0.027 0.013 0.053 0.053 0 0.027 0.013 0.053 0 0 0.080 0.306 0.067 BEA12F2 0.056 0.152 0.008 0.032 0.016 0.024 0.016 0.064 0.032 0.040 0.024 0.040 0.032 0.024 0.008 0.112 0.176 0.080 BEA13T09 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN BIG411 0.032 0.011 0 0.011 0.021 0 0.011 0 0.021 0 0.011 0.159 0.011 0.021 0 0.042 0.127 0.117 BIG412 0 0 0 0.023 0 0 0.023 0 0.047 0.023 0 0.094 0 0.023 0 0.070 0.329 0.023 BIG413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.183 0 0.061 0 0 0.122 0.061 BKR12F1 0.090 0.090 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.090 0.030 0 0.030 0.030 0 0 0 0.179 0.060 BKR12F2 0.110 0.028 0.055 0 0 0 0.028 0.055 0.083 0.028 0 0.055 0 0.028 0 0 0 0.028 BKR12F3 0.080 0.080 0 0 0.013 0.013 0 0 0.027 0 0.027 0.013 0 0.013 0.013 0.027 0.094 0.027 BLA311 0 0.019 0.010 0 0 0.024 0.014 0.014 0.005 0 0 0.062 0 0.033 0.019 0.024 0.163 0.053 BLD12F4 0.130 0.142 0.012 0.036 0 0.012 0.047 0.047 0.036 0.012 0 0 0 0.012 0.047 0.024 0.107 0.107 BLD12F5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLD12F6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN BLU321 0.026 0.016 0.013 0.023 0.005 0.016 0.003 0.018 0 0.010 0.005 0.109 0.016 0.010 0.005 0.116 0.287 0.067 BLU322 0.039 0.024 0.016 0.024 0 0.008 0 0.016 0.008 0.024 0 0.087 0 0 0.024 0.087 0.623 0.032 BUN423 0.100 0.025 0 0.025 0.025 0.050 0.025 0.050 0.025 0.025 0 0.025 0.025 0.050 0 0.100 0.100 0.075 BUN424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.078 0 0 0.039 0.039 0.233 0.039 BUN426 0.019 0.152 0.038 0.076 0 0.019 0.019 0.152 0.019 0.038 0.019 0 0 0.019 0.019 0.057 0.114 0.152 CDA123 0.008 0.015 0.054 0.054 0 0.008 0.008 0.015 0.046 0.015 0.008 0.108 0.008 0.023 0.015 0.132 0.774 0.054 CDA125 0 0.127 0.020 0.039 0.010 0 0.029 0.127 0.029 0.020 0.029 0.059 0.049 0.020 0 0.117 0.536 0.068 CFD1210 0.212 0.234 0.032 0.011 0.021 0.021 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0.011 0.011 0 0.032 0 0.021 0.106 CFD1211 0.028 0.068 0.006 0.017 0.006 0.006 0.006 0 0.011 0.006 0.011 0.023 0.028 0.011 0.023 0 0.023 0.051 CGC331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.095 0 0 0 0 0.190 0 CHE121=1 0.010 0.077 0.039 0 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.029 0 0 0 0.068 0.010 0.010 0 0.135 0.396 0.077 CHE12F4 0.026 0.034 0 0.009 0 0 0.009 0.009 0.009 0 0.017 0.052 0.009 0.043 0.009 0.121 0.259 0.034 Page 12 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 19 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Specific Ro (outages/yr./mi.) ANIMAL EQUIPMENT OH PUBLIC TREE WEATHER UNDETER- MINED U a) - C• N L N `o o =3 E ° c 5 `m a -0 `-' `m LL Feeder -a c c ° c = a) (D m O C-o En 3 m Name* m �n a` ci ci ii o in � in D CHW12F2 0.076 0.037 0.003 0.009 0 0.033 0.021 0.012 0.006 0.015 0.006 0.061 0.012 0.018 0.049 0.064 0.055 0.152 CHW12F3 0.026 0.021 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.016 0.011 0.007 0.007 0 0 0.051 0.003 0.016 0.015 0.102 0.082 0.130 CHW12F4 0.048 0.030 0.003 0.010 0 0.028 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.050 0.005 0.003 0.033 0.098 0.103 0.196 CKF711 0.023 0.023 0.005 0.009 0 0.019 0.014 0.009 0 0.005 0 0.107 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.009 0.173 0.042 CKF712 0.049 0.038 0 0 0 0.005 0.011 0.005 0.005 0.005 0 0.070 0.005 0.005 0.022 0.032 0.291 0.054 CLA56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.046 0.015 CLV12F2 0.020 0.037 0.010 0.013 0.017 0.023 0.010 0.020 0.013 0.023 0.007 0.053 0.007 0.017 0.017 0.067 0.073 0.104 CLV12F4 0.077 0.040 0.009 0.006 0.020 0.031 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.003 0.006 0.049 0.006 0.017 0.020 0.086 0.083 0.140 CLV34F1 0.038 0.006 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.035 0.010 0.007 0.006 0.008 0.001 0.064 0.003 0.017 0.045 0.088 0.080 0.143 COB12F1 0.026 0.046 0.013 0 0.020 0.013 0.007 0 0.007 0.007 0 0.065 0.013 0.033 0.026 0.124 0.163 0.052 C0612F2 0.059 0.009 0.015 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.027 0.012 0.003 0 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.024 0.062 0.035 0.053 COT2401 0.035 0.014 0 0 0.021 0.014 0.028 0.028 0 0 0.007 0.007 0.014 0 0.014 0.035 0.049 0.028 CRG1261 0.004 0.004 0 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.011 0 0.015 0 0 0.011 0.004 0.004 0.038 0.019 0.023 0.034 DAL131 0.057 0.081 0.049 0.024 0.016 0.016 0.008 0.016 0.016 0.040 0.008 0.049 0.016 0.016 0.008 0.040 0.429 0.049 DAL132 0 0.063 0.126 0 0 0.063 0 0.189 0.032 0.063 0 0 0 0.032 0 0 0.790 0 DAL133 0.012 0.061 0.012 0.012 0 0 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.024 0.024 0.134 0 0.049 0 0.012 0.268 0.061 DAL135 0.052 0.069 0 0 0 0.035 0 0 0.017 0 0 0.017 0.017 0 0.017 0 0.225 0.035 DAL136 0.020 0.020 0 0.039 0 0.020 0.020 0.020 0 0.020 0 0.020 0 0 0 0 0.610 0 DEP12F1 0.050 0.013 0.003 0.010 0 0.018 0.008 0.013 0.010 0.008 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.008 0.030 0.085 0.063 0.038 DEP12F2 0.070 0.021 0 0.014 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.018 0.007 0.007 0 0.007 0.007 0 0.028 0.063 0.074 0.056 DER651 0.007 0 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.014 0.007 0 0.003 0.007 0.003 0.109 0.007 0.044 0.017 0.150 0.095 0.051 DER652 0.013 0.021 0 0.004 0.004 0.017 0.004 0.013 0.009 0 0 0.056 0.013 0.043 0.017 0.142 0.060 0.099 DRY1208 0.039 0.169 0.013 0.013 0.013 0 0.013 0.065 0.026 0.013 0.026 0.039 0.013 0 0.104 0 0.013 0.039 DRY1209 0.039 0 0.013 0.004 0.013 0.004 0.004 0.009 0.034 0 0 0.004 0 0 0.022 0.004 0.065 0.065 EFM12F1 0.087 0.045 0.014 0.010 0.003 0.007 0.007 0.010 0.010 0 0.003 0.017 0.007 0.003 0.014 0.024 0.076 0.062 EFM12F2 0.061 0.061 0 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.041 0 F&C12F2 0.079 0.013 0.013 0.066 0 0.013 0 0.026 0.013 0 0.013 0.026 0.013 0 0.026 0.079 0.185 0.013 FOR12F1 0.007 0.007 0.007 0 0.002 0.007 0.002 0.015 0.020 0.002 0 0.017 0.002 0 0.015 0.039 0.015 0.034 FOR121F2 0.004 0 0.004 0 0 0.004 0.004 0 0.029 0 0 0.022 0 0.004 0.007 0.029 0.076 0.004 FWT12F2 0.038 0.077 0.013 0.051 0.026 0.038 0 0.051 0.026 0.013 0 0.013 0.026 0.038 0.038 0.218 0.243 0.077 FWT12F3 0.030 0.060 0 0.030 0 0 0.120 0 0.015 0.015 0.045 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.030 0.210 0.389 0.045 GIF12F1 0.025 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.002 0.004 0.008 0 0 0.041 0.002 0.031 0.025 0.118 0.091 0.079 GIF34F1 0.044 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.012 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.027 0.002 0.003 0.028 0.038 0.061 0.099 GIF34F2 0.008 0.016 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.021 0.005 0.003 0.009 0.003 0.001 0.044 0.001 0.017 0.017 0.137 0.122 0.095 GLN12F1 0.015 0.122 0.005 0.046 0.010 0.026 0.015 0.026 0.026 0.015 0.020 0.077 0.041 0.015 0.026 0.602 0.230 0.122 GLN12F2 0.054 0.070 0.023 0.016 0 0 0.016 0.023 0 0 0.008 0.054 0.023 0.016 0 0.062 0.202 0.070 GRA12F1 0.087 0.034 0.013 0.027 0.020 0 0.020 0.040 0 0 0.013 0.027 0.013 0.020 0.013 0.013 0.087 0 GRA121`2 0.079 0.084 0.030 0.035 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.005 0.020 0.015 0.005 0.035 0.060 0.169 0.084 GRA12F3 0 0.084 0 0.042 0 0.042 0 0.155 0.014 0.028 0.014 0.028 0 0.014 0.028 0 0.112 0.028 GRN12F1 0.041 0.027 0.005 0.009 0.005 0.059 0.018 0.018 0.023 0.005 0 0.068 0.009 0.005 0.045 0.082 0.073 0.154 GRN121`2 0.036 0.033 0.004 0.007 0.015 0.025 0.004 0.015 0.011 0.004 0.004 0.047 0.007 0.022 0.047 0.112 0.080 0.170 GRN12F3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN GRV1271 0 0.035 0.018 0.012 0.006 0.012 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.012 0 0.065 0.012 0 0.012 0.071 0.041 0.041 GRV1272 0 0.034 0 0.017 0 0.034 0.034 0 0.034 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.034 0 0 0.102 0.034 0.051 GRV1273 0.014 0.006 0 0.004 0 0.021 0 0.002 0.008 0.006 0 0.068 0.010 0.008 0 0.054 0.016 0.060 GRV1274 0.037 0.110 0.025 0.025 0 0.012 0 0 0.049 0 0.025 0.025 0.012 0 0.012 0.123 0.061 0.037 H&W12F1 0.029 0 0 0 0 0 0.014 0.057 0.029 0 0 0 0 0 0.014 0 0.029 0.014 H&W12F3 0.023 0.028 0 0.005 0 0.014 0.014 0.019 0.019 0.005 0 0.005 0 0.023 0.033 0.028 0.108 0.028 HUE141 0.062 0.021 0.062 0.021 0.010 0.021 0 0.062 0.021 0.031 0.010 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.312 0.062 HUE142 0.068 0.010 0.029 0 0 0.029 0.010 0.068 0 0.010 0 0.010 0 0 0.019 0.058 0.087 0.068 IDR251 0.043 0.021 0 0.021 0 0 0 0.043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IDR253 0.047 0.060 0.021 0.004 0.017 0.017 0 0.072 0.009 0.009 0 0.017 0.004 0.004 0.009 0.060 0.192 0.081 INT12F1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.097 0 0.291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.485 0.097 INT12F2 0.018 0.018 0 0 0.006 0 0.006 0.012 0.006 0.018 0 0.018 0 0.006 0.006 0 0.036 0.048 JUL661 0 0.009 0 0 0 0.009 0.027 0.036 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.054 0.018 0.018 0.063 0.018 0.027 0.063 JUL662 0.006 0.036 0.012 0 0 0 0.012 0.012 0.006 0 0 0.024 0.012 0 0.012 0.030 0.036 0.047 KAM1291 0 0.068 0 0.011 0.011 0.023 0.011 0.023 0.045 0.011 0.011 0.045 0.023 0 0.101 0.034 0.034 0.079 Page 13 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 20 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Specific Ro (outages/yr./mi.) ANIMAL EQUIPMENT OH PUBLIC TREE WEATHER UNDETER- MINED U a) - C• N L N `o o =3 E ° c 5 `m a -0a m °' 9 o `LL (D Feeder A= c c o c = _ a) a) m U Name* m �n a` ci 0, ii o in it � in D KAM1292 0 0 0 0 0.016 0.016 0 0.016 0.016 0 0 0.033 0 0 0.066 0.049 0.049 0.181 KAM1293 0.011 0.032 0.043 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.032 0 0.011 0 0.011 0.043 0 0.011 0.086 0.064 0.054 0.075 KET12F1 0 0 0 0.052 0 0 0.052 0 0.104 0 0 0 0 0.052 0.259 0.259 0.052 0 KET12F2 0.037 0.016 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.012 0.009 0 0.032 0.005 0 0.035 0.002 0.005 0.042 0.070 0.079 0.119 K001298 0.006 0.012 0.006 0 0 0 0.018 0.006 0.025 0 0.006 0.043 0 0.006 0.012 0.049 0.018 0.018 K001299 0.043 0.006 0 0 0.019 0.031 0.006 0 0.006 0.006 0.012 0.025 0.006 0.006 0.012 0.019 0.025 0.081 1-13121 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.016 0.016 0 0.032 LIB12F2 0.112 0 0.014 0 0 0.014 0 0.014 0 0.014 0.014 0 0 0 0.014 0.014 0.140 0.042 LIB12F3 0.044 0.051 0 0.022 0 0 0.007 0 0.022 0.044 0.022 0.059 0.007 0.015 0 0.029 0.139 0.102 LOL1266 0.015 0.024 0.010 0 0 0 0.005 0.029 0.024 0.010 0.019 0.015 0.015 0 0.005 0.010 0.005 0.029 1-01-1359 0.047 0.031 0.010 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.016 0.021 0.031 0.005 0.005 0.052 0.026 0.005 0.037 0 0.021 0.089 L0012F1 0.006 0.042 0.006 0.018 0 0.006 0.006 0.024 0.018 0.012 0 0.036 0.012 0.006 0.012 0.060 0.079 0.073 L0012F2 0.014 0.070 0 0.007 0.007 0 0.014 0 0.021 0.007 0.007 0.077 0.007 0.028 0.007 0.146 0.042 0.077 LTF341`1 0.020 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.004 0 0 0.026 0 0.004 0.018 0.032 0.074 0.044 M15514 0.019 0.107 0 0.069 0.006 0.019 0 0.032 0.038 0.006 0.019 0.025 0.013 0.057 0.013 0.164 0.234 0.063 M15515 0.024 0.033 0 0.016 0.016 0.008 0 0.033 0.049 0.033 0.008 0.008 0 0.008 0 0.041 0.049 0.073 M23621 0.016 0.005 0 0.011 0.011 0 0 0.011 0 0.005 0 0.044 0.011 0.033 0.005 0.065 0.054 0.071 MEA12F1 0 0.038 0 0 0 0 0.038 0.058 0.019 0.019 0 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.115 0.096 0.154 0.038 MEA12F2 0.042 0.116 0.011 0.021 0.021 0 0.021 0.011 0.032 0.011 0.032 0.095 0.053 0.042 0.042 0.063 0.168 0.074 MEA12F3 0 0.054 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.027 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.027 0.054 0 MIL121`3 0.127 0.064 0.025 0.038 0 0 0.013 0.038 0.013 0.013 0.025 0 0 0 0.064 0.114 0.102 0.064 MIS431 0.018 0.002 0.005 0.014 0.011 0.014 0.005 0.007 0.007 0.011 0.002 0.072 0.002 0.009 0.023 0.081 0.221 0.047 MLN12F1 0.014 0.031 0.007 0.010 0 0.017 0.007 0.041 0.017 0.007 0 0.024 0 0.014 0.010 0.099 0.075 0.038 MLN12F2 0.008 0.027 0 0.012 0.008 0.012 0.008 0 0.008 0 0.004 0.019 0 0.031 0.008 0.058 0.116 0.027 NE12F3 0.034 0.056 0.017 0 0.006 0.022 0 0.050 0.028 0.011 0.006 0.034 0.017 0.006 0.006 0.050 0.173 0.017 NE121`4 0.042 0.042 0.007 0.049 0.021 0.021 0 0.064 0.028 0.035 0.021 0.028 0 0.007 0.007 0.035 0.078 0.056 NRC351 0.067 0.067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.067 0 0 0.067 0.133 0 0.200 NW12F1 0.010 0.067 0 0.019 0.010 0.019 0.010 0.038 0.029 0.010 0 0.019 0.029 0.019 0.019 0.029 0.200 0.048 NW12F2 0.064 0.140 0.025 0.025 0 0.013 0.051 0.025 0.038 0.013 0 0.089 0.025 0 0.038 0.254 0.496 0.025 NW12F3 0.011 0 0 0.033 0 0 0 0.033 0.022 0.011 0 0.033 0.022 0.033 0 0.089 0.301 0.022 ODN731 0.034 0.014 0.041 0.003 0.007 0.014 0.021 0.014 0.007 0.017 0.007 0.106 0.014 0.014 0 0.082 0.216 0.058 ODN732 0 0.032 0.021 0 0 0.011 0 0.021 0 0.011 0.011 0.086 0 0.043 0 0.021 0.428 0.043 OLD721 0.077 0.027 0.018 0 0.005 0.014 0.009 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.009 0.055 0.005 0.023 0 0.032 0.136 0.064 0RI12F1 0.023 0.020 0.005 0.005 0 0.023 0.005 0.008 0.008 0.005 0 0.067 0.005 0.018 0.028 0.105 0.097 0.102 ORI12F2 0.057 0.057 0 0.029 0.029 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.029 0 0.057 0.057 0.115 0.057 OR112F3 0.018 0.015 0.003 0.005 0.003 0.030 0.008 0 0.010 0 0.002 0.099 0.007 0.016 0.048 0.115 0.095 0.094 OR01280 0 0 0 0.072 0 0.036 0.018 0 0.036 0 0 0.090 0 0.018 0 0.018 0.271 0.036 OR01281 0.005 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0.033 0.011 0 0.011 0.005 0 0.126 0.005 0.016 0.055 0.027 0.071 0.082 OR01282 0 0.056 0 0.022 0.011 0.022 0 0.011 0.022 0.011 0.011 0.056 0 0 0.022 0.011 0.112 0.078 OSB521 0.009 0.009 0 0.028 0.009 0 0.009 0.019 0.019 0.009 0.009 0.047 0.028 0 0.019 0.056 0.224 0 OSB522 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.194 0 0 0 0.097 0.024 0 PDL1202 0.039 0.193 0.010 0.048 0.048 0.019 0.029 0.048 0.077 0.048 0.077 0.048 0.058 0 0.097 0 0.106 0.058 PDL1203 0.069 0.233 0 0.043 0.026 0.026 0.043 0.034 0.060 0.034 0.017 0.034 0.009 0.017 0.043 0 0.069 0.086 PDL1204 0.018 0.072 0 0.036 0 0.036 0 0.054 0.018 0.018 0 0 0.018 0 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.036 PF212 0.030 0.163 0.059 0.030 0.015 0 0 0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0.015 0.030 0.030 0.045 0.015 0.282 0.059 PF213 0.066 0.121 0.011 0.011 0 0 0.022 0.055 0.044 0.022 0.011 0.044 0.033 0 0 0 0.165 0.066 PIN441 0 0.079 0.079 0.008 0.039 0.031 0.008 0.016 0.047 0 0.008 0.071 0 0.024 0.008 0.228 0.401 0.063 PIN442 0 0.037 0 0 0 0 0.056 0.019 0.056 0 0.019 0.093 0 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.243 0 PIN443 0.013 0.076 0.016 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.003 0.019 0.003 0.009 0.003 0.041 0 0.016 0.013 0.123 0.240 0.047 PRA221 0 0 0.045 0.045 0 0.045 0.022 0.067 0.022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.067 0.090 PRA222 0.079 0.132 0 0 0 0.026 0 0.026 0.040 0.013 0.013 0.053 0 0 0.013 0 0.290 0.079 PRV751 0.025 0 0.025 0 0.013 0.013 0.025 0 0 0.013 0 0.075 0 0.038 0.013 0.050 0.213 0.013 PRV752 0.026 0.003 0.009 0.003 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.009 0.009 0.006 0.003 0.057 0 0.009 0.006 0.043 0.164 0.040 PVW241 0.071 0.071 0.007 0 0.057 0.014 0 0.042 0.021 0 0 0 0 0 0.007 0 0.078 0.113 PVW243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAT233 0.012 0.014 0.009 0.007 0.009 0.021 0.005 0.035 0.012 0.009 0.005 0.051 0.005 0.002 0.012 0.105 0.135 0.056 RDN12F1 0.029 0.008 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.006 0 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.025 0.019 0.017 0.031 Page 14 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 21 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Specific Ro (outages/yr./mi.) ANIMAL EQUIPMENT OH PUBLIC TREE WEATHER UNDETER- MINED U cn a` � N L � `o o =3 E ° c 5 `m a o a °' 9 o `m Feeder c c ° m = = Z aa) �aa) o 3 v m Name* m �n a` 0 US ii o in in D RDN12F2 0.008 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.011 0.015 0 0.004 0.002 0.002 0 0.013 0 0.002 0.004 0.023 0.017 0.019 SAG741 0.012 0.015 0.030 0.009 0 0.006 0.012 0.045 0.003 0.015 0.003 0.185 0.009 0.027 0.021 0.098 0.426 0.021 SAG742 0.031 0.067 0.021 0 0.005 0.005 0.016 0.041 0.005 0 0.021 0.078 0.016 0.010 0.016 0.052 0.393 0.057 SE12F2 0.065 0.032 0 0.016 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.016 0.032 0.024 0.016 0 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.040 0.202 0.040 SE121`4 0 0.084 0.028 0.042 0.028 0.014 0 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.014 0.056 0.042 0.028 0.028 0.294 0.547 0.042 SE12F6 0 0.084 0.056 0.056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.028 0.056 SIP12F3 0.118 0 0.039 0 0 0 0.039 0.079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.158 SIP12F4 0.134 0.149 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.060 0.007 0.052 0.060 0.030 0.037 0.022 0.007 0.015 0.037 0.007 0.082 0.112 SLK121`1 0.037 0.048 0.007 0.015 0 0.004 0.004 0.007 0.029 0.011 0.018 0.022 0.007 0 0.004 0.011 0.037 0.077 SLK12F2 0.057 0.015 0.011 0.004 0.015 0.019 0.008 0.008 0 0.004 0 0.008 0.008 0.004 0.015 0.011 0.159 0.079 SLK12F3 0.018 0 0 0 0.018 0.009 0 0.044 0.018 0.009 0 0.009 0 0 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.026 SLW1348 0.087 0.319 0 0.116 0 0 0.029 0 0 0 0.116 0.029 0 0 0.029 0 0.087 0 SLW1358 0.063 0.295 0.021 0.011 0.021 0.032 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.032 0.084 0.042 0.011 0.021 0.032 0.011 0.042 0.063 SLW1368 0.059 0.163 0.030 0.044 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.015 0.044 0 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.119 0.030 SOT521 0.069 0.228 0.010 0.020 0.020 0.069 0.010 0.059 0.059 0.030 0.010 0.020 0.020 0 0.010 0 0.079 0.119 SOT523 0.106 0.032 0 0.007 0.018 0.009 0.012 0.009 0.002 0.005 0 0.016 0.007 0.002 0.021 0.002 0.037 0.101 SPI121`1 0.029 0.002 0 0.004 0.004 0.002 0 0.002 0.018 0.009 0.007 0.022 0.002 0.007 0.009 0.029 0.057 0.044 SPL361 0.019 0.050 0 0.044 0.006 0.019 0.012 0.025 0.006 0.012 0.069 0.125 0.006 0.031 0.006 0.087 0.406 0.075 SPT4S21 0.016 0.054 0.037 0.004 0.004 0.021 0.008 0.012 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.103 0.012 0.066 0.016 0.049 0.334 0.091 SPT4S23 0.007 0.047 0.020 0.007 0.007 0.007 0 0.014 0.041 0.007 0.014 0.061 0 0 0.014 0.034 0.359 0.068 STM631 0.043 0.015 0.006 0.009 0.009 0.046 0.006 0.018 0.015 0 0.006 0.114 0.018 0.009 0.021 0.233 0.215 0.061 STM633 0.032 0.007 0.002 0.012 0.010 0.049 0.010 0.017 0.005 0.007 0.005 0.090 0.010 0.015 0.034 0.234 0.124 0.095 STM634 0.003 0 0.003 0.003 0 0.008 0 0 0.006 0.003 0 0.031 0 0 0.011 0.025 0.059 0.039 SUN12F1 0 0.060 0 0.048 0 0 0.012 0.036 0.024 0.012 0.024 0.084 0.060 0.024 0.012 1.222 0.863 0.060 SUN12F2 0.012 0.046 0.006 0 0 0.017 0 0.006 0.017 0.023 0.012 0.006 0.006 0.023 0.046 0.110 0.151 0.069 SUN12F4 0.019 0.019 0.006 0.019 0.006 0.026 0 0.045 0.013 0 0.006 0.013 0 0 0 0.083 0.083 0.032 SUN12F5 0.042 0.004 0.023 0.004 0 0.008 0.008 0.011 0.015 0.004 0 0.023 0.015 0.008 0.015 0.065 0.103 0.027 SWT2403 0.014 0.005 0.009 0 0.009 0.005 0 0.036 0.018 0.005 0 0.005 0.014 0 0.005 0.005 0.027 0.059 TEN1253 0.032 0 0.064 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0 0 0 0 0.032 0.095 TEN1254 0.049 0.029 0.019 0.029 0 0 0.019 0.058 0.058 0.010 0.039 0.010 0.029 0 0.029 0.010 0.039 0.029 TEN1255 0.023 0.058 0.035 0.070 0.012 0 0 0.081 0.070 0.070 0 0.058 0.023 0 0.023 0 0.093 0.093 TEN1256 0.045 0 0.009 0 0.009 0 0.009 0.045 0.018 0.018 0.009 0.045 0 0 0.018 0 0.018 0.136 TEN1257 0.052 0.069 0.034 0.017 0.017 0 0.017 0.043 0.043 0.026 0.009 0.026 0 0 0.086 0 0 0.026 VAL12F1 0.007 0.015 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.017 0.004 0.017 0.017 0.007 0.003 0.037 0 0.028 0.017 0.117 0.069 0.118 VAL12F2 0.082 0.051 0 0.021 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.021 0.010 0.005 0.051 0.005 0.005 0.046 0.113 0.087 0.257 VAL121`3 0.032 0.042 0.005 0.011 0 0.037 0.026 0.042 0.016 0.021 0.021 0.042 0.011 0.047 0.016 0.137 0.131 0.184 WAK12F1 0.029 0.118 0.044 0 0 0.015 0.029 0.015 0 0.029 0.015 0.074 0.015 0 0.133 0.118 1.430 0.074 WAK121`2 0.026 0.026 0 0 0 0 0 0.064 0.013 0.013 0 0.052 0.039 0.026 0.013 0.090 0.129 0.026 WAK12F3 0 0.031 0.015 0.031 0.015 0 0 0.015 0.015 0.031 0.015 0.031 0.061 0.015 0.061 0.092 0.275 0.076 WAK12F4 0.039 0.019 0.010 0 0 0.010 0.010 0.019 0.010 0 0.0190.0390 0.019 0.010 0.087 0.107 0.155 WAL542 0.011 0.023 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0.011 0.023 0.023 0.011 0 0.080 0.011 0.011 0 0.080 0.034 0.034 WAL543 0.004 0.016 0.008 0.004 0.004 0.016 0 0.012 0.012 0.004 0 0.140 0.004 0.029 0.016 0.095 0.115 0.025 WAL544 0.048 0.060 0.012 0.036 0.012 0.036 0 0 0.024 0.012 0 0.048 0.024 0 0 0.084 0.084 0.072 WAL545 0.012 0.012 0.023 0.012 0 0.035 0.012 0 0.046 0.012 0.023 0.104 0 0.012 0 0.058 0.150 0.046 WAS781 0.026 0 0 0.009 0.004 0.004 0.009 0.004 0.013 0.004 0 0 0.004 0 0.013 0.004 0.026 0.035 WE11289 0.004 0.011 0.004 0.011 0 0.007 0.007 0.011 0 0.004 0.011 0.076 0.011 0.036 0.025 0.079 0.029 0.036 WIL12F2 0.020 0 0.005 0.005 0.029 0.022 0.002 0.003 0.008 0 0 0.005 0 0 0.005 0.005 0.017 0.022 *NaN parameters indicate that outage data was not available for the feeder. In these cases,the system-wide outage rate was used for analysis. Page 15 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 22 of 61 October 30, 2024 Table 3. Proportion Mitigation Effectiveness due to Undergrounding Outage Reason: ME, Reasoning Subreason ANIMAL: Bird 1 not applicable to underground lines ANIMAL:Other 1 not applicable to underground lines ANIMAL: Protected 1 not applicable to underground lines ANIMAL:Squirrel 1 not applicable to underground lines COMPANY:Other 0.5 undergrounded lines require less frequent maintenance EQUIPMENT OH: 0.8 undergrounded lines have fewer arresters that are typically installed at transition points or Arrester critical equipment locations and have lower maintenance requirements EQUIPMENT OH: 0'8 undergrounded lines have fewer capacitors for reasons including a stable operating Capacitor environment and an inherently more efficient design EQUIPMENT OH: 0.8 underground conductors experience fewer outages because they are more protected,but Conductor-Pri outages do occur(e.g.,from construction or water intrusion) EQUIPMENT OH: 0'8 underground conductors experience fewer outages because they are more protected,but Conductor-Sec outages do occur(e.g.,from construction or water intrusion) EQUIPMENT OH: 0'8 underground lines have fewer connectors since there are longer continuous sections and Connector-Pri stable environmental conditions. EQUIPMENT OH: 0.8 underground lines have fewer connectors since there are longer continuous sections and Connector-Sec stable environmental conditions. EQUIPMENT OH: 1 not applicable to underground lines Crossarm-rotten EQUIPMENT OH: 1 underground lines no not use overhead style cutouts or fuses and instead use alternative Cutout/Fuse protective devices such as circuit breakers or protective relays EQUIPMENT OH: underground lines have fewer insulators due to integrated cable insulation and fewer Insulator 0'8 installation points EQUIPMENT OH: 1 not applicable to underground lines(insulator pins are for overhead lines to support and Insulator Pin secure the insulators) EQUIPMENT OH:Other 0.5 underground lines have fewer equipment related outages due to reduced exposure to physical damage and enhanced durability(robust insulation and protective sheaths) EQUIPMENT OH: Pole- 1 not applicable to underground lines rotten EQUIPMENT OH: 1 underground lines generally do not use reclosers except in some advanced or specialized Recloser installations of reclosers designed for underground environments EQUIPMENT OH: underground lines have fewer regulators which reflects a reduced need for voltage Regulator 0.6 regulation due to the stability of underground environments and higher cost and installation complexity EQUIPMENT OH: underground lines have fewer switches or disconnects due to less frequent switching points Switch/Disconnect 0'4 and the higher cost and complexity to install/maintain EQUIPMENT OH: underground lines have fewer transformers dur to higher cost and complexity of Transformer-OH 0.5 installations,different design and distribution requirements,and reduced environmental exposure. EQUIPMENT OH:Wildlife1 not applicable to underground lines Guard MISCELLANEOUS:SEE 0 without more information this category is considered unmitigated by undergrounding REMARKS POLE FIRE: Pole Fire 1 not applicable to underground lines PUBLIC:Car Hit Pole 1 not applicable to underground lines PUBLIC: Fire 0 in the event of a house fire,either overhead or underground lines will be deenergized PUBLIC:Other 0.8 outages related to the public are reduced by undergrounding since the lines are protected, however there can still be outages(e.g.,from construction or vandalism/theft) PUBLIC:Tree 1 underground lines are protected from tree related outages TREE:Service 1 underground lines are protected from tree related outages TREE:Tree Fell 1 underground lines are protected from tree related outages TREE:Tree Growth 1 assuming canopy growth and not root growth, underground lines are protected from tree related outages TREE:Weather 1 underground lines are protected from tree related outages Page 16 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 ��jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 23 of 61 October 30, 2024 Outage Reason: ME, Reasoning Subreason WEATHER: Heat 0 when capacity is constrained on the grid,the load will be dropped for either overhead or underground lines WEATHER:Lightning 0.8 underground lines are less vulnerable to lightning damage,but ground strikes and voltage surges can occur underground lines are generally protected from snow/ice damage(snow and ice do not WEATHER:Snow/Ice 1 have a direct effect on underground lines,but winter weather does complicate repair/maintenance and increased use of electricity in cold weather stresses the system) WEATHER:Wildfire 0.5 underground lines mitigate wildfire risk,but overhead and underground lines are deenergized when any wildfire approaches WEATHER:Wind 1 underground lines are generally protected from wind damage UNDETERMINED: 0.91 weighted average based on number of outages from other categories Undetermined Table 4. Example Outage Benefit Calculation for a Feeder Feeder Outage RO LF CustTotF CIO Do ACOHF UGF MEo Mitigated CICOstF Mitigated Name Reason: (outages/ (mi.) (hrs.) ACOHF AICOstF Subreason yr./mi.) 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Bird 0.01816 8.48 1020 0.037 1.69 9.93 0.257 1 2.55 $94.62 $241.41 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Other 0.00327 8.48 1020 0.053 1.88 2.84 0.257 1 0.73 $94.62 $68.99 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Protected 0.00018 8.48 1020 0.073 1.60 0.18 0.257 1 0.05 $94.62 $4.44 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Squirrel 0.03632 8.48 1020 0.015 1.46 7.04 0.257 1 1.81 $94.62 $171.20 9CE12F4 COMPANY:Other 0.01059 8.48 1020 0.150 1.39 19.01 0.257 0.5 2.44 $94.62 $231.13 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0 8.48 1020 0.049 2.05 0 0 $94.62 $0.00 Arrester 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00018 8.48 1020 0.121 2.38 0.45 0.09 $94.62 $8.73 Capacitor 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.01047 8.48 1020 0.149 3.24 43.62 8.97 $94.62 $848.59 Conductor-Pri 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.03632 8.48 1020 0.005 2.01 3.04 0.62 $94.62 $59.09 Conductor-Sec 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0 8.48 1020 0.081 2.61 0 0 $94.62 $0.00 Connector-Pri 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00828 8.48 1020 0.004 1.82 0.51 0.11 $94.62 $9.95 Connector-Sec 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00164 8.48 1020 0.093 3.15 4.15 1.07 $94.62 $100.82 Crossarm-rotten 0.257 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0 8.48 1020 0.032 2.29 0 0 $94.62 $0.00 Cutout/Fuse 0.257 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00247 8.48 1020 0.226 2.92 14.12 2.90 $94.62 $274.62 Insulator 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00142 8.48 1020 0.102 2.86 3.58 0.92 $94.62 $87.12 Insulator Pin 0.257 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00373 8.48 1020 0.078 2.30 5.76 0.74 $94.62 $70.05 Other 0.257 0.5 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00112 8.48 1020 0.020 4.59 0.88 0.23 $94.62 $21.40 Pole-rotten 0.257 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00030 8.48 1020 0.523 2.38 3.23 0.83 $94.62 $78.47 Recloser 0.257 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00020 8.48 1020 0.339 2.60 1.52 0.23 $94.62 $22.21 Regulator 0.257 0.6 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00040 8.48 1020 0.417 1.40 2.01 0.21 $94.62 $19.54 Switch/Disconnect 0.257 0.4 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0 8.48 1020 0.025 3.88 0 0 $94.62 $0.00 Transformer-OH 0.257 0.5 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00002 8.48 1020 0.009 4.39 0.01 0.00 $94.62 $0.16 Wildlife Guard 0.257 1 9CE12F4 MISCELLANEOUS: 0.00114 8.48 1020 0.004 2.38 0.10 0 $94.62 $0.00 SEE REMARKS 0.257 0 9CE12F4 POLE FIRE:Pole 0.00890 8.48 1020 0.230 4.47 79.02 20.31 $94.62 $1,921.59 Fire 0.257 1 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Car Hit Pole0.05447 8.48 1020 0.247 3.03 352.64 0.257 1 90.63 $94.62 $8,575.26 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Fire 0.07263 8.48 1020 0.013 1.54 12.48 0.257 0 0 $94.62 $0.00 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Other 0.03632 8.48 1020 0.040 1.82 22.65 0.257 0.8 4.66 $94.62 $440.69 Page 17 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 ��jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 24 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Outage RO LF CustTotF CIO Do ACOHF UGF MEO Mitigated ClCostF Mitigated Name Reason: (outages/ (mi.) (hrs.) ACOHF AlCostF Subreason yr./mi.) 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Tree 0.00403 8.48 1020 0.074 2.87 7.40 0.257 1 1.90 $94.62 $179.85 9CE12F4 TREE:Service 0.01816 8.48 1020 0.003 2.05 0.81 0.257 1 0.21 $94.62 $19.61 9CE12F4 TREE:Tree Fell 0.01816 8.48 1020 0.099 3.15 49.26 0.257 1 12.66 $94.62 $1,197.90 9CE12F4 TREE:Tree Growth 0 8.48 1020 0.032 1.93 0 0.257 1 0 $94.62 $0.00 9CE12F4 TREE:Weather 0 8.48 1020 0.071 5.63 0 0.257 1 0 $94.62 $0.00 9CE12F4 UNDETERMINED: 0.07263 8.48 1020 0.098 2.10 129.57 30.26 $94.62 $2,863.44 Undetermined 0.257 0.91 9CE12F4 WEATHER:Heat 0.00004 8.48 1020 0.002 7.96 0.00 0.257 0 0 $94.62 $0.00 9CE12F4 WEATHER: 0.01816 8.48 1020 0.070 3.99 44.14 9.07 $94.62 $858.61 Lightning 0.257 0.8 9CE12F4 WEATHER: 0.05447 8.48 1020 0.063 10.29 305.57 78.53 $94.62 $7,430.67 Snow/Ice 0.257 1 9CE12F4 WEATHER:Wildfire 0.00030 8.48 1020 0.497 9.57 12.31 0.257 0.5 1.58 $94.62 $149.61 9CE12F4 WEATHER:Wind 0.10895 8.48 1020 0.074 17.22 1199.99 0.257 1 308.39 $94.62 $29,180.26 Feeder Total 2337.81 582.70 $55,135.41 Table 5. Outage Benefit Analysis Results for Feeders with Proposed Undergrounding Feeder Name* LF (mi.) UGF Mitigated ACOHF ClCostF Mitigated AlCostF 9CE12F4 8.48 0.257 582.70 $94.62 $55,135 9CE12F6 16.99 0.136 4,259.97 $94.62 $403,078 AIR12F1 55.37 0.656 5,062.63 $94.62 $479,026 AIR12F2 13.77 0.353 1,506.36 $94.62 $142,532 AIR12F3 5.61 0.862 150.58 $94.62 $14,247 APW112 13.28 0.136 3,516.24 $127.37 $447,864 APW113 11.86 0.310 2,172.04 $127.37 $276,652 ARD12F2 56.13 0.179 2,312.64 $94.62 $218,822 AVD151 22.72 0.782 23,822.35 $127.37 $3,034,252 AVD152 11.55 0.099 994.38 $127.37 $126,654 BEA12F2 19.28 0.125 3,176.48 $94.65 $300,665 BEA13T09 1.14 0.098 0.07 $94.62 $6 BIG411 14.50 0.556 2,210.56 $127.37 $281,559 BIG412 6.55 0.340 283.23 $127.37 $36,074 BIG413 2.53 0.853 4.04 $127.37 $515 BKR12F1 5.15 0.083 290.16 $94.62 $27,455 BKR12F2 5.59 0.395 53.23 $94.62 $5,036 BKR12F3 11.51 0.185 469.81 $94.62 $44,453 BLA311 32.20 0.756 2,953.94 $125.72 $371,377 BLD12F4 13.00 0.909 6,047.88 $94.62 $572,250 BLD12F5 0.65 0.015 0.00 $94.62 $0 BLD12F6 1.04 0.520 0.31 $94.62 $30 BLU321 59.52 0.251 14,482.21 $127.37 $1,844,599 BLU322 19.51 0.972 13,205.76 $127.37 $1,682,018 BUN423 6.14 0.030 64.47 $127.37 $8,212 BUN424 3.97 0.844 37.04 $127.37 $4,718 BUN426 8.09 0.288 373.04 $127.37 $47,514 CDA123 19.88 0.251 14,327.47 $127.37 $1,824,890 CDA125 15.79 0.079 3,431.42 $127.37 $437,060 CFD1210 14.49 0.609 1,896.81 $94.62 $179,476 CFD1211 27.03 0.406 1,084.76 $94.62 $102,640 CGC331 1.62 0.307 3.48 $127.37 $443 CHE12F1 15.93 0.010 192.48 $94.62 $18,213 CHE121`4 17.86 0.566 8,303.39 $94.62 $785,667 CHW12F2 50.61 0.418 5,324.48 $94.62 $503,802 CHW12F3 93.76 0.207 3,720.09 $94.62 $351,995 CHW12F4 61.28 0.190 2,001.91 $94.62 $189,421 CKF711 33.02 0.549 5,573.93 $127.37 $709,951 CKF712 28.52 0.210 2,055.85 $127.37 $261,854 CLA56 9.95 0.815 19.83 NaN NaN CLV12F2 46.08 0.470 7,635.74 $94.62 $722,493 CLV12F4 53.91 0.376 8,133.53 $94.62 $769,595 CLV34F1 207.44 0.139 12,538.89 $94.62 $1,186,430 Page 18 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 -F--I�jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 25 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Name* LF (mi.) UGF Mitigated ACOHF CICostF Mitigated A/CostF C0B12F1 23.63 0.819 15,611.87 $94.62 $1,477,195 COB12F2 52.05 0.897 14,660.71 $94.62 $1,387,196 COT2401 21.94 0.020 43.63 $127.37 $5,558 CRG1261 40.76 0.008 12.28 $127.37 $1,564 DAL131 19.02 0.479 13,158.38 $127.37 $1,675,982 DAL132 4.87 0.114 1,914.60 $127.37 $243,863 DAL133 12.65 0.748 6,277.74 $127.37 $799,596 DAL135 8.89 0.401 942.86 $127.37 $120,092 DAL136 7.83 0.345 3,697.06 $127.37 $470,895 DEP121`1 61.53 0.747 18,182.61 $94.62 $1,720,439 DEP121`2 43.80 0.516 8,680.69 $94.62 $821,367 DER651 45.28 0.111 922.93 $127.37 $117,554 DER652 35.90 0.370 1,953.12 $127.37 $248,768 DRY1208 11.83 0.351 741.92 $94.62 $70,200 DRY1209 35.78 0.429 443.12 $94.62 $41,928 EFM12F1 44.42 0.609 6,680.21 $95.95 $640,964 EFM12F2 7.52 0.755 519.88 $94.62 $49,191 F&C12F2 11.65 0.331 3,025.45 $94.62 $286,268 FOR121`1 62.83 0.922 3,494.44 $94.62 $330,644 FOR12F2 42.76 0.541 1,350.99 $94.62 $127,831 FWT12F2 12.03 0.036 554.68 $94.62 $52,483 FWT12F3 10.28 0.004 43.78 $94.62 $4,142 GIF12F1 79.53 0.108 1,612.53 $94.62 $152,578 GIF34F1 148.01 0.019 478.84 $94.62 $45,308 GIF34F2 114.86 0.267 9,891.06 $94.62 $935,892 GLN12F1 30.16 0.013 938.96 $94.62 $88,845 GLN12F2 19.78 0.625 11,769.76 $94.62 $1,113,655 GRA12F1 22.87 0.098 997.05 $94.62 $94,340 GRA12F2 31.04 0.690 14,216.81 $94.62 $1,345,194 GRA12F3 10.95 0.014 100.76 $94.62 $9,534 GRN12F1 33.97 0.483 5,723.35 $94.62 $541,543 GRN12F2 42.44 0.764 7,522.00 $94.62 $711,732 GRN12F3 0.36 0.021 0.00 NaN NaN GRV1271 26.16 0.611 1,745.67 $127.37 $222,346 GRV1272 9.06 0.059 50.58 $127.37 $6,442 GRV1273 79.14 0.466 3,028.69 $127.37 $385,765 GRV1274 12.54 0.019 51.30 $127.37 $6,533 H&W12F1 10.78 0.533 87.94 $94.62 $8,321 H&W12F3 32.80 0.702 2,923.11 $94.62 $276,584 HUE141 14.79 0.105 1,632.05 $127.37 $207,875 HUE142 15.84 0.636 8,057.97 $127.37 $1,026,344 IDR251 7.16 0.920 154.89 $127.37 $19,729 IDR253 36.17 0.863 24,637.19 $127.37 $3,138,039 INT12F1 1.59 0.409 994.85 $94.62 $94,133 INT12F2 25.61 0.868 3,150.60 $94.62 $298,110 JUL661 17.01 0.009 10.08 $127.37 $1,284 JUL662 25.94 0.118 139.32 $127.37 $17,745 KAM1291 13.66 0.962 1,486.24 $127.37 $189,302 KAM1292 9.37 0.967 200.89 $127.37 $25,587 KAM1293 14.38 0.774 1,279.15 $127.37 $162,926 KET12F1 2.97 0.899 88.79 $94.62 $8,401 KET12F2 87.66 0.170 3,156.15 $94.62 $298,635 K001298 24.98 0.721 1,076.13 $127.37 $137,066 K001299 24.85 0.793 975.06 $127.37 $124,193 L1312F1 9.54 0.598 30.97 $94.62 $2,931 LIB12F2 11.00 0.494 927.97 $94.62 $87,805 LIB12F3 21.04 0.678 8,693.80 $96.08 $835,314 LOL1266 31.82 0.522 2,091.27 $127.37 $266,365 LOL1359 29.48 0.137 1,024.88 $127.37 $130,539 L0012F1 25.45 0.654 3,950.77 $94.62 $373,821 L0012F2 22.09 0.863 3,568.88 $94.62 $337,688 LTF34F1 77.21 0.411 2,464.67 $94.62 $233,207 M15514 24.37 0.075 3,023.79 $127.37 $385,141 M15515 18.87 0.035 238.84 $126.70 $30,261 M23621 28.29 0.038 162.04 $127.37 $20,639 MEA12F1 8.01 0.266 1,200.18 $94.62 $113,561 MEA12F2 14.66 0.897 8,172.88 $94.62 $773,318 MEA12F3 5.72 0.328 78.74 $94.62 $7,451 Page 19 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 -F--I�jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 26 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Name* LF (mi.) UGF Mitigated ACOHF CICostF Mitigated AICostF MIL12F3 12.12 0.224 1,718.96 $94.62 $162,648 MIS431 68.33 0.045 1,138.92 $127.37 $145,064 MLN12F1 45.06 0.958 9,635.73 $94.62 $911,732 MLN12F2 39.82 0.977 9,730.13 $94.62 $920,665 NE12F3 27.51 0.305 4,497.34 $94.62 $425,539 NE12F4 21.81 0.129 1,091.80 $94.62 $103,307 NRC351 2.31 0.227 2.33 $127.37 $296 NW12F1 16.14 0.445 5,401.95 $94.62 $511,133 NW12F2 12.11 0.324 4,987.15 $94.62 $471,884 NW12F3 13.79 0.178 2,475.91 $94.62 $234,271 ODN731 44.95 0.467 14,347.82 $127.37 $1,827,482 ODN732 14.39 0.305 585.89 $127.37 $74,625 OLD721 33.84 0.901 7,638.61 $127.28 $972,273 OR112F1 60.14 0.635 7,573.39 $94.62 $716,595 OR112F2 5.38 0.867 205.04 $94.62 $19,401 OR112F3 93.55 0.237 8,236.34 $94.62 $779,323 OR01280 8.53 0.964 2,104.35 $127.37 $268,031 OR01281 28.19 0.651 3,084.71 $127.37 $392,900 OR01282 13.78 0.573 1,039.14 $127.37 $132,355 OSB521 16.48 0.260 1,542.81 $127.37 $196,508 OSB522 6.35 0.813 9.89 $127.37 $1,259 PDL1202 15.95 0.039 357.99 $94.62 $33,873 PDL1203 17.86 0.096 537.48 $94.62 $50,857 PDL1204 8.55 0.724 509.82 $94.62 $48,239 PF212 10.37 0.023 180.41 $127.37 $22,979 PF213 14.00 0.146 1,412.45 $127.37 $179,904 PIN441 19.60 0.286 4,279.37 $127.37 $545,064 PIN442 8.23 0.422 780.19 $127.37 $99,372 PIN443 48.81 0.325 10,072.47 $127.37 $1,282,931 PRA221 6.86 0.111 160.02 $127.37 $20,382 PRA222 11.67 0.077 1,172.34 $127.37 $149,320 PRV751 12.31 0.709 1,976.77 $127.37 $251,781 PRV752 53.63 0.674 13,329.75 $127.37 $1,697,811 PVW241 21.76 0.461 3,541.34 $127.14 $450,258 PVW243 1.87 0.574 8.19 $127.37 $1,043 RAT233 66.24 0.755 47,014.80 $127.37 $5,988,275 RDN12F1 79.88 0.069 257.17 $94.62 $24,333 RDN12F2 72.66 0.057 104.45 $94.62 $9,883 SAG741 51.72 0.606 28,906.30 $127.37 $3,681,796 SAG742 29.75 0.676 18,356.61 $127.37 $2,338,081 SE12F2 19.04 0.534 9,598.86 $94.62 $908,244 SE12F4 10.99 0.206 4,290.51 $94.62 $405,968 SE12F6 5.49 0.113 58.46 $94.62 $5,532 SIP12F3 3.91 0.058 3.18 $94.62 $301 SIP12F4 20.67 0.050 577.10 $94.62 $54,605 SLK12F1 41.96 0.558 3,599.40 $94.62 $340,575 SLK121`2 40.70 0.233 2,397.83 $94.62 $226,883 SLK12F3 17.48 0.820 154.71 $94.62 $14,638 SLW1348 5.31 0.694 629.69 $127.37 $80,203 SLW1358 14.64 0.077 358.75 $127.37 $45,694 SLW1368 10.38 0.267 923.22 $108.10 $99,798 SOT521 15.54 0.188 825.79 $94.62 $78,136 SOT523 66.75 0.150 852.44 $94.62 $80,658 SPI12F1 70.20 0.047 404.41 $94.62 $38,266 SPL361 24.67 0.530 15,946.81 $127.37 $2,031,145 SPT4S21 37.33 0.759 28,279.23 $127.37 $3,601,926 SPT4S23 22.71 0.059 1,497.89 $127.37 $190,786 STM631 50.15 0.576 30,549.00 $127.33 $3,889,751 STM633 63.17 0.129 4,348.90 $127.37 $553,919 STM634 54.92 0.094 538.66 $127.37 $68,609 SUN12F1 12.85 0.053 4,290.49 $94.62 $405,966 SUN12F2 26.59 0.811 15,114.56 $94.62 $1,430,140 SUN12F4 24.03 0.458 5,017.56 $94.62 $474,761 SUN12F5 40.49 0.763 5,302.42 $94.62 $501,715 SWT2403 34.11 0.283 735.56 $127.37 $93,689 TEN1253 4.85 0.058 18.65 $127.37 $2,376 TEN1254 15.86 0.106 345.71 $127.37 $44,034 TEN1255 13.28 0.100 779.63 $127.37 $99,302 Page 20 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 27 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Name* LF (mi.) UGF Mitigated ACOHF CICostF Mitigated A/CostF TEN1256 16.98 0.290 587.35 $127.37 $74,810 TEN1257 17.86 0.089 338.27 $127.37 $43,085 VAL121`1 111.85 0.469 16,030.68 $94.62 $1,516,823 VAL12F2 30.00 0.560 2,034.90 $94.62 $192,542 VAL12F3 29.30 0.532 4,615.51 $94.62 $436,720 WAK12F1 10.44 0.589 28,438.44 $94.62 $2,690,845 WAK12F2 11.94 0.374 1,852.77 $94.62 $175,309 WAK12F3 10.08 0.133 1,200.69 $94.62 $113,609 WAK12F4 15.86 0.901 7,061.93 $94.62 $668,200 WAL542 13.55 0.115 167.31 $127.37 $21,310 WAL543 37.33 0.062 366.10 $127.37 $46,630 WAL544 12.86 0.595 1,066.57 $127.37 $135,850 WAL545 13.37 0.222 763.66 $127.37 $97,268 WAS781 34.93 0.106 63.78 $94.62 $6,035 WE11289 42.76 0.325 1,674.90 $127.37 $213,332 WIL12F2 90.56 0.009 33.96 $94.62 $3,213 Total 834,738.99 $92,801,089 'NaN results indicate that input data was not available for the feeder 60 50 40 LL a� a� 30 a� E n Z 20 10 0 OM 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M Mitigated Interruption Cost($)/Year Figure 5. Distribution of mitigated interruption costs per year for 195 feeders with proposed undergrounding. Outage Direct Costs The purpose of this analysis is to determine the direct costs related to resolving outages (and the associated failures) for OH feeders that would be mitigated by undergrounding. The procedure to determine the mitigated failures and outages' direct cost is described as follows: Page 21 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 �j �jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 JJ V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 28 of 61 October 30, 2024 1. Avista provided the straight time rate (STR) of$1,077.49/hr. associated with resolving outages. This rate considers the typical composition of one work crew and assumes that only one crew is deployed for an outage. In reality, the number of crews can be greater than one. 2. It is assumed that the crew is deployed for the duration of the outage. 3. The annual direct cost of outages that is mitigated (on a feeder) is calculated by summing the reduced direct costs associated with all outage reasons and subreasons, and is termed Mitigated ADCostF, which is calculated as follows: Ototal Mitigated ADCostF = Y, MEo RF,o UGLF Do STR 0=1 Where ototal is the number of outage reason and subreason combinations, ME, is the mitigation effectiveness (proportion) of undergrounding to reduce outages for the outage reason and subreason combination, RF,o is the feeder specific or system-wide outage rate (outages/yr./mi.) for the feeder and outage reason and subreason combination, UGLF is the length of the feeder that is to be undergrounded, and Do is the average outage duration (hrs.) for the outage reason and subreason combination. MEo, RF,o, and Do were calculated as part of the outage benefit analysis and shown in Table 2 and Table 3. The results of the failures and outages direct cost analysis are shown in Table 6 and Figure 6. Table 6 shows an example of the calculation for one feeder, and Figure 7 shows the distribution of the mitigated direct cost for 195 feeders with proposed undergrounding. Table 6. Example Mitigated Annual Direct Cost Calculation for a Feeder Feeder Outage Reason: MEo RF,o UGLF Do STR Mitigated ADCostF Name Subreason (outages/ (mi.) (hrs.) ($/hr.) yr./mi.) 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Bird 1 0.01816 2.18 1.69 $1,077.49 $72.20 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Other 1 0.00327 2.18 1.88 $1,077.49 $14.42 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Protected 1 0.00018 2.18 1.60 $1,077.49 $0.68 9CE12F4 ANIMAL:Squirrel 1 0.03632 2.18 1.46 $1,077.49 $124.18 9CE12F4 COMPANY:Other 0.5 0.01059 2.18 1.39 $1,077.49 $17.23 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0 2.18 2.05 $1,077.49 $0.00 Arrester 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0.00018 2.18 2.38 $1,077.49 $0.80 Capacitor 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0.01047 2.18 3.24 $1,077.49 $63.65 Conductor-Pri 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0.03632 2.18 2.01 $1,077.49 $136.98 Conductor-Sec 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0 2.18 2.61 $1,077.49 $0.00 Connector-Pri 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0.00828 2.18 1.82 $1,077.49 $28.24 Connector-Sec 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0.00164 2.18 3.15 $1,077.49 $12.09 Crossarm-rotten 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OR 0 2.18 2.29 $1,077.49 $0.00 Cutout/Fuse 1 Page 22 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 -F--I�jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 29 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder Outage Reason: ME, RF,,, UGLF Do STR Mitigated ADCostF Name Subreason (outages/ (mi.) (hrs.) ($/hr.) yr./mi.) 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00247 2.18 2.92 $1,077.49 $13.55 Insulator 0.8 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00142 2.18 2.86 $1,077.49 $9.52 Insulator Pin 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0 5 0.00373 2.18 2.30 $1,077.49 $10.08 Oer9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00112 2.18 4.59 $1,077.49 $12.03 Pole-rotten 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00030 2.18 2.38 $1,077.49 $1.68 Recloser 1 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00020 2.18 2.60 $1,077.49 $0.73 Regulator 0.6 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00040 2.18 1.40 $1,077.49 $0.52 Switch/Disconnect 0.4 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0 2.18 3.88 $1,077.49 $0.00 Transformer-OH 0.5 9CE12F4 EQUIPMENT OH: 0.00002 2.18 4.39 $1,077.49 $0.21 Wildlife Guard 1 9CE12F4 MISCELLANEOUS: 0.00114 2.18 2.38 $1,077.49 $0.00 SEE REMARKS 0 9CE12F4 POLE FIRE:Pole Fire 1 0.00890 2.18 4.47 $1,077.49 $93.33 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Car Hit Pole 1 0.05447 2.18 3.03 $1,077.49 $387.16 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Fire 0 0.07263 2.18 1.54 $1,077.49 $0.00 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Other 0.8 0.03632 2.18 1.82 $1,077.49 $124.10 9CE12F4 PUBLIC:Tree 1 0.00403 2.18 2.87 $1,077.49 $27.12 9CE12F4 TREE:Service 1 0.01816 2.18 2.05 $1,077.49 $87.27 9CE12F4 TREE:Tree Fell 1 0.01816 2.18 3.15 $1,077.49 $134.45 9CE12F4 TREE:Tree Growth 1 0 2.18 1.93 $1,077.49 $0.00 9CE12F4 TREE:Weather 1 0 2.18 5.63 $1,077.49 $0.00 9CE12F4 UNDETERMINED: 0.07263 2.18 2.10 $1,077.49 $325.34 Undetermined 0.91 9CE12F4 WEATHER: Heat 0 0.00004 2.18 7.96 $1,077.49 $0.00 9CE12F4 WEATHER: Lightning 0.8 0.01816 2.18 3.99 $1,077.49 $136.11 9CE12F4 WEATHER:Snow/Ice 1 0.05447 2.18 10.29 $1,077.49 $1,315.63 9CE12F4 WEATHER:Wildfire 0.5 0.00030 2.18 9.57 $1,077.49 $3.36 9CE12F4 WEATHER:Wind 1 0.10895 2.18 17.22 $1,077.49 $4,405.51 Feeder Total $7,558.15 Page 23 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 _F__1�jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 30 of 61 October 30, 2024 35 30 25 i 20 E 15 Z 10 5 0 OK 50K 100K 150K 200K 250K 300K 350K 400K Mitigated Direct Cost($)/Year Figure 6. Distribution of mitigated direct costs per year for 195 feeders with proposed undergrounding. Operations and Maintenance Exponent calculated the change in Operations and Maintenance ("O&M") costs associated with each undergrounding project associated with vegetation management and other O&M costs. Vegetation Management Avista provided Exponent with vegetation management costs for each feeder from January 2020 to August 2024 (4.67 years), which we understand does not include administrative costs (representing around 10% of the total cost for vegetation management). We understand that Avista's vegetation management program runs on a 5-year cycle, in addition to yearly spend, thus the data does not quite represent a full cycle of costs. Lacking further information, Exponent proceeded on the basis that the available data is approximately representative of the costs for vegetation management for each feeder. To determine the change in costs for vegetation management stemming from the underground projects, Exponent performed the following steps: 1. The average cost per year is calculated for each feeder. The value is divided by 0.9 to include administrative costs. Page 24 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E/Yj rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 31 of 61 October 30, 2024 2. The average cost per year per mile for each feeder is calculated by dividing the average cost per year for a feeder by the length of the feeder. 3. For feeders without vegetation management cost data, it is assumed that cost per year per mile is equal to the overall average cost per year per mile across all feeders (considering that feeders have different lengths). Figure 7 shows a histogram of the cost per mile per year for vegetation management for each feeder. The average is around $1,900/year/mile. 4. It is assumed that undergrounding is 100% effective at reducing vegetation management costs. 5. The annual benefit associated with vegetation management, for a feeder, is calculated as the vegetation management cost per mile per year multiplied by the length of the feeder that is to be undergrounded, multiplied by the mitigation effectiveness of undergrounding for vegetation management(100%). 300 250 243 200 LA a, tea, 150 a) U 100 50 32 0 QQQ� QQQ� QQQ� QQQ� QQQ� QQQ� QQQ� QQQ QQQN \QQQ QQQ QQ QQ QQ (ONQ Q Q Average Cost/Year/Mile Figure 7. Histogram of vegetation management costs per year per mile for each feeder. Page 25 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E/Vj TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 32 of 61 October 30, 2024 Other O&M Avista provided Exponent with O&M costs from 2019 through 2023 (5 years), omitting vegetation management costs, for both their current approximately 7,700 line miles of overhead feeder(approximately $67 million) and approximately 5,000 line miles of underground feeder (approximately $3.8 million). Costs were not apportioned to feeders. The change in O&M costs (non-vegetation management) is determined as follows: 1. The O&M cost per year per mile for both overhead and underground is calculated on a system-wide basis. The average cost per year per mile for overhead is approximately $1,700, and the average cost per year per mile for underground is approximately $150. The large difference in yearly O&M costs per mile is likely because the underground sections are newer than the overhead sections. This bias will continue to exist, however, as underground sections replace overhead sections. 2. The change in yearly cost for a feeder when undergrounding is implemented is calculated by multiplying the length of the undergrounding segment by the difference in yearly cost per mile between underground and overhead sections. Wildfire Losses The purpose of this analysis is to determine the benefit due to reduced losses from Avista-caused wildfires, in terms of dollars, associated with undergrounding different feeders. Losses associated with wildfires are typically expressed in terms of dollars, consisting of contributions from deaths, structures burned, and acres burned. To date, Avista has not conducted analyses to determine the expected deaths, structures burned, and acres burned for fires started at various points in their system, or studies of the probability of ignitions occurring at various points in their system. However, Avista has performed a relative risk analysis of the consequences of ignitions occurring at different locations on their system and spreading 3 miles in every direction from different locations on their system, each identified by a hex (Figure 8). That analysis considers local conditions such as vegetation, structure density, and population density. Relative risk scores are expressed in terms of ratio to the average consequence of all hexes in Avista's system. These risk scores are calculated for hexes along Avista's entire system. Each hex also contains a percentage of the area that is treed. Page 26 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 33 of 61 October 30, 2024 Hex for Proposed UG Hex for Current OH and UG J_ — Proposed UG — Current OH Current UG Ink r 4 1' d s Figure 8. Example Hexes from Avista's Consequence Analysis. In the absence of Avista-specific consequence data that can be translated into dollars, and the associated probabilities, Exponent has developed a methodology that leverages data from FEMA's National Risk Index' to determine reductions in losses associated with Avista-caused wildfires when undergrounding is implemented on selected feeders. FEMA's National Risk Index estimates the risk due to a variety of natural hazards, including wildfires. That risk is expressed in terms of Expected Annual Loss (EAL), considering building value, population, and agricultural value. The EAL is in units of dollars of loss per year associated with a particular hazard in a particular census tract. FEMA calculates the EAL using an equation that combines values for exposure, annualized frequency, and historical loss ratios for each of 18 hazard types. EALs are calculated for each census tract level in the United States. Exponent has used the EAL for wildfire as a basis for calculating financial losses associated with Avista-caused wildfires. The FEMA EAL's for wildfire include losses associated with both utility-caused and non-utility- caused wildfires. While there is no definitive information regarding the proportion of wildfire ' https:Hhazards.fema.gov/nri/map Page 27 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 �j x TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 J� V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 34 of 61 October 30, 2024 losses that are from utility-caused wildfires, an auditor's report2 in California estimated that 19% of acres burned in California between 2016 and 2020 were from electric utility-caused wildfires (Figure 9). On that basis, Exponent has assumed that 19% of the EAL from FEMA's NRI data can be attributed to electric utility-caused wildfires. It must be recognized that there is uncertainty associated with this value and there is likely to be significant fluctuation from year to year and region to region. WILDFIRES WILDFIRES CAUSED BY ELECTRICAL POWER MACRISBURNED 2016 2,816 245,000 270 10% 3,000 1% 2017 3,470 467,000 408 12 250,000 54 2018 3,504 1,063,000 297 8 247,000 23 2019 3,086 130,000 304 10 84,000 65 2020 3501 1,459,000 335 10 59,000 4 Totals 16,377 3,364,000 1,614 10% 643,000 19% Source: Cal Fire's Wildfire Activity Statistics reports,2016 through 2020. Note: These data consist primarily of wildfire incidents within the Cal Fire direct protection area responded to by Cal Fire personnel. Figure 9. Proportion of wildfires and acres burned in California caused by electric power from 2016 to 2020. The EAL from census tracts must also be apportioned to specific feeders being considered for undergrounding. The procedure to determine how to apportion the EAL from a census tract to a feeder is as follows: 1. The expected annual loss due to wildfires in the census tract, from FEMA's NRI, is termed EALi, where i indicates the census tract. 2. The proportion of losses within the census tract that are attributed to electric utility- caused wildfires is termed PU, and is assumed to be 0.19. 3. The proportion of the census tract that is in Avista service territory is calculated via a GIS overlay of Avista's service territory with a GIS map of the census tracts. The variable is termed PA1. This recognizes that a census tract may contain multiple electric utility operators, all of whom likely contribute to the wildfire risk. As specific information is not known about the consequences of wildfires caused by other utilities, a simplifying assumption was made that the losses attributed to Avista would be based on the proportion of the census tract that is Avista service territory. 4. As there can be multiple feeders within a census tract, and only portions of feeders are typically undergrounded, the wildfire losses must be apportioned to each hex within the census tract. This is done by calculating a weighting factor, WFh, for each hex within the 2 California State Auditor Report 2021-117 Page 28 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 35 of 61 October 30, 2024 census tract. The weighting factor each hex is based on a combination of the risk score for the hex, RSh, and a proxy for the probability of ignition based on a combination of the average wood pole failure rate within the hex and an estimate of the tree failures in the hex. The average wood pole failure rate within the hex is expressed as, 1.f,h, and its calculation is described in the next section. In the absence of more precise data on tree- induced ignitions, the tree failure rate, tf,h, is estimated as the ratio of tree-induced outages on the feeder to wind outages on the feeder multiplied by the A1f,h, and then multiplied by the ratio of the percentage of the hex that is treed to the average percentage treed of all hexes on the feeder. It is recognized that this is not an actual tree-induced ignition rate but is merely a mechanism for considering the likelihood of tree-induced ignitions relative to wood pole failure-induced ignitions. _ tree outage on feeder % Treed in Hex tf,h wind outages on feeder X �f'h X Avg. % Treed on Feeder 5. The weighting factor for the hex is calculated by multiplying the risk score for the hex by the sum of the average wood pole failure rate and the estimated tree failure rate. WFh = [Af h + tf,h] X RSh An emphasis is placed on tree and pole failure as these tend to occur in windier conditions, and dry, windy conditions are conducive to wildfire ignitions in general and larger wildfires in particular. Weighting factors are determined in this way for each hex within the census tract. 6. It is assumed that if a section of a feeder has been undergrounded, the contribution to the wildfire losses is zero, as it is highly unlikely that there will be a large wildfire caused by an undergrounded segment. 7. Within a census tract, losses are apportioned to the section of a particular feeder that is a candidate to be undergrounded by summing the weighting factors for all hexer on that feeder within the census tract that are in sections to be undergrounded and dividing by the sum of the weighting factors for all hexes within the census tract. As losses are being determined on a feeder-by-feeder basis, the weighting factor for each hex must also be weighted by the proportion of the hex that belongs to the particular feeder, PFh. This value is typically 1; however, some hexes contain multiple feeders. This apportionment factor is termed, PMf,i. PMf, ZUG zone WFh X PFh i = census tract i WFh If the entirety of Avista's lines within a census tract were to be undergrounded, the sum of PMf,i for all feeders in the census tract would be equal to 1. 8. It is assumed that wildfire losses associated with any sections to be undergrounded are 100%mitigated by the undergrounding. Page 29 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 36 of 61 October 30, 2024 9. The expected annual mitigated losses due to Avista-caused wildfires for a feeder, EALf,,,,, are calculated by summing, for all census tracts that contain the feeder, the apportionment factor for the feeder in the census tract multiplied by the EAL for the census tract and the proportion of the census tract that is Avista service territory, and multiplying that summation by the proportion of losses that are assumed to be caused by electric utilities. EAL f,m = PU PMf,iEALIPAi all census tracts,i, containing feeder,f 10. This process is repeated to determine the mitigated wildfire losses for all feeders that Avista has identified as candidates for undergrounding. Wood Poles Failure Rates Overview of Methodology As part of Exponent's evaluation of losses associated with wildfires, Exponent used average pole failure rates within hexes to weight hexes for apportioning losses from census tract data. This section details the methodology used to estimate failure rates for individual wood poles. The following data was available for individual wood poles:3 - Pole class - Pole location (latitude/longitude) - Installation date and/or year manufactured - Pole top condition qualitative ranking (Do nothing, needs further review, replace pole) - Shell rot condition qualitative ranking (New, good, fair, bad, immediate attention required) - Remaining strength (as a percentage of new pole strength) - Cross arm condition qualitative ranking (New, good, fair,bad, immediate attention required) Exponent performed a quantitative risk analysis ("QRA")to determine the annual failure rate of each wood pole. The concept within QRA is that vulnerability is determined numerically based on data and via mathematical and scientific analysis. This method is in contrast to qualitative risk analysis, whereby the relative risk of components is determined by expert opinion and 3 Some poles do not have all these data field populated. Page 30 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 37 of 61 October 30, 2024 experience without the same mathematical rigor. Exponent has used a methodology called Performance-Based Engineering ("PBE") to perform this assessment. As part of this methodology, the concepts of hazard curves and fragility curves play pivotal roles in quantifying the relationship between the hazard intensity and the vulnerability of different components. The hazard curve illustrates the rate of exceeding a given level of load intensity, e.g., the frequency that the 3-second wind gust is expected to exceed a certain speed. The fragility curve defines the likelihood of exceeding some predefined damage state (i.e.,failure) at a corresponding hazard intensity, e.g., the probability of wood pole failure given a-second wind gust speed. Sample hazard and fragility curves for wind are shown in Figure 10. The hazard and fragility functions can be combined to calculate the annual rate, /., at which the unwanted outcomes are expected to occur(i.e., the frequency of failures, or failure rate, for short). In this report, Exponent refers to this integration as the Probability Framework Equation. For low exceedance frequencies, the annual rate approximates the annual probability of failure. The annual exceedance frequency, annual failure rate, and annual probability of failure are often used synonymously in this context and, while not exactly the same, are normally very close for practical ranges of failure probabilities. The Probability Framework Equation is: 00 A = f P(f Jim) I d1 dh dim 0 Where p(f I im) is the probability of an outcome f conditioned on the intensity of the hazard im, dh dim I is the absolute value of the derivative of the hazard curve (i.e., the slope of the hazard curve), and the integration is performed over all possible intensities of hazards. In other words, the Probability Framework Equation is the integration of the fragility curve with the derivative of the hazard curve. Page 31 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 38 of 61 October 30, 2024 1.00E+03 \ 1 c 1.00E+01 0.9 f6 0.8 v 1.00E-01 y u 0.7 x — w 1.00E-03 16 0.6 LL o w 0 u 1.00E-05 >0.5 C Y d — v 1.00E-07 0.4 v a 2 0.3 1.00E-09 a 0.2 c Qc 1.00E-11 0.1 1.00E-13 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 3-Second Gust Windspeed[m/s] 3-Second Gust Windspeed[m/s] Figure 10. Sample hazard curve (left) and fragility curve (right). Hazard Curves Hazard data was acquired from the Applied Technology Council's hazard tool,'which yields wind speeds corresponding to mean recurrence intervals ("MRI", also referred to as "return periods") for 10, 25, 50, 100, 300, 700, 1700, and 3000 years. American Society of Civil Engineers ("ASCE")hazard tools shows contour maps for certain recurrence intervals, reproduced for 300-year and 700-year wind speeds in Figure 11 and Figure 12, respectively. It is seen that there is no significant variation in wind speeds corresponding to a particular MRI in Eastern Washington and Western Idaho (i.e., Avista's service territory). There is some,but not significant, variation in wind hazard curves across Avista's service territory. Exponent therefore acquired baseline wind speed MRIs for several sites spaced out geographically within Avista's service territory using the available hazard tools, and then interpolated to determine the MRI parameters at the location of each individual pole. Finally, for each pole, a Gumbel hazard curve, using the below equation, was fit to the wind speed MRI data. 1 h(im) — ( M-loc 1 — e-e scale Where h is the probability of exceedance of 3-second gust speed, im, and loc and scale are the location and scale parameters of the Gumbel distribution, respectively. Figure 13 shows an example hazard curve fit to MRI wind speed data. 4 https:Hhazards.atcouncil.org/ 5 https:Hascehazardtool.org/ Page 32 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 Ex TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 39 of 61 October 30, 2024 ' Wes'N pan w J'A 2 d Figure 11. Contours from ASCE Hazard Tool for 300- year wind speed. ,A Figure 12. Contours from ASCE Hazard Tool for 700- year wind speed. Page 33 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 xTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 JJ V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 40 of 61 October 30, 2024 100 >, 10-1 c� 0 L 102 U (B N U x 10-3 w c c Q 104 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 3-Second Wind Gust Speed [mph] Figure 13. Example wind speed hazard curve and underlying MRI data. Fragility Curves Baseline (notional) new pole fragility curve Fragility curves are typically defined by lognormal cumulative distribution functions with median, µ, and dispersion, f3, parameters: p(f d im) = 1 2 1 + erf(In im im fl — µ Where im is the value of the intensity measure, e.g., 3-second wind gust speed, and p(f I im) is the probability of failure of the asset at that value of im. The median corresponds to the wind speed at which half of poles would fail. The dispersion parameter will be lower when there is less uncertainty in the strength of the pole, and higher when there is more uncertainty surrounding the strength of the pole. For example, all else being equal, strength estimates for an older pole will be less certain due to an uncertain rate of degradation, thus reflected in a higher dispersion parameter. Higher dispersion reduces the steepness of the fragility curve. Page 34 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 �j �jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 JJ V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 41 of 61 October 30, 2024 Either decreased capacity or increased uncertainty(dispersion) will cause the probability of failure in practical ranges of hazard intensity to increase, thereby increasing the calculated vulnerability associated with that asset. For instance, wood poles can decay over time, thus reducing their structural capacity. However, we lose confidence in a wood pole's capacity to resist wind as the pole approaches the end of its design life, even if it is in visually good condition. Strength reduction shifts the bell curve model of capacity to the left, and increased uncertainty (higher standard deviation) causes it to fatten. As an example, consider the results of strength tests of new and existing poles conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (Figure 14). The strength distribution of older wood poles has shifted the bell curve to the left, while increased variability(uncertainty) is illustrated by the fattening of the curve. —poles of average age 30 years —new poles T C W 7 W I I I I 0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 Groundline Strength(psi) Figure 14. Loss of strength and increased dispersion as wood poles age (from EPRI, 1986). Fragility curves can be estimated through detailed engineering analysis, experimentation, review of historical data, or, in the absence of information, expert consensus. It is expected that the fragility curve will be different for poles of different classes or ages. Wood poles are designed (or classed)based on environmental loads from wind, ice, or wind concurrent with ice accretion. In addition,wood poles are most often replaced or strengthened because their capacity to resist wind has degraded such that they can no longer bear loads prescribed by design standards. Estimating the fragility function median strength parameter for each individual overhead structure asset would require either knowing the loads to which it was designed or performing sag-tension calculations, both of which would require substantial research and/or calculation. For the purposes of this study,which is aimed at providing approximate estimates of failure rates for the purposes of apportioning wildfire losses between hexes, Exponent estimates a fragility curve Page 35 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 42 of 61 October 30, 2024 for each wood pole as if it were a new asset (notional fragility) based on failure rates described in the technical literature. The fragilities are then adjusted based on the wind hazard curve at individual poles and based on the pole's remaining strength, shell rot condition code, or age. The median strength used for the notional fragilities of wood poles has been informed by reliability-based design targets provided by publicly available technical literature. One such document is Reliability-Based Design of Transmission Line Structures: Final Report, Publication EL-4793 by the Electric Power Research Institute. Based on calibration studies, the document provides a range of target reliability indices ranging from 2.7 to 3.2. Similarly, Reliability-based Design of Utility Pole Structures, a 2006 publication by the American Society of Civil Engineers, suggests an annual failure rate of 0.00046 (based on a 50-year reliability index of 2.0) for existing wood poles. Based on engineering judgement, this lower reliability index(2.0) is adopted for the notional new wood pole fragility curve, recognizing that it is intended for poles that have been in service because a) in our experience, wood poles fail more frequently than steel structures, even when in almost new condition, and b)the potential for under-build, which can increase the wind load beyond the design intent. Specifically, the new pole dispersion parameter is estimated to be 0.3, based on engineering judgement, and the new pole median at a particular location, is back-calculated from the Probability Framework Equation. Every pole, when new, will thus have the same initial failure rate (and dispersion), but varying median because of the different hazard curves at each site. Modifying fragility curve to account for condition The notional fragility curve for each pole is modified to account for observational data and the age of the pole. The hierarchy for modification is as follows: 1. Where pole remaining strength data is provided, the new pole strength is multiplied by the remaining strength parameter, RS, which can theoretically range from 0 to 100%. Because the wood pole fragility curves relate wind speed to the probability of failure, and wind force is proportional to wind speed squared, the modification to the median of the fragility curve is modified as follows: Padjusted — Ynew RS 2. Where pole remaining strength data is not provided, but the shell rot condition code is provided, the remaining strength is estimated based on the condition code. Shell rot condition code is used for this purpose instead of pole top condition code because the shell rot condition code is a better proxy for the likelihood of groundline failure due to wind loading. Review of the relationship between remaining strength data, where provided, and the shell rot condition code of the same pole did not reveal a consistent trend. Thus, the mapping of shell rot condition code to assumed remaining strength assumes that poles with a condition code of"new"will have a remaining strength of 1, and poles classified as Page 36 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 IX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 43 of 61 October 30, 2024 "immediate attention required"will have a remaining strength of 0.67.E The remaining strength corresponding to "good," "fair," and"bad" are interpolated between the "new" and "immediate attention required"remaining strength values, as indicated in Table 7. Table 7. Assumed remaining strength for different shell rot conditions. Shell Rot Condition Code Remaining Strength Parameter New 1 Good 0.9175 Fair 0.835 Bad 0.7525 Immediate Attention Required 0.67 3. Where a pole does not have a remaining strength value or a shell rot condition code, the age of the pole is used to estimate the remaining strength. Figure 15 shows a histogram of pole ages for each shell rot condition code. As expected, poles with condition code "new" are mostly young (between 0 and 15 years old), and as the condition code progresses to good, fair, bad, and immediate attention required, the typical ages increases. It is notable that a number of young poles have lower condition codes,potentially due to infant mortality. Based on a review of the data, a mapping between age, and remaining strength, shown in Table 8 and plotted in Figure 16, was developed and is used where only age information is available about a pole. 6 This aligns with guidance in California's G.O.95 that poles must be replaced when they have lost one third of their original strength. Page 37 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 44 of 61 October 30, 2024 3500 Histograms of Ages by SHELLROT DESCRIPTION 0 BAD 0 FAIR 3000 0 GOOD OIMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED ONEW 2500 2000 c 0 U 1500 1000 500 0 Loll.. . . . . . =�f=L F ! 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Age Figure 15. Histogram of wood pole ages for each shell rot condition code. Table 8. Mapping of Age to Remaining Strength Age Range Remaining Strength 0to7years 1 7 to 31 years 1 — (age — 7) (1 —0.9175) 31 - 7 31 to50years 0.9175 — (age —31) 0.9175 — 0.835( 50 - 31 ) 0.9175 — 0.835 > 50 years 0.835 — (age— 50)( 50 — 31 ) Page 38 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 45 of 61 October 30, 2024 1 0.9 m 0.8 m E 0.7 CU M 0.6 a) 0.5 L ll+^� vJ o) 0.4 E 0.3 a) Of 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Age [years] Figure 16. Estimate of Remaining Strength as a function of age; used in the absence of shell rot condition code or explicit measurement of remaining strength. The dispersion parameter, (3, is also assumed to be age-dependent, to account for the fact that there is more certainty in new wood pole strength than in older wood pole strength. The steps to determine the age-dependent value of/3 are as follows: 1. The new pole dispersion value is termed/lo and is assumed to be equal to 0.3. 2. The new-pole fragility curve median, µn,e, is back-calculated based on(lo, and assumed new pole failure rate discussed previously, and the hazard curve for the site. 3. The fragility curve median at the end of life, µEOL, is assumed to be 2/3 of the new pole median. 4. The failure rate at the end of life, AEOL, is estimated using the Probability Framework Equation with the hazard curve for the site, µEOL, and(3o. 5. An intermediate dispersion value, /30, is back-calculated using the hazard curve for the site, AEOL, and µnew 6. A rate of change parameter, p, between the new pole dispersion, flo, and the maximum dispersion, is calculated as follows, assuming the maximum Page 39 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 46 of 61 October 30, 2024 value the dispersion parameter will ever take (extremely old pole) is l3r„ax = 0.5, C = 0.2, and the Design Life of the poleR F' is 80 years. In (~max — D) _ C P Design Lide 7. The value of/3 at any age is calculated as follows: ll(age) _ fl .ax — C - eP age Figure 17 shows the dispersion value for a wood pole of various ages ranging between 0 and 150 years at an example location. 0.42 0.4 0.38 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.3 0 50 100 150 Age [years] Figure 17. Example relationship between pole age and fragility curve dispersion parameter, X Page 40 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 -F--I�jrM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 t. V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 47 of 61 October 30, 2024 Calculated Wood Pole Failure Rates Figure 18 shows a histogram of estimated pole annual failure rates. x 104 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 c 0 2.5 U 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Annual Failure Rate Figure 18. Histogram of estimated wood pole annual failure rates. Calculating Benefit-Cost Ratios Benefit-cost ratios are calculated for individual feeders based on the cost of undergrounding sections of that feeder and the calculated benefits associated with undergrounding. The benefits are calculated for the current system configuration. It is unknown when each project will be undertaken, and information is not available on vulnerabilities in future years, e.g., changing wildfire consequences, thus all analysis is performed as if the project will be undertaken immediately, and that benefits are the same in the future year as in the current year(adjusted for the time-value of money, using the discount rate). The annual benefit in year zero for feeder i, Bi,o, is calculated as the sum of benefits from the various analysis components for that feeder: Page 41 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 IX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 48 of 61 October 30, 2024 Bi,0 = 0&M (non — veg.) + 0&M(veg) + Outage Customer Impact + Outage Repair + Wildfire In future year y, measured from today, the annual benefit for feeder i, Bi,y, considering the discount rate, d, is calculated as: _ Bi,O Bi,y (1 + d)y The benefit-cost ratio for each feeder, BCRi, is calculated as follows: n BCRi = y=1 Bi,y Ci Where Ci is the cost of the undergrounding project on feeder i, assumed to be incurred immediately and n is the expected useful life of the underground segment. Avista estimates that the expected useful life of the undergrounding projects is 98 years, while the economic book life is 55 years. Exponent has therefore used the average value of 76.5 years in calculations of benefit cost ratios. It is common to assume two different values of the discount rate in public projects: • 7%: which considers the market rate of return on capital • 3%: which considers the rate of return on capital after taxes Avista has used a value of 6.89%when calculating benefit cost ratios for other projects, thus, for consistency, Exponent has adopted that value for this study. It is noteworthy that a lower value will result in higher benefit-cost ratios. Page 42 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 49 of 61 October 30, 2024 Costs of Undergrounding To determine the benefit to cost ratio of proposed undergrounding projects, Avista provided the estimated cost to underground 2,074.3 miles of OH distribution lines over 177 feeders. The cost per feeder is estimated using 5 categories: 1. fixed costs, which consider project labor, 2. civil construction costs, which consider excavation and conduit installation work, 3. trunk and lateral build costs, which consider cable installation,pad mount transformers, and service riser installation, 4. distribution automation costs, which consider equipment installation to transition from underground to overhead lines, and 5. service transfer and overhead wreckout costs, which consider the removal of the existing overhead infrastructure and maintaining power supply during construction. For each feeder, the costs are summed across all categories. Figure 19 shows the distribution of the estimated costs of undergrounding projects for 177 feeders. 40 35 i 30 a� 25 LL 6 20 L 15 Z 10 0 N � l0 00 O N V 0 00 O N V t0 00 O N � W 00 O N � W 00 to to to to -I -I i rl e-I N N N N N m m m m m V V 1* 1:T -1 Vl t/1 t/1 Vl t/1• t/1• t/? t/? th V1 t/� t/1• t/? V} t/� t/1• t/? V? -Ln to O rq ZT t0 00 O N � W 00 O N t0 00 O N 0 CO O N � 0 -I N N N N N m m m m m 4 -4 Tr Ic:T Estimated Cost ($)to Underground Figure 19. Distribution of the estimated cost to underground for 177 feeders. Page 43 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 �j X TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 JJ V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 50 of 61 October 30, 2024 Cost-Benefit Analysis Results In the cost-benefit analysis, the estimated cost of undergrounding projects was compared to the benefits of completing the undergrounding projects for each feeder. Table 9 shows the results of the cost-benefit analysis. The benefit-cost ratio ("BCR") evaluates whether the benefits outweigh the project cost for each feeder. A higher BCR indicates a feeder that derives more benefit per dollar spent. A BCR greater than 1 indicates that the benefits exceed the costs, suggesting that the undergrounding project on that feeder is financially advisable. Conversely, a BCR less than 1 indicates that the costs exceed the benefits, suggesting that the undergrounding project on that feeder is not financially advisable. The BCR can thus be used to prioritize investments, ensuring that resources are allocated to undergrounding projects with the greatest potential for positive returns. Table 9. Cost-Benefit Analysis Results by Feeder Feeder O&M O&M Veg. Outage Repair Wildfire Total Benefit Cost ($) Benefit- Name Reduction Management Reduction Reduction Reduction ($)over the of Under- Cost Ratio Benefit Reduction Benefit Benefit Benefit time horizon grounding (BCR) ($/yr.) Benefit($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) of 76.5 years Project 9CE12F4 $3,454 $13,606 $55,135 $7,558 $492 $1,237,048 $873,177 1.42 9CE12F6 $3,669 $2,900 $403,078 $30,176 $246 $6,783,990 $3,304,405 2.05 AIR12F1 $57,599 $23,400 $479,026 $57,647 $62,140 $10,479,806 $33,075,636 0.32 AIR12F2 $7,712 $2,860 $142,532 $10,953 $3,871 $2,588,735 $6,144,234 0.42 AIR12F3 $7,669 $7,047 $14,247 $9,593 $4,537 $664,321 $10,076,103 0.07 APW112 $2,871 $4,153 $447,864 $14,635 $44 $7,238,714 $1,686,068 4.29 APW113 $5,836 $4,004 $276,652 $34,088 $1,237 $4,961,044 $1,981,731 2.50 ARD121`2 $15,958 $13,559 $218,822 $32,900 $1,689 $4,361,553 $3,221,763 1.35 AVID 151 $28,172 $64,533 $3,034,252 $169,664 $2,101 $50,852,194 $19,671,802 2.59 AVID 152 $1,807 $1,559 $126,654 $8,499 $2 $2,135,405 $2,291,407 0.93 BEA121`2 $3,830 $5,119 $300,665 $14,601 $57 $4,998,899 $1,636,467 3.05 BIG411 $12,774 $77,088 $281,559 $33,007 $397 $6,240,681 $11,133,726 0.56 BIG412 $3,530 $9,376 $36,074 $17,060 $58 $1,018,948 $2,085,508 0.49 BIG413 $3,416 $3,480 $515 $7,588 $76 $232,393 $4,763,644 0.05 BKR12F2 $3,495 $4,198 $5,036 $2,591 NaN $236,173 $4,031,713 0.061 BKR12F3 $3,379 $353 $44,453 $5,966 $11 $834,958 $2,025,847 0.41 BLA311 $38,573 $75,535 $371,377 $102,053 $598 $9,066,533 $11,351,137 0.80 BLD12F4 $18,739 $43,623 $572,250 $43,516 $0 $10,453,847 $10,338,295 1.01 BLD12F6 $854 $1,026 $30 $2,225 $0 $63,755 $0 NaN, BLU321 $23,687 $60,056 $1,844,599 $114,412 $167 $31,493,107 $8,652,279 3.64 BLU322 $30,044 $55,508 $1,682,018 $254,002 $355 $31,169,493 $12,228,115 2.55 BUN424 $5,313 $48,066 $4,718 $17,976 $99 $1,174,250 $7,596,558 0.15 BUN426 $3,691 $5,213 $47,514 $10,580 NaN $1,032,826 $1,910,005 0.541 CDA123 $7,914 $23,490 $1,824,890 $84,946 $443 $29,932,444 $2,684,363 11.15 CDA125 $1,981 $5,214 $437,060 $16,051 $22 $7,096,301 $770,927 9.20 CFD1210 $13,995 $7,862 $179,476 $16,850 $21,017 $3,687,458 $7,348,476 0.50 CFD1211 $17,384 $8,257 $102,640 $13,445 $53,755 $3,013,483 $12,187,942 0.25 CHE12F4 $16,029 $16,491 $785,667 $71,137 $3,405 $13,762,067 $9,281,687 1.48 CHW12F2 $33,576 $55,399 $503,802 $65,872 $24,157 $10,525,932 $15,339,288 0.69 CHW12F3 $30,810 $30,576 $351,995 $69,502 $5,733 $7,532,370 $13,278,795 0.57 Page 44 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 _F__1�jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 51 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder O&M O&M Veg. Outage Repair Wildfire Total Benefit Cost ($) Benefit- Name Reduction Management Reduction Reduction Reduction ($)over the of Under- Cost Ratio Benefit Reduction Benefit Benefit Benefit time horizon grounding (BCR) ($/yr.) Benefit($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) of 76.5 years Project CHW12F4 $18,445 $27,697 $189,421 $48,013 $9,627 $4,519,944 $5,008,289 0.90 CKF711 $28,732 $66,759 $709,951 $77,506 $8,957 $13,749,366 $8,466,977 1.62 CKF712 $9,477 $8,106 $261,854 $39,378 $2,171 $4,948,241 $1,926,087 2.57 CLA56 $12,856 $6,896 NaN $8,397 NaN $433,934 $5,458,364 0.08b CLV12F2 $34,332 $56,346 $722,493 $68,908 $27,402 $14,020,315 $13,442,572 1.04 CLV12F4 $32,141 $52,268 $769,595 $75,221 $17,840 $14,599,679 $11,457,505 1.27 CLV34F1 $45,649 $66,140 $1,186,430 $104,571 $5,160 $21,704,581 $18,389,916 1.18 COB12F1 $30,696 $107,775 $1,477,195 $104,964 $2,880 $26,569,160 $15,473,049 1.72 COB12F2 $74,009 $168,939 $1,387,196 $95,450 $3,001 $26,647,552 $36,177,799 0.74 DAL131 $14,441 $18,478 $1,675,982 $87,120 $167 $27,689,548 $7,071,593 3.92 DAL132 $883 $851 $243,863 $9,012 $51 $3,925,776 $1,319,229 2.98 DAL133 $15,005 $55,022 $799,596 $60,941 $175 $14,348,021 $8,227,240 1.74 DAL135 $5,651 $1,013 $120,092 $17,243 $17 $2,220,099 $2,766,107 0.80 DAL136 $4,285 $5,146 $470,895 $32,014 $112 $7,899,823 $3,381,428 2.34 DEP12F1 $72,888 $59,777 $1,720,439 $127,325 $14,091 $30,746,966 $47,579,593 0.65 DEP12F2 $35,860 $37,380 $821,367 $62,362 $7,704 $14,871,142 $16,822,972 0.88 DER651 $7,942 $15,274 $117,554 $22,444 $11,894 $2,699,421 $7,221,062 0.37 DER652 $21,028 $14,973 $248,768 $49,481 $12,187 $5,340,580 $13,255,296 0.40 DRY1208 $6,580 $3,183 $70,200 $7,097 $9,654 $1,490,919 $6,846,238 0.22 DRY1209 $24,351 $1,997 $41,928 $27,439 $36,094 $2,031,925 $11,926,917 0.17 EFIVIUR $42,896 $76,977 $640,964 $66,251 $1,886 $12,779,243 $19,842,971 0.64 EFM12F2 $8,999 $18,432 $49,191 $7,297 $124 $1,295,594 $5,558,612 0.23 F&C12F2 $6,118 $11,899 $286,268 $19,844 $264 $5,000,773 $6,180,256 0.81 F0R12F1 $91,870 $42,688 $330,644 $66,776 $124,228 $10,115,898 $31,191,984 0.32 FOR12F2 $36,690 $29,043 $127,831 $46,774 $15,583 $3,945,199 $8,517,115 0.46 GIF12F1 $13,583 $10,218 $152,578 $32,817 $850 $3,238,011 $5,714,195 0.57 GIF34F1 $4,415 $3,136 $45,308 $6,383 $653 $923,314 $928,572 0.99 GIF34F2 $48,702 $43,623 $935,892 $140,408 $172,678 $20,677,165 $17,912,746 1.15 GLN12F2 $19,589 $47,683 $1,113,655 $67,506 $4,695 $19,317,873 $12,348,191 1.56 GRA12F1 $3,563 $83 $94,340 $6,147 $18 $1,605,579 $4,035,650 0.40 GRA12F2 $33,973 $22,900 $1,345,194 $105,520 $1,413 $23,262,341 $13,388,298 1.74 GRN12F1 $26,012 $21,502 $541,543 $58,129 $14,386 $10,198,628 $12,728,154 0.80 GRN12F2 $51,392 $76,698 $711,732 $129,333 $12,020 $15,125,520 $22,580,410 0.67 GRV1271 $25,344 $21,210 $222,346 $36,103 $164,355 $7,235,496 $8,755,295 0.83 GRV1272 $848 $783 $6,442 $1,304 $695 $155,269 $210,125 0.74 GRV1273 $58,438 $77,723 $385,765 $57,736 $1,304,711 $29,048,975 $25,818,927 1.13 H&W12F1 $9,112 $407 $8,321 $5,854 $249 $369,104 $6,060,581 0.06 H&W12F3 $36,504 $27,801 $276,584 $69,412 $13,819 $6,538,130 $12,583,923 0.52 HUE141 $2,458 $5,544 $207,875 $11,248 $102 $3,502,869 $2,371,955 1.48 HUE142 $15,967 $4,526 $1,026,344 $31,938 $4 $16,630,158 $14,793,905 1.12 IDR251 $10,452 $6,998 $19,729 $2,845 $129 $618,967 $8,168,768 0.08 IDR253 $49,460 $133,242 $3,138,039 $162,204 $699 $53,702,899 $26,875,637 2.00 INT12F1 $1,031 $1,760 $94,133 $6,200 $116 $1,591,511 $1,550,953 1.03 INT12F2 $35,255 $44,544 $298,110 $26,319 $41,208 $6,866,709 $29,521,037 0.23 JUL662 $4,868 $2,697 $17,745 $4,688 $4,004 $524,160 $1,764,077 0.30 KAM1291 $20,826 $15,129 $189,302 $28,928 $57,794 $4,809,383 $10,460,518 0.46 KAM1292 $14,361 $7,199 $25,587 $22,142 $61,036 $2,009,061 $3,551,360 0.57 KAM1293 $17,659 $12,976 $162,926 $31,316 $117,194 $5,273,276 $7,879,804 0.67 KET12F1 $4,239 $3,455 $8,401 $14,375 $1,612 $494,563 $4,190,394 0.12 Page 45 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 -F--I�jrM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 52 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder O&M O&M Veg. Outage Repair Wildfire Total Benefit Cost ($) Benefit- Name Reduction Management Reduction Reduction Reduction ($)over the of Under- Cost Ratio Benefit Reduction Benefit Benefit Benefit time horizon grounding (BCR) ($/yr.) Benefit($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) of 76.5 years Project KET121`2 $23,690 $14,290 $298,635 $46,252 $34,474 $6,433,610 $9,626,263 0.67 K001298 $28,529 $22,327 $137,066 $25,374 $139,779 $5,442,908 $11,459,623 0.47 K001299 $31,223 $17,175 $124,193 $27,724 $58,929 $3,996,433 $14,297,268 0.28 L1312F1 $9,044 $10,861 $2,931 $2,825 $16,367 $647,894 $7,154,287 0.09 L1B121`2 $8,617 $6,567 $87,805 $18,434 $6 $1,871,908 $7,740,000 0.24 L1B121`3 $22,626 $69,234 $835,314 $55,540 $297 $15,153,833 $8,665,521 1.75 LOL1266 $26,358 $8,587 $266,365 $12,287 $51,830 $5,633,316 $14,252,548 0.40 LOL1359 $6,403 $4,216 $130,539 $5,790 $1,623 $2,290,328 $4,491,816 0.51 L0012F1 $26,375 $23,144 $373,821 $48,126 $20,787 $7,588,436 $15,360,515 0.49 L00121`2 $30,232 $68,162 $337,688 $64,533 $25,054 $8,103,575 $14,066,031 0.58 LTF34F1 $50,287 $24,888 $233,207 $70,584 $19,469 $6,142,156 $14,591,603 0.42 M15514 $2,917 $3,128 $385,141 $13,741 $2,295 $6,277,613 $1,025,668 6.12 M15515 $1,037 $244 $30,261 $1,365 $110 $508,966 $527,854 0.96 M23621 $1,697 $806 $20,639 $2,712 $96 $400,040 $1,670,575 0.24 MEA12F1 $3,373 $8,999 $113,561 $10,889 $22 $2,109,543 $1,765,510 1.19 MEA12F2 $20,842 $58,552 $773,318 $71,851 $215 $14,256,106 $13,023,921 1.09 MEA12F3 $2,976 $2,220 $7,451 $2,861 $9 $239,200 $1,508,814 0.16 MIL12F3 $4,307 $6,560 $162,648 $11,717 $8 $2,855,595 $958,065 2.98 MIS431 $4,851 $5,821 $145,064 $17,743 $37 $2,674,887 $2,742,918 0.98 MLN12F1 $68,445 $39,756 $911,732 $138,831 $8,703 $17,997,362 $27,703,175 0.65 MLN12F2 $61,695 $98,812 $920,665 $133,104 $3,777 $18,777,154 $31,648,995 0.59 NE12F3 $13,314 $9,289 $425,539 $38,608 $127 $7,505,550 $4,368,913 1.72 NE12F4 $4,453 $2,355 $103,307 $8,158 $68 $1,824,309 $1,390,713 1.31 NRC351 $831 $769 $296 $1,421 NaN $51,146 $322,341 0.161 NW12F1 $11,385 $42,836 $511,133 $35,644 $7,437 $9,379,461 $6,520,124 1.44 NW12F2 $6,219 $18,216 $471,884 $52,442 $3,543 $8,514,157 $2,176,352 3.91 NW12F3 $3,896 $13,749 $234,271 $18,044 $778 $4,173,637 $4,693,211 0.89 ODN731 $33,304 $80,048 $1,827,482 $125,866 $6,414 $31,958,544 $18,515,509 1.73 ODN732 $6,966 $13,150 $74,625 $40,357 $2,086 $2,114,768 $2,915,590 0.73 OLD721 $48,316 $40,403 $972,273 $118,885 $4,052 $18,251,115 $22,581,848 0.81 OR112F1 $60,562 $37,003 $716,595 $151,133 $5,826 $14,970,497 $21,064,418 0.71 OR112F2 $7,388 $11,172 $19,401 $16,703 $1,078 $859,291 $3,326,213 0.26 OR112F3 $35,106 $64,021 $779,323 $92,301 $6,445 $15,064,195 $13,634,614 1.10 OR01280 $13,040 $12,339 $268,031 $50,216 $16,285 $5,548,281 $7,569,623 0.73 OR01281 $29,073 $55,752 $392,900 $51,969 $109,986 $9,861,140 $18,457,982 0.53 OR01282 $12,513 $24,898 $132,355 $24,079 $73,177 $4,116,334 $8,062,702 0.51 OSB521 $6,803 $10,331 $196,508 $23,270 $192 $3,655,136 $5,319,648 0.69 OSB522 $8,184 $122,034 $1,259 $12,008 $2,365 $2,248,397 $11,620,708 0.19 PDL1202 $974 $496 $33,873 $2,423 $300 $586,818 $294,681 1.99 PDL1203 $2,723 $2,039 $50,857 $5,101 $1,831 $964,275 $731,657 1.32 PDL1204 $9,817 $3,659 $48,239 $8,360 $3,621 $1,136,092 $7,777,763 0.15 PF213 $3,248 $1,991 $179,904 $8,586 $85 $2,987,792 $2,770,413 1.08 PIN441 $8,871 $26,902 $545,064 $62,492 $155 $9,919,773 $4,657,020 2.13 PIN442 $5,506 $16,238 $99,372 $20,906 $86 $2,190,698 $5,233,884 0.42 PIN443 $25,128 $75,672 $1,282,931 $105,416 $618 $22,965,806 $12,475,591 1.84 PRA221 $1,209 $1,851 $20,382 $1,610 $79 $387,417 $0 NaNa PRA222 $1,425 $2,450 $149,320 $5,814 $44 $2,451,941 $1,567,063 1.56 PRV751 $13,834 $15,519 $251,781 $47,241 $0 $5,062,133 $4,947,875 1.02 PRV752 $57,310 $68,305 $1,697,811 $149,909 $0 $30,420,384 $16,196,161 1.88 Page 46 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 _F__I�jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 11 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 53 of 61 October 30, 2024 Feeder O&M O&M Veg. Outage Repair Wildfire Total Benefit Cost ($) Benefit- Name Reduction Management Reduction Reduction Reduction ($)over the of Under- Cost Ratio Benefit Reduction Benefit Benefit Benefit time horizon grounding (BCR) ($/yr.) Benefit($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) ($/yr.) of 76.5 years Project PVW241 $15,895 $3,381 $450,258 $24,025 $282 $7,612,928 $16,057,115 0.47 PVW243 $1,700 $2,042 $1,043 $152 $11 $76,291 $0 NaNa RAT233 $79,252 $111,069 $5,988,275 $222,348 $2,073 $98,707,160 $31,387,900 3.14 RDN12F1 $8,719 $1,280 $24,333 $5,487 $17,845 $888,933 $1,342,455 0.66 RDN12F2 $6,596 $1,002 $9,883 $3,892 $8,637 $462,625 $1,241,310 0.37 SAG741 $49,682 $131,856 $3,681,796 $325,351 $3,933 $64,632,250 $20,258,720 3.19 SAG742 $31,891 $51,561 $2,338,081 $180,658 $872 $40,128,124 $21,069,397 1.90 SE12F2 $16,125 $27,985 $908,244 $49,817 $24,192 $15,822,134 $6,884,458 2.30 SE12F4 $3,580 $8,836 $405,968 $33,183 $81,842 $8,222,878 $3,648,567 2.25 SE12F6 $982 $336 $5,532 $686 $62 $117,113 $407,237 0.29 SIP12F4 $1,623 $746 $54,605 $3,389 $10 $930,696 $574,939 1.62 SLK12F1 $37,123 $168,062 $340,575 $34,760 $49,954 $9,719,218 $14,822,750 0.66 SLK12F2 $15,008 $4,856 $226,883 $35,754 $7,200 $4,465,936 $9,548,410 0.47 SLK12F3 $22,723 $6,701 $14,638 $11,016 $34,261 $1,377,217 $17,700,697 0.08 SLW1348 $5,844 $5,581 $80,203 $11,541 NaN $1,590,434 $5,639,092 0.281 SLW1358 $1,790 $2,049 $45,694 $3,021 $1,733 $836,865 $631,323 1.33 SLW1368 $4,397 $2,134 $99,798 $10,002 $16,094 $2,041,427 $3,600,332 0.57 SOT521 $4,638 $2,087 $78,136 $8,878 $796 $1,457,351 $2,096,482 0.70 SOT523 $15,851 $3,586 $80,658 $15,973 $10,840 $1,956,381 $11,867,926 0.16 SPI12F1 $5,260 $4,573 $38,266 $6,202 $23 $837,448 $2,273,394 0.37 SPL361 $20,748 $66,124 $2,031,145 $130,430 $3,137 $34,709,790 $5,948,465 5.84 SPT4S21 $44,906 $77,746 $3,601,926 $233,095 $5,814 $61,100,026 $23,820,987 2.56 SPT4S23 $2,118 $1,820 $190,786 $10,459 $54 $3,163,877 $1,650,836 1.92 STM631 $45,800 $185,718 $3,889,751 $223,800 $5,269 $67,063,606 $11,195,018 5.99 STM633 $12,919 $22,229 $553,919 $49,751 $1,021 $9,863,571 $5,898,158 1.67 STM634 $8,195 $9,842 $68,609 $9,192 $350 $1,482,817 $3,031,607 0.49 SUN12F1 $1,074 $4,275 $405,966 $20,879 $315 $6,667,457 $1,619,437 4.12 SUN12F2 $34,189 $91,263 $1,430,140 $104,749 $20,844 $25,916,678 $21,697,324 1.19 SUN12F4 $17,461 $15,924 $474,761 $33,791 $2,958 $8,399,955 $9,322,910 0.90 SUN12F5 $48,999 $30,778 $501,715 $99,930 $94,708 $11,964,605 $22,257,740 0.54 SWT2403 $15,303 $12,614 $93,689 $10,408 $48,033 $2,775,557 $7,847,782 0.35 TEN1254 $2,663 $1,941 $44,034 $2,980 $213 $799,013 $3,752,313 0.21 TEN1255 $2,114 $1,967 $99,302 $4,125 $661 $1,667,504 $3,156,702 0.53 TEN1256 $7,801 $10,873 $74,810 $6,441 $0 $1,540,416 $7,488,853 0.21 TEN1257 $2,510 $1,531 $43,085 $1,818 NaN $754,519 $1,964,556 0.38b VAL12F1 $83,189 $55,397 $1,516,823 $183,083 $56,056 $29,205,848 $29,185,922 1.00 VAL12F2 $26,612 $23,571 $192,542 $72,460 $7,355 $4,972,201 $8,816,281 0.56 VAL12F3 $24,713 $35,034 $436,720 $85,608 $5,703 $9,061,036 $7,718,155 1.17 WAK12F1 $9,753 $37,640 $2,690,845 $181,035 $2,517 $45,041,523 $7,846,832 5.74 WAK12F2 $7,075 $31,133 $175,309 $19,477 $481 $3,599,208 $3,530,871 1.02 WAK12F3 $2,124 $5,107 $113,609 $9,709 $107 $2,014,165 $2,877,197 0.70 WAK12F4 $22,646 $89,009 $668,200 $56,624 $9,703 $13,044,507 $14,800,359 0.88 WAL542 $2,475 $7,493 $21,310 $3,630 $444 $544,973 $2,794,603 0.20 WAL543 $3,681 $13,543 $46,630 $9,881 $531 $1,144,852 $3,184,585 0.36 WAL544 $12,137 $24,361 $135,850 $25,917 $541 $3,064,742 $12,116,118 0.25 WAL545 $4,703 $15,002 $97,268 $12,912 $205 $2,005,430 $2,442,398 0.82 WAS781 $5,895 $1,181 $6,035 $3,469 $17,600 $526,916 $906,922 0.58 WE11289 $22,017 $18,487 $213,332 $32,762 $104,536 $6,029,610 $19,744,578 0.31 WIL12F2 $1,223 $166 $3,213 $604 $1,494 $103,286 $0 NaN, Page 47 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 �j �jTM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 JJ V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 54 of 61 October 30, 2024 a The Avista provided cost is$0, so the BCR cannot be calculated. b The BCR calculation excludes one or more benefits due to unavailable input data. Page 48 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 55 of 61 October 30, 2024 Recommendations for Future Study Exponent has several recommendations for areas of further study and consideration. These are not intended to distract from the validity of the current Benefit Cost Ratio values. In fact, it is expected that consideration of these items will result in a net increase in Benefit Cost Ratios on most feeders. 1. The present analysis created generic fragility curves for wood poles based on assumed new pole failure rates, location, age, and asset condition score. There was insufficient data to consider including the conductor span, diameter, material and quantity, which would result in more precise estimates of the fragility curves, when combined with information such as the class of pole.'It is recommended that Avista link conductor and pole data to enable this analysis and refinement of fragility curves. 2. Asset condition codes and remaining strength were only available for some poles. Future analyses will be more precise if condition and remaining strength data is collected for the remaining wood poles. 3. Benefit analyses have all been conducted on the basis of the present system configuration and condition. In reality, assets will continue to age, new feeders will be added and change configuration, additional connections to the system will be incorporated, customer usage may change, maintenance will alter the propensity for outages, and changing weather patterns may affect wildfire consequences and outage rates. Future assessments could consider these issues, which would result in different realized benefits of undergrounding projects in different years. 4. Avista's current wildfire risk analysis determines relative consequences based on fires started at specific locations along their feeders. Future analysis could consider consequences in terms of lives lost, injuries, acres burned, and structures burned directly, and it could also consider the probability of ignition quantitatively. 5. Wildfires not only cause direct loss of life and destroy buildings, farmland, and forests, but also release significant amounts of smoke, which can have a substantial impact on human health. These impacts on human health from air quality degradation have not been considered as part of this study,but could be considered in future studies. 6. This cost benefit analysis has considered projects individually, as opposed to considering the system as a whole. For example, the sequencing of undergrounding projects has not been considered. Future studies could consider E.g.,Darestani,Y.M.and Shafieezadeh,A.,2019.Multi-dimensional wind fragility functions for wood utility poles.Engineering Structures,183,pp.937-948. Page 49 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 56 of 61 October 30, 2024 the phasing of projects, such that not all projects begin in a nominal year zero, to determine the overall benefit cost ratio of an undergrounding program consisting of multiple feeders. 7. The current cost benefit analysis has considered only feeders identified and costed by Avista. Future studies could dynamically identify sections of feeders that yield the most significant benefit from undergrounding, and then determine final benefit cost ratios to inform decisions on which feeders to underground. 8. Aesthetic benefits from undergrounding distribution lines, such as the change in property values, were not considered, as there is not currently reliable information on how undergrounding distribution lines impact property values.' Studies do indicate that views of overhead transmission lines negatively affect property values.9 9. Construction-associated injuries and fatalities stemming from undergrounding projects were not considered because Avista does not currently consider them for other projects. This could be considered in the future,but it is recommended that this be treated consistently across Avista projects, and not just for undergrounding. 10. Avista could consider how undertaking undergrounding projects changes the demand for labor. 11. Avista could consider the economic impact of the undergrounding projects on rate payers. 8 Industrial Economics,Inc.The benefits,costs,and economic impacts of undergrounding New York's electric grid. June 27,2023.p.37. 9 Des Rosiers,F.,2002.Power lines,visual encumbrance,and house values.J.Real Estate Res.23(3). Page 50 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 57 of 61 October 30, 2024 Rationale for Incorporating Scenario Risk Analysis The cost-benefit analysis relies on quantitative and probabilistic methods to determine annual losses attributed to wildfires. The prediction of low-probability, high-consequence natural hazard events, such as wildfires, and their impacts on populations and property is associated with large uncertainty, dependencies between the underlying variables, and likely non-stationarity due to the effects of climate change. As a result, analysis of the risks of low-probability, high- consequence events poses significant challenges and motivates the use of complementary methods beyond conventional probabilistic risk assessment, such as scenario risk analysis. Examples from several fields of study demonstrate that scenario risk analysis has the capacity to improve understanding of the exposure to rare events, identification of their physical and social impacts, and assessment of the benefits associated with potential mitigation and preparation strategies. Fat-tailed distributions and uncertainty Probabilistic hazard assessments generally utilize frequency-size distributions to estimate the occurrence of extreme events. Determining the probability distributions of extreme events is difficult because of their rare occurrence,but research over several decades has shown that the distributions associated with many natural hazard characteristics and their impacts follow power- law type distributions (L e.,P(x)— x'). The probability functions of power-law type distributions, such as the Pareto distribution, exhibit a slow (polynomial)rate of decay of increasingly large observations. This means that tail events are much more likely compared to a Gaussian distribution in which the probability decays exponentially. Power-law distributions are, therefore, known to be `fat-tailed' (i.e., having a higher probability of tail or extreme events), as opposed to thin-tailed Gaussian distributions. There is large uncertainty in predicting low-probability, high-consequence events because observations of such events are very sparse, and the observational time span is typically not long enough. Therefore, the distributions fitted to the observed data tend to match the central tendencies of the data well but may underestimate the rare tail events,10 whereas distributions fitted to the extreme tail events must cope with very small, if any, associated observations. The 10 King,G.,&Zeng,L.(2001).Logistic regression in rare events data.Political analysis,9(2),137-163. Page 51 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 58 of 61 October 30, 2024 large uncertainty in the occurrence of the tail events may lead to hazard and risk estimates that are highly sensitive to the distribution parameters and modeling assumptions.11,12,13,14 Examples of fat-tailed frequency-size distributions of natural hazard variables include the discharge from flood events,15 the volume of landslides," and the areas burned by wildfires.17 In addition, even if the characteristics of the hazard are not fat-tailed, many studies have shown that the damages imposed by the hazards tend to be fat-tailed due to the properties of the underlying impacted population centers;18 for example, the economic damages from tropical cyclones in the U.S. between 1900 and 2012,19 and the damage imposed by tornadoes in the U.S.11 were recently shown to be fat-tailed. Because of the fat-tail property of the impacts of hazard events, empirical evidence demonstrated that the few most damaging events contribute highly to the cumulative damage impacts of several hazards. For example, a study of flood damage in Germany attributed 20% of total cumulative damages to events rarer than a probability of 1%per year.2'Another example is an analysis of the cost of 174 weather disasters published by the U.S.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in which the few most costly disasters dominate: the single most costly disaster accounts for approximately 15% of the cumulative impacts, and the top five events account for approximately 31%. 21 Similarly, in a dataset of earthquake-related fatalities from 100 events, the same study finds that the single most damaging earthquake contributes 14% relative to the 100 events, and the ten most damaging events contribute 65%.21 Similar trends Jo,H.H.,&Ko,Y.L.(2014).Large variance and fat tail of damage by natural disaster.In Vulnerability, Uncertainty,and Risk:Quantification,Mitigation,and Management(pp.2744-2753). 12 Weitzman,M.L.(2011).Fat-tailed uncertainty in the economics of catastrophic climate change.Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 13 Conte,M.N.,&Kelly,D.L.(2021).Understanding the improbable:A survey of fat tails in environmental economics.Annual review of resource economics,13,289-310. 14 Malamud,B.D.(2004).Tails of natural hazards.Physics World,17(8),25. 15 Malamud,B.D.,&Turcotte,D.L.(2006).The applicability of power-law frequency statistics to floods.Journal of hydrology,322(1-4),168-180. 16 Brunetti,M.T.,Guzzetti,F.,&Rossi,M.J.N.P.I.G.(2009).Probability distributions of landslide volumes. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics,16(2),179-188. 17 Malamud,B.D.,Millington,J.D.,&Perry,G.L.(2005).Characterizing wildfire regimes in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,102(13),4694-4699. 18 Gabaix,X.(1999).Zipf's Law and the Growth of Cities.American Economic Review,89(2),129-132. 19 Conte,M.N.,&Kelly,D.L.(2018).An imperfect storm:Fat-tailed tropical cyclone damages,insurance,and climate policy.Journal of environmental economics and management,92,677-706. 20 Merz,B.,Elmer,F.,&Thieken,A.H.(2009).Significance of"high probability/low damage"versus"low probability/high damage"flood events.Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,9(3),1033-1046. 21 Etkin,D.A.,Mamuji,A.A.,&Clarke,L.(2018).Disaster risk analysis part 1:the importance of including rare events.Journal of homeland security and emergency management,15(2),20170007. Page 52 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX rM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 59 of 61 October 30, 2024 were found for fatalities corresponding to industrial disasters, U.S. tornadoes, and structural fires. Scenario risk analysis as a complementary method Standard probabilistic risk assessment may underestimate the impacts of rare events because of the difficulty to estimate their probabilities and quantify their impacts, and the sensitivity of the risk to the variables of the hazard and modeling decisions. In addition, some studies suggest that risk analysis based on fat-tailed power laws may still underestimate rare risk events.22 Specifically, the presence of outliers (defined as extreme events which may be significantly larger than the predictions of power-law distributions) has been documented. In response to these challenges, research studies have advocated for explicitly including rare events or worst-case scenarios in disaster risk analysis, or focusing on tail (or rare) exposures instead of the mean exposure.23 An example of this approach is the improvements to the National Seismic Hazard Maps of Japan in response to the devastating impacts of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake; these improvements included the incorporation of low-probability earthquakes which were not previously incorporated in the analysis, and for which scientific evidence exists, even if they have not been historically observed. Other studies have emphasized the importance of possibilistic thinking:24 complementing probabilistic thinking by envisioning worst-case scenarios and including them within risk analyses and planning processes, with the goal of identifying weaknesses in complex systems and strengthening networks.21 Conducting scenario (or deterministic)risk analysis, in addition to standard probabilistic assessments, is an effective method to include the effects of rare events in risk analysis. As such, scenario risk analysis would complement the cost-benefit analysis (which includes probabilistic components) to further understand rare events and inform decision making when prioritizing undergrounding projects as risk mitigation measures. An example of applying this type of thinking comes from the nuclear industry, which refers to "beyond design basis" events. Plants are typically designed for, e.g., very rate flood elevations, but evaluate what happens when flood waters exceed that elevation, often resulting in further mitigations such as installing emergency pumps and moving critical equipment to higher elevations. Application to Avista's Proposed Undergrounding Projects While some of the proposed undergrounding projects have BCR values less than 1, components of the analysis that consider contributions to the "benefits" consider both the consequence and 22 Sornette,D.(2009).Dragon-kings,black swans and the prediction of crises.arXiv preprint arXiv:0907.4290. 23 Taleb,N.N.(2008).The fourth quadrant:a map of the limits of statistics.An Edge original essay,Edge. 24 Clarke,L.(2006).Worst cases:Terror and catastrophe in the popular imagination.University of Chicago Press. Page 53 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 EX TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 60 of 61 October 30, 2024 the frequency of the consequence. In particular, the wildfire frequency, which is typically low, is considered in FEMA's calculation of wildfire losses, which informed this study. However, a catastrophic wildfire could have drastic consequences far exceeding the cost of any undergrounding projects, if it were to occur, potentially causing irreparable harm to Avista and its customers. It is thus worth considering the severity of the consequences, independent of the frequency of their occurrence, as part of the decision-making process for undergrounding. Page 54 2407043.000-9196 Exhibit No. 11 E�j TM Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista Schedule 7,Page 61 of 61 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The threat of wildfires poses a significant risk to utilities across the western United States. In June of 2020, Avista published its first "Wildfire Resiliency Plan" which detailed twenty-eight actions to mitigate the risk of wildfire. The Plan includes upgrades to infrastructure aimed at reducing spark-ignition events and protecting critical infrastructure from the threat of wildfires. As of December of 2023, the current 10-year Capital Cost Forecast stands at $310,862,000. Total program expenditures (CAPx and OPx) are estimated at $433,466,000. All values below include past and future capital costs from 2020 to 2029. System &Transmission Situational awareness tools (technology) $(1,923,000) Transmission Inspection Capital Maintenance ($1,486,000) Steel Conversion of Transmission Lines ($37,137,000) Electric Distribution Fire Safe Mode Automation (35,367,000) Wood Pole Management Make-Ready for Grid Hardening ($23,747,000) Enhanced Distribution Grid Hardening ($210,519,000) Wildfire Resiliency (Capital Plan Forecast 2020-2029) $310,862,000 The initial June 2020 estimate of $268,965,000 was revised upward to $310,862,000 as of December 1, 2023. The most significant change to cost is the addition of an enhanced grid hardening scope in 2026, which includes undergrounding of overhead electric facilities in high fire risk zones, and Wood Pole Management (make-ready) costs that were not originally forecast as part of Wildfire Resiliency as this program was folded into the Wildfire Resiliency Plan. Additional enhanced grid hardening (undergrounding of overhead electric facilities) in high fire risk zones are being considered beyond 2026 that may impact the Wildfire Resiliency Plan budget in future years. Wildfire Resiliency Plan Development The threat of wildfire has grown steadily across the western U.S. and reflects the combination of climate uncertainty producing hotter and drier summers combined with increasing housing development near forested areas where fires are part of the recurring natural cycle. In 2018, Avista executive management requested that a holistic strategy be delivered to better understand the financial risk of wildfires and what safeguards might be established to mitigate the risk. After 18 months of development by the Wildfire Steering Committee, Avista's initial Wildfire Resiliency Plan was published in June 2020. The Wildfire Plan is publicly available on Avista's public-facing website and has been shared with state regulators, other stakeholders, and peer utilities. Since June 2020, Avista has invested nearly $76 million dollars in capital upgrades to T&D (Transmission & Distribution) facilities (2020-2023) and expects that investment to grow by $33 million dollars in 2024. These investments are part of an overall strategy to mitigate the financial risk that is estimated between $490 million to $4.7 billion dollars over a 10-year time horizon. The 2022 financial risk report was compiled by subject matter experts across the company including legal, risk management, electric operations, engineering, asset maintenance, and asset management groups. Business Case Justification Narrative Page 1 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 1 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) The Wildfire Plan has been the subject of two Washington General Rate Cases and two General Rate Cases in Idaho. Hundreds of requests for information have been provided by the Company along with testimony and direct consultation with Commissioners, Commission Staff, and Public Counsel. In addition, the Avista Board of Directors receives bi-annual status updates describing Wildfire Plan tactics, goals, progress, and course corrections. In 2022, a community outreach plan was developed which included meetings with emergency management agencies and first responders as well as engagement with over 36,000 customers living in high-fire threat areas. In 2023 this effort was expanded to include all 16 counties containing elevated fire risk zones, over 90,000 residential customers, and 640 public safety partners and key community leaders. Also in 2022, Avista declared Elevated Fire Safety Mode (FSM) on two separate occasions when fire threat conditions became critical during high wind and low humidity events. In 2023 we elevated FSM on four days during wildfire season. Recently, Avista submitted a concept grant proposal as part of the DOE's Grid Resiliency and Innovation Program (GRIP) to convert 175 miles of overhead distribution lines to underground cable systems where customers are experiencing high outage rates combined with high fire threat in areas defined as `overburdened and underserved'. Current capital resource levels are not sufficient to complete upgrades to all 2,746 miles of distribution lines located in high-fire threat areas, leaving nearly 700 miles remaining untreated by the end of 2029. Of those 700 miles, 175 miles have been identified as having both high fire risk and poor electric reliability. Unfortunately, Avista was not chosen in the first round for this grant. As of December of 2023, Avista is participating in the second round of the GRIP grant funding process as an attempt to secure additional federal funds for our programs. Avista remains committed to mitigating the risk of wildfires while maintaining a balance between costs, risk, and affordability.And lastly,to ensure that our process is transparent to both regulators and customers and that we are open to feedback and inquiry. VERSION HISTORY Version Author Description Date Notes 0 David James Initial Submission to Capital April 1, Initial submission Planning 2020 1 David James Refresh using the 2020 BC July 29, No revision to capital narrative template 2020 requirements Revised Submission for 2023- September Capital Forecast was 2 David James 2027 Capital Budget Cycle 1, 2022 $268,965,000 is now $290,091,000 Revised per updated BC December 2020-2029 Capital 3 Matt Ugaldea Forecast is template 1st, 2023 $310,862,000 Has been reviewed by BCRT BCRT Katie Snyder and meets necessary 04/14/2023 requirements Business Case Justification Narrative Page 2 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 2 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) GENERAL INFORMATION YEAR PLANNED SPEND AMOUNT PLANNED TRANSFER TO ($) PLANT ($) 2024 33,750,000 33,750,000 2025 35,250,000 35,250,000 2026 60,250,000 60,250,000 2027 35,250,000 35,250,000 2028 35,250,000 35,250,000 2029 35,250,000 35,250,000 Project Life Span 10 years 2020-2029 Requesting Organization/Department Electric Operations Business Case Owner Vern Malensky, Director of Electric Engineering Business Case Sponsor Josh DiLuciano,VP of Energy Deliver Sponsor Organization/Department Electric Operations(A50) Phase Execution Category Program Driver Customer Service Quality& Reliability 1Is z-A-11 2023 Wildfire Risk Tiers '"V Wildfire Resiliency Plan 'i-1,V05 TA r .,� WA . � to OR cVIP , Business Case Justification Narrative Page 3 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V.Malensky,Avista -Schedule 8, Page-3-of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) 1. BUSINESS PROBLEM 1.1 What is the current or potential problem that is being addressed? The risk of wildfires is increasing throughout the western United States. Data from the U.S. Forest Service indicates a 300% increase in the number of wildfires since 1970. Data specific to wildfires in Washington and Idaho fires suggest that the financial impact of fire has increased by 400 to 500% over the last several decades. Though the overall percentage of powerline-involved wildfires remains relatively low (about 3% based on current Washington Department of Natural Resources statistics), catastrophic wildfire is differentiated from other natural disasters in that cause and origin investigations may lead to claims for fire suppression costs, property damage, timber loss, and personal injury. In 2022, a group of subject matter experts examined the probability of large wildfires and their impact on Avista customers. The 10-year financial risk liability is estimated between $490 million and 4.7 billion dollars. 1.2 Discuss the major drivers of the business case and the benefits to the customer? Wildfire does not align with traditional utility growth, maintenance, or capacity-related business drivers. Unlike most asset replacement programs, Wildfire Resiliency is a risk- based, not a condition-based program. Therefore, it is best aligned with Customer Service Quality & Reliability and is designed to mitigate financial risk. 1.3 Identify why this work is needed now and what risks there are if not approved or is deferred—Avista published both a 2020,2022 and 2023 Wildfire Resiliency Plan and has committed to the execution of this Plan at the highest levels of the Company including the Board of Directors. Wildfire represents is a Tier-1 Level Enterprise risk. 1.4 Discuss how the proposed investment, whether project or program, aligns with the strategic vision, goals, objectives, and mission statement of the organization —At the heart of the Wildfire Plan is the commitment to protecting customers. Wildfire represents an increasing risk to human lives and property and mitigating that risk goes well beyond utility wildfire plans. It is forged in a partnership between people, communities, government, and business. Avista is the steward of stakeholder assets and in addition to providing safe, and reliable energy we are duty bound to protect the financial interests of both the Company and the communities that we serve. The wildfire plan addresses this through four strategic focus areas: 1. Customers — by reducing the number of utility-involved wildfires we serve the best interests and help protect the safety and wellbeing of our customers. 2. People—Avista 1 It responders must be well trained and equipped to work in challenging environments including active wildfire scenes. In addition, our critical partners such as fire first responders should be trained in awareness of safety issues related to working around power equipment. 3. Perform-Avista's 10-year Wildfire Plan is a risk-based strategy that has been peer reviewed and benchmarked with other NW utilities including NorthWestern Energy and Idaho Power. Avista program managers are ensuring that strategic goals and commitments are being honored. 4. Invent—Avista has developed sophisticated computer modeling to monitor the short and long-term risks of wildfire. These risk models help to guide and direct the resource commitments and operating strategies to mitigate wildfires. Business Case Justification Narrative Page 4 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 4 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) 1.5 Supplemental Information Several supporting documents are available for your review upon request: • 2023 Wildfire Resiliency Plan • 2023 Wildland Urban Interface Risk Map • 2022 Wildfire Resiliency Risk Report • 2021 Year-End Wildfire Resiliency Report • 2020 Avista Wildfire Resiliency Plan 2020 Wildfire Resiliency Cost Plan • 2020 Wildfire Risk Assessment • 2019 Wildfire Plan Charter In June 2019, a series of risk workshops were convened to identify potential defensive strategies. These workshops were facilitated by the Business Process Improvement Team with support from Senior Risk Manager Bob Brandkamp, and Senior Asset Management Analyst Jeff Smith. Over the course of 6 workshops, 160 mitigation strategies were identified with 60 strategies analyzed in detail and ultimately, 28 strategies were adopted into the Wildfire Plan. In addition to internal processes, Avista participated in several utility forums sponsored by the Western Energy Institute including the Wildfire Planning & Mitigation Workshop. In general,the approach to fire mitigation is consistent throughout the utility sector and is categorized into four functional groups: • Enhanced Grid Hardening — Targeted investments in T&D infrastructure to reduce spark-ignition events and to make the grid more resilient to the impact of wildfires. • Enhanced Vegetation Management — Avista is committing additional resources to inspect and remove risk/hazard trees on the distribution system where data indicates that fall-in outage risk is 5 times higher than the risk of grow-ins. This commitment is paired with remote sensing capabilities and detailed data collection including Transmission LiDAR and Distribution satellite imaging to provide high-quality, actionable vegetation health and encroachment data. • Situational Awareness — To automate Avista's 20-year Dry Land Mode system (rebranded in 2023 as Fire Safety Mode) to align system protection settings with short-term fire risk. • Emergency Response & Operations — To plan, prepare, and train for large-scale wildfire events so that employee safety is balanced with service restoration and that Avista maintains strong partnerships with emergency first responders before, during, and after an event. Business Case Justification Narrative Page 5 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 5 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) 2.1 Please summarize the proposed solution and how it helps to solve the business problem identified above. The following scope elements are outlined in the Company's 2023 Wildfire Resiliency Plan. They are reprinted below. Only capital projects are shown. Wildfire Project ID Project Scope Resource Category (2020-2029) (2020-2029) Distribution Grid 2,746 miles. Includes accelerated wood pole $210.5M Hardening management inspections. Grid About 600 steel pole installations per year in Hardening Transmission Steel Pole critical fire threat areas; about 100 of these under $37.1M the Wildfire budget. Transmission Inspection Aerial Inspection to identify fire ignition issues $1.5M and maintenance repairs. Automated Distribution 52 midline circuit reclosers installed to automate $7,3M Circuit Reclosers DLM function. Situational Fire Mode Ready 139 compatible circuit reclosers automated for Embedded cost Awareness Communications DLM function. Automated Substation 57 substation circuit reclosers automated for DLM $28M Circuit Reclosers function. 2.2 Describe and provide reference to CIRRIIRR analyses, relevant studies, documentation, metrics, data, analysis, risk reduction, or other information that was considered when preparing this business case (i.e., samples of savings, benefits or risk avoidance estimates; description of how benefits to customers are being measured; metrics such as comparison of cost($)to benefit(value), or evidence of spend amount to anticipated return). Wildfire Resiliency is a risk-based plan. Inherent and mitigated risks were assessed in three categories: • Financial —The costs to replace T&D infrastructure associated with wildfire events and the response to third-party claims for fire suppression costs and financial damages. • Customer- The cost impact to customers including the costs of electric service disruption. • Safety —The costs associated with worker injuries and public safety. Business Case Justification Narrative Page 6 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 6 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) The following table is reprinted from the May 2022 Wildfire Resiliency Risk Report. In this report, several fire and storm-related events were assessed including potential direct and indirect costs. Fire events related to transmission were analyzed separately from distribution. In general, the risk associated with transmission is damage to infrastructure from wildfires while the risk associated with distribution is the sourcing of fires and the subsequent impact on people and property. Scenario vDescriptionOptimistic Max Pessimistic Transmission- Wildfire impact on transmission line. general wildflre' Transmission lines are impacted approximately $12.OM WF $84.4M SME 3 to 5 times annually. TransmissionTrees that fall into powerlines create a fire $36.2M WF $757.OM SME tree fall ignition situation. Though transmission lines incur 50 times fewer Transmission- faults than do distribution lines,contact with transmission lines(animal, lightning,phase $12.9M WF $323.9M SME all other sources contact)can release significant energy and create fire ignition probability. Many distribution line faults occur during Distribution nominal weather conditions(low winds, nominal weather seasonal temperatures)and though fire can be $2.9M SME $270.9M SME sourced in these situations, rarely do these fires grow and spread. D Distribution line faults that occur during high 0 = wind events may result in rapid fire spread. $1.8M SME $156.7M SME The Labor Day 2020 and 1991 Firestorm events Distribution stand out as the most damaging storm events in i mph recent Avista history. In both events,tree $423.7M SME $3,113.5M WF nd evW9 contacts with powerlines sourced significant fire activity Totals $489.5M $4,706.4M The risk costs shown in the table include cost avoidance for both capital assets and financial risk associated with both nominal and large-scale wildfire events. The internal rate of return is the ratio of these risk costs to the total resource investments from 2020 through 2029. IRR Optimistic Outcomes: $489.5/$410 = 1.2x risk: cost over 10 years IRR Pessimistic Outcomes: $4,706/$410 = 11x risk: cost over 10 years These risk costs include both direct (hard dollar) and indirect (soft dollar) costs and are dominated by the risk of a low-probability, high-impact event. During the workshops, an event magnitude similar to the 1991 Firestorm was assumed. Metrics associated with the wildfire are gathered and published on a monthly basis. These monthly reports date back to June 2020 when the Wildfire Plan was formally accepted, and work began to stand up the various programs. The following is an example of monthly reporting which indicates costs, project performance, as well as key metrics such as spark-ignition events, distribution pole fires, and the fall-in and grow-in rates associated with vegetation outages. Business Case Justification Narrative Page 7 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 7 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) The February 2023 Wildfire 9-pager is attached to illustrate the key perfoimance metrics that are reported to team members, employee stakeholders, and executive managers. nxt�, s,m fo •r>I rn.fr W All •. . I yes' wow - w wr•w --so — •.�,.a `u s a a• a i. ,.a.....a.-w..rr•.. r_ taat. aar. aaa. �.��• Ctp.!.: Is I • �w� • ♦ � ___ .yap"`' � _ ;�, -'�'-l ' # '-• � tra,� The Wildfire Team recently - had a very productive meeting with Idaho Power and Monona to jointly — develop best practices. Business Case Justification Narrative Page 8 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 8 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) 2.3 SUMMARIZE IN THE TABLE, AND DESCRIBE BELOW THE DIRECT OFFSETS' OR SAVINGS (CAPITAL AND O&M) THAT RESULT FROM UNDERTAKING THIS INVESTMENT The Company recognizes a potential for costs savings and cost shifts from operating and maintenance expense towards capital investment. Furthermore, one of the objectives of this plan is to reduce the number of equipment failures and tree-related outages and by doing so, avoid emergency response and customer outage costs. However, the overall impact of cost savings and cost shifts will not be well understood until the plan is fully operational and longer-term performance data can be obtained and analyzed. At this time, there are no direct offset savings regarding the investment of capital or expense dollars to currently report. It is assumed that in the future, the investments made now will result in offsets in Avista's Vegetation Management, Grid Hardening and Electric Operations departments. However, no direct offsets have been realized as of 2023. The operation of the Wildfire Expense balancing account approved in the Company's Washington and Idaho jurisdictions for O&M costs will be net of cost savings, thereby capturing over time any embedded cost savings. 2.4 IN THE TABLE, AND DESCRIBE BELOW THE INDIRECT OFFSETS (CAPITAL AND O&M) THAT RESULT FROM UNDERTAKING THIS INVESTMENT Indirect cost offsets due to wildfire mitigation efforts are staggering when compared with direct cost offsets. However, the concept of estimating offsetting costs from an event that didn't occur becomes complicated. The question of how many fires the investment prevents becomes rhetorical and can never truly be answered. In 2022, Avista looked at the physical damage to our facilities, the estimated drop in our stock prices and the impact to our customers to determine what a theoretical cost of a utility-involved fire might be. Several groups of subject matter experts were convened and used a rubric to determine what cost impacts would be avoided if fire was prevented due to our protection and mitigation techniques. The subject matter expert teams included the Wildfire Team (WF) who developed a set of optimistic (best case) and pessimistic (worst case) outcomes. Concurrently the subject matter experts (SME) group, which included employees from electric operations, engineering, and risk management completed the same exercise. The table below represents that work. The variability in the estimate demonstrates how difficult proving a negative can be. Regardless, Avista has estimated indirect cost offsets could be between $530 Million and $3.7 Billion dollars over the life of the 10-year plan. Indirect Costs to $55.8M $1,695.2M $36.4M $645.6M Avista Costs(impact to AVA $41.6M $638.3M $77.OM $911.3M shareholders) Impact To $432.8M $1,356.7M $436.3M $818.8M Customers(ICE) Totals $530.2M $3690.2M $549.7M $2,375.7M Business Case Justification Narrative Page 9 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 9 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) 2.5 Describe in detail the alternatives, including the proposed cost for each alternative, that were considered, and why those alternatives did not provide the same benefit as the chosen solution. Include those additional risks to Avista that may occur if an alternative is selected. Historically, Avista has had a number of Asset Maintenance programs that addressed the risk of wildfire impacts on our system including existing vegetation management and grid hardening programs. Avista responded the growing risk of wildfire by establishing a wildfire resiliency program that built on these historical Asset Maintenance programs specifically addressing wildfire risk. Based on environmental factors and known recent historical wildfire impacts, it was determined prudent to enhance our previously establish mitigative measures and to increase the focus of programs in high fire threat areas. During the Spring of 2019, Avista conducted a series of Business Process Improvement (BPI)-led workshops to identify potential mitigative measures along with the costs and risk costs associated with those actions. Over 160 individual tactics were identified which were then narrowed to 60 viable options. A year-long evaluation and advocacy process ultimately produced the June 2020 Wildfire Resiliency Report which identified 28 individual activities to support the Wildfire Plan. In 2023, the Wildfire Plan was updated and the number of projects and processes was reduced by consolidating activities down to a list of 16. Many of the elements such as grid hardening and automated protection systems capitalized on existing programs such as grid modernization and Avista's history of setting reclosers to non-reclose mode during fire season. But other elements were new, such as work to develop the Fire Weather Dashboard, the WUI risk model, creating fuel reduction partnerships with state agencies, and the Customer Choice Right Tree, Right Place (Safe Tree) program. The 2023 Wildfire Plan represents the Company's commitment to mitigating spark-ignition events and is supported by the Wildfire Steering Committee, the Wildfire Executive Committee, and the Avista Board of Directors. The current WF Plan calls for the investment of nearly $433 million dollars (CapX and OPx) over the 10-year period between 2020 and 2029. 2.6 Identify any metrics that can be used to monitor or demonstrate how the investment delivered on remedying the identified problem (i.e., how will success be measured). The 2023 Wildfire Plan describes the goal of reducing the number of spark-ignition events (fire likely) through a series of investments. Metrics associated with this risk reduction are reflected in the table below: Direct offsets are defined as those hard cost savings Avista customers will gain due to the work under this business case. Such savings could include reductions in labor, reduced maintenance due to new equipment, or other. Business Case Justification Narrative Page 10 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8,Page 10 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) 2022 Overhead Equipment Failure 654 651 590 612 745 650 Pole Fire 77 68 65 154 50 83 Spark Event 125 99 147 109 107 117 Trees Fall into Lines 315 399 375 353 175 363 Trees Grori Into Lme5 97 94 69 81 59 80 These metrics are measured monthly.. 2.7 Please provide the timeline of when this work is scheduled to commence and complete if known. The Wildfire program was initially expected to complete all capital upgrades by the end of 2029, but it is anticipated that wildfire-related programs will extend beyond that timeframe. 2.8 Please identify and describe the Steering Comm itteelgovernance team that is responsible for the initial and ongoing approval and oversight of the business case, and how oversight will occur. A Wildfire Steering Committee was established in 2019 and has provided direct input(work product) and guidance during the evaluation, plan formation, and execution phases of the Plan. Current members include: David Howell, Ops Dir Bruce Howard, Env Dir Jillian Caires, Legal Melanie Rose, RBM Annie Gannon, Corp Com Bob Brandkamp, Risk Marie Tyrie, Corp Com Liz Andrews, Rates Heather Webster,Asset Mnt Matt Ugaldea, Wildfire Vern Malensky, Eng. Dir In addition to the Wildfire Steering Committee, an Executive level group meets monthly to discuss Plan strategies and emerging issues. Members of that group include: Heather Rosentrater, Sr VP & COO Josh DiLuciano, VP of Energy Delivery Latisha Hill, VP of Economic Vitality Kevin Christie, SR VP External Affairs Greg Hesler, SR VP & General Vern Malensky, Dir. Electric Counsel Engineering Business Case Justification Narrative Page 11 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8, Page 11 of 12 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case Wildfire Resiliency (rev. December 2023) 3. APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Wildfire Resiliency Business Case and agree with the approach it presents. Significant changes to this will be coordinated with and approved by the Lndersigned or their designated representatives. Signature: W I L- Date: _l Z. 41 Z-� Print Name: Vern Malensky Title: Director of Electric Engineering Role: Eusiness Case Owner Signature: I�_- Date: /z z � Print Name: Josh DiLuciano Title: Vice President of Energy Delivery Role: Business Case Sponsor Signature: Date: / Z Print Name: Matt Uga ea Title: Wildfire siliency Manager Role: Steering/Advisory Committee Review Business Case Justification Narrative Page 12 of 12 Exhibit No. 11 Case No.AVU-E-25-01 V. Malensky,Avista Schedule 8,Page 12 of 12