HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250206Petition to Intervene.pdf RECEIVED 2025 February 6, 1 :38AM IDAHO FIUBLIC I Peter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 UTILITIES COMM SSION Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 2 515 N. 271" Street 3 Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 938-7901 DD 4 (208) 867-2021 Cell 5 peter(M ri chardsonadams.com 6 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 7 8 9 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION Case No.: AVU-E-25-01, AVU-G-25-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE I o AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION 1 I NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC PETITION TO INTERVENE AS A PARTY 12 AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO, 13 14 15 COMES NOW, The CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to 16 as "Intervenor," and pursuant to this Commission's Rules of Procedure, Rule 71 IDAPA 17 hereby petitions the Commission for leave to intervene herein and to appear and 18 participate herein as a party, and as grounds therefore states as follows: 19 20 1. The name and address of this Intervenor is: 21 Clearwater Paper Corporation 22 c/o Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 23 515 N. 27" St Boise, Idaho 83702 24 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 25 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter&richardsonanadams.com 26 27 28 CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION PETITION TO INTERVENE AS A PARTY AVU-E-25-01 AVU-G-25-01 - I I Copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders 2 and other documents should be provided to Peter J. Richardson as noted above and to: 3 4 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road 5 Boise, Idaho 83703 6 (208) 799-1030 dreadlna(U?Illiii(IspClt1g Chill 7 8 with electronic copies to: 9 Carol Haugen 10 carol.haugen@clearwaterpaper.com I I Jamie McDonald 12 Jamie.mcdonald c,clearwaterpayer.com 13 2. This Intervenor, the Clearwater Paper Corporation is a customer of Avista 14 15 Corporation("Avista") and receives electric utility services from Avista. Clearwater Paper 16 Corporation claims a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding in that its rates for electric 17 service from Avista will be affected by the outcome of this proceeding. 18 19 3. This Intervenor intends to participate herein as a party, and if necessary, to 20 introduce evidence, cross-examine witnesses, call and examine witnesses, and be heard in 21 argument. The nature and quality of evidence which this Intervenor will introduce is dependent 22 upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. 23 24 4. Without the opportunity to intervene herein, this Intervenor would be without any 25 means of participation in this proceeding which may have a material impact on its electric and 26 natural gas rates and the terms and conditions of such service. 27 28 CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION PETITION TO INTERVENE AS A PARTY AVU-E-25-01 AVU-G-25-01 -2 1 5. Granting this Intervenor's petition to intervene will not unduly broaden the issues 2 nor will it prejudice any party to this case. 3 4 WHEREFORE, the Clearwater Paper Corporation respectfully requests that this 5 Commission grant its Petition to Intervene in these proceedings and to appear and participate in 6 all matters as may be necessary and appropriate; and to present evidence, call and examine 7 8 witnesses, present argument and to otherwise fully participate in these proceedings. 9 Richardson Adams, PLLC 10 Attorneys for Clearwater Paper Corporation 11 12 Dated this 61" day of February, 2025. 13 RA ' lt:i" 14 By: Peter J. ichardson ISB # 3195 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION PETITION TO INTERVENE AS A PARTY AVU-E-25-01 AVU-G-25-01 -3 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 61h day of February 2025, a true and correct copy of the within 2 and foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE of Clearwater Paper Corporation in Case No. AVU- 3 E-25-01, AVU-G-25-01 was served, pursuant to Commission Order No. 34602, by electronic copy only, to: 4 David J. Meyer Patrick Ehrbar 5 Vice President and Chief Counsel Avista Corporation 6 for Regulatory and Governmental Pat.chrbar(a)avistacorp.com Affairs docketsQavistacotp.com 7 Avista Corporation 8 David.me, er_,avistacorp.com 9 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Chris Burdin Commission Secretary Deputy Attorney General 10 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11 secretary(u),puc.idaho.gov chris.burdin@puc.idaho.gov 12 13 14 By: Peter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION PETITION TO INTERVENE AS A PARTY AVU-E-25-01 AVU-G-25-01 -4