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Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Reid W. Olsen CPA
208 888 1595
132 S.W. Fifth Suite 100 Meridian ID 83642
Fax number 208 888 1596
DATE: February 4, 2025
FROM: Reid w. Olsen CPA
TO: Idaho Public Utilities Commission
RE: Case number BPI-W-24-01
Order No. 36451
Buckskin Properties, Inc. concurs with the order to proceed under the Modified
Procedure discussed in Order number 36451.
The only written comment we wish to make is to attach a copy of the e-mail
received 10/22/2019 from Curtis Thaden of the IPUC which discusses our non
regulated status before the IPUC. It also refers to the Utility Customer Relations
Rules by which we have tried to operate.
Reid Olsen
Suzanne Floyd
From: Curtis Thaden
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 10:09 AM
To: Suzanne Floyd
Subject: Idaho Public Utilities Commission
Attachments: Utility Customer Relations Rules_2010.pdf
Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for contacting the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.
Meadow Water, LLC, is not regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission; therefore Commission approval is not
needed for an increase in rates.
Attached is a copy of the Utility Customer Relations Rules, Though Meadow Water, LLC, is not required to follow the
rules, it's a good guideline to use.
If you have any further questions please let me know,
Curtis Thaden
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
Types of Water Utilities and who regulates them Usl Lti
The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is given the power and jurisdiction by the
Idaho Legislature to supervise and regulate every water company that is a
public utility in the State of Idaho. This authority is broad enough to include the
power to do all things necessary to carry out the spirit and intent of the
provisions of the public utilities' laws. A water company is a public utility if it is
,a private entity, either corporation or person, that owns, controls, operates or
manages any water system for compensation within the state.: Both for-profit
and non-profit companies may be regulated;
IPUC Regulated Water Company - Any small water system serving more than
one customer is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities
Commission as provided by.Idaho Code, Title 6Micipality
ess they are organized as.a
homeowners association, formal water district, or_other.mutual
non-profit organization represented by board members, The Commission's
jurisdiction and authority is very broad and include approval of authorized
service area, rates and charges, accounting and reporting requirements, service
quality, customer relation's rules and customer information rules.
Home Owners Association (HOA) is a legal entity that governs a subdivision,
condominium or town home development or planned community. HOA is
mandatory for property owners with the development. The HOA is run by a
board, which is bound by the HOA bylaws and board positions are filled by
election or appointment. The HOA collects a fee assessment from all owners to
maintain common areas, address legal and safety issues, and enforce
restrictions that are applicable to that particular residential area. The HOA also
provides residents with a platform to address common concerns of the
Water Association is a not for-profit organization that provides oversight for a
water system. Often set up similar to a HOA, with members represented by
homeowners and jurisdiction is limited to water issues in a defined area.
Water District - Created by the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR),
through division of the state's public streams or water supplies into water
districts for which the courts have adjudicated priorities of appropriations. The
director also has authority to revise the boundaries of existing districts, combine
two or more districts and /or abolish districts if such action is necessary to
properly administer water uses. Each active water district in Idaho has a water
master who oversees water distribution within the district. Title 42 Irrigation
and Drainage - Water Rights and Reclamation, Chapter 6 Distribution of Water
Among Appropriators, Section 42-604.
SWC Types of Water Utllltles.doc