HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250203Comments_13.pdf The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:James Pound
Submission Time:Jan 312025 2:51PM
Email: mediaak@hotmail.com
Telephone: 907-301-9946
Address: 127 Greenwood Ave
Sagle, ID 83860
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Avista's proposed increase of 20+%over two years is excessive. The proposal and cost
associated with the increase are not indicative of the actual costs of electricity in northern Idaho. My last
two bills have exceeded $200 under the current rates.Additionally, holding off for one year after the
second increase should not be considered an incentive.
I would also request that any public hearings scheduled should include Sandpoint.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this increase rate proposal. I can be contacted at the above
Name: Manuel Rose
Submission Time:Jan 312025 2:58PM
Email: melmanrose@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-755-4521
Address: 2495 Hoo Doo Loop
Oldtown, ID 83822
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Avista has filed for yet more rate increases to take effect in September 2025 (14.7%) and
September 2026 (5.3%).This is a combined 20% increase in rates, in addition to an undisclosed increase
of the base rate, at a time when people are already struggling to make ends meet.Avista has consistently
applied for and been granted increases since we bought our property in 2013.A nominal increase every
now and then is reasonable, but consistent increases in the double digits most years is highway robbery.
Especially when you consider the company has consistently made $1.4-1.6 billion in profits each year
since 2009. I believe our first rate increase was 1.9%. 14.7% is completely unreasonable. I do not have a
record of each approved increase over the years, but I implore you to gather that information and
decline Avista's request to gouge consumers with a 20%+ increase. Make them go back to the drawing
board and ask for something more appropriate and manageable. Everyone has had to tighten their belts
in this economy and a giant like Avista should do the same, not step on consumers to continue to line
their own pockets. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Submission Time:Jan 312025 4:56PM
Email: andrewcarriker@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-792-1914
Address: 83 n bank rd
Pinehurst, ID 83850
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "A 20% increase in the next 2 years in our area will hurt many families. The silver valley is not
what I would call a well to do community.Avista has always been an expensive power provider and they
continue to want more. Yet wages and community growth are not growing at the same pace as avistas
rates are. In my opinion, if this rate increase is allowed.it will just lower the overall quality of life for the
families in the silver valley area. Thanks"
From:Audrey Heinan <a.c.h.smg88@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2025 2:04 AM
To: secretary
Subject: Public Input,Avista Rate Increase
To Whom it May Concern:
I was informed by a local news post that you are seeking public input on Avista's request to increase their rates.
Please do not approve:this would be just one more burden on a struggling community.
I don't have a very scholarly opinion, but I can give you my real life experience.For someone like myself with a legal
disability but only on SSI and only able to work part time,by budget is already stretched to the absolute max. My
utility bills are going on a credit card that I cannot hope to pay off,and am getting charged interest on. I already
keep my heat down as low as I can;I already only turn on lights when I directly need them.I don't have internet,
except what comes on my Visible phone plan. I conserve energy the absolute best that I can:yet my bill is still$100
a month-for just one person.For someone only getting an average of$1,000 total a month between my
employment and SSI,$100 is a significant chunk:especially considering that$800+of that already goes to rent.
People struggling like me simply CANNOT take on increases. Every$15-$20 means less food to eat,literally.
I know that not everyone has such a drastic case:but from what I see as costs rise everywhere,the average
person's pay check stays the same.No one can long endure cost increases without income increases as well.
I hope there is a solution to Avista's request that does not put more burden on a community that is already heavily
burdened by the drastic increase in basic costs of living over the last 5 years,and on persons like myself who are
living at the poverty level.
Audrey Heinan
2308 W John Loop,Apt.305
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
From: Brian H <2k7ram@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2025 8:06 AM
To: secretary
Subject:Avista rate hikes
Hello, I'm emailingyou to let you know my thoughts on the current proposed rate
hikes. I'm fine with the hikes on the power and gas but the basic charge increase from 20
to 30 is outrageous. That is per meter and if you have Avista power and Avista gas the base
fee would then be $60. That is without a single watt or therm supplied. Eight years ago my
power bill was a total of$40-60. Now it's $90 or above because of these stupid basic
meter fees. I could have my gas appliances shut off and main breaker off and still owe this
company$60 a month. Let's bring these charges back down to a sane level.
Concerned Idaho Resident
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:Jon Rolfe
Submission Time: Feb 12025 4:23PM
Email: duffer1943@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-755-8792
Address: 3804 Broken Arrow Road
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "I would like to object to the "Basic Charge" increases requested and previously granted to
Avista. In 2022, it was increased from $7 to$15 (114%) and from $15 to $20(33%) in 2023. Now,they've
requested another 25% increase to $25 monthly each for both electricity and natural gas.
This Basic Charge annual increase discourages the consumer's effort to conserve energy usage.
I personally would rather see adjustments to base rates to reflect Avista's return on investment that a
continual increase in Basic Charges.
Thank you!"
From: Brett Nunn <brettnunn2l@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2025 6:34 PM
To: secretary
Subject: 2025/2026 Avista Rate Increase
I am a resident of Post Falls, Kootenai County, ID. I am writing as a member of the public to
protest, in the strongest possible terms, against the proposed Avista 2025/2026 utility rate
I remember being an Avista utility customer in 2017 and never paying more than $35/mo to
heat my home. I now pay over$100/mo. Under the proposed rate increase, I will pay
approximately$130/mo. That is a 270% increase. By comparison, the median household
income of Kootenai County residents in 2017 was$54,000 and $75,000 in 2025. (Kootenai
Co official govt statistics-kcgov.us)That is an increase of only 39%.
The cost of living in Kootenai County is dramatically outpacing local incomes. Meanwhile,
Avista Utilities has a $2.76 billion market cap with their CEO earning$5.2 million in
compensation in 2024 according to their internal financial reports.
Why should the residents of Kootenai County, or anywhere else in Idaho be expected to
shoulder yet another price increase from a provider they have no choice but to buy from
when their executives and shareholders earn so much? I recognize that utility service
providers cannot cut back on services provided as costs increase. However, it is made
clear byAvista's internal financial reports and total market value that cost increases are
not impacting their executive compensation packages. If cost increases do not impact
their pocket books, why then should they impact ours?
I am certain that operating expenses are doubtless increasing for Avista. However, it
seems that these increases are more targeted at recovering expenses related to adjusting
executive and shareholder compensation than recovering operating expenses.
It is for these reasons I am urging as categorically as possible that the IPUC deny Avista
this rate increase.
Very Respectfully,
Mr. Brett Nunn
(937) 733-3014
From: KaLeisha Jetton<kaleishaJetton05@hotmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2025 10:24 PM
To: secretary
Subject:Avista Rate Increase for North Idaho-Statement
My email was kicked back so I hope this is the correct place to share my concerns. As I am
sure you are reading from others, we have many concerns with the proposed rate increase
for Avista in our area. Our area is quickly becoming unaffordable for those who have called
this area home for our entire lives. Between rising house prices, taxes, groceries etc. it is
hard to just make ends meet.
My husband is 100% service-connected disabled veteran and owns our home. Our electric
and gas bill is already$200 a month. I don't know where we are supposed to come up with
another nearly$600 per year(—$50 a month)to pay for this proposed increase.
With the amount of money we are already paying for our electric and natural gas, I would
Like to understand where Avista is spending it's current profit. I know 99.9% of companies
don't ask their customers for more money for technology or maintenance. When it is time
to change with the market, they invest in themselves and when they can offer something
new, then they sell the new item/service if their customers want it. Or a bill is added to a
ballot for the people to vote on. What makes Avista different?
The thing that makes Avista different and gives them the power to use this model is that our
Lives and safety literally depends on them.Without Avista we can't heat our homes, my
husband's medical equipment to survive is useless, his medication that has to stay
refrigerated goes bad.Therefore, if this rate hike is approved, we don't have a choice to not
buy their service because we can't afford it.We don't have the option to shop around, we
Like many other residents will have to choose to put dinner on the table every night or heat
the house.
As our local government, you have the ability and obligation to do what is best for your
community.To protect those that call North Idaho home. Those that have no other options,
who are disabled, sick,just trying to get by.We are a community who still goes out to help
our neighbors plow their driveway or shovel their porches, run errands for the widow next
door, or go searching for a missing kid in Clark Fork. But these type of policies and changes
risk pushing these people out and replacing them with out of staters that can afford these
price hikes.
Therefore, I humbly request you deny this request from Avista or delay approval until you
can put it on a ballot for people to vote on. Please be the voice of your community, protect
the people and preserve the north Idaho culture that we all respect and love.
Kind Regards,
KaLeisha Jetton
The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Mark Lockamy
Submission Time: Feb 1 2025 6:10PM
Email: malockamy@verizon.net
Telephone: 208-217-0332
Address: 2599 W Polo Green Ave, Post Falls ID Post Falls, ID 83854
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "Hello,
I am writing to request that the Idaho PUC protect the hard working men and women of Idaho. Avista's
proposed increase of 14.5 % in 2025 and 5.3% in 2026 will put a hardship on already burdened residents
of North Idaho. We have seen inflation erode the buying power of the working men and women .
As you know, housing prices have doubled since 2020, real estate taxes continue to rise, food, utilities, all
on the rise.
I understand Avista has to cover costs, but a 20% plus increase in the next two years seems excessive to
I did not get a 20% pay raise.
Please deny Avista's proposed increase.
Mark A. Lockamy
2599 W Polo Green Ave
Post Falls, Idaho 83854
Name:Janet Adams
Submission Time: Feb 2 2025 6:OOAM
Email: janet3452@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-660-6112
Address: 8901 N Starr Loop
Hayden, ID 83835
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Case ID: AVU-E-25-01
Comment: "I received notice from Avista of their request for rate hikes beginning in September 2025.
Although I understand infrastructure needs improvements from time to time,this rate hike seems
extraordinarily high. Plus,Avista hasn't provided information on what profit they made in the past few
years.The last 4 years have been burdensome to so many of us,with higher prices for fuel, groceries and
utilities. My husband and I are retired seniors living on Social Security. While the rate increase may not
affect people with good paying jobs, it is extremely burdensome for seniors. I am forced to keep my heat
at 65 during the winter months, and with an ailing husband, it is sometimes very hard for him to stay
warm. It shouldn't have to be this way. We don't have air conditioning, so we rely on fans during the
summer months.Just like so many of us,Avista, in my opinion, should try and work around their
infrastructure needs by using a good budgeting system. With a new President,we should give it time for
energy prices overall to decrease by the new drilling promises for the vast oil reserves we have. I strongly
urge the Commission to deny this request for a rate hike."
From:josh gordon <jpgordon6@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2025 9:29 AM
To: Adam Rush
Subject: Avista rate increase
Case number: AVU-E-25-01
My address is
7898 N Darlena Loop
Coeur d'Alene ID 83815
To whom it may concern,
I as a home owner in north idaho would be greatly impacted with yet another Avista rate
increase. These last 4 years have already drained us dry of our extra monthly incomes
slowly but surely.
I do not feel as though Avista is providing anything new or special to warrant such a large
increase. Also seeing them operate on local power structure shows many people standing
around watching 1-2 people work. All while I've never seen a single rusty truck or older
vehicle near the job sites.
It's sad when our local fire departments and EMS services has fewer staff and wages and
older/used/but functional vehicles to do their job.
Avista needs to rework its budget and not show profit after profit every year before coming
to the table asking for more from an already drained population.
A vote for the people would be NO to Avistas request for rate increase.
Josh Gordon
-----Original Message-----
From: PUCWeb Notification<Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2025 10:00 AM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb
The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:Julie Saadoun
Submission Time: Feb 3 2025 9:17AM
Email: juliesaadounl@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-771-3207
Address: 9959 S. Wall Ridge Rd.
Cataldo, ID 83810
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Contacted Utility: No
Comment: "Re: Avista's rate increase request. Public Input ***Vote absolutely "NO" rate increase!!!
Avista just recently raised rates. Their solution can't be to just keep raising our rates over and over and
over again.
They need to figure out a different solution or look at their budget. They should tighten their belt and
work within their budget like all of their customers have to.
Thank you for NOT giving them, and us a rate increase."
-----Original Message-----
From: PUCWeb Notification<Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2025 10:01 AM
To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb
Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb
The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Fabien Saadoun
Submission Time: Feb 3 2025 9:29AM
Email: ffabol@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-704-5046
Address: 9959 S Wall Ridge Rd
Cataldo, ID 83810
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Contacted Utility: No
Comment: "I'm writing here to express my opinion on .
Avista rate increase request.
Please vote no.
They need to find a way to do more with less.Too many increases!"