HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250204Comments_3.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: BRIAN HIRZEL Submission Time: Feb 4 2025 9:38AM Email: bwhirzel@vahoo.com Telephone: 208-660-8901 Address: 8800 N CLARKVIEW PL HAYDEN, ID 83835-9581 Name of Utility Company:Avista Case ID: AVU-E-25-01 Comment: "I am writing in regard to Avista's proposed rate increase. I feel that the proposed increases (Totaling 20%), are excessive and place a considerable hardship on Idaho residents. Citizens are currently getting hammered from increased cost and inflation from virtually all goods and services, now to add another 20%on top of their utilities is a hardship for many. Inflation is and has been very high, home and auto insurance rates are significantly increasing,trash rates increased, groceries are at the highest they have been in many, many years,the list goes on. Citizens are seeing increases in virtually every good and service every time they turn around, and to add another 20%onto their utility bill is a hardship for many. I understand Avista wants to use these funds for improvements, however a much more modest increase is more appropriate given the state of today's economy, uncertainty, and inflation. On a personal level, we have had to cancel some services and forego purchases, even groceries, because every time we turn around someone is raising their rates. Wage increases are not keeping pace with inflation, so for many we are experiencing a net income reduction. Based on Avista's own data, I do not believe a rate increase is needed or warranted. Public information shows Avista's Q4 net profit has increased 4.7%from 2023. Net income is up 26%and revenue is up 3.7%. Avista's own projections are that revenue is expected to increase 3.5%over the next 3 years. Q3 gross PROFITS are$251.71 million. Based on this public information, which can be verified, I don't see how Avista can justify such an increase. Perhaps Avista can use some of their profits for their needs instead of constantly asking for rate increases. Thank you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Chase Francoeur Submission Time: Feb 2 2025 11:09PM Email: cafrancoeur@live.com Telephone: 812-603-9853 Address: 4577 Greenchain Loop#4 Coeur dalene, ID 83814 Name of Utility Company:Avista Contacted Utility: No Comment: "I do not support the continued rate increases being passed onto consumers in Idaho by Avista. Avista has reported they increased profit each year from 2021-2023 in their year end operating report,jumping almost 10%from 2022 to 2023 alone. If an entity such as Avista is able to provide its executives with 6-figure bonuses on a yearly basis then continued rate increases passed onto consumers is not warranted. Every Idahoan relies on gas or electricity to heat their homes in the winter and cool them in the summer.They have no choice but to use the utility company their home is connected to and ultimately they pay the price increases because they have no other choice. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: PUCWeb Notification <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Friday,January 31, 2025 4:00 PM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: Notice:A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb The following complaint was submiDed via PUCWeb: Name: David Sanzo Submission Time:Jan 312025 3:20PM Email: talstarconst@gmail.com Telephone: 702-210-6499 Address: 1491 wooded acres sagle, ID 83860 Name of Utility Company:Avista Contacted Utility: No Comment: "Electricity is a necessity.Thus, costs should not vary much past the increase in a working wage or inflation.Avista's request for a 14% increase is more than 4 times the current inflation rate of 3%and should be lessened to a reasonable inflation rate and return on investment. " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------