HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250131Comment_1.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Michelle Bengoechea
Submission Time:Jan 30 2025 12:45PM
Email: skbengo@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-559-3799
Address: 6698 N Prescott Ave
Boise, ID 83714
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "RE: 20.5% rate increase. No. When did we give up public utilities to other countries? Our
rates for water have been out of hand since United Water sold to Suez and then,they, to Veolia,.which
are French owned. They will continue to ask for rate increases, ad infinitum until the PUC wears down
and grants them something, hopefully, not close to what they ask. I'm sure they have graphs and charts
to support this ask. My Grandpa used to say "figures lie and liars figure". Be strong PUC, deny this rate