HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250128VEO to Staff 133 Attachment 2.pdf Flex Peak Program Customer Name: i Business Agreement A: Meter Number: Incntv RatelweekAW: S 2023 Calculation Model Address: Rate: Device Location: Adj RaleAW not met: S lEvent Day and Hoor(times below are hour ending.Le,0 the event was from 5pm to gpm,the"start Wwould indicate hour 18 and the"end lur"would indicate hour 21. Date 15 Jun i6•Jun Nomination 19•Jun 20 Jun 21Jon 22•Jun 23•Jun Nomination 2&Jun z7 Jun 28 J,ol Z.,JWn 3U•Jon Nomination Notify Han(11.12,13.14,15) Start Hr(14,15,16,11,f8,19J 1705 1705 1705 End Hr 17,18,19,20,21,22 Date 3•Jui 4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jur h'nmmabon r 1 Jul 12.41 14•Jul Nomination 17-Ju) 8-Jul 19-Jug 26-Jul 21-Jtd Nomination Notify Hour(11,12,13,14,15) Start Hr(14,15.16,17,18,19) 1705 1705 1705 EndiN 17,,18,19,20.21,22J 1- Date 24-Jul 25,1ul 26-Jul 274, ','ominaoon 31-Jul 1-Au 2-A,:7 4-Aug Nomination 7-Aur, Aug 9-Aug lU I I-Aug Nomination Notify Han(11.IZ 13.14,15) 1 11 Start Hr(14,15.Ik 17,1919) 1705 16 1705 1705 End Hr 17,,18,19,20,21,22) 19 Date 14-Au 15-Au 16-Au 17-Aug 2-Auy lamination n 22-Au 23-Au,; 'v'aminabon 28-Auy 29-Auy 30-Aug 31-Aug 1-Sep Notify Hour(11,1213J4,15J1 121 13 Start Hr(U,15,16,17,18,19J 171 18 1705 1705 1105 Endkr 17,18,19,20,21,22 201 21 Date 4Soo 5-Soo 6-Sop 7 Sol a-sep Nomination Sep 12-Sap 13Sc; larninatro Notify Hour(11.12,13,14,15) Stan Hr(14,15J6,11,18,19J 1705 5 EndHk 17.18.19,20.21,22 Financial Incentive Date 15,iun 16-Jun Pos Iofals 19-Jun 2o-Jun n,, r:'����-� 27-Jun 2&Jun 29•Jun 30•Jon Pas 7as1'. Actual Performance w Baseline Hr 3.4 w Baseline Hr 4.5 w Baseline Hr 5.6 w Baseline Hr 6-1 w Baseline Hr 7.8 w Baseline Hr 8-9 w Baseline Hr 9-10 w Actual Load Hr 3.4 w Actual Load Hr 4-5 w Actual Load Hr 5-6 w Actual Load Hr 6-7 w Actual Load Hr 7.8 w Actual Load Hr&9 w Actual Load Hr 9-10 w How 3.4 reduction jjjpw How4•Sreduction w Hour 6- reduction w Howan&7reduction w How 7.8 reduction k Han 8.9 reduction e How 9.10 reduction Nomination or Avg Reduction L1705Aa 1705.00 170500 Incentive for reduction 2,21650 M S 5,541.25 S 5,54t25 Adlusunenfs $ S S 7oG WAiltive per Week 9 2216.50 - 95% + (< < 1 8 541.25 VEO _QAArk31.25 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 3 Date 3-Jul 4-Jul -.un O-Jul Nu' r r.-vial=. -.L;i 1 7 v 1 UI 1•Id 1.J, F:� ef? !W 1,9. ':I,iui -- P - Actual Performance N Baseline Hr 3.4 N Baseline Hr 4-5 w Baseline Hr 5.6 N Baseline Hr 6.7 w Baseline Hr 7.8 w Baseline Hr 8-9 w Baseline He 9.10 w Actual Load Hr 3-4 w Actual Load Hr 4-5 w Actual Load Hr 5.6 w Actual Load Hr 6.7 x Actual Load Hr 7.8 Y Actual Load Hr 8.9 x Actual Load Hr 9•f0 w Hour 3.4 reduction w Hour 4.5 reduction w Hour 5.6 reduction N Hour 6.7 reduction N Hour 7-8 reduction x Hour 8.9 reduction v Hour 9-10 reduction Nomination or Avg Reduction 1705.00 1705,00 1705.00 incentive for reduction 9$ 5,541.25 5.541.25 $ 5,541,25 Adjustments $ $ Total E 5.541.25 S 5 541.25 $ 5,54125 Date 24•Jul 25•Jul 26•Jut 27 Jul 28-Jul Pos Tofai°. ul I-Au 1-Au Aur 4 A 7 Aoq 9-Aug 10•Au I 14m Pons AM Actual Performance 1173 25 n nn w Baseline Hr 3-4 1418 w Baseline Hr 4.5 1422 N Baseline Hr 5-6 1384 N Baseline Hr 6-7 1386 N Baseline Hr 7.8 w Baseline Hr 8-9 N Baseline Hr 9.10 N Actual Load Hr 3-4 174 w Actual Load Hr 4.5 269 x Actual Load Hr 5-6 269 w Actual Load Hr 6.7 270 x Actual Load Hr 7-8 w Actual Load Hr B-9 x Actual Load Hr 9.10 w Han 3.4 reduction 1288 x w Flur 5.6 an 4.5 reduction 1174 w. Ho reduction 1115 9 Han 1 reduction 1116 Han 7.8 reduction N Hour 8.9 reduction x Hour 9.10 reduction Nomination or Avg Reduction 1705.00 1173.25 1173.25 1705.00 Incentive for reduction S 5,44125 $ 3.813.06 5,541.25 Adjustments 1 S 4.25400 $ 4,254.00 Total $ 5,54125 $ 440.94) S 5,541.25 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 3 Date 14-A 15-Aug16-Au 17-Au 18-Avv Pos Totals 21-Au 22-Au 23-Au 24-Au 25-A11 P.Totals 28-Au 29-Au 30-Au 31-Au I-Sep Pos Totals Actual Performance 165775 1156.25 2914.M C e0 0110 a Baseline Hr 3-4 x Baseline Hr 4-5 1793 x Baseline Hr 5-6 1797 1191 x Baseline Hr 6-7 1801 1191 x Baseline Hr 7-8 1799 1262 OF Baseline Hr 8-9 1394 x Baseline Hr 9.10 a Actual Load Hr 3-4 x Actual Load Hr 4-5 249 x Actual Load Hr 5.6 104 143 w Actual Load Hr 6-7 106 98 x Actual Load W 7.8 100 92 M Actual Load Hr 8.9 83 a Actual Load Hr 9.10 Han 3.4 reduction Hour 4.5 reduction 1544 Han 5.6 reduction 1693 10" x Hour 6.7 reduction 1695 1G.9- Hour 7.8 reduction 1699 1 t 70 Han 8.9 reduction 1312 x Hour 9.10 reduction Nomination or Avg Reduction 165775 1156.25 1407.00 170500 Incentive for reduction $ 4,572,75 S 5,541.25 Ad/ustrnmfs $ (378,00 $ 4,39000) $ 4,768.00 5 Total E (11".251S 5541.25 5 5.54t29 Date 4-Sep 5,SW BSe 7-Se B-Sep Pos Totals fl-Sep 12-Sep 13-Se 14-Se 15-sep Pos Totals Actual Performance 0.00 r.^0 a Baseline Hr 3-4 a Baseline Hr 4-5 x Baseline Hr 5-6 x Baseline Hr 6-7 x Baseline Hr7-8 x Baselne W 8-9 x Baseline W 9-10 w Actual Load Hr 3-4 w Actual Load Hr 4-5 w Actual Load He 6-6 w Actual Load W 6.7 w Actual Load Hr 7.8 w Actual Load Hr 8-9 a Actual Load Hr 9-10 w Han 3.4 reduction w Hour 4.5 reduction w Hour 5-6 reduction a Hour 6.7 reduction I Hour 7-8 reduction Hour 8-9 reduction How 9-10 reduction Nomination or Avg Reduction 1705,00 1705,00 Incentive for reduction $ 5,541.25 S 5,541.55 Adivstinenfs $ $ Total 1$ 5,541.25 $ 5,541.25 Vanaolelncef4rve $ )) Fixed Incerrve 62,534 G1 Season Total S 62,534.06 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 133 Attachment 2 Page 3 of 3