HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250123Comment_1.pdf From: John Goedde To: secretary Subject: Syringa Water Company-SWI-W-24-02 Date: Thursday,January 23,2025 12:44:07 PM SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE: This message may be impersonating a State of Idaho user. Proceed with caution and verify legitimacy of the sender before replying.Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Please find two attached rate schedules Syringa Water shared with water users listing water rates for 2024. There must have been some thought given to their adequacy when they were provided. Please note that the tier rates were used for each tier of usage rather than applying the highest tier rate for all usage over 20,000 gallons. After Syringa Water submitted their paperwork to the IPUC, they started using the IPUC submitted rates in June. I can think of no justifiable reason for this change. It seems to be a vindictive response to the IPUC investigation. In SWI-W-24-01, the commission listed items that were to be corrected. To date, the only thing we know that has been done deals with pumps. A concern dealing with billing statements has not been corrected. There is no indication of the dates the meters are read. At the workshop,your staff indicated a six day window was allowed for meter reading. With the current water rates, the impact of such a range is significant as has been pointed out in other submitted comments. Finally, and most concerning is storage capacity. In the engineer's report in 2022, it was noted that a 73,000 gallon deficiency existed. In the light of the California fires, the consequences of inadequate storage capacity was evident. While plans have been made to fix this, it seems like, after two years, the process should be farther along. An exacerbating circumstance is the continued expansion of the user base. Understand that the subdivision developer of the largest portion of the user base is also the owner of the water system. The most recent lot sold for$1,200,000 which included a water right. While this sale was a resale, it indicates what the developer might realize from the sale of a lot still owned by them. It doesn't take many seven figure sales to recoup the cost of the infrastructure. Of note; without the water, the property would be worth very little. [QTrack your expenses... ❑TAX-DEDUCTIBLE ITEM " ,p i ❑Clothing ❑Food ❑Transportation❑ t nv®i CL' El lJtil'rti Credit Card es ❑Mortgage ❑Entertainment []insurance ❑Other: BALANCE M FORWARD I If Date Invoice# THIS ITEM BALANCE 4/17/2024 1857 DEPOSIT OTHER BALANCE FORWARD f For added security,your name and account number do not appear on this copy. NOT NEGOTIABLE Due Date 5/20/2024 Quantity Description Rate Amount April Standard service fees 60.00 60.00 *JA SYRINGA WATER COMPANY PO BOX 3064 COEUR DALENE, ID 83816 20$ - 704 - 2041 * syringawatercda@gmail.com gmail.com As sent out with last months bill, we have added a copy of the new rate changes. Please remember we will be reading meters again in May. The May bill will have your standard May fees ($60.00)plus costs for usag�throughout the previous late fail and winter months. Your meter reading will be provided on the bottom line of your invoice, as usual. Tier Gallons used ` Rates/fees Standard fee $60.00 1 st tier 1-20,000 gallons used $2.50/thousand gallons 2nd tier 20,001 - 40,000 gallons used $4.00/thousand gallons 3rd tier 40,001 - 80,000 gallons used $6.00/thousand gallons 4th tier 80,001 - 120,000 gallons used $12.00/thousand gallons 5th tier 120,001+ gallons used $14.00/thousand gallons If you feel your contact information,billing address, or email information is not accurate in our system please email any corrections to us. Make Checks parable to: Syringa`eater Co. PO Box 3064 Coeur d'Alene,ID 83816 This m o n th balance $60.00 syringawatercda@gmail.com Customer Total Balance E t __----- --208-704-2041_ _ __-- - -- - -_- _-, ___ $60.00 _- gTrack your expenses... ❑TAX-DEDUCTIBLE ITEM ..ty�' ❑Clothing ❑Food ❑Transportation j ❑Credit Card ❑utilities ❑Mortgage ' "O'ce ❑Entertainments❑ ❑Insurance Other: v BALANCE FORWARD THIS ITEM Date Invoice# ,.•�=_- _ _ :t :-, -.. f - BALANCE .', 12/16/2023 1529 4 DEPOSIT -- t I OTHER BALANCE FORWARD o. �� t j For added security,your name and account number do not appear on this copy. NOT NEGOTIABLE [: Due Date 1/10/2024 Quantity Description Rate Amount Standard sen•ice fees 60.00 60.00 s " ` SYRINGA WATER COMPANY PO BOX 3064 COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83 816 c o IL 208 - 704 - 2041 X syringawatercda@gmail.com �* Please note the new phone number now available for customer service messages and the new rates for the 2024 year as stated in your recent mailer. Tier Gallons used Rates/fees Standard fee $60.00 1st tier 1-20,000 gallons used $2.50/thousand gallons 2nd tier 20,001 - 40,000 gallons used $4.00/thousand gallons 3rd tier 40,001 - 80,000 gallons used $6.00/thousand gallons 4th tier 80,001 •- 120,000 gallons used $12.00/thousand gallons 5th tier 120,001+ gallons used $14.00/thousand gallons If you feel your contact information, billing address, or email information is not accurate in our system please email any corrections to: syringawatercda@gmail.coni. ynnga MaTer Co. PO Box 3064 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 This month balance $60.00 syringawatercda@gmail.com I 208-704-2041 C Customer Total Balance $60.00